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Vol : 09
Fanus van Wyk
Green Innova on
How Technology is Driving
Eco-Friendly Solu ons
The Business of
Overview of How Companies
are Going Eco-Friendly
Mine Services
Advance Environmental Change
Green Innova on
How Technology is Driving
Eco-Friendly Solu ons
The Business of Sustainability
Overview of How Companies
are Going Eco-Friendly
18. Alimentary Systems
Crea ng Value from Waste
Turning Barren Wastelands into
Green Paradises
Desert Control
32. Enviroserve
Beacon of Progress in UAE’s Mission
of Sustainability
Pioneering Gravita onal Energy Storage
for a Sustainable Future
Green Gravity
In an era where sustainability has become a watchword, a new
wave of startups is emerging as powerful agents of posi ve
change. These eco-conscious enterprises are not only
redefining business models but are also catalyzing a significant
shi towards a greener and more sustainable future.
These startups represent a diverse range of industries, from
renewable energy and waste management to sustainable fashion
and agriculture. Their innova ve solu ons are rooted in the idea
that profitability need not come at the expense of the
environment. Instead, they demonstrate that economic success
and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand.
One remarkable aspect of these startups is their ability to disrupt
tradi onal industries that have long been associated with
environmental degrada on. By introducing cu ng-edge
technologies, novel produc on methods, and a
deep commitment to sustainability, these
ventures are rewri ng the rules of business.
Moreover, these startups are se ng
new benchmarks for corporate
responsibility. They are proving that
it is possible to operate with
transparency, accountability, and a
genuine concern for the planet. This
ethos is not merely a marke ng ploy
but a fundamental part of their DNA.
Through their endeavors, these startups
are not only reducing carbon footprints
but also inspiring larger corpora ons to
take up the mantle of environmental
stewardship. They are demonstra ng that every
en ty, regardless of size, can contribute
meaningfully to the fight against climate change and the
preserva on of our natural resources.
Insights Success brings forth such exemplars through the latest
edi on - 10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the
Environment; we delve into the stories of some of these
pioneering startups. We aim to shed light on their innova ve
solu ons, the challenges they've overcome, and the impact
they've made on the environment. By celebra ng their
achievements, we hope to inspire a new genera on of
entrepreneurs, investors, and consumers to priori ze sustainability
and support businesses that are truly making a difference.
The journey of these startups is a testament to the power of
innova on, determina on, and a genuine commitment to the
planet. As they con nue to forge ahead, they remind us that,
indeed, every small step towards sustainability counts, and
together, we can build a brighter, greener future for genera ons to
Have an enthralling read ahead!
The Pione
Praik D. Bombarde
It is now the responsibility
of the mining industry to
allow entrepreneurs to
develop bankable
business models and
marke ng approaches
that can mobilize rou ne
expenditure in the
sustainability field.
Fanus van Wyk
Green mining for sustainable communities and delivering
net positive impact!
ustainable regeneration of social, economic, and
Secological interconnectedness has become top-of-
mind in our modern world as the business case for
ecosystem services gains momentum. As the extractive
industry navigates the operational and cost complexities of
ESG, the ethical and serious industry of the future and the
now must urgently respond to deliver beyond compliance
commitments and intentionally create net positive
environmental outcomes during and after mining
Agreenco understands how environmental harmony can be
achieved during and after life-of-mine. In the midst of the
challenges presented by the destructive nature of the
industry, creative opportunity looms within the presence of
a clear regeneration strategy, quality information, timeous
planning, and professional delivery. Viable, sustainable, and
novel enterprising present itself through natural and
business design thinking and outcome-based rehabilitation
and remediation present the catalysis for successful
regeneration and project close-out.
With unmatched knowledge and a successful track record in
developing and executing revolutionary mine rehabilitation
projects, Agreenco has established itself as a premier
environmental rehabilitation organization. Self-sustainable
ecosystem development requires a specialized and
multidisciplinary approach, where the importance of finding
creative, practical, and technically sound solutions cannot
be overstated. With a skilled workforce and a steadfast
dedication to environmental excellence, the Agreenco team
rises to the challenge. Agreenco is at the forefront of
bringing about positive change in the mining and extractive
industries because of its comprehensive awareness and
information based on the full scope of successful
rehabilitation outcomes.
Its primary service as hands-on practitioners is to execute
new-generation mine rehabilitation and environmental
improvement projects, and under the direction of co-
founder and CEO Fanus van Wyk, the business case of
environment presents the basis for buy-in into viable,
sustainable solutions. The organization uses a systematic
method to integrate the mine’s environmental information
and infrastructure into transformed minescapes to create
thriving alternate natural and business ecosystems and
repositioning their customers’ environmental liabilities as
natural assets. All stakeholders profit from this strategy,
which also guarantees long-term, sustainable results.
As the industry’s preeminent experts and practitioners,
Agreenco excels at addressing the myriad environmental
issues that mines encounter, such as tailings management,
dust control, wastewater treatment, ecological
improvement, and final mine closure procedures. From site-
specific engineering design to implementation and ongoing
maintenance, the company’s expert team creates
customized solutions that incorporate the whole value
chain. Agreenco uses a local alignment delivery model to
provide a one-stop shop for all environmental rehabilitation
and improvement needs, addressing the particular demand
of each client.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
Journey and Passion
Fanus is a driven business leader and innovator in the
mining and industrial greening space and has a passion for
agri-tech, environmental engineering, and mine
regeneration enterprising. He is at the forefront of
information-based and long-term cost-benefit approaches to
assist customers with decisions that would unlock real
environmental sustainability. He holds firm that the current
business drivers, which primarily focus on profit-based
incentives and a tick-box approach to environmental
compliance, will be insufficient to achieve long-term
sustainable outcomes. His mission is to generate results-
based value and annuity business outcomes for both
customers and employees. He aims to achieve this by
establishing a reputation for delivering proven but
incremental environmental on-site success, scaling net
environmental effect over time, and thereby generating
sustainable value for all stakeholders in the long run.
Fanus’s philosophy revolves around a unique decision-
support approach, empowering excellent co-leaders to excel
in a market that should be driven by sustainability
information and outcomes. By implementing the best-cost-
of-ownership environmental asset care model for large
mining regions, Agreenco aims to solidify its position as a
hybrid sustainability services vehicle.
Fanus firmly believes that this innovative approach has the
potential to disrupt the market, get things done, and create
long-term sustainability value. He envisions Agreenco
reinforcing its value as a niche EPCM contractor, delivering
more than environmental compliance, but to assist their
customers to benefit from community goodwill generated
through green mine projects. Fanus’s ultimate goal is to be
the first to list an alternative land-use company on selected
stock exchanges, further cementing Agreenco’s status as a
leader in the industry.
Cutting-edge Approach to Environmental Improvement
Agreenco is at the forefront of the market, specializing in
scalable Nature-Based Solutions. With mining and
industrially affected land as their canvas, they utilize
scientific and information-based solutions as their
paintbrush. Their approach focuses on applying natural
resource thinking principles to achieve sustainable and cost-
effective environmental improvement in the long run. Its
proposed solutions are supported by extensive data
accumulated over many years. Their actions are guided by
their comprehensive database, and they prioritize long-term
project outcomes over cost or quality shortcuts.
Known for its commitment to quality information and
delivering environmental results, it involves its customers
throughout the entire journey, taking their inputs and key
performance indicators (KPIs) into account. As a result of
their involvement, it creates a significantly improved
environment for mines, employees, and communities. They
take pride in providing employment opportunities through
their environmental entrepreneurship.
The mining industry’s ESG
credibility status will be
achieved sooner if there are
incen ves and mone za on
for environmental
improvement. Instead of
relying on “Copy and Paste”
solu ons, it is important to
avoid unsuccessful a empts
that diminish credibility in
demonstra ng
environmental value.
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
It is crucial to
change the
percep on of
expenditure from a
grudge purchase to
a valued
investment in a
brighter future.
Agreenco not only lives for its triple bottom-line
commitment to People, Planet, and Progress but also plays
a crucial role in advancing the industry. Leading the
industry comes naturally to them, and they frequently
contribute to case information, scientific innovation, and
policy contributions on national and international platforms.
With their trusted proposals and a reputation as the
preferred company for both customers and employees,
Agreenco’s work stands out as a marvel in their field.
Turning Environmental Liabilities into Natural Assets –
A Novel Narrative
Any changes made to the environment are seen as both an
impact and a potential cost for Agreenco’s customers.
However, Agreenco views these changes as opportunities to
transform the affected landscapes into something new while
still maintaining their original purpose. Referred to as
“minescapes,” these altered environments are seen as a
canvas with inherent productivity and potential for
improvement. Agreenco knows how to utilize long-term
environmental knowledge and existing mine infrastructure
to minimize the environmental impact and turn it into an
asset. They consider factors such as water treatment, soil
replacement and improvement, and land rehabilitation
maintenance to create a bankable end-land use project.
Agreenco offers various commercial options that cater to
industries like wood and fiber, renewable energy, food and
dairy, agriculture, and water, as well as education and skills
It’s all about clean water…Reviving Abandoned Mines
Agreenco specializes in crafting projects of various
durations that are designed to withstand the test of time.
They carefully consider the immediate environmental risks
faced by their clients while also helping them achieve their
business objectives in order to meet sustainable closure
requirements. Agreenco has a track record of involvement
in minescape optimization projects, where they propose
solutions to shareholders, regulators, and the wider
community that address the social, environmental, and
economic costs associated with such projects. One
particular project involved the construction of super tailings
dumps to contain millions of tons of tailings, which has the
potential to cause vast environmental damage if not
properly rehabilitated during life-of-mine.
The project was deemed non-viable during feasibility
analysis due to the potential for groundwater contamination,
capping requirements, and the long-term costs of water
treatment. Agreenco stepped in and developed cost-saving
models, including innovative cover designs and water
treatment methodologies, to mitigate these risks and control
dust during the rehabilitation process. As a result, the life-
of-mine of the project was extended by 30 years, saving the
mining company billions of rands. The landscape is restored
to a functional and non-polluting state through the
implementation of agroforestry, which also serves as a
sustainable end land use. Agreenco ensures the containment
and remediation of groundwater plumes beyond mine
closure, and once the rehabilitation is complete, no further
negative impacts are anticipated.
In another project, Agreenco successfully assisted a
customer in reallocating their excessive water treatment
budgets. Instead of costly water treatment, it implemented
an innovative process using evaporative technologies to
decontaminate water. This approach helped mitigate the
effects of water contaminants and allowed the mine to
irrigate previously sterilized land, transforming it into lush
pastures for local community farmers. Agreenco’s solution
not only eliminated both land and water liabilities but also
restored mine-impacted land back to economic activities.
These examples highlight Agreenco’s ability to utilize its
unique and proprietary knowledge, providing practical
solutions through its operational and supply teams. By
addressing environmental concerns, Agreenco achieved a
triple win for the environment, the customer, and the
community at large.
Environmental Rehabilitation – Repurposing
Minescapes Sustainably
Agreenco offers Engineering, Procurement, Construct, and
Management (EPCM) services to cater to the environmental
needs of its customers. By providing a comprehensive
range of services, Agreenco ensures that its customers have
a single point of contact for all their requirements, allowing
them to focus on their core competencies while entrusting
Agreenco with the expertise required for environmental
management. It excels in delivering prompt solutions to its
customers’ challenges, thanks to its streamlined processes
and ability to provide comprehensive project timelines and
outcomes faster than its competitors.
With expertise in bulk material procurement and knowledge
of highly productive implementation and treatment models,
Agreenco is able to generate significant cost savings for its
customers while also mitigating their environmental
liabilities. By remaining on-site throughout the maintenance
and closure phases, it further assists its customers in
reducing costs associated with end-of-life projects, which
are often overlooked. This comprehensive approach ensures
that it delivers value throughout the entire project lifecycle,
taking full ownership and making significant contributions
at every stage.
Leading Choice for Customers
Agreenco is recognized as the leading choice for customers
due to the passion, expertise, and commitment of its people.
The company’s propositions are based on credible and
experience-backed solutions that are ready for
implementation. Agreenco’s information baseline, which
forms the foundation of its propositions, is unmatched. With
extensive knowledge gained from numerous projects over
several years, it can accurately predict the outcomes of its
customers’ choices. The company is highly regarded by its
customers, who consider it an integral part of their team and
a trusted partner.
