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Question:Is the ideaof religionandchurch going to continue its downwardslide
until it is non-existent?
Is religiongoing tocontinue its downwardslide?
The true teachingswill prevail;the manipulatedteachingswillbe exposedandignored
The true religionteachingsteachcompassion,patience,feedingthe hungry,defendingthe oppressed,
self-constraint,forgiveness; those shouldbringpeople togetherandshouldtransformearthintoa
The manipulatedteachingsare basedonboasting,promote hatred,skepticism, lackof faithand
There isonlyone God whohas revealedthe same message to all prophets.
The same message revealedtothe prophetsbythe same Godmust be consistent
Religionsare made badthe waythat we twistthem
Althoughthe core religionteachingsguide us to believe inGodand to do gooddeedsto help others,
scholars of each religionhave distortedsome teachingsin order to claim that their religionisthe only
true religionand that they have the only way for salvation.
JewishscholarsteachthatJewsare the chosenpeople of God
ChristianScholarsteachthattheyare the predestined,the glorified,andthe chosenbeforethe creation
of the world
MuslimScholarsteachthat Jewsare cursed,Christiansare misguided,andthatMuslimsare the truly
guidedpeople(they should have taught that the Muslims who do not follow the prophets’
teachings are also cursed)
All those scholarsare mistaken
The common groundof religionteachingsincludes:
In obedienceandrepentance isyoursalvation,if youobeyanddogooddeeds,youwill be blessed,if you
disobeyyouwill be lost;thatisthe clearmessage.Thatmessage isthe mostconsistentmessage by
It iswrong to sayJudaismisthe right religionbecause there are manyadditionsandchangestowhat
God has revealedtoMoses,David,Solomon,Isaiah,etc.
It iswrong to saythat the current teachingsof Christianityare the true religionbecausemostof the
currentteachingsare the attractive teachingswhichare notconsistentwiththe strictteachingsof Jesus.
It iswrong to acceptall the currentteachingsof Islambecause there are manyteachingswhich
contradictthe core versesof Qur’an.
Prophetsdidnotteachthat God has preservedthe holybook;theyhave advisedthatthere will be
changesand have warnedof such additions anddeletions.
Amos8:11-12 teachthat People will be thirstyforthe true wordof God buttheywill notfindit
Psalm56:5 teachesAll daylongtheytwistmywords
Jeremiah8:8 teachesthe lyingpenof the scribeshasdistortedthe wordof God
Jeremiah5:30-31 teach that the priestshave distortedthe religionteachingsandthatthe people love
those distortedteachings
People are confusedbythe contradictingteachings,theytrytosearchthe internetforthe true word of
God, buttheyfindmany distortedteachings
Insteadof the consistentandlogical teachingslike
‘Do not have two differingmeasures’,‘The same law appliesbothtothe native-bornandtothe
foreigner’,‘The foreignermustbe treatedasyournative-born’,‘Youare to have the same law for the
foreignerandthe native-born’
inDeuteronomy25:13-16, Exodus12:49, Leviticus19:33-35
, Leviticus24:22, Numbers15:15-16, Deuteronomy24:14-15
The biasedscribeshave ignoredthose true teachingsandinsertedsome additionstorestrict justice to
the ‘fellowIsraelite’,‘mypeopleamongyou’,or‘Hebrew menorwomen’
Theydo not teachthe original teachingsanymore;instead,theyteachthe manipulatedteachingslike
“You may charge a foreignerinterest,butnota fellow Israelite”
In Deuteronomy23:19-20, Exodus22:25, Deuteronomy15:1-2, Deuteronomy15:12
Insteadof the true teaching‘Youshall not murder ‘inExodus20:13 andDeuteronomy5:17
The scribeswhoglorifydefeatingtheirenemiesignoredthe true teachingandaddedsome verses to
justifythe killinglike Exodus23:23,Numbers31:16-18, Joshua6:20-21, Judges15:14-16 and Judges
Insteadof ‘Nationshall not liftup sword against nation,neithershall they learn war any more’in
Isaiah2:4, theyhave justifiedatrocities.
