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Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
A Review of ‘Inhibition of EHMT1/2 rescues synaptic
and cognitive functions for Alzheimer’s disease’ A
paper by Zheng et al, 2019
Page 1: Title Page
Page 2: Background Information
Page 3: Confirming Raised H3K9me2
Page 6: Inhibition of EHMT1/2
Page 7: Loss of Glutamate Receptors Recovered by BIX
Page 8: EHMT1/2 Inhibition with shRNA
Page 9: H3K9me2 in the Hippocampus
Page 10: Genome wide effects of EHMT1/2 inhibition
Page 11: Future Work
Page 12: References
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Background Information
Dementia is a devastating neurodegenerative condition symptomized by memory problems,
difficulty concentrating and confusion. Affecting 900,000 people (Wittenberg et al, 2019) and
costing over £10 billion a year in social care in the UK alone. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the
most common cause of Dementia, first affecting the hippocampus causing learning, memory
and reasoning deficiencies, Alzheimer’s can progress to severe symptoms such as
hallucinations, delusions and problems with moving and self-care tasks (NHS,2021). This
disease has a huge effect not only on the patient, but also their families, carers and social care
systems. AD is caused by the build-up of proteins in neurons, mainly amyloids, and a decrease
in neurotransmitters produced by the cell, eventually the death of neurons occurs followed
by shrinkage of the area of the brain affected. Even with severe effects caused by this disease
it is not known what causes this process to start and develop, the disease can be familial,
showing a link to genetics in some patients. However, roughly 82% of cases have no known
definitive cause and appear random (Bird, 2018) suggesting a complex range of pathogenesis
and risk factors, both genetic and environmental. In addition to this, only symptomatic
treatments have been developed, such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, which work to
extend the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine by inhibiting the enzyme
acetylcholinesterase from breaking the neurotransmitter down, treating memory and
cognitive symptoms. Other therapies work to improve the quality of life of the patient such
as antidepressants. (NHS, 2021)
The paper cites epigenetics as a
pathogenesis of AD, looking
specifically at methylation of
histones to enhance/decrease
transcription of genes and if this
affects AD progression in humans.
Histone methylation is a
modification of certain amino
acids in a histone protein by
addition of up to 3 methyl groups,
methylation changes the position
of the DNA wound around the
histone by loosening or tightening
the tails, allowing transcription
factors to access DNA or restricting
access respectively (Whetstine,
2010), figure 1 shows a diagram to
indicate the principles of histone
methylation. A link between
epigenetics and development of
AD has yet to be fully proven, with most studies using mouse models to gain information,
however human samples would have to be studied if treatment is developed. (Cao et al, 2022)
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
The paper by Zheng et al (2019) focus is on H3K9me2 and methyltransferases EHMT1/2.
EHMT1 is known to cause demethylation of H3K9me2 reducing transcription of DNA,
deficiency of transcription is known to be involved in other cognitive diseases such as
Kleefstra disease (Benevento et al, 2016) and blocking this enzyme found an increase in the
transcription of the genes increasing synaptic scaling. Zheng et al hypothesises that EHMT1/2
elevation and the subsequent dimethylation and reduction in DNA transcription is an
important part of the development of Alzheimer’s and inhibiting these enzymes can help in
the treatment of Alzheimer’s by increasing the production of proteins, specifically glutamate
receptors, AMPA and NMDA. These two ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluR) are both
imperative for fast synaptic transmission between neurons. (Purves et al, 2001) Reduction of
AMPA has been linked to the cognitive impairment seen in Alzheimer’s (O’Connor et al, 2020,
Zhang et al, 2018) and hypofunction of NMDAR has been linked to cell death. (Wang and
Reddy, 2017)
As with many other papers studying AD, Zhang et al uses mouse models for most of the
research, these models do not fully replicate the human disease but can provide significant
contributions to the understanding of theory. (Elder, 2010) Mouse models provide a
particular problem when analysing AD because the long development time of AD cannot be
replicated in mice, this makes it especially hard to look at the early stages of development,
where treatment can be best.
Confirming Raised H3K9me2
Zheng at al first identified and tested the hypothesis that there is an increased H3K9me2 in
AD, to do this Western Blots, quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry were all used.
Western blotting techniques analysed the abundance of proteins that where targeted with
antibodies, using a horseradish peroxide secondary antibody followed by enhanced
chemiluminescence substrate to provide a detection signal. The signal is semi-quantitative,
allowing good comparison of total protein levels. (Mahmood and yang, 2012) This method
can be used to show data in a clear manner to compare how much protein is being produced,
making it very useful in a paper such as this, however, due to the layout of the figures Zheng
et al have made their results more complicated and obscure than they need to be.
