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Ricardo Sosa
CTEC810 TransD Research Methods
Semester 1, 2020
Covid19 Handbook
Ricardo Sosa
CTEC810 TransD Research Methods
Week 1
Nau Mai, Welcome
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Welcome to #CTEC810
This paper expands and develops your views about ways
of conducting research
Goal: to grow your literacy and respect for other
approaches to knowledge
Ricardo Sosa
Success in #CTEC810:
Capacity to identify, evaluate, and appreciate a variety
of research approaches
Ricardo Sosa
Success in #CTEC810:
Capacity to plan a research project being aware of the
methodological decisions and implications
Ricardo Sosa
Code of Conduct and Expectations
• Respect
• Student agency: participation
• Openness
• Be brave!
• Enjoy and have fun
• Engagement
• Feedback/forward
Ricardo Sosa
The “R word” at AUT
• Doctor of Philosophy: Undertake advanced research,
develop their careers, make significant contributions
to society. Obtain advanced specialist/discipline
knowledge that makes an original contribution to a
particular field of enquiry; A mastery of body of
knowledge in the field of study; An advanced
capacity for critical appraisal of relevant scholarly
literature / knowledge; An advanced ability to
initiate, design, conduct and report research;
personal, professional, intellectual integrity, respect
and understanding of the ethical dimensions of
Ricardo Sosa
The “R word” at AUT
• Master’s: Show evidence of advanced knowledge
about a specialist field of enquiry or professional
practice; Demonstrate mastery of sophisticated
theoretical subject matter; Evaluate critically the
findings and discussions in the literature;
Research, analyse and argue from evidence;
Work independently and apply knowledge to
new situations; Engage in rigorous intellectual
analysis, criticism and problem-solving.
Demonstrate a high order of skill in the planning,
execution and completion of a piece of original
research; Apply research skills to new situations.
Ricardo Sosa
What the “R word” means to you…
• Study, reading, critical thinking + stress
• Thinking from a new perspective
• Establishing new facts, new conclusions
• Systematically
• To explore a theme to influence or guide my practice
• Learn what is to think what could be
• Searching for new knowledge in/outside of us
• Immerse yourself into knowledge
• Find answers*
• Being open to being wrong
• A genuine curiosity
• An itch you need to scratch
• Purpose: to improve
• Challenging yourself
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Research and Search
• To search:
• to inquire, investigate, examine, or seek; conduct an examination or investigation.
• Check, comb, examine, explore, go through, hunt, inspect, investigate, look, probe
• To research:
• to make an extensive investigation into
• Analyse, consult, explore, investigate, probe, scrutinise, experiment, inquire
• Primary, secondary research
• Research purposes:
• Exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, action research
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
What is the nature of reality?
What can we know about reality?
How can we go about building that knowledge?
What actions can we implement to build that knowledge?
What can we grasp, collect, analyse, evaluate, apply?
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
A Dog Has Died
by Pablo Neruda
My dog has died.
I buried him in the garden
next to a rusted old machine.
Some day I'll join him right there,
but now he's gone with his shaggy coat,
his bad manners and his cold nose,
and I, the materialist, who never believed
in any promised heaven in the sky
for any human being,
I believe in a heaven I'll never enter.
Ricardo Sosa
Clinging to the pleasures of human–animal companionship, Victorian
animal lovers may have perversely complicated the deaths of pets
and lost sight of other animals as they strove to account for that
most complex of simple things—loving and feeling loved.
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Research Design
• Methodology, method
• Methodology: the philosophical bases of the study
• Method: a plan of the strategies used to pursue the
research question. Describes tools, instruments,
apparatus, procedures, steps
• Research design: choice of methodology which shapes
the research questions and type of research inquiry
• Questions:
• What is yet to be known? (a gap in knowledge)
• How are questions asked? (problematisation)
• Who will benefit from my research? (ethics)
• How can we study this? (methodologies)
• What motivates this? (justification)
Salkind, N. J. (2010). Encyclopedia of research design (Vols. 1-0).
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Qualities and Criteria for Evaluating
Digital Design Literacy in Education (CC),
(4+4/5+3), 2020-9
This project develops a qualitative understanding of the state-of-the-actual in
terms of students’ use, experiences and understandings of everyday digital
technologies and their ability to deploy more advanced technologies as a
means to proactively engage in the design of digital artefacts.
The project will produce a taxonomy for students’ digital design literacy both
in relation to understanding existing digital technologies and engaging in the
design of future digital technologies, and deliver a conceptual model for
educators to evaluate students’ digital literacy as part of curriculum-based
The ideal candidate has a background in digital design, child-computer
interaction, participatory design, design research in the area of emerging
technologies, with the ability to conduct empirical and intervention-based
Research questions:
• Which competencies supports children’s ’digital design literacy’?
• What are the evaluation criteria that applies to digital design literacy with
emerging technologies?
• How is digital design literacy supported in a progressive development
through educational levels?
Ricardo Sosa
Surveillance and user involvement in the
healthcare sector (4+4/5+3), 2020-8
The purpose of the PhD project is to develop a framework
for creative solutions to the practical challenges and
ethical dilemmas which arise with the introduction of
surveillance technologies to manage the issue of elderly
with dementia walking away from their homes. The project
involves planning, execution and evaluation of a number of
user-involving design processes such as workshops and
tests. The PhD project thus engages with central issues in
the use and development of technologies and workflows
to manage elderly with dementia’s wandering behavior.
Qualified applicants should have competencies in
qualitative methods and knowledge about humanistic
aspects of the use of ICT.
It is also a requirement that the applicant can understand
Relevant educational backgrounds include information
studies, digital design, anthropology or similar.
Ricardo Sosa
PhD scholarship within the project: “PREDICTING
ARCHITECTURE” at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine
Arts, School of Architecture
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of
Architecture, posts vacant PhD scholarship as of 1
February 2020
Predicting Response is a 4 year project funded under
Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) Thematic
Research on Digital Technologies. The research
project assembles a cross disciplinary team drawn
from architecture and chemical engineering
This project investigates the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for
creating predictive models for unpredictable material practices in
architecture. AI and the use of advanced generative, search and
predictive models are established parts of contemporary
architectural modelling. This project hypothesises that machine
learning can be employed to develop new bio-based graded
material practices for architecture informed by material
performance and integrated with intelligent fabrication. With a
special focus on biopolymer composites, the project examines
how machine learning can be used to predict behaviour and
grade these with versatile non-standard robotic 3D printing.
Designing with biopolymers necessitates solid understanding of
material behaviour both as a finished material and during setting.
These states are radically different; where wet setting states are
highly pliable and thixotropic, dry states are structurally rigid.
Subproject 1 develops models that predict material
transformation during setting and final structural performance.
The project supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 8.4
(Improve global resource efficiency in consumption and
production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from
environmental degradation) by developing new methodologies
for sustainable production.
Center for Information Technology and Architecture
Ricardo Sosa
At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design
- Department of Architecture, Design
and Media Technology, Aalborg
University Copenhagen – a PhD position
is available within the general research
programme Media, Architecture &
Design. The PhD stipend in Narrative
Cognition and Decision-making in Mixed
Reality Systems is open for appointment
for a 3-year period starting from April 1
2020 or soonest thereafter.
The PhD project aims at modelling and predicting human decision-
making by characterizing subconscious brain processes using mixed
reality technologies (MRT) and advance biometric signal processing.
The PhD candidate will investigate key aspects of narrative cognition
that may have an implicit influence in decision-making processes when
story elements are mediated through MRT with the purpose of
advising, prompting or persuading subjects into particular courses of
action, choices and decisions.
In particular, the candidate will investigate decision-making processes
that may be related to cognitive “narrative faculties” such as hindsight,
foresight, closure, emotional immersion and inference making, for
instance. The interdisciplinary methodology will combine tools and
techniques from MRT (VR and/or AR), interactive digital storytelling,
and a suite of integrated psychophysiological methods (EEG, HR, GSR
and eye tracking) in order to study key cognitive processes and affective
states elicited by narrative rhetorical devices in immersive technologies.
The candidate should possess a combination of: Technical/Engineering
skills (mixed reality and immersive technologies, programming, machine
learning or multivariate statistics); Experience, familiarity or strong
interest in cognitive sciences, neurosciences, psychology or affective
sciences; Experience, familiarity or strong interest in narratology or
interactive digital storytelling.
