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„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Danuta Malinowska-Bartków
Wykorzystanie języka w praktyce gospodarczej
Poradnik dla ucznia
Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Radom 2006
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
mgr Janina Rosiak
mgr Lidia Pszkit
dr Patrycja Kamińska – opinia językowa
Opracowanie redakcyjne:
mgr inż. Katarzyna Maćkowska
mgr Andrzej Zych
mgr Joanna Fundowicz
Poradnik stanowi obudowę dydaktyczną programu jednostki modułowej 341[02].Z2.03.
Wykorzystanie języka w praktyce gospodarczej zawartego w programie nauczania dla zawodu
technik ekonomista.
Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Radom 2006
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
1. Wprowadzenie 3
2. Wymagania wstępne 4
3. Cele kształcenia 5
4. Materiał nauczania 6
4.1. Podanie o pracę i życiorys (Letter of application and CV) 6
4.1.1. Materiał nauczania 6
4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające 10
4.1.3. Ćwiczenia 10
4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów 16
4.2. Korespondencja finansowa i transportowa (Correspondence in Finance and
4.2.1. Materiał nauczania 17
4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające 19
4.2.3. Ćwiczenia 20
4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów 23
4.3. Notatka służbowa i protokół (‘Memo’ or Memorandum and Minutes) 24
4.3.1. Materiał nauczania 24
4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające 26
4.3.3. Ćwiczenia 26
4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów 30
4.4. Marketing i reklama (Marketing and Advertising) 31
4.4.1. Materiał nauczania 31
4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające 32
4.4.3. Ćwiczenia 33
4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów 37
4.5. Postępowanie administracyjne (Administrative Procedures) 38
4.5.1. Materiał nauczania 38
4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające 39
4.5.3. Ćwiczenia 39
4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów 40
4.6. Korespondencja Handlowa (Business Correspondence) 41
4.6.1. Materiał nauczania 41
4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające 42
4.6.3. Ćwiczenia 42
4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów 43
4.7. Korespondencja osobowa (Personal Correspondence) 44
4.7.1. Materiał nauczania 44
4.7.2. Pytania sprawdzające 44
4.7.3. Ćwiczenia 44
4.7.4. Sprawdzian postępów 45
5. Sprawdzian osiągnięć 46
6. Literatura 49
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Poradnik ten będzie Ci pomocny w doskonaleniu pracy z tekstem w języku angielskim
dotyczącym języka praktycznego przydatnego w wykonywaniu zawodu.
Zawartość poradnika (pakietu):
– wprowadzenie,
– wymagania i umiejętności, jakie powinieneś mieć już opanowane,
– wykaz umiejętności, jakie ukształtujesz podczas pracy z tym poradnikiem (pakietem),
– materiał nauczania, czyli wiadomości związane z wykonywaniem Twojego zawodu,
– zestawy pytań, które pomogą Ci sprawdzić, czy opanowałeś treści podane w materiale
– ćwiczenia, które mają na celu wykształcenie twoich umiejętności praktycznych,
– sprawdzian postępów.
Poradnik zawiera również wykaz literatury oraz materiałów pomocniczych,
tj. słowników, opracowań specjalistycznych pomocnych zarówno w trakcie nauki, jak
i w wykonywaniu pracy zawodowej.
W pakiecie są informacje dotyczące sposobów pisania listów motywacyjnych,
życiorysów (CV), sporządzania notatek służbowych i protokołów, dokumentów kadrowych i
finansowych, jak również zasad postępowania administracyjnego i technik marketingowych.
Oczywiście, poradnik ten zawiera niewielką cześć wiadomości z tego zakresu. Pragnąc
rozwijać swoje umiejętności, powinieneś korzystać z literatury podanej w poradniku, jak
również z szeregu innych publikacji. W trakcie nauki pomocny Ci będzie nauczyciel, który
odpowie na Twoje pytania, rozwieje wątpliwości oraz wskaże Ci dodatkowe źródła
Zamieszczone w poradniku pytania pozwolą Ci na sprawdzenie, czy posiadasz
wystarczającą wiedzę z odpowiedniego zakresu materiału oraz czy możesz przystąpić do
wykonania ćwiczeń. Jeśli Twoje odpowiedzi będą poprawne, to możesz przejść do dalszego
etapu, jeśli nie – będziesz wiedział, gdzie masz luki i co powinieneś uzupełnić. Pod
warunkiem, oczywiście, że będziesz odpowiadać na pytania samodzielnie.
Po etapie sprawdzania stanu Twojej wiedzy będziesz mógł przejść do następnego etapu,
czyli do wykonania ćwiczeń praktycznych, których celem jest uzupełnienie i utrwalenie
informacji teoretycznych.
Po wykonaniu zestawu ćwiczeń będziesz mógł sprawdzić swoje postępy, wykonując test
Sprawdzian postępów, zamieszczony zawsze w podrozdziale.
Poznanie przez Ciebie całego lub określonej części poradnika będzie stanowiło dla
nauczyciela podstawę przeprowadzenia sprawdzianu poziomu przyswojonych wiadomości
i ukształtowanych umiejętności. Nauczyciel posłuży się w tym celu Zestawem zadań
testowych zawierających różnego rodzaju pytania. W poradniku zamieszczony jest
przykładowy test.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Przystępując do realizacji tej jednostki modułowej powinieneś umieć:
– korzystać z różnych źródeł w celu znalezienia potrzebnych Ci informacji,
– czytać lub słuchać ze zrozumieniem tekst w języku angielskim na poziomie średnio
zaawansowanym (intermediate), zadać pytania do tekstu i udzielić odpowiedzi,
– posługiwać się słownikiem anglojęzycznym w celu znalezienia definicji nieznanego
słowa w języku angielskim,
– posługiwać się podręcznikiem gramatyki języka angielskiego w celu wyjaśnienia
wątpliwości z gramatyki,
– wymawiać wyrazy angielskie zgodnie z transkrypcją fonetyczną podaną w słowniku bądź
w podręcznikach do nauki języka angielskiego,
– stosować zasady transkrypcji fonetycznej,
– stosować zasady gramatyki języka angielskiego na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
W wyniku procesu kształcenia uczeń/słuchacz powinien umieć:
– przeczytać ze zrozumieniem tekst o tematyce zawodowej,
– zapoznać się z problemami rekrutacji i rynkiem pracy,
– poznać różne rodzaje listów motywacyjnych i życiorysów,
– rozróżnić standardy obowiązujące w Wielkiej Brytanii i USA,
– napisać list motywacyjny i życiorys (CV),
– zebrać właściwe dokumenty ubiegając się o pracę,
– poznać sposoby rozliczeń finansowych w handlu krajowym i zagranicznym,
– sporządzić dokumenty finansowe,
– sporządzić notatkę służbową i protokół z zebrania,
– zorganizować kampanię reklamową promującą produkt lub usługę dobierając określone
– dokonać prezentacji oferowanego produktu lub usługi w języku angielskim
– opracować i przeprowadzić sondaż opinii na temat danego produktu, marki, usługi,
preferencji konsumentów, itd.,
– napisać zapytanie ofertowe,
– dokonać reklamacji towaru lub usługi
– prowadzić korespondencję handlową
– prowadzić korespondencję osobową,
– poznać procedury postępowania administracyjnego.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.1. Podanie o pracę i życiorys (Letter of application and CV)
4.1.1. Materiał nauczania
When a company needs to recruit new workforce it usually advertises the vacant job or
position in a newspaper. Job seekers may then apply for it sending a letter of
application/covering letter and their CV/C.V. or resumé giving details of their experience and
It is absolutely essential to understand the rules of recruitment. The employer does not
know the candidate personally and they enjoy the privilege of choosing the best and most
suitable candidate and eventually pay for it. This is why the information they process from the
application is crucial. They prepare a short list of candidates to be invited for the interview.
The most attractive candidate seems to be a young person with considerable experience.
Many young people, especially students, who gain rather theoretical knowledge at the
university, fight this contradiction by going to internships to foreign countries. This way they
have a chance to get a job experience and practice a foreign language as well. Then they can
mention it in their CV.
Applying for a job involves creating a positive image of a candidate and encouraging the
employer to be interested in them. That is why it is best if this image is true and if all
information you give can be easily verified. So it is not advised to put information ‘fluent
English and German’ if you really cannot speak the languages fluently. You can expect the
interview, or part of it, to be carried out in those languages.
If you apply for a management position it is not necessary be a manager, but you need to
realize that this position requires leadership and organizational skills as well as motivational
and communicational skills. You need to be ambitious, have initiative, be assertive and brave.
If you apply for such a post, you need to convince the employer that you have such potential
and the necessary skills, of course.
A letter of application is as important as a CV in that it often provides the first direct
contact between a candidate and an employer. Both CV and a letter of application should be
well written, clear, neat and true. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make
poor impression. The letter of application normally contains four paragraphs in which you
– confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job,
– say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the
– show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skills and
– indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say when you would be free
to attend).
An application is completed when it contains:
– a letter of application/covering letter,
– CV/resumé,
– copies of diplomas,
– other certificates.
All those documents can be sent by post or by e-mail, and in exceptional cases, handed in,
personally. But before they are put in an envelope, they should be proofread, corrected and
spell checked. Misprints, language errors or factual errors are unacceptable.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Elements of a CV
There are several basic elements that a CV should include. These are:
1) Personal details:
a) name – printed on top of the page in big letters and bold type,
b) address – below the name, together with postal code, telephone number/fax number
or e-mail address,
c) date of birth – (in the USA you do not give your date of birth),
d) marital status – married or single (if you have children you may give the information,
in the USA however, you usually do not give it).
2) Languages – native, fluent, fluent written and spoken, fair/working knowledge or basic.
3) Capabilities/skills – those most essential skills or capabilities which may come useful in
the post/job you apply for, such as:
– organizing,
– leading,
– motivating,
– controlling,
– selling skills,
– technical skills,
– good interpersonal skills,
– good communications skills etc.
4) Achievements – usually a few achievements you consider important.
5) Job experience - /Experience/Employment/Career/Work History. You begin from your
present position going ‘backwards’ in time. It is important to mention experience gained,
giving facts and figures whenever possible.
6) Education – diplomas and certificates are given by the candidate in a sequence from the
most recent to the most remote ones. Example:
1990 – KNOW HOW Fund training in Kazimierz Dolny Executive Programme
1980 – Postgraduate Diploma in financial Management of a Sole Trader Company, Polish
Fundation for Staff Training, Szczecin
1968-74 – University of Warsaw, English Institute, Master’s Degree in English Philology
1968-72 – Higher School of Foreign Languages, diploma of Translator in English and
7) Additional information – it is recommended to mention here information grouped into:
interests/hobbies and activities. Examples:
INTERESTS: Skiing, playing tennis and singing in a choir
ACHIEVEMENTS: Member of Skiing Club at the University of Szczecin, member of a choir
Forms of CV/ Resumé
There are a few conventions of writing a resumé. Most often we use the chronological,
the functional and the combination resumé (combining the conventions of both
a chronological and a functional resumé).
Chronological Resumé
You give information in the chronological form: both about job experience and
education. You also write about your interests and activities. But there is no place to write
neither about your achievements, nor objectives you want to reach. Such resumés, therefore,
looks rather not very convincing.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Functional Resumé
Functional resumé gives first of all information concerning education, skills and
achievements of the applicant/candidate which are relevant to job position they apply for.
They include the objectives the candidate defines and aims to reach. This approach favours
especially such candidates who have often changed jobs in the past or had a part time job.
Combination Resumé
Is preferred by the professionals having big job experience who are looking for
a challenge or change. Giving chronologically periods of employment may convince the
employer about big experience, but the short profile may focus on the candidate’s strengths
and new objectives.
Chronological Resumé
01-410 Warsaw
Telephone: 0 22 648 47 46
Fax: 0 22 648 46 46
present Polish Company, Poland: the Chief Executive Officer and Member of the
Board of Directors, responsible for the production and sales of furniture in Poland
and in Germany,
Developed the company from a medium size factory employing 170 workers
to a company employing almost 1000 employees at the moment,
Increased the turnover of the company 6 fold.
1990-98 Chemipol Ltd, Director responsible for Production,
Developed the sector of building materials by introducing the assembly line and
mechanical system of painting and cutting monitored by a computer.
Hannyssan Ltd, Production Manager, introduced soap liquid to which I have patent
1973-80 Technical University of Szczecin, Chemical Engineer
1967-73 Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry
1962-67 Chemical Secondary School in Szczecin
Functional Resumé
01-410 Warsaw
ul. Czorsztyńska 8/6
Telephone: 0 22 648 47 46
Fax: 0 22 648 46 46
DATE OF BIRTH: 20.11.1948 MARITAL STATUS: married
LANGUAGES: Polish: native language
English: fair knowledge in writing and speaking
Russian: working knowledge in speaking
OBJECTIVE: A management position with a production company
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
EDUCATION: Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry
CAPABILITIES: Experience in handling production processes
High Management Skills
High Marketing Skills
Excellent Organizational Skills
Ability to work under pressure
Computer Skills
AHIEVEMENTS: Introduced a system of motivating employees based on incentive,
managed to enlarge the workforce and to increase the turnover 6
times during his time in office.
Introduced special systems of monitoring quality and packing.
INTERESTS: Hunting, shooting and fishing
ACTIVITIES: President of the Hunting Club in Drawsko
Combination Resumé
Curriculum Vitae
01-410 Warsaw
ul. Czorsztyńska 8/6
Telephone: 0 22 648 47 46
Fax: 0 22 648 46 46
DATE OF BIRTH: 20.11.1948 MARITAL STATUS: Married, 1 child
LANGUAGES: Polish: native language
Russian: working knowledge
KEY SKILLS: Controlling finance, production and marketing
EDUCATION: Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry
AHIEVEMENTS: Developed my own liquid soap and my own system of motivating the
workforce based on incentive, developed present company by
enlarging the workforce (6 times) and increasing the turnover (6
1969-1973 Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry
1980- PRESENT Polipol Co Ltd, Chief Executive Officer and Member of
the Board of Directors
1990-98 Chemipol Ltd, Director responsible for Production
Developed the sector of building materials by introducing the
assembly line and mechanical system of painting and cutting
monitored by a computer.
1980-90 Hannyssan Ltd, Production Manager, introduced soap liquid to which
I have patent rights.
INTERESTS: Hunting, shooting and fishing
ACTIVITIES: President of the Hunting Club in Drawsko
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. Do you understand the rules of recruitment?
2. What do you have to do to have a chance to be shortlisted for an interview?
3. What are you not advised to write in a CV?
4. What does a letter of application contain?
5. What do you have to attach to a letter of application?
6. What should you do before you send your application?
7. Are there any differences between a CV sent to America and that sent to the UK?
8. What are most common forms of a resumé?
9. Can you apply for a managerial position if you are not yet a manager?
10. Do you give information about your family in a resumé?
4.1.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please read the text in the frame and answer the questions.
Movement from Job to Job
People change their jobs or leave employment for various reasons. A large number of
people leave the workforce each year either permanently – for example, through retirement –
or else temporarily, for example owing to family commitments. Many others join the
workforce, such as school-leavers looking for work for the first time and women returning to
work after having children. Among those who remain in work, there is a significant amount of
job mobility.
Younger people move job more frequently. Older people, by contrast, change jobs less
often. Labour mobility can also occur where employers post their employees to a new location
or where firms relocate to the new area and seek to take their existing workforces with them.
Employers will usually assist their staff with a relocation package, which might include such
things as:
– help with selling their present house and finding a new one in their new area of work;
– time off work to visit the new area and make necessary arrangements; and
– financial compensation for disturbance.
