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Volume 23 - Número 1 - 1º Semestre 2023
Artur Henrique Freitas Florentino de Souza¹, Martin Lindsey Christoffersen2
; Francimário da Silva Feitosa3
The community of limnic benthic invertebrates contains a diverse set of taxonomic groups, many visible to the
naked eye, living associated or not to the substrate. In order to understand the colonization of invertebrates to
these environments, an artificial substrate is used in order to reduce problems related to the variety of natural
substrates in the different locations studied. Furthermore, such a procedure results in more accurate predictions
than those made with traditional methods. This study aimed to record changes in species richness and abundance
of benthic macroinvertebrates during the processes of colonization and ecological succession of artificial
substrates in a temporary reservoir in Serra Branca, State of Paraíba. Sampling was performed weekly in the
Jatobá Dam during the rainy season (April to June, 2007), using 32 polyethylene baskets, each containing 1 kg of
artificial substrate composed of granitic gravel. Each week water samples were also collected to determine the
physical and chemical variables (temperature, pH, depth and transparency of water, conductivity, alkalinity, total
hardness of water and dissolved oxygen). These were correlated with the biological data (taxa and abundances).
We recorded a maximum richness of 37 taxa, mainly Insecta, Gastropoda, Annelida and Crustacea. There was
alternating dominance among Conchostraca, Oligochaeta and Planorbidae. Although frequent, the chironomid
flies were not dominant during the colonization process. In the eighth week of installation of the artificial
substrate, the highest means of individuals and taxa were recorded, indicating from then on, an adequacy of
relationships in the community, in terms of ecological succession, and consequent approximation to the climax
Keywords: Artificial substrate, Zoobenthos, Limnology, Caatinga Domain.
A comunidade de invertebrados bentônicos límnicos contém um conjunto diversificado de grupos taxonômicos,
que podem, aparentemente, ser visíveis a olho nu, vivendo ou não presos ao substrato. No entanto, para entender a
colonização desses invertebrados nos ambientes, um substrato artificial é utilizado como forma de diminuir os
problemas relacionados à variedade de substratos naturais nas diferentes localidades estudadas. Além disso, esta
técnica resulta em previsões mais precisas do que aquelas feitas com métodos tradicionais. Este estudo teve como
objetivo registrar mudanças na riqueza e abundância de espécies de macroinvertebrados bentônicos durante os
processos de colonização e sucessão ecológica de substratos artificiais em um reservatório temporário em Serra
Branca, Estado da Paraíba. As amostragens foram realizadas semanalmente na represa Jatobá durante o período
chuvoso (abril a junho de 2007), utilizando 32 cestas de polietileno, cada uma contendo 1 kg de substrato artificial
composto de cascalho granítico. A cada semana também foram coletadas amostras de água para determinação das
variáveis físicas e químicas (temperatura, pH, profundidade e transparência da água, condutividade, alcalinidade,
dureza total da água e oxigênio dissolvido). Estes foram correlacionados com os dados biológicos (táxons e
abundâncias). Registramos uma riqueza máxima de 37 táxons, principalmente Insecta, Gastropoda, Annelida e
Crustacea. Houve dominância alternada entre Conchostraca, Oligochaeta e Planorbidae. Apesar de frequentes, os
quironomídeos não foram dominantes durante o processo de colonização. Na oitava semana de instalação dos
substratos, foram registradas as maiores médias de indivíduos e táxons, indicando a partir de então uma adequação
das relações na comunidade, em termos de sucessão ecológica, e consequente aproximação do estágio clímax.
Palavras-chaves: Substrato artificial, Zoobentos, Limnologia, Caatinga.
The community of benthic invertebrates
of continental waters contains a diverse
assemblage of taxonomical groups. For
example, there are crustaceans, mollusks,
annelids and adult or immature insects.
Individuals usually exceed 0.2mm (Henry,
2003). Such a biotic community is fundamental
in rivers and lakes for the bioturbation of
sediments and for the consequent turnover of
organic matter (MARQUES et al., 1999).
The main factors for the successful
establishment of zoobenthic communities are
habitat quality (MARQUES et al., 1999) and
physical conditions such as geomorphology,
current velocity, flow rate, substrate type and
retention time. All these factors decisively
influence the colonization and the successional
dynamics of these communities (CARVALHO;
UIEDA, 2004). These animals have a large
presence in lentic ecosystems, being
preferentialy found in the costal zone, whose
characteristics favor the development of their
community (BUTAKKA et al., 2014)
Artificial substrates are artefacts that try to
mimic environmental characters. They contain
substrates that are auspicious for the
colonization of benthic organisms. These
artefacts have been largely used, in a
standardized way, as a means of reducing
problems related to the variety of natural
substrates in the different studied localities.
They are thus considered an important tool for
monitoring water bodies and/or for measuring
the degradation of aquatic continental
ecosystems (BICUDO; BICUDO, 2004).
According to these same authors, the use of
artificial substrates as an environmental tool
results in more accurate predictions than those
made with traditional methods. Thus, there are
more guarantees for the elaboration of efficient
strategies for the management and conservation
of continental aquatic systems and for the
monitoring of different water bodies.
Colonization experiments permit us to
know the invertebrate fauna present in a certain
area. They also enable the analysis of the
temporal changes that affect the zoobenthic
community composition due to natural or
stochastic processes (e.g., anthropogenic);
consequently, these groups are largely used in
studies that aim at environmental bioindication
(CARVALHO, UIEDA, 2004). Another
important aspect in the use of artificial
substrates is the possibility of evaluating the
successional stages of zoobenthos in the area
(Santos et al., 2016).