Insteadof the true andmost consistentteachingsof ‘blessingsforobedience andcursesfor
disobedience’inLeviticus26,Deuteronomy28,Deuteronomy11:26-28, Deuteronomy4:40,
Deuteronomy6:24-25, Deuteronomy7:12-15, andDeuteronomy8,theyteachthat God has chosen
themregardlessof theirobedience asinthe distortedteachingsof Deuteronomy9:5-6and
WhenJacob’sdescendantswantedtoglorifyhim, theyclaimedthathe wrestledwithGodandwas
saved.The versesinGenesis32:24-30 teachthat Jacob wasable to wrestle withGod;he saidto God
"I will not let you go unlessyou blessme”
Insteadof the true andstrict teachingsof JesusinMatthew 7:21-27, Luke 13:25-27, Matthew 22:35-40,
Luke 10:25-28, Matthew25:35-45, Mark 12:28-34, Mark 10:17-19, Matthew 19:16-19, Luke 18:18-20,
Luke 6:46-48, John14:15 and John14:21 mostChristianscholarslike toboastand teachthe attractive
teachingslike Romans8:30, 1 Thessalonians5:9,Ephesians2:5,Ephesians2:8-9, Romans3:28, Galatians
2:16, Colossians2:14 and Ephesians1:4
Whenthe scribes wantedto support the doctrine of atonement,theyhave addedverseslike Matthew
18:11 For the Son of Man has come to save that whichwas lost
The bible footnotesexplainthatverse Matthew 18:11 was not inthe original oldscriptures
Hebrews9:22 “withoutthe sheddingof bloodthere isnoforgiveness”isamisunderstandingof verse
Leviticus17:11 whichisnot aboutatonementbutisaboutdietarylaws.Godhas clarifiedthatbloodin
meatis notgood forhealth;that clarificationwasnecessarytothe people whodidnothave advanced
medical toolstoknowthat eatingthe meatwiththe bloodstill initisbad forhealth
The true wordof God isnot whatis writtenbythe unknownwriterof Hebrews;itiswhathasbeen
taught byMoses,Jesusandthe Prophetswhotaughtthe forgivenessispossible byobedience,
Proverbs16:6 teachesthat“In mercyand truth atonementisprovidedforiniquity.”
Psalm69:30-31 teachesthat praise worshipisbetterthansacrifice
2 Chronicles7:14 teachesthatforgivenessisobtainable withoutabloodsacrifice
‘If my people whoare calledbymyname will humble themselves,andprayand seekmyface,and turn
fromtheirwickedways,thenIwill hearfromheavenandwill forgivetheirsin’
Jonah3 teachesthatpeople are forgivenwhentheyrepentedandfasted,withoutofferinganysacrifice
and withoutsheddinganyblood.
Whenthe scribes and scholars wanted to gain more authority, theyadded verseslike Mark 16:15 and
Matthew 28:18
Bible footnotesconfirmthat[The earliestmanuscriptsandsome otherancientwitnessesdonothave
versesMark 16:9–20]
Justsearch the bible footnotesorsearchthe internetaboutthe versesMark16:9–20 - youwill alsofind
that Matthewgospel includesmanyversesof Markgospel whichwaswrittenearlier
Whenthe scribes wantedto support the doctrine of Trinity; theyhave addedverseslike 1 John 5:7
“For there are three that bearrecord inheaven,the Father,the Word,and the HolyGhost: and these
three are one”
The bible footnotesexplainthatverse 1John5:7 was not inthe original oldscriptures.
The bible footnotesshowmanyotheradditionsinKingJamesVersionwhichwere addedtosupportthe
claimsof the trinity andwhichwere notinthe oldscripture;examplesare:
In I John4:3 ‘CHRIST iscome in the flesh’isanaddition
In Matthew8:2, 9:18, 15:25, 18:26, 20:20, Mark 5:6 the word‘bow down'was changedto ‘worshiped’.