Unlike many competitors who offer limited services, it
stands out by providing a comprehensive range of services.
While others may focus on specific areas such as
consulting, contracting, or merchandising, Agreenco has
carved out a unique position as a business ecosystem for
many of these companies. This has fostered a healthy
synergy and “coopetition” among various stakeholders.
However, Agreenco is known for its actions rather than
mere words. The company is renowned for delivering
results without making excuses.
Tackling Environmental Challenges Scientifically and
Agreenco was established as a university start-up company..
Its solutions are based on scientific principles and supported
by modeled output and self-developed technological
advancements. The company’s competitive advantage lies
in its ability to provide site-specific solutions and
applications without being tied to any specific product.
When it comes to improving the natural environment, it
understands the importance of considering site-specific
factors. This includes consideration for different climate
scenarios, knowledge about specific soil conditions and
capabilities, understanding ecosystems, utilizing
agricultural expertise and engineering capabilities, and
incorporation of life-of-mine detail in our process.
Agreenco also prioritizes administrative, health, and safety
protocols to support its on-site capabilities and track record.
Customers trust that Agreenco will deliver projects within
budget, adhere to specified timelines, and meet high-quality
standards. This trust is seen as an art that Agreenco is
committed to maintain.
The implementation teams at Agreenco prioritize the
understanding of each customer’s business and KPI’s.
Through its mine-specific knowledge, on-site readiness, a
fleet of resources, and information-based solutions, it can
mobilize quickly and effectively within the customer’s
administrative systems.
The ability to deliver this integrated proposition on a large
scale across various mining and industrial commodities is
an extraordinary accomplishment. It serves as a testament
to its strong leadership and the dedication and commitment
of its team of professionals.
Prioritizing Stakeholder Interests and delivering ESG
Whenever Agreenco becomes part of a customer’s journey,
it takes complete ownership of the environmental
improvement process and acts as a long-term project
partner, often exceeding the customer’s tenure. Agreenco’s
role in corporate knowledge and project memory is
invaluable for ensuring the success and continuity of their
customer’s projects. To achieve this, Agreenco actively
engages with customer channels at various levels and across
different timelines.
They also recognize the importance of community
participation and regulatory inputs, as they play a crucial
role in the success of any environmental improvement
project and are the ultimate beneficiaries and custodians.
Additionally, Agreenco aims to inspire young individuals to
join the industry through internship programs and actively
involves Small and Medium Enterprises in their local
expenditure priority model. It understands that by ensuring
the satisfaction of the community, it can also satisfy its
customers and regulators, ultimately achieving the ultimate
goal of sustainable environmental improvement.
Expert Advice
The industry’s ESG “Investment-grade” can be achieved
sooner if there are incentives and monetization for
environmental improvement. Instead of relying on “Copy
and Paste” solutions, it is important to avoid unsuccessful
attempts that diminish credibility in demonstrating
environmental value. Furthermore, it is crucial to change
the perception of environmental expenditure from a grudge
purchase to a valued investment in a brighter future.
Urgency is required for the industry to establish
sustainability language that will convince action customers
to prioritize environmental spending and invest in
environmental intervention on an industrial and commercial
scale. It is now also up to entrepreneurs to unlock green
value through bankable business models, effective
marketing, and credible solutions that will mobilize routine
expenditures in this area.
Industry Leaders and Satisfied Clients
AngloGold Ashanti (Mr. Charl Human) – Agreenco is the
most innovative environmental company of the past two
Sibanye Platinum – (Me Carolina Cronje) – For all mining
colleagues out there – You want to work with Agreenco,
just on an entirely different level – they get things done.
Harmony Gold (Mr. Jozua Ellis) – Thank you, Agreenco,
for your exceptional commitment to delivering quality
projects, for setting the example of safe operations, and for
being a trustworthy contributor to assist us in achieving our
corporate social responsibility targets.
Glencore – (Mr. Pieter Swart) – Agreenco delivers next-
level sustainability outcomes for our mines and
communities, best-in-class solutions, and is a leader in mine
impact management. Thank you for your passion in all your
projects. What a superb company.
DRD Gold (Mr. Dave Rhodes) – Agreenco is a MVC –
Most Valuable Contractor.
Anglo American Platinum (Mr. Hermanus Prinsloo) –
Agreenco is a special company that delivers Regeneration
and Biodiversity in Mining Projects professionally and
without hassle – A competent company of note.
Northwest University – (Mr. Theunis Meyer) – We thank
Agreenco for their valued input for more than 20 years as
an industry specialist and applied knowledge for our post-
graduate and continued education students.
Land Rehabilitation Society of Southern Africa (LaRSSA)
– (Dr. Mark Aiken) – With sincere thanks to Agreenco for
industry leadership and support beyond your call of duty.
Thanks for sponsoring over a decade and for your
contribution to so many professionals in our field.
Southern African Institute for Mining and Metals
(SAIMM) – (Mr. John Wates) - Best contribution of
tailings sustainability to Fanus van Wyk on the
environmental design of tailings landscapes. Annual award
Sericea Management Services (Me Geroldine Strauss) –
Agreenco is a charitable and special company – the people
and community come first, and the founders have a heart
and passion for what they truly believe in – a better future
for youth and communities.
Agreenco also priori zes
administra ve and health and
safety protocols to support its
on-site capabili es and track
record. Customers trust that
Agreenco will deliver projects
within budget, adhere to
specified melines, and meet
high-quality standards.
Agreenco passionately believes that sustainable environmental change is achievable and scalable.
The company prides itself on the rapid delivery of applied solu ons within our customer’s site-
specific processes and within commi ed melines. Furthermore, it posi ons itself as a catalyst for
novel applica ons in the mining and industrial sectors, challenging, costly short-term prac ces and
delivering novel green mining services and concepts.
The company specializes in environmental compliance and innova on services to mining and
industrial clients. Through its EPCM and dedicated subsidiary structure, the company can deliver
the full value chain, including design, execu on, supply, and maintenance services.
• Mine Regenera on and End-Land Use
• Land Rehabilita on and Project Closure
• Biological Ground Water Treatment and Wetland Remedia on
• Dust Control Management and Clean Airsheds
• Biodiversity Improvement and Decarboniza on,
• Environmental Infrastructure Design and Construc on,
• Water Treatment Opera ons, Refurbishment, Maintenance, and Sanita on Innova on.
Agreenco ini ates each project with a me culously cra ed opera onal plan considering specific
environmental targets and meframes, and project specifica ons are, without excep on, rooted in
scien fic and engineering principles. By considering various opportunity costs and poten al
interven ons, Agreenco is able to provide valuable decision-support and opera onal improvement
informa on to its customers. This approach empowers customers to make well-informed choices
based on the best-cost op ons available. Agreenco’s commitment to applied solu ons, supported
by scien fic interven ons and a comprehensive, cost-based project architecture, sets the company
Disrup ng the tradi onal consultancy and contrac ng barriers that bring many delays, lack of
ownership, and project inefficiencies, Agreenco gets things done. The company takes ownership of
the en re value chain, offering sustainable outcomes through integra ve thinking and an altruis c
approach to environmental outcomes – something the market has lost. This integra on of theory
and prac ce, coupled with a focus on environmental results, dis nguishes Agreenco and solidifies
its compe ve advantage in the industry.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable
surge in environmental awareness and a
growing consensus on the importance of
adopting sustainable practices. This change is
not confined to any specific region but is a
global phenomenon affecting various sectors,
including the public, governmental, and
corporate domains. The trend toward
heightened environmental consciousness is
now more prevalent than ever before.
Human waste management is one of those
areas where innovative startups have come
forward to contribute to safeguarding public
health. The aim of these startups is to
contribute towards disease prevention,
environmental preservation, and improve
quality of life.
Among these startups, Alimentary Systems is
a pinnacle name that has a vision to solve one
of the oldest and most challenging problems of
human waste management. We had the
opportunity to learn more about the decisive
journey of Alimentary Systems in the realm of
eco-friendly startups and the vision of Co-
founders Harmaan Madon and Matthew
Below are the excerpts from the interview:
Can you brief us about your company and
its inception story?
We focus on solving the global problem of
human waste management. Our company has
developed a unique technology to convert
human waste into a valuable fuel source. The
company’s innovative approach combines crop
residues, which are rich in carbon but lack
nitrogen and water, with human fecal matter,
which contains excess nitrogen and water, to
create a gas mix suitable for fuel production.
This technology aims to address
environmental, economic, and social
challenges associated with waste disposal.
It all started when Madon Applied Sciences
LLP was founded in February 2017 to
undertake waste-to-bioenergy conversion
R&D in India.
September, 2023
How do you ensure your products/services are
environmentally sustainable?
Nature has a voice on our board. If we don’t meet our
impact metrics, dividends won’t be paid to investors. We
use SCADA systems to capture data and measure our work
against the UNSDGs and Planetary Boundaries.
How do you think the current environmental and
regulatory landscape will affect your company’s
We are actively engaged in high-level dialogues with
government officials. Our participation extends to the most
senior echelons of the government, where we are in regular
contact with key decision-makers and policy architects.
This engagement allows us to contribute to critical
discussions and influence the policy direction for our sector.
Our proactive involvement ensures our solutions align with
government strategies, and our innovative proposals have
the potential to redefine industry norms and expectations.
September, 2023
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
We are proposing a solution yet to be established in New
Zealand, which challenges the status quo. Our technology
suits stringent environmental controls and figures like
James Shaw. We recently presented our ideas to James
Shaw, Megan Woods, Ayesha Verrall, and Grant Robertson.
With potential Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms, our
food exports, a major revenue source, might be at risk due
to international standards and the disparity between New
Zealand’s and European carbon pricing. In terms of water
management, New Zealand faces challenges from long-
standing underinvestment in water infrastructure, and while
there’s no freshwater shortage, wastewater mismanagement
remains a concern.
The recently launched Affordable Water Reform is a
positive step, aiming for more effective water services
management, though it also signals tighter regulations and
standards. Pollution in water bodies further indicates the
need for improved water management, with new guidelines
potentially affecting businesses and councils. Lastly, the
nation’s waste minimization strategies are currently lacking,
with high per capita waste production and limited
incentives for change, highlighting the need for more
actionable policies and innovative solutions.
How do you measure the impact of your company’s eco-
friendly initiatives?
Nature holds shares in our company and holds a board seat.
We have a detailed framework to measure our impact on
waste reduction and emissions reduction and impact on soil
We partner with the Planetary Accounting Network to
measure our standards against the Planetary Boundary
How does your company generate revenue while staying
environmentally conscious, and what challenges have
you faced in balancing profitability with sustainability?
We are Pre-Revenue. 1. Grant Funding US$2.78M 2. Seed
Capital US$0.77M
The BRRP diverts organic waste from landfills to boost
renewable energy by 400%, offering a green LPG
alternative and cutting waste disposal costs by 50-80%. It
recycles nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen into organic
fertilizers, improving soil health and reducing fossil fuel-
based imports. Leveraging the UN’s Clean Development
Mechanism, the BRRP sells carbon credits, clean energy,
and organic fertilizer, aiming for an 8-10-year ROI.
We have successfully generated income from grants and
accelerators. We won the People’s Choice and Impact
awards, which came with funding. Also, We were awarded
impact funding from Akina.
We are being considered for Waste Mimisation Funding
from the NZ Ministry of the Environment and have raised
seed capital from impact investors.
Once proven, we will generate revenue from clean energy,
gate fees for processing waste, gross emissions reduction
carbon credits, and an organic fertilizer supplement to
improve soil biodiversity.
The BRRP technology generates six ways to pay for itself
within 8-10 years, compared to 30 years for last-generation
bioenergy technology.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to start
an eco-friendly business?
Identify Your “Why”: Understand why you want to start an
eco-friendly business. This purpose will serve as your
anchor during challenging times and inspire others to
support your cause. That’s what keeps Matthew and
Harmaan close during challenging times.
Find Value-Aligned Co-Founders: Partnering with
individuals who share your passion and values can amplify
your efforts and offer a balanced perspective. This
alignment ensures that the company remains true to its eco-
friendly mission as it grows.
