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When to use iterative
development? You should
use iterative development
only on projects that you
want to succeed.
Martin Fowler

Author and programmer
Do not be afraid to
make decisions.
Do not be afraid to
make mistakes.
Carly Fiorina

Business coach and politician
An organization that 

treats its programmers 

as morons 

will soon have 

programmers that 

are willing and able 

to act like morons only.
Bjarne Stroustrup

Computer scientist
Mary Poppendieck

Lean trainer and author
Do the planning, 

but throw out the plans.
The most effective way
to do it, is to do it.
Amelia Earhart

Aviation pioneer
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Working always ships
faster than perfect.
Anjuan Simmons

Technology thought leader
There is nothing
so useless as
doing efficiently
that which should
not be done at all.
Peter Drucker

Management consultant and author
A vision should be judged
by the clarity of its values,
not the clarity of its
implementation path.
Donella H. Meadows

author of Thinking in Systems: A Primer
Sometimes it can
be really freeing to
have identified the
problem... Even
when you're it.
Kristen Belcher

Agile coach
The value of an idea 

lies in the using of it.
Thomas Edison

We shouldn’t add features
until they are needed.
Forget just in case;
develop just in time.
Mary Poppendieck

Lean trainer and author
Nothing endures but change.

Mike Cottmeyer

Agile author and coach
Stable Velocity. 

Sustainable Pace.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your
complex overwhelming tasks into small
manageable tasks, and then start on the first
Geoff Watts

Scrum trainer and author
As ScrumMasters, 

we should all value 

being great over 

being good.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It seems that perfection is reached not
when there is nothing left to add, 

but when there is nothing left 

to take away.
Sherlock Holmes

Scandal in Bohemia
It is a capital mistake
to theorize before
one has data.
If you can dream it, you
can do it.
Walt Disney

Entrepreneur and Animator
Dr. Seuss

Author and illustrator
Everything stinks
till it’s finished. 
Right and wrong 

cease to be 

useful concepts 

when you’re talking about
software development.
Kent Beck

XP trainer and author
It doesn’t make sense to measure
anything unless you know why you are
measuring. This is the question to start
with, “What do you care most about?”
Pat Kua

Technical leader and author
If you want a

buy a toaster.
Clint Eastwood as 

Nick Pulovski in

The Rookie
Henry Ford

A market is never
saturated with a 

good product, 

but it is very
quickly saturated
with a bad one.
Learn from your
mistakes, be fearless,
and above all have fun.
Julia Child

Jim Highsmith

Agile author
As a software development
consultant, I’ve never
encountered a successful
software company
(although my sample size is
limited) in which the team
and project leaders were
not technically savvy.
The important thing is not your process.
The important thing is your process for
improving your process.
Henrik Kniberg

Agile trainer and author
We have a propensity to believe in
magic. Anything we can do to align
our conversation around reality is
going to advance us much more.
Don Moen

Agile Coach
Douglas McGregor

Management professor
Most teams aren’t teams at all but merely
collections of individual relationships with
the boss. Each individual vying with the
others for power, prestige, and position.
Just because you make a
good plan, doesn’t mean
that’s what's gonna happen.
Taylor Swift

Roman Pichler

Agile trainer and author
Keep your roadmap simple 

and easy to understand. 

Capture what really matters; 

leave out the rest.
T. S. Eliot

“ When forced to work
within a strict framework
the imagination is taxed to
its utmost – and will
produce its richest ideas.
Given total freedom the
work is likely to sprawl.
Simplicity is 

the ultimate 

Leonardo da Vinci
Always make
new mistakes.
Esther Dyson

Investor and philanthropist
Henry Ford

Failure is simply the opportunity to
begin again, 

this time 

more intelligently.
As a general rule of thumb,
when benefits are not
quantified at all, 

assume there aren’t any.
Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

Software development authors
This indispensable 

first step to getting 

what you want 

is this: 


what you want.
Ben Stein

A true natural
responds to
any problem by
listening first.
Lyssa Adkins

Agile coach and author
Anyone who has
never made a
mistake has never 

tried anything new.
Albert Einstein
That which is a feature to
a component team is a
task to a feature team.
Ken Rubin