Jesusreferredtohimself as“sonof man”. Jesuswasnot all-knowledgeable andhe prayedtoGOD, so
thisisenoughto say thathe wasn’tGod nor didGod come downto earthto be Jesus.
Jesussaid,“Andthisislife eternal,thattheymightknow You the only true God, andJesusChrist,whom
You have sent.”John17:3
Jesussaidthat he doesnotknoweverything;he saidthatonlyGodknows
But aboutthat day or hour noone knows,noteventhe angelsinheaven,northe Son,butonlythe
FatherMark 13:32
Jesussaidthat he isnot equal toGod
“I can of mine ownself donothing:asI hear,I judge:andmy judgmentisjust;because Iseeknotmy
ownwill,butthe will of the Fatherwhichhathsentme.”John5:30
Jesussaid,“The Fatherisgreaterthan I.” John14:28
“Jesusansweredthem,andsaid,Mydoctrine isnot mine,buthisthatsentme.”John 7:16
JesusprayedtoGod as writteninMark 1:35, Luke 5:16, John17:11, Matthew 26:39, Luke 10:21, Luke
“my Fatherand yourFather;my God and yourGod” John 20:17
The disciplesdidnotprayto Jesus,theyprayedtothe God and Fatherof Jesus
“Blessedbe the Godand Fatherof ourLord JesusChrist…”1 Peter1:3
The Muslimscholarswhojustifykillingof innocentpeopleare nottrue Muslimsbecause theydonot
obeythe Qur’anverseslike 5:32, 4:90, 2:190, 8:61, 17:33, 25:68 and 6:151 whichteach ‘Youshall notkill
- God has made life sacred’
The Muslimscholarswhoteach to kill the unbelieversare mistaken;verse 9:6isenoughproof fortheir
mistakes,because Muslimsare supposedtoprotectthe unbelieversandtheycannotprotectthemafter
The Muslimswhojustifykillingof those wholeaveIslamare mistakenbecausetheydonotobeythe
Islamicteachingslike Qur’anverses2:256, 16:125 and 18:29 whichteachFreedomof Religion
The Muslimscholarswhojustifythe killingof the hostagesare mistaken;verse8:70 provesthatthe
hostage isnot to be killed,becauseMuslimsare supposedtocomfortthe hostagesandtheycannot
The Muslimscholarswhoteach that Islamisthe onlytrue religionare mistaken;theyhave beenordered
to believeinwhathasbeenrevealedtoMoses,JesusandotherProphetsastaughtin Qur’anverses
3:84, 4:136, 4:152 and 42:13
The Muslimscholarswhoteach that the fate of people hadbeendeterminedbefore theywere bornand
before theyhadanychance to do goodor bad are mistaken;theyignore the basicQur’anverseslike
4:147, 4:152, 6:48, 6:54, 17:15, 45:15,43:72, 16:35, 19:63, 19:76, 20:112, 34:50, 37:39, 39:41, 39:70,
40:17, 47:17, 55:60, 56:24, and18:107
The versesteachthat God doesnotpredestine people’sfate butgivesthemthe choice eithertoobey
and do gooddeedsorto rebel anddo evil deeds;thereisnopunishmentforthose whochoose toobey
and to thankGod.
Moseswarnedof the expectedturningfromthe wayhe has commandedthem, inDeuteronomy31:27-
29 he usedstrongwordslike
“For I knowhowrebelliousandstiff-neckedyouare.If youhave beenrebelliousagainstGodwhileIam
still alive andwithyou,howmuchmore will yourebel afterIdie!”