The main aim of this study is to analyze
changes in the taxonomic richness, frequency
and abundance of benthic invertebrates during
the process of colonization and ecological
succession of these animals in artificial
substrates. The collections took place in the
rainy season in the Municipality of Serra
Branca, State of Paraíba. The period in which
the water blade is present in the Jatobá Dam is
2.1 Study Area
The municipality of Serra Branca is
located in the geo-environmental unit of the
Borborema plateau, in the State of Paraíba,
Brazil. It is situated in the domain of the river
Taperoá sub-basin, an hydrographic basin of the
Paraíba River (BRASIL, 2005). The area of the
unit is crossed by permanent rivers,
notwithstanding with a low flow rate. The
potential for subterranean water is low and the
vegetation of the municipality is formed by
semideciduous and deciduous forests, typical of
the Caatinga Domain. The climate is of the
Tropical Rainy type, with a dry summer.
The Jatobá Dam (Figure 1) is filled in the
rainy season by a stream of the same name. Its
geographical coordinates are 7º 29’ 41.27’’S,
36º 44’ 03.06’’W. It is located 534 m above sea
Figure 1. Jatobá Dam, at the municipality of Serra
Branca, Paraíba, in the rainy season (A) and dry season
(B); Polyethylene baskets, containing 1 kg of granite
gravel as an artificial substrate (C). Source: produced by
the authors.
The reservoir measures 330m in length
and 168m in width, being up to 2.5 m deep. This
small hydraulic basin is of a temporary nature.
Both swimming and fishing with the use of nets
is prohibited.
2.2 Environmental and biological variables
The data for the rainfall of the region, in
millimeters (mm), were obtained at the Empresa
de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural
(EMATER) of Serra Branca. These data were
collected with a pluviometer with a precision of
0.1mm, placed in an open space of 20m2
without obstacles, 1.5 m above the ground.
Measurements were made daily, always at 7:00
Among Physical and Chemical Variables
of the Water, samples of surface water were
collected in the same day, hour and place of the
artificial substrates. These were immediately
transported in a thermal box with ice in order to
lower photosynthesis, respiration and
decomposition of the organisms in the water. In
the lab, they were transferred to a freezer, where
they remained until processing.
Variables determined in the lab were:
Electric Conductivity (µ
), with the use of
a conductive meter; Alkalinity (mg CaCO3.L-1
determined by titration, following the method
described in Standard Methods (Eaton et al.,
1995); Total Water Hardness (mg CaCO3.L-1
determined by titration, also following the
method described in Standard Methods (Eaton
et al., 1995); and Dissolved Oxygen (mg O2.L-1
determined by the classic method of Winkler
(GOLTERMAN et al., 1978).
The experimentation with colonization
and ecological succession of the zoobenthos
occurred during the period from March to May,
2007 (rainy season), totaling 10 (ten) weeks.
From the second week of installation three
samples were collected weekly at the same pre-
established time, always at 9 a.m.
Thirty-two polyethylene baskets with openings
of 1.5cm x 1.5cm, were used. Each one (a total
capacity of 2000 cm3
– Figure 1C) was filled
with 1kg of granitic gravel to serve as the
artificial substrate; they were placed
equidistantly 2m apart and at a mean depth of
90 cm, and their position was marked by a
strand of styrofoam. The physical and chemical
variables of the water samples were measured
before the submersion of the artificial substrates
(W0, March 17).
After 15 days of substrate installation,
three substrates were collected in a random way.
This procedure was repeated during nine weeks,
being labeled as: W2 (March 31), W3 (April
07), W4 (April 14), W5 (April 21), W6 (April
28), W7 (May 05), W8 (May 12), W9 (May 19)
and W10 (May 26).
The baskets were rescued using a delta
sieve with a mesh of 500 µm, placed in black
plastic bags containing crystals of menthol,
without the presence of fixatives of
preservatives, and maintained in styrofoam
boxes with ice. The bags were transported to the
lab, where the animals were separated in white
plastic trays with the help of bright lamps.
The obtained animals were fixed and
preserved in absolute alcohol. Later, the
samples were preserved in alcohol at 70%.
Benthic organisms were identified with the help
of a Zeiss stereomicroscope and with
specialized identification keys (MERRIT;
CUMMINS, 1984; EPLER, 2006, 2010;
MUNGAI et al., 2010), as well as further
specialized literature.
Regarding data analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk
test was applied to verify the normality of the
abiotic data. As data did not follow a normal
pattern, non-parametric tests were applied.
The U test of Man-Whitney was used to
compare organism abundance with the
correlation index of Spearman. These tests were
calculated with the software Statistica for
Windows (STATSOFT, 2004).
3.1. Environmental Variables
The rainfall accumulated during the
period of the experiment was 188.12 mm. The
highest weekly values occurred during the
installation of the substrates (41.1mm), sixth
and seventh week (47.6 and 41.7 mm,
respectively). It did not rain during the third
week during substrate retrieval (W3) (Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Weekly rainfall (mm) at the Municipality of
Serra Branca, Paraíba, during the months of March to
May, 2007.
Regarding water transparency, deepest
values were obtained during their installation
(W0), with 92.66 cm. The smallest value was
obtained at W4, with 45.33 cm (Figure 3A); the
mean depth of the artificial substrates followed
due to the low depth of this aquatic system.