Real time PCR is the gold standard in measuring target mRNA production by a cell with correct
primers it is extremely precise, accurate, and highly sensitive, which is needed for a study like
this with limited tissue samples (Bustin, 2000). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to identify
H3K9me2 location in the nucleus of PFC neuron slices. Immunohistochemistry is also a gold
standard in detection of protein location and when employing a two-antibody system,
meaning one antibody targets the antigen of interest, with excess washed away removing
nonspecific binding, before a secondary antigen bound with a dye binds to the primary
antibody and produces a detection signal, meaning the analysis is highly specific of the target
antigen. Other methods could be used, such as immunofluorescence, however, will see little
difference in results as the main change is staining methods.
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Figure 2: Taken from Zheng et al (2019) discussing H3K9me2 and EHMT1/2 levels in mice and
human neurons.
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Figure 2 from Zheng et al indicates the complexity of which the figures have been built, with
7 subsections making this figure harder to follow than needed. Results collected from human
tissues could have been included as a separate figure to this one. Figure 2: A shows an
increase of H3K9me2 in FAD mice compared to wildtype (WT) di-methylation of H3K9, proving
there is an increase in H2K9me2 in mice with AD, while tri-methylation stays the same. B and
C work to prove that the raise in methylation seen in the Alzheimer’s model is caused by an
increase in enzymes EHMT1/2, in the PCR in 2:C and western blot shows an increase in both
enzymes in FAD mice, while histone 3 level stays the same, 1:B shows increase in transcription
of the coding regions for EHMT1/2, so increase in concentration levels of these enzymes is
caused by a greater production of the enzymes. The proof that there is an increase of these
enzymes provides a potential therapeutic pathway. 2:D shows immunohistochemistry, the
location of H2K9me2 in PFC neurons was compared to the enzyme CaMKII, an abundant
enzyme in the brain used in the regulation of glutamatergic synapses (Lisman et al, 2002).
CaMKII allows the immunohistochemistry to show the outline of neurons, and where GluR
are located. This proved that there was an increase in H2K9me2 inside the nucleus of PFC
neurons. However, there also appeared to be a significant decrease in CaMKII enzymes in the
enlarged FAD image compared to WT. This could be an artifact of the method, if this slide was
examined later as the fluorophore will fade or maybe caused by AD in the FAD model. 2: E is
a quantification of the increase in H3K9me2 in neurons of mice PFC with no change in CaMKII,
however it does not state which figure magnification was used to quantify this. All these
figures go to prove an increase in EHMT1/2 and an increase in H2K9me2 seen in FAD mice.
Figure 2: F/G are repeats of 2: B and A respectively, using human post-mortem PFC, with
EHMT1 mRNA considerably higher in AD compared to the control, this isn’t seen in mice to
the same level, meaning in humans there may be a difference between EHMT1 raised levels
in AD compared to FAD mice. EHMT2 mRNA was also raised in AD but not to the same levels
seen in FAD mice, with 4 patients having lower EHMT2 in AD than the control mean, however
even with this difference H3K9me2 is raised in AD showing potential therapeutic targets.
Immunohistochemistry could have been performed on human PFC tissue instead of mice PFC,
which would have given more data to indicate whether there is an increase in H3K9me2 in
human AD.
Next Zheng et al (2019) sought
to find out whether histone
modification is age related.
Figure 3 A: B show that histone
methylation and EHMT1/2
levels do not increase in young
FAD mice. This may impact the
usefulness of treatment in the
future, Zheng et al had this data
stored in supplementary data
whereas this should have been
included in the main paper.
Figure 3: Taken from Zheng et al 9 (2019), A, showing western blots
and quantitative analysis of H3K9me2 levels in PFC of young FAD
mice, B showing analysis PCR analysis of mRNA levels of EHMT1/2
in young FAD mice
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Inhibition of EHMT1/2
As EHMT1/2 appears raised in AD this provides a potential therapeutic pathway for AD using
the BIX01294 EHMT1/2 inhibitor, western blotting (figure 4: A) showed a decreased mean
H3K9me2 levels in FAD Bix treated compared to FAD control, closer to levels seen in WT.
However, 1 sample was above the mean of saline treated FAD meaning treatment may not
work every time depending on other factors. Additionally, there was 5 WT samples in the
WT+Sal, 4 in WT+BIX, 11 in FAD+SAL, 10 in FAD+BIX, questions have to be asked why the same
number was not tested for each, or if some of the data has been removed.
