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Global Expert in Providing Sustainable
Product Design and Innova on
APRIL ISSUE : 05 2023
The Importance of
Sustainable Architecture
in Today's World
Pg.No: 34
Graphic Dynamics
Design Trends in
the Modern Industry
Pg.No: 26
Innovation is the lifeblood of progress, and industrial
design companies are at the forefront of driving this
transformative force. With their expertise in
combining aesthetics, functionality, and user-
centered design, these companies play a vital role in
shaping the products and experiences we encounter in our
daily lives. From consumer electronics to automotive
design, they are instrumental in pushing the boundaries of
creativity, efficiency and sustainability.
One of the key contributions of industrial designers is their
ability to identify unmet needs and design solutions that
enhance user experiences. Through meticulous research,
market analysis, and an empathetic understanding of user
behaviors, they uncover insights that drive innovation. By
translating these insights into intuitive and visually
appealing products, they revolutionize industries and create
new market opportunities.
The importance of minimizing environmental impact is
dedicated to developing products and solutions that are
environmentally friendly. By incorporating sustainable
materials, energy-efficient designs, and circular economy
principles, they drive positive change and set new standards
for responsible manufacturing.
Collaboration is another key driver of innovation in the
realm of industrial design. These companies work closely
with clients, engineers, and other stakeholders to ensure that
the final product aligns with the desired vision and meets
the needs of end-users. Through effective collaboration,
they harness collective expertise and perspectives, resulting
in breakthrough designs that push the boundaries of what is
In recent years, industrial design companies have also
embraced the power of technology in driving innovation.
They leverage advancements such as 3D modeling, virtual
reality, and rapid prototyping to iterate designs quickly and
efficiently. These tools enable them to test concepts, gather
feedback, and refine designs before production, reducing
time to market and increasing the likelihood of success.
Insights Success takes pride in inculcating the leaders
through its latest edition – The 10 Most Promising
Industrial Design Companies to Watch, highlighting
promising design companies and how they have a
significant impact on branding and customer loyalty by
creating memorable and engaging experiences.
Global Expert in Providing
Sustainable Product
Design and Innova on
is the Way Forward
The Sustainable
Design Revolu on
The Importance
of Human Connec on
in the Workplace
Parkland County
A Thriving Business
Community Supported with a
Robust Transporta on Ecosystem
Sustainability Relevance
The Importance of
Sustainable Architecture
in Today's World
Graphic Dynamics
Design Trends in
the Modern Industry
APRIL 2023
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Editor-in-Chief Merry D'Souza
Managing Editor Prashik Bombarde
Executive Editor Adiba Tarade
Stefan Knox & Kirs n Knox
Founder & Director
Bang Crea ons Limited
Bang Crea ons are a cer fied
B Corp industrial engineering
product design agency. Its
passion is helping businesses,
start-ups and entrepreneurs
take their products and ideas
from concept to customer.
Aaron Szymanski
Evo Design
Evo Design has a team of
product designers and
engineers passionate
about collabora ng with
clients to develop and
commercialize products
users love.
Nicolas Chee
Founder & CEO
ForwardX Robo cs
At ForwardX, with true
intelligence, mobile
robo cs can become
en rely flexible to
circumstances while
delivering output levels to
rival tradi onal
automa on systems.
Ravi Sawhney
RKS Design
RKS has been on the cu ng
edge of design and
innova on since their
beginnings in 1980. They
use human-centered design-
thinking methodology,
Psycho-Aesthe cs to build
emo onally resonant and
empathe c user
Oliver Evans
Shark Design
Shark Design is a full
service product
development company in
Hong Kong and the USA
with a manufacturing
facility in Shenzhen, China.
Bill Dicke
Tungsten Collabora ve
Tungsten Collabora ve
prides on suppor ng its
clients along the en re
product development
journey. Helping with every
stage of product
development, from concept
to prototype, manufacturing
to branding, and packaging
to launch.
Dan Black
With rigorous a en on to
detail and a focus on
sustainability, Black+Blum
designs original products
that inspire a sense of well-
Eric Olson
Vice President
Karten Design
Karten Design is an award-
winning product design and
innova on consultancy
passionate about crea ng
extraordinary experiences
between people and
Robert Fernandez
Director of Economic
Diversifica on
Parkland County
Parkland County is a
collec ve of local
departments working
together to promote
Parkland County, Alberta.
Michael Prince
Beyond Design
Beyond Design, Inc. is a
strategic design consultancy
specializing in New Product
Development (NPD).
Beyond creates design
solu ons that help drive
innova on for clients to
connect with end-users for
marketplace success.
Global Expert in Providing Sustainable
Product Design and Innova on
, ,
, ,
We are constantly testing our
offering through feedback loops and
ensuring continual improvement in
our process and approach.
Stefan Knox Founder,
Kirs n Knox Director,
Bang Crea ons Limited
In the modern world, creating a workable, commercial
product from an idea requires creative ideation and
precise expertise in product design. It entails
developing innovative products and developing existing
designs to enhance their appeal, performance, and
effectiveness. Additionally, it implies reviewing the design,
offering resolutions, and commencing plans to create a
quality product for the global atmosphere.
Providing such exclusive resources is Bang Creations - An
industrial design and engineering studio with headquarters
in the UK. It collaborates with businesses that share its
values of creating cutting-edge products that benefit both
people and the environment. Its objective is to establish
sustainability as the standard when it comes to creating
technologically and financially successful goods for
businesses that have a market entry strategy and require an
inventive and ethical design partner.
Stefan Knox founded the business more than 20 years ago
after working for the toy manufacturer Hasbro where he
was lucky to have the means to hire various design studios
to carry out his design ideas.
Whilst at Hasbro, Stefan studied business and marketing at
night school, learning which afforded him promotion to
drive future R&D development with international creative
teams within the business.
Here, he witnessed that many creative concepts could not
be commercialized as they were either too expensive or too
difficult to market. He saw a need in the market for a design
company that was not just imaginative and creative but also
conscious of its business model. The studio saw significant
expansion and assisted numerous clients in identifying the
most viable idea to pursue swiftly.
The organization transformed its business model in 2012 to
become a studio prioritizing sustainable solutions. In the
process, enriching the inclusive standards and parameters of
the in-house structure, the organization uplifted its clientele
in 2018. Providing dedicated offerings to old and new
clients to add sustainable solutions as part of their lineup.
Subsequently, it has ingrained sustainability as part of its
culture, and it became B Corp certified in 2021.
How could one incorporate such zeal?
Let's head in to find out!
The Head of the Company
Early in the 1990s, Stefan and Kristin Knox both earned
degrees in engineering as product designers from the same
London University. Prior to working for Hasbro, Kristin
invented a solution for clearing litter from canals which she
sold to British Water Ways where she worked to oversee its
integration. Stefan worked as a designer in lighting and
furniture for a London business, and as a design engineer
for Electrolux designing vacuum cleaners. Before joining
her husband at Bang Creations (and after leaving Hasbro),
Kristin held agency-side positions with London design
firms and the hand held PDA manufacturer Psion.
When Stefan and Kirstin reconnected at Hasbro, he was
designing toys for boys under the Nerf, Tonka, and Action
Man, and licensing deals from Disney and Warner, while
Kirstin was working on girls' toys under the My Little Pony,
Care Bears, and Sindy brands.
On returning from a business trip in the US, Stefan
developed a business plan for starting his own agency.
Within three months, he quit, got married to Kirstin,
purchased a house, and opened an office. Later on, Kirstin
joined Stefan in the Bang Creation Studio. Bang is currently
an industrial design studio with 8 employees working on
numerous projects at various phases of development, from
early concept to collaborating with manufacturers on
production order quality control.
Revolutionizing the Industry
With more than 20 years of experience, Bang Creations is a
top industrial design and engineering company. Its goal is to
create products that are both technically and commercially
practical while also being recognized for their commitment
to social responsibility and the environment.
Bang Creations has three products that it uses to take an
idea from conception to production.
• Innovation evaluation tool "The Who, What, Why,
When, and the Four Hows" (shortened by its design
team as "How the Hell...?") is a framework that
seeks out the answers to a brief that help the
designer conceive of products that are both
marketable and responsible.
• The "Bang development process" involves taking
a concept through development and manufacture
and then onto a production line within budget,
on time, and to agreed-upon quality levels. The
team has engineered this process to ensure it
focuses on innovation and social and
environmental responsibility at every stage of
The approach. Bang Creations has a multi-stage process
that de-risks development and searches out feedback early
on. Stefan says, "We lean on a wide, talented network that
we engage with early on in every project to further de-risk
A Proven Work Process
The Bang Creations team has years of experience taking
concepts and translating them into designs that are
practical, marketable, and realistic. Viewing an idea from
several angles is one of the crucial steps in the new product
design process. The team must ensure that every possible
execution has been taken into account, or else the wrong
idea risks being pursued further along the development
route. To do this, the team generates as many original
alternative solutions as they can before examining each
from the perspective of the customer.
Bang Creations is pleased to learn that its clients believe in
its value, which includes:
• The company is honest and open. It is enthusiastic
about its work and brings over 30 years of experience
to its projects.
• It stays until the end. Development is challenging, but
it delivers what it signs up to deliver.
• It has been in its clients' shoes. It has brought its own
products to market. Stefan says, "We know what they
will go through."
• The company has integrated a robust, sustainable
programme at every stage of its development journey;
it is not a footnote.
• Bang Creations has a tried and tested process that can
show works.
"Bang brings creativity, integrity, and responsibility to the
design process. It has been a pleasure to progress our
products using them, as they constantly aim to ensure they
are an investment and not a cost burden to our business.
They listen and truly immerse themselves in the client's
needs. Not just a veneer, but their honesty and desire to
deliver are skin deep." – Alan Ward, CEO Evaclite –
dynamic emergency exit signage that saves lives.
Initiatives for Sustainability
The organization enlists designing products that are
socially and environmentally responsible as a key value
of its business and has been for the last 10 years. Victor
Papaenk, the Austrian designer from the 1960s, is
quoted as saying, "There are professions more
dangerous than industrial design, but only a few"
(1971). Stefan understands how important our role is - Bang
Creations is currently working on a diverse range of
projects. These range from electro-mechanical products that
help the elderly, a range of cloud-connected devices that
help homeowners to save energy, to electronic products that
help students with learning difficulties, all the while
ensuring that they are designed for obsolescence and use
the least amount of raw material and energy in their
manufacture as possible.
Bang Creations works with its clients to ensure that what
they claim they will deliver is accurate and achievable. This
brings on two initiatives:
• A sustainable development review for the rising stage
of expansion.
• A target-driven data and metrics indication on the
project evaluation tool.
Designing a Product Creatively
Bang Creations looks to see how innovative its product
solution is and aims for it to delight the end user. To achieve
this, Bang Creations really observes the target market and
understands what they think, feel, say, and then do about
the problem it is solving. The company takes these
customer-facing problems and turns them into design
challenges. The more diverse and open-minded the team,
the more creative the solutions will be. This approach is
understood by Bang Creations' clients and often wins
projects not normally given to designers outside of the
client's industry. Despite not having done a motorbike
before, its clients understood and believed in its approach
and its process, and Bang Creations designed and helped
engineer for them an award-winning, market-disrupting
"If it weren't for Bang's agile way of working and lean
structure, we would never have gotten the project off the
ground." Seb Inglis Jones, co-founder of Maeving Bikes
Challenges of the Product Design Industry
According to Stefan, the biggest issue in the design
profession is deciding where and from what materials to
produce items. Production for Bang Creations has moved
from the US and Europe to Hong Kong, then to mainland
China, and is currently moving back. Manufacturing
efficiency has reached a plateau, which has fueled the
search for ever-cheaper labor to provide the same value. He
states, "The key challenge now is how do we design and
make products that people need that are designed for
obsolescence and have a minimal negative impact on
society and the planet."
Bang Creations understands that there is a cost-of-living
crisis and global political uncertainty, which are stifling
innovation at a time when it needs it most. Its innovation
evaluation model helps its clients tease out potential
solutions to these challenges.