Figure 3. Mean values Water Transparency (A), pH (B),
Dissolved Oxygen (C), Temperature (D), Alkalinity (E),
Electric Conductivity (F) and Total Water Hardness (G),
of artificial substrates and in Jatobá Dam, Serra Branca,
Paraíba, during the months of March to May, 2007 (rainy
season). Source: Research Data.
The mean values of pH remained slightly
acid during the entire experiment, with
minimum and maximum values varying from
5.5 (W2) to 7.1 (W9). The mean variation of pH
in the Jatobá Dam was 0.9 (Figure 3B).
A moderate variation in the mean
dissolved oxygen content was observed during
the months of the experiments, with a span of
2.0 mg O2.L-1
(Figure 3C). The mean water
temperature remained above 24ºC, however the
highest mean value occurred in W3, with
27.3ºC. (Figure 3D). Mean alkalinity values
(Figure 3E) remained very low, with a
conspicuous variation between W2 and W3.
The mean values of electric conductivity
(Figure 3F) showed strong oscillations during
the duration of the experiment, with a difference
of 96.9 µ
. Regarding the means of total
water hardness, these had little temporal
variation, a difference of 7 mg CaCO3.L-1
recorded (Figure 3G).
3.2. Zoobenthos and the Artificial Substrates
We counted 32 taxa in the zoobenthos,
represented by: Gastropoda (Physidae,
Planorbidae, Ancylidae), Insecta (Coleoptera,
Diptera, Heteroptera, Neuroptera, Odonata,
Ephemeroptera), Crustacea (Ostracoda and
Conchostraca), Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria
(Hydrozoa), Annelida (Oligochaeta and
Hirudinea), Nematomorpha and Hydracarina
(Table 1).
The mean of the total individuals
collected and taxon richness were most
expressive during the eighth week after the
installation of the substrates (W8), with 781
organisms and 21 taxa recorded, respectively.
In W6, 640 organisms were recorded as the
mean total of benthonic macroinvertebrates,
even though only 12 taxa were present, the
lowest richness recorded in the entire study.
Regarding the dynamics of colonization of
the substrates, we recorded changes in the
dominance by three taxa: 1) Conchostraca in
W2, with 28.5%, and W3, with 37.1%, but in
W7 these crustaceans presented the largest
number of specimens (mean of 130 individuals),
and then decreasing their numbers during the
remaining weeks; 2) the mollusk Biomphalaria
sp. was dominant mainly in W4 and W7, with
45.5% and 27.9%, respectively. These
planorbids contributed with a relative
abundance above 20% during all weeks of the
experiment; and 3) the Oligochaeta dominated
in W7 (42.6%) and W9 (38.3%), with the
highest mean percentage recorded, 50.1%
during the uninstallation week of the experiment
(W10), as shown in Table 01 (Figure 4).
Table 1. Mean richness of taxa, abundance and relative
frequency of the benthic macroinvertebrates obtained
during experiments with artificial substrates in Jatobá
Dam (Serra Branca, Paraíba), along the months of April
to June, 2007, corresponding to the rainy season.
Source: Research Data.
Figure 4. Mean zoobenthos dynamics during the
colonization of artificial substrates in the temporary
Jatobá Dam, during the months of March to May, 2007.
Source: Research Data.
Diptera belonging to Chironomidae were
also expressive, having a maximum recorded
frequency of 17.1% in W1, showing their
numerical importance among the insects as
pioneers in the colonization of the artificial
substrates. However, their abundance decreased
at the end of the experiment, 4.4% being
recorded in W9. Hydra iheringi was recorded
beginning in the third week of the experiment
(W3), attaining a mean relative abundance of
8.3% in W5 and then disappearing in W7 and
The correlations of Spearman among the
environmental variables and the biological data
showed significant correlations among rainfall
and the number of hydras (r = 0.53; p < 0.05),
electric conductivity and the numbers of
Oligochaeta (r = 0.78; p < 0.05) and total
individuals and electric conductivity (r = 0.55;
p < 0.05).
Environmental factors such as rainfall and
changes in the physical and chemical properties
of the water may have influenced our results.
According to Abílio (2006) and Souza, Abílio
(2006), environmental factors such as rainfall
induce changes in the physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics of aquatic systems,
particularly in temporary environments in the
semiarid region of Brazil.
During the experiment, some
environmental variables such as mean alkalinity
and water hardness showed relatively low
values, when compared to other reservoirs in the
region. This may be explained by the rains
occurring in the municipality of Serra Branca
and by the great quantity of crystalline rocks
present in the micro-basin, which is located in a
zone of igneous rock (BRASIL, 2005). Other
factors, such as soil type present in the hydric
basin and in the basin of the Jatobá River may
also have contributed to the low levels of the
mentioned variables, which were previously
influenced directly by the conditions of the
Jatobá Hill range.
The mean pH values were slightly acid,
which may be explained by the probably
dystrophic condition of the environment, as
indicated by the brownish-yellowish color of the
water. According to Esteves (2011), most
continental hydraulic basins present pH values
oscillating between 6.0 and 8.0. Corroborating
this idea, Girardi et al. (2016) said that water
quality is influenced by river flow, where it is
understood that the geological nature of basin in
which a hydraulic body is situated may
influence the changes in pH, as well as of the
Electric Conductivity.
Even with acid pH and water Hardness
not so high, with soft water classification
(WHO, 2017), these variables were not enough
to limit the presence of molluscs such as
Glundachia sp., Drepanotrema sp. and, in
particular, the expressive abundance and
frequency of the gastropods Biomphalaria sp.
throughout the experiment, since they need
CaCO3 for the composition of the shell. Such
molluscs are very common in the aquatic
environments of the Caatinga (KOTZIAN;
AMARAL, 2013).