Engage with an Impact Community: Join eco-friendly and
entrepreneurial communities. These networks offer
invaluable resources, insights, mentorship, and potential
partnerships. They can provide the guidance and support
needed to navigate the unique challenges of an eco-friendly
business. Ministry of Awesome and the Edmund Hillary
Fellowship have been invaluable along this journey.
Future-Proof Your Idea: Think long-term instead of
focusing only on current trends. Design your business
model and offerings to remain relevant and needed 15-25
years down the line. Addressing future challenges ensures
the longevity and sustainability of your business.
September, 2023
Transparency is Key: With growing skepticism around
“greenwashing,” it’s vital to be transparent about your eco-
friendly efforts. Regularly update your stakeholders about
your sustainable practices, challenges, and milestones.
Ensure you have a plan for using data; we will be
partnering with the Open Earth Foundation and will use
IPCC standards.
What are your long-term goals for your eco-friendly
business, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Seeking $2M USD, we plan to upscale our modular
technology from 1-tonne to 10-tonne capacity at a
commercial site on Bell Island in Nelson. The system is
designed to operate for five years, and we’ve already
secured the necessary land, waste streams, and permits.
Through BRRP.IO, we’re pioneering a new approach using
an open Earth registry. This provides robust, data-backed
evidence for significant emissions reductions, facilitating
sustainable investments in waste-to-energy systems. Our
aim is to convert a $125B waste emissions liability into
renewable energy infrastructure.
Backed by an experienced manufacturing supply chain
under the Edmund Hillary Fellowship and supported by
Waste Minimization and Innovation Grants from the NZ
Government, we are ideally positioned for the project’s next
September, 2023
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and
environmental conservation, the marriage of
technology and eco-friendly solutions has emerged as a
powerful force for positive change. As the global
community grapples with the challenges of climate change,
pollution, and resource depletion, innovative technologies
are playing a pivotal role in shaping a greener, more
sustainable future.
Harnessing Renewable Energy
One of the most significant contributions of technology to
green innovation lies in the advancement of renewable
energy sources. Solar panels, wind turbines, and
hydroelectric systems have become commonplace,
providing cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels. Breakthroughs
in energy storage, such as lithium-ion batteries, are making
renewable energy sources more reliable and accessible.
Smart Grids and Energy Efficiency
The implementation of smart grids, enabled by advanced
sensors and communication technologies, is revolutionizing
the energy sector. These intelligent grids optimize energy
distribution, reduce wastage, and enhance the integration of
renewable energy sources into existing grids. Additionally,
smart meters empower consumers with real-time data,
encouraging more conscious energy consumption.
Efficient Transportation
Technological innovations in transportation are driving the
shift towards greener alternatives. Electric vehicles (EVs)
and hybrid cars have become viable options for eco-
conscious consumers. The development of high-capacity
batteries and fast-charging infrastructure has significantly
September, 2023
improved the practicality and convenience of electric
vehicles, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
Public Transportation and Mobility Solutions
Smart technologies are reshaping urban mobility. Integrated
public transportation systems, coupled with ride-sharing
services and electric scooters, offer eco-friendly alternatives
to private car ownership. Efficient route planning and traffic
management systems are reducing congestion and
emissions in urban centers.
Waste Management and Recycling
Advancements in waste management technologies are
transforming the approach to handling waste. Automated
sorting systems, waste-to-energy facilities, and advanced
recycling processes are reducing landfill waste and
minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, data
analytics are being utilized to optimize waste collection
routes, further enhancing efficiency.
Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Farming
Technology is driving innovation in agriculture, promoting
sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Precision agriculture
employs sensors, drones, and data analytics to optimize
resource use, minimize chemical inputs, and enhance crop
yields. Vertical farming and hydroponic systems are
revolutionizing urban agriculture, reducing the need for
extensive land use.
Water Conservation and Treatment
Smart water management systems are crucial for
conserving this precious resource. IoT-based sensors and
monitoring devices enable real-time tracking of water usage
and quality. Advanced water treatment technologies, such
as desalination and membrane filtration, are expanding
access to clean drinking water in water-scarce regions.
Building Efficiency and Green Architecture
Green building technologies are revolutionizing the
construction industry. Energy-efficient materials, passive
design principles, and smart building systems significantly
reduce energy consumption and environmental impact.
Green roofs, rainwater harvesting, and natural ventilation
systems contribute to sustainable urban development.
Green Innova on
September, 2023
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
In the fight against climate change, carbon capture and
storage technologies play a critical role. These innovations
capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes
and power plants, preventing them from entering the
atmosphere. Advancements in CCS are essential for
achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets.
Challenges and Future Prospects
While technology-driven green innovation holds immense
promise, it is not without its challenges. Accessibility,
affordability, and scalability remain critical considerations.
Additionally, continued research and development are
essential to refine existing technologies and drive further
To Conclude,
Technology’s transformative influence on eco-friendly
solutions is evident across various sectors, offering a
glimmer of hope in the global pursuit of sustainability. As
the world grapples with the urgency of environmental
issues, the marriage of technology and green innovation
stands as a beacon of promise, illuminating the path toward
a cleaner, more sustainable future. By harnessing the power
of innovation, we have the opportunity to build a world
where ecological balance and technological progress
coexist harmoniously.
- Prashik Bombarde
September, 2023
Transforming Deserts into Green Landscapes and
Combating Water Scarcity!
Desertification, which has been rapidly spreading in
recent years, has caused substantial changes in our
worldwide environment. The far-reaching
consequences of this ecological process have left an
indelible imprint on both biological systems and the human
However, a visionary leader and his team have emerged to
tackle this ecological challenge head-on. Desert Control,
under the guidance of President and Group CEO Ole
Kristian Sivertsen, is spearheading a groundbreaking
initiative to combat desertification, soil degradation, and
water scarcity.
With their innovative solution, farmers can now
significantly increase crop yields, promote carbon uptake,
and reduce water consumption by up to 50%. This not only
enhances agricultural productivity but also addresses water
constraints in drought-prone areas.
Desert Control has garnered international acclaim for its
relentless efforts to combat desertification and restore
degraded land. Sivertsen’s unwavering commitment to
environmental sustainability has inspired a team of experts,
driving innovation in climate-smart agri-tech solutions.
Their mission goes beyond financial gain. They aspire to
regreen the Earth, halting and reversing the effects of
desertification and soil degradation. At the heart of their
success lies their flagship product, Liquid Natural Clay
(LNC), a critical tool in restoring balance to endangered
ecosystems, breathing new life into barren regions, and
securing a sustainable future for generations to come.
As Desert Control’s impact continues to grow, so does the
significance of their work. Their reach extends across
continents, targeting arid regions in Africa, the Middle East,
and areas afflicted by soil degradation in Asia and the
Americas. Desert Control is transforming the landscape of
the fight against desertification with its game-changing
technology and unwavering dedication.
Join us as we delve into the world of Desert Control,
exploring their groundbreaking technologies, the impact of
their work, and the vision that drives them!
Can you share a brief background about yourself and
what motivated you to embark on this sector?
I am Ole Kristian Sivertsen, President and Group CEO of
Desert Control. My career was grounded in the technology,
telecommunications, and satellite services sectors for many
years, where I served in various senior executive roles.
However, I have always harbored a deep respect and
passion for nature, the environment, and sustainable
My professional background allowed me to gain a unique
perspective on the environment and our planet. My
experience in the satellite services industry offered me an
opportunity to observe our planet from space. Looking at
Earth from space was truly eye-opening. It brought into
stark view the accelerating rate of desertification, loss of
fertile lands, the impact of droughts, and the escalating
problem of water scarcity. I realized we often become too
close to the problems to see them. Observing the planet
from this vantage point enabled me to visualize our
enormous environmental challenges.
The crucial turning point in my life was when I spent time
with the humanitarian organization Mercy Ships in Douala,
Cameroon. Here, I saw how the creation of hope could
transform communities, particularly in regions where
environmental neglect and the devastating impacts of
climate change were all too apparent. This powerful
September, 2023
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
experience ignited a spark within me. Witnessing the
positive ripple effects of hope created by the team at Mercy
Ships inspired me to become a ‘hope maker’ and climate
These experiences profoundly influenced my decision to
jump into the impact startup sphere. It led me to Desert
Control, a company whose mission of “Making Earth Green
Again” strongly resonated with me. Since joining the
company, I have dedicated myself to combatting soil
degradation, desertification, and water scarcity. My driving
force is the belief that by harnessing the potential of people,
the power of humanity, and the genius of nature, we can
address the pressing environmental issues threatening our
planet. I am committed to creating a sustainable and
resilient world, and this commitment informs every step we
take at Desert Control.
Can you brief me about your company and its inception
Desert Control’s Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) was invented
by Kristian P. Olesen, who was originally inspired by an
intriguing phenomenon he observed in Egypt. He noticed
that the historically fertile lands of the Nile Delta, which
had been cultivated for thousands of years, had turned into
desert. Research linked the cause to the building of the
Aswan dam, after which the nutrient-rich mineral sediment
carried by the Nile remained behind the dam and no longer
enriched the land along the river.
The key to the Nile Delta’s fertile soil was its high clay and
mineral content. Clay particles, being smaller and having
higher surface charges compared to sand, can hold onto
water and essential nutrients more effectively. The idea of
manually adding clay to sandy soil to improve its fertility is
resource-intensive, costly, and time-consuming. So,
Kristian P. Olesen set out on a mission to find a practical,
efficient, and scalable solution. This mission led to the
inception of Desert Control and the development of our
patented Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) technology.
The unique technology behind LNC transforms clay into a
liquid state that can be sprayed and applied to sandy soil
and desert. This approach significantly enhances the water-
holding capacity of the soil, reduces water usage, and
improves the soil’s fertility. The inspiration and lessons
learned from the fertile lands of the Nile Delta played a
significant role in the creation of our company and the
development of our innovative LNC technology. Today,
Desert Control is dedicated to leveraging this innovation to
September, 2023
combat desertification, enhance water conservation, and
boost agricultural productivity across the globe.
How do you ensure that your products/services are
environmentally sustainable?
Sustainability is at the core of Desert Control’s operations
and product development. We have a multifaceted approach
to ensure that our Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) technology is
environmentally sustainable.
• All-Natural Ingredients
• Reduced Resource Consumption
• Preservation of Soil Health
• In-situ Production
• Efficient Utilization of Raw Materials
• Emission Reduction
• Mitigation of Desertification and Land Degradation
How do you measure the impact of your company’s eco-
friendly initiatives?
At Desert Control, measuring the impact of our eco-
friendly initiatives is central to our mission. We employ a
comprehensive approach that evaluates both the immediate
and long-term effects of our solutions.
• Water Conservation: As a scarce and critical resource,
water conservation sits at the top of our priority list. We
measure the reduction in water usage in the areas
treated with our LNC technology.
• Soil Fertility Improvement: A direct outcome of our
technology is improved soil health, so we track key
indicators of soil fertility over time in treated areas.
• Crop Yield Increase: Greater yield per unit area and per
input metric (efficiency) is a fundamental measure of
our success, driving economic benefits for farmers and
food security for communities.
• Energy Consumption Reduction: Lower energy use for
irrigation aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon
footprints and mitigate climate change impacts.
• Reduction in Use of Agricultural Inputs: Reduced
reliance on fertilizers, chemicals, and other inputs leads
to cost savings for farmers and less environmental
• Carbon Sequestration: We measure the increase in
organic carbon content in treated soils, contributing to
the global carbon budget.
• Biodiversity Regeneration: Healthy ecosystems have
diverse species, and our efforts contribute to the
regeneration of biodiversity in treated areas.
• Climate Resilience: Resilience to changing weather
patterns, especially in vulnerable agricultural systems,
is a key factor in sustainable development.
• Soil Erosion Reduction: We monitor changes in soil
structure that reduce the risk of erosion, which is key to
maintaining long-term soil health.
• Improved Farmer Livelihoods: We track economic and
social indicators to understand how our technology
impacts the livelihoods of farmers and their communities.
Each of these metrics is significant, and our goal is to make
a positive impact across all these areas through the
implementation of our LNC technology.
