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October 9, 2013
John McCain c/o copy: Benny Hinn and Attorneys all Over Russia
John McCain Institute Vladimir Putin and his Wife and Children
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, my “father-in-law”
Cameron Bay, Porn Actress Who Has Been Christopher Wadsworth,
Diagnosed with HIV c/o Ayatollah Khamenei
Performer Availability Screening Services United Nations Victor Gonzalez, Universal Music John Echevarria, Universal Music
Phone (818) 348-9373 Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova c/o
P.O. Box 10480 Victor Gonzalez, Universal Music Latin America
Canoga Park, CA 91309 University of Miami’s Paralegal Program
(Run by Free Speech Coalition a Trade Association)
copy: The Orthodox Church Pussy Riot Staged a Protest In
The Vatican, Via E-mail
Moscow State University,
Free Voina Organization (Street Art Gang)
Pyotr Verzilov, Husband of Pussy Riot Band Member
Christopher Wadsworth, Attorney in Miami
Russia’s Public Relations Company
George W. Bush and President Obama
Russian Studies Department
Thomas de Waal, Russia and Eurasia Program – Carnegie Institute
Physicians for Human Rights
Media Relations Manager, New York
World Bank, via e-mail
Re: A) 131008 Ltr to Vladimir Putin, John McCain, Pussy-Rose Riot, Cameron Bay, Porn Actress, and
Green Peace Activists Re Instructions for Appeal for Pussy-Rose Riot and Addressing International
Cultural Dialogue
B) Request Vladimir Putin Issue Presidential Decree that Will Outlaw Solitary Confinement in Russia
and Provide Computers for Writing Therapy in Prisons, Making Sure to Graft Into the Law that
Incarceration and High Publicity Cases are not Market Opportunities for the International
Community to Hold a Country Hostage or to Build the Public Relations Careers of Those
Incarcerated. Any Subsequent Public Relations Campaign After Incarceration Needs to Address
the “Social Contract” that is Russian and International Law, Public Relations that Will not
Damage Young Minds and Portray the Issues in an Unbalanced Manner, Providing All Sides of the
Argument a Place in the Public Relations Campaigns or Media Presence of the Incarcerated /
Detained Individual As Neglect of Same Could Lead to Fraud on the Domestic and International
Public and an Unbalanced and Inaccurate Portrayal of Social Issues
C) Request Vladimir Putin Issue Presidential Decree Requesting of Green Peace or Any Other Human
or Environmental Rights Groups Who Wish to Show up Unannounced on a Ship or with a Media
Crew in Russia that they Must First Provide NOTICE to Authorities that they are coming, Cite
their Reasons for Approaching a Russian Vessel and provide opportunity to the Russian
Government and People to Respond if the Matter is not a Life or Death Situation for an Individual
or any Demographic in Russia. Such Activity – Approaching an Oil Rig – without Notice is a
Violation of Maritime Law Around the Entire World as Only Pirates Engage in that Behavior and
to Permit a Violation of that Maritime Etiquette in Maritime Case Law or International Law, in the
case of Greenpeace approaching a Russian Oil Rig, Creates a Dangerous Precedent and Speaks of a
Great Disrespect Towards Russia and Russians in General. There are Thousands of Oil Rigs
around the World and The One Greenpeace approached is no more or less “evil” than the reality
that the Green Peace Boats Need their own Energy Supply to Fuel their Ship. Instructions for
Appeal for Green Peace Activists.
D) Request Russian Orthodox Church Assist in Pussy Riot’s Appeal and Address Their Handling of
This Matter Before the Courts
Dear Vladimir Putin, John McCain, Members of the Pussy-Rose Riot Band, Cameron Bay and the Green Peace
Activists Jailed in Russia for Approaching an Oil Rig Without Prior Notification, Leading the Coastguard to
Suspect the Activists Were Pirates:
As I prompted in my letter in September, I am following up with appeal instructions for Pussy Riot.
I’m going to illustrate just how much I need Vladimir Putin and John McCain, very quickly and just how amorphous and
difficult it will be for Russia (and the world) to handle the public relations of a Pussy Riot and why I am requesting these
women and their husbands pay attention to my words.
I am going to start this letter by identifying myself as the girlfriend David de Rothschild identifies in this Wall
Street Journal article.
I read that one of the women in the Pussy Riot band is a “sexual minority.” And yet, I would wager my life that if David
de Rothschild were to romantically pursue the woman who identifies with a sexual minority in the Pussy Riot band, she
would jump on the opportunity faster than she could think about observing propriety with me. In my entire life, I have
never met a lesbian that wouldn’t marry David de Rothschild and though women around the world who engage in vaginal
oral sex with other women are piercing their tongue and placing a steel rod with a steel ball at the end of their tongue and
flashing me with it to indicate they want to have oral sex with me, I still don’t believe these women wouldn’t marry David
de Rothschild in a heartbeat and that sexual habits can be molded.
If I identify myself as the daughter of a Polish Holocaust Survivor with a Spanish-German-Puerto-Rican woman, all of a
sudden the dynamics of Pussy Riot’s release and the upcoming publicity are going to change because up to now
everybody that has come out in support of Pussy Riot have only responded, in kind, with works of art, with publicity for
themselves and not involving themselves in the polemic conversation or, God-forbid, volunteering money for an attorney,
for an appeal or going about this manner in an ethical fashion. Here is Madonna in Moscow asking for Pussy Riot’s
freedom and then bearing her derriere in front of millions of people with the name Pussy Riot painted on her back. Is this
sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Pyotr Verzilov? How much money has Madonna (who has over one billion dollars) donated for
attorneys for Pussy Riot and what unjust enrichment is taking place when Madonna uses Pussy Riot’s incarceration as part
of her show and a part of her own career and grafts Pussy Riot’s image into her own for-profit show?
By extension, Pussy Riot’s name and Russia are now on Madonna’s “Secret Revolution.” Should this flatter or terrify you
when you see this next video? Notice how Madonna is shooting people in the neck, the head and coincidentally and how
most of the people she is shooting are not white and have dark brown hair?
Next, I wish to propose an idea that should terrify you if you utter it in mass media. I propose and hypothesize, that the
word AMERICA… came from the Spanish word – AME and the Spanish word – RICA. AMOR (LOVE) / AME (I
The idea of having the United States of America associated with a Spanish name and a Spanish presence could result in an
atomic bomb and death of latin women and Spanish men and women by the thousands, if not a nuclear attack on Spain,
Puerto-Rico and Miami. I wish this was just delusion – but it is not. The division between the English and the Spanish is
so murderous towards the Spanish that if I even speak about it, I could be murdered. If this letter reaches an Englishman,
I could be murdered. What would happen if Prince William dated a Spanish woman? Or if Prince William had married a
Mexican woman? Or if Prince William had married a Puerto-Rican woman? Or if Prince William had married an Italian
woman? Or if Prince William had married a French woman? I think that thought alone should really let Pussy Riot
understand just the kind of public relations / mass mind manipulation that can result from her associating with people who
do art for nothing more than murder, period, and nothing more.
There are many wonderful people in America who wouldn’t mind disclosure of the hypothesis that America is from an
adopted “Spanglish” word – but there are some who would suffer a great identity crisis? Why? And what role does
Russia have in keeping the peace in this culturally tense world?
What role does sexual molestation have in creating national allegiances and fostering commercial partnerships?
So… what does it mean, Pussy Riot, if Madonna uses YOUR NAME painted on HER BACK to add a little political
tension her campaign, but doesn’t help her brother, who is homeless and who was beaten up because he was washing
himself in a public restroom and doesn’t speak about THAT violation of human rights – that there are hundreds of
thousands of homeless people in the United States who go to bed hungry every night and that America is not well-
equipped with homeless shelters?
Furthermore, let us talk about free speech and the DANGER my life is in by the people who make millions of dollars from
Madonna. Do you think Madonna will like for me to talk about this? No. I could be murdered by one of her aficionados
if one word of this letter reaches the media and someone loses the possibility of making millions of dollars from
Madonna’s engine if anybody addresses Madonna’s campaigning for human rights, forgiveness and love, but doesn’t
assist her brother who is living in a bathroom?
Let’s also propose to Pussy Riot, the next possibility. After they are released, Madonna wants to take you around the
entire world, on a world tour and market her name with you to all of Russia and campaign for God knows what. Madonna
mostly campaigns for people to have sex any kind of way they want, she shoots people on screen, strips naked, shows her
vagina, kisses women, shoots women and then markets “Oh, I was raped 36 years ago in New York City, I’m a survivor.”