Agile author and trainer
Be honest – 

Without objectivity 

and honesty, 

the project team 

is set up for failure, 

even if developing 

Ian Spence and Kurt Bittner

Agile authors
To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, 

but to be certain is to be ridiculous.
Chinese Proverb
Software is the most malleable product.
Companies need to use this
characteristics to their competitive
advantage, and sticking to traditional
waterfall development negates this
Jim Highsmith

Agile author
It’s not the customer’s
job to solve their own
problems. It’s your job
to ask them the right
Melissa Perri

Author of Escaping the Build Trap
The more elaborate 

our means of communication, 

the less we communicate.
Joseph Priestley

Everything is vague to a degree
you do not realize ‘till you have
tried to make it precise.
Bertrand Russell

(In software) Speed
is safety... the slower
you go, the more
dangerously you
Charity Majors

Co-Founder and engineer, Honeycomb
Scrum without automation is like driving 

a sports car on a dirt track – you won’t
experience the full potential, 

you will get frustrated, and you will
probably end up blaming the car…
Ilan Goldstein

Scrum trainer and author
As an Agile coach, you don’t
need to have all the answers; 

it takes time and a few 

experiments to hit on 

the right approach.
Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley

Agile trainers and authors
Eric Ries

Author, The Lean Startup
Innovation is a
decentralized, and
unpredictable thing,
but that doesn’t
mean it cannot be
Dwight Eisenhower

General and President
Plans are worthless, 

but planning is
In XP, we don’t
divide and conquer. 

We conquer and

First we make
something that
works, then we bust
that up and solve 

the little parts.
Kent Beck

XP trainer and author
People, not methodologies or
tools, make projects successful.
Lisa Crispin & Janet Gregory

Authors of Agile Testing
Done is better
than perfect.
Sheryl Sandberg

Author and Facebook executive
Bas Vodde and Craig Larman

Agile trainers and authors
After working for some years in the
domains of large, multisite, and
offshore development, we have
distilled our experience and advice
down to the following: 

Don’t do it.
First-time product owners
need time, trust, and support
to grow into their new role.
Roman Pichler

Agile trainer and author
George S. Patton

If you tell people where to go, 

but not how to get there, 

you’ll be amazed by the results.
Winston Churchill

Prime Minister
Success is not final, 

failure is not fatal: 

it is the courage 

to continue that counts.
If you define the
problem correctly, 

you almost have
the solution.
Steve Jobs

Apple Co-Founder
We define an agile tester this way: 

a professional tester who embraces change,
collaborates well with both technical and
business people, and understands the
concept of using tests to document
requirements and drive development.
Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory

Agile trainers and authors
You improvise. 

You adapt. 

You overcome.
Clint Eastwood as 

Sergeant Highway in

Heartbreak Ridge
Mike Cohn

Agile trainer and author
Planning is 

a quest for value.
Thomas Edison

Our greatest weakness
lies in giving up. 

The most certain way to
succeed is always to 

try just one more time.
As a rule of thumb, 

for every user who
tells you about a
problem, there will be
between 10 and 100
other users who
experienced the same
problem and didn’t
think to get in touch.
Paul Butcher

Software engineering author
As human beings,
we are amazingly
adaptable and
creative, yet most
of us work for
companies that
are not.
Gary Hamel

Leonard Bernstein

Composer and conductor
To achieve great things,
two things are needed:
a plan, and not quite
enough time.
Pekka Himanen

Philosopher and author
It is not possible to create
interesting things in a constant
hurry or in a regulated way from
nine to five.
Ron Livingston as

Peter Gibbons in 

Office Space
The thing is, Bob, 

it’s not that I’m lazy, 

it’s that I just don’t care.
Mario Andretti

World Champion Racing Driver
If everything seems 

under control, 

you’re not going 

fast enough.
Niels Bohr

Prediction is very difficult,
especially about the future.
Winston Churchill

Prime Minister
To improve is to change; 

to be perfect is to change often.
Henry Ford

Whether you think that
you can, or that you can’t,
you are usually right.
Every great product owner
needs a great ScrumMaster.
Roman Pichler

