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#1: Key Concepts in Building Law Enforcement Legitimacy
Law enforcement legitimacy is very important for both the
agencies and the communities they serve and protect. There
must be public trust and confidence in the police for their
overall mission and objectives to be attained. There must also
be a sense of obligation and responsibility by the citizenry to
accept police authority. For legitimacy to exist, a belief that
police actions are morally justified and appropriate to the
circumstances should be shared by the public. The Illinois
Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is just one
organization in the U.S. that promotes the notion that when
police are perceived to be procedurally just in their actions,
public recognition of police legitimacy improved along with the
ability of police to carry out their responsibilities effectively
#2: Prevailing Opinions of the Legitimacy of Law Enforcement
in the U.S.
Many general opinions on the legitimacy of law enforcement
may be formed by the perception of police behavior being
lawful vs. procedurally just. The general public have a limited
understanding of the law as it pertains to statutes and the
Constitution, but most people have a strong understanding of
behavior that is considered procedurally just and unjust. In
other words, an officer’s behavior may be within the legal scope
of authority but completely wrong as being procedurally just.
Officer behavior during traffic stops, searches, attitudes, verbal
commands and overall interpersonal exchanges with the public
all contribute to the public opinion of legitimacy in law
enforcement (
p241-pub). Prevailing opinions among member of communities
of color tend to be more negative toward legitimacy of law
enforcement because of issues pertaining to racial profiling,
higher arrest rates, mistreatment and over enforcement, in
comparison to predominantly white communities.
#3: The Impact of Racial Profiling and Disproportionate Contact
with Ethnic Groups
Both racial profiling and disproportionate contact with certain
racial groups undermine legitimacy because it destroys trust
between law enforcement and those respective racial groups. It
erodes the belief that police actions are morally justified and
should be supported and adhered to. Racial profiling also
undermines the effectiveness of law enforcement by having the
opposite affect on the goal of detecting and reducing crime.
Policing efforts focused on race allows other important factors
to go undetected when seeking to detect and reduce crime. If
minority groups have lower hit rates compared to whites, an
entire swath of criminal activity goes undetected to the
detriment of the community. Additionally, the use of statistical
discrimination have further advanced the notion that use of
demographic information will assist law enforcement to pin-
point criminal behavior with certain racial/ethnic groups As
pointed out by Bernard Harcourt in Henry Louis Gates and
Racial Profiling, the Rachet Effect develops out of this scenario
where a specific group is profiled and targeted at a higher rate
than other groups, thereby producing a higher offending rate
within that targeted group. The affects are long term and have
economic impacts that are detrimental to that particular group,
as well as society overall.
#4: Building Law Enforcement Legitimacy with Probation,
Parole and other Law Enforcement
Building law enforcement legitimacy takes a united and
consistent effort on the part of all aspects of the criminal justice
system. Racial profiling that was used to identify certain racial
groups, in particular, African-Americans, lead to
disproportionate number of arrests that lead to their conviction,
placement on probation and/or incarceration and return to the
community on parole. By utilizing evidence-based programming
to increase their probability of meaningful employment,
training, schooling, etc. it will assist in eliminating distrust and
create a more cohesive partnership with affected groups. In
doing so, the negative economic and societal impacts can be
#5: Building Integrity and Legitimacy within the Organization –
Early Findings
My research paper is focused on auditing the active shooter
protocol and policies of the Salem State University campus
police. The audit will be focused on determining if their
policies and procedures are consistent with law enforcement
standards for such incidents and if they are adhering to them
during active shooter events. By doing so, the audit will reveal
a connection between policy, practices and the existence of any
discrepancies. The audit is hoped to also determine if their
protocol and policies create a relationship of trust and
confidence between the agency and the campus community in
instances of an active shooter incident.
I have given preliminary review of the campus police’s public
disclosure information on procedures for “shelter in place”. I
have yet to make any early findings given I am still in the
process of obtaining auditing data for the department’s policies
and procedures.
Harcourt, B.E.(2014). Chapter 14: Henry Louis Gates and
Racial Profiling. In B. D. Fitch (Ed.). Law Enforcement Ethics:
Classic and Contemporary Issues (pp.295-324). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications.