This may be art and nobody is denying its shock value, of course… but what is the counter-argument in this conversation
that enables free speech from both sides of the aisle? Pussy Riot, you say that Vladimir Putin is being supported by the
church and that women in Russia have no voice. Okay. You have for a good 4 years enjoyed uncontested publicity all
over the world and while Vladimir Putin might be a Christian and have the support of the conservative ethic in Russia,
who supports you?
So, if this is all freedom of speech, then let me report that if a man or a woman’s anus is penetrated by a plastic dildo or a
penis, several things will happen: 1) the anus is going to tear; and/or 2) the anus is, at some point, going to bleed if the
anal contractions while the penetration is occurring are not perfectly controlled. If an anal contraction occurs while the
person (man or woman) is being penetrated anally, the anus can tear and begin to bleed and/or 3) the anus is going to
become dilated and result in ANAL LEAKAGE 4) you could begin to profusely bleed.
Okay – so, we all have a right to do what we want with our bodies. Let’s begin there. I would ask Pussy Riot and
their attorneys and Vladimir Putin to read through these links below, which is the United States’ Government’s
official site for a database of medical journal entries for doctors and scientists.
A woman’s vaginal tract releases blood for 5 to 10 days once a month. This blood is washing out the impurities of
the woman’s system. In fact, I remember when I was about 15 years old, there were advertisements on public
radio encouraging men and women to earn their “red wings” / give and/or receive vaginal oral sex while you were
menstruating. I recall feeling disgusted and afraid, but this is what politicians like Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton
market when they say that homosexual sex is fine and okay and do not speak about sexual hygiene. In fact, in
Miami, there are advertisements that mock Bill Clinton’s voice, marketed by homosexual men, on the radio,
encouraging people to have anal sex and lesbian sex. Of course, that’s not Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s voice,
but I have never heard Bill or Hillary Clinton objecting to homosexual advocacy groups using their voice and
likeness and impersonations to advocate for anal and oral sex.
If you read through these journals, you will find that oral sex causes all manner of infections and anal sex is
directly linked to AIDS; 90% of all AIDS cases belong to the homosexual population. Homosexuals comprise only
3% of the world’s population. Love? A revolution?
These activities (oral and anal sex) lead to skin infections and blood infections that cause severe acne, among other
bacterial infections. It is not possible to clean off the feces from a man’s penis, even if you scrub with soap very
well, after anal sex, and this leads to cross-contamination when a woman (or a man) licks a man’s penis with fecal
matter on it or if a man penetrates a woman vaginally and contaminates her vagina with fecal matter.
I suppose that Pussy Riot, who is campaigning for the “Rights” of the homosexual community in Russia should ask
herself, who has wiped her little daughter’s anus until she was able to wipe it herself, if she took great care while
she was wiping her 2 year old daughter’s anus to make sure to not only clean your daughter’s anus, but make sure
that no fecal matter that your daughter secreted into her diapers and that would wash over her vagina was not also
very meticulously cleaned? And if your daughter cut her hand or scraped her knee when she fell, did you not take
great care to wash the wound and put a band-aid on it? What if you put a plastic dildo inside of your little
daughter’s anus and then put it inside your daughter’s vagina? What’s the difference between a 3 year old girl
and an 18 year old girl that’s been told that sexual pleasure – of all shapes and sizes – is just fine? And that anal
sex is just one way? What’s the difference between two boys who have been friends all their lives and who have
had crushes on girls watching pornography and then giving oral and anal sex to each other because it’s sensual and
sexual stimulation? What’s the difference between a fresh apple and a canned apple? What’s the difference
between plastic and cheese? What’s the difference between sleeping on a bed with a warm comforter and sleeping
in a bed with a man? What’s the difference between being able to play a musical instrument and pretending that
you can? What’s the difference between actually feeding someone feces with their meal and asking them to lick
your dick after you’ve inserted it into their anus?
What’s the difference between marketing Pussy Riot all over Russia and writing letters and organizing a public
peacefully? What’s the difference between home-made pasta or home-made bread and bread with high fructose
corn syrup in it? What’s the difference between home-made Borscht and Borscht out of a can?
Moving on, I wish to discuss the issue of public relations and how to appeal for Pussy Riot and Greenpeace.
First of all, I believe that solitary confinement all over the world should be banned completely. The United States
has the highest number of incarcerated individuals, although the United States only has a miniscule portion of the
world’s population. There are scores of thousands of people in solitary confinement in the United States.
I believe that the United Nations needs to address this on a world-wide level.
Secondly, I believe that the position on defense for both Green Peace and Pussy Riot needs to be from the platform of
claiming ignorance, childishness, lack of professional / secretarial / office managerial experience, undue influence and
they need to issue a public apology and both assert their rights to have made the mistakes out of fervor for a desire to
generate a conversation and instigate change that rests on a foundation that has overemployed the use of “art” while
forsaking the more traditional methods of communication – writing, legal measures and addressing sociological
foundations for environmental and social phenomena. I believe this will be more than enough for the United Nations to
intervene and for Vladimir Putin to issue a Presidential Decree immediately outlawing solitary confinement in Russia,
making sure to graft into his decree that incarceration in a country is not a means to hold a country hostage politically via
a public relations machine that ordinarily pits one culture against another in the midst of wars and commercial allegiances.
Let me say that I have never met, to this day, a Russian person I did not instantly adore, albeit on the superficial level of
acquaintances. I have spent 13 years with Russians, Ukrainians, Russian Jews and many other nationalities, 3 to 4 days a
week, at a Russian-Turkish Bath. Perhaps that might change in the coming days, but that has been my experience. I
especially enjoyed Nadia and Sergey making me home-made Borscht daily, Pelmeni, Salanka, the hearty Russian bread
and beer such as Baltika, and the dried fish I would eat before steaming. Those were truly some of the most beautiful
years of my life as I truly enjoyed coming out of work and steaming in the bathhouse for hours, seeing my Russian-Jewish
massage therapist, the Jewish people that owned the bathhouse and hosted hundreds of different strangers from all over
the world that let their children run around naked as toddlers in the bathhouse and then as little elementary school
children. Now they are teenagers.
I had a very nice time there.
I have not known the Russian man to be anything other than extremely elegant, extremely gentle, extremely guarded,
extremely masculine and yet extremely intellectual. The men from Belarus were extremely elegant men. I have never
made love to a Russian man, but a Russian man did try to kiss me once and I didn’t kiss him. There is a great divide in
language that I couldn’t address. I don’t speak Russian. The Russian women were very beautiful.
Some lawyers have on their desk “be the lawyer you want for yourself.” That’s nice and quaint and I suppose it is true;
however, I prefer citing this statement in my mind when I write or try to help attorneys serve their clients.
Treat others the way you wish to be treated, afford them the grace and creativity you would
wish for yourself if you were in their shoes that would enable you to wriggle yourself free
from human errors, without bestowing so much grace and adulation and service as to
inadvertently injure third parties, being careful to craft a response that will enrich a whole
in an integrated manner, protecting the whole from the parts, parts from the whole, the
parts from each other and the wholes from the wholes.
As for your dreams of change, I would ask Green Peace to address why they are not addressing the oil crisis in a more
pragmatic fashion with the constraints of architecture, urban design, walking cities and the issue of inter-cultural and
inter-national and inter-racial exchange and the role of those tensions in the use of oil. That is, the tendency to use the
automobile as a “fence” or as a means of not interacting in a city, as well as a monopoly and the role of human
management tasks in addressing how a nation and its various industries are effectively managed and how a government
and its citizens facilitate interaction between various classes, races, nationalities and other demographics with differing
ideologies. For example, the United States is housing undocumented MEXICAN immigrants, most of which have been
here since they were babies and whose parents have, for over 35 years, worked on farms. Why is not Green Peace or
Amnesty International or Pussy Riot concerned about that silence? In America when you are incarcerated, you’re not just
put in prison, you’re also forced fed psychiatric drugs – drugs that make you infertile, fat, slow, lose your memory and
damage your brain. Do I have to tell you the kind of risk my life and my family’s life is by addressing these
uncomfortable truths? I am working on implementing no driving to school policies in high schools around the world, why
not work there to address the oil dependency issue? Doesn’t that seem like a first step?
I will be forwarding Green Peace my work on sustainability and walking cities. I simply believe that an apology to the
Russian Government is owed by Green Peace for not having provided notice to the oil rig workers and the coast guard that
you were coming. It’s not that you don’t have a point, it’s the manner in which it was done and if you don’t address that,
then Green Peace needs to understand that your approach to addressing climate change needs address and improvement.