How does your company generate revenue while staying
environmentally conscious, and what challenges have
you faced in balancing profitability with sustainability?
At Desert Control, revenue generation aligns perfectly with
eco-friendly initiatives. We offer our customers a solution
that not only helps them transition to a more sustainable
form of agriculture or land management practice but also
improves their bottom line.
Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) helps to transform desert and
sandy soils into fertile, productive, and water-conserving
land. This not only reduces water usage by up to 50% but
also boosts crop yields. These savings and improvements
translate into tangible economic benefits for our customers,
which makes our solution attractive and profitable. In fact,
the initial investment in LNC typically pays for itself within
1 to 3 years through enhanced productivity and reduced
resource consumption.
Moreover, by helping our clients transition to more
sustainable practices, we contribute to broader
environmental goals such as biodiversity regeneration,
improved soil health, and reduced energy consumption in
irrigation and farming practices. These environmental
improvements, in turn, increase the long-term value of the
land, bringing further economic benefits to our clients.
September, 2023
The challenge lies in striking a balance between achieving
profitability and ensuring sustainability. However, at Desert
Control, we have turned this challenge into our strength by
designing a business model where sustainability and
profitability reinforce each other. The immediate return on
investment from improved resource efficiency and
enhanced yields, coupled with the long-term benefits of
environmental sustainability, make our solution a win-win
for us, our clients, and the planet. Our mission is to make it
profitable to be sustainable, resilient, and climate-smart, and
we believe this approach will drive the change we need to
see in the world.
What are your long-term goals for your eco-friendly
business, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Our long-term goal at Desert Control is to be a significant
contributor to the global fight against desertification, soil
degradation, water scarcity, and climate change. We aim to
transform arid and semi-arid regions into sustainable,
productive, and biodiverse landscapes, playing our part in
promoting food security and water conservation along with
the regeneration of biodiversity on a global scale.
We plan to achieve our goals through the following
• Scale Up: We aim to scale up our operations globally,
starting with gaining a solid foundation in the United
States and the Middle East and reaching out to
governments, farmers, and agricultural businesses
worldwide. We believe our technology has universal
application, and by increasing our footprint, we can
help combat desertification and water scarcity in
regions that need it the most.
• Continual Innovation: We plan to continue our research
and development efforts to further optimize our LNC
technology and find new, even more effective ways of
restoring fertility to desertified soils.
• Collaboration and Partnerships: We’ll continue to
strengthen and expand our strategic alliances with
environmental NGOs, agribusinesses, research
institutions, channel partners, and eco-startups. These
partnerships will help us integrate our solutions into
broader sustainability efforts, maximizing our impact.
• Policy Advocacy: We intend to actively engage with
policymakers and environmental bodies globally to
advocate for policies that promote the adoption of
sustainable, resilient climate-smart agriculture and land
restoration technologies.
• Public Awareness and Education: We believe that
public awareness and education are critical to
achieving our long-term goals. We will therefore
intensify our efforts to educate communities about the
dangers of desertification, soil degradation, and over-
usage of water and natural resources while highlighting
solutions and the benefits of sustainable land and water
management practices.
By adhering to these strategies, we are confident that we
can achieve our long-term goals and, in the process,
contribute significantly to the creation of a more sustainable
and resilient world.
Please give us a few testimonials of your
clients/customers and a list of awards/recognitions that
accurately highlight your association’s position in the
• We just won an UpLink World Economic Forum
Challenge where you may find some additional
relevant info:
• We recently received the final certification from
MOCCAE authorizing LNC for sale and use as
certified organic fertilizers and agricultural
September, 2023
Electronic products have become an integral part of
our day-to-day life due to their convenience and
ability to enhance various aspects of modern living.
With their functionalities that cater to various aspects of
modern living, these products enhance convenience,
communication, productivity, and entertainment, making
them indispensable tools in our daily routines.
Although these devices offer great convenience and
connectivity, they also bring a new challenge: electronic
waste, or e-waste. Appropriately managing e-waste has
become crucial, and fortunately, there are capable firms that
specialize in providing these services.
Enviroserve is one of those firms that is the only integrated
waste recycling hub in the Middle East, Africa, and the
Caucasus, serving multi-national and large corporations,
businesses, and individuals. It is an award-winning e-waste
management company offering a broad range of services,
including electronic waste recycling, IT refurbishment,
refrigerant gas reclaiming, and specialized waste disposal.
We discussed the company’s vision, mission, and goals
while discovering the most eco-friendly startups making a
big impact on the environment.
Below are the highlights from the interview:
Can you brief us about your company and its inception
Recognizing the ever-growing crisis on the world’s
resources, in 2004, Enviroserve ventured on a pioneering
mission to turn the challenge of e-waste into an opportunity.
Nineteen years later, our 400,000 square feet processing
facility with ‘zero to air, zero to land’ capability stands as a
beacon of progress in UAE’s mission of sustainability,
functioning as an innovative and crucial game-changer in
the pursuit of a circular economy, operating in an era where
we recover, recycle, and reintroduce valuable materials
back into our economic cycle.
How do you ensure that your products/services are
environmentally sustainable?
Enviroserve’s The Recycling Hub in Dubai Industrial City
is the largest integrated electronic and specialized waste
processing facility globally and the only fully equipped e-
waste processing facility in the MEA. With a capacity to
process over 120,000 tons of total integrated waste
annually, the facility sets a benchmark for e-waste
management and environmental sustainability.
The process starts with the sorting of e-waste, which is then
transferred to shredders for destruction, followed by
screens, sifters, induction sorters, eddy current separators,
air jig, optical sensor-based sorters for segregation of
destructed material to output commodities (e.g., iron,
plastic, aluminum, precious metal mix, PCB fragments).
Some incompatible materials/items are removed as part of
the pre-sorting process and sent directly to specialized
treatment facilities. Our mechanical separation process is
chemical-free with industrial filtration, allowing for a 98%
recovery rate, meaning that we’re keeping up to
38,000,000kg out of landfill each year. Being the largest
refrigerant gas reclaiming facility in the UAE, Enviroserve
has the best-equipped in-house testing laboratory to analyze
gases for moisture content, acidity, and particulates. Its
certified experts collect the contaminated gas from the
equipment, analyze and re-process it through various stages
of distillation, cleaning, and drying that meet the AHRI
Standard 700-2016 for refrigerants.
September, 2023
September, 2023
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
How do you think the current environmental and
regulatory landscape will affect your company’s
We perceive the environmental and regulatory context as a
catalyst for growth, explore new market avenues, and affirm
our commitment to resource management and
sustainability. The real narrative lies in how businesses,
regulatory frameworks, and consumers respond. A
preferable route would be the ‘proactive approach,’ where
industry stakeholders champion sustainability in both
production and consumption. By embracing a more circular
operational model, the industry can mitigate adverse effects,
even with the predicted surge in utilization, and truly curb
waste generation.
Enviroserve, a Dubai Municipality, and Ministry of Environment cer fied recycling organiza on, is
equipped with a large state-of-the-art plant with the capacity to recycle an en re range of end-of-
life electrical and electronic equipment - from consumer and industrial to commercial and
military appliances, such as air condi oners, ba eries, IT equipment, household appliances,
military avionics and mobile phones. In addi on, it can also recycle specialized waste material
(aerosol cans, light bulbs, FMCG products, clothing) and is the only dedicated refrigerant gas
reclaiming facility in the UAE.
• ISO 14001 – Environmental Management
• ISO 9001 – Quality Management
• BS OHSAS 18001-2007 – Occupa onal Health & Safety
• R2v3 Cer ficate
2007 - UAE SME of the Year Award
2011 - UAE E-Waste Handler of the Year
2018 - Electrical & Electronic Equipment Processor of the Year
2019 - Officially opened The Recycling Hub
2019 - Dubai Industrial City Environmental and Sustainability Award
2021 - Electrical & Electronic Equipment Processor of the Year
2022 - R2 cer fica on
2022 - Officially opened Enviroserve Services FZCO
2023 - Middle East Sustainability Excellence Award
How do you measure the impact of your company’s
eco-friendly initiatives?
Combination of carbon footprint metrics, securing
recognized certifications, stakeholder engagement, etc., to
assess and refine our approach.
What are your long-term goals for your eco-friendly
business, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Our long-term goals include Maintaining our leading
position, expanding our business operations, continuously
enhancing customer experience, diversifying our portfolio,
cultivating a skilled and diverse workforce, deepening our
commitment to social and environmental responsibility,
and maximizing value for all stakeholders.
September, 2023
Overview of how
are going
In an era marked by increasing environmental
consciousness, businesses are recognizing the
importance of adopting sustainable practices. The shift
towards eco-friendliness is not only a response to consumer
demand but also a strategic move towards long-term
viability and resilience.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of how
companies are embracing eco-friendly initiatives,
highlighting the benefits, challenges, and key strategies in
the pursuit of sustainability.
The Business Case for Sustainability
Embracing eco-friendliness is no longer merely a moral
obligation; it is a sound business decision. Companies that
prioritize sustainability reap a multitude of benefits. Not
only does it enhance reputation and brand value, but it also
reduces operational costs, fosters innovation, and attracts
environmentally conscious customers and investors.
Additionally, sustainable practices mitigate risks associated
with regulatory compliance and resource scarcity.
Setting Clear Sustainability Goals
Central to any company’s eco-friendly journey is the
establishment of clear, measurable sustainability goals.
These objectives serve as a roadmap, guiding organizations
toward tangible milestones. Whether it’s reducing carbon
emissions, minimizing waste, or sourcing renewable
materials, well-defined goals provide direction and
Innovations in Energy Efficiency
Companies are increasingly investing in energy-efficient
technologies to reduce their carbon footprint.
September, 2023
The Business of Sustainability
September, 2023
From implementing LED lighting and smart building
systems to adopting renewable energy sources like solar
and wind power, businesses are harnessing innovation to
optimize energy consumption. Energy-efficient practices
not only benefit the environment but also yield significant
cost savings.
Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency
The concept of a circular economy emphasizes resource
efficiency and waste reduction. Companies are reevaluating
their supply chains to minimize waste generation and
maximize the reuse and recycling of materials. By adopting
practices like product redesign, closed-loop manufacturing,
and waste-to-energy technologies, businesses are creating
more sustainable, less resource-intensive operations.
Green Supply Chain Management
Companies are recognizing the importance of extending
sustainability efforts throughout their supply chains. This
involves selecting eco-friendly suppliers, assessing the
environmental impact of transportation and logistics, and
ensuring ethical labor practices. Collaborative partnerships
with suppliers committed to sustainable practices contribute
to a more holistic approach to eco-friendliness.
Carbon Neutrality and Offsetting
Achieving carbon neutrality involves balancing the amount
of greenhouse gases emitted with an equivalent amount of
emissions removed from the atmosphere. Companies are
employing a range of strategies to achieve this, including
investing in carbon offset projects, adopting renewable
energy sources, and implementing carbon capture and
storage technologies.
Water Stewardship and Conservation
Responsible water management is a critical component
of eco-friendly business practices. Companies are
implementing water-saving technologies, conducting water
audits, and adopting sustainable water-sourcing practices.
Additionally, businesses are engaging in community water
conservation efforts to mitigate the impact of their
operations on local ecosystems.
Promoting Employee Engagement and Education
Fostering a culture of sustainability among employees is
essential for the success of eco-friendly initiatives.
Companies are providing training and educational programs
to raise awareness about sustainable practices. Employee-
driven initiatives, such as green teams, encourage
participation in eco-friendly activities and generate
innovative ideas for further improvements.
Transparency and Reporting
Companies are recognizing the importance of transparent
communication regarding their sustainability efforts.
Through comprehensive sustainability reports, businesses
share their progress, achievements, and challenges with
stakeholders. Transparent reporting builds trust,
demonstrates accountability, and allows stakeholders to
make informed decisions based on a company’s
environmental performance.
Regulatory Compliance and Advocacy
Adhering to environmental regulations and advocating for
progressive policies are key aspects of a company’s
commitment to eco-friendliness. Businesses are actively
engaging with regulatory bodies, industry associations, and
advocacy groups to shape policies that promote
sustainability. Proactive involvement in shaping
environmental legislation underscores a company’s
dedication to responsible corporate citizenship.