“For I knowthat aftermy deathyouare sure to become utterlycorruptandto turn fromthe wayI have
commandedyou.Indaysto come,disasterwill fall onyoubecause youwill doevil inthe sightof God
and arouse his angerby whatyour handshave made”
Jesushaswarnedthe priestswhospendmore time inthe housesof widows.InMatthew 23:14 he said
“Woe to you,scribesandPharisees,hypocrites,becauseyoudevourwidows'houses,andfora pretense
youmake longprayers;therefore youwill receive greatercondemnation”
In Matthew7:15-20, Jesuswarnedof the false teacherswhomisleadpeople
Beware of the false prophets,whocome toyouin sheep’sclothing,butinwardlyare ravenouswolves
The same teachingisalso writteninLuke 6:43-44
As Mosesand Jesuswarnedof the false teacherswhoexplainreligiontotheirbenefits,the prophetof
Islamhas alsowarnedof those whoignore the true teachingsandteach differentteachings
“I will saythose people are fromme. Itwill be said,'Youdo not know whatchangesand new thingsthey
didafteryou.' ThenI will say,'Far removed(frommercy),farremoved(frommercy),thosewhochanged
(the religion)afterme!”
That is recordedinBukhari 7051 Book 92, Hadith4 andin Volume 9,Book88, Hadith174
The bestadvice isto followthe commongroundof the clear teachingsastaughtby the prophets. The
same message revealedtothe prophetsby the same Godmust be consistent,clear and easy for all
people regardlessoftheir level ofeducationor experience
The common groundof religionteachingsincludes:
If you obeyanddo good deedstohelpothersthenyouwill be savedandblessed;if youdisobey,youwill
be lostand cursed;that is the clearmessage.Thatmessage isthe mostreiteratedmessage bythe wise
How can you validate my claims?
The bestadvice isto ask God to guide usto the truth.
The door is openforeveryone toexperience divineintervention
The wise andmerciful fatherkeepshisdooropenforhischildren
God has more wisdomandmercythan any wise mercifulfather
People can communicate with God at any time
Prophetsof Judaism,Christianity,andIslamhave urgedusto askGod and taught that God answersthe
prayersof the obedientbeliever.
Example versesare:
Psalm107:28-30, Psalm18:6, Psalm145:18, 2 Chronicles7:14,Isaiah58:9
Matthew7:7, Mark 11:24, Luke 6:27-28, James4:2, Qur’an2:186, Qur’an40:60
Do not worryabout howyouwill receive andunderstandthe answer;Godhascreatedus and he knows
howto conveyhismessage tous.
I have spentyearswonderingaboutwhatthe purpose of life is.
I have analyzedthe teachingsof Judaism, Christianity,andIslamandprayedto God to guide me tothe
I had some doubtsaboutthe teachingsof a certainteacher,I have prayedtoGod toguide me to the
I saw ina veryclear dreamthat teacherina form of a criminal prisoner,hascommittedevil,waitingfor
In anotherdream I sawa wolf hidingafterattackingsheep;Iunderstoodthatmessage asthe bad
teacherwhotry to misleadpeople bythe badteachingsasJesusexplainedinMatthew 7:15-20
“Beware of false prophets,which come to you in sheep'sclothing,butinwardly theyare ravening
I alsorememberedthe Parable of the WeedsinwhichJesuswarnedusaboutthe enemywhoinsertfalse
teachingsintothe scripture inMatthew13:24-43
‘an enemycame and sowed weedsamong the wheat’
Pray andask God to guide you aboutthe teacherwhoclaimsthatGod doesnot exist;youwill see himin
a bad image
Pray to God to knowthe truthabout the teacherwhoteachesthat JesusisGod
Pray to God to knowthe truthabout the teacherwhoclaimsthat God testsus inthislife andwill reward
us accordingto our obedience andgooddeeds
Pray to God to knowthe truthabout the teacherwhotaught original sin,atonement,salvationnot
basedon obedience buttaughtfree salvationbyasaviorto die forour sins
Again,donot worry about howyouwill receive andunderstandthe answer;Godhascreatedus and he
knowshowto conveyhismessage tous.
Isaiah58:9 ‘Thenyou will call,andGodwill answer;
you will cryfor help,andhe will say:Here am I’.