EMPA 313 WEEK 5 2
What do you believe are the key concepts in building law
enforcement legitimacy?
The main focus of any professional agency regardless of it
being law enforcement or private company should be its
legitimacy. In the case of Law Enforcement the term legitimate
can mean multiple different things. There is also multiple
different names for Police Legitimacy, often referred to as
procedural justice, coined by the Obama administration. While
they mean two different things the same core ideas come to
mind. The main issue with these terminologies is more
semantics then anything else. While it is not just believed but
widely know the civilian populace wants a police force they can
trust, the term legitimacy means a different thing for each
person using it. For the police it is the right to exercise their
police powers in a positive manner, as for a minority
community that feels that most police interactions are un
warranted, the idea of legitimacy might mean something
different. For many small minority communities they believe
that legitimacy and accountability go hand in hand if not they
are the same thing.
The key concepts would be knowing what the community wants
from its police force and tailoring a system that works for that
community. That will be the legitimate trust that most people
are looking for in their police departments.
“Police legitimacy reflects the belief that the police ought to be
allowed to exercise their authority to maintain social order,
manage conflicts, and solve problems in their communities.
Legitimacy is reflected in three judgments. The first is public
trust and confidence in the police. Such confidence involves
the belief that the police are honest, that they try to do their
jobs well, and that they are trying to protect the community
against crime and violence. Second, legitimacy reflects the
willingness of residents to defer to the law and to police
authority, i.e. their sense of obligation and responsibility to
accept police authority. Finally, legitimacy involves the belief
that police actions are morally justified and appropriate to the
Research consistently shows that minorities are more likely than
whites to view law enforcement with suspicion and distrust.
Minorities frequently report that the police disproportionately
single them out because of their race or ethnicity. This
perception about the lawfulness and legitimacy of law
enforcement are an important criterion for judging policing in a
democratic society. Lawfulness means that police comply with
constitutional, statutory, and professional norms. Legitimacy is
linked to the public's belief about the police and its willingness
to recognize police authority.
Racial and ethnic minority perceptions that the police lack
lawfulness and legitimacy, based largely on their interactions
with the police, can lead to distrust of the police. Distrust of
police has serious consequences. Most importantly, it
undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement. Without
legitimacy, police lose their ability and authority to function
effectively.” -Police Officer Standardized Training California
What do you think are the prevailing opinions of the legitimacy
of law enforcement in the United States?
I believe that this is a loaded question, because the right answer
can be perceived as outdated and maybe in many circles
insensitive. It reminds me of moments before the 2016 election,
if you were to ask CNN who was about to win and how large the
margin of the win was going to be you would have received the
wrong answer. If you were to ask people based on what they
have seen on many popular new media stations if the police in
the United States were fair the answer would be undoubtably
no, but is that to say everyone in the United States believes that.
I believe again that the silent minority relay on Police and
Police services on a daily basis and walk away with a favorable
stance on their police officers. Remembering again that issues
such as race and racial profiling are but just a small part of a
larger puzzle that makes up the favorable or unfavorable of
How does Racial Profiling or Disproportionate levels of contact
with specific ethnic groups’ effect law enforcement legitimacy?
This by far is the hardest question to answer given its first
already answered itself and second is a loaded question. If a
Police Department was to be caught or they openly racially
profiled there would be no reason for the civilian populace to
adhere their that police departments authority. While I
personally do not adhere to the basic ideas of the ractchet
effect, I do believe that statistics have a purpose in all of this. I
understand that FBI statics do not favor the African American
community in a positive light regarding the amount of crime
committed by such a small populace. Now that information can
be looked at a million different ways and it can be used to fit
almost any narrative you want. The high level of incarcerated
African Americans can be made to look like police are the issue
while others think the issues fall on the failed leadership of
inner cities. Regardless of the reason the outcome is still less
then positive. While we might not have any true idea on how to
prevent or change these numbers we do know that one of the
biggest factors in dividing the two communities have been the
false narrative news stories ran but popular media outlets.