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
AUT Formats (or pathways)
• Format Three
• Practice understood as the site of research,
not to illustrate theory
• Includes an artefact/performance/or other
approved output and exegesis for
• The term ‘thesis’ encompasses the artefact
and the exegesis as a whole
• The exegesis relates directly to the practice-
oriented work and as such does not have a
research topic or question of its own.
• Its purpose is to elucidate and clarify the
relationship between the central concept,
key contexts, focus and methodology of the
practice-oriented work, thereby setting the
thesis in its relevant critical context.
• Format One
• Traditional research structure, wholly written
• Format Two
• Master’s and doctoral students may include
in their submission for examination
manuscripts prepared as they progress
through their degree.
• Requires a comprehensive overall discussion
and conclusion chapters.
• The student required to be the principal
author, with a stated contribution of <80%
• PhD: a minimum of two manuscripts
submitted to a peer reviewed journal
• Masters: a minimum of one manuscript
submitted to a peer reviewed journal
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Research Outputs
• ≥ 90 pts = thesis
• 60 pts = dissertation
• Artefact, performance or other approved
• Exegesis
• Option 1: exegesis is completed prior to
examining the practice
• Option 2: a reflection and final refining of
the exegesis follows the examined exhibition
or performance
• Peer-reviewed:
• Journal papers
• Book chapters
• Conference papers
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
• Break up your topic into main concepts
• Define keywords for each concept
• Include synonyms using a thesaurus
• Test your keywords by searching databases
• Try adding method keywords and reference keywords
• Identify a small set of sources that you find more relevant
• Refine and include keywords from those sources
• Keep a record of your best keyword(s) and combinations
• Learn the advanced search operators
• Consider related papers
• Create alerts
• Find your way: journals, conferences, key authors, special
issues and reviews, edited books…
Empathy, Design, Creativity
Empathy, Designers, Creativity
Empathy, Designers, Creativity, Users
Empathy, Designers, Creativity, Users, Ethnicity
Empathy, Designers, Curriculum
Empathy, Designers, Curriculum, Games
Ricardo Sosa
CTEC810 TransD Research Methods
Week 2
Nau Mai, Welcome
Ricardo Sosa
What is the nature of reality?
What can we know about reality?
How can we go about building that knowledge?
What actions can we implement to build that knowledge?
What can we grasp, collect, analyse, evaluate, apply?
Ricardo Sosa
Qualities and Criteria for Evaluating
Digital Design Literacy in Education (CC),
(4+4/5+3), 2020-9
This project develops a qualitative understanding of the state-of-the-actual in
terms of students’ use, experiences and understandings of everyday digital
technologies and their ability to deploy more advanced technologies as a
means to proactively engage in the design of digital artefacts.
The project will produce a taxonomy for students’ digital design literacy both
in relation to understanding existing digital technologies and engaging in the
design of future digital technologies, and deliver a conceptual model for
educators to evaluate students’ digital literacy as part of curriculum-based
The ideal candidate has a background in digital design, child-computer
interaction, participatory design, design research in the area of emerging
technologies, with the ability to conduct empirical and intervention-based
Research questions:
• Which competencies supports children’s ’digital design literacy’?
• What are the evaluation criteria that applies to digital design literacy with
emerging technologies?
• How is digital design literacy supported in a progressive development
through educational levels?
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Dr Ricardo Sosa
• Twitter: @designcomputing
Recent publications:
• Accretion theory of ideation. Design Science, doi:10.1017/dsj.2019.22
• Creativity in graduate business education. Innovations in Education and
Teaching, doi:10.1080/14703297.2019.1628799
• Innovation Teams and Organizational Creativity: Reasoning with
Computational Simulations. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and
Innovation, doi:10.1016/j.sheji.2018.03.004
• Metrics to select design tasks in experimental creativity research. Part C:
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, doi:10.1177/0954406218778305
• The A-Z of Creative Technologies. Transactions on Creative Technologies,
Ricardo Sosa
’70s ’80s 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Opportunity Lab
cognition 3
Ricardo Sosa
Research Questions
• Questions to investigate meanings or processes
• Questions to describe variance or relationships among variables of interest
• Questions for change initiatives or policy
• Not always in question format (motivation, positioning)
• Activity:
• Identify RQs guiding studies in your area of interest
• Collect open RQs formulated for future work
• Write down 15 ways of framing what you want to know
• Check your RQs for clarity, value, feasibility, possible outcomes, type of study,
originality. Refine
• Cluster your RQs by type, scale, etc.
• Search the literature using your selected RQs
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
“Method? What we’re dealing with here is not, of course,
just method. It is not just a set of techniques. It is not just a
philosophy of method, a methodology. It is not even simply
about the kinds of realities that we want to recognise or
the kinds of worlds we might hope to make. It is also, and
most fundamentally, about a way of being. It is about the
kinds of people that we want to be, and about how we
should live.”
page 10
Ricardo Sosa
• “Which [empathy] methods or practices can be applied for which
kind of project, and for which goals? Our goal is to provide
descriptions of methods/practices, and to systematically compare
between these methods/practices. We do not intend to prescribe
specific methods or practices, or to prove that certain methods or
certain practices are more successful than others, nor is it our goal
to study the reliability of end-users’ utterances, or the success of
the products which result from human-centred design.
• 1. Do students engage in reflection in narratives on uncertainty
and if so, what aspects of reflection do students include in their
writing? 2. Do student attitudes toward uncertainty change over
the course of a semester, and if so, how?
• 1. What were students' experiences in the cognitive and affective
domains while participating in activities pertaining to the inclusive
design unit in the Human Factors course? 2. How did the
simulation and follow-up activities, including written reflections
and poster designs, support the course objectives pertaining to the
cognitive and affective domains?
• How can thinking processes that guarantee innovation best be
taught and how can they be supported in daily practice?
Ricardo Sosa
• Does an empathy building program for middle school students
affect bullying behavior?
• Does going online affect empathy through a reduction of face-to-
face time?
• Does empathic concern moderate the relationship between a
persuasive message designed to elicit anticipated guilt and the
subsequent anticipation of guilt?
• First, do gender differences in empathy generalize to similar
constructs such as forgiveness? Second, does gender moderate
the relationship between empathy and forgiveness, and, as such,
is empathy a more important predictor of forgiveness for women
or men?
• (1) What are the changes in student self-report of empathy over
time? (2) What is the significance of the sample demographic
characteristics and the overall score of empathy? (3) What is the
association of nursing students’ empathy and standardized
actors SAs’ assessment of student empathy? and (4) What is the
perception of the nursing students’ use of simulation with SAs as
it relates to empathy and their future practice?
Ricardo Sosa
• What a design attitude actually is made of has not been researched.
In this study I therefore investigate the nature of this attitude, as
displayed by professional designers.
• Little work has been conducted to investigate how designers’
personal experiences can contribute to technology design. Yet it’s
undeniable designers have applied their personal experiences to
their design practice and also benefited from such experiences. This
paper … looks at how interaction designers worked with their
personal experiences in three industrial interaction design projects,
thus calling for the need to explicitly recognize the legitimacy of
using and better support of the use of designers’ personal
experiences in interaction design practice.
• Despite the increasing awareness of the relevance of empathy in
patient care, some findings suggest that medical schools may be
contributing to the deterioration of students’ empathy. Therefore, it
is important to clarify the magnitude and direction of changes in
empathy during medical school.
• How do instructional designers describe their experiences of
demonstrating empathy when making instructional strategy
decisions for adult learners in higher educational settings?
Ricardo Sosa
“The picture of method starts to shift. The argument is no
longer that methods discover and depict realities. Instead,
it is that they participate in the enactment of those
realities. It is also that method is not just a more or less
complicated set of procedures or rules, but rather a
bundled hinterland. This stretches through skills,
instruments and statements (in-here enactments of
previous methods) through the out-there realities so
described, into a ramifying and indefinite set of relations,
places and assumptions that disappear from view.”
page 45
Ricardo Sosa
Sample Research Questions From Different Inquiry Worldviews
What is the relationship between exercise self-efficacy and the
amount of time spent exercising per week for mothers who
have given birth within the last year?
How do mothers who have given birth within the last year talk
about exercising time?
Critical Worldview
How do self-perceptions of female body image influence new
mothers’ confidence about exercising?
How can mothers who have given birth in the last year organize
and implement programs of exercise in their community?
How do women who gave birth at age 40+ experience exercise
in their daily life?
(How) does societal heteronormativity influence parenting
beliefs among queer youth with queer parents?
