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‘Gati’ &‘Shakti’ symbolic of each other: Yogi
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Inaugurat-
ing the PM Gati Shakti
North Zone Conference
in Lucknow on Friday,
Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath said that
the Noida Int’l Airport
is now being built on
the same land of Bhatta
Parsaul which had been
in the limelight for vio-
lent clashes between
police and farmers.
“The foundation
stone of Jewar Airport,
Asia’s largest, in Noida
has been laid by Prime
Minister Narendra
Modi on November 25.
The farmers of Bhatta
Parsaul happily gave
their land to the gov-
ernment after our gov-
ernment was formed,
that too only on twice
the compensation rath-
er than four times,”
said the CM.
Speaking on the oc-
casion, the CM pointed
out that PM Modi
launched Gati Shakti
mission to give impe-
tus to infrastructure-
related projects in the
country. Turn to P2
New Delhi: PM
Narendra Modi will visit
Gorakhpur, the home
turf of Chief Minister
Yogi Adityanath, on
December 7 and
inaugurate development
projects worth over
`9,600 crore, the PMO
said on Friday.It said
Modi will dedicate
to the nation the
Gorakhpur fertilizer
plant, whose foundation
stone was laid by him
in 2016 and which
after being in disuse
for more than 30 years
has been revived and
built at a cost of around
`8,600 crore.
More on P8
Yogi, Bhagwat to address Hindu Ekta Mahakumbh
First India Bureau
Lucknow: RSS chief
Mohan Bhagwat and
Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath are sched-
uled to address the Hin-
du Ekta Mahakumbh in
Chitrakoot on Decem-
ber 15, which is being
organised by Tulsi
Peeth chief Padma Vib-
hushan Jagadguru Swa-
mi Rambhadracharya.
The conference, which
is likely to be attended
by nearly five lakh peo-
ple included sants, is be-
ing seen with interest in
the run-up to the 2022
assembly election.
Bhagwat will be chief
guest at the one-day con-
clave. Acharya Ram-
chandra Das of Tulsi
Peeth said that large-
scale arrangements
were being made to ac-
commodate at least five
lakh people at the event
which is aimed creating
awareness among the
Hindus. He said the Ma-
hakumbha will be delib-
erating on Ram Temple,
love Jihad, religious
conversion, population
control law, national-
ism, Uniform civil code
(UCC), education based
on Indian philosophy,
cow protection, de-ad-
diction, social harmony
demand to end govern-
mental control over
temples, and protection
of environment.
that the Sant Samaj
would chalk out an ac-
tion plan on these issues
and apprise people
about the prevailing
situation in the country
He said the chief min-
ister of Madhya
Pradesh Shivraj Singh
Chauhan and others
ministers, Shri Shri
Ravi Shankar, Baba
Ramdeo, Shri Chidan-
and Muni, Shri Ra-
manujacharya and
Kailash Giriji Maharaj
were also slated to at-
tend the conference. He
said since top leaders of
all sects had been invit-
ed, Yogi Adityanath will
be participating as head
of Nath sect.
Though an “apoliti-
cal” event, the subjects
which are to be taken up
for deliberation are po-
litical in nature and
close to the RSS-BJP
core ideology. The Ma-
hakumbha would thus
help in boosting “Hin-
dutva” agenda of the
. Turn to P2
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurates the conference on
Friday. Also seen is MoS for Industrial Development, UP Govt,
Dharamveer Prajapati. —PHOTO BY ASHOK DUTTA
Event in Chitrakoot to discuss ‘Love
Jihad’, conversion, UCC, population law
CM inaugurates PM Gati Shakti
North Zone Conference in Lucknow PM Gati Shakti is the
National Master Plan for
Multi-modal Connectiv-
ity, essentially a digital
platform to bring 16
Ministries including
Railways and Roadways
together for integrated
planning and coordinat-
ed implementation of in-
frastructure connectivity
projects. PM Gati Shakti
will incorporate the
infrastructure schemes
of various Ministries
and State Governments
like Bharatmala, Sagar-
mala, inland waterways,
dry/land ports, UDAN
etc. Economic Zones
like textile clusters,
pharmaceutical clusters,
defence corridors,
electronic parks, etc.
LUCKNOW l SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. UPENG/2020/80229 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 24
Sensex ended at 57,696.46 points while Nifty
closed below 17,200. Most of the sectors
slumped on heavy selling pressure. Key share
indices ended lower on Friday amid broad-
based selling in the market.
Congress President Sonia Gandhi has
appointed Jagdish Thakor as the new
president of the Gujarat Congress, replac-
ing Amit Chavda. The appointment comes
ahead of next year’s assembly elections.
A group of right-wing activists and locals
again stopped Muslims from offering namaz
at a designated open site in Gurgaon despite
heavy police presence on the ground. Around
six people were detained, police sources said.
Mohd Fahad
New Delhi: The Union
Health Ministry on Fri-
day issued answers on
Omicron highlighting
that given the
fast pace of vac-
cination in In-
dia and high
exposure to the
Delta variant as evi-
denced by high seropos-
itivity, the severity of
the disease is “antici-
pated” to be low.
 Is there a possibili-
ty of a third wave in
India due to the emer-
gence of Omicron?
Omicron cases are in-
creasingly being report-
ed from countries out-
side of South Africa.
However, the scale and
magnitude of the rise
in cases and most im-
portantly the severity
of disease that will be
caused is still not clear.
 Will the existing
vaccines work
against Omicron?
“Some of the mutations
reported on
Spike gene may
decrease the ef-
ficacy of exist-
ing vaccines,”
said the health ministry
 How concerned
should we be about
It is important to
highlight that
Omicron has
been declared
VoC based on
the “observed
mutations, their
predicted features of
increased transmission
and immune evasion”.
“The definitive evidence
for increased transmis-
sion is awaited,” Minis-
try said.
 What precautions
have been recom-
mended by health
It is essential to mask
yourself properly,
maintain social dis-
tancing and maintain
good ventilation to the
maximum possible.
 Can the currently
used diagnostics
methods detect
RT-PCR tests de-
tect specific
genes in the vi-
rus, however, in
the case of Omi-
cron, as the S gene is
heavily mutated, some
of the primers may lead
to results indicating the
absence of the S gene
(called as S gene drop
out),” the Health Minis-
try has said.
Centre addresses FAQs on Omicron
Workers prepare beds inside a special COVID-19 ward to treat persons infected with the Omicron variant, at Rajiv Gandhi
Government General Hospital in Chennai on Friday. —PHOTO BY PTI
The government has spoken at length on
possible third corona wave, whether vaccines
will work, precautions to be taken, and
diagnostic methods to detect the new strain
new cases
new fatalities
Chennai/New Delhi: Two persons, including a child, who arrived
in Tamil Nadu from Singapore and England, which are among the
12 ‘at-risk’ countries, have tested positive for Covid-19. The state
government has sent their samples for genome sequencing to check
for the presence of the Omicron variant. Meanwhile, 12 suspected
cases of Omicron have been admitted to hospitals in Delhi after
they arrived on international flights over the past three days. Their
samples have been sent for genome testing to confirm whether they
are infected with the Omicron strain. All are at LNJP hospital. Eight
were hospitalised on Thursday after they tested positive for Covid.
Four more were admitted on Friday but Covid tests are not out yet.
New Delhi: Top Indian
genome scientists have
recommended a booster
dose of Covid-19 vaccines
for those above 40
years with preference
to high-risk and high-
exposure population. The
recommendation was
made in the weekly bulletin
of the Indian SARS-CoV-2
Genomics Sequencing
Consortium, a network of
national testing labs.
New Delhi: Speaking in the
Lok Sabha, Union Health
Minister Dr Mansukh
Mandaviya on Friday said
that the decisions on
booster dose of vaccine
against Covid-19 and
vaccination of kids will
be taken after scientific
advise. The health
minister further asked the
Opposition parties to trust
the scientists, news agency
PTI reported.
Bengaluru: One of the
two men found positive
for Omicron in Karnataka
“escaped” after taking a
Covid negative certificate
from a private lab, the state
government said today.
The state is trying to track
down 10 more people who
reportedly went missing
from the airport. A 66-year-
old South African national
found to be Omicron-
infected had “fled” country.
64 NDRF teams take guard
against Cyclone‘Jawad’
New Delhi: The Na-
tional Disaster Re-
sponse Force (NDRF)
has earmarked 64
teams to tackle the im-
pending cyclonic
storm ‘Jawad’ that is
expected to affect the
states of Odisha,
Andhra Pradesh and
West Bengal, a senior
officer said on Friday
NDRF Director
General (DG) Atul
Karwal told reporters
during a briefing
here that while 46
teams have been de-
ployed or pre-posi-
tioned in the vulner-
able states, 18 teams
have been kept in re-
serve. The India Me-
teorological Depart-
ment said that a low-
pressure system in
the Bay of Bengal has
intensified into a cy-
clonic storm ‘Jawad’.
Cyclone ‘Jawad’ is expected to affect the states of Odisha,
Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.
NIA moves SC against
Sudha Bharadwaj bail
New Delhi:The Nation-
al Investigation Agency
(NIA) has moved Su-
preme Court against the
Bombay High Court or-
der granting default bail
to lawyer-activist Sud-
ha Bharadwaj, who
was arrested in the El-
gar Parishad-Maoist
links case in August
2018 under the provi-
sions of UAPA.
The high court on De-
cember 1 had said in its
cused of being part of a
conspiracy to overthrow
the Union government,
of her fundamental right
to life and personal liber-
ty guaranteed under Ar-
ticle 21 of the Constitu-
tion. The HC had direct-
ed that Bharadwaj,
lodged in the Byculla
women’s prison, be pro-
duced before the Mum-
bai special NIA court on
December 8, and condi-
tionsof herbailanddate
of release be decided.
02 I I I I
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Taking in-
spiration from PM Nar-
endra Modi’s resolve of
encouraging the spe-
cially-abled people, Ut-
tar Pradesh in the span
of four and a half years
has made consistent ef-
forts to empower them ,
said CM Yogi Adity-
anath on Friday
“Our government
performed dedicatedly
to uplift and empower
the specially-abled peo-
ple. We strived towards
developing their talent
and to channelize their
energies towards na-
tion-building. We are
working on a war-foot-
ing to provide motor-
ized tricycles to 100 Di-
vyangjans in every dis-
trict,” said Yogi while
honouring meritorious
students of special
schools, specially-abled
people and organisa-
tions on the occasion of
International Day of
Disabled Persons.
In an event organ-
ized at Dr Shakuntala
Mishra National Reha-
bilitation University,
the CM also distributed
assistive devices to the
specially-abled people.
He urged the organi-
zations working to-
wards the empower-
mentof ‘Divyangjans’to
show sensitivity by join-
ing this work of virtue
and to take the benefits
of the schemes of the
government to as many
people as possible.
Stating the examples
of 16th-century blind
Hindu devotional poet
and singer Surdas,
English theoretical
physicist, cosmologist,
and author, Stephen
William Hawking and
Sage Ashtavakra, the
Yogi said that every ‘di-
vyangjan’ must get an
opportunity to exercise
their special talents.
Extending his greet-
ing to the children and
people who got felici-
tated, the CM said,
“Despite the Covid-19,
Tokyo Paralympic ath-
letes have proved that
nothing can stop you if
you are determined.
Our Athletes never let
their physical disabili-
ties stop them, instead
they made it their
strength. It was their
hard work and talent
which made the coun-
try proud”.
Continued from page 1
‘Gati’ and ‘Shakti’ are
symbolic of each other,
he said.
“During the earlier
governments, schemes
of development used to
run with the speed of a
tortoise,” he said.
CM Yogi said that de-
spite the pandemic con-
ditions, the Purvanchal
Expressway is now
ready and operational.
The Bundelkhand
Expressway will be also
be operational by De-
cember, the CM added.
CM Yogi said that the
state government had
integrated the projects
of 16 departments and
agencies in the first
phase to strengthen
the PM Gati Shakti
platform. In the second
phase, 11 departments
and agencies are being
identified for integra-
tion on Gati Shakti
“When our govern-
ment came in 2017, the
annual budget of the
state was only Rs 2 lakh
crores. We increased
the resources of the
state and efforts have
been made to remove
the anomalies in Uttar
Pradesh that are hin-
dering the develop-
ment of the state. A
single window plat-
form has been created
for investment in the
state through which
340 services are availa-
ble,” he said.
Chief Minister Yogi
further said, “If the in-
tentions are pure and
clear, any big problem
can be solved. Not a sin-
gle farmer who gave
land for Jewar airport
is dissatisfied. We have
got 3300 acres of land in
the first phase.” The
rest of the land will also
be available soon, he
Crediting the better
law and order situation
in UP for attracting in-
vestments, the CM said
that after the formation
of his government in
UP, within the comple-
tion of one year, the
first investor summit
was held. “We received
investment proposals
of around Rs 5 lakh
crore. Out of that, more
than 3 lakh crore invest-
ment proposals have
been seen on the
grounds today,” he said.
Continued from page 1
Interestingly, invita-
tion had been sent to
some film personali-
ties in Bollywood for
their participation to
persuade them to take
measures to stop “bad
publicity about Hindu
religion” in films. Last
July, the RSS had also
organised a four-day
conclave in Chitrakoot
to decide its next
year’s socio-cultural
Chitrakoot, which is
spread between UP and
MP, is turning into a
major political centre
with elections coming
up. A few months ago,
SP chief Akhilesh Ya-
dav had done “Parikra-
ma” of religious places
here, while AICC gen-
eral secretary Priyanka
Gandhi took out a 3-km
“padyatra” of Kamad
Giri hill in Chitrakoot
in November. The Yogi
government has al-
ready undertaken ma-
jor development work
in the town.
First India Bureau
Lucknow: The Anti-
corruption branch of
Central Bureau of In-
vestigation (CBI) on
Friday raided residenc-
es of managers and
guarantors of the Roh-
tas Group, a real estate
company pertaining to
a matter of fraud of Rs
24.82 crore in connec-
tion with Canara Bank.
It was reported that
CBI seized documents
and other evidence
from offices of Rohtas
group that is spread
around Lucknow, Ayo-
dhya and Ghazipur.
Official sources said
that the raids were
conducted at residenc-
es of company manag-
ers at Jopling Road and
Vivek Khand area of
Gomti Nagar.
Apart from that, resi-
dences of two fake guar-
antors at Ayodhya and
Ghazipur were also
searched. The CBI is in-
vestigating role of a
bank employee in the
CBI had registered
FIR against managers
of Rohtas group in the
bank fraud matter on
November 30 and raids
were conducted at resi-
dences, offices of ac-
cused on orders of
courts. The FIR was
registered on complaint
of Ajit Kumar Srivas-
tava, Chief Manager
Canara Bank, Lucknow.
Members of the Uttar Pradesh Badhir(Deaf)
Federation takes out an awareness march on the
occasion of Viklang Diwas in Lucknow on Friday.
They highlighted different challenges faced by
them in day-today-life and expected others to be
considerate towards them.
Lucknow: “Since
2017, the govt began
by increasing the
pension amount to
the specially-abled
people and pro-
vided all assistance
in terms of ensuring
availability of assis-
tive devices to them
and grants for mar-
riage”, Yogi said.
Govt integrated 16 depts
to strengthen Gati Shakti
CM Yogi paid rich
tributes to the
first President of
India Dr Rajendra
Prasad on his 137th
birth anniversary on
Friday and said that
Dr Rajendra Prasad
always respected
the cultural values,
traditions of India.
Chitrakoot becoming political centre stage in UP
(From left) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath felicitates the specially abled ‘Divyangjan’ on International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Lucknow on Friday. (Top right)
Yogi’s speech being translated in sign language. (Below on the right) CM gifts wheel chairs to the specially abled at the event. —PHOTOS BY SUMIT KUMAR
A view of Chitrakoot town in UP.
CBI office in Lucknow.
First India Bureau
Prayagraj: The Alla-
habad High Court on
Friday directed Cen-
tral bureaur of investi-
gation ( CBI) to file it’s
reply within 4 weeks
on the bail application
moved by Anand Giri
in alleged suicide case
of late Narendra Giri,
then president of Akh-
il bhartiya Akhara
The order was
passed by justice Ra-
hul Chaturvedi while
hearing bail applica-
tion of Anand Giri,
who is in jail since Sep-
tember 22,2021.
The application
stated that he has
falsely been implicat-
ed in the case. The al-
leged suicide note is
not in the hand writ-
ing of Narendra Giri.
It stated that Anand
was not even present
in Prayagraj on the
date. He was informed
by police about Nar-
endra’s suicide, while
he was in Haridwar.
Earlier, on November
20, two months after the
death of Mahant Naren-
dra Giri, CBI on Satur-
day filed a charge sheet
in a local court against
Anand Giri and two oth-
ers booked for abetment
to suicide, insider
sources said.
Narendra Giri case: 4 weeks given to CBI
Prayagraj: The bail
application presented in
front of the Allahabad
High Court alleged that
the suicide note that
has been found is not
in the hand writing of
Narendra Giri.
Lucknow: Three wild-
life smugglers have
been arrested after be-
ing found in possession
of six elephant tusks
with an estimated mar-
ket value of around Rs
2.5 crore, a Forest De-
partment spokesperson
said on Friday
The smugglers were
identified as Noor Alam
Khan, Waqar Ahmed
and Shadab Ahmed, all
residents of Deoria, the
forest spokesperson
said. They were arrest-
ed on Thursday after a
Forest Department
team, acting on a tip-off
that some wildlife
smugglers were head-
ing to Gorakhpur with
elephant tusks, inter-
cepted their vehicle
near Baitalpur town-
ship and arrested them.
Three smugglers arrested
with elephant tusks in Gkp
CBI raids Rohtas Group men
Anand Giri
North Zone Conference on PM GatiShakti was organised at Lucknow in presence of CM Yogi,
Minister of Communications Ashwini Vaishnaw, MoS (Communications) Devusinh Chauhan, MoS
(Industrial Devp) Dharamveer Prajapati,UP’s Industrial Devp Minister Satish Mahana, CS RK Tiwari,
ACS Industrial Devp Arvind Kumar and officials of telecom department were also present.
CM Yogi being greeted by a memento at the event.
03 I I I I
CM Yogi Adityanath paying homage to first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad at his statue
at Globe Park in Lucknow on Friday. — PHOTO BY SUMIT KUMAR
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Ramping up
preventive measures
amid the cases of new
‘Omicron’ variant that
states of the country
, the
Uttar Pradesh Govern-
ment has intensified
screening and has
strengthened surveil-
lance at the borders of
the state.
After successfully
controlling the first and
second waves of the
Covid-19 pandemic, the
state government has
improve surveillance
with a focus on airports
to ensure that normalcy
prevails in the state.
In another proactive
move in view of rising
cases of omicron vari-
ant in other countries,
Chief Minister Yogi Ad-
ityanath has also in-
structed to intensify ge-
nome sequencing of
Covid samples. In pur-
suance of the directives
issued by the CM, the
genome sequencing of
samples at Lucknow’s
KGMU and PGI is
being carried out at a
rapid pace.
The authorities have
also been asked to con-
tinue the extensive
cleanliness, sanitization
and fogging drives to
prevent the spread of
other diseases.
The facilities of ge-
nome sequencing are
available in BHU, CDRI,
IGIB, Ram Manohar Lo-
hia Institute, NBRI in
the state. It is notewor-
thy that the study to de-
tect new variants start-
ed only after the first
wave of the pandemic at
NBRI, Lucknow. A total
of 45 samples were test-
ed. In view of the possi-
ble third wave, the pro-
cess of genome testing
is being done at BHU,
First India Bureau
Kanpur: The triple
murder case in Div Nati
Apartment in In-
dranagar under Kalyan-
pur police station here
the residents of the
Dr Sushil Kumar, who
was living with his wife
and son Shikhar and
murdered the trio, after
which he texted his
brotherinformingof his
brutality and that he
took such action as he
was under depression.
Dr Sushil’s brother
upon receiving the mes-
sage rushed to the spot
and after breaking open
the door of the apart-
ment found the bloodied
bodies of the 3 victims.
He informed the po-
lice, who later found a
note written in the diary
by Dr Sushil in which he
spoke about the murder
and other things.
According to his fami-
, Dr Sushil was under
depression for some
time and since the ac-
cused has gone missing,
a manhunt to nab him.
Police Commissioner
Aseem Arun, ACP
Anand Prakash Tiwari
and other officers have
become involved in the
investigation and a team
of forensic science have
been called to collect ev-
idence. The police are
trying to ascertain if Dr
Sushil murdered his
or reason.
First India Bureau
Agra: The bodies of
husband and wife were
found in an office built
in Banshi Vihar Colony
of Paschimpuri under
Sikandra police station
here. At the same time,
both his daughters were
found unconscious at
the residence of the
The younger daugh-
ter was declared dead by
daughter died some
hours later. The police
have also found a sui-
cide note in which the
couple has declared
themselves responsible
for the death.
top officials including
SSP reached the spot.
Dog squad and forensic
team have collected all
the evidence from the
spot and sent it for inves-
Paschimpuri under
Sikandra police station,
had an online battery
and UPS business, for
which he had made his
office in Banshi Vihar
. Yogesh’s body
was found hanging in
and his wife’s body was
also found lying in an-
other room in the office
The incident came to
lightonthearrivalof the
employees in the office
in the morning.
First India Bureau
Agra: An unidentified
body was found by the
police on November 22
on Yamuna Kinara Road
in Etmaddaula police
station area. He was
identified as Sunny
. His
father had lodged a com-
plaint against a woman
and another. The police
arrested both the ac-
cused after being found
guilty in investigation
and sent them to jail.
SP City Vikas Kumar
police had found the
body of a youth on Ya-
muna Kinara Road, who
was identified as Sunny
a resident of Shahganj.
Sunny’s father had al-
leged that his son had
received a call from a
woman on the evening
of Nov 21. She had said
there was a person
named Mukesh Jat with
her and both had to talk
to Sunny on something
important. She called
Sunny to Bodla cross-
roads. After the call,
of them and after that
information about his
murder was received.
