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Promise to the
   (2 Thess. 1:1–12)

        Lesson 11
Key Text:
“To this end we always pray for you,
that our God may make you worthy
of his calling and may fulfill every
resolve for good and every work of
faith by his power” (2 Thess. 1:11, ESV).

Key Thought:
The second coming of Jesus is the culmination of all
Christian hope.
Because written              This seems to have happened in
correspondence could be      Thessalonica, where new
slow, a church that          problems arose in the church.
wanted to talk to Paul had   These problems may even have
to track him down and get    become worse due to the
a message to him, not        misapplication of what Paul wrote
always an easy process, to   in the first letter. Second
be sure. Once contact was    Thessalonians was Paul’s attempt
finally made, the apostle    to further correct the situation.
would then dictate a         Paul’s words in this week’s
response and have it hand-   lesson come down to this: at the
delivered back to the        Second Coming, believers will be
church. The process might    rescued by God’s spectacular
take months. In the          intervention in Christ. This
meantime false beliefs       passage provides further
would have time to develop   information about the nature
and spread.                  of His return.
1. Fresh Greetings
  1. Fresh Greetings
“Paul, and Silvanus, and
Timotheus, unto the church of the
Thessalonians in God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace
unto you, and peace, from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”
(2 Thess. 1:1, 2). What hope
and promise are found even in such
a simple greeting as this? How
much theology is in there, how
much hope, how much promise?
How can we learn to make these
hopes and promises our own?

Paul, as he does so often, talks about grace and peace. In one sense, are they
not related? Shouldn’t the realization of God’s grace, the promise of
forgiveness in Jesus, lead to peace in our lives? How crucial that, no matter our
circumstances, we all take time to dwell on the wonderful provision of salvation
made for us and the grace it offers us, regardless of our unworthiness. What
better way to experience the peace that we are promised? We need to keep the
focus off ourselves and on Jesus and what we have been given in Him.
Compare 1 Thessalonians
                          1:1 with 2 Thessalonians
                            1:1, 2. There’s a small
                          difference in the wording.
                           What significance might
                                be found in that

There is one difference
between 1 and 2 Thes-
salonians. Paul changes
from “in God the Father”
(1 Thess. 1:1) to “in God
our Father” (2 Thess. 1:1).
This adds a relational touch.
There are people who feel close to
Jesus yet are afraid of God the Father. Paul assures the Thessalonians that they
can have as much confidence in their relationship with the Father as they do
with Jesus. Jesus came to this earth to show us what the Father is like.

Read John 1:18 and 14:7–11. What
 assurance and hope can we draw
from these texts, especially in light
    of 2 Thessalonians 1:1, 2?
2. Paul’s Thanksgiving

 Paul had a tendency toward extra-long sentences. Second Thessalonians
 1:3–10 is a single sentence focusing primarily on events surrounding the
second coming of Jesus. The central core of the sentence, however, is not
focused on the Second Coming (2 Thess 1:3, author’s translation): “We are
    obligated at all times to give thanks to God concerning you.” Paul’s
 comments regarding the return of Jesus (2 Thess. 1:6–10) are part of the
                                  reason that
Read 2 Thessalo-
nians 1:3, 4. What
important spiritual
principle do we
find in these
verses in regard to
the question of
faith? What
happens to faith if
it does not grow?

“We are bound,” or “we ought,” to give thanks to God is the main verb of 2
Thessalonians 1:3–10. Paul feels obligated to thank God for the Thessalonians
because their faith is getting stronger and stronger. Meanwhile, their love for
one another is also increasing, and both verbs are in the present tense in the
original. This means that their growth in faith and love was consistent and
ongoing. This kind of growth is basic to any healthy church. Like a plant, if a
church does not grow spiritually, it will die.
Paul will go on to
offer significant
criticism of the
church in the second
and third chapters of
this epistle. But he
knows that people
need a lot of affirma-
tion before they can
handle criticism
constructively. He
provides that kind of
affirmation in the first
One of the reasons for Paul’s affirmations is that the church in Thessalonica is
continuing to suffer persecution. He particularly commends their “patience” in
affliction. Instead of faith, hope, and love, Paul talks about their faith, love, and
patience. Because “patience” here is substituted for “hope,” it leads Paul into
his exposition of the Second Coming later in the chapter. The result of their
increase in faith and love is that their fortitude in the face of affliction has
become a source of boasting for the apostles among all the churches they visit.
The Thessalonians have become a model of Christian commitment under fire.