One of the reasons people change jobs is to further their careers by taking a more senior
post. Promotion is often also available within a firm or organization, especially where it is
a large employer. Often a vacant post will be advertised both externally and also within
a firm, allowing people to come forward who feel ready for new responsibilities. Many
companies appraise their staff on a regular basis – often annually – among other measures to
help assess training needs and readiness for promotion. In smaller firms, by contrast, there are
generally fewer opportunities for internal promotion and so it is common for employers of
such organisations to have to look outside for work in a more senior position.
Employment Rights
Employees in Britain are entitled to a wide level of protection under the law. Many
employees have:
– the right to receive a written statement of the main employment particulars within two
months of starting work;
– the right to an itemized pay statement showing gross pay and deductions;
– protection against unfair dismissal;
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
– protection against discrimination on the grounds of sex and race;
– protection against dismissal, action short of dismissal and refusal of employment, on the
grounds of trade union membership or non-membership;
– protection against dismissal, or other action for taking certain types of action on health
and safety grounds;
– a minimum period of notice in the event of dismissal;
– the right to a lump-sum redundancy payment if their job ceases to exist;
– the rights, for pregnant women, to time off for antenatal care, 14 weeks’ statutory
maternity benefits maintained, to be able to return to work after this period, and
protection against dismissal because of pregnancy; and
– protection against dismissal for asserting a statutory employment right.
For some of these rights, there is a requirement for a minimum qualifying period,
generally of two years, before they apply. A network of industrial tribunals exists to hear
employees’ complaints against alleged breaches of their rights.
źródło: Employment in Britain. Foreign and commonwealth office. Col Publishing
Services. UK 1995.
1. What is the reason for people to change jobs?
2. Which age groups show the greatest mobility?
3. Are people in Britain often relocated?
4. How is a vacancy advertised?
5. How often is the staff given appraisal?
6. What do employees usually receive two months after they start work?
7. What happens if the employee’s job ceases to exist?
8. Are women protected by law during pregnancy?
9. What happens if an employer breaches the employee’s rights?
10. Do all employees enjoy the same kind of protection?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce (jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub
zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika),
2) odpowiedzieć pisemnie na pytania,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please write a short profile of your personality. You may choose from the following
Personality profile – I am the sort of person who….
– has lots of new ideas,
– has lots of energy,
– is talkative,
– gets on well with people,
– relaxes easily,
– seeks variety,
– is sociable,
– is inquisitive,
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
– likes to understand things,
– enjoys organising people,
– enjoys organizing events,
– is calm,
– is cheerful,
– resolves conflicts at work,
– develops new approaches.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) napisać krótką charakterystykę swojej osoby,
2) możesz wybrać cechy, które są podane w ćwiczeniu,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Put the following qualities of human personality into 2 categories: strengths (+) and
weaknesses (-).
easy-going, calm, hard-working, bright, clever, dull, slow, neurotic, quick-tempered, moody,
responsible, reliable, careless, enterprising, sharp, polite, inquisitive, extrovert, introvert, rude,
limited, shy, bold, timid
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przyporządkować podane cechy osobowości człowieka do jednej z dwóch kategorii:
mocnych stron (+) i słabych stron (-). Przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce,
2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa, to skorzystaj ze słownika,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 4
Below you will find details from Janet Murray’s letter of application. Look at the outline
of the letter and indicate where (1-10) the information (a-j) below should go.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Janet Murray
Although I am presently employed by a non-profit making organization, it has always been
my intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance
to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it
provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my
enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.
I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In
the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Dear Ms Baudoin
January 2000
I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The Independent.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
52 Hanover Street
Nathalie Baudoin
Patagonia Gmbh
Reitmorstrasse 50
8000 Munich 22
My work experience has familiarised me with many of the challenges involved in public
relations today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and
expectations of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position.
Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy
working in a German-speaking environment.
Janet Murray
Yours sincerely
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać list aplikacyjny od Janet Murray,
2) dopasować informacje zamieszczone w punktach a – j do luk (1 – 10) pozostawionych
w liście,
3) poszukać wskazówek w Materiale nauczania, jeśli nie znasz odpowiedzi.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 5
Work in pairs. Read the job advertisement, CV and refer back to the letter of application.
Do you think that Janet has a chance of getting the job? What are her strengths and
PATAGONIA has a new position open:
Public Affairs Associate
Job is based in Munich. Candidates must have substantial PR/press experience and strong
writing skills. They must have serious proficiency in technical sports (skiing, kayaking,
climbing…) and outdoor experience. German mother tongue. Environmental background is
a plus. No glamour… it’s a gritty job! Patagonia is a Californian company which designs and
distributes functional outdoor clothing.
Send CV with a picture to:
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Nathalie Baudoin
Patagonia Gmbh
Reitmorstrasse 50
8000 Munich 22 – Germany
The interviews will be in Munich during last week of February.
Personal Details
Janet Murray
52 Hanover Street
Edinburgh EH2 5LM
Phone: 0131 449 0237
1991 – 1992 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Diploma in Public Relations
1988 – 1991 University of London
BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (Class II)
1981 – 1988 Broadfield School, Brighton
A levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and Geography (C)
Professional Experience
1995-present Public Relations Officer, Scottish Nature Trust
Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of the
Trust’s activities and ensuring their distribution to the press
Editor of the Trust’s monthly journal
In charge of relations with European environmental agencies
1992 – 1995 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board
Preparation of promotional materials and brochures
Co-ordination of media coverage
Summer of
1990 and 1991
The Glasgow Tribune newspaper
Two-three month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor
Arranging and conducting interviews
Preparation of articles covering local community sports events
IT Office 2000 and Windows NT, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint
Languages Fluent German and proficient French
Additional Driving licence (car and motocycle)
Cross-country skiing, rock climbing and swimming
Ski Instructor (grade II)
Secretary of the local branch of ‘Action’, an association organizing
sports activities of disabled children
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Geoffrey Williams
Proffesor of Journalism
University of London
Brenda Denholm
Sports Editor
The Glasgow Tribune
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie ogłoszenie o pracę, CV i odnieść się do podania o pracę od Janet
2) zastanowić się, czy Janet ma szansę otrzymania pracy, o którą się ubiega,
3) odpowiedzieć, jakie są jej mocne i słabe strony,
4) przedyskutować z kolegą/koleżanką swoje opinie.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements:
Odpowiedz T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:
Yes No
1) if you do not know the language very well you should write:’fluent’,
2) if your job stops to exist you are entitled to a lump-sum compensation,
3) employees in the U.K. are given appraisals once a month,
4) if you retire you are made redundant,
5) black people cannot be discriminated against on the grounds of race/colour,
6) people in the U.K. are often relocated,
7) in you CV you write about your skills and experience,
8) you learn about a job vacancy from colleagues,
9) in your letter of application you enclose copies of diplomas and certificates,
10) a good CV is usually assertive.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.2. Korespondencja finansowa i transportowa
(Correspondence in Finance and Transport)
4.2.1. Materiał nauczania
Trade between countries within a free trade area and within the European Union is simple
and many firms pay for goods by cheque and use their own transport to deliver goods across
frontiers. No special customs documentation is required for trade between firms in different
parts of the EU, but VAT (value added tax) rates vary from country to country.
Methods of payment maybe on a cash with order basis (or cash deposit with order), an
open account (as in most domestic trade, where the buyer pays the supplier soon after
receiving the goods), by irrevocable letter of credit or by bill of exchange. Exporters and
importers often prefer the security of payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit when
dealing with unknown firms in distant countries.
Methods of Payment in Foreign Trade
Letter of Credit
The Irrevocable Letter of Credit is the most commonly used method of payment for
imports. Exporters can be sure that they will be paid when they dispatch the goods and
importers have proof that the goods have been dispatched according to their instructions.
The ‘letter’ is an inter-bank communication. The two banks take full responsibility that both
shipment and payments are in order.
1. Importer and exporter agree a sales contract and the terms of the Documentary Credit.
2. Importer asks their bank to open a Documentary Credit in the exporter's favour.
3. The importer's bank (the issuing bank) sends a Letter of Credit to a bank in the exporter's
country (the advising bank).
4. The exporter presents the shipping documents to the advising bank as proof that the
shipment has been dispatched. If everything is in order, they are paid.
5. The advising bank sends the documents to the issuing bank.
6. The advising bank sends the documents to the importer, who uses them to obtain
delivery of the goods.
Cash with order (CWO)
Note that cash simply means money in this context. This method is uncommon since you
extend credit to your supplier; in addition you run the risk that the goods will not be
dispatched in accordance with the contract terms. But this is usual with mail order, where you
pay by Eurocheque or cheque or by using a credit card. In business, CWO contracts often
include provision for partial advance payments in the form of deposits (normally between 10
per cent and 20 per cent of the contract price). Or they include progress payments at various
stages of manufacture (particularly for capital goods). Then the remainder of the payment is
usually made by one of the methods described below.
Open account
This is a simple agreement in which you agree to pay for the goods after you have
received them, usually on a monthly basis. There are various ways in which you can send
money to your suppliers under open account. Your suppliers may suggest the method to be
used, for example:
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Cheque: This is usually the slowest method of payment. Your suppliers may have charges
from their own bank and also from banks in your country since a cheque has to be cleared
through the international banking system before they receive credit. Different banks have
different methods and this could take as long as a month. For these reasons your suppliers
may not accept payment by cheque.
– Banker's draft: You can arrange for your bank to issue a draft, which is a kind of cheque,
drawn on an overseas bank in either sterling or foreign currency. You send this direct to
your suppliers who pay it into their bank account. Then they will usually receive
immediate credit,
– Telegraphic Transfer: This is the fastest method of sending money abroad but costs a little
more than most other methods of transferring money. Your bank instructs an overseas
bank, by cable or telex, to pay a stated amount of money to your suppliers. Your own or
foreign currency may be sent in this way. If you wish, the overseas bank can be instructed
to inform your suppliers as soon as the money arrives,
– International Payment Order: You can arrange for your bank to instruct an overseas bank
to make payment to your supplier, by airmail. International Payment Orders are slower
than Telegraphic Transfers, but they are slightly cheaper because there are no cable costs,
– International Money Orders: These can be purchased from your bank. You post the
money order to your suppliers and they receive immediate credit from their bank in the
same way as with a draft. This is a very cheap and simple way to make payment of
relatively small amounts.
Documentary Bill of Exchange
This is a popular way of arranging payment and offers benefits for both you and your
suppliers. The main advantage is that you are not required to make payment until your
suppliers have dispatched the goods. Your suppliers are protected by law and also know that
money owned against bills of exchange can easily be obtained. It is in effect a demand for
payment from your suppliers. They will draw it up on a specially printed form or on their own
headed notepaper and forward it to their bank, together with the documents relating to the
transaction. These may include a transport document proving that the goods have been
The overseas bank will send the bill and documents to a bank in your country for
'collection'. Your bank will notify you of the arrival of the documents and will pass them on to
you provided that:
– if the bill is drawn 'at sight', you pay the amount of the bill in full when it is presented to
– if the bill is drawn payable after a certain number of days you 'accept' the bill. It means
that you sign across the bill your agreement to pay the amount in full on the due date.
Terms of delivery
Prices for exports may by quoted in the buyer’s currency, the seller’s currency or in
a third ‘hard’ currency (e.g. US dollars or Swiss Francs). The price quoted always indicates
the terms of delivery, which conform to the international standard Incoterms. The terms of
delivery that are most common depend on the kinds of goods being traded and the countries
between which the trade is taking place. The most common terms of delivery are:
– CIF – this price covers Cost, Insurance and Fright to a named port of destination in the
buyer’s country.
– EXW – this price is the Ex-Works cost of the goods. The buyer arranges collection from
the supplier and pays for the fright carriage and insurance.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
– FOB – this price includes all costs of the goods Free On Board of a ship (or aircraft)
whose destination is stated in the contract. The buyer pays for onward shipment and
The most commonly used documents in the foreign/home trade are:
– Invoice,
– Proforma invoice,
– Bill of lading.
However different other documents may be required, such as:
– Air Waybill,
– See Waybill,
– Shipping Note,
– Dangerous Goods Note,
– Certificate of Insurance.
The Invoice
In the context of international trade, the invoice provides information about the goods
exchanged between the exporter and the importer. This document is prepared by the exporter
and includes the description of the goods, their price and the quantity supplied.
The properly constructed invoice should contain the following:
– exporter’s name and address,
– importer’s name and address,
– date of issue,
– description of the goods,
– cost of freight and insurance (if specifically requested),
– total amount payable,
– shipment terms (CIF=cost, insurance and freight; the port of destination is named),
– number and type of packages,
– the contents of individual packages,
– the export and/or import licence numbers,
– marks and numbers on packages,
– signature of the exporter.
4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji finansowej i transportowej,
sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What is the Documentary Credit?
2. What is CWO (Cash with Order)?
3. What are partial advance payments?
4. Why don’t suppliers like payments by cheque?
5. What are International Payment Orders?
6. Why are International Payment Orders popular with suppliers?
7. What amount of money is paid for the bill drawn ‘at sight’?
8. When do we write ACCEPT across the bill?
9. What are Incoterms?
10. Who pays the cost of insurance in FOB delivery?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.2.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1.
Look at the following invoice and complete the missing information (a-l).
Źródło: Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English, Workbook, CUP,
Cambridge, 2000
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) zapoznać się z przedstawioną fakturą,
2) uzupełnić brakujące informacje (a-l),
3) wrócić do materiału nauczania lub skorzystać ze słownika, jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please read the following invoice carefully and compare it with the letter ‘Dealing with
invoicing errors’. Try to spot the error of the invoice.
Dealing with invoicing errors
Źródło: Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English, Workbook, CUP,
Cambridge, 2000
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
źródło: New International Business English
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) zapoznać się z przedstawioną fakturą,
2) porównać ją z treścią listu,
3) postarać się wykryć błąd w fakturze.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Please discuss the following with your partner or the teacher:
1. Any experience you have in making foreign payments.
2. What methods are advised for small companies and why?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
3. In what ways are foreign payments similar to or different from home trade or doing
business with established and known customers?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie zagadnienia do dyskusji,
2) przedyskutować swoje opinie z nauczycielem lub kolegą/koleżanką,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give the answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements:
Proszę dać odpowiedź T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:
Yes No
1) the irrevocable letter of credit is not a popular method of payment for
2) the irrevocable letter of credit can be easily cancelled,
3) cif means cost, insurance and fright,
4) both the issuing and the advising bank take full responsibility for the
shipment and payment of goods according to the Documentary Credit,
5) partial advance payment is a kind of provision of the full payment,
6) documentary Bill of Exchange is an advance form of payment,
7) exc means the buyer collects the goods from the supplier,
8) fob means the exporter has covered all the costs of transport,
9) the invoice is a document prepared by the exporter,
10) the invoice must be signed by the exporter.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.3. Notatka służbowa i protokół (‘Memo’ or Memorandum and
4.3.1. Materiał nauczania
The Memorandum (‘Memo’) is used inside organization for internal communication.
It is one of the most common forms of commercial correspondence. It may be addressed
to a superior, a subordinate or members of staff. It is also a convenient form for an informal
short report.
There are rules of Memo writing:
(1) The text should be short and clear. The points should be grouped into paragraphs. It can be
helpful to number the paragraphs, use bullet points or sub-heading which may be provided in
longer memos.
(2) Only relevant material should be included covering all the essential points.
(3) The style should be businesslike. Sentences should be short, but full.
(4) Conventional style or very formal expressions should be avoided.
(5) An effective memo must be friendly, polite and tactful.
To: All staff (to be displayed on staff notice board)
From: Peter Jacobs, Scotsbridge Office Stationary
CC: AS/JR/MSQ Date: 6 February
Re: Unauthorized use of the Internet.
It has been noted that the Internet is increasingly being used for non-work related purposes.
Staff are reminded of the company’s policy with regards to the use of the Internet.