As for Pussy Riot, I wish to address that I believe that Russia’s food supply is probably going to be at risk by
encroachment from international sources and from Russia’s own population that will not value the land and its cultural
heritage and the importance of eating healthy. I would ask of Pussy Riot to change their name to Rose Riot and issue an
apology to Vladimir Putin and the United Nations regarding their name and the manner in which they conducted their
protests. It is not that the Russian Government’s response was perfect – it is that the importance of the matter and the
absence of someone willing to address you in this fashion led to a decision that would protect third parties (young children
and the Russian people) from being hijacked by the international community and marketing Russia with PUSSY. I have
already established why that is important, above.
I have been working on inspiring the Russian Government to build Russian-Turkish Bathhouses around the world and to
institute that practice, a practice that is dying in Russia. I believe that steaming is a great way to help people become
healthy, interact and develop culture and community, as well as create a history and tradition around Russian food.
The delicacy of a democracy is very complicated and I don’t believe that the Russian Government acted incorrectly. I
believe that they won the first round of the debate and you, now, have an opportunity to make your debate in a more
sound matter after understanding more fully the people’s opinions. In fact, the Russians I have spoken to all said that you
deserve 15 years in prison for what you have done to Russia. I don’t believe that you need prison time, but I do believe
your behavior needed address in a more professional manner that did not involve incarceration. The only issue is that if
Vladimir Putin had been more vocal about protecting young children from a mass-marketing of PUSSY and ANAL sex
all over Russia and the world, Russia and Russians could have been assaulted by the homosexual community. The
eminent English pathologist Bernard Knight and Pekka Saukko stated that it is a fact that some of the most violent
homicides seen by pathologists are among male homosexuals and lesbians.
Now, I wish to discuss the issue of domestic violence and the environment.
Many environmentalists don’t wish to have people procreate. I am surprised that many environmentalists are pro-
abortion. So, let me discuss this.
David de Rothschild built and commissioned boat builders to build a boat made of plastic bottles to highlight the use of
one-use plastics. I’ve thought about that and since David has tried to inspire me to help him, I have tried to motivate
supermarkets to deliver food to people’s homes and also pick up plastics while they are there. Most people in America
work very hard, sit in traffic and some work two jobs and take care of children.
The Recycling Company I am working to help spur my initiative reports revenue of 8.5 billion dollars in 2011 and I have
already forwarded these recycling initiatives to Vladimir Putin via e-mail several months ago.
Furthermore, I think that we ought to start tackling the issue of sexual ethics when we are very young. I’m not certain that
we are going about the teaching of sexual hygiene to our young children in the right way and we are taught that anal sex,
oral sex and all kinds of sex – and sex all the time – is the way to go. I think this needs immediate address. While these
artists may be pioneers in the “artistic” sense of the word, making those who have made mistakes or who choose lifestyles
that outside the collective norm, are not totally cast aside – the issue remains that this is not about freedom, it is about
protecting people from behaviors that, literally, lead to physical death and physical illness.
I have thought about plastic condoms and abortion and pregnancy tests. While I cannot speak for abortion doctors, I can
say that the risk of trafficking human beings and selling the child into sex slavery or selling the child’s body after
extraction from the woman during an abortion procedure into science is great. Whether they are selling the human tissue
for experiments, selling the human tissue and keeping it alive and practicing for premature births and how to take care of
premature babies that are “legitimate” and not aborted, the issue of a child’s rights is very important to address. For these
reasons, I propose that all pregnancy tests, menstrual pads and condoms be sold in a specific part of a pharmacy. During
that time, the woman who buys a pregnancy test is given a list of doctors that she can speak to – free clinics and paid
clinics, social workers and list of places she can go for counseling or emergency help. The #1 cause for pregnant women
in the United States is murder. I also believe that a woman should not use the menstruation pads in plastic sealed cases. I
believe that they should use cloths and those cloths should be burned in an incinerator after her cycle is done. Each
woman should have an incinerator in her home and those bloody cloths are to be incinerated, instead of wrapped up in
plastic and thrown into a landfill, bloody. I believe that when we sell pregnancy tests, condoms or menstruation pads,
there should also be references to literature about dating, sexual hygiene, great books, quotes, excerpts from novels and
literature and medical information, links to websites about the importance of sexual propriety and its link to emotional
health and physical health. I believe that when you sell condoms, there should also be a plethora of books where men can
learn about dating in general and understand the seriousness of sex in general. This information can be the wrapping the
condom is wrapped in, written on the box and also the books should be next to the condoms when the people go to buy
them. There can be testimonies, biographies, advice, religious books – on and on.
I believe that Vladimir Putin ought to consider implementing in Russia laws around recycling plastics.
I believe that the sexual education of children should NOT be around Cinderella stories or Snow White Stories. No.
That’s pretty much all children know. During high school they are taught about the reproductive organs of a woman but
nothing more.
I believe that in order to have a more common sense approach to sex – we need to be very, very clear with children during
a very young age.
A) When a child is about 4 years old (and before they enter school to interact with other children), medical
photographs of a male and female are to be shown to them.
B) The child is to be explained about A SEED and THE SOIL and WATER and a PLANT and A FRUIT.
C) The woman’s belly and vagina are to be presented as the SOIL AND THE BED WHERE THE SEED RESTS.
D) The man’s member is to be presented as a vessel for seeds, like a man planting seeds in a field he has to care for.
E) This presentation should be medical and neutral, without faces or skin color, simply an outline of the human
figures, in abstract, medical form.
F) The child is to be told that she or he grew inside Mami’s belly, in the same way that a seed grows inside of the
soil or hydroponically. The seed came from daddy’s vessel.
G) The child is to be told that he or she is a boy or girl.
H) Reference is to be made to FECAL MATTER. Men are to be told that men and men may care for each other as
friends, but those places are to be touched ONLY by them or their wife or when you really, really, really love
someone and want to spend all of your time with them and have learned about them, because you can make a
baby together and the baby needs, food, water, affection, a house and you need to learn how to read and write so
that you can teach the baby how to read and write and that it is important to be able to work and study and learn
about God and how to be a good mother, father, wife or husband. Women are to be taught about vaginal care
very early and about the issue of pregnancy and the care it takes to raise a child. The little boys are to be told
WAY, SHAPE OR FORM, only with toilet paper and that area is like a garbage can and is to be addressed as
unclean. (90% of all AIDS cases belong to 3% of the population, the homosexual community, and anal sex and
oral sex causes infections and oral warts). The child is to be told that the child is like a flower. “The birds and the
bees and the flowers.”
I) I believe that if we present to little children this medically, they will be immune from being seduced, and will
automatically understand that their sexual parts are reproductive organs and not musical instruments, books,
pieces of paper or works of art that are to be used to communicate.
I believe this is enough for an appeal and that Vladimir Putin will order the Green Peace Activists released from solitary
confinement upon receipt of this letter.
I would instruct the attorneys assisting Pussy Riot to perhaps help fund for her a human rights office – a non-for-profit
organization that employs women and men who want to see some activity in Russia and become more involved in the
development of their country in a fashion that doesn’t involve a certain hijacking and “extortion” of the media that makes
very quick money from sexual connotations. These things distract and lead people into lifestyles that are not, in the final
analysis, sustainable.
As for Cameron Bay, the porn actress that was diagnosed with AIDS, I have only three pieces of advice for you.
First, I would ask the AIDS organizations to contact the Russian-Turkish Bath in Miami, Florida. It is owned by the
Tubermans, a family of Russian Jews.
I may be wrong, but I may be right. About 4 years ago I met a Jewish man at the bathhouse. He was a scientist. He
invited me to his home and was telling me that he was experimenting with lights and the cure of AIDS virus. I didn’t go
to his home but he said that he would be contacting the Tubermans to install the lights in the Bath house. I never saw the
Jewish man again, but I do recall that that a few months after my conversation with hi, the rooms in the bathhouse had
different color lights.
Please contact the Tubermans and ask them who installed and/or recommended those lights.
Secondly, I would advise everyone here that I am NOT a doctor or a lawyer. I am just an entry-level secretary, a clerk, in
the final analysis. What I provide, I provide outside the scope of “informed science.”
This being said, if I were diagnosed with AIDS, I would never believe it. I wouldn’t put other people’s lives in danger
unless I had gone back to the authority of classical science and walked through their lion’s dens unscathed and
tested clean, but I wouldn’t believe their science was God’s handwriting. I don’t recommend this faith for you
unless you have been tested 6 times in 6 years, not had sex with anyone and all 6 tests come back HIV negative.