  How can trials and affliction
increase our faith? At the same
 time, who hasn’t struggled to
maintain faith precisely because
            of trials?
3. Suffering as a Sign of the End

Second Thessalonians 1:5–
10 in the Greek has an Old
Testament feel (the Bible of
most New Testament
Christians was the
a pre-Christian Greek
translation of the Old
Testament). Second
Thessalonians exhibits
many more references to
the Old Testament
than does 1 Thessalonians.
Read 2 Thessalonians 1:5,
6. What is Paul saying?

The word evidence (NIV) or token (KJV) means “proof” or “plain indication” of
something. What does the persecution of Christians (vs. 4) prove? It is certainly
not evidence of God’s judgment against His people. To the contrary, it is a pointer
to the future judgment, in which the people of God are vindicated and those who
persecuted them receive the same kind of experience they inflicted on others.
There is a message here for us. Violence begets violence, and those who use
 violence against others have reason to fear for the future. God’s judgment sets
 things right. Those who persecute the people of God will one day face the
 justice of God. But those who experience injustice on account of their faith
 today can look with confidence to God’s future judgment. On that day, it will
 be evident to all that they were the objects of God’s favor.

The New Testament encourages believers to exhibit grace, mercy, and forgive-
ness toward others. But when these actions are rebuffed and repaid with curses,
blows, and confinement, it is encouraging to know that injustice will not last
forever. Thus, the saints of God are invited to have patience (see also Rev. 14:12).
In 2 Thessalonians
1:5, 6, therefore, Paul       Verse 5 shows
reminds the                    the righteous
persecuted                judgment of God
Thessalonians that           in His approval
the “righteous                         of the
judgment of God” in          Thessalonians.
the future will            Verse 6 shows it
demonstrate His                        in the
approval of them in           condemnation
the present. More           and destruction
than this, their                      of their
patience and faith in           persecutors.
the face of trial
validates that God
has chosen them. In
this way Christian
suffering can be the
basis for rejoicing (1
Thess. 1:6, 7). It is
real-life evidence of
whose side we will be
on when Jesus

   Have you been unfairly victimized, with the
perpetrators receiving no apparent punishment
 for their actions? If so, what comfort can you
  take in the promises of God’s judgment? Or
   look at it this way: have you treated people
badly, unfairly, and have gotten away with it (at
     least so far)? If so, how do you view the
      promises of God’s end-time judgment?
4. FUEGO Y DESTRUCCIÓN                   Lee 2 Tesalonicenses
                                                         1:7 al 9. ¿Cuál es la
                                                       razón principal de la
                                                          destrucción de los
                                                      impíos en ocasión de
                                                      la segunda venida de
                                                              Jesús? ¿Cómo
                                                         entendemos estos
                                                       versículos pensando
                                                        en un Dios lleno de
                                                              amor, gracia y

Muchas personas se sienten incómodas con estos versículos. Sienten
que “dar retribución”, venganza, castigo, y el infligir sufrimientos es
indigno de un Dios de amor, gracia y misericordia. Pero, el castigo
justo y la retribución es un tema frecuente de Pablo (Rom. 2:5; 12:19).
Él es inequívoco: la justicia de Dios un día se manifestará con poder.
Cualquier buen Gobierno
en el mundo actual, en
algún momento, debe
ejercer la fuerza para
frenar el mal. Aunque la
fuerza no siempre es vio-
lenta (como cuando te
detienen por violar las
 reglas de tránsito), en
algunos casos, como
cuando los criminales usan
violencia, deben recibir
violencia como respuesta.

Los buenos gobiernos proveen ciertas restricciones necesarias, a fin de
que todos puedan convivir en paz. Muchas veces el mal abierto no
desaparecerá voluntariamente. Y, cuanto mayor sea el poder y la
brutalidad del mal, tanto mayor será necesaria la fuerza para deshacer
ese mal. Las imágenes de este pasaje no son hermosas, pero nos aseguran
que Dios hará lo necesario para terminar con la violencia y la opresión.
Lee Apocalipsis 16:4 al 7, y
 Daniel 7:21 y 22. ¿Qué
 enseñan estos versículos,
 que es semejante a lo que
 Pablo escribió en 2
Por su propia experiencia, Jesús
comprende el costo del sufrimiento.
Podemos confiar en que ejercerá
justicia divina, sin exagerar, y que
resultará en sufrimiento, pero solo
lo necesario. Si podemos confiar en
Dios, podremos confiar en que su
justicia revelará una equidad que
ahora no podemos comprender. La
meta de este pasaje no es
gozarse en la venganza, sino
animar a los que sufren abusos y
opresión. El día de la justicia
viene. No necesitamos hacer
justicia por mano propia.
5. GLORIFICAR A CRISTO                    Lee 2 Tesalonicenses 1:10 al 12. ¿Qué significa
                                            que Jesucristo será glorificado en sus santos?