Lucknow: Four people
were arrested on Friday
for allegedly beating a
sub-inspector in Nirala
Nagar area here after
his car hit another vehi-
cle, police said.
The incident took
SI Vinod Kumar’s car
hit another vehicle out-
side the venue of a mar-
riage ceremony follow-
ing which he was beaten
up by some persons.
The police swung into
action after a video of
the incident went viral
on social media.
The arrested accused
have been identified as
Pravendra Mathur,
Pranjal, Priyank and
Ashish Shukla.
Police Commissioner
DK Thakur said Kumar
was beaten and an at-
tempt was made to
An FIR was lodged in
this connection at the
Hasanganj Police Sta-
tion. A hunt is on to nab
two others in the case,
police added. —PTI
First India Bureau
Lucknow: A seven-
year-old girl was abduct-
ed from a marriage cer-
emony and raped in a
village under Banthara
area. The victim was
found in agricultural
farm in an unconscious
state, with with tape on
her mouth.
Police said the vitim
was rushed to hospital
where her condition
was stated to be criti-
cal. Case was regis-
tered against Shivam
(22) on complaint of
family members of the
victim and manhunt
was launched to nab
the culprit.
It was reported that
Shivam abducted the
7-yr-old during mar-
riage ceremony and
raped her in secluded
area. He beat up the vic-
tim badly and taped her
mouth and threw her in
the farm. She was found
in unconscious condi-
tion on Friday morning.
Team members of Covid help desk taking swab of passangers at Charbagh Railway Station for their
Covid 19 test amid the threat of Omicron variant of the virus in Lucknow on Friday.
Lucknow: The third day of 7-day orientation pro-
gramme in the Department of Social Work, Lucknow
University was facilitated by Garima Singh. The first
session was taken by Amit Naagar, DSP STF UP Police
on ‘Criminal Justice System’. He talked about the
evolution of policing system and its functioning. He
emphasised that police and citizens should co-operate
and standard operating procedures should come into
existence for proper functioning of police. In the sec-
ond session, the main speaker was Rakesh Dwivedi.
He talked about healthcare system and importance of
Non Medico professionals in it. He summarised about
physical, mental, social and spiritual health.
Mathura: Five people,
including three cops,
were killed and three
others injured when
their car hit a divider on
Yamuna Expressway
here, an official said on
Friday. They were going
to Haryana from MP
to bring back a girl kid-
napped earlier. While two
cops and the driver died
on the spot, two died
in hospital, SP (Rural)
Shrish Chandra said.
Kanpur: The 13th Board
meeting of Kanpur
Smart City Limited was
chaired by Commission-
er Kanpur and attended
by DM Kanpur Nagar,
Nagar Ayukt, Secre-
tary KDA, DCP Traf-
fic, Neeraj Sriavastav
(Independent member),
Vaishali Biyani (Inde-
pendent Member ), Addl
CEO/ Addl comm, GM
Jal Nigam, Smart City
CFO, nodal officer etc.
‘Depressed’ doctor kills
wife & two kids; flees
2 accused including woman
arrested for youth’s murder
Four arrested
for beating
up cop in Lko
7-yr-old abducted from
marriage event, raped
Bodies of husband, wife, daughter found in Agra
Police Commissioner Aseem
Arun at the incident site
A page of the suicide note. (R) A family photo of the deceased.
Mathura: The Akhil
Bharat Hindu Ma-
hasabha (ABHM) ex-
UP Deputy CM Keshav
Prasad Maurya’s tweet
on a temple in Mathura
and said the BJP was
only concerned about
getting votes in polls.
The remarks came a
day after Maurya tweet-
ed, “The construction of
grand temples is on in
Ayodhya and Kashi, and
preparations are on for
one in Mathura (Ayod-
hya Kashi bhavya
mandir nirmaan jaari
hai Mathura kee tyaari
Mathura is consid-
ered to be the birthplace
of Lord Krishna.
The supposed temple
multiple lawsuits, is lo-
cated inside an Aurang-
zeb-era mosque and
shares its premises with
a prominent temple.
istration raised objec-
tions, the ABHM called
off its proposed pro-
gramme for the installa-
tion and ‘jalabhishek’ of
Lord Krishna’s idol on
“actual birthplace”,
which the Hindu Ma-
hasabha claims is inside
the mosque.
The administration
on November 28 had im-
under CrPC Section 144.
“The truth is that Ayo-
dhya, Kashi or Mathura,
none of these have ever
been on the agenda of
. But after winning
ed showing interest in
our campaign to remove
the Shahi Eidgah in
Mathura,” ABHM said.
Meanwhile, speaking
about his tweet, Maurya
said, “A grand temple is
being constructed at the
Ram janmabhoomi. A
grand corridor is being
thji in Kanshi and it is
the wish of all Krishna
devotees that a grand
temple is constructed at
the Krishna Janmab-
hoomi in Mathura and I
have only expressed it.”
When asked if it will
be an election issue, he
said, “The Krishan tem-
ple is not an election is-
sue, just as the Ram tem-
ple or Baba Vishwanath-
ji in Varanasi are not
election issues.” —PTI
Hindu Mahasabha criticises Maurya’s tweet
One of the accused Ashish
Shukla in police custody.
04 I I I I
l Vol 2 l Issue No. 24
l RNI NO. UPENG/2020/80229.
Printed and published by
Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of
First Express Publishers. Printed
at Amar Ujala Ltd. B-5 Amausi
Industrial Area Kanpur Road Luc-
know. Published at 98, Friend’’s
Colony, Raheem Nagar, Dudouli
Road, Madiyaon, Lucknow (UP).
Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra.
Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan
responsible for selection of news
under the PRB Act
Promoted by First India
News International Pvt. Ltd.
The mind acts like an
enemy for those who do
not control it.
—Bhagavad Gita
Rajnath Singh
I pay my respects to the first President
of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad ji on his
Jayanti. He was a renowned scholar,
lawyer and a great freedom fighter who
would always be remembered for his
distinguished contributions to our nation.
I offer my heartfelt tributes to him.
Piyush Goyal
Govt. has increased procurement of
rice year-on-year. In Telangana, we
have increased procurement from ~75
Lakh Metric Tonnes (LMT) in KMS
2019-20 to ~95 LMT in KMS 2020-
21. The Govt is responsive to farmers
interests & procurement done under
MSP has increased manifold.
ecember 4 eclipse
will be the last solar
eclipse of the year
and Antarctica will
be the only place to
witness a Total Solar Eclipse.
The Sun hasn’t set in Antarctica
since October. Earth’s southern-
most continent is currently ex-
periencing a long summer’s day
one that stretches from mid-Oc-
tober until early April.
But on Saturday
, darkness will
sweep across ice of West Antarc-
tica. The path of totality crosses
the Argentine, British and Chil-
ean Antarctic Territories (which
consist of overlapping regions),
as well as the unclaimed terri-
tory known as Marie Byrd Land.
Areas along the path will experi-
ence almost 2 minutes of dark-
ness in the otherwise months-
long stretch of daylight.
This Solar Eclipse is a polar
eclipse that will not be visible
from India. Meanwhile, the
southern tips of South America,
Africa, Australia and New Zea-
land will see a fairly minor par-
tial eclipse. For South America
and Africa, the eclipse will be in
the early morning; for Australia
and New Zealand it will happen
as the Sun is setting.
the world are try-
ing to work out
whether existing
COVID vaccines
protect us from the latest var-
iant, Omicron. The worst-case
scenario is the virus has mu-
tated so much in the crucial
parts of its genome that it can
escape COVID vaccines de-
signed to protect us from ear-
lier versions of the virus –
with devastating consequenc-
es globally
But it’s too soon to panic.
And vaccines may end up pro-
tecting us against Omicron
after all, as they have done
with earlier variants.
WHO says it will take us
another two to four weeks to
figure out what’s going on.
The reason Omicron has
caused global alarm is due to
the number of new muta-
tions throughout the genome
of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that
causes COVID.
This data, coupled with
real world data on the rapid
rise in Omicron cases in
South Africa, prompted the
WHO to designate Omicron a
“variant of concern” on No-
vember 26. Omicron has now
been detected in several other
countries. We’ve already seen
some Omicron mutations in
other variants.
Individually, some of these
mutations have been associ-
ated with resistance to neu-
tralising antibodies. In other
words, these mutations help
the virus evade recognition
by an immune system primed
with a COVID vaccine. Some
of these individual muta-
tions have also been linked
with increased transmissibil-
ity of virus from one person
to another. However, Omicron
has many unique mutations.
For instance, on the spike
protein, the protein used in
many current vaccines, Omi-
cron has about 30 mutations
compared with the virus that
came out of Wuhan.
Investigating the way
these multiple
mutations interact with
one another, rather than
individually, will be
key to understanding
how Omicron behaves
compared with
other variants
he one, who conquered the
blue waters, conquered the
world. History is testimony
to the fact that any ruler, who
went on to become an emper-
or, always had a strong Navy
India was a super power in
the ancient times. The Chola
Navy was considered one of
the strongest navies of its
time and one of the major
reasons behind the Chola’s
economic supremacy. Su-
premacy of Navy stands true
even in the 21st Century. If
India has to become a super
power again in 21st Century,
it will have to build a blue wa-
ter Navy capable of dominat-
ing the Indo-Pacific Region
The Indo-Pacific is increas-
ingly becoming a geostrategic
focal point on the globe. The
Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
holds great relevance in the
emerging world order of 21st
, in terms of econom-
ic growth, natural resources,
as well as major sea lines of
communication. Being geo-
graphically and economically
central to the IOR, any geo-
economic contestations will
have a huge impact on India.
While China is aiming to se-
cure access to strategic ports
to gain an economic and stra-
tegic advantage, India’s role
in the region is increasingly
seen as a protector of the in-
ternational order, particular-
ly as it pertains to maintain-
ing open sea lanes and the
freedom of navigation.
India needs a modern Navy
to protect its maritime inter-
ests and shoulder additional
responsibilities, particularly
in the current geo-political
and security situation that
prevails in the Indo-Pacific
Ocean Region.
The Navy is striving to ad-
dress the capability voids in
tankers, landing platform
vessels, submarines and inte-
gral helicopters. We are also
enhancing our surveillance
capabilities through induc-
tion of long-range maritime
reconnaissance aircraft, inte-
gral helicopters and high-alti-
tude long-endurance aircraft
or remotely piloted aircraft.
capability through induction
of modern platforms, weap-
ons and sensors. India also
need to enhance it’s ability to
imize its maritime domain
awareness. Some baby steps
have been taken by Indian
Navy towards Blue Waters,
however, the national focus on
blue waters has to go beyond
rhetoric and start action on
ground. Unfortunately
, India
spends just about 15 per cent
of its total military expendi-
its peers in the QUAD.
Role of AN Command. In-
dia positioned it’s first tri
services command at Port
Blair, Andaman  Nicobar
island. The primary aim
was to place a command and
communication structure at
the islands, with reasonable
logistics facilities. The role
can be suitably enhanced
when the need arises.
Offshore Bases. India is
increasing it’s footprints in
the blue waters of Indo-Pacif-
ic Ocean region. Strategical-
ly located islands in the In-
dian Ocean are crucial for
domination of blue waters
and safeguarding the coun-
try’s maritime natural re-
sources.  These islands also
provide an opportunity for
coordinated and joint anti-
submarine warfare missions
for both the Indian and the
Pacific Oceans. Logistics
bases are being built with
other friendly countries at
Cocos islands (Australia), As-
sumption Island (Seychelles),
Alagela (Mauritius), Mada-
gascar and Djibouti ( Japan).
India has also held multilat-
eral naval exercises in the
Andaman and Nicobar Is-
lands with 16 other countries 
and in the Rim of the Pacific
Exercise (RIMPAC), sailing
alongside the Australian,
Japanese, and U.S. naval forc-
es. Maritime collaboration
and multilateral naval exer-
cise with QUAD member
countries, conveyed the right
signals to the world.
India is set to be a significant
player in the global maritime
pecking order for the 21st
century, with a substantive
‘blue water navy’ ready for
operating in various long
range deep water settings. As
per Maritime Capability Per-
spective Plan, the Indian
Navy aims to have 200 ships,
500 aircraft and 24 attack sub-
marines, they said. At pre-
sent, the Navy has around 132
ships, 220 aircraft and 15 sub-
marines. We also require
atleast three aircraft carri-
ers. The Navy has been re-
questing for additional funds
since long to become battle-
ready for blue waters. The
focus should be rapid capa-
bility expansion by indige-
nous construction, self-reli-
ance, public and private sec-
tor participation under ‘At-
manirbhar Bharat’ mission.
Indian Navy is the key in-
strument of power for India
as emerging Super Power. It
needs to transform itself to
become capable of governing
two oceans, the Indian Ocean
as well the Pacific. The Indi-
an Navy with its current pro-
fessionalism and future plans
has the potential to enhance
India’s image, in the future.
The Indian Navy has created
a niche for itself by exhibit-
ing its professionalism and
contributions towards nation
building. The grateful nation
acknowledges it with a stand-
ing applause and salutes the
Sea Warriors on the NAVY
DAY-04 December.
At present, the Navy has
around 132 ships, 220
aircraft and 15 submarines.
We also require atleast
three aircraft carriers. The
Navy has been requesting
for additional funds
since long to become battle-
ready for blue waters. The
focus should be rapid
capability expansion by
indigenous construction,
self-reliance, public and
private sector participation
under ‘Atmanirbhar
Bharat’ mission
Indian Navy is the key
instrument of power
for India as emerging
Super Power. It needs
to transform itself to
become capable of
governing two oceans,
the Indian Ocean as
well the Pacific. Indian
Navy with its current
future plans has
potential to enhance
India’s image, in future
The writer is a scholar soldier accredited
with MA, MSc, LLB, MBA, M Phil (Def Mgt)
and M Phil (International Strategic Affairs)
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05 I I I I
Rakesh Ranjan
New Delhi: Former Fi-
nance Secretary Ajay
Bhushan Pande is
In his new Avtaar, he
is leading a special
three-member commit-
tee to appraise afresh
the current standards
for defining economi-
cally weaker sections.
Since this is a highly
sensitive political is-
sue, Pande’s appoint-
ment on the committee
could be seen as GoI’s
expression or reitera-
tion of confidence in
The committee was
set up end-November
at the initiative of the
Ministry of Social Jus-
tice and Empower-
ment. Besides Pande
who is heading the
committee, Prof V K
Malhotra (Member
Secretary of ICSSR)
and Sanjeev Sanyal
(Principal Economic
Advisor to Govern-
ment of India) are its
two other members.
The return of Pande
shows that, contrary
to what many believed
prior to the notifica-
tion issued on Novem-
ber 30, 2021, he was
never completely out
of favor with the ad-
ministration. It is
clear that he retained
his communication
channel with the ad-
ministration alive, de-
spite what many be-
lieved was a snub
when before the FY22
budget, he was allowed
to retire on February
28, 2021, without giv-
ing him even the nor-
mal extension given to
a Finance Secretary
designate (Revenue
Secretary) in case he is
retiring on the budget-
eve. DEA secretary
Tarun Bajaj was given
the additional respon-
sibility of revenue and
Pande was shown the
It is believed that the
administration might
not have snubbed Pan-
de if it had not bought
the viewpoint that
Pande, in more than
one way, was directly
responsible for the ex-
ecution of the new IT
portal whose function-
ing was badly disrupt-
ed through and after
his tenure ended.
Perhaps the admin-
istration has now sof-
tened its views on Pan-
de in view of the expo-
sure of a lot of techni-
cal information that
showed that the glitch-
es in the IT portal had
a lot more to do with
the input modeling
and integration of the
old and new operating
systems. Probably
these facts made the
administration ab-
solve Pande of his pur-
ported negligence and
helped restore its old
confidence in him.
New Delhi: Facing pan-
demonium for the last
four days, the proceed-
ings of the Rajya Sabha
on Friday returned on
track as the Upper
House took 17 matters
in Zero Hour and five
Special Mentions.
With a few incidents
of a verbal spat between
treasury benches and
the Opposition mem-
bers as well as initial
attempts of TRS mem-
bers to show protest
seeking national policy
on foodgrains procure-
ment, legal guarantee
for MSP,  the function-
ing of the Upper House
was smooth. The first
one hour, in which pa-
pers were laid on the
table and the Zero Hour
was completed, was
mostly peaceful barring
minor spat as compared
to previous occasions
since November 29
when the Winter Ses-
sion started.
Even Chairman M
Venkaiah Naidu men-
tioned it and lauded the
supportive attitude of
all the members of the
“A total of 17 matters
were taken in Zero
Hour and five Special
Mentions were heard as
a result of peaceful en-
vironment in the
House,” Naidu said.
The Chairman said
all members got a
chance to speak during
the proceedings.
Thanking all mem-
bers, Naidu also as-
sured to give chance to
everyone if they will
continue maintaining
the decorum of the
House like this.
“Operation depends
on cooperation...,”
Naidu said.
This was the first day
since the Winter Ses-
sion assembled when
RS was adjourned for
lunch otherwise the Up-
per House could not
function properly for
the last four days due to
various adjournments
followed by the ruckus
created by Opposition
parties like Congress,
DMK, AAP, Left, and
TMC demanding revo-
cation of suspension of
12 MPs.  —ANI
New Delhi: Union
Health Minister Dr
Mansukh Mandaviya
informed Lok Sabha on
Friday that Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi-
led government has re-
frained from blaming
the previous govern-
ments for the weak
health infrastructure
but has been working to
strengthen it and added
that the nation got COV-
ID-19 vaccine within a
“Under Modi Govt,
work is going on to
strengthen weak health
infrastructure. Without
blaming previous gov-
ernments that ignored
health infrastructure,
the Government
worked for results. In
the last two years, deci-
sions under the leader-
ship of Prime Minister
Modi show that this
government works with
willpower and not pow-
er,” he said during a dis-
cussion on COVID-19
management. “3.46
crore corona cases have
been reported in India
and 4.6 Lakh people
died - this is 1.36 per
cent of total cases.
25,000 cases and 340
deaths per million pop-
ulation reported in In-
dia - this is one of the
lowest in the world,” he
said reacting to the Op-
position’s attack on the
Centre for not revealing
the actual number of
covid-19 fatalities dur-
ing the second wave.
The Winter session
which began on Nov 29
is likely to conclude on
December 23.  —ANI
‘Modi govt enhancing
health infra without
blaming previous govts’
Chairman Naidu lauds the supportive
attitude of all members of the House
The Zero Hour was completed, was
mostly peaceful barring minor spat
BJP MPs holding placards stage a protest in front of Mahatma Gandhi statue against the Opposition
MPs for their ‘unruly’ behaviour in the Parliament, in New Delhi on Friday.
Union Minister for Health  Family Welfare Mansukh Mandaviya
speaks in LS during the Winter Session of Parliament on Friday.
“3.46 crore co-
rona cases
have been re-
ported in India and
4.6 Lakh people died -
this is 1.36 per cent of
total cases. 25,000
cases and 340 deaths
per million popula-
tion reported in India
- this is one of the low-
est in the world.”
—Dr Mansukh Mandaviya,
Union Health Minister
New Delhi: Rajya Sabha was adjourned till Monday,
on Friday, the fifth day of the ongoing winter ses-
sion of Parliament. Earlier today, Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) MPs staged a protest in Parliament
against the ‘unruly’ behaviour of the Opposition
parties. Meanwhile, Opposition MPs protested at
the Gandhi statue in Parliament against the suspen-
sion of 12 Rajya Sabha MPs. Since the commence-
ment of the winter session of the Parliament on
Monday, there have been continuous disruptions in
the functioning of both Houses.  —ANI
“A total of 17 matters were
taken in Zero Hour and
five Special Mentions were
heard as a result of peaceful envi-
ronment in the House.”
—M Venkaiah Naidu, RS Chairman
New Delhi: Union health minister Mansukh
Mandaviya on Friday urged opposition parties
to stop doing politics over the deaths related
to the shortage of oxygen during the deadly
second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in
the country. While replying to a question from
the opposition on the coronavirus pandemic,
the Union health minister asked them to “take
note” of the efforts taken by the Centre in
mitigating the crisis. “Sadly, even in such a
situation, many people did not refrain from
playing politics. I appeal, take note of our hon-
est efforts. This is not a subject of politics,” he
said during Question Hour in Lok Sabha.  —ANI
New Delhi: BJP MPs staged a protest in Parlia-
ment on Friday against the ‘unruly’ behaviour
of the Opposition parties. On the other hand,
Opposition MPs protested against the suspen-
sion of 12 Rajya Sabha MPs. Since the com-
mencement of the winter session of the Parlia-
ment on Monday, there have been continuous
disruptions in the functioning of both Houses.
In a move that angered the Opposition and set
the stage for acrimonious exchanges, a dozen
members of Opposition parties in Rajya Sabha
were suspended from the winter session on the
very first day on Monday following a motion
brought in by the government.  —ANI
New Delhi: Joining the Opposition MPs in
their protest inside Parliament premises,
Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
“Gandhi is an epitome of peace, non-violence,
unity and harmony not only for our nation but
for the world. Right of staging demonstration
at the feet of Gandhi statue is being denied by
BJP. They are snatching rights of not only the
opposition but also the rights of people.” —ANI
New Delhi: Terming Citizenship (Amendment) Act ‘fun-
damentally anti-national’, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor
alleged, ““I hope they will think very long and hard be-
fore doing anything so foolish. It will needlessly divide
the country. I will urge government not to recklessly
endanger nation’s social harmony,” he added.  —ANI
New Delhi: The Opposition opposed the introduction
of The Central Vigilance Commission (Amendment)
Bill, 2021 and the Delhi Special Police Establishment
(Amendment) Bill, 2021, which seek amendment in the
tenure of the Director ED and CBI respectively, terming
them to be against the law.  —ANI
1 2
Mumbai: Former Po-
lice Commissioner of
Mumbai Param Bir
Singh, who was sus-
pended from the servic-
es, refused to accept the
suspension order on
technical grounds.
