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Poaching Of Alberta And Its Effect On All Living Unites
Unit. (noun)
An individual thing or person regarded as single and complete, but which can also form an
individual component of a larger more complex whole.
Let's focus on Alberta as the complex whole that is made up of multiple units of individuals. For out
complex whole to successfully operate, the individual units must balance the existing system. We, as
Albertan's, have to work together and respect each other and our surroundings, which will allow us
to make the most of our beautiful Alberta landscape. Including the mountains, prairies, desert
badlands, vast coniferous forests, and more than 600 lakes. As one complex unit, Alberta must strive
to preserve our lands and way of life. A small crack within the system will have detrimental effects
on all living unites. Which brings us to a very important crack that needs to be addressed: poaching
in Alberta.
Hunting holds great importance within Alberta. As a tradition and a sustainability resource, residents
of Alberta thrive off of either the thrill of hunting or the resources it provides. Controversies aside,
hunting is an important activity for the Alberta lifestyle. We (as a whole) live off of the culture of its
community or the products of the sport. Our industries, our lifestyles, are benefitted by hunting,
whether you're a hunter or not. However, we all reap the benefits only when the sustainability of
hunting is maintained through rules and regulations put in place by the Wildlife Act of Alberta. As a
cohesive unit
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Should Animal Poaching Be Illegal
Should Animal Poaching be Illegal?
Paris Garner
Dr. Williams
15 May 2016
ELA 12/3
Introduction................................................................................... pg. 4 4
Problem 5 6 6
Summary 8 9 10
Works 11
Research about animal poaching is significant because animals all over the world, endangered and
all, are being brutally killed and no justice is given. The cruelty and mistreatment that these animals
are facing is the main basis of why poaching shouldn 't be legal. Studies have shown that elephants
had the biggest plight in populations due to the act of poaching. With the information that will be
gathered, the synopsis about poaching will be thoroughly explained why poaching is, and will
always be, illegal.
Animal Poaching will eventually make animals go extinct. There will no longer be wild animals if
this continues. The elephants' population has decreased by more fifty percent over a ten year period
due to poaching. The animals that reside here on earth brings a balance to the world that is needed.
Since the mass killings started the balance has been knocked all the way
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Persuasive Essay On Ivory Poaching
Ivory poaching refers to the killing animals, such as the African elephant, for their ivory tusks
(Barnes, et al, 27). This is mainly done for commercial purposes where the ivory is often carved into
jewelry and ornaments for sale. Most of the ivory that is sold in the market mainly comes from
elephants. Research shows that most of the elephant population has been murdered in less than two
years. This has drastically contributed to the drop of the population of elephants in the forest by
30%, showing that poaching is an everyday practice and therefore the government must step in and
help in order to protect these animals. It is clear that most of the ivory sold in the United States and
China comes from Africa. Because of the banning of ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, joining in various movements that are against poaching activity and giving donations
can support in any way possible. This will be by either conserving the wildlife, restoring the natural
habitats, or by educating the local community. Informing local communities on the danger of
elephant poaching and animal rights can help reduce poaching since every individual acts as a
watchman to wildlife, hence enhancing animal protection.
Moreover, the signing of petitions in support of the Anti–poaching act will greatly help to reduce the
number of poaching incidences in the country, since this will involve putting in place strict penalties
to those who engage in the act of poaching. By setting strict measures to those who engage in
poaching, animal rights would decrease the risk of endangerment, resulting a decrease in the number
of poachers in the country.
Also, providing the volunteer's activity to the international Anti–poaching movements can greatly
help to reduce animal poaching in the country. By joining this movement, it will help to learn the
various anti–poaching techniques, which will then help in the effort of protecting the wildlife.
People are encouraged to join various movement to become informed on how to deal with poachers
and to protect the elephants. Despite the fact that the government has gave a lot of concern to
poaching activity, members of the public are also called upon to participate in the act of eliminating
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The Importance Of Animal Poaching
In this day alone, three rhinoceroses will be killed for the trading of their horns and an estimated one
hundred Asian elephants will be killed for their ivory, meat, and body parts. ("African Rhinos" (n.d)
& Goodall , J. 2017) Animal Poaching– the illegal act of killing animals for profitable body parts–
has been the reason for the near extinction of many species, including elephants, tigers, rhinoceros,
and lions. Scientists and concerned citizens of society need to come together to obliterate this illicit
Specific animals like elephants, tigers, lions, and rhinoceroses should be preserved because of their
roles within their respective ecosystems. Elephants, the ¨mega gardeners" of the forest, are essential
to the transportation of seeds that maintain tree diversity. When we lose elephants, full extinction is
estimated to occur by 2020, we lose not only the species but their ecological role (African Elephants
face extinction, 2008). The wise leaders of past lives, elephants used to settle debates of the forest
and create vital watering holes for smaller animals as the noble masters in fables told by African
natives. When poaching finally takes the last living elephant due to selfishness, many African
countries lose both a species, and a culture. Tigers – walking gold to poachers– are worth a fortune
on the black market for their beautiful fur coats and bones, used for a delicate Chinese wine
(Guynup, S., 2015). The last three thousand wild tigers are facing
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Animal Poaching Research Paper
Animal Poaching and the Effects Thereof
Did you know that from 1979–1981 1.3 million elephants were poached? Because elephants have
been over hunted, it is now illegal to hunt them. They are rarer. And the ecosystem is damaged.
Animal poaching is extremely dangerous and remarkably illegal because, it leads to reduced legal
hunting opportunity, and it hurts the ecosystem.
Interestingly, elephants are becoming increasingly rare. This, in part, is due to poaching. Elephants
are poached for their tusks, which are made of ivory. Oddly, ivory is more durable than precious
metals. Additionally, ivory is easier to carve than metal. This is why ivory is sought after.
Because elephants have hastily decreased in population, it is now
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Understanding Elephant Poaching
The Elephants
Did you know that that 35,000 elephants are dying each year? We are poaching them, usually for a
price. Poaching is different from hunting. Hunting is when you kill for sport, and it's completely
legal. You still need a permit. Poaching is when you kill an animal without a permit. Sadly, 30
elephants are lost a day in Tanzania. Imagine if that was you and your herd was getting killed with
no end in sight. We need to take some responsibility, because I would want to be killed just because
a poacher had a permit. In order to understand elephant poaching you need to know why they're
being poached, the perspectives of the poachers, and the organisations, how they're becoming
extinct, what we can do to help and what is being done to help. Elephants are being poached for
their ivory. Countries around the world are increasing ivory buying. This is because more elephants
have been poached and ... Show more content on ...
A website called is a website with a petition you can sign. Your signature will help pass a
law saying that ivory trading is illegal in Colorado. 18+ will be able to help this cause. If this
website expands it could ban ivory trading in other countries also. Another organization is taking
action too. A new has new laws impacting the penalties of killing a rhino or an elephant. This is
embedded by the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. According to, "Any
person who is convicted for unlawful killing of a rhinoceros or an elephant is expected to be
sentenced to nine years for a first offender or eleven years for a second or subsequent offender," she
said. This is telling us, if you kill these listed animals, you are sentenced nine years of prison. Also
that you will be sentenced 11 years of prison if you have done this crime twice or you are a
company or an organisation that will get sued, or accused of poaching in a court. Join in on these
arguments and support
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Poaching of Endangered Species
Poaching of Endangered Species
"The main reason for animals endangered is the uncontrolled human activity." This quote was stated
on a website called Animal Port. There are many reasons why this statement is true, one of them are
poaching. Poaching occurs out of greed to make money. Although there are several laws to protect
certain animals, this is a horrible act to any animal. Especially for the animals that are already
endangered. Poachers minimizing these animal's numbers for their own pleasure is not good. People
who are against poaching should do what they can to stop this act from escalating, or there will not
be any balance on this world.
Animals are being killed every day from illegal hunting or capturing, that is ... Show more content
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Not only people kill animals for money, but for "cures" as well, superstition stuff. People will crush
down tiger bones and use it to strengthened muscles. Another superstition is that they use the tiger's
penis to make males manlier.
There are laws to protect these animals and try to stop poaching, some laws are more stricter than
others and we should enforce all laws against poaching to be equal in punishment and protection on
every endangered specie. The Endangered Species Act is one of them. The purpose of this act is to
protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The reason why
the act came into place is because certain animal populations were being lowered every year and the
government were concerned that theses animals were becoming extinct, the main reason is
poaching. Once an animal is on the endangered list, they have special protection from the
government for them. From the website, Defenders of Wildlife, they stated this "The Endangered
Species Act provides added benefits to people by maintaining healthy natural systems that provide
us with clean air and water, food, medicines and other products that we all need to live healthy lives.
We owe it to our children and grandchildren to be good stewards of the environment and leave
behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home." This quote
is a perfect example of how we should
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Animal Persuasive Speech
Hiding behind a big boulder in the hot and sunny Africa is a man holding a shotgun, he spots the
large male lion that he has been tracking for two whole weeks, he aims and you hear the gun
sounding and the male lion falls to the ground. All the man wanted was to say that that was the was
the lion he killed. As of being a kid, I have more of an imagination which makes me think more and
want to come up with ways to help solve problems and figure out how they affect us. As well, I like
animals a lot, so if the animals that are endangered are or have been being killed I am or would like
to have a say or help stop it. When I was researching my topic, I had been finding the perfect articles
and videos to get important and correct information. How many animals die each year. Do they have
any laws or anyone to stop the animal poaching? This was my driving question: How can I convince
people to help stop others from killing the animals for no reason? Once I finished my research, I
understood that in some way it is possible to help stop animal poaching. One of the biggest
problems going on right now is that illegal hunters are killing endangered animals just because of
their skin or just as a trophy hunt. It may not seem like it more and more animals are becoming close
to being endangered to almost extinct. This is happening all because of one thing that makes a chain
of events, that is just killing the animals. The problems that it causes is lack of food, extinction, and
lack in reproducing. The reasons that those are problems is because the lack of food means that the
animals in the food chain that die that are supposed to be food for other animals are dying and can't
feed the other animals, and they die from starvation and it will eventually destroy the whole food
chain. With the food part being said the animals have less and less reproduced because males are
dying and it is not possible, with this cause is less and fewer offsprings each year. As well, both
these problems lead to one exact thing, extinction. I think that the world should try and help stop this
because it is a serious problem and it is illegal. As well, with no animals, the world is not complete
and all the things that the animals do
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Effects Of Ivory Poaching
Poaching is the illegal killing of wildlife animals. Poaching can be found in almost every part of the
globe. In Alberta, Canada, six people amounted seventy one thousand dollars of fines for multiple
poaching charges through the course of seven years (Unknown, 2015). The African forest elephants
lost sixty two percent of their population from 2002 to 2012 because of ivory poaching (Nature,
2013). In India, a combined effort of poaching, prey depletion and habitat destruction led to a tiger
population of fewer than 4000 (Sharma, Wright, Joseph, & Desai, 2014). Therefore poaching can
accelerate the decline of a species making them easier to become a vulnerable or endangered
species. Poachers also threaten species biodiversity,
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Animal Poaching Research Paper
Poaching is the illegal hunting or harvesting of wild animals and plants. Poaching is a major
problem in Africa because the demand for animals and their products has increased. With the
problem of poaching increasing it has caused animals to be put on the endangered animals list or
even becoming extinct. However, poaching isn't always entitled as killing the animals. Many
animals are captured and sold to zoos or as exotic pets.