– Only authorized members of staff, who have been issued with a password, may access the
– If the Internet is used to send or reply to e-mail messages, staff must quit as soon as the
task has been accomplished.
– Personal use of the Internet is not permitted at any time, except under exceptional
circumstances and with the approval of a supervisor or manager.
– Use of Internet is constantly monitored and discovery of any extensive or unnecessary
searches will be investigated further.
– This company considers the downloading of games information as serious abuse of
company property and may regard this as grounds for dismissal.
Minutes of the Meeting
The minutes are a written record f the meeting: the business discussed at the meeting, the
decisions reached and the action to be taken. They should be clear, concise, correct and
objective. They are usually read at the next meeting by the Secretary, approved by the
members of the meeting and signed by the Chairperson. Sometimes the minutes are circulated
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
before the meeting by the Secretary. They are usually written up in the Minute book or kept in
Minute File.
If any alternations to the minutes are necessary, they should be agreed by members of the
meeting, written in by the Secretary and signed by the Chairperson. When corrected, they may
be attached to the minutes at the next meeting.
The writing of minutes is done in 2 stages:
1. The taking of minutes at the meeting in note form.
2. The drafting of minutes after the meeting. It should include the following:
– the date, time and place of the meeting,
– the name of the company, commitee, etc.,
– the names of the people present,
– a heading for the minutes, if formulated,
– if necessary, other topics under sub-headings
– the items of business written in the same order as the agenda of the meeting,
– the date and time of the next meeting,
– they can end given the time the meeting closed,
– minutes should include the exact wording of any resolution passed and the name of the
proposer, action recommended is often given in bold type.
Teachers Meeting
10 November 2005
Attending: School teachers, Headteacher Mr Piwoni
Abstent: Ms Kowalska
Notes by: Katherine Polak
The minutes of the October meeting were reviewed, corrected and are attached.
1. The school has been broken into during the weekend. 3 computers have been stolen from
Computer Room.
2. Burglary and theft were reported to the police. Headteacher Mr Piwoni had complained to
the Security Company.
Action: The Computer room shall be moved to the 3rd
floor not to allow any access from the
balcony on the 1st
The next meeting will be on 16th
December before School breaks up for Christmas holiday.
Most meetings have an agenda. For a formal meeting, this document is usually circulated
in advance to all participants. For an informal meeting, the agenda may be simply a list of the
points that have to be dealt with. The purpose of anagenda is to speed up the meeting and
keep everyone to the point. The agenda for a formal meeting must be organized in logical
order. Often the agenda shows not only the topics, but the meeting’s function regarding each
topic. All items on which a decision is to be taken should appear on the agenda, which would
usually have this format:
1. Minutes
2. Matters arising
3. Items
Any other business (AOB)
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące notatki służbowej oraz protokołu i sprawdź, czy jesteś
przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What is the purpose of the Memo?
2. Who is involved?
3. What style of writing is preferred in a Memo?
4. What are minutes of the meeting?
5. When are they taken?
6. Why are they written?
7. Who do minutes involve?
8. Who must sign the minutes?
9. What do minutes and agenda have in common?
10. What is the style of minutes?
11. What is the purpose of agenda?
12. What does an agenda show?
4.3.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please study the memo and answer the questions below:
From: Romana Wiśniewska Date: 3 November 2005
To: Paulina Judycka
Witold Kowalski
Andrzej Mróz
Subject: Training course in Japan 14-28 November
You will be attending a Training course in Japan from 14-28 November this year.
Visa applications
You must fill in visa application form and submit your passport till 9 am on Wednesday, 10
November. All passports will be returned after the visas have been obtained.
Flight information – Additional time in Japan
Flight reservations have been made. It will be possible for one of you to return up to a week
later if you wish to take a short holiday in Japan.
Please read information about Customs regulations procedures. This knowledge will be
helpful during your customs examinations.
Remember to check which articles are prohibited or restricted by Japanese law and which are
tax-free for foreign citizens. Do not to forget to require a card entitled ‘Record of Purchase of
Consumption-Tax-Exempt for Export’ to be attached to your passport. Articles purchased tax-
free will be checked against the card by a customs officer, who will collect the card at the
time of your departure from Japan. Have a nice stay in Japan!
Other matters
Please collect the course materials from Jacek.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
1. What do you have to obtain before your departure for Japan?
2. What is recommended to study about Japanese Customs?
3. What regulations concern foreign citizens?
4. What card do they attach to your foreign passport in Japan?
5. What will the Customs Officer check?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie tekst memo,
2) odpowiedzieć na pytania,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
You are Office Manager of the CEO’s office. Your boss is leaving for a week and asks
you to write a memo under his name with some instructions for the Sales Manager, who is not
in the office at the moment. Write this memo.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przestudiować materiał nauczania dotyczący tworzenia notatki służbowej/memo,
2) napisać własną notatkę zgodnie z poleceniem.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Write a memo on behalf of Ed Richards, the CEO of AVON Cosmetics Poland to all
Sales staff.
Every year your company has its annual sales conference in Międzyzdroje. This year
sales staff from regional offices from all over Poland will attend. You are assistant Sales
Manager and you have taken part in several planning meetings for this conference. You know
all the details that have been decided so far. You also know that after the Sales Manager’s
opening speech information about new products will be given in the regional sales reports the
next day. Staff are to make their own travel arrangements, The conference will begin at 11
Please include information about:
– date of conference,
– time of conference,
– location,
– transport arrangements,
– arrangements for meals and accommodation,
– a brief timetable of the conference,
– any relevant details you consider necessary.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie i przygotować listę potrzebnych informacji,
2) możesz odwołać się do przykładu notatki służbowej, a następnie wpisać swoje informacje
według podanego wzoru,
3) sprawdzić, czy Twoja notatka jest poprawna i kompletna.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 4
Study the minutes of the previous meeting of the Tricycle Café Investor’s Club and
answer the questions below:
1. How do the minutes refer to different people?
2. Who was at the meeting?
3. Who was in the chair?
4. Who was absent?
5. Who took the minutes?
6. What important decisions did they take?
7. What else was discussed?
Monthly meeting: 12/10/00
Present: BD (chair), PM, AB, JC, AC
Apologies: JH
It was decided to sell shares in British Telecom and buy France Telecom.
Great Mart’s poor results and drop in share price were discussed at length. The
group voted 3 to 2 to keep the shares.
The group decided unanimously to purchase a further 200 shares in Macbeth
BD and PM presented new share issues, Virflower and MX Components. It was
agreed to buy 50 shares at £1.50 in Virflower the Internet florists. The group
voted 4 to 1 against investing in MX Components. PM to be responsible for
contacting our broker and making all the transactions.
Jenny and Adrian Coles told us they were moving away from London so could
no longer participate in the club. Thanks for their loyal membership over the past
three years. It was decided to try and recruit new members; AB to place a small
advertisement in the Evening Herald.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać protokół z poprzedniego spotkania Tricycle Café Investor’s Club,
2) odpowiedzieć na pytania.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ćwiczenie 5
Look at the memo below, then match each numbered section to the labels which follow.
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
Computer Ltd
71-73 Berner Street
West Yorkshire BD5 4PL
Telephone: (0274) 785392
Date: 9th
To: Anne Woods, Sales Manager
From: Bill Greenberg, Research & Development Manager
Subject: Presentation of PX12 laser printer
There will be a presentation of our latest project, the PX12 laser printer, on Tuesday
23 June at 2.00 in the main conference room. The agenda is as follows:
1. A brief description by the R&D Dept. of the stages in the development of
this project.
2. A demonstration of the product’s main characteristics: speed, quality of
print, low noise level and numerous options.
3. A presentation by the Marketing Dept. of PX12’s promotion on the laser
printer market.
The PX12 will gradually replace all our existing models. I therefore strongly
recommend that the sales team members attend.
− The ‘body’ of the memo, usually divided into numbered paragraphs which develop the
− A short heading, which tells you what the memo is about.
− Date on which the memo is sent.
− The conclusion of the memo, which often recommends the course of action.
− Name of the person sending the memo.
− Unlike the letters, the memo does not contain forms of address (such as Dear Ms X) or
the sender’s signature. The sender usually types his or her name or initials at the end of
the memo.
− Name of the person to whom the memo is sent.
− A brief introduction to the memo giving the most important information.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie notatkę służbową,
2) dopasować ponumerowane sekcje do podanych opisów.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give the answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements:
Proszę dać odpowiedź T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:
Yes No
1) minutes are a written record of the meeting,
2) the minutes of the previous meeting are read at the next meeting,
3) the minutes should be drafted some time after the meeting,
4) the items of business should be recorded in the same order as the agenda,
5) a memo is written for the Minute Book,
6) a memo is used inside a company,
7) you omit a salutation and a complimentary close in a memo,
8) the resolutions passed should be recorded giving exact wording.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.4. Marketing i reklama (Marketing and Advertising)
4.4.1. Materiał nauczania
Marketing is the term given to the different activities involved in distributing goods from
the manufacturer to the final customer. The combination of the different elements of
a company’s marketing plan, such as product conception and development, promotion,
pricing and packaging is known aas the marketing mix.
Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the need of the buyer. Selling is
preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his product into cash; the marketing with the
idea of satisfying the needs of the customer’…
Theodore Levitt,
Marketing expert
Thus we can state that the customer is KING, so the most effective marketing campaigns
concentrate on their target audience and they have to consider the following:
– what is the campaign’s key massage?
– what special features does the producer service have?
– what are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)?
– what media will be used?
If it is:
a commercial TV- they need a good story and they will have to illustrate it,
a radio spot - they should write a script and think of sound effects and music,
an advertisement - they need a text and artistic designs or visual aids,
for other media - pictures, text, slogans will be needed.
– What special promotion will be used at the start of the campaign?
In order to reach the consumer marketing specialists have to ‘Be everywhere, do
everything and never fail to astonish the customer’.
Macy’s motto
Although large retailers continue to open new stores, they also feel that they have to
experiment with electronic shopping. Research has shown that nearly 20 per cent of
customers will choose initiatives like home-delivery to make their lives easier. Earlier fears
about payment security are also disappearing and customers now feel more confident about
buying over the Net. Such basic things like soap powder, bottled water, nappies, kitchen
towels will be soon purchased by phone, fax, Internet or digital TV. When people go
shopping they will do it for fun. They will visit stores in search for leisure or fun experience –
to try new things, see new goods, shop for specialized items. There will be greater interest in
visiting the larger centres where full range of goods can be seen. Mid-sized retailers in mid-
sized streets will become less and less appealing to customers.
Advertising is an important element of the marketing function. It is used to increase sales by making
the product or service known to a wider audience, and by emphasising its superior qualities.
A company can advertise in a veriety of ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend, and the
size and type of the target audience. The different media for advertising include television, radio,
newspapers, magazines and direct mail, by which advertisers send letters, brochures and leaflets
directly to potential customers. Many advertisments contain a slogan or short phrase to attract the
consumer’s attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember and easy to repeat. Here
are several authentic slogans from advertisments.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
– Not everyone was meant to fly.
– The colour of life.
– Doesn’t he deserve a dinner that looks as good as yours?
– By the time you remember you left it on, it’s off.
– See and be seen with.
– Does she or doesn’t she?
– This year you should wear something loud.
– Doesn’t your family deserve less?
– Introducing seven easy ways to make a chicken fly.
– The best things in life are stll made by hand.
– Never before has something so little done so much for so many.
Marketing and advertising specialists must carry out research to determine what
customers want and to debelop products which satisfy customer needs. A group of customers
which shares a common interest, need or desire is called a market. Companies must determine
which market would be most likely to buy a certain product and aim all their marketing
activities at this target. Specialists use many different methods to devide markets into precise
In order to appeal to their audience marketing specialists need to learn the techniques of
a successful presentation. There are few golden rules of a good presentation. It shold:
– get target audience’s attention,
– capture their imagination,
– have clear, effective message,
– differentiate the product or service,
– persuade the audience to remember the campaign/advertising/commercial/slogan,
– persuade the target audience to buy the product or service.
Giving a presentation do not forget:
1) to introduce your self,
2) introduce your topic,
3) give background,
4) invite questions.
ad 1) On behalf of myself and IBM/Opel Advertising, I’d like to welcome you. My name’s…
ad 2) This morning, I’d like to outline the campaign concept we’ve developed for you.
ad 3) I’ll give you the background and talk you through the results of the market study.
ad 4) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to interrupt me.
4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące marketingu i reklamy, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś
przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What is marketing?
2. What is marketing mix?
3. What is advertising used for?
4. What different media are used for advertising?
5. What kinds of slogans are most effective?
6. What is a market?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.4.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Working in groups of three or four, look through some recent magazines and newspapers
and find two advertisments for different brands of the same product. Use the following
checklist to compare the two advertisements you have chosen:
– What are the target markets for the two advertisements?
– What benefits do the advertisements emphasize?
– Compare the language used in the slogans. Does it attract attention quickly? Is it
– What technique is used in the text (or copy) of each advertisement: is it factual, does it
contain a celebrity endorsement, is there no text at all? Is the prize mentioned?
– Comment od the artistic content of the advertisements (photography, special graphics,
– Which advertisement do you think will sell the most products? Which is the most
creative? Is there anything you would change in either of the ads?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) w aktualnych magazynach lub gazetach znaleźć dwie reklamy promujące ten sam
produkt, ale różnych marek,
2) pracując w 3 – 4-osobowej grupie, porównać wybrane reklamy, wykorzystując sugestie
zawarte w poleceniu,
3) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika,
4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Choose one of the presentation situations below. You may use the following techniques
in your presentation:
a) telling a story,
b) stating a problem,
c) asking a question,
d) offering an amazing fact.
Your bank wishes to encourage young people to save money. Audience: a group of
Situation 2
Your firm has produced a new tape recorder which has unique features. Audience:
a group of buyers at a trade fair.
Situation 3
Your company is developing a small car aimed at women. Audience: a group of car
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) zapoznać się z podanymi sytuacjami i wybrać jedną do prezentacji,
2) przygotować prezentację ustną, wykorzystując jedną z następujących technik:
a) opowiadanie historyjki, b) definiowanie problemu, c) zadawanie pytania,
d) przytaczanie zadziwiającego faktu,
3) wygłosić prezentację przed klasą.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 3
Please assess your colleagues’ presentations according to the criteria given:
Give a score to each question giving 1 – 5 for each category; 5 = outstanding, 1 = poor.
1. Was it interesting? Did it impress you?
2. Was it clear?
3. Was there enough eye contact?
4. Was the pace too quick, too slow or just right?
5. Was the language fluent, accurate and appropriate?
6. Was the voice clear enough? Was it varied in pitch or monotonous?
Total: 30
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) wysłuchać prezentacji kolegów,
2) ocenić prezentacje, posługując się kryteriami podanymi w Karcie Oceny (Assement
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny., Karta Oceny.
Ćwiczenie 4
You work for an insurance company which has decided to use direct mail marketing to
sell retirement pensions to young, single business graduates, who have just started their first
job. In groups (2 or 3), complete the target profile below. Make a lot of persuasive arguments
to convince your audience that a little less cash now means a more comfortable retirement
(for example, one less outing to a night club per week).
Age: ______
Salary: __________
Likes: nightclubs __________
Proportion of income which goes towards
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
rent: ________
clothes: ________
food: ________
holiday: ________
entertainment: ________
savings: ________
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) zapoznać się z poleceniem,
2) pracując w 2 – 3-osobowym zespole wypełnić Profil Konsumenta (Target Profile),
3) znaleźć przekonujące argumenty dla potencjalnego konsumenta, aby zakupił pakiet
4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny, Profil Konsumenta.
Ćwiczenie 5
Write a letter persuading your clients to buy a retirement pension. Make sure the opening
sentence attracts your reader’s attention: there are some research findings you can consider:
1. Profile for private pension.
Couples aged between 35 and 40 who are just beginning to have some financial stability.