Agile trainer and author
James Doohan as

Scotty in

Star Trek III
The more they 

over think the plumbing, 

the easier it is 

to stop up the drain.
It doesn’t matter 

how good you are today; 

if you’re not better next month, 

you’re no longer agile.
Mike Cohn

Agile trainer and author
Focus on idle work
not idle workers 

to achieve fast,
flexible flow.
Ken Rubin

Agile author and trainer
Dwayne Johnson

The Rock
It’s never about 

how you start – 

it’s always about 

how you finish.
Eric Ries

Author, The Lean Startup
Remove any
feature, process, or
effort that does not
contribute directly
to the learning you
Michael Hugos

Agile systems architect
Agility means that 

you are faster than 

your competition. 

Agile time frames 

are measured in 

weeks and months, 

not years.
Kristen Sammons

Agile evangelist & scrum master
The four most important
words for Scrum Masters
are: Let’s ask the team.
Jeff Patton

Agile trainer
We don’t need
an accurate

We need a
Gregory Corso

If you have a choice of two things
and can’t decide, 

take both.
Agile leaders lead teams, 

non-agile ones manage tasks.
Jim Highsmith

Agile author
If you have a problem
and to solve it you
need someone else
to change, you don’t
understand your
problem yet.
Lyssa Adkins

Agile coach and author
Change is scary, but
complacency is deadly.
Dave Dame

Agile leader
Design and programming 

are human activities; 

forget that and all is lost.
Bjarne Stroustrup

Computer scientist
Karl Scotland

Agile trainer
Scrum focuses on being agile 

which may (and should) lead to improving.
Kanban focuses on improving, 

which may lead to being agile.
Walt Disney

Entrepreneur and Animator
When we go into that new project, 

we believe in it all the way. 

We have confidence in 

our ability to do it right.
Elisabeth Hendrickson

Agile author and trainer
Agile teams produce a continuous
stream of value, at a sustainable pace,
while adapting to the 

changing needs of the business.
Earl Nightingale

Motivational speaker
People with goals succeed
because they know where
they’re going.
Metrics are not objective just
because they’re quantitative.
Erika Hall

Author and co-founder of Mule Design
Thomas Edison

Opportunity is
missed by most
people because 

it is dressed in
overalls and
looks like work.
You can’t make decisions based
on fear and the possibility of what
might happen.
Michelle Obama

Attorney, author, and former US First Lady
Making work visible
is one of the most
fundamental things
we can do to improve
Dominica DeGrandis

Author of Making Work Visible
Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley

Agile trainers and authors
Agile is all about teams
working together to
produce great software. 

As an Agile coach, you
can help your team go
from first steps to
running with Agile to
unleashing their full
Agile potential.
No matter what the problem is, 

it's always a people problem.
Gerald M. Weinberg

A wrong decision is better than
no decision.
James Gandolfini as 

Tony Soprano in

The Sopranos
Winston Churchill

Prime Minister
It is always wise 

to look ahead, 

but difficult 

to look further 

than you can see.
Change is not for its own sake, it’s
the means to the end, not the end.
Pearl Zhu

Author of Digital Agility: The Rocky Road
from Doing Agile to Being Agile
Although self-organizing 

is a good term, 

it has, unfortunately, 

become confused with
Jim Highsmith

Agile author
The benefit of allowing a
team to self-organize isn’t
that the team finds some
optimal organization for
their work that a manager
may have missed. Rather, it
is that by allowing the team
to self-organize, they are
encouraged to fully own the
Mike Cohn

Agile trainer and author
Jason Fried

Founder, Basecamp
Meetings should be
like salt–a spice
sprinkled carefully to
enhance a dish, not
poured recklessly
over every forkful. 
John von Neumann

There’s no sense in being precise 

when you don’t even know 

what you’re talking about.
Marina Martin

Release Train Engineer
“You can’t fix people problems with
Kill your product 

if a pivot is not 

beneficial and 


no option. 

It’s tough but 

the right thing to do.
Roman Pichler

Agile trainer and author
George Dinwiddie

Agile coach and trainer

it’s not the documentation 

that needs to be in sync, 

but the people.
The first thing to realize when
formulating your first DoD (Definition
of Done) is that it isn’t cast in stone.
You don’t need to spend an eternity
deliberating what it should be,
because it can evolve over time.
Ilan Goldstein

Scrum trainer and author
Any fool can write code that 

a computer can understand. 