The most important new technologies, in Stefan's opinion,
that make Bang Creations' customers stand out in the
market, are those related to material science and their
various manufacturing procedures.
According to Stefan, one of the most fascinating parts of his
job is learning about new materials and figuring out how the
company can use them to improve a product. Although it
has a commercial barrier, it is optimistic that costs will
decrease as efficiency increases, and it wants to be at the
forefront of incorporating them into products.
Advice for Emerging Leaders
Stefan feels fortunate to be given the opportunity to sit at
the same table with some of Bang Creations' clientele.
According to his observations, successful businesses
surround themselves with seasoned multidisciplinary teams
and pay attention. He thinks it takes a lot of work to really
have a product one has created roll off a production line,
and the company thinks clients are best served by design
teams that have actually done it rather than just being able
to talk about it. He states, "The more projects you can do,
the more valuable you are as a product designer. Learn the
whole process and appreciate the product's life journey
from the cradle to the grave and do as many varied projects
as you can.”
Visioning to Bring More Sustainable Product Solutions
Listening, evaluating, and implementing—these are the
values of Bang Creations. It is working even closer with its
partners to see how its service can help it achieve the firm's
mission. The company is engaging with its clients to
understand their business needs and learn how it can align
its development plans to help them meet those needs and be
as flexible for change as possible. Stefan states, "We are
constantly testing our offering through feedback loops and
ensuring continual improvement in our process and
Bang Creations wants to draw in additional businesses that
share its principles and needs a partner to help promote
cutting-edge sustainable product solutions. Through its
expansion, it hopes to establish a foundation that will
expand its present assistance programme for helping new
businesses and institutions learn and apply the best design
practices. Most importantly, Bang Creations wants to
continue to be a good investment for its customers.
Client Review
"Bang Creations are 'Real World' not stereotypical
'Designers.' Stefan is enthusiastic and innovative but
approaches design from our business perspective, not his
creative ego. But it's often unexpected events that
demonstrate the true spirit of an organization, and Bang
introduced us to an opportunity with no motive other than
to support our business. We look forward to working with
Bang as a management team long into the future."
David Redfern, Director, Harlequin Composites
The way of business solutions
Subscrip on
Dan Black
APRIL | 2023 20
lastic pollution has become a crisis that plagues our
planet, suffocating our oceans and contaminating our
landfills. The sheer amount of single-use plastic waste
that we produce every year is staggering, and it’s taking a
toll on our environment in ways that we may not even fully
comprehend yet. However, there are leaders out there who
are determined to make a difference, and Dan Black is one
of them.
Dan, the founder and design mastermind behind
Black+Blum, has made it his life’s work to tackle the
problem of single-use plastic bottles and takeaway
containers. For over 20 years, he has led his team of
designers to create products that are not only aesthetically
pleasing but also functional, innovative, and most
importantly, made to last.
Dan’s passion for sustainable design was sparked when he
realized the extent of plastic waste polluting our oceans and
harming wildlife. He knew he had to take action, and that’s
how Black+Blum came into existence. With a clear mission
in mind, Dan and his team set out to create a range of eco-
friendly products that would help people lead more
sustainable lives without compromising on style or
At the core of Black+Blum’s philosophy is the idea of
longevity. Rather than creating products that are disposable,
Dan and his team design products that are built to last. This
not only helps to reduce waste but also saves customers
money in the long run. From reusable water bottles to
insulated food containers, every product that Black+Blum
creates is carefully designed to be as functional and efficient
as possible while also being stylish and appealing.
In a world where disposable culture is the norm, Dan Black
and Black+Blum are leading the charge for a more
sustainable future - by creating products that are not only
beautiful but also durable and eco-friendly. While helping
to change the way we think about the things we use every
day. With his vision and determination, he is proving that
sustainability and style can go hand in hand and that small
changes can make a big difference in the fight against
plastic pollution.
Join us as we explore the story of Black+Blum and Dan
Black and how he is changing the world, one product at a
Please give us a brief description of Black+Blum, its
objectives, and the most important factors contributing
to its success.
Black+Blum designs unique lifestyle and homeware
products to help people live more sustainably. The range
includes high-quality lunch boxes, water bottles, and
thermoses; for the home, the office, and the trail. As proud
1% for the Planet members, everything is built to last using
premium materials, and every detail is considered for
lifelong and everyday use and reuse.
The Sustainable Design Revolu on
Pioneering Sustainable Design for a Beer Future!
Follow your passions, whatever they are.
If you enjoy what you are doing and
genuinely care about the products you
are crea ng, then this will shine through,
and people will see it, value it, and they
will do well.
10 Most Promising Industrial Design Companies to Watch
APRIL | 2023 21
Our range of products, which all aim to facilitate the
transportation of food and drink while on the go, has grown
significantly since the launch of our first lunch box in 2010.
We were inspired by Japanese Bento Boxes, as we noticed
that while children had fun lunch boxes, adults were stuck
with dull food containers. We were the first to truly
innovate and have since influenced and inspired the market.
Unlike other companies in our sector, we design our
products from scratch and only release a new design when
we believe it offers something better than what is already
available. Our designs have a modern retro utilitarian
aesthetic that is timeless, and we purposely keep the color
minimal to highlight the natural materials and form. We use
high-quality materials that are built to last and can be easily
replaced or repaired if necessary. As members of 1% for the
Planet, we donate 1% of our annual sales to sustainable
charities in support of our commitment to environmental
Kindly brief us about yourself and your motivational
journey until your current designation at Black+Blum.
Since I was young, I’ve been captivated by creativity and
innovation, often crafting models and tinkering with
gadgets out of curiosity. My father’s business, which he
managed with my uncle, fueled this interest, as I was
fascinated with the process of creating shoes and bags. With
encouragement from my family, I pursued industrial design
at Northumbria University, which has a reputation for
producing impressive graduates like Jony Ive, a key figure
in Apple’s success. During my time there, I was fortunate
enough to intern at design studios in London and California.
My father instilled in me the importance of
entrepreneurship, which led me to co-found Black + Blum
with a fellow Northumbria alum, Martin Blum. Initially, we
served as a design consultancy, creating designs for other
businesses. Soon after, we expanded into lighting products,
which quickly gained popularity. We’ve since grown our
collection and continue to produce new designs, a process
that still brings me immense satisfaction 25 years after our
establishment in 1998.
What is the specialty of your latest offerings, and how
does it contribute to maintaining the company’s
excellent position in the industry?
We have just launched our new microwave-safe stainless
steel Multi-Function range of food containers. Aside from
the innovation of being able to put stainless steel in the
microwave, it also feeds into the growing trend of meal-
APRIL | 2023 22
prepping, where people prepare their meals at the start of
the week and batch cook. This can help users follow a
specific diet, reduce food waste, save money, and even
reduce single-use packaging if they take it with them
instead of buying convenience take-out food. The features
and functionality of the design are a good example of how,
as a brand, we are at the forefront of unique, innovative
How has the company evolved over the past 20 years,
and how do you ensure that Black+Blum products are
made to last?
Our establishment has a long history dating back to 1998,
which means we have been in the industry for an
impressive 25 years since our inception. Initially, we were a
design consultancy, but later on, we transitioned to creating
and selling our products. In our first 17 years, we lacked a
clear focus or recognizable aesthetic, despite offering
functional products. There was no common thread linking
our diverse range of products, which included rubber door
stops resembling a man, rubber-bladed silent running fans,
artistic candelabras, architecturally inspired dish racks,
barbecues disguised as plant pots, and industrial-looking
tape dispensers.
Since 2017, our sole focus has been on creating products
for the food and drink on-the-go category. We have worked
tirelessly to establish a more iconic and consistent brand
identity. As our product range continues to expand, more
people appreciate the time, energy, and passion we invest in
each design, and we are gradually becoming a recognized
brand. This is evident in the growing number of renowned
brands seeking to co-brand with us. We prioritize durability
and functionality in our product designs, as we believe that
products built to last are critical to promoting sustainable
What processes do you have in place to ensure your
products are designed to be reused and sustainable, and
how do you ensure eco-friendly materials are used in
your products?
The category of food and drink on the go has an obvious
follow-through to the sustainable benefits of reducing food
waste and single-use packaging. Our engineering expertise
and experience have improved over the past 25 years, our
internal testing procedures have been fine-tuned, and the
trusted relationship we’ve built with our skilled
manufacturing partners over many years all go together to
ensure our designs are built to last and be reused for years.
In terms of materials, we always use the best quality that is
most suited to the application. I love the saying, ‘I’m not
rich enough to buy cheap products’ or ‘Buy once, buy well.
Our designs won’t be the cheapest, but they aren’t
expensive either, and they are good value based on being
built to last with high-quality materials.
APRIL | 2023 23
How have you seen the world’s attitude towards
single-use plastic bottles and takeaway containers
change since you started?
The pace of attitude change and understanding of
environmental issues has greatly changed in the last five
years and continues to grow. There is generally a greater
understanding of why we do what we do.
What makes Black+Blum stand out among other
design companies?
Most design companies only design for other companies,
who then market and sell the products. We have a better
understanding of the market because we handle
everything from design to production and sale. This does,
though, also highlight the challenge, as it is not easy to
have all these skill sets in a small company.
As an inventive leader, what suggestions would you
like to pass on to aspiring entrepreneurs?
Follow your passions, whatever they are. If you enjoy
what you are doing and genuinely care about the products
you are creating, then this will shine through, and people
will see it, value it, and they will do well. Have patience
and perseverance, and be sure to enjoy the journey. Put
yourself to work doing the thing that you do best.
How do you envision scaling your organization’s
services and operations in 2023 and beyond?
Our market will continue to experience revolutionary
advancements as we have an exceptionally fascinating
product pipeline in the next 2-3 years. Our focus on this
niche segment will lead to increased brand recognition,
admiration, and revenue. This will empower us to pursue
more captivating and challenging endeavors.
Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and
awards or recognition that accurately highlight your
achievements in this sector.
Partnering with amazing aspirational brands such as
Prada, Rapha, and Finisterre, to name just a few, is a
testament that we are being recognized in our category.
APRIL | 2023 24
and Illustrations
Graphic Dynamics
Tr ds in the
Mod n
APRIL | 2023 26
Responsive and
raphic design is an ever-evolving field,
constantly influenced by technological
advancements, cultural shifts, and
emerging trends. In today's modern
industry, several mind-blowing design
trends are shaping how we perceive and interact
with visual content. These trends reflect the
current design landscape and push the boundaries
of creativity and innovation.
Let's explore some of the most captivating design
trends in the modern industry and how they are
transforming the world of graphic dynamics!
Less is more, and minimalism embodies this
principle. Minimalist design focuses on simplicity,
clean lines, ample white space, and a limited color
palette. This trend allows the core message or
visual elements to take center stage, creating a
visually impactful and focused design.
Bold Typography
Typography has become a prominent design
element in recent years. Bold and expressive
typography is being used to create powerful visual
statements and enhance brand identities. Creative
typography choices, such as custom fonts, hand-
lettering, and experimental layouts, add
personality and uniqueness to designs.
Vibrant Colors and Gradients
Gone are the days of muted color schemes. Bold
and vibrant colors are making a comeback, adding
energy and excitement to designs. Additionally,
gradients are being used to create depth,
dimension, and visual interest, adding a dynamic
and modern touch to graphic compositions.
Abstract and Geometric Shapes
Abstract and geometric shapes are being used to
create visually captivating designs. These shapes
add a sense of modernity, complexity, and
playfulness to compositions. They can be used as
backgrounds, overlays, or as part of the main
design elements.
APRIL | 2023 27
3D Design and Illustrations
With advancements in technology, 3D design and
illustrations have become more accessible. Three-
dimensional elements are being integrated into graphic
designs to add depth, realism, and interactivity. These
designs create an immersive and visually engaging
experience for the audience.
