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Review Article
Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices: a
systematic review of published case reports and series
V. Thiruvenkatarajan,1,2
R. M. Van Wijk3,4
and A. Rajbhoj1,2
1 Staff Specialist Anaesthetist, 3 Head, Department of Anaesthesia, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South
Australia, Australia
2 Clinical Senior Lecturer, 4 Associate Professor, Discipline of Acute Care Medicine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia
Cranial nerve injuries are unusual complications of supraglottic airway use. Branches of the trigeminal, glossopharyn-
geal, vagus and the hypoglossal nerve may all be injured. We performed a systematic review of published case reports
and case series of cranial nerve injury from the use of supraglottic airway devices. Lingual nerve injury was the most
commonly reported (22 patients), followed by recurrent laryngeal (17 patients), hypoglossal (11 patients), glossopha-
ryngeal (three patients), inferior alveolar (two patients) and infra-orbital (one patient). Injury is generally thought to
result from pressure neuropraxia. Contributing factors may include: an inappropriate size or misplacement of the
device; patient position; overinflation of the device cuff; and poor technique. Injuries other than to the recurrent lar-
yngeal nerve are usually mild and self-limiting. Understanding the diverse presentation of cranial nerve injuries helps
to distinguish them from other complications and assists in their management.
Correspondence to: V. Thiruvenkatarajan
Accepted: 22 September 2014
Presented at the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists’ Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore, May
The classic laryngeal mask airway (cLMA, LMA North
America, San Diego, CA, USA) was invented by Dr
Archie Brain in 1981 and introduced into clinical prac-
tice in 1988 [1, 2]. Since that time, other airway
devices that do not pass through the larynx have been
invented, and these and the original LMA are referred
to as supraglottic airway devices. They are widely used
in day-to-day practice, being used in roughly 50% of
all general anaesthetic procedures [2].
The morbidity associated with the use of supra-
glottic airway devices is largely defined by minor phar-
yngolaryngeal complications such as: sore throat (17–
42% of patients) [3]; soft tissue abrasion (16–32%) [4];
hoarseness and dysphagia. Cranial nerve injury after
the use of a supraglottic airway device is an unusual
but more serious complication. So far, injuries of lin-
gual, inferior alveolar, infra-orbital, glossopharyngeal,
recurrent laryngeal and hypoglossal nerves have been
reported. The true incidence of these injuries is not
known; we suspect many are not reported. We have
conducted a systematic review of all published case
reports and case series of cranial nerve injury following
the use of supraglottic airway devices. The aim of this
review is to analyse and summarise the features of cra-
nial nerve injuries associated with supraglottic airway
344 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 doi:10.1111/anae.12917
devices, with particular emphasis on contributing
We searched PubMed and Embase for material pub-
lished up to April 31, 2014, and identified case reports
and case series mentioning cranial nerve injuries associ-
ated with supraglottic airway devices (details of the
search strategy are presented in the Appendix). The
search was not limited to a particular start date and we
did not impose a restriction on language of publication.
The bibliographies of the identified publications were
hand-searched for additional reports. We included
reports of both adults and children, as there seems to be
no clear evidence that the mechanisms of nerve injury
differ between these two groups. To be included, the
reports had to describe and confirm the clinical evidence
of cranial nerve injury in association with the use of any
type of supraglottic airway device. Two authors working
independently extracted the following data: age, sex and
weight of the patient; size and type of device inserted;
use of nitrous oxide; cuff volume and pressure; times of
onset and resolution of symptoms; management; and
any contributing factors.
Our searches generated a total of 164 articles from
PubMed and 191 from Embase. After excluding 45
duplicates, 312 reports were left. Of these, there were
53 reports meeting the eligibility criteria (Fig. 1),
reporting a total of 56 patients. The reports were pub-
lished between 1994 and 2014; our analysis of four
reports was restricted to the abstract as we were unable
to secure translations. Patient ages ranged from
9 months to 75 years.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
Our review identified 16 cases of recurrent laryngeal
nerve injury [5–19]. Of these, 13 were reported with
the cLMA and its variants [5–16], two with the Pro-
[17, 18] and one with the Air-QTM
[19] (Table 1).
Of all the cranial nerve injuries, damage to the
recurrent laryngeal nerve was most likely to present
with significant morbidity. Uniquely among the nerve
injuries described in this review, it may present both
intraoperatively and postoperatively. The recurrent lar-
yngeal nerve ascends in the tracheo-oesophageal
groove and enters the larynx by passing under the
lower border of the inferior constrictor muscle at the
apex of the piriform fossa [5]. When correctly placed,
the tip of the LMA cuff is positioned at the inferior
border of the hypopharynx, against the upper oesopha-
geal sphincter at the level of the C6–C7 vertebral inter-
space (Fig. 2). The nerve is vulnerable to injury as it
enters the larynx, where it can be pinched against the
cricoid cartilage (Figs. 2 and 3). Unilateral paralysis
results in the vocal cord’s resting in the paramedian
position. In this situation, the laryngeal inlet will be
adequate and airway obstruction is unlikely. However,
inadequate glottic closure might result in hoarseness,
and laryngeal incompetence may lead to impaired
coughing and risk of aspiration. Bilateral palsy may
cause the vocal cords to be positioned in the midline,
with narrowing of the glottic aperture. This may pres-
ent as dyspnoea or inspiratory stridor, and occasionally
severe respiratory distress [20]. Respiratory difficulty,
requiring intubation or tracheostomy, and permanent
voice impairment are the most severe complications.
In the cases reported, it was sometimes difficult to
establish the diagnosis. For instance, the authors of
one report could not ascertain whether the vocal cord
palsy (presenting as voice impairment) after LMA use
was due to the device, or to the presence of a cervical
spine osteophyte compressing the nerve close to the
trachea and oesophagus [21]. Furthermore, vocal cord
palsy after the use of supraglottic airway devices clo-
sely resembles arytenoid cartilage subluxation and is
thus likely to be under-diagnosed [22, 23].
In the 16 cases we reviewed, the time of presenta-
tion varied from immediately after the insertion of the
LMA to up to 48 h later. Hoarseness was the most
common manifestation, followed by dysphagia and
dysphonia. Four reports documented bilateral injury.
Two patients required tracheostomy [9, 17]; one pre-
sented intra-operatively, the other 2 h after removal
[9]. A child required mechanical ventilation [12]. The
fourth patient developed features of unilateral paralysis
(aphonia and difficulty in coughing) but was found to
have bilateral paralysis when inspected through the fi-
breoptic bronchoscope [16]. Both the patients in
whom the Pro-Seal was used also needed tracheosto-
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Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
mies; one was performed in the operating room at the
time of the injury; the other required the procedure
two weeks after the anaesthetic, following aspiration
pneumonia. Co-existing disorders in the form of spi-
nocerebellar ataxia [17] and CREST (calcinosis, Ray-
naud’s phenomenon, oesophageal dysmotility,
sclerodactyly and telangiectasia) with Sjogren’s syn-
drome [18] were present in these patients. Flexible fi-
breoptic bronchoscopy or nasal endoscopy may help
in the immediate diagnosis of the more serious bilat-
eral presentations and assist in identifying conditions
that might require urgent treatment such as mucosal
trauma and arytenoid dislocation. Electromyography,
CT scan, MRI scan or video stroboscopy may also help
in distinguishing arytenoid dislocation [24] and other
causes of cord palsy. Of the 16 patients, five were
managed conservatively with recovery times varying
from 1 h up to 19 months. Partial recovery was noted
in four patients. Laryngoplasty, thyroplasty and
mechanical ventilation were required in three separate
patients [6, 7, 12]. Persisting voice damage with partial
recovery of vocal cord function was noted in five
patients [6, 7, 13, 14, 17].
Cuff pressure was described in only one patient
[17]. Cuff volume was mentioned in nine patients and
all except one [13] had an appropriate volume. Cuff
overinflation was postulated in two reports [13, 18].
Other contributory factors suggested were: incorrect
size of device for the patient [6, 8, 13]; the use of lido-
caine jelly [13, 16]; long duration of surgery [9]; poor
insertion technique [22]; reduced mucosal circulation
[17, 18] and activation of the inflammatory cascade
[14, 17] (Table 4).
Hoarseness after supraglottic airway use cannot
always be attributed to transient laryngeal irritation [6];
the possibility of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury should
always be considered. Persistent cough, speech impair-
ment or respiratory compromise warrant careful
examination and follow-up with referral to an otolaryn-
gologist [7]. Management options other than conserva-
tive treatment include voice therapy, glucocorticoids
and surgical interventions for persisting palsies. Finally,
though supraglottic airway may be preferable to tracheal
intubation in professional voice users, such patients
should be informed pre-operatively about this recurrent
laryngeal nerve injury and its consequences [5].
Records identified through
manual search (n = 3)
Duplicates removed (n = 45)
Relevant articles
(n = 313)
Excluded: Based on title
and abstract (n = 222)
Full text articles
assessed for eligibility
(n = 91)
Excluded (n = 38)
Not meeting the
Inclusion criteria
(n = 37)
Unable to get
Japanese abstract
(n = 1)Reports included (n = 53)
(Includes abstract only
data from 3 Japanese
and one Danish report)
Trigeminal nerve
Reports (n = 23)
Patients (n = 25)
Lingual (n = 22)
Inferior alveolar (n = 2)
Infra-orbital (n = 1)
Recurrent laryngeal
Reports (n = 16)
Patien ts (n = 17)
Hypoglossal nerve
Reports and patients
(n = 11)
Patients (n = 3)
Number of records identified
from PubMed and Embase
(n = 355)
Figure 1 Flow diagram of the literature search and selection process.