Regarding the macroinvertebrates, insects
were the most frequent in the colonization of the
artificial substrates. According to Correia and
Trivino-Strixino (2005), most aquatic insects
are intimately associated with the substrate, at
least during a phase of their life cycle. In the
present study, chironomid larvae were most
representative during the first week of the
experiment (W1), being considered important
pioneers in the colonization of new aquatic
substrates (SILVA, Henry, 2017). In fact, the
substrate exerts a great influence on these
animals. It may affect the growth and survival
directly, as the substrate provides the habitat, its
food, and protection. According to the results
obtained by Carvalho, Uieda (2004), Ribeiro,
Ueda (2006), and Souza et al. (2008), whom
also used the process of colonization of artificial
substrates, the assemblage of chironomids was
dominant. In this study, on the other hand, this
taxon did not become dominant at any moment
during the nine weeks during which the
experiment was conducted, even though it was
the most expressive among insects during the
first week (W1), corroborating the results of
Silva et al. (2016). These authors showed that in
their experiments of colonization with artificial
substrates Chironomidae are dominant in
periods of drought.
The dominance of oligochaetes in the
Jatobá Dam, from W10, W6 and W5 onwards,
may be explained on the basis of the results of
Silva et al. (2016) and Silva, Henrt (2017), also
based on artificial substrates. These authors
found that annelids become dominant in the
rainy season. In W6, however, there was a lower
taxonomic richness and a dominance of
Oligochaeta, associated with a low abundance
of predatory taxa such as Odonata, Ditiscidae,
Heteroptera and Hirudinea, coinciding with the
highest rainfall accumulated during that week.
According to Oricchio, Flores, Dias (2016),
predation can alter the composition, richness
and abundance of substrate-colonizing
Regarding Ostracoda, Monkolski (2006)
finds that this typical benthic group is tolerant to
stress from low oxygen content and may even
become abundant under these conditions. On the
other hand, Souza, Abílio (2006) find that
Ostracoda are usually common in temporary
environments, being strongly affected by
oxygen content and water temperature.
In contrast to other studies in aquatic
water bodies in the basin of the Taperoá River,
the exotic thiarid gastropod Melanoides
tuberculata (Müller, 1774) was not recorded in
our study. This Afro-Asiatic species, which is
resistant to desiccation and has a pandemic
distribution (Pamplim & Rocha, 2005), is also
found in several water bodies in the semiarid
region of the Paraíba State (ABÍLIO et al.,
2006, 2007; Santana et al., 2009; KOTZIAN;
AMARAL, 2013). According to Pamplim,
Rocha (2005), the recording of this species
worldwide indicates a strong and rapid
dispersal, the species being introduced into
several environments as a biological regulator
against Biomphalaria sp., the intermediary host
of Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907, which
provokes Schistosomiasis. In fact, the absence
of M. tuberculata in our study would explain the
high frequency of Biomphalaria sp. in the
studied zoobenthic community.
On the other hand, Souza et al. (2008),
using the same methods, recorded a low
frequency of Biomphalaria sp. in the
colonization of the public reservoir of Jatobá I,
in Patos, Paraíba State. This suggests that the
presence of M. tuberculata directly influenced
the population of the planorbid Biomphalaria
sp. Guimarães et al. (2001) recorded similar
results in two lagoons in Belo Horizonte, Minas
Gerais State, where the presence of M.
tuberculata appears to have reduced the
populations of Biomphalaria sp.
Finally, the colonization os zoobenthos in
stony articifical substrates proved to be an
excellent tool to analyse the dynamics of the
colonization of the limnic zoobenthos,
presenting in the final weeks of the experiment
the highest species richness, with Conchostraca,
Ostracoda and Chironomidae being the
pioneers, while Oligochaeta and gastropods
Biomphalaria sp. Were the most frequent.
Prof. Dr. Francisco José Pegado Abílio,
from Departamento de Metodologia da
Educação/Centro de Educação, Universidade
Federal da Paraíba, Campus I, provided logistic
help. João, from EMATER of Serra Branca,
Paraíba State, provided the pluviometric data
for the studies in the Municipality of Serra
Branca, Paraíba State.
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REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...
REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 - Artigo_Bioterra_V24_...