 Estos textos (2 Tes. 1:3-10) proveen muchos detalles acerca de la segunda venida de Jesús.
 Cuando él regrese, afligirá a los que afligían a sus hijos, y a estos últimos les dará descanso
(ver 2 Tes. 1:6, 7). Vendrá del cielo en compañía de sus ángeles (vers. 7), con fuego ardiente,
y ejecutará justicia sobre los que rechazaron a Dios y el evangelio (vers. 8). Los impíos serán
 destruidos (vers. 8, 9), mientras que los justos traerán gloria a Cristo (vers. 10). La segunda
  venida prepara el escenario para el milenio: la Tierra yace desolada por mil años (Apoc.
 20:1-6). Aunque este pasaje no dice qué ocurrirá con los justos, 1 Tesalonicenses 4:16 y 17
dice que los salvados se unirán con Jesús en el aire. Juan 14:1 al 3 indica que Jesús llevará a
                                        los justos al cielo.
¿De qué manera enseña
Pablo a los santos a
prepararse para la
segunda venida? 2 Tes.

En el versículo 10, Pablo
termina de hablar de los
impíos, y se vuelve a los
justos en la segunda
venida. En los versículos 10
al 12, la gloria de Jesús se
exhibe en el carácter de
aquellos que creen en él.
Pablo se alegra, porque sus
oraciones y sus esfuerzos
por los tesalonicenses serán
vindicados al regreso de Jesús
(ver 1 Tes. 2:19, 20).
El apóstol prepara aquí el cuadro para el capítulo 2, ya que el Día del
Señor no había llegado todavía. Si así hubiera sido, habría fuego
ardiente, destrucción de los malvados y la glorificación de Jesús a la
vista de todos. Pablo usa los nombres de Dios y de Jesús en forma intercambiable.
Según la inspiración, Jesús es Dios. Esto es muy importante. Cuanto más grande sea
Jesús, más poderosa es su salvación, y más claro el retrato de Dios que recibimos al
contemplar su vida, muerte, resurrección y retorno. Como Jesús es verdaderamente
Dios, entonces el Padre es justo como él.

¿Cómo vivimos cada día la expectativa de
   la segunda venida? ¿Por qué es fácil
   olvidar su venida? ¿Cómo podemos
recordar esta promesa y realizar nuestras
 tareas diarias, dándole la atención que
          esta promesa merece?

“La Biblia está escrita por
hombres inspirados, pero no es
la forma del pensamiento y de
la expresión de Dios. Es la forma
de la humanidad. Dios no está
representado como escritor. Con
frecuencia, los hombres dicen
que cierta expresión no parece
de Dios. Pero Dios no se ha
puesto a sí mismo a prueba en
la Biblia por medio de palabras,
de lógica, de retórica. Los
escritores de la Biblia eran los
escribientes de Dios, no su
pluma. [...]
“No son las palabras de la Biblia
las inspiradas, sino los hombres
son los que fueron inspirados. La
inspiración no obra en las palabras
del hombre ni en sus expresiones,
sino en el hombre mismo, que está
imbuido con pensamientos bajo la
influencia del Espíritu Santo. Pero
las palabras reciben la impresión
de la mente individual. La mente
divina es difundida. La mente y la
voluntad divinas se combinan con
la mente y la voluntad humanas.
De ese modo, las declaraciones del
hombre son la Palabra de Dios”
(MS 1:24).
“La instrucción que el apóstol
envió a los tesalonicenses en
su primera carta en cuanto a la
segunda venida de Cristo esta-
ba perfectamente de acuerdo
con su enseñanza anterior. Sin
embargo, sus palabras fueron
mal interpretadas. [...]