They have never considered pensions until now because they felt they couldn’t afford it
and that they were too young to think about retirement. They are a little anxious as they
realise that they have left it very late, and would like to discuss their financial situation
with ‘an expert’ who could advise them on the best plan.
2. Profile for life insurance.
Young married couples who have just had their first baby. They are aged between 25 and
30 and have fairly good salaries but are very careful about their spending. They have
never considered insurance before and are put off by the complicated documents. They are
suspicious of insurance sales people and would not agree to spending hours going over
figures with them. They would respond if the insurance plan was inexpensive and looked
easy to take out.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie,
2) zapoznać się z charakterystykami potencjalnych nabywców: 1 – prywatnej emerytury,
2 – ubezpieczenia na życie,
3) znaleźć przekonujące argumenty dla potencjalnego konsumenta, aby zakupił dany pakiet
4) zaprezentować przygotowane scenki w klasie.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ćwiczenie 6
How many of the people in your class own a pair of sports shoes or trainers? Do a quick
class survey and find out the name of the brand people wear and why the choose it.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie,
2) przeprowadzić ankietę w klasie dotyczącą preferowanego obuwia sportowego,
3) zaprezentować wyniki w klasie,
4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 7
From a list of products in the table think of three distinct brands on the market:
soft drinks/ cigarettes/ family cars/ jeans
Discuss how the brands you have chosen differentiate themselves to make themselves
obviously different from their competitors? Please think of
– an image of the brand (e.g. exclusive, cool, sophisticated, etc)
– target audience (the age, social status, the income group, etc).
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) dla każdego produktu z listy podać 3 marki,
2) przeprowadzić dyskusję, jak poszczególne marki różnią się między sobą,
3) rozważyć:
– wizerunek marki,
– potencjalnego nabywcę (wiek, status społeczny, dochód, itp.),
4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 8
Tell the class about your 3 different brands which you think are:
– distinct,
– high quality,
– exciting.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przedstawić w klasie wybrane 3 marki,
2) podkreślić, dlaczego sądzisz, że są: wyróżniające się, wysokiej jakości, interesujące,
3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answer to the following statements:
Proszę odpowiedzieć T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:
Yes No
1) the average consumer is unaware of marketing,
2) launching new products is not expensive,
3) companies keep secret the details of their Research and Development
4) sportstars charge a lot of money for endorsement,
5) coca Cola and Pepsi are competitors,
6) television commercials are inexpensive form of advertising,
7) if you look for quality, you should buy products of well-known brands.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.5. Postępowanie administracyjne (Administrative procedures)
4.5.1. Materiał nauczania
By public administration we understand a part of the state work done by means of
public bodies, which consists in organizing the direct and practical performance of the public
duties. It is made up of legislative and judicial work.
Public administration organs are divided into central and local units of authority. Head
offices of public administration are: Council of Ministers, President of the Council of
Ministers, the ministers and the chairmen of committees forming the Council of Ministers
(e.g. The Chairman of Scientific Research Committee). Their feature is that they are
responsible directly to the parliament and territorially they cover the whole state.
To central organs of public administration belong those organs encompassing the whole
state which are not included in the Council of Ministers and report either to the Council of
Ministers or the President of the Council of Ministers or to single ministers. The examples of
the central organs are:
– The President of the Competition and Consumers Office, reporting to the Council of
– The President of the Central Statistical Office (reporting to the President of the Council of
– The President of the Central Customs Office (reporting to the Minister of Finance),
– Sanitary Chief Inspector (reporting to the Minister of Health and Social Care)
Territorial organs of the public administration are:
– The Voivod,
– Subject to the Voivod head officers of the combined services, inspection and the fire
service (e.g. Voivodship Sanitary Inspector, Voivodship Inspector of Building)
– Statistical Office, Head Officer of Chamber of Tax.
Organs of the local authorities are:
– Local parliament of the Voivodship and the management of the Voivodship with the
Marshal of the Voivodship presiding,
– Borough Council and the Management Board with the President of The Management
Board presiding.
There are 5 forms of activity in public administration:
1) issuing normative bills,
2) issuing administrative bills,
3) concluding administrative agreements,
4) concluding of contracts,
5) performance of other duties.
By administrative proceedings we understand the whole of provisions that stipulate the
authority of the organs of public administration in settling the civil and corporate cases.
There are the following types of administrative proceedings:
– the general proceedings,
– proceedings in matters of issuing certificates,
– proceedings in claims and motions,
– proceedings in matters of settling disputes between the state organs and the local organs.
The legal basis for the general administrative proceedings is the Administration Law. Its
provisions are included in such acts of law as: Administrative Proceedings Code, Tax Laws,
Law on the Supreme Administration Court, laws on executive proceedings in administration.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
The subject of the general administrative proceedings are individual cases settled in
administrative proceedings. Administrative decisions are also concessions issued as a result of
the administrative proceedings.
Other proceedings, so called special proceedings are apart from the Administrative
Proceedings Code covered by different acts of law.
Within the administrative proceedings there are two phases:
– the first, started at opening the proceedings and ended with a decision issued by the local
– the second, where the correctness of the decision issued by the local organ is verified.
The administrative proceedings are opened by the authorized administrative organ and the
basis for this can be either a claim by a party or on the initiative of the organ.
4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące postępowania administracyjnego, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś
przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What is meant by public administration?
2. What types of activities does the public administration perform?
3. What is the structure of the organs of public administration?
4. What are the forms of activities performed by public administration?
5. What do the administrative proceedings consist of?
6. What are the types of administrative proceedings?
4.5.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Present the structure of public administration with a graph.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeanalizować materiał nauczania,
2) opracować hierarchię organów administracji publicznej,
3) przedstawić strukturę administracji publicznej za pomocą grafów.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny, Kodeks Postępowania
Administracyjnego, komputer z oprogramowaniem PowerPoint
Ćwiczenie 2
You want to set up a sole trader company. What do you have to do?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie,
2) odpowiedzieć na pytanie.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Ćwiczenie 3
You have bought a new car. What do you have to do?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie,
2) odpowiedzieć na pytanie.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 4
You have moved house. You have to get a new identity card. What do you do?
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie,
2) odpowiedzieć na pytanie.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answer to the following statements:
Proszę odpowiedzieć T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:
Yes No
1) public administration bodies perform private duties,
2) administrative organs are parts of public administration,
3) public administration head offices report to Parliament,
4) public administration bodies can be private institutions,
5) organs of public administration issue normative and administrative bills,
conclude administrative agreements and contracts and also perform other
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.6. Korespondencja Handlowa (Business Correspondence)
4.6.1. Materiał nauczania
In Chapter Business Correspondence of the unit Work with Text we introduced different
types of letters and general rules applying to correspondence. In the present Chapter we will
introduce elements of Making a Complaint. A proper complaint should include:
1) details concerning order transaction,
2) the reason for making a complaint,
3) suggestion how the complaint should be dealt with,
4) stating that the order has been improperly executed,
5) expression of satisfaction,
6) polite ending.
You may need to complain about: Examples:
bad workmanship The goods were poorly finished
accounting error We found 14 scarves missing
delay in delivery Your delivery arrived after the Christmas Season
quality The goods were in very bad condition
breakage Most boxes were broken
packaging/packing The packaging was inadequate and looked as if it had
been broken in transit
The language of complaint should be polite and careful. Our aim is not to offend the
business partner but to improve the situation. It is advised to use impersonal forms and the
passive. Example:
There appears to be an error.
The mistake must be corrected.
There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding the terms of discount.
E-mail massage
To : British
From: Sabina Bogucka
Subject: Late delivery Order No 765
Date: 16 November 2005
Dear Mr Black
We are in receipt of your fax dated 3 November. We regret to inform you that the shipment
has not reached us yet. When placing our order we stressed that prompt delivery was
We think the truck may have been held up at the Polish-German border.
We would like to mention that this is causing us great inconvenience. We need the paints for
the Christmas Season.
Please e-mail as soon as you know the cause of delay.
Your sincerely
Sabina Bogucka
Sales Manager
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji handlowej, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś
przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What language should you use in a complaint?
2. What information should it contain?
3. What grammatical forms are recommended?
4.6.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Please write verbs collocating with ‘CLAIM’ and ‘COMPLAINT’. Give their Polish
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) wypisać czasowniki tworzące kolokacje z podanymi słowami,
2) podać ich znaczenie w języku polskim,
3) w razie potrzeby skorzystać ze słownika.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
Ćwiczenie 2
Please complain about late delivery and bad quality of:
a) leather goods from China
b) poor finish of silk scarves coming for Christmas Season.
Write an e-mail to: China
Order No 875
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) napisać zażalenie dotyczące opóźnienia w dostawie i złej jakości: a) produktów ze skóry
pochodzących z Chin, b) złego wykończenia jedwabnych szalików zamówionych na
okres świąteczny,
2) w razie potrzeby skorzystać ze słownika.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answer to the following statements:
Proszę odpowiedzieć T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia:
Yes No
1) most people like making a complaint,
2) making a complaint requires experience,
3) you should be assertive and aggressive to win a complaint,
4) polite behaviour is most recommended in a complaint,
5) if you have a problem you should ask to speak to the manager.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
4.7. Korespondencja osobowa (Personal Correspondence)
4.7.1. Materiał nauczania
It is a duty of the employer to keep Personal Files on their employees from the beginning
of the employment to its termination. Such documents usually contain a letter of
application/motivation, a CV, all necessary documentation concerning health, holidays,
periods of training and pension scheme. Employees in the UK are entitled to a wide level of
protection under the law (please look for detailed information in ‘Movement from Job to Job’,
ćwiczenie 1, chapter 4.1.). Pregnant women, for example, are entitled to time off for antenatal
care, 14 weeks statutory maternity benefits, protection against dismissal because of pregnancy
and the right to be able to return to work after maternity leave.
Please read the Memo from Janet Murray informing the employer about her pregnancy.
16 November 2005
From: Jenet Murray
Natalie Baudoin
Reitmorstrasse 50
8000 Munich 22
Subject: 2 weeks unpaid leave
I have visited a doctor this week and I have his statement that I am 4 months pregnant. At the
moment I feel very fit and healthy, but I would greatly appreciate if I could have 2 weeks
unpaid holiday starting immediately after Christmas. I hope I will be able to go on a skiing
holiday to Austria.
4.7.2. Pytania sprawdzające
Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji i dokumentacji osobowej,
sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń.
1. What documents are usually kept in your Personal File?
2. Who is obliged to keep it?
3. What protection are pregnant women entitled to?
4.7.3. Ćwiczenia
Ćwiczenie 1
Write a short memo to your boss asking him/her for a week of unpaid holiday for your
honeymoon in Kenya.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś:
1) napisać krótką notatkę do szefa z prośbą o tydzień bezpłatnego urlopu z powodu wyjazdu
do Kenii na miesiąc miodowy,
2) zadbać o odpowiednią formę pisma.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny..
Ćwiczenie 2
Write to your boss asking him/her for a 3 months holiday because you want to take part
in a scientific expedition to Nepal. Give reasons.
Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia
1) napisać do szefa z prośbą o 3-miesięczny urlop, gdyż chcesz wziąć udział w naukowej
ekspedycji do Napalu,
2) podać przekonujące argumenty.
Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy:
– słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
4.7.4. Sprawdzian postępów
Please answer the questions:
Proszę odpowiedzieć na pytania: Yes No
1) does the employer keep Personal Files?
2) are a CV and a letter of application kept in the Personal File?
3) are employees give right to take legal actions against their employers
in case of breach of contract?
4) are pregnant employees entitled to special protection by law?
5) if somebody has just started their job, are they protected by law?
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
1. Przeczytać uważnie instrukcję.
2. Podpisz imieniem i nazwiskiem kartę odpowiedzi.
3. Zapoznaj się z zestawem pytań testowych.
4. Test zawiera 12 pytań. Do każdego pytania dołączone są 4 możliwości odpowiedzi. Tylko
jedna jest prawidłowa.
5. Udzielaj odpowiedzi tylko na załączonej karcie odpowiedzi, stawiając w odpowiedniej
rubryce znak X. W przypadku pomyłki należy błędną odpowiedź zaznaczyć kółkiem,
a następnie ponownie zakreślić odpowiedź prawidłową.
6. Pracuj samodzielnie, bo tylko wtedy będziesz miał satysfakcję z wykonanego zadania.
7. Kiedy udzielenie odpowiedzi będzie Ci sprawiało trudność, wtedy odłóż jego rozwiązanie
na później i wróć do niego, gdy zostanie Ci wolny czas.
8. Na rozwiązanie testu masz 30 min.
Zestaw pytań testowych
1. If your company ceases to exist you are entitled to:
a) be dismissed,
b) be relocated,
c) be appraised,
d) be offered a lump-sum for compensation.
2. If there is a breach of your work contract you may:
a) stop work,
b) take the case to the Industrial Tribunal,
c) write about it in a newspaper,
d) take unpaid leave.
3. What is not advised to put in your CV?
a) your biography,
b) copies of certificates and diplomas,
c) untrue information,
d) information about children.
4. Why are the relations between management and employees rather formal?
a) because they assess your performance,
b) because they are reserved,
c) because they are self-confident,
d) because they are your superiors.
5. What kind of language do you use to speak to your superiors?
a) colloquial,
b) polite and rather formal,
c) polite,
d) formal.
6. What is used to register the contents of a meeting?
a) memo,
b) resume,
c) report,
d) minutes.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
7. Where do you have to register a limited liability company?
a) Voivod Office,
b) local authority,
c) Court,
d) public administration body.
8. What documents are used to charge for goods or/and services?
a) invoices,
b) certificates,
c) credits,
d) concessions.
9. How do you address a letter to a particular person in a company?
a) by writing Mr,
b) by writing Ms,
c) by writing Attention to,
d) by writing Miss.
10. If you want to apply for a leave you should?
a) talk to your boss,
b) write a memo/application,
c) write a letter,
d) write minutes.
11. What do you have to attach to your letter of application and CV?
a) diplomas and certificates,
b) sick leave,
c) photograph,
d) bank account.
12. What do you have to observe if you deliver goods abroad?
a) FOB,
b) EXW,
c) CIF,
d) Incoterms.
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
Imię i nazwisko.....................................................................................................
Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem
Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
Odpowiedź Punkty
1 a b c d
2 a b c d
3 a b c d
4 a b c d
5 a b c d
6 a b c d
7 a b c d
8 a b c d
9 a b c d
10 a b c d
11 a b c d
12 a b c d
„Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego”
1. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S.: Market Leader, Coursebook, Intermediate Business,
Longman, 2000
2. Johnson Ch.: Market Leader Banking and Finance, Longman 2000
3. Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English, Workbook, CUP, Cambridge,
4. Naunton, J.: Head for Business, Oxford, 2000
5. Świda D.: Office English, Polter, Warszawa 1998
6. Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business, Coursebook, Longman, 2000
7. Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business, Workbook, Longman, 2000
8. Employment in Britain. Foreign and commonwealth office. Col Publishing Services. UK

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13. Wykorzystanie języka w praktyce gospodarczej

  • 1.