The followinganswersinclude the details:

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What is the future of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

  • 1. Question:Is the ideaof religionandchurch going to continue its downwardslide until it is non-existent? Is religiongoing tocontinue its downwardslide? it-is-non-existent/answer/Sabri-Shahin The true teachingswill prevail;the manipulatedteachingswillbe exposedandignored The true religionteachingsteachcompassion,patience,feedingthe hungry,defendingthe oppressed, self-constraint,forgiveness; those shouldbringpeople togetherandshouldtransformearthintoa paradise The manipulatedteachingsare basedonboasting,promote hatred,skepticism, lackof faithand unnecessaryconflicts There isonlyone God whohas revealedthe same message to all prophets. The same message revealedtothe prophetsbythe same Godmust be consistent Religionsare made badthe waythat we twistthem Althoughthe core religionteachingsguide us to believe inGodand to do gooddeedsto help others, scholars of each religionhave distortedsome teachingsin order to claim that their religionisthe only true religionand that they have the only way for salvation. JewishscholarsteachthatJewsare the chosenpeople of God ChristianScholarsteachthattheyare the predestined,the glorified,andthe chosenbeforethe creation of the world MuslimScholarsteachthat Jewsare cursed,Christiansare misguided,andthatMuslimsare the truly guidedpeople(they should have taught that the Muslims who do not follow the prophets’ teachings are also cursed) All those scholarsare mistaken The common groundof religionteachingsincludes: In obedienceandrepentance isyoursalvation,if youobeyanddogooddeeds,youwill be blessed,if you disobeyyouwill be lost;thatisthe clearmessage.Thatmessage isthe mostconsistentmessage by Moses,confirmedbyJesusandbyIslamicteachings It iswrong to sayJudaismisthe right religionbecause there are manyadditionsandchangestowhat God has revealedtoMoses,David,Solomon,Isaiah,etc.
  • 2. It iswrong to saythat the current teachingsof Christianityare the true religionbecausemostof the currentteachingsare the attractive teachingswhichare notconsistentwiththe strictteachingsof Jesus. It iswrong to acceptall the currentteachingsof Islambecause there are manyteachingswhich contradictthe core versesof Qur’an. Prophetsdidnotteachthat God has preservedthe holybook;theyhave advisedthatthere will be changesand have warnedof such additions anddeletions. Amos8:11-12 teachthat People will be thirstyforthe true wordof God buttheywill notfindit anywhere Psalm56:5 teachesAll daylongtheytwistmywords Jeremiah8:8 teachesthe lyingpenof the scribeshasdistortedthe wordof God Jeremiah5:30-31 teach that the priestshave distortedthe religionteachingsandthatthe people love those distortedteachings People are confusedbythe contradictingteachings,theytrytosearchthe internetforthe true word of God, buttheyfindmany distortedteachings Insteadof the consistentandlogical teachingslike ‘Do not have two differingmeasures’,‘The same law appliesbothtothe native-bornandtothe foreigner’,‘The foreignermustbe treatedasyournative-born’,‘Youare to have the same law for the foreignerandthe native-born’ inDeuteronomy25:13-16, Exodus12:49, Leviticus19:33-35 , Leviticus24:22, Numbers15:15-16, Deuteronomy24:14-15 The biasedscribeshave ignoredthose true teachingsandinsertedsome additionstorestrict justice to the ‘fellowIsraelite’,‘mypeopleamongyou’,or‘Hebrew menorwomen’ Theydo not teachthe original teachingsanymore;instead,theyteachthe manipulatedteachingslike “You may charge