“En su segunda carta, Pablo
procuró corregir su error con
respecto a la doctrina que les
había dado, y trató de presentarles su verdadera enseñanza” (HAp 218).
ADAPT it!                           Effective for
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ASSOCIATE truth – Why should I study this lesson?
DISCOVER truth – What does the Bible say about this
APPLY truth – How can this truth affect my life today?
PLAN using the truth – How can I use this truth today?
TRANSFER truth to life – What changes do I need in my
                 We invite you to download and study
                  each one of the 13 lessons about

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11 promise to the persecuted

  • 1. Promise to the Persecuted (2 Thess. 1:1–12) Lesson 11
  • 2. Key Text: “To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power” (2 Thess. 1:11, ESV). Key Thought: The second coming of Jesus is the culmination of all Christian hope.
  • 3. Because written This seems to have happened in correspondence could be Thessalonica, where new slow, a church that problems arose in the church. wanted to talk to Paul had These problems may even have to track him down and get become worse due to the a message to him, not misapplication of what Paul wrote always an easy process, to in the first letter. Second be sure. Once contact was Thessalonians was Paul’s attempt finally made, the apostle to further correct the situation. would then dictate a Paul’s words in this week’s response and have it hand- lesson come down to this: at the delivered back to the Second Coming, believers will be church. The process might rescued by God’s spectacular take months. In the intervention in Christ. This meantime false beliefs passage provides further would have time to develop information about the nature and spread. of His return.
  • 4. 1. Fresh Greetings 1. Fresh Greetings “Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 1:1, 2). What hope and promise are found even in such a simple greeting as this? How much theology is in there, how much hope, how much promise? How can we learn to make these hopes and promises our own? Paul, as he does so often, talks about grace and peace. In one sense, are they not related? Shouldn’t the realization of God’s grace, the promise of forgiveness in Jesus, lead to peace in our lives? How crucial that, no matter our circumstances, we all take time to dwell on the wonderful provision of salvation made for us and the grace it offers us, regardless of our unworthiness. What better way to experience the peace that we are promised? We need to keep the focus off ourselves and on Jesus and what we have been given in Him.
  • 5. Compare 1 Thessalonians 1:1 with 2 Thessalonians 1:1, 2. There’s a small difference in the wording. What significance might be found in that difference? There is one difference between 1 and 2 Thes- salonians. Paul changes from “in God the Father” (1 Thess. 1:1) to “in God our Father” (2 Thess. 1:1). This adds a relational touch. There are people who feel close to Jesus yet are afraid of God the Father. Paul assures the Thessalonians that they can have as much confidence in their relationship with the Father as they do with Jesus. Jesus came to this earth to show us what the Father is like.
  • 6. REFLECTION Read John 1:18 and 14:7–11. What assurance and hope can we draw from these texts, especially in light of 2 Thessalonians 1:1, 2?
  • 7. 2. Paul’s Thanksgiving Paul had a tendency toward extra-long sentences. Second Thessalonians 1:3–10 is a single sentence focusing primarily on events surrounding the second coming of Jesus. The central core of the sentence, however, is not focused on the Second Coming (2 Thess 1:3, author’s translation): “We are obligated at all times to give thanks to God concerning you.” Paul’s comments regarding the return of Jesus (2 Thess. 1:6–10) are part of the reason that
  • 8. Read 2 Thessalo- nians 1:3, 4. What important spiritual principle do we find in these verses in regard to the question of faith? What happens to faith if it does not grow? “We are bound,” or “we ought,” to give thanks to God is the main verb of 2 Thessalonians 1:3–10. Paul feels obligated to thank God for the Thessalonians because their faith is getting stronger and stronger. Meanwhile, their love for one another is also increasing, and both verbs are in the present tense in the original. This means that their growth in faith and love was consistent and ongoing. This kind of growth is basic to any healthy church. Like a plant, if a church does not grow spiritually, it will die.