Motion Graphics and Animation
Motion graphics and animation are becoming increasingly
popular in the modern industry. They bring static designs to
life, adding movement, storytelling, and interactivity. From
subtle animations to complex visual narratives, motion
graphics enhance user experience and captivate viewers'
Authentic and Inclusive Visuals
Inclusivity and representation have become integral aspects
of modern design. Brands embrace diversity and use
authentic visuals that reflect different cultures, backgrounds,
and experiences. This trend aims to create connection and
inclusivity, resonating with a broader audience.
Mixed Media and Collage
Mixing different media, such as photography, illustration,
and textures, creates unique and visually striking
compositions. Collage-style designs blend various elements
to form cohesive and eclectic visuals that evoke creativity
and imagination.
Retro and Vintage Aesthetics
Nostalgia is a powerful emotion, and retro and vintage
aesthetics evoke a sense of nostalgia and familiarity.
Designers incorporate vintage-inspired elements, color
schemes, typography, and textures to create visually
appealing designs with a touch of nostalgia.
Sustainability and Eco-friendly Design
As sustainability becomes a global concern, eco-friendly
design practices are gaining momentum. Designers are
incorporating sustainable materials, using eco-conscious
printing techniques, and creating designs that promote
environmental awareness. This trend reflects the growing
importance of sustainability in the design industry.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR are revolutionizing the way we experience
design. These technologies allow users to immerse
themselves in interactive and virtual environments, blurring
the line between the real and digital worlds. Designers
incorporate AR and VR elements to create engaging and
interactive experiences that captivate and entertain users.
Data Visualization
With the increasing amount of data available, designers are
tasked with presenting complex information in a visually
compelling and easily understandable way. Data
visualization techniques help to simplify data and transform
it into visually appealing charts, infographics, and
interactive visualizations. This trend enables viewers to
grasp information quickly and effectively.
Experimental and Avant-Garde Designs
Designers push boundaries and explore new territories by
embracing experimental and avant-garde approaches. These
designs challenge traditional norms and expectations,
creating visually striking and thought-provoking creations.
Experimental designs often involve unique visual styles,
unconventional layouts, and unexpected combinations of
User-Centered and Interactive Design
The user-centered design focuses on creating designs that
prioritize the needs and experiences of the users. Interactive
elements such as scroll-triggered animations, hover effects,
and micro-interactions enhance user engagement and
provide a more dynamic and personalized user experience.
This trend aims to create designs that are intuitive,
accessible, and enjoyable for the audience.
Futuristic and Sci-Fi Inspirations
The future has always been a source of inspiration for
designers. Futuristic and sci-fi-inspired designs incorporate
elements that convey a sense of advanced technology, space
exploration, and futuristic aesthetics. These designs often
feature sleek, streamlined shapes, metallic textures, neon
colors, and futuristic typography.
APRIL | 2023 28
-A.K. Tarade
Hand-Drawn and Organic Illustrations
In contrast to the digital world, hand-drawn and organic
illustrations bring a sense of warmth, personality, and
authenticity to designs. These illustrations add a human
touch and evoke emotions, making them ideal for
conveying narratives and storytelling. Hand-drawn
elements can be integrated into digital designs, providing a
unique and personal touch.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design
With the increasing use of mobile devices, responsive and
mobile-friendly design has become a necessity. Designs that
adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations
ensure optimal user experience across various devices. This
trend emphasizes the importance of designing mobile
platforms to reach a wider audience.
Typography as a Design Element
Typography is not only about conveying information but
also plays a crucial role in design aesthetics. Designers are
pushing the boundaries of typography by experimenting
with unique font combinations, custom lettering, and
typographic art. Typography is used as a visual element to
create hierarchy, evoke emotions, and enhance overall
design aesthetics.
Authentic Photography
Authentic and candid photography is gaining popularity
over staged and stock images. Brands are opting for real-
life images that capture genuine emotions, experiences, and
diversity. This trend helps to create a sense of relatability
and authenticity, resonating with the audience on a deeper
Social and Environmental Activism
Designers are using their skills to advocate for social and
environmental causes. They raise awareness, promote
positive change, and inspire action through impactful
designs. This trend reflects the growing importance of
design as a tool for activism and its ability to drive social
and environmental progress.
In Conclusion,
These mind-blowing design trends in the modern industry
push the boundaries of creativity and transform how we
perceive and engage with visual content. From minimalism
to bold typography, vibrant colors to 3D design, these
trends reflect audiences' evolving needs and preferences in a
rapidly changing world. As technology continues to
advance and society evolves, we can expect graphic
dynamics to grow further, leading to even more exciting
and innovative design trends in the future.
APRIL | 2023 29
bout a decade ago, I began noticing a new kind of
Amovement in our industry.
Apart from seeing the usual tourists and business travelers,
I started to witness people roaming from city to city in
search of new experiences and faster Wi-Fi, taking their
work with them wherever they went. These were early
remote workers, and from my first conversations with them,
I knew I had to understand what they foreshadowed for the
future of work.
So, I put myself in their shoes. I visited Bali, Buenos Aires,
and Washington D.C., learning first-hand what it was like to
work and live in each city for an extended period of time. I
embraced the slower pace that remote work/travel offered,
immersed myself in local cultures, and investigated the pain
points that were involved in my travels. In other words, I
experienced what it was like to “work from anywhere.”
I was surprised to find that the hardest part of living this
lifestyle wasn’t the language barrier, the need to adapt to
new cultures, or being unfamiliar with how to best navigate
a new city, but rather the feeling of loneliness that occurred
when finishing a hard day’s work alone. This discovery led
me to carefully consider the human experience of remote
work. Taking this into account when conceptualizing Zoku,
together with my co-founder Marc Jongerius and our
founding team, we recognized that the next generation of
workers would become more mobile, collaborate both
virtually and in-person, and enjoy greater flexibility in their
work. So when we first opened our doors in 2016, we
incorporated hybrid solutions to proactively account for this
in our design and model.
There were of course, downsides to this discovery. We
anticipated that future employees would become more
isolated and disconnected from their teams than ever
before. So we’re proud to say that our mission at Zoku feels
more relevant now than ever:
“To provide spaces where human connection is seamless,
fun and meaningful.”
Fast forward to 2021, and most of us work remotely for at
least some period of time. And, what have we noticed? That
many of us have expressed that we’ve greatly missed in-
person human connections during the COVID-19
pandemic. The same issue of loneliness from over a decade
ago is now impacting even more people on a global scale.
Many companies have been profoundly disrupted by this
sudden transition to remote work, while business leaders
simultaneously struggle to keep pace with their teams’
evolving demands and learn how to best balance office
versus remote work effectively. The events of the pandemic
have called into question just about every assumption the
world previously held, and these consequences will impact
the way we work, live, and connect for decades to come.
While there are still many lessons to be learned, two things
APRIL | 2023 30
Hans Meyer
Co-Founder &
Managing Director
About the Author
APRIL | 2023 31
had quickly become apparent when the world suddenly
switched to working remotely:
1. Productivity can happen anywhere.
2. Not all spaces are equally productive.
Whether working from home means working at a self-made
home office or at the edge of a cluttered kitchen table,
everybody has gained a new perspective on how their
surrounding space impacts their productivity. More people
report feeling more productive overall and few people
missed the drudgery of the morning commute.
The pandemic has also highlighted the shortcomings of
remote work. Employees report higher rates of burnout, that
team cohesion is suffering, and people are feeling more
alienated and disconnected than ever before. Despite these
downsides, however, it has become clear that many workers
would sooner change jobs than return to the office full-time,
as was previously the norm. The question of workspace
location has become a key topic in discussions of the future
of work.
Offices are being downsized, repurposed or abandoned
altogether. Striking the right balance of hybrid work isn't
just a matter of maximizing operational efficiency – it's
critical to sustaining positive company culture and
attracting and retaining the world's top talent too.
As companies look ahead, they’re adapting lessons they
learned from remote work into existing practices, with
varying degrees of difficulty. Each company has its own
unique requirements to consider, but...
“We believe the most successful companies during this
transition will be those that design how they operate
around human connection.”
It's from close, meaningful relationships that we draw our
best inspiration and most innovative work.
Here at Zoku, our priority is to continue delivering on our
mission to facilitate human connection as we roll out our
concept internationally. City by city, we remain dedicated to
bringing people together in spaces that inspire
understanding, foster creativity, and build more productive
In our latest white Paper , “The Future of Work Needs
Human Connection”, I’m proud to share Zoku’s
accumulated research and learnings about remote and
hybrid work, human connection, and the future of
workspaces. I hope our insights can help companies
discover the best way to strengthen connections and create
an effective work environment for their teams.
APRIL | 2023 32
of Sustainable
Sustainability Relevance
s the world grapples with the challenges of climate change,
resource depletion, and environmental degradation, the
concept of sustainability has become increasingly
significant in various sectors, including architecture.
Sustainable architecture, also known as green or eco-
friendly architecture, focuses on designing and
constructing buildings that minimize negative environmental
impacts while maximizing energy efficiency and resource
conservation. In today's world, the importance of sustainable
architecture cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in
mitigating the environmental crisis we face and creating a more
sustainable future.
One of the key aspects of sustainable architecture is energy
efficiency. Buildings account for a significant portion of global
energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. By
incorporating energy-efficient design principles, such as using
renewable energy sources, optimizing insulation, and employing
energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, sustainable
architecture helps reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. This
not only helps combat climate change but also reduces energy
costs for building owners and occupants, making it a win-win
situation for both the environment and the economy.
Resource Conservation
Another important element of sustainable architecture is resource
conservation. Traditional construction methods often rely on
materials and resources that are non-renewable and have a
significant environmental impact. Sustainable architecture
promotes the use of eco-friendly and locally sourced materials, as
well as innovative construction techniques that minimize waste
generation. Additionally, sustainable buildings are designed to
optimize water usage and incorporate systems for rainwater
harvesting, greywater recycling, and efficient plumbing fixtures,
thereby conserving this precious resource.
Concept of Sustainability
The concept of sustainability in architecture goes beyond
just the environmental aspects. It also encompasses social
and economic considerations. Sustainable buildings are
designed with a focus on occupant health and well-being.
They prioritize natural lighting, proper ventilation, and
indoor air quality to create healthy and comfortable living
and working environments. Additionally, sustainable
architecture promotes the use of non-toxic and low-
emission materials, contributing to improved indoor air
quality and reducing the risk of health issues caused by
chemical exposure.
From an economic perspective, sustainable architecture
offers long-term benefits. While the initial costs of
incorporating sustainable features may be higher, the
investment pays off in the form of reduced energy and
water bills, lower maintenance and operational costs, and
increased property value. Green buildings are also
increasingly in demand as businesses and individuals
recognize the value of sustainable practices. Therefore,
sustainable architecture presents an opportunity for
economic growth, job creation, and market
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable architecture also plays a significant role in
urban planning and development. As cities continue to
expand and populations grow, the need for sustainable
urban environments becomes critical. Sustainable buildings
and communities promote compact and mixed-use
developments, efficient transportation systems, and the
preservation of green spaces. These factors contribute to
creating livable, resilient, and vibrant cities that foster
social cohesion and enhance the quality of life for residents.
Sustainable architecture not only addresses the pressing
environmental issues we face but also fosters a deeper
connection between humans and the natural world. By
incorporating biophilic design principles, which aim to
integrate nature into the built environment, sustainable
architecture creates spaces that promote well-being and a
sense of harmony with the surrounding ecosystem.
Biophilic Design Elements
Biophilic design elements, such as the incorporation of
natural light, views of green spaces, and the use of natural
materials, have been shown to enhance productivity, reduce
stress levels, and improve overall mental and physical
health. These benefits are particularly relevant in urban
environments where access to nature is often limited.
Sustainable architecture provides an opportunity to
reconnect people with nature, fostering a sense of
environmental stewardship and encouraging a more
sustainable lifestyle.
Sustainable architecture serves as a catalyst for innovation
and technological advancements. Architects and designers
are constantly exploring new materials, technologies, and
design strategies to push the boundaries of sustainable
design. From solar panels and green roofs to passive design
techniques and smart building systems, sustainable
architecture encourages the adoption of cutting-edge
solutions that can be replicated and applied on a larger
scale. This not only drives sustainable development but also
creates opportunities for research, development, and
entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable design.