  • 2. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” MINISTERSTWO EDUKACJI i NAUKI Danuta Malinowska-Bartków Wykorzystanie języka w praktyce gospodarczej 341[02].Z2.03 Poradnik dla ucznia Wydawca Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy Radom 2006
  • 3. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 1 Recenzenci: mgr Janina Rosiak mgr Lidia Pszkit dr Patrycja Kamińska – opinia językowa Opracowanie redakcyjne: mgr inż. Katarzyna Maćkowska Konsultacja: mgr Andrzej Zych Korekta: mgr Joanna Fundowicz Poradnik stanowi obudowę dydaktyczną programu jednostki modułowej 341[02].Z2.03. Wykorzystanie języka w praktyce gospodarczej zawartego w programie nauczania dla zawodu technik ekonomista. Wydawca Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Radom 2006
  • 4. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 2 SPIS TREŚCI 1. Wprowadzenie 3 2. Wymagania wstępne 4 3. Cele kształcenia 5 4. Materiał nauczania 6 4.1. Podanie o pracę i życiorys (Letter of application and CV) 6 4.1.1. Materiał nauczania 6 4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające 10 4.1.3. Ćwiczenia 10 4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów 16 4.2. Korespondencja finansowa i transportowa (Correspondence in Finance and Transport) 17 4.2.1. Materiał nauczania 17 4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające 19 4.2.3. Ćwiczenia 20 4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów 23 4.3. Notatka służbowa i protokół (‘Memo’ or Memorandum and Minutes) 24 4.3.1. Materiał nauczania 24 4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające 26 4.3.3. Ćwiczenia 26 4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów 30 4.4. Marketing i reklama (Marketing and Advertising) 31 4.4.1. Materiał nauczania 31 4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające 32 4.4.3. Ćwiczenia 33 4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów 37 4.5. Postępowanie administracyjne (Administrative Procedures) 38 4.5.1. Materiał nauczania 38 4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające 39 4.5.3. Ćwiczenia 39 4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów 40 4.6. Korespondencja Handlowa (Business Correspondence) 41 4.6.1. Materiał nauczania 41 4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające 42 4.6.3. Ćwiczenia 42 4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów 43 4.7. Korespondencja osobowa (Personal Correspondence) 44 4.7.1. Materiał nauczania 44 4.7.2. Pytania sprawdzające 44 4.7.3. Ćwiczenia 44 4.7.4. Sprawdzian postępów 45 5. Sprawdzian osiągnięć 46 6. Literatura 49
  • 5. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 3 1. WPROWADZENIE Poradnik ten będzie Ci pomocny w doskonaleniu pracy z tekstem w języku angielskim dotyczącym języka praktycznego przydatnego w wykonywaniu zawodu. Zawartość poradnika (pakietu): – wprowadzenie, – wymagania i umiejętności, jakie powinieneś mieć już opanowane, – wykaz umiejętności, jakie ukształtujesz podczas pracy z tym poradnikiem (pakietem), – materiał nauczania, czyli wiadomości związane z wykonywaniem Twojego zawodu, – zestawy pytań, które pomogą Ci sprawdzić, czy opanowałeś treści podane w materiale nauczania, – ćwiczenia, które mają na celu wykształcenie twoich umiejętności praktycznych, – sprawdzian postępów. Poradnik zawiera również wykaz literatury oraz materiałów pomocniczych, tj. słowników, opracowań specjalistycznych pomocnych zarówno w trakcie nauki, jak i w wykonywaniu pracy zawodowej. W pakiecie są informacje dotyczące sposobów pisania listów motywacyjnych, życiorysów (CV), sporządzania notatek służbowych i protokołów, dokumentów kadrowych i finansowych, jak również zasad postępowania administracyjnego i technik marketingowych. Oczywiście, poradnik ten zawiera niewielką cześć wiadomości z tego zakresu. Pragnąc rozwijać swoje umiejętności, powinieneś korzystać z literatury podanej w poradniku, jak również z szeregu innych publikacji. W trakcie nauki pomocny Ci będzie nauczyciel, który odpowie na Twoje pytania, rozwieje wątpliwości oraz wskaże Ci dodatkowe źródła informacji. Zamieszczone w poradniku pytania pozwolą Ci na sprawdzenie, czy posiadasz wystarczającą wiedzę z odpowiedniego zakresu materiału oraz czy możesz przystąpić do wykonania ćwiczeń. Jeśli Twoje odpowiedzi będą poprawne, to możesz przejść do dalszego etapu, jeśli nie – będziesz wiedział, gdzie masz luki i co powinieneś uzupełnić. Pod warunkiem, oczywiście, że będziesz odpowiadać na pytania samodzielnie. Po etapie sprawdzania stanu Twojej wiedzy będziesz mógł przejść do następnego etapu, czyli do wykonania ćwiczeń praktycznych, których celem jest uzupełnienie i utrwalenie informacji teoretycznych. Po wykonaniu zestawu ćwiczeń będziesz mógł sprawdzić swoje postępy, wykonując test Sprawdzian postępów, zamieszczony zawsze w podrozdziale. Poznanie przez Ciebie całego lub określonej części poradnika będzie stanowiło dla nauczyciela podstawę przeprowadzenia sprawdzianu poziomu przyswojonych wiadomości i ukształtowanych umiejętności. Nauczyciel posłuży się w tym celu Zestawem zadań testowych zawierających różnego rodzaju pytania. W poradniku zamieszczony jest przykładowy test.
  • 6. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 4 2. WYMAGANIA WSTEPNE Przystępując do realizacji tej jednostki modułowej powinieneś umieć: – korzystać z różnych źródeł w celu znalezienia potrzebnych Ci informacji, – czytać lub słuchać ze zrozumieniem tekst w języku angielskim na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym (intermediate), zadać pytania do tekstu i udzielić odpowiedzi, – posługiwać się słownikiem anglojęzycznym w celu znalezienia definicji nieznanego słowa w języku angielskim, – posługiwać się podręcznikiem gramatyki języka angielskiego w celu wyjaśnienia wątpliwości z gramatyki, – wymawiać wyrazy angielskie zgodnie z transkrypcją fonetyczną podaną w słowniku bądź w podręcznikach do nauki języka angielskiego, – stosować zasady transkrypcji fonetycznej, – stosować zasady gramatyki języka angielskiego na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym (intermediate).
  • 7. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 5 3. CELE KSZTAŁCENIA W wyniku procesu kształcenia uczeń/słuchacz powinien umieć: – przeczytać ze zrozumieniem tekst o tematyce zawodowej, – zapoznać się z problemami rekrutacji i rynkiem pracy, – poznać różne rodzaje listów motywacyjnych i życiorysów, – rozróżnić standardy obowiązujące w Wielkiej Brytanii i USA, – napisać list motywacyjny i życiorys (CV), – zebrać właściwe dokumenty ubiegając się o pracę, – poznać sposoby rozliczeń finansowych w handlu krajowym i zagranicznym, – sporządzić dokumenty finansowe, – sporządzić notatkę służbową i protokół z zebrania, – zorganizować kampanię reklamową promującą produkt lub usługę dobierając określone media, – dokonać prezentacji oferowanego produktu lub usługi w języku angielskim – opracować i przeprowadzić sondaż opinii na temat danego produktu, marki, usługi, preferencji konsumentów, itd., – napisać zapytanie ofertowe, – dokonać reklamacji towaru lub usługi – prowadzić korespondencję handlową – prowadzić korespondencję osobową, – poznać procedury postępowania administracyjnego.
  • 8. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 6 4. MATERIAŁ NAUCZANIA 4.1. Podanie o pracę i życiorys (Letter of application and CV) 4.1.1. Materiał nauczania When a company needs to recruit new workforce it usually advertises the vacant job or position in a newspaper. Job seekers may then apply for it sending a letter of application/covering letter and their CV/C.V. or resumé giving details of their experience and education. It is absolutely essential to understand the rules of recruitment. The employer does not know the candidate personally and they enjoy the privilege of choosing the best and most suitable candidate and eventually pay for it. This is why the information they process from the application is crucial. They prepare a short list of candidates to be invited for the interview. The most attractive candidate seems to be a young person with considerable experience. Many young people, especially students, who gain rather theoretical knowledge at the university, fight this contradiction by going to internships to foreign countries. This way they have a chance to get a job experience and practice a foreign language as well. Then they can mention it in their CV. Applying for a job involves creating a positive image of a candidate and encouraging the employer to be interested in them. That is why it is best if this image is true and if all information you give can be easily verified. So it is not advised to put information ‘fluent English and German’ if you really cannot speak the languages fluently. You can expect the interview, or part of it, to be carried out in those languages. If you apply for a management position it is not necessary be a manager, but you need to realize that this position requires leadership and organizational skills as well as motivational and communicational skills. You need to be ambitious, have initiative, be assertive and brave. If you apply for such a post, you need to convince the employer that you have such potential and the necessary skills, of course. A letter of application is as important as a CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. Both CV and a letter of application should be well written, clear, neat and true. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make poor impression. The letter of application normally contains four paragraphs in which you should: – confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job, – say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the company, – show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skills and experience, – indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say when you would be free to attend). An application is completed when it contains: – a letter of application/covering letter, – CV/resumé, – copies of diplomas, – other certificates. All those documents can be sent by post or by e-mail, and in exceptional cases, handed in, personally. But before they are put in an envelope, they should be proofread, corrected and spell checked. Misprints, language errors or factual errors are unacceptable.
  • 9. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 7 Elements of a CV There are several basic elements that a CV should include. These are: 1) Personal details: a) name – printed on top of the page in big letters and bold type, b) address – below the name, together with postal code, telephone number/fax number or e-mail address, c) date of birth – (in the USA you do not give your date of birth), d) marital status – married or single (if you have children you may give the information, in the USA however, you usually do not give it). 2) Languages – native, fluent, fluent written and spoken, fair/working knowledge or basic. 3) Capabilities/skills – those most essential skills or capabilities which may come useful in the post/job you apply for, such as: – organizing, – leading, – motivating, – controlling, – selling skills, – technical skills, – good interpersonal skills, – good communications skills etc. 4) Achievements – usually a few achievements you consider important. 5) Job experience - /Experience/Employment/Career/Work History. You begin from your present position going ‘backwards’ in time. It is important to mention experience gained, giving facts and figures whenever possible. 6) Education – diplomas and certificates are given by the candidate in a sequence from the most recent to the most remote ones. Example: 1990 – KNOW HOW Fund training in Kazimierz Dolny Executive Programme 1980 – Postgraduate Diploma in financial Management of a Sole Trader Company, Polish Fundation for Staff Training, Szczecin 1968-74 – University of Warsaw, English Institute, Master’s Degree in English Philology 1968-72 – Higher School of Foreign Languages, diploma of Translator in English and Russian 7) Additional information – it is recommended to mention here information grouped into: interests/hobbies and activities. Examples: INTERESTS: Skiing, playing tennis and singing in a choir ACHIEVEMENTS: Member of Skiing Club at the University of Szczecin, member of a choir “Postcriptum” Forms of CV/ Resumé There are a few conventions of writing a resumé. Most often we use the chronological, the functional and the combination resumé (combining the conventions of both a chronological and a functional resumé). Chronological Resumé You give information in the chronological form: both about job experience and education. You also write about your interests and activities. But there is no place to write neither about your achievements, nor objectives you want to reach. Such resumés, therefore, looks rather not very convincing.
  • 10. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 8 Functional Resumé Functional resumé gives first of all information concerning education, skills and achievements of the applicant/candidate which are relevant to job position they apply for. They include the objectives the candidate defines and aims to reach. This approach favours especially such candidates who have often changed jobs in the past or had a part time job. Combination Resumé Is preferred by the professionals having big job experience who are looking for a challenge or change. Giving chronologically periods of employment may convince the employer about big experience, but the short profile may focus on the candidate’s strengths and new objectives. Examples: Chronological Resumé WITOLD KOVALSKI 01-410 Warsaw Telephone: 0 22 648 47 46 Fax: 0 22 648 46 46 EXPERIENCE 1998 present Polish Company, Poland: the Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, responsible for the production and sales of furniture in Poland and in Germany, Developed the company from a medium size factory employing 170 workers to a company employing almost 1000 employees at the moment, Increased the turnover of the company 6 fold. 1990-98 Chemipol Ltd, Director responsible for Production, Developed the sector of building materials by introducing the assembly line and mechanical system of painting and cutting monitored by a computer. 1980-90 Hannyssan Ltd, Production Manager, introduced soap liquid to which I have patent rights. 1973-80 Technical University of Szczecin, Chemical Engineer EDUCATION 1967-73 Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry 1962-67 Chemical Secondary School in Szczecin Functional Resumé WITOLD KOVALSKI 01-410 Warsaw ul. Czorsztyńska 8/6 Telephone: 0 22 648 47 46 Fax: 0 22 648 46 46 DATE OF BIRTH: 20.11.1948 MARITAL STATUS: married LANGUAGES: Polish: native language English: fair knowledge in writing and speaking Russian: working knowledge in speaking OBJECTIVE: A management position with a production company
  • 11. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 9 EDUCATION: Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry CAPABILITIES: Experience in handling production processes High Management Skills High Marketing Skills Excellent Organizational Skills Ability to work under pressure Computer Skills AHIEVEMENTS: Introduced a system of motivating employees based on incentive, managed to enlarge the workforce and to increase the turnover 6 times during his time in office. Introduced special systems of monitoring quality and packing. INTERESTS: Hunting, shooting and fishing ACTIVITIES: President of the Hunting Club in Drawsko Combination Resumé Curriculum Vitae WITOLD KOVALSKI 01-410 Warsaw ul. Czorsztyńska 8/6 Telephone: 0 22 648 47 46 Fax: 0 22 648 46 46 DATE OF BIRTH: 20.11.1948 MARITAL STATUS: Married, 1 child LANGUAGES: Polish: native language Russian: working knowledge PROFILE: Highly EFFICIENT MANAGER and ENGINEER KEY SKILLS: Controlling finance, production and marketing EDUCATION: Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry AHIEVEMENTS: Developed my own liquid soap and my own system of motivating the workforce based on incentive, developed present company by enlarging the workforce (6 times) and increasing the turnover (6 times). EDUCATION: 1969-1973 Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Chemistry EXPERIENCE: 1980- PRESENT Polipol Co Ltd, Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors 1990-98 Chemipol Ltd, Director responsible for Production Developed the sector of building materials by introducing the assembly line and mechanical system of painting and cutting monitored by a computer. 1980-90 Hannyssan Ltd, Production Manager, introduced soap liquid to which I have patent rights. INTERESTS: Hunting, shooting and fishing ACTIVITIES: President of the Hunting Club in Drawsko
  • 12. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 10 4.1.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiadając na pytania, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. Do you understand the rules of recruitment? 2. What do you have to do to have a chance to be shortlisted for an interview? 3. What are you not advised to write in a CV? 4. What does a letter of application contain? 5. What do you have to attach to a letter of application? 6. What should you do before you send your application? 7. Are there any differences between a CV sent to America and that sent to the UK? 8. What are most common forms of a resumé? 9. Can you apply for a managerial position if you are not yet a manager? 10. Do you give information about your family in a resumé? 4.1.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1 Please read the text in the frame and answer the questions. Movement from Job to Job People change their jobs or leave employment for various reasons. A large number of people leave the workforce each year either permanently – for example, through retirement – or else temporarily, for example owing to family commitments. Many others join the workforce, such as school-leavers looking for work for the first time and women returning to work after having children. Among those who remain in work, there is a significant amount of job mobility. Younger people move job more frequently. Older people, by contrast, change jobs less often. Labour mobility can also occur where employers post their employees to a new location or where firms relocate to the new area and seek to take their existing workforces with them. Employers will usually assist their staff with a relocation package, which might include such things as: – help with selling their present house and finding a new one in their new area of work; – time off work to visit the new area and make necessary arrangements; and – financial compensation for disturbance. Promotion One of the reasons people change jobs is to further their careers by taking a more senior post. Promotion is often also available within a firm or organization, especially where it is a large employer. Often a vacant post will be advertised both externally and also within a firm, allowing people to come forward who feel ready for new responsibilities. Many companies appraise their staff on a regular basis – often annually – among other measures to help assess training needs and readiness for promotion. In smaller firms, by contrast, there are generally fewer opportunities for internal promotion and so it is common for employers of such organisations to have to look outside for work in a more senior position. Employment Rights Employees in Britain are entitled to a wide level of protection under the law. Many employees have: – the right to receive a written statement of the main employment particulars within two months of starting work; – the right to an itemized pay statement showing gross pay and deductions; – protection against unfair dismissal;