Outside of a severed leg or a severed arm or a cut – I don’t believe much of what medical science has to tell me. If I am
suffering from a bacterial infection, I will eat healthy and clean the wound and monitor my hygiene and assess myself in
that manner. I like to think that health isn’t that difficult to address.
If I were diagnosed with AIDS, I would drink lots of fluids and flush out my body and try to replace my blood quickly. I
would, specifically drink gallons of water and gallons of cranberry juice daily and beet juice and vitamins and
supplements that would help my immune system. I would take acidophilus and Vitamin E orally and multivitamins. I
would drink cranberry juice and water daily, to the point that my blood and the water in my fluids had an opportunity to
be replaced.
Then, I would take Anamu daily and eat only salads and greens and juices. I would keep myself impeccably clean.
The most important part would be prayer and writing to God daily asking forgiveness for my sins and asking myself “If I
were the son or daughter of the highest King in the Universe (which we all are), why would I engage in behavior that is
not the role of a princess or prince and not what I would want for my own daughter? Would I want my daughter to have
anal sex? Would I want my daughter to be a porn actress? Would I want my daughter to inject heroine? Would I want
my daughter to neglect her studies?” On and on.
I would sincerely pray and keep a journal daily and begin a conversation with God and challenge God not to not just heal
me but use me as a vessel to heal others, once I had healed myself for 6 years and really looked at myself in the mirror,
spiritually and started really trying to search for God. Then I would go right back into the AIDS clinics and get re-tested
and re-tested until God answered my prayer.
I wouldn’t recommend this approach – but that’s how I would handle that.
I do relay that there are some people I touch that make me ill and some people I touch that make me feel healthy. I recall
once a man that was cross-eyed touché me and I felt so dizzy I almost fainted and when I returned home my eyes were
cross-eyed and I had to correct them by moving them back and forth and jumping up and down.
I would also find a good Christian therapist and confess all of my sins and ask God to reveal to me the sins I did not see
but he saw in me.
As for Pussy Riot and any political prisoner, I would advise the Russian Government to craft laws regarding international
media and who and what can represent Russia and its people. In the same manner that the United States likes to keep
their media white and English and Australian and doesn’t permit Chinese actresses, Mexican actresses, Russian actresses,
Spanish actresses, French actresses, Italian actresses or Japanese actresses to take over our media – the Russian
government – and any culture – has those same rights.
In the final analysis, perhaps Pussy Riot and Green Peace can be seen as Mary Magdalene in this scene and Russia’s
reaction needs to be more nimble and more robust and more legally and artistically prepared for situations such as this. In
this way, the empty pomp and circumstance that the Orthodox Church and the Vatican are accused of having, gives those
accusing them of same evidence.
Nevertheless, the Orthodox Church should see that the Vatican, under similar circumstances, drafted a letter to
homosexuals who wanted to usd the Vatican and Catholic Churches throughout Italy for a photography show, instead of
putting them in jail.
In this manner, I must say that one of the flaws that I see in the Russian in general is that they are sometimes not as verbal
or quick on their feet as other cultures. While I do provide the Russian Government the right to address cultural security
issues, the Orthodox Church could have used Pussy Riot’s protest as an opportunity to address her in writing, instead of
permitting jailing. Why this wasn’t done is something that requires address. Do not let the international media now
blame the Orthodox Church for their reaction because in America, pastors send their members to mental hospitals and jail
all the time, for coming into church in a “fit of mania” all the time and the church.
Perhaps now the Orthodox Church can understand this video below a little bit more and the “machismo” needed
to protect Christ and his mother’s legacy and who are singing this song and perhaps address Pussy Riot in a
manner that accepts the Orthodox Church could have been more nimble and speak to the court in a request for a
release of Pussy Riot and a construction of prisons that provides more dignity for each inmate. Specifically, I think
that all prisoners ought to have their own room so that their sexual dignity is preserved, their privacy is preserved, they
learn to keep their room clean, their toilet clean and have a writing space and room to walk in. I don’t believe that people
should ever, ever, ever, ever be kept in small rooms or be asked to shower in the same room with other women. The
rooms should be like small motel rooms. I hope that Pussy Riot helps end the issue of solitary confinement in general and
apologizes to the church, as well and works with them to fund construction of new prisons, help develop a system of legal
recourses in psychiatrist hospitals all over the world, advocating for placement of computers in prisons so that people can
read, write and come out of prison new people. In cases such as this, if the state feels there is a threat to cultural security,
then the person simply ought to have a letter written to them. This case is so polemical because the advocacy for
homosexual rights and abortion can lead to murder of Russians if Vladimir and/or the church had been more vocal.
Russia is now being “assaulted” all over the world in the media because they don’t want homosexual propaganda in their
media and the imminent danger I believe that Russia saw was that if Pussy Riot was freed, then the International Media
would have paired up with people like Madonna to hypermarket homosexuality and promiscuity and it could have led to a
great infringement on Russian laws, traditions, customs and the public opinion – 75% of Russians don’t want homosexual
propaganda as they see homosexuality as, simply, a physical and health security danger.
In this manner, I believe that Legal Positivism, the emphasis on Social Contracts in Russian Law, Analogy, Legal
consciousness, Natural Law, Good Faith, General Principles, Customs, Traditions and Academic Commentary will be the
way out for both Green Peace and Pussy Riot.
I would recommend that Pussy Riot and Green Peace and those representing Pussy Riot and Green Peace read “The
Importance of Being Ignorant” by Aaron Ross Powell of the Cato Institute, as well as all of the other articles I have
provided the links below for you.
When you’re constructing a political philosophy,
never forget how much you don’t know — and even
more, how much the government doesn’t know.
Oh and yes…I would also recommend that Pussy Riot, upon her release, contact Talbot’s House Ministries in Lakeland,
Florida and try to replicate these homeless shelters in Russia, as I see that Russia has between one to 5 million homeless
children. I have already started this process and contacted Vladimir Putin prior to assisting Pussy Riot and I will be in
contact with the United Nations regarding the need for a network of clean homeless shelters all over the world as a human
right. In the final analysis, I believe Russia has a duty to address cultural security issues and that Pussy Riot’s protest was
more than just a protest or an artistic expression of belief. The outline for an appeal I have instructed, I believe, respects
the law and provides both parties with an address of their grievance and an address of their shortcomings / areas of
improvement, crafting into the Russian Social Contract a way where Russia can protects its children and where free
speech and conflicts with authority can be dealt with in a more nimble matter.
Cristina Molina and David de Rothschild
At the end of this correspondence, I have some links for some movies I think that Pussy Riot’s children – and the
children of Russia - might enjoy.
European Court of Human Rights
European Convention on Human Rights
Law of Russia
Democracy and the Contest for Liberty
The Importance of Being Ignorant
The Origins of State and Government
Public Ignorance and Democracy
Hein Online
Realizing Freedom
Decree of the President of Russia
Secret Project Revolution – Madonna Killing People – Why isn’t she shooting women with blonde hair and blue eyes?
Legal Positivism – Russia
European Court of Human Rights
European Convention on Human Rights
Law of Russia
Democracy and the Contest for Liberty
The Importance of Being Ignorant
The Origins of State and Government
Public Ignorance and Democracy
Hein Online
Wm. Shannon Hein Roxanne Marmion
+1 716 882 2600 ext. 165 +1 716 882 2600 ext. 163
Decree of President of Russia
Decree of the President of Russia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ukase of the President of the Russian Federation (Russian: Указ Президента Российской Федерации) or Executive
Order (Decree) of the President of Russia[1][2]
is a legal act (ukase) with status of by-law of Russian president.
According to the Constitution of Russia the President of Russia may issue decrees (Ukases, Russian: Указ or
Rasparyazhenya, Russian: Pаспоряжения) which are acts of legal binding and have the force of law. The decrees have
supreme legal force after the Russian Constitution and laws.[3]
As normative legal act, such ukazes have a status of by-law in
hierarchy of legal acts (along with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, instructions and directions of other
officials). Presidential decree may not alter the regulations of existing legal sources -Russia's international
agreements, Constitution of Russia, Federal Constitutional Laws, Federal Laws and laws of Russian regions - and may be
superseded by any of these laws. For example, thanks to Constitution of Russia, European Convention on Human Rights as
Russia's international document has higher status, than any Russian law or presidential executive order.