How can probation, parole, and other law enforcement groups
build legitimacy in the community?
Any part of law enforcement can help the entire community. It
is actually up to every officer to make a difference on a daily
basis. Regardless of the title, rank or agency the same is true for
most if not all peace officer which is they represent something
larger then themselves and often the only thing anyone
recognized is the badge and a uniform regardless of who they
work for. So knowing full well the American public just sees a
badge and uniform it is up to all peace officers to establish and
build law enforcement legitimacy.
How will your audit (Research Paper) help build integrity in the
organization and ultimately legitimacy? What are some of your
early findings, if you have them?
The best part of my audit will be the transparency that the
Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office is willing to lend me and
the public in showing their policies and procedures. This
openness that they show only helps to build to their credibility
and integrity in the eyes of the public thus creating a more
legitimate apparel to their brand name.
State of California Commission. (0AD). Resources. Retrieved
This week’s text centered on the tough subjects of racial
profiling, prejudice in law enforcement, and the effects these
issues have on legitimizing the law enforcement profession. We
cannot ignore the destruction racial prejudice has reaped across
our country for decades. When racial profiling and prejudices
creep into the law enforcement profession, agencies and the
criminal justice system lose legitimacy and the public’s trust.
While efforts are continually in play to counter this issue in a
proactive manner, the roots run deep and the statistical data has
not showed a hard shift away from public concerns on whether
racial profiling is still proliferating the streets.
The Three Pillars of Legitimacy
Legitimacy throughout the law enforcement profession is vital
in maintaining the public trust and ensuring officers are
supported by the community in exercising their authority to
maintain order, protect, and serve. The California Commission
on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) has a clear
image of what legitimacy is and how agencies should be
conducting themselves in order to maintain legitimacy as an
agency, which in turn supports the greater law enforcement
profession. California POST speaks to legitimacy as being
supported by three main pillars of focus. The first being public
trust and confidence in the police. This pillar recognizes the
importance of maintaining the public trust in that officers are
honest, they are passionate about doing their jobs to the best of
his or her abilities, and they have a sincere investment in caring
for and protecting the community they serve in against violence
and deviancy. The second pillar is built upon the tenant that
there must be a willingness for the community to defer to the
law and to police authority. Lastly, the third pillar of legitimacy
it built from the position that law enforcement conduct is moral
and justified throughout their duties. After reading the
California POST information on police legitimacy, I concur
with these three tenants and have a greater understanding of
how difficult it can be to maintain legitimacy in our social
climate where bad apples are given the media representation of
being members of a greater bad barrel. We can see through
these readings just how crucial transparency and proactive
efforts are for agency administrators as they work to preserve
legitimacy and the public trust (California POST, 2018).
Consensus on Legitimacy in Law Enforcement
When analyzing the current opinion and national position on
law enforcement legitimacy against our reading this week I
think it is important that we understand racial profiling is only
one aspect the public considers when assessing their trust in law
enforcement. While it is a critical element and concern, it
should not dominate the national dialog on how the public
accepts and supports police authority being practiced on the
population as a whole. With that said, the National Institute of
Justice published an article on how racial profiling and
disparity concerns fell into the national opinion on law
enforcement. The results were transparent on the fact that
statistics still support the presence of racial profiling and that it
remains a real issue law enforcement is continually trying to
address; the quality of interactions the public has with their law
enforcement professionals are positive and the majority are
supportive of law enforcement actions within their community
regardless of race, age, income, or education (National Institute
of Justice, 2013). Racial Profiling & Legitimacy 3
Disparity in Law Enforcement Contacts
In chapter fourteen of our text we read about the presence and
issues surrounding the Ratchet Effect. The Ratchet Effect
occurs from the use of statistical information to drive the
position of deviancy amongst a certain population. The
statistical information collected however, feeds into the
disparity between African Americans and other races through
hard numbers. This effect generates a ratchet that has additional
consequences throughout the justice system. While we have a
position to abolish racial profiling, the statistical supported
actions are still affectually supporting racial profiling through
the different name of statistical profiling. Law enforcement
contacts when addressed through a purely statistical lens can
generate a conclusion that one specific race is more deviant
than the other, this is the issue with utilizing statistics to dispel
racial profiling; instead of dispelling the issue it is exasperating
the problem (Sage Publications, 2014).