Figure 4: Taken from Zheng et al (2019) measuring histone methylation of glutamate
receptors gene premotor region in FAD mice and FAD mice treated with EHMT1/2 inhibitor
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Immunohistochemistry (4:B) shows a reduction of H3K9me2 in the nucleus when using BIX
in both WT and FAD. To measure the transcription of glutamate receptors GluA2 and NR2B
Zheng et al used ChIP and PCR to measurements gene transcription effected by methylation
of H3K9me2. ChIP in figures 4:C/E show H3K9me2 detectable 1200 bases upstream of GluR
genes, with greater enrichment seen in FAD mice which is the cause of reduced GluR, (4:D/F)
which was reduced in BIX treated mice. There was no effects on other upstream genes shown
in 4:G-F.
Loss of Glutamate Receptors Recovered by BIX
Figure 5: Measurements of glutamate receptors transcription and expression using PCR and
western blotting techniques.
Excess methylation seen in the previous figure leads to downregulation of the genes coding
for GluR, western blot shown in 5:B shows reduction of GluR protein subunits, with a
reduction ~30% for each of the 4 subunits, other proteins showed little change, however in
some FAD models there was no, or very little, change in GluA2 or NR1 subunits, which could
affect treatment in the future. Figure 5:A shows reduction of mRNA of glutamate receptor
proteins, showing that reduction in the proteins is caused by reduction in transcription rather
than an alternative cause. Reduction in these receptors is linked to AD development and
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
symptoms. 5:C adds BIX treatment with PCR of WT, 5:D adding protein levels to show BIX
increases both mRNA production and protein levels of the GluR proteins, however the
number of samples differed between the two tests, and between controls, PCR only has 5
treated FAD samples, but western blot shows 8; this questions again has data been left out to
make the study appear favourable to the hypothesis?
EHMT1/2 Inhibition with shRNA
To ensure the inhibition of EHMT1/2 Zheng et al chose to use targeted shRNA knockdowns of
EHMT1/2. Lentiviruses are used as they infect and transduce non-dividing cells e.g., neurons
(Wollebo et al, 2013), the vector pLKO.3G contained an eGFR marker for identification of
transduction success. Other papers have used BIX01294 as a specific inhibitor of EHMT1/2(Lin
et al, 2019, and Kubicek et al, 2007) which could have aided in the simplicity of the laboratory
work; however, shRNA provides more accurate and specific knockdowns. Figure 6 shows
shRNA inhibition causes knockdown of EHMT1/2 with decreased levels of H3K9me2 and
recovery of AMPA and NMDA receptors, meaning that inhibition of these enzymes provides
a therapeutic target for AD.
Figure 6: A: Effects of shRNA on EHMT1/2 from PFC slices with scrambled shRNA as control B:
quantified values taken from A.
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
H3K9me2 in the Hippocampus
Another area of the brain severely affected by Alzheimer’s is the hippocampus (Babcock et a,
2021) therefor Zheng et al examined whether H3K9me2 is increased in these cells, and if this
is involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease in the hippocampus.
Figure 7: A: Levels of H3K9me2 in hippocampus cells with B showing immunohistochemistry
of H3K9me2 and CamKII in hippocampus cells, C the quantification of B. D shows PCR data of
mRNA for glutamate receptors with treatment with BIX in FAD hippocampus.
There is little increase in methylation seen in the hippocampus, with a 0.22x mean increase
seen in immunoblotting, suggesting that BIX treatment may not work in the hippocampus,
however 7:C shows an increase in methylation in the nucleus of the neurons in line with the
increase seen in PFC. There are 3 samples in the immunohistochemistry that do not show any
increase of methylation in the hippocampus which could cause the results in B. Decreased
mRNA levels of GluR proteins are seen in FAD mice, BIX caused a decrease in mRNA of GluA2
subunit of AMPA in WT which could cause problems if treatment is given without analysis,
however FAD BIX treatment caused an increase in all GluR so there are future development
pathways for treatment.
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Genome wide effects of EHMT1/2 inhibition
To see if other genes are affected by the increased methylation seen in FAD mice, and to see
the effects of BIX on these mice ChIP-seq (figure 8: A) showed greater occupancy of start sites
by H3K9me2 in FAD mice compared to WT and BIX treated. 8: B shows a Venn diagram of
genes with increased methylation in FAD, FAD and BIX decrease, this figure is not clear in what
it represents, with the intersection being increase in H3K9me2 in FAD which was then reduced
with treatment. This shows the increase in H3K9me2 affects multiple transcription sites of
multiple genes, reversed with BIX, this means other interactions if BIX need to be studied to
see effects on other genes. ChIP-seq data was used to identify methylation effects on
transcription of GluR genes (7:D), ChiP-seq high resolution allows identification of how
H3K9me2 interacts with the genes coding for GluA2, NR2B and NR2A, especially as binding is
close to the start sites.