346 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
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348 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
Trigeminal nerve injury
The three divisions of this nerve are the ophthalmic,
maxillary and mandibular. Of all the branches of the
trigeminal nerve, the lingual nerve, a peripheral branch
of the mandibular nerve, was the most commonly
injured by supraglottic airway use. The inferior alveo-
lar branch of the mandibular nerve can also be dam-
aged. The only branch of the maxillary nerve at risk is
the infra-orbital nerve [25]. We identified 25 cases of
nerve injuries related to the peripheral branches of the
trigeminal nerve (Table 2). Of these, 22 were lingual
nerve injuries [24, 26–44], two inferior alveolar [45,
46] and one infra-orbital [25].
Of the 22 lingual nerve injuries, 14 were associated
with the use of the cLMA and its variants [24, 26–37].
The Pro-Seal, LMA SupremeTM
, i-gelâ
(cuffed oropharyngeal airway) had two associated inju-
ries each [38–44].
The lingual nerve lies immediately beneath the
mucosa on the inner surface of the mandible just
below the roots of the third molar tooth [37]. It then
passes forward to the side of the tongue, crossing the
hyoglossus muscle, and divides into terminal branches
that lie directly under the mucosa of the tongue. The
nerve is susceptible to injury by compression or
stretching by supraglottic airway devices at two points:
the lateral edge of the tongue base; and the medial
aspect of the inner surface of the mandible close to the
third molar [47, 48] (Figs. 2 and 4). Transient numb-
ness of the anterior tongue and altered taste perception
(dysgeusia) were the most common presentations.
Numbness at the tip and the lateral half of the tongue
can also be present, and can affect speech articulation
[49]. Symptoms can occur as early as a few minutes
after insertion to as late as 24 h. Lingual nerve injury
has to be differentiated from hypoglossal nerve dam-
age, which presents predominantly as motor weakness
of the tongue. No specialised investigations are
required but a subjective sensory assessment of the
tongue is useful, and aids in the monitoring of recov-
ery [48].
The cuff pressure was described in only three
patients [24, 25, 29]; the cuff volume was recorded in 11
patients. The contributing factors discussed included:
nitrous oxide use; malpositioning; incorrect sizing; pro-
longed duration of surgery; and chemical neuronitis
secondary to the use of wrong lubricant (Table 4).
Recovery occurred in all patients with lingual
nerve injury without specific treatment; this took from
a few hours to up to six months. Similar self-limiting
symptoms are frequently encountered after dental
Infra-orbital nerve
Lingual nerve
Inferior alveolar
Recurrent laryngeal
Hyoid bone
Mental nerve
Figure 2 Schematic illustration of the position of a su-
praglottic device in relation to the cranial nerves of
Figure 3 Anatomical preparation of a laryngeal mask
airway in situ. The cuff is inflated next to the point
where the thyroid and cricoid cartilages meet (arrow)
where the recurrent laryngeal nerve is situated. At this
location, the nerve enters the larynx from within the
tracheo-oesophageal groove. ‘Oesoph’ denotes oesopha-
gus (reproduced with permission from [21]).
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procedures [27]. However, although lingual nerve
damage does not lead to severe morbidity, disturbances
in taste, speech and the tongue trauma can cause sig-
nificant discomfort until recovery occurs.
The inferior alveolar nerve lies superficially between
the third molar tooth and the ramus of the mandible,
where it is vulnerable to injury [45] (Fig. 2). Injury pre-
sents as sensory loss of the lower lip resulting from
neuropraxia of the terminal branch (the mental nerve);
this creates the potential for subsequent lip trauma.
Both reported cases (cLMA and i-gel) recovered within
a week. The wide buccal stabiliser and the integral bite
block design of the i-gel makes it bulkier and harder
around the lips compared with other devices. This
could obscure the anaesthetist’s view of the lower lip
looking from the head end of the patient; accidental
taping of the lower lip to the lower bite block of the
i-gel might also contribute to nerve injury [46].
The only reported case of infra-orbital nerve injury
occurred with the LMA Supreme [25]. The maxillary
nerve continues as the infra-orbital nerve and inner-
vates the lower eyelid, upper lip, cheek and side of the
nose (Fig. 2). Injury to the infra-orbital nerve presents
as swelling and sensory loss of the upper lip. In the
report, the fixation tab of the device was fixed in close
contact with the upper lip [25]. The fixation tab is a
new feature, absent from other models of supraglottic
airway devices; it is a rectangular structure projecting
over the upper lip facilitating insertion and fixation.
According to the instructions from the manufacturer,
the distance between the fixation tab and upper lip
Third molar
Lingual plate
Lingual nerve
Figure 4 Illustration of the lingual nerve entering the
mouth at the level of the 3rd molar tooth on the lin-
gual side of the mandible, where it is close to the peri-
osteum and prone to compression.
352 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
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should be between 0.5 and 2 cm [50]. If the fixation
tab is found to press against the upper lip, a larger size
is warranted. The authors felt that this injury could
have been avoided by following the manufacturer’s
instructions. However, it may be difficult to maintain
this distance intra-operatively as the tape or tie secur-
ing the device is passed across the fixation tab, making
it difficult to inspect the distance. In addition, changes
in cuff pressure during anaesthesia may alter this dis-
tance [25].
Hypoglossal nerve injury
Our review identified 11 cases of hypoglossal nerve
injury [29, 51–60]. Of these, nine were after the cLMA
and two with the Pro-Seal (Table 3). Nine were isolated
injuries, the other two were bilateral. Eight cases were
reported in adults, two in adolescents and one in an
infant. Nitrous oxide was used in five patients and the
data were missing in three reports.
The hypoglossal nerve lies above the greater horn
of the hyoid bone at the angle of mandible before
turning forwards and medially towards the tongue
[51]. The nerve is vulnerable to neuropraxia from
compression injury due to an overinflated or malposi-
tioned cuff at the level of the greater horn of the hyoid
bone [61] (Fig. 2).
The nerve supplies the ipsilateral intrinsic and
extrinsic muscles of the tongue apart from the palato-
glossus [52, 62]. Ipsilateral injury presents as tongue
deviation to the affected side together with unilateral
muscle weakness [53, 63]. Bilateral injury manifests as
fasciculations, motor weakness of the tongue, dysar-
thria and dysphagia [54]. The onset time varied from
soon after awakening to as late as first postoperative
day. However, diagnosis can be confused by the co-
existence of other cranial nerve injuries. A review of
hypoglossal nerve injury after tracheal intubation
revealed that a quarter of the patients also had ipsilat-
eral lingual nerve damage [62]. These two nerves lie
closely together at the lateral margin of the tongue
where they can be compressed [62]. One of the two
reports with a Pro-Seal also had features of lingual
nerve injury [60]. As opposed to lingual nerve injury,
where both the cuff and the shaft of the supraglottic
airway can create pressure points, hypoglossal nerve
stretching is only related to the cuff of the device.
Internal carotid artery dissection and central venous
catheterisation through the internal jugular vein are
other rare causes of hypoglossal nerve injury [62].
Patients with severe or bilateral symptoms should
be referred to a neurologist for further management
(peripheral vs central tongue palsy). Extracranial
Doppler, duplex sonography or MRI may be required
to differentiate device-induced injury from internal
carotid artery dissection [62]. Spontaneous recovery is
possible with conservative rehabilitative measures such
as diet modifications, steroids and speech therapy [62].
All the reported patients recovered completely within a
few days to months, except one case where residual
motor weakness of the tongue persisted [57].
Cuff pressure was recorded in only one case
whereas the volume was mentioned in seven cases. In
two cases, an incorrect size was thought to contribute
to the injury [51, 58, 61].
Other contributory factors outlined from the
reports were: use of nitrous oxide; presence of a hypo-
pharyngeal haematoma in an anticoagulated patient;
extreme head rotation along with prolonged duration;
coexistent rheumatoid arthritis; and cuff overinflation
and malposition (Tables 3 and 4).
Multiple cranial nerve injuries
There were two cases of combined lingual and glosso-
pharyngeal nerve injuries [31, 44] and one report of a
combination of lingual, glossopharyngeal and hypo-
glossal nerve injuries [29]. Glossopharyngeal nerve
injury presents as taste and sensory disturbance to the
posterior third of the tongue, loss of the pharyngeal
reflex, dysphagia, and deviation of the uvula to the
opposite side [47]. Temporomandibular joint subluxa-
tion was thought to account for the combination of
these three nerve injuries [29].
There was one case of Tapia’s syndrome, which is a
combined extracranial ipsilateral injury of the recurrent
laryngeal and hypoglossal nerves [8]. Pressure neuropr-
axia of both nerves due to an overinflated cuff and
stretching are the proposed mechanisms. The hypoglos-
sal nerve is situated on the most lateral prominence of
the transverse process of the first cervical vertebra and
crosses the vagus nerve [8]; the nerves are likely to be
stretched over this prominence. The patient described
also had features of lingual nerve injury [8].