LA VITA BELLA – Life is Beautiful
Natalie Wood is Russian (She is rumored to have been murdered in America)

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131008 ltr to vladimir putin, john mc cain, pussy rose riot, cameron bay, porn actress, and green peace activists re instructions for appeal and addressing dialogue

  • 1. October 9, 2013 VIA E-MAIL John McCain c/o copy: Benny Hinn and Attorneys all Over Russia John McCain Institute Vladimir Putin and his Wife and Children Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, my “father-in-law” Cameron Bay, Porn Actress Who Has Been Christopher Wadsworth, Diagnosed with HIV c/o Ayatollah Khamenei Performer Availability Screening Services United Nations Victor Gonzalez, Universal Music John Echevarria, Universal Music Phone (818) 348-9373 Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova c/o P.O. Box 10480 Victor Gonzalez, Universal Music Latin America Canoga Park, CA 91309 University of Miami’s Paralegal Program (Run by Free Speech Coalition a Trade Association) copy: The Orthodox Church Pussy Riot Staged a Protest In The Vatican, Via E-mail Moscow State University, Free Voina Organization (Street Art Gang) Pyotr Verzilov, Husband of Pussy Riot Band Member Christopher Wadsworth, Attorney in Miami Russia’s Public Relations Company George W. Bush and President Obama Russian Studies Department Thomas de Waal, Russia and Eurasia Program – Carnegie Institute Physicians for Human Rights Media Relations Manager, New York World Bank, via e-mail Re: A) 131008 Ltr to Vladimir Putin, John McCain, Pussy-Rose Riot, Cameron Bay, Porn Actress, and Green Peace Activists Re Instructions for Appeal for Pussy-Rose Riot and Addressing International Cultural Dialogue B) Request Vladimir Putin Issue Presidential Decree that Will Outlaw Solitary Confinement in Russia and Provide Computers for Writing Therapy in Prisons, Making Sure to Graft Into the Law that Incarceration and High Publicity Cases are not Market Opportunities for the International Community to Hold a Country Hostage or to Build the Public Relations Careers of Those Incarcerated. Any Subsequent Public Relations Campaign After Incarceration Needs to Address the “Social Contract” that is Russian and International Law, Public Relations that Will not Damage Young Minds and Portray the Issues in an Unbalanced Manner, Providing All Sides of the
  • 2. Argument a Place in the Public Relations Campaigns or Media Presence of the Incarcerated / Detained Individual As Neglect of Same Could Lead to Fraud on the Domestic and International Public and an Unbalanced and Inaccurate Portrayal of Social Issues C) Request Vladimir Putin Issue Presidential Decree Requesting of Green Peace or Any Other Human or Environmental Rights Groups Who Wish to Show up Unannounced on a Ship or with a Media Crew in Russia that they Must First Provide NOTICE to Authorities that they are coming, Cite their Reasons for Approaching a Russian Vessel and provide opportunity to the Russian Government and People to Respond if the Matter is not a Life or Death Situation for an Individual or any Demographic in Russia. Such Activity – Approaching an Oil Rig – without Notice is a Violation of Maritime Law Around the Entire World as Only Pirates Engage in that Behavior and to Permit a Violation of that Maritime Etiquette in Maritime Case Law or International Law, in the case of Greenpeace approaching a Russian Oil Rig, Creates a Dangerous Precedent and Speaks of a Great Disrespect Towards Russia and Russians in General. There are Thousands of Oil Rigs around the World and The One Greenpeace approached is no more or less “evil” than the reality that the Green Peace Boats Need their own Energy Supply to Fuel their Ship. Instructions for Appeal for Green Peace Activists. D) Request Russian Orthodox Church Assist in Pussy Riot’s Appeal and Address Their Handling of This Matter Before the Courts Dear Vladimir Putin, John McCain, Members of the Pussy-Rose Riot Band, Cameron Bay and the Green Peace Activists Jailed in Russia for Approaching an Oil Rig Without Prior Notification, Leading the Coastguard to Suspect the Activists Were Pirates: As I prompted in my letter in September, I am following up with appeal instructions for Pussy Riot. I’m going to illustrate just how much I need Vladimir Putin and John McCain, very quickly and just how amorphous and difficult it will be for Russia (and the world) to handle the public relations of a Pussy Riot and why I am requesting these women and their husbands pay attention to my words. I am going to start this letter by identifying myself as the girlfriend David de Rothschild identifies in this Wall Street Journal article. I read that one of the women in the Pussy Riot band is a “sexual minority.” And yet, I would wager my life that if David de Rothschild were to romantically pursue the woman who identifies with a sexual minority in the Pussy Riot band, she would jump on the opportunity faster than she could think about observing propriety with me. In my entire life, I have never met a lesbian that wouldn’t marry David de Rothschild and though women around the world who engage in vaginal oral sex with other women are piercing their tongue and placing a steel rod with a steel ball at the end of their tongue and flashing me with it to indicate they want to have oral sex with me, I still don’t believe these women wouldn’t marry David de Rothschild in a heartbeat and that sexual habits can be molded. rothschild.jpg.html?filters[term]=david%20de%20rothschild&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1 &o=1 If I identify myself as the daughter of a Polish Holocaust Survivor with a Spanish-German-Puerto-Rican woman, all of a sudden the dynamics of Pussy Riot’s release and the upcoming publicity are going to change because up to now everybody that has come out in support of Pussy Riot have only responded, in kind, with works of art, with publicity for themselves and not involving themselves in the polemic conversation or, God-forbid, volunteering money for an attorney, for an appeal or going about this manner in an ethical fashion. Here is Madonna in Moscow asking for Pussy Riot’s freedom and then bearing her derriere in front of millions of people with the name Pussy Riot painted on her back. Is this sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Pyotr Verzilov? How much money has Madonna (who has over one billion dollars) donated for attorneys for Pussy Riot and what unjust enrichment is taking place when Madonna uses Pussy Riot’s incarceration as part of her show and a part of her own career and grafts Pussy Riot’s image into her own for-profit show?
  • 3. By extension, Pussy Riot’s name and Russia are now on Madonna’s “Secret Revolution.” Should this flatter or terrify you when you see this next video? Notice how Madonna is shooting people in the neck, the head and coincidentally and how most of the people she is shooting are not white and have dark brown hair? Next, I wish to propose an idea that should terrify you if you utter it in mass media. I propose and hypothesize, that the word AMERICA… came from the Spanish word – AME and the Spanish word – RICA. AMOR (LOVE) / AME (I LOVED) / RICA (RICHLY)… I LOVED RICHLY. The idea of having the United States of America associated with a Spanish name and a Spanish presence could result in an atomic bomb and death of latin women and Spanish men and women by the thousands, if not a nuclear attack on Spain, Puerto-Rico and Miami. I wish this was just delusion – but it is not. The division between the English and the Spanish is so murderous towards the Spanish that if I even speak about it, I could be murdered. If this letter reaches an Englishman, I could be murdered. What would happen if Prince William dated a Spanish woman? Or if Prince William had married a Mexican woman? Or if Prince William had married a Puerto-Rican woman? Or if Prince William had married an Italian woman? Or if Prince William had married a French woman? I think that thought alone should really let Pussy Riot understand just the kind of public relations / mass mind manipulation that can result from her associating with people who do art for nothing more than murder, period, and nothing more. There are many wonderful people in America who wouldn’t mind disclosure of the hypothesis that America is from an adopted “Spanglish” word – but there are some who would suffer a great identity crisis? Why? And what role does Russia have in keeping the peace in this culturally tense world? What role does sexual molestation have in creating national allegiances and fostering commercial partnerships? So… what does it mean, Pussy Riot, if Madonna uses YOUR NAME painted on HER BACK to add a little political tension her campaign, but doesn’t help her brother, who is homeless and who was beaten up because he was washing himself in a public restroom and doesn’t speak about THAT violation of human rights – that there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the United States who go to bed hungry every night and that America is not well- equipped with homeless shelters? 1.1325502 Furthermore, let us talk about free speech and the DANGER my life is in by the people who make millions of dollars from Madonna. Do you think Madonna will like for me to talk about this? No. I could be murdered by one of her aficionados if one word of this letter reaches the media and someone loses the possibility of making millions of dollars from Madonna’s engine if anybody addresses Madonna’s campaigning for human rights, forgiveness and love, but doesn’t assist her brother who is living in a bathroom? Let’s also propose to Pussy Riot, the next possibility. After they are released, Madonna wants to take you around the entire world, on a world tour and market her name with you to all of Russia and campaign for God knows what. Madonna mostly campaigns for people to have sex any kind of way they want, she shoots people on screen, strips naked, shows her vagina, kisses women, shoots women and then markets “Oh, I was raped 36 years ago in New York City, I’m a survivor.” This may be art and nobody is denying its shock value, of course… but what is the counter-argument in this conversation that enables free speech from both sides of the aisle? Pussy Riot, you say that Vladimir Putin is being supported by the church and that women in Russia have no voice. Okay. You have for a good 4 years enjoyed uncontested publicity all over the world and while Vladimir Putin might be a Christian and have the support of the conservative ethic in Russia, who supports you?