Figure 7: genome wide analysis of H3K9me2 genes using ChIP analysis, taken from Zheng et
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
Future Work
Zheng et al (2019) found elevated repressive histone methylation H3K9me2 in PFC and
hippocampus in mice models which leads to a reduction of Glutamate receptor proteins
therefor a reduction in synaptic transmission efficiency. Inhibition of methyl transferases
EHMT1/2 leads to recovery of GluR and cognitive damage in FAD mice models. Wang et al
(2021) completed a similar study using Tau mice and EHMT2 inhibitor UNC0642 and found
similar results. However, Zheng et al found that there was little increase of H3K9me2 in early
stages of FAD Alzheimer’s development, which is the ideal target for medication to delay or
stop the development of AD. Grinan-Ferre et al (2019) found treatment of early onset FAD
mice with UNC0642 decreased excess methylation seen in his FAD models, closer to that of
WT suggesting that EHMT2 is a potential target for therapeutic treatment in AD.
This sets out many potential routes for future research and drug development. The most
obvious of which is if BIX01294 can repeat results of this experiment in human PCF and
hippocampus, first brain samples would have to be collected from deceased Alzheimer
patients to see if there are the same increase in EHMT1/2 and H3K9me2 seen in mice models.
Taking brain matter from Alzheimer patients is ethically ambiguous, as they may not have the
mental capacity to understand what will happen to them after they die and give informed
consent. If there is an increase in these enzymes a BIX inhibitor-based medication could be
developed, as BIX is dangerous for human consumption at the moment (ThermoFisher, 2021)
with it being toxic if ingested, which would be a favoured treatment route for AD. Off target
effects of BIX would also have to be studied, we know there are many other effects that BIX
inhibitor can have on the human body, such as BIX causing apoptosis of human bladder cancer
cells (Cui et al, 2015). If this drug is developed through preclinical trails, it would then have to
go through clinical research stages, this also brings up ethical problems, can an Alzheimer’s
patients themselves accept a new potentially risky treatment, and also what happens with
the control groups. These groups would likely be left on the best current treatment.
Alternatively, research can focus on what causes the increase in H3K9me2, such as Calderon-
Garciduenas et al (2020) who examined increase in methylation caused by increase in air
pollution. Other research can be done into the effects of the other genes affected by excess
methylation of H3K9me2 such as SHANK2 which could provide other treatment pathways for
Alzheimer’s disease.
Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
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Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework
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Word count:2625

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001 Case Study - Submission Point_b9014243 Dylan Atkinson.docx

  • 1. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 1 A Review of ‘Inhibition of EHMT1/2 rescues synaptic and cognitive functions for Alzheimer’s disease’ A paper by Zheng et al, 2019 Content Page 1: Title Page Page 2: Background Information Page 3: Confirming Raised H3K9me2 Page 6: Inhibition of EHMT1/2 Page 7: Loss of Glutamate Receptors Recovered by BIX Page 8: EHMT1/2 Inhibition with shRNA Page 9: H3K9me2 in the Hippocampus Page 10: Genome wide effects of EHMT1/2 inhibition Page 11: Future Work Page 12: References
  • 2. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 2 Background Information Dementia is a devastating neurodegenerative condition symptomized by memory problems, difficulty concentrating and confusion. Affecting 900,000 people (Wittenberg et al, 2019) and costing over £10 billion a year in social care in the UK alone. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of Dementia, first affecting the hippocampus causing learning, memory and reasoning deficiencies, Alzheimer’s can progress to severe symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions and problems with moving and self-care tasks (NHS,2021). This disease has a huge effect not only on the patient, but also their families, carers and social care systems. AD is caused by the build-up of proteins in neurons, mainly amyloids, and a decrease in neurotransmitters produced by the cell, eventually the death of neurons occurs followed by shrinkage of the area of the brain affected. Even with severe effects caused by this disease it is not known what causes this process to start and develop, the disease can be familial, showing a link to genetics in some patients. However, roughly 82% of cases have no known definitive cause and appear random (Bird, 2018) suggesting a complex range of pathogenesis and risk factors, both genetic and environmental. In addition to this, only symptomatic treatments have been developed, such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, which work to extend the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase from breaking the neurotransmitter down, treating memory and cognitive symptoms. Other therapies work to improve the quality of life of the patient such as antidepressants. (NHS, 2021) The paper cites epigenetics as a pathogenesis of AD, looking specifically at methylation of histones to enhance/decrease transcription of genes and if this affects AD progression in humans. Histone methylation is a modification of certain amino acids in a histone protein by addition of up to 3 methyl groups, methylation changes the position of the DNA wound around the histone by loosening or tightening the tails, allowing transcription factors to access DNA or restricting access respectively (Whetstine, 2010), figure 1 shows a diagram to indicate the principles of histone methylation. A link between epigenetics and development of AD has yet to be fully proven, with most studies using mouse models to gain information, however human samples would have to be studied if treatment is developed. (Cao et al, 2022)
