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Nutrients 2021, 13, x.
Type of the Paper (Article.) 1
Plasma metabolome profiling by high-performance chemical 2
isotope-labelling LC-MS after acute and medium-term inter- 3
vention with golden berry fruit (Physalis peruviana L.), con- 4
firming its impact on insulin-associated signaling pathways 5
Fabrice Vaillant1*, Vanesa Corrales-Agudelo2, Natalia Moreno-Castellanos3, Alberto Ángel-Martín4, Juan Camilo 6
Henao5, Katalina Muñoz-Durango6, Patrick Poucheret7 7
1 Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria – Agrosavia. Centro de Investigación La Selva, 8
Kilómetro 7, Vía a Las Palmas, vereda Llanogrande, Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia. French Agricultural 9
Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), UMR Qualisud F-34398 Montpellier, France. Joint 10
Research Unit -UMR Qualisud, CIRAD, Univ. Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ. Avignon, Univ. de 11
La Réunion.; 12
2 Vidarium Nutrition, Health and Wellness Research Center, Grupo Empresarial Nutresa, Calle 8 sur No. 50- 13
67, Medellin, Colombia; 14
3 CINTROP, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Cra. 32 29-31, Bucaramanga, Colombia; 15 16
4 OENEC, Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Facultad de Salud. Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucara- 17
manga, Colombia; 18
5 Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria – Agrosavia. Centro de Investigación La Selva, 19
Kilómetro 7, Vía a Las Palmas, vereda Llanogrande, Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia; 20
6 Vidarium Nutrition, Health and Wellness Research Center, Grupo Empresarial Nutresa, Calle 8 sur No. 50- 21
67, Medellin, Colombia; 22
7 Joint Research Unit -UMR Qualisud, CIRAD, Univ. Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ. Avignon, 23
Univ. de La Réunion; 24
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +33 91 3201-7456. 26
Abstract: Purpose: Golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.) is an exotic fruit exported from Colombia to 27
different countries around the world. A review of the literature tends to demonstrate a hypoglycae- 28
mic effect with an improvement in insulin sensitivity after oral ingestion of fruit extracts in animal 29
models. However, little is known about their potential effects in humans, and very little is known 30
about the mechanisms involved. This study aimed at identifying discriminant metabolitess after 31
acute and chronic intake of Golden berry. Method: An untargeted metabolomics strategy using 32
high-performance chemical isotope-labelling LC-MS was applied. The blood samples of eighteen 33
healthy adults were analysed at baseline, at 6 hours after the intake of 250 g of golden berry (acute 34
intervention) and after 19 days of daily consumption of 150 g (medium-term intervention). Results: 35
Fifty-eight and 43 discriminant metabolitess were identified with high confidence, respectively, af- 36
ter the acute and medium-term interventions. Taking into account up- and downregulated metab- 37
olites, three biological networks mainly involving insulin, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) 38
and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway (PI3K/Akt/mTOR) were identified. Conclusion: The 39
biological intracellular networks identified are highly interconnected with the insulin signaling 40
pathway, showing that berry intake may be associated with insulin signaling, which could reduce 41
some risk factors related to metabolic syndrome. Primary registry of WHO, 17th April 2018 42
( 43
Keywords: metabolomic, Physalis peruviana, nutritional intervention, insulin 44
Citation: Lastname, F.; Lastname, F.;
Lastname, F. Title. Nutrients 2021, 13,
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Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 17
1. Introduction 46
Golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.) is a fruit of high commercial importance in some Af- 47
rican and Latin American countries, where it is locally consumed and often exported to 48
northern markets, mainly Europe and the US[1]. The traditional pharmacopoeia is rela- 49
tively extensive concerning the potential health benefits of the berry, although it concerns 50
mostly the use of calyces [2]. Nonetheless, folk medicine attributes antispasmodic, diu- 51
retic, antiseptic, sedative and analgesic effects to the fruit [2]. When considering scientifi- 52
cally based studies, most reviews of the literature conclude that the strongest evidence 53
indicates a hypoglycaemic effect and the improvement of insulin sensitivity [3]. Up to four 54