The tragedy of the commons model explains that "When there is an economic problem in which
every individual tried to reap the greatest benefit from a given source." (Root) So in Africa there is a
huge demand for animals and their products. Some of the most demanded stuff is elephant ivory,
meat, hides and rhinoceros
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Persuasive Essay On Animal Poaching
Think of the last time you saw a tiger rug or an ivory figurine, even on television. This is a cause of
illegal behavior that is called poaching. The United States is among the largest consumers of ivory,
according to Jani Actman. Even though ivory is at an almost total ban in the United States people
are still purchasing these accessories. In the advertisement the creator used transfer method to make
the person seeing this advertisement more aware of what is happening, most people don't understand
how big of a problem poaching and the black market for illegal animal accessories actually is.
Poaching has been a problem for a very long time. Elephants, rhinos, and tigers are among the
animals that are being impacted the most by poaching. ... Show more content on ...
The cost of ivory is currently at $1,500 per pound so when a tusk can weigh up to 100 pounds this is
a very profitable business for the poachers especially if they don't get caught. Although a lot of these
things are being sought out they are being used for different reasons. Rhino horns in Vietnam are
thought to be a aphrodisiac and even thought to cure cancer, even though this is proven to be wrong.
But the biggest use of these things are decoration. A elephant trunk is used to make ivory figurines
which it is hard to believe that they are killing endangered animals just for the purpose of making a
figurine. By looking at this advertisement you can obviously tell that the creator is against poaching.
He or she made it so it will alert more people about the problem with poaching. She made it so more
people are aware and might even take an action against it. Another reason why the creator made the
advertisement, is because it shows you what happens to the animals just to make a rug or coat. It
makes it look like the people buying the accessories are just as bad as the Slate 3 people killing the
animals since they are fueling the fire that makes the poaching business so profitable. The creator of
this advertisement has created a very good and graphic advertisement explaining these past facts and
points. He made it like this so it would catch more peoples attention like it did mine. With the heads
cut off and all
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Poaching Research Paper
They Say
Nowadays, understanding about the general harmful effects of poaching on wildlife has become
common knowledge. However, the severity and threat pertaining to poaching is still not well known
to many. The presenter informed us that poaching has become so dangerous in South Africa that it's
declared as an organized crime by the government. Presenter emphasizes that poachers have not
only killed animals but also people attempting to stop these poaching attempts, as they live by the
"shoot first, ask later" mentality. The reasoning behind these attacks on people and continuous
slaughter of animals can be answered by the potential wealth in these animals. For example, the
presenter claimed that White Rhino horns could sell up to $100,000 per kilogram, and this reward
led to ... Show more content on ...
For example, many countries view rhino horns as valuable items because they view them as
medicine for ailments, and symbols of high social status. (Yemen have daggers made from rhino
horns as a symbol of high social status, and these daggers cost up to $100,000). Because
discouraging other cultures to change their traditions can be a touchy subject, efforts have instead
been redirected to stop poachers from attaining these horns. The presenter advocates the currently
successful facility that centers on sustainable utilization. Sustainable utilization is the long–term use
of an item valuable to us that does not decline the source we are taking it from. In this instance,
sustainable utilization has been conducted by trimming and selling White Rhino horns and allowing
nearby villages to care for rhinos to reduce the incentive for poachers to kill these animals.
Additionally, he confirms these trimming of the horns does not affect mating nor fighting in these
rhinos and have not led to any significant decline in their quality of life so far. The question
currently is if legalization of trade and use of rhino horns from sustainable utilization a solution in
saving the White Rhinos from
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Research Paper On Animal Poaching
We humans have reigned this planet for several millenniums. It's no secret that we have evolved
over time and so has the environment around us. From tadpole like creatures to dinosaurs, we have
come a long way partaking and sharing this planet for a long time. My high school teacher once
said, "Today's definition is the rendition of our past". Life! It is a process. Every little organism on
this planet is proved to be a contributing factor for the life on this planet. Looking at our planet from
a broader perspective, we see that science comes into picture. It is important for us to know that
there is something called a food chain, which basically tell us how every organism on this planet is
interrelated and it is very vital for every living ... Show more content on ...
They have generated hundreds of campaigns and promotions to people aware of the tiger poaching
mayhem that has stirred the wildlife since a couple of decades. One of the major liberated by World
Wildlife Fund is the "Stop Wildlife Crime" campaign in 2010. This campaign was a great success
and it succeeded in reducing animal poaching in general by a large percentage. But one of the major
objectives for this campaign was to reduce killing of tigers. Their poster tried to convey a message
to a large audience, which was basically the entire world. They made sure that they added minimal,
yet productive information in the
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Is Poaaching Is Wrong
Poaching is killing an animal illegally, why would you go through so much trouble to kill species of
animals. Poaching can ruin food chains because we killed an entire species, and on the other side the
people sell the animal's parts for weapons or narcotics. Poaching causes for animals to go extinct,
and it is extremely illegal. Animal parts such as horns, tusks, and gallbladders are highly expensive
which poachers are willing to trade weapons and drugs .
Poaching are causing harm to food chains. If all the pandas are extinct the population of bamboo
will increase rapidly. We can't let pandas go extinct because one everything that's eats a panda their
population will go down. Then everything the pandas eat will start to overgrow and their population
will grow rapidly. If elephants go extinct than everything that eats elephants their population will go
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Poachers use animal remains in trading for weapons, including narcotics. Poachers are basically
taking animals weapons to trade for weapons that the poacher can use. Poaching depends on the
black market further supporting that this is highly illegal. If black markets didn't support or trade
with poachers then the poachers would stop poaching since they are not getting any money out of it
anymore.If we can stop the poachers then it can get rid of animals being extinct and people getting
narcotics and weapons illegally.
Some people say well we should let them because they need food or money to give to their family
but there are other ways. One you can get a job even if it doesn't pay much then get two, and kill
some deer just not a lot kill like two when you really need it don't live off of it. Poaching does us no
good it gets rid of our animals and it gives weapons and other bad things to people who can only
cause chaos with it. We don't need poaching in our lives we can deal with hunting which is legal but
not with poaching. Don't kill for Money there are other
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Pros And Cons Of Poaching
Around the world, there is an abundance of animals that are becoming extinct or endangered due to
poaching. Animals such as Rhinos, Turtles, Gorillas, and the Tigers are critically endangered due to
vulnerability and have been jeopardized by human activities. Many countries have legalized
poaching, but still this problem has increased significantly in the past decade. If the world does not
stop this issue countless of animals will become extinct, and our older generation will never be able
to see these exotic animals living in their natural habitat. Poaching is happening all around the world
and will never be stopped until people are more educated about this crime and what is occurring
from it.
Wildlife crime is happening even in this great ... Show more content on ...
People around the world need to acknowledge that poaching can affect more than just the extinction
of animals but can also cause many economic issues. If the average citizen was educated about
poaching most likely it would not occur as often as it does now. Journals that are put into the world
about poaching are very upsetting and emotional to read, but they can educate people around the
world about how devastating poaching actually is. Not only are these animals endangered, but
poaching can also affect the economy and disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem. A Harvard
University graduate reported: "The loss of these species would have harmful effects upon the overall
ecosystem and the environment's ability to provide"ecosystem services"such as soil stability and
water retention"(Xie). Also there are many health risks that come from wildlife trafficking; "Experts
have noted that increased traffic in animals will raise the risk of zoonotic disease transmission.
Diseases such as Ebola, which is often carried by bats and other primates, come to mind. It is
hypothesized that HIV is linked to the consumption of primate meat and that respiratory viruses may
be found in smaller animals, such as civet cats"(Xie). These different diseases are very lethal to the
human body and cause death if made contact
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Why Is Poaching Bad For Animals
Poaching is bad thing to do to an animal and can wipe out a whole race of species.
If no one stops these poachers great love animals like elephants can also be gone forever.
There should be more security for these animals that have numbered days like the rare white rhino.
Someday people can imagine a world with these poachers poaching exotic animals
Poaching is horrible thing to do to an animal period... "BLAM" an animal goes down just for one
particular thing.An estimated 274 animals are poached on average each day.1Every day people are
hunting illegal or exotic species and killing them for just one simple thing like a horn.1 Animals life
should be treated like a human beings life.2 It should because nobody ever thinks what it'll ... Show
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Poaching is bad for the animal and sometimes mentally for the country. Animals are being hunted
for dumb clothing that does not look good, but they still take it from tigers and many more animals.
4 It is not good to an animal. They lose everything just because people need some exotic clothing.
They think ivory and other things cure stuff like fevers and other stuff like that.3 Research says all
curing powers of horn is false. It's all a myth believed by many cultures. People poach the animal
rather leave the carcass to rot.4
When people leave the carcass to rot that's not right because all animal is being wasted and just
hunted just to name it as trophy. As for poaching, it's a horrible thing to do to an animal. Poaching is
bad thing to do. After reading my opinion on poaching I hope you will reconsider to help protect
animals from being poached as they are just an animal trying to survive. How would you like to be
hunted every day by illegal weapons and blown up just so they can have your horn or your pelt you
have. Hopefully the world will someday
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Poaching And Robin Hood
We, the people of the world, do many things for the sake of our survival. Things that we are very
proud of and things that we are not. People have needs and they do or invent things based off of
their needs. How far they are willing to go is the million dollar question. Poaching has been going
on since the world began, but it did not become a problem and become illegal until the Late Middle
Ages. In the times where the lower class were peasants and the upper class had control of pretty
much everything. Robin Hood was of the first well known poachers during this time period. His
reasoning, like the reasoning like many other that poach, Hood was in desperate need of money and
food for his family. With the help of his crew, Hood ... Show more content on ...
Although, in reality the number of people that actually know why poaching is done is very low.
Poaching, by definition, is "the illegal act of killing, capturing, or removing mammals, birds, fish,
reptiles, insects, or plants from their natural habitats." (Greene, 1994, p.11). Yes. poaching is illegal
but there is a reason to why people feel the need to do these types of things. One of the first reasons
to why started poaching in the beginning was the fear of starvation. This reasoning was often said to
cause the most motivation for people to poach. People in countries where poaching is most
common, like Zimbabwe and Kanye, the economy is not doing well enough for people to have
enough money to support their families. By hunting for large game, poachers use the meat to feed
their families and allow them to keeping living. The desperation that people that poach must have to
do this is unimaginable, but just like the average person in any country they will do what they have
to to keep their family ahead.
Another reason why poachers do what they do is for the huge income that they gain from it. Wanting
to make a respectful income is not being greedy. Just like any other job, poachers do what is
necessary to make money. Poachers will sell parts of animals or animals all together. Most poachers
only receive 5–10% of the money that they make selling the animal. Based off of the job that they
do that is very little
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In Zimbabwe We Don T Cry For King
Since the news of Cecil's death spread across the world, Palmer has gotten large amounts of hate
from westerners on social media, but Zimbabwean villagers see hunting as helpful and the
conservation workers predicted that poaching would cause Cecil's death. Westerners on social media
have displayed their hate towards Palmer thourgh several forms of media. Cara Delevingne a
famous British model tweeted that "This #WalterPalmer is a poor excuse of a human being!". Cara
is one of the many westerners that have helped add to the hate of Palmer. The villagers in Zimbabwe
do not feel strongly towards the death of Cecil, but one emotion they may feel is relief that there is
one less lion as a threat. In the article "In Zimbabwe, We Don't Cry for Lions"
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Essay On Deer Hunting
Would you ever want to kill someone because they are valuable and famous? No right? Well that's
what is happening to animals and some people are just having to pay $500, don't you think there
should be more? According to Star Tribune the only punishment for killing deer when it is not deer
season is only $500. That's not enough for killing animals and making the become endangered.