Building Legitimacy though Correctional Agencies
Legitimacy is not built and maintained solely through the
actions of the patrol officer responding to calls for service and
his or her interactions with the public. Correctional agencies
have a role to play in exhibiting actions that generate public
trust and support as well. Legitimacy is supported though
providing proactive and humanistic approaches toward
probation and parole programs that seek to reduce recidivism
and invest in offenders so that they might return to being
positive and contributing members of society. It is important for
the public to see that institutionalization is not the intent behind
the justice system and that agencies maintain a responsibility in
protecting its citizens from dangerous offenders, while also
providing rehabilitation programs for those capable of returning
to society (Sage Publications, 2014).
Connecting my Audit and Research to Building Legitimacy
The findings from my audit have the potential to identify best
practices in the hiring and selection criteria of police officers.
If a specific hiring policy is generating higher population of
quality officers, than these best practices will be looked at in
recommending adoption of similar policy. Currently, I have
completed the audit in policy and there is a clear difference in
the stringency of selection criteria between the federal
government and state agencies. The main contrast being that the
federal government does not specifically require a
psychological exams or any polygraph test. I am curious on
what the statistical information will be between federal and
state agency retention and numbers of adverse actions to see if
there is any relationship between selection criteria and long
term professionalism within each agency. These findings can
help build legitimacy through the understanding of what
selection criteria generates the most professional work force
amongst law enforcement. Racial Profiling & Legitimacy 4
California POST. (2018, December 19th). Procedural Justice
and Police Legitimacy. Retrieved from California Commission
on Peace Officer Standards and Training:
National Institute of Justice. (2013, January 9th). Race, Trust
and Police Legitimacy. Retrieved from National Institute of
Sage Publications. (2014). Chapter 14: Henry Louis Gates and
Racial Profiling. In B. E. Harcourt, Law Enforcement Ethics;
Classic and Contemporary Issues (pp. 295-324). Thousand
Oaks: Sage Publications.

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1#1 Key Concepts in Building Law Enforcement Legitimac.docx

  • 1. 1 #1: Key Concepts in Building Law Enforcement Legitimacy Law enforcement legitimacy is very important for both the agencies and the communities they serve and protect. There must be public trust and confidence in the police for their overall mission and objectives to be attained. There must also be a sense of obligation and responsibility by the citizenry to accept police authority. For legitimacy to exist, a belief that police actions are morally justified and appropriate to the circumstances should be shared by the public. The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is just one organization in the U.S. that promotes the notion that when police are perceived to be procedurally just in their actions, public recognition of police legitimacy improved along with the ability of police to carry out their responsibilities effectively ( policing-how-the-process-of-justice-impacts-public-attitudes- and-law-enforcement-outcomes). #2: Prevailing Opinions of the Legitimacy of Law Enforcement in the U.S. Many general opinions on the legitimacy of law enforcement may be formed by the perception of police behavior being lawful vs. procedurally just. The general public have a limited understanding of the law as it pertains to statutes and the Constitution, but most people have a strong understanding of behavior that is considered procedurally just and unjust. In other words, an officer’s behavior may be within the legal scope of authority but completely wrong as being procedurally just. Officer behavior during traffic stops, searches, attitudes, verbal commands and overall interpersonal exchanges with the public all contribute to the public opinion of legitimacy in law