Good programmers write code 

that humans can understand.
Martin Fowler

Author and programmer
Winston Churchill

Prime Minister
However beautiful the strategy, 

you should occasionally 

look at the results.
Leadership is the art of
accomplishing goals
through other people.
Mary Lynn Manns and Linda Rising

You measure system
capability; you do not
prescribe it.
Mary Poppendieck

Lean trainer and author
Be prepared to cut your losses –
Canceling bad projects early 

is success because you save time,
money and resources that can be
applied to better opportunities.
Ian Spence and Kurt Bittner

Agile authors
The best way to get
a project done faster
is to start sooner.
Jim Highsmith

Agile author
Optimism is an 

occupational hazard 

of programming: 

feedback is 

the treatment. 

Kent Beck

XP trainer and author
Inside every large program, 

there is a small program 

trying to get out.
C.A.R. Hoare

Computer scientist
People don’t adopt a
methodology, they adapt it.

Tom DeMarco

Be fixed on the vision,

but flexible on the journey.

Jeff Bezos

Founder of Amazon
“Scaling agile” always
sounds to me like “scaling
small-batch, hand-crafted
artisanal beer.” You end up
with Bud Light
Andy Hunt

Pragmatic programmer
Facts are better than
Winston Churchill

Prime Minister
It’s better to be roughly
right than precisely wrong.
John Maynard Keynes

It is better to lead from
behind and to put
others in front,
especially when you
celebrate victory when
nice things occur. You
take the front line when
there is danger. Then
people will appreciate
your leadership.
Nelson Mandela

South African President
Agile is a philosophy,
not a methodology.”
Paul Bennett

Software engineer
When you are at a
crossroads about
trying something
or not, always
default to the try.
Carla A. Harris

Leader, author, and singer
In coaching, the idea
is to coach the person,
not the problem.
Lyssa Adkins

Agile coach and author
Frame our agility with fragility.
Embrace the humanity.
Lizzy Morris

Scrum trainer
My impact expands
beyond the four
walls I work within.
Angie Jones

Java champion, inventor
Everyone has a plan until they
get punched in the mouth.
Mike Tyson

If everything was
perfect, you would
never learn, and you
would never grow.

Resist the temptation
to jump to a solution.
Mary Poppendieck

Lean trainer and author
Budgets may count Full-Time
Equivalents (FTEs), but great
teams count on people.
Johanna Rothman

Agile trainer and author
Scrum Masters, please
don’t touch the task board.
It does not belong to you.
Michele Sliger

Agile trainer
People are what
make companies
agile, not approaches,
methodologies or
Pedro Gaspar Fernandes

Facilitator, neo-generalist
Mountain Goat Software offers education and certified training on
Scrum and agile processes to help all types of organizations become
more agile.

So how can you use Mountain Goat Software to succeed with agile?

Master agile without leaving your desk with
courses including Better User Stories, Agile
Estimating and Planning, The Scrum Repair
Guide and more.
View video courses at
The Agile Mentors Community is a growing
online network of agilists. Exclusive content
from Mike Cohn, monthly Q&A sessions, and
a private forum provide a wealth of agile
support when you need it.
View member benefits at
Mountain Goat Software offers education and certified training on
Scrum and agile processes to help all types of organizations become
more agile.

We offer training and education to help any organization adopt and
improve their use of agile processes and techniques. Scrum helps
companies build extreme high-performance development teams.