Therefore, there should be a bigger consequence for poaching for because it leads to endangerment
of animals and animals should not be used to make things that we want.
Poaching animals when not in season is a big habit for many, and a lot of those people don't get
caught and even the ones who do aren't getting punished like they should. When we kill animals
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Rhino Poaching Research Paper
The End of Rhino Poaching 414 Everyday more and more rhinos die from poaching. Did you know
that every 11 hours one rhino dies from poachers? How will we end rhino poaching? Now people
are using drones to stop poachers. There is an increasing demand for rhino horns. Everyday we lose
more and more rhinos for their horns. In 2012, 668 rhinos died for their horns. Then again, in 2013
by half the year 350 rhinos had already been lost to poachers. Once, a rhino reserve in South Africa
lost 13 rhinos in just one week. There is a huge increase for a demand of rhino horns, but why? In
Asia, ground up rhino horn is believed to cure illnesses including cancer. Many criminal gangs offer
as much as $30,000 for a single rhino horn, sometimes ... Show more content on ...
How will drones catch the poachers? The drones are hand launched so there is no need for a big
runway. Also, the drones are only 12 pounds. Drones also have a six mile range camera.The drones
computer calculates a hot spot for poaching and watches it from the sky. Next, if the drone sees a
poacher then it sends an alert to notify the game wardens. When the game wardens see the alert they
rush down to the poaching sight and try to catch the poachers before they attack. The drones film a
video of the scene including the weather, if there was a sun or moon, when it happened and where.
The drones film this to show the trends/patterns of poachers. Drone technology can be very
different. For example, they can have different features. Thomas Smith and team at the University of
Maryland have tested out drones to stop poachers. In the last six months Smith's team had arrested a
lot of poachers with not one single gunshot. Their drones have infrared cameras and the camera
sends live video to the command center on the ground. Air Shepherd is combining with the
University of Maryland to support the drones to stop poachers. Early in 2014, South African Civil
Aviation Authority (SACAA) claimed that flying an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is against the
law. Now Air Shepherd and the University of Maryland is working together they hope to persuade
the SACAA it allow
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How To Stop Poaching
Killing In Action Poaching is a war, and many animals lose their lives and family to it. Although
many people don't think it's bad, it is. Many animals have gone extinct from it. People in the world
need to stop poaching otherwise we won't have elephants, tigers,rhinos or any other animals
anymore. People really don't care, but if we don't stop poaching we won't have any of these animals.
Elephants tusks are used for piano keys, billiards balls and many other human enjoyments. Many
animals get poached but there are few that get poached so much that there is little to non left.
Elephant numbers have declined in the past five years at more than 75 percent of the sites that they
still occur.1 Elephant numbers have dropped because people have been killing them for their tusks.1
The population of wild tigers has dropped from 100,000 to 3,500. 2 The population of tigers has
dropped because their pelts are really valuable on the black market.3 Rhino population has dropped
drastically because of ... Show more content on ...
The U.S. passed a few laws saying that their banning illegal ivory imports but that's not the case in
the rest of the world.The United States passed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species (CITES) and the African Elephant Conservation Act (AECA). 5 All five species of rhinos
are protected by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES). This law is shared among 175 nations to ensure the survival of wild rhinos. 6 The wild
tiger is protected under Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES).7 This law is also shared among 175 nations to ensure the survival of wild tigers. All
of these animals are protected under 175 nations but not the whole world. Now you know how to
stop poaching and what major animals get poached now you need to know what things they are used
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African Americans Should Be Banned Essay
Although the CITES banned the poaching of Asian and African elephants and international trade in
the mid 1980's, many organizations have been posting anti–ivory trade promotion on their website
(Stiles, 309). Websites such as International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Born Free
Foundation, Care for the Wild International, and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
(Stiles, 309). Many of the southern countries of Africa do not agree with the African elephant ban
(Stiles, 309). They've been against the ban since around the mid–1980's (Stiles, 309). People from
the southern countries of Africa have been arguing because they don't believe they should be
penalized because other countries don't know how to handle their wildlife (Stiles, 309). The CITES
Conference of Parties voted in favor of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe to ... Show more content
on ...
They also noticed that out of the 149 elephant sample they had, two of those elephants were killed
for the mean while the other 149 were killed for the ivory (Jachmann & Billiouw, 235). This making
a big concerned. Out of all those 149 elephants being poached, only two being used for a living is
impressive. The rest were just killed for only two little things, that have a value but yet is not worth
the killing of a mammal.
Poaching has been increasing for many years. The number of poaching cases throughout the decades
have been increasing. In the 1970's and 1980's, the ivory demand grew drastically making poaching
for ivory increase throughout these years (Stiles, 309). CITES recommended to use a system called
Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) in which helped monitor the illegal killing of
elephants (Stiles, 312). Also, to try and qualify the number of those elephants killed by poachers
(Scriber). The system has been working well that now monitors between 30 and 40 percent of the
elephant population
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Cruel Chain Essay: Poaching In The United States
Causal Chain Essay
How do animals become extinct? People have killed animals since the beginning of human
existence, but animal extinction was not as big of an issue before guns were invented. Now that
people have guns they can kill more animals faster. Even with hunting laws people still kill animals
illegally and some may never be caught. Hunters illegally poach wild animals for furs or tusks and
some animals have become extinct due to the poaching. Hunters poach animals such as Elephants,
Rhinos, Tigers, and even Pangolins. Most people do not even know what a Pangolin is but poachers
certainly do. Poaching has become a nineteen billion dollar a year business. In Pennsylvania people
can poach and have no chance of imprisonment. Each state is different with poaching laws. Poachers
are no worse of criminals than thieves. Poachers essentially are stealing from the organization that
creates the fees for hunting. Poaching causes animals to die at a rapid pace and is the main reason
animals go extinct. There are other reasons for animals going extinct but usually it's due to poachers
and their selfish ambitions. One of the other big reasonings for rapid decline in animals ... Show
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Taking away guns is not enough of a punishment though, if people are going to kill the animals
illegally then they will illegally get guns to continue killing the animals. Just like other things that
are illegal, people will still do it so to cut down on the amount of people that do it increase the
punishment for the crime. I think any poaching of any kind of animal should have some jail time
and a minimum of two year hunting restriction. I think that the poacher should have all guns taken
away during the time of the hunting restriction. I think the punishment for poaching endangered
animals should be much more significant than for game
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Speech On Animal Poaching
Animal Poaching
Animal poaching has a bigger price tag than the trophy sitting on the shelf. Poaching is causing
iconic animals of many continents and of our oceans to become endangered or even extinct. These
animals that people have come to love and fantasize over may be gone before we are (Africa).
Elephants, rhinos, lions, and zebras are the animals thought of the most when it comes to animal
poaching, but many animals are poached. They are killed for only one quality, like their horns or
skins and the rest of the animal is left behind. Poaching is a massive business that is ran by
international networks, it's estimated to make hundreds of millions of dollars (World). Not all
wildlife trade is illegal, but it becomes a crisis when an increasing amount of illegal poaching is
done and it directly threatens the survival of species in the wild (World). Since 1960 97.6% of the
Black Rhino population in Africa has been poached and lions are extinct in seven African countries
Poaching is a worldwide problem because it is affecting the whole food chain, including humans. A
year after a logging road went into forest areas in Sarawak, Malaysia, in 2001, not a single large
mammal remained (Begley). If one animal goes extinct, then a snowball effect will happen because
the animal that depended on the extinct animal for food will have a harder time getting food and
eventually that species will die off also, leaving us humans with very little food choices in our
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Analysis Of The Huntress Of Thornbeck Forest
In "The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest", by Melanie Dickerson, Odette Menkels is desperately trying
to feed the poor in her village. Odette is only a simple maiden who teaches children how to read, but
she also has to feed the starving people and the Margrave owns the best hunting grounds around.
However only royalty are aloud to hunt on them but that doesn't stop her from hunting on the
grounds anyways. While she is poaching the deer the Margrave's forester, Jorgen Hartman, starts to
notice the decrease in the deer. He is now determined to catch the new poacher and bring him to
justice. Odette never thought about the consequences or how she could feed the people another way.
She just saw her side, which was that the Margrave had enough to ... Show more content on ...
Jorgen's job is to protect the population of the Margrave's deer in the hunting grounds. He also must
bring in poachers so they can be punished. Recently Jorgen starts to notice a decrease in deer, and
that's when he is completely determined to catch the poacher. Jorgen sees the poacher as someone
who needs to be punished. Of course the story goes farther back when his father was killed by a
poacher, so in Jorgen's eyes, poaching is a serious threat. Melanie writes, " Even if this poacher was
not the same one who had hunted down Jorgen's father and killed him, he must be punished.
Poaching was a dangerous and a serious offense against the margrave and the king" (Dickerson 33).
He can only see that who ever the poacher is, he is the one that is wrong, for whatever reason he has
for poaching. After spending time with one another Odette realizes that others are willing to help
donate food to the poor. Odette and Jorgen spend almost everyday together whether they are
teaching kids how to read or simply just talking with one another. One day Odette was teaching
young children how to read when Jorgen comes by and says, " The Margrave has kindly allowed us
to bring thirty skinned hares for you all to take home to cook and eat" (Dickerson 97). Odette was so
over thrilled that he brought food for the families in need that she started to feel guilty. She never
thought that the Margrave cared about the
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Animal Poaching Essay
Animal poaching What is poaching:
Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals. This can occur in a variety of ways.
Poaching can refer to the failure to comply with regulations for legal harvest, resulting in the illegal
taking of wildlife that would otherwise be allowable. Examples include: Taking without a license or
permit, use of a prohibited weapon or trap, taking outside of the designated time of day or year, and
taking of a prohibited sex or life stage. Poaching can also refer to the taking of animals from a
wildlife sanctuary, such as a national park, game reserve, or zoo.
What are the causes: The causes of animal poaching is a very widely open topic. To sum it up in a
few words, Animal poaching is caused by
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Anti Poaching Act Essay
The Honorable Doug Collins
U.S House of Representatives
1504 Longworth House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515–1009
Dear Representative Collins:
H.R. 2494– Global Anti–Poaching Act interests me since I am a strong animal activist. California
Representative Edward Royce introduced this bill earlier this year with hopes of getting it approved.
The purpose of this bill is to support global anti–poaching efforts, strengthen the capacity of partner
countries to counter wildlife trafficking, and designate major wildlife trafficking countries. I want
you to vote for this bill because as an animal activist and believer in animal rights I have confidence
that by getting this bill passed, the deaths of animals due to poaching and trafficking will ... Show
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For example, myths that rhino horns can cure cancer has led to a poaching frenzy in parts of Africa.
Some countries, however, have recognized that this is a major problem and have begun to take
action. In Indonesia, wildlife protection groups, such as the WCU (Wildlife Crime Unit), along with
law enforcement have come together to decrease the amounts of poaching and trading committed.