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  • 1. REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA E CIÊNCIAS DA TERRA ISSN 1519-5228 Volume 23 - Número 1 - 1º Semestre 2023 COLONIZATION DYNAMICS OF BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES IN A BRAZILIAN SEMIARID TEMPORARY DAM Artur Henrique Freitas Florentino de Souza¹, Martin Lindsey Christoffersen2 ; Francimário da Silva Feitosa3 ABSTRACT The community of limnic benthic invertebrates contains a diverse set of taxonomic groups, many visible to the naked eye, living associated or not to the substrate. In order to understand the colonization of invertebrates to these environments, an artificial substrate is used in order to reduce problems related to the variety of natural substrates in the different locations studied. Furthermore, such a procedure results in more accurate predictions than those made with traditional methods. This study aimed to record changes in species richness and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates during the processes of colonization and ecological succession of artificial substrates in a temporary reservoir in Serra Branca, State of Paraíba. Sampling was performed weekly in the Jatobá Dam during the rainy season (April to June, 2007), using 32 polyethylene baskets, each containing 1 kg of artificial substrate composed of granitic gravel. Each week water samples were also collected to determine the physical and chemical variables (temperature, pH, depth and transparency of water, conductivity, alkalinity, total hardness of water and dissolved oxygen). These were correlated with the biological data (taxa and abundances). We recorded a maximum richness of 37 taxa, mainly Insecta, Gastropoda, Annelida and Crustacea. There was alternating dominance among Conchostraca, Oligochaeta and Planorbidae. Although frequent, the chironomid flies were not dominant during the colonization process. In the eighth week of installation of the artificial substrate, the highest means of individuals and taxa were recorded, indicating from then on, an adequacy of relationships in the community, in terms of ecological succession, and consequent approximation to the climax stage. Keywords: Artificial substrate, Zoobenthos, Limnology, Caatinga Domain. DINÂMICA DA COLONIZAÇÃO DE MACROINVERTEBRADOS BENTÔNICOS NUM AÇUDE TEMPORÁRIO DO SEMIÁRIDO BRASILEIRO RESUMO A comunidade de invertebrados bentônicos límnicos contém um conjunto diversificado de grupos taxonômicos, que podem, aparentemente, ser visíveis a olho nu, vivendo ou não presos ao substrato. No entanto, para entender a colonização desses invertebrados nos ambientes, um substrato artificial é utilizado como forma de diminuir os problemas relacionados à variedade de substratos naturais nas diferentes localidades estudadas. Além disso, esta técnica resulta em previsões mais precisas do que aquelas feitas com métodos tradicionais. Este estudo teve como objetivo registrar mudanças na riqueza e abundância de espécies de macroinvertebrados bentônicos durante os processos de colonização e sucessão ecológica de substratos artificiais em um reservatório temporário em Serra Branca, Estado da Paraíba. As amostragens foram realizadas semanalmente na represa Jatobá durante o período chuvoso (abril a junho de 2007), utilizando 32 cestas de polietileno, cada uma contendo 1 kg de substrato artificial composto de cascalho granítico. A cada semana também foram coletadas amostras de água para determinação das variáveis físicas e químicas (temperatura, pH, profundidade e transparência da água, condutividade, alcalinidade, dureza total da água e oxigênio dissolvido). Estes foram correlacionados com os dados biológicos (táxons e abundâncias). Registramos uma riqueza máxima de 37 táxons, principalmente Insecta, Gastropoda, Annelida e Crustacea. Houve dominância alternada entre Conchostraca, Oligochaeta e Planorbidae. Apesar de frequentes, os quironomídeos não foram dominantes durante o processo de colonização. Na oitava semana de instalação dos substratos, foram registradas as maiores médias de indivíduos e táxons, indicando a partir de então uma adequação das relações na comunidade, em termos de sucessão ecológica, e consequente aproximação do estágio clímax. Palavras-chaves: Substrato artificial, Zoobentos, Limnologia, Caatinga. 80
  • 2. 1. INTRODUCTION The community of benthic invertebrates of continental waters contains a diverse assemblage of taxonomical groups. For example, there are crustaceans, mollusks, annelids and adult or immature insects. Individuals usually exceed 0.2mm (Henry, 2003). Such a biotic community is fundamental in rivers and lakes for the bioturbation of sediments and for the consequent turnover of organic matter (MARQUES et al., 1999). The main factors for the successful establishment of zoobenthic communities are habitat quality (MARQUES et al., 1999) and physical conditions such as geomorphology, current velocity, flow rate, substrate type and retention time. All these factors decisively influence the colonization and the successional dynamics of these communities (CARVALHO; UIEDA, 2004). These animals have a large presence in lentic ecosystems, being preferentialy found in the costal zone, whose characteristics favor the development of their community (BUTAKKA et al., 2014) Artificial substrates are artefacts that try to mimic environmental characters. They contain substrates that are auspicious for the colonization of benthic organisms. These artefacts have been largely used, in a standardized way, as a means of reducing problems related to the variety of natural substrates in the different studied localities. They are thus considered an important tool for monitoring water bodies and/or for measuring the degradation of aquatic continental ecosystems (BICUDO; BICUDO, 2004). According to these same authors, the use of artificial substrates as an environmental tool results in more accurate predictions than those made with traditional methods. Thus, there are more guarantees for the elaboration of efficient strategies for the management and conservation of continental aquatic systems and for the monitoring of different water bodies. Colonization experiments permit us to know the invertebrate fauna present in a certain area. They also enable the analysis of the temporal changes that affect the zoobenthic community composition due to natural or stochastic processes (e.g., anthropogenic); consequently, these groups are largely used in studies that aim at environmental bioindication (CARVALHO, UIEDA, 2004). Another important aspect in the use of artificial substrates is the possibility of evaluating the successional stages of zoobenthos in the area (Santos et al., 2016). The main aim of this study is to analyze changes in the taxonomic richness, frequency and abundance of benthic invertebrates during the process of colonization and ecological succession of these animals in artificial substrates. The collections took place in the rainy season in the Municipality of Serra Branca, State of Paraíba. The period in which the water blade is present in the Jatobá Dam is short. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1 Study Area The municipality of Serra Branca is located in the geo-environmental unit of the Borborema plateau, in the State of Paraíba, Brazil. It is situated in the domain of the river Taperoá sub-basin, an hydrographic basin of the Paraíba River (BRASIL, 2005). The area of the unit is crossed by permanent rivers, notwithstanding with a low flow rate. The potential for subterranean water is low and the vegetation of the municipality is formed by semideciduous and deciduous forests, typical of the Caatinga Domain. The climate is of the Tropical Rainy type, with a dry summer. The Jatobá Dam (Figure 1) is filled in the rainy season by a stream of the same name. Its geographical coordinates are 7º 29’ 41.27’’S, 36º 44’ 03.06’’W. It is located 534 m above sea level.