Challenges and Future Outlook
While the adoption of eco-friendly practices is gaining
momentum, companies still face challenges in their pursuit
of sustainability. Balancing economic growth with
environmental stewardship, addressing supply chain
complexities, and navigating evolving regulatory
landscapes remain significant hurdles. However, as
technology advances and awareness grows, the business of
sustainability is poised to continue its positive trajectory.
The transition towards eco-friendly business practices
represents a fundamental shift in how companies approach
their operations. Embracing sustainability is no longer an
option; it is a strategic imperative for long-term success. By
setting clear goals, leveraging innovation, and engaging
stakeholders, companies can not only reduce their
environmental impact but also thrive in a rapidly evolving,
environmentally conscious market. The business of
sustainability is not just about doing what’s right for the
planet; it’s about securing a resilient, prosperous future for
businesses and communities alike.
- Gopal Ingole
September, 2023
September, 2023
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
September, 2023
September, 2023
September, 2023
September, 2023
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment.pdf
10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment.pdf

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  • 1. Vol : 09 ISSUE: 11 2023 Fanus van Wyk CEO Agreenco Green Innova on How Technology is Driving Eco-Friendly Solu ons The Business of Sustainability Overview of How Companies are Going Eco-Friendly
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  • 3.
  • 5. Contents Articles Articles Green Innova on How Technology is Driving Eco-Friendly Solu ons The Business of Sustainability Overview of How Companies are Going Eco-Friendly 22. 36. 18. Alimentary Systems Crea ng Value from Waste 26. Turning Barren Wastelands into Green Paradises Desert Control 32. Enviroserve Beacon of Progress in UAE’s Mission of Sustainability 40. Pioneering Gravita onal Energy Storage for a Sustainable Future Green Gravity
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  • 7. In an era where sustainability has become a watchword, a new wave of startups is emerging as powerful agents of posi ve change. These eco-conscious enterprises are not only redefining business models but are also catalyzing a significant shi towards a greener and more sustainable future. These startups represent a diverse range of industries, from renewable energy and waste management to sustainable fashion and agriculture. Their innova ve solu ons are rooted in the idea that profitability need not come at the expense of the environment. Instead, they demonstrate that economic success and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand. One remarkable aspect of these startups is their ability to disrupt tradi onal industries that have long been associated with environmental degrada on. By introducing cu ng-edge technologies, novel produc on methods, and a deep commitment to sustainability, these ventures are rewri ng the rules of business. Moreover, these startups are se ng new benchmarks for corporate responsibility. They are proving that it is possible to operate with transparency, accountability, and a genuine concern for the planet. This ethos is not merely a marke ng ploy but a fundamental part of their DNA. Through their endeavors, these startups are not only reducing carbon footprints but also inspiring larger corpora ons to take up the mantle of environmental stewardship. They are demonstra ng that every en ty, regardless of size, can contribute meaningfully to the fight against climate change and the preserva on of our natural resources. Insights Success brings forth such exemplars through the latest edi on - 10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment; we delve into the stories of some of these pioneering startups. We aim to shed light on their innova ve solu ons, the challenges they've overcome, and the impact they've made on the environment. By celebra ng their achievements, we hope to inspire a new genera on of entrepreneurs, investors, and consumers to priori ze sustainability and support businesses that are truly making a difference. The journey of these startups is a testament to the power of innova on, determina on, and a genuine commitment to the planet. As they con nue to forge ahead, they remind us that, indeed, every small step towards sustainability counts, and together, we can build a brighter, greener future for genera ons to come. Have an enthralling read ahead! Editor’s View The Pione e r i n g E n v ir o n m e n t a l C a t a l y s t s Praik D. Bombarde
  • 8. It is now the responsibility of the mining industry to allow entrepreneurs to develop bankable business models and marke ng approaches that can mobilize rou ne expenditure in the sustainability field.
  • 10. Green mining for sustainable communities and delivering net positive impact! ustainable regeneration of social, economic, and Secological interconnectedness has become top-of- mind in our modern world as the business case for ecosystem services gains momentum. As the extractive industry navigates the operational and cost complexities of ESG, the ethical and serious industry of the future and the now must urgently respond to deliver beyond compliance commitments and intentionally create net positive environmental outcomes during and after mining operations. Agreenco understands how environmental harmony can be achieved during and after life-of-mine. In the midst of the challenges presented by the destructive nature of the industry, creative opportunity looms within the presence of a clear regeneration strategy, quality information, timeous planning, and professional delivery. Viable, sustainable, and novel enterprising present itself through natural and business design thinking and outcome-based rehabilitation and remediation present the catalysis for successful regeneration and project close-out. With unmatched knowledge and a successful track record in developing and executing revolutionary mine rehabilitation projects, Agreenco has established itself as a premier environmental rehabilitation organization. Self-sustainable ecosystem development requires a specialized and multidisciplinary approach, where the importance of finding creative, practical, and technically sound solutions cannot be overstated. With a skilled workforce and a steadfast dedication to environmental excellence, the Agreenco team rises to the challenge. Agreenco is at the forefront of bringing about positive change in the mining and extractive industries because of its comprehensive awareness and information based on the full scope of successful rehabilitation outcomes. Its primary service as hands-on practitioners is to execute new-generation mine rehabilitation and environmental improvement projects, and under the direction of co- founder and CEO Fanus van Wyk, the business case of environment presents the basis for buy-in into viable, sustainable solutions. The organization uses a systematic method to integrate the mine’s environmental information and infrastructure into transformed minescapes to create thriving alternate natural and business ecosystems and repositioning their customers’ environmental liabilities as natural assets. All stakeholders profit from this strategy, which also guarantees long-term, sustainable results. As the industry’s preeminent experts and practitioners, Agreenco excels at addressing the myriad environmental issues that mines encounter, such as tailings management, dust control, wastewater treatment, ecological improvement, and final mine closure procedures. From site- specific engineering design to implementation and ongoing maintenance, the company’s expert team creates customized solutions that incorporate the whole value chain. Agreenco uses a local alignment delivery model to provide a one-stop shop for all environmental rehabilitation and improvement needs, addressing the particular demand of each client. Below are the highlights of the interview: Journey and Passion Fanus is a driven business leader and innovator in the mining and industrial greening space and has a passion for agri-tech, environmental engineering, and mine regeneration enterprising. He is at the forefront of information-based and long-term cost-benefit approaches to assist customers with decisions that would unlock real environmental sustainability. He holds firm that the current business drivers, which primarily focus on profit-based incentives and a tick-box approach to environmental compliance, will be insufficient to achieve long-term sustainable outcomes. His mission is to generate results- based value and annuity business outcomes for both customers and employees. He aims to achieve this by establishing a reputation for delivering proven but incremental environmental on-site success, scaling net environmental effect over time, and thereby generating sustainable value for all stakeholders in the long run. Fanus’s philosophy revolves around a unique decision- support approach, empowering excellent co-leaders to excel in a market that should be driven by sustainability information and outcomes. By implementing the best-cost- of-ownership environmental asset care model for large mining regions, Agreenco aims to solidify its position as a hybrid sustainability services vehicle. Fanus firmly believes that this innovative approach has the potential to disrupt the market, get things done, and create long-term sustainability value. He envisions Agreenco reinforcing its value as a niche EPCM contractor, delivering more than environmental compliance, but to assist their customers to benefit from community goodwill generated through green mine projects. Fanus’s ultimate goal is to be the first to list an alternative land-use company on selected stock exchanges, further cementing Agreenco’s status as a leader in the industry.
  • 11. Cutting-edge Approach to Environmental Improvement Agreenco is at the forefront of the market, specializing in scalable Nature-Based Solutions. With mining and industrially affected land as their canvas, they utilize scientific and information-based solutions as their paintbrush. Their approach focuses on applying natural resource thinking principles to achieve sustainable and cost- effective environmental improvement in the long run. Its proposed solutions are supported by extensive data accumulated over many years. Their actions are guided by their comprehensive database, and they prioritize long-term project outcomes over cost or quality shortcuts. Known for its commitment to quality information and delivering environmental results, it involves its customers throughout the entire journey, taking their inputs and key performance indicators (KPIs) into account. As a result of their involvement, it creates a significantly improved environment for mines, employees, and communities. They take pride in providing employment opportunities through their environmental entrepreneurship. The mining industry’s ESG credibility status will be achieved sooner if there are incen ves and mone za on for environmental improvement. Instead of relying on “Copy and Paste” solu ons, it is important to avoid unsuccessful a empts that diminish credibility in demonstra ng environmental value. 10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
  • 12. It is crucial to change the percep on of environmental expenditure from a grudge purchase to a valued investment in a brighter future.
  • 13. Agreenco not only lives for its triple bottom-line commitment to People, Planet, and Progress but also plays a crucial role in advancing the industry. Leading the industry comes naturally to them, and they frequently contribute to case information, scientific innovation, and policy contributions on national and international platforms. With their trusted proposals and a reputation as the preferred company for both customers and employees, Agreenco’s work stands out as a marvel in their field. Turning Environmental Liabilities into Natural Assets – A Novel Narrative Any changes made to the environment are seen as both an impact and a potential cost for Agreenco’s customers. However, Agreenco views these changes as opportunities to transform the affected landscapes into something new while still maintaining their original purpose. Referred to as “minescapes,” these altered environments are seen as a canvas with inherent productivity and potential for improvement. Agreenco knows how to utilize long-term environmental knowledge and existing mine infrastructure to minimize the environmental impact and turn it into an asset. They consider factors such as water treatment, soil replacement and improvement, and land rehabilitation maintenance to create a bankable end-land use project. Agreenco offers various commercial options that cater to industries like wood and fiber, renewable energy, food and dairy, agriculture, and water, as well as education and skills development. It’s all about clean water…Reviving Abandoned Mines Agreenco specializes in crafting projects of various durations that are designed to withstand the test of time. They carefully consider the immediate environmental risks faced by their clients while also helping them achieve their business objectives in order to meet sustainable closure requirements. Agreenco has a track record of involvement in minescape optimization projects, where they propose solutions to shareholders, regulators, and the wider community that address the social, environmental, and economic costs associated with such projects. One particular project involved the construction of super tailings dumps to contain millions of tons of tailings, which has the potential to cause vast environmental damage if not properly rehabilitated during life-of-mine. The project was deemed non-viable during feasibility analysis due to the potential for groundwater contamination, capping requirements, and the long-term costs of water treatment. Agreenco stepped in and developed cost-saving models, including innovative cover designs and water treatment methodologies, to mitigate these risks and control dust during the rehabilitation process. As a result, the life- of-mine of the project was extended by 30 years, saving the mining company billions of rands. The landscape is restored to a functional and non-polluting state through the implementation of agroforestry, which also serves as a sustainable end land use. Agreenco ensures the containment and remediation of groundwater plumes beyond mine closure, and once the rehabilitation is complete, no further negative impacts are anticipated. In another project, Agreenco successfully assisted a customer in reallocating their excessive water treatment budgets. Instead of costly water treatment, it implemented an innovative process using evaporative technologies to decontaminate water. This approach helped mitigate the effects of water contaminants and allowed the mine to irrigate previously sterilized land, transforming it into lush pastures for local community farmers. Agreenco’s solution not only eliminated both land and water liabilities but also restored mine-impacted land back to economic activities. These examples highlight Agreenco’s ability to utilize its unique and proprietary knowledge, providing practical solutions through its operational and supply teams. By addressing environmental concerns, Agreenco achieved a triple win for the environment, the customer, and the community at large. Environmental Rehabilitation – Repurposing Minescapes Sustainably Agreenco offers Engineering, Procurement, Construct, and Management (EPCM) services to cater to the environmental needs of its customers. By providing a comprehensive range of services, Agreenco ensures that its customers have a single point of contact for all their requirements, allowing them to focus on their core competencies while entrusting Agreenco with the expertise required for environmental management. It excels in delivering prompt solutions to its customers’ challenges, thanks to its streamlined processes and ability to provide comprehensive project timelines and outcomes faster than its competitors. With expertise in bulk material procurement and knowledge of highly productive implementation and treatment models, Agreenco is able to generate significant cost savings for its customers while also mitigating their environmental liabilities. By remaining on-site throughout the maintenance and closure phases, it further assists its customers in reducing costs associated with end-of-life projects, which
  • 14. are often overlooked. This comprehensive approach ensures that it delivers value throughout the entire project lifecycle, taking full ownership and making significant contributions at every stage. Leading Choice for Customers Agreenco is recognized as the leading choice for customers due to the passion, expertise, and commitment of its people. The company’s propositions are based on credible and experience-backed solutions that are ready for implementation. Agreenco’s information baseline, which forms the foundation of its propositions, is unmatched. With extensive knowledge gained from numerous projects over several years, it can accurately predict the outcomes of its customers’ choices. The company is highly regarded by its customers, who consider it an integral part of their team and a trusted partner. Unlike many competitors who offer limited services, it stands out by providing a comprehensive range of services. While others may focus on specific areas such as consulting, contracting, or merchandising, Agreenco has carved out a unique position as a business ecosystem for many of these companies. This has fostered a healthy synergy and “coopetition” among various stakeholders. However, Agreenco is known for its actions rather than mere words. The company is renowned for delivering results without making excuses. Tackling Environmental Challenges Scientifically and Professionally Agreenco was established as a university start-up company.. Its solutions are based on scientific principles and supported by modeled output and self-developed technological advancements. The company’s competitive advantage lies in its ability to provide site-specific solutions and applications without being tied to any specific product. When it comes to improving the natural environment, it understands the importance of considering site-specific factors. This includes consideration for different climate scenarios, knowledge about specific soil conditions and capabilities, understanding ecosystems, utilizing agricultural expertise and engineering capabilities, and incorporation of life-of-mine detail in our process.