Between 2006 and 2008, the WCU generated 63 reports of illegal hunting, trading, smuggling or
possession, which led 35 arrest or confiscation operations. This is proof that with proper training
and funding wildlife extinction can be
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Persuasive Essay On Poaching
Although poaching is an illegal act, it is still a growing problem in the world because it is making
the extinction of various animals more probable. Not only it cruel, but it affects the environment and
ecosystem where these animals reside. Although various people, usually trophy hunters or those
uninformed, argue that it isn't that big of a problem, there are realities to it that won't be stopped
unless we act upon it and bring awareness of the situation. Recently, the poaching controversy has
gained more attention in the news and media due to the killing of Cecil the Lion back in 2015. But
what exactly is poaching and why is it illegal? Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting or
capturing of wild animals. Animals are captured and killed for their parts and products that are
eventually sold on the black market and to cartels to make medicines, trinkets, and other products.
Animals are typically poached for personal gain and value.The the illegal poaching trade in Africa
alone has accumulated a worth of $17 billion dollars a year and it keeps growing. Ivory, fur, skin,
and bones especially are in high demand and places/people are willing to pay high numbers for these
products, so it is no surprise that people continue to hunt them. Due to poaching, the tiger is one of
the most endangered species in the world . Tiger parts, such as fur, skin, and bones, are seen as a
luxury and are used as commerce on the black market and secretly throughout Asia. Although China
has participated in the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, the laws are
commonly ignored and it remains the primary destination for tiger parts. Elephants are also on the
brink of extinction and the number hunted per year keeps increasing. Despite international ivory
trade being banned in the 1990s, it is still sold on the black market and sought after in Asia; once
again, China being the biggest demander. According to Kideghesho in Sage Journals , "widespread
poaching coupled with inefficient law enforcement in Tanzania was manifested in the dramatic
decline of the elephant population to less than 30% of what it was in 1979, a drop from 316,000 to
85,000 by 1987." Rhinos are also greatly sought after in Africa. In
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Taking a Look at Poaching
Poaching Poaching is the illegal hunting of any protected animal for personal gain. Poaching has
been acknowledged for over one thousand years. Originally they were raiders that attacked livestock
for survival. Modern poachers are well equipped and hunt to sell their body parts for large sums of
money from international collectors. The poachers themselves are often very poor and work in
gangs. OneGreenPlanet writes, "The Sumatran Tiger is a critically endangered species right now. It
is poached and sold for its parts (skin, teeth, bones, and claws) which sell for up to $5,000. Poaching
is more lucrative than other jobs that are available in the region; a harsh reality faced by many
individuals and communities." Many who revert to poaching, especially in poor areas, revert to it
out of necessity. Sharks are tricked to vessels and got on a snare that pulls them on board. Their
dorsal balances are cut off and their bodies tossed go into the sea. Without blades they can't swim
and will pass on. The unlawfully acquired blades are utilized to make shark blade soup, a delicacy in
Asia. Tigers are butchered for their striped hide, elephants are executed for their ivory tusks and
rhinos their substantial horn. The groups of the creatures are left to decay. This is an occurrence that
happens all over the world, but few governments can deal with the problem in an orderly and
efficient manner. Poaching has become a worldwide market and individuals make millions off of
hunting these
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Animal Poaching In Western Kentucky
The wildlife is beautiful in Western Kentucky, but some people don't respect them and the right way
to hunt them if they are legal to kill. The main animals affected are usually the most common
animals poached. The animal the that was affected the most is the black bear. The poaching was so
bad, it almost erased black bears from Kentucky. The second most affected animal in western
Kentucky is a whitetail deer. This is the most commonly hunted animal in western Kentucky. The
poaching of these deer, have at times made the population low. The next most affected animal is the
wild turkey. This type of hunting is less common than deer hunting, but it is still pretty popular. The
turkey weren't that close to endangered as the others but it
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Animal Poaching Research Paper
Poaching is a problem around the entire world. The Anti–poaching Foundation is trying to protect
the endangered animals. Anti–poaching reported that modern day poachers use military equipment
to kill high–target species such as elephants , rhinos , gorillas,whales and dolphin. The elephant
population has dropped to 62% over the last decade. Poaching is caused by many things. Buyers
think the ivory from elephants and rhinos are a type of medicine or cure but it's not . Poachers want
money for the animal parts. Big horned sheep antlers can cost $20,000 dollars on the black market.
A rhino horn cost $2 million dollars, so this is a regular job for a poacher. I do not understand why
poachers can't just get a job like everyone ,and just save money in the bank instead of killing
helpless animals About hundred african elephant are killed every single day by poachers seeking
ivory meat ,other body parts , according to World of Elephants. ... Show more content on ...
Back in the early part of the 20th century there may have been as many as three million african
elephants. Now there are only 470,000 elephants left in Africa,and the number is declining each day.
(wwf, Since 1984, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has been dedicated to
protecting endangered species using investigations to help polices and actions that protect animals
that are endangered like whales, elephants, rhinos, whales, and dolphins . EIA is exposing illegal
ivory trade routes and advocates to stop the trade and to protect elephants.Poachers are killing a lot
of rhinos because the profit from the rapidly growing demand for Rhino horn in Asia. Poachers are
killing whales for their blubber and for fat, and,also for lamp oil. Gorillas can be pets for some
people,so they just take the gorillas out the wild. Also gorillas are poached for trophies and their
body parts. I am so upset how people kill harmless animals just for sport and just for pure
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Effects Of Animal Poaching
What if animal poaching came to an end? The world would be a better place and the ecosystem and
animal species would not be in danger. Animal poaching holds the number one spot for wild animal
deaths, resulting in more than 50 percent of all deaths. Some people argue that animal poaching is a
life style and should not be stopped. Majority of the population argues that it is wrong and steps
need to be taking to end it. Big game animals such as tigers, elephants, and rhinos are facing serious
danger. They are being pushed to extinction in many countries. Animal poaching is bad for the
environment and food chains, its gruesome, operates on the black market and is making animals go
extinct. Animal poaching has nothing good about it. It ruins many of things and changes people's
way of life. It makes it harder for animal populations to stay healthy and not extinct. Animal
poaching needs to be put to an end. Poaching is defined as "the illegal practice of trespassing on
another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission" (
Many animals including elephants, tigers, rhinos, and snub–nosed monkeys are on the verge of
extinction due to humans poaching them for felt, ivory, etc. According to, Legal, Moral and
Biological Implications of Poaching and Illegal Animal Tracking on an International Scale, the loss
of animals will endanger the ecosystem and therefore hurt the entire world. We need flora and fauna
in our ecosystems to maintain
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What Are The Effects Of Poaching On Society And The...
Poaching and the effects on Animals, Society, and the Environment
Most people know what Poaching is but the few that do not would most likely ask, "What is
poaching?" The answer is that poaching is chasing and slaughtering or the catching of animals. One
of the primary reasons poachers chase, catch and murder creatures in the wild, particularly
jeopardized ones to make benefit. While poachers profit off of this unlawful movement, the earth
endures incredibly. However, with so much focus placed on the need to stop the poaching and
poachers, many forget the other victims involved in poaching hot zones: animals.
A decent case is the point in which the North American Gray Wolf was on the very edge of
eradication, because of poaching, the elk population in Yellowstone National Park took off. With no
common predator, the elk about ate the aspen tree to termination. Presently, due to the expanding
population of the wolves, the elk population are lessening and the aspen tree is recuperating.
Poaching has negative symptoms that can affect neighborhood groups, natural life populaces and the
earth. There are many decimating consequences for creatures, with eradication the best danger to
creatures that are casualties to poaching. In 2011 the IUNC (universal Union for the Conservation of
Nature) announced that the Western Black Rhinos were wiped out, since that particular species is
wiped out the sub–types of the dark Rhino was poached. Poaching is more lucrative than different
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Is Poaching Illegal
Should poaching be illegal? Poaching is an uprising epidemic, which has been on the news recently,
for example the killing of Cecil the lion. Also known as the king of the jungle has been killed for
cash due to poaching. This puts a spot light on poaching and people are beginning to see the
problem. (Cronin)
Poaching is illegal under the "Endangered species act" in America. To sum it up basically, poaching
and/or killing an endangered animal will put you in federal prison for up to only a single decade,
plus a 100,000 thousand dollar fine to convicted rhino killers. My personal opinion is that you
should be imprisoned for much longer for killing such a rare animal.
"The presumption against extraterritoriality" is that laws in America
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Endangered Species Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Speech
Back in 2014, Corey Knowlton was the target of countless death threats and criticism. The cause for
all of it was his accidental purchase of a hunting permit. He had paid $350,000 at an auction for a
hunting trip to Namibia to kill an endangered species which caused a lot of backlash. The
endangered species was the black rhino. Most people seen this as a harmful move for the black rhino
species but what most people fail to realize is that it is in fact an effort to help improve and preserve
the conservations of these animals.
The amount of money that is raised for these conservations is extremely large. Over $11 million
dollars has been raised to help the Namibian economy and conservations in Namibia. In addition,
the country
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Endangered Animals Are Endangered
Tigers are primarily killed to supply underground black markets with its organs, pelts, and bones.
These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine (although these treatments have been disproven
and have no real medical value). Innocent endangered animals are being killed for false hopes and
cures within the eastern culture. Poaching has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting,
killing or capturing of wild animals. The difference between poaching and hunting is one, is that
poaching is hunting without the approval of whomever controls or owns the land. Even though some
people believe poaching creates lots of business and brings in major income for certain smaller,
poorer countries, it endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered
animals, destroys precious ecosystems within the wild, and poaching is extremely harmful to
Poaching endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered animals. In
the article "Poaching Blamed for Loss of Western Black Rhino", by Frank Jordans states "Its loss is
significant because the Western Black Rhino is genetically distinct from other rhino subspecies.
Reintroducing animals born into captivity is costly and may be impossible, experts say." According
to the article, once a species or subspecies goes into extinction within its wild habitat it's near
impossible to recover them back. Introducing the captive species into the area would just cause more
harm and be
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Poaching is a cruel, dangerous and abusive way to make money. While there is many different types
of people look it down, there are still workers that use this method to make a profit for themselves.
As unfortunate as it is, there a nowadays many efforts that are trying to maintain poaching to a
levels of absolute 0. Despite theses efforts being honorable and heroic, there are many challenges
that are faced when completing this job. For instance, an article called, "Can Drones Stop Animal
Killers?," written by Kristin Lewis talks about new ways to catch poachers, but also the serious risk
and hardships of attempting to catch the said animal killers. To illustrate, one section of the article
states, "But poachers are notoriously difficult to ... Show more content on ...
These stated poachers take serious precaution when getting ready for a day's work, which is a
negative thing for the antipoaching efforts. If trying to catch a poacher, it is easy to see that the risk
is extremely high, and can result in serious injuries, and in worse case, death. However, despite
some of the challenges that come with dealing with poacher, there have been many successes from
the organizations that increase the likelihood of catching poachers and saving expensive animals
from harm. For instance, an article written by Justin O'Neill called "Can She Be Saved?," included
many of the success that certain efforts have had along the way. To elaborate, one piece of evidence
that comes from the article says, "Over the years, the Trust has raised 190 orphaned elephants and
95 are now living back in the wild" (O'Neill 20). This excerpt from the article clarifies how the Trust
(A place where elephants can be saved) saved many orphaned elephants from terrible fates, as most
of them were most likely orphaned because of poachers. Due to the their ivory tusks, the elephants
has always be a main target of poachers, who sometimes makes up to $100,000 each
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Rhino Poaching Essay
Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry
In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for
Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are in the endangers list (Poaching: The
Statistics). The reason the rhino population has nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching.