Whether you are interested in receiving coaching, consulting, or
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  • 1.
  • 2. “ When to use iterative development? You should use iterative development only on projects that you want to succeed. Martin Fowler Author and programmer
  • 3. “ Do not be afraid to make decisions. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Carly Fiorina Business coach and politician
  • 4. “ An organization that 
 treats its programmers 
 as morons 
 will soon have 
 programmers that 
 are willing and able 
 to act like morons only. Bjarne Stroustrup Computer scientist
  • 5. Mary Poppendieck Lean trainer and author “ Do the planning, 
 but throw out the plans.
  • 6. “ The most effective way to do it, is to do it. Amelia Earhart Aviation pioneer
  • 8. “ Working always ships faster than perfect. Anjuan Simmons Technology thought leader
  • 9. There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. “ Peter Drucker Management consultant and author
  • 10. “ A vision should be judged by the clarity of its values, not the clarity of its implementation path. Donella H. Meadows author of Thinking in Systems: A Primer
  • 11. “ Sometimes it can be really freeing to have identified the problem... Even when you're it. Kristen Belcher Agile coach
  • 12. “ The value of an idea 
 lies in the using of it. Thomas Edison Inventor
  • 13. “ We shouldn’t add features until they are needed. Forget just in case; develop just in time. Mary Poppendieck Lean trainer and author
  • 14. Nothing endures but change. Heraclitus Philosopher “
  • 15. Mike Cottmeyer Agile author and coach “ Stable Velocity. 
 Sustainable Pace.
  • 16. Anonymous “ The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then start on the first one.
  • 17. Geoff Watts Scrum trainer and author “ As ScrumMasters, 
 we should all value 
 being great over 
 being good.
  • 18. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Author “ It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, 
 but when there is nothing left 
 to take away.
  • 19. Sherlock Holmes Scandal in Bohemia “ It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
  • 20. “ If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney Entrepreneur and Animator
  • 21. Dr. Seuss Author and illustrator Everything stinks till it’s finished.  “
  • 22. “ Right and wrong 
 cease to be 
 useful concepts 
 when you’re talking about software development. Kent Beck XP trainer and author
  • 23. “ It doesn’t make sense to measure anything unless you know why you are measuring. This is the question to start with, “What do you care most about?” Pat Kua Technical leader and author
  • 24. If you want a guarantee, 
 buy a toaster. Clint Eastwood as 
 Nick Pulovski in The Rookie “
  • 25. Henry Ford Entrepreneur “ A market is never saturated with a 
 good product, 
 but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one.
  • 26. “ Learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun. Julia Child Chef
  • 27. Jim Highsmith Agile author “ As a software development consultant, I’ve never encountered a successful software company (although my sample size is limited) in which the team and project leaders were not technically savvy.
  • 28. The important thing is not your process. The important thing is your process for improving your process. “ Henrik Kniberg Agile trainer and author
  • 29. “ We have a propensity to believe in magic. Anything we can do to align our conversation around reality is going to advance us much more. Don Moen Agile Coach
  • 30. Douglas McGregor Management professor Most teams aren’t teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige, and position. “
  • 31. Just because you make a good plan, doesn’t mean that’s what's gonna happen. Taylor Swift Singer-songwriter
  • 32. Roman Pichler Agile trainer and author “ Keep your roadmap simple 
 and easy to understand. 
 Capture what really matters; 
 leave out the rest.
  • 33. T. S. Eliot Poet “ When forced to work within a strict framework the imagination is taxed to its utmost – and will produce its richest ideas. Given total freedom the work is likely to sprawl.
  • 34. “ Simplicity is 
 the ultimate 
 sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci
  • 35. “ Always make new mistakes. Esther Dyson Investor and philanthropist
  • 36. Henry Ford Entrepreneur “ Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, 
 this time 
 more intelligently.
  • 37. “ As a general rule of thumb, when benefits are not quantified at all, 
 assume there aren’t any. Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister Software development authors
  • 38. “ This indispensable 
 first step to getting 
 what you want 
 is this: 