Adapted from: DeCuir-Gunby, J. & Schutz, P. (2017). Chapter 3 asking appropriate research questions. In
DeCuir-Gunby, J., & Schutz, P. Developing a mixed methods proposal: A practical guide for beginning
researchers (pp. 33-44). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483399980
Ricardo Sosa
How do self-perceptions of female body image influence new mothers’
confidence about exercising?
(How) does societal heteronormativity influence parenting beliefs among
queer youth with queer parents?
Ricardo Sosa
Main Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Intellectual Inquiry
Qualitative Inquiry Quantitative Inquiry
• Assumes subjective reality is socially constructed • Assumes there is an objective reality ready to be discovered
• Appreciates complexity and multiple truths • Favours parsimonyand assumes a single truth
• Research is value bound, and the researcher’s values are accounted for • Research is value neutral, and the researcher’s values are muted
• The researcher is the primary instrument (observations,interviews) • Uses inanimate instruments (scales,questionnaires,checklists, tests)
• Contextualizes findings • Generalizes results from a sample to a population
• Portrays natural settings and contexts • Manipulates and controlsvariables
• Few participants,many variables • Few variables, many subjects
• Understands the insider’s view • Presents the objective outsiders’view
• Human behavior is situational • Human behavior is regular
• Interprets human behavior in context • Predicts human behavior
• Understands perspectives (empathetic) and exploration • Provides causalexplanations
• Widely, deeply examines phenomena • Narrowly tests specific hypotheses
• Focuses on essence, and nature • Focuses on measurements
• Uses inductive then deductive logic • Uses deductive then inductive logic
• Searches for patternsand looks for complexity • Analyzes discrete components looking for the norm
• Uses purposive sampling • Uses randomsampling
• Single cases or small samples • Large samples with statisticalpower
• The research design is emergent and evolving • The research design is predetermined
• Data are words, images, and categories • Data are numbers (minor use of words)
• Nonlinear, iterative, and creative analysis • Linear, standardized, and prescribed analysis
• Thematic, patterned analysis of data • Statisticalanalysis of data
• Power in rich descriptions and detail • Statisticalpower
• Reports are written in expressive, holistic language(thick descriptions) • Reports are written in precise, conventional,abstract language
• Some studies create theory from the findings • Use theory to ground the study and interpret results
• Generates understandings frompatterns • Test hypotheses that are born from theory
• Faces conceptualcomplexity • Faces statisticalcomplexity
• Strives for trustworthy,credible data • Strives for reliable and valid data
McGregor, S. (2018). Overview of research design and methods. In McGregor,
S. Understanding and evaluating research (pp. 207-226). Thousand Oaks, CA:
SAGE Publications, Inc doi: 10.4135/9781071802656
Ricardo Sosa
Mapping the landscape
• Finding your way:
• Develop a long list of variations of your RQs
• Use your Working Title, keywords and RQ to locate the
most relevant sources:
• Catalogues, journals, conferences, book series
• Identify key authors & groups
• Reviews and special issues can save you time (recent)
Ricardo Sosa
• A good abstract includes:
• Justification for the work done, approach
• Method(s), how was the work carried out
• Outcomes and contributions
• Scope of what is discussed, concluded
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Justification and Positioning
• Why the work needs to be done?
• Why it can be done this way?
• What specifically needs to be done?
• Who would this benefit? Who is this for?
• What is the contribution?
• How is the contribution assessed?
• What would be the impact?
Ricardo Sosa
CTEC810 TransD Research Methods
Week 3
Nau Mai, Welcome
Ricardo Sosa
Feedback on working titles and abstracts
• Length
• Clarity
• Precision
• Completeness
• Originality
• Keywords
• Persuasiveness
• Feedforward: next steps…
Ricardo Sosa
Forum: Working titles, keywords, and research questions
a) Sustainability of Materials used in Art Installation Practice
• Achieving/Exploring Sustainability
• Sustainability within/through/in
• Sustainability through Recycling Materials used in
• Establishing Sustainable Methods in Art Installation Practice
• Investigating Sustainable Materials and Design Methods
• [I am mainly looking into how sustainability can be achieved in the make-up of an installation
(material use) and how that also effects other aspects such as time and cost of the
• Some RQ's I was looking into were:
• What is sustainability? Why is it important? For society/world, as a designer.
• What methods are other designers using in this space?
• What aspects of my practice are sustainable? What aspects aren't?
• Are there sustainable substitutes for those that aren't?
• If there aren't, what possible solutions could there be?
• How does sustainable methods or materials effect cost/time to create an installation?
Ricardo Sosa
a) Sustainability of Materials used in Art Installation Practice
• Clarity of key terms:
1. Physical Art Installation Practice
2. Sustainability
3. Indicators, variables, metrics, issues, “aspects”
• Clarity of approach:
1. Relevance of: precedents, existing alternatives, emerging practices, new methods
2. Implications of: exploring, achieving, establishing, investigating… or something else?
3. Means and ends: contributions?
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
• DiSalvo, C., Boehner, K., Knouf, N. A., & Sengers, P. (2009, April). Nourishing the ground
for sustainable HCI: considerations from ecologically engaged art. In Proceedings of the
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 385-394).
• Jackson, S. J., & Kang, L. (2014, April). Breakdown, obsolescence and reuse: HCI and the
art of repair. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing
systems (pp. 449-458).
• Weintraub, L. (2012). To life!: eco art in pursuit of a sustainable planet. Univ of California
• Guy, S., Henshaw, V., & Heidrich, O. (2015). Climate change, adaptation and eco-art in
Singapore. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(1), 39-54.
• Walker, S. (2013). Imagination’s promise: Practice-based design research for
sustainability. The handbook of design for sustainability, 446-465.
• Leerberg, M., Riisberg, V., & Boutrup, J. (2010). Design responsibility and sustainable
design as reflective practice: An educational challenge. Sustainable Development, 18(5),
• Phillips, P. (2015). Artistic practices and ecoaesthetics in post-sustainable worlds. An
introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: The arts and design for the environment,
• Walker, S., Dogan, C., & Marchand, A. (2009, April). Research through Design: The
Development of Sustainable Material Cultures. In 8th European Academy of Design
Conference Proceedings,[Online] Avaliable: http://ead09. rgu. ac. uk/Papers/183. pdf
[31 July 2012].
• Maher, R., Maher, M., Mann, S., & McAlpine, C. A. (2018). Integrating design thinking
with sustainability science: a Research through Design approach. Sustainability science,
13(6), 1565-1587.
• Walker, S. (2011). The Spirit of Design: Objects. Environment and Meaning.
• Walker, S., & Giard, J. (Eds.). (2013). The handbook of design for sustainability. A&C
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Forum: Working titles, keywords, and research questions
b) Biomimicry in Architecture
• Biomimicry: Can the biological characteristics of natural life and the built environment offer
new solutions for more appropriate, bio-eco architectural designs?
• What are the potentials of Bio-inspired architecture that can contribute to better quality of
• Biomimicry-future innovations inspired by nature
• Biomimicry as the answer for sustainability in architecture
• Principle tools and guidelines to influence more sustainable design for the future of the built
• Some RQ's I was looking into were:
• To investigate the architectural contribution to biomimicry
• Principles of biomimicry that aid in sustainable design
• Potentials and Limitations of these principles
• SWOT Analysis of biomimicry as a concept in architecture
• Future scope for biomimicry inspired they evolve/do they remain/do they become part of
an ecosystem/response to their surroundings
Ricardo Sosa
b) Biomimicry in Architecture
• Background:
1. Biomimicry in Architecture: principles & guidelines, approaches & cases
2. Assessment of biomimicry for sustainability
• Clarity of approach:
1. Practice (case)
2. Evaluation (cases)
3. Analysis, assessment (metrics)
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Forum: Working titles, keywords, and research questions
c) VR visualisations of architectural spaces
• How does VR facilitate/challenge visualisations in architectural spaces
• Does VR enhance/hinder architectural rendering.
• How does VR benefit rendering in architectural spaces.
• My Research Questions/Ideas are based around a few thoughts.
• Is the loss of fidelity in VR made up by the immersion factor.
• Is the extra effort of implementing VR into this pipeline worth it.
• Can you still create photo realistic scenes in VR.
• If so, how accessible are those scenes.
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Chapter 5
This chapter presents and discusses the creative tool
“Storeoboard”, and how the implementation enables the use
of stereoscopic 3D depth planes. It discusses the functionality
of this tool, and how it supports artists with their fast, fluid
and flexible creative workflow for drawing stereoscopic
storyboards via 2D pen input. This chapter continues by
presenting a thorough evaluation of this technique through
individual user studies, focus groups and finally a discussion
regarding the deployment of the tool on the full-length, 3D
Lumière award winning feature film “40 Below and Falling”.