According to sources,
Singh, who was holding
office as Director Gen-
eral Home Guards, has
refused to accept sus-
pension order signed by
the DGP on the ground
that as per seniority
, the
suspension order
should be served to him
by the Additional Chief
Secretary, Home.
The has threatened to
go to court against ille-
gal suspension.The or-
der said, “In exercise of
power conferred under
All India Services (Dis-
ciple  Appeal) Rules,
1969, the Government
of Maharashtra hereby
places Param Bir Singh
under suspension with
immediate effect from
date of this order, until
further orders.” —PTI
New Delhi: The Patiala
House Court’s Sessions
Judge on Friday dis-
missed petition of
Ansal Brothers and 3
other persons sought
suspension of sentence
in tampering with evi-
dence in the 1997 Up-
haar fire tragedy case
during the pendency of
their appeal.
The Additional Ses-
sion Judge Anil Antil
refused to grant suspen-
sion of sentence of all
accused, presently
lodged in Tihar jail. The
court fixed the date Feb-
ruary 23, 2022, for a
hearing on appeals. —PTI
New Delhi: An inter-
vention application (IA)
was moved in Delhi
High Court seeking di-
rection for the registra-
tion of same-sex mar-
riage either under reli-
gion-neutral law or un-
der secular law.
The court listed the
matter for further hear-
ing on February 3, 2022,
with the pending mat-
ters. The application,
filed by Sanjeev Newar,
Swati Goel Sharma for
Nyay Utthan Founda-
tion through Advocate
Shashank Shekhar Jha,
states that in the matter
of recognition of same-
sex marriage, the mar-
riage either be regis-
tered under secular law
like Special Marriage
Act or must be allowed
under all religious laws
such as Muslim Mar-
riage Law and Sikhs’
Anand Marriage Act. It
must be made religion-
neutral. —ANI
Param refuses suspension
order, to move court
Uphaar case:
Court junks
Ansals’ plea
PIL in HC:
Don’t allow
same sex
CBI cases: Spl
judges’ power
Antilia case:
Gaur moves
Bombay HC
New Delhi: The juris-
diction of special judg-
es trying Central Bu-
reau of Investigation
(CBI) cases in newly set
up Rouse Avenue Court
in New Delhi was chal-
lenged on Thursday
During the hearing,
Vijay Aggarwal appear-
ing for M/s Prakash
Industries raised the
issue regarding juris-
He submitted that the
power is available with
the Central government
and not with the High
Court of Delhi or Dis-
trict Judge.  —ANI
Mumbai: Alleged
cricket bookie and fake
sim supplier arrested in
the Antilia bomb scare
case and businessman
Mansukh Hiren death
case, Naresh Gaur, has
moved the Bombay HC
challenging stay on bail
granted by the special
NIA court in Mumbai.
On Nov 20, a Special
Court granted him bail,
It, however, stayed its
own order for 25 days
after prosecution re-
quested for same, say-
ing it wished to chal-
lenge the bail before an
appellate court.  —PTI
Param Bir Singh
Ajay Bhushan Pande
PM to inaugurate devp
projects in U’khand today
New Delhi: Prime Min-
ister Narendra Modi
will inaugurate and lay
the foundation stones
of multiple projects
worth around Rs. 18,000
crore including Delhi-
Dehradun Economic
Corridor on Saturday
in Dehradun, the Minis-
try of Road Transport
and Highways said.
A significant focus of
PM’s visit to the state
will be on projects to im-
prove road infra, which
will make travel smooth
and safer and increase
tourism in the region,
the ministry said. This
is in line with the vision
of PM Modi to boost
connectivity in the are-
as which were once con-
sidered far-flung. The
total number of ongoing
works for the develop-
ment of National High-
ways in Uttarakhand is
83 which are targeted to
be completed between
2021 and 2023.  —PTI
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
06 I I I I
Delhi LG reviews progress of Eco Park
initiative to promote urban greenery
New Delhi: Delhi Lieu-
tenant Governor Anil
Baijal on Thursday re-
viewed the progress of
‘Eco Park’ being devel-
oped on the Ash Dyke
Pond of Badarpur
Thermal Power Station
(BTPS) to promote ur-
ban greens.
“Chaired a meeting
with VC, DDA, CMD,
National Thermal Pow-
er Corporation Limited
(NTPC) and other sen-
ior officials to review
the progress of ‘Eco
Park’ being developed
on the Ash Dyke Pond
of Badarpur Thermal
Power Station (BTPS),”
tweeted Delhi LG. Ap-
prising of the project,
Baijal said that it com-
prises several green
features including a
Jungle Safari, Miyawa-
ki forest and water bod-
ies to promote urban
greens while providing
recreation facilities to
the residents and tour-
ists. NTPC presented
the physical progress
of the project during
the meeting. —ANI
New Delhi: Two
months after India re-
quested Pakistan to al-
low transportation of
food grains to Afghani-
stan via land route, Is-
lamabad told New Delhi
Friday that it will allow
“Afghan trucks” for
transportation of wheat
and life-saving medi-
The decision was con-
veyed by the Pakistan’s
foreign ministry to In-
dian diplomats in Is-
A statement by Paki-
stan’s foreign ministry
said, “With a view to
further facilitate Paki-
stan’s decision to allow
transportation of 50,000
MT (metric tonnes) of
wheat and life-saving
medicines from India to
Afghanistan via Wagah
border on an exception-
al basis for humanitar-
ian purposes, it has
been decided to also al-
low the use of Afghan
trucks for transporta-
tion from Wagah border
to Torkham.”
The Pakistan foreign
ministry said that this
“demonstrates the com-
mitment and serious-
ness of the government
of Pakistan to facilitate
the proposed humani-
tarian assistance”.
“The Indian govern-
ment was also urged to
proceed quickly to take
necessary steps to expe-
ditiously undertake the
delivery of the humani-
tarian assistance to Af-
ghanistan,” it said.
Meanwhile, there
was no official response
to Pakistan’s decision
from New Delhi, but the
MEA spokesperson has
on several occasions
said that there cannot
be conditionalities at-
tached to humanitarian
Pak to allow Afghan trucks to ferry wheat,
life-saving drugs from India to Kabul
Since 2014, both farmers and
farming have prospered: Tomar
According to the survey, a total of 12.5 crore farmers have come under govt scheme
New Delhi : Agricul-
ture Minister Narendra
Singh Tomar on Friday
informed the Rajya Sab-
ha that both “farmers
and farming have pros-
pered since 2014”, the
year when the Bharati-
ya Janata Party (BJP)
established a clear ma-
jority on its own in the
Lok Sabha elections.
Replying during the
Winter Session, Tomar
said doubling of Kishan
Credit Card increasing
of Minimum Support
Price to farmers that is
at least 1.5 times the cost
of production across all
commodities and PM
Kisan Samman Nidhi
Scheme are among vari-
ous other steps taken by
the Modi government
so far for the welfare of
the farmers.Respond-
ing to a question on PM
Kisan Samman Nidhi
Scheme, the Minister
said, “It is a continuous
scheme and the farmers
have to verify them-
selves to get the benefits
of the scheme”. The
Minister said the Cen-
tre has provided a sum
amounting to around
Rs 1.60 lakh crore to
around 11.5 cr farmer
families under the PM
Kisan Samman Nidhi
Scheme so far. Tomar
said a total of 12.5 crore
farmers have come un-
der the ambit of the
scheme as per the sur-
vey and 11.5 cr farmers
have availed its benefit
so far and the remain-
ing farmers will be soon
covered under it. “Both
the farmers and farm-
ing have grown towards
prosperity since 2014.
‘No record’ of farmers’ death
statement: Rahul slams govt
New Delhi: Cong lead-
er Rahul Gandhi on Fri-
day slammed the Modi
govt for stating that it
had “no record” of
farmers’ deaths during
the farm laws agitation
and accused it of being
“insensitive” and “ar-
Gandhi said the Pun-
jab govt is not responsi-
ble for the deaths of the
farmers during the
farm laws agitation but
still paid Rs 5 lakh com-
pensation to the fami-
lies of 403 deceased
farmers in the state. He
said the Cong also has a
list of 100 farmers from
outside Punjab who
died during the farm
laws agitation and an-
other list of about 200
deceased farmers.
Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar
Punjab: Actor Kangana Ranaut was briefly
stopped by farmers at Bunga Sahib to protest
against her comments allegedly during the
farmer agitation, on the Ropar-Manali High-
way, here on Friday. The actress was going
in her car from Himachal Pradesh towards
Chandigarhto celebrate her sister’s birthday
with her family.The members of Bharatiya
Kisan Union reportedly were following her
from Bilaspur and when she reached Bunga
Sahib, the protesters, including a large num-
ber of women, sat in front of her car.
Modi: India 2nd to none in
adopting tech innovations
New Delhi: PM Naren-
dra Modi on Friday said
that India has proved to
the world that it is sec-
ond to none when it
comes to adopting tech-
nology or innovating
around it. His remarks
came while inaugurat-
ing InFinity Forum via
video conferencing, the
PM said that Transfor-
mational initiatives un-
der Digital India have
opened doors for inno-
vative Fintech solu-
tions to be applied in
“Last year, in India,
mobile payments ex-
ceeded ATM cash with-
out any physical branch
offices, are already a re-
ality and may become
commonplace in less
than a decade,” Modi
ing our experiences and
expertise with the world
and learning from them
as well. Our Digital Pub-
lic Infrastructure solu-
tions can improve the
lives of citizens around
the world,” the PM said.
The event was hosted by
International Financial
Services Centres Au-
thority (IFSCA), under
the aegis of the Govt of
India. InFinity Forum
will bring together the
leading minds of the
world in policy, busi-
ness, and technology to
discuss how technology
and innovation can be
leveraged by the Fin-
Tech industry for inclu-
sive growth and serving
humanity at large.
PM Modi wishes people of Goa on
Day of Feast of St Francis Xavier
New Delhi : Prime
Minister Narendra
Modi on Friday greet-
ed the people of Goa
on the occasion of
the Feast of St. Fran-
cis Xavier. “Best
wishes to my sisters
and brothers of Goa
on the day of the
Feast of St. Francis
Xavier. May this occa-
sion further the spir-
it of harmony and
brotherhood in our
society,” the Prime
Minister tweeted.
The festival is cele-
brated to mark the
death anniversary of
St. Francis Xavier. It
is one of the most im-
portant festivals for
the Goans. The festi-
val is celebrated with
devotion and enthu-
siasm every year on
December 3. —ANI
Srinagar: The Islamic
State (IS) terror group
has claimed responsi-
bility for the attack on
a traffic policeman in
the old city area here in
Jammu and Kashmir last
evening. The Amaq News
Agency of Islamic State
has claimed responsibil-
ity for the attack. A video
clip of the attack was
also released by Amaq.
The claim could not be
independently verified.
On Wed evening, an un-
armed traffic policeman
on duty at Rajouri Kadal
was fired upon with a
pistol by a militant.
Telangana: Bharat Dy-
namics Limited (BDL) and
the Indian Army signed a
contract worth Rs 471.41
crore for the refurbish-
ment of IGLA-1M mis-
siles, said a press release.
After the Refurbishment,
a fresh lease of life will be
given to the missile for a
period of ten years. The
value of the Contract is Rs
471.41 Crore, which was
signed on Wednesday in
New Delhi. The Company,
in addition to carrying
out refurbishment, deals
with the manufacture and
supply of Guided Missiles
and associated equip-
New Delhi: The Na-
tional Green Tribunal
has directed the Cen-
tral Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) to issue
directions to all RO
manufacturers ban-
ning water purifiers
where the level of total
dissolved solids (TDS)
in water is below 500
milligrams per litre. A
bench headed by NGT
Chairperson Justice
Adarsh Kumar Goel
also asked the CPCB
to issue directions
on management of
RO rejects, including
Kochi: Nair, a first time
legislator after be-
ing elected from the
Chenganoor Assembly
constituency in the 2016
Assembly polls, passed
away in 2018 following
health issues. Vijayan,
in a surprise decision,
decided to appoint Nair’s
son R.Prasanth as an
assistant engineer in the
Public Works Depart-
ment, which led to a huge
criticism from several
quarters. Incidentally,
this judgement comes at
a time when a petition is
before the Lokayukta after
Vijayan sanctioned a sub-
stantial sum of money.
New Delhi: China on Friday launched the first cross-
border train of its multi-billion-dollar Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) from
Laos, which Beijing says
will help the small and
only landlocked country
in South East Asia turn
into a land-linked hub,
boost regional connec-
tivity and supply chain resilience. Chinese President
Xi Jinping and his Laos’ counterpart Thongloun
Sisoulith jointly witnessed the opening of the China-
Laos railway via video link on Friday. The first train
of the China-Laos Railway left Vientiane.
Imran Khan
Lok Sabha picks up pace after logjam
on first two days of winter session
New Delhi: After los-
ing first two days of the
ongoing Winter Session
to disruptions, the Lok
Sabha bounced back on
Wed, clocking 117% pro-
ductivity as it worked
overtime to clear the
Assisted Reproductive
Technology (Regula-
tion) Bill, 2020, multiple
functionaries said on
condition of anonymity
129 MPs participated in
various debates in the
House on Wednesday
In the ART bill, a to-
tal of 18 MPs partici-
pated, of which 15 be-
longed to various Oppo-
sition parties, said
sources. The House sat
for two extra hours be-
yond the scheduled time
to compensate for the
time lost on the previ-
ous two days. On Thurs-
day, the Lower House
clocked even further as
it debated the Covid-19
situation in the country
“More than 40 MPs were
expected to take part.
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla
Share top
cases with
NCB: Centre
New Delhi: In a move
that will strengthen the
jurisdiction of the Nar-
cotics Control Bureau
(NCB), the Centre in a
directive to all states
has asked them to hand
over four-five promi-
nent cases to the agency
by Dec 5, according to
the sources.
In the directive is-
sued on Thursday, the
Centre has asked all the
Chief Secretaries,
Home Secretaries and
the Directors General
of Police of all states
and the Union Territo-
ries to share prominent
cases linked to narcot-
ics with the agency, the
sources privy to the de-
velopment told ANI.
The move comes after
the seizure of about
3,000 kg of heroin from
the Mundra port and
the Mumbai cruise
drug bust. The NCB is
investigating both these
cases along with other
Central agencies that
include the NIA.
Mob lynches Sri
Lankan over alleged
blasphemy in Pakistan
Lahore: A mob in
Pakistan on Friday
lynched a Sri Lankan
national before burn-
ing his body over al-
leged blasphemy in
the country’s Punjab
Priyantha Ku-
mara, who was in his
40s, was working as
the general manager
of afactoryinSialkot
district, some 100
kms from here, a
Punjab police official
told PTI. “Mr Ku-
mara allegedly tore a
poster of the hard-
line Tehreek-e-Lab-
baik Pakistan (TLP)
in which Quranic
verses were in-
scribed and threw it
in the dustbin.
The poster of the
Islamist party was
pasted on the wall ad-
joining the office of
Kumara. A couple of
factory workers saw
him removing the
poster and spread the
word in the factory,”
the official said. Hun-
dreds of men, en-
raged over the “blas-
phemy” incident,
started gathering
outside the factory
from adjoining areas.
Most of them were
activists and sup-
porters of the TLP.
A view of the site in Sialkot where a mob killed a man on
PM Narendra Modi
07 I I I I
With the Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP) gearing up for the
2022 assembly election, the party
has planned to ensure the defeat
of those 15 BSP MLAs who left
party for greener pasture
elsewhere. The largest
beneficiary of this defection
game has been Samajwadi Party
which would now field them from
their respective constituencies.
The BSP, while facing a rout in
the 2017 assembly elections,
could win just 19 seats and 15 of
them have already deserted it. As
the Bahujan Samaj Party
prepares for the election, it has
only four MLAs in the present
house, which is unprecedented in
the party’s history. The party
leadership has thus directed the
leaders and workers to ensure
their defeat from where ever
these party-hoppers join the fray.
The BSP general secretary SC
Mishra, while addressing a party
meeting in Kaushambi called
upon the workers to ensure the
defeat of the “betrayers”.
Without taking the name of
Inderjit Saroj, who had left the
party to join the Samajwadi Party
, Mishra said the people should
not trust these people. He said
always remember their faces and
ensure their defeat in the
election. The Bahujan Samaj
Party chief Mayawati had earlier
announced to defeat these people
in the elections.
—First India Bureau
Nazir Sahab of Kanpur Dehat is
so dedicated, so promising and
has so much love for his work that
even after retirement, he is not
leaving Nazir’s chair. It is said that
he is still working on the orders of
a senior officer. Although, he is
also engaged in a job elsewhere
through outsourcing and he
without going to perform his
outsourcing task is looking after
the complete work from the
headquarters itself. Interestingly,
the officers are silent despite
seeing everything about the work
in the government department. If
you want to see diligence,
dedication, alertness and passion,
they should come to Kanpur Dehat.
In fact, the person concerned, who
was posted as Sadar Nazir of
Kanpur Dehat, retired about four
months ago and was replaced by a
lady Nazir. But even today, he is
looking after all the work sitting on
Nazir’s chair in the headquarters,
despite having been engaged
through outsourcing in Musanagar
Town area, he refuses to go to
Musanagar town area and is
looking after Nazir’s work in the
headquarters. It should be
understood how powerful is the
post of Nazir. Nazir means the
owner of Nazarat, all the
maintenance work in the district
administration is done by Nazir’s
pen i.e. file, register furniture,
dyeing, painting, patrolling,
government vehicles, even the
salary of fourth class employees
are made by Nazir’s pen. Accounts
of 12 Nagar Panchayats are also
done by Nazim’s pen which is the
reason why Nazir Saheb wants to
remain in the chair post-retirement
and wants to run his rule even after
retirement. —Sumit Awasthi
Jhansi: SamajwadiPar-
ty president Akhilesh
Yadav on Friday alleged
that the BJP’s policy is
“kill and rule” and its
government has left be-
of atrocities on people.
Yadav, who is on a three-
day visit to the Bun-
delkhand region, said
that every section of the
society is troubled un-
der the BJP rule.
left behind the British in
terms of atrocities.
Farmers are crushed to
death by vehicles for op-
posing the government
and no concrete action
has been taken in the
(Lakhimpur Kheri) mat-
ter so far. Those who op-
raj karo’ (kill and rule),”
he told a press confer-
ence here. “There has
been a rise in fake en-
counters under this gov-
ernment. For this, the
BJP government has got
the maximum number
of notices from NHRC
Commission). What can
be expected from a chief
cases against himself,”
the people of Bun-
delkhand gave their full
past elections but now
they have understood
people of Bundelkhand
have made up their
minds to send the BJP
empty-handed from the
region, he added. Yadav
said his party’s ‘Vajay
Rath’ yatra was getting
full support form the
people. During the coro-
navirus pandemic and
lockdown, barricades
ers from returning
home, he alleged. “That
time, the government
and only samajwadis
helped them then,” he
said. He alleged that the
, instead of doing
anything concrete on its
own, turned to changing
names of projects and
works done during the
previous regime.
“After changing the
world’s best (crime) re-
Dial 112, the BJP ruined
ity bills it has given a
shock to the people,” he
said. “This government
corruption and crime..
The main accused in the
TET (Teachers Eligibili-
ty Test) paper leak case
belongstothechief min-
ister’s area and it should
be probed,” he said. He
said that now the people
of Uttar Pradesh have
made up their minds to
remove the BJP and in-
stall a Samajwadi Party
government. —PTI
Mathura: The Akhil
Bhartiya Jat Aarak-
shan Sangharsh Samiti
has said it will call for
voting against the BJP
if its demand to include
Jats in the OBC catego-
ry is not met before the
UP assembly elections.
“A call, No Vote to BJP’,
will be given during the
Vidhan Sabha elections
if assurances made by
union leaders, includ-
ing the PM, are not ful-
filled shortly
, samiti na-
tional president Yash-
pal Malik on Thursday
said. He said they will
appeal to people to not
vote for the BJP in the
upcoming UP, Uttara-
khand, and Punjab elec-
tions if Jats are not in-
cluded in the said cate-
. Malik claimed that
the community was as-
sured of reservation at
central level under the
Other Backward Com-
munities (OBC) catego-
ry by PM Narendra
Modi on March 26, 2015.
He claimed that the as-
surance was also sec-
onded by Union Home
Minister Amit Shah
the same day. He fur-
ther claimed that the
Jat leaders from differ-
ent organisations were
given the same promise
including withdrawal
of cases filed against
them during the 2016
Jat agitation by former
Union Minister Chaud-
hary Birendra Singh.
The samiti leader said
orgnisation will launch
a public awareness
programme against
BJP if this demand is
not fulfilled. —PTI
Aligarh: A PhD hold-
er from AMU on
Thursday accused his
varsity of harassing
him for praising Prime
Minister Narendra
Modi in a social media
post after his address
to the varsity during
its centenary celebra-
tion last December.
PhD degree holder
Dr Danish Rahim al-
leged that the Aligarh
Muslim University
changed the subject of
his degree in a bid to
render him ineligible
for appointment as a
faculty member in a
department, relating
to which he had pur-
sued the course to se-
cure the degree.
Dr Rahim told media
persons on Thursday
that he had pursued a
PhD course in Lan-
guage for Advertising,
Marketing  Media
(LAMM) but he has
been awarded a PhD de-
gree in linguistic, ren-
dering him ineligible
for appointment as a
faculty member open to
people having a PhD de-
gree in Language for
Advertising, Marketing
 Media . I am being pe-
nalised by the AMU for
praising the prime min-
ister, he alleged.
The AMU, however,
trashed his allegations
saying that it was an
inadvertent clerical er-
ror and the University
would rectify the mis-
take after it came to its
Dr Rahim’s allega-
tions are patently false
and without an iota of
truth and dragging the
prime minister’s name
in the whole episode is
unfortunate and un-
called for, AMU
spokesperson Shafey
Kidwai said.