 what you want. Ben Stein Actor
  • 39. “ A true natural servant automatically responds to any problem by listening first. Lyssa Adkins Agile coach and author
  • 40. “ Anyone who has never made a mistake has never 
 tried anything new. Albert Einstein
  • 41. That which is a feature to a component team is a task to a feature team. “ Ken Rubin Agile author and trainer
  • 42. “ Be honest – 
 Without objectivity 
 and honesty, 
 the project team 
 is set up for failure, 
 even if developing 
 iteratively. Ian Spence and Kurt Bittner Agile authors
  • 43. “ To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, 
 but to be certain is to be ridiculous. Chinese Proverb
  • 44. “ Software is the most malleable product. Companies need to use this characteristics to their competitive advantage, and sticking to traditional waterfall development negates this advantage. Jim Highsmith Agile author
  • 45. “ It’s not the customer’s job to solve their own problems. It’s your job to ask them the right questions. Melissa Perri Author of Escaping the Build Trap
  • 46. “ The more elaborate 
 our means of communication, 
 the less we communicate. Joseph Priestley Theologian
  • 47. “ Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize ‘till you have tried to make it precise. Bertrand Russell Philosopher
  • 48. “ (In software) Speed is safety... the slower you go, the more dangerously you wobble. Charity Majors Co-Founder and engineer, Honeycomb
  • 49. “ Scrum without automation is like driving 
 a sports car on a dirt track – you won’t experience the full potential, 
 you will get frustrated, and you will probably end up blaming the car… Ilan Goldstein Scrum trainer and author
  • 50. “ As an Agile coach, you don’t need to have all the answers; 
 it takes time and a few 
 experiments to hit on 
 the right approach. Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley Agile trainers and authors
  • 51. “ Eric Ries Author, The Lean Startup Innovation is a bottoms-up, decentralized, and unpredictable thing, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be managed.
  • 52. Dwight Eisenhower General and President “ Plans are worthless, 
 but planning is everything.
  • 53. “ In XP, we don’t divide and conquer. 
 We conquer and divide. 
 First we make something that works, then we bust that up and solve 
 the little parts. Kent Beck XP trainer and author
  • 54. “ People, not methodologies or tools, make projects successful. Lisa Crispin & Janet Gregory Authors of Agile Testing
  • 55. “ Done is better than perfect. Sheryl Sandberg Author and Facebook executive
  • 56. Bas Vodde and Craig Larman Agile trainers and authors “ After working for some years in the domains of large, multisite, and offshore development, we have distilled our experience and advice down to the following: 
 Don’t do it.
  • 57. “ First-time product owners need time, trust, and support to grow into their new role. Roman Pichler Agile trainer and author
  • 58. George S. Patton General “ If you tell people where to go, 
 but not how to get there, 
 you’ll be amazed by the results.
  • 59. Winston Churchill Prime Minister “ Success is not final, 
 failure is not fatal: 
 it is the courage 
 to continue that counts.
  • 60. “ If you define the problem correctly, 
 you almost have the solution. Steve Jobs Apple Co-Founder
  • 61. “ We define an agile tester this way: 
 a professional tester who embraces change, collaborates well with both technical and business people, and understands the concept of using tests to document requirements and drive development. Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory Agile trainers and authors
  • 62. “ You improvise. 
 You adapt. 
 You overcome. Clint Eastwood as 
 Sergeant Highway in
 Heartbreak Ridge
  • 63. Mike Cohn Agile trainer and author “ Planning is 
 a quest for value.
  • 64. Thomas Edison Inventor “ Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. 
 The most certain way to succeed is always to 
 try just one more time.
  • 65. “ As a rule of thumb, 
 for every user who tells you about a problem, there will be between 10 and 100 other users who experienced the same problem and didn’t think to get in touch. Paul Butcher Software engineering author
  • 66. “ As human beings, we are amazingly adaptable and creative, yet most of us work for companies that are not. Gary Hamel Author
  • 67. Leonard Bernstein Composer and conductor “ To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.
  • 68. Pekka Himanen Philosopher and author “ It is not possible to create interesting things in a constant hurry or in a regulated way from nine to five.
  • 69. Ron Livingston as Peter Gibbons in Office Space “ The thing is, Bob, 
 it’s not that I’m lazy, 
 it’s that I just don’t care.