  • 4. So, if this is all freedom of speech, then let me report that if a man or a woman’s anus is penetrated by a plastic dildo or a penis, several things will happen: 1) the anus is going to tear; and/or 2) the anus is, at some point, going to bleed if the anal contractions while the penetration is occurring are not perfectly controlled. If an anal contraction occurs while the person (man or woman) is being penetrated anally, the anus can tear and begin to bleed and/or 3) the anus is going to become dilated and result in ANAL LEAKAGE 4) you could begin to profusely bleed. Okay – so, we all have a right to do what we want with our bodies. Let’s begin there. I would ask Pussy Riot and their attorneys and Vladimir Putin to read through these links below, which is the United States’ Government’s official site for a database of medical journal entries for doctors and scientists. A woman’s vaginal tract releases blood for 5 to 10 days once a month. This blood is washing out the impurities of the woman’s system. In fact, I remember when I was about 15 years old, there were advertisements on public radio encouraging men and women to earn their “red wings” / give and/or receive vaginal oral sex while you were menstruating. I recall feeling disgusted and afraid, but this is what politicians like Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton market when they say that homosexual sex is fine and okay and do not speak about sexual hygiene. In fact, in Miami, there are advertisements that mock Bill Clinton’s voice, marketed by homosexual men, on the radio, encouraging people to have anal sex and lesbian sex. Of course, that’s not Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton’s voice, but I have never heard Bill or Hillary Clinton objecting to homosexual advocacy groups using their voice and likeness and impersonations to advocate for anal and oral sex. If you read through these journals, you will find that oral sex causes all manner of infections and anal sex is directly linked to AIDS; 90% of all AIDS cases belong to the homosexual population. Homosexuals comprise only 3% of the world’s population. Love? A revolution? These activities (oral and anal sex) lead to skin infections and blood infections that cause severe acne, among other bacterial infections. It is not possible to clean off the feces from a man’s penis, even if you scrub with soap very well, after anal sex, and this leads to cross-contamination when a woman (or a man) licks a man’s penis with fecal matter on it or if a man penetrates a woman vaginally and contaminates her vagina with fecal matter. I suppose that Pussy Riot, who is campaigning for the “Rights” of the homosexual community in Russia should ask herself, who has wiped her little daughter’s anus until she was able to wipe it herself, if she took great care while she was wiping her 2 year old daughter’s anus to make sure to not only clean your daughter’s anus, but make sure that no fecal matter that your daughter secreted into her diapers and that would wash over her vagina was not also very meticulously cleaned? And if your daughter cut her hand or scraped her knee when she fell, did you not take great care to wash the wound and put a band-aid on it? What if you put a plastic dildo inside of your little daughter’s anus and then put it inside your daughter’s vagina? What’s the difference between a 3 year old girl and an 18 year old girl that’s been told that sexual pleasure – of all shapes and sizes – is just fine? And that anal sex is just one way? What’s the difference between two boys who have been friends all their lives and who have had crushes on girls watching pornography and then giving oral and anal sex to each other because it’s sensual and sexual stimulation? What’s the difference between a fresh apple and a canned apple? What’s the difference between plastic and cheese? What’s the difference between sleeping on a bed with a warm comforter and sleeping in a bed with a man? What’s the difference between being able to play a musical instrument and pretending that you can? What’s the difference between actually feeding someone feces with their meal and asking them to lick your dick after you’ve inserted it into their anus? What’s the difference between marketing Pussy Riot all over Russia and writing letters and organizing a public peacefully? What’s the difference between home-made pasta or home-made bread and bread with high fructose corn syrup in it? What’s the difference between home-made Borscht and Borscht out of a can?
  • 5. Moving on, I wish to discuss the issue of public relations and how to appeal for Pussy Riot and Greenpeace.
  • 6. First of all, I believe that solitary confinement all over the world should be banned completely. The United States has the highest number of incarcerated individuals, although the United States only has a miniscule portion of the world’s population. There are scores of thousands of people in solitary confinement in the United States. I believe that the United Nations needs to address this on a world-wide level. Secondly, I believe that the position on defense for both Green Peace and Pussy Riot needs to be from the platform of claiming ignorance, childishness, lack of professional / secretarial / office managerial experience, undue influence and they need to issue a public apology and both assert their rights to have made the mistakes out of fervor for a desire to generate a conversation and instigate change that rests on a foundation that has overemployed the use of “art” while forsaking the more traditional methods of communication – writing, legal measures and addressing sociological foundations for environmental and social phenomena. I believe this will be more than enough for the United Nations to intervene and for Vladimir Putin to issue a Presidential Decree immediately outlawing solitary confinement in Russia, making sure to graft into his decree that incarceration in a country is not a means to hold a country hostage politically via a public relations machine that ordinarily pits one culture against another in the midst of wars and commercial allegiances. Let me say that I have never met, to this day, a Russian person I did not instantly adore, albeit on the superficial level of acquaintances. I have spent 13 years with Russians, Ukrainians, Russian Jews and many other nationalities, 3 to 4 days a week, at a Russian-Turkish Bath. Perhaps that might change in the coming days, but that has been my experience. I especially enjoyed Nadia and Sergey making me home-made Borscht daily, Pelmeni, Salanka, the hearty Russian bread and beer such as Baltika, and the dried fish I would eat before steaming. Those were truly some of the most beautiful years of my life as I truly enjoyed coming out of work and steaming in the bathhouse for hours, seeing my Russian-Jewish massage therapist, the Jewish people that owned the bathhouse and hosted hundreds of different strangers from all over the world that let their children run around naked as toddlers in the bathhouse and then as little elementary school children. Now they are teenagers. I had a very nice time there. I have not known the Russian man to be anything other than extremely elegant, extremely gentle, extremely guarded, extremely masculine and yet extremely intellectual. The men from Belarus were extremely elegant men. I have never made love to a Russian man, but a Russian man did try to kiss me once and I didn’t kiss him. There is a great divide in language that I couldn’t address. I don’t speak Russian. The Russian women were very beautiful. Some lawyers have on their desk “be the lawyer you want for yourself.” That’s nice and quaint and I suppose it is true; however, I prefer citing this statement in my mind when I write or try to help attorneys serve their clients. ----------------+ Treat others the way you wish to be treated, afford them the grace and creativity you would wish for yourself if you were in their shoes that would enable you to wriggle yourself free from human errors, without bestowing so much grace and adulation and service as to inadvertently injure third parties, being careful to craft a response that will enrich a whole in an integrated manner, protecting the whole from the parts, parts from the whole, the parts from each other and the wholes from the wholes. As for your dreams of change, I would ask Green Peace to address why they are not addressing the oil crisis in a more pragmatic fashion with the constraints of architecture, urban design, walking cities and the issue of inter-cultural and inter-national and inter-racial exchange and the role of those tensions in the use of oil. That is, the tendency to use the automobile as a “fence” or as a means of not interacting in a city, as well as a monopoly and the role of human management tasks in addressing how a nation and its various industries are effectively managed and how a government and its citizens facilitate interaction between various classes, races, nationalities and other demographics with differing ideologies. For example, the United States is housing undocumented MEXICAN immigrants, most of which have been here since they were babies and whose parents have, for over 35 years, worked on farms. Why is not Green Peace or
  • 7. Amnesty International or Pussy Riot concerned about that silence? In America when you are incarcerated, you’re not just put in prison, you’re also forced fed psychiatric drugs – drugs that make you infertile, fat, slow, lose your memory and damage your brain. Do I have to tell you the kind of risk my life and my family’s life is by addressing these uncomfortable truths? I am working on implementing no driving to school policies in high schools around the world, why not work there to address the oil dependency issue? Doesn’t that seem like a first step? I will be forwarding Green Peace my work on sustainability and walking cities. I simply believe that an apology to the Russian Government is owed by Green Peace for not having provided notice to the oil rig workers and the coast guard that you were coming. It’s not that you don’t have a point, it’s the manner in which it was done and if you don’t address that, then Green Peace needs to understand that your approach to addressing climate change needs address and improvement. As for Pussy Riot, I wish to address that I believe that Russia’s food supply is probably going to be at risk by encroachment from international sources and from Russia’s own population that will not value the land and its cultural heritage and the importance of eating healthy. I would ask of Pussy Riot to change their name to Rose Riot and issue an apology to Vladimir Putin and the United Nations regarding their name and the manner in which they conducted their protests. It is not that the Russian Government’s response was perfect – it is that the importance of the matter and the absence of someone willing to address you in this fashion led to a decision that would protect third parties (young children and the Russian people) from being hijacked by the international community and marketing Russia with PUSSY. I have already established why that is important, above. syrup/245499/ I have been working on inspiring the Russian Government to build Russian-Turkish Bathhouses around the world and to institute that practice, a practice that is dying in Russia. I believe that steaming is a great way to help people become healthy, interact and develop culture and community, as well as create a history and tradition around Russian food. The delicacy of a democracy is very complicated and I don’t believe that the Russian Government acted incorrectly. I believe that they won the first round of the debate and you, now, have an opportunity to make your debate in a more sound matter after understanding more fully the people’s opinions. In fact, the Russians I have spoken to all said that you deserve 15 years in prison for what you have done to Russia. I don’t believe that you need prison time, but I do believe your behavior needed address in a more professional manner that did not involve incarceration. The only issue is that if Vladimir Putin had been more vocal about protecting young children from a mass-marketing of PUSSY and ANAL sex all over Russia and the world, Russia and Russians could have been assaulted by the homosexual community. The eminent English pathologist Bernard Knight and Pekka Saukko stated that it is a fact that some of the most violent homicides seen by pathologists are among male homosexuals and lesbians.