  • 15. Agreenco also prioritizes administrative, health, and safety protocols to support its on-site capabilities and track record. Customers trust that Agreenco will deliver projects within budget, adhere to specified timelines, and meet high-quality standards. This trust is seen as an art that Agreenco is committed to maintain. The implementation teams at Agreenco prioritize the understanding of each customer’s business and KPI’s. Through its mine-specific knowledge, on-site readiness, a fleet of resources, and information-based solutions, it can mobilize quickly and effectively within the customer’s administrative systems. The ability to deliver this integrated proposition on a large scale across various mining and industrial commodities is an extraordinary accomplishment. It serves as a testament to its strong leadership and the dedication and commitment of its team of professionals. Prioritizing Stakeholder Interests and delivering ESG results. Whenever Agreenco becomes part of a customer’s journey, it takes complete ownership of the environmental improvement process and acts as a long-term project partner, often exceeding the customer’s tenure. Agreenco’s role in corporate knowledge and project memory is invaluable for ensuring the success and continuity of their customer’s projects. To achieve this, Agreenco actively engages with customer channels at various levels and across different timelines. They also recognize the importance of community participation and regulatory inputs, as they play a crucial role in the success of any environmental improvement project and are the ultimate beneficiaries and custodians. Additionally, Agreenco aims to inspire young individuals to join the industry through internship programs and actively involves Small and Medium Enterprises in their local expenditure priority model. It understands that by ensuring the satisfaction of the community, it can also satisfy its customers and regulators, ultimately achieving the ultimate goal of sustainable environmental improvement. Expert Advice The industry’s ESG “Investment-grade” can be achieved sooner if there are incentives and monetization for environmental improvement. Instead of relying on “Copy and Paste” solutions, it is important to avoid unsuccessful attempts that diminish credibility in demonstrating environmental value. Furthermore, it is crucial to change the perception of environmental expenditure from a grudge purchase to a valued investment in a brighter future. Urgency is required for the industry to establish sustainability language that will convince action customers to prioritize environmental spending and invest in environmental intervention on an industrial and commercial scale. It is now also up to entrepreneurs to unlock green value through bankable business models, effective marketing, and credible solutions that will mobilize routine expenditures in this area. Industry Leaders and Satisfied Clients AngloGold Ashanti (Mr. Charl Human) – Agreenco is the most innovative environmental company of the past two decades. Sibanye Platinum – (Me Carolina Cronje) – For all mining colleagues out there – You want to work with Agreenco, just on an entirely different level – they get things done. Harmony Gold (Mr. Jozua Ellis) – Thank you, Agreenco, for your exceptional commitment to delivering quality projects, for setting the example of safe operations, and for being a trustworthy contributor to assist us in achieving our corporate social responsibility targets. Glencore – (Mr. Pieter Swart) – Agreenco delivers next- level sustainability outcomes for our mines and communities, best-in-class solutions, and is a leader in mine impact management. Thank you for your passion in all your projects. What a superb company. DRD Gold (Mr. Dave Rhodes) – Agreenco is a MVC – Most Valuable Contractor. Anglo American Platinum (Mr. Hermanus Prinsloo) – Agreenco is a special company that delivers Regeneration and Biodiversity in Mining Projects professionally and without hassle – A competent company of note. Northwest University – (Mr. Theunis Meyer) – We thank Agreenco for their valued input for more than 20 years as an industry specialist and applied knowledge for our post- graduate and continued education students. Land Rehabilitation Society of Southern Africa (LaRSSA) – (Dr. Mark Aiken) – With sincere thanks to Agreenco for industry leadership and support beyond your call of duty.
  • 16. Thanks for sponsoring over a decade and for your contribution to so many professionals in our field. Southern African Institute for Mining and Metals (SAIMM) – (Mr. John Wates) - Best contribution of tailings sustainability to Fanus van Wyk on the environmental design of tailings landscapes. Annual award 2014. Sericea Management Services (Me Geroldine Strauss) – Agreenco is a charitable and special company – the people and community come first, and the founders have a heart and passion for what they truly believe in – a better future for youth and communities. Agreenco also priori zes administra ve and health and safety protocols to support its on-site capabili es and track record. Customers trust that Agreenco will deliver projects within budget, adhere to specified melines, and meet high-quality standards.
  • 17. Agreenco passionately believes that sustainable environmental change is achievable and scalable. The company prides itself on the rapid delivery of applied solu ons within our customer’s site- specific processes and within commi ed melines. Furthermore, it posi ons itself as a catalyst for novel applica ons in the mining and industrial sectors, challenging, costly short-term prac ces and delivering novel green mining services and concepts. The company specializes in environmental compliance and innova on services to mining and industrial clients. Through its EPCM and dedicated subsidiary structure, the company can deliver the full value chain, including design, execu on, supply, and maintenance services. • Mine Regenera on and End-Land Use • Land Rehabilita on and Project Closure • Biological Ground Water Treatment and Wetland Remedia on • Dust Control Management and Clean Airsheds • Biodiversity Improvement and Decarboniza on, • Environmental Infrastructure Design and Construc on, • Water Treatment Opera ons, Refurbishment, Maintenance, and Sanita on Innova on. Agreenco ini ates each project with a me culously cra ed opera onal plan considering specific environmental targets and meframes, and project specifica ons are, without excep on, rooted in scien fic and engineering principles. By considering various opportunity costs and poten al interven ons, Agreenco is able to provide valuable decision-support and opera onal improvement informa on to its customers. This approach empowers customers to make well-informed choices based on the best-cost op ons available. Agreenco’s commitment to applied solu ons, supported by scien fic interven ons and a comprehensive, cost-based project architecture, sets the company apart. Disrup ng the tradi onal consultancy and contrac ng barriers that bring many delays, lack of ownership, and project inefficiencies, Agreenco gets things done. The company takes ownership of the en re value chain, offering sustainable outcomes through integra ve thinking and an altruis c approach to environmental outcomes – something the market has lost. This integra on of theory and prac ce, coupled with a focus on environmental results, dis nguishes Agreenco and solidifies its compe ve advantage in the industry.
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  • 20. In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in environmental awareness and a growing consensus on the importance of adopting sustainable practices. This change is not confined to any specific region but is a global phenomenon affecting various sectors, including the public, governmental, and corporate domains. The trend toward heightened environmental consciousness is now more prevalent than ever before. Human waste management is one of those areas where innovative startups have come forward to contribute to safeguarding public health. The aim of these startups is to contribute towards disease prevention, environmental preservation, and improve quality of life. Among these startups, Alimentary Systems is a pinnacle name that has a vision to solve one of the oldest and most challenging problems of human waste management. We had the opportunity to learn more about the decisive journey of Alimentary Systems in the realm of eco-friendly startups and the vision of Co- founders Harmaan Madon and Matthew Jackson. Below are the excerpts from the interview: Can you brief us about your company and its inception story? We focus on solving the global problem of human waste management. Our company has developed a unique technology to convert human waste into a valuable fuel source. The company’s innovative approach combines crop residues, which are rich in carbon but lack nitrogen and water, with human fecal matter, which contains excess nitrogen and water, to create a gas mix suitable for fuel production. This technology aims to address environmental, economic, and social challenges associated with waste disposal. It all started when Madon Applied Sciences LLP was founded in February 2017 to undertake waste-to-bioenergy conversion R&D in India. September, 2023 18
  • 21. How do you ensure your products/services are environmentally sustainable? Nature has a voice on our board. If we don’t meet our impact metrics, dividends won’t be paid to investors. We use SCADA systems to capture data and measure our work against the UNSDGs and Planetary Boundaries. How do you think the current environmental and regulatory landscape will affect your company’s growth? We are actively engaged in high-level dialogues with government officials. Our participation extends to the most senior echelons of the government, where we are in regular contact with key decision-makers and policy architects. This engagement allows us to contribute to critical discussions and influence the policy direction for our sector. Our proactive involvement ensures our solutions align with government strategies, and our innovative proposals have the potential to redefine industry norms and expectations. September, 2023 19 10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
  • 22. We are proposing a solution yet to be established in New Zealand, which challenges the status quo. Our technology suits stringent environmental controls and figures like James Shaw. We recently presented our ideas to James Shaw, Megan Woods, Ayesha Verrall, and Grant Robertson. With potential Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms, our food exports, a major revenue source, might be at risk due to international standards and the disparity between New Zealand’s and European carbon pricing. In terms of water management, New Zealand faces challenges from long- standing underinvestment in water infrastructure, and while there’s no freshwater shortage, wastewater mismanagement remains a concern. The recently launched Affordable Water Reform is a positive step, aiming for more effective water services management, though it also signals tighter regulations and standards. Pollution in water bodies further indicates the need for improved water management, with new guidelines potentially affecting businesses and councils. Lastly, the nation’s waste minimization strategies are currently lacking, with high per capita waste production and limited incentives for change, highlighting the need for more actionable policies and innovative solutions. How do you measure the impact of your company’s eco- friendly initiatives? Nature holds shares in our company and holds a board seat. We have a detailed framework to measure our impact on waste reduction and emissions reduction and impact on soil quality. We partner with the Planetary Accounting Network to measure our standards against the Planetary Boundary Guidelines. How does your company generate revenue while staying environmentally conscious, and what challenges have you faced in balancing profitability with sustainability? We are Pre-Revenue. 1. Grant Funding US$2.78M 2. Seed Capital US$0.77M The BRRP diverts organic waste from landfills to boost renewable energy by 400%, offering a green LPG alternative and cutting waste disposal costs by 50-80%. It recycles nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen into organic fertilizers, improving soil health and reducing fossil fuel- based imports. Leveraging the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism, the BRRP sells carbon credits, clean energy, and organic fertilizer, aiming for an 8-10-year ROI. We have successfully generated income from grants and accelerators. We won the People’s Choice and Impact awards, which came with funding. Also, We were awarded impact funding from Akina. We are being considered for Waste Mimisation Funding from the NZ Ministry of the Environment and have raised seed capital from impact investors. Once proven, we will generate revenue from clean energy, gate fees for processing waste, gross emissions reduction carbon credits, and an organic fertilizer supplement to improve soil biodiversity. The BRRP technology generates six ways to pay for itself within 8-10 years, compared to 30 years for last-generation bioenergy technology. What advice would you give to someone wanting to start an eco-friendly business? Identify Your “Why”: Understand why you want to start an eco-friendly business. This purpose will serve as your anchor during challenging times and inspire others to support your cause. That’s what keeps Matthew and Harmaan close during challenging times. Find Value-Aligned Co-Founders: Partnering with individuals who share your passion and values can amplify your efforts and offer a balanced perspective. This alignment ensures that the company remains true to its eco- friendly mission as it grows. Engage with an Impact Community: Join eco-friendly and entrepreneurial communities. These networks offer invaluable resources, insights, mentorship, and potential partnerships. They can provide the guidance and support needed to navigate the unique challenges of an eco-friendly business. Ministry of Awesome and the Edmund Hillary Fellowship have been invaluable along this journey. Future-Proof Your Idea: Think long-term instead of focusing only on current trends. Design your business model and offerings to remain relevant and needed 15-25 years down the line. Addressing future challenges ensures the longevity and sustainability of your business. September, 2023 20
  • 23. Transparency is Key: With growing skepticism around “greenwashing,” it’s vital to be transparent about your eco- friendly efforts. Regularly update your stakeholders about your sustainable practices, challenges, and milestones. Ensure you have a plan for using data; we will be partnering with the Open Earth Foundation and will use IPCC standards. What are your long-term goals for your eco-friendly business, and how do you plan to achieve them? Seeking $2M USD, we plan to upscale our modular technology from 1-tonne to 10-tonne capacity at a commercial site on Bell Island in Nelson. The system is designed to operate for five years, and we’ve already secured the necessary land, waste streams, and permits. Through BRRP.IO, we’re pioneering a new approach using an open Earth registry. This provides robust, data-backed evidence for significant emissions reductions, facilitating sustainable investments in waste-to-energy systems. Our aim is to convert a $125B waste emissions liability into renewable energy infrastructure. Backed by an experienced manufacturing supply chain under the Edmund Hillary Fellowship and supported by Waste Minimization and Innovation Grants from the NZ Government, we are ideally positioned for the project’s next phase. September, 2023 21