  • 2. enforcement ( p241-pub). Prevailing opinions among member of communities of color tend to be more negative toward legitimacy of law enforcement because of issues pertaining to racial profiling, higher arrest rates, mistreatment and over enforcement, in comparison to predominantly white communities. #3: The Impact of Racial Profiling and Disproportionate Contact with Ethnic Groups Both racial profiling and disproportionate contact with certain racial groups undermine legitimacy because it destroys trust between law enforcement and those respective racial groups. It erodes the belief that police actions are morally justified and should be supported and adhered to. Racial profiling also undermines the effectiveness of law enforcement by having the opposite affect on the goal of detecting and reducing crime. Policing efforts focused on race allows other important factors to go undetected when seeking to detect and reduce crime. If minority groups have lower hit rates compared to whites, an entire swath of criminal activity goes undetected to the detriment of the community. Additionally, the use of statistical discrimination have further advanced the notion that use of demographic information will assist law enforcement to pin- point criminal behavior with certain racial/ethnic groups As pointed out by Bernard Harcourt in Henry Louis Gates and Racial Profiling, the Rachet Effect develops out of this scenario where a specific group is profiled and targeted at a higher rate than other groups, thereby producing a higher offending rate within that targeted group. The affects are long term and have economic impacts that are detrimental to that particular group, as well as society overall. #4: Building Law Enforcement Legitimacy with Probation, Parole and other Law Enforcement Building law enforcement legitimacy takes a united and consistent effort on the part of all aspects of the criminal justice
  • 3. system. Racial profiling that was used to identify certain racial groups, in particular, African-Americans, lead to disproportionate number of arrests that lead to their conviction, placement on probation and/or incarceration and return to the community on parole. By utilizing evidence-based programming to increase their probability of meaningful employment, training, schooling, etc. it will assist in eliminating distrust and create a more cohesive partnership with affected groups. In doing so, the negative economic and societal impacts can be mitigated. #5: Building Integrity and Legitimacy within the Organization – Early Findings My research paper is focused on auditing the active shooter protocol and policies of the Salem State University campus police. The audit will be focused on determining if their policies and procedures are consistent with law enforcement standards for such incidents and if they are adhering to them during active shooter events. By doing so, the audit will reveal a connection between policy, practices and the existence of any discrepancies. The audit is hoped to also determine if their protocol and policies create a relationship of trust and confidence between the agency and the campus community in instances of an active shooter incident. I have given preliminary review of the campus police’s public disclosure information on procedures for “shelter in place”. I have yet to make any early findings given I am still in the process of obtaining auditing data for the department’s policies and procedures. References Harcourt, B.E.(2014). Chapter 14: Henry Louis Gates and Racial Profiling. In B. D. Fitch (Ed.). Law Enforcement Ethics: Classic and Contemporary Issues (pp.295-324). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • 4. policing-how-the-process-of-justice-impacts-public-attitudes- and-law-enforcement-outcomes EMPA 313 WEEK 5 EMPA 313 WEEK 5 2 What do you believe are the key concepts in building law enforcement legitimacy? The main focus of any professional agency regardless of it being law enforcement or private company should be its legitimacy. In the case of Law Enforcement the term legitimate can mean multiple different things. There is also multiple different names for Police Legitimacy, often referred to as procedural justice, coined by the Obama administration. While they mean two different things the same core ideas come to mind. The main issue with these terminologies is more semantics then anything else. While it is not just believed but widely know the civilian populace wants a police force they can trust, the term legitimacy means a different thing for each person using it. For the police it is the right to exercise their police powers in a positive manner, as for a minority community that feels that most police interactions are un warranted, the idea of legitimacy might mean something different. For many small minority communities they believe that legitimacy and accountability go hand in hand if not they are the same thing. The key concepts would be knowing what the community wants from its police force and tailoring a system that works for that community. That will be the legitimate trust that most people are looking for in their police departments. “Police legitimacy reflects the belief that the police ought to be allowed to exercise their authority to maintain social order,