  • 3. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 3 The paper by Zheng et al (2019) focus is on H3K9me2 and methyltransferases EHMT1/2. EHMT1 is known to cause demethylation of H3K9me2 reducing transcription of DNA, deficiency of transcription is known to be involved in other cognitive diseases such as Kleefstra disease (Benevento et al, 2016) and blocking this enzyme found an increase in the transcription of the genes increasing synaptic scaling. Zheng et al hypothesises that EHMT1/2 elevation and the subsequent dimethylation and reduction in DNA transcription is an important part of the development of Alzheimer’s and inhibiting these enzymes can help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s by increasing the production of proteins, specifically glutamate receptors, AMPA and NMDA. These two ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluR) are both imperative for fast synaptic transmission between neurons. (Purves et al, 2001) Reduction of AMPA has been linked to the cognitive impairment seen in Alzheimer’s (O’Connor et al, 2020, Zhang et al, 2018) and hypofunction of NMDAR has been linked to cell death. (Wang and Reddy, 2017) As with many other papers studying AD, Zhang et al uses mouse models for most of the research, these models do not fully replicate the human disease but can provide significant contributions to the understanding of theory. (Elder, 2010) Mouse models provide a particular problem when analysing AD because the long development time of AD cannot be replicated in mice, this makes it especially hard to look at the early stages of development, where treatment can be best. Confirming Raised H3K9me2 Zheng at al first identified and tested the hypothesis that there is an increased H3K9me2 in AD, to do this Western Blots, quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry were all used. Western blotting techniques analysed the abundance of proteins that where targeted with antibodies, using a horseradish peroxide secondary antibody followed by enhanced chemiluminescence substrate to provide a detection signal. The signal is semi-quantitative, allowing good comparison of total protein levels. (Mahmood and yang, 2012) This method can be used to show data in a clear manner to compare how much protein is being produced, making it very useful in a paper such as this, however, due to the layout of the figures Zheng et al have made their results more complicated and obscure than they need to be. Real time PCR is the gold standard in measuring target mRNA production by a cell with correct primers it is extremely precise, accurate, and highly sensitive, which is needed for a study like this with limited tissue samples (Bustin, 2000). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to identify H3K9me2 location in the nucleus of PFC neuron slices. Immunohistochemistry is also a gold standard in detection of protein location and when employing a two-antibody system, meaning one antibody targets the antigen of interest, with excess washed away removing nonspecific binding, before a secondary antigen bound with a dye binds to the primary antibody and produces a detection signal, meaning the analysis is highly specific of the target antigen. Other methods could be used, such as immunofluorescence, however, will see little difference in results as the main change is staining methods.
  • 4. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 4 Figure 2: Taken from Zheng et al (2019) discussing H3K9me2 and EHMT1/2 levels in mice and human neurons.
  • 5. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 5 Figure 2 from Zheng et al indicates the complexity of which the figures have been built, with 7 subsections making this figure harder to follow than needed. Results collected from human tissues could have been included as a separate figure to this one. Figure 2: A shows an increase of H3K9me2 in FAD mice compared to wildtype (WT) di-methylation of H3K9, proving there is an increase in H2K9me2 in mice with AD, while tri-methylation stays the same. B and C work to prove that the raise in methylation seen in the Alzheimer’s model is caused by an increase in enzymes EHMT1/2, in the PCR in 2:C and western blot shows an increase in both enzymes in FAD mice, while histone 3 level stays the same, 1:B shows increase in transcription of the coding regions for EHMT1/2, so increase in concentration levels of these enzymes is caused by a greater production of the enzymes. The proof that there is an increase of these enzymes provides a potential therapeutic pathway. 