independent studies conducted in India, Colombia and Peru reported antidiabetic prop- 55
erties. Three interventions with golden berry extracts on streptozotocin-induced diabetic 56
rats [4,5,6] and normal mice [7] showed positive effects on glycaemic and insulin discri- 57
minant metabolitess. The fourth study was conducted on 26 young human adults [8], and 58
the authors reported that golden berry intake induced a postprandial decrease in glycae- 59
mia following a per os glucose challenge. Less documented is an additional potential pos- 60
itive impact of golden berry fruit consumption on oxidative stress and inflammatory pro- 61
cesses and status. Nonetheless, most of these studies were conducted in vitro or using 62
animal models, and data on human cohorts are very scarce. Additionally, very little is 63
known about the mechanisms and compounds involved in the observed effects. 64
The fruit of Physalis peruviana L. contains a wide diversity of biochemical compounds. 65
Withanolides and their derivatives are the most emblematic metabolites of Physalis spe- 66
cies, and they have been shown to exert a wide range of pharmacological activities in vitro, 67
such as immunomodulatory, angiogenesis inhibitor, anticholinesterase, antioxidant, anti- 68
bacterial and antitumoural activities [9]. This family of compounds with a steroid back- 69
bone has attracted the attention of pharmacologists, as withanolides and derivatives are 70
mostly concentrated in aerial parts of plants, such as the leaves. They were also detected 71
in fruit pulp [10] but at low concentrations. Nonetheless, it is not clear whether such com- 72
pounds could be bioaccessible and bioavailable for humans [11]. The fruit also contains 73
an appreciable amount of lipids and carotenoids (essentially β-carotene [12]), with some 74
lutein diesters [13], phytosterols [14], tocopherols [15,14] and flavonoids, essentially rutin 75
[16]. Some of these compounds accumulate within diminutive seeds, which are probably 76
not disrupted during passage through gastrointestinal tracts. However, in the case of 77
goldenberry, the levels of tocopherols and phytosterols are apparently much higher 78
within the pulp and peel [14], which probably makes them more bioavailable. Therefore, 79
compared with other fruit, golden berry is probably an important source of tocopherols (̴ 80
17 mg/100 g of fruit FW, mainly  and  in order of importance) with high vitamin E 81
activity and phytosterol content (̴ 10 mg/100 g of fruit FW, mainly 5-avenasterol and cam- 82
pesterol) [14]. Additionally, it was recently shown that golden berry fruits could also be a 83
source of trans-resveratrol, which is even richer than red wine [17]. On the other hand, 84
specific disaccharide hydroxyesters have also been detected in golden berries [18,19]. 85
These compounds have been associated with the inhibition of alpha-amylase, which 86
could also contribute to the hypoglycaemic effect. Despite the high diversity of com- 87
pounds present in golden berries, the potential health impacts after fruit consumption 88
cannot yet be attributed to one specific molecule or group of compounds. This could po- 89
tentially result from synergistic effects of many of these secondary metabolites. 90
The objective of this paper is to identify the changes in plasma metabolites that may occur 91
after acute and medium-term ingestion of golden berry. To reach this goal, an untargeted 92
metabolomic approach was used, but instead of relying on dubious identification and 93
quantification of metabolites, chemical isotope labelling (CIL) coupled with liquid chro- 94
matography mass spectrometry was used. This chemical derivatization-based approach 95
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17
is revolutionizing untargeted metabolomics, as almost all metabolites with different po- 96
larities and functional groups can be analysed on the same reverse-phase column, follow- 97
ing the same conditions under a positive ionization mode [20]. Unlike conventional LC- 98
MS methods, it allows a high quantification accuracy, as CIL LC-MS uses differential iso- 99
tope labelling to overcome the matrix effect, ion suppression effect, and instrument drift 100
issue during sample analysis [21]. CIL LC-MS is particularly appropriate for profiling 101
plasma metabolites and has been applied to detect discriminant metabolites in animal and 102
human biofluids [22]. 103
2. Materials and Methods 104
2.1. Plant material 105
Fruits from the variety "Dorada" selected by AGROSAVIA (Ref. ICA UCH-16-02) were 106
grown and collected by the company Caribbean Exotic S.A.S. at their farm “La Bendicion” 107
(6.23779°latitude/-75.32.45° longitude) in San Vicente Ferrer, Antioquia, Colombia. The 108