The rhinos are being hunted and killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in
traditional Asian medicines (Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why
the rhinos are being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the
authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ...
One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of daggers. This
however mostly happened in the 70's and 80's in Yamen (Shivamber). Another reason is that due to
its high value, wealthy individuals now use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is
because rhino horn is more expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana
is rated at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about $48,885.
However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is estimated that one rhino horn can
produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason being why this is such a profitable businesses
for many crime organizations (Shivamber).
Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the IUCN and the
African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed across Africa by in 2015,
making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row (Poaching Statistics). The countries affected
by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and
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Poaching Of Alberta And Its Effect On All Living Unites

  • 1. Poaching Of Alberta And Its Effect On All Living Unites Unit. (noun) An individual thing or person regarded as single and complete, but which can also form an individual component of a larger more complex whole. Let's focus on Alberta as the complex whole that is made up of multiple units of individuals. For out complex whole to successfully operate, the individual units must balance the existing system. We, as Albertan's, have to work together and respect each other and our surroundings, which will allow us to make the most of our beautiful Alberta landscape. Including the mountains, prairies, desert badlands, vast coniferous forests, and more than 600 lakes. As one complex unit, Alberta must strive to preserve our lands and way of life. A small crack within the system will have detrimental effects on all living unites. Which brings us to a very important crack that needs to be addressed: poaching in Alberta. Hunting holds great importance within Alberta. As a tradition and a sustainability resource, residents of Alberta thrive off of either the thrill of hunting or the resources it provides. Controversies aside, hunting is an important activity for the Alberta lifestyle. We (as a whole) live off of the culture of its community or the products of the sport. Our industries, our lifestyles, are benefitted by hunting, whether you're a hunter or not. However, we all reap the benefits only when the sustainability of hunting is maintained through rules and regulations put in place by the Wildlife Act of Alberta. As a cohesive unit ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Should Animal Poaching Be Illegal Should Animal Poaching be Illegal? Paris Garner Dr. Williams 15 May 2016 ELA 12/3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Introduction................................................................................... pg. 4 4 Problem 5 6 6 Summary 8 9 10 Works 11 ABSTRACT Research about animal poaching is significant because animals all over the world, endangered and all, are being brutally killed and no justice is given. The cruelty and mistreatment that these animals are facing is the main basis of why poaching shouldn 't be legal. Studies have shown that elephants had the biggest plight in populations due to the act of poaching. With the information that will be gathered, the synopsis about poaching will be thoroughly explained why poaching is, and will always be, illegal. INTRODUCTION Animal Poaching will eventually make animals go extinct. There will no longer be wild animals if this continues. The elephants' population has decreased by more fifty percent over a ten year period due to poaching. The animals that reside here on earth brings a balance to the world that is needed. Since the mass killings started the balance has been knocked all the way ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Ivory Poaching Ivory poaching refers to the killing animals, such as the African elephant, for their ivory tusks (Barnes, et al, 27). This is mainly done for commercial purposes where the ivory is often carved into jewelry and ornaments for sale. Most of the ivory that is sold in the market mainly comes from elephants. Research shows that most of the elephant population has been murdered in less than two years. This has drastically contributed to the drop of the population of elephants in the forest by 30%, showing that poaching is an everyday practice and therefore the government must step in and help in order to protect these animals. It is clear that most of the ivory sold in the United States and China comes from Africa. Because of the banning of ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, joining in various movements that are against poaching activity and giving donations can support in any way possible. This will be by either conserving the wildlife, restoring the natural habitats, or by educating the local community. Informing local communities on the danger of elephant poaching and animal rights can help reduce poaching since every individual acts as a watchman to wildlife, hence enhancing animal protection. Moreover, the signing of petitions in support of the Anti–poaching act will greatly help to reduce the number of poaching incidences in the country, since this will involve putting in place strict penalties to those who engage in the act of poaching. By setting strict measures to those who engage in poaching, animal rights would decrease the risk of endangerment, resulting a decrease in the number of poachers in the country. Also, providing the volunteer's activity to the international Anti–poaching movements can greatly help to reduce animal poaching in the country. By joining this movement, it will help to learn the various anti–poaching techniques, which will then help in the effort of protecting the wildlife. People are encouraged to join various movement to become informed on how to deal with poachers and to protect the elephants. Despite the fact that the government has gave a lot of concern to poaching activity, members of the public are also called upon to participate in the act of eliminating ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Importance Of Animal Poaching In this day alone, three rhinoceroses will be killed for the trading of their horns and an estimated one hundred Asian elephants will be killed for their ivory, meat, and body parts. ("African Rhinos" (n.d) & Goodall , J. 2017) Animal Poaching– the illegal act of killing animals for profitable body parts– has been the reason for the near extinction of many species, including elephants, tigers, rhinoceros, and lions. Scientists and concerned citizens of society need to come together to obliterate this illicit cartel. Specific animals like elephants, tigers, lions, and rhinoceroses should be preserved because of their roles within their respective ecosystems. Elephants, the ¨mega gardeners" of the forest, are essential to the transportation of seeds that maintain tree diversity. When we lose elephants, full extinction is estimated to occur by 2020, we lose not only the species but their ecological role (African Elephants face extinction, 2008). The wise leaders of past lives, elephants used to settle debates of the forest and create vital watering holes for smaller animals as the noble masters in fables told by African natives. When poaching finally takes the last living elephant due to selfishness, many African countries lose both a species, and a culture. Tigers – walking gold to poachers– are worth a fortune on the black market for their beautiful fur coats and bones, used for a delicate Chinese wine (Guynup, S., 2015). The last three thousand wild tigers are facing ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Animal Poaching Research Paper Animal Poaching and the Effects Thereof Did you know that from 1979–1981 1.3 million elephants were poached? Because elephants have been over hunted, it is now illegal to hunt them. They are rarer. And the ecosystem is damaged. Animal poaching is extremely dangerous and remarkably illegal because, it leads to reduced legal hunting opportunity, and it hurts the ecosystem. Interestingly, elephants are becoming increasingly rare. This, in part, is due to poaching. Elephants are poached for their tusks, which are made of ivory. Oddly, ivory is more durable than precious metals. Additionally, ivory is easier to carve than metal. This is why ivory is sought after. Because elephants have hastily decreased in population, it is now ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Understanding Elephant Poaching The Elephants Did you know that that 35,000 elephants are dying each year? We are poaching them, usually for a price. Poaching is different from hunting. Hunting is when you kill for sport, and it's completely legal. You still need a permit. Poaching is when you kill an animal without a permit. Sadly, 30 elephants are lost a day in Tanzania. Imagine if that was you and your herd was getting killed with no end in sight. We need to take some responsibility, because I would want to be killed just because a poacher had a permit. In order to understand elephant poaching you need to know why they're being poached, the perspectives of the poachers, and the organisations, how they're becoming extinct, what we can do to help and what is being done to help. Elephants are being poached for their ivory. Countries around the world are increasing ivory buying. This is because more elephants have been poached and ... Show more content on ... A website called is a website with a petition you can sign. Your signature will help pass a law saying that ivory trading is illegal in Colorado. 18+ will be able to help this cause. If this website expands it could ban ivory trading in other countries also. Another organization is taking action too. A new has new laws impacting the penalties of killing a rhino or an elephant. This is embedded by the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. According to, "Any person who is convicted for unlawful killing of a rhinoceros or an elephant is expected to be sentenced to nine years for a first offender or eleven years for a second or subsequent offender," she said. This is telling us, if you kill these listed animals, you are sentenced nine years of prison. Also that you will be sentenced 11 years of prison if you have done this crime twice or you are a company or an organisation that will get sued, or accused of poaching in a court. Join in on these arguments and support ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Poaching of Endangered Species Poaching of Endangered Species "The main reason for animals endangered is the uncontrolled human activity." This quote was stated on a website called Animal Port. There are many reasons why this statement is true, one of them are poaching. Poaching occurs out of greed to make money. Although there are several laws to protect certain animals, this is a horrible act to any animal. Especially for the animals that are already endangered. Poachers minimizing these animal's numbers for their own pleasure is not good. People who are against poaching should do what they can to stop this act from escalating, or there will not be any balance on this world. Animals are being killed every day from illegal hunting or capturing, that is ... Show more content on ... Not only people kill animals for money, but for "cures" as well, superstition stuff. People will crush down tiger bones and use it to strengthened muscles. Another superstition is that they use the tiger's penis to make males manlier. There are laws to protect these animals and try to stop poaching, some laws are more stricter than others and we should enforce all laws against poaching to be equal in punishment and protection on every endangered specie. The Endangered Species Act is one of them. The purpose of this act is to protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The reason why the act came into place is because certain animal populations were being lowered every year and the government were concerned that theses animals were becoming extinct, the main reason is poaching. Once an animal is on the endangered list, they have special protection from the government for them. From the website, Defenders of Wildlife, they stated this "The Endangered Species Act provides added benefits to people by maintaining healthy natural systems that provide us with clean air and water, food, medicines and other products that we all need to live healthy lives. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to be good stewards of the environment and leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home." This quote is a perfect example of how we should ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Animal Persuasive Speech Hiding behind a big boulder in the hot and sunny Africa is a man holding a shotgun, he spots the large male lion that he has been tracking for two whole weeks, he aims and you hear the gun sounding and the male lion falls to the ground. All the man wanted was to say that that was the was the lion he killed. As of being a kid, I have more of an imagination which makes me think more and want to come up with ways to help solve problems and figure out how they affect us. As well, I like animals a lot, so if the animals that are endangered are or have been being killed I am or would like to have a say or help stop it. When I was researching my topic, I had been finding the perfect articles and videos to get important and correct information. How many animals die each year. Do they have any laws or anyone to stop the animal poaching? This was my driving question: How can I convince people to help stop others from killing the animals for no reason? Once I finished my research, I understood that in some way it is possible to help stop animal poaching. One of the biggest problems going on right now is that illegal hunters are killing endangered animals just because of their skin or just as a trophy hunt. It may not seem like it more and more animals are becoming close to being endangered to almost extinct. This is happening all because of one thing that makes a chain of events, that is just killing the animals. The problems that it causes is lack of food, extinction, and lack in reproducing. The reasons that those are problems is because the lack of food means that the animals in the food chain that die that are supposed to be food for other animals are dying and can't feed the other animals, and they die from starvation and it will eventually destroy the whole food chain. With the food part being said the animals have less and less reproduced because males are dying and it is not possible, with this cause is less and fewer offsprings each year. As well, both these problems lead to one exact thing, extinction. I think that the world should try and help stop this because it is a serious problem and it is illegal. As well, with no animals, the world is not complete and all the things that the animals do ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Effects Of Ivory Poaching Introduction Poaching is the illegal killing of wildlife animals. Poaching can be found in almost every part of the globe. In Alberta, Canada, six people amounted seventy one thousand dollars of fines for multiple poaching charges through the course of seven years (Unknown, 2015). The African forest elephants lost sixty two percent of their population from 2002 to 2012 because of ivory poaching (Nature, 2013). In India, a combined effort of