To Conclude,
The importance of sustainable architecture in today's world
cannot be emphasized enough. It offers a holistic approach
to building design and construction that considers
environmental, social, and economic factors. Sustainable
architecture promotes energy efficiency, resource
conservation, occupant health, and economic benefits. It
contributes to combating climate change, reducing
environmental impact, and creating resilient and livable
cities. Moreover, sustainable architecture stimulates
innovation and technological advancements, driving
progress toward a more sustainable and equitable future. As
we face the urgent need to address global sustainability
challenges, sustainable architecture stands as a crucial tool
in shaping a better world for current and future generations.
By embracing sustainable architecture, we have the
opportunity to transform the way we live, work, and
interact with the built environment, ultimately creating a
more sustainable and resilient future for all.
APRIL | 2023 36
theWay Forward
Particularly in times like these with the
coronavirus pandemic entering the
world into a state of crisis, robotics has
proven to be quite useful and of great
importance. Be it a faster way to
deliver essential medical supplies or
more efficiently done recycling,
companies are now going above and
beyond to make robotics more
innovative than before.
A robot is designed in such a way that
it can analyse, move, work, react, and
respond in a way not dissimilar to
humans. Robotics has made it easier
for people to perform and get tasks
done in a simpler, efficient, and
effective way.
When you hear the word
robotics, you instantly
think of robots and
artificial intelligence. Robotics deals
with making use of machines by
designing and constructing them to
function with similar abilities of a
human being.
While intensively taking on the topic
for our edition titled, World's 10 Most
Innovative Robotics Companies, 2021,
Robotics is extensively being used
over many different industries today.
These may vary from automobile
manufacturing to consumer goods
manufacturing industries. Robotics is
used to aid in the work humans do, be
it muscle power or where work the
needed to be done may be harmful to
In the following interview, Nicolas
Chee, Founder and CEO of the
company, shares with us in detail about
the company's journey in the
Automation and Robotics Industry and
his opinions about the market that the
company caters to along with his
insights about the growth of the
we did an exclusive with ForwardX
Robotics, a leading developer of
flexible automation headquartered in
Beijing, China.
ForwardX separates itself from other
robotics providers through its use of
Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically
machine learning, as its robots are
equipped with perception and
processing capabilities to match a
human worker. Using computer vision
algorithms to segment, detect,
ForwardX Robotics is a leading
developer of flexible automation
designed to empower industrial
facilities through replacing cost-heavy
material handling systems. Through its
autonomous mobile robots and fleet
management software, ForwardX helps
production and logistics operations
automate tedious physical tasks, such
as order fulfillment and lineside
Brief us about the overall operations
of your company.
Below are the highlights of the
recognize, and track objects within its
environment, a ForwardX mobile robot
can map and localize itself with
pinpoint accuracy before making high-
level navigation decisions.
How did your company come into
existence? What was the idea behind
its genesis?
Based out of Beijing, ForwardX
Robotics has a global presence with
operations in APAC and North
America. Founded in 2016, ForwardX
has grown from a dozen dedicated
scientists working on a prototype, to a
team of over 300, and half a dozen
offices scattered across the globe.
APRIL | 2023 38
As the next generation of material
handling, ForwardX's platform can be
used to automate labor-intensive
workflows in the supply chain which
helps companies reduce costs and
increase efficiency.
the latest and greatest technologies to
automating them.
ForwardX develops a flexible
automation platform, consisting of
autonomous mobile robots (AMRs)
and intelligent fleet management
software, for industrial supply chain
Kindly elaborate on your company's
unique products or services.
Nicolas saw the world as it is now;
millions of blue-collar workers
spending their valuable time
completing tedious and sometimes
dangerously physical tasks, people
spending time every day on chores
instead of enjoying time with family.
He wanted to change the world by
removing those tasks and what better
way to remove them than by applying
Founded in 2016, ForwardX Robotics
was started by Nicolas Chee, a former
VP at Oracle China and previous
champion at ABU's Robocon. It was
created with a vision of changing the
way people live and work.
ForwardX stands
out as a company
dedicated to
excellence and
providing value
for its current and
future customers
“ Nicolas Chee
Founder and CEO
APRIL | 2023 39
Unlike other automation solutions on
the market, ForwardX products require
very little set-up and infrastructure in
order to get to work and that's what
makes ForwardX the flexible
alternative. Using the latest perception
technology, ForwardX robotics adapt
instantly to changes in the environment
and provides the guarantees of safety
that make them suitable for
collaborative work.
What makes your company stand
out from the rest of its competition?
ForwardX stands out as a company
dedicated to technical excellence and
providing value for its current and
future customers.
As the only mobile robotics developer
with a vision-first approach, ForwardX
provides the most reliable and accurate
performance in the industry. Using
computer vision algorithms to enhance
mapping, positioning, and localization,
ForwardX robots provide best-in-class
uptime availability, which contributes
to a higher degree of autonomy.
Furthermore, ForwardX provides the
largest range of autonomous mobile
robots in the industry. With over 20
models to fit a wide range of
applications and industries,
ForwardX's Flex, Max, and Apex
ranges of AMRs provide a
comprehensive collection of solutions
in multiple styles to fit the fragmented
and varied nature of manufacturing and
What kind of challenges has your
company faced in its initial days of
establishment and what are the
struggles it is going through now?
As a provider of next generation
technology, the most significant
struggle we have faced is wide
acceptance and adoption from the
industry. Like many other high-tech
products, ForwardX operates in an
industry where it is transforming how
things are being done. However, with
this huge mission comes the task of
winning over the hearts and minds of
supply chain leaders.
After graduating, Nicolas
moved directly into a project
management and business
consulting position at SAP, a
giant in enterprise software,
where he quickly learned the
ins and outs of enterprise
operations and applied his
technical expertise to real-
world cases.
Picking up multiple corporate
accolades at SAP, Nicolas
chose to start a new chapter at
Oracle China, where he headed
up its regional software-as-a-
service (SaaS) products.
Spending 6 years at Oracle,
Nicolas stood out as a high
achiever as he won a slew of
accolades, such as Global Top
100 Performer, China Top 10
Talent, and Global President
Club Member.
Nicolas Chee: With a bachelor's
and master's education in
integrated circuits from
Beihang University, Nicolas has
an eye for engineering and
robotics which is made evident
with his win at ABU's Robocon
2003, an international robotics
competition for university
At this point, Nicolas began a
new journey, founding
ForwardX Robotics in April 2016.
Outside of work, Nicolas lives
an active lifestyle with a love
for outdoors, adventure, and
Nicolas Chee
Founder and CEO
APRIL | 2023 40
In this industry, the early adopters have
helped to prove the efficacy of flexible
automation solutions. Now, we are at
an inflection point where the
mainstreams are beginning to expand
their use of technology to more of their
operations globally.
Think big: The robotics industry isn't a
small one. There are a plethora of
companies offering all kinds of
solutions in every style or
configuration you can think of, for both
short-term and long-term problems.
Our advice to young entrepreneurs and
start-ups would be:
When identifying your market and
designing your solution, it helps to
think big, that is, to think of the future
you want to see and the future you
believe the world is heading towards.
With that as your compass, connect
your vision to what you can do today
to make it a reality.
Build an ecosystem: As a provider of
transformative technology, robotics
companies should avoid
commoditizing their products. What
tends to happen is robotics companies
What advice would you like to give
the young entrepreneurs and start-
ups that are willing to enter in the
robotics industry?
What does the future hold for your
company in terms of growth?
However, by dedicating yourself to the
bigger picture, you can build both a
product ecosystem and a business
ecosystem that provide buyers with an
invaluable experience that they
couldn't hope to replicate.
think too small and provide only a tiny
piece of the puzzle, forcing buyers
(companies) to get involved
themselves and develop the expertise
and systems that a robotic company
should be providing.
We believe that the next 2 years will
hold expansion across all continents,
with expansion in APAC being our
current priority and expansion in
Europe our next.
ForwardX has seen astounding growth
over the last 2 years. Going from the
official commercial launch of our first
AMR product, to a massive range of
solutions. Furthermore, we've
continually raised more and more
venture capital to help us expand our
technology and our market.
Among our current
customers, we are honored
to serve leading companies,
such as SF Supply Chain
China, TCL Electronics, and
ITOCHU Logistics China.
APRIL | 2023 41
A Thriving Business Community Supported
with a Robust Transportation Ecosystem
estled 20 kilometers west of the City of Edmonton,
NParkland County is a municipal district in central
Alberta, Canada. With an idyllic setting, this rural
community offers a distinctively vibrant atmosphere with
an assortment of country residential acreages, farming
properties, and a diverse range of small- and large-scale
businesses. Most importantly Parkland County offers an
environment that is conducive for business success and
An Easy Access to Distribution Networks
One of the most appealing aspects of this western Canadian
locale is excellent transportation/logistics infrastructure and
networks that offer companies easy access to both domestic
and international markets. Transportation advantages
include quick connections via air, rail, and major trucking
routes which support incoming and outgoing distribution of
Alberta’s resource industries and supply chains. Such
transportation connectivity is readily embraced today by
most of the leading large logistics and e-commerce
providers such as Fedex, Gregg Distributors, Sysco and
several other local logistics companies, A number of
transportation companies such as Overland Container
Transportation Services (OCTS), Bushell Transport,
Manatoulin Transport, Roseneau Transport are also present
that support the large logistics and transportation operators.
Located adjacent to the county is Edmonton International
Airport (EIA), the largest airport in Canada by size, which
runs 24/7 operating 365 days of the year. It has six cargo
handling terminals right onsite with 40 state border and
customs brokers. Also, the flight distances between
Edmonton and main Asian markets are significantly shorter
than other logistics ports in North America due to the polar
flight route.
Moreover, the county has lots of available land, has short
approval timelines when it comes to the processing of
permits and the county’s fees and taxes are some of the
lowest in all of Alberta.
Turning Challenges into Opportunities
“We are all equally affected by COVID but not equally
impacted by it,” says Robert Fernandez, Director of
Economic Diversification at Parkland County.
“Being located outside a main city core gives Parkland
County the benefit of a large employment base nearby. That
said, since we do not have the same population density that
other jurisdictions and regions have, the county has
thankfully been less impacted by COVID,” he adds.
According to Robert, the logistics industry in Canada is
thriving. It certainly has challenges such as finding qualified
sta ffand long driving hours as Canada is a very big country.
But with all of those challenges also come opportunities
through technological advancements. Technological
developments such as self-driving technologies will help
abate driving distances and address driver fatigue. Nearby
in Edmonton is the first connected vehicle test site in
Canada, where tests are being undertaken for the
development of self-driving vehicle technologies in
APRIL | 2023 42
interconnected ways. Some companies are really taking
advantage of the testing opportunities there and looking at
how technology innovations can transform the logistics
“The logistics industry as a whole and logistics businesses
located in Parkland County’s industrial parks, has been
hugely impacted in a positive way by the pandemic,” says
Robert. “E-commerce transactions, online shopping, and
demand for traditional seasonal goods, day to day staples,
food and supplies have been growing exponentially.”
A Proficient Leader
The economic diversification of Parkland County is led by
Robert Fernandez. He joined Parkland County in the
summer of 2019 and brings with him extensive experience
in both the public and private sectors. During the course of
his 20+ year career, he has had the opportunity to develop
multifaceted government programs, lead municipal and
provincial economic strategies, facilitate private-sector job
growth, and assist dozens of companies in their relocation
and expansion pursuits.
Parkland County traditionally has had a very strong
industrial base supported for many decades by the
proximity of energy production, notably coal; this in turn
has supported the local economy and taxation base. With
coal now being phased out and the multiple coal plants no
longer in operation, the need to attract alternative industries
to leverage existing workforce and talent has become a
major strategic objective for the county. The role of Robert
and his team is to oversee the creation and execution of
strategies to attract new corporate investments to the
A Roadmap Ahead
Parkland County is working with developers to further
grow its industrial and commercial base. Given the
exponential increase of e-commerce transactions and online
shopping great attention is being given to the
transportation/distribution sector and Robert and his team
are actively pursuing logistics companies, of all sizes. With
current lots zoned for industrial development expected to
sell out over the next five to seven years the county is also
actively working at expanding the existing footprint of
industrial parks and establishing new ones.