  • 24. Solutions In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental conservation, the marriage of technology and eco-friendly solutions has emerged as a powerful force for positive change. As the global community grapples with the challenges of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, innovative technologies are playing a pivotal role in shaping a greener, more sustainable future. Harnessing Renewable Energy One of the most significant contributions of technology to green innovation lies in the advancement of renewable energy sources. Solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric systems have become commonplace, providing cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels. Breakthroughs in energy storage, such as lithium-ion batteries, are making renewable energy sources more reliable and accessible. Smart Grids and Energy Efficiency The implementation of smart grids, enabled by advanced sensors and communication technologies, is revolutionizing the energy sector. These intelligent grids optimize energy distribution, reduce wastage, and enhance the integration of renewable energy sources into existing grids. Additionally, smart meters empower consumers with real-time data, encouraging more conscious energy consumption. Efficient Transportation Technological innovations in transportation are driving the shift towards greener alternatives. Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid cars have become viable options for eco- conscious consumers. The development of high-capacity batteries and fast-charging infrastructure has significantly September, 2023 22
  • 25. improved the practicality and convenience of electric vehicles, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Public Transportation and Mobility Solutions Smart technologies are reshaping urban mobility. Integrated public transportation systems, coupled with ride-sharing services and electric scooters, offer eco-friendly alternatives to private car ownership. Efficient route planning and traffic management systems are reducing congestion and emissions in urban centers. Waste Management and Recycling Advancements in waste management technologies are transforming the approach to handling waste. Automated sorting systems, waste-to-energy facilities, and advanced recycling processes are reducing landfill waste and minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, data analytics are being utilized to optimize waste collection routes, further enhancing efficiency. Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Farming Technology is driving innovation in agriculture, promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Precision agriculture employs sensors, drones, and data analytics to optimize resource use, minimize chemical inputs, and enhance crop yields. Vertical farming and hydroponic systems are revolutionizing urban agriculture, reducing the need for extensive land use. Water Conservation and Treatment Smart water management systems are crucial for conserving this precious resource. IoT-based sensors and monitoring devices enable real-time tracking of water usage and quality. Advanced water treatment technologies, such as desalination and membrane filtration, are expanding access to clean drinking water in water-scarce regions. Building Efficiency and Green Architecture Green building technologies are revolutionizing the construction industry. Energy-efficient materials, passive design principles, and smart building systems significantly reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. Green roofs, rainwater harvesting, and natural ventilation systems contribute to sustainable urban development. Green Innova on September, 2023 23
  • 26. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) In the fight against climate change, carbon capture and storage technologies play a critical role. These innovations capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and power plants, preventing them from entering the atmosphere. Advancements in CCS are essential for achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets. Challenges and Future Prospects While technology-driven green innovation holds immense promise, it is not without its challenges. Accessibility, affordability, and scalability remain critical considerations. Additionally, continued research and development are essential to refine existing technologies and drive further innovation. To Conclude, Technology’s transformative influence on eco-friendly solutions is evident across various sectors, offering a glimmer of hope in the global pursuit of sustainability. As the world grapples with the urgency of environmental issues, the marriage of technology and green innovation stands as a beacon of promise, illuminating the path toward a cleaner, more sustainable future. By harnessing the power of innovation, we have the opportunity to build a world where ecological balance and technological progress coexist harmoniously. - Prashik Bombarde September, 2023 24
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  • 28. Transforming Deserts into Green Landscapes and Combating Water Scarcity! Desertification, which has been rapidly spreading in recent years, has caused substantial changes in our worldwide environment. The far-reaching consequences of this ecological process have left an indelible imprint on both biological systems and the human populace. However, a visionary leader and his team have emerged to tackle this ecological challenge head-on. Desert Control, under the guidance of President and Group CEO Ole Kristian Sivertsen, is spearheading a groundbreaking initiative to combat desertification, soil degradation, and water scarcity. With their innovative solution, farmers can now significantly increase crop yields, promote carbon uptake, and reduce water consumption by up to 50%. This not only enhances agricultural productivity but also addresses water constraints in drought-prone areas. Desert Control has garnered international acclaim for its relentless efforts to combat desertification and restore degraded land. Sivertsen’s unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability has inspired a team of experts, driving innovation in climate-smart agri-tech solutions. Their mission goes beyond financial gain. They aspire to regreen the Earth, halting and reversing the effects of desertification and soil degradation. At the heart of their success lies their flagship product, Liquid Natural Clay (LNC), a critical tool in restoring balance to endangered ecosystems, breathing new life into barren regions, and securing a sustainable future for generations to come. As Desert Control’s impact continues to grow, so does the significance of their work. Their reach extends across continents, targeting arid regions in Africa, the Middle East, and areas afflicted by soil degradation in Asia and the Americas. Desert Control is transforming the landscape of the fight against desertification with its game-changing technology and unwavering dedication. Join us as we delve into the world of Desert Control, exploring their groundbreaking technologies, the impact of their work, and the vision that drives them! Can you share a brief background about yourself and what motivated you to embark on this sector? I am Ole Kristian Sivertsen, President and Group CEO of Desert Control. My career was grounded in the technology, telecommunications, and satellite services sectors for many years, where I served in various senior executive roles. However, I have always harbored a deep respect and passion for nature, the environment, and sustainable practices. My professional background allowed me to gain a unique perspective on the environment and our planet. My experience in the satellite services industry offered me an opportunity to observe our planet from space. Looking at Earth from space was truly eye-opening. It brought into stark view the accelerating rate of desertification, loss of fertile lands, the impact of droughts, and the escalating problem of water scarcity. I realized we often become too close to the problems to see them. Observing the planet from this vantage point enabled me to visualize our enormous environmental challenges. The crucial turning point in my life was when I spent time with the humanitarian organization Mercy Ships in Douala, Cameroon. Here, I saw how the creation of hope could transform communities, particularly in regions where environmental neglect and the devastating impacts of climate change were all too apparent. This powerful September, 2023 26 10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment
  • 29. experience ignited a spark within me. Witnessing the positive ripple effects of hope created by the team at Mercy Ships inspired me to become a ‘hope maker’ and climate optimist. These experiences profoundly influenced my decision to jump into the impact startup sphere. It led me to Desert Control, a company whose mission of “Making Earth Green Again” strongly resonated with me. Since joining the company, I have dedicated myself to combatting soil degradation, desertification, and water scarcity. My driving force is the belief that by harnessing the potential of people, the power of humanity, and the genius of nature, we can address the pressing environmental issues threatening our planet. I am committed to creating a sustainable and resilient world, and this commitment informs every step we take at Desert Control. Can you brief me about your company and its inception story? Desert Control’s Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) was invented by Kristian P. Olesen, who was originally inspired by an intriguing phenomenon he observed in Egypt. He noticed that the historically fertile lands of the Nile Delta, which had been cultivated for thousands of years, had turned into desert. Research linked the cause to the building of the Aswan dam, after which the nutrient-rich mineral sediment carried by the Nile remained behind the dam and no longer enriched the land along the river. The key to the Nile Delta’s fertile soil was its high clay and mineral content. Clay particles, being smaller and having higher surface charges compared to sand, can hold onto water and essential nutrients more effectively. The idea of manually adding clay to sandy soil to improve its fertility is resource-intensive, costly, and time-consuming. So, Kristian P. Olesen set out on a mission to find a practical, efficient, and scalable solution. This mission led to the inception of Desert Control and the development of our patented Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) technology. The unique technology behind LNC transforms clay into a liquid state that can be sprayed and applied to sandy soil and desert. This approach significantly enhances the water- holding capacity of the soil, reduces water usage, and improves the soil’s fertility. The inspiration and lessons learned from the fertile lands of the Nile Delta played a significant role in the creation of our company and the development of our innovative LNC technology. Today, Desert Control is dedicated to leveraging this innovation to September, 2023 27
  • 30. combat desertification, enhance water conservation, and boost agricultural productivity across the globe. How do you ensure that your products/services are environmentally sustainable? Sustainability is at the core of Desert Control’s operations and product development. We have a multifaceted approach to ensure that our Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) technology is environmentally sustainable. • All-Natural Ingredients • Reduced Resource Consumption • Preservation of Soil Health • In-situ Production • Efficient Utilization of Raw Materials • Emission Reduction • Mitigation of Desertification and Land Degradation How do you measure the impact of your company’s eco- friendly initiatives? At Desert Control, measuring the impact of our eco- friendly initiatives is central to our mission. We employ a comprehensive approach that evaluates both the immediate and long-term effects of our solutions. • Water Conservation: As a scarce and critical resource, water conservation sits at the top of our priority list. We measure the reduction in water usage in the areas treated with our LNC technology. • Soil Fertility Improvement: A direct outcome of our technology is improved soil health, so we track key indicators of soil fertility over time in treated areas. • Crop Yield Increase: Greater yield per unit area and per input metric (efficiency) is a fundamental measure of our success, driving economic benefits for farmers and food security for communities. • Energy Consumption Reduction: Lower energy use for irrigation aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon footprints and mitigate climate change impacts. • Reduction in Use of Agricultural Inputs: Reduced reliance on fertilizers, chemicals, and other inputs leads to cost savings for farmers and less environmental contamination. • Carbon Sequestration: We measure the increase in organic carbon content in treated soils, contributing to the global carbon budget. • Biodiversity Regeneration: Healthy ecosystems have diverse species, and our efforts contribute to the regeneration of biodiversity in treated areas. • Climate Resilience: Resilience to changing weather patterns, especially in vulnerable agricultural systems, is a key factor in sustainable development. • Soil Erosion Reduction: We monitor changes in soil structure that reduce the risk of erosion, which is key to maintaining long-term soil health. • Improved Farmer Livelihoods: We track economic and social indicators to understand how our technology impacts the livelihoods of farmers and their communities. Each of these metrics is significant, and our goal is to make a positive impact across all these areas through the implementation of our LNC technology. How does your company generate revenue while staying environmentally conscious, and what challenges have you faced in balancing profitability with sustainability? At Desert Control, revenue generation aligns perfectly with eco-friendly initiatives. We offer our customers a solution that not only helps them transition to a more sustainable form of agriculture or land management practice but also improves their bottom line. Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) helps to transform desert and sandy soils into fertile, productive, and water-conserving land. This not only reduces water usage by up to 50% but also boosts crop yields. These savings and improvements translate into tangible economic benefits for our customers, which makes our solution attractive and profitable. In fact, the initial investment in LNC typically pays for itself within 1 to 3 years through enhanced productivity and reduced resource consumption. Moreover, by helping our clients transition to more sustainable practices, we contribute to broader environmental goals such as biodiversity regeneration, improved soil health, and reduced energy consumption in irrigation and farming practices. These environmental improvements, in turn, increase the long-term value of the land, bringing further economic benefits to our clients. September, 2023 28