a foreignerinterest,butnota fellow Israelite” In Deuteronomy23:19-20, Exodus22:25, Deuteronomy15:1-2, Deuteronomy15:12 Insteadof the true teaching‘Youshall not murder ‘inExodus20:13 andDeuteronomy5:17 The scribeswhoglorifydefeatingtheirenemiesignoredthe true teachingandaddedsome verses to justifythe killinglike Exodus23:23,Numbers31:16-18, Joshua6:20-21, Judges15:14-16 and Judges 16:30 Insteadof ‘Nationshall not liftup sword against nation,neithershall they learn war any more’in Isaiah2:4, theyhave justifiedatrocities. Insteadof the true andmost consistentteachingsof ‘blessingsforobedience andcursesfor disobedience’inLeviticus26,Deuteronomy28,Deuteronomy11:26-28, Deuteronomy4:40, Deuteronomy6:24-25, Deuteronomy7:12-15, andDeuteronomy8,theyteachthat God has chosen
  • 3. themregardlessof theirobedience asinthe distortedteachingsof Deuteronomy9:5-6and Deuteronomy7:6-8 WhenJacob’sdescendantswantedtoglorifyhim, theyclaimedthathe wrestledwithGodandwas saved.The versesinGenesis32:24-30 teachthat Jacob wasable to wrestle withGod;he saidto God "I will not let you go unlessyou blessme” Insteadof the true andstrict teachingsof JesusinMatthew 7:21-27, Luke 13:25-27, Matthew 22:35-40, Luke 10:25-28, Matthew25:35-45, Mark 12:28-34, Mark 10:17-19, Matthew 19:16-19, Luke 18:18-20, Luke 6:46-48, John14:15 and John14:21 mostChristianscholarslike toboastand teachthe attractive teachingslike Romans8:30, 1 Thessalonians5:9,Ephesians2:5,Ephesians2:8-9, Romans3:28, Galatians 2:16, Colossians2:14 and Ephesians1:4 Whenthe scribes wantedto support the doctrine of atonement,theyhave addedverseslike Matthew 18:11 For the Son of Man has come to save that whichwas lost The bible footnotesexplainthatverse Matthew 18:11 was not inthe original oldscriptures Hebrews9:22 “withoutthe sheddingof bloodthere isnoforgiveness”isamisunderstandingof verse Leviticus17:11 whichisnot aboutatonementbutisaboutdietarylaws.Godhas clarifiedthatbloodin meatis notgood forhealth;that clarificationwasnecessarytothe people whodidnothave advanced medical toolstoknowthat eatingthe meatwiththe bloodstill initisbad forhealth The true wordof God isnot whatis writtenbythe unknownwriterof Hebrews;itiswhathasbeen taught byMoses,Jesusandthe Prophetswhotaughtthe forgivenessispossible byobedience, repentance,andprayers Proverbs16:6 teachesthat“In mercyand truth atonementisprovidedforiniquity.” Psalm69:30-31 teachesthat praise worshipisbetterthansacrifice 2 Chronicles7:14 teachesthatforgivenessisobtainable withoutabloodsacrifice ‘If my people whoare calledbymyname will humble themselves,andprayand seekmyface,and turn fromtheirwickedways,thenIwill hearfromheavenandwill forgivetheirsin’ Jonah3 teachesthatpeople are forgivenwhentheyrepentedandfasted,withoutofferinganysacrifice and withoutsheddinganyblood. Whenthe scribes and scholars wanted to gain more authority, theyadded verseslike Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:18 Bible footnotesconfirmthat[The earliestmanuscriptsandsome otherancientwitnessesdonothave versesMark 16:9–20] Justsearch the bible footnotesorsearchthe internetaboutthe versesMark16:9–20 - youwill alsofind that Matthewgospel includesmanyversesof Markgospel whichwaswrittenearlier Whenthe scribes wantedto support the doctrine of Trinity; theyhave addedverseslike 1 John 5:7