  • 70. Mario Andretti World Champion Racing Driver “ If everything seems 
 under control, 
 you’re not going 
 fast enough.
  • 71. Niels Bohr Physicist “ Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.
  • 72. Winston Churchill Prime Minister “ To improve is to change; 
 to be perfect is to change often.
  • 73. Henry Ford Entrepreneur “ Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.
  • 74. “ Every great product owner needs a great ScrumMaster. Roman Pichler Agile trainer and author
  • 75. James Doohan as Scotty in Star Trek III “ The more they 
 over think the plumbing, 
 the easier it is 
 to stop up the drain.
  • 76. “ It doesn’t matter 
 how good you are today; 
 if you’re not better next month, 
 you’re no longer agile. Mike Cohn Agile trainer and author
  • 77. Focus on idle work not idle workers 
 to achieve fast, flexible flow. “ Ken Rubin Agile author and trainer
  • 78. Dwayne Johnson The Rock “ It’s never about 
 how you start – 
 it’s always about 
 how you finish.
  • 79. Eric Ries Author, The Lean Startup “ Remove any feature, process, or effort that does not contribute directly to the learning you seek.
  • 80. Michael Hugos Agile systems architect “ Agility means that 
 you are faster than 
 your competition. 
 Agile time frames 
 are measured in 
 weeks and months, 
 not years.
  • 81. Kristen Sammons Agile evangelist & scrum master “ The four most important words for Scrum Masters are: Let’s ask the team.
  • 82. Jeff Patton Agile trainer “ We don’t need an accurate document. 
 We need a shared understanding.
  • 83. Gregory Corso Poet “ If you have a choice of two things and can’t decide, 
 take both.
  • 84. “ Agile leaders lead teams, 
 non-agile ones manage tasks. Jim Highsmith Agile author
  • 85. “ If you have a problem and to solve it you need someone else to change, you don’t understand your problem yet. Lyssa Adkins Agile coach and author
  • 86. “ Change is scary, but complacency is deadly. Dave Dame Agile leader
  • 87. “ Design and programming 
 are human activities; 
 forget that and all is lost. Bjarne Stroustrup Computer scientist
  • 88. Karl Scotland Agile trainer “ Scrum focuses on being agile 
 which may (and should) lead to improving. Kanban focuses on improving, 
 which may lead to being agile.
  • 89. Walt Disney Entrepreneur and Animator “ When we go into that new project, 
 we believe in it all the way. 
 We have confidence in 
 our ability to do it right.
  • 90. Elisabeth Hendrickson Agile author and trainer “ Agile teams produce a continuous stream of value, at a sustainable pace, while adapting to the 
 changing needs of the business.
  • 91. Earl Nightingale Motivational speaker “ People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.
  • 92. “ Metrics are not objective just because they’re quantitative. Erika Hall Author and co-founder of Mule Design
  • 93. Thomas Edison Inventor “ Opportunity is missed by most people because 
 it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
  • 94. “ You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. Michelle Obama Attorney, author, and former US First Lady
  • 95. “ Making work visible is one of the most fundamental things we can do to improve Dominica DeGrandis Author of Making Work Visible
  • 96. Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley Agile trainers and authors “ Agile is all about teams working together to produce great software. 
 As an Agile coach, you can help your team go from first steps to running with Agile to unleashing their full Agile potential.
  • 97. “ No matter what the problem is, 
 it's always a people problem. Gerald M. Weinberg Author
  • 98. “ A wrong decision is better than no decision. James Gandolfini as 
 Tony Soprano in
 The Sopranos
  • 99. Winston Churchill Prime Minister “ It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult 
 to look further than you can see.
  • 100. “ Change is not for its own sake, it’s the means to the end, not the end. Pearl Zhu Author of Digital Agility: The Rocky Road from Doing Agile to Being Agile
  • 101. “ Although self-organizing 
 is a good term, 
 it has, unfortunately, 
 become confused with anarchy.  Jim Highsmith Agile author
  • 102. “ The benefit of allowing a team to self-organize isn’t that the team finds some optimal organization for their work that a manager may have missed. Rather, it is that by allowing the team to self-organize, they are encouraged to fully own the problem. Mike Cohn Agile trainer and author
  • 103. Jason Fried Founder, Basecamp “ Meetings should be like salt–a spice sprinkled carefully to enhance a dish, not poured recklessly over every forkful. 
  • 104. John von Neumann Physicist “ There’s no sense in being precise 
 when you don’t even know 