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354 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
Injuries to cranial nerves from supraglottic airway
devices present in different ways. In the reports we
retrieved, symptoms were minimal with trigeminal and
hypoglossal nerve neuropraxia, and the outcome was
good. Conversely, most patients with recurrent laryn-
geal injury presented with significant dysfunction.
Injuries can be complex in that, while many causative
mechanisms have been proposed, many happened
apparently for no identifiable reason. Awareness of
these injuries and their presentation is crucial in subse-
quent management. In the postoperative setting, anal-
gesics and residual anaesthetic drugs might mask
symptoms and signs, leading anaesthetists to overlook
the problem.
Although information on contributing factors and/
or the mechanism of injury was missing in over half the
reports included, two factors are worthy of mention.
The first is intracuff pressure. Even at recommended
cuff volumes, intracuff pressure can exceed the recom-
mended values [64] and potentially exceed the critical
capillary perfusion pressure of the pharyngeal mucosa
[65, 66]. Nitrous oxide diffusion into the cuff can
increase the cuff volume up to 38% within 30 min and
up to 50% before the end of anaesthesia [67]. Further-
more, if the cuff is inflated to the maximal recom-
mended volume, the cuff pressure can double within
60 min [68]. The cuff pressure varies between individ-
ual patients for a given volume of air [1]. A recent study
shows that, even in the absence of nitrous oxide, the
cuff pressure of the LMA can exceed the recommended
level in about three quarters of the patients; cuff pres-
sure was frequently over 120 cmH2O [69]. Measuring
the cuff pressure, and keeping it below 60 cmH2O, has
been shown to reduce pharyngolaryngeal complications
by 70% [3]. However, apart from the manufacturers’
recommendation of a maximum cuff pressure of
60 cmH2O, there are no clinical guidelines endorsing
this particular value, so others may be better.
Second, the case reports suggest that components
other than the cuff can also cause nerve injury. These
include the shaft of the device compressing the lingual
nerve at the periosteum close to the third molar, and
the fixation tab of the LMA Supreme causing infra-
orbital nerve damage. It is interesting to speculate
whether differences in device design might influence
their propensity to cause nerve injury – do the wider
shaft and the more rigid material of the LMA Supreme
make it more likely to damage the lingual nerve injury
compared with the cLMA, for instance? Current
knowledge suggests that directly measured pressures
exerted on the oropharyngeal mucosa were very low
and similar among cLMA, LMA Supreme and i-gel
[70, 71], so one might assume that they have a compa-
rable safety profile in this respect.
As many anaesthetists are more aware of periph-
eral nerve damage during anaesthesia and surgery,
some comparative features are relevant.
Most cranial nerve injuries are identified within the
first 24 h after surgery whereas peripheral neuropathies
are usually identified after 48 h [72]. Anaesthetic factors
play a predominant role in the presentation of cranial
nerve injuries, whereas surgical and predisposing factors
have a greater role in causing peripheral nerve injuries
[73]. Most of the cranial nerve injuries (apart from some
recurrent laryngeal nerve injuries) are neuropraxic in
nature. Hypertension, smoking and diabetes are well-
recognised risk factors of peripheral nerve injury [74];
however, data on a similar risk factors for cranial nerve
injury are lacking, though it seems plausible that those
with pre-existing neuropathic disease might be more
vulnerable. Lastly, while electromyography is widely
used in the management of peripheral nerve injury [75],
its utility was not described in the reports of cranial
Table 4 Possible contributing factors to cranial nerve
injuries with supraglottic airway devices.
Anaesthesia-related factors
Excessive cuff inflation,  60 cm H2O
Failure to measure and adjust the cuff pressure
Inappropriate size selection
Peri-operative manipulation of the device
Nitrous oxide use
Traumatic insertion
Poor technique
Chemical neuronitis
Patient-related factors
Diabetes mellitus
Collagen vascular disorders
Peripheral vascular disorders
Surgery-related factors
Lateral position
Extreme head rotation
Prone position
Prolonged duration
© 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 355
Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
nerve injury after supraglottic airway use. Nonetheless,
electromyography was employed in the management of
hypoglossal nerve palsy as a complication of tracheal
intubation [76] implying its possible role as a diagnostic
tool in nerve palsy after supraglottic airway use.
If cranial nerve injury is suspected, details of the
timing and progression of the symptoms, with a par-
ticular emphasis on the predisposing factors should be
elicited [75]. Attempts should be made to ascertain the
mechanism of injury and a basic neurological exami-
nation should be undertaken, concentrating on the
sensory and motor deficits. Simple assessments such as
light touch, pinprick and two-point discrimination
should be used to record baseline function and help
monitor progression. Documentation should include
schematic illustration of the areas involved, and the
nature of the injury should be well described. Patients
with minor neuropraxic injuries should be reassured
about recovery and followed up by telephone. Appro-
priate consultations should be organised as early as
possible for complicated presentations, including neu-
ropathic pain.
Although we systematically sought case reports
and series for this review, we did not include data
about cranial nerve injuries that might have appeared
within observational or randomly assigned studies of
supraglottic ariways. We did not contact device manu-
facturers nor national registries of medical device
problems. We are unable to calculate estimates of fre-
quency as the true number of nerve injuries is
unknown and we have no reliable denominator. Fur-
thermore, the evidence for specific causative factors is
moderate at best. Nevertheless, we have compiled the
largest collection of published reports to date and we
are in a position to make two comments for practice.
The first relates to device size. Currently, most
manufacturers recommend weight-based selection of
size of supraglottic airway device. However, Asai and
Brimacombe argue against using a single factor in size
selection, since there is no definite relationship
between gender, weight, height, dimensions of the oro-
pharynx and body mass index [77]. Individual ana-
tomical variations in relation to the shape and size of
the oropharynx are relevant when choosing a size of
LMA. A larger size mask where the cuff is not visible
in the back of the mouth and the cuff volume inflated
to the minimum necessary seems to be an appropriate
technique [77].
The second relates to causation. We suggest that
cranial nerve injuries may not be completely pre-
ventable and should not always be assumed to rep-
resent sub-standard care. Nevertheless, we advocate
the use of a cuff manometer and recommend that
the cuff pressure is maintained below  60 cm H2O.
A careful, gentle insertion technique; proper fixation;
and early identification and correction of misplace-
ment will also help.
In terms of research, large prospective epidemio-
logical studies are needed to determine the true inci-
dence of these injuries, as well as improving our
understanding of them. A better knowledge of the ana-
tomical configuration of new devices might also con-
tribute to greater safety, and nerve injury should be
incorporated as a secondary adverse outcome in future
studies evaluating supraglottic airway devices. The dif-
ferences between various devices in causing these inju-
ries are also worthy of further investigation.
The authors thank Dr Michael Draper, research librar-
ian at Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide, for
his help in the literature search. We would like to
thank Mr Tavik Morgenstern, School of Medical Sci-
ences, University of Adelaide, Australia, for sketching
the diagrams depicted in this manuscript. We also
thank Dr John Currie, senior visiting anaesthetist of
our hospital for his valuable guidance and inputs in
preparing the revision.