  • 4. “For there are three that bearrecord inheaven,the Father,the Word,and the HolyGhost: and these three are one” The bible footnotesexplainthatverse 1John5:7 was not inthe original oldscriptures. The bible footnotesshowmanyotheradditionsinKingJamesVersionwhichwere addedtosupportthe claimsof the trinity andwhichwere notinthe oldscripture;examplesare: In I John4:3 ‘CHRIST iscome in the flesh’isanaddition In Matthew8:2, 9:18, 15:25, 18:26, 20:20, Mark 5:6 the word‘bow down'was changedto ‘worshiped’. Jesusreferredtohimself as“sonof man”. Jesuswasnot all-knowledgeable andhe prayedtoGOD, so thisisenoughto say thathe wasn’tGod nor didGod come downto earthto be Jesus. Jesussaid,“Andthisislife eternal,thattheymightknow You the only true God, andJesusChrist,whom You have sent.”John17:3 Jesussaidthat he doesnotknoweverything;he saidthatonlyGodknows But aboutthat day or hour noone knows,noteventhe angelsinheaven,northe Son,butonlythe FatherMark 13:32 Jesussaidthat he isnot equal toGod “I can of mine ownself donothing:asI hear,I judge:andmy judgmentisjust;because Iseeknotmy ownwill,butthe will of the Fatherwhichhathsentme.”John5:30 Jesussaid,“The Fatherisgreaterthan I.” John14:28 “Jesusansweredthem,andsaid,Mydoctrine isnot mine,buthisthatsentme.”John 7:16 JesusprayedtoGod as writteninMark 1:35, Luke 5:16, John17:11, Matthew 26:39, Luke 10:21, Luke 22:44 “my Fatherand yourFather;my God and yourGod” John 20:17 The disciplesdidnotprayto Jesus,theyprayedtothe God and Fatherof Jesus “Blessedbe the Godand Fatherof ourLord JesusChrist…”1 Peter1:3 The Muslimscholarswhojustifykillingof innocentpeopleare nottrue Muslimsbecause theydonot obeythe Qur’anverseslike 5:32, 4:90, 2:190, 8:61, 17:33, 25:68 and 6:151 whichteach ‘Youshall notkill - God has made life sacred’ The Muslimscholarswhoteach to kill the unbelieversare mistaken;verse 9:6isenoughproof fortheir mistakes,because Muslimsare supposedtoprotectthe unbelieversandtheycannotprotectthemafter killingthem The Muslimswhojustifykillingof those wholeaveIslamare mistakenbecausetheydonotobeythe Islamicteachingslike Qur’anverses2:256, 16:125 and 18:29 whichteachFreedomof Religion
  • 5. The Muslimscholarswhojustifythe killingof the hostagesare mistaken;verse8:70 provesthatthe hostage isnot to be killed,becauseMuslimsare supposedtocomfortthe hostagesandtheycannot comfortthemafterkillingthem The Muslimscholarswhoteach that Islamisthe onlytrue religionare mistaken;theyhave beenordered to believeinwhathasbeenrevealedtoMoses,JesusandotherProphetsastaughtin Qur’anverses 3:84, 4:136, 4:152 and 42:13 The Muslimscholarswhoteach that the fate of people hadbeendeterminedbefore theywere bornand before theyhadanychance to do goodor bad are mistaken;theyignore the basicQur’anverseslike 4:147, 4:152, 6:48, 6:54, 17:15, 45:15,43:72, 16:35, 19:63, 19:76, 20:112, 34:50, 37:39, 39:41, 39:70, 40:17, 47:17, 55:60, 56:24, and18:107 The versesteachthat God doesnotpredestine people’sfate butgivesthemthe choice eithertoobey and do gooddeedsorto rebel anddo evil deeds;thereisnopunishmentforthose whochoose toobey and to thankGod. Moseswarnedof the expectedturningfromthe wayhe has commandedthem, inDeuteronomy31:27- 29 he usedstrongwordslike “For I knowhowrebelliousandstiff-neckedyouare.If youhave beenrebelliousagainstGodwhileIam still alive andwithyou,howmuchmore will yourebel afterIdie!” And “For I knowthat aftermy deathyouare sure to become utterlycorruptandto turn fromthe wayI have commandedyou.Indaysto come,disasterwill fall onyoubecause youwill doevil inthe sightof God and arouse his angerby whatyour handshave made” Jesushaswarnedthe priestswhospendmore time inthe housesof widows.InMatthew 23:14 he said “Woe to you,scribesandPharisees,hypocrites,becauseyoudevourwidows'houses,andfora pretense youmake longprayers;therefore youwill receive greatercondemnation” In Matthew7:15-20, Jesuswarnedof