calyxes were manually removed, and selected fruits were packed in a plastic box and de- 109
livered to volunteers under refrigeration. All operations were carried out at the export 110
packing warehouse following the strictest hygiene rules according to Good Agriculture 111
Practice (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). 112
2.2. Subjects 113
Sample size is 18 which is within the range used usually by high-throughput metabolomics 114
studies for the identification of dietary discriminant metabolites [23,24]. Only male were 115
used in this nutritional intervention as sex of the subjects known to strongly impacts me- 116
tabolites profile such as amino acids, lipids, sugars and keto acids [25]. 117
The male volunteer subjects met the following inclusion criteria: aged 20-50 years old, BMI 118
≥18.5 kg/mt2 ≤29.9 kg/mt2, regular consumers of citric fruits, non-smokers, physical activ- 119
ity of <10 h/wk, no history and/or diagnosis of chronic disease (cardiovascular, gastric, or 120
psychiatric disorder, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, cancer, renal or liver alteration, hypothy- 121
roidism, insomnia, dysautonomia, or sleep disturbance), not currently consuming medi- 122
cation (lipid-lowering drugs, antioxidant dietary supplements, anticonvulsants, anti-in- 123
flammatory steroids or hypnotics) and not treated with antibiotics or anti-parasitic drugs 124
for the last three months before the beginning of the study. The main clinical parameters 125
of volunteers observed at the beginning of the study are presented in Supplementary Ta- 126
ble S1. During the study, the consumption of food supplements was forbidden. The study 127
trial was approved by the ethical committee of the Institute of Health Sciences of CES 128
University (Medellin, Colombia; ethical ID: 707, 20/09/2017) and registered with the inter- 129
national Clinical Platform ( The study was 130
conducted in strict accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, as re- 131
vised in 2013, the Nuremberg code, and the guideline of Council for International Organ- 132
izations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) 2016 and had minimal risk according to the Colom- 133
bian Ministry of Health (Resolutions 008430/1993 and 2378/2008). Participants were as- 134
sured of anonymity and confidentiality. All participants provided written informed con- 135
sent. 136
The subjects were characterized in terms of some anthropometric and biochemical param- 137
eters to meet the inclusion criteria. Weight and height were measured by standardized 138
specialized personnel using internationally accepted equipment and techniques. BMIs 139
were calculated and classified according to WHO criteria. Blood pressure was obtained 140
according to the standard techniques of the AHA and the European Cardiology Associa- 141
tion. The subjects rested between 3 and 5 min. The cut-off for normal blood pressure was 142
120/80 mm Hg. Plasma TC, HDL cholesterol and TGs were enzymatically measured with 143
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 17
cholesterol oxidase/peroxidase, cholesterol HDL direct and TG glycerol phosphate oxi- 144
dase/peroxidase commercial kits (BioSystems S.A). The LDL was calculated. The cut-offs 145
were according to The National Library of Medicine, National Health Institute (NIH) of 146
the USA. Hepatic transaminases (AST and ALT) were determined by spectrophotometry, 147
and reference values were those proposed by the NIH for men. Blood creatinine was 148
measured by the colorimetric method, and a normal result for men was obtained accord- 149
ing to the NIH (0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL). Fasting glucose was evaluated by an ultraviolet irradi- 150
ation assay, and normal values were 70-100 mg/dL, fasting insulin was evaluated by a 151
chemiluminescence immunoassay, and values in the range 2.6-24.9 μUI/ml were consid- 152
ered normal. Glycated haemoglobin was determined by high-performance liquid chro- 153
matography, and values less than 5.7% were considered normal. Blood glucose and insu- 154
lin were used to calculate the insulin resistance index using the homeostasis model assess- 155
ment (HOMA-IR) and the cut-off to normality better reflected the biochemical character- 156
istics of the studied population (HOMA-IR >3). 157
2.3. Study design 158
This pilot study lasted 3 weeks. The study had three time points: the washout (one week), 159
baseline and intervention periods (19 days). During the washout period, the volunteers 160
were asked to avoid consumption of any type of golden berry. Blood samples were drawn 161