2:D shows immunohistochemistry, the location of H2K9me2 in PFC neurons was compared to the enzyme CaMKII, an abundant enzyme in the brain used in the regulation of glutamatergic synapses (Lisman et al, 2002). CaMKII allows the immunohistochemistry to show the outline of neurons, and where GluR are located. This proved that there was an increase in H2K9me2 inside the nucleus of PFC neurons. However, there also appeared to be a significant decrease in CaMKII enzymes in the enlarged FAD image compared to WT. This could be an artifact of the method, if this slide was examined later as the fluorophore will fade or maybe caused by AD in the FAD model. 2: E is a quantification of the increase in H3K9me2 in neurons of mice PFC with no change in CaMKII, however it does not state which figure magnification was used to quantify this. All these figures go to prove an increase in EHMT1/2 and an increase in H2K9me2 seen in FAD mice. Figure 2: F/G are repeats of 2: B and A respectively, using human post-mortem PFC, with EHMT1 mRNA considerably higher in AD compared to the control, this isn’t seen in mice to the same level, meaning in humans there may be a difference between EHMT1 raised levels in AD compared to FAD mice. EHMT2 mRNA was also raised in AD but not to the same levels seen in FAD mice, with 4 patients having lower EHMT2 in AD than the control mean, however even with this difference H3K9me2 is raised in AD showing potential therapeutic targets. Immunohistochemistry could have been performed on human PFC tissue instead of mice PFC, which would have given more data to indicate whether there is an increase in H3K9me2 in human AD. Next Zheng et al (2019) sought to find out whether histone modification is age related. Figure 3 A: B show that histone methylation and EHMT1/2 levels do not increase in young FAD mice. This may impact the usefulness of treatment in the future, Zheng et al had this data stored in supplementary data whereas this should have been included in the main paper. Figure 3: Taken from Zheng et al 9 (2019), A, showing western blots and quantitative analysis of H3K9me2 levels in PFC of young FAD mice, B showing analysis PCR analysis of mRNA levels of EHMT1/2 in young FAD mice
  • 6. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 6 Inhibition of EHMT1/2 As EHMT1/2 appears raised in AD this provides a potential therapeutic pathway for AD using the BIX01294 EHMT1/2 inhibitor, western blotting (figure 4: A) showed a decreased mean H3K9me2 levels in FAD Bix treated compared to FAD control, closer to levels seen in WT. However, 1 sample was above the mean of saline treated FAD meaning treatment may not work every time depending on other factors. Additionally, there was 5 WT samples in the WT+Sal, 4 in WT+BIX, 11 in FAD+SAL, 10 in FAD+BIX, questions have to be asked why the same number was not tested for each, or if some of the data has been removed. Figure 4: Taken from Zheng et al (2019) measuring histone methylation of glutamate receptors gene premotor region in FAD mice and FAD mice treated with EHMT1/2 inhibitor B.
  • 7. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 7 Immunohistochemistry (4:B) shows a reduction of H3K9me2 in the nucleus when using BIX in both WT and FAD. To measure the transcription of glutamate receptors GluA2 and NR2B Zheng et al used ChIP and PCR to measurements gene transcription effected by methylation of H3K9me2. ChIP in figures 4:C/E show H3K9me2 detectable 1200 bases upstream of GluR genes, with greater enrichment seen in FAD mice which is the cause of reduced GluR, (4:D/F) which was reduced in BIX treated mice. There was no effects on other upstream genes shown in 4:G-F. Loss of Glutamate Receptors Recovered by BIX Figure 5: Measurements of glutamate receptors transcription and expression using PCR and western blotting techniques. Excess methylation seen in the previous figure leads to downregulation of the genes coding for GluR, western blot shown in 5:B shows reduction of GluR protein subunits, with a reduction ~30% for each of the 4 subunits, other proteins showed little change, however in some FAD models there was no, or very little, change in GluA2 or NR1 subunits, which could affect treatment in the future. Figure 5:A shows reduction of mRNA of glutamate receptor proteins, showing that reduction in the proteins is caused by reduction in transcription rather than an alternative cause. Reduction in these receptors is linked to AD development and
  • 8. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 8 symptoms. 5:C adds BIX treatment with PCR of WT, 5:D adding protein levels to show BIX increases both mRNA production and protein levels of the GluR proteins, however the number of samples differed between the two tests, and between controls, PCR only has 5 treated FAD samples, but western blot shows 8; this questions again has data been left out to make the study appear favourable to the hypothesis? EHMT1/2 Inhibition with shRNA To ensure the inhibition of EHMT1/2 Zheng et al chose to use targeted shRNA knockdowns of EHMT1/2. Lentiviruses are used as they infect and transduce non-dividing cells e.g., neurons (Wollebo et al, 2013), the vector pLKO.3G contained an eGFR marker for identification of transduction success. Other papers have used BIX01294 as a specific inhibitor of EHMT1/2(Lin et al, 2019, and Kubicek et al, 2007) which could have aided in the simplicity of the laboratory work; however, shRNA provides more accurate and specific knockdowns. Figure 6 shows shRNA inhibition causes knockdown of EHMT1/2 with decreased levels of H3K9me2 and recovery of AMPA and NMDA receptors, meaning that inhibition of these enzymes provides a therapeutic target for AD. Figure 6: A: Effects of shRNA on EHMT1/2 from PFC slices with scrambled shRNA as control B: quantified values taken from A.