Competing interests
No external funding and no competing interests
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Appendix Details of the search
(Laryngeal mask*[tw] OR Supraglottic airway*[tw] OR
Extraglottic airway* [tw] OR Supra glottic airway*[tw]
OR Extra glottic airway* [tw] OR Ultra CPV[tw] OR
Ultra clear CPV[tw] OR Ultraflex CPV[tw] OR Aura-
straight[tw] OR Auraonce[tw] OR Aura40[tw] OR
Auraflex[tw] OR Vital seal[tw] OR King LAD[tw] OR
King LAD flexible[tw] OR LMA Classic[tw] OR LMA
unique[tw] OR LMA flexible[tw] OR Cobra PLA perila-
ryngeal airway*[tw] OR Cobra Plus[tw] OR Portex soft
seal[tw] OR SLIPA[tw] OR Streamlined liner*[tw] OR i-
gel[tw] OR LMA-prosea[tw] OR LMA-Supreme[tw] OR
King/VBM LT/Lt-D[tw] OR King/VBM LTS-D[tw] OR
VBM LTS II[tw] OR VBM GLT*[tw] OR Esophageal
tracheal tube[tw] OR Rusch Easy Tube[tw] OR Aura-i
[tw] OR Air-Q/ILA[tw] OR LMA Fastrach[tw] OR
LMA classic excel[tw] OR Baska Mask[tw] OR Guardian
358 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
CPV[tw]) AND (Cranial nerves[mh] OR Cranial nerve*
[tw] OR Lingual nerve*[tw] OR Inferior Alveolar
Nerve* [tw] OR Hypoglossal Nerve* [tw] OR Recurrent
Laryngeal Nerve* [tw] OR inferior Laryngeal Nerve*
[tw] OR Glossopharyngeal Nerve* [tw] OR Mental
nerve*[tw] OR Infra-orbital nerve*[tw] OR Infra-orbital
nerve*[tw] OR Cranial nerve injuries[mh] OR Cranial
neuropath*[tw] OR cranial neuropraxia*[tw] OR cra-
nial nerve neuropraxia* [tw] OR sensory loss*[tw] OR
tongue numbness*[tw] OR dysgeusia*[tw] OR taste*
[tw] OR Parageusia*[tw] OR Ageusia*[tw] OR Gusta-
tion [tw] OR Lip numbness[tw] OR Lip swelling[tw] OR
Swollen lip*[tw] OR Dysphagia*[tw] OR Deglutition
Disorder*[tw] OR Swallowing disorder*[tw] OR Dys-
arth*[tw] OR Tongue immobilit*[tw] OR Hoarseness
[tw] OR Stridor[tw] OR Respiratory Aspiration of Gas-
tric Contents[tw] OR Tracheostom*[tw] OR Vocal Cord
Paralys*[tw] OR Vocal cord Pals*[tw] OR Vocal fold
Pals*[tw] OR vocal cord pares*[tw] OR Vocal cord de-
formit*[tw] OR Laryngeal Paralys*[tw] OR Laryngeal
edema*[tw] OR Laryngeal oedema*[tw] OR Dysphonia
[tw] OR Phonation disorder*[tw] OR (lip[tw] AND
scabbing [tw])) AND (Case series [tw] OR Case report*
[tw] OR Case stud*[tw] OR Case histor*[tw])
‘Laryngeal mask’/syn ORsupraglottic next/1 airway*
OR supraglottic next/1 device* OR extraglottic next/1
airway* OR extraglottic next/1 device* OR ‘supra
glottic’ next/1 airway* OR ‘Supra glottic’ next/1
device* OR ‘extra glottic’ next/1 airway* OR ‘extra
glottic’ next/1 device* OR ‘Ultra CPV’ OR ‘Ultra clear
CPV’ OR ‘Ultraflex CPV’ OR Aurastraight OR Au-
raonce OR Aura40 OR Auraflex OR’Vital seal’ OR
‘King LAD’ OR ‘LMA Classic’ OR ‘LMA unique’ OR
‘LMA flexible’ OR ‘Cobra PLA’ OR ‘perilaryngeal air-
way’ OR ‘Cobra Plus ‘ OR ‘Portex soft seal’ OR SLI-
PA OR ‘Streamlined liner of the pharynx airway’ OR
‘i-gel’ OR ‘LMA-proseal’ OR ‘LMA-Supreme’ OR
‘King VBM LT Lt-D’ OR ‘King VBM LTS-D’
OR’VBM LTS II’ OR ‘VBM GLT’ OR ‘gastrolaryngeal
tube’ OR ‘Esophageal tracheal tube’ OR ‘Rusch Easy
Tube’ OR ‘Aura-i’ OR ‘Air-Q ILA’ OR ‘LMA Fast-
rach’ OR ‘LMA classic excel’ OR ‘Baska Mask’ OR
‘Guardian CPV’ AND ‘Cranial nerve’/syn OR ‘glosso-
pharyngeal nerve’/syn OR ‘hypoglossal nerve’/syn OR
‘lingual nerve’/syn OR ‘mandibular nerve’/syn OR ‘max-
illary nerve’/syn OR ‘trigeminal nerve’/syn OR ‘vagus
nerve’/syn OR ‘Inferior Alveolar Nerve’/syn OR
‘recurrent laryngeal Nerve’/syn OR ‘inferior laryngeal’
next/1 nerve* OR mental next/1 nerve* OR ‘mental
nerve’/syn OR ‘infra-orbital nerve’/syn OR ‘infra orbi-
tal’ next/1 nerve* OR ‘infra-orbital nerves’ OR ‘cranial
nerve injury’/syn OR ‘glossopharyngeal nerve injury’/
syn OR ‘hypoglossal nerve injury’/syn OR ‘trigeminal
nerve injury’/syn OR ‘vagus nerve injury’/syn OR Cra-
nial next/1 neuropath* OR cranial next/1 neuroprax-
ia* OR sensory next/1 loss* OR tongue next/1
numbness* OR dysgeusia* OR taste/syn OR ageusia/
syn OR Parageusia* OR lip next/1 numbness* OR lip
next/1 swelling* OR swollen next/1 lip* OR dyspha-
gia/syn OR dysarthria/syn OR Tongue next/1 immobi-
lit*Hoarseness OR Stridor OR ‘Respiratory Aspiration
of Gastric Contents’ OR Tracheostom* OR ‘Vocal
Cord Paralysis’/syn OR ‘Vocal cord Palsies’ OR ‘Vocal
cord’next/1 deformit* OR Laryngeal next/1 (Paralys*
OR edema* OR oedema*) OR Dysphonia/syn OR
Phonation next/1 disorder* OR (lip AND scabbing)
AND (‘Case study’/syn OR ‘Case report’ OR Case
next/1 histor*)
© 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 359
Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359

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Cranial Nerve Injuries with Supraglottic Airway Devices Review

  • 1. Review Article Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices: a systematic review of published case reports and series V. Thiruvenkatarajan,1,2 R. M. Van Wijk3,4 and A. Rajbhoj1,2 1 Staff Specialist Anaesthetist, 3 Head, Department of Anaesthesia, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, South Australia, Australia 2 Clinical Senior Lecturer, 4 Associate Professor, Discipline of Acute Care Medicine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Summary Cranial nerve injuries are unusual complications of supraglottic airway use. Branches of the trigeminal, glossopharyn- geal, vagus and the hypoglossal nerve may all be injured. We performed a systematic review of published case reports and case series of cranial nerve injury from the use of supraglottic airway devices. Lingual nerve injury was the most commonly reported (22 patients), followed by recurrent laryngeal (17 patients), hypoglossal (11 patients), glossopha- ryngeal (three patients), inferior alveolar (two patients) and infra-orbital (one patient). Injury is generally thought to result from pressure neuropraxia. Contributing factors may include: an inappropriate size or misplacement of the device; patient position; overinflation of the device cuff; and poor technique. Injuries other than to the recurrent lar- yngeal nerve are usually mild and self-limiting. Understanding the diverse presentation of cranial nerve injuries helps to distinguish them from other complications and assists in their management. ................................................................................................................................................................. Correspondence to: V. Thiruvenkatarajan Email: Accepted: 22 September 2014 Presented at the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists’ Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore, May 2014. Introduction The classic laryngeal mask airway (cLMA, LMA North America, San Diego, CA, USA) was invented by Dr Archie Brain in 1981 and introduced into clinical prac- tice in 1988 [1, 2]. Since that time, other airway devices that do not pass through the larynx have been invented, and these and the original LMA are referred to as supraglottic airway devices. They are widely used in day-to-day practice, being used in roughly 50% of all general anaesthetic procedures [2]. The morbidity associated with the use of supra- glottic airway devices is largely defined by minor phar- yngolaryngeal complications such as: sore throat (17– 42% of patients) [3]; soft tissue abrasion (16–32%) [4]; hoarseness and dysphagia. Cranial nerve injury after the use of a supraglottic airway device is an unusual but more serious complication. So far, injuries of lin- gual, inferior alveolar, infra-orbital, glossopharyngeal, recurrent laryngeal and hypoglossal nerves have been reported. The true incidence of these injuries is not known; we suspect many are not reported. We have conducted a systematic review of all published case reports and case series of cranial nerve injury following the use of supraglottic airway devices. The aim of this review is to analyse and summarise the features of cra- nial nerve injuries associated with supraglottic airway 344 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 doi:10.1111/anae.12917
  • 2. devices, with particular emphasis on contributing factors. Methods We searched PubMed and Embase for material pub- lished up to April 31, 2014, and identified case reports and case series mentioning cranial nerve injuries associ- ated with supraglottic airway devices (details of the search strategy are presented in the Appendix). The search was not limited to a particular start date and we did not impose a restriction on language of publication. The bibliographies of the identified publications were hand-searched for additional reports. We included reports of both adults and children, as there seems to be no clear evidence that the mechanisms of nerve injury differ between these two groups. To be included, the reports had to describe and confirm the clinical evidence of cranial nerve injury in association with the use of any type of supraglottic airway device. Two authors working independently extracted the following data: age, sex and weight of the patient; size and type of device inserted; use of nitrous oxide; cuff volume and pressure; times of onset and resolution of symptoms; management; and any contributing factors. Results Our searches generated a total of 164 articles from PubMed and 191 from Embase. After excluding 45 duplicates, 312 reports were left. Of these, there were 53 reports meeting the eligibility criteria (Fig. 1), reporting a total of 56 patients. The reports were pub- lished between 1994 and 2014; our analysis of four reports was restricted to the abstract as we were unable to secure translations. Patient ages ranged from 9 months to 75 years. Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage Our review identified 16 cases of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury [5–19]. Of these, 13 were reported with the cLMA and its variants [5–16], two with the Pro- Seal LMATM [17, 18] and one with the Air-QTM LMA [19] (Table 1). Of all the cranial nerve injuries, damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve was most likely to present with significant morbidity. Uniquely among the nerve injuries described in this review, it may present both intraoperatively and postoperatively. The recurrent lar- yngeal nerve ascends in the tracheo-oesophageal groove and enters the larynx by passing under the lower border of the inferior constrictor muscle at the apex of the piriform fossa [5]. When correctly placed, the tip of the LMA cuff is positioned at the inferior border of the hypopharynx, against the upper oesopha- geal sphincter at the level of the C6–C7 vertebral inter- space (Fig. 2). The nerve is vulnerable to injury as it enters the larynx, where it can be pinched against the cricoid cartilage (Figs. 2 and 3). Unilateral paralysis results in the vocal cord’s resting in the paramedian position. In this situation, the laryngeal inlet will be adequate and airway obstruction is unlikely. However, inadequate glottic closure might result in hoarseness, and laryngeal incompetence may lead to impaired coughing and risk of aspiration. Bilateral palsy may cause the vocal cords to be positioned in the midline, with narrowing of the glottic aperture. This may pres- ent as dyspnoea or inspiratory stridor, and occasionally severe respiratory distress [20]. Respiratory difficulty, requiring intubation or tracheostomy, and permanent voice impairment are the most severe complications. In the cases reported, it was sometimes difficult to establish the diagnosis. For instance, the authors of one report could not ascertain whether the vocal cord palsy (presenting as voice impairment) after LMA use was due to the device, or to the presence of a cervical spine osteophyte compressing the nerve close to the trachea and oesophagus [21]. Furthermore, vocal cord palsy after the use of supraglottic airway devices clo- sely resembles arytenoid cartilage subluxation and is thus likely to be under-diagnosed [22, 23]. In the 16 cases we reviewed, the time of presenta- tion varied from immediately after the insertion of the LMA to up to 48 h later. Hoarseness was the most common manifestation, followed by dysphagia and dysphonia. Four reports documented bilateral injury. Two patients required tracheostomy [9, 17]; one pre- sented intra-operatively, the other 2 h after removal [9]. A child required mechanical ventilation [12]. The fourth patient developed features of unilateral paralysis (aphonia and difficulty in coughing) but was found to have bilateral paralysis when inspected through the fi- breoptic bronchoscope [16]. Both the patients in whom the Pro-Seal was used also needed tracheosto- © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 345 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
  • 3. mies; one was performed in the operating room at the time of the injury; the other required the procedure two weeks after the anaesthetic, following aspiration pneumonia. Co-existing disorders in the form of spi- nocerebellar ataxia [17] and CREST (calcinosis, Ray- naud’s phenomenon, oesophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia) with Sjogren’s syn- drome [18] were present in these patients. Flexible fi- breoptic bronchoscopy or nasal endoscopy may help in the immediate diagnosis of the more serious bilat- eral presentations and assist in identifying conditions that might require urgent treatment such as mucosal trauma and arytenoid dislocation. Electromyography, CT scan, MRI scan or video stroboscopy may also help in distinguishing arytenoid dislocation [24] and other causes of cord palsy. Of the 16 patients, five were managed conservatively with recovery times varying from 1 h up to 19 months. Partial recovery was noted in four patients. Laryngoplasty, thyroplasty and mechanical ventilation were required in three separate patients [6, 7, 12]. Persisting voice damage with partial recovery of vocal cord function was noted in five patients [6, 7, 13, 14, 17]. Cuff pressure was described in only one patient [17]. Cuff volume was mentioned in nine patients and all except one [13] had an appropriate volume. Cuff overinflation was postulated in two reports [13, 18]. Other contributory factors suggested were: incorrect size of device for the patient [6, 8, 13]; the use of lido- caine jelly [13, 16]; long duration of surgery [9]; poor insertion technique [22]; reduced mucosal circulation [17, 18] and activation of the inflammatory cascade [14, 17] (Table 4). Hoarseness after supraglottic airway use cannot always be attributed to transient laryngeal irritation [6]; the possibility of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury should always be considered. Persistent cough, speech impair- ment or respiratory compromise warrant careful examination and follow-up with referral to an otolaryn- gologist [7]. Management options other than conserva- tive treatment include voice therapy, glucocorticoids and surgical interventions for persisting palsies. Finally, though supraglottic airway may be preferable to tracheal intubation in professional voice users, such patients should be informed pre-operatively about this recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and its consequences [5]. Records identified through manual search (n = 3) Duplicates removed (n = 45) Relevant articles screened (n = 313) Excluded: Based on title and abstract (n = 222) Full text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 91) Excluded (n = 38) Not meeting the Inclusion criteria (n = 37) Unable to get Japanese abstract (n = 1)Reports included (n = 53) (Includes abstract only data from 3 Japanese and one Danish report) Trigeminal nerve Reports (n = 23) Patients (n = 25) Lingual (n = 22) Inferior alveolar (n = 2) Infra-orbital (n = 1) Recurrent laryngeal nerve Reports (n = 16) Patien ts (n = 17) Hypoglossal nerve Reports and patients (n = 11) Glossopharyngeal nerve Patients (n = 3) IdentificationScreeningEligibilityIncluded Number of records identified from PubMed and Embase (n = 355) Figure 1 Flow diagram of the literature search and selection process. 346 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
  • 4. Table1Summaryofrecurrentlaryngealnerveinjuriesfollowinguseofdifferenttypesofsupraglotticairwaydevice. Reference Age; years/ sex Weight; kg Sizeof device Duration of surgery; min N2O use Cuff pressure/ volume measuredLaterality Symptoms/ signs Timeof onsetManagement Timeto recovery Contributing factors ClassicLMA Wadelek etal.[8] 57/M98470No33mlUnilateralHoarseness dysphagia, tongue deviation PACUMRIFewmonthsToosmall amask?, Semi-supine position Endo etal.[9] 63/F483425Yes20mlBilateralShortness ofbreath 2hTracheostomy1monthLongduration, arytenoid compression Chanand Grillone[6] 50/M120560NRNRUnilateralHoarseness, dysphonia PACUCTscan, Injection laryngoplasty 19months (partial) Toolargea mask? Bruce etal.[10] 21/MNR575YesNRUnilateralHoarseness2daysConservative5monthsNR Minoda etal.(A)[11] 58/FNRNRNRNRNRUnilateralHoarseness, dysphagia NRNR2monthsNR Sacks etal.[12] 4/M17290Yes7mlBilateralInspiratory stridor EndofcaseIntubation, ventilation 24hIntra-operative cuffpressure increase Lowinger etal.[7] 44/MNR450Yes20mlUnilateralDysphonia, aphonia 24hThyroplasty18months (partial) NR Brimacombe etal.[13] 74/M83360Yes35mlUnilateralHoarseness, sorethroat FewhoursConservative3months (partial) Poortechnique, toosmalla mask, over-inflation ofcuff, lidocainejelly Cros etal.[14] 19/M67490Yes20mlUnilateralDysphonia, laryngeal incompetence, fluid aspiration, sorethroat FewhoursNR2monthsIschaemic inflammatory reaction Cros etal.[14] 54/M52360Yes30mlUnilateralDysphagia, hoarseness, laryngeal incompetence FewhoursNR6months (partial) Over-inflation ofcuff Daya etal.[5] 64/F36460YesNRUnilateralHoarseness48hConservative3monthsPressure neuropraxia © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 347 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
  • 5. Table1(continued) Reference Age; years/ sex Weight; kg Sizeof device Duration of surgery; min N2O use Cuff pressure/ volume measuredLaterality Symptoms/ signs Timeof onsetManagement Timeto recovery Contributing factors LloydJones and Hegab[15] 39/F72430Yes30mlUnilateralHoarseness2daysNR3weeksPressure neuropraxia Inomata etal.[16] 45/F41397Yes15mlBilateralAphoniaImmediateConservative40minLidocainejelly Pro-Seal Carron etal.[17] 67/F60460No60cmH2OBilateralLaryngeal oedema Intra- operative TracheostomyNRReduced mucosalblood flow,altered cricoarytenoid function, inflammatory cascade Kawauchi etal.[18] 71/F503117Yes40mlUnilateralDysphagia, hoarseness, coughing 24hMinitracheostomy2months (partial) Doublethe recommended volume, reduced mucosalblood flow Air-QTM LMA Blais etal.[19] 75/FNR3NRNoNRUnilateralVocalcord bowing toright After insertion LMAadjustmentImmediateMechanical force PACU,post-anaesthesiarecoveryunit;MRI,magneticresonanceimaging;NR,notrecorded;A,abstractdata. 348 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