From industrial
start-ups and expansion
from home-based businesses,
Parkland County offers some
of the best assets for
business growth and new
economic development
Robert Fernandez, Director of Economic Diversification
APRIL | 2023 43
The way of business solutions
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  • 1. Global Expert in Providing Sustainable Product Design and Innova on 10 MOST PROMISING INDUSTRIAL DESIGN COMPANIES TO WATCH APRIL ISSUE : 05 2023 Sustainability Relevance The Importance of Sustainable Architecture in Today's World Pg.No: 34 Graphic Dynamics Mind-blowing Design Trends in the Modern Industry Pg.No: 26
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  • 5. esigning istinctions riving evelopments Innovation is the lifeblood of progress, and industrial design companies are at the forefront of driving this transformative force. With their expertise in combining aesthetics, functionality, and user- centered design, these companies play a vital role in shaping the products and experiences we encounter in our daily lives. From consumer electronics to automotive design, they are instrumental in pushing the boundaries of creativity, efficiency and sustainability. One of the key contributions of industrial designers is their ability to identify unmet needs and design solutions that enhance user experiences. Through meticulous research, market analysis, and an empathetic understanding of user behaviors, they uncover insights that drive innovation. By translating these insights into intuitive and visually appealing products, they revolutionize industries and create new market opportunities. The importance of minimizing environmental impact is dedicated to developing products and solutions that are environmentally friendly. By incorporating sustainable materials, energy-efficient designs, and circular economy principles, they drive positive change and set new standards for responsible manufacturing. Collaboration is another key driver of innovation in the realm of industrial design. These companies work closely with clients, engineers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the final product aligns with the desired vision and meets the needs of end-users. Through effective collaboration, they harness collective expertise and perspectives, resulting in breakthrough designs that push the boundaries of what is possible. In recent years, industrial design companies have also embraced the power of technology in driving innovation. They leverage advancements such as 3D modeling, virtual reality, and rapid prototyping to iterate designs quickly and efficiently. These tools enable them to test concepts, gather feedback, and refine designs before production, reducing time to market and increasing the likelihood of success. Insights Success takes pride in inculcating the leaders through its latest edition – The 10 Most Promising Industrial Design Companies to Watch, highlighting promising design companies and how they have a significant impact on branding and customer loyalty by creating memorable and engaging experiences. -PrashikD.Bombarde C D
  • 6. IG L G S C O V E R S T O R Y 08 Global Expert in Providing Sustainable Product Design and Innova on
  • 7. 20 30 38 42 Articles 34 26 ForwardX Robotics WhereTechnology is the Way Forward The Sustainable Design Revolu on Black+ Blum The Importance of Human Connec on in the Workplace CXO Parkland County A Thriving Business Community Supported with a Robust Transporta on Ecosystem Sustainability Relevance The Importance of Sustainable Architecture in Today's World Graphic Dynamics Mind-blowing Design Trends in the Modern Industry
  • 8. APRIL 2023 Circulation Manager Finn Wilson Research Analyst Helena Smith Chelsea Wilson, Edwin Copper Business Development Executives Sherin Rodricks Business Development Manager Art & Design Head Art & Design Assistant Visualiser Michael Warner Co-designer Sonia Raizada Lauren Smith Marketing Manager Jenny jordan Technical Consultants Logan Harper, Julie Davis Technical Head Chris Darcy Assistant Technical Head SME-SMO Executive Eric Gilbert Digital Marketing Manager Sheldon Miller Assistant Digital Marketing Manager Sagar Lahigade Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Corporate Ofce Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-859-2600 Email: For Subscription: We are also available on : RNI No.: MAHENG/2018/75953 Sales Executives Alice Fernandes, Carl Rogers Prachi Mokashi Allen Darcy The way of business solutions Follow us on : Editor-in-Chief Merry D'Souza Managing Editor Prashik Bombarde Executive Editor Adiba Tarade INSIGHTSSUCCESS CREDITS
  • 9. Stefan Knox & Kirs n Knox Founder & Director Bang Crea ons Limited bangcrea Bang Crea ons are a cer fied B Corp industrial engineering product design agency. Its passion is helping businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs take their products and ideas from concept to customer. Aaron Szymanski President Evo Design Evo Design has a team of product designers and engineers passionate about collabora ng with clients to develop and commercialize products users love. Nicolas Chee Founder & CEO ForwardX Robo cs At ForwardX, with true intelligence, mobile robo cs can become en rely flexible to circumstances while delivering output levels to rival tradi onal automa on systems. Company Featuring Brief Company Featuring Brief Company Featuring Brief Ravi Sawhney CEO RKS Design RKS has been on the cu ng edge of design and innova on since their beginnings in 1980. They use human-centered design- thinking methodology, Psycho-Aesthe cs to build emo onally resonant and empathe c user experiences. Oliver Evans CEO Shark Design Shark Design is a full service product development company in Hong Kong and the USA with a manufacturing facility in Shenzhen, China. Bill Dicke President Tungsten Collabora ve tungstencollabora Tungsten Collabora ve prides on suppor ng its clients along the en re product development journey. Helping with every stage of product development, from concept to prototype, manufacturing to branding, and packaging to launch. Dan Black Director Black+Blum With rigorous a en on to detail and a focus on sustainability, Black+Blum designs original products that inspire a sense of well- being. Eric Olson Vice President Karten Design Karten Design is an award- winning product design and innova on consultancy passionate about crea ng extraordinary experiences between people and products. Robert Fernandez Director of Economic Diversifica on Parkland County Parkland County is a collec ve of local departments working together to promote Parkland County, Alberta. Michael Prince Founder Beyond Design Beyond Design, Inc. is a strategic design consultancy specializing in New Product Development (NPD). Beyond creates design solu ons that help drive innova on for clients to connect with end-users for marketplace success.
  • 10. Global Expert in Providing Sustainable Product Design and Innova on , , , , We are constantly testing our offering through feedback loops and ensuring continual improvement in our process and approach. C O V E R S T O R Y
  • 11. Stefan Knox Founder, Kirs n Knox Director, Bang Crea ons Limited
  • 12. In the modern world, creating a workable, commercial product from an idea requires creative ideation and precise expertise in product design. It entails developing innovative products and developing existing designs to enhance their appeal, performance, and effectiveness. Additionally, it implies reviewing the design, offering resolutions, and commencing plans to create a quality product for the global atmosphere. Providing such exclusive resources is Bang Creations - An industrial design and engineering studio with headquarters in the UK. It collaborates with businesses that share its values of creating cutting-edge products that benefit both people and the environment. Its objective is to establish sustainability as the standard when it comes to creating technologically and financially successful goods for businesses that have a market entry strategy and require an inventive and ethical design partner. Stefan Knox founded the business more than 20 years ago after working for the toy manufacturer Hasbro where he was lucky to have the means to hire various design studios to carry out his design ideas. Whilst at Hasbro, Stefan studied business and marketing at night school, learning which afforded him promotion to drive future R&D development with international creative teams within the business. Here, he witnessed that many creative concepts could not be commercialized as they were either too expensive or too difficult to market. He saw a need in the market for a design company that was not just imaginative and creative but also conscious of its business model. The studio saw significant expansion and assisted numerous clients in identifying the most viable idea to pursue swiftly. The organization transformed its business model in 2012 to become a studio prioritizing sustainable solutions. In the process, enriching the inclusive standards and parameters of the in-house structure, the organization uplifted its clientele in 2018. Providing dedicated offerings to old and new clients to add sustainable solutions as part of their lineup. Subsequently, it has ingrained sustainability as part of its culture, and it became B Corp certified in 2021. How could one incorporate such zeal? Let's head in to find out! The Head of the Company Early in the 1990s, Stefan and Kristin Knox both earned degrees in engineering as product designers from the same London University. Prior to working for Hasbro, Kristin invented a solution for clearing litter from canals which she sold to British Water Ways where she worked to oversee its integration. Stefan worked as a designer in lighting and furniture for a London business, and as a design engineer for Electrolux designing vacuum cleaners. Before joining her husband at Bang Creations (and after leaving Hasbro), Kristin held agency-side positions with London design firms and the hand held PDA manufacturer Psion. When Stefan and Kirstin reconnected at Hasbro, he was designing toys for boys under the Nerf, Tonka, and Action Man, and licensing deals from Disney and Warner, while Kirstin was working on girls' toys under the My Little Pony, Care Bears, and Sindy brands. On returning from a business trip in the US, Stefan developed a business plan for starting his own agency. Within three months, he quit, got married to Kirstin, purchased a house, and opened an office. Later on, Kirstin joined Stefan in the Bang Creation Studio. Bang is currently an industrial design studio with 8 employees working on numerous projects at various phases of development, from early concept to collaborating with manufacturers on production order quality control. Revolutionizing the Industry With more than 20 years of experience, Bang Creations is a top industrial design and engineering company. Its goal is to create products that are both technically and commercially practical while also being recognized for their commitment to social responsibility and the environment. Bang Creations has three products that it uses to take an idea from conception to production. • Innovation evaluation tool "The Who, What, Why, - When, and the Four Hows" (shortened by its design team as "How the Hell...?") is a framework that seeks out the answers to a brief that help the designer conceive of products that are both marketable and responsible. • The "Bang development process" involves taking a concept through development and manufacture and then onto a production line within budget, on time, and to agreed-upon quality levels. The team has engineered this process to ensure it focuses on innovation and social and environmental responsibility at every stage of development.