  • 9. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 9 H3K9me2 in the Hippocampus Another area of the brain severely affected by Alzheimer’s is the hippocampus (Babcock et a, 2021) therefor Zheng et al examined whether H3K9me2 is increased in these cells, and if this is involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease in the hippocampus. Figure 7: A: Levels of H3K9me2 in hippocampus cells with B showing immunohistochemistry of H3K9me2 and CamKII in hippocampus cells, C the quantification of B. D shows PCR data of mRNA for glutamate receptors with treatment with BIX in FAD hippocampus. There is little increase in methylation seen in the hippocampus, with a 0.22x mean increase seen in immunoblotting, suggesting that BIX treatment may not work in the hippocampus, however 7:C shows an increase in methylation in the nucleus of the neurons in line with the increase seen in PFC. There are 3 samples in the immunohistochemistry that do not show any increase of methylation in the hippocampus which could cause the results in B. Decreased mRNA levels of GluR proteins are seen in FAD mice, BIX caused a decrease in mRNA of GluA2 subunit of AMPA in WT which could cause problems if treatment is given without analysis, however FAD BIX treatment caused an increase in all GluR so there are future development pathways for treatment.
  • 10. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 10 Genome wide effects of EHMT1/2 inhibition To see if other genes are affected by the increased methylation seen in FAD mice, and to see the effects of BIX on these mice ChIP-seq (figure 8: A) showed greater occupancy of start sites by H3K9me2 in FAD mice compared to WT and BIX treated. 8: B shows a Venn diagram of genes with increased methylation in FAD, FAD and BIX decrease, this figure is not clear in what it represents, with the intersection being increase in H3K9me2 in FAD which was then reduced with treatment. This shows the increase in H3K9me2 affects multiple transcription sites of multiple genes, reversed with BIX, this means other interactions if BIX need to be studied to see effects on other genes. ChIP-seq data was used to identify methylation effects on transcription of GluR genes (7:D), ChiP-seq high resolution allows identification of how H3K9me2 interacts with the genes coding for GluA2, NR2B and NR2A, especially as binding is close to the start sites. Figure 7: genome wide analysis of H3K9me2 genes using ChIP analysis, taken from Zheng et al.
  • 11. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 11 Future Work Zheng et al (2019) found elevated repressive histone methylation H3K9me2 in PFC and hippocampus in mice models which leads to a reduction of Glutamate receptor proteins therefor a reduction in synaptic transmission efficiency. Inhibition of methyl transferases EHMT1/2 leads to recovery of GluR and cognitive damage in FAD mice models. Wang et al (2021) completed a similar study using Tau mice and EHMT2 inhibitor UNC0642 and found similar results. However, Zheng et al found that there was little increase of H3K9me2 in early stages of FAD Alzheimer’s development, which is the ideal target for medication to delay or stop the development of AD. Grinan-Ferre et al (2019) found treatment of early onset FAD mice with UNC0642 decreased excess methylation seen in his FAD models, closer to that of WT suggesting that EHMT2 is a potential target for therapeutic treatment in AD. This sets out many potential routes for future research and drug development. The most obvious of which is if BIX01294 can repeat results of this experiment in human PCF and hippocampus, first brain samples would have to be collected from deceased Alzheimer patients to see if there are the same increase in EHMT1/2 and H3K9me2 seen in mice models. Taking brain matter from Alzheimer patients is ethically ambiguous, as they may not have the mental capacity to understand what will happen to them after they die and give informed consent. If there is an increase in these enzymes a BIX inhibitor-based medication could be developed, as BIX is dangerous for human consumption at the moment (ThermoFisher, 2021) with it being toxic if ingested, which would be a favoured treatment route for AD. Off target effects of BIX would also have to be studied, we know there are many other effects that BIX inhibitor can have on the human body, such as BIX causing apoptosis of human bladder cancer cells (Cui et al, 2015). If this drug is developed through preclinical trails, it would then have to go through clinical research stages, this also brings up ethical problems, can an Alzheimer’s patients themselves accept a new potentially risky treatment, and also what happens with the control groups. These groups would likely be left on the best current treatment. Alternatively, research can focus on what causes the increase in H3K9me2, such as Calderon- Garciduenas et al (2020) who examined increase in methylation caused by increase in air pollution. Other research can be done into the effects of the other genes affected by excess methylation of H3K9me2 such as SHANK2 which could provide other treatment pathways for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • 12. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 12 Reference: 1. Babcock, K. R., Page, J. S., Fallon, J. R., & Webb, A. E. (2021). Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease. Stem cell reports, 16(4), 681–693. 2. Benevento, M., Iacono, G., Selten, M., Ba, W., Oudakker, A., Frega, M., Keller, J., Mancini, R., Lewerissa, E., Kleefstra, T., Stunnenberg, H. G., Zhou, H., van Bokhoven, H., & Nadif Kasri, N. (2016). Histone Methylation by the Kleefstra Syndrome Protein EHMT1 Mediates Homeostatic Synaptic Scaling. Neuron, 91(2), 341–355. 3. Bird, T. D. (2018). Alzheimer disease overview. GeneReviews®. 4. Bustin S. A. (2000). Absolute quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays. Journal of molecular endocrinology, 25(2), 169–193. 5. Calderón-Garcidueñas, L., Herrera-Soto, A., Jury, N., Maher, B. A., González-Maciel, A., Reynoso-Robles, R., Ruiz-Rudolph, P., van Zundert, B., & Varela-Nallar, L. (2020). Reduced repressive epigenetic marks, increased DNA damage and Alzheimer's disease hallmarks in the brain of humans and mice exposed to particulate urban air pollution. Environmental research, 183, 109226. 6. Cao, Q., Wang, W., & Yan, Z. (2022). Epigenetics-based treatment strategies for Alzheimer's disease. Aging, 14(10), 4193–4194. 7. Cui, J., Sun, W., Hao, X., Wei, M., Su, X., Zhang, Y., Su, L., & Liu, X. (2015). EHMT2 inhibitor BIX-01294 induces apoptosis through PMAIP1-USP9X-MCL1 axis in human bladder cancer cells. Cancer cell international, 15(1), 4. 8. Elder, G.A., Gama Sosa, M.A. and De Gasperi, R. (2010), Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease. Mt Sinai J Med, 77: 69-81. 9. Griñán-Ferré, C., Marsal-García, L., Bellver-Sanchis, A., Kondengaden, S. M., Turga, R. C., Vázquez, S., & Pallàs, M. (2019). Pharmacological inhibition of G9a/GLP restores cognition and reduces oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and β-Amyloid plaques in an early-onset Alzheimer's disease mouse model. Aging, 11(23), 11591–11608. 10. Lin, L., Liu, A., Li, H., Feng, J., & Yan, Z. (2019). Inhibition of Histone Methyltransferases EHMT1/2 Reverses Amyloid-β-Induced Loss of AMPAR Currents in Human Stem Cell-Derived Cortical Neurons. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 70(4), 1175–1185. 11. Lisman, J., Schulman, H., & Cline, H. (2002). The molecular basis of CaMKII function in synaptic and behavioural memory. Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 3(3), 175–190. 12. Mahmood, T., & Yang, P. C. (2012). Western blot: technique, theory, and trouble shooting. North American journal of medical sciences, 4(9), 429–434. 13. National Institutes of Health (2018) A scientific illustration of how epigenetics mechanisms can affect health.
  • 13. Dylan Atkinson Applied Biochemistry Coursework 13 14. NHS (2021) Overview Alzheimer’s Disease. 15. O'Connor, M., Shentu, Y. P., Wang, G., Hu, W. T., Xu, Z. D., Wang, X. C., Liu, R., & Man, H. Y. (2020). Acetylation of AMPA Receptors Regulates Receptor Trafficking and Rescues Memory Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease. iScience, 23(9), 101465. Advance online publication. 16. Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, et al. (2001), editors. Neuroscience. 2nd edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates. Glutamate Receptors. 17. ThermoFisher Scientific (2021) Safety data sheet. tion=BIX-01294+100MG&vendorId=VN00032119&countryCode=US&language=en 18. Wang, R., & Reddy, P. H. (2017). Role of Glutamate and NMDA Receptors in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 57(4), 1041–1048. 19. Wang, W., Cao, Q., Tan, T., Yang, F., Williams, J. B., & Yan, Z. (2021). Epigenetic treatment of behavioral and physiological deficits in a tauopathy mouse model. Aging cell, 20(10), e13456. 20. Whetstine J.R (2010) Histone methylation: Chemically Inert but Chromatin Dynamic C1CC6A108158DC8158233939FD9D03DAB6C2CA3EA3EB842DF4F17CAB2E1330F8BB 1ED56B32DBA011D37D62BA1&originRegion=eu-west- 1&originCreation=20221114165330 21. Wittenberg, R., Hu, B., Barraza-Araiza, L., & Rehill, A. (2019). Projections of older people with dementia and costs of dementia care in the United Kingdom, 2019– 2040. London: London School of Economics. 202019/cpec_report_november_2019.pdf 22. Wollebo, H. S., Woldemichaele, B., & White, M. K. (2013). Lentiviral transduction of neuronal cells. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1078, 141–146. 23. Zhang, Y., Guo, O., Huo, Y., Wang, G., & Man, H. Y. (2018). Amyloid-β Induces AMPA Receptor Ubiquitination and Degradation in Primary Neurons and Human Brains of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 62(4), 1789–1801. 24. Zheng, Y., Liu, A., Wang, Z. J., Cao, Q., Wang, W., Lin, L., Ma, K., Zhang, F., Wei, J., Matas, E., Cheng, J., Chen, G. J., Wang, X., & Yan, Z. (2019). Inhibition of EHMT1/2 rescues synaptic and cognitive functions for Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology, 142(3), 787–807. Word count:2625