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Literature reviews, precedents, grounding
• Why do a lit review? What for?
• From description to analysis
• Identifying gaps, opportunities
• Locating tensions, contradictions
• Evaluation of reported findings
• Examination of methodologies
• Getting a sense of theoretical grounds
• “Seeing what others don’t”
Ricardo Sosa
Research contributions
• Reviews (meta, systematic, exploratory…)
• Frameworks and models
• Experiences
• Insights
• Evidence
• Change
• Theory formulation
• Theory evaluation
• Replication
• Validation
Ricardo Sosa
References and citations
• All research outputs include references
• Some distinguish cited references vs bibliography
• Number of times cited gives an indication* of quality
• Primary vs secondary sources: beware!
• Key sources by scanning the references across papers
• Navigate the literature by following references/citations
• Set up alerts (keywords), follow authors
• Use reference managers (EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley…)
• Discover gaps between disciplines or specialist groups
Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Show list of references analysed for the Design Briefs papers
Ricardo Sosa
CTEC810 TransD Research Methods
Week 4
Nau Mai, Welcome
Ricardo Sosa
CTEC810 Week 4
• 15” presentation
• 45” for peer feedback
• 50” Methods: Surveys, questionnaires and interviews
Important: Install Microsoft Teams and follow the CTEC810 channel for videos, files, and messages
Ricardo Sosa
1: Influence of form and function of the library as an architectural typology in future urban integration/upgrading.
3: Influence of form and function in a hybrid approach of the library as a heterotopia in urban integration.
4: Exploring hybrid library as heterotopia in urban integration.
5: Influence of Form and Function in the History of The Library as an Architectural typology
6: Exploring hybrid library as social infrastructure in urban integration.
• Form, Function, Hybrid Library, Urban integration. Social infrastructure
Research questions:
•How does the function of the libraries respond to the requirements for offering public space?
•What are the spatial dimensions of these two roles (library use and public use)?
•How has the advancement in technology and innovation over the years influenced changes form and function of the architecture of
public libraries?
•How have the transitions in the public library designs over the years made the interface between the new replacement and spatial values
in developing urban space?
•How a hybrid design of forms and functions could explore a dynamic approach to plan the future public libraries in smart cities?
•How hybrid libraries could transform their environments from repositories of knowledge of the creation of knowledge and community
hubs of engagement?
•How a hybrid library could be a center of meaning to let visitors build, develop and refine what matters to their community?
•How will a hybrid library's form reflect evolving ecology of information and educational infrastructures which are the major future public
libraries' functions?
•How do public libraries develop in the ways to form the smart urban context as forms and functions to facilitate the social and economic
•How designers could give dynamic shapes to the future public libraries by considering the texture of democratic culture to persuade the
people to reach for something higher than the bottom line?
•How does architecture enhance the library's function to ensure civic space for advancing common interests to meet the values of an
adaptive smart social infrastructure?
Ricardo Sosa
Bibliography (132)
Information/Library Science = 80.426 %
Ricardo Sosa
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Ricardo Sosa
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Ricardo Sosa
Ricardo Sosa
Bruce, J. S., De La Cruz, M. M., Moreno, G., & Chamberlain,
L. J. (2017). Lunch at the library: examination of a
community-based approach to addressing summer food
insecurity. Public Health Nutrition, 20(9), 1640-1649.
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Capille, C. (2018). Political Interiors: The Case of Public
Libraries. Space and Culture, 21(4), 408-423.
Ricardo Sosa
Chang, J. H., & Wang, J. Y. (2016). Analysis of Parent-Child Interaction at
Various Space and Furniture of Reading Environment-Take Parent-Child
Reading Areas in Taipei Public Libraries as an Example. In R. Goonetilleke
& W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human
Factors (WOS:000389642400056, Vol. 489, pp. 571-581). Retrieved from
<Go to ISI>://WOS:000389642400056.
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36(2), 133-151.
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Ricardo Sosa
Bruce, J. S., De La Cruz, M. M., Moreno, G., & Chamberlain, L. J. (2017). Lunch at the library: examination of a
community-based approach to addressing summer food insecurity. Public Health Nutrition, 20(9), 1640-
• Objective: To examine a library-based approach to addressing food insecurity through a child and adult summer
meal programme. The study examines: (i) risk of household food insecurity among participants; (ii) perspectives on
the library meal programme; and (iii) barriers to utilizing other community food resources.
• Design: Quantitative surveys with adult participants and qualitative semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample
of adult participants.
• Setting: Ten libraries using public and private funding to serve meals to children and adults for six to eight weeks in
low-income Silicon Valley communities (California, USA) during summer 2015.
• Subjects: Adult survey participants (≥18 years) were recruited to obtain maximum capture, while a sub-sample of
interview participants was recruited through maximum variation purposeful sampling.
• Results: Survey participants (n 161) were largely Latino (71 %) and Asian (23 %). Forty-one per cent of participants
screened positive for risk of food insecurity in the past 12 months. A sub-sample of programme participants
engaged in qualitative interviews (n 67). Interviewees reported appreciating the library’s child enrichment
programmes, resources, and open and welcoming atmosphere. Provision of adult meals was described as building
community among library patrons, neighbours and staff. Participants emphasized lack of awareness,
misinformation about programmes, structural barriers (i.e. transportation), immigration fears and stigma as
barriers to utilizing community food resources.
• Conclusions: Food insecurity remains high in our study population. Public libraries are ideal locations for
community-based meal programmes due to their welcoming and stigma-free environment. Libraries are well
positioned to link individuals to other social services given their reputation as trusted community organizations.
Ricardo Sosa
Capille, C. (2018). Political Interiors: The Case of Public Libraries. Space and Culture, 21(4), 408-423.
• The article reviews the literature on the historical emergence of public libraries and recommends that studies of
contemporary libraries should consider how this building type originally framed social relationships through its
architecture, materializing specific ideologies of politics and culture.
• In synthesis, this article has clarified the “traditional” social intentions of public libraries and how these intentions
were manifested in space, program, and use. Space organizes access to knowledge according to an epistemology,
program defines an educational agenda, and use materializes these conceptual definitions into real collective
behaviors. Moreover, it is argued that each of these three aspects—space, program, and use—produced forms of
separation and organization of political ideologies, power, public realm, and public use. In short, these three
aspects’ interrelation and configuration produced a “political condition” for the public library building type.
• Moreover, one should interrogate what kind of politics should we expect from the collective use of the interior of a
building—and conversely, what kind of architectural interior can respond to the political needs of contemporary
Ricardo Sosa
Chang, J. H., & Wang, J. Y. (2016). Analysis of Parent-Child Interaction at Various Space and Furniture of
Reading Environment-Take Parent-Child Reading Areas in Taipei Public Libraries as an Example. In R.
Goonetilleke & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors
(WOS:000389642400056, Vol. 489, pp. 571-581). Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://WOS:000389642400056.
• We visited eight Taipei public libraries in person, analyzing pros and cons of space and furniture arrangement… as
well as recording parent-child reading behavior at varied environments with Nonparticipant Observation Method…
After evaluation and analysis of the research, we found two aspects to be improved which are library space and
furniture arrangement—furniture lack of containing space and space lack of artistic display and decoration…
• Field Study: The researcher visited eight public libraries in Taipei City from December 1–16, 2015 in order to record
and analyze the current conditions in relation to space planning for parent-child shared reading…
• Observation Survey: The research [16] classified the children’s reading rooms and parent-child shared reading
areas at public libraries in Taipei City into eight types…
• Results: In this study, the following items are assessed in terms of the three categories: “achieved rate”, “failure
rate” and “to be improved rate”… The results from the observation will be organized so as to identify the
relationships between the environments, furniture and parent-child interactions. For carrying out this study, visits
were paid to the public libraries representing these eight types in Taipei City.