  • 3. Figure 1. Jatobá Dam, at the municipality of Serra Branca, Paraíba, in the rainy season (A) and dry season (B); Polyethylene baskets, containing 1 kg of granite gravel as an artificial substrate (C). Source: produced by the authors. The reservoir measures 330m in length and 168m in width, being up to 2.5 m deep. This small hydraulic basin is of a temporary nature. Both swimming and fishing with the use of nets is prohibited. 2.2 Environmental and biological variables The data for the rainfall of the region, in millimeters (mm), were obtained at the Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (EMATER) of Serra Branca. These data were collected with a pluviometer with a precision of 0.1mm, placed in an open space of 20m2 , without obstacles, 1.5 m above the ground. Measurements were made daily, always at 7:00 A.M. Among Physical and Chemical Variables of the Water, samples of surface water were collected in the same day, hour and place of the artificial substrates. These were immediately transported in a thermal box with ice in order to lower photosynthesis, respiration and decomposition of the organisms in the water. In the lab, they were transferred to a freezer, where they remained until processing. Variables determined in the lab were: Electric Conductivity (µ ), with the use of a conductive meter; Alkalinity (mg CaCO3.L-1 ) determined by titration, following the method described in Standard Methods (Eaton et al., 1995); Total Water Hardness (mg CaCO3.L-1 ) determined by titration, also following the method described in Standard Methods (Eaton et al., 1995); and Dissolved Oxygen (mg O2.L-1 ) determined by the classic method of Winkler (GOLTERMAN et al., 1978). The experimentation with colonization and ecological succession of the zoobenthos occurred during the period from March to May, 2007 (rainy season), totaling 10 (ten) weeks. From the second week of installation three samples were collected weekly at the same pre- established time, always at 9 a.m. Thirty-two polyethylene baskets with openings of 1.5cm x 1.5cm, were used. Each one (a total capacity of 2000 cm3 – Figure 1C) was filled with 1kg of granitic gravel to serve as the artificial substrate; they were placed equidistantly 2m apart and at a mean depth of 90 cm, and their position was marked by a strand of styrofoam. The physical and chemical variables of the water samples were measured before the submersion of the artificial substrates (W0, March 17). After 15 days of substrate installation, three substrates were collected in a random way. This procedure was repeated during nine weeks, being labeled as: W2 (March 31), W3 (April 07), W4 (April 14), W5 (April 21), W6 (April 28), W7 (May 05), W8 (May 12), W9 (May 19) and W10 (May 26). The baskets were rescued using a delta sieve with a mesh of 500 µm, placed in black plastic bags containing crystals of menthol, without the presence of fixatives of preservatives, and maintained in styrofoam boxes with ice. The bags were transported to the lab, where the animals were separated in white plastic trays with the help of bright lamps. The obtained animals were fixed and preserved in absolute alcohol. Later, the samples were preserved in alcohol at 70%. Benthic organisms were identified with the help of a Zeiss stereomicroscope and with specialized identification keys (MERRIT; CUMMINS, 1984; EPLER, 2006, 2010; MUNGAI et al., 2010), as well as further specialized literature. Regarding data analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to verify the normality of the abiotic data. As data did not follow a normal pattern, non-parametric tests were applied. The U test of Man-Whitney was used to compare organism abundance with the correlation index of Spearman. These tests were calculated with the software Statistica for Windows (STATSOFT, 2004). 3. RESULTS 3.1. Environmental Variables The rainfall accumulated during the period of the experiment was 188.12 mm. The highest weekly values occurred during the installation of the substrates (41.1mm), sixth and seventh week (47.6 and 41.7 mm,
  • 4. respectively). It did not rain during the third week during substrate retrieval (W3) (Figure 2). Figure 2 – Weekly rainfall (mm) at the Municipality of Serra Branca, Paraíba, during the months of March to May, 2007. Regarding water transparency, deepest values were obtained during their installation (W0), with 92.66 cm. The smallest value was obtained at W4, with 45.33 cm (Figure 3A); the mean depth of the artificial substrates followed due to the low depth of this aquatic system. Figure 3. Mean values Water Transparency (A), pH (B), Dissolved Oxygen (C), Temperature (D), Alkalinity (E), Electric Conductivity (F) and Total Water Hardness (G), of artificial substrates and in Jatobá Dam, Serra Branca, Paraíba, during the months of March to May, 2007 (rainy season). Source: Research Data. The mean values of pH remained slightly acid during the entire experiment, with minimum and maximum values varying from 5.5 (W2) to 7.1 (W9). The mean variation of pH in the Jatobá Dam was 0.9 (Figure 3B). A moderate variation in the mean dissolved oxygen content was observed during the months of the experiments, with a span of 2.0 mg O2.L-1 (Figure 3C). The mean water temperature remained above 24ºC, however the highest mean value occurred in W3, with 27.3ºC. (Figure 3D). Mean alkalinity values (Figure 3E) remained very low, with a conspicuous variation between W2 and W3. The mean values of electric conductivity (Figure 3F) showed strong oscillations during the duration of the experiment, with a difference of 96.9 µ . Regarding the means of total water hardness, these had little temporal variation, a difference of 7 mg CaCO3.L-1 being recorded (Figure 3G). 3.2. Zoobenthos and the Artificial Substrates We counted 32 taxa in the zoobenthos, represented by: Gastropoda (Physidae, Planorbidae, Ancylidae), Insecta (Coleoptera, Diptera, Heteroptera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Ephemeroptera), Crustacea (Ostracoda and Conchostraca), Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria (Hydrozoa), Annelida (Oligochaeta and Hirudinea), Nematomorpha and Hydracarina (Table 1). The mean of the total individuals collected and taxon richness were most expressive during the eighth week after the installation of the substrates (W8), with 781 organisms and 21 taxa recorded, respectively. In W6, 640 organisms were recorded as the mean total of benthonic macroinvertebrates, even though only 12 taxa were present, the lowest richness recorded in the entire study. Regarding the dynamics of colonization of the substrates, we recorded changes in the dominance by three taxa: 1) Conchostraca in W2, with 28.5%, and W3, with 37.1%, but in W7 these crustaceans presented the largest number of specimens (mean of 130 individuals), and then decreasing their numbers during the remaining weeks; 2) the mollusk Biomphalaria sp. was dominant mainly in W4 and W7, with 45.5% and 27.9%, respectively. These planorbids contributed with a relative abundance above 20% during all weeks of the
  • 5. experiment; and 3) the Oligochaeta dominated in W7 (42.6%) and W9 (38.3%), with the highest mean percentage recorded, 50.1% during the uninstallation week of the experiment (W10), as shown in Table 01 (Figure 4). Table 1. Mean richness of taxa, abundance and relative frequency of the benthic macroinvertebrates obtained during experiments with artificial substrates in Jatobá Dam (Serra Branca, Paraíba), along the months of April to June, 2007, corresponding to the rainy season. Source: Research Data. Figure 4. Mean zoobenthos dynamics during the colonization of artificial substrates in the temporary Jatobá Dam, during the months of March to May, 2007. Source: Research Data. Diptera belonging to Chironomidae were also expressive, having a maximum recorded frequency of 17.1% in W1, showing their numerical importance among the insects as pioneers in the colonization of the artificial substrates. However, their abundance decreased at the end of the experiment, 4.4% being recorded in W9. Hydra iheringi was recorded beginning in the third week of the experiment (W3), attaining a mean relative abundance of 8.3% in W5 and then disappearing in W7 and beyond. The correlations of Spearman among the environmental variables and the biological data showed significant correlations among rainfall and the number of hydras (r = 0.53; p < 0.05), electric conductivity and the numbers of Oligochaeta (r = 0.78; p < 0.05) and total individuals and electric conductivity (r = 0.55; p < 0.05). 4. DISCUSSION Environmental factors such as rainfall and changes in the physical and chemical properties of the water may have influenced our results. According to Abílio (2006) and Souza, Abílio (2006), environmental factors such as rainfall induce changes in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of aquatic systems, particularly in temporary environments in the semiarid region of Brazil. During the experiment, some environmental variables such as mean alkalinity and water hardness showed relatively low values, when compared to other reservoirs in the region. This may be explained by the rains occurring in the municipality of Serra Branca and by the great quantity of crystalline rocks present in the micro-basin, which is located in a zone of igneous rock (BRASIL, 2005). Other factors, such as soil type present in the hydric basin and in the basin of the Jatobá River may also have contributed to the low levels of the mentioned variables, which were previously influenced directly by the conditions of the Jatobá Hill range. The mean pH values were slightly acid, which may be explained by the probably dystrophic condition of the environment, as indicated by the brownish-yellowish color of the water. According to Esteves (2011), most continental hydraulic basins present pH values oscillating between 6.0 and 8.0. Corroborating this idea, Girardi et al. (2016) said that water quality is influenced by river flow, where it is understood that the geological nature of basin in which a hydraulic body is situated may
  • 6. influence the changes in pH, as well as of the Electric Conductivity. Even with acid pH and water Hardness not so high, with soft water classification (WHO, 2017), these variables were not enough to limit the presence of molluscs such as Glundachia sp., Drepanotrema sp. and, in particular, the expressive abundance and frequency of the gastropods Biomphalaria sp. throughout the experiment, since they need CaCO3 for the composition of the shell. Such molluscs are very common in the aquatic environments of the Caatinga (KOTZIAN; AMARAL, 2013). Regarding the macroinvertebrates, insects were the most frequent in the colonization of the artificial substrates. According to Correia and Trivino-Strixino (2005), most aquatic insects are intimately associated with the substrate, at least during a phase of their life cycle. In the present study, chironomid larvae were most representative during the first week of the experiment (W1), being considered important pioneers in the colonization of new aquatic substrates (SILVA, Henry, 2017). In fact, the substrate exerts a great influence on these animals. It may affect the growth and survival directly, as the substrate provides the habitat, its food, and protection. According to the results obtained by Carvalho, Uieda (2004), Ribeiro, Ueda (2006), and Souza et al. (2008), whom also used the process of colonization of artificial substrates, the assemblage of chironomids was dominant. In this study, on the other hand, this taxon did not become dominant at any moment during the nine weeks during which the experiment was conducted, even though it was the most expressive among insects during the first week (W1), corroborating the results of Silva et al. (2016). These authors showed that in their experiments of colonization with artificial substrates Chironomidae are dominant in periods of drought. The dominance of oligochaetes in the Jatobá Dam, from W10, W6 and W5 onwards, may be explained on the basis of the results of Silva et al. (2016) and Silva, Henrt (2017), also based on artificial substrates. These authors