  • 6. Trigeminal nerve injury The three divisions of this nerve are the ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular. Of all the branches of the trigeminal nerve, the lingual nerve, a peripheral branch of the mandibular nerve, was the most commonly injured by supraglottic airway use. The inferior alveo- lar branch of the mandibular nerve can also be dam- aged. The only branch of the maxillary nerve at risk is the infra-orbital nerve [25]. We identified 25 cases of nerve injuries related to the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve (Table 2). Of these, 22 were lingual nerve injuries [24, 26–44], two inferior alveolar [45, 46] and one infra-orbital [25]. Of the 22 lingual nerve injuries, 14 were associated with the use of the cLMA and its variants [24, 26–37]. The Pro-Seal, LMA SupremeTM , i-gelâ and COPATM (cuffed oropharyngeal airway) had two associated inju- ries each [38–44]. The lingual nerve lies immediately beneath the mucosa on the inner surface of the mandible just below the roots of the third molar tooth [37]. It then passes forward to the side of the tongue, crossing the hyoglossus muscle, and divides into terminal branches that lie directly under the mucosa of the tongue. The nerve is susceptible to injury by compression or stretching by supraglottic airway devices at two points: the lateral edge of the tongue base; and the medial aspect of the inner surface of the mandible close to the third molar [47, 48] (Figs. 2 and 4). Transient numb- ness of the anterior tongue and altered taste perception (dysgeusia) were the most common presentations. Numbness at the tip and the lateral half of the tongue can also be present, and can affect speech articulation [49]. Symptoms can occur as early as a few minutes after insertion to as late as 24 h. Lingual nerve injury has to be differentiated from hypoglossal nerve dam- age, which presents predominantly as motor weakness of the tongue. No specialised investigations are required but a subjective sensory assessment of the tongue is useful, and aids in the monitoring of recov- ery [48]. The cuff pressure was described in only three patients [24, 25, 29]; the cuff volume was recorded in 11 patients. The contributing factors discussed included: nitrous oxide use; malpositioning; incorrect sizing; pro- longed duration of surgery; and chemical neuronitis secondary to the use of wrong lubricant (Table 4). Recovery occurred in all patients with lingual nerve injury without specific treatment; this took from a few hours to up to six months. Similar self-limiting symptoms are frequently encountered after dental Infra-orbital nerve Lingual nerve Inferior alveolar nerve Hypoglossal nerve Recurrent laryngeal nerve Hyoid bone Mental nerve C6 Figure 2 Schematic illustration of the position of a su- praglottic device in relation to the cranial nerves of interest. Figure 3 Anatomical preparation of a laryngeal mask airway in situ. The cuff is inflated next to the point where the thyroid and cricoid cartilages meet (arrow) where the recurrent laryngeal nerve is situated. At this location, the nerve enters the larynx from within the tracheo-oesophageal groove. ‘Oesoph’ denotes oesopha- gus (reproduced with permission from [21]). © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 349 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
  • 7. Table2Summaryoftrigeminalnerveinjuriesfollowinguseofdifferenttypesofsupraglotticairwaydevices. Reference Age; years/ sex Weight; kgSize Duration of surgery; min N2O use Cuff pressure/ volume measuredLaterality Symptoms/ signs Timeof onsetManagement Timeto recovery Contributing factors Lingualnerve ClassicLMAvariants Dhillonand O’Leary[24] 52/FNR460No<60cmH2OBilateralNumbness, taste disturbance InstantConservative4weeksEBUS induced LMA movement ElToukhyand Tweedie[26] 36/FNR4180NoNoBilateralNumbness, taste disturbance PACUConservative6weeksNR Foleyetal.[27]21/M79545No40mlUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance, FewhoursConservative4weeksNR Foleyetal.[27]50/F101370YesNRUnilateralNumbnessPACUConservative4weeksNR Inacioetal.[28]55/F754150NR20mlBilateralNumbness, taste disturbance 1hConservative2weeksSmallsize Fidelerand Schroeder[29] 32/FNR460NR50cmH2OUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance FewhoursConservative4daysTMJ subluxation Cardoso etal.[30] 36/F603120NR30mlBilateralNumbness, taste disturbance 1hConservative3weeksSmallsize Arimune(A)[31]27/MNRNRNRNRNRUnilateralTaste disturbance NANRNANR Koyama etal.(A)[32] 20/MNRNRNRYesNRNRTasteloss24hNR6monthsMalposition Gaylard[33]40/MNR460Yes20mlUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance 24hConservative2monthsNR Majumderand Hopkins[34] 27/FNR320Yes20mlBilateralNumbness, taste disturbance PACUConservative6weeksNerve compression Ostergaard etal.(A)[35] 73/MNRNR140YesNRNRTaste disturbance 1weekNR6months? partial NR Ahmedand Yentis[36] 26/MNR430Yes30mlUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance PACUNRNRNR Laxton[37]42/F54335Yes20mlUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance FewhoursConservative4months (90% recovery) Multiple factors 350 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
  • 8. Table2(continued) Reference Age; years/ sex Weight; kgSize Duration of surgery; min N2O use Cuff pressure/ volume measuredLaterality Symptoms/ signs Timeof onsetManagement Timeto recovery Contributing factors Pro-Seal Brimacombe etal.[38] 61/M745150Yes20mlUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance ImmediateConservative15daysNon-supine, shoulder surgery, N2O,long duration Brimacombe andKeller[39] 64/F76445No2mlUnilateralNumbness2hConservative10hBigsize SupremeLMA Thiruvenkatarajan etal.[40] 45/F613105NoNoTonguetipNumbnessPACUConservative3weeksSmallsize, cuff pressure not monitored Rujirojindakul etal.[41] 43/F65475NoNoTonguetipNumbness24hConservative2weeksExcesscuff pressure i-gel Renesetal.[42]69/M78445NRNRBilateralNumbness, taste disturbance FewhoursConservative8weeksi-geldesign Rujirojindakul etal.[41] 33/F53345NoNRTonguetipNumbness24hConservative2weeksNR COPA Kadryand Popat[43] 29/F601065Yes40mlUnilateralNumbness, taste disturbance PACUConservative10daysMultiple factors Laffon etal.[44] 32/F65920Yes38mlBilateralNumbnessPACUConservative2hCuffover inflation Inferior alveolarnerve ClassicLMAvariants Hanumanthiah etal.[45] 35/M854120Yes30mlUnilateralLowerlip numbness PACUConservative2weeksVascular compression i-gel Theronand Loyden[46] NR/FNR460NRNRNRLowerlip numbness andulcer NRConservative4days (partial) i-geldesign © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 351 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
  • 9. procedures [27]. However, although lingual nerve damage does not lead to severe morbidity, disturbances in taste, speech and the tongue trauma can cause sig- nificant discomfort until recovery occurs. The inferior alveolar nerve lies superficially between the third molar tooth and the ramus of the mandible, where it is vulnerable to injury [45] (Fig. 2). Injury pre- sents as sensory loss of the lower lip resulting from neuropraxia of the terminal branch (the mental nerve); this creates the potential for subsequent lip trauma. Both reported cases (cLMA and i-gel) recovered within a week. The wide buccal stabiliser and the integral bite block design of the i-gel makes it bulkier and harder around the lips compared with other devices. This could obscure the anaesthetist’s view of the lower lip looking from the head end of the patient; accidental taping of the lower lip to the lower bite block of the i-gel might also contribute to nerve injury [46]. The only reported case of infra-orbital nerve injury occurred with the LMA Supreme [25]. The maxillary nerve continues as the infra-orbital nerve and inner- vates the lower eyelid, upper lip, cheek and side of the nose (Fig. 2). Injury to the infra-orbital nerve presents as swelling and sensory loss of the upper lip. In the report, the fixation tab of the device was fixed in close contact with the upper lip [25]. The fixation tab is a new feature, absent from other models of supraglottic airway devices; it is a rectangular structure projecting over the upper lip facilitating insertion and fixation. According to the instructions from the manufacturer, the distance between the fixation tab and upper lip Table2(continued) Reference Age; years/ sex Weight; kgSize Duration of surgery; min N2O use Cuff pressure/ volume measuredLaterality Symptoms/ signs Timeof onsetManagement Timeto recovery Contributing factors infra-orbitalnerve SupremeLMA Carron etal.[25] 64/F68480No60cmH2ONRNumbness, swelling, (midline upperlip) PACUConservative14daysReduced fixation tabtolip distance COPA,cuffedoropharyngealairway;NR,notrecorded;PACU;post-anaesthesiacareunit;A,abstractdata;EBUS,endobronchialultrasound;TMJ,Temporomandibular joint. Third molar Lingual plate Lingual nerve Figure 4 Illustration of the lingual nerve entering the mouth at the level of the 3rd molar tooth on the lin- gual side of the mandible, where it is close to the peri- osteum and prone to compression. 352 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