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Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
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Research Methods
Research Methods
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Research Methods
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Research Methods
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Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods

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Research Methods

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  • 4. Ricardo Sosa Welcome to #CTEC810 This paper expands and develops your views about ways of conducting research Goal: to grow your literacy and respect for other approaches to knowledge
  • 5. Ricardo Sosa Success in #CTEC810: Capacity to identify, evaluate, and appreciate a variety of research approaches
  • 6. Ricardo Sosa Success in #CTEC810: Capacity to plan a research project being aware of the methodological decisions and implications
  • 7. Ricardo Sosa Code of Conduct and Expectations • Respect • Student agency: participation • Openness • Be brave! • Enjoy and have fun • Engagement • Feedback/forward
  • 8. Ricardo Sosa The “R word” at AUT • Doctor of Philosophy: Undertake advanced research, develop their careers, make significant contributions to society. Obtain advanced specialist/discipline knowledge that makes an original contribution to a particular field of enquiry; A mastery of body of knowledge in the field of study; An advanced capacity for critical appraisal of relevant scholarly literature / knowledge; An advanced ability to initiate, design, conduct and report research; personal, professional, intellectual integrity, respect and understanding of the ethical dimensions of research…
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  • 14. Ricardo Sosa Research and Search • To search: • to inquire, investigate, examine, or seek; conduct an examination or investigation. • Check, comb, examine, explore, go through, hunt, inspect, investigate, look, probe • To research: • to make an extensive investigation into • Analyse, consult, explore, investigate, probe, scrutinise, experiment, inquire • Primary, secondary research • Research purposes: • Exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, action research
  • 16. Ricardo Sosa Ontology What is the nature of reality? Epistemology What can we know about reality? Methodology How can we go about building that knowledge? Methods What actions can we implement to build that knowledge? Findings What can we grasp, collect, analyse, evaluate, apply?
  • 19. Ricardo Sosa A Dog Has Died by Pablo Neruda My dog has died. I buried him in the garden next to a rusted old machine. Some day I'll join him right there, but now he's gone with his shaggy coat, his bad manners and his cold nose, and I, the materialist, who never believed in any promised heaven in the sky for any human being, I believe in a heaven I'll never enter.
  • 20. Ricardo Sosa Clinging to the pleasures of human–animal companionship, Victorian animal lovers may have perversely complicated the deaths of pets and lost sight of other animals as they strove to account for that most complex of simple things—loving and feeling loved.
  • 22. Ricardo Sosa Research Design • Methodology, method • Methodology: the philosophical bases of the study • Method: a plan of the strategies used to pursue the research question. Describes tools, instruments, apparatus, procedures, steps • Research design: choice of methodology which shapes the research questions and type of research inquiry • Questions: • What is yet to be known? (a gap in knowledge) • How are questions asked? (problematisation) • Who will benefit from my research? (ethics) • How can we study this? (methodologies) • What motivates this? (justification) Salkind, N. J. (2010). Encyclopedia of research design (Vols. 1-0). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. DOI:
  • 27. Ricardo Sosa Qualities and Criteria for Evaluating Digital Design Literacy in Education (CC), (4+4/5+3), 2020-9 This project develops a qualitative understanding of the state-of-the-actual in terms of students’ use, experiences and understandings of everyday digital technologies and their ability to deploy more advanced technologies as a means to proactively engage in the design of digital artefacts. The project will produce a taxonomy for students’ digital design literacy both in relation to understanding existing digital technologies and engaging in the design of future digital technologies, and deliver a conceptual model for educators to evaluate students’ digital literacy as part of curriculum-based education. The ideal candidate has a background in digital design, child-computer interaction, participatory design, design research in the area of emerging technologies, with the ability to conduct empirical and intervention-based research. Research questions: • Which competencies supports children’s ’digital design literacy’? • What are the evaluation criteria that applies to digital design literacy with emerging technologies? • How is digital design literacy supported in a progressive development through educational levels? calls/phd-call-2020-9/
  • 28. Ricardo Sosa Surveillance and user involvement in the healthcare sector (4+4/5+3), 2020-8 The purpose of the PhD project is to develop a framework for creative solutions to the practical challenges and ethical dilemmas which arise with the introduction of surveillance technologies to manage the issue of elderly with dementia walking away from their homes. The project involves planning, execution and evaluation of a number of user-involving design processes such as workshops and tests. The PhD project thus engages with central issues in the use and development of technologies and workflows to manage elderly with dementia’s wandering behavior. Qualified applicants should have competencies in qualitative methods and knowledge about humanistic aspects of the use of ICT. It is also a requirement that the applicant can understand Danish. Relevant educational backgrounds include information studies, digital design, anthropology or similar. calls/phd-call-2020-8/
  • 29. Ricardo Sosa PhD scholarship within the project: “PREDICTING RESPONSE - AI FOR 3D PRINTING BIOPOLYMERS IN ARCHITECTURE” at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, posts vacant PhD scholarship as of 1 February 2020 Predicting Response is a 4 year project funded under Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) Thematic Research on Digital Technologies. The research project assembles a cross disciplinary team drawn from architecture and chemical engineering This project investigates the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for creating predictive models for unpredictable material practices in architecture. AI and the use of advanced generative, search and predictive models are established parts of contemporary architectural modelling. This project hypothesises that machine learning can be employed to develop new bio-based graded material practices for architecture informed by material performance and integrated with intelligent fabrication. With a special focus on biopolymer composites, the project examines how machine learning can be used to predict behaviour and grade these with versatile non-standard robotic 3D printing. Designing with biopolymers necessitates solid understanding of material behaviour both as a finished material and during setting. These states are radically different; where wet setting states are highly pliable and thixotropic, dry states are structurally rigid. Subproject 1 develops models that predict material transformation during setting and final structural performance. The project supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 8.4 (Improve global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation) by developing new methodologies for sustainable production. Center for Information Technology and Architecture
  • 30. Ricardo Sosa PHD POSITION IN NARRATIVE COGNITION AND DECISION-MAKING IN MIXED REALITY SYSTEMS (7-20001) At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design - Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University Copenhagen – a PhD position is available within the general research programme Media, Architecture & Design. The PhD stipend in Narrative Cognition and Decision-making in Mixed Reality Systems is open for appointment for a 3-year period starting from April 1 2020 or soonest thereafter. The PhD project aims at modelling and predicting human decision- making by characterizing subconscious brain processes using mixed reality technologies (MRT) and advance biometric signal processing. The PhD candidate will investigate key aspects of narrative cognition that may have an implicit influence in decision-making processes when story elements are mediated through MRT with the purpose of advising, prompting or persuading subjects into particular courses of action, choices and decisions. In particular, the candidate will investigate decision-making processes that may be related to cognitive “narrative faculties” such as hindsight, foresight, closure, emotional immersion and inference making, for instance. The interdisciplinary methodology will combine tools and techniques from MRT (VR and/or AR), interactive digital storytelling, and a suite of integrated psychophysiological methods (EEG, HR, GSR and eye tracking) in order to study key cognitive processes and affective states elicited by narrative rhetorical devices in immersive technologies. The candidate should possess a combination of: Technical/Engineering skills (mixed reality and immersive technologies, programming, machine learning or multivariate statistics); Experience, familiarity or strong interest in cognitive sciences, neurosciences, psychology or affective sciences; Experience, familiarity or strong interest in narratology or interactive digital storytelling. vacancy/?vacancy=1083724
  • 32. Ricardo Sosa AUT Formats (or pathways) • Format Three • Practice understood as the site of research, not to illustrate theory • Includes an artefact/performance/or other approved output and exegesis for examination • The term ‘thesis’ encompasses the artefact and the exegesis as a whole • The exegesis relates directly to the practice- oriented work and as such does not have a research topic or question of its own. • Its purpose is to elucidate and clarify the relationship between the central concept, key contexts, focus and methodology of the practice-oriented work, thereby setting the thesis in its relevant critical context. • Format One • Traditional research structure, wholly written • Format Two • Master’s and doctoral students may include in their submission for examination manuscripts prepared as they progress through their degree. • Requires a comprehensive overall discussion and conclusion chapters. • The student required to be the principal author, with a stated contribution of <80% • PhD: a minimum of two manuscripts submitted to a peer reviewed journal • Masters: a minimum of one manuscript submitted to a peer reviewed journal
  • 34. Ricardo Sosa Research Outputs • ≥ 90 pts = thesis • 60 pts = dissertation • Artefact, performance or other approved output • Exegesis • Option 1: exegesis is completed prior to examining the practice • Option 2: a reflection and final refining of the exegesis follows the examined exhibition or performance • Peer-reviewed: • Journal papers • Book chapters • Conference papers
  • 36. Ricardo Sosa Keywords • Break up your topic into main concepts • Define keywords for each concept • Include synonyms using a thesaurus • Test your keywords by searching databases • Try adding method keywords and reference keywords • Identify a small set of sources that you find more relevant • Refine and include keywords from those sources • Keep a record of your best keyword(s) and combinations • Learn the advanced search operators • Consider related papers • Create alerts • Find your way: journals, conferences, key authors, special issues and reviews, edited books… Example: Empathy, Design, Creativity ↓ Empathy, Designers, Creativity ↓ Empathy, Designers, Creativity, Users ↓ Empathy, Designers, Creativity, Users, Ethnicity ↓ Empathy, Designers, Curriculum ↓ Empathy, Designers, Curriculum, Games
  • 37. Ricardo Sosa CTEC810 TransD Research Methods Week 2 Nau Mai, Welcome Course:
  • 38. Ricardo Sosa Ontology What is the nature of reality? Epistemology What can we know about reality? Methodology How can we go about building that knowledge? Methods What actions can we implement to build that knowledge? Findings What can we grasp, collect, analyse, evaluate, apply?