  • 14. The approach. Bang Creations has a multi-stage process that de-risks development and searches out feedback early on. Stefan says, "We lean on a wide, talented network that we engage with early on in every project to further de-risk development." A Proven Work Process The Bang Creations team has years of experience taking concepts and translating them into designs that are practical, marketable, and realistic. Viewing an idea from several angles is one of the crucial steps in the new product design process. The team must ensure that every possible execution has been taken into account, or else the wrong idea risks being pursued further along the development route. To do this, the team generates as many original alternative solutions as they can before examining each from the perspective of the customer. Bang Creations is pleased to learn that its clients believe in its value, which includes: • The company is honest and open. It is enthusiastic about its work and brings over 30 years of experience to its projects. • It stays until the end. Development is challenging, but it delivers what it signs up to deliver. • It has been in its clients' shoes. It has brought its own products to market. Stefan says, "We know what they will go through." • The company has integrated a robust, sustainable programme at every stage of its development journey; it is not a footnote. • Bang Creations has a tried and tested process that can show works. "Bang brings creativity, integrity, and responsibility to the design process. It has been a pleasure to progress our products using them, as they constantly aim to ensure they are an investment and not a cost burden to our business. They listen and truly immerse themselves in the client's needs. Not just a veneer, but their honesty and desire to deliver are skin deep." – Alan Ward, CEO Evaclite – dynamic emergency exit signage that saves lives. Initiatives for Sustainability The organization enlists designing products that are socially and environmentally responsible as a key value of its business and has been for the last 10 years. Victor Papaenk, the Austrian designer from the 1960s, is quoted as saying, "There are professions more dangerous than industrial design, but only a few"
  • 16. (1971). Stefan understands how important our role is - Bang Creations is currently working on a diverse range of projects. These range from electro-mechanical products that help the elderly, a range of cloud-connected devices that help homeowners to save energy, to electronic products that help students with learning difficulties, all the while ensuring that they are designed for obsolescence and use the least amount of raw material and energy in their manufacture as possible. Bang Creations works with its clients to ensure that what they claim they will deliver is accurate and achievable. This brings on two initiatives: • A sustainable development review for the rising stage of expansion. • A target-driven data and metrics indication on the project evaluation tool. Designing a Product Creatively Bang Creations looks to see how innovative its product solution is and aims for it to delight the end user. To achieve this, Bang Creations really observes the target market and understands what they think, feel, say, and then do about the problem it is solving. The company takes these customer-facing problems and turns them into design challenges. The more diverse and open-minded the team, the more creative the solutions will be. This approach is understood by Bang Creations' clients and often wins projects not normally given to designers outside of the client's industry. Despite not having done a motorbike before, its clients understood and believed in its approach and its process, and Bang Creations designed and helped engineer for them an award-winning, market-disrupting product. "If it weren't for Bang's agile way of working and lean structure, we would never have gotten the project off the ground." Seb Inglis Jones, co-founder of Maeving Bikes Challenges of the Product Design Industry According to Stefan, the biggest issue in the design profession is deciding where and from what materials to produce items. Production for Bang Creations has moved from the US and Europe to Hong Kong, then to mainland China, and is currently moving back. Manufacturing efficiency has reached a plateau, which has fueled the search for ever-cheaper labor to provide the same value. He states, "The key challenge now is how do we design and make products that people need that are designed for obsolescence and have a minimal negative impact on , ,BANG BRINGS CREATIVITY, INTEGRITY, AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE DESIGN PROCESS society and the planet." Bang Creations understands that there is a cost-of-living crisis and global political uncertainty, which are stifling innovation at a time when it needs it most. Its innovation evaluation model helps its clients tease out potential solutions to these challenges. The most important new technologies, in Stefan's opinion, that make Bang Creations' customers stand out in the market, are those related to material science and their various manufacturing procedures. According to Stefan, one of the most fascinating parts of his job is learning about new materials and figuring out how the company can use them to improve a product. Although it has a commercial barrier, it is optimistic that costs will decrease as efficiency increases, and it wants to be at the forefront of incorporating them into products. Advice for Emerging Leaders Stefan feels fortunate to be given the opportunity to sit at the same table with some of Bang Creations' clientele. According to his observations, successful businesses surround themselves with seasoned multidisciplinary teams and pay attention. He thinks it takes a lot of work to really have a product one has created roll off a production line, and the company thinks clients are best served by design teams that have actually done it rather than just being able to talk about it. He states, "The more projects you can do, the more valuable you are as a product designer. Learn the whole process and appreciate the product's life journey
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  • 19. from the cradle to the grave and do as many varied projects as you can.” Visioning to Bring More Sustainable Product Solutions Listening, evaluating, and implementing—these are the values of Bang Creations. It is working even closer with its partners to see how its service can help it achieve the firm's mission. The company is engaging with its clients to understand their business needs and learn how it can align its development plans to help them meet those needs and be as flexible for change as possible. Stefan states, "We are constantly testing our offering through feedback loops and ensuring continual improvement in our process and approach." Bang Creations wants to draw in additional businesses that share its principles and needs a partner to help promote cutting-edge sustainable product solutions. Through its expansion, it hopes to establish a foundation that will expand its present assistance programme for helping new businesses and institutions learn and apply the best design practices. Most importantly, Bang Creations wants to continue to be a good investment for its customers. Client Review "Bang Creations are 'Real World' not stereotypical 'Designers.' Stefan is enthusiastic and innovative but approaches design from our business perspective, not his creative ego. But it's often unexpected events that demonstrate the true spirit of an organization, and Bang introduced us to an opportunity with no motive other than to support our business. We look forward to working with Bang as a management team long into the future." David Redfern, Director, Harlequin Composites
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  • 21. The way of business solutions Global Subscrip on Choose Excellence, Choose
  • 23. lastic pollution has become a crisis that plagues our planet, suffocating our oceans and contaminating our landfills. The sheer amount of single-use plastic waste that we produce every year is staggering, and it’s taking a toll on our environment in ways that we may not even fully comprehend yet. However, there are leaders out there who are determined to make a difference, and Dan Black is one of them. Dan, the founder and design mastermind behind Black+Blum, has made it his life’s work to tackle the problem of single-use plastic bottles and takeaway containers. For over 20 years, he has led his team of designers to create products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, innovative, and most importantly, made to last. Dan’s passion for sustainable design was sparked when he realized the extent of plastic waste polluting our oceans and harming wildlife. He knew he had to take action, and that’s how Black+Blum came into existence. With a clear mission in mind, Dan and his team set out to create a range of eco- friendly products that would help people lead more sustainable lives without compromising on style or convenience. At the core of Black+Blum’s philosophy is the idea of longevity. Rather than creating products that are disposable, Dan and his team design products that are built to last. This not only helps to reduce waste but also saves customers money in the long run. From reusable water bottles to insulated food containers, every product that Black+Blum creates is carefully designed to be as functional and efficient as possible while also being stylish and appealing. In a world where disposable culture is the norm, Dan Black and Black+Blum are leading the charge for a more sustainable future - by creating products that are not only beautiful but also durable and eco-friendly. While helping to change the way we think about the things we use every day. With his vision and determination, he is proving that sustainability and style can go hand in hand and that small changes can make a big difference in the fight against plastic pollution. Join us as we explore the story of Black+Blum and Dan Black and how he is changing the world, one product at a time! Please give us a brief description of Black+Blum, its objectives, and the most important factors contributing to its success. Black+Blum designs unique lifestyle and homeware products to help people live more sustainably. The range includes high-quality lunch boxes, water bottles, and thermoses; for the home, the office, and the trail. As proud 1% for the Planet members, everything is built to last using premium materials, and every detail is considered for lifelong and everyday use and reuse. P The Sustainable Design Revolu on Pioneering Sustainable Design for a Beer Future! Follow your passions, whatever they are. If you enjoy what you are doing and genuinely care about the products you are crea ng, then this will shine through, and people will see it, value it, and they will do well. ,, ,, 10 Most Promising Industrial Design Companies to Watch APRIL | 2023 21
  • 24. Our range of products, which all aim to facilitate the transportation of food and drink while on the go, has grown significantly since the launch of our first lunch box in 2010. We were inspired by Japanese Bento Boxes, as we noticed that while children had fun lunch boxes, adults were stuck with dull food containers. We were the first to truly innovate and have since influenced and inspired the market. Unlike other companies in our sector, we design our products from scratch and only release a new design when we believe it offers something better than what is already available. Our designs have a modern retro utilitarian aesthetic that is timeless, and we purposely keep the color minimal to highlight the natural materials and form. We use high-quality materials that are built to last and can be easily replaced or repaired if necessary. As members of 1% for the Planet, we donate 1% of our annual sales to sustainable charities in support of our commitment to environmental responsibility. Kindly brief us about yourself and your motivational journey until your current designation at Black+Blum. Since I was young, I’ve been captivated by creativity and innovation, often crafting models and tinkering with gadgets out of curiosity. My father’s business, which he managed with my uncle, fueled this interest, as I was fascinated with the process of creating shoes and bags. With encouragement from my family, I pursued industrial design at Northumbria University, which has a reputation for producing impressive graduates like Jony Ive, a key figure in Apple’s success. During my time there, I was fortunate enough to intern at design studios in London and California. My father instilled in me the importance of entrepreneurship, which led me to co-found Black + Blum with a fellow Northumbria alum, Martin Blum. Initially, we served as a design consultancy, creating designs for other businesses. Soon after, we expanded into lighting products, which quickly gained popularity. We’ve since grown our collection and continue to produce new designs, a process that still brings me immense satisfaction 25 years after our establishment in 1998. What is the specialty of your latest offerings, and how does it contribute to maintaining the company’s excellent position in the industry? We have just launched our new microwave-safe stainless steel Multi-Function range of food containers. Aside from the innovation of being able to put stainless steel in the microwave, it also feeds into the growing trend of meal- APRIL | 2023 22
  • 25. prepping, where people prepare their meals at the start of the week and batch cook. This can help users follow a specific diet, reduce food waste, save money, and even reduce single-use packaging if they take it with them instead of buying convenience take-out food. The features and functionality of the design are a good example of how, as a brand, we are at the forefront of unique, innovative solutions. How has the company evolved over the past 20 years, and how do you ensure that Black+Blum products are made to last? Our establishment has a long history dating back to 1998, which means we have been in the industry for an impressive 25 years since our inception. Initially, we were a design consultancy, but later on, we transitioned to creating and selling our products. In our first 17 years, we lacked a clear focus or recognizable aesthetic, despite offering functional products. There was no common thread linking our diverse range of products, which included rubber door stops resembling a man, rubber-bladed silent running fans, artistic candelabras, architecturally inspired dish racks, barbecues disguised as plant pots, and industrial-looking tape dispensers. Since 2017, our sole focus has been on creating products for the food and drink on-the-go category. We have worked tirelessly to establish a more iconic and consistent brand identity. As our product range continues to expand, more people appreciate the time, energy, and passion we invest in each design, and we are gradually becoming a recognized brand. This is evident in the growing number of renowned brands seeking to co-brand with us. We prioritize durability and functionality in our product designs, as we believe that products built to last are critical to promoting sustainable living. What processes do you have in place to ensure your products are designed to be reused and sustainable, and how do you ensure eco-friendly materials are used in your products? The category of food and drink on the go has an obvious follow-through to the sustainable benefits of reducing food waste and single-use packaging. Our engineering expertise and experience have improved over the past 25 years, our internal testing procedures have been fine-tuned, and the trusted relationship we’ve built with our skilled manufacturing partners over many years all go together to ensure our designs are built to last and be reused for years. In terms of materials, we always use the best quality that is most suited to the application. I love the saying, ‘I’m not rich enough to buy cheap products’ or ‘Buy once, buy well. Our designs won’t be the cheapest, but they aren’t expensive either, and they are good value based on being built to last with high-quality materials. APRIL | 2023 23
  • 26. How have you seen the world’s attitude towards single-use plastic bottles and takeaway containers change since you started? The pace of attitude change and understanding of environmental issues has greatly changed in the last five years and continues to grow. There is generally a greater understanding of why we do what we do. What makes Black+Blum stand out among other design companies? Most design companies only design for other companies, who then market and sell the products. We have a better understanding of the market because we handle everything from design to production and sale. This does, though, also highlight the challenge, as it is not easy to have all these skill sets in a small company. As an inventive leader, what suggestions would you like to pass on to aspiring entrepreneurs? Follow your passions, whatever they are. If you enjoy what you are doing and genuinely care about the products you are creating, then this will shine through, and people will see it, value it, and they will do well. Have patience and perseverance, and be sure to enjoy the journey. Put yourself to work doing the thing that you do best. How do you envision scaling your organization’s services and operations in 2023 and beyond? Our market will continue to experience revolutionary advancements as we have an exceptionally fascinating product pipeline in the next 2-3 years. Our focus on this niche segment will lead to increased brand recognition, admiration, and revenue. This will empower us to pursue more captivating and challenging endeavors. Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your achievements in this sector. Partnering with amazing aspirational brands such as Prada, Rapha, and Finisterre, to name just a few, is a testament that we are being recognized in our category. APRIL | 2023 24
  • 27.