poaching, prey depletion and habitat destruction led to a tiger population of fewer than 4000 (Sharma, Wright, Joseph, & Desai, 2014). Therefore poaching can accelerate the decline of a species making them easier to become a vulnerable or endangered species. Poachers also threaten species biodiversity, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Animal Poaching Research Paper Poaching is the illegal hunting or harvesting of wild animals and plants. Poaching is a major problem in Africa because the demand for animals and their products has increased. With the problem of poaching increasing it has caused animals to be put on the endangered animals list or even becoming extinct. However, poaching isn't always entitled as killing the animals. Many animals are captured and sold to zoos or as exotic pets. The tragedy of the commons model explains that "When there is an economic problem in which every individual tried to reap the greatest benefit from a given source." (Root) So in Africa there is a huge demand for animals and their products. Some of the most demanded stuff is elephant ivory, meat, hides and rhinoceros ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Animal Poaching Think of the last time you saw a tiger rug or an ivory figurine, even on television. This is a cause of illegal behavior that is called poaching. The United States is among the largest consumers of ivory, according to Jani Actman. Even though ivory is at an almost total ban in the United States people are still purchasing these accessories. In the advertisement the creator used transfer method to make the person seeing this advertisement more aware of what is happening, most people don't understand how big of a problem poaching and the black market for illegal animal accessories actually is. Poaching has been a problem for a very long time. Elephants, rhinos, and tigers are among the animals that are being impacted the most by poaching. ... Show more content on ... The cost of ivory is currently at $1,500 per pound so when a tusk can weigh up to 100 pounds this is a very profitable business for the poachers especially if they don't get caught. Although a lot of these things are being sought out they are being used for different reasons. Rhino horns in Vietnam are thought to be a aphrodisiac and even thought to cure cancer, even though this is proven to be wrong. But the biggest use of these things are decoration. A elephant trunk is used to make ivory figurines which it is hard to believe that they are killing endangered animals just for the purpose of making a figurine. By looking at this advertisement you can obviously tell that the creator is against poaching. He or she made it so it will alert more people about the problem with poaching. She made it so more people are aware and might even take an action against it. Another reason why the creator made the advertisement, is because it shows you what happens to the animals just to make a rug or coat. It makes it look like the people buying the accessories are just as bad as the Slate 3 people killing the animals since they are fueling the fire that makes the poaching business so profitable. The creator of this advertisement has created a very good and graphic advertisement explaining these past facts and points. He made it like this so it would catch more peoples attention like it did mine. With the heads cut off and all ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Poaching Research Paper They Say Nowadays, understanding about the general harmful effects of poaching on wildlife has become common knowledge. However, the severity and threat pertaining to poaching is still not well known to many. The presenter informed us that poaching has become so dangerous in South Africa that it's declared as an organized crime by the government. Presenter emphasizes that poachers have not only killed animals but also people attempting to stop these poaching attempts, as they live by the "shoot first, ask later" mentality. The reasoning behind these attacks on people and continuous slaughter of animals can be answered by the potential wealth in these animals. For example, the presenter claimed that White Rhino horns could sell up to $100,000 per kilogram, and this reward led to ... Show more content on ... For example, many countries view rhino horns as valuable items because they view them as medicine for ailments, and symbols of high social status. (Yemen have daggers made from rhino horns as a symbol of high social status, and these daggers cost up to $100,000). Because discouraging other cultures to change their traditions can be a touchy subject, efforts have instead been redirected to stop poachers from attaining these horns. The presenter advocates the currently successful facility that centers on sustainable utilization. Sustainable utilization is the long–term use of an item valuable to us that does not decline the source we are taking it from. In this instance, sustainable utilization has been conducted by trimming and selling White Rhino horns and allowing nearby villages to care for rhinos to reduce the incentive for poachers to kill these animals. Additionally, he confirms these trimming of the horns does not affect mating nor fighting in these rhinos and have not led to any significant decline in their quality of life so far. The question currently is if legalization of trade and use of rhino horns from sustainable utilization a solution in saving the White Rhinos from ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Research Paper On Animal Poaching We humans have reigned this planet for several millenniums. It's no secret that we have evolved over time and so has the environment around us. From tadpole like creatures to dinosaurs, we have come a long way partaking and sharing this planet for a long time. My high school teacher once said, "Today's definition is the rendition of our past". Life! It is a process. Every little organism on this planet is proved to be a contributing factor for the life on this planet. Looking at our planet from a broader perspective, we see that science comes into picture. It is important for us to know that there is something called a food chain, which basically tell us how every organism on this planet is interrelated and it is very vital for every living ... Show more content on ... They have generated hundreds of campaigns and promotions to people aware of the tiger poaching mayhem that has stirred the wildlife since a couple of decades. One of the major liberated by World Wildlife Fund is the "Stop Wildlife Crime" campaign in 2010. This campaign was a great success and it succeeded in reducing animal poaching in general by a large percentage. But one of the major objectives for this campaign was to reduce killing of tigers. Their poster tried to convey a message to a large audience, which was basically the entire world. They made sure that they added minimal, yet productive information in the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Is Poaaching Is Wrong Poaching is killing an animal illegally, why would you go through so much trouble to kill species of animals. Poaching can ruin food chains because we killed an entire species, and on the other side the people sell the animal's parts for weapons or narcotics. Poaching causes for animals to go extinct, and it is extremely illegal. Animal parts such as horns, tusks, and gallbladders are highly expensive which poachers are willing to trade weapons and drugs . Poaching are causing harm to food chains. If all the pandas are extinct the population of bamboo will increase rapidly. We can't let pandas go extinct because one everything that's eats a panda their population will go down. Then everything the pandas eat will start to overgrow and their population will grow rapidly. If elephants go extinct than everything that eats elephants their population will go ... Show more content on ... Poachers use animal remains in trading for weapons, including narcotics. Poachers are basically taking animals weapons to trade for weapons that the poacher can use. Poaching depends on the black market further supporting that this is highly illegal. If black markets didn't support or trade with poachers then the poachers would stop poaching since they are not getting any money out of it anymore.If we can stop the poachers then it can get rid of animals being extinct and people getting narcotics and weapons illegally. Some people say well we should let them because they need food or money to give to their family but there are other ways. One you can get a job even if it doesn't pay much then get two, and kill some deer just not a lot kill like two when you really need it don't live off of it. Poaching does us no good it gets rid of our animals and it gives weapons and other bad things to people who can only cause chaos with it. We don't need poaching in our lives we can deal with hunting which is legal but not with poaching. Don't kill for Money there are other ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Pros And Cons Of Poaching Around the world, there is an abundance of animals that are becoming extinct or endangered due to poaching. Animals such as Rhinos, Turtles, Gorillas, and the Tigers are critically endangered due to vulnerability and have been jeopardized by human activities. Many countries have legalized poaching, but still this problem has increased significantly in the past decade. If the world does not stop this issue countless of animals will become extinct, and our older generation will never be able to see these exotic animals living in their natural habitat. Poaching is happening all around the world and will never be stopped until people are more educated about this crime and what is occurring from it. Wildlife crime is happening even in this great ... Show more content on ... People around the world need to acknowledge that poaching can affect more than just the extinction of animals but can also cause many economic issues. If the average citizen was educated about poaching most likely it would not occur as often as it does now. Journals that are put into the world about poaching are very upsetting and emotional to read, but they can educate people around the world about how devastating poaching actually is. Not only are these animals endangered, but poaching can also affect the economy and disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem. A Harvard University graduate reported: "The loss of these species would have harmful effects upon the overall ecosystem and the environment's ability to provide"ecosystem services"such as soil stability and water retention"(Xie). Also there are many health risks that come from wildlife trafficking; "Experts have noted that increased traffic in animals will raise the risk of zoonotic disease transmission. Diseases such as Ebola, which is often carried by bats and other primates, come to mind. It is hypothesized that HIV is linked to the consumption of primate meat and that respiratory viruses may be found in smaller animals, such as civet cats"(Xie). These different diseases are very lethal to the human body and cause death if made contact ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Why Is Poaching Bad For Animals Poaching is bad thing to do to an animal and can wipe out a whole race of species. If no one stops these poachers great love animals like elephants can also be gone forever. There should be more security for these animals that have numbered days like the rare white rhino. Someday people can imagine a world with these poachers poaching exotic animals Poaching is horrible thing to do to an animal period... "BLAM" an animal goes down just for one particular thing.An estimated 274 animals are poached on average each day.1Every day people are hunting illegal or exotic species and killing them for just one simple thing like a horn.1 Animals life should be treated like a human beings life.2 It should because nobody ever thinks what it'll ... Show more content on ... Poaching is bad for the animal and sometimes mentally for the country. Animals are being hunted for dumb clothing that does not look good, but they still take it from tigers and many more animals. 4 It is not good to an animal. They lose everything just because people need some exotic clothing. They think ivory and other things cure stuff like fevers and other stuff like that.3 Research says all curing powers of horn is false. It's all a myth believed by many cultures. People poach the animal rather leave the carcass to rot.4 When people leave the carcass to rot that's not right because all animal is being wasted and just hunted just to name it as trophy. As for poaching, it's a horrible thing to do to an animal. Poaching is bad thing to do. After reading my opinion on poaching I hope you will reconsider to help protect animals from being poached as they are just an animal trying to survive. How would you like to be hunted every day by illegal weapons and blown up just so they can have your horn or your pelt you have. Hopefully the world will someday ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Poaching And Robin Hood INTRODUCTION We, the people of the world, do many things for the sake of our survival. Things that we are very proud of and things that we are not. People have needs and they do or invent things based off of their needs. How far they are willing to go is the million dollar question. Poaching has been going on since the world began, but it did not become a problem and become illegal until the Late Middle Ages. In the times where the lower class were peasants and the upper class had control of pretty much everything. Robin Hood was of the first well known poachers during this time period. His reasoning, like the reasoning like many other that poach, Hood was in desperate need of money and food for his family. With the help of his crew, Hood ... Show more content on ... Although, in reality the number of people that actually know why poaching is done is very low. Poaching, by definition, is "the illegal act of killing, capturing, or removing mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects, or plants from their natural habitats." (Greene, 1994, p.11). Yes. poaching is illegal but there is a reason to why people feel the need to do these types of things. One of the first reasons to why started poaching in the beginning was the fear of starvation. This reasoning was often said to cause the most motivation for people to poach. People in countries where poaching is most common, like Zimbabwe and Kanye, the economy is not doing well enough for people to have enough money to support their families. By hunting for large game, poachers use the meat to feed their families and allow them to keeping living. The desperation that people that poach must have to do this is unimaginable, but just like the average person in any country they will do what they have to to keep their family ahead. Another reason why poachers do what they do is for the huge income that they gain from it. Wanting to make a respectful income is not being greedy. Just like any other job, poachers do what is necessary to make money. Poachers will sell parts of animals or animals all together. Most poachers only receive 5–10% of the money that they make selling the animal. Based off of the job that they do that is very little ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. In Zimbabwe We Don T Cry For King Since the news of Cecil's death spread across the world, Palmer has gotten large amounts of hate from westerners on social media, but Zimbabwean villagers see hunting as helpful and the conservation workers predicted that poaching would cause Cecil's death. Westerners on social media have displayed their hate towards Palmer thourgh several forms of media. Cara Delevingne a famous British model tweeted that "This #WalterPalmer is a poor excuse of a human being!". Cara is one of the many westerners