  • 39. Ricardo Sosa Qualities and Criteria for Evaluating Digital Design Literacy in Education (CC), (4+4/5+3), 2020-9 This project develops a qualitative understanding of the state-of-the-actual in terms of students’ use, experiences and understandings of everyday digital technologies and their ability to deploy more advanced technologies as a means to proactively engage in the design of digital artefacts. The project will produce a taxonomy for students’ digital design literacy both in relation to understanding existing digital technologies and engaging in the design of future digital technologies, and deliver a conceptual model for educators to evaluate students’ digital literacy as part of curriculum-based education. The ideal candidate has a background in digital design, child-computer interaction, participatory design, design research in the area of emerging technologies, with the ability to conduct empirical and intervention-based research. Research questions: • Which competencies supports children’s ’digital design literacy’? • What are the evaluation criteria that applies to digital design literacy with emerging technologies? • How is digital design literacy supported in a progressive development through educational levels? calls/phd-call-2020-9/
  • 41. Ricardo Sosa Instructor Dr Ricardo Sosa • • • Twitter: @designcomputing Recent publications: • Accretion theory of ideation. Design Science, doi:10.1017/dsj.2019.22 • Creativity in graduate business education. Innovations in Education and Teaching, doi:10.1080/14703297.2019.1628799 • Innovation Teams and Organizational Creativity: Reasoning with Computational Simulations. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, doi:10.1016/j.sheji.2018.03.004 • Metrics to select design tasks in experimental creativity research. Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, doi:10.1177/0954406218778305 • The A-Z of Creative Technologies. Transactions on Creative Technologies, doi:10.4108/eai.10-4-2018.154460
  • 42. Ricardo Sosa ’70s ’80s 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Opportunity Lab creativity & cognition 3
  • 43. Ricardo Sosa Research Questions • Questions to investigate meanings or processes • Questions to describe variance or relationships among variables of interest • Questions for change initiatives or policy • Not always in question format (motivation, positioning) • Activity: • Identify RQs guiding studies in your area of interest • Collect open RQs formulated for future work • Write down 15 ways of framing what you want to know • Check your RQs for clarity, value, feasibility, possible outcomes, type of study, originality. Refine • Cluster your RQs by type, scale, etc. • Search the literature using your selected RQs
  • 45. Ricardo Sosa “Method? What we’re dealing with here is not, of course, just method. It is not just a set of techniques. It is not just a philosophy of method, a methodology. It is not even simply about the kinds of realities that we want to recognise or the kinds of worlds we might hope to make. It is also, and most fundamentally, about a way of being. It is about the kinds of people that we want to be, and about how we should live.” page 10
  • 46. Ricardo Sosa • “Which [empathy] methods or practices can be applied for which kind of project, and for which goals? Our goal is to provide descriptions of methods/practices, and to systematically compare between these methods/practices. We do not intend to prescribe specific methods or practices, or to prove that certain methods or certain practices are more successful than others, nor is it our goal to study the reliability of end-users’ utterances, or the success of the products which result from human-centred design. • 1. Do students engage in reflection in narratives on uncertainty and if so, what aspects of reflection do students include in their writing? 2. Do student attitudes toward uncertainty change over the course of a semester, and if so, how? • 1. What were students' experiences in the cognitive and affective domains while participating in activities pertaining to the inclusive design unit in the Human Factors course? 2. How did the simulation and follow-up activities, including written reflections and poster designs, support the course objectives pertaining to the cognitive and affective domains? • How can thinking processes that guarantee innovation best be taught and how can they be supported in daily practice?
  • 47. Ricardo Sosa • Does an empathy building program for middle school students affect bullying behavior? • Does going online affect empathy through a reduction of face-to- face time? • Does empathic concern moderate the relationship between a persuasive message designed to elicit anticipated guilt and the subsequent anticipation of guilt? • First, do gender differences in empathy generalize to similar constructs such as forgiveness? Second, does gender moderate the relationship between empathy and forgiveness, and, as such, is empathy a more important predictor of forgiveness for women or men? • (1) What are the changes in student self-report of empathy over time? (2) What is the significance of the sample demographic characteristics and the overall score of empathy? (3) What is the association of nursing students’ empathy and standardized actors SAs’ assessment of student empathy? and (4) What is the perception of the nursing students’ use of simulation with SAs as it relates to empathy and their future practice?
  • 48. Ricardo Sosa • What a design attitude actually is made of has not been researched. In this study I therefore investigate the nature of this attitude, as displayed by professional designers. • Little work has been conducted to investigate how designers’ personal experiences can contribute to technology design. Yet it’s undeniable designers have applied their personal experiences to their design practice and also benefited from such experiences. This paper … looks at how interaction designers worked with their personal experiences in three industrial interaction design projects, thus calling for the need to explicitly recognize the legitimacy of using and better support of the use of designers’ personal experiences in interaction design practice. • Despite the increasing awareness of the relevance of empathy in patient care, some findings suggest that medical schools may be contributing to the deterioration of students’ empathy. Therefore, it is important to clarify the magnitude and direction of changes in empathy during medical school. • How do instructional designers describe their experiences of demonstrating empathy when making instructional strategy decisions for adult learners in higher educational settings?
  • 49. Ricardo Sosa “The picture of method starts to shift. The argument is no longer that methods discover and depict realities. Instead, it is that they participate in the enactment of those realities. It is also that method is not just a more or less complicated set of procedures or rules, but rather a bundled hinterland. This stretches through skills, instruments and statements (in-here enactments of previous methods) through the out-there realities so described, into a ramifying and indefinite set of relations, places and assumptions that disappear from view.” page 45
  • 50. Ricardo Sosa Sample Research Questions From Different Inquiry Worldviews Positivism What is the relationship between exercise self-efficacy and the amount of time spent exercising per week for mothers who have given birth within the last year? Interpretivism-Constructivism How do mothers who have given birth within the last year talk about exercising time? Critical Worldview How do self-perceptions of female body image influence new mothers’ confidence about exercising? Transformative-Participatory How can mothers who have given birth in the last year organize and implement programs of exercise in their community? Pragmatism-Pluralism How do women who gave birth at age 40+ experience exercise in their daily life? Queer (How) does societal heteronormativity influence parenting beliefs among queer youth with queer parents? Adapted from: DeCuir-Gunby, J. & Schutz, P. (2017). Chapter 3 asking appropriate research questions. In DeCuir-Gunby, J., & Schutz, P. Developing a mixed methods proposal: A practical guide for beginning researchers (pp. 33-44). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483399980
  • 51. Ricardo Sosa How do self-perceptions of female body image influence new mothers’ confidence about exercising? (How) does societal heteronormativity influence parenting beliefs among queer youth with queer parents?