  • 29. RED AND INTERACTIVE DESIGN VIBRANT COLORS AND GRADIENTS RETRO AND VINTAGE AESTHETICS SUSTAINABILITY AND ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN RED AND INTERACTIVE DESIGN Responsive and Mobile-Friendly DESIGN SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM raphic design is an ever-evolving field, constantly influenced by technological advancements, cultural shifts, and emerging trends. In today's modern industry, several mind-blowing design trends are shaping how we perceive and interact with visual content. These trends reflect the current design landscape and push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Let's explore some of the most captivating design trends in the modern industry and how they are transforming the world of graphic dynamics! Minimalism Less is more, and minimalism embodies this principle. Minimalist design focuses on simplicity, clean lines, ample white space, and a limited color palette. This trend allows the core message or visual elements to take center stage, creating a visually impactful and focused design. Bold Typography Typography has become a prominent design element in recent years. Bold and expressive typography is being used to create powerful visual statements and enhance brand identities. Creative typography choices, such as custom fonts, hand- lettering, and experimental layouts, add personality and uniqueness to designs. Vibrant Colors and Gradients Gone are the days of muted color schemes. Bold and vibrant colors are making a comeback, adding energy and excitement to designs. Additionally, gradients are being used to create depth, dimension, and visual interest, adding a dynamic and modern touch to graphic compositions. Abstract and Geometric Shapes Abstract and geometric shapes are being used to create visually captivating designs. These shapes add a sense of modernity, complexity, and playfulness to compositions. They can be used as backgrounds, overlays, or as part of the main design elements. G APRIL | 2023 27
  • 30. 3D Design and Illustrations With advancements in technology, 3D design and illustrations have become more accessible. Three- dimensional elements are being integrated into graphic designs to add depth, realism, and interactivity. These designs create an immersive and visually engaging experience for the audience. Motion Graphics and Animation Motion graphics and animation are becoming increasingly popular in the modern industry. They bring static designs to life, adding movement, storytelling, and interactivity. From subtle animations to complex visual narratives, motion graphics enhance user experience and captivate viewers' attention. Authentic and Inclusive Visuals Inclusivity and representation have become integral aspects of modern design. Brands embrace diversity and use authentic visuals that reflect different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. This trend aims to create connection and inclusivity, resonating with a broader audience. Mixed Media and Collage Mixing different media, such as photography, illustration, and textures, creates unique and visually striking compositions. Collage-style designs blend various elements to form cohesive and eclectic visuals that evoke creativity and imagination. Retro and Vintage Aesthetics Nostalgia is a powerful emotion, and retro and vintage aesthetics evoke a sense of nostalgia and familiarity. Designers incorporate vintage-inspired elements, color schemes, typography, and textures to create visually appealing designs with a touch of nostalgia. Sustainability and Eco-friendly Design As sustainability becomes a global concern, eco-friendly design practices are gaining momentum. Designers are incorporating sustainable materials, using eco-conscious printing techniques, and creating designs that promote environmental awareness. This trend reflects the growing importance of sustainability in the design industry. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) AR and VR are revolutionizing the way we experience design. These technologies allow users to immerse themselves in interactive and virtual environments, blurring the line between the real and digital worlds. Designers incorporate AR and VR elements to create engaging and interactive experiences that captivate and entertain users. Data Visualization With the increasing amount of data available, designers are tasked with presenting complex information in a visually compelling and easily understandable way. Data visualization techniques help to simplify data and transform it into visually appealing charts, infographics, and interactive visualizations. This trend enables viewers to grasp information quickly and effectively. Experimental and Avant-Garde Designs Designers push boundaries and explore new territories by embracing experimental and avant-garde approaches. These designs challenge traditional norms and expectations, creating visually striking and thought-provoking creations. Experimental designs often involve unique visual styles, unconventional layouts, and unexpected combinations of elements. User-Centered and Interactive Design The user-centered design focuses on creating designs that prioritize the needs and experiences of the users. Interactive elements such as scroll-triggered animations, hover effects, and micro-interactions enhance user engagement and provide a more dynamic and personalized user experience. This trend aims to create designs that are intuitive, accessible, and enjoyable for the audience. Futuristic and Sci-Fi Inspirations The future has always been a source of inspiration for designers. Futuristic and sci-fi-inspired designs incorporate elements that convey a sense of advanced technology, space exploration, and futuristic aesthetics. These designs often feature sleek, streamlined shapes, metallic textures, neon colors, and futuristic typography. APRIL | 2023 28
  • 31. -A.K. Tarade Hand-Drawn and Organic Illustrations In contrast to the digital world, hand-drawn and organic illustrations bring a sense of warmth, personality, and authenticity to designs. These illustrations add a human touch and evoke emotions, making them ideal for conveying narratives and storytelling. Hand-drawn elements can be integrated into digital designs, providing a unique and personal touch. Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design With the increasing use of mobile devices, responsive and mobile-friendly design has become a necessity. Designs that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations ensure optimal user experience across various devices. This trend emphasizes the importance of designing mobile platforms to reach a wider audience. Typography as a Design Element Typography is not only about conveying information but also plays a crucial role in design aesthetics. Designers are pushing the boundaries of typography by experimenting with unique font combinations, custom lettering, and typographic art. Typography is used as a visual element to create hierarchy, evoke emotions, and enhance overall design aesthetics. Authentic Photography Authentic and candid photography is gaining popularity over staged and stock images. Brands are opting for real- life images that capture genuine emotions, experiences, and diversity. This trend helps to create a sense of relatability and authenticity, resonating with the audience on a deeper level. Social and Environmental Activism Designers are using their skills to advocate for social and environmental causes. They raise awareness, promote positive change, and inspire action through impactful designs. This trend reflects the growing importance of design as a tool for activism and its ability to drive social and environmental progress. In Conclusion, These mind-blowing design trends in the modern industry push the boundaries of creativity and transform how we perceive and engage with visual content. From minimalism to bold typography, vibrant colors to 3D design, these trends reflect audiences' evolving needs and preferences in a rapidly changing world. As technology continues to advance and society evolves, we can expect graphic dynamics to grow further, leading to even more exciting and innovative design trends in the future. APRIL | 2023 29
  • 32. bout a decade ago, I began noticing a new kind of Amovement in our industry. Apart from seeing the usual tourists and business travelers, I started to witness people roaming from city to city in search of new experiences and faster Wi-Fi, taking their work with them wherever they went. These were early remote workers, and from my first conversations with them, I knew I had to understand what they foreshadowed for the future of work. So, I put myself in their shoes. I visited Bali, Buenos Aires, and Washington D.C., learning first-hand what it was like to work and live in each city for an extended period of time. I embraced the slower pace that remote work/travel offered, immersed myself in local cultures, and investigated the pain points that were involved in my travels. In other words, I experienced what it was like to “work from anywhere.” I was surprised to find that the hardest part of living this lifestyle wasn’t the language barrier, the need to adapt to new cultures, or being unfamiliar with how to best navigate a new city, but rather the feeling of loneliness that occurred when finishing a hard day’s work alone. This discovery led me to carefully consider the human experience of remote work. Taking this into account when conceptualizing Zoku, together with my co-founder Marc Jongerius and our founding team, we recognized that the next generation of workers would become more mobile, collaborate both virtually and in-person, and enjoy greater flexibility in their work. So when we first opened our doors in 2016, we incorporated hybrid solutions to proactively account for this in our design and model. There were of course, downsides to this discovery. We anticipated that future employees would become more isolated and disconnected from their teams than ever before. So we’re proud to say that our mission at Zoku feels more relevant now than ever: “To provide spaces where human connection is seamless, fun and meaningful.” Fast forward to 2021, and most of us work remotely for at least some period of time. And, what have we noticed? That many of us have expressed that we’ve greatly missed in- person human connections during the COVID-19 pandemic. The same issue of loneliness from over a decade ago is now impacting even more people on a global scale. Many companies have been profoundly disrupted by this sudden transition to remote work, while business leaders simultaneously struggle to keep pace with their teams’ evolving demands and learn how to best balance office versus remote work effectively. The events of the pandemic have called into question just about every assumption the world previously held, and these consequences will impact the way we work, live, and connect for decades to come. While there are still many lessons to be learned, two things APRIL | 2023 30
  • 33. Hans Meyer Co-Founder & Managing Director Zoku About the Author APRIL | 2023 31
  • 34. had quickly become apparent when the world suddenly switched to working remotely: 1. Productivity can happen anywhere. 2. Not all spaces are equally productive. Whether working from home means working at a self-made home office or at the edge of a cluttered kitchen table, everybody has gained a new perspective on how their surrounding space impacts their productivity. More people report feeling more productive overall and few people missed the drudgery of the morning commute. The pandemic has also highlighted the shortcomings of remote work. Employees report higher rates of burnout, that team cohesion is suffering, and people are feeling more alienated and disconnected than ever before. Despite these downsides, however, it has become clear that many workers would sooner change jobs than return to the office full-time, as was previously the norm. The question of workspace location has become a key topic in discussions of the future of work. Offices are being downsized, repurposed or abandoned altogether. Striking the right balance of hybrid work isn't just a matter of maximizing operational efficiency – it's critical to sustaining positive company culture and attracting and retaining the world's top talent too. As companies look ahead, they’re adapting lessons they learned from remote work into existing practices, with varying degrees of difficulty. Each company has its own unique requirements to consider, but... “We believe the most successful companies during this transition will be those that design how they operate around human connection.” It's from close, meaningful relationships that we draw our best inspiration and most innovative work. Here at Zoku, our priority is to continue delivering on our mission to facilitate human connection as we roll out our concept internationally. City by city, we remain dedicated to bringing people together in spaces that inspire understanding, foster creativity, and build more productive relationships. In our latest white Paper , “The Future of Work Needs Human Connection”, I’m proud to share Zoku’s accumulated research and learnings about remote and hybrid work, human connection, and the future of workspaces. I hope our insights can help companies discover the best way to strengthen connections and create an effective work environment for their teams. APRIL | 2023 32
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  • 37. s the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation, the concept of sustainability has become increasingly significant in various sectors, including architecture. Sustainable architecture, also known as green or eco- friendly architecture, focuses on designing and constructing buildings that minimize negative environmental impacts while maximizing energy efficiency and resource conservation. In today's world, the importance of sustainable architecture cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in mitigating the environmental crisis we face and creating a more sustainable future. One of the key aspects of sustainable architecture is energy efficiency. Buildings account for a significant portion of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. By incorporating energy-efficient design principles, such as using renewable energy sources, optimizing insulation, and employing energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, sustainable architecture helps reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. This not only helps combat climate change but also reduces energy costs for building owners and occupants, making it a win-win situation for both the environment and the economy. Resource Conservation Another important element of sustainable architecture is resource conservation. Traditional construction methods often rely on materials and resources that are non-renewable and have a significant environmental impact. Sustainable architecture promotes the use of eco-friendly and locally sourced materials, as well as innovative construction techniques that minimize waste generation. Additionally, sustainable buildings are designed to optimize water usage and incorporate systems for rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling, and efficient plumbing fixtures, thereby conserving this precious resource. A