  • 9. Paul will go on to offer significant criticism of the church in the second and third chapters of this epistle. But he knows that people need a lot of affirma- tion before they can handle criticism constructively. He provides that kind of affirmation in the first chapter.
  • 10. One of the reasons for Paul’s affirmations is that the church in Thessalonica is continuing to suffer persecution. He particularly commends their “patience” in affliction. Instead of faith, hope, and love, Paul talks about their faith, love, and patience. Because “patience” here is substituted for “hope,” it leads Paul into his exposition of the Second Coming later in the chapter. The result of their increase in faith and love is that their fortitude in the face of affliction has become a source of boasting for the apostles among all the churches they visit. The Thessalonians have become a model of Christian commitment under fire.
  • 11. REFLECTION How can trials and affliction increase our faith? At the same time, who hasn’t struggled to maintain faith precisely because of trials?
  • 12. 3. Suffering as a Sign of the End 3. Second Thessalonians 1:5– 10 in the Greek has an Old Testament feel (the Bible of most New Testament Christians was the Septuagint, a pre-Christian Greek translation of the Old Testament). Second Thessalonians exhibits many more references to the Old Testament than does 1 Thessalonians. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 6. What is Paul saying? The word evidence (NIV) or token (KJV) means “proof” or “plain indication” of something. What does the persecution of Christians (vs. 4) prove? It is certainly not evidence of God’s judgment against His people. To the contrary, it is a pointer to the future judgment, in which the people of God are vindicated and those who persecuted them receive the same kind of experience they inflicted on others.
  • 13. There is a message here for us. Violence begets violence, and those who use violence against others have reason to fear for the future. God’s judgment sets things right. Those who persecute the people of God will one day face the justice of God. But those who experience injustice on account of their faith today can look with confidence to God’s future judgment. On that day, it will be evident to all that they were the objects of God’s favor. The New Testament encourages believers to exhibit grace, mercy, and forgive- ness toward others. But when these actions are rebuffed and repaid with curses, blows, and confinement, it is encouraging to know that injustice will not last forever. Thus, the saints of God are invited to have patience (see also Rev. 14:12).
  • 14. In 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 6, therefore, Paul Verse 5 shows reminds the the righteous persecuted judgment of God Thessalonians that in His approval the “righteous of the judgment of God” in Thessalonians. the future will Verse 6 shows it demonstrate His in the approval of them in condemnation the present. More and destruction than this, their of their patience and faith in persecutors. the face of trial validates that God has chosen them. In this way Christian suffering can be the basis for rejoicing (1 Thess. 1:6, 7). It is real-life evidence of whose side we will be on when Jesus comes.
  • 15. REFLECTION Have you been unfairly victimized, with the perpetrators receiving no apparent punishment for their actions? If so, what comfort can you take in the promises of God’s judgment? Or look at it this way: have you treated people badly, unfairly, and have gotten away with it (at least so far)? If so, how do you view the promises of God’s end-time judgment?
  • 16. 4. FUEGO Y DESTRUCCIÓN Lee 2 Tesalonicenses 1:7 al 9. ¿Cuál es la razón principal de la destrucción de los impíos en ocasión de la segunda venida de Jesús? ¿Cómo entendemos estos versículos pensando en un Dios lleno de amor, gracia y perdón? Muchas personas se sienten incómodas con estos versículos. Sienten que “dar retribución”, venganza, castigo, y el infligir sufrimientos es indigno de un Dios de amor, gracia y misericordia. Pero, el castigo justo y la retribución es un tema frecuente de Pablo (Rom. 2:5; 12:19). Él es inequívoco: la justicia de Dios un día se manifestará con poder.
  • 17. Cualquier buen Gobierno en el mundo actual, en algún momento, debe ejercer la fuerza para frenar el mal. Aunque la fuerza no siempre es vio- lenta (como cuando te detienen por violar las reglas de tránsito), en algunos casos, como cuando los criminales usan violencia, deben recibir violencia como respuesta. Los buenos gobiernos proveen ciertas restricciones necesarias, a fin de que todos puedan convivir en paz. Muchas veces el mal abierto no desaparecerá voluntariamente. Y, cuanto mayor sea el poder y la brutalidad del mal, tanto mayor será necesaria la fuerza para deshacer ese mal. Las imágenes de este pasaje no son hermosas, pero nos aseguran que Dios hará lo necesario para terminar con la violencia y la opresión.