  • 10. should be between 0.5 and 2 cm [50]. If the fixation tab is found to press against the upper lip, a larger size is warranted. The authors felt that this injury could have been avoided by following the manufacturer’s instructions. However, it may be difficult to maintain this distance intra-operatively as the tape or tie secur- ing the device is passed across the fixation tab, making it difficult to inspect the distance. In addition, changes in cuff pressure during anaesthesia may alter this dis- tance [25]. Hypoglossal nerve injury Our review identified 11 cases of hypoglossal nerve injury [29, 51–60]. Of these, nine were after the cLMA and two with the Pro-Seal (Table 3). Nine were isolated injuries, the other two were bilateral. Eight cases were reported in adults, two in adolescents and one in an infant. Nitrous oxide was used in five patients and the data were missing in three reports. The hypoglossal nerve lies above the greater horn of the hyoid bone at the angle of mandible before turning forwards and medially towards the tongue [51]. The nerve is vulnerable to neuropraxia from compression injury due to an overinflated or malposi- tioned cuff at the level of the greater horn of the hyoid bone [61] (Fig. 2). The nerve supplies the ipsilateral intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue apart from the palato- glossus [52, 62]. Ipsilateral injury presents as tongue deviation to the affected side together with unilateral muscle weakness [53, 63]. Bilateral injury manifests as fasciculations, motor weakness of the tongue, dysar- thria and dysphagia [54]. The onset time varied from soon after awakening to as late as first postoperative day. However, diagnosis can be confused by the co- existence of other cranial nerve injuries. A review of hypoglossal nerve injury after tracheal intubation revealed that a quarter of the patients also had ipsilat- eral lingual nerve damage [62]. These two nerves lie closely together at the lateral margin of the tongue where they can be compressed [62]. One of the two reports with a Pro-Seal also had features of lingual nerve injury [60]. As opposed to lingual nerve injury, where both the cuff and the shaft of the supraglottic airway can create pressure points, hypoglossal nerve stretching is only related to the cuff of the device. Internal carotid artery dissection and central venous catheterisation through the internal jugular vein are other rare causes of hypoglossal nerve injury [62]. Patients with severe or bilateral symptoms should be referred to a neurologist for further management (peripheral vs central tongue palsy). Extracranial Doppler, duplex sonography or MRI may be required to differentiate device-induced injury from internal carotid artery dissection [62]. Spontaneous recovery is possible with conservative rehabilitative measures such as diet modifications, steroids and speech therapy [62]. All the reported patients recovered completely within a few days to months, except one case where residual motor weakness of the tongue persisted [57]. Cuff pressure was recorded in only one case whereas the volume was mentioned in seven cases. In two cases, an incorrect size was thought to contribute to the injury [51, 58, 61]. Other contributory factors outlined from the reports were: use of nitrous oxide; presence of a hypo- pharyngeal haematoma in an anticoagulated patient; extreme head rotation along with prolonged duration; coexistent rheumatoid arthritis; and cuff overinflation and malposition (Tables 3 and 4). Multiple cranial nerve injuries There were two cases of combined lingual and glosso- pharyngeal nerve injuries [31, 44] and one report of a combination of lingual, glossopharyngeal and hypo- glossal nerve injuries [29]. Glossopharyngeal nerve injury presents as taste and sensory disturbance to the posterior third of the tongue, loss of the pharyngeal reflex, dysphagia, and deviation of the uvula to the opposite side [47]. Temporomandibular joint subluxa- tion was thought to account for the combination of these three nerve injuries [29]. There was one case of Tapia’s syndrome, which is a combined extracranial ipsilateral injury of the recurrent laryngeal and hypoglossal nerves [8]. Pressure neuropr- axia of both nerves due to an overinflated cuff and stretching are the proposed mechanisms. The hypoglos- sal nerve is situated on the most lateral prominence of the transverse process of the first cervical vertebra and crosses the vagus nerve [8]; the nerves are likely to be stretched over this prominence. The patient described also had features of lingual nerve injury [8]. © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 353 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
  • 11. Table3Summaryofhypoglossalnerveinjuriesfollowinguseofdifferenttypesofsupraglotticairwaydevices. Reference Age; years/ sex Weight; kgSize Duration ofsurgery; min N2O Use Cuffpressure/ volume measuredLaterality Symptoms/ signs Timeof onsetManagement Timeto recovery Contributing factors ClassicLMAvariants Trujilloetal.[55]9M/M9.71.545NoNRUnilateralTongue deviation 2hConservative, speechtherapy 3weeksNR Fidelerand Schroeder[29] 32/FNR460NR50cmH2OUnilateralTongue deviation FewhoursConservative4daysTMJ subluxation hypothesised Lo[51]48/MNR3120NR20mlUnilateralTongue deviation, dysphagia 3hConservative2weeksNR Rodriguezetal.[53]15/MNR4NRNRNRUnilateralDysarthria, tongue deviation 2hSteroids MRI 15daysNR Sommeretal.[52]15/M88490No20mlBilateralDysphagia, dysarthria, tongue fasciculations motor weakness Immed- iate Steroids MRI 4weeksExtremehead rotation, prolonged surgery Stewartand Lindsay[54] 54/M83545minYes40mlBilateralDysphagia, dysarthria, tongue weakness, 7kgweight loss Immed- iate CNSconsult Speech therapy 6weeksCuffover inflation, malposition Umapathyetal.[56]46/MNR4NRNoNRUnilateralTongue deviation, dysphagia 6hConservative6weeksNR KingandStreet[57]55/MNR4NRYes25mlUnilateralDysphagia, dysarthria 4hConservative8daysAnticoagulation Nagaietal.[58]62/F3633hYes20mlUnilateralDysphagia, tongue deviation 3hVitaminB12, steroids 1weekNR Pro-Seal Trivedi[59]24/M624300Yes30mlUnilateralDysphagia, dysarthria 1hSteroids, vitaminB12 6weeksNon-neutral headposition, N2O, prolonged duration Tr€umpelmannand Cook[60] 28/FNR5210Yes40mlUnilateralDysphagia, tongue numbness 1dayConservative4monthsN2O,prolonged surgery NR,notrecorded;TMJ,temporomandibularjoint;MRI,magneticresonanceimaging;CNS,centralnervoussystem. 354 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
  • 12. Discussion Injuries to cranial nerves from supraglottic airway devices present in different ways. In the reports we retrieved, symptoms were minimal with trigeminal and hypoglossal nerve neuropraxia, and the outcome was good. Conversely, most patients with recurrent laryn- geal injury presented with significant dysfunction. Injuries can be complex in that, while many causative mechanisms have been proposed, many happened apparently for no identifiable reason. Awareness of these injuries and their presentation is crucial in subse- quent management. In the postoperative setting, anal- gesics and residual anaesthetic drugs might mask symptoms and signs, leading anaesthetists to overlook the problem. Although information on contributing factors and/ or the mechanism of injury was missing in over half the reports included, two factors are worthy of mention. The first is intracuff pressure. Even at recommended cuff volumes, intracuff pressure can exceed the recom- mended values [64] and potentially exceed the critical capillary perfusion pressure of the pharyngeal mucosa [65, 66]. Nitrous oxide diffusion into the cuff can increase the cuff volume up to 38% within 30 min and up to 50% before the end of anaesthesia [67]. Further- more, if the cuff is inflated to the maximal recom- mended volume, the cuff pressure can double within 60 min [68]. The cuff pressure varies between individ- ual patients for a given volume of air [1]. A recent study shows that, even in the absence of nitrous oxide, the cuff pressure of the LMA can exceed the recommended level in about three quarters of the patients; cuff pres- sure was frequently over 120 cmH2O [69]. Measuring the cuff pressure, and keeping it below 60 cmH2O, has been shown to reduce pharyngolaryngeal complications by 70% [3]. However, apart from the manufacturers’ recommendation of a maximum cuff pressure of 60 cmH2O, there are no clinical guidelines endorsing this particular value, so others may be better. Second, the case reports suggest that components other than the cuff can also cause nerve injury. These include the shaft of the device compressing the lingual nerve at the periosteum close to the third molar, and the fixation tab of the LMA Supreme causing infra- orbital nerve damage. It is interesting to speculate whether differences in device design might influence their propensity to cause nerve injury – do the wider shaft and the more rigid material of the LMA Supreme make it more likely to damage the lingual nerve injury compared with the cLMA, for instance? Current knowledge suggests that directly measured pressures exerted on the oropharyngeal mucosa were very low and similar among cLMA, LMA Supreme and i-gel [70, 71], so one might assume that they have a compa- rable safety profile in this respect. As many anaesthetists are more aware of periph- eral nerve damage during anaesthesia and surgery, some comparative features are relevant. Most cranial nerve injuries are identified within the first 24 h after surgery whereas peripheral neuropathies are usually identified after 48 h [72]. Anaesthetic factors play a predominant role in the presentation of cranial nerve injuries, whereas surgical and predisposing factors have a greater role in causing peripheral nerve injuries [73]. Most of the cranial nerve injuries (apart from some recurrent laryngeal nerve injuries) are neuropraxic in nature. Hypertension, smoking and diabetes are well- recognised risk factors of peripheral nerve injury [74]; however, data on a similar risk factors for cranial nerve injury are lacking, though it seems plausible that those with pre-existing neuropathic disease might be more vulnerable. Lastly, while electromyography is widely used in the management of peripheral nerve injury [75], its utility was not described in the reports of cranial Table 4 Possible contributing factors to cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices. Anaesthesia-related factors Excessive cuff inflation, 60 cm H2O Failure to measure and adjust the cuff pressure Inappropriate size selection Peri-operative manipulation of the device Nitrous oxide use Malpositioning Traumatic insertion Poor technique Chemical neuronitis Patient-related factors Diabetes mellitus Collagen vascular disorders Peripheral vascular disorders Surgery-related factors Lateral position Extreme head rotation Prone position Prolonged duration © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 355 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359