found that annelids become dominant in the rainy season. In W6, however, there was a lower taxonomic richness and a dominance of Oligochaeta, associated with a low abundance of predatory taxa such as Odonata, Ditiscidae, Heteroptera and Hirudinea, coinciding with the highest rainfall accumulated during that week. According to Oricchio, Flores, Dias (2016), predation can alter the composition, richness and abundance of substrate-colonizing communities. Regarding Ostracoda, Monkolski (2006) finds that this typical benthic group is tolerant to stress from low oxygen content and may even become abundant under these conditions. On the other hand, Souza, Abílio (2006) find that Ostracoda are usually common in temporary environments, being strongly affected by oxygen content and water temperature. In contrast to other studies in aquatic water bodies in the basin of the Taperoá River, the exotic thiarid gastropod Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) was not recorded in our study. This Afro-Asiatic species, which is resistant to desiccation and has a pandemic distribution (Pamplim & Rocha, 2005), is also found in several water bodies in the semiarid region of the Paraíba State (ABÍLIO et al., 2006, 2007; Santana et al., 2009; KOTZIAN; AMARAL, 2013). According to Pamplim, Rocha (2005), the recording of this species worldwide indicates a strong and rapid dispersal, the species being introduced into several environments as a biological regulator against Biomphalaria sp., the intermediary host of Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907, which provokes Schistosomiasis. In fact, the absence of M. tuberculata in our study would explain the high frequency of Biomphalaria sp. in the studied zoobenthic community. On the other hand, Souza et al. (2008), using the same methods, recorded a low frequency of Biomphalaria sp. in the colonization of the public reservoir of Jatobá I, in Patos, Paraíba State. This suggests that the presence of M. tuberculata directly influenced the population of the planorbid Biomphalaria sp. Guimarães et al. (2001) recorded similar results in two lagoons in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, where the presence of M. tuberculata appears to have reduced the populations of Biomphalaria sp. Finally, the colonization os zoobenthos in stony articifical substrates proved to be an excellent tool to analyse the dynamics of the colonization of the limnic zoobenthos,
  • 7. presenting in the final weeks of the experiment the highest species richness, with Conchostraca, Ostracoda and Chironomidae being the pioneers, while Oligochaeta and gastropods Biomphalaria sp. Were the most frequent. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Prof. Dr. Francisco José Pegado Abílio, from Departamento de Metodologia da Educação/Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus I, provided logistic help. João, from EMATER of Serra Branca, Paraíba State, provided the pluviometric data for the studies in the Municipality of Serra Branca, Paraíba State. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES ABÍLIO, F.J.P., FONSECA-GESSNER, A.A., LEITE, R.L. and RUFFO, T.L.M. Gastrópodes e outros invertebrados do sedimento e associados à macrófita Eichhornia crassipes de um açude hipertrófico do semi-árido paraibano. Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra, 2006, 6 (1) especial, 165-178. ABÍLIO, F.J.P., RUFFO, T.L.M., SOUZA, A.H.F.F., FLORENTINO, H.S., OLIVEIRA- JUNIOR, E.T., MEIRELES, B.N. and SANTANA, A.C.D. Macroinvertebrados Bentônicos como Bioindicadores de Qualidade Ambiental de Corpos Aquáticos da Caatinga. Oecologia Brasiliense, 2007, 11 (3): 397-409. BICUDO, C.E.M. and BICUDO, D.C. Amostragem de Invertebrados Bentônicos. Amostragem em Limnologia. São Carlos-SP: RiMa. 371p. 2004. BRASIL. Ministério das Minas e Energia (MME). CPRM - Serviço Geológico do Brasil. Diagnóstico do município de Serra Branca, Estado da Paraíba. Recife-PE: SGB. 26p. 2005. BUTAKKA, C. M. M.; GOMES, L. C.; TAKEDA, A. M. Taxonomic and numeric structure of Chironomidae (Diptera) in different habitats of a Neotropical floodplain. Iheringia, Série. Zoologia, Porto Alegre, v. 104, n. 3, p. 314-322, 2014. CARVALHO, E.M.; UIEDA, V.S. Colonização por macroinvertebrados bentônicos em substrato artificial e natural em um riacho da serra de Itatinga, São Paulo, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 2004, 21(2) 287-293. CORREIA, L. C.S. and TRIVINHO- STRIXINO, S. Chironomidae (diptera) em Substratos Artificiais num pequeno Reservatório: Represa do Monjolinho, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil. Entomolia e Vectores, 2005, 12 (2): 265-274. EATON, A.D., CLESCERI, L.S. and GREENBERG, A.E. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (19th Edition). Washington-DC: American Public Health Association (APHA). 1325p. 1995. ESTEVES, F.A. Fundamentos de Limnologia. 3ed. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 575p. 2011. EPLER, J.H. Identification manual for the aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera of Florida (Belostomatidae, Corixidae, Gelastocoridae, Gerridae, Hebridae, Hydrometridae, Mesoveliidae, Naucoridae, Nepidae, Notonectidae, Ochteridae, Pleidae, Saldidae, Veliidae). Clean Water Act Section 319, Final Report for DEP Contract Number WM852, 2006. EPLER, J.H. Identification manual for the water beetles of Florida (Coleoptera: Dryopidae, Dytiscidae, Elmidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Hydraenidae, Hydrophilidae, Noteridae, Psephenidae, Ptilodactylidae, Scirtidae). Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program Implementation grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through an agreement with the Nonpoint Source Management Section of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Final Report for FDEP Contract Number WM940, 2010. GIRARDI, R., PINHEIRO, A., GARBOSA, L.H.P and TORRES, E. Water quality change of rivers during rainy events in a watershed with different land uses in Southern Brazil. Revista
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