  • 38. Concept of Sustainability The concept of sustainability in architecture goes beyond just the environmental aspects. It also encompasses social and economic considerations. Sustainable buildings are designed with a focus on occupant health and well-being. They prioritize natural lighting, proper ventilation, and indoor air quality to create healthy and comfortable living and working environments. Additionally, sustainable architecture promotes the use of non-toxic and low- emission materials, contributing to improved indoor air quality and reducing the risk of health issues caused by chemical exposure. From an economic perspective, sustainable architecture offers long-term benefits. While the initial costs of incorporating sustainable features may be higher, the investment pays off in the form of reduced energy and water bills, lower maintenance and operational costs, and increased property value. Green buildings are also increasingly in demand as businesses and individuals recognize the value of sustainable practices. Therefore, sustainable architecture presents an opportunity for economic growth, job creation, and market competitiveness. Sustainable Architecture Sustainable architecture also plays a significant role in urban planning and development. As cities continue to expand and populations grow, the need for sustainable urban environments becomes critical. Sustainable buildings and communities promote compact and mixed-use developments, efficient transportation systems, and the preservation of green spaces. These factors contribute to creating livable, resilient, and vibrant cities that foster social cohesion and enhance the quality of life for residents. Sustainable architecture not only addresses the pressing environmental issues we face but also fosters a deeper connection between humans and the natural world. By incorporating biophilic design principles, which aim to integrate nature into the built environment, sustainable architecture creates spaces that promote well-being and a sense of harmony with the surrounding ecosystem. Biophilic Design Elements Biophilic design elements, such as the incorporation of natural light, views of green spaces, and the use of natural materials, have been shown to enhance productivity, reduce stress levels, and improve overall mental and physical health. These benefits are particularly relevant in urban environments where access to nature is often limited. Sustainable architecture provides an opportunity to reconnect people with nature, fostering a sense of environmental stewardship and encouraging a more sustainable lifestyle. Sustainable architecture serves as a catalyst for innovation and technological advancements. Architects and designers are constantly exploring new materials, technologies, and design strategies to push the boundaries of sustainable design. From solar panels and green roofs to passive design techniques and smart building systems, sustainable architecture encourages the adoption of cutting-edge solutions that can be replicated and applied on a larger scale. This not only drives sustainable development but also creates opportunities for research, development, and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable design. To Conclude, The importance of sustainable architecture in today's world cannot be emphasized enough. It offers a holistic approach to building design and construction that considers environmental, social, and economic factors. Sustainable architecture promotes energy efficiency, resource conservation, occupant health, and economic benefits. It contributes to combating climate change, reducing environmental impact, and creating resilient and livable cities. Moreover, sustainable architecture stimulates innovation and technological advancements, driving progress toward a more sustainable and equitable future. As we face the urgent need to address global sustainability challenges, sustainable architecture stands as a crucial tool in shaping a better world for current and future generations. By embracing sustainable architecture, we have the opportunity to transform the way we live, work, and interact with the built environment, ultimately creating a more sustainable and resilient future for all. -P.D.Bombarde APRIL | 2023 36
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  • 40. WhereTechnologyis theWay Forward Particularly in times like these with the coronavirus pandemic entering the world into a state of crisis, robotics has proven to be quite useful and of great importance. Be it a faster way to deliver essential medical supplies or more efficiently done recycling, companies are now going above and beyond to make robotics more innovative than before. A robot is designed in such a way that it can analyse, move, work, react, and respond in a way not dissimilar to humans. Robotics has made it easier for people to perform and get tasks done in a simpler, efficient, and effective way. When you hear the word robotics, you instantly think of robots and artificial intelligence. Robotics deals with making use of machines by designing and constructing them to function with similar abilities of a human being. While intensively taking on the topic for our edition titled, World's 10 Most Innovative Robotics Companies, 2021, Robotics is extensively being used over many different industries today. These may vary from automobile manufacturing to consumer goods manufacturing industries. Robotics is used to aid in the work humans do, be it muscle power or where work the needed to be done may be harmful to humans. In the following interview, Nicolas Chee, Founder and CEO of the company, shares with us in detail about the company's journey in the Automation and Robotics Industry and his opinions about the market that the company caters to along with his insights about the growth of the industry. we did an exclusive with ForwardX Robotics, a leading developer of flexible automation headquartered in Beijing, China. ForwardX separates itself from other robotics providers through its use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically machine learning, as its robots are equipped with perception and processing capabilities to match a human worker. Using computer vision algorithms to segment, detect, ForwardX Robotics is a leading developer of flexible automation designed to empower industrial facilities through replacing cost-heavy material handling systems. Through its autonomous mobile robots and fleet management software, ForwardX helps production and logistics operations automate tedious physical tasks, such as order fulfillment and lineside delivery. Brief us about the overall operations of your company. Below are the highlights of the interview: recognize, and track objects within its environment, a ForwardX mobile robot can map and localize itself with pinpoint accuracy before making high- level navigation decisions. How did your company come into existence? What was the idea behind its genesis? Based out of Beijing, ForwardX Robotics has a global presence with operations in APAC and North America. Founded in 2016, ForwardX has grown from a dozen dedicated scientists working on a prototype, to a team of over 300, and half a dozen offices scattered across the globe. APRIL | 2023 38
  • 41. As the next generation of material handling, ForwardX's platform can be used to automate labor-intensive workflows in the supply chain which helps companies reduce costs and increase efficiency. the latest and greatest technologies to automating them. ForwardX develops a flexible automation platform, consisting of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and intelligent fleet management software, for industrial supply chain facilities. Kindly elaborate on your company's unique products or services. Nicolas saw the world as it is now; millions of blue-collar workers spending their valuable time completing tedious and sometimes dangerously physical tasks, people spending time every day on chores instead of enjoying time with family. He wanted to change the world by removing those tasks and what better way to remove them than by applying Founded in 2016, ForwardX Robotics was started by Nicolas Chee, a former VP at Oracle China and previous champion at ABU's Robocon. It was created with a vision of changing the way people live and work. ForwardX stands out as a company dedicated to technical excellence and providing value for its current and future customers “ Nicolas Chee Founder and CEO “ APRIL | 2023 39
  • 42. Unlike other automation solutions on the market, ForwardX products require very little set-up and infrastructure in order to get to work and that's what makes ForwardX the flexible alternative. Using the latest perception technology, ForwardX robotics adapt instantly to changes in the environment and provides the guarantees of safety that make them suitable for collaborative work. What makes your company stand out from the rest of its competition? ForwardX stands out as a company dedicated to technical excellence and providing value for its current and future customers. As the only mobile robotics developer with a vision-first approach, ForwardX provides the most reliable and accurate performance in the industry. Using computer vision algorithms to enhance mapping, positioning, and localization, ForwardX robots provide best-in-class uptime availability, which contributes to a higher degree of autonomy. Furthermore, ForwardX provides the largest range of autonomous mobile robots in the industry. With over 20 models to fit a wide range of applications and industries, ForwardX's Flex, Max, and Apex ranges of AMRs provide a comprehensive collection of solutions in multiple styles to fit the fragmented and varied nature of manufacturing and logistics. What kind of challenges has your company faced in its initial days of establishment and what are the struggles it is going through now? As a provider of next generation technology, the most significant struggle we have faced is wide acceptance and adoption from the industry. Like many other high-tech products, ForwardX operates in an industry where it is transforming how things are being done. However, with this huge mission comes the task of winning over the hearts and minds of supply chain leaders. After graduating, Nicolas moved directly into a project management and business consulting position at SAP, a giant in enterprise software, where he quickly learned the ins and outs of enterprise operations and applied his technical expertise to real- world cases. Picking up multiple corporate accolades at SAP, Nicolas chose to start a new chapter at Oracle China, where he headed up its regional software-as-a- service (SaaS) products. Spending 6 years at Oracle, Nicolas stood out as a high achiever as he won a slew of accolades, such as Global Top 100 Performer, China Top 10 Talent, and Global President Club Member. Nicolas Chee: With a bachelor's and master's education in integrated circuits from Beihang University, Nicolas has an eye for engineering and robotics which is made evident with his win at ABU's Robocon 2003, an international robotics competition for university students. At this point, Nicolas began a new journey, founding ForwardX Robotics in April 2016. Outside of work, Nicolas lives an active lifestyle with a love for outdoors, adventure, and sport. Abouttheleader Nicolas Chee Founder and CEO APRIL | 2023 40
  • 43. In this industry, the early adopters have helped to prove the efficacy of flexible automation solutions. Now, we are at an inflection point where the mainstreams are beginning to expand their use of technology to more of their operations globally. Think big: The robotics industry isn't a small one. There are a plethora of companies offering all kinds of solutions in every style or configuration you can think of, for both short-term and long-term problems. Our advice to young entrepreneurs and start-ups would be: When identifying your market and designing your solution, it helps to think big, that is, to think of the future you want to see and the future you believe the world is heading towards. With that as your compass, connect your vision to what you can do today to make it a reality. Build an ecosystem: As a provider of transformative technology, robotics companies should avoid commoditizing their products. What tends to happen is robotics companies What advice would you like to give the young entrepreneurs and start- ups that are willing to enter in the robotics industry? What does the future hold for your company in terms of growth? However, by dedicating yourself to the bigger picture, you can build both a product ecosystem and a business ecosystem that provide buyers with an invaluable experience that they couldn't hope to replicate. think too small and provide only a tiny piece of the puzzle, forcing buyers (companies) to get involved themselves and develop the expertise and systems that a robotic company should be providing. We believe that the next 2 years will hold expansion across all continents, with expansion in APAC being our current priority and expansion in Europe our next. ForwardX has seen astounding growth over the last 2 years. Going from the official commercial launch of our first AMR product, to a massive range of solutions. Furthermore, we've continually raised more and more venture capital to help us expand our technology and our market. Exhibiting Excellence Among our current customers, we are honored to serve leading companies, such as SF Supply Chain China, TCL Electronics, and ITOCHU Logistics China. APRIL | 2023 41
  • 44. A Thriving Business Community Supported with a Robust Transportation Ecosystem estled 20 kilometers west of the City of Edmonton, NParkland County is a municipal district in central Alberta, Canada. With an idyllic setting, this rural community offers a distinctively vibrant atmosphere with an assortment of country residential acreages, farming properties, and a diverse range of small- and large-scale businesses. Most importantly Parkland County offers an environment that is conducive for business success and growth. An Easy Access to Distribution Networks One of the most appealing aspects of this western Canadian locale is excellent transportation/logistics infrastructure and networks that offer companies easy access to both domestic and international markets. Transportation advantages include quick connections via air, rail, and major trucking routes which support incoming and outgoing distribution of Alberta’s resource industries and supply chains. Such transportation connectivity is readily embraced today by most of the leading large logistics and e-commerce providers such as Fedex, Gregg Distributors, Sysco and several other local logistics companies, A number of transportation companies such as Overland Container Transportation Services (OCTS), Bushell Transport, Manatoulin Transport, Roseneau Transport are also present that support the large logistics and transportation operators. Located adjacent to the county is Edmonton International Airport (EIA), the largest airport in Canada by size, which runs 24/7 operating 365 days of the year. It has six cargo handling terminals right onsite with 40 state border and customs brokers. Also, the flight distances between Edmonton and main Asian markets are significantly shorter than other logistics ports in North America due to the polar flight route. Moreover, the county has lots of available land, has short approval timelines when it comes to the processing of permits and the county’s fees and taxes are some of the lowest in all of Alberta. Turning Challenges into Opportunities “We are all equally affected by COVID but not equally impacted by it,” says Robert Fernandez, Director of Economic Diversification at Parkland County. “Being located outside a main city core gives Parkland County the benefit of a large employment base nearby. That said, since we do not have the same population density that other jurisdictions and regions have, the county has thankfully been less impacted by COVID,” he adds. According to Robert, the logistics industry in Canada is thriving. It certainly has challenges such as finding qualified sta ffand long driving hours as Canada is a very big country. But with all of those challenges also come opportunities through technological advancements. Technological developments such as self-driving technologies will help abate driving distances and address driver fatigue. Nearby in Edmonton is the first connected vehicle test site in Canada, where tests are being undertaken for the development of self-driving vehicle technologies in PARKLAND COUNTY APRIL | 2023 42
  • 45. interconnected ways. Some companies are really taking advantage of the testing opportunities there and looking at how technology innovations can transform the logistics industry. “The logistics industry as a whole and logistics businesses located in Parkland County’s industrial parks, has been hugely impacted in a positive way by the pandemic,” says Robert. “E-commerce transactions, online shopping, and demand for traditional seasonal goods, day to day staples, food and supplies have been growing exponentially.” A Proficient Leader The economic diversification of Parkland County is led by Robert Fernandez. He joined Parkland County in the summer of 2019 and brings with him extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. During the course of his 20+ year career, he has had the opportunity to develop multifaceted government programs, lead municipal and provincial economic strategies, facilitate private-sector job growth, and assist dozens of companies in their relocation and expansion pursuits. Parkland County traditionally has had a very strong industrial base supported for many decades by the proximity of energy production, notably coal; this in turn has supported the local economy and taxation base. With coal now being phased out and the multiple coal plants no longer in operation, the need to attract alternative industries to leverage existing workforce and talent has become a major strategic objective for the county. The role of Robert and his team is to oversee the creation and execution of strategies to attract new corporate investments to the county. A Roadmap Ahead Parkland County is working with developers to further grow its industrial and commercial base. Given the exponential increase of e-commerce transactions and online shopping great attention is being given to the transportation/distribution sector and Robert and his team are actively pursuing logistics companies, of all sizes. With current lots zoned for industrial development expected to sell out over the next five to seven years the county is also actively working at expanding the existing footprint of industrial parks and establishing new ones. From industrial start-ups and expansion from home-based businesses, Parkland County offers some of the best assets for business growth and new economic development opportunities. “ “ Robert Fernandez, Director of Economic Diversification APRIL | 2023 43
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  • 48. The way of business solutions Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-859-2600 Email: For Subscrip on: We are also available on: Follow us on: www.twi