  • 13. nerve injury after supraglottic airway use. Nonetheless, electromyography was employed in the management of hypoglossal nerve palsy as a complication of tracheal intubation [76] implying its possible role as a diagnostic tool in nerve palsy after supraglottic airway use. If cranial nerve injury is suspected, details of the timing and progression of the symptoms, with a par- ticular emphasis on the predisposing factors should be elicited [75]. Attempts should be made to ascertain the mechanism of injury and a basic neurological exami- nation should be undertaken, concentrating on the sensory and motor deficits. Simple assessments such as light touch, pinprick and two-point discrimination should be used to record baseline function and help monitor progression. Documentation should include schematic illustration of the areas involved, and the nature of the injury should be well described. Patients with minor neuropraxic injuries should be reassured about recovery and followed up by telephone. Appro- priate consultations should be organised as early as possible for complicated presentations, including neu- ropathic pain. Although we systematically sought case reports and series for this review, we did not include data about cranial nerve injuries that might have appeared within observational or randomly assigned studies of supraglottic ariways. We did not contact device manu- facturers nor national registries of medical device problems. We are unable to calculate estimates of fre- quency as the true number of nerve injuries is unknown and we have no reliable denominator. Fur- thermore, the evidence for specific causative factors is moderate at best. Nevertheless, we have compiled the largest collection of published reports to date and we are in a position to make two comments for practice. The first relates to device size. Currently, most manufacturers recommend weight-based selection of size of supraglottic airway device. However, Asai and Brimacombe argue against using a single factor in size selection, since there is no definite relationship between gender, weight, height, dimensions of the oro- pharynx and body mass index [77]. Individual ana- tomical variations in relation to the shape and size of the oropharynx are relevant when choosing a size of LMA. A larger size mask where the cuff is not visible in the back of the mouth and the cuff volume inflated to the minimum necessary seems to be an appropriate technique [77]. The second relates to causation. We suggest that cranial nerve injuries may not be completely pre- ventable and should not always be assumed to rep- resent sub-standard care. Nevertheless, we advocate the use of a cuff manometer and recommend that the cuff pressure is maintained below 60 cm H2O. A careful, gentle insertion technique; proper fixation; and early identification and correction of misplace- ment will also help. In terms of research, large prospective epidemio- logical studies are needed to determine the true inci- dence of these injuries, as well as improving our understanding of them. A better knowledge of the ana- tomical configuration of new devices might also con- tribute to greater safety, and nerve injury should be incorporated as a secondary adverse outcome in future studies evaluating supraglottic airway devices. The dif- ferences between various devices in causing these inju- ries are also worthy of further investigation. Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr Michael Draper, research librar- ian at Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide, for his help in the literature search. We would like to thank Mr Tavik Morgenstern, School of Medical Sci- ences, University of Adelaide, Australia, for sketching the diagrams depicted in this manuscript. We also thank Dr John Currie, senior visiting anaesthetist of our hospital for his valuable guidance and inputs in preparing the revision. Competing interests No external funding and no competing interests declared. References 1. Hernandez MR, Klock PA Jr, Ovassapian A. Evolution of the extra- glottic airway: a review of its history, applications, and practical tips for success. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2012; 114: 349–68. 2. Cook T, Howes B. Supraglottic airway devices: recent advances. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain 2011; 11: 56–61. 3. Seet E, Yousaf F, Gupta S, Subramanyam R, Wong DT, Chung F. Use of manometry for laryngeal mask airway reduces postop- erative pharyngolaryngeal adverse events: a prospective, ran- domized trial. Anesthesiology 2010; 112: 652–7. 356 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
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Appendix Details of the search strategy PubMed (Laryngeal mask*[tw] OR Supraglottic airway*[tw] OR Extraglottic airway* [tw] OR Supra glottic airway*[tw] OR Extra glottic airway* [tw] OR Ultra CPV[tw] OR Ultra clear CPV[tw] OR Ultraflex CPV[tw] OR Aura- straight[tw] OR Auraonce[tw] OR Aura40[tw] OR Auraflex[tw] OR Vital seal[tw] OR King LAD[tw] OR King LAD flexible[tw] OR LMA Classic[tw] OR LMA unique[tw] OR LMA flexible[tw] OR Cobra PLA perila- ryngeal airway*[tw] OR Cobra Plus[tw] OR Portex soft seal[tw] OR SLIPA[tw] OR Streamlined liner*[tw] OR i- gel[tw] OR LMA-prosea[tw] OR LMA-Supreme[tw] OR King/VBM LT/Lt-D[tw] OR King/VBM LTS-D[tw] OR VBM LTS II[tw] OR VBM GLT*[tw] OR Esophageal tracheal tube[tw] OR Rusch Easy Tube[tw] OR Aura-i [tw] OR Air-Q/ILA[tw] OR LMA Fastrach[tw] OR LMA classic excel[tw] OR Baska Mask[tw] OR Guardian 358 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices
  • 16. CPV[tw]) AND (Cranial nerves[mh] OR Cranial nerve* [tw] OR Lingual nerve*[tw] OR Inferior Alveolar Nerve* [tw] OR Hypoglossal Nerve* [tw] OR Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve* [tw] OR inferior Laryngeal Nerve* [tw] OR Glossopharyngeal Nerve* [tw] OR Mental nerve*[tw] OR Infra-orbital nerve*[tw] OR Infra-orbital nerve*[tw] OR Cranial nerve injuries[mh] OR Cranial neuropath*[tw] OR cranial neuropraxia*[tw] OR cra- nial nerve neuropraxia* [tw] OR sensory loss*[tw] OR tongue numbness*[tw] OR dysgeusia*[tw] OR taste* [tw] OR Parageusia*[tw] OR Ageusia*[tw] OR Gusta- tion [tw] OR Lip numbness[tw] OR Lip swelling[tw] OR Swollen lip*[tw] OR Dysphagia*[tw] OR Deglutition Disorder*[tw] OR Swallowing disorder*[tw] OR Dys- arth*[tw] OR Tongue immobilit*[tw] OR Hoarseness [tw] OR Stridor[tw] OR Respiratory Aspiration of Gas- tric Contents[tw] OR Tracheostom*[tw] OR Vocal Cord Paralys*[tw] OR Vocal cord Pals*[tw] OR Vocal fold Pals*[tw] OR vocal cord pares*[tw] OR Vocal cord de- formit*[tw] OR Laryngeal Paralys*[tw] OR Laryngeal edema*[tw] OR Laryngeal oedema*[tw] OR Dysphonia [tw] OR Phonation disorder*[tw] OR (lip[tw] AND scabbing [tw])) AND (Case series [tw] OR Case report* [tw] OR Case stud*[tw] OR Case histor*[tw]) Embase ‘Laryngeal mask’/syn ORsupraglottic next/1 airway* OR supraglottic next/1 device* OR extraglottic next/1 airway* OR extraglottic next/1 device* OR ‘supra glottic’ next/1 airway* OR ‘Supra glottic’ next/1 device* OR ‘extra glottic’ next/1 airway* OR ‘extra glottic’ next/1 device* OR ‘Ultra CPV’ OR ‘Ultra clear CPV’ OR ‘Ultraflex CPV’ OR Aurastraight OR Au- raonce OR Aura40 OR Auraflex OR’Vital seal’ OR ‘King LAD’ OR ‘LMA Classic’ OR ‘LMA unique’ OR ‘LMA flexible’ OR ‘Cobra PLA’ OR ‘perilaryngeal air- way’ OR ‘Cobra Plus ‘ OR ‘Portex soft seal’ OR SLI- PA OR ‘Streamlined liner of the pharynx airway’ OR ‘i-gel’ OR ‘LMA-proseal’ OR ‘LMA-Supreme’ OR ‘King VBM LT Lt-D’ OR ‘King VBM LTS-D’ OR’VBM LTS II’ OR ‘VBM GLT’ OR ‘gastrolaryngeal tube’ OR ‘Esophageal tracheal tube’ OR ‘Rusch Easy Tube’ OR ‘Aura-i’ OR ‘Air-Q ILA’ OR ‘LMA Fast- rach’ OR ‘LMA classic excel’ OR ‘Baska Mask’ OR ‘Guardian CPV’ AND ‘Cranial nerve’/syn OR ‘glosso- pharyngeal nerve’/syn OR ‘hypoglossal nerve’/syn OR ‘lingual nerve’/syn OR ‘mandibular nerve’/syn OR ‘max- illary nerve’/syn OR ‘trigeminal nerve’/syn OR ‘vagus nerve’/syn OR ‘Inferior Alveolar Nerve’/syn OR ‘recurrent laryngeal Nerve’/syn OR ‘inferior laryngeal’ next/1 nerve* OR mental next/1 nerve* OR ‘mental nerve’/syn OR ‘infra-orbital nerve’/syn OR ‘infra orbi- tal’ next/1 nerve* OR ‘infra-orbital nerves’ OR ‘cranial nerve injury’/syn OR ‘glossopharyngeal nerve injury’/ syn OR ‘hypoglossal nerve injury’/syn OR ‘trigeminal nerve injury’/syn OR ‘vagus nerve injury’/syn OR Cra- nial next/1 neuropath* OR cranial next/1 neuroprax- ia* OR sensory next/1 loss* OR tongue next/1 numbness* OR dysgeusia* OR taste/syn OR ageusia/ syn OR Parageusia* OR lip next/1 numbness* OR lip next/1 swelling* OR swollen next/1 lip* OR dyspha- gia/syn OR dysarthria/syn OR Tongue next/1 immobi- lit*Hoarseness OR Stridor OR ‘Respiratory Aspiration of Gastric Contents’ OR Tracheostom* OR ‘Vocal Cord Paralysis’/syn OR ‘Vocal cord Palsies’ OR ‘Vocal cord’next/1 deformit* OR Laryngeal next/1 (Paralys* OR edema* OR oedema*) OR Dysphonia/syn OR Phonation next/1 disorder* OR (lip AND scabbing) AND (‘Case study’/syn OR ‘Case report’ OR Case next/1 histor*) © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 359 Thiruvenkatarajan et al. | Cranial nerve injuries with supraglottic airway devices Anaesthesia 2015, 70, 344–359