  • 13. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 11 – protection against discrimination on the grounds of sex and race; – protection against dismissal, action short of dismissal and refusal of employment, on the grounds of trade union membership or non-membership; – protection against dismissal, or other action for taking certain types of action on health and safety grounds; – a minimum period of notice in the event of dismissal; – the right to a lump-sum redundancy payment if their job ceases to exist; – the rights, for pregnant women, to time off for antenatal care, 14 weeks’ statutory maternity benefits maintained, to be able to return to work after this period, and protection against dismissal because of pregnancy; and – protection against dismissal for asserting a statutory employment right. For some of these rights, there is a requirement for a minimum qualifying period, generally of two years, before they apply. A network of industrial tribunals exists to hear employees’ complaints against alleged breaches of their rights. źródło: Employment in Britain. Foreign and commonwealth office. Col Publishing Services. UK 1995. 1. What is the reason for people to change jobs? 2. Which age groups show the greatest mobility? 3. Are people in Britain often relocated? 4. How is a vacancy advertised? 5. How often is the staff given appraisal? 6. What do employees usually receive two months after they start work? 7. What happens if the employee’s job ceases to exist? 8. Are women protected by law during pregnancy? 9. What happens if an employer breaches the employee’s rights? 10. Do all employees enjoy the same kind of protection? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce (jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika), 2) odpowiedzieć pisemnie na pytania, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2 Please write a short profile of your personality. You may choose from the following qualities. Personality profile – I am the sort of person who…. – has lots of new ideas, – has lots of energy, – is talkative, – gets on well with people, – relaxes easily, – seeks variety, – is sociable, – is inquisitive,
  • 14. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 12 – likes to understand things, – enjoys organising people, – enjoys organizing events, – is calm, – is cheerful, – resolves conflicts at work, – develops new approaches. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) napisać krótką charakterystykę swojej osoby, 2) możesz wybrać cechy, które są podane w ćwiczeniu, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3 Put the following qualities of human personality into 2 categories: strengths (+) and weaknesses (-). easy-going, calm, hard-working, bright, clever, dull, slow, neurotic, quick-tempered, moody, responsible, reliable, careless, enterprising, sharp, polite, inquisitive, extrovert, introvert, rude, limited, shy, bold, timid Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przyporządkować podane cechy osobowości człowieka do jednej z dwóch kategorii: mocnych stron (+) i słabych stron (-). Przeczytać uważnie tekst zamieszczony w ramce, 2) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa, to skorzystaj ze słownika, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 4 Below you will find details from Janet Murray’s letter of application. Look at the outline of the letter and indicate where (1-10) the information (a-j) below should go. 1 3 2
  • 15. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 13 Janet Murray a) Although I am presently employed by a non-profit making organization, it has always been my intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance to work for your company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests. b) I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you. c) Dear Ms Baudoin d) 8th January 2000 e) I am writing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The Independent. 4 5 6 7 9 10 8
  • 16. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 14 f) 52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 5LM UK g) Nathalie Baudoin Patagonia Gmbh Reitmorstrasse 50 8000 Munich 22 Germany h) My work experience has familiarised me with many of the challenges involved in public relations today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy working in a German-speaking environment. i) Janet Murray j) Yours sincerely Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać list aplikacyjny od Janet Murray, 2) dopasować informacje zamieszczone w punktach a – j do luk (1 – 10) pozostawionych w liście, 3) poszukać wskazówek w Materiale nauczania, jeśli nie znasz odpowiedzi. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 5 Work in pairs. Read the job advertisement, CV and refer back to the letter of application. Do you think that Janet has a chance of getting the job? What are her strengths and weaknesses? ‘PREFER A CAMPING TRIP TO A COCKTAIL PARTY? PATAGONIA has a new position open: Public Affairs Associate Job is based in Munich. Candidates must have substantial PR/press experience and strong writing skills. They must have serious proficiency in technical sports (skiing, kayaking, climbing…) and outdoor experience. German mother tongue. Environmental background is a plus. No glamour… it’s a gritty job! Patagonia is a Californian company which designs and distributes functional outdoor clothing. Send CV with a picture to:
  • 17. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 15 Nathalie Baudoin Patagonia Gmbh Reitmorstrasse 50 8000 Munich 22 – Germany The interviews will be in Munich during last week of February. CURRUCULUM VITAE Personal Details Janet Murray 52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 5LM Scotland Phone: 0131 449 0237 E-mail: photo Education 1991 – 1992 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Diploma in Public Relations 1988 – 1991 University of London BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (Class II) 1981 – 1988 Broadfield School, Brighton A levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and Geography (C) Professional Experience 1995-present Public Relations Officer, Scottish Nature Trust Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of the Trust’s activities and ensuring their distribution to the press Editor of the Trust’s monthly journal In charge of relations with European environmental agencies 1992 – 1995 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board Preparation of promotional materials and brochures Co-ordination of media coverage Summer of 1990 and 1991 The Glasgow Tribune newspaper Two-three month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor Arranging and conducting interviews Preparation of articles covering local community sports events Skills IT Office 2000 and Windows NT, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint Languages Fluent German and proficient French Additional Driving licence (car and motocycle) Activities Cross-country skiing, rock climbing and swimming Ski Instructor (grade II) Secretary of the local branch of ‘Action’, an association organizing sports activities of disabled children
  • 18. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 16 References Geoffrey Williams Proffesor of Journalism University of London Brenda Denholm Sports Editor The Glasgow Tribune Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie ogłoszenie o pracę, CV i odnieść się do podania o pracę od Janet Murray, 2) zastanowić się, czy Janet ma szansę otrzymania pracy, o którą się ubiega, 3) odpowiedzieć, jakie są jej mocne i słabe strony, 4) przedyskutować z kolegą/koleżanką swoje opinie. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.1.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements: Odpowiedz T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia: Yes No 1) if you do not know the language very well you should write:’fluent’, 2) if your job stops to exist you are entitled to a lump-sum compensation, 3) employees in the U.K. are given appraisals once a month, 4) if you retire you are made redundant, 5) black people cannot be discriminated against on the grounds of race/colour, 6) people in the U.K. are often relocated, 7) in you CV you write about your skills and experience, 8) you learn about a job vacancy from colleagues, 9) in your letter of application you enclose copies of diplomas and certificates, 10) a good CV is usually assertive.
  • 19. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 17 4.2. Korespondencja finansowa i transportowa (Correspondence in Finance and Transport) 4.2.1. Materiał nauczania Trade between countries within a free trade area and within the European Union is simple and many firms pay for goods by cheque and use their own transport to deliver goods across frontiers. No special customs documentation is required for trade between firms in different parts of the EU, but VAT (value added tax) rates vary from country to country. Methods of payment maybe on a cash with order basis (or cash deposit with order), an open account (as in most domestic trade, where the buyer pays the supplier soon after receiving the goods), by irrevocable letter of credit or by bill of exchange. Exporters and importers often prefer the security of payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit when dealing with unknown firms in distant countries. Methods of Payment in Foreign Trade Letter of Credit The Irrevocable Letter of Credit is the most commonly used method of payment for imports. Exporters can be sure that they will be paid when they dispatch the goods and importers have proof that the goods have been dispatched according to their instructions. The ‘letter’ is an inter-bank communication. The two banks take full responsibility that both shipment and payments are in order. 1. Importer and exporter agree a sales contract and the terms of the Documentary Credit. 2. Importer asks their bank to open a Documentary Credit in the exporter's favour. 3. The importer's bank (the issuing bank) sends a Letter of Credit to a bank in the exporter's country (the advising bank). 4. The exporter presents the shipping documents to the advising bank as proof that the shipment has been dispatched. If everything is in order, they are paid. 5. The advising bank sends the documents to the issuing bank. 6. The advising bank sends the documents to the importer, who uses them to obtain delivery of the goods. Cash with order (CWO) Note that cash simply means money in this context. This method is uncommon since you extend credit to your supplier; in addition you run the risk that the goods will not be dispatched in accordance with the contract terms. But this is usual with mail order, where you pay by Eurocheque or cheque or by using a credit card. In business, CWO contracts often include provision for partial advance payments in the form of deposits (normally between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of the contract price). Or they include progress payments at various stages of manufacture (particularly for capital goods). Then the remainder of the payment is usually made by one of the methods described below. Open account This is a simple agreement in which you agree to pay for the goods after you have received them, usually on a monthly basis. There are various ways in which you can send money to your suppliers under open account. Your suppliers may suggest the method to be used, for example:
  • 20. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 18 Cheque: This is usually the slowest method of payment. Your suppliers may have charges from their own bank and also from banks in your country since a cheque has to be cleared through the international banking system before they receive credit. Different banks have different methods and this could take as long as a month. For these reasons your suppliers may not accept payment by cheque. – Banker's draft: You can arrange for your bank to issue a draft, which is a kind of cheque, drawn on an overseas bank in either sterling or foreign currency. You send this direct to your suppliers who pay it into their bank account. Then they will usually receive immediate credit, – Telegraphic Transfer: This is the fastest method of sending money abroad but costs a little more than most other methods of transferring money. Your bank instructs an overseas bank, by cable or telex, to pay a stated amount of money to your suppliers. Your own or foreign currency may be sent in this way. If you wish, the overseas bank can be instructed to inform your suppliers as soon as the money arrives, – International Payment Order: You can arrange for your bank to instruct an overseas bank to make payment to your supplier, by airmail. International Payment Orders are slower than Telegraphic Transfers, but they are slightly cheaper because there are no cable costs, – International Money Orders: These can be purchased from your bank. You post the money order to your suppliers and they receive immediate credit from their bank in the same way as with a draft. This is a very cheap and simple way to make payment of relatively small amounts. Documentary Bill of Exchange This is a popular way of arranging payment and offers benefits for both you and your suppliers. The main advantage is that you are not required to make payment until your suppliers have dispatched the goods. Your suppliers are protected by law and also know that money owned against bills of exchange can easily be obtained. It is in effect a demand for payment from your suppliers. They will draw it up on a specially printed form or on their own headed notepaper and forward it to their bank, together with the documents relating to the transaction. These may include a transport document proving that the goods have been dispatched. The overseas bank will send the bill and documents to a bank in your country for 'collection'. Your bank will notify you of the arrival of the documents and will pass them on to you provided that: – if the bill is drawn 'at sight', you pay the amount of the bill in full when it is presented to you. – if the bill is drawn payable after a certain number of days you 'accept' the bill. It means that you sign across the bill your agreement to pay the amount in full on the due date. Terms of delivery Prices for exports may by quoted in the buyer’s currency, the seller’s currency or in a third ‘hard’ currency (e.g. US dollars or Swiss Francs). The price quoted always indicates the terms of delivery, which conform to the international standard Incoterms. The terms of delivery that are most common depend on the kinds of goods being traded and the countries between which the trade is taking place. The most common terms of delivery are: – CIF – this price covers Cost, Insurance and Fright to a named port of destination in the buyer’s country. – EXW – this price is the Ex-Works cost of the goods. The buyer arranges collection from the supplier and pays for the fright carriage and insurance.
  • 21. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 19 – FOB – this price includes all costs of the goods Free On Board of a ship (or aircraft) whose destination is stated in the contract. The buyer pays for onward shipment and insurance. Documents The most commonly used documents in the foreign/home trade are: – Invoice, – Proforma invoice, – Bill of lading. However different other documents may be required, such as: – Air Waybill, – See Waybill, – Shipping Note, – Dangerous Goods Note, – Certificate of Insurance. The Invoice In the context of international trade, the invoice provides information about the goods exchanged between the exporter and the importer. This document is prepared by the exporter and includes the description of the goods, their price and the quantity supplied. The properly constructed invoice should contain the following: – exporter’s name and address, – importer’s name and address, – date of issue, – description of the goods, – cost of freight and insurance (if specifically requested), – total amount payable, – shipment terms (CIF=cost, insurance and freight; the port of destination is named), – number and type of packages, – the contents of individual packages, – the export and/or import licence numbers, – marks and numbers on packages, – signature of the exporter. 4.2.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji finansowej i transportowej, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. What is the Documentary Credit? 2. What is CWO (Cash with Order)? 3. What are partial advance payments? 4. Why don’t suppliers like payments by cheque? 5. What are International Payment Orders? 6. Why are International Payment Orders popular with suppliers? 7. What amount of money is paid for the bill drawn ‘at sight’? 8. When do we write ACCEPT across the bill? 9. What are Incoterms? 10. Who pays the cost of insurance in FOB delivery?
  • 22. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 20 4.2.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1. Look at the following invoice and complete the missing information (a-l). Źródło: Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English, Workbook, CUP, Cambridge, 2000 Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) zapoznać się z przedstawioną fakturą, 2) uzupełnić brakujące informacje (a-l), 3) wrócić do materiału nauczania lub skorzystać ze słownika, jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś terminu.
  • 23. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 21 Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2 Please read the following invoice carefully and compare it with the letter ‘Dealing with invoicing errors’. Try to spot the error of the invoice. Dealing with invoicing errors Źródło: Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English, Workbook, CUP, Cambridge, 2000
  • 24. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 22 źródło: New International Business English Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) zapoznać się z przedstawioną fakturą, 2) porównać ją z treścią listu, 3) postarać się wykryć błąd w fakturze. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3 Please discuss the following with your partner or the teacher: 1. Any experience you have in making foreign payments. 2. What methods are advised for small companies and why?
  • 25. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 23 3. In what ways are foreign payments similar to or different from home trade or doing business with established and known customers? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie zagadnienia do dyskusji, 2) przedyskutować swoje opinie z nauczycielem lub kolegą/koleżanką, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.2.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please give the answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements: Proszę dać odpowiedź T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia: Yes No 1) the irrevocable letter of credit is not a popular method of payment for imports, 2) the irrevocable letter of credit can be easily cancelled, 3) cif means cost, insurance and fright, 4) both the issuing and the advising bank take full responsibility for the shipment and payment of goods according to the Documentary Credit, 5) partial advance payment is a kind of provision of the full payment, 6) documentary Bill of Exchange is an advance form of payment, 7) exc means the buyer collects the goods from the supplier, 8) fob means the exporter has covered all the costs of transport, 9) the invoice is a document prepared by the exporter, 10) the invoice must be signed by the exporter.