  • 8. Now, I wish to discuss the issue of domestic violence and the environment. Many environmentalists don’t wish to have people procreate. I am surprised that many environmentalists are pro- abortion. So, let me discuss this. David de Rothschild built and commissioned boat builders to build a boat made of plastic bottles to highlight the use of one-use plastics. I’ve thought about that and since David has tried to inspire me to help him, I have tried to motivate supermarkets to deliver food to people’s homes and also pick up plastics while they are there. Most people in America work very hard, sit in traffic and some work two jobs and take care of children. The Recycling Company I am working to help spur my initiative reports revenue of 8.5 billion dollars in 2011 and I have already forwarded these recycling initiatives to Vladimir Putin via e-mail several months ago. Furthermore, I think that we ought to start tackling the issue of sexual ethics when we are very young. I’m not certain that we are going about the teaching of sexual hygiene to our young children in the right way and we are taught that anal sex, oral sex and all kinds of sex – and sex all the time – is the way to go. I think this needs immediate address. While these artists may be pioneers in the “artistic” sense of the word, making those who have made mistakes or who choose lifestyles that outside the collective norm, are not totally cast aside – the issue remains that this is not about freedom, it is about protecting people from behaviors that, literally, lead to physical death and physical illness. I have thought about plastic condoms and abortion and pregnancy tests. While I cannot speak for abortion doctors, I can say that the risk of trafficking human beings and selling the child into sex slavery or selling the child’s body after extraction from the woman during an abortion procedure into science is great. Whether they are selling the human tissue for experiments, selling the human tissue and keeping it alive and practicing for premature births and how to take care of premature babies that are “legitimate” and not aborted, the issue of a child’s rights is very important to address. For these reasons, I propose that all pregnancy tests, menstrual pads and condoms be sold in a specific part of a pharmacy. During that time, the woman who buys a pregnancy test is given a list of doctors that she can speak to – free clinics and paid clinics, social workers and list of places she can go for counseling or emergency help. The #1 cause for pregnant women in the United States is murder. I also believe that a woman should not use the menstruation pads in plastic sealed cases. I believe that they should use cloths and those cloths should be burned in an incinerator after her cycle is done. Each woman should have an incinerator in her home and those bloody cloths are to be incinerated, instead of wrapped up in plastic and thrown into a landfill, bloody. I believe that when we sell pregnancy tests, condoms or menstruation pads, there should also be references to literature about dating, sexual hygiene, great books, quotes, excerpts from novels and literature and medical information, links to websites about the importance of sexual propriety and its link to emotional health and physical health. I believe that when you sell condoms, there should also be a plethora of books where men can learn about dating in general and understand the seriousness of sex in general. This information can be the wrapping the
  • 9. condom is wrapped in, written on the box and also the books should be next to the condoms when the people go to buy them. There can be testimonies, biographies, advice, religious books – on and on. I believe that Vladimir Putin ought to consider implementing in Russia laws around recycling plastics. I believe that the sexual education of children should NOT be around Cinderella stories or Snow White Stories. No. That’s pretty much all children know. During high school they are taught about the reproductive organs of a woman but nothing more. I believe that in order to have a more common sense approach to sex – we need to be very, very clear with children during a very young age. A) When a child is about 4 years old (and before they enter school to interact with other children), medical photographs of a male and female are to be shown to them. B) The child is to be explained about A SEED and THE SOIL and WATER and a PLANT and A FRUIT. C) The woman’s belly and vagina are to be presented as the SOIL AND THE BED WHERE THE SEED RESTS. D) The man’s member is to be presented as a vessel for seeds, like a man planting seeds in a field he has to care for. E) This presentation should be medical and neutral, without faces or skin color, simply an outline of the human figures, in abstract, medical form. F) The child is to be told that she or he grew inside Mami’s belly, in the same way that a seed grows inside of the soil or hydroponically. The seed came from daddy’s vessel. G) The child is to be told that he or she is a boy or girl. H) Reference is to be made to FECAL MATTER. Men are to be told that men and men may care for each other as friends, but those places are to be touched ONLY by them or their wife or when you really, really, really love someone and want to spend all of your time with them and have learned about them, because you can make a baby together and the baby needs, food, water, affection, a house and you need to learn how to read and write so that you can teach the baby how to read and write and that it is important to be able to work and study and learn about God and how to be a good mother, father, wife or husband. Women are to be taught about vaginal care very early and about the issue of pregnancy and the care it takes to raise a child. The little boys are to be told about FECAL MATTER and told THAT IS NEVER, EVER TO BE TOUCHED WITH YOUR HANDS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM, only with toilet paper and that area is like a garbage can and is to be addressed as unclean. (90% of all AIDS cases belong to 3% of the population, the homosexual community, and anal sex and oral sex causes infections and oral warts). The child is to be told that the child is like a flower. “The birds and the bees and the flowers.” I) I believe that if we present to little children this medically, they will be immune from being seduced, and will automatically understand that their sexual parts are reproductive organs and not musical instruments, books, pieces of paper or works of art that are to be used to communicate. I believe this is enough for an appeal and that Vladimir Putin will order the Green Peace Activists released from solitary confinement upon receipt of this letter. I would instruct the attorneys assisting Pussy Riot to perhaps help fund for her a human rights office – a non-for-profit organization that employs women and men who want to see some activity in Russia and become more involved in the development of their country in a fashion that doesn’t involve a certain hijacking and “extortion” of the media that makes very quick money from sexual connotations. These things distract and lead people into lifestyles that are not, in the final analysis, sustainable. As for Cameron Bay, the porn actress that was diagnosed with AIDS, I have only three pieces of advice for you. First, I would ask the AIDS organizations to contact the Russian-Turkish Bath in Miami, Florida. It is owned by the Tubermans, a family of Russian Jews.