  • 18. Lee Apocalipsis 16:4 al 7, y Daniel 7:21 y 22. ¿Qué enseñan estos versículos, que es semejante a lo que Pablo escribió en 2 Tesalonicenses? Por su propia experiencia, Jesús comprende el costo del sufrimiento. Podemos confiar en que ejercerá justicia divina, sin exagerar, y que resultará en sufrimiento, pero solo lo necesario. Si podemos confiar en Dios, podremos confiar en que su justicia revelará una equidad que ahora no podemos comprender. La meta de este pasaje no es gozarse en la venganza, sino animar a los que sufren abusos y opresión. El día de la justicia viene. No necesitamos hacer justicia por mano propia.
  • 19. 5. GLORIFICAR A CRISTO Lee 2 Tesalonicenses 1:10 al 12. ¿Qué significa que Jesucristo será glorificado en sus santos? Estos textos (2 Tes. 1:3-10) proveen muchos detalles acerca de la segunda venida de Jesús. Cuando él regrese, afligirá a los que afligían a sus hijos, y a estos últimos les dará descanso (ver 2 Tes. 1:6, 7). Vendrá del cielo en compañía de sus ángeles (vers. 7), con fuego ardiente, y ejecutará justicia sobre los que rechazaron a Dios y el evangelio (vers. 8). Los impíos serán destruidos (vers. 8, 9), mientras que los justos traerán gloria a Cristo (vers. 10). La segunda venida prepara el escenario para el milenio: la Tierra yace desolada por mil años (Apoc. 20:1-6). Aunque este pasaje no dice qué ocurrirá con los justos, 1 Tesalonicenses 4:16 y 17 dice que los salvados se unirán con Jesús en el aire. Juan 14:1 al 3 indica que Jesús llevará a los justos al cielo.
  • 20. ¿De qué manera enseña Pablo a los santos a prepararse para la segunda venida? 2 Tes. 1:11. En el versículo 10, Pablo termina de hablar de los impíos, y se vuelve a los justos en la segunda venida. En los versículos 10 al 12, la gloria de Jesús se exhibe en el carácter de aquellos que creen en él. Pablo se alegra, porque sus oraciones y sus esfuerzos por los tesalonicenses serán vindicados al regreso de Jesús (ver 1 Tes. 2:19, 20).
  • 21. El apóstol prepara aquí el cuadro para el capítulo 2, ya que el Día del Señor no había llegado todavía. Si así hubiera sido, habría fuego ardiente, destrucción de los malvados y la glorificación de Jesús a la vista de todos. Pablo usa los nombres de Dios y de Jesús en forma intercambiable. Según la inspiración, Jesús es Dios. Esto es muy importante. Cuanto más grande sea Jesús, más poderosa es su salvación, y más claro el retrato de Dios que recibimos al contemplar su vida, muerte, resurrección y retorno. Como Jesús es verdaderamente Dios, entonces el Padre es justo como él.
  • 22. REFLEXIÓN ¿Cómo vivimos cada día la expectativa de la segunda venida? ¿Por qué es fácil olvidar su venida? ¿Cómo podemos recordar esta promesa y realizar nuestras tareas diarias, dándole la atención que esta promesa merece?
  • 23. PARA ESTUDIAR Y MEDITAR: “La Biblia está escrita por hombres inspirados, pero no es la forma del pensamiento y de la expresión de Dios. Es la forma de la humanidad. Dios no está representado como escritor. Con frecuencia, los hombres dicen que cierta expresión no parece de Dios. Pero Dios no se ha puesto a sí mismo a prueba en la Biblia por medio de palabras, de lógica, de retórica. Los escritores de la Biblia eran los escribientes de Dios, no su pluma. [...]
  • 24. “No son las palabras de la Biblia las inspiradas, sino los hombres son los que fueron inspirados. La inspiración no obra en las palabras del hombre ni en sus expresiones, sino en el hombre mismo, que está imbuido con pensamientos bajo la influencia del Espíritu Santo. Pero las palabras reciben la impresión de la mente individual. La mente divina es difundida. La mente y la voluntad divinas se combinan con la mente y la voluntad humanas. De ese modo, las declaraciones del hombre son la Palabra de Dios” (MS 1:24).
  • 25. “La instrucción que el apóstol envió a los tesalonicenses en su primera carta en cuanto a la segunda venida de Cristo esta- ba perfectamente de acuerdo con su enseñanza anterior. Sin embargo, sus palabras fueron mal interpretadas. [...] “En su segunda carta, Pablo procuró corregir su error con respecto a la doctrina que les había dado, y trató de presentarles su verdadera enseñanza” (HAp 218).
  • 26. ADAPT it! Effective for SMALL GROUPS Teaching Approach ASSOCIATE truth – Why should I study this lesson? DISCOVER truth – What does the Bible say about this truth? APPLY truth – How can this truth affect my life today? PLAN using the truth – How can I use this truth today? TRANSFER truth to life – What changes do I need in my life ? We invite you to download and study each one of the 13 lessons about “Thessalonians”