  • 31. The challenge lies in striking a balance between achieving profitability and ensuring sustainability. However, at Desert Control, we have turned this challenge into our strength by designing a business model where sustainability and profitability reinforce each other. The immediate return on investment from improved resource efficiency and enhanced yields, coupled with the long-term benefits of environmental sustainability, make our solution a win-win for us, our clients, and the planet. Our mission is to make it profitable to be sustainable, resilient, and climate-smart, and we believe this approach will drive the change we need to see in the world. What are your long-term goals for your eco-friendly business, and how do you plan to achieve them? Our long-term goal at Desert Control is to be a significant contributor to the global fight against desertification, soil degradation, water scarcity, and climate change. We aim to transform arid and semi-arid regions into sustainable, productive, and biodiverse landscapes, playing our part in promoting food security and water conservation along with the regeneration of biodiversity on a global scale. We plan to achieve our goals through the following strategies: • Scale Up: We aim to scale up our operations globally, starting with gaining a solid foundation in the United States and the Middle East and reaching out to governments, farmers, and agricultural businesses worldwide. We believe our technology has universal application, and by increasing our footprint, we can help combat desertification and water scarcity in regions that need it the most. • Continual Innovation: We plan to continue our research and development efforts to further optimize our LNC technology and find new, even more effective ways of restoring fertility to desertified soils. • Collaboration and Partnerships: We’ll continue to strengthen and expand our strategic alliances with environmental NGOs, agribusinesses, research institutions, channel partners, and eco-startups. These partnerships will help us integrate our solutions into broader sustainability efforts, maximizing our impact. • Policy Advocacy: We intend to actively engage with policymakers and environmental bodies globally to advocate for policies that promote the adoption of sustainable, resilient climate-smart agriculture and land restoration technologies. • Public Awareness and Education: We believe that public awareness and education are critical to achieving our long-term goals. We will therefore intensify our efforts to educate communities about the dangers of desertification, soil degradation, and over- usage of water and natural resources while highlighting solutions and the benefits of sustainable land and water management practices. By adhering to these strategies, we are confident that we can achieve our long-term goals and, in the process, contribute significantly to the creation of a more sustainable and resilient world. Please give us a few testimonials of your clients/customers and a list of awards/recognitions that accurately highlight your association’s position in the market. • We just won an UpLink World Economic Forum Challenge where you may find some additional relevant info: world-economic-forum-uplink-path-ahead-sivertsen • We recently received the final certification from MOCCAE authorizing LNC for sale and use as certified organic fertilizers and agricultural conditioners: releases/2023/7/13/liquid-natural-clay-lnc-receives-product- certification-as-organic-fertilizer-authorized-for-sale-in-the- uae study-paves-way-toward-water-savings-increased-crop- yields attaches-to-sand-particles-letting-them-activity- 7085182327122743297- pa8L?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios September, 2023 29
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  • 34. Electronic products have become an integral part of our day-to-day life due to their convenience and ability to enhance various aspects of modern living. With their functionalities that cater to various aspects of modern living, these products enhance convenience, communication, productivity, and entertainment, making them indispensable tools in our daily routines. Although these devices offer great convenience and connectivity, they also bring a new challenge: electronic waste, or e-waste. Appropriately managing e-waste has become crucial, and fortunately, there are capable firms that specialize in providing these services. Enviroserve is one of those firms that is the only integrated waste recycling hub in the Middle East, Africa, and the Caucasus, serving multi-national and large corporations, businesses, and individuals. It is an award-winning e-waste management company offering a broad range of services, including electronic waste recycling, IT refurbishment, refrigerant gas reclaiming, and specialized waste disposal. We discussed the company’s vision, mission, and goals while discovering the most eco-friendly startups making a big impact on the environment. Below are the highlights from the interview: Can you brief us about your company and its inception story? Recognizing the ever-growing crisis on the world’s resources, in 2004, Enviroserve ventured on a pioneering mission to turn the challenge of e-waste into an opportunity. Nineteen years later, our 400,000 square feet processing facility with ‘zero to air, zero to land’ capability stands as a beacon of progress in UAE’s mission of sustainability, functioning as an innovative and crucial game-changer in the pursuit of a circular economy, operating in an era where we recover, recycle, and reintroduce valuable materials back into our economic cycle. How do you ensure that your products/services are environmentally sustainable? Enviroserve’s The Recycling Hub in Dubai Industrial City is the largest integrated electronic and specialized waste processing facility globally and the only fully equipped e- waste processing facility in the MEA. With a capacity to process over 120,000 tons of total integrated waste annually, the facility sets a benchmark for e-waste management and environmental sustainability. The process starts with the sorting of e-waste, which is then transferred to shredders for destruction, followed by screens, sifters, induction sorters, eddy current separators, air jig, optical sensor-based sorters for segregation of destructed material to output commodities (e.g., iron, plastic, aluminum, precious metal mix, PCB fragments). Some incompatible materials/items are removed as part of the pre-sorting process and sent directly to specialized treatment facilities. Our mechanical separation process is chemical-free with industrial filtration, allowing for a 98% recovery rate, meaning that we’re keeping up to 38,000,000kg out of landfill each year. Being the largest refrigerant gas reclaiming facility in the UAE, Enviroserve has the best-equipped in-house testing laboratory to analyze gases for moisture content, acidity, and particulates. Its certified experts collect the contaminated gas from the equipment, analyze and re-process it through various stages of distillation, cleaning, and drying that meet the AHRI Standard 700-2016 for refrigerants. September, 2023 32
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  • 36. How do you think the current environmental and regulatory landscape will affect your company’s growth? We perceive the environmental and regulatory context as a catalyst for growth, explore new market avenues, and affirm our commitment to resource management and sustainability. The real narrative lies in how businesses, regulatory frameworks, and consumers respond. A preferable route would be the ‘proactive approach,’ where industry stakeholders champion sustainability in both production and consumption. By embracing a more circular operational model, the industry can mitigate adverse effects, even with the predicted surge in utilization, and truly curb waste generation. Enviroserve, a Dubai Municipality, and Ministry of Environment cer fied recycling organiza on, is equipped with a large state-of-the-art plant with the capacity to recycle an en re range of end-of- life electrical and electronic equipment - from consumer and industrial to commercial and military appliances, such as air condi oners, ba eries, IT equipment, household appliances, military avionics and mobile phones. In addi on, it can also recycle specialized waste material (aerosol cans, light bulbs, FMCG products, clothing) and is the only dedicated refrigerant gas reclaiming facility in the UAE. CERTIFICATIONS • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management • ISO 9001 – Quality Management • BS OHSAS 18001-2007 – Occupa onal Health & Safety • R2v3 Cer ficate MILESTONES & KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 2007 - UAE SME of the Year Award 2011 - UAE E-Waste Handler of the Year 2018 - Electrical & Electronic Equipment Processor of the Year 2019 - Officially opened The Recycling Hub 2019 - Dubai Industrial City Environmental and Sustainability Award 2021 - Electrical & Electronic Equipment Processor of the Year 2022 - R2 cer fica on 2022 - Officially opened Enviroserve Services FZCO 2023 - Middle East Sustainability Excellence Award How do you measure the impact of your company’s eco-friendly initiatives? Combination of carbon footprint metrics, securing recognized certifications, stakeholder engagement, etc., to assess and refine our approach. What are your long-term goals for your eco-friendly business, and how do you plan to achieve them? Our long-term goals include Maintaining our leading position, expanding our business operations, continuously enhancing customer experience, diversifying our portfolio, cultivating a skilled and diverse workforce, deepening our commitment to social and environmental responsibility, and maximizing value for all stakeholders. September, 2023 34
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  • 38. Overview of how are going In an era marked by increasing environmental consciousness, businesses are recognizing the importance of adopting sustainable practices. The shift towards eco-friendliness is not only a response to consumer demand but also a strategic move towards long-term viability and resilience. This article provides a comprehensive overview of how companies are embracing eco-friendly initiatives, highlighting the benefits, challenges, and key strategies in the pursuit of sustainability. The Business Case for Sustainability Embracing eco-friendliness is no longer merely a moral obligation; it is a sound business decision. Companies that prioritize sustainability reap a multitude of benefits. Not only does it enhance reputation and brand value, but it also reduces operational costs, fosters innovation, and attracts environmentally conscious customers and investors. Additionally, sustainable practices mitigate risks associated with regulatory compliance and resource scarcity. Setting Clear Sustainability Goals Central to any company’s eco-friendly journey is the establishment of clear, measurable sustainability goals. These objectives serve as a roadmap, guiding organizations toward tangible milestones. Whether it’s reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, or sourcing renewable materials, well-defined goals provide direction and accountability. Innovations in Energy Efficiency Companies are increasingly investing in energy-efficient technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. September, 2023 36
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  • 40. From implementing LED lighting and smart building systems to adopting renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, businesses are harnessing innovation to optimize energy consumption. Energy-efficient practices not only benefit the environment but also yield significant cost savings. Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency The concept of a circular economy emphasizes resource efficiency and waste reduction. Companies are reevaluating their supply chains to minimize waste generation and maximize the reuse and recycling of materials. By adopting practices like product redesign, closed-loop manufacturing, and waste-to-energy technologies, businesses are creating more sustainable, less resource-intensive operations. Green Supply Chain Management Companies are recognizing the importance of extending sustainability efforts throughout their supply chains. This involves selecting eco-friendly suppliers, assessing the environmental impact of transportation and logistics, and ensuring ethical labor practices. Collaborative partnerships with suppliers committed to sustainable practices contribute to a more holistic approach to eco-friendliness. Carbon Neutrality and Offsetting Achieving carbon neutrality involves balancing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted with an equivalent amount of emissions removed from the atmosphere. Companies are employing a range of strategies to achieve this, including investing in carbon offset projects, adopting renewable energy sources, and implementing carbon capture and storage technologies. Water Stewardship and Conservation Responsible water management is a critical component of eco-friendly business practices. Companies are implementing water-saving technologies, conducting water audits, and adopting sustainable water-sourcing practices. Additionally, businesses are engaging in community water conservation efforts to mitigate the impact of their operations on local ecosystems. Promoting Employee Engagement and Education Fostering a culture of sustainability among employees is essential for the success of eco-friendly initiatives. Companies are providing training and educational programs to raise awareness about sustainable practices. Employee- driven initiatives, such as green teams, encourage participation in eco-friendly activities and generate innovative ideas for further improvements. Transparency and Reporting Companies are recognizing the importance of transparent communication regarding their sustainability efforts. Through comprehensive sustainability reports, businesses share their progress, achievements, and challenges with stakeholders. Transparent reporting builds trust, demonstrates accountability, and allows stakeholders to make informed decisions based on a company’s environmental performance. Regulatory Compliance and Advocacy Adhering to environmental regulations and advocating for progressive policies are key aspects of a company’s commitment to eco-friendliness. Businesses are actively engaging with regulatory bodies, industry associations, and advocacy groups to shape policies that promote sustainability. Proactive involvement in shaping environmental legislation underscores a company’s dedication to responsible corporate citizenship. Challenges and Future Outlook While the adoption of eco-friendly practices is gaining momentum, companies still face challenges in their pursuit of sustainability. Balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship, addressing supply chain complexities, and navigating evolving regulatory landscapes remain significant hurdles. However, as technology advances and awareness grows, the business of sustainability is poised to continue its positive trajectory. Conclusion The transition towards eco-friendly business practices represents a fundamental shift in how companies approach their operations. Embracing sustainability is no longer an option; it is a strategic imperative for long-term success. By setting clear goals, leveraging innovation, and engaging stakeholders, companies can not only reduce their environmental impact but also thrive in a rapidly evolving, environmentally conscious market. The business of sustainability is not just about doing what’s right for the planet; it’s about securing a resilient, prosperous future for businesses and communities alike. - Gopal Ingole September, 2023 38
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  • 42. September, 2023 40 10 Eco-Friendly Startups Making a Big Impact on the Environment