  • 26. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 24 4.3. Notatka służbowa i protokół (‘Memo’ or Memorandum and Minutes) 4.3.1. Materiał nauczania Memo The Memorandum (‘Memo’) is used inside organization for internal communication. It is one of the most common forms of commercial correspondence. It may be addressed to a superior, a subordinate or members of staff. It is also a convenient form for an informal short report. There are rules of Memo writing: (1) The text should be short and clear. The points should be grouped into paragraphs. It can be helpful to number the paragraphs, use bullet points or sub-heading which may be provided in longer memos. (2) Only relevant material should be included covering all the essential points. (3) The style should be businesslike. Sentences should be short, but full. (4) Conventional style or very formal expressions should be avoided. (5) An effective memo must be friendly, polite and tactful. Example: SCOTSBRIDGE OFFICE STATIONERY Memo ____________________________________________________ To: All staff (to be displayed on staff notice board) From: Peter Jacobs, Scotsbridge Office Stationary CC: AS/JR/MSQ Date: 6 February Re: Unauthorized use of the Internet. __________________________________________________________________________ It has been noted that the Internet is increasingly being used for non-work related purposes. Staff are reminded of the company’s policy with regards to the use of the Internet. – Only authorized members of staff, who have been issued with a password, may access the Internet. – If the Internet is used to send or reply to e-mail messages, staff must quit as soon as the task has been accomplished. – Personal use of the Internet is not permitted at any time, except under exceptional circumstances and with the approval of a supervisor or manager. – Use of Internet is constantly monitored and discovery of any extensive or unnecessary searches will be investigated further. – This company considers the downloading of games information as serious abuse of company property and may regard this as grounds for dismissal. Minutes of the Meeting The minutes are a written record f the meeting: the business discussed at the meeting, the decisions reached and the action to be taken. They should be clear, concise, correct and objective. They are usually read at the next meeting by the Secretary, approved by the members of the meeting and signed by the Chairperson. Sometimes the minutes are circulated
  • 27. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 25 before the meeting by the Secretary. They are usually written up in the Minute book or kept in Minute File. If any alternations to the minutes are necessary, they should be agreed by members of the meeting, written in by the Secretary and signed by the Chairperson. When corrected, they may be attached to the minutes at the next meeting. The writing of minutes is done in 2 stages: 1. The taking of minutes at the meeting in note form. 2. The drafting of minutes after the meeting. It should include the following: – the date, time and place of the meeting, – the name of the company, commitee, etc., – the names of the people present, – a heading for the minutes, if formulated, – if necessary, other topics under sub-headings – the items of business written in the same order as the agenda of the meeting, – the date and time of the next meeting, – they can end given the time the meeting closed, – minutes should include the exact wording of any resolution passed and the name of the proposer, action recommended is often given in bold type. Example: Teachers Meeting 10 November 2005 Attending: School teachers, Headteacher Mr Piwoni Abstent: Ms Kowalska Notes by: Katherine Polak The minutes of the October meeting were reviewed, corrected and are attached. 1. The school has been broken into during the weekend. 3 computers have been stolen from Computer Room. 2. Burglary and theft were reported to the police. Headteacher Mr Piwoni had complained to the Security Company. Action: The Computer room shall be moved to the 3rd floor not to allow any access from the balcony on the 1st floor. The next meeting will be on 16th December before School breaks up for Christmas holiday. Most meetings have an agenda. For a formal meeting, this document is usually circulated in advance to all participants. For an informal meeting, the agenda may be simply a list of the points that have to be dealt with. The purpose of anagenda is to speed up the meeting and keep everyone to the point. The agenda for a formal meeting must be organized in logical order. Often the agenda shows not only the topics, but the meeting’s function regarding each topic. All items on which a decision is to be taken should appear on the agenda, which would usually have this format: 1. Minutes 2. Matters arising 3. Items Any other business (AOB)
  • 28. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 26 4.3.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące notatki służbowej oraz protokołu i sprawdź, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. What is the purpose of the Memo? 2. Who is involved? 3. What style of writing is preferred in a Memo? 4. What are minutes of the meeting? 5. When are they taken? 6. Why are they written? 7. Who do minutes involve? 8. Who must sign the minutes? 9. What do minutes and agenda have in common? 10. What is the style of minutes? 11. What is the purpose of agenda? 12. What does an agenda show? 4.3.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1 Please study the memo and answer the questions below: MEMORANDUM From: Romana Wiśniewska Date: 3 November 2005 To: Paulina Judycka Witold Kowalski Andrzej Mróz Subject: Training course in Japan 14-28 November You will be attending a Training course in Japan from 14-28 November this year. Visa applications You must fill in visa application form and submit your passport till 9 am on Wednesday, 10 November. All passports will be returned after the visas have been obtained. Flight information – Additional time in Japan Flight reservations have been made. It will be possible for one of you to return up to a week later if you wish to take a short holiday in Japan. Please read information about Customs regulations procedures. This knowledge will be helpful during your customs examinations. Remember to check which articles are prohibited or restricted by Japanese law and which are tax-free for foreign citizens. Do not to forget to require a card entitled ‘Record of Purchase of Consumption-Tax-Exempt for Export’ to be attached to your passport. Articles purchased tax- free will be checked against the card by a customs officer, who will collect the card at the time of your departure from Japan. Have a nice stay in Japan! Other matters Please collect the course materials from Jacek.
  • 29. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 27 Questions: 1. What do you have to obtain before your departure for Japan? 2. What is recommended to study about Japanese Customs? 3. What regulations concern foreign citizens? 4. What card do they attach to your foreign passport in Japan? 5. What will the Customs Officer check? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie tekst memo, 2) odpowiedzieć na pytania, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2 You are Office Manager of the CEO’s office. Your boss is leaving for a week and asks you to write a memo under his name with some instructions for the Sales Manager, who is not in the office at the moment. Write this memo. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przestudiować materiał nauczania dotyczący tworzenia notatki służbowej/memo, 2) napisać własną notatkę zgodnie z poleceniem. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3 Write a memo on behalf of Ed Richards, the CEO of AVON Cosmetics Poland to all Sales staff. Situation: Every year your company has its annual sales conference in Międzyzdroje. This year sales staff from regional offices from all over Poland will attend. You are assistant Sales Manager and you have taken part in several planning meetings for this conference. You know all the details that have been decided so far. You also know that after the Sales Manager’s opening speech information about new products will be given in the regional sales reports the next day. Staff are to make their own travel arrangements, The conference will begin at 11 am. Please include information about: – date of conference, – time of conference, – location, – transport arrangements, – arrangements for meals and accommodation, – a brief timetable of the conference, – any relevant details you consider necessary.
  • 30. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 28 Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie i przygotować listę potrzebnych informacji, 2) możesz odwołać się do przykładu notatki służbowej, a następnie wpisać swoje informacje według podanego wzoru, 3) sprawdzić, czy Twoja notatka jest poprawna i kompletna. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 4 Study the minutes of the previous meeting of the Tricycle Café Investor’s Club and answer the questions below: 1. How do the minutes refer to different people? 2. Who was at the meeting? 3. Who was in the chair? 4. Who was absent? 5. Who took the minutes? 6. What important decisions did they take? 7. What else was discussed? minutes Monthly meeting: 12/10/00 Present: BD (chair), PM, AB, JC, AC Apologies: JH It was decided to sell shares in British Telecom and buy France Telecom. Great Mart’s poor results and drop in share price were discussed at length. The group voted 3 to 2 to keep the shares. The group decided unanimously to purchase a further 200 shares in Macbeth glasswere. BD and PM presented new share issues, Virflower and MX Components. It was agreed to buy 50 shares at £1.50 in Virflower the Internet florists. The group voted 4 to 1 against investing in MX Components. PM to be responsible for contacting our broker and making all the transactions. Jenny and Adrian Coles told us they were moving away from London so could no longer participate in the club. Thanks for their loyal membership over the past three years. It was decided to try and recruit new members; AB to place a small advertisement in the Evening Herald. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać protokół z poprzedniego spotkania Tricycle Café Investor’s Club, 2) odpowiedzieć na pytania. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
  • 31. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 29 Ćwiczenie 5 Look at the memo below, then match each numbered section to the labels which follow. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – MEMORANDUM Computer Ltd 71-73 Berner Street Bingley West Yorkshire BD5 4PL Telephone: (0274) 785392 Date: 9th June To: Anne Woods, Sales Manager From: Bill Greenberg, Research & Development Manager Subject: Presentation of PX12 laser printer There will be a presentation of our latest project, the PX12 laser printer, on Tuesday 23 June at 2.00 in the main conference room. The agenda is as follows: 1. A brief description by the R&D Dept. of the stages in the development of this project. 2. A demonstration of the product’s main characteristics: speed, quality of print, low noise level and numerous options. 3. A presentation by the Marketing Dept. of PX12’s promotion on the laser printer market. The PX12 will gradually replace all our existing models. I therefore strongly recommend that the sales team members attend. BG − The ‘body’ of the memo, usually divided into numbered paragraphs which develop the information. − A short heading, which tells you what the memo is about. − Date on which the memo is sent. − The conclusion of the memo, which often recommends the course of action. − Name of the person sending the memo. − Unlike the letters, the memo does not contain forms of address (such as Dear Ms X) or the sender’s signature. The sender usually types his or her name or initials at the end of the memo. − Name of the person to whom the memo is sent. − A brief introduction to the memo giving the most important information. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie notatkę służbową, 2) dopasować ponumerowane sekcje do podanych opisów.
  • 32. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 30 Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.3.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please give the answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the following statements: Proszę dać odpowiedź T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia: Yes No 1) minutes are a written record of the meeting, 2) the minutes of the previous meeting are read at the next meeting, 3) the minutes should be drafted some time after the meeting, 4) the items of business should be recorded in the same order as the agenda, 5) a memo is written for the Minute Book, 6) a memo is used inside a company, 7) you omit a salutation and a complimentary close in a memo, 8) the resolutions passed should be recorded giving exact wording.
  • 33. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 31 4.4. Marketing i reklama (Marketing and Advertising) 4.4.1. Materiał nauczania Marketing Marketing is the term given to the different activities involved in distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. The combination of the different elements of a company’s marketing plan, such as product conception and development, promotion, pricing and packaging is known aas the marketing mix. Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the need of the buyer. Selling is preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his product into cash; the marketing with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer’… Theodore Levitt, Marketing expert Thus we can state that the customer is KING, so the most effective marketing campaigns concentrate on their target audience and they have to consider the following: – what is the campaign’s key massage? – what special features does the producer service have? – what are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)? – what media will be used? If it is: a commercial TV- they need a good story and they will have to illustrate it, a radio spot - they should write a script and think of sound effects and music, an advertisement - they need a text and artistic designs or visual aids, for other media - pictures, text, slogans will be needed. – What special promotion will be used at the start of the campaign? In order to reach the consumer marketing specialists have to ‘Be everywhere, do everything and never fail to astonish the customer’. Macy’s motto Although large retailers continue to open new stores, they also feel that they have to experiment with electronic shopping. Research has shown that nearly 20 per cent of customers will choose initiatives like home-delivery to make their lives easier. Earlier fears about payment security are also disappearing and customers now feel more confident about buying over the Net. Such basic things like soap powder, bottled water, nappies, kitchen towels will be soon purchased by phone, fax, Internet or digital TV. When people go shopping they will do it for fun. They will visit stores in search for leisure or fun experience – to try new things, see new goods, shop for specialized items. There will be greater interest in visiting the larger centres where full range of goods can be seen. Mid-sized retailers in mid- sized streets will become less and less appealing to customers. Advertising Advertising is an important element of the marketing function. It is used to increase sales by making the product or service known to a wider audience, and by emphasising its superior qualities. A company can advertise in a veriety of ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend, and the size and type of the target audience. The different media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers, magazines and direct mail, by which advertisers send letters, brochures and leaflets directly to potential customers. Many advertisments contain a slogan or short phrase to attract the consumer’s attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember and easy to repeat. Here are several authentic slogans from advertisments.
  • 34. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 32 – Not everyone was meant to fly. – The colour of life. – Doesn’t he deserve a dinner that looks as good as yours? – By the time you remember you left it on, it’s off. – See and be seen with. – Does she or doesn’t she? – This year you should wear something loud. – Doesn’t your family deserve less? – Introducing seven easy ways to make a chicken fly. – The best things in life are stll made by hand. – Never before has something so little done so much for so many. Marketing and advertising specialists must carry out research to determine what customers want and to debelop products which satisfy customer needs. A group of customers which shares a common interest, need or desire is called a market. Companies must determine which market would be most likely to buy a certain product and aim all their marketing activities at this target. Specialists use many different methods to devide markets into precise groups. Presentations In order to appeal to their audience marketing specialists need to learn the techniques of a successful presentation. There are few golden rules of a good presentation. It shold: – get target audience’s attention, – capture their imagination, – have clear, effective message, – differentiate the product or service, – persuade the audience to remember the campaign/advertising/commercial/slogan, – persuade the target audience to buy the product or service. Giving a presentation do not forget: 1) to introduce your self, 2) introduce your topic, 3) give background, 4) invite questions. Examples: ad 1) On behalf of myself and IBM/Opel Advertising, I’d like to welcome you. My name’s… ad 2) This morning, I’d like to outline the campaign concept we’ve developed for you. ad 3) I’ll give you the background and talk you through the results of the market study. ad 4) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to interrupt me. 4.4.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące marketingu i reklamy, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. What is marketing? 2. What is marketing mix? 3. What is advertising used for? 4. What different media are used for advertising? 5. What kinds of slogans are most effective? 6. What is a market?
  • 35. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 33 4.4.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1 Working in groups of three or four, look through some recent magazines and newspapers and find two advertisments for different brands of the same product. Use the following checklist to compare the two advertisements you have chosen: – What are the target markets for the two advertisements? – What benefits do the advertisements emphasize? – Compare the language used in the slogans. Does it attract attention quickly? Is it humorous? – What technique is used in the text (or copy) of each advertisement: is it factual, does it contain a celebrity endorsement, is there no text at all? Is the prize mentioned? – Comment od the artistic content of the advertisements (photography, special graphics, etc.). – Which advertisement do you think will sell the most products? Which is the most creative? Is there anything you would change in either of the ads? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) w aktualnych magazynach lub gazetach znaleźć dwie reklamy promujące ten sam produkt, ale różnych marek, 2) pracując w 3 – 4-osobowej grupie, porównać wybrane reklamy, wykorzystując sugestie zawarte w poleceniu, 3) jeśli nie rozumiesz jakiegoś słowa lub zwrotu, to skorzystaj ze słownika, 4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2 Choose one of the presentation situations below. You may use the following techniques in your presentation: a) telling a story, b) stating a problem, c) asking a question, d) offering an amazing fact. Situation1 Your bank wishes to encourage young people to save money. Audience: a group of students. Situation 2 Your firm has produced a new tape recorder which has unique features. Audience: a group of buyers at a trade fair. Situation 3 Your company is developing a small car aimed at women. Audience: a group of car dealers.