  • 5. manage conflicts, and solve problems in their communities. Legitimacy is reflected in three judgments. The first is public trust and confidence in the police. Such confidence involves the belief that the police are honest, that they try to do their jobs well, and that they are trying to protect the community against crime and violence. Second, legitimacy reflects the willingness of residents to defer to the law and to police authority, i.e. their sense of obligation and responsibility to accept police authority. Finally, legitimacy involves the belief that police actions are morally justified and appropriate to the circumstances. Research consistently shows that minorities are more likely than whites to view law enforcement with suspicion and distrust. Minorities frequently report that the police disproportionately single them out because of their race or ethnicity. This perception about the lawfulness and legitimacy of law enforcement are an important criterion for judging policing in a democratic society. Lawfulness means that police comply with constitutional, statutory, and professional norms. Legitimacy is linked to the public's belief about the police and its willingness to recognize police authority. Racial and ethnic minority perceptions that the police lack lawfulness and legitimacy, based largely on their interactions with the police, can lead to distrust of the police. Distrust of police has serious consequences. Most importantly, it undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement. Without legitimacy, police lose their ability and authority to function effectively.” -Police Officer Standardized Training California What do you think are the prevailing opinions of the legitimacy of law enforcement in the United States? I believe that this is a loaded question, because the right answer can be perceived as outdated and maybe in many circles
  • 6. insensitive. It reminds me of moments before the 2016 election, if you were to ask CNN who was about to win and how large the margin of the win was going to be you would have received the wrong answer. If you were to ask people based on what they have seen on many popular new media stations if the police in the United States were fair the answer would be undoubtably no, but is that to say everyone in the United States believes that. I believe again that the silent minority relay on Police and Police services on a daily basis and walk away with a favorable stance on their police officers. Remembering again that issues such as race and racial profiling are but just a small part of a larger puzzle that makes up the favorable or unfavorable of police. How does Racial Profiling or Disproportionate levels of contact with specific ethnic groups’ effect law enforcement legitimacy? This by far is the hardest question to answer given its first already answered itself and second is a loaded question. If a Police Department was to be caught or they openly racially profiled there would be no reason for the civilian populace to adhere their that police departments authority. While I personally do not adhere to the basic ideas of the ractchet effect, I do believe that statistics have a purpose in all of this. I understand that FBI statics do not favor the African American community in a positive light regarding the amount of crime committed by such a small populace. Now that information can be looked at a million different ways and it can be used to fit almost any narrative you want. The high level of incarcerated African Americans can be made to look like police are the issue while others think the issues fall on the failed leadership of inner cities. Regardless of the reason the outcome is still less then positive. While we might not have any true idea on how to prevent or change these numbers we do know that one of the biggest factors in dividing the two communities have been the false narrative news stories ran but popular media outlets.
  • 7. How can probation, parole, and other law enforcement groups build legitimacy in the community? Any part of law enforcement can help the entire community. It is actually up to every officer to make a difference on a daily basis. Regardless of the title, rank or agency the same is true for most if not all peace officer which is they represent something larger then themselves and often the only thing anyone recognized is the badge and a uniform regardless of who they work for. So knowing full well the American public just sees a badge and uniform it is up to all peace officers to establish and build law enforcement legitimacy. How will your audit (Research Paper) help build integrity in the organization and ultimately legitimacy? What are some of your early findings, if you have them? The best part of my audit will be the transparency that the Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office is willing to lend me and the public in showing their policies and procedures. This openness that they show only helps to build to their credibility and integrity in the eyes of the public thus creating a more legitimate apparel to their brand name. References State of California Commission. (0AD). Resources. Retrieved from legitimacy.