  • 52. Ricardo Sosa Main Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Intellectual Inquiry Qualitative Inquiry Quantitative Inquiry • Assumes subjective reality is socially constructed • Assumes there is an objective reality ready to be discovered • Appreciates complexity and multiple truths • Favours parsimonyand assumes a single truth • Research is value bound, and the researcher’s values are accounted for • Research is value neutral, and the researcher’s values are muted • The researcher is the primary instrument (observations,interviews) • Uses inanimate instruments (scales,questionnaires,checklists, tests) • Contextualizes findings • Generalizes results from a sample to a population • Portrays natural settings and contexts • Manipulates and controlsvariables • Few participants,many variables • Few variables, many subjects • Understands the insider’s view • Presents the objective outsiders’view • Human behavior is situational • Human behavior is regular • Interprets human behavior in context • Predicts human behavior • Understands perspectives (empathetic) and exploration • Provides causalexplanations • Widely, deeply examines phenomena • Narrowly tests specific hypotheses • Focuses on essence, and nature • Focuses on measurements • Uses inductive then deductive logic • Uses deductive then inductive logic • Searches for patternsand looks for complexity • Analyzes discrete components looking for the norm • Uses purposive sampling • Uses randomsampling • Single cases or small samples • Large samples with statisticalpower • The research design is emergent and evolving • The research design is predetermined • Data are words, images, and categories • Data are numbers (minor use of words) • Nonlinear, iterative, and creative analysis • Linear, standardized, and prescribed analysis • Thematic, patterned analysis of data • Statisticalanalysis of data • Power in rich descriptions and detail • Statisticalpower • Reports are written in expressive, holistic language(thick descriptions) • Reports are written in precise, conventional,abstract language • Some studies create theory from the findings • Use theory to ground the study and interpret results • Generates understandings frompatterns • Test hypotheses that are born from theory • Faces conceptualcomplexity • Faces statisticalcomplexity • Strives for trustworthy,credible data • Strives for reliable and valid data McGregor, S. (2018). Overview of research design and methods. In McGregor, S. Understanding and evaluating research (pp. 207-226). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc doi: 10.4135/9781071802656
  • 53. Ricardo Sosa Mapping the landscape • Finding your way: • Develop a long list of variations of your RQs • Use your Working Title, keywords and RQ to locate the most relevant sources: • Catalogues, journals, conferences, book series • Identify key authors & groups • Reviews and special issues can save you time (recent)
  • 54. Ricardo Sosa Abstracts • A good abstract includes: • Justification for the work done, approach • Method(s), how was the work carried out • Outcomes and contributions • Scope of what is discussed, concluded
  • 58. Ricardo Sosa Justification and Positioning • Why the work needs to be done? • Why it can be done this way? • What specifically needs to be done? • Who would this benefit? Who is this for? • What is the contribution? • How is the contribution assessed? • What would be the impact?
  • 59. Ricardo Sosa CTEC810 TransD Research Methods Week 3 Nau Mai, Welcome Course:
  • 60. Ricardo Sosa Feedback on working titles and abstracts • Length • Clarity • Precision • Completeness • Originality • Keywords • Persuasiveness • Feedforward: next steps…
  • 61. Ricardo Sosa Forum: Working titles, keywords, and research questions a) Sustainability of Materials used in Art Installation Practice • Achieving/Exploring Sustainability • Sustainability within/through/in • Sustainability through Recycling Materials used in • Establishing Sustainable Methods in Art Installation Practice • Investigating Sustainable Materials and Design Methods • [I am mainly looking into how sustainability can be achieved in the make-up of an installation (material use) and how that also effects other aspects such as time and cost of the installation.] • Some RQ's I was looking into were: • What is sustainability? Why is it important? For society/world, as a designer. • What methods are other designers using in this space? • What aspects of my practice are sustainable? What aspects aren't? • Are there sustainable substitutes for those that aren't? • If there aren't, what possible solutions could there be? • How does sustainable methods or materials effect cost/time to create an installation?
  • 62. Ricardo Sosa a) Sustainability of Materials used in Art Installation Practice • Clarity of key terms: 1. Physical Art Installation Practice 2. Sustainability 3. Indicators, variables, metrics, issues, “aspects” • Clarity of approach: 1. Relevance of: precedents, existing alternatives, emerging practices, new methods 2. Implications of: exploring, achieving, establishing, investigating… or something else? 3. Means and ends: contributions?
  • 64. Ricardo Sosa • DiSalvo, C., Boehner, K., Knouf, N. A., & Sengers, P. (2009, April). Nourishing the ground for sustainable HCI: considerations from ecologically engaged art. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 385-394). • Jackson, S. J., & Kang, L. (2014, April). Breakdown, obsolescence and reuse: HCI and the art of repair. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 449-458). • Weintraub, L. (2012). To life!: eco art in pursuit of a sustainable planet. Univ of California Press. • Guy, S., Henshaw, V., & Heidrich, O. (2015). Climate change, adaptation and eco-art in Singapore. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(1), 39-54. • Walker, S. (2013). Imagination’s promise: Practice-based design research for sustainability. The handbook of design for sustainability, 446-465. • Leerberg, M., Riisberg, V., & Boutrup, J. (2010). Design responsibility and sustainable design as reflective practice: An educational challenge. Sustainable Development, 18(5), 306-317. • Phillips, P. (2015). Artistic practices and ecoaesthetics in post-sustainable worlds. An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: The arts and design for the environment, 55-68. • Walker, S., Dogan, C., & Marchand, A. (2009, April). Research through Design: The Development of Sustainable Material Cultures. In 8th European Academy of Design Conference Proceedings,[Online] Avaliable: http://ead09. rgu. ac. uk/Papers/183. pdf [31 July 2012]. • Maher, R., Maher, M., Mann, S., & McAlpine, C. A. (2018). Integrating design thinking with sustainability science: a Research through Design approach. Sustainability science, 13(6), 1565-1587. • Walker, S. (2011). The Spirit of Design: Objects. Environment and Meaning. • Walker, S., & Giard, J. (Eds.). (2013). The handbook of design for sustainability. A&C Black.
  • 67. Ricardo Sosa Forum: Working titles, keywords, and research questions b) Biomimicry in Architecture • Biomimicry: Can the biological characteristics of natural life and the built environment offer new solutions for more appropriate, bio-eco architectural designs? • What are the potentials of Bio-inspired architecture that can contribute to better quality of buildings? • Biomimicry-future innovations inspired by nature • Biomimicry as the answer for sustainability in architecture • Principle tools and guidelines to influence more sustainable design for the future of the built environment • Some RQ's I was looking into were: • To investigate the architectural contribution to biomimicry • Principles of biomimicry that aid in sustainable design • Potentials and Limitations of these principles • SWOT Analysis of biomimicry as a concept in architecture • Future scope for biomimicry inspired they evolve/do they remain/do they become part of an ecosystem/response to their surroundings
  • 68. Ricardo Sosa b) Biomimicry in Architecture • Background: 1. Biomimicry in Architecture: principles & guidelines, approaches & cases 2. Assessment of biomimicry for sustainability • Clarity of approach: 1. Practice (case) 2. Evaluation (cases) 3. Analysis, assessment (metrics)
  • 74. Ricardo Sosa Forum: Working titles, keywords, and research questions c) VR visualisations of architectural spaces • How does VR facilitate/challenge visualisations in architectural spaces • Does VR enhance/hinder architectural rendering. • How does VR benefit rendering in architectural spaces. • My Research Questions/Ideas are based around a few thoughts. • Is the loss of fidelity in VR made up by the immersion factor. • Is the extra effort of implementing VR into this pipeline worth it. • Can you still create photo realistic scenes in VR. • If so, how accessible are those scenes.
  • 77. Ricardo Sosa Chapter 5 This chapter presents and discusses the creative tool “Storeoboard”, and how the implementation enables the use of stereoscopic 3D depth planes. It discusses the functionality of this tool, and how it supports artists with their fast, fluid and flexible creative workflow for drawing stereoscopic storyboards via 2D pen input. This chapter continues by presenting a thorough evaluation of this technique through individual user studies, focus groups and finally a discussion regarding the deployment of the tool on the full-length, 3D Lumière award winning feature film “40 Below and Falling”.
  • 81. Ricardo Sosa Literature reviews, precedents, grounding • Why do a lit review? What for? • From description to analysis • Identifying gaps, opportunities • Locating tensions, contradictions • Evaluation of reported findings • Examination of methodologies • Getting a sense of theoretical grounds • “Seeing what others don’t”
  • 82. Ricardo Sosa Research contributions • Reviews (meta, systematic, exploratory…) • Frameworks and models • Experiences • Insights • Evidence • Change • Theory formulation • Theory evaluation • Replication • Validation
  • 83. Ricardo Sosa References and citations • All research outputs include references • Some distinguish cited references vs bibliography • Number of times cited gives an indication* of quality • Primary vs secondary sources: beware! • Key sources by scanning the references across papers • Navigate the literature by following references/citations • Set up alerts (keywords), follow authors • Use reference managers (EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley…) • Discover gaps between disciplines or specialist groups
  • 85. Ricardo Sosa Show list of references analysed for the Design Briefs papers
  • 86. Ricardo Sosa CTEC810 TransD Research Methods Week 4 Nau Mai, Welcome Course:
  • 87. Ricardo Sosa CTEC810 Week 4 Today: • 15” presentation • 45” for peer feedback • 50” Methods: Surveys, questionnaires and interviews Important: Install Microsoft Teams and follow the CTEC810 channel for videos, files, and messages
  • 88. Ricardo Sosa Titles: 1: Influence of form and function of the library as an architectural typology in future urban integration/upgrading. 3: Influence of form and function in a hybrid approach of the library as a heterotopia in urban integration. 4: Exploring hybrid library as heterotopia in urban integration. 5: Influence of Form and Function in the History of The Library as an Architectural typology 6: Exploring hybrid library as social infrastructure in urban integration. Keywords: • Form, Function, Hybrid Library, Urban integration. Social infrastructure Research questions: •How does the function of the libraries respond to the requirements for offering public space? •What are the spatial dimensions of these two roles (library use and public use)? •How has the advancement in technology and innovation over the years influenced changes form and function of the architecture of public libraries? •How have the transitions in the public library designs over the years made the interface between the new replacement and spatial values in developing urban space? •How a hybrid design of forms and functions could explore a dynamic approach to plan the future public libraries in smart cities? •How hybrid libraries could transform their environments from repositories of knowledge of the creation of knowledge and community hubs of engagement? •How a hybrid library could be a center of meaning to let visitors build, develop and refine what matters to their community? •How will a hybrid library's form reflect evolving ecology of information and educational infrastructures which are the major future public libraries' functions? •How do public libraries develop in the ways to form the smart urban context as forms and functions to facilitate the social and economic crises? •How designers could give dynamic shapes to the future public libraries by considering the texture of democratic culture to persuade the people to reach for something higher than the bottom line? •How does architecture enhance the library's function to ensure civic space for advancing common interests to meet the values of an adaptive smart social infrastructure?