The varsity has also
set up a committee of
its independent faculty
members to look into
the lapse as well as Dr
Rahim’s allegations,
he added. —PTI
SP president Akhilesh Yadav greets his supporters during the
Samajwadi Vijay Rath Yatra in Jhansi on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI
Moradabad: Claim-
ing that Samajwadi
Party chief Akhilesh
Yadav became active
during the election
time only, Congress
hi Vadra on Thursday
asked where he was
when atrocities were
being committed
during protests
against the Citizen-
ship Amendment Act
(CAA) in 2020. The
Congress general sec-
, who is steering
the party’s campaign
for the upcoming elec-
tions in UP, alleged
that the SP and the
BSP were taking for-
ward the BJP’s poli-
ticsof religioncaste.
“These parties
votes through such
kind of politics and
would rule on getting
their chances. Priyan-
ka said during pro-
tests against CAA, a
19-year-old boy from
Bijnor was murdered
 another was killed
in police firing but no
action was taken. “I
want to ask if Akh-
ileshji visited their
houses. 13 adivasis
were killed in Son-
bhadra. Did Akhilesh-
ji go there? Atrocities
were committed on
there, did he go to
Lakhimpur kheri
where people were
killed? Why during
election time he is
moving about and his
Gandhi added. —PTI
The crowd gathered to listen to Priyanka at the Pratigya
rally held in Moradabad on Thursday. —PHOTO BY PTI
“When there is no fight, how will there be a victory?
Everyone is thinking that they will rule and loot when
their time comes. They think after five years we will
raise unnecessary issues and rule. I want to give you a
chance to change politics, you should make the leaders
answerable on your development issues and make pol-
itics development oriented, Gandhi said. She accused
CM Yogi Adityanath of doing politics of religion and
said this will continue until people start talking about
development issues. The Congress leader also claimed
that it is only her party which is taking up development
issues while others are playing the caste and religion
cards, creating differences among the masses.
2 men held for killing friend
who owed them ` 4,000
Bulandshahr: Two
men were arrested
here on charges of
killing their friend
who owed them Rs
4,000, police said on
Friday. The body of
the victim Maroof
alias Raja (25) was
found near the Dost-
pur flyover under Kot-
wali Dehat limits on
November 29, two
days after his killing,
Senior Superinten-
dent of Police Santosh
Kumar Singh said.
During a detailed
investigation, the po-
lice learnt that Ma-
roof had borrowed Rs
4,000 from his friend
Saqib about six
months ago, but he
was unable to repay it.
Saqib sternly demand-
ed the money, Maroof
rode him and another
friend Yash on a scoot-
er to a relative’s house
assuring that he would
collect the money from
them  settle the debt.
However, when he
failed to arrange the
money, Saqib  Yash
allegedly stabbed him
to death in a fit of an-
ger, police said, adding
that the incident was
recorded in a CCTV
camera. —PTI
Lucknow: BSP chief
Mayawati on Friday
accused the BJP
, SP and
the Congress of mis-
leading the people of UP
with their election
promises and forgetting
those after coming to
power. “Parties in UP,
especially the BJP
, SP 
Congress, make a flurry
of promises every day
before elections to woo
and mislead the people.
After coming to power,
most of these promises
are forgotten. This has
been their history till
now. People beware,”.
“When the BJP and the
SP were in power here
why did they not fulfil
the promises that they
are making now? Why
did the Congress party,
which is promising to
give 40% poll tickets and
scooty to women, did
not do so in the states
they have governments?
This is something to
think about,” she said.
‘Will call for voting
against BJP if not
given OBC status’
Akhil Bhartiya Jat Aarakshan Sangharsh Samiti national president
Yashpal Malik (L) during a press conference. —FILE PHOTO
Isn’t it better to inspire people
than to impress them? The
former had depth while the
latter is momentary.
—Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO  Editor-in-Chief, First India
Gyanendra Kumar Shukla
Lucknow: In the elec-
toral battle of UP, there
is a competition among
political parties to bal-
ance the equations
among several castes
and classes. In this con-
nection, the fiercest
competition is going on
between BJP and SP to
mobilise the business
class in their favour.
The Business class is
of electoral signifi-
cance in terms of eco-
nomic aspect and
sphere of influence.
For this reason, politi-
cal parties are making
several efforts to woo
Notably, the business
class has traditionally
been considered the
core vote bank of the
BJP. It is a well-known
fact that since the for-
mation of the saffron
, this class played a
decisive role in the rise
of BJP. But in the peri-
od from the announce-
ment of demonetisa-
tion till the time of Ko-
vid lockdown, this class
had to face a lot of chal-
lenges. Still, they are
facing difficulties re-
garding GST and taxes.
Due to which discon-
tent is also brewing
among the traders.
Sensing this displeas-
ure, the Vyapar Sabha
of the Samajwadi
Party has in-
creased its activ-
According to
the state vice-presi-
dent of the Sabha,
Pawan Manocha, the
condition of business-
men in the state is the
worst. From GST re-
fund to industrial
area development,
the work has not
been done prop-
erly. Despite con-
tinuous losses, com-
mercial and industrial
electricity rates were
not reduced, there was
no tax relief.
He said, “On Decem-
ber 5, Akhilesh Yadav
will hold a meeting with
five thousand traders
regarding this. On the
basis of this, SP will
prepare its manifesto
related to business and
At the same time, BJP
strategists have also de-
vised special plans to
maintain a strong hold
on this base vote bank.
The formation of ‘Trad-
ers Welfare Board’, fol-
ifesto, is being counted
as an achievement by
the party
The BJP Vyapar Pra-
kosth is trying to con-
vince the traders that
due to the reforms in
the law and order un-
der the Yogi govern-
ment, it has become
possible for the traders
to do business without
any fear from any crim-
inal element.
The series of ‘Vya-
pari Sammelan’ kick
off by the BJP from
western UP will end in
Lucknow on December
5. Obviously, on Decem-
ber 5, there will be a tug
of war between the
BJP-SP to make inroads
among the traders.
First India Bureau
Jhansi: Attacking CM
Yogi Adityanath-led Ut-
tar Pradesh govern-
ment, Samajwadi Party
(SP) president Akhilesh
Yadav Friday said the
way Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) changed the
names of places, people
would very soon change
the government.
Addressing a public
meeting, the Samajwadi
chief said,“Yogigovern-
ment has only changed
the names of places.
Very soon people in Ut-
tar Pradesh are going to
change their govern-
ment. Youth, farmers
and businessmen in Ut-
tar Pardesh have decid-
ed to get rid of the Yogi
government. Farmers
in Uttar Pradesh are go-
ing to benefit if Sama-
jwadi Party comes in
state where there is the
mostnumberof casesof
crime against women in
the country
“If any government
has received the highest
numberof noticesinthe
fake encounter, then it is
the Uttar Pradesh gov-
ernment,” he added.
In the 2017 Assembly
polls in Uttar Pradesh,
the BJP bagged 312 seats
out of the 403 while SP
bagged 47 seats, Bahu-
jan Samajwadi Party
(BSP) won 19 and Con-
gress could manage to
win only seven seats.
Further, Rashtriya
Lok Dal (RLD) and Ni-
shad Party each won
one seat, Apna Dal
bagged nine and
Suheldev Bharatiya Sa-
maj Party (SBSP) man-
aged to win four seats
and independent candi-
dates won three seats.
First India Bureau
New Delhi: A demand
was made in Rajya Sab-
ha on Friday to set up a
special investigation
team (SIT) to probe the
UP Teachers’ Eligibili-
ty Test question paper
leak case.
During the Zero
Hour, Aam Aadmi Par-
ty (AAP) leader Sanjay
Singh said many such
exam papers had been
leaked in the past. The
latest leak on Novem-
ber 18 came to the
knowledge of students
after they reached the
exam hall. About 36
people were arrested
in the case, which has
affected the lives of
lakhs of students. This
needed to be probed by
SIT, he added.
A demand was also
made to fill up vacant
posts in various depart-
ments under the Minis-
try of Culture. Sonal
Mansingh (BJP) said
some departments un-
der the Ministry of Cul-
ture have been headless
and all posts should
be filled as soon as pos-
Vishambar Prasad
Nishad of Samajwadi
party (SP) demanded
the restoration of the
student’s union in Al-
lahabad University.
Vaiko (MDMK) said
the Centre was “impos-
ing” the use of the Hin-
di language in its offi-
cial communication
with non-Hindi speak-
ing MPs and state gov-
ernments and even cen-
tral programmes are
named in Hindi with-
out English transla-
The Chair stopped
him in between, and
said, “All languages
should be respected
and promoted. No
imposition or
First India Bureau
Lucknow: The hear-
ing before the Supreme
Court on Friday in the
case concerning air
pollution in Delhi wit-
nessed a brief but
interesting exchange
between the counsel
appearing for State of
Uttar Pradesh (UP)
and Chief Justice of
India NV Ramana
[Aditya Dubey v. Union
of India].
Senior Counsel Ranjit
Kumar appearing for
UP, told the Bench that
polluted air in north in-
dian plains was current-
since UP was in the
downward direction of
the wind. He made this
submission to highlight
that closure of indus-
tries in UP might not al-
leviate the problem but
could impact sugar cane
industries in the State.
“Closure of indus-
tries may affect sugar
cane industries. UP is
on down wind, air is
mostly coming from Pa-
kistan,” he said.
CJI NV Ramana, how-
ever, responded by
asking,,“So you want to
ban industries in Paki-
The Court was hear-
ing a petition by a 17-yr-
old Delhi student Aditya
Dubey concerning ris-
ing levels of air pollu-
tion in the national capi-
tal. The Centre and the
States of Haryana, Pun-
jab, Uttar Pradesh and
Union Territory of Del-
During the previous
hearings, the Court had
ordered a construction
ban in the capital.
During the hearing
today, the top court la-
mented that it has been
portrayed as villains by
some sections of the me-
dia for prompting the
closure of schools on ac-
count of the air pollu-
tion in Delhi.
Traders taking out a rally in Lucknow. —FILE PHOTO
Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav during Vijay Rath Yatra
in Jhansi on Friday.
People will change
UP paper leak case raised in Rajya Sabha
AAP leader Sanjay Singh
First India Bureau
Lucknow: Thestate
government has
sought details of as-
sets of accused in
UP Teachers’ Eligi-
bility Test (TET) pa-
per leak matter and
it was reported that
STF searched re-
cordsof fiveaccused
in Meerut.
STF has raided
several places in dis-
tricts and more than
40 accused were ar-
rested across the
state. STF had ar-
rested Manish alias
Monu, Ravi alias
Bunty and Dhar-
mendra just before
the TET started at
the centres.
Ravi told STF that
Rahul of
Chhachharpur vil-
lage in Badot and
Gaurav Malan of
Aligarh were also
STF had arrested all
five accused and
sent to Shamli jail.
Apart from that STF
raided in Aligarh,
districts. Also, man-
hunt was launched
to nab prime ac-
cused Nirdosh
, who
leaked paper in
nearby areas. UP
STF has arrested
residence of Praya-
graj for his involve-
ment of cheating in
examination. It was
alleged that he had
taken huge money
from candidates and
provided solvers for
the exam who exe-
cuted examat the
place of real candi-
dates. Also, he had
leaked question pa-
per on social media.
Mountains surrounding Kedarnath Temple covered in snow as Kedarnath receives fresh
snowfall on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI
SC poser
to UP’s
New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday asked
the UP government to explain whether its policy
of 2018 on the premature release of convicts
serving life-sentence can be applied retrospec-
tively in the wake of some amendments made
to it in July this year. The top court told the
government that it is of prima facie view that
the 2018 policy should have been applied to the
prisoners, who have served over 20-25 years
of incarceration and whose names were not
considered. A bench of Justices DY Chandra-
chud and AS Bopanna issued notice to the state
government and sought its response in two
weeks saying that though 103 convicts have ap-
proached the court, it will not go into individual
cases looking at the impact of their release on
society. It noted that on August 1, 2018, a policy
was framed by UP concerning the premature
release of prisoners annually on Republic Day or
Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti.
Prayagraj: The Allahabad HC has directed SSP Gautam Budh
Nagar to act against cops of Phase-II Police Station, Noida, for
falsely accusing a person of smuggling ganja. A bench of Justice
Rahul Chaturvedi passed this or-
der while hearing a Criminal Misc
Bail Application by Lalit Gupta.
The applicant, facing prosecution
under NDPS Act, is seeking his
enlargement on bail during trial.
He has been in jail since June 14,
2021. Shri Krishna Shukla, coun-
sel for the applicant, has drawn
attention of the Court to the FIR
lodged by SI Ram Chandra Singh, PS Phase-II, Noida on June
14, 2021 against Lalit alleging that the informant, a Sub-Inspec-
tor, along with his team and co-accused Sonu to bust a bigger
racket dealing in the psychotropic substance, went to Kakrala 112
Feet Road, where Sonu indicated a person sitting over a culvert
as the one who dealt with psychotropic substances. The police
overpowered that person.
PM to visit Gorakhpur on Dec
7 to inaugurate dev projects
New Delhi: Prime
Minister Narendra
Modi will visit Gora-
khpur, the home turf
of Chief Minister
Yogi Adityanath, on
December 7 and inau-
gurate development
projects worth over
Rs 9,600 crore, the
PMO said on Friday.
Modi will dedicate
to the nation the Gora-
khpur fertilizer plant,
whose foundation
stone was laid by him
in 2016 and which af-
ter being in disuse for
more than 30 years has
been revived and built
at a cost of around Rs
8,600 crore.The driv-
ing force behind the
revival of the plant is
Modi’s vision to
achieve self-sufficien-
cy in production of
urea, the PMO added.
The Gorakhpur
plant will make avail-
able 12.7 LMT per an-
num indigenous
neem-coated urea and
will be of immense
benefit for farmers of
Purvanchal region
and adjoining areas.
It will also boost the
overall economic
growth of the region.
The PM will also
dedicate to the nation
the fully functional
complex of AIIMS,
Gorakhpur. —PTI
DECEMBER 4, 2021 I I I 09
n ace model and a
stunning fashion
aficionado, Navy-
ashree is a young
woman with
vivid dreams
and a fierce
passion to achieve
all that she aims
for. She walks
with grace, pos-
es with pa-
nache and moves
like melodies. As she
swayed to the Bollywood
tunes during the talent
rounds, she left a lot of
mouth gawking in abso-
lute awe and fascination.
In conversation with
City First, Navyashree
spills the beans about her
career trajectory, aspira-
tions and the next chapter
of her life.
Tell us something about
I am Navyashree Shobha
. I am 21 years old
and I am currently
pursuing a
bachelor’s de-
gree in business
m a n a g e m e n t
from S.M Shetty
college. I consider
myself as a bold, pas-
sionate and dedicated
person. I strongly believe
in hardwork and I also be-
lieve that there is no great-
er wisdom than kindness.
I love music and to
dance on
i t ’ s
tunes, makes me happy
When did you decide
that you will take up
I decided to take up model-
ling when I got the won-
derful opportunity of
First miss India. It moti-
vated me to push my lim-
its and I enjoy every min-
ute of it.
What are your future
I want to be someone who
supports and champions
the protection of the envi-
ronment like a tree hug-
ger. Environmentalist or
If not a model, what
would you be?
Being a Business manage-
ment student, I would love
to see myself as a success-
ful entrepreneur.
Who is your inspiration?
My mom, Shobha Shetty.
She is the strongest, most
independent and beauti-
ful person I know. I look
up to her and everything
I do is an effort to make
her proud. And I hope
that one day I’ll be able to
achieve that.
Any word for the fellow
To be on point every
night, don’t focus on per-
fection, stay in the pre-
sent moment, give your-
self fully and be with your
With a burning
With a burning
A family youngster is likely
to do you proud. Your
strategy to promote
yourself on the profes-
sional front will bear fruits. You may
need to speed up things on the
academic front to remain ahead. On the
social front, the day finds you in your
element. Something special awaits you.
Good advice may be
required to make a
profitable investment. A
journey is likely to take you
down the memory lane. Some of you
may start a long pending construction
work at home. Winning the affections of
the one you secretly love can become
the biggest achievement of the day.
Much fun is in store on the
social front. Your own
happiness is in your hands
today. Spouse may need
her space, respect that. This is a
favourable day for completing pending
jobs. Financially, no problems are
foreseen. It is best to avoid outside
food. Those in love will be happy.
Appreciation is in store for
some homemakers. Those
looking for buying a house
can get a good bargain. A
professional victory is yours if you play
your cards well today. Those in
business will be able to maintain good
earning. You are likely to enjoy good
health. Young lovers are likely to enjoy.
Horoscope by
Saurabbh Sachdeva
Fitness through extra
efforts is assured for the
deskbound. Some positive
changes can be expected
on the home front. This seems a good
day for job seekers. New avenues for
earning open up as you get more
determined. If you are in love, chances
of making an exciting plan is possible.
APRIL 21 - MAY 21
You will find family life
more than fulfilling. A
senior is likely to put in a
good word for you to the
higher ups. Financially, you will be able
to consolidate your position. Exercise
care in matters of health. Lover may
become your pillar of strength. You will
do wonders in life.
MAY 22 - JUNE 21
Some favourable develop-
ments on the social front
are foreseen. Buying new
furniture or a major
appliance is possible. With good
networking, a prized posting can be
yours .Those trying to get back their
money will succeed. A healthy phase of
life begins for some.
JUNE 22 - JULY 22
Good tidings of your well
wishers will keep you
going on the professional
front. You are likely to take
up someone’s cause and earn apprecia-
tion from all quarters on the social
front. Remaining on the good side of
those who matter on the academic front
will help you achieve much.
Good planning will see you
complete a task at work in
record time. This is an
excellent day to spend time
with family. Your reputation is likely to
boost your image on the social front.
Monetary front grows strong for some.
You enjoy excellent health. Those
seeking love are likely to get lucky.
You may get busy
organising something on
the social front. You may
need to put your ideas into
action, if you want to prove yourself. A
party may be thrown in your honour at
work. Past investments start giving
good returns. Health-wise a good day is
A celebration can find you
in your element today.
Praise and honour are
likely to greet you in
something that you have managed to
achieve. You will be a pillar of strength
to a friend or associate. A good day at
work is foreseen as you make your
mark in front of those who matter.
This is the day full of joy,
love and excitement . You
will enjoy yourself with a
new group of friends .
Those in business will soon get a
chance to make profits. A new deal is
likely to come through and give you a
taste of success pending time with lover
proves most fulfilling.
ince the onset of
the pandemic,
there has been
with foreign
travel. People
want to travel
closer to home more than
ever. Owing to its proxim-
ity, flight connectivity,
and no quarantine rules,
the Maldives has become
the hottest and the most
trending foreign destina-
tion in the past two years.
With 130 properties and
various package options
to choose from, narrow-
ing down your best can be
tricky when planning
your Maldivian vacation.
And it is an expensive
holiday, to begin with, so
the cost of doing things
wrong can be high here.
To make the most of your
holiday, these are the fac-
tors that you must con-
sider before your upcom-
ing trip to the tropical
The equator runs right
through the islands that
accounts for an average
temperature of 28 de-
grees year-round. But
there are distinguished
dry and wet seasons. The
months of November to
April promises a lot of
sunshine and almost no
rain. These months are
also the typical tourist
season and the time of
the year when the resorts
are sold out and the tick-
ets are expensive. May to
October is the wet season,
but the cost of travel is
comparatively low. You
might get good deals at
this time. For people who
want to surf, this is also
the season with the big-
gest swells in waves. To
maintain a budget, plac-
ing your bets in a shoul-
der season like May or
October might help save
some bucks, and the
chances of rain to ruin
your vacation are worth
the money you save.
Male is the capital of the
Maldives and also the
port of entry
. From India,
many major airports and
almost every airline have
a direct flight to the city.
Once you arrive at Male,
you can reach your resort
by high-speed boat or by
seaplane. If you resort if
too far away from the
Male, then you might
have to take a domestic
flight first and then a
speed boat to reach there.
Seaplanes are ubiquitous
in the Maldives and are
uncommon in most parts
of theworld.Theseplanes
can add a lot to your Mal-
divian experience but
also extra money to your
budget. The tickets for
the plane are not booked
by guests but by the re-
sorts directly for a flat fee.
In the Maldives, one is-
land is equal to one prop-
erty. You will be stuck
with the property for eve-
rything including, activi-
ties, food and entrain-
ment for your entire trip.
Most of the properties in
the Maldives feature lux-
ury accommodations of
different types, but over
the water, villas are what
comes to mind when you
think of a Maldivian va-
cation. Staying in an over
the water villa for at least
a day or two is an absolute
must. Where else can you
descend from your room
directly into the ocean
with your sundowner?
You can split your stay
between a beach villa and
the water villa, which can
save some money. Some
of the villas have private
pools attached to them.
They are great! But, it is
ok if you don’t rent one
because of your budget
constraints. You are nev-
er far away from the
ocean in the Maldives
when you want to go for a
All the properties in the
Maldives will appear a lot
similar in pictures, but
what makes it different is
its inclusions. The Mal-
dives is a logistics night-
mare, and anything you
have to buy outside your
package inclusions will
cost you much more than
its actual price. It is bet-
ter to pay upfront so that
you know the actual cost
of your trip. You can opt
for a Full Board or an All-
inclusive package. The
Full board offers break-
fast, lunch, and dinner. It
is economical than an All-
inclusive package, but
snacks, soft drinks, and
alcoholic beverages will
cost you extra. An all-in-
clusive package is the
best and helps you have a
wallet free vacation.
There is also an option of
Half-board packages,
which includes breakfast
and dinner. This option is
only recommended for
people who have a very
light or almost no lunch
after a heavy breakfast
because ordering from a
la carte menu can eventu-
ally add up to the price
that can be compared to a
Full board package.
Make sure your transfers
of seaplane/speed boat
and covid test are a part
of your inclusions. Some
of the optional inclusions
that many good resorts
will provide are Water ac-
tivities, complimentary
massage, Sunrise or sun-
set cruise, Dolphin watch-
ing cruise, Private dinner
to celebrate special occa-
sions, Floating breakfast
in the pool.
Involving a travel agent
for your Maldives trip is a
good idea. The agent can
also assist you with all
the options available for
your budget, which can
be tiresome to figure out
on your own. The Mal-
dives can have an erratic
climate. The weather pre-
dictions might not be ac-
curate here. A slight dis-
turbance in the Indian
ocean can bring a signifi-
cant change to your travel
plans, including delays in
seaplanes for both arrival
and departure. It is high-
ly recommended to get
travel insurance for this
particular trip so that you
can claim those expenses
later in case of missed
flight connections or an
added room booking.
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04122021 first india lucknow

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04122021 first india lucknow

  • 1. ‘Gati’ &‘Shakti’ symbolic of each other: Yogi First India Bureau Lucknow: Inaugurat- ing the PM Gati Shakti North Zone Conference in Lucknow on Friday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the Noida Int’l Airport is now being built on the same land of Bhatta Parsaul which had been in the limelight for vio- lent clashes between police and farmers. “The foundation stone of Jewar Airport, Asia’s largest, in Noida has been laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 25. The farmers of Bhatta Parsaul happily gave their land to the gov- ernment after our gov- ernment was formed, that too only on twice the compensation rath- er than four times,” said the CM. Speaking on the oc- casion, the CM pointed out that PM Modi launched Gati Shakti mission to give impe- tus to infrastructure- related projects in the country. Turn to P2 PM NARENDRA MODI TO VISIT GORAKHPUR ON DECEMBER 7 New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi will visit Gorakhpur, the home turf of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on December 7 and inaugurate development projects worth over `9,600 crore, the PMO said on Friday.It said Modi will dedicate to the nation the Gorakhpur fertilizer plant, whose foundation stone was laid by him in 2016 and which after being in disuse for more than 30 years has been revived and built at a cost of around `8,600 crore. More on P8 Yogi, Bhagwat to address Hindu Ekta Mahakumbh First India Bureau Lucknow: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath are sched- uled to address the Hin- du Ekta Mahakumbh in Chitrakoot on Decem- ber 15, which is being organised by Tulsi Peeth chief Padma Vib- hushan Jagadguru Swa- mi Rambhadracharya. The conference, which is likely to be attended by nearly five lakh peo- ple included sants, is be- ing seen with interest in the run-up to the 2022 assembly election. Bhagwat will be chief guest at the one-day con- clave. Acharya Ram- chandra Das of Tulsi Peeth said that large- scale arrangements were being made to ac- commodate at least five lakh people at the event which is aimed creating awareness among the Hindus. He said the Ma- hakumbha will be delib- erating on Ram Temple, love Jihad, religious conversion, population control law, national- ism, Uniform civil code (UCC), education based on Indian philosophy, cow protection, de-ad- diction, social harmony , demand to end govern- mental control over temples, and protection of environment. RamchandraDassaid that the Sant Samaj would chalk out an ac- tion plan on these issues and apprise people about the prevailing situation in the country . He said the chief min- ister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan and others ministers, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Baba Ramdeo, Shri Chidan- and Muni, Shri Ra- manujacharya and Kailash Giriji Maharaj were also slated to at- tend the conference. He said since top leaders of all sects had been invit- ed, Yogi Adityanath will be participating as head of Nath sect. Though an “apoliti- cal” event, the subjects which are to be taken up for deliberation are po- litical in nature and close to the RSS-BJP core ideology. The Ma- hakumbha would thus help in boosting “Hin- dutva” agenda of the BJP . Turn to P2 Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurates the conference on Friday. Also seen is MoS for Industrial Development, UP Govt, Dharamveer Prajapati. —PHOTO BY ASHOK DUTTA Event in Chitrakoot to discuss ‘Love Jihad’, conversion, UCC, population law CM inaugurates PM Gati Shakti North Zone Conference in Lucknow PM Gati Shakti is the National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectiv- ity, essentially a digital platform to bring 16 Ministries including Railways and Roadways together for integrated planning and coordinat- ed implementation of in- frastructure connectivity projects. PM Gati Shakti will incorporate the infrastructure schemes of various Ministries and State Governments like Bharatmala, Sagar- mala, inland waterways, dry/land ports, UDAN etc. Economic Zones like textile clusters, pharmaceutical clusters, defence corridors, electronic parks, etc. PM GATI SHAKTI I I I I LUCKNOW l SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. UPENG/2020/80229 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 24 OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, AHMEDABAD, LUCKNOW & NEW DELHI Sensex ended at 57,696.46 points while Nifty closed below 17,200. Most of the sectors slumped on heavy selling pressure. Key share indices ended lower on Friday amid broad- based selling in the market. Congress President Sonia Gandhi has appointed Jagdish Thakor as the new president of the Gujarat Congress, replac- ing Amit Chavda. The appointment comes ahead of next year’s assembly elections. A group of right-wing activists and locals again stopped Muslims from offering namaz at a designated open site in Gurgaon despite heavy police presence on the ground. Around six people were detained, police sources said. SENSEX SLIPS 760 PTS; NIFTY ENDS BELOW 17,200 SONIA APPOINTS JAGDISH THAKOR AS GUJARAT CONG PRESIDENT FRIDAY NAMAZ DISRUPTED IN GURGAON AGAIN, 6 DETAINED MIXEDBAGOFCAUTION Mohd Fahad New Delhi: The Union Health Ministry on Fri- day issued answers on Omicron highlighting that given the fast pace of vac- cination in In- dia and high exposure to the Delta variant as evi- denced by high seropos- itivity, the severity of the disease is “antici- pated” to be low.  Is there a possibili- ty of a third wave in India due to the emer- gence of Omicron? Omicron cases are in- creasingly being report- ed from countries out- side of South Africa. However, the scale and magnitude of the rise in cases and most im- portantly the severity of disease that will be caused is still not clear.  Will the existing vaccines work against Omicron? “Some of the mutations reported on Spike gene may decrease the ef- ficacy of exist- ing vaccines,” said the health ministry .  How concerned should we be about Omicron? It is important to highlight that Omicron has been declared VoC based on the “observed mutations, their predicted features of increased transmission and immune evasion”. “The definitive evidence for increased transmis- sion is awaited,” Minis- try said.  What precautions have been recom- mended by health ministry? It is essential to mask yourself properly, maintain social dis- tancing and maintain good ventilation to the maximum possible.  Can the currently used diagnostics methods detect Omicron? RT-PCR tests de- tect specific genes in the vi- rus, however, in the case of Omi- cron, as the S gene is heavily mutated, some of the primers may lead to results indicating the absence of the S gene (called as S gene drop out),” the Health Minis- try has said. Centre addresses FAQs on Omicron Workers prepare beds inside a special COVID-19 ward to treat persons infected with the Omicron variant, at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital in Chennai on Friday. —PHOTO BY PTI The government has spoken at length on possible third corona wave, whether vaccines will work, precautions to be taken, and diagnostic methods to detect the new strain CORONA CATASTROPHE INDIA 9,216 new cases 391 new fatalities 2 INTERNATIONAL PASSENGERS TEST +VE IN TN, 12 SUSPECTED IN DELHI Chennai/New Delhi: Two persons, including a child, who arrived in Tamil Nadu from Singapore and England, which are among the 12 ‘at-risk’ countries, have tested positive for Covid-19. The state government has sent their samples for genome sequencing to check for the presence of the Omicron variant. Meanwhile, 12 suspected cases of Omicron have been admitted to hospitals in Delhi after they arrived on international flights over the past three days. Their samples have been sent for genome testing to confirm whether they are infected with the Omicron strain. All are at LNJP hospital. Eight were hospitalised on Thursday after they tested positive for Covid. Four more were admitted on Friday but Covid tests are not out yet. BOOSTER DOSE FOR ABOVE 40 RECOMMENDED BOOSTER DECISION AFTER SCIENTIFIC ADVISE: MANDAVIYA New Delhi: Top Indian genome scientists have recommended a booster dose of Covid-19 vaccines for those above 40 years with preference to high-risk and high- exposure population. The recommendation was made in the weekly bulletin of the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Sequencing Consortium, a network of national testing labs. New Delhi: Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya on Friday said that the decisions on booster dose of vaccine against Covid-19 and vaccination of kids will be taken after scientific advise. The health minister further asked the Opposition parties to trust the scientists, news agency PTI reported. K’TAKA TRACKING 10 “MISSING” PASSENGERS Bengaluru: One of the two men found positive for Omicron in Karnataka “escaped” after taking a Covid negative certificate from a private lab, the state government said today. The state is trying to track down 10 more people who reportedly went missing from the airport. A 66-year- old South African national found to be Omicron- infected had “fled” country. 64 NDRF teams take guard against Cyclone‘Jawad’ New Delhi: The Na- tional Disaster Re- sponse Force (NDRF) has earmarked 64 teams to tackle the im- pending cyclonic storm ‘Jawad’ that is expected to affect the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal, a senior officer said on Friday . NDRF Director General (DG) Atul Karwal told reporters during a briefing here that while 46 teams have been de- ployed or pre-posi- tioned in the vulner- able states, 18 teams have been kept in re- serve. The India Me- teorological Depart- ment said that a low- pressure system in the Bay of Bengal has intensified into a cy- clonic storm ‘Jawad’. Cyclone ‘Jawad’ is expected to affect the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. NIA moves SC against Sudha Bharadwaj bail New Delhi:The Nation- al Investigation Agency (NIA) has moved Su- preme Court against the Bombay High Court or- der granting default bail to lawyer-activist Sud- ha Bharadwaj, who was arrested in the El- gar Parishad-Maoist links case in August 2018 under the provi- sions of UAPA. The high court on De- cember 1 had said in its orderthatBharadwaj,ac- cused of being part of a conspiracy to overthrow the Union government, wasentitledtobailandits denialwouldbeinbreach of her fundamental right to life and personal liber- ty guaranteed under Ar- ticle 21 of the Constitu- tion. The HC had direct- ed that Bharadwaj, lodged in the Byculla women’s prison, be pro- duced before the Mum- bai special NIA court on December 8, and condi- tionsof herbailanddate of release be decided.
  • 2. UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 02 I I I I DIVYANGJAN EMPOWERED IN UP First India Bureau Lucknow: Taking in- spiration from PM Nar- endra Modi’s resolve of encouraging the spe- cially-abled people, Ut- tar Pradesh in the span of four and a half years has made consistent ef- forts to empower them , said CM Yogi Adity- anath on Friday . “Our government performed dedicatedly to uplift and empower the specially-abled peo- ple. We strived towards developing their talent and to channelize their energies towards na- tion-building. We are working on a war-foot- ing to provide motor- ized tricycles to 100 Di- vyangjans in every dis- trict,” said Yogi while honouring meritorious students of special schools, specially-abled people and organisa- tions on the occasion of International Day of Disabled Persons. In an event organ- ized at Dr Shakuntala Mishra National Reha- bilitation University, the CM also distributed assistive devices to the specially-abled people. He urged the organi- zations working to- wards the empower- mentof ‘Divyangjans’to show sensitivity by join- ing this work of virtue and to take the benefits of the schemes of the government to as many people as possible. Stating the examples of 16th-century blind Hindu devotional poet and singer Surdas, English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, Stephen William Hawking and Sage Ashtavakra, the Yogi said that every ‘di- vyangjan’ must get an opportunity to exercise their special talents. Extending his greet- ing to the children and people who got felici- tated, the CM said, “Despite the Covid-19, Tokyo Paralympic ath- letes have proved that nothing can stop you if you are determined. Our Athletes never let their physical disabili- ties stop them, instead they made it their strength. It was their hard work and talent which made the coun- try proud”. Continued from page 1 ‘Gati’ and ‘Shakti’ are symbolic of each other, he said. “During the earlier governments, schemes of development used to run with the speed of a tortoise,” he said. CM Yogi said that de- spite the pandemic con- ditions, the Purvanchal Expressway is now ready and operational. The Bundelkhand Expressway will be also be operational by De- cember, the CM added. CM Yogi said that the state government had integrated the projects of 16 departments and agencies in the first phase to strengthen the PM Gati Shakti platform. In the second phase, 11 departments and agencies are being identified for integra- tion on Gati Shakti Portal. “When our govern- ment came in 2017, the annual budget of the state was only Rs 2 lakh crores. We increased the resources of the state and efforts have been made to remove the anomalies in Uttar Pradesh that are hin- dering the develop- ment of the state. A single window plat- form has been created for investment in the state through which 340 services are availa- ble,” he said. Chief Minister Yogi further said, “If the in- tentions are pure and clear, any big problem can be solved. Not a sin- gle farmer who gave land for Jewar airport is dissatisfied. We have got 3300 acres of land in the first phase.” The rest of the land will also be available soon, he added. Crediting the better law and order situation in UP for attracting in- vestments, the CM said that after the formation of his government in UP, within the comple- tion of one year, the first investor summit was held. “We received investment proposals of around Rs 5 lakh crore. Out of that, more than 3 lakh crore invest- ment proposals have been seen on the grounds today,” he said. Continued from page 1 Interestingly, invita- tion had been sent to some film personali- ties in Bollywood for their participation to persuade them to take measures to stop “bad publicity about Hindu religion” in films. Last July, the RSS had also organised a four-day conclave in Chitrakoot to decide its next year’s socio-cultural activities. Chitrakoot, which is spread between UP and MP, is turning into a major political centre with elections coming up. A few months ago, SP chief Akhilesh Ya- dav had done “Parikra- ma” of religious places here, while AICC gen- eral secretary Priyanka Gandhi took out a 3-km “padyatra” of Kamad Giri hill in Chitrakoot in November. The Yogi government has al- ready undertaken ma- jor development work in the town. First India Bureau Lucknow: The Anti- corruption branch of Central Bureau of In- vestigation (CBI) on Friday raided residenc- es of managers and guarantors of the Roh- tas Group, a real estate company pertaining to a matter of fraud of Rs 24.82 crore in connec- tion with Canara Bank. It was reported that CBI seized documents and other evidence from offices of Rohtas group that is spread around Lucknow, Ayo- dhya and Ghazipur. Official sources said that the raids were conducted at residenc- es of company manag- ers at Jopling Road and Vivek Khand area of Gomti Nagar. Apart from that, resi- dences of two fake guar- antors at Ayodhya and Ghazipur were also searched. The CBI is in- vestigating role of a bank employee in the matter. CBI had registered FIR against managers of Rohtas group in the bank fraud matter on November 30 and raids were conducted at resi- dences, offices of ac- cused on orders of courts. The FIR was registered on complaint of Ajit Kumar Srivas- tava, Chief Manager Canara Bank, Lucknow. UP DEAF FEDERATION TAKES OUT AWARENESS DRIVE IN LUCKNOW CITY Members of the Uttar Pradesh Badhir(Deaf) Federation takes out an awareness march on the occasion of Viklang Diwas in Lucknow on Friday. They highlighted different challenges faced by them in day-today-life and expected others to be considerate towards them. YOGI GOVT INCREASED PENSION Lucknow: “Since 2017, the govt began by increasing the pension amount to the specially-abled people and pro- vided all assistance in terms of ensuring availability of assis- tive devices to them and grants for mar- riage”, Yogi said. Govt integrated 16 depts to strengthen Gati Shakti CM Yogi paid rich tributes to the first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad on his 137th birth anniversary on Friday and said that Dr Rajendra Prasad always respected the cultural values, traditions of India. Yogi Yogi Speaks Speaks Chitrakoot becoming political centre stage in UP (From left) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath felicitates the specially abled ‘Divyangjan’ on International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Lucknow on Friday. (Top right) Yogi’s speech being translated in sign language. (Below on the right) CM gifts wheel chairs to the specially abled at the event. —PHOTOS BY SUMIT KUMAR A view of Chitrakoot town in UP. CBI office in Lucknow. First India Bureau Prayagraj: The Alla- habad High Court on Friday directed Cen- tral bureaur of investi- gation ( CBI) to file it’s reply within 4 weeks on the bail application moved by Anand Giri in alleged suicide case of late Narendra Giri, then president of Akh- il bhartiya Akhara Parishad. The order was passed by justice Ra- hul Chaturvedi while hearing bail applica- tion of Anand Giri, who is in jail since Sep- tember 22,2021. The application stated that he has falsely been implicat- ed in the case. The al- leged suicide note is not in the hand writ- ing of Narendra Giri. It stated that Anand was not even present in Prayagraj on the date. He was informed by police about Nar- endra’s suicide, while he was in Haridwar. Earlier, on November 20, two months after the death of Mahant Naren- dra Giri, CBI on Satur- day filed a charge sheet in a local court against Anand Giri and two oth- ers booked for abetment to suicide, insider sources said. Narendra Giri case: 4 weeks given to CBI COURT HEARING IS THE SUICIDE NOTE FALSE? Prayagraj: The bail application presented in front of the Allahabad High Court alleged that the suicide note that has been found is not in the hand writing of Narendra Giri. Lucknow: Three wild- life smugglers have been arrested after be- ing found in possession of six elephant tusks with an estimated mar- ket value of around Rs 2.5 crore, a Forest De- partment spokesperson said on Friday . The smugglers were identified as Noor Alam Khan, Waqar Ahmed and Shadab Ahmed, all residents of Deoria, the forest spokesperson said. They were arrest- ed on Thursday after a Forest Department team, acting on a tip-off that some wildlife smugglers were head- ing to Gorakhpur with elephant tusks, inter- cepted their vehicle near Baitalpur town- ship and arrested them. —FILE PHOTO Three smugglers arrested with elephant tusks in Gkp CBI raids Rohtas Group men Anand Giri North Zone Conference on PM GatiShakti was organised at Lucknow in presence of CM Yogi, Minister of Communications Ashwini Vaishnaw, MoS (Communications) Devusinh Chauhan, MoS (Industrial Devp) Dharamveer Prajapati,UP’s Industrial Devp Minister Satish Mahana, CS RK Tiwari, ACS Industrial Devp Arvind Kumar and officials of telecom department were also present. CM Yogi being greeted by a memento at the event. —PHOTOS BY ASHOK DUTTA
  • 3. UTTAR PRADESH LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 03 I I I I DESH RATNA REMEMBERED CM Yogi Adityanath paying homage to first President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad at his statue at Globe Park in Lucknow on Friday. — PHOTO BY SUMIT KUMAR OMICRON: UP INTENSIFIES SCREENING AT BORDERS First India Bureau Lucknow: Ramping up preventive measures amid the cases of new ‘Omicron’ variant that havebeenfoundinother states of the country , the Uttar Pradesh Govern- ment has intensified screening and has strengthened surveil- lance at the borders of the state. After successfully controlling the first and second waves of the Covid-19 pandemic, the state government has askedofficialstofurther improve surveillance with a focus on airports to ensure that normalcy prevails in the state. In another proactive move in view of rising cases of omicron vari- ant in other countries, Chief Minister Yogi Ad- ityanath has also in- structed to intensify ge- nome sequencing of Covid samples. In pur- suance of the directives issued by the CM, the genome sequencing of samples at Lucknow’s KGMU and PGI is being carried out at a rapid pace. The authorities have also been asked to con- tinue the extensive cleanliness, sanitization and fogging drives to prevent the spread of other diseases. The facilities of ge- nome sequencing are available in BHU, CDRI, IGIB, Ram Manohar Lo- hia Institute, NBRI in the state. It is notewor- thy that the study to de- tect new variants start- ed only after the first wave of the pandemic at NBRI, Lucknow. A total of 45 samples were test- ed. In view of the possi- ble third wave, the pro- cess of genome testing is being done at BHU, KGMU, CDRI and IGIB. First India Bureau Kanpur: The triple murder case in Div Nati Apartment in In- dranagar under Kalyan- pur police station here hascreatedpanicamong the residents of the apartment. Dr Sushil Kumar, who was living with his wife and son Shikhar and daughterKushi,brutally murdered the trio, after which he texted his brotherinformingof his brutality and that he took such action as he was under depression. Dr Sushil’s brother upon receiving the mes- sage rushed to the spot and after breaking open the door of the apart- ment found the bloodied bodies of the 3 victims. He informed the po- lice, who later found a note written in the diary by Dr Sushil in which he spoke about the murder and other things. According to his fami- ly , Dr Sushil was under depression for some time and since the ac- cused has gone missing, thepolicehavelaunched a manhunt to nab him. Police Commissioner Aseem Arun, ACP Anand Prakash Tiwari and other officers have become involved in the investigation and a team of forensic science have been called to collect ev- idence. The police are trying to ascertain if Dr Sushil murdered his familyunderdepression or reason. First India Bureau Agra: The bodies of husband and wife were found in an office built in Banshi Vihar Colony of Paschimpuri under Sikandra police station here. At the same time, both his daughters were found unconscious at the residence of the deceased. The younger daugh- ter was declared dead by thedoctorsandtheelder daughter died some hours later. The police have also found a sui- cide note in which the couple has declared themselves responsible for the death. Oninformation,many top officials including SSP reached the spot. Dog squad and forensic team have collected all the evidence from the spot and sent it for inves- tigation. YogeshMishra(35),of Paschimpuri under Sikandra police station, had an online battery and UPS business, for which he had made his office in Banshi Vihar Colony . Yogesh’s body was found hanging in theofficeinthemorning and his wife’s body was also found lying in an- other room in the office itself. The incident came to lightonthearrivalof the employees in the office in the morning. First India Bureau Agra: An unidentified body was found by the police on November 22 on Yamuna Kinara Road in Etmaddaula police station area. He was identified as Sunny . His father had lodged a com- plaint against a woman and another. The police arrested both the ac- cused after being found guilty in investigation and sent them to jail. SP City Vikas Kumar saidonNovember22,the police had found the body of a youth on Ya- muna Kinara Road, who was identified as Sunny , a resident of Shahganj. Sunny’s father had al- leged that his son had received a call from a woman on the evening of Nov 21. She had said there was a person named Mukesh Jat with her and both had to talk to Sunny on something important. She called Sunny to Bodla cross- roads. After the call, Sunnywenttomeetboth of them and after that information about his murder was received. Lucknow: Four people were arrested on Friday for allegedly beating a sub-inspector in Nirala Nagar area here after his car hit another vehi- cle, police said. The incident took placeonThursdaywhen SI Vinod Kumar’s car hit another vehicle out- side the venue of a mar- riage ceremony follow- ing which he was beaten up by some persons. The police swung into action after a video of the incident went viral on social media. The arrested accused have been identified as Pravendra Mathur, Pranjal, Priyank and Ashish Shukla. Police Commissioner DK Thakur said Kumar was beaten and an at- tempt was made to snatchhismobilephone. An FIR was lodged in this connection at the Hasanganj Police Sta- tion. A hunt is on to nab two others in the case, police added. —PTI First India Bureau Lucknow: A seven- year-old girl was abduct- ed from a marriage cer- emony and raped in a village under Banthara area. The victim was found in agricultural farm in an unconscious state, with with tape on her mouth. Police said the vitim was rushed to hospital where her condition was stated to be criti- cal. Case was regis- tered against Shivam (22) on complaint of family members of the victim and manhunt was launched to nab the culprit. It was reported that Shivam abducted the 7-yr-old during mar- riage ceremony and raped her in secluded area. He beat up the vic- tim badly and taped her mouth and threw her in the farm. She was found in unconscious condi- tion on Friday morning. Team members of Covid help desk taking swab of passangers at Charbagh Railway Station for their Covid 19 test amid the threat of Omicron variant of the virus in Lucknow on Friday. ON ALERT CRUCIAL READ TALK ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM AT LU SOCIAL WORK DEPT ORIENTATON PROG Lucknow: The third day of 7-day orientation pro- gramme in the Department of Social Work, Lucknow University was facilitated by Garima Singh. The first session was taken by Amit Naagar, DSP STF UP Police on ‘Criminal Justice System’. He talked about the evolution of policing system and its functioning. He emphasised that police and citizens should co-operate and standard operating procedures should come into existence for proper functioning of police. In the sec- ond session, the main speaker was Rakesh Dwivedi. He talked about healthcare system and importance of Non Medico professionals in it. He summarised about physical, mental, social and spiritual health. 3 MP COPS ON RESCUE MISSION DIE IN MISHAP Mathura: Five people, including three cops, were killed and three others injured when their car hit a divider on Yamuna Expressway here, an official said on Friday. They were going to Haryana from MP to bring back a girl kid- napped earlier. While two cops and the driver died on the spot, two died in hospital, SP (Rural) Shrish Chandra said. BOARD MEETING OF KNP SMART CITY LTD HELD Kanpur: The 13th Board meeting of Kanpur Smart City Limited was chaired by Commission- er Kanpur and attended by DM Kanpur Nagar, Nagar Ayukt, Secre- tary KDA, DCP Traf- fic, Neeraj Sriavastav (Independent member), Vaishali Biyani (Inde- pendent Member ), Addl CEO/ Addl comm, GM Jal Nigam, Smart City CFO, nodal officer etc. ‘Depressed’ doctor kills wife & two kids; flees 2 accused including woman arrested for youth’s murder Four arrested for beating up cop in Lko 7-yr-old abducted from marriage event, raped Bodies of husband, wife, daughter found in Agra Police Commissioner Aseem Arun at the incident site A page of the suicide note. (R) A family photo of the deceased. TRAGIC DEATHS Mathura: The Akhil Bharat Hindu Ma- hasabha (ABHM) ex- presseddispleasureover UP Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya’s tweet on a temple in Mathura and said the BJP was only concerned about getting votes in polls. The remarks came a day after Maurya tweet- ed, “The construction of grand temples is on in Ayodhya and Kashi, and preparations are on for one in Mathura (Ayod- hya Kashi bhavya mandir nirmaan jaari hai Mathura kee tyaari hai).” Mathura is consid- ered to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna. The supposed temple site,whichisasubjectof multiple lawsuits, is lo- cated inside an Aurang- zeb-era mosque and shares its premises with a prominent temple. AfterMathuraadmin- istration raised objec- tions, the ABHM called off its proposed pro- gramme for the installa- tion and ‘jalabhishek’ of Lord Krishna’s idol on December6atthedeity’s “actual birthplace”, which the Hindu Ma- hasabha claims is inside the mosque. The administration on November 28 had im- posedprohibitoryorders under CrPC Section 144. “The truth is that Ayo- dhya, Kashi or Mathura, none of these have ever been on the agenda of BJP . But after winning theAyodhyacase,itstart- ed showing interest in our campaign to remove the Shahi Eidgah in Mathura,” ABHM said. Meanwhile, speaking about his tweet, Maurya said, “A grand temple is being constructed at the Ram janmabhoomi. A grand corridor is being madeatBabaVishwana- thji in Kanshi and it is the wish of all Krishna devotees that a grand temple is constructed at the Krishna Janmab- hoomi in Mathura and I have only expressed it.” When asked if it will be an election issue, he said, “The Krishan tem- ple is not an election is- sue, just as the Ram tem- ple or Baba Vishwanath- ji in Varanasi are not election issues.” —PTI Hindu Mahasabha criticises Maurya’s tweet TEMPLE POLITICS —FILE PHOTO One of the accused Ashish Shukla in police custody. Sunny —PHOTO BY SUMIT KUMAR
  • 4. PERSPECTIVE LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 04 I I I I l Vol 2 l Issue No. 24 l RNI NO. UPENG/2020/80229. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Amar Ujala Ltd. B-5 Amausi Industrial Area Kanpur Road Luc- know. Published at 98, Friend’’s Colony, Raheem Nagar, Dudouli Road, Madiyaon, Lucknow (UP). Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act Promoted by First India News International Pvt. Ltd. SPIRITUAL SPEAK The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it. —Bhagavad Gita IN-DEPTH Rajnath Singh @rajnathsingh I pay my respects to the first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad ji on his Jayanti. He was a renowned scholar, lawyer and a great freedom fighter who would always be remembered for his distinguished contributions to our nation. I offer my heartfelt tributes to him. Piyush Goyal @PiyushGoyal Govt. has increased procurement of rice year-on-year. In Telangana, we have increased procurement from ~75 Lakh Metric Tonnes (LMT) in KMS 2019-20 to ~95 LMT in KMS 2020- 21. The Govt is responsive to farmers interests & procurement done under MSP has increased manifold. TOP TWEETS TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ONLY IN ANTARCTICA ecember 4 eclipse will be the last solar eclipse of the year and Antarctica will be the only place to witness a Total Solar Eclipse. The Sun hasn’t set in Antarctica since October. Earth’s southern- most continent is currently ex- periencing a long summer’s day , one that stretches from mid-Oc- tober until early April. But on Saturday , darkness will sweep across ice of West Antarc- tica. The path of totality crosses the Argentine, British and Chil- ean Antarctic Territories (which consist of overlapping regions), as well as the unclaimed terri- tory known as Marie Byrd Land. Areas along the path will experi- ence almost 2 minutes of dark- ness in the otherwise months- long stretch of daylight. This Solar Eclipse is a polar eclipse that will not be visible from India. Meanwhile, the southern tips of South America, Africa, Australia and New Zea- land will see a fairly minor par- tial eclipse. For South America and Africa, the eclipse will be in the early morning; for Australia and New Zealand it will happen as the Sun is setting. THECONVERSATION.COM D esearchersaround the world are try- ing to work out whether existing COVID vaccines protect us from the latest var- iant, Omicron. The worst-case scenario is the virus has mu- tated so much in the crucial parts of its genome that it can escape COVID vaccines de- signed to protect us from ear- lier versions of the virus – with devastating consequenc- es globally . But it’s too soon to panic. And vaccines may end up pro- tecting us against Omicron after all, as they have done with earlier variants. WHO says it will take us another two to four weeks to figure out what’s going on. The reason Omicron has caused global alarm is due to the number of new muta- tions throughout the genome of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID. This data, coupled with real world data on the rapid rise in Omicron cases in South Africa, prompted the WHO to designate Omicron a “variant of concern” on No- vember 26. Omicron has now been detected in several other countries. We’ve already seen some Omicron mutations in other variants. Individually, some of these mutations have been associ- ated with resistance to neu- tralising antibodies. In other words, these mutations help the virus evade recognition by an immune system primed with a COVID vaccine. Some of these individual muta- tions have also been linked with increased transmissibil- ity of virus from one person to another. However, Omicron has many unique mutations. For instance, on the spike protein, the protein used in many current vaccines, Omi- cron has about 30 mutations compared with the virus that came out of Wuhan. THECONVERSATION.COM WHY IT’S TOO SOON TO PANIC ABOUT OMICRON Investigating the way these multiple mutations interact with one another, rather than individually, will be key to understanding how Omicron behaves compared with other variants R THE HISTORY he one, who conquered the blue waters, conquered the world. History is testimony to the fact that any ruler, who went on to become an emper- or, always had a strong Navy . India was a super power in the ancient times. The Chola Navy was considered one of the strongest navies of its time and one of the major reasons behind the Chola’s economic supremacy. Su- premacy of Navy stands true even in the 21st Century. If India has to become a super power again in 21st Century, it will have to build a blue wa- ter Navy capable of dominat- ing the Indo-Pacific Region INDIA’S GEOSTRATEGIC LOCATION The Indo-Pacific is increas- ingly becoming a geostrategic focal point on the globe. The Indian Ocean Region (IOR) holds great relevance in the emerging world order of 21st Century , in terms of econom- ic growth, natural resources, as well as major sea lines of communication. Being geo- graphically and economically central to the IOR, any geo- economic contestations will have a huge impact on India. While China is aiming to se- cure access to strategic ports to gain an economic and stra- tegic advantage, India’s role in the region is increasingly seen as a protector of the in- ternational order, particular- ly as it pertains to maintain- ing open sea lanes and the freedom of navigation. PIVOTAL ROLE OF INDIAN NAVY India needs a modern Navy to protect its maritime inter- ests and shoulder additional responsibilities, particularly in the current geo-political and security situation that prevails in the Indo-Pacific Ocean Region. The Navy is striving to ad- dress the capability voids in areassuchasaircraftcarriers, tankers, landing platform docks,minecountermeasures vessels, submarines and inte- gral helicopters. We are also enhancing our surveillance capabilities through induc- tion of long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft, inte- gral helicopters and high-alti- tude long-endurance aircraft or remotely piloted aircraft. Thefocushasbeentoaugment capability through induction of modern platforms, weap- ons and sensors. India also need to enhance it’s ability to conductsurveillanceandmax- imize its maritime domain awareness. Some baby steps have been taken by Indian Navy towards Blue Waters, however, the national focus on blue waters has to go beyond rhetoric and start action on ground. Unfortunately , India spends just about 15 per cent of its total military expendi- tureonitsnavy ,farlowerthan its peers in the QUAD. INCREASING FOOTPRINTS IN BLUE WATERS Role of AN Command. In- dia positioned it’s first tri services command at Port Blair, Andaman Nicobar island. The primary aim was to place a command and communication structure at the islands, with reasonable logistics facilities. The role can be suitably enhanced when the need arises. Offshore Bases. India is increasing it’s footprints in the blue waters of Indo-Pacif- ic Ocean region. Strategical- ly located islands in the In- dian Ocean are crucial for domination of blue waters and safeguarding the coun- try’s maritime natural re- sources.  These islands also provide an opportunity for coordinated and joint anti- submarine warfare missions for both the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. Logistics bases are being built with other friendly countries at Cocos islands (Australia), As- sumption Island (Seychelles), Alagela (Mauritius), Mada- gascar and Djibouti ( Japan). MARITIME COLLABORATION India has also held multilat- eral naval exercises in the Andaman and Nicobar Is- lands with 16 other countries  and in the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), sailing alongside the Australian, Japanese, and U.S. naval forc- es. Maritime collaboration and multilateral naval exer- cise with QUAD member countries, conveyed the right signals to the world. WAY AHEAD India is set to be a significant player in the global maritime pecking order for the 21st century, with a substantive ‘blue water navy’ ready for operating in various long range deep water settings. As per Maritime Capability Per- spective Plan, the Indian Navy aims to have 200 ships, 500 aircraft and 24 attack sub- marines, they said. At pre- sent, the Navy has around 132 ships, 220 aircraft and 15 sub- marines. We also require atleast three aircraft carri- ers. The Navy has been re- questing for additional funds since long to become battle- ready for blue waters. The focus should be rapid capa- bility expansion by indige- nous construction, self-reli- ance, public and private sec- tor participation under ‘At- manirbhar Bharat’ mission. Indian Navy is the key in- strument of power for India as emerging Super Power. It needs to transform itself to become capable of governing two oceans, the Indian Ocean as well the Pacific. The Indi- an Navy with its current pro- fessionalism and future plans has the potential to enhance India’s image, in the future. The Indian Navy has created a niche for itself by exhibit- ing its professionalism and contributions towards nation building. The grateful nation acknowledges it with a stand- ing applause and salutes the Sea Warriors on the NAVY DAY-04 December. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL INDIAN NAVY: SENTINELS OF THE SEA NAVY DAY T At present, the Navy has around 132 ships, 220 aircraft and 15 submarines. We also require atleast three aircraft carriers. The Navy has been requesting for additional funds since long to become battle- ready for blue waters. The focus should be rapid capability expansion by indigenous construction, self-reliance, public and private sector participation under ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ mission Indian Navy is the key instrument of power for India as emerging Super Power. It needs to transform itself to become capable of governing two oceans, the Indian Ocean as well the Pacific. Indian Navy with its current professionalism future plans has potential to enhance India’s image, in future MAJ GEN CP SINGH, RETD The writer is a scholar soldier accredited with MA, MSc, LLB, MBA, M Phil (Def Mgt) and M Phil (International Strategic Affairs)
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  • 6. INDIA LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 05 I I I I Rakesh Ranjan New Delhi: Former Fi- nance Secretary Ajay Bhushan Pande is back. In his new Avtaar, he is leading a special three-member commit- tee to appraise afresh the current standards for defining economi- cally weaker sections. Since this is a highly sensitive political is- sue, Pande’s appoint- ment on the committee could be seen as GoI’s expression or reitera- tion of confidence in him. The committee was set up end-November at the initiative of the Ministry of Social Jus- tice and Empower- ment. Besides Pande who is heading the committee, Prof V K Malhotra (Member Secretary of ICSSR) and Sanjeev Sanyal (Principal Economic Advisor to Govern- ment of India) are its two other members. The return of Pande shows that, contrary to what many believed prior to the notifica- tion issued on Novem- ber 30, 2021, he was never completely out of favor with the ad- ministration. It is clear that he retained his communication channel with the ad- ministration alive, de- spite what many be- lieved was a snub when before the FY22 budget, he was allowed to retire on February 28, 2021, without giv- ing him even the nor- mal extension given to a Finance Secretary designate (Revenue Secretary) in case he is retiring on the budget- eve. DEA secretary Tarun Bajaj was given the additional respon- sibility of revenue and Pande was shown the door. It is believed that the administration might not have snubbed Pan- de if it had not bought the viewpoint that Pande, in more than one way, was directly responsible for the ex- ecution of the new IT portal whose function- ing was badly disrupt- ed through and after his tenure ended. Perhaps the admin- istration has now sof- tened its views on Pan- de in view of the expo- sure of a lot of techni- cal information that showed that the glitch- es in the IT portal had a lot more to do with the input modeling and integration of the old and new operating systems. Probably these facts made the administration ab- solve Pande of his pur- ported negligence and helped restore its old confidence in him. TASKED TO LEAD A SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE EX-FINANCE SECRETARY PANDE IS BACK... RS PROCEEDINGS ON TRACK, HOUSE TAKES UP 17 MATTERS IN ZERO HOUR WINTER SESSION New Delhi: Facing pan- demonium for the last four days, the proceed- ings of the Rajya Sabha on Friday returned on track as the Upper House took 17 matters in Zero Hour and five Special Mentions. With a few incidents of a verbal spat between treasury benches and the Opposition mem- bers as well as initial attempts of TRS mem- bers to show protest seeking national policy on foodgrains procure- ment, legal guarantee for MSP, the function- ing of the Upper House was smooth. The first one hour, in which pa- pers were laid on the table and the Zero Hour was completed, was mostly peaceful barring minor spat as compared to previous occasions since November 29 when the Winter Ses- sion started. Even Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu men- tioned it and lauded the supportive attitude of all the members of the House. “A total of 17 matters were taken in Zero Hour and five Special Mentions were heard as a result of peaceful en- vironment in the House,” Naidu said. The Chairman said all members got a chance to speak during the proceedings. Thanking all mem- bers, Naidu also as- sured to give chance to everyone if they will continue maintaining the decorum of the House like this. “Operation depends on cooperation...,” Naidu said. This was the first day since the Winter Ses- sion assembled when RS was adjourned for lunch otherwise the Up- per House could not function properly for the last four days due to various adjournments followed by the ruckus created by Opposition parties like Congress, DMK, AAP, Left, and TMC demanding revo- cation of suspension of 12 MPs. —ANI New Delhi: Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya informed Lok Sabha on Friday that Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi- led government has re- frained from blaming the previous govern- ments for the weak health infrastructure but has been working to strengthen it and added that the nation got COV- ID-19 vaccine within a year. “Under Modi Govt, work is going on to strengthen weak health infrastructure. Without blaming previous gov- ernments that ignored health infrastructure, the Government worked for results. In the last two years, deci- sions under the leader- ship of Prime Minister Modi show that this government works with willpower and not pow- er,” he said during a dis- cussion on COVID-19 management. “3.46 crore corona cases have been reported in India and 4.6 Lakh people died - this is 1.36 per cent of total cases. 25,000 cases and 340 deaths per million pop- ulation reported in In- dia - this is one of the lowest in the world,” he said reacting to the Op- position’s attack on the Centre for not revealing the actual number of covid-19 fatalities dur- ing the second wave. The Winter session which began on Nov 29 is likely to conclude on December 23. —ANI ‘Modi govt enhancing health infra without blaming previous govts’ Chairman Naidu lauds the supportive attitude of all members of the House The Zero Hour was completed, was mostly peaceful barring minor spat BJP MPs holding placards stage a protest in front of Mahatma Gandhi statue against the Opposition MPs for their ‘unruly’ behaviour in the Parliament, in New Delhi on Friday. Union Minister for Health Family Welfare Mansukh Mandaviya speaks in LS during the Winter Session of Parliament on Friday. “3.46 crore co- rona cases have been re- ported in India and 4.6 Lakh people died - this is 1.36 per cent of total cases. 25,000 cases and 340 deaths per million popula- tion reported in India - this is one of the low- est in the world.” —Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Health Minister New Delhi: Rajya Sabha was adjourned till Monday, on Friday, the fifth day of the ongoing winter ses- sion of Parliament. Earlier today, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MPs staged a protest in Parliament against the ‘unruly’ behaviour of the Opposition parties. Meanwhile, Opposition MPs protested at the Gandhi statue in Parliament against the suspen- sion of 12 Rajya Sabha MPs. Since the commence- ment of the winter session of the Parliament on Monday, there have been continuous disruptions in the functioning of both Houses. —ANI RAJYA SABHA ADJOURNED TILL MONDAY “A total of 17 matters were taken in Zero Hour and five Special Mentions were heard as a result of peaceful envi- ronment in the House.” —M Venkaiah Naidu, RS Chairman New Delhi: Union health minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Friday urged opposition parties to stop doing politics over the deaths related to the shortage of oxygen during the deadly second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in the country. While replying to a question from the opposition on the coronavirus pandemic, the Union health minister asked them to “take note” of the efforts taken by the Centre in mitigating the crisis. “Sadly, even in such a situation, many people did not refrain from playing politics. I appeal, take note of our hon- est efforts. This is not a subject of politics,” he said during Question Hour in Lok Sabha. —ANI New Delhi: BJP MPs staged a protest in Parlia- ment on Friday against the ‘unruly’ behaviour of the Opposition parties. On the other hand, Opposition MPs protested against the suspen- sion of 12 Rajya Sabha MPs. Since the com- mencement of the winter session of the Parlia- ment on Monday, there have been continuous disruptions in the functioning of both Houses. In a move that angered the Opposition and set the stage for acrimonious exchanges, a dozen members of Opposition parties in Rajya Sabha were suspended from the winter session on the very first day on Monday following a motion brought in by the government. —ANI NOT A SUBJECT OF POLITICS: MIN TO OPPN OVER COVID DEATHS BJP MPs PROTEST AT PARL OVER ‘UNRULY’ OPPN BEHAVIOUR CAA FUNDAMENTALLY ANTI-NATIONAL, TARGETS A COMMUNITY: THAROOR OPPN OPPOSES INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AMENDING TENURE OF CBI, ED CHIEFS New Delhi: Joining the Opposition MPs in their protest inside Parliament premises, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury “Gandhi is an epitome of peace, non-violence, unity and harmony not only for our nation but for the world. Right of staging demonstration at the feet of Gandhi statue is being denied by BJP. They are snatching rights of not only the opposition but also the rights of people.” —ANI BJP SNATCHING RIGHTS OF OPPN, PUBLIC: ADHIR RANJAN New Delhi: Terming Citizenship (Amendment) Act ‘fun- damentally anti-national’, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor alleged, ““I hope they will think very long and hard be- fore doing anything so foolish. It will needlessly divide the country. I will urge government not to recklessly endanger nation’s social harmony,” he added. —ANI New Delhi: The Opposition opposed the introduction of The Central Vigilance Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and the Delhi Special Police Establishment (Amendment) Bill, 2021, which seek amendment in the tenure of the Director ED and CBI respectively, terming them to be against the law. —ANI 1 2 Mumbai: Former Po- lice Commissioner of Mumbai Param Bir Singh, who was sus- pended from the servic- es, refused to accept the suspension order on technical grounds. According to sources, Singh, who was holding office as Director Gen- eral Home Guards, has refused to accept sus- pension order signed by the DGP on the ground that as per seniority , the suspension order should be served to him by the Additional Chief Secretary, Home. The has threatened to go to court against ille- gal suspension.The or- der said, “In exercise of power conferred under All India Services (Dis- ciple Appeal) Rules, 1969, the Government of Maharashtra hereby places Param Bir Singh under suspension with immediate effect from date of this order, until further orders.” —PTI New Delhi: The Patiala House Court’s Sessions Judge on Friday dis- missed petition of Ansal Brothers and 3 other persons sought suspension of sentence in tampering with evi- dence in the 1997 Up- haar fire tragedy case during the pendency of their appeal. The Additional Ses- sion Judge Anil Antil refused to grant suspen- sion of sentence of all accused, presently lodged in Tihar jail. The court fixed the date Feb- ruary 23, 2022, for a hearing on appeals. —PTI New Delhi: An inter- vention application (IA) was moved in Delhi High Court seeking di- rection for the registra- tion of same-sex mar- riage either under reli- gion-neutral law or un- der secular law. The court listed the matter for further hear- ing on February 3, 2022, with the pending mat- ters. The application, filed by Sanjeev Newar, Swati Goel Sharma for theirorganizationSewa Nyay Utthan Founda- tion through Advocate Shashank Shekhar Jha, states that in the matter of recognition of same- sex marriage, the mar- riage either be regis- tered under secular law like Special Marriage Act or must be allowed under all religious laws such as Muslim Mar- riage Law and Sikhs’ Anand Marriage Act. It must be made religion- neutral. —ANI Param refuses suspension order, to move court Uphaar case: Court junks Ansals’ plea PIL in HC: Don’t allow same sex marriages CBI cases: Spl judges’ power challenged Antilia case: Gaur moves Bombay HC New Delhi: The juris- diction of special judg- es trying Central Bu- reau of Investigation (CBI) cases in newly set up Rouse Avenue Court in New Delhi was chal- lenged on Thursday . During the hearing, Vijay Aggarwal appear- ing for M/s Prakash Industries raised the issue regarding juris- diction. He submitted that the power is available with the Central government and not with the High Court of Delhi or Dis- trict Judge. —ANI Mumbai: Alleged cricket bookie and fake sim supplier arrested in the Antilia bomb scare case and businessman Mansukh Hiren death case, Naresh Gaur, has moved the Bombay HC challenging stay on bail granted by the special NIA court in Mumbai. On Nov 20, a Special Court granted him bail, It, however, stayed its own order for 25 days after prosecution re- quested for same, say- ing it wished to chal- lenge the bail before an appellate court. —PTI Param Bir Singh Ajay Bhushan Pande PM to inaugurate devp projects in U’khand today New Delhi: Prime Min- ister Narendra Modi will inaugurate and lay the foundation stones of multiple projects worth around Rs. 18,000 crore including Delhi- Dehradun Economic Corridor on Saturday in Dehradun, the Minis- try of Road Transport and Highways said. A significant focus of PM’s visit to the state will be on projects to im- prove road infra, which will make travel smooth and safer and increase tourism in the region, the ministry said. This is in line with the vision of PM Modi to boost connectivity in the are- as which were once con- sidered far-flung. The total number of ongoing works for the develop- ment of National High- ways in Uttarakhand is 83 which are targeted to be completed between 2021 and 2023. —PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  • 7. INDIA LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 06 I I I I Delhi LG reviews progress of Eco Park initiative to promote urban greenery New Delhi: Delhi Lieu- tenant Governor Anil Baijal on Thursday re- viewed the progress of ‘Eco Park’ being devel- oped on the Ash Dyke Pond of Badarpur Thermal Power Station (BTPS) to promote ur- ban greens. “Chaired a meeting with VC, DDA, CMD, National Thermal Pow- er Corporation Limited (NTPC) and other sen- ior officials to review the progress of ‘Eco Park’ being developed on the Ash Dyke Pond of Badarpur Thermal Power Station (BTPS),” tweeted Delhi LG. Ap- prising of the project, Baijal said that it com- prises several green features including a Jungle Safari, Miyawa- ki forest and water bod- ies to promote urban greens while providing recreation facilities to the residents and tour- ists. NTPC presented the physical progress of the project during the meeting. —ANI New Delhi: Two months after India re- quested Pakistan to al- low transportation of food grains to Afghani- stan via land route, Is- lamabad told New Delhi Friday that it will allow “Afghan trucks” for transportation of wheat and life-saving medi- cines. The decision was con- veyed by the Pakistan’s foreign ministry to In- dian diplomats in Is- lamabad. A statement by Paki- stan’s foreign ministry said, “With a view to further facilitate Paki- stan’s decision to allow transportation of 50,000 MT (metric tonnes) of wheat and life-saving medicines from India to Afghanistan via Wagah border on an exception- al basis for humanitar- ian purposes, it has been decided to also al- low the use of Afghan trucks for transporta- tion from Wagah border to Torkham.” The Pakistan foreign ministry said that this “demonstrates the com- mitment and serious- ness of the government of Pakistan to facilitate the proposed humani- tarian assistance”. “The Indian govern- ment was also urged to proceed quickly to take necessary steps to expe- ditiously undertake the delivery of the humani- tarian assistance to Af- ghanistan,” it said. Meanwhile, there was no official response to Pakistan’s decision from New Delhi, but the MEA spokesperson has on several occasions said that there cannot be conditionalities at- tached to humanitarian assistance. —Agencies Pak to allow Afghan trucks to ferry wheat, life-saving drugs from India to Kabul Since 2014, both farmers and farming have prospered: Tomar According to the survey, a total of 12.5 crore farmers have come under govt scheme New Delhi : Agricul- ture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Friday informed the Rajya Sab- ha that both “farmers and farming have pros- pered since 2014”, the year when the Bharati- ya Janata Party (BJP) established a clear ma- jority on its own in the Lok Sabha elections. Replying during the QuestionHourinParlia- mentduringtheongoing Winter Session, Tomar said doubling of Kishan Credit Card increasing of Minimum Support Price to farmers that is at least 1.5 times the cost of production across all commodities and PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme are among vari- ous other steps taken by the Modi government so far for the welfare of the farmers.Respond- ing to a question on PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme, the Minister said, “It is a continuous scheme and the farmers have to verify them- selves to get the benefits of the scheme”. The Minister said the Cen- tre has provided a sum amounting to around Rs 1.60 lakh crore to around 11.5 cr farmer families under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme so far. Tomar said a total of 12.5 crore farmers have come un- der the ambit of the scheme as per the sur- vey and 11.5 cr farmers have availed its benefit so far and the remain- ing farmers will be soon covered under it. “Both the farmers and farm- ing have grown towards prosperity since 2014. ‘No record’ of farmers’ death statement: Rahul slams govt New Delhi: Cong lead- er Rahul Gandhi on Fri- day slammed the Modi govt for stating that it had “no record” of farmers’ deaths during the farm laws agitation and accused it of being “insensitive” and “ar- rogant”. Gandhi said the Pun- jab govt is not responsi- ble for the deaths of the farmers during the farm laws agitation but still paid Rs 5 lakh com- pensation to the fami- lies of 403 deceased farmers in the state. He said the Cong also has a list of 100 farmers from outside Punjab who died during the farm laws agitation and an- other list of about 200 deceased farmers. Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar KANGANA RANAUT’S CAR STOPPED BY PROTESTING FARMERS NEAR KIRATPUR IN PUNJAB Punjab: Actor Kangana Ranaut was briefly stopped by farmers at Bunga Sahib to protest against her comments allegedly during the farmer agitation, on the Ropar-Manali High- way, here on Friday. The actress was going in her car from Himachal Pradesh towards Chandigarhto celebrate her sister’s birthday with her family.The members of Bharatiya Kisan Union reportedly were following her from Bilaspur and when she reached Bunga Sahib, the protesters, including a large num- ber of women, sat in front of her car. Modi: India 2nd to none in adopting tech innovations New Delhi: PM Naren- dra Modi on Friday said that India has proved to the world that it is sec- ond to none when it comes to adopting tech- nology or innovating around it. His remarks came while inaugurat- ing InFinity Forum via video conferencing, the PM said that Transfor- mational initiatives un- der Digital India have opened doors for inno- vative Fintech solu- tions to be applied in governance. “Last year, in India, mobile payments ex- ceeded ATM cash with- drawalsforthefirsttime. Fullydigitalbanks,with- out any physical branch offices, are already a re- ality and may become commonplace in less than a decade,” Modi said.“Webelieveinshar- ing our experiences and expertise with the world and learning from them as well. Our Digital Pub- lic Infrastructure solu- tions can improve the lives of citizens around the world,” the PM said. The event was hosted by International Financial Services Centres Au- thority (IFSCA), under the aegis of the Govt of India. InFinity Forum will bring together the leading minds of the world in policy, busi- ness, and technology to discuss how technology and innovation can be leveraged by the Fin- Tech industry for inclu- sive growth and serving humanity at large. PM Modi wishes people of Goa on Day of Feast of St Francis Xavier New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday greet- ed the people of Goa on the occasion of the Feast of St. Fran- cis Xavier. “Best wishes to my sisters and brothers of Goa on the day of the Feast of St. Francis Xavier. May this occa- sion further the spir- it of harmony and brotherhood in our society,” the Prime Minister tweeted. The festival is cele- brated to mark the death anniversary of St. Francis Xavier. It is one of the most im- portant festivals for the Goans. The festi- val is celebrated with devotion and enthu- siasm every year on December 3. —ANI ISLAMIC STATE CLAIMS FOR ATTACK ON COP BDL ARMY SIGN CONTRACTS TO SUPPLY MISSILES NGT DIRECTS CPCB TO ISSUE DIRECTIONS TO RO MAKERS KERALA HC CANCELS APPOINTMENT OF LATE LEADER’S SON Srinagar: The Islamic State (IS) terror group has claimed responsi- bility for the attack on a traffic policeman in the old city area here in Jammu and Kashmir last evening. The Amaq News Agency of Islamic State has claimed responsibil- ity for the attack. A video clip of the attack was also released by Amaq. The claim could not be independently verified. On Wed evening, an un- armed traffic policeman on duty at Rajouri Kadal was fired upon with a pistol by a militant. Telangana: Bharat Dy- namics Limited (BDL) and the Indian Army signed a contract worth Rs 471.41 crore for the refurbish- ment of IGLA-1M mis- siles, said a press release. After the Refurbishment, a fresh lease of life will be given to the missile for a period of ten years. The value of the Contract is Rs 471.41 Crore, which was signed on Wednesday in New Delhi. The Company, in addition to carrying out refurbishment, deals with the manufacture and supply of Guided Missiles and associated equip- ments. New Delhi: The Na- tional Green Tribunal has directed the Cen- tral Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to issue directions to all RO manufacturers ban- ning water purifiers where the level of total dissolved solids (TDS) in water is below 500 milligrams per litre. A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel also asked the CPCB to issue directions on management of RO rejects, including cartridges. Kochi: Nair, a first time legislator after be- ing elected from the Chenganoor Assembly constituency in the 2016 Assembly polls, passed away in 2018 following health issues. Vijayan, in a surprise decision, decided to appoint Nair’s son R.Prasanth as an assistant engineer in the Public Works Depart- ment, which led to a huge criticism from several quarters. Incidentally, this judgement comes at a time when a petition is before the Lokayukta after Vijayan sanctioned a sub- stantial sum of money. CHINA LAUNCHES ITS FIRST CROSS-BORDER BRI TRAIN WITH LAOS New Delhi: China on Friday launched the first cross- border train of its multi-billion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from Laos, which Beijing says will help the small and only landlocked country in South East Asia turn into a land-linked hub, boost regional connec- tivity and supply chain resilience. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Laos’ counterpart Thongloun Sisoulith jointly witnessed the opening of the China- Laos railway via video link on Friday. The first train of the China-Laos Railway left Vientiane. CRUCIAL READ Imran Khan Lok Sabha picks up pace after logjam on first two days of winter session New Delhi: After los- ing first two days of the ongoing Winter Session to disruptions, the Lok Sabha bounced back on Wed, clocking 117% pro- ductivity as it worked overtime to clear the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regula- tion) Bill, 2020, multiple functionaries said on condition of anonymity . 129 MPs participated in various debates in the House on Wednesday . In the ART bill, a to- tal of 18 MPs partici- pated, of which 15 be- longed to various Oppo- sition parties, said sources. The House sat for two extra hours be- yond the scheduled time to compensate for the time lost on the previ- ous two days. On Thurs- day, the Lower House clocked even further as it debated the Covid-19 situation in the country . “More than 40 MPs were expected to take part. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Share top narcotics cases with NCB: Centre New Delhi: In a move that will strengthen the jurisdiction of the Nar- cotics Control Bureau (NCB), the Centre in a directive to all states has asked them to hand over four-five promi- nent cases to the agency by Dec 5, according to the sources. In the directive is- sued on Thursday, the Centre has asked all the Chief Secretaries, Home Secretaries and the Directors General of Police of all states and the Union Territo- ries to share prominent cases linked to narcot- ics with the agency, the sources privy to the de- velopment told ANI. The move comes after the seizure of about 3,000 kg of heroin from the Mundra port and the Mumbai cruise drug bust. The NCB is investigating both these cases along with other Central agencies that include the NIA. Mob lynches Sri Lankan over alleged blasphemy in Pakistan Lahore: A mob in Pakistan on Friday lynched a Sri Lankan national before burn- ing his body over al- leged blasphemy in the country’s Punjab province. Priyantha Ku- mara, who was in his 40s, was working as the general manager of afactoryinSialkot district, some 100 kms from here, a Punjab police official told PTI. “Mr Ku- mara allegedly tore a poster of the hard- line Tehreek-e-Lab- baik Pakistan (TLP) in which Quranic verses were in- scribed and threw it in the dustbin. The poster of the Islamist party was pasted on the wall ad- joining the office of Kumara. A couple of factory workers saw him removing the poster and spread the word in the factory,” the official said. Hun- dreds of men, en- raged over the “blas- phemy” incident, started gathering outside the factory from adjoining areas. Most of them were activists and sup- porters of the TLP. HIGHLIGHTS A view of the site in Sialkot where a mob killed a man on Friday. —PHOTO BY AGENCIES ‘INFINITY FORUM’ PM Narendra Modi
  • 8. NEWS LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 07 I I I I BSP PLANS TO ENSURE DEFEAT OF “DESERTERS” With the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) gearing up for the 2022 assembly election, the party has planned to ensure the defeat of those 15 BSP MLAs who left party for greener pasture elsewhere. The largest beneficiary of this defection game has been Samajwadi Party which would now field them from their respective constituencies. The BSP, while facing a rout in the 2017 assembly elections, could win just 19 seats and 15 of them have already deserted it. As the Bahujan Samaj Party prepares for the election, it has only four MLAs in the present house, which is unprecedented in the party’s history. The party leadership has thus directed the leaders and workers to ensure their defeat from where ever these party-hoppers join the fray. The BSP general secretary SC Mishra, while addressing a party meeting in Kaushambi called upon the workers to ensure the defeat of the “betrayers”. Without taking the name of Inderjit Saroj, who had left the party to join the Samajwadi Party , Mishra said the people should not trust these people. He said always remember their faces and ensure their defeat in the election. The Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati had earlier announced to defeat these people in the elections. —First India Bureau A MAN GLUED TO HIS CHAIR Nazir Sahab of Kanpur Dehat is so dedicated, so promising and has so much love for his work that even after retirement, he is not leaving Nazir’s chair. It is said that he is still working on the orders of a senior officer. Although, he is also engaged in a job elsewhere through outsourcing and he without going to perform his outsourcing task is looking after the complete work from the headquarters itself. Interestingly, the officers are silent despite seeing everything about the work in the government department. If you want to see diligence, dedication, alertness and passion, they should come to Kanpur Dehat. In fact, the person concerned, who was posted as Sadar Nazir of Kanpur Dehat, retired about four months ago and was replaced by a lady Nazir. But even today, he is looking after all the work sitting on Nazir’s chair in the headquarters, despite having been engaged through outsourcing in Musanagar Town area, he refuses to go to Musanagar town area and is looking after Nazir’s work in the headquarters. It should be understood how powerful is the post of Nazir. Nazir means the owner of Nazarat, all the maintenance work in the district administration is done by Nazir’s pen i.e. file, register furniture, dyeing, painting, patrolling, government vehicles, even the salary of fourth class employees are made by Nazir’s pen. Accounts of 12 Nagar Panchayats are also done by Nazim’s pen which is the reason why Nazir Saheb wants to remain in the chair post-retirement and wants to run his rule even after retirement. —Sumit Awasthi ‘BRITISHPOLICYWASDIVIDE RULE,BJP’SISKILLRULE’ Jhansi: SamajwadiPar- ty president Akhilesh Yadav on Friday alleged that the BJP’s policy is “kill and rule” and its government has left be- hindtheBritishinterms of atrocities on people. Yadav, who is on a three- day visit to the Bun- delkhand region, said that every section of the society is troubled un- der the BJP rule. “Thisgovernmenthas left behind the British in terms of atrocities. Farmers are crushed to death by vehicles for op- posing the government and no concrete action has been taken in the (Lakhimpur Kheri) mat- ter so far. Those who op- posearebeingputinjail. Theirpolicyis‘maroaur raj karo’ (kill and rule),” he told a press confer- ence here. “There has been a rise in fake en- counters under this gov- ernment. For this, the BJP government has got the maximum number of notices from NHRC (NationalHumanRights Commission). What can be expected from a chief ministerwhowithdraws cases against himself,” Yadavsaid,targetingCM YogiAdityanath.Hesaid the people of Bun- delkhand gave their full supporttotheBJPinthe past elections but now they have understood theirgimmicks.Nowthe people of Bundelkhand have made up their minds to send the BJP empty-handed from the region, he added. Yadav said his party’s ‘Vajay Rath’ yatra was getting full support form the people. During the coro- navirus pandemic and lockdown, barricades wereputuponthestate’s bordertopreventlabour- ers from returning home, he alleged. “That time, the government hadleftthepoorhelpless and only samajwadis helped them then,” he said. He alleged that the BJP , instead of doing anything concrete on its own, turned to changing names of projects and works done during the previous regime. “After changing the world’s best (crime) re- sponsesystemDial100to Dial 112, the BJP ruined it.Byincreasingelectric- ity bills it has given a shock to the people,” he said. “This government hasbrokenallrecordsof corruption and crime.. The main accused in the TET (Teachers Eligibili- ty Test) paper leak case belongstothechief min- ister’s area and it should be probed,” he said. He said that now the people of Uttar Pradesh have made up their minds to remove the BJP and in- stall a Samajwadi Party government. —PTI Mathura: The Akhil Bhartiya Jat Aarak- shan Sangharsh Samiti has said it will call for voting against the BJP if its demand to include Jats in the OBC catego- ry is not met before the UP assembly elections. “A call, No Vote to BJP’, will be given during the Vidhan Sabha elections if assurances made by union leaders, includ- ing the PM, are not ful- filled shortly , samiti na- tional president Yash- pal Malik on Thursday said. He said they will appeal to people to not vote for the BJP in the upcoming UP, Uttara- khand, and Punjab elec- tions if Jats are not in- cluded in the said cate- gory . Malik claimed that the community was as- sured of reservation at central level under the Other Backward Com- munities (OBC) catego- ry by PM Narendra Modi on March 26, 2015. He claimed that the as- surance was also sec- onded by Union Home Minister Amit Shah the same day. He fur- ther claimed that the Jat leaders from differ- ent organisations were given the same promise including withdrawal of cases filed against them during the 2016 Jat agitation by former Union Minister Chaud- hary Birendra Singh. The samiti leader said orgnisation will launch a public awareness programme against BJP if this demand is not fulfilled. —PTI Aligarh: A PhD hold- er from AMU on Thursday accused his varsity of harassing him for praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a social media post after his address to the varsity during its centenary celebra- tion last December. PhD degree holder Dr Danish Rahim al- leged that the Aligarh Muslim University changed the subject of his degree in a bid to render him ineligible for appointment as a faculty member in a department, relating to which he had pur- sued the course to se- cure the degree. Dr Rahim told media persons on Thursday that he had pursued a PhD course in Lan- guage for Advertising, Marketing Media (LAMM) but he has been awarded a PhD de- gree in linguistic, ren- dering him ineligible for appointment as a faculty member open to people having a PhD de- gree in Language for Advertising, Marketing Media . I am being pe- nalised by the AMU for praising the prime min- ister, he alleged. The AMU, however, trashed his allegations saying that it was an inadvertent clerical er- ror and the University would rectify the mis- take after it came to its knowledge. Dr Rahim’s allega- tions are patently false and without an iota of truth and dragging the prime minister’s name in the whole episode is unfortunate and un- called for, AMU spokesperson Shafey Kidwai said. The varsity has also set up a committee of its independent faculty members to look into the lapse as well as Dr Rahim’s allegations, he added. —PTI SP president Akhilesh Yadav greets his supporters during the Samajwadi Vijay Rath Yatra in Jhansi on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI —REPRESENTATIONAL IMAGE YADAV SLAMS CM AKHILESHACTIVE ONLY DURING ELECTION TIME: PRIYANKA SLAMS RIVAL Moradabad: Claim- ing that Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav became active during the election time only, Congress leaderPriyankaGand- hi Vadra on Thursday asked where he was when atrocities were being committed during protests against the Citizen- ship Amendment Act (CAA) in 2020. The Congress general sec- retary , who is steering the party’s campaign for the upcoming elec- tions in UP, alleged that the SP and the BSP were taking for- ward the BJP’s poli- ticsof religioncaste. “These parties thinkthattheywillget votes through such kind of politics and would rule on getting their chances. Priyan- ka said during pro- tests against CAA, a 19-year-old boy from Bijnor was murdered another was killed in police firing but no action was taken. “I want to ask if Akh- ileshji visited their houses. 13 adivasis were killed in Son- bhadra. Did Akhilesh- ji go there? Atrocities were committed on womeninUnnaoHa- thrasdidAkhileshjigo there, did he go to Lakhimpur kheri where people were killed? Why during election time he is moving about and his partyiscomingalive?” Gandhi added. —PTI The crowd gathered to listen to Priyanka at the Pratigya rally held in Moradabad on Thursday. —PHOTO BY PTI “When there is no fight, how will there be a victory? Everyone is thinking that they will rule and loot when their time comes. They think after five years we will raise unnecessary issues and rule. I want to give you a chance to change politics, you should make the leaders answerable on your development issues and make pol- itics development oriented, Gandhi said. She accused CM Yogi Adityanath of doing politics of religion and said this will continue until people start talking about development issues. The Congress leader also claimed that it is only her party which is taking up development issues while others are playing the caste and religion cards, creating differences among the masses. ‘NO WAR CAN BE WON WITHOUT A FIGHT’ 2 men held for killing friend who owed them ` 4,000 ‘BJP, SP, CONG MISLEAD PEOPLE WITH THEIR POLL PROMISES’ Bulandshahr: Two men were arrested here on charges of killing their friend who owed them Rs 4,000, police said on Friday. The body of the victim Maroof alias Raja (25) was found near the Dost- pur flyover under Kot- wali Dehat limits on November 29, two days after his killing, Senior Superinten- dent of Police Santosh Kumar Singh said. During a detailed investigation, the po- lice learnt that Ma- roof had borrowed Rs 4,000 from his friend Saqib about six months ago, but he was unable to repay it. OnOctober27,when Saqib sternly demand- ed the money, Maroof rode him and another friend Yash on a scoot- er to a relative’s house assuring that he would collect the money from them settle the debt. However, when he failed to arrange the money, Saqib Yash allegedly stabbed him to death in a fit of an- ger, police said, adding that the incident was recorded in a CCTV camera. —PTI Lucknow: BSP chief Mayawati on Friday accused the BJP , SP and the Congress of mis- leading the people of UP with their election promises and forgetting those after coming to power. “Parties in UP, especially the BJP , SP Congress, make a flurry of promises every day before elections to woo and mislead the people. After coming to power, most of these promises are forgotten. This has been their history till now. People beware,”. “When the BJP and the SP were in power here why did they not fulfil the promises that they are making now? Why did the Congress party, which is promising to give 40% poll tickets and scooty to women, did not do so in the states they have governments? This is something to think about,” she said. ‘Will call for voting against BJP if not given OBC status’ PhDholderaccusesvarsityofharassinghimforpraisingPM Akhil Bhartiya Jat Aarakshan Sangharsh Samiti national president Yashpal Malik (L) during a press conference. —FILE PHOTO —REPRESENTATIONAL IMAGE
  • 9. LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 08 2NDFRONT I I I I Isn’t it better to inspire people than to impress them? The former had depth while the latter is momentary. —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO Editor-in-Chief, First India UP’S BUSINESS CLASS CAN BE A GAME CHANGER IN UPCOMING POLLS Gyanendra Kumar Shukla Lucknow: In the elec- toral battle of UP, there is a competition among political parties to bal- ance the equations among several castes and classes. In this con- nection, the fiercest competition is going on between BJP and SP to mobilise the business class in their favour. The Business class is of electoral signifi- cance in terms of eco- nomic aspect and sphere of influence. For this reason, politi- cal parties are making several efforts to woo them. Notably, the business class has traditionally been considered the core vote bank of the BJP. It is a well-known fact that since the for- mation of the saffron party , this class played a decisive role in the rise of BJP. But in the peri- od from the announce- ment of demonetisa- tion till the time of Ko- vid lockdown, this class had to face a lot of chal- lenges. Still, they are facing difficulties re- garding GST and taxes. Due to which discon- tent is also brewing among the traders. Sensing this displeas- ure, the Vyapar Sabha of the Samajwadi Party has in- creased its activ- ism. According to the state vice-presi- dent of the Sabha, Pawan Manocha, the condition of business- men in the state is the worst. From GST re- fund to industrial area development, the work has not been done prop- erly. Despite con- tinuous losses, com- mercial and industrial electricity rates were not reduced, there was no tax relief. He said, “On Decem- ber 5, Akhilesh Yadav will hold a meeting with five thousand traders regarding this. On the basis of this, SP will prepare its manifesto related to business and industry .” At the same time, BJP strategists have also de- vised special plans to maintain a strong hold on this base vote bank. The formation of ‘Trad- ers Welfare Board’, fol- lowingtheelectionman- ifesto, is being counted as an achievement by the party . The BJP Vyapar Pra- kosth is trying to con- vince the traders that due to the reforms in the law and order un- der the Yogi govern- ment, it has become possible for the traders to do business without any fear from any crim- inal element. The series of ‘Vya- pari Sammelan’ kick off by the BJP from western UP will end in Lucknow on December 5. Obviously, on Decem- ber 5, there will be a tug of war between the BJP-SP to make inroads among the traders. First India Bureau Jhansi: Attacking CM Yogi Adityanath-led Ut- tar Pradesh govern- ment, Samajwadi Party (SP) president Akhilesh Yadav Friday said the way Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) changed the names of places, people would very soon change the government. Addressing a public meeting, the Samajwadi chief said,“Yogigovern- ment has only changed the names of places. Very soon people in Ut- tar Pradesh are going to change their govern- ment. Youth, farmers and businessmen in Ut- tar Pardesh have decid- ed to get rid of the Yogi government. Farmers in Uttar Pradesh are go- ing to benefit if Sama- jwadi Party comes in power.” YadavsaidUPwasthe state where there is the mostnumberof casesof crime against women in the country . “If any government has received the highest numberof noticesinthe fake encounter, then it is the Uttar Pradesh gov- ernment,” he added. In the 2017 Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP bagged 312 seats out of the 403 while SP bagged 47 seats, Bahu- jan Samajwadi Party (BSP) won 19 and Con- gress could manage to win only seven seats. Further, Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) and Ni- shad Party each won one seat, Apna Dal bagged nine and Suheldev Bharatiya Sa- maj Party (SBSP) man- aged to win four seats and independent candi- dates won three seats. First India Bureau New Delhi: A demand was made in Rajya Sab- ha on Friday to set up a special investigation team (SIT) to probe the UP Teachers’ Eligibili- ty Test question paper leak case. During the Zero Hour, Aam Aadmi Par- ty (AAP) leader Sanjay Singh said many such exam papers had been leaked in the past. The latest leak on Novem- ber 18 came to the knowledge of students after they reached the exam hall. About 36 people were arrested in the case, which has affected the lives of lakhs of students. This needed to be probed by SIT, he added. A demand was also made to fill up vacant posts in various depart- ments under the Minis- try of Culture. Sonal Mansingh (BJP) said some departments un- der the Ministry of Cul- ture have been headless and all posts should be filled as soon as pos- sible. Vishambar Prasad Nishad of Samajwadi party (SP) demanded the restoration of the student’s union in Al- lahabad University. Vaiko (MDMK) said the Centre was “impos- ing” the use of the Hin- di language in its offi- cial communication with non-Hindi speak- ing MPs and state gov- ernments and even cen- tral programmes are named in Hindi with- out English transla- tion. The Chair stopped him in between, and said, “All languages should be respected and promoted. No imposition or opposition.” First India Bureau Lucknow: The hear- ing before the Supreme Court on Friday in the case concerning air pollution in Delhi wit- nessed a brief but interesting exchange between the counsel appearing for State of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Chief Justice of India NV Ramana [Aditya Dubey v. Union of India]. Senior Counsel Ranjit Kumar appearing for UP, told the Bench that polluted air in north in- dian plains was current- lycomingfromPakistan since UP was in the downward direction of the wind. He made this submission to highlight that closure of indus- tries in UP might not al- leviate the problem but could impact sugar cane industries in the State. “Closure of indus- tries may affect sugar cane industries. UP is on down wind, air is mostly coming from Pa- kistan,” he said. CJI NV Ramana, how- ever, responded by asking,,“So you want to ban industries in Paki- stan?” The Court was hear- ing a petition by a 17-yr- old Delhi student Aditya Dubey concerning ris- ing levels of air pollu- tion in the national capi- tal. The Centre and the States of Haryana, Pun- jab, Uttar Pradesh and Union Territory of Del- hiarepartiestothecase. During the previous hearings, the Court had ordered a construction ban in the capital. During the hearing today, the top court la- mented that it has been portrayed as villains by some sections of the me- dia for prompting the closure of schools on ac- count of the air pollu- tion in Delhi. Traders taking out a rally in Lucknow. —FILE PHOTO Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav during Vijay Rath Yatra in Jhansi on Friday. 2 0 2 2 ELECTION W I T H 2 2 EL ON W 16L TRADERS People will change govtthewayitchanges placenames:Akhilesh BIG CLAIM UP paper leak case raised in Rajya Sabha AAP leader Sanjay Singh GOVT SEEKS DETAILS OF ASSETS OF TET SCAM ACCUSED First India Bureau Lucknow: Thestate government has sought details of as- sets of accused in UP Teachers’ Eligi- bility Test (TET) pa- per leak matter and it was reported that STF searched re- cordsof fiveaccused in Meerut. STF has raided several places in dis- tricts and more than 40 accused were ar- rested across the state. STF had ar- rested Manish alias Monu, Ravi alias Bunty and Dhar- mendra just before the TET started at the centres. Ravi told STF that Rahul of Chhachharpur vil- lage in Badot and Gaurav Malan of Aligarh were also involvedinthescam. STF had arrested all five accused and sent to Shamli jail. Apart from that STF raided in Aligarh, Mathuraandnearby districts. Also, man- hunt was launched to nab prime ac- cused Nirdosh Chaudhary , who leaked paper in nearby areas. UP STF has arrested DevPrakashPandey residence of Praya- graj for his involve- ment of cheating in examination. It was alleged that he had taken huge money from candidates and provided solvers for the exam who exe- cuted examat the place of real candi- dates. Also, he had leaked question pa- per on social media. SNOW-COVERED KEDARNATH Mountains surrounding Kedarnath Temple covered in snow as Kedarnath receives fresh snowfall on Friday. —PHOTO BY ANI DO YOU WANT TO BAN PAK INDUSTRIES TO STOP POLLUTION? SC poser to UP’s pollution argument IN THE COURTYARD New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday asked the UP government to explain whether its policy of 2018 on the premature release of convicts serving life-sentence can be applied retrospec- tively in the wake of some amendments made to it in July this year. The top court told the government that it is of prima facie view that the 2018 policy should have been applied to the prisoners, who have served over 20-25 years of incarceration and whose names were not considered. A bench of Justices DY Chandra- chud and AS Bopanna issued notice to the state government and sought its response in two weeks saying that though 103 convicts have ap- proached the court, it will not go into individual cases looking at the impact of their release on society. It noted that on August 1, 2018, a policy was framed by UP concerning the premature release of prisoners annually on Republic Day or Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti. Prayagraj: The Allahabad HC has directed SSP Gautam Budh Nagar to act against cops of Phase-II Police Station, Noida, for falsely accusing a person of smuggling ganja. A bench of Justice Rahul Chaturvedi passed this or- der while hearing a Criminal Misc Bail Application by Lalit Gupta. The applicant, facing prosecution under NDPS Act, is seeking his enlargement on bail during trial. He has been in jail since June 14, 2021. Shri Krishna Shukla, coun- sel for the applicant, has drawn attention of the Court to the FIR lodged by SI Ram Chandra Singh, PS Phase-II, Noida on June 14, 2021 against Lalit alleging that the informant, a Sub-Inspec- tor, along with his team and co-accused Sonu to bust a bigger racket dealing in the psychotropic substance, went to Kakrala 112 Feet Road, where Sonu indicated a person sitting over a culvert as the one who dealt with psychotropic substances. The police overpowered that person. SC SEEKS UP GOVT STAND ON RELEASE OF PRISONERS SERVING LIFE TERM GANJA CASE FALSE ALLEGATION: HIGH COURT ASKS SSP TO ACT AGAINST COPS PM to visit Gorakhpur on Dec 7 to inaugurate dev projects New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Gora- khpur, the home turf of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on December 7 and inau- gurate development projects worth over Rs 9,600 crore, the PMO said on Friday. Modi will dedicate to the nation the Gora- khpur fertilizer plant, whose foundation stone was laid by him in 2016 and which af- ter being in disuse for more than 30 years has been revived and built at a cost of around Rs 8,600 crore.The driv- ing force behind the revival of the plant is Modi’s vision to achieve self-sufficien- cy in production of urea, the PMO added. The Gorakhpur plant will make avail- able 12.7 LMT per an- num indigenous neem-coated urea and will be of immense benefit for farmers of Purvanchal region and adjoining areas. It will also boost the overall economic growth of the region. The PM will also dedicate to the nation the fully functional complex of AIIMS, Gorakhpur. —PTI
  • 10. LUCKNOW, SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 2021 I I I 09 n ace model and a stunning fashion aficionado, Navy- ashree is a young woman with vivid dreams and a fierce passion to achieve all that she aims for. She walks with grace, pos- es with pa- nache and moves like melodies. As she swayed to the Bollywood tunes during the talent rounds, she left a lot of mouth gawking in abso- lute awe and fascination. In conversation with City First, Navyashree spills the beans about her career trajectory, aspira- tions and the next chapter of her life. Tell us something about yourself. I am Navyashree Shobha Shetty . I am 21 years old and I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s de- gree in business m a n a g e m e n t from S.M Shetty college. I consider myself as a bold, pas- sionate and dedicated person. I strongly believe in hardwork and I also be- lieve that there is no great- er wisdom than kindness. I love music and to dance on i t ’ s tunes, makes me happy . When did you decide that you will take up modelling? I decided to take up model- ling when I got the won- derful opportunity of First miss India. It moti- vated me to push my lim- its and I enjoy every min- ute of it. What are your future plans? I want to be someone who supports and champions the protection of the envi- ronment like a tree hug- ger. Environmentalist or activist. If not a model, what would you be? Being a Business manage- ment student, I would love to see myself as a success- ful entrepreneur. Who is your inspiration? My mom, Shobha Shetty. She is the strongest, most independent and beauti- ful person I know. I look up to her and everything I do is an effort to make her proud. And I hope that one day I’ll be able to achieve that. Any word for the fellow models? To be on point every night, don’t focus on per- fection, stay in the pre- sent moment, give your- self fully and be with your audience. A POORVI SINGHAL WITH AN UNFETTERED SPIRIT, NAVYASHREE SHETTY FROM KARNATAKA, 21, MADE FOR A STUNNING PARTICIPANT AT THE FIRST MISS INDIA 2021 HELD IN GOA ON OCT 30! With a burning With a burning PASSION… PASSION…
  • 11. Sagittarius NOVEMBER 23 - DECEMBER 21 A family youngster is likely to do you proud. Your strategy to promote yourself on the profes- sional front will bear fruits. You may need to speed up things on the academic front to remain ahead. On the social front, the day finds you in your element. Something special awaits you. Capricorn DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 20 Good advice may be required to make a profitable investment. A journey is likely to take you down the memory lane. Some of you may start a long pending construction work at home. Winning the affections of the one you secretly love can become the biggest achievement of the day. Aquarius JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 18 Much fun is in store on the social front. Your own happiness is in your hands today. Spouse may need her space, respect that. This is a favourable day for completing pending jobs. Financially, no problems are foreseen. It is best to avoid outside food. Those in love will be happy. Pisces FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20 Appreciation is in store for some homemakers. Those looking for buying a house can get a good bargain. A professional victory is yours if you play your cards well today. Those in business will be able to maintain good earning. You are likely to enjoy good health. Young lovers are likely to enjoy. 10 ETC LUCKNOW | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 I I I I YOUR DAY Horoscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva Aries MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 Fitness through extra efforts is assured for the deskbound. Some positive changes can be expected on the home front. This seems a good day for job seekers. New avenues for earning open up as you get more determined. If you are in love, chances of making an exciting plan is possible. Taurus APRIL 21 - MAY 21 You will find family life more than fulfilling. A senior is likely to put in a good word for you to the higher ups. Financially, you will be able to consolidate your position. Exercise care in matters of health. Lover may become your pillar of strength. You will do wonders in life. Gemini MAY 22 - JUNE 21 Some favourable develop- ments on the social front are foreseen. Buying new furniture or a major appliance is possible. With good networking, a prized posting can be yours .Those trying to get back their money will succeed. A healthy phase of life begins for some. Cancer JUNE 22 - JULY 22 Good tidings of your well wishers will keep you going on the professional front. You are likely to take up someone’s cause and earn apprecia- tion from all quarters on the social front. Remaining on the good side of those who matter on the academic front will help you achieve much. Leo JULY 23 - AUGUST 22 Good planning will see you complete a task at work in record time. This is an excellent day to spend time with family. Your reputation is likely to boost your image on the social front. Monetary front grows strong for some. You enjoy excellent health. Those seeking love are likely to get lucky. Virgo AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22 You may get busy organising something on the social front. You may need to put your ideas into action, if you want to prove yourself. A party may be thrown in your honour at work. Past investments start giving good returns. Health-wise a good day is foreseen. Libra SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22 A celebration can find you in your element today. Praise and honour are likely to greet you in something that you have managed to achieve. You will be a pillar of strength to a friend or associate. A good day at work is foreseen as you make your mark in front of those who matter. Scorpio OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 22 This is the day full of joy, love and excitement . You will enjoy yourself with a new group of friends . Those in business will soon get a chance to make profits. A new deal is likely to come through and give you a taste of success pending time with lover proves most fulfilling. HOW TO PLAN FOR YOUR MALDIVES VACATION? ince the onset of the pandemic, there has been unpredictability with foreign travel. People want to travel closer to home more than ever. Owing to its proxim- ity, flight connectivity, and no quarantine rules, the Maldives has become the hottest and the most trending foreign destina- tion in the past two years. With 130 properties and various package options to choose from, narrow- ing down your best can be tricky when planning your Maldivian vacation. And it is an expensive holiday, to begin with, so the cost of doing things wrong can be high here. To make the most of your holiday, these are the fac- tors that you must con- sider before your upcom- ing trip to the tropical paradise. PICK THE RIGHT SEASON The equator runs right through the islands that accounts for an average temperature of 28 de- grees year-round. But there are distinguished dry and wet seasons. The months of November to April promises a lot of sunshine and almost no rain. These months are also the typical tourist season and the time of the year when the resorts are sold out and the tick- ets are expensive. May to October is the wet season, but the cost of travel is comparatively low. You might get good deals at this time. For people who want to surf, this is also the season with the big- gest swells in waves. To maintain a budget, plac- ing your bets in a shoul- der season like May or October might help save some bucks, and the chances of rain to ruin your vacation are worth the money you save. PLAN YOUR FLIGHT AND TRANSFERS Male is the capital of the Maldives and also the port of entry . From India, many major airports and almost every airline have a direct flight to the city. Once you arrive at Male, you can reach your resort by high-speed boat or by seaplane. If you resort if too far away from the Male, then you might have to take a domestic flight first and then a speed boat to reach there. Seaplanes are ubiquitous in the Maldives and are uncommon in most parts of theworld.Theseplanes can add a lot to your Mal- divian experience but also extra money to your budget. The tickets for the plane are not booked by guests but by the re- sorts directly for a flat fee. CHOOSE PROPERTY AND ACCOMMODATION WISELY In the Maldives, one is- land is equal to one prop- erty. You will be stuck with the property for eve- rything including, activi- ties, food and entrain- ment for your entire trip. Most of the properties in the Maldives feature lux- ury accommodations of different types, but over the water, villas are what comes to mind when you think of a Maldivian va- cation. Staying in an over the water villa for at least a day or two is an absolute must. Where else can you descend from your room directly into the ocean with your sundowner? You can split your stay between a beach villa and the water villa, which can save some money. Some of the villas have private pools attached to them. They are great! But, it is ok if you don’t rent one because of your budget constraints. You are nev- er far away from the ocean in the Maldives when you want to go for a swim. DECIDE ON THE RIGHT PACKAGE  All the properties in the Maldives will appear a lot similar in pictures, but what makes it different is its inclusions. The Mal- dives is a logistics night- mare, and anything you have to buy outside your package inclusions will cost you much more than its actual price. It is bet- ter to pay upfront so that you know the actual cost of your trip. You can opt for a Full Board or an All- inclusive package. The Full board offers break- fast, lunch, and dinner. It is economical than an All- inclusive package, but snacks, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages will cost you extra. An all-in- clusive package is the best and helps you have a wallet free vacation. There is also an option of Half-board packages, which includes breakfast and dinner. This option is only recommended for people who have a very light or almost no lunch after a heavy breakfast because ordering from a la carte menu can eventu- ally add up to the price that can be compared to a Full board package. CHECK THE FINE PRINTS FOR INCLUSIONS Make sure your transfers of seaplane/speed boat and covid test are a part of your inclusions. Some of the optional inclusions that many good resorts will provide are Water ac- tivities, complimentary massage, Sunrise or sun- set cruise, Dolphin watch- ing cruise, Private dinner to celebrate special occa- sions, Floating breakfast in the pool. Involving a travel agent for your Maldives trip is a good idea. The agent can also assist you with all the options available for your budget, which can be tiresome to figure out on your own. The Mal- dives can have an erratic climate. The weather pre- dictions might not be ac- curate here. A slight dis- turbance in the Indian ocean can bring a signifi- cant change to your travel plans, including delays in seaplanes for both arrival and departure. It is high- ly recommended to get travel insurance for this particular trip so that you can claim those expenses later in case of missed flight connections or an added room booking. SHALBHA SARDA S