  • 8. Abstract This week’s text centered on the tough subjects of racial profiling, prejudice in law enforcement, and the effects these issues have on legitimizing the law enforcement profession. We cannot ignore the destruction racial prejudice has reaped across our country for decades. When racial profiling and prejudices creep into the law enforcement profession, agencies and the criminal justice system lose legitimacy and the public’s trust. While efforts are continually in play to counter this issue in a proactive manner, the roots run deep and the statistical data has not showed a hard shift away from public concerns on whether racial profiling is still proliferating the streets. The Three Pillars of Legitimacy Legitimacy throughout the law enforcement profession is vital in maintaining the public trust and ensuring officers are supported by the community in exercising their authority to maintain order, protect, and serve. The California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) has a clear image of what legitimacy is and how agencies should be conducting themselves in order to maintain legitimacy as an agency, which in turn supports the greater law enforcement profession. California POST speaks to legitimacy as being supported by three main pillars of focus. The first being public trust and confidence in the police. This pillar recognizes the importance of maintaining the public trust in that officers are honest, they are passionate about doing their jobs to the best of his or her abilities, and they have a sincere investment in caring for and protecting the community they serve in against violence and deviancy. The second pillar is built upon the tenant that there must be a willingness for the community to defer to the law and to police authority. Lastly, the third pillar of legitimacy it built from the position that law enforcement conduct is moral
  • 9. and justified throughout their duties. After reading the California POST information on police legitimacy, I concur with these three tenants and have a greater understanding of how difficult it can be to maintain legitimacy in our social climate where bad apples are given the media representation of being members of a greater bad barrel. We can see through these readings just how crucial transparency and proactive efforts are for agency administrators as they work to preserve legitimacy and the public trust (California POST, 2018). Consensus on Legitimacy in Law Enforcement When analyzing the current opinion and national position on law enforcement legitimacy against our reading this week I think it is important that we understand racial profiling is only one aspect the public considers when assessing their trust in law enforcement. While it is a critical element and concern, it should not dominate the national dialog on how the public accepts and supports police authority being practiced on the population as a whole. With that said, the National Institute of Justice published an article on how racial profiling and disparity concerns fell into the national opinion on law enforcement. The results were transparent on the fact that statistics still support the presence of racial profiling and that it remains a real issue law enforcement is continually trying to address; the quality of interactions the public has with their law enforcement professionals are positive and the majority are supportive of law enforcement actions within their community regardless of race, age, income, or education (National Institute of Justice, 2013). Racial Profiling & Legitimacy 3 Disparity in Law Enforcement Contacts In chapter fourteen of our text we read about the presence and issues surrounding the Ratchet Effect. The Ratchet Effect occurs from the use of statistical information to drive the position of deviancy amongst a certain population. The statistical information collected however, feeds into the disparity between African Americans and other races through
  • 10. hard numbers. This effect generates a ratchet that has additional consequences throughout the justice system. While we have a position to abolish racial profiling, the statistical supported actions are still affectually supporting racial profiling through the different name of statistical profiling. Law enforcement contacts when addressed through a purely statistical lens can generate a conclusion that one specific race is more deviant than the other, this is the issue with utilizing statistics to dispel racial profiling; instead of dispelling the issue it is exasperating the problem (Sage Publications, 2014). Building Legitimacy though Correctional Agencies Legitimacy is not built and maintained solely through the actions of the patrol officer responding to calls for service and his or her interactions with the public. Correctional agencies have a role to play in exhibiting actions that generate public trust and support as well. Legitimacy is supported though providing proactive and humanistic approaches toward probation and parole programs that seek to reduce recidivism and invest in offenders so that they might return to being positive and contributing members of society. It is important for the public to see that institutionalization is not the intent behind the justice system and that agencies maintain a responsibility in protecting its citizens from dangerous offenders, while also providing rehabilitation programs for those capable of returning to society (Sage Publications, 2014). Connecting my Audit and Research to Building Legitimacy The findings from my audit have the potential to identify best practices in the hiring and selection criteria of police officers. If a specific hiring policy is generating higher population of quality officers, than these best practices will be looked at in recommending adoption of similar policy. Currently, I have completed the audit in policy and there is a clear difference in the stringency of selection criteria between the federal government and state agencies. The main contrast being that the federal government does not specifically require a psychological exams or any polygraph test. I am curious on
  • 11. what the statistical information will be between federal and state agency retention and numbers of adverse actions to see if there is any relationship between selection criteria and long term professionalism within each agency. These findings can help build legitimacy through the understanding of what selection criteria generates the most professional work force amongst law enforcement. Racial Profiling & Legitimacy 4 Reference California POST. (2018, December 19th). Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy. Retrieved from California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training: National Institute of Justice. (2013, January 9th). Race, Trust and Police Legitimacy. Retrieved from National Institute of Justice: legitimacy Sage Publications. (2014). Chapter 14: Henry Louis Gates and Racial Profiling. In B. E. Harcourt, Law Enforcement Ethics; Classic and Contemporary Issues (pp. 295-324). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.