 what you’re talking about.
  • 105. Marina Martin Release Train Engineer “You can’t fix people problems with processes.
  • 106. “ Kill your product 
 if a pivot is not 
 beneficial and 
 no option. 
 It’s tough but 
 the right thing to do. Roman Pichler Agile trainer and author
  • 107. George Dinwiddie Agile coach and trainer “ Remember: 
 it’s not the documentation 
 that needs to be in sync, 
 but the people.
  • 108. “ The first thing to realize when formulating your first DoD (Definition of Done) is that it isn’t cast in stone. You don’t need to spend an eternity deliberating what it should be, because it can evolve over time. Ilan Goldstein Scrum trainer and author
  • 109. “ Any fool can write code that 
 a computer can understand. 
 Good programmers write code 
 that humans can understand. Martin Fowler Author and programmer
  • 110. Winston Churchill Prime Minister “ However beautiful the strategy, 
 you should occasionally 
 look at the results.
  • 111. “ Leadership is the art of accomplishing goals through other people. Mary Lynn Manns and Linda Rising Authors
  • 112. “ You measure system capability; you do not prescribe it. Mary Poppendieck Lean trainer and author
  • 113. “ Be prepared to cut your losses – Canceling bad projects early 
 is success because you save time, money and resources that can be applied to better opportunities. Ian Spence and Kurt Bittner Agile authors
  • 114. “ The best way to get a project done faster is to start sooner. Jim Highsmith Agile author
  • 115. “ Optimism is an 
 occupational hazard 
 of programming: 
 feedback is 
 the treatment. Kent Beck XP trainer and author
  • 116. “ Inside every large program, 
 there is a small program 
 trying to get out. C.A.R. Hoare Computer scientist
  • 117. “ People don’t adopt a methodology, they adapt it. Tom DeMarco Author
  • 118. “ Be fixed on the vision, but flexible on the journey. Jeff Bezos Founder of Amazon
  • 119. “ “Scaling agile” always sounds to me like “scaling small-batch, hand-crafted artisanal beer.” You end up with Bud Light Andy Hunt Pragmatic programmer
  • 120. Facts are better than dreams. Winston Churchill Prime Minister “
  • 121. “ It’s better to be roughly right than precisely wrong. John Maynard Keynes Economist
  • 122. “ It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership. Nelson Mandela South African President
  • 123. “ Agile is a philosophy, not a methodology.” Paul Bennett Software engineer
  • 124. “ When you are at a crossroads about trying something or not, always default to the try. Carla A. Harris Leader, author, and singer
  • 125. “ In coaching, the idea is to coach the person, not the problem. Lyssa Adkins Agile coach and author
  • 126. “ Frame our agility with fragility. Embrace the humanity. Lizzy Morris Scrum trainer
  • 127. “ My impact expands beyond the four walls I work within. Angie Jones Java champion, inventor
  • 128. “ Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Mike Tyson Boxer
  • 129. “ If everything was perfect, you would never learn, and you would never grow. Beyoncé Singer-songwriter
  • 130. “ Resist the temptation to jump to a solution. Mary Poppendieck Lean trainer and author
  • 131. “ Budgets may count Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs), but great teams count on people. Johanna Rothman Agile trainer and author
  • 132. “ Scrum Masters, please don’t touch the task board. It does not belong to you. Michele Sliger Agile trainer
  • 133. “ People are what make companies agile, not approaches, methodologies or tools. Pedro Gaspar Fernandes Facilitator, neo-generalist
  • 134. WHAT NEXT? Mountain Goat Software offers education and certified training on Scrum and agile processes to help all types of organizations become more agile. So how can you use Mountain Goat Software to succeed with agile? WATCH A VIDEO COURSE Master agile without leaving your desk with courses including Better User Stories, Agile Estimating and Planning, The Scrum Repair Guide and more. View video courses at JOIN THE COMMUNITY The Agile Mentors Community is a growing online network of agilists. Exclusive content from Mike Cohn, monthly Q&A sessions, and a private forum provide a wealth of agile support when you need it. View member benefits at
  • 135. ABOUT MOUNTAIN GOAT SOFTWARE Mountain Goat Software offers education and certified training on Scrum and agile processes to help all types of organizations become more agile. We offer training and education to help any organization adopt and improve their use of agile processes and techniques. Scrum helps companies build extreme high-performance development teams. Whether you are interested in receiving coaching, consulting, or training, we can help. Learn more at: