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December 2006

Issue 2

Life & Stlye

PT Focus


Volume 38

Stressing over
gift giving this
holiday season?
See page 10.

Girls’ tennis swings in PIAA gold

Kaitlin Houser	

Peters Township Girls Tennis Team
captured the PIAA title on Saturday,
October 28, 2006, at the Hershey Racquet
Freshman Julie Stroyne upset
undefeated Junior Kristen Roth of Lower
Marion, with a score of 6-4 to 7-5. The
team defeated the six-year champions of
Lower Marion to move on to their final
match against Shady Side Academy. The
team conquered the Class AAA WPIAL
champion of Shady Side Academy with
a score 3-2. Sophomore Allison Riske
defeated Shady Side’s Lauren Greco with
a score of 6-2 to 6-1. The first matches
were against Upper Dublin and Lower
Merion who were previous state rivals.
Doubles teams Greta Shepardson and
Kaitlin Mininger and Haylee Gardner and
Kaitlyn Stroyne were defeated. Although
the two doubles teams were defeated,
junior Emily Palko was victorious in her
last singles match. Previously unknown
in the tennis world, Peters defeated Lower
Merion to take home the gold. The team’s
impressive season ended with 19 wins
and one loss. Junior Emily Palko said,
“As much as it is an individual sport, it is
definitely a team sport when pulling out a
This was the first year that the team ever
made it to states. The team was pumped
for the rematch against the only team
they had lost to, Shady Side Academy.

Photo by Judy Eltschlager
Peters who? Girls’ varsity tennis team posed for a celebratory photo on the
court at Hershey Racquet Club after winning the PIAA State Championship.

They had a strong lineup and were determined to win the gold when
they made it to states. The team held “depth” with a strong team and
season. The team prepared themselves for the game by listening to
their iPods. During the tennis matches, Peters Township displayed the
most support for their players by being the loudest to cheer. Senior
Captain Danica Sheth said, “This is the first year that we all really got
along. Our personalities really meshed and we always had a blast!
I’m really glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of such a great
team.” On the bus ride home, the team celebrated the win by listening
to music and dancing in the aisles. Julie Stroyne said, “It was fun
playing with such a good team and I’m looking forward to next year.”
The team held a get together sleepover to celebrate their gold win in
states. The PIAA champs were proud to display their gold metals as
the first girls’ tennis team from Peters ever to make it to states.

Boys’ soccer advances to PIAA playoffs
Emily Bigley



Are you being awarded
for your academic success?
Full list on pages 4 & 5

Does your family have
a strange holiday tradition? Read how the rest
of the world celebrates.
Full story on page 3

What’s Santa’s best
Voices, page 12

Sports Writer

The boys battled
their way through WPIAL –
Sections 5 (AAA), compiled
a (10-1-1) record, and
champions. As the boys
breezed through WPIAL
playoffs by defeating Shaler
(3-0), Pine-Richland (1-0),
and Butler (4-3), one thing
remained on their minds:
“Nothing Else Matters.”
“When we’re on the field,
nothing else truly matters
senior defender Garrett
McLean. Although the boys
suffered a difficult loss to
Bethel Park(1-2)
in the
WPIAL final game, winning
remained on their minds
as they entered the PIAA
State playoff tournament.
During the first round
of the PIAA Class AAA
State Playoffs, the boys
beat State College High
School (2-0). The season
came to a close in the
quarterfinal game when
the boys succumbed to

Manheim Township
(01). Although Manheim
defeated PT,
there was no reason for
the boys to hang their
heads; they accomplished
a lot this season. Seniors
Garrett McLean, Kevin

Schaeffer, Chris Koenig,
sophomores Ryan Koepka,
Greg Weimer, Christian
Partyka, Tim Hutchins,
Nick Wilcox, and freshman
Nate Troscinski.
The Peters Township

“When we’re on the
field, nothing else truly
matters except winning.”
Senior Garrett McLean
Noone, Ryan Gaudy, Phil
Troscinski, and junior Pat
Russo led this year’s squad.
Other members of the
team include seniors Ryan
Hartz, Kevin Danchisko,
Mike Hnat, Alex Pitts,
juniors Jason Chiappino,
Pruitt, Mark Lacy, Zach

High School Boys’ soccer
team had a very unique
routine that tied in with the
book Gates of Fire (dealing
with the Trojan War). How
does the Trojan War relate
to soccer? It’s quite simple.
Each member of the team
wore two bracelets on their
wrists, much like members

of the Trojan army wore
two bands on their wrists.
Both bracelets that the
boys wore were inscribed
with the words, “Nothing
the start of each game,
the boys removed one
bracelet from their wrist
symbolizing that “Nothing
winning the game at hand.
During the war, men in the
Trojan army would remove
the band that represented
everything else in their
lives (i.e. family, friends,
etc.) and continue to wear
the band that symbolized
After the battle, the men
band back and were able
to return to their families.
Just like the Trojans, the
boys collected their second
bracelet back at the close
of each game and returned
to reality.
J. Berardino

A. Czajkowski

A. Nepa

R. Wunderlich

Domestic Violence and Abuse:
Stats, Types, and Signs


Ashley Czajkowski	
Staff Writer

Michael J. Fox stirred up controversy during
the recent Senatorial elections by appearing as
spokesperson for Claire McCaskill, a Democratic
candidate for the U.S. Senate. Fox, a longtime
sufferer of Parkinson’s disease, appeared in a
commercial in support of her stance concerning
stem cell research. Rush Limbaugh, a notoriously
conservative talk show host, stated that in Fox’s
commercial, in which he trembles and his speech
is slurred, Fox was, “exaggerating the effects of the
disease... He’s moving all around and shaking, and
it’s purely an act.”
Attacks carried out by Iraqi insurgents against U.S.
troops in Iraq reached an all time high in late 2006.
In October, CNN was “under fire” when it aired video
clips showing militant Iraqi shooting at American
soldiers. The U.S. government claimed that CNN
aided the undergroud propaganda movement in Iraq
because the footage showed a capable enemy while
the U.S. soldiers appeared to be sitting ducks. recently released a statement
saying that a diet lacking in Omega-3 fatty acids
could be cause for depression. Apparently, Omega3’s, a polysaturated fat, can help maintain the fatty
membranes that relay signals from cell to cell.
Scientists also estimate that two-thirds of the brain
is made up of fatty acids that come from foods
people eat.

The U.S. has created their own version of the
popular encyclopedia known as “Wikipedia,”
asserting that an open website like Wikipedia is the
future of American espionage. Called “Intellipedia”,
the site allows government officials and intelligence
officers to maintain an easily searched database
with varying degrees of classified information.
According to U.S. official John Negroponte, the site
now has 3,600 registered users.

Smoke Signals
Smoke Signals is produced seven times during
a school year by the students of Media II,III, IV
Journalism and extracurricular staff at Peters Township High School, 264 E. McMurray Road, McMurray PA 15317. Telephone: 724-941-6250 x.5379.
Commentaries, reviews, and opinion columns
are the expressed opinion of the author and not of
Smoke Signals, its adviser or the Peters Township
School District. Member of the Pennsylvania School
Press Association.

Co-Editors in Chief
Kaitlin Houser
Rachel Horensky
Kara Krawiec
Layout Editor
Catherine McCarron
News Editor
Angelina Nepa
Life & Style Editor
Colleen Counihan
Opinion Editor
Brittany Beyer
Sports Editor
Sean-Paul Mauro

Marketing Editiors
Emily Bigley
Nick Sikora
Staff Writers
Jessica Berardino, Bill
Berry, Emily Bigley, Ashley Czajkowski, Garrett
Dennis, Drew Karpen,
Sean Naccarelli, Chris
Portz, Derek Redding,
Brendan Sikora, Nick
Sikora, Renee Wunderlich
Layout Team
Megan Enscoe, Katie
Gavlick, Stephanie Gillece, Lisa Lerario,
Nicole Sitler

Family Violence Statistics concluded
that there were approximately 3.5 million
violent crimes committed against family
members each year from 1998 to 2002.
However, only about three in five incidents were
reported to police. Although these numbers
were men and women combined, the statistics
toward violence against women alone was
even steeper. Each year, roughly three million
women are assaulted by their partner. One in
four women have been abused at some point
in her life.
Research by the (National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) NSPCC
indicated that “most violence occurred at home,
(78%) and 40- 60% of men who abuse women
also abuse their children”. An estimated 100
million children per year may witness or be
victims of violence. This exposure could lead to
an enormous public health problem. Childhood
exposure to violence (CEV) has an desvastating
impact on children’s development. It’s known
for affecting emotional growth, physical health,
and school performance. “CEV has been
significantly linked with increased depression,
anxiety, anger, alcohol and drug abuse, and
with decreased academic achievement,” stated
the National Center for Children Exposed to

Domestic violence consists of abuse
including physical abuse, verbal and nonverbal
abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, economic
abuse or financial abuse, and spiritual abuse.
The types of abuse may be more obvious than
the signs and symptoms. Signs to look out for
are fear of a partner or family member a large
percentage of the time; feeling that there is
nowhere to turn for help; feeling a loss of love
or respect toward a partner or family member,
Presently, more data on abuse has been
collected from low-income than middle and
upper income families. This does not necessarily
affirm that domestic violence is more common
among poor families than wealthier ones, only
that the population most available for study is
primarily low-income. Domestic violence occurs
in all cultures. People of all races, ethnicities,
and religions can be perpetrators of domestic
violence. Domestic violence is commited by,
and on, both men and women, and occurs in
any type of relationship.
Fortunately, family violence declined
by about half from 1996 to 2006, mirroring
the overall drop in all violent crime during
the same time period. Still, family violence
as a proportion of all violent crime remained
constant during the decade.

Deceitful Dictator’s Downfall
Garrett Dennis	
Staff Writer

“Remember, remember the 5th of
November,” which not only is a quote from V
for Vendetta, but also marked the day that
Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by
hanging for the execution of 148 Shiites. The
trial was held in Iraq, and the case is currently
under review for appeal.
Saddam, the former dictator of Iraq for
two decades was the cause of many executions
and hostile attacks. His own citizens feared
him, but none of them dared to oppose him. A
former Iraqi diplomat, living in exile described
Hussein’s rule, “Saddam is a dictator, who
is ready to sacrifice his country, just so long
as he can remain on his throne in Baghdad,”
Not only was Hussein aggressive toward

his own country, but also towards others such
as Kuwait. In 1990, Hussein invaded Kuwait
because Iraq owed debts to them. He saw
Kuwait as an easy target to hit because of
its size, and also the best way to get out of
debt. His hostility toward people and nations
he believe to be “inferior” than him was not
tolerated in the United States.
Most Iraqis feel confident that Hussein
shall be executed by the end of the year, but
others are protesting against the verdict.
President Bush believes that his death will
be a large step in eliminating the tyrant rule
in Iraq. Change might occur with the recent
“resignation” of Donald Rumsfeld and the
Democratic control of Congress. The day
Hussein was sentenced was, and still is, “a 5th
of November that will never be forgot.”

Sandwich versus saxophone
Renée Wunderlich	
Staff Writer

Dr. Hajzus enacted a lunch procedure,
stating all students who formerly had a lunch
period scheduled the same time as band,
choir, or any related class must now eat in the
cafeteria. One hundred eleven students were
affected by this procedure with the majority
being participants in music department
programs such as band and choir.
“I think it’s a waste of time to stay so
long in the cafeteria. I would rather not eat
than not practice. Music means too much,”
said student musician Dave Sheppard.
procedure restores order, putting the school’s
best interests in mind. Students paroling
hallways is unacceptable. Besides, having
nine full class periods everyday (which most
of these students do) is tragic- it can lead to
stress, anxiety, and mental health problems,”
said Hajzus.

Music students have expressed that
they felt that they were being targeted in efforts
to have them reschedule their daily routines to
replace their former music class(es). They also
articulated a sense of insecurity with the fact
that their future in the programs offered by
the Music Department has yet to be officially
Brian Medvid, senior saxophone player,
said, “Maybe I don’t want to be a professional
(musician), but band has played a significant
part in making me who I am.”
“Music isn’t a class getting in the way
of lunch,” said sophomore Drew Calliguri, “It’s
a way of life and free expression. I think I
speak for the whole Music Department when
I say that we feel we are being punished for
expressing ourselves.”
Mrs. Fox and Dr. Dell met with Dr. Hajzus
to discuss possibilities to resolve this issue.
The music department has currently settled on
a resolution to allow students without lunches
to leave the last 10-15 minutes of class to go
the cafeteria to eat their lunches.
B. Beyer

Christmas: foreign translations
Sean Naccerelli	
Opinion Writer

Well it’s that special holiday time of year
again: preheat the oven, stuff the turkey, and
dust off the good ol’ voice box for Christmas
carols. I know Christmas dinner doesn’t
compare to Thanksgiving (sorry Mom), but
I’m still looking forward to it. I’m sure we all
have our favorite Christmas dinner entrées.
Just to let you know, Mama Naccarelli’s cheesy
potatoes are to die for. But, many people don’t
know what other countries to do celebrate
Christmas dinner is often a barbecue in
Kenya. Wow, the United States’ standards are
definitely rubbing off on the rest of the world.
I can see it now: George Foreman whippin’ me
up a gourmet Kenyan dinner on his Foreman
grill. Let’s book those plane tickets to Kenya.
At Christmas dinner in Britain, plum
pudding is served with little treasures hidden
inside that bring their finders good luck. I’d be
the one whose little treasure was a hammer
that would be clogged somewhere between
my esophagus and my heart. No thank-you.
But on the bright side, Britain was the first
country to hang up mistletoe. On the down
side, I usually find myself under the mistletoe
while my mom is right near me. I love you


G. Dennis

In Italy, it is tradition to make lentil
soup. This peasant soup reminds Italians of
their humble beginnings. I mean I definitely
like eating soup that reminds me of the days
I was a bum on the street, but I’ll stick to
Campbell’s Chunky.
In Austria, the Christ Child brings
presents and the Christmas tree for the
children. As long as the Christ Child doesn’t
“forget” to bring my new video game, Austria
is fine by me.
In Lebanon, a month before
Christmas, families plant seeds of grain in
pots. When Christmas arrives they have little
pots of green to place around the tree, which
is centered in the Christmas-decorated cave.
Now that’s very cute, a family planting seeds
for Christmas. And people say getting a new
car for Christmas is great; plant a seed!
In Ireland, kids leave pie and a bottle
of Guinness as a snack for Santa. Luckily,
Santa is of legal age. And, at least he’s got
a great-designated driver for the sleigh ride
home; thanks Rudolph.
In Czech Republic, people believe that
Christmas Eve has a certain magic that can let
you see your future. I can predict my future
for writing this article: a lump of coal?
(Traditions taken from

S. Naccarelli

N. Sikora

Your Opinion on

My family comes over to my
house on Christmas and we
all go down to the barn and
either ride or clean the horses,
while most of the women cook
Kayla Johnson ‘08

I celebrate my birthday on Christmas
Laura Moore ‘09

My Aunt and I take a road trip
every year to Philadelphia to visit

Katie Fife ‘10

I’m going to Disney World this
year! I hope it will become a

Faults of facebook
Rachel Horensky	

Facebook is a social networking service
for high school, college , university, corporate,
non-profit communities. As of December 2005,
it had the largest number of registered users
with over 7.5 million college student accounts
created. An additional 20,000 new accounts
are being created daily. It is the number one
site for photos with 2.3 million photos uploaded
daily, and is the seventh most trafficked site in
the United States (Wikipedia). Facebook has
become a popular site where people can chat,
send messages and view pictures of each
other, but at what costs?
Lately, there has been controversy
surrounding Facebook. For fear that Facebook
may attract stalkers like MySpace, high
schools around the country have begun to
block the site from student users. Colleges
and universities view their students’ Facebook
profiles to investigate underage drinking and
violations of dry campus policies. Students do
not realize that Facebook is a diary of their
activities and the activities are illustrated when
pictures are posted on the site. They also do
not realize that these pictures can implicate
them. “College administrators are known to
troll the profiles on Facebook for evidence of
illegal behavior by students,” said Christine
Rosen who works at the Ethics and Public
Policy Center in Washington (Wikipedia).
scholarships and leadership positions because
colleges have found proof through their
pictures that they were drinking. For example,
students at Northern Kentucky University were
charged with code violations when a keg was
seen in a dorm-room picture. Students need
to realize that everyone can see what they put
on the Internet, and that they should keep
their pictures off because people, including
their own peers, will turn them in.
Facebook controversy is now going
one step further. Before hiring employees,
employers have begun to explore Facebook in
order to get an idea of the person they are
hiring. People have not gotten jobs because

Mrs. Kowalczyk, nurse

their profiles show them drinking at parties or
using vulgar language toward others.
When the consequences are weighed,
uploading pictures for people to look at does
not outweigh the penalties of being found guilty
of violating rules. Though Facebook is fun to be
on, it can really affect people’s futures. People
need to be aware of who views their profiles
and censure what they put on the Internet.

Nick Sikora

We open our Christmas
presents on Christmas Eve
instead of Christmas Day.
Carly Reschick ‘07

He Said vs. She Said

Brittany Beyer

What is the best gift you’ve ever given?
A squeaky dog toy. I gave it to my brother when he
was five. I didn’t know that people made toys for dogs at
the time. I was embarrassed.

I adopted a penguin at the Pittsburgh Zoo for my boyfriend. You can adopt any animal at the zoo for different
lengths of time and amounts of money. Depending on
how much you spend you receive different benefits.
Seriously, no on will expect it!

What is the best give you’ve ever received?
$50 in $2 bills. It wasn’t useful at all, but that’s not
the point.

The best gift I ever received was a record player.
It’s probably twenty some years old but it still
plays amazing and it was what I wanted more
than anything.

What is the best gift to get for a guy/girl?
Tickets to a BCS Bowl. The only thing that could
be better than watching the Orange Bowl over
Christmas break would be being in Florida and
watching the game from the stands.

Girls are all different so it’s difficult to pinpoint one
specific item. But if you really want to surprise her
listen closely months before Christmas. She will drop
subtle hints about something she would want. If you
can pick up on the hints then you will win her over.

What is the best way to present a gift?


Wrapped! Neatly! I would like to receive a gift from a
guy that doesn’t look like a mangled ball of tape and

Kohne, Jody		

Alescio, Carlie	

Cotugno, Stephanie	Kradel, Sarah		

Come, Nina
Egan, Alexandra

Barbati, Alexa	
John Counihan, Brendan	 Kriston, Brian		

Barrett, Mary		 Cronin, Elisabeth	

Kronket, Caitlyn	

Czajkowski, Ashley	 Kuzy, Autumn		
Laubach, Kerriann	

Eltschlager, Heidi	

Locher, Geoff		
Lovell, Curry		
Machin, James	

Forbrich, Alison	

MacKay, Kimberly	

Blank, Elizabeth	

Gardner, Alexis	


Boccardi, Emily	

Garry, Megan		 Andrew	


Malanos, Zachary	

Bowler, William	
Glovier, Megan	

Malencia, Michael	

B r a n d s t e t t e r , Grech, Sarah		 Marlett, Melanie	
Mathews, Ryan	

Brickner, Kellie	

Gregory, Sean	

Mauer, Lindsay	

o f

Broglie, Julia		 Grisnik, Emily		 Maydak, Laura	
Brown, Kathleen	

McCracken, Julie	
Hall, Annemarie	

Bryan, Bernadette	 Halo, Kathrine	

McGraw, Carrie	
McLean, Michael	

Hancherick, Mitchell	 c N a m a r a ,

Bryan, Stephanie	
Burg, Kevin		

Hanlon, Andrew	

Caliguiri, Drew	

Hareza, Jack		

Medvid, Carl		
Metz, Anthony	

Campbell, William	
Hartbauer, Kory	

Milavec, Megan	

C a r b o n a r a , Hayes, Brian		 Miller, Erin		

Miller, Madeline	

Carone, Nick		 Heaps, Rebecca	

Miller, Steven		

Higgins, Samantha	
Miller, Taylor		

Casaday, Ryan	
Castillo, Danielle	

Houser, Michael	

Ceccarelli, Nicholas	 Ignatius, Jamison	 Moran, Melinda	
Joyce, Morgan	

Murphy, Brendan	

Chiste, Samantha	 Kaushik, Charanya	 Nerone, Katherine	

Rothhaar, Jessica
Trier, Emily


Aaron, Dana		
Anderson, Robert	
Barna, Sara	
Beggs, Chelsea	
Bergmann, Calvin	
Bittner, Michele	
Blackman, Brooke	
Boehme, Benjamin	
Bonneau, Pamela	
, Justin	
Brouwer, Derek	
Burkhardt, Grant	
Buzard, Kaitlyn	
Carbonara, Melissa	
Carey, Janel	
Carone, Megan	
Caso, Taylor	
Cassano, Larissa	
Cicero, Adrienne 	
Creehan, MacKenzie	
Debowski, Michael	

Nicholson, Jared	
Ciancarelli, Aimee	 Kennedy, Mackenzie	
Oliver, Trevor		

Cody, William		 Kerner, Alexandra	
Conley, Justin		

Matthis, Erin

Rotunda, Alyson

Bianco, Benjamin	 Fink, Reina		
Bigley, Jenna		 Flanigan, Kelly	

Koerner, William
Meadows, Tyler

Benbourenane,E s t e r h u i z e n ,


LoCastro, Nicole	

Hunter, Christina


2 0 0 9

Economou, Joseph	 Lewis, Kara		

Beel, Christopher	

Gove, Brittany
Hoyt, Daniel

Beck, Christopher	 DiGnazio, John	

Bozic, Stephanie	



Devine, Danielle	


Galiano, Brittany

Batanian, Kiel		

Bell, Hilary		

Fletcher, Edan	
Freyder, Kelly


C l a s s

Allen, Michael

Berry, William

Aprahamian, Kevin	 Correal, Emily	



Koepka, Ryan		 OMalley, Timothy	
P a h o u n t i s ,

Deiley, Jacqueline
Deluca, Alexa	
Diamond, Elias
DiVella, Michael	
Dodds, Lindsay

Awards Recipients
Greenawald, Lee	

Pfeifer, Rebecca	
Phelan, Emilia		

Beazley, Christine	 Heuer, Jacqueline	

Katrina	 Hollot, Olivia	
Horensky, Rachel	


Brittany	Houser	

Pitts, Alexander	
Plachecki, Gregory	

, Kaitlin	
Popovich, John

Bianco, Michael	

Hull, Abigail		

Bossong, Katie	

Portz, Christopher	

Bowes, Stephanie	 James, Gregory	
Bozic, Jennifer	

Jasek, Christine	

Radke, Alexander	

Brace, Channing	

Kean, Victoria	

Rafferty, Brianna	


Ferrara, Phillip	
Fletcher, Hadas	
Gallagher, Kelsey	
Ganick, Katherine	
Gardner, Haylee
Getto, Christine
Getz, Abby
Greer, Daniel
Hammell, Lauren	
Hanson, Nathaniel
Heaps, Katie	
Heilmann, Justin	
Heldman, Renee	
Hess, Anne
Hilzendeger, John
Hough, Robert	
Huber, Kayla
Hughes, Christian	
Irwin, Mary Tristan
Jacobs, Meghan	
Jankowski, Delanie
Jarrett, Michael	
Johnson, Bethany
Kaecher, Heather
Kipling, Allison
Klaja, Jordan
Knoll, Brighid
Kocher, Alexander Sam, Alex
Koenig, Christopher	Scarberry,
Schaefer, Zachary
Kolan, Daniel
Krak, Jonathan
Lacey, Maura
Seguiti, Gina
Lacy, Mark
Sestrich, Kristen	
Lang, Valerie
Latinovich, Lauren Shultz, Stephanie
Machel, Sasha
Magreni, Angelina Matthew
Smore, Stephanie
Majoras, Mark
Stanik, Megan
Manning, Bridget
Kristin Steeber, Charles


Adams, Cassandra	 Grech, Andrew	

Brandstetter, Emily	 Kennedy, Patrick	
Knell, Jeffery	

Rawlings, Alan	
Reis, Jennifer		

Browell, Robyn	

Kohne, Brandi	

Bucey, Matthew	

Komoroski, Adam	

Reschick, Carly	

Burke, Dylan	

Kostak, Brent	

Rike, Michelle	

Burzotta, Jessica	

Krak, Justin		

Ritter, Rebecca	

Camus, Kelly	



, Jaclyn	

Carey, Ryan		
Leech, Emily	

Cichowicz, Rachel	 Lindberg, Savannah	
Clark, Kaitlyn	

MacCumbee, Allison	


, Anna Maher, Patrick	


Maize, Aaron	

Counihan, Colleen	 Makowski, Kerstin	


Matthews, Joshua	
McAllister, Clayton
Mitchell, Carl
Moore, Allison
Nepa, Angelina
Neville, David
Olawski, Zachary
O’Rourke, Chelsie
Palko, Emily
Paterra, Julianna
Paul, Rebekah
Percival, Robert
Ponte, Elena
Porco, Tyler
Quinlan, Kevin
Rauch, Thomas
Rider, James	
Roberson, Caitlyn	
Rosky, Rebecca
Ross, Peter
Rothaar, Peter		

Fornear, Ryan
Jarosh, Bryan
Kuzy, Nicholas
Morosco, Danielle
Paul, Daniel
Renne, Alexis
Rothhaar, Bruce
Venanzi, Paige

Williams, Evan

Makrinos, Stephen	


Malencia, Veronica	

Cover, Chelsea	

Ali, Lauren

D’Abarno, Anthony	
Danchisko, Kevin	

Arnoni, Kiersten

DiPaolo, Andrew	

Mauro, Sean-Paul	

Chen, Jing

Dolcich, Matthew	


Fortna, Benjamin



Helba, Julianna

McMenamin, Paige	

Hyman, Lea




Doran, Jennifer	
Eisengart, Paige	
Elderkin, Christina
Ellis, Carolyn	
Eskew, Ryan
Fazio, Nicholas

Earley, Sarah	
Easoz, Samuel	

Jackson, Paul
McNamara, Harold	

Ehland, Erica	
Faber, Jessica	

Krivacek, Leigha
Miller, Merrill	

Fletcher, Marianne	 Mininger, Kaitlin B.	
Foglia, Emily		 Monaco, Jessica	

Joyce, Mary Kate

Moore, Garrison	
, Kayla	 Norton, Emily	
Olivo, Alexandra	

Gaudy, Ryan	

Ondeck, Matthew	

Giesey, Lauren	

O’Neil, Matthew	


Paul, Rachel	


Perhach, Sarah	

Matthis, John
Matthis, Russell
Nee, Sarah
Nettles, Charles
Petrozza, Luke
Piedmonte, Taylor
Stevans, Hollyann
Sweeney, Megan
Tenison, Sarah
From Christmas pa
Match the teacher with his/her baby
picture and turn in completed form to
Mrs. Sitler in Room A114 by December
11th for your chance to win a $25.00
Visa gif t card.





ast. . .

Na m e :


G ra d e :
H o m e Ro o m :
Ma t c h t h e t ea c h e r
wi t h t h ei r n u m b e r :



M r. Ba st o s
M r s . B e c kj o rd
M r s . B o ni
M r s . De li e re
M s . Do n a ti


M r s . Fri c k


M r. H o u s e r
M s . Ko b e d a
M r. Ku h n
M s . M cI n t o s h
M s . M c Ke n n a
M r s . M o r ri st o n
M s . O’C o n n o r

M r s . Pi n t o
M r s . Si t l e r


M r. S u s s m a n

R e t u r n t o M r s . Si t l e r i n
Ro o m A1 by
De c e m b e r 1 h , 20 0 6


extra p int
Connor Tarwater & Sean-Paul Mauro






Sean-Paul M

Chris Port

Hard work produces high hopes

Sports Editors

Derek Redding	
What’s the Greatest Rivalry in
Without question, the
greatest rivalry in sports
is between the New York
Yankees and the Boston Red
Sox. Though over the years
the Yankees have dominated
the Red Sox for the most part,
it is still the most passionate
rivalry in all of sports.
SM: Not even close. The Yankees
and Red Sox have the most overrated rivalry
in sports, but not the best. That title belongs
to the Michigan – Ohio State rivalry. Every
year, so much is on the line for this game.
Take this past year; number one Ohio State
verses number two Michigan was arguably
the biggest game in college football history.
No matter what the records are between the
two teams (which are usually very good), this
game is for all the marbles, each and every
single year.
Though the Yankees have an
advantage as far as all time wins in the
series and World Series championships,
that’s what makes the rivalry intense. It is
a combination of the Yankees success and
the frustration of the Red Sox. USA Today
and Sports Illustrated both described the
rivalry as the “fiercest rivalry in sports.”
SM: ESPN ranks the Michigan – Ohio State
rivalry as the best in all of sports. Almost
every single year, “The Game,” as it is referred
to usually means a trip to Pasadena, CA, for
the most storied Bowl Game in all of College
Football – The Rose Bowl. The winged helmet
of Michigan, the O-H-I-O made by the Ohio
State band – so much tradition. Also, what
makes this rivalry better than the Yanks – Sox
rivalry is the fact that it’s played only once a
year. The Yankees and Red Sox play games
that are meaningless throughout the season.
The Michigan – Ohio State happens once, and
is always meaningful for the entire college
football nation.
CT: Meaningless games throughout the
season? This shows you have no idea
what you are talking about. Anyone with
common sense knows that every single
Yankees-Red Sox game is treated like a
game 7 of the World Series to both teams
and their fans. And if you want tradition,
just look at the players, past and present,
in this rivalry. Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio,
Roger Marris, Roger
Martinez, David Ortiz,
just to name a few.
Also, this rivalry gets
so heated that not only
have players attacked
even managers. This
is the most intense
rivalry in sports.
SM: Every year, Michigan
and Ohio State play once
in the most anticipated
match in college football
for a likely trip to the Rose Bowl. The Yankees

Staff Writer


The Peter Township High School boys’
basketball team is not thinking of the past but
seeking revenge this upcoming season.   With last
year’s starters Alex Radke, Spencer Smith, Pat
Russo, Kevin Noone, and John Matthis, the team is
ready for battle. “I am ready to play this year,” said
John Matthis. Coach Gerry Goga started training the
basketball team in early summer with open gyms
every Monday and Wednesday, and weight lifting
every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Varsity
team is looking very promising. Peter’s last season
record of 7 – 16 may discourage many teams and
their fans but the fans say they are going to come
back for more this year. “I can’t wait for the season to
start, I will try to make it to all the games this year,”
said sophomore Nicole Hauck.
The team is pushing themselves on and off
the court. Coach Goga is making grades a primary

objective to all players on the team. If players have
an “F” in one of their classes for two consecutive
weeks, he will be placed in SHARP and will not
participate in upcoming games or practices until the
grade is brought up. “ I think SHARP is a good way to
keep grades up and players playing,” said sophomore
Mitch Hancherik.
Most importantly, all the juniors who played
last year will return for their senior year to help the
Indians have a winning season. Peters Township has
also received a very experienced freshman coach, Mr.
Houser who is also an English teacher here at the
high school. “I think this year will be fun especially
playing for Mr. Houser,” said freshman Phil Horensky.

The Indians’ start their season off with the
USC tournament which tips-off on December 1,

Girls’ basketball hopes to make
Chris Portz	

Staff Writer


The Peters Township Girls’ Basketball
team has been working hard during this offseason. Hopefully, this will translate into a
better performance than last year, when the
girls’ basketball team finished at 8-16. “We
have the program going in the right direction,”
said senior guard Michelle Rike.
The girls have two main goals this
season. First, they want to improve their
record from last year, at least finishing with a
winning record. Second, they want to make
the play-offs.
These are ambitious goals
because neither of these goals have been
accomplished since the seniors on the team
have been enrolled in high school.
The girls’ basketball team has been
pushing themselves during this off-season, in
order to exceed their expectations. In July,
the basketball team traveled to California

Bill Berry	

University for a four-day camp, where the
girls played rival Upper St. Clair. Our girls’
team showed that they could compete in their
competitive conference. In August, the girls’
basketball team had attended another camp
at Robert Morris University, where the girls
mastered the basics. Additionally, the girls
have been practicing and lifting throughout
the off-season.
Preparing early ensures
that they will be ready for what the season
throws at them. “We have much more of a
team now than previous years,” said Senior
Michelle Rike, “Girls from each grade level are
contributing to the team and getting our goals
There are three senior leaders on this
squad: Jordan Settimio, Michelle Rike, and
Shannon Wagner. With their leadership the
team’s season looks promising against some
tough opponents in the Big Seven Conference,
which includes: Upper St. Clair, Mt. Lebanon,

Fulfilling the legacy
Staff Writer

The Peters Township Varsity Hockey team
looks to return to state championship under new
leadership this season following the graduation and
leave of numerous key players from last year’s run.
The Indians are coming off 15-9 season where they
reached the Penguin Cup semifinals losing to the
eventual champion, Pine Richland.
Indians Varsity hockey has been one of
the most successful programs in the history of
Peters Township athletics. The team captured state
championships in 2002, 2003 and 2005 while reaching
the ‘big game’ in 2004. “We’re really looking forward
to showing people that we are a championship
contender this year,” said junior defenseman Dave
Expect to see new faces this year with
only four players returning for their senior season.
However that won’t be a problem with players like
Robbie Hough, Dave Rigatti, Zach DeFelice, and
Greg Jackson. “I don’t think that our youth will be a

Photo by Shelby Miller

Dave Rigatti clears the puck out of the Indians’
defensive zone during the 2006 playoffs.

Coach Rick Tingle enters his second season as the
head coach of Indians and expects nothing less than
a fourth state championship. However, the Indians
will have to wait until March to make their move in
the playoffs, until then come support them at the
ek Redd







Penguins finally coming around
Sean-Paul Mauro	
Sports Editor

With a fast start to 2006 – 2007 NHL
season, this seems to be the year that the
youth and talent of the Pittsburgh Penguins
is starting to kick in to gear. Over the past
two years, the Pens have been rebuilding a
team capable of taking them the distance in
the playoffs.
The process started with the addition
of the Canadian phenom, 19 year-old Sidney
Crosby. Coming into the league, Crosby was
already pressured as a rookie to be great
– being hailed by Wayne Gretzky as the next
great one before he took one stride in an NHL
game. Crosby did not disappoint last season
– with over 100 points – but the Penguins
did, finishing the season in last place in the
This year, the Penguins continued to
load the line up with stars, like Russian goal
scorer Evgeni Malkin, and first round draft pick
Jordan Staal, and the Penguins are showing
signs of brilliance. Staal was originally slated
to play only the first part of the season in the
NHL, and the remainder of the season with his
junior team in Ontario. However, Staal has
been so instrumental in the Pens’ first place
start that the Penguin executives have decided
to keep him in the line up for the entire season
– starting his three year contract now, instead
of next year.
Crosby, unsurprisingly, has started the
season where he left off from last year. He is
in the top five in scoring once again. Malkin
has been, undoubtedly, the most impressive
rookie thus far, and maybe the most impressive
rookie thus far in NHL history. Through his
first six games, Malkin was the first player

Smoke Signals
December 2006

The hockey players have been
gearing up their performances
this season. Their current
record is 1-3. They are ready
to take on Greensburg Central
Catholic on 11/20.


Photo courtesy of Andrew Vaughan / AP file

Penguin center, Sidney Crosby, sets up his teammate with a
quick pass. Crosby has emerged as one of the premier playmakers in the NHL.

ever to score goals in each of first six games. Staal has
been the biggest surprise for the Penguins. Staal was the
first player in over 50 years to score three short handed
goals as his first goals in his NHL career.

Wrestlers prepare for
a successful season
Brendan Sikora	
Staff Writer



The Peters Township Indians wrestling team
has always been a force to be reckoned with. The
varsity team consists of 15-20 wrestlers yet they all
train in hard conditions. This year tough opponents will
be Colin Johnston and Matt Ryan both of Canon Mac.
Defeating these
p r a c t i c e
and all around
the team. Big
this year will be
Baldwin, Upper
Saint Clair, and
Bethel Park.
D a l e
Murdock currently coaches the varsity team. Murdock
is an experienced and knowledgeable coach. John
Antonelli assists him. Both of these coaches are
experts in wrestling and will make the difference in key
matches this season. They will put this team through
blood and paint to make them the best. The coaches

yell at the wrestlers to run more and work harder
and harder each time to build on their success.
This year the team is young, consisting of
mostly sophomores and juniors. The leadershipexperienced seniors will determine this year’s
s u c c e s s .
Nick Ceccarelli
says, “We have
been training
hard in the
off season to
make this year
Even though
this is a young
Joe Fortunato
team they are
working hard
to make this
season a good one. Junior wrestler Joe Fortunato
said, “We worked hard last year and we will
continue to work until we are a success.” The team
is ready to throw down on December 6th.

“We worked hard last
year and we will continue
to work until we are a

The boys swimming team has
been pushing themselves to
the limit with early morning
practices, in addition to the
The boys’ swimming team is
in fit shape to glide past the
opposition in the water.


Currently the girls swim team
is a strong competitor in the
wpial. They hold practice every
week and work out in the weight

Last year the boys basketball
team was (7,17). With the acquisition of John Matthis, adding height as well as depth to
the team, they strive to make
playoffs this year. The team
also looks to improve their record over .500.

The girls who were (8-16) last
year, hope to accomplish their
goals. The girls look to exceed
expectation by making playoffs
and improving their record by
winning at least 13 wins.

The wrestling team is full of
talent this season. They have
been training in the off-season
and started practices Nov 13th.
They are practicing every day
of the week and are ready for
their first match on December
& Style
Colleen Counihan	

Christmas shopping sans the stress

Features Editor

Along with the joyous Christmas season
comes the not so joyous conversation over
gifts. All the gift-givers must endure it (even
the receivers, who then become the givers.)
The conversation begins with something like
this: “What do you want for Christmas?” The
gift-receiver comes back with “I don’t know, I
don’t care.” What seasoned gift-givers have
come to understand is that this is usually code
for “you better think hard, buddy, because
I want something good.” Luckily, there are
answers to this unforeseen reaction and
they don’t involve hundreds dollars or time
consuming trips.
Whether the gift is for a brother or
boyfriend, a shopper could stop by Best Buy
for a masculine-minded browse through the
electronic aisles. Best Buy has everything
from CDs and DVDs to combination iPod sound

“Money, because
you can’t screw it

soothers. Try dropping hints about newly
released music or movies and look for the best
reaction. If this fails, there is always the Best
Buy gift card or iTunes card for iPod carriers.
Girls are the tough ones. No matter
how many times she says she does not care
about the gift, she really does care…a lot. The
idea behind gifts for girls is to focus on the
thought and not the money. Think of a girl’s
favorite music to find a CD or her favorite color
to find some matching gloves and scarf. Most
girls will be perfectly happy with a bundle of
flowers from just about anyone.
Gifts do not always have to be about
material things and some of the best ones
never are. A surprise night out or a free meal
can be enjoyable for both guys and girls, but
most importantly, they will have a more lasting
effect than a new gadget. Sometimes, the
gift just comes down to time availability and

shopping ability.
If all this talk of shopping creates
anxieties of how one can possibly squeeze a
leisurely trip to the mall and track practice all in
one night, think about the Internet. Amazon.
com proudly offers a whole section devoted to
ideas for gifts, based on gender and personal
relationship. The site is overflowing with gifts
ranging from sugar-free Belgian chocolates and
“fairy” bath kits to the all-inclusive Johnny Cash
box set. More exclusively, almost every major
store in the area is accompanied by a website,
therefore time cannot be an excuse anymore.
Christmas and its gift-giving necessities should
not be sources of anxiety or frustration. They
should be chances for creativity or excuses to
demonstrate one’s charm.

“A nice wrappedup ham.”

“Flowers because
they are pretty.”

Justin Broglie ‘08

“A gift certificate because they can only
spend the money
where you want them

Nate Bachik ‘10

Chase Wickerham ‘09

Jon Makrinos ‘07


By Christopher Paolini

The Sweet Escape

Katie Gavlick	
Staff Writer

Gwen Stefani, the outrageous punkpop artist from ex-band, No Doubt, drops her
second solo album December 5th, creatively
titled, The Sweet Escape. After putting the
album on hold for her son Kingston’s birth,
Stefani is ready to get out what she calls,
“the hottest release of the year.”
The Sweet Escape follows up
Stefani’s last album, Love. Angel. Music.
Baby. However, this album wasn’t a bunch of
L.A.M.B. leftovers; it included tracks written
over the past 18 months, with collaborations
from Akon, No Doubt’s Tony Kanal, Nellee
Hooper, Sean Garrett, Swizz Beatz, Dave
Stewart, and Keane’s Tim Rice-Oxley.
Stefani’s first single, “Wind it Up,”
intercepts snippets from “The Sound of
Music” while combining her own melody. The
result? A fresh, modern dance beat, that’s
not retro or worn out. Songs like “Orange
County Girl” provides tunes everyone can
dance to, while “Candyland” has a unique
I give Gwen Stefani’s The Sweet
Escape five out of five stars. Its creative,
vivacious, and very hard to get out of your
head; what more could you ask for?

Amber Doerr	
Staff Writer

“Eragon gripped the knife tighter
and held very still. Soon the creature
was all the way out of the stone. It
stayed in place for a moment, then
skittered into the moonlight. Eragon
recoiled in shock. Standing in front
of him, licking off the membrane that
encased it, was a dragon.”
Eragon is just a simple farm boy,
hunting deer in the woods for his family,
when a mysterious blue stone appears
out of nowhere. Soon, the stone hatches,
and Eragon discovers that the stone is
not a stone, but an egg; a dragon egg.
Eragon’s life is thrown into mystery when
he raises the last known free dragon, and
seeks refuge in an unknown place called
the Varden. All the while, Galbatorix, an
evil dictator, is after Eragon. He must flee
the one place he can call home, and fight
for his freedom. Along the way, he meets
a man with a similar grudge against the
empire, and an elf who has been taken
hostage by them. Eragon is a great
fantasy novel for anyone who enjoys
adventure, intrigue, or mystical creatures.
This book never slows down and will leave
your heart pounding. Eldest, book two in
the Inheritance trilogy, has already been
released, and Eragon the movie is coming
out December 15.
I give this book five out of give stars.

Lady in the Water
	 Taylor Piedmonte	

Staff Writer

As an avid M Knight Shyamalan
fan, I wanted to like his latest
supernatural fable, Lady in the Water,
but I didn’t. I hoped that a shocking
ending would salvage the bad film, but
it didn’t.
Cleveland Heep, a stuttering
apartment superintendent, encounters
a girl named Story swimming in the
complex’s pool. He soon learns that
Story is a “narf” trying to get home to
the Blue World. However, vicious doglike creatures are determined to prevent
her from reaching home.
The Problem with Lady in the
Water is that it’s constantly explaining
itself. Shyamalan has a unique talent
to create vivid stories, and the story of
Story is indeed an interesting one, but
Lady in the Water proves that a good
story does not make a good movie.
The flaw lies within a bad script. The
characters act like they encounter
“narfs” everyday. There is no disbelief
in the dialogue. Yes, it’s a fairy tale, but
it takes place on planet earth in present
In the past, Shyamalan films
have told great stories with aliens,
ghosts, and monsters while maintaining
plausibility and suspense. Lady in the
Water has the monsters and the story,
but not the plausibility or suspense.
Lady in the Water: Good Actors,
Good Director, Good Story, Bad Movie
1.5 Stars out of 4

Smoke Signals
December 2006

Top 10 Christmas Movies



Drew Karpen


Staff Writer

With the holiday season right around
the corner, families are getting ready. Families
from around the world get into the holiday
spirit by putting up their decorations and
by watching marathons of classic Christmas
movies. There were many Christmas movies
dating back to the 1800’s but only 10 were
picked by the viewers to make the top ten list.
Starting off the list at number 10 is Miracle
on 34th Street. This movie was a hit as soon
as it came out in 1947. When a nice old man
who claims to be Santa Claus is characterized
as being insane, a young lawyer decides to
defend him as being the real Santa Claus.
The viewers gave this movie eight out of ten
stars. At number nine is National Lampoon’s
Christmas vacation. As usual the Griswald’s
plan for a big Christmas turns out to be a big
disaster. This series, which also has Vegas
Vacation, stars Chevy Chase and received
four and a half stars. At number eight is It’s a
Wonderful Life. This 1946 film is about an angel
helps a frustrated businessman by showing
him what life would be like if he never existed.
Number seven is Santa Claus is Coming to
Town. This cartoon stars a young boy named
Kris Kringle, who makes a factory where he
makes toys for little kids. At number six is
everyone’s favorite reindeer, Rudolph the RedNose Reindeer. This is about a reindeer that is
unwanted until one day Santa comes and asks
him to guide his sled. Half way through the
countdown at number five is Dr. Suess’ How
the Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch tries to
ruin Christmas for all the children in Whoville.

Lets set the scene, New Year’s Evealmost 2007, but there’s only one dilemma;
what’s there to do in Pittsburgh to celebrate?
Pittsburgh is having its 13th annual First Night,

Tickets can be purchased
at any Giant Eagle for a
$1.00 off discount.
Photo courtesy of
At the end of this movie the Grinch realizes
what he is doing and gives everyone their gifts
back and celebrates Christmas with them. At
number four is A Christmas Carol. An old man
who never cared about anything learns his
compassion when three ghosts visit him on
Christmas Eve. At number three is one of the
favorites, A Christmas Story. In this movie all
Ralphie wants is a BB gun for Christmas but
his mom thinks it is too dangerous. Coming
in at number two is Home Alone. This is the
first of the three movie series and by far the
best. An eight year old who is accidentally left
behind by his family when they go on vacation
has to defend their house against burglars.
Finally coming in at number one on the top
ten Christmas movies of all time is… The Santa
Claus. When a man (Tim Allen) accidentally
kills Santa Claus, he is recruited to take his
place. With the release of new Christmas
movies to come, we will have to see if they can
make their way onto the list in the future.

a celebration dedicated to bringing in the New
Year surrounded by arts, music, and friends.
First Night is a party for everyone.
Whether a person is indulging in music or
experiencing magic and theater, this is one
festivity the whole family can participate in.
Events start at 6pm on New Year’s Eve and
go until the fireworks are done at midnight.
First Night is filled with performers, jazz
musicians, and other acts that can be enjoyed
with the lovely Pittsburgh Cultural District in
the background. Tickets are $8.00 for adults;
children under the age of 5 are admitted free.
Tickets can be purchased at any Giant Eagle
for a $1.00 off discount.
New Year’s Eve is about getting
together with family and friends to celebrate
a new beginning. What better way to kick
start 2007 in style than to spend it with other
Pittsburghers that know how to have fun!

Hough, bassist John Wawrose, and drummer
Taylor Maher, this alternative rock band has
been turning some heads. We interviewed
the boys of 65 Watts, to get to know a little
more about what’s behind their music. They’re
coming up on their 1-year mark as a band.
Bassist, John Wawrose, compliments his
techniques with influences from bands such as
Red Hot Chili Peppers. Sean Rothermel proudly
idolizes Scott Weiland, the past front man of
Stone Temple Pilots, and present
vocalist of Velvet Revolver. Their
music is pure alternative rock on
the exterior, but each member
has mastered his instrument
enough to create subtly-complex
melodies and they have mastered
enough stage confidence to keep
the crowd swaying to the sounds.
65 Watts has managed to pull in a
decent fan base, for such a short
time-span. Their fans showed a
noticeable amount of support
when they voted 65 Watts into
the 3rd place position at the high
school ‘Battle of the Bands’ event
in October.
A band with such a
spectrum of influences and such a

mature sound is not to be pushed aside. Take
advantage of a sound that revolves around
Red Hot Chili Peppers and Weezer and check
them out! If you’d like to hear music by 65

Band of the Month: 65 Watts
Colleen Counihan & Sean Naccarelli	


Staff Writers

Freshmen are rarely noted for
undeniable wit or broad musical background
but a group of Peters Township High School boys
have taken this stereotype of inefficiency and
thrown it in the faces of most upperclassmen
bands residing in the school. These young
men call themselves 65 Watts. Consisting
of Vocalist, Sean Rothermel, guitarist Kevin

Photo by Sean Naccarelli

65 Watts poses for group photo at Community Day at Peterswood

Photo by Sam Higgins


Freshman Livia Bayer proudly sports a 65 Watts
shirt at Battle of the Bands on October 12th.
Voices in the Hall

Who/what do you want for the holidays?

“BORAT! I love that

“Alex Binder from

Josh Keffer ‘07

“I don’t know dude.
I can’t think of anything funny.”

“Jessica Alba.”
Kaiya Quevido ‘07

Laura St. Clair ‘07
James Joyce ‘10

Where are you going for the holidays?

“To the Emerald
City to see the Wizard of Oz.”

“Moscow, the
moon, and Alaska.”
Adam Komoroski ‘07

Garrison Moore ‘07

“I’m bringing my
Pokemon to a top
secret battle in
Brock’s gym.”
Casey Dunleavy ‘09

“I’m going to play
in the snow with
Laura Quinn ‘08

What is Santa Claus’ best physical

“The beard that’s long
and white!”
Sarah Rubis and Kate Staaf, ‘07

“His hot bod is the

Erin Bench ‘08

“His backside!”

“I love his big black

Dara Lisanti ‘09
Brent Kostak ‘07

What do you leave for Santa to eat on
Christmas Eve?

“Biscotti and
Phil Ferrara ‘08

“Fish taco and
Nolan Majcher ‘09

“Chicken wings”
Dave Edmunds ‘09

“Motor oil, Castro
Kyle Falbo ‘10

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Dec. 2006 Smoke Signals Issue 2

  • 1. Have I taught you? Match the teacher with the baby picture and win $25 Visa gift card. December 2006 Issue 2 Life & Stlye PT Focus Signals Smoke Volume 38 Stressing over gift giving this holiday season? Stress-less, See page 10. Girls’ tennis swings in PIAA gold Kaitlin Houser Editor-In-Chief Peters Township Girls Tennis Team captured the PIAA title on Saturday, October 28, 2006, at the Hershey Racquet Club. Freshman Julie Stroyne upset undefeated Junior Kristen Roth of Lower Marion, with a score of 6-4 to 7-5. The team defeated the six-year champions of Lower Marion to move on to their final match against Shady Side Academy. The team conquered the Class AAA WPIAL champion of Shady Side Academy with a score 3-2. Sophomore Allison Riske defeated Shady Side’s Lauren Greco with a score of 6-2 to 6-1. The first matches were against Upper Dublin and Lower Merion who were previous state rivals. Doubles teams Greta Shepardson and Kaitlin Mininger and Haylee Gardner and Kaitlyn Stroyne were defeated. Although the two doubles teams were defeated, junior Emily Palko was victorious in her last singles match. Previously unknown in the tennis world, Peters defeated Lower Merion to take home the gold. The team’s impressive season ended with 19 wins and one loss. Junior Emily Palko said, “As much as it is an individual sport, it is definitely a team sport when pulling out a win.” This was the first year that the team ever made it to states. The team was pumped for the rematch against the only team they had lost to, Shady Side Academy. Photo by Judy Eltschlager Peters who? Girls’ varsity tennis team posed for a celebratory photo on the court at Hershey Racquet Club after winning the PIAA State Championship. They had a strong lineup and were determined to win the gold when they made it to states. The team held “depth” with a strong team and season. The team prepared themselves for the game by listening to their iPods. During the tennis matches, Peters Township displayed the most support for their players by being the loudest to cheer. Senior Captain Danica Sheth said, “This is the first year that we all really got along. Our personalities really meshed and we always had a blast! I’m really glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of such a great team.” On the bus ride home, the team celebrated the win by listening to music and dancing in the aisles. Julie Stroyne said, “It was fun playing with such a good team and I’m looking forward to next year.” The team held a get together sleepover to celebrate their gold win in states. The PIAA champs were proud to display their gold metals as the first girls’ tennis team from Peters ever to make it to states. Boys’ soccer advances to PIAA playoffs Emily Bigley Index Feature Are you being awarded for your academic success? Full list on pages 4 & 5 Opinion Does your family have a strange holiday tradition? Read how the rest of the world celebrates. Full story on page 3 Voices What’s Santa’s best feature? Voices, page 12 Sports Writer The boys battled their way through WPIAL – Sections 5 (AAA), compiled a (10-1-1) record, and were crowned section champions. As the boys breezed through WPIAL playoffs by defeating Shaler (3-0), Pine-Richland (1-0), and Butler (4-3), one thing remained on their minds: “Nothing Else Matters.” “When we’re on the field, nothing else truly matters except winning,” said senior defender Garrett McLean. Although the boys suffered a difficult loss to Bethel Park(1-2) in the WPIAL final game, winning remained on their minds as they entered the PIAA State playoff tournament. During the first round of the PIAA Class AAA State Playoffs, the boys beat State College High School (2-0). The season came to a close in the quarterfinal game when the boys succumbed to Manheim Township (01). Although Manheim Township defeated PT, there was no reason for the boys to hang their heads; they accomplished a lot this season. Seniors Garrett McLean, Kevin Schaeffer, Chris Koenig, sophomores Ryan Koepka, Greg Weimer, Christian Brandstetter, Cody Partyka, Tim Hutchins, Nick Wilcox, and freshman Nate Troscinski. The Peters Township “When we’re on the field, nothing else truly matters except winning.” Senior Garrett McLean Noone, Ryan Gaudy, Phil Troscinski, and junior Pat Russo led this year’s squad. Other members of the team include seniors Ryan Hartz, Kevin Danchisko, Mike Hnat, Alex Pitts, juniors Jason Chiappino, Mark Majoras, Shane Pruitt, Mark Lacy, Zach High School Boys’ soccer team had a very unique routine that tied in with the book Gates of Fire (dealing with the Trojan War). How does the Trojan War relate to soccer? It’s quite simple. Each member of the team wore two bracelets on their wrists, much like members of the Trojan army wore two bands on their wrists. Both bracelets that the boys wore were inscribed with the words, “Nothing Else Matters.” Before the start of each game, the boys removed one bracelet from their wrist symbolizing that “Nothing Else Matters” except winning the game at hand. During the war, men in the Trojan army would remove the band that represented everything else in their lives (i.e. family, friends, etc.) and continue to wear the band that symbolized winning and fighting. After the battle, the men received their second band back and were able to return to their families. Just like the Trojans, the boys collected their second bracelet back at the close of each game and returned to reality.
  • 2. News J. Berardino A. Czajkowski A. Nepa R. Wunderlich Domestic Violence and Abuse: Stats, Types, and Signs Outside Ashley Czajkowski Staff Writer Michael J. Fox stirred up controversy during the recent Senatorial elections by appearing as spokesperson for Claire McCaskill, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate. Fox, a longtime sufferer of Parkinson’s disease, appeared in a commercial in support of her stance concerning stem cell research. Rush Limbaugh, a notoriously conservative talk show host, stated that in Fox’s commercial, in which he trembles and his speech is slurred, Fox was, “exaggerating the effects of the disease... He’s moving all around and shaking, and it’s purely an act.” Attacks carried out by Iraqi insurgents against U.S. troops in Iraq reached an all time high in late 2006. In October, CNN was “under fire” when it aired video clips showing militant Iraqi shooting at American soldiers. The U.S. government claimed that CNN aided the undergroud propaganda movement in Iraq because the footage showed a capable enemy while the U.S. soldiers appeared to be sitting ducks. recently released a statement saying that a diet lacking in Omega-3 fatty acids could be cause for depression. Apparently, Omega3’s, a polysaturated fat, can help maintain the fatty membranes that relay signals from cell to cell. Scientists also estimate that two-thirds of the brain is made up of fatty acids that come from foods people eat. The U.S. has created their own version of the popular encyclopedia known as “Wikipedia,” asserting that an open website like Wikipedia is the future of American espionage. Called “Intellipedia”, the site allows government officials and intelligence officers to maintain an easily searched database with varying degrees of classified information. According to U.S. official John Negroponte, the site now has 3,600 registered users. Smoke Signals Smoke Signals is produced seven times during a school year by the students of Media II,III, IV Journalism and extracurricular staff at Peters Township High School, 264 E. McMurray Road, McMurray PA 15317. Telephone: 724-941-6250 x.5379. E-mail: Commentaries, reviews, and opinion columns are the expressed opinion of the author and not of Smoke Signals, its adviser or the Peters Township School District. Member of the Pennsylvania School Press Association. Co-Editors in Chief Kaitlin Houser Rachel Horensky Kara Krawiec Layout Editor Catherine McCarron News Editor Angelina Nepa Life & Style Editor Colleen Counihan Opinion Editor Brittany Beyer Sports Editor Sean-Paul Mauro Marketing Editiors Emily Bigley Nick Sikora Staff Writers Jessica Berardino, Bill Berry, Emily Bigley, Ashley Czajkowski, Garrett Dennis, Drew Karpen, Sean Naccarelli, Chris Portz, Derek Redding, Brendan Sikora, Nick Sikora, Renee Wunderlich Layout Team Megan Enscoe, Katie Gavlick, Stephanie Gillece, Lisa Lerario, Adviser Nicole Sitler Family Violence Statistics concluded that there were approximately 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members each year from 1998 to 2002. However, only about three in five incidents were reported to police. Although these numbers were men and women combined, the statistics toward violence against women alone was even steeper. Each year, roughly three million women are assaulted by their partner. One in four women have been abused at some point in her life. Research by the (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) NSPCC indicated that “most violence occurred at home, (78%) and 40- 60% of men who abuse women also abuse their children”. An estimated 100 million children per year may witness or be victims of violence. This exposure could lead to an enormous public health problem. Childhood exposure to violence (CEV) has an desvastating impact on children’s development. It’s known for affecting emotional growth, physical health, and school performance. “CEV has been significantly linked with increased depression, anxiety, anger, alcohol and drug abuse, and with decreased academic achievement,” stated the National Center for Children Exposed to Violence. Domestic violence consists of abuse including physical abuse, verbal and nonverbal abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, economic abuse or financial abuse, and spiritual abuse. The types of abuse may be more obvious than the signs and symptoms. Signs to look out for are fear of a partner or family member a large percentage of the time; feeling that there is nowhere to turn for help; feeling a loss of love or respect toward a partner or family member, etc. Presently, more data on abuse has been collected from low-income than middle and upper income families. This does not necessarily affirm that domestic violence is more common among poor families than wealthier ones, only that the population most available for study is primarily low-income. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures. People of all races, ethnicities, and religions can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is commited by, and on, both men and women, and occurs in any type of relationship. Fortunately, family violence declined by about half from 1996 to 2006, mirroring the overall drop in all violent crime during the same time period. Still, family violence as a proportion of all violent crime remained constant during the decade. Deceitful Dictator’s Downfall Garrett Dennis Staff Writer “Remember, remember the 5th of November,” which not only is a quote from V for Vendetta, but also marked the day that Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging for the execution of 148 Shiites. The trial was held in Iraq, and the case is currently under review for appeal. Saddam, the former dictator of Iraq for two decades was the cause of many executions and hostile attacks. His own citizens feared him, but none of them dared to oppose him. A former Iraqi diplomat, living in exile described Hussein’s rule, “Saddam is a dictator, who is ready to sacrifice his country, just so long as he can remain on his throne in Baghdad,” ( Not only was Hussein aggressive toward his own country, but also towards others such as Kuwait. In 1990, Hussein invaded Kuwait because Iraq owed debts to them. He saw Kuwait as an easy target to hit because of its size, and also the best way to get out of debt. His hostility toward people and nations he believe to be “inferior” than him was not tolerated in the United States. Most Iraqis feel confident that Hussein shall be executed by the end of the year, but others are protesting against the verdict. President Bush believes that his death will be a large step in eliminating the tyrant rule in Iraq. Change might occur with the recent “resignation” of Donald Rumsfeld and the Democratic control of Congress. The day Hussein was sentenced was, and still is, “a 5th of November that will never be forgot.” Sandwich versus saxophone Renée Wunderlich Staff Writer Dr. Hajzus enacted a lunch procedure, stating all students who formerly had a lunch period scheduled the same time as band, choir, or any related class must now eat in the cafeteria. One hundred eleven students were affected by this procedure with the majority being participants in music department programs such as band and choir. “I think it’s a waste of time to stay so long in the cafeteria. I would rather not eat than not practice. Music means too much,” said student musician Dave Sheppard. Contrarily, Hajzus stated, “This procedure restores order, putting the school’s best interests in mind. Students paroling hallways is unacceptable. Besides, having nine full class periods everyday (which most of these students do) is tragic- it can lead to stress, anxiety, and mental health problems,” said Hajzus. Music students have expressed that they felt that they were being targeted in efforts to have them reschedule their daily routines to replace their former music class(es). They also articulated a sense of insecurity with the fact that their future in the programs offered by the Music Department has yet to be officially determined. Brian Medvid, senior saxophone player, said, “Maybe I don’t want to be a professional (musician), but band has played a significant part in making me who I am.” “Music isn’t a class getting in the way of lunch,” said sophomore Drew Calliguri, “It’s a way of life and free expression. I think I speak for the whole Music Department when I say that we feel we are being punished for expressing ourselves.” Mrs. Fox and Dr. Dell met with Dr. Hajzus to discuss possibilities to resolve this issue. The music department has currently settled on a resolution to allow students without lunches to leave the last 10-15 minutes of class to go the cafeteria to eat their lunches.
  • 3. Opinion B. Beyer Christmas: foreign translations Sean Naccerelli Opinion Writer Well it’s that special holiday time of year again: preheat the oven, stuff the turkey, and dust off the good ol’ voice box for Christmas carols. I know Christmas dinner doesn’t compare to Thanksgiving (sorry Mom), but I’m still looking forward to it. I’m sure we all have our favorite Christmas dinner entrées. Just to let you know, Mama Naccarelli’s cheesy potatoes are to die for. But, many people don’t know what other countries to do celebrate Christmas. Christmas dinner is often a barbecue in Kenya. Wow, the United States’ standards are definitely rubbing off on the rest of the world. I can see it now: George Foreman whippin’ me up a gourmet Kenyan dinner on his Foreman grill. Let’s book those plane tickets to Kenya. At Christmas dinner in Britain, plum pudding is served with little treasures hidden inside that bring their finders good luck. I’d be the one whose little treasure was a hammer that would be clogged somewhere between my esophagus and my heart. No thank-you. But on the bright side, Britain was the first country to hang up mistletoe. On the down side, I usually find myself under the mistletoe while my mom is right near me. I love you Mom. “ G. Dennis In Italy, it is tradition to make lentil soup. This peasant soup reminds Italians of their humble beginnings. I mean I definitely like eating soup that reminds me of the days I was a bum on the street, but I’ll stick to Campbell’s Chunky. In Austria, the Christ Child brings presents and the Christmas tree for the children. As long as the Christ Child doesn’t “forget” to bring my new video game, Austria is fine by me. In Lebanon, a month before Christmas, families plant seeds of grain in pots. When Christmas arrives they have little pots of green to place around the tree, which is centered in the Christmas-decorated cave. Now that’s very cute, a family planting seeds for Christmas. And people say getting a new car for Christmas is great; plant a seed! In Ireland, kids leave pie and a bottle of Guinness as a snack for Santa. Luckily, Santa is of legal age. And, at least he’s got a great-designated driver for the sleigh ride home; thanks Rudolph. In Czech Republic, people believe that Christmas Eve has a certain magic that can let you see your future. I can predict my future for writing this article: a lump of coal? (Traditions taken from S. Naccarelli N. Sikora Your Opinion on Christmas Traditions My family comes over to my house on Christmas and we all go down to the barn and either ride or clean the horses, while most of the women cook dinner. Kayla Johnson ‘08 I celebrate my birthday on Christmas day! Laura Moore ‘09 My Aunt and I take a road trip every year to Philadelphia to visit family. Katie Fife ‘10 I’m going to Disney World this year! I hope it will become a tradition. Faults of facebook Rachel Horensky Co-Editor-in-Chief Facebook is a social networking service for high school, college , university, corporate, non-profit communities. As of December 2005, it had the largest number of registered users with over 7.5 million college student accounts created. An additional 20,000 new accounts are being created daily. It is the number one site for photos with 2.3 million photos uploaded daily, and is the seventh most trafficked site in the United States (Wikipedia). Facebook has become a popular site where people can chat, send messages and view pictures of each other, but at what costs? Lately, there has been controversy surrounding Facebook. For fear that Facebook may attract stalkers like MySpace, high schools around the country have begun to block the site from student users. Colleges and universities view their students’ Facebook profiles to investigate underage drinking and violations of dry campus policies. Students do not realize that Facebook is a diary of their activities and the activities are illustrated when pictures are posted on the site. They also do not realize that these pictures can implicate them. “College administrators are known to troll the profiles on Facebook for evidence of illegal behavior by students,” said Christine Rosen who works at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington (Wikipedia). Students have lost privileges, scholarships and leadership positions because colleges have found proof through their pictures that they were drinking. For example, students at Northern Kentucky University were charged with code violations when a keg was seen in a dorm-room picture. Students need to realize that everyone can see what they put on the Internet, and that they should keep their pictures off because people, including their own peers, will turn them in. Facebook controversy is now going one step further. Before hiring employees, employers have begun to explore Facebook in order to get an idea of the person they are hiring. People have not gotten jobs because Mrs. Kowalczyk, nurse their profiles show them drinking at parties or using vulgar language toward others. When the consequences are weighed, uploading pictures for people to look at does not outweigh the penalties of being found guilty of violating rules. Though Facebook is fun to be on, it can really affect people’s futures. People need to be aware of who views their profiles and censure what they put on the Internet. Nick Sikora We open our Christmas presents on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. Carly Reschick ‘07 He Said vs. She Said Brittany Beyer What is the best gift you’ve ever given? A squeaky dog toy. I gave it to my brother when he was five. I didn’t know that people made toys for dogs at the time. I was embarrassed. I adopted a penguin at the Pittsburgh Zoo for my boyfriend. You can adopt any animal at the zoo for different lengths of time and amounts of money. Depending on how much you spend you receive different benefits. Seriously, no on will expect it! What is the best give you’ve ever received? $50 in $2 bills. It wasn’t useful at all, but that’s not the point. The best gift I ever received was a record player. It’s probably twenty some years old but it still plays amazing and it was what I wanted more than anything. What is the best gift to get for a guy/girl? Tickets to a BCS Bowl. The only thing that could be better than watching the Orange Bowl over Christmas break would be being in Florida and watching the game from the stands. Girls are all different so it’s difficult to pinpoint one specific item. But if you really want to surprise her listen closely months before Christmas. She will drop subtle hints about something she would want. If you can pick up on the hints then you will win her over. What is the best way to present a gift? EBAY. Wrapped! Neatly! I would like to receive a gift from a guy that doesn’t look like a mangled ball of tape and ribbon.
  • 4. Congratulations Certificate Kohne, Jody Alescio, Carlie Cotugno, Stephanie Kradel, Sarah Come, Nina Egan, Alexandra Barbati, Alexa John Counihan, Brendan Kriston, Brian Barrett, Mary Cronin, Elisabeth Kronket, Caitlyn Czajkowski, Ashley Kuzy, Autumn Laubach, Kerriann Eltschlager, Heidi Locher, Geoff Lovell, Curry Machin, James Forbrich, Alison MacKay, Kimberly Blank, Elizabeth Gardner, Alexis Boccardi, Emily Garry, Megan Andrew Madalena, Malanos, Zachary Bowler, William Glovier, Megan Malencia, Michael B r a n d s t e t t e r , Grech, Sarah Marlett, Melanie Mathews, Ryan Christian Brickner, Kellie Gregory, Sean Mauer, Lindsay o f Broglie, Julia Grisnik, Emily Maydak, Laura Brown, Kathleen McCracken, Julie Hall, Annemarie Bryan, Bernadette Halo, Kathrine McGraw, Carrie McLean, Michael Hancherick, Mitchell c N a m a r a , M Margaret Bryan, Stephanie Burg, Kevin Hanlon, Andrew Caliguiri, Drew Hareza, Jack Medvid, Carl Metz, Anthony Campbell, William Hartbauer, Kory Milavec, Megan C a r b o n a r a , Hayes, Brian Miller, Erin Adrianna Miller, Madeline Carone, Nick Heaps, Rebecca Miller, Steven Higgins, Samantha Miller, Taylor Casaday, Ryan Castillo, Danielle Houser, Michael Ceccarelli, Nicholas Ignatius, Jamison Moran, Melinda Joyce, Morgan Murphy, Brendan Chiste, Samantha Kaushik, Charanya Nerone, Katherine Rothhaar, Jessica Trier, Emily Letter Aaron, Dana Anderson, Robert Banas, Stephen Barna, Sara Beggs, Chelsea Bergmann, Calvin Bittner, Michele Blackman, Brooke Boehme, Benjamin Bonneau, Pamela Broglie , Justin Brouwer, Derek Burkhardt, Grant Buzard, Kaitlyn Carbonara, Melissa Carey, Janel Carone, Megan Caso, Taylor Cassano, Larissa Cicero, Adrienne Creehan, MacKenzie Debowski, Michael Nicholson, Jared Ciancarelli, Aimee Kennedy, Mackenzie Oliver, Trevor Cody, William Kerner, Alexandra Conley, Justin Matthis, Erin Rotunda, Alyson Bianco, Benjamin Fink, Reina Bigley, Jenna Flanigan, Kelly Koerner, William Meadows, Tyler Benbourenane,E s t e r h u i z e n , Kristelle 2008 LoCastro, Nicole Hunter, Christina of 2 0 0 9 Economou, Joseph Lewis, Kara Beel, Christopher Gove, Brittany Hoyt, Daniel Beck, Christopher DiGnazio, John Bozic, Stephanie Goozdich, Class Devine, Danielle Amine Galiano, Brittany Gabrielle Batanian, Kiel Bell, Hilary Fletcher, Edan Freyder, Kelly Christian C l a s s Allen, Michael Berry, William Aprahamian, Kevin Correal, Emily Bardzil, Certificate Koepka, Ryan OMalley, Timothy P a h o u n t i s , Deiley, Jacqueline Deluca, Alexa Diamond, Elias DiVella, Michael Dodds, Lindsay
  • 5. Academic Awards Recipients Greenawald, Lee Pfeifer, Rebecca Phelan, Emilia Beazley, Christine Heuer, Jacqueline Bellan, Katrina Hollot, Olivia Horensky, Rachel Beyer, Brittany Houser Pitts, Alexander Plachecki, Gregory , Kaitlin Popovich, John Bianco, Michael Hull, Abigail Bossong, Katie Michael Portz, Christopher Bowes, Stephanie James, Gregory Bozic, Jennifer Jasek, Christine Radke, Alexander Brace, Channing Kean, Victoria Rafferty, Brianna 2007 Ferrara, Phillip Fletcher, Hadas Gallagher, Kelsey Ganick, Katherine Gardner, Haylee Getto, Christine Getz, Abby Giovannitti, Annelyse Greer, Daniel Hammell, Lauren Hanson, Nathaniel Hartenbach, Kathryn Heaps, Katie Heilmann, Justin Heldman, Renee Hess, Anne Hilzendeger, John Hough, Robert Huber, Kayla Hughes, Christian Irwin, Mary Tristan Jacobs, Meghan Jankowski, Delanie Jarrett, Michael Jewison, Christopher Johnson, Bethany Kaecher, Heather Kartik, Noelle Kipling, Allison Klaja, Jordan Knoll, Brighid Kocher, Alexander Sam, Alex Koenig, Christopher Scarberry, Jacquelyn Schaefer, Zachary Kolan, Daniel Schneider, Krak, Jonathan Brandon Lacey, Maura Seguiti, Gina Lacy, Mark Sestrich, Kristen Lang, Valerie Latinovich, Lauren Shultz, Stephanie Smith, Machel, Sasha Magreni, Angelina Matthew Smore, Stephanie Majoras, Mark Stanik, Megan Manning, Bridget Marks, Kristin Steeber, Charles Plaques Adams, Cassandra Grech, Andrew Brandstetter, Emily Kennedy, Patrick Knell, Jeffery Rawlings, Alan Reis, Jennifer Browell, Robyn Kohne, Brandi Bucey, Matthew Komoroski, Adam Reschick, Carly Burke, Dylan Kostak, Brent Rike, Michelle Burzotta, Jessica Krak, Justin Ritter, Rebecca Camus, Kelly Kruljac Letter , Jaclyn Carey, Ryan Leech, Emily Cichowicz, Rachel Lindberg, Savannah Clark, Kaitlyn Clements, MacCumbee, Allison Christopher Colletti , Anna Maher, Patrick Marie Maize, Aaron Counihan, Colleen Makowski, Kerstin of Matthews, Joshua McAllister, Clayton McNeal , Kathryn Milanese, Matthew Mitchell, Carl Moore, Allison Nepa, Angelina Neville, David Nicholson, Rebecca Nitschmann, Natalie Olawski, Zachary Oleynik, Alexandra O’Rourke, Chelsie Palamides, Natalie Palko, Emily Paterra, Julianna Paul, Rebekah Peranteau, Stephen Percival, Robert Ponte, Elena Porco, Tyler Quinlan, Kevin Radolec, Mackenzy Rauch, Thomas Rider, James Roberson, Caitlyn Rodgers-Melnick, Samuel Rosky, Rebecca Ross, Peter Rothaar, Peter Fornear, Ryan Jarosh, Bryan Kuzy, Nicholas Morosco, Danielle Paul, Daniel Renne, Alexis Rothhaar, Bruce Venanzi, Paige Williams, Evan Makrinos, Stephen Certificate Malencia, Veronica Cover, Chelsea Ali, Lauren D’Abarno, Anthony Danchisko, Kevin Arnoni, Kiersten DiPaolo, Andrew Mauro, Sean-Paul Chen, Jing Dolcich, Matthew McCarron, Fortna, Benjamin Donolo Catherine Helba, Julianna McMenamin, Paige Hyman, Lea , Nathan Class Doran, Jennifer Eisengart, Paige Elderkin, Christina Ellis, Carolyn Eskew, Ryan Fazio, Nicholas Earley, Sarah Easoz, Samuel Jackson, Paul McNamara, Harold Ehland, Erica Faber, Jessica Krivacek, Leigha Miller, Merrill Fletcher, Marianne Mininger, Kaitlin B. Foglia, Emily Monaco, Jessica Galatic Joyce, Mary Kate Moore, Garrison , Kayla Norton, Emily Olivo, Alexandra Gaudy, Ryan Ondeck, Matthew Giesey, Lauren O’Neil, Matthew Glicksman, Paul, Rachel Benjamin Perhach, Sarah Matthis, Christopher Matthis, John Matthis, Russell Nee, Sarah Nettles, Charles Petrozza, Luke Piedmonte, Taylor Stevans, Hollyann Sweeney, Megan Tenison, Sarah
  • 6. From Christmas pa Match the teacher with his/her baby picture and turn in completed form to Mrs. Sitler in Room A114 by December 11th for your chance to win a $25.00 Visa gif t card. 8. 5. 2. 3. 9. 6. 4. 10. 7.
  • 7. ast. . . Na m e : 1. G ra d e : H o m e Ro o m : Ma t c h t h e t ea c h e r wi t h t h ei r n u m b e r : 11. 14. M r. Ba st o s M r s . B e c kj o rd M r s . B o ni M r s . De li e re M s . Do n a ti 12. M r s . Fri c k 15. M r. H o u s e r M s . Ko b e d a M r. Ku h n M s . M cI n t o s h M s . M c Ke n n a M r s . M o r ri st o n M s . O’C o n n o r 16. M r s . Pi n t o M r s . Si t l e r 13. M r. S u s s m a n R e t u r n t o M r s . Si t l e r i n Ro o m A1 by 14 De c e m b e r 1 h , 20 0 6 1t
  • 8. ro Sp extra p int Connor Tarwater & Sean-Paul Mauro Em ily Bigley rts z au Sean-Paul M Chris Port Hard work produces high hopes Sports Editors Derek Redding What’s the Greatest Rivalry in Sports? CT: Without question, the greatest rivalry in sports is between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. Though over the years the Yankees have dominated the Red Sox for the most part, it is still the most passionate rivalry in all of sports. SM: Not even close. The Yankees and Red Sox have the most overrated rivalry in sports, but not the best. That title belongs to the Michigan – Ohio State rivalry. Every year, so much is on the line for this game. Take this past year; number one Ohio State verses number two Michigan was arguably the biggest game in college football history. No matter what the records are between the two teams (which are usually very good), this game is for all the marbles, each and every single year. CT: Though the Yankees have an advantage as far as all time wins in the series and World Series championships, that’s what makes the rivalry intense. It is a combination of the Yankees success and the frustration of the Red Sox. USA Today and Sports Illustrated both described the rivalry as the “fiercest rivalry in sports.” SM: ESPN ranks the Michigan – Ohio State rivalry as the best in all of sports. Almost every single year, “The Game,” as it is referred to usually means a trip to Pasadena, CA, for the most storied Bowl Game in all of College Football – The Rose Bowl. The winged helmet of Michigan, the O-H-I-O made by the Ohio State band – so much tradition. Also, what makes this rivalry better than the Yanks – Sox rivalry is the fact that it’s played only once a year. The Yankees and Red Sox play games that are meaningless throughout the season. The Michigan – Ohio State happens once, and is always meaningful for the entire college football nation. CT: Meaningless games throughout the season? This shows you have no idea what you are talking about. Anyone with common sense knows that every single Yankees-Red Sox game is treated like a game 7 of the World Series to both teams and their fans. And if you want tradition, just look at the players, past and present, in this rivalry. Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Roger Marris, Roger Clemens, Pedro Martinez, David Ortiz, just to name a few. Also, this rivalry gets so heated that not only have players attacked fans, then players attack players and even managers. This is the most intense rivalry in sports. SM: Every year, Michigan and Ohio State play once in the most anticipated match in college football for a likely trip to the Rose Bowl. The Yankees Staff Writer The Peter Township High School boys’ basketball team is not thinking of the past but seeking revenge this upcoming season. With last year’s starters Alex Radke, Spencer Smith, Pat Russo, Kevin Noone, and John Matthis, the team is ready for battle. “I am ready to play this year,” said John Matthis. Coach Gerry Goga started training the basketball team in early summer with open gyms every Monday and Wednesday, and weight lifting every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Varsity team is looking very promising. Peter’s last season record of 7 – 16 may discourage many teams and their fans but the fans say they are going to come back for more this year. “I can’t wait for the season to start, I will try to make it to all the games this year,” said sophomore Nicole Hauck. The team is pushing themselves on and off the court. Coach Goga is making grades a primary objective to all players on the team. If players have an “F” in one of their classes for two consecutive weeks, he will be placed in SHARP and will not participate in upcoming games or practices until the grade is brought up. “ I think SHARP is a good way to keep grades up and players playing,” said sophomore Mitch Hancherik. Most importantly, all the juniors who played last year will return for their senior year to help the Indians have a winning season. Peters Township has also received a very experienced freshman coach, Mr. Houser who is also an English teacher here at the high school. “I think this year will be fun especially playing for Mr. Houser,” said freshman Phil Horensky. The Indians’ start their season off with the USC tournament which tips-off on December 1, Girls’ basketball hopes to make rebound Chris Portz Staff Writer The Peters Township Girls’ Basketball team has been working hard during this offseason. Hopefully, this will translate into a better performance than last year, when the girls’ basketball team finished at 8-16. “We have the program going in the right direction,” said senior guard Michelle Rike. The girls have two main goals this season. First, they want to improve their record from last year, at least finishing with a winning record. Second, they want to make the play-offs. These are ambitious goals because neither of these goals have been accomplished since the seniors on the team have been enrolled in high school. The girls’ basketball team has been pushing themselves during this off-season, in order to exceed their expectations. In July, the basketball team traveled to California Bill Berry University for a four-day camp, where the girls played rival Upper St. Clair. Our girls’ team showed that they could compete in their competitive conference. In August, the girls’ basketball team had attended another camp at Robert Morris University, where the girls mastered the basics. Additionally, the girls have been practicing and lifting throughout the off-season. Preparing early ensures that they will be ready for what the season throws at them. “We have much more of a team now than previous years,” said Senior Michelle Rike, “Girls from each grade level are contributing to the team and getting our goals accomplished.” There are three senior leaders on this squad: Jordan Settimio, Michelle Rike, and Shannon Wagner. With their leadership the team’s season looks promising against some tough opponents in the Big Seven Conference, which includes: Upper St. Clair, Mt. Lebanon, Fulfilling the legacy Staff Writer The Peters Township Varsity Hockey team looks to return to state championship under new leadership this season following the graduation and leave of numerous key players from last year’s run. The Indians are coming off 15-9 season where they reached the Penguin Cup semifinals losing to the eventual champion, Pine Richland. Indians Varsity hockey has been one of the most successful programs in the history of Peters Township athletics. The team captured state championships in 2002, 2003 and 2005 while reaching the ‘big game’ in 2004. “We’re really looking forward to showing people that we are a championship contender this year,” said junior defenseman Dave McDonough. Expect to see new faces this year with only four players returning for their senior season. However that won’t be a problem with players like Robbie Hough, Dave Rigatti, Zach DeFelice, and Greg Jackson. “I don’t think that our youth will be a Photo by Shelby Miller Dave Rigatti clears the puck out of the Indians’ defensive zone during the 2006 playoffs. Coach Rick Tingle enters his second season as the head coach of Indians and expects nothing less than a fourth state championship. However, the Indians will have to wait until March to make their move in the playoffs, until then come support them at the
  • 9. ek Redd er ing D Bill Be rry C on no r r Tarwate ra Siko an Brend Penguins finally coming around Sean-Paul Mauro Sports Editor With a fast start to 2006 – 2007 NHL season, this seems to be the year that the youth and talent of the Pittsburgh Penguins is starting to kick in to gear. Over the past two years, the Pens have been rebuilding a team capable of taking them the distance in the playoffs. The process started with the addition of the Canadian phenom, 19 year-old Sidney Crosby. Coming into the league, Crosby was already pressured as a rookie to be great – being hailed by Wayne Gretzky as the next great one before he took one stride in an NHL game. Crosby did not disappoint last season – with over 100 points – but the Penguins did, finishing the season in last place in the league. This year, the Penguins continued to load the line up with stars, like Russian goal scorer Evgeni Malkin, and first round draft pick Jordan Staal, and the Penguins are showing signs of brilliance. Staal was originally slated to play only the first part of the season in the NHL, and the remainder of the season with his junior team in Ontario. However, Staal has been so instrumental in the Pens’ first place start that the Penguin executives have decided to keep him in the line up for the entire season – starting his three year contract now, instead of next year. Crosby, unsurprisingly, has started the season where he left off from last year. He is in the top five in scoring once again. Malkin has been, undoubtedly, the most impressive rookie thus far, and maybe the most impressive rookie thus far in NHL history. Through his first six games, Malkin was the first player Smoke Signals December 2006 SPORTS BRIEFS HOCKEY The hockey players have been gearing up their performances this season. Their current record is 1-3. They are ready to take on Greensburg Central Catholic on 11/20. BOYS’ sWIMMING Photo courtesy of Andrew Vaughan / AP file Penguin center, Sidney Crosby, sets up his teammate with a quick pass. Crosby has emerged as one of the premier playmakers in the NHL. ever to score goals in each of first six games. Staal has been the biggest surprise for the Penguins. Staal was the first player in over 50 years to score three short handed goals as his first goals in his NHL career. Wrestlers prepare for a successful season Brendan Sikora Staff Writer 9 The Peters Township Indians wrestling team has always been a force to be reckoned with. The varsity team consists of 15-20 wrestlers yet they all train in hard conditions. This year tough opponents will be Colin Johnston and Matt Ryan both of Canon Mac. Defeating these opponents takes brutal p r a c t i c e conditions and all around toughness on the team. Big matches for this year will be Baldwin, Upper Saint Clair, and Junior Bethel Park. D a l e Murdock currently coaches the varsity team. Murdock is an experienced and knowledgeable coach. John Antonelli assists him. Both of these coaches are experts in wrestling and will make the difference in key matches this season. They will put this team through blood and paint to make them the best. The coaches yell at the wrestlers to run more and work harder and harder each time to build on their success. This year the team is young, consisting of mostly sophomores and juniors. The leadershipexperienced seniors will determine this year’s s u c c e s s . Sophomore Nick Ceccarelli says, “We have been training hard in the off season to make this year a success.” Even though this is a young Joe Fortunato team they are working hard to make this season a good one. Junior wrestler Joe Fortunato said, “We worked hard last year and we will continue to work until we are a success.” The team is ready to throw down on December 6th. “We worked hard last year and we will continue to work until we are a success.” The boys swimming team has been pushing themselves to the limit with early morning practices, in addition to the conditioning after school. The boys’ swimming team is in fit shape to glide past the opposition in the water. girls’ swimming Currently the girls swim team is a strong competitor in the wpial. They hold practice every week and work out in the weight BOYS’ BASKETBALL Last year the boys basketball team was (7,17). With the acquisition of John Matthis, adding height as well as depth to the team, they strive to make playoffs this year. The team also looks to improve their record over .500. GIRLS’ BASKETBALL The girls who were (8-16) last year, hope to accomplish their goals. The girls look to exceed expectation by making playoffs and improving their record by winning at least 13 wins. WRESTLING The wrestling team is full of talent this season. They have been training in the off-season and started practices Nov 13th. They are practicing every day of the week and are ready for their first match on December 6th.
  • 10. & Style PT LIF E Colleen Counihan Christmas shopping sans the stress Features Editor Along with the joyous Christmas season comes the not so joyous conversation over gifts. All the gift-givers must endure it (even the receivers, who then become the givers.) The conversation begins with something like this: “What do you want for Christmas?” The gift-receiver comes back with “I don’t know, I don’t care.” What seasoned gift-givers have come to understand is that this is usually code for “you better think hard, buddy, because I want something good.” Luckily, there are answers to this unforeseen reaction and they don’t involve hundreds dollars or time consuming trips. Whether the gift is for a brother or boyfriend, a shopper could stop by Best Buy for a masculine-minded browse through the electronic aisles. Best Buy has everything from CDs and DVDs to combination iPod sound “Money, because you can’t screw it up.” soothers. Try dropping hints about newly released music or movies and look for the best reaction. If this fails, there is always the Best Buy gift card or iTunes card for iPod carriers. Girls are the tough ones. No matter how many times she says she does not care about the gift, she really does care…a lot. The idea behind gifts for girls is to focus on the thought and not the money. Think of a girl’s favorite music to find a CD or her favorite color to find some matching gloves and scarf. Most girls will be perfectly happy with a bundle of flowers from just about anyone. Gifts do not always have to be about material things and some of the best ones never are. A surprise night out or a free meal can be enjoyable for both guys and girls, but most importantly, they will have a more lasting effect than a new gadget. Sometimes, the gift just comes down to time availability and shopping ability. If all this talk of shopping creates anxieties of how one can possibly squeeze a leisurely trip to the mall and track practice all in one night, think about the Internet. Amazon. com proudly offers a whole section devoted to ideas for gifts, based on gender and personal relationship. The site is overflowing with gifts ranging from sugar-free Belgian chocolates and “fairy” bath kits to the all-inclusive Johnny Cash box set. More exclusively, almost every major store in the area is accompanied by a website, therefore time cannot be an excuse anymore. Christmas and its gift-giving necessities should not be sources of anxiety or frustration. They should be chances for creativity or excuses to demonstrate one’s charm. “A nice wrappedup ham.” “Flowers because they are pretty.” Justin Broglie ‘08 “A gift certificate because they can only spend the money where you want them to.” Nate Bachik ‘10 Chase Wickerham ‘09 Jon Makrinos ‘07 Eragon By Christopher Paolini The Sweet Escape Katie Gavlick Staff Writer Gwen Stefani, the outrageous punkpop artist from ex-band, No Doubt, drops her second solo album December 5th, creatively titled, The Sweet Escape. After putting the album on hold for her son Kingston’s birth, Stefani is ready to get out what she calls, “the hottest release of the year.” The Sweet Escape follows up Stefani’s last album, Love. Angel. Music. Baby. However, this album wasn’t a bunch of L.A.M.B. leftovers; it included tracks written over the past 18 months, with collaborations from Akon, No Doubt’s Tony Kanal, Nellee Hooper, Sean Garrett, Swizz Beatz, Dave Stewart, and Keane’s Tim Rice-Oxley. Stefani’s first single, “Wind it Up,” intercepts snippets from “The Sound of Music” while combining her own melody. The result? A fresh, modern dance beat, that’s not retro or worn out. Songs like “Orange County Girl” provides tunes everyone can dance to, while “Candyland” has a unique sound. I give Gwen Stefani’s The Sweet Escape five out of five stars. Its creative, vivacious, and very hard to get out of your head; what more could you ask for? Amber Doerr Staff Writer “Eragon gripped the knife tighter and held very still. Soon the creature was all the way out of the stone. It stayed in place for a moment, then skittered into the moonlight. Eragon recoiled in shock. Standing in front of him, licking off the membrane that encased it, was a dragon.” Eragon is just a simple farm boy, hunting deer in the woods for his family, when a mysterious blue stone appears out of nowhere. Soon, the stone hatches, and Eragon discovers that the stone is not a stone, but an egg; a dragon egg. Eragon’s life is thrown into mystery when he raises the last known free dragon, and seeks refuge in an unknown place called the Varden. All the while, Galbatorix, an evil dictator, is after Eragon. He must flee the one place he can call home, and fight for his freedom. Along the way, he meets a man with a similar grudge against the empire, and an elf who has been taken hostage by them. Eragon is a great fantasy novel for anyone who enjoys adventure, intrigue, or mystical creatures. This book never slows down and will leave your heart pounding. Eldest, book two in the Inheritance trilogy, has already been released, and Eragon the movie is coming out December 15. I give this book five out of give stars. Lady in the Water Taylor Piedmonte Staff Writer As an avid M Knight Shyamalan fan, I wanted to like his latest supernatural fable, Lady in the Water, but I didn’t. I hoped that a shocking ending would salvage the bad film, but it didn’t. Cleveland Heep, a stuttering apartment superintendent, encounters a girl named Story swimming in the complex’s pool. He soon learns that Story is a “narf” trying to get home to the Blue World. However, vicious doglike creatures are determined to prevent her from reaching home. The Problem with Lady in the Water is that it’s constantly explaining itself. Shyamalan has a unique talent to create vivid stories, and the story of Story is indeed an interesting one, but Lady in the Water proves that a good story does not make a good movie. The flaw lies within a bad script. The characters act like they encounter “narfs” everyday. There is no disbelief in the dialogue. Yes, it’s a fairy tale, but it takes place on planet earth in present day. In the past, Shyamalan films have told great stories with aliens, ghosts, and monsters while maintaining plausibility and suspense. Lady in the Water has the monsters and the story, but not the plausibility or suspense. Lady in the Water: Good Actors, Good Director, Good Story, Bad Movie 1.5 Stars out of 4
  • 11. 11 Smoke Signals December 2006 Top 10 Christmas Movies Pittsburgh’s Kara Krawiec Drew Karpen Co-Editor-in-Chief Staff Writer With the holiday season right around the corner, families are getting ready. Families from around the world get into the holiday spirit by putting up their decorations and by watching marathons of classic Christmas movies. There were many Christmas movies dating back to the 1800’s but only 10 were picked by the viewers to make the top ten list. Starting off the list at number 10 is Miracle on 34th Street. This movie was a hit as soon as it came out in 1947. When a nice old man who claims to be Santa Claus is characterized as being insane, a young lawyer decides to defend him as being the real Santa Claus. The viewers gave this movie eight out of ten stars. At number nine is National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation. As usual the Griswald’s plan for a big Christmas turns out to be a big disaster. This series, which also has Vegas Vacation, stars Chevy Chase and received four and a half stars. At number eight is It’s a Wonderful Life. This 1946 film is about an angel helps a frustrated businessman by showing him what life would be like if he never existed. Number seven is Santa Claus is Coming to Town. This cartoon stars a young boy named Kris Kringle, who makes a factory where he makes toys for little kids. At number six is everyone’s favorite reindeer, Rudolph the RedNose Reindeer. This is about a reindeer that is unwanted until one day Santa comes and asks him to guide his sled. Half way through the countdown at number five is Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch tries to ruin Christmas for all the children in Whoville. Lets set the scene, New Year’s Evealmost 2007, but there’s only one dilemma; what’s there to do in Pittsburgh to celebrate? Pittsburgh is having its 13th annual First Night, Tickets can be purchased at any Giant Eagle for a $1.00 off discount. Photo courtesy of At the end of this movie the Grinch realizes what he is doing and gives everyone their gifts back and celebrates Christmas with them. At number four is A Christmas Carol. An old man who never cared about anything learns his compassion when three ghosts visit him on Christmas Eve. At number three is one of the favorites, A Christmas Story. In this movie all Ralphie wants is a BB gun for Christmas but his mom thinks it is too dangerous. Coming in at number two is Home Alone. This is the first of the three movie series and by far the best. An eight year old who is accidentally left behind by his family when they go on vacation has to defend their house against burglars. Finally coming in at number one on the top ten Christmas movies of all time is… The Santa Claus. When a man (Tim Allen) accidentally kills Santa Claus, he is recruited to take his place. With the release of new Christmas movies to come, we will have to see if they can make their way onto the list in the future. ( a celebration dedicated to bringing in the New Year surrounded by arts, music, and friends. First Night is a party for everyone. Whether a person is indulging in music or experiencing magic and theater, this is one festivity the whole family can participate in. Events start at 6pm on New Year’s Eve and go until the fireworks are done at midnight. First Night is filled with performers, jazz musicians, and other acts that can be enjoyed with the lovely Pittsburgh Cultural District in the background. Tickets are $8.00 for adults; children under the age of 5 are admitted free. Tickets can be purchased at any Giant Eagle for a $1.00 off discount. New Year’s Eve is about getting together with family and friends to celebrate a new beginning. What better way to kick start 2007 in style than to spend it with other Pittsburghers that know how to have fun! Hough, bassist John Wawrose, and drummer Taylor Maher, this alternative rock band has been turning some heads. We interviewed the boys of 65 Watts, to get to know a little more about what’s behind their music. They’re coming up on their 1-year mark as a band. Bassist, John Wawrose, compliments his techniques with influences from bands such as Red Hot Chili Peppers. Sean Rothermel proudly idolizes Scott Weiland, the past front man of Stone Temple Pilots, and present vocalist of Velvet Revolver. Their music is pure alternative rock on the exterior, but each member has mastered his instrument enough to create subtly-complex melodies and they have mastered enough stage confidence to keep the crowd swaying to the sounds. 65 Watts has managed to pull in a decent fan base, for such a short time-span. Their fans showed a noticeable amount of support when they voted 65 Watts into the 3rd place position at the high school ‘Battle of the Bands’ event in October. A band with such a spectrum of influences and such a mature sound is not to be pushed aside. Take advantage of a sound that revolves around Red Hot Chili Peppers and Weezer and check them out! If you’d like to hear music by 65 Band of the Month: 65 Watts Colleen Counihan & Sean Naccarelli Staff Writers Freshmen are rarely noted for undeniable wit or broad musical background but a group of Peters Township High School boys have taken this stereotype of inefficiency and thrown it in the faces of most upperclassmen bands residing in the school. These young men call themselves 65 Watts. Consisting of Vocalist, Sean Rothermel, guitarist Kevin Photo by Sean Naccarelli 65 Watts poses for group photo at Community Day at Peterswood Park. Photo by Sam Higgins Freshman Livia Bayer proudly sports a 65 Watts shirt at Battle of the Bands on October 12th.
  • 12. Voices in the Hall Who/what do you want for the holidays? “BORAT! I love that man!” “Alex Binder from 2-A-Days!” Josh Keffer ‘07 “I don’t know dude. I can’t think of anything funny.” “Jessica Alba.” Kaiya Quevido ‘07 Laura St. Clair ‘07 James Joyce ‘10 Where are you going for the holidays? “To the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz.” “Moscow, the moon, and Alaska.” Adam Komoroski ‘07 Garrison Moore ‘07 “I’m bringing my Pokemon to a top secret battle in Brock’s gym.” Casey Dunleavy ‘09 “I’m going to play in the snow with Grandma!” Laura Quinn ‘08 What is Santa Claus’ best physical feature? “The beard that’s long and white!” Sarah Rubis and Kate Staaf, ‘07 “His hot bod is the best!” Erin Bench ‘08 “His backside!” “I love his big black belt.” Dara Lisanti ‘09 Brent Kostak ‘07 What do you leave for Santa to eat on Christmas Eve? “Biscotti and pizelles.” Phil Ferrara ‘08 “Fish taco and milk.” Nolan Majcher ‘09 “Chicken wings” Dave Edmunds ‘09 “Motor oil, Castro GT” Kyle Falbo ‘10