the false teacherswhomisleadpeople Beware of the false prophets,whocome toyouin sheep’sclothing,butinwardlyare ravenouswolves The same teachingisalso writteninLuke 6:43-44 As Mosesand Jesuswarnedof the false teacherswhoexplainreligiontotheirbenefits,the prophetof Islamhas alsowarnedof those whoignore the true teachingsandteach differentteachings “I will saythose people are fromme. Itwill be said,'Youdo not know whatchangesand new thingsthey didafteryou.' ThenI will say,'Far removed(frommercy),farremoved(frommercy),thosewhochanged (the religion)afterme!” That is recordedinBukhari 7051 Book 92, Hadith4 andin Volume 9,Book88, Hadith174
  • 6. The bestadvice isto followthe commongroundof the clear teachingsastaughtby the prophets. The same message revealedtothe prophetsby the same Godmust be consistent,clear and easy for all people regardlessoftheir level ofeducationor experience The common groundof religionteachingsincludes: If you obeyanddo good deedstohelpothersthenyouwill be savedandblessed;if youdisobey,youwill be lostand cursed;that is the clearmessage.Thatmessage isthe mostreiteratedmessage bythe wise inspiredteachers,Moses,confirmedbyJesusandbyIslamicteachings How can you validate my claims? The bestadvice isto ask God to guide usto the truth. The door is openforeveryone toexperience divineintervention The wise andmerciful fatherkeepshisdooropenforhischildren God has more wisdomandmercythan any wise mercifulfather People can communicate with God at any time Prophetsof Judaism,Christianity,andIslamhave urgedusto askGod and taught that God answersthe prayersof the obedientbeliever. Example versesare: Psalm107:28-30, Psalm18:6, Psalm145:18, 2 Chronicles7:14,Isaiah58:9 Matthew7:7, Mark 11:24, Luke 6:27-28, James4:2, Qur’an2:186, Qur’an40:60 Do not worryabout howyouwill receive andunderstandthe answer;Godhascreatedus and he knows howto conveyhismessage tous. I have spentyearswonderingaboutwhatthe purpose of life is. I have analyzedthe teachingsof Judaism, Christianity,andIslamandprayedto God to guide me tothe truth. I had some doubtsaboutthe teachingsof a certainteacher,I have prayedtoGod toguide me to the truth I saw ina veryclear dreamthat teacherina form of a criminal prisoner,hascommittedevil,waitingfor histrial. In anotherdream I sawa wolf hidingafterattackingsheep;Iunderstoodthatmessage asthe bad teacherwhotry to misleadpeople bythe badteachingsasJesusexplainedinMatthew 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets,which come to you in sheep'sclothing,butinwardly theyare ravening wolves”.
  • 7. I alsorememberedthe Parable of the WeedsinwhichJesuswarnedusaboutthe enemywhoinsertfalse teachingsintothe scripture inMatthew13:24-43 ‘an enemycame and sowed weedsamong the wheat’ Pray andask God to guide you aboutthe teacherwhoclaimsthatGod doesnot exist;youwill see himin a bad image Pray to God to knowthe truthabout the teacherwhoteachesthat JesusisGod Pray to God to knowthe truthabout the teacherwhoclaimsthat God testsus inthislife andwill reward us accordingto our obedience andgooddeeds Pray to God to knowthe truthabout the teacherwhotaught original sin,atonement,salvationnot basedon obedience buttaughtfree salvationbyasaviorto die forour sins Again,donot worry about howyouwill receive andunderstandthe answer;Godhascreatedus and he knowshowto conveyhismessage tous. Isaiah58:9 ‘Thenyou will call,andGodwill answer; you will cryfor help,andhe will say:Here am I’. The followinganswersinclude the details: Shahin Shahin all-of-them-promote-love-humanity/answer/Sabri-Shahin exist/answer/Sabri-Shahin