  • 10. I may be wrong, but I may be right. About 4 years ago I met a Jewish man at the bathhouse. He was a scientist. He invited me to his home and was telling me that he was experimenting with lights and the cure of AIDS virus. I didn’t go to his home but he said that he would be contacting the Tubermans to install the lights in the Bath house. I never saw the Jewish man again, but I do recall that that a few months after my conversation with hi, the rooms in the bathhouse had different color lights. Please contact the Tubermans and ask them who installed and/or recommended those lights. Secondly, I would advise everyone here that I am NOT a doctor or a lawyer. I am just an entry-level secretary, a clerk, in the final analysis. What I provide, I provide outside the scope of “informed science.” This being said, if I were diagnosed with AIDS, I would never believe it. I wouldn’t put other people’s lives in danger unless I had gone back to the authority of classical science and walked through their lion’s dens unscathed and tested clean, but I wouldn’t believe their science was God’s handwriting. I don’t recommend this faith for you unless you have been tested 6 times in 6 years, not had sex with anyone and all 6 tests come back HIV negative. Outside of a severed leg or a severed arm or a cut – I don’t believe much of what medical science has to tell me. If I am suffering from a bacterial infection, I will eat healthy and clean the wound and monitor my hygiene and assess myself in that manner. I like to think that health isn’t that difficult to address. If I were diagnosed with AIDS, I would drink lots of fluids and flush out my body and try to replace my blood quickly. I would, specifically drink gallons of water and gallons of cranberry juice daily and beet juice and vitamins and supplements that would help my immune system. I would take acidophilus and Vitamin E orally and multivitamins. I would drink cranberry juice and water daily, to the point that my blood and the water in my fluids had an opportunity to be replaced. Then, I would take Anamu daily and eat only salads and greens and juices. I would keep myself impeccably clean. The most important part would be prayer and writing to God daily asking forgiveness for my sins and asking myself “If I were the son or daughter of the highest King in the Universe (which we all are), why would I engage in behavior that is not the role of a princess or prince and not what I would want for my own daughter? Would I want my daughter to have anal sex? Would I want my daughter to be a porn actress? Would I want my daughter to inject heroine? Would I want my daughter to neglect her studies?” On and on. I would sincerely pray and keep a journal daily and begin a conversation with God and challenge God not to not just heal me but use me as a vessel to heal others, once I had healed myself for 6 years and really looked at myself in the mirror, spiritually and started really trying to search for God. Then I would go right back into the AIDS clinics and get re-tested and re-tested until God answered my prayer. I wouldn’t recommend this approach – but that’s how I would handle that. I do relay that there are some people I touch that make me ill and some people I touch that make me feel healthy. I recall once a man that was cross-eyed touché me and I felt so dizzy I almost fainted and when I returned home my eyes were cross-eyed and I had to correct them by moving them back and forth and jumping up and down.
  • 11. I would also find a good Christian therapist and confess all of my sins and ask God to reveal to me the sins I did not see but he saw in me. As for Pussy Riot and any political prisoner, I would advise the Russian Government to craft laws regarding international media and who and what can represent Russia and its people. In the same manner that the United States likes to keep their media white and English and Australian and doesn’t permit Chinese actresses, Mexican actresses, Russian actresses, Spanish actresses, French actresses, Italian actresses or Japanese actresses to take over our media – the Russian government – and any culture – has those same rights. In the final analysis, perhaps Pussy Riot and Green Peace can be seen as Mary Magdalene in this scene and Russia’s reaction needs to be more nimble and more robust and more legally and artistically prepared for situations such as this. In this way, the empty pomp and circumstance that the Orthodox Church and the Vatican are accused of having, gives those accusing them of same evidence. Nevertheless, the Orthodox Church should see that the Vatican, under similar circumstances, drafted a letter to homosexuals who wanted to usd the Vatican and Catholic Churches throughout Italy for a photography show, instead of putting them in jail. In this manner, I must say that one of the flaws that I see in the Russian in general is that they are sometimes not as verbal or quick on their feet as other cultures. While I do provide the Russian Government the right to address cultural security issues, the Orthodox Church could have used Pussy Riot’s protest as an opportunity to address her in writing, instead of permitting jailing. Why this wasn’t done is something that requires address. Do not let the international media now blame the Orthodox Church for their reaction because in America, pastors send their members to mental hospitals and jail all the time, for coming into church in a “fit of mania” all the time and the church. Perhaps now the Orthodox Church can understand this video below a little bit more and the “machismo” needed to protect Christ and his mother’s legacy and who are singing this song and perhaps address Pussy Riot in a manner that accepts the Orthodox Church could have been more nimble and speak to the court in a request for a release of Pussy Riot and a construction of prisons that provides more dignity for each inmate. Specifically, I think that all prisoners ought to have their own room so that their sexual dignity is preserved, their privacy is preserved, they learn to keep their room clean, their toilet clean and have a writing space and room to walk in. I don’t believe that people should ever, ever, ever, ever be kept in small rooms or be asked to shower in the same room with other women. The rooms should be like small motel rooms. I hope that Pussy Riot helps end the issue of solitary confinement in general and apologizes to the church, as well and works with them to fund construction of new prisons, help develop a system of legal recourses in psychiatrist hospitals all over the world, advocating for placement of computers in prisons so that people can read, write and come out of prison new people. In cases such as this, if the state feels there is a threat to cultural security, then the person simply ought to have a letter written to them. This case is so polemical because the advocacy for homosexual rights and abortion can lead to murder of Russians if Vladimir and/or the church had been more vocal. Russia is now being “assaulted” all over the world in the media because they don’t want homosexual propaganda in their media and the imminent danger I believe that Russia saw was that if Pussy Riot was freed, then the International Media would have paired up with people like Madonna to hypermarket homosexuality and promiscuity and it could have led to a great infringement on Russian laws, traditions, customs and the public opinion – 75% of Russians don’t want homosexual propaganda as they see homosexuality as, simply, a physical and health security danger.
  • 12. In this manner, I believe that Legal Positivism, the emphasis on Social Contracts in Russian Law, Analogy, Legal consciousness, Natural Law, Good Faith, General Principles, Customs, Traditions and Academic Commentary will be the way out for both Green Peace and Pussy Riot. I would recommend that Pussy Riot and Green Peace and those representing Pussy Riot and Green Peace read “The Importance of Being Ignorant” by Aaron Ross Powell of the Cato Institute, as well as all of the other articles I have provided the links below for you. When you’re constructing a political philosophy, never forget how much you don’t know — and even more, how much the government doesn’t know. Oh and yes…I would also recommend that Pussy Riot, upon her release, contact Talbot’s House Ministries in Lakeland, Florida and try to replicate these homeless shelters in Russia, as I see that Russia has between one to 5 million homeless children. I have already started this process and contacted Vladimir Putin prior to assisting Pussy Riot and I will be in contact with the United Nations regarding the need for a network of clean homeless shelters all over the world as a human right. In the final analysis, I believe Russia has a duty to address cultural security issues and that Pussy Riot’s protest was more than just a protest or an artistic expression of belief. The outline for an appeal I have instructed, I believe, respects the law and provides both parties with an address of their grievance and an address of their shortcomings / areas of improvement, crafting into the Russian Social Contract a way where Russia can protects its children and where free speech and conflicts with authority can be dealt with in a more nimble matter. Sincerely, Cristina Molina and David de Rothschild I COULD BE KILLED FOR THIS LETTER – SO I WOULD APPRECIATE DISCRETION. YOU ARE FREE TO DO AS YOU WISH WITH YOUR OWN BODY AND SPEAK AS YOU WISH – AS I ALSO HAVE MY OPINIONS TO SPEAK. At the end of this correspondence, I have some links for some movies I think that Pussy Riot’s children – and the children of Russia - might enjoy. European Court of Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights Law of Russia Democracy and the Contest for Liberty
  • 13. The Importance of Being Ignorant The Origins of State and Government Public Ignorance and Democracy Hein Online Realizing Freedom Decree of the President of Russia Secret Project Revolution – Madonna Killing People – Why isn’t she shooting women with blonde hair and blue eyes? Legal Positivism – Russia
  • 14. European Court of Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights Law of Russia Democracy and the Contest for Liberty The Importance of Being Ignorant The Origins of State and Government Public Ignorance and Democracy Hein Online Wm. Shannon Hein Roxanne Marmion +1 716 882 2600 ext. 165 +1 716 882 2600 ext. 163 Decree of President of Russia Decree of the President of Russia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ukase of the President of the Russian Federation (Russian: Указ Президента Российской Федерации) or Executive Order (Decree) of the President of Russia[1][2] is a legal act (ukase) with status of by-law of Russian president.
  • 15. According to the Constitution of Russia the President of Russia may issue decrees (Ukases, Russian: Указ or Rasparyazhenya, Russian: Pаспоряжения) which are acts of legal binding and have the force of law. The decrees have supreme legal force after the Russian Constitution and laws.[3] As normative legal act, such ukazes have a status of by-law in hierarchy of legal acts (along with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, instructions and directions of other officials). Presidential decree may not alter the regulations of existing legal sources -Russia's international agreements, Constitution of Russia, Federal Constitutional Laws, Federal Laws and laws of Russian regions - and may be superseded by any of these laws. For example, thanks to Constitution of Russia, European Convention on Human Rights as Russia's international document has higher status, than any Russian law or presidential executive order. MOVIES THE CHILDREN OF RUSSIA MIGHT ENJOY THE SECRET OF NIMH THE NEVER ENDING STORY LA VITA BELLA – Life is Beautiful CINEMA PARAISO UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN WEST SIDE STORY Natalie Wood is Russian (She is rumored to have been murdered in America)