  • 36. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 34 Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) zapoznać się z podanymi sytuacjami i wybrać jedną do prezentacji, 2) przygotować prezentację ustną, wykorzystując jedną z następujących technik: a) opowiadanie historyjki, b) definiowanie problemu, c) zadawanie pytania, d) przytaczanie zadziwiającego faktu, 3) wygłosić prezentację przed klasą. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 3 Please assess your colleagues’ presentations according to the criteria given: ASSESMENT SHEET Give a score to each question giving 1 – 5 for each category; 5 = outstanding, 1 = poor. Questions: 1. Was it interesting? Did it impress you? 2. Was it clear? 3. Was there enough eye contact? 4. Was the pace too quick, too slow or just right? 5. Was the language fluent, accurate and appropriate? 6. Was the voice clear enough? Was it varied in pitch or monotonous? Total: 30 Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) wysłuchać prezentacji kolegów, 2) ocenić prezentacje, posługując się kryteriami podanymi w Karcie Oceny (Assement Sheet). Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny., Karta Oceny. Ćwiczenie 4 You work for an insurance company which has decided to use direct mail marketing to sell retirement pensions to young, single business graduates, who have just started their first job. In groups (2 or 3), complete the target profile below. Make a lot of persuasive arguments to convince your audience that a little less cash now means a more comfortable retirement (for example, one less outing to a night club per week). TARGET PROFILE Age: ______ Salary: __________ Likes: nightclubs __________ Proportion of income which goes towards
  • 37. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 35 rent: ________ clothes: ________ food: ________ holiday: ________ entertainment: ________ savings: ________ Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) zapoznać się z poleceniem, 2) pracując w 2 – 3-osobowym zespole wypełnić Profil Konsumenta (Target Profile), 3) znaleźć przekonujące argumenty dla potencjalnego konsumenta, aby zakupił pakiet ubezpieczeń, 4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny, Profil Konsumenta. Ćwiczenie 5 Write a letter persuading your clients to buy a retirement pension. Make sure the opening sentence attracts your reader’s attention: there are some research findings you can consider: 1. Profile for private pension. Couples aged between 35 and 40 who are just beginning to have some financial stability. They have never considered pensions until now because they felt they couldn’t afford it and that they were too young to think about retirement. They are a little anxious as they realise that they have left it very late, and would like to discuss their financial situation with ‘an expert’ who could advise them on the best plan. 2. Profile for life insurance. Young married couples who have just had their first baby. They are aged between 25 and 30 and have fairly good salaries but are very careful about their spending. They have never considered insurance before and are put off by the complicated documents. They are suspicious of insurance sales people and would not agree to spending hours going over figures with them. They would respond if the insurance plan was inexpensive and looked easy to take out. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie, 2) zapoznać się z charakterystykami potencjalnych nabywców: 1 – prywatnej emerytury, 2 – ubezpieczenia na życie, 3) znaleźć przekonujące argumenty dla potencjalnego konsumenta, aby zakupił dany pakiet ubezpieczeń, 4) zaprezentować przygotowane scenki w klasie. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
  • 38. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 36 Ćwiczenie 6 How many of the people in your class own a pair of sports shoes or trainers? Do a quick class survey and find out the name of the brand people wear and why the choose it. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie, 2) przeprowadzić ankietę w klasie dotyczącą preferowanego obuwia sportowego, 3) zaprezentować wyniki w klasie, 4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 7 From a list of products in the table think of three distinct brands on the market: soft drinks/ cigarettes/ family cars/ jeans Discuss how the brands you have chosen differentiate themselves to make themselves obviously different from their competitors? Please think of – an image of the brand (e.g. exclusive, cool, sophisticated, etc) – target audience (the age, social status, the income group, etc). Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) dla każdego produktu z listy podać 3 marki, 2) przeprowadzić dyskusję, jak poszczególne marki różnią się między sobą, 3) rozważyć: – wizerunek marki, – potencjalnego nabywcę (wiek, status społeczny, dochód, itp.), 4) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 8 Tell the class about your 3 different brands which you think are: – distinct, – high quality, – exciting. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przedstawić w klasie wybrane 3 marki, 2) podkreślić, dlaczego sądzisz, że są: wyróżniające się, wysokiej jakości, interesujące, 3) porównać swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegów.
  • 39. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 37 Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.4.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answer to the following statements: Proszę odpowiedzieć T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia: Yes No 1) the average consumer is unaware of marketing, 2) launching new products is not expensive, 3) companies keep secret the details of their Research and Development processes, 4) sportstars charge a lot of money for endorsement, 5) coca Cola and Pepsi are competitors, 6) television commercials are inexpensive form of advertising, 7) if you look for quality, you should buy products of well-known brands.
  • 40. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 38 4.5. Postępowanie administracyjne (Administrative procedures) 4.5.1. Materiał nauczania By public administration we understand a part of the state work done by means of public bodies, which consists in organizing the direct and practical performance of the public duties. It is made up of legislative and judicial work. Public administration organs are divided into central and local units of authority. Head offices of public administration are: Council of Ministers, President of the Council of Ministers, the ministers and the chairmen of committees forming the Council of Ministers (e.g. The Chairman of Scientific Research Committee). Their feature is that they are responsible directly to the parliament and territorially they cover the whole state. To central organs of public administration belong those organs encompassing the whole state which are not included in the Council of Ministers and report either to the Council of Ministers or the President of the Council of Ministers or to single ministers. The examples of the central organs are: – The President of the Competition and Consumers Office, reporting to the Council of Ministers, – The President of the Central Statistical Office (reporting to the President of the Council of Ministers), – The President of the Central Customs Office (reporting to the Minister of Finance), – Sanitary Chief Inspector (reporting to the Minister of Health and Social Care) Territorial organs of the public administration are: – The Voivod, – Subject to the Voivod head officers of the combined services, inspection and the fire service (e.g. Voivodship Sanitary Inspector, Voivodship Inspector of Building) – Statistical Office, Head Officer of Chamber of Tax. Organs of the local authorities are: – Local parliament of the Voivodship and the management of the Voivodship with the Marshal of the Voivodship presiding, – Borough Council and the Management Board with the President of The Management Board presiding. There are 5 forms of activity in public administration: 1) issuing normative bills, 2) issuing administrative bills, 3) concluding administrative agreements, 4) concluding of contracts, 5) performance of other duties. By administrative proceedings we understand the whole of provisions that stipulate the authority of the organs of public administration in settling the civil and corporate cases. There are the following types of administrative proceedings: – the general proceedings, – proceedings in matters of issuing certificates, – proceedings in claims and motions, – proceedings in matters of settling disputes between the state organs and the local organs. The legal basis for the general administrative proceedings is the Administration Law. Its provisions are included in such acts of law as: Administrative Proceedings Code, Tax Laws, Law on the Supreme Administration Court, laws on executive proceedings in administration.
  • 41. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 39 The subject of the general administrative proceedings are individual cases settled in administrative proceedings. Administrative decisions are also concessions issued as a result of the administrative proceedings. Other proceedings, so called special proceedings are apart from the Administrative Proceedings Code covered by different acts of law. Within the administrative proceedings there are two phases: – the first, started at opening the proceedings and ended with a decision issued by the local authority, – the second, where the correctness of the decision issued by the local organ is verified. The administrative proceedings are opened by the authorized administrative organ and the basis for this can be either a claim by a party or on the initiative of the organ. 4.5.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące postępowania administracyjnego, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. What is meant by public administration? 2. What types of activities does the public administration perform? 3. What is the structure of the organs of public administration? 4. What are the forms of activities performed by public administration? 5. What do the administrative proceedings consist of? 6. What are the types of administrative proceedings? 4.5.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1 Present the structure of public administration with a graph. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeanalizować materiał nauczania, 2) opracować hierarchię organów administracji publicznej, 3) przedstawić strukturę administracji publicznej za pomocą grafów. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny, Kodeks Postępowania Administracyjnego, komputer z oprogramowaniem PowerPoint Ćwiczenie 2 You want to set up a sole trader company. What do you have to do? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie, 2) odpowiedzieć na pytanie. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
  • 42. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 40 Ćwiczenie 3 You have bought a new car. What do you have to do? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie, 2) odpowiedzieć na pytanie. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 4 You have moved house. You have to get a new identity card. What do you do? Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) przeczytać uważnie polecenie, 2) odpowiedzieć na pytanie. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.5.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answer to the following statements: Proszę odpowiedzieć T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia: Yes No 1) public administration bodies perform private duties, 2) administrative organs are parts of public administration, 3) public administration head offices report to Parliament, 4) public administration bodies can be private institutions, 5) organs of public administration issue normative and administrative bills, conclude administrative agreements and contracts and also perform other duties.
  • 43. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 41 4.6. Korespondencja Handlowa (Business Correspondence) 4.6.1. Materiał nauczania In Chapter Business Correspondence of the unit Work with Text we introduced different types of letters and general rules applying to correspondence. In the present Chapter we will introduce elements of Making a Complaint. A proper complaint should include: 1) details concerning order transaction, 2) the reason for making a complaint, 3) suggestion how the complaint should be dealt with, 4) stating that the order has been improperly executed, 5) expression of satisfaction, 6) polite ending. You may need to complain about: Examples: bad workmanship The goods were poorly finished accounting error We found 14 scarves missing delay in delivery Your delivery arrived after the Christmas Season quality The goods were in very bad condition breakage Most boxes were broken packaging/packing The packaging was inadequate and looked as if it had been broken in transit The language of complaint should be polite and careful. Our aim is not to offend the business partner but to improve the situation. It is advised to use impersonal forms and the passive. Example: There appears to be an error. The mistake must be corrected. There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding the terms of discount. E-mail massage To : British From: Sabina Bogucka Subject: Late delivery Order No 765 Date: 16 November 2005 Dear Mr Black We are in receipt of your fax dated 3 November. We regret to inform you that the shipment has not reached us yet. When placing our order we stressed that prompt delivery was essential. We think the truck may have been held up at the Polish-German border. We would like to mention that this is causing us great inconvenience. We need the paints for the Christmas Season. Please e-mail as soon as you know the cause of delay. Your sincerely Sabina Bogucka Sales Manager
  • 44. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 42 4.6.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji handlowej, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. What language should you use in a complaint? 2. What information should it contain? 3. What grammatical forms are recommended? 4.6.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1 Please write verbs collocating with ‘CLAIM’ and ‘COMPLAINT’. Give their Polish meaning. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) wypisać czasowniki tworzące kolokacje z podanymi słowami, 2) podać ich znaczenie w języku polskim, 3) w razie potrzeby skorzystać ze słownika. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. Ćwiczenie 2 Please complain about late delivery and bad quality of: a) leather goods from China b) poor finish of silk scarves coming for Christmas Season. Write an e-mail to: China Order No 875 Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) napisać zażalenie dotyczące opóźnienia w dostawie i złej jakości: a) produktów ze skóry pochodzących z Chin, b) złego wykończenia jedwabnych szalików zamówionych na okres świąteczny, 2) w razie potrzeby skorzystać ze słownika. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.
  • 45. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 43 4.6.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please give Y (yes) or N (no) answer to the following statements: Proszę odpowiedzieć T (tak) lub N (nie) na następujące stwierdzenia: Yes No 1) most people like making a complaint, 2) making a complaint requires experience, 3) you should be assertive and aggressive to win a complaint, 4) polite behaviour is most recommended in a complaint, 5) if you have a problem you should ask to speak to the manager.
  • 46. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 44 4.7. Korespondencja osobowa (Personal Correspondence) 4.7.1. Materiał nauczania It is a duty of the employer to keep Personal Files on their employees from the beginning of the employment to its termination. Such documents usually contain a letter of application/motivation, a CV, all necessary documentation concerning health, holidays, periods of training and pension scheme. Employees in the UK are entitled to a wide level of protection under the law (please look for detailed information in ‘Movement from Job to Job’, ćwiczenie 1, chapter 4.1.). Pregnant women, for example, are entitled to time off for antenatal care, 14 weeks statutory maternity benefits, protection against dismissal because of pregnancy and the right to be able to return to work after maternity leave. Please read the Memo from Janet Murray informing the employer about her pregnancy. 16 November 2005 From: Jenet Murray To: Natalie Baudoin PATAGONIA Gmbh Reitmorstrasse 50 8000 Munich 22 Germany Subject: 2 weeks unpaid leave I have visited a doctor this week and I have his statement that I am 4 months pregnant. At the moment I feel very fit and healthy, but I would greatly appreciate if I could have 2 weeks unpaid holiday starting immediately after Christmas. I hope I will be able to go on a skiing holiday to Austria. 4.7.2. Pytania sprawdzające Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące korespondencji i dokumentacji osobowej, sprawdzisz, czy jesteś przygotowany do wykonania ćwiczeń. 1. What documents are usually kept in your Personal File? 2. Who is obliged to keep it? 3. What protection are pregnant women entitled to? 4.7.3. Ćwiczenia Ćwiczenie 1 Write a short memo to your boss asking him/her for a week of unpaid holiday for your honeymoon in Kenya.
  • 47. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 45 Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia Aby wykonać ćwiczenie powinieneś: 1) napisać krótką notatkę do szefa z prośbą o tydzień bezpłatnego urlopu z powodu wyjazdu do Kenii na miesiąc miodowy, 2) zadbać o odpowiednią formę pisma. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny.. Ćwiczenie 2 Write to your boss asking him/her for a 3 months holiday because you want to take part in a scientific expedition to Nepal. Give reasons. Sposób wykonania ćwiczenia 1) napisać do szefa z prośbą o 3-miesięczny urlop, gdyż chcesz wziąć udział w naukowej ekspedycji do Napalu, 2) podać przekonujące argumenty. Wyposażenie stanowiska pracy: – słownik polsko-angielski, słownik angielsko-polski ekonomiczny. 4.7.4. Sprawdzian postępów Please answer the questions: Proszę odpowiedzieć na pytania: Yes No 1) does the employer keep Personal Files? 2) are a CV and a letter of application kept in the Personal File? 3) are employees give right to take legal actions against their employers in case of breach of contract? 4) are pregnant employees entitled to special protection by law? 5) if somebody has just started their job, are they protected by law?
  • 48. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 46 5. SPRAWDZIAN OSIĄGNIĘĆ INSTRUKCJA DLA UCZNIA 1. Przeczytać uważnie instrukcję. 2. Podpisz imieniem i nazwiskiem kartę odpowiedzi. 3. Zapoznaj się z zestawem pytań testowych. 4. Test zawiera 12 pytań. Do każdego pytania dołączone są 4 możliwości odpowiedzi. Tylko jedna jest prawidłowa. 5. Udzielaj odpowiedzi tylko na załączonej karcie odpowiedzi, stawiając w odpowiedniej rubryce znak X. W przypadku pomyłki należy błędną odpowiedź zaznaczyć kółkiem, a następnie ponownie zakreślić odpowiedź prawidłową. 6. Pracuj samodzielnie, bo tylko wtedy będziesz miał satysfakcję z wykonanego zadania. 7. Kiedy udzielenie odpowiedzi będzie Ci sprawiało trudność, wtedy odłóż jego rozwiązanie na później i wróć do niego, gdy zostanie Ci wolny czas. 8. Na rozwiązanie testu masz 30 min. Powodzenia! Zestaw pytań testowych 1. If your company ceases to exist you are entitled to: a) be dismissed, b) be relocated, c) be appraised, d) be offered a lump-sum for compensation. 2. If there is a breach of your work contract you may: a) stop work, b) take the case to the Industrial Tribunal, c) write about it in a newspaper, d) take unpaid leave. 3. What is not advised to put in your CV? a) your biography, b) copies of certificates and diplomas, c) untrue information, d) information about children. 4. Why are the relations between management and employees rather formal? a) because they assess your performance, b) because they are reserved, c) because they are self-confident, d) because they are your superiors. 5. What kind of language do you use to speak to your superiors? a) colloquial, b) polite and rather formal, c) polite, d) formal. 6. What is used to register the contents of a meeting? a) memo, b) resume, c) report, d) minutes.
  • 49. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 47 7. Where do you have to register a limited liability company? a) Voivod Office, b) local authority, c) Court, d) public administration body. 8. What documents are used to charge for goods or/and services? a) invoices, b) certificates, c) credits, d) concessions. 9. How do you address a letter to a particular person in a company? a) by writing Mr, b) by writing Ms, c) by writing Attention to, d) by writing Miss. 10. If you want to apply for a leave you should? a) talk to your boss, b) write a memo/application, c) write a letter, d) write minutes. 11. What do you have to attach to your letter of application and CV? a) diplomas and certificates, b) sick leave, c) photograph, d) bank account. 12. What do you have to observe if you deliver goods abroad? a) FOB, b) EXW, c) CIF, d) Incoterms.
  • 50. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 48 KARTA ODPOWIEDZI Imię i nazwisko..................................................................................................... Doskonalenie pracy z tekstem Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź. Nr zadania Odpowiedź Punkty 1 a b c d 2 a b c d 3 a b c d 4 a b c d 5 a b c d 6 a b c d 7 a b c d 8 a b c d 9 a b c d 10 a b c d 11 a b c d 12 a b c d Razem:
  • 51. „Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego” 49 6. LITERATURA 1. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S.: Market Leader, Coursebook, Intermediate Business, Longman, 2000 2. Johnson Ch.: Market Leader Banking and Finance, Longman 2000 3. Jones, L., Richard, A.: New International Business English, Workbook, CUP, Cambridge, 2000 4. Naunton, J.: Head for Business, Oxford, 2000 5. Świda D.: Office English, Polter, Warszawa 1998 6. Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business, Coursebook, Longman, 2000 7. Tullis G., Trappe T.: New Insights into Business, Workbook, Longman, 2000 8. Employment in Britain. Foreign and commonwealth office. Col Publishing Services. UK 1995.