  • 89. Ricardo Sosa Bibliography (132) Information/Library Science = 80.426 %
  • 90. Ricardo Sosa Excluding these categories Narrowing down field/year
  • 91. Ricardo Sosa Adamek-hyska, d., strojek-filus, m., & sulik-gorecka, a. (2017). Consolidated balance sheet of local self-government entity in poland - legal bases and its usefulness (wos:000456193700013). Retrieved from <go to isi>://wos:000456193700013 Adisso, e. L., borde, v., saint-hilaire, m. E., robitaille, h., archambault, p., blais, j., . . .Legare, f. (2018). Canpatients be trained to expect shared decision making in clinical consultations? Feasibility study ofa public library program to raise patient awareness. Plos one, 13(12). Https:// Ajuwon, g.A., kamau, n., kinyengyere, a., & muziringa, m. (2017). Consumer health information literacy promotion program in public and community libraries in africa: experience from kenya, nigeria, uganda, and zimbabwe. Journal of consumer health on the internet, 21(4), 350-368. Https:// Alcaraz, k. I., kreuter, m. W., & bryan, r. P. (2009). Useof gis to identify optimal settings for cancer prevention and control in african american communities. Preventive medicine, 49(1), 54-57. Https:// Alena, i. D. (2015). Presentation of library local history materials in the internet as a way ofpreservation and broadcasting of them (on the example ofwebsites municipal libraries of tomsk region). Vestnik tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta-kulturologiya i iskusstvovedenie-tomsk state university journal ofcultural studies and art history, 18(2), 102-111. Https:// Alena, i. D. (2017). Museum activity of modern rural libraries (on an example ofthe tomsk region). Vestnik tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta-kulturologiya i iskusstvovedenie-tomsk state university journal of cultural studies and art history, 28, 198-206. Https:// Almeida, f. R. (2017). The creation ofrefugee information services: an unmet need and future opportunity. Biblos-revista da faculdade de letras da universidade de coimbra(3), 123-147. 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  • 93. Ricardo Sosa Bruce, J. S., De La Cruz, M. M., Moreno, G., & Chamberlain, L. J. (2017). Lunch at the library: examination of a community-based approach to addressing summer food insecurity. Public Health Nutrition, 20(9), 1640-1649.
  • 94. Ricardo Sosa Capille, C. (2018). Political Interiors: The Case of Public Libraries. Space and Culture, 21(4), 408-423.
  • 95. Ricardo Sosa Chang, J. H., & Wang, J. Y. (2016). Analysis of Parent-Child Interaction at Various Space and Furniture of Reading Environment-Take Parent-Child Reading Areas in Taipei Public Libraries as an Example. In R. Goonetilleke & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors (WOS:000389642400056, Vol. 489, pp. 571-581). Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://WOS:000389642400056. 319-41694-6_56
  • 96. Ricardo Sosa Glusac, L. (2018). Local public libraries as human rights intermediaries. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 36(2), 133-151.
  • 97. Ricardo Sosa Hernandez-Pedreno, M., Romero-Sanchez, E., & Gomez- Hernandez, J. A. (2019). Public libraries in the context of digital inclusion services: challenges for a more equal citizenship. Revista Mediterranea Comunicacion-Journal of Communication, 10(1), 41-54.
  • 98. Ricardo Sosa Bruce, J. S., De La Cruz, M. M., Moreno, G., & Chamberlain, L. J. (2017). Lunch at the library: examination of a community-based approach to addressing summer food insecurity. Public Health Nutrition, 20(9), 1640- 1649. • Objective: To examine a library-based approach to addressing food insecurity through a child and adult summer meal programme. The study examines: (i) risk of household food insecurity among participants; (ii) perspectives on the library meal programme; and (iii) barriers to utilizing other community food resources. • Design: Quantitative surveys with adult participants and qualitative semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of adult participants. • Setting: Ten libraries using public and private funding to serve meals to children and adults for six to eight weeks in low-income Silicon Valley communities (California, USA) during summer 2015. • Subjects: Adult survey participants (≥18 years) were recruited to obtain maximum capture, while a sub-sample of interview participants was recruited through maximum variation purposeful sampling. • Results: Survey participants (n 161) were largely Latino (71 %) and Asian (23 %). Forty-one per cent of participants screened positive for risk of food insecurity in the past 12 months. A sub-sample of programme participants engaged in qualitative interviews (n 67). Interviewees reported appreciating the library’s child enrichment programmes, resources, and open and welcoming atmosphere. Provision of adult meals was described as building community among library patrons, neighbours and staff. Participants emphasized lack of awareness, misinformation about programmes, structural barriers (i.e. transportation), immigration fears and stigma as barriers to utilizing community food resources. • Conclusions: Food insecurity remains high in our study population. Public libraries are ideal locations for community-based meal programmes due to their welcoming and stigma-free environment. Libraries are well positioned to link individuals to other social services given their reputation as trusted community organizations.
  • 99. Ricardo Sosa Capille, C. (2018). Political Interiors: The Case of Public Libraries. Space and Culture, 21(4), 408-423. • The article reviews the literature on the historical emergence of public libraries and recommends that studies of contemporary libraries should consider how this building type originally framed social relationships through its architecture, materializing specific ideologies of politics and culture. • In synthesis, this article has clarified the “traditional” social intentions of public libraries and how these intentions were manifested in space, program, and use. Space organizes access to knowledge according to an epistemology, program defines an educational agenda, and use materializes these conceptual definitions into real collective behaviors. Moreover, it is argued that each of these three aspects—space, program, and use—produced forms of separation and organization of political ideologies, power, public realm, and public use. In short, these three aspects’ interrelation and configuration produced a “political condition” for the public library building type. • Moreover, one should interrogate what kind of politics should we expect from the collective use of the interior of a building—and conversely, what kind of architectural interior can respond to the political needs of contemporary societies.
  • 100. Ricardo Sosa Chang, J. H., & Wang, J. Y. (2016). Analysis of Parent-Child Interaction at Various Space and Furniture of Reading Environment-Take Parent-Child Reading Areas in Taipei Public Libraries as an Example. In R. Goonetilleke & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors (WOS:000389642400056, Vol. 489, pp. 571-581). Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://WOS:000389642400056. • We visited eight Taipei public libraries in person, analyzing pros and cons of space and furniture arrangement… as well as recording parent-child reading behavior at varied environments with Nonparticipant Observation Method… After evaluation and analysis of the research, we found two aspects to be improved which are library space and furniture arrangement—furniture lack of containing space and space lack of artistic display and decoration… • Field Study: The researcher visited eight public libraries in Taipei City from December 1–16, 2015 in order to record and analyze the current conditions in relation to space planning for parent-child shared reading… • Observation Survey: The research [16] classified the children’s reading rooms and parent-child shared reading areas at public libraries in Taipei City into eight types… • Results: In this study, the following items are assessed in terms of the three categories: “achieved rate”, “failure rate” and “to be improved rate”… The results from the observation will be organized so as to identify the relationships between the environments, furniture and parent-child interactions. For carrying out this study, visits were paid to the public libraries representing these eight types in Taipei City.