that have helped add to the hate of Palmer. The villagers in Zimbabwe do not feel strongly towards the death of Cecil, but one emotion they may feel is relief that there is one less lion as a threat. In the article "In Zimbabwe, We Don't Cry for Lions" ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On Deer Hunting Would you ever want to kill someone because they are valuable and famous? No right? Well that's what is happening to animals and some people are just having to pay $500, don't you think there should be more? According to Star Tribune the only punishment for killing deer when it is not deer season is only $500. That's not enough for killing animals and making the become endangered. Therefore, there should be a bigger consequence for poaching for because it leads to endangerment of animals and animals should not be used to make things that we want. Poaching animals when not in season is a big habit for many, and a lot of those people don't get caught and even the ones who do aren't getting punished like they should. When we kill animals when ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Rhino Poaching Research Paper The End of Rhino Poaching 414 Everyday more and more rhinos die from poaching. Did you know that every 11 hours one rhino dies from poachers? How will we end rhino poaching? Now people are using drones to stop poachers. There is an increasing demand for rhino horns. Everyday we lose more and more rhinos for their horns. In 2012, 668 rhinos died for their horns. Then again, in 2013 by half the year 350 rhinos had already been lost to poachers. Once, a rhino reserve in South Africa lost 13 rhinos in just one week. There is a huge increase for a demand of rhino horns, but why? In Asia, ground up rhino horn is believed to cure illnesses including cancer. Many criminal gangs offer as much as $30,000 for a single rhino horn, sometimes ... Show more content on ... How will drones catch the poachers? The drones are hand launched so there is no need for a big runway. Also, the drones are only 12 pounds. Drones also have a six mile range camera.The drones computer calculates a hot spot for poaching and watches it from the sky. Next, if the drone sees a poacher then it sends an alert to notify the game wardens. When the game wardens see the alert they rush down to the poaching sight and try to catch the poachers before they attack. The drones film a video of the scene including the weather, if there was a sun or moon, when it happened and where. The drones film this to show the trends/patterns of poachers. Drone technology can be very different. For example, they can have different features. Thomas Smith and team at the University of Maryland have tested out drones to stop poachers. In the last six months Smith's team had arrested a lot of poachers with not one single gunshot. Their drones have infrared cameras and the camera sends live video to the command center on the ground. Air Shepherd is combining with the University of Maryland to support the drones to stop poachers. Early in 2014, South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) claimed that flying an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is against the law. Now Air Shepherd and the University of Maryland is working together they hope to persuade the SACAA it allow ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. How To Stop Poaching Killing In Action Poaching is a war, and many animals lose their lives and family to it. Although many people don't think it's bad, it is. Many animals have gone extinct from it. People in the world need to stop poaching otherwise we won't have elephants, tigers,rhinos or any other animals anymore. People really don't care, but if we don't stop poaching we won't have any of these animals. Elephants tusks are used for piano keys, billiards balls and many other human enjoyments. Many animals get poached but there are few that get poached so much that there is little to non left. Elephant numbers have declined in the past five years at more than 75 percent of the sites that they still occur.1 Elephant numbers have dropped because people have been killing them for their tusks.1 The population of wild tigers has dropped from 100,000 to 3,500. 2 The population of tigers has dropped because their pelts are really valuable on the black market.3 Rhino population has dropped drastically because of ... Show more content on ... The U.S. passed a few laws saying that their banning illegal ivory imports but that's not the case in the rest of the world.The United States passed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and the African Elephant Conservation Act (AECA). 5 All five species of rhinos are protected by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This law is shared among 175 nations to ensure the survival of wild rhinos. 6 The wild tiger is protected under Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).7 This law is also shared among 175 nations to ensure the survival of wild tigers. All of these animals are protected under 175 nations but not the whole world. Now you know how to stop poaching and what major animals get poached now you need to know what things they are used ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. African Americans Should Be Banned Essay Although the CITES banned the poaching of Asian and African elephants and international trade in the mid 1980's, many organizations have been posting anti–ivory trade promotion on their website (Stiles, 309). Websites such as International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Born Free Foundation, Care for the Wild International, and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) (Stiles, 309). Many of the southern countries of Africa do not agree with the African elephant ban (Stiles, 309). They've been against the ban since around the mid–1980's (Stiles, 309). People from the southern countries of Africa have been arguing because they don't believe they should be penalized because other countries don't know how to handle their wildlife (Stiles, 309). The CITES Conference of Parties voted in favor of Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe to ... Show more content on ... They also noticed that out of the 149 elephant sample they had, two of those elephants were killed for the mean while the other 149 were killed for the ivory (Jachmann & Billiouw, 235). This making a big concerned. Out of all those 149 elephants being poached, only two being used for a living is impressive. The rest were just killed for only two little things, that have a value but yet is not worth the killing of a mammal. Poaching has been increasing for many years. The number of poaching cases throughout the decades have been increasing. In the 1970's and 1980's, the ivory demand grew drastically making poaching for ivory increase throughout these years (Stiles, 309). CITES recommended to use a system called Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) in which helped monitor the illegal killing of elephants (Stiles, 312). Also, to try and qualify the number of those elephants killed by poachers (Scriber). The system has been working well that now monitors between 30 and 40 percent of the elephant population ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Cruel Chain Essay: Poaching In The United States Causal Chain Essay How do animals become extinct? People have killed animals since the beginning of human existence, but animal extinction was not as big of an issue before guns were invented. Now that people have guns they can kill more animals faster. Even with hunting laws people still kill animals illegally and some may never be caught. Hunters illegally poach wild animals for furs or tusks and some animals have become extinct due to the poaching. Hunters poach animals such as Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers, and even Pangolins. Most people do not even know what a Pangolin is but poachers certainly do. Poaching has become a nineteen billion dollar a year business. In Pennsylvania people can poach and have no chance of imprisonment. Each state is different with poaching laws. Poachers are no worse of criminals than thieves. Poachers essentially are stealing from the organization that creates the fees for hunting. Poaching causes animals to die at a rapid pace and is the main reason animals go extinct. There are other reasons for animals going extinct but usually it's due to poachers and their selfish ambitions. One of the other big reasonings for rapid decline in animals ... Show more content on ... Taking away guns is not enough of a punishment though, if people are going to kill the animals illegally then they will illegally get guns to continue killing the animals. Just like other things that are illegal, people will still do it so to cut down on the amount of people that do it increase the punishment for the crime. I think any poaching of any kind of animal should have some jail time and a minimum of two year hunting restriction. I think that the poacher should have all guns taken away during the time of the hunting restriction. I think the punishment for poaching endangered animals should be much more significant than for game ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Speech On Animal Poaching Animal Poaching Animal poaching has a bigger price tag than the trophy sitting on the shelf. Poaching is causing iconic animals of many continents and of our oceans to become endangered or even extinct. These animals that people have come to love and fantasize over may be gone before we are (Africa). Elephants, rhinos, lions, and zebras are the animals thought of the most when it comes to animal poaching, but many animals are poached. They are killed for only one quality, like their horns or skins and the rest of the animal is left behind. Poaching is a massive business that is ran by international networks, it's estimated to make hundreds of millions of dollars (World). Not all wildlife trade is illegal, but it becomes a crisis when an increasing amount of illegal poaching is done and it directly threatens the survival of species in the wild (World). Since 1960 97.6% of the Black Rhino population in Africa has been poached and lions are extinct in seven African countries (Africa). Poaching is a worldwide problem because it is affecting the whole food chain, including humans. A year after a logging road went into forest areas in Sarawak, Malaysia, in 2001, not a single large mammal remained (Begley). If one animal goes extinct, then a snowball effect will happen because the animal that depended on the extinct animal for food will have a harder time getting food and eventually that species will die off also, leaving us humans with very little food choices in our future. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Analysis Of The Huntress Of Thornbeck Forest In "The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest", by Melanie Dickerson, Odette Menkels is desperately trying to feed the poor in her village. Odette is only a simple maiden who teaches children how to read, but she also has to feed the starving people and the Margrave owns the best hunting grounds around. However only royalty are aloud to hunt on them but that doesn't stop her from hunting on the grounds anyways. While she is poaching the deer the Margrave's forester, Jorgen Hartman, starts to notice the decrease in the deer. He is now determined to catch the new poacher and bring him to justice. Odette never thought about the consequences or how she could feed the people another way. She just saw her side, which was that the Margrave had enough to ... Show more content on ... Jorgen's job is to protect the population of the Margrave's deer in the hunting grounds. He also must bring in poachers so they can be punished. Recently Jorgen starts to notice a decrease in deer, and that's when he is completely determined to catch the poacher. Jorgen sees the poacher as someone who needs to be punished. Of course the story goes farther back when his father was killed by a poacher, so in Jorgen's eyes, poaching is a serious threat. Melanie writes, " Even if this poacher was not the same one who had hunted down Jorgen's father and killed him, he must be punished. Poaching was a dangerous and a serious offense against the margrave and the king" (Dickerson 33). He can only see that who ever the poacher is, he is the one that is wrong, for whatever reason he has for poaching. After spending time with one another Odette realizes that others are willing to help donate food to the poor. Odette and Jorgen spend almost everyday together whether they are teaching kids how to read or simply just talking with one another. One day Odette was teaching young children how to read when Jorgen comes by and says, " The Margrave has kindly allowed us to bring thirty skinned hares for you all to take home to cook and eat" (Dickerson 97). Odette was so over thrilled that he brought food for the families in need that she started to feel guilty. She never thought that the Margrave cared about the ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Animal Poaching Essay Animal poaching What is poaching: Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals. This can occur in a variety of ways. Poaching can refer to the failure to comply with regulations for legal harvest, resulting in the illegal taking of wildlife that would otherwise be allowable. Examples include: Taking without a license or permit, use of a prohibited weapon or trap, taking outside of the designated time of day or year, and taking of a prohibited sex or life stage. Poaching can also refer to the taking of animals from a wildlife sanctuary, such as a national park, game reserve, or zoo. What are the causes: The causes of animal poaching is a very widely open topic. To sum it up in a few words, Animal poaching is caused by ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Anti Poaching Act Essay The Honorable Doug Collins U.S House of Representatives 1504 Longworth House Office Building Washington D.C. 20515–1009 Dear Representative Collins: H.R. 2494– Global Anti–Poaching Act interests me since I am a strong animal activist. California Representative Edward Royce introduced this bill earlier this year with hopes of getting it approved. The purpose of this bill is to support global anti–poaching efforts, strengthen the capacity of partner countries to counter wildlife trafficking, and designate major wildlife trafficking countries. I want you to vote for this bill because as an animal activist and believer in animal rights I have confidence that by getting this bill passed, the deaths of animals due to poaching and trafficking will ... Show more content on ... For example, myths that rhino horns can cure cancer has led to a poaching frenzy in parts of Africa. Some countries, however, have recognized that this is a major problem and have begun to take action. In Indonesia, wildlife protection groups, such as the WCU (Wildlife Crime Unit), along with law enforcement have come together to decrease the amounts of poaching and trading committed. Between 2006 and 2008, the WCU generated 63 reports of illegal hunting, trading, smuggling or possession, which led 35 arrest or confiscation operations. This is proof that with proper training and funding wildlife extinction can be ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Persuasive Essay On Poaching Although poaching is an illegal act, it is still a growing problem in the world because it is making the extinction of various animals more probable. Not only it cruel, but it affects the environment and ecosystem where these animals reside. Although various people, usually trophy hunters or those uninformed, argue that it isn't that big of a problem, there are realities to it that won't be stopped unless we act upon it and bring awareness of the situation. Recently, the poaching controversy has gained more attention in the news and media due to the killing of Cecil the Lion back in 2015. But what exactly is poaching and why is it illegal? Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals. Animals are captured and killed for their parts and products that are eventually sold on the black market and to cartels to make medicines, trinkets, and other products. Animals are typically poached for personal gain and value.The the illegal poaching trade in Africa alone has accumulated a worth of $17 billion dollars a year and it keeps growing. Ivory, fur, skin, and bones especially are in high demand and places/people are willing to pay high numbers for these products, so it is no surprise that people continue to hunt them. Due to poaching, the tiger is one of the most endangered species in the world . Tiger parts, such as fur, skin, and bones, are seen as a luxury and are used as commerce on the black market and secretly throughout Asia. Although China has participated in the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, the laws are commonly ignored and it remains the primary destination for tiger parts. Elephants are also on the brink of extinction and the number hunted per year keeps increasing. Despite international ivory trade being banned in the 1990s, it is still sold on the black market and sought after in Asia; once again, China being the biggest demander. According to Kideghesho in Sage Journals , "widespread poaching coupled with inefficient law enforcement in Tanzania was manifested in the dramatic decline of the elephant population to less than 30% of what it was in 1979, a drop from 316,000 to 85,000 by 1987." Rhinos are also greatly sought after in Africa. In ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Taking a Look at Poaching Poaching Poaching is the illegal hunting of any protected animal for personal gain. Poaching has been acknowledged for over one thousand years. Originally they were raiders that attacked livestock for survival. Modern poachers are well equipped and hunt to sell their body parts for large sums of money from international collectors. The poachers themselves are often very poor and work in gangs. OneGreenPlanet writes, "The Sumatran Tiger is a critically endangered species right now. It is poached and sold for its parts (skin, teeth, bones, and claws) which sell for up to $5,000. Poaching is more lucrative than other jobs that are available in the region; a harsh reality faced by many individuals and communities." Many who revert to poaching, especially in poor areas, revert to it out of necessity. Sharks are tricked to vessels and got on a snare that pulls them on board. Their dorsal balances are cut off and their bodies tossed go into the sea. Without blades they can't swim and will pass on. The unlawfully acquired blades are utilized to make shark blade soup, a delicacy in Asia. Tigers are butchered for their striped hide, elephants are executed for their ivory tusks and rhinos their substantial horn. The groups of the creatures are left to decay. This is an occurrence that happens all over the world, but few governments can deal with the problem in an orderly and efficient manner. Poaching has become a worldwide market and individuals make millions off of hunting these ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Animal Poaching In Western Kentucky The wildlife is beautiful in Western Kentucky, but some people don't respect them and the right way to hunt them if they are legal to kill. The main animals affected are usually the most common animals poached. The animal the that was affected the most is the black bear. The poaching was so bad, it almost erased black bears from Kentucky. The second most affected animal in western Kentucky is a whitetail deer. This is the most commonly hunted animal in western Kentucky. The poaching of these deer, have at times made the population low. The next most affected animal is the wild turkey. This type of hunting is less common than deer hunting, but it is still pretty popular. The turkey weren't that close to endangered as the others but it ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Animal Poaching Research Paper Poaching is a problem around the entire world. The Anti–poaching Foundation is trying to protect the endangered animals. Anti–poaching reported that modern day poachers use military equipment to kill high–target species such as elephants , rhinos , gorillas,whales and dolphin. The elephant population has dropped to 62% over the last decade. Poaching is caused by many things. Buyers think the ivory from elephants and rhinos are a type of medicine or cure but it's not . Poachers want money for the animal parts. Big horned sheep antlers can cost $20,000 dollars on the black market. A rhino horn cost $2 million dollars, so this is a regular job for a poacher. I do not understand why poachers can't just get a job like everyone ,and just save money in the bank instead of killing helpless animals About hundred african elephant are killed every single day by poachers seeking ivory meat ,other body parts , according to World of Elephants. ... Show more content on ... Back in the early part of the 20th century there may have been as many as three million african elephants. Now there are only 470,000 elephants left in Africa,and the number is declining each day. (wwf, Since 1984, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has been dedicated to protecting endangered species using investigations to help polices and actions that protect animals that are endangered like whales, elephants, rhinos, whales, and dolphins . EIA is exposing illegal ivory trade routes and advocates to stop the trade and to protect elephants.Poachers are killing a lot of rhinos because the profit from the rapidly growing demand for Rhino horn in Asia. Poachers are killing whales for their blubber and for fat, and,also for lamp oil. Gorillas can be pets for some people,so they just take the gorillas out the wild. Also gorillas are poached for trophies and their body parts. I am so upset how people kill harmless animals just for sport and just for pure ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Effects Of Animal Poaching What if animal poaching came to an end? The world would be a better place and the ecosystem and animal species would not be in danger. Animal poaching holds the number one spot for wild animal deaths, resulting in more than 50 percent of all deaths. Some people argue that animal poaching is a life style and should not be stopped. Majority of the population argues that it is wrong and steps need to be taking to end it. Big game animals such as tigers, elephants, and rhinos are facing serious danger. They are being pushed to extinction in many countries. Animal poaching is bad for the environment and food chains, its gruesome, operates on the black market and is making animals go extinct. Animal poaching has nothing good about it. It ruins many of things and changes people's way of life. It makes it harder for animal populations to stay healthy and not extinct. Animal poaching needs to be put to an end. Poaching is defined as "the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission" ( Many animals including elephants, tigers, rhinos, and snub–nosed monkeys are on the verge of extinction due to humans poaching them for felt, ivory, etc. According to, Legal, Moral and Biological Implications of Poaching and Illegal Animal Tracking on an International Scale, the loss of animals will endanger the ecosystem and therefore hurt the entire world. We need flora and fauna in our ecosystems to maintain ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. What Are The Effects Of Poaching On Society And The... Poaching and the effects on Animals, Society, and the Environment Most people know what Poaching is but the few that do not would most likely ask, "What is poaching?" The answer is that poaching is chasing and slaughtering or the catching of animals. One of the primary reasons poachers chase, catch and murder creatures in the wild, particularly jeopardized ones to make benefit. While poachers profit off of this unlawful movement, the earth endures incredibly. However, with so much focus placed on the need to stop the poaching and poachers, many forget the other victims involved in poaching hot zones: animals. A decent case is the point in which the North American Gray Wolf was on the very edge of eradication, because of poaching, the elk population in Yellowstone National Park took off. With no common predator, the elk about ate the aspen tree to termination. Presently, due to the expanding population of the wolves, the elk population are lessening and the aspen tree is recuperating. Poaching has negative symptoms that can affect neighborhood groups, natural life populaces and the earth. There are many decimating consequences for creatures, with eradication the best danger to creatures that are casualties to poaching. In 2011 the IUNC (universal Union for the Conservation of Nature) announced that the Western Black Rhinos were wiped out, since that particular species is wiped out the sub–types of the dark Rhino was poached. Poaching is more lucrative than different ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Is Poaching Illegal Should poaching be illegal? Poaching is an uprising epidemic, which has been on the news recently, for example the killing of Cecil the lion. Also known as the king of the jungle has been killed for cash due to poaching. This puts a spot light on poaching and people are beginning to see the problem. (Cronin) Poaching is illegal under the "Endangered species act" in America. To sum it up basically, poaching and/or killing an endangered animal will put you in federal prison for up to only a single decade, plus a 100,000 thousand dollar fine to convicted rhino killers. My personal opinion is that you should be imprisoned for much longer for killing such a rare animal. "The presumption against extraterritoriality" is that laws in America ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Endangered Species Persuasive Essay Persuasive Speech Back in 2014, Corey Knowlton was the target of countless death threats and criticism. The cause for all of it was his accidental purchase of a hunting permit. He had paid $350,000 at an auction for a hunting trip to Namibia to kill an endangered species which caused a lot of backlash. The endangered species was the black rhino. Most people seen this as a harmful move for the black rhino species but what most people fail to realize is that it is in fact an effort to help improve and preserve the conservations of these animals. The amount of money that is raised for these conservations is extremely large. Over $11 million dollars has been raised to help the Namibian economy and conservations in Namibia. In addition, the country ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Endangered Animals Are Endangered Tigers are primarily killed to supply underground black markets with its organs, pelts, and bones. These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine (although these treatments have been disproven and have no real medical value). Innocent endangered animals are being killed for false hopes and cures within the eastern culture. Poaching has traditionally been defined as the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of wild animals. The difference between poaching and hunting is one, is that poaching is hunting without the approval of whomever controls or owns the land. Even though some people believe poaching creates lots of business and brings in major income for certain smaller, poorer countries, it endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered animals, destroys precious ecosystems within the wild, and poaching is extremely harmful to humans. Poaching endangers our species because it reduces the population of rare or endangered animals. In the article "Poaching Blamed for Loss of Western Black Rhino", by Frank Jordans states "Its loss is significant because the Western Black Rhino is genetically distinct from other rhino subspecies. Reintroducing animals born into captivity is costly and may be impossible, experts say." According to the article, once a species or subspecies goes into extinction within its wild habitat it's near impossible to recover them back. Introducing the captive species into the area would just cause more harm and be ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Poaching Poaching is a cruel, dangerous and abusive way to make money. While there is many different types of people look it down, there are still workers that use this method to make a profit for themselves. As unfortunate as it is, there a nowadays many efforts that are trying to maintain poaching to a levels of absolute 0. Despite theses efforts being honorable and heroic, there are many challenges that are faced when completing this job. For instance, an article called, "Can Drones Stop Animal Killers?," written by Kristin Lewis talks about new ways to catch poachers, but also the serious risk and hardships of attempting to catch the said animal killers. To illustrate, one section of the article states, "But poachers are notoriously difficult to ... Show more content on ... These stated poachers take serious precaution when getting ready for a day's work, which is a negative thing for the antipoaching efforts. If trying to catch a poacher, it is easy to see that the risk is extremely high, and can result in serious injuries, and in worse case, death. However, despite some of the challenges that come with dealing with poacher, there have been many successes from the organizations that increase the likelihood of catching poachers and saving expensive animals from harm. For instance, an article written by Justin O'Neill called "Can She Be Saved?," included many of the success that certain efforts have had along the way. To elaborate, one piece of evidence that comes from the article says, "Over the years, the Trust has raised 190 orphaned elephants and 95 are now living back in the wild" (O'Neill 20). This excerpt from the article clarifies how the Trust (A place where elephants can be saved) saved many orphaned elephants from terrible fates, as most of them were most likely orphaned because of poachers. Due to the their ivory tusks, the elephants has always be a main target of poachers, who sometimes makes up to $100,000 each ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Rhino Poaching Essay Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are in the endangers list (Poaching: The Statistics). The reason the rhino population has nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching. The rhinos are being hunted and killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in traditional Asian medicines (Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why the rhinos are being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ... One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of daggers. This however mostly happened in the 70's and 80's in Yamen (Shivamber). Another reason is that due to its high value, wealthy individuals now use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is because rhino horn is more expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana is rated at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about $48,885. However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is estimated that one rhino horn can produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason being why this is such a profitable businesses for many crime organizations (Shivamber). Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the IUCN and the African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed across Africa by in 2015, making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row (Poaching Statistics). The countries affected by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe ... Get more on ...