by puncturing the antecubital vein to obtain the plasma as follows. One fasting sample 162
and another blood sample 6 h after ingestion of 250 g of golden berry, breakfast and lunch 163
from a standard menu were withdrawn. Then, volunteers consumed 150 g of golden berry 164
daily for 19 days, and at the end of the intervention, a fasting blood sample was with- 165
drawn 24 hours after the last ingestion of golden berry fruits. On the days of sampling, 166
the same standardized meals were provided to volunteers. The plasma was preserved at 167
-80 °C until analysis. 168
2.4. Phytochemical analysis of fruits 169
A sample of fruits used in the nutritional intervention was separated for analysis. Mois- 170
ture, protein; fat, total carbohydrate, fiber, ash and energy was determined according to 171
AOAC standard methods. Total phenolic were performed after extraction with ace- 172
tone/water (70/30) following the classical folin-Cicalteu method modified by [26] and ex- 173
pressed in equivalent gallic acid. Carotenoids were analysed by an Agilent 1100HPLC- 174
DAD system (Massy, France). Carotenoids were extracted and separated using a C30 col- 175
umn (150 mm x 4.6 mm i.d., 3 µm) (YMC EUROP GmbH, Germany) as detailed recently 176
by [27]. Total carotenoids was expressed in equivalent All-E-ß-carotene and pro-vitamin 177
A as mcg Retinol Activity Equivalent (RAE) taking a bioconversion ratio of 12:1 for all-E- 178
ß-carotene. Finally, Vitamin C was assessed by HPLC according to The United States 179
Pharmacopeial Convention (USP 36). 180
2.5. Plasma sample preparation 181
Plasma samples were thawed, vortexed and centrifuged at 15,000 × g for 15 minutes at 4 182
°C. An aliquot of 250 μL of the supernatant was mixed with precooled LC-MS-grade meth- 183
anol (3:1 v/v) and vortexed thoroughly to allow protein precipitation. The mixture was 184
left at -20 °C for one hour, vortexed and spun down for 20 min, and centrifuged again as 185
described above. The recovered supernatant (750 μL) was completely dried using a cen- 186
trifugal vacuum concentrator (Labconco, Kansas City, USA). Each individual’s plasma 187
sample was centrifuged and then redissolved in 250 μL of LC-MS grade water. After vor- 188
texing and centrifugation, the supernatant was collected and split into 6 aliquots for dif- 189
ferent labelling methods, backup and preparation of the pooled sample. An aliquot of 50 190
μL was taken from each individual sample and then combined and mixed thoroughly to 191
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 17
prepare the pooled sample, which was used as a quality control (QC). Data were analysed 192
using a Dansyl-labelling Kit for Amine & Phenol Metabolomics I (Nova Medical Testing 193
Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). The labelling protocol followed was described in detail 194
by Zhao et al.[21]. Briefly, for amine/phenol aliquot labelling, the labelling protocol strictly 195
followed the SOP provided in the kit. Briefly, 12.5 μL of buffer reagent and 37.5 μL of 12C2- 196
labelling (for the individual samples and the pooled sample) or 13C2-labelling (for the 197
pooled sample) reagent were added to the samples. After being vortexed, the mixtures 198
were incubated at 40 °C for 45 minutes. Then, 7.5 μL of quenching reagent was added to 199
neutralize the excess of labelling reagent followed by an incubation at 40 °C for another 200
10 minutes. Finally pH was adjusted with 30 l of dedicated reagent. 201
Quantification of labelled metabolites was performed by LC-UV after centrifugation at 202
15,000 × g for 10 min. The result was used for preacquisition normalization for all four- 203
channel metabolomics analyses. The 12C2-labelled individual sample was mixed with a 204
13C2-labelled reference sample in equal amounts according to LC-UV normalization re- 205
sults. The entire sample set and quality control (QC) sample were prepared by an equal- 206
amount mix of 12C-labelled and 13C-labelled pooled samples. 207
2.6. Analysis by LC-MS 209
Mixed samples were analysed by LC-MS (Agilent 1290 LC linked to Bruker Impact II 210
QToF mass spectrometer) according to the conditions described previusly20. Briefly, an 211
Agilent eclipse plus reversed-phase C18 column (150 x 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm particle size) was 212
used with mobile phases A (0.1% (v/v) formic acid in water) and B (0.1% (v/v) formic acid 213
in acetonitrile) following a gradient of t = 0 min, 25% B; t = 10 min, 99% B; t = 13 min, 99% 214
B; t = 13.1 min, 25% B; and t=16 min, 25% B at a flow rate of 400 µL/min and a column oven 215
temperature of 40°C. QC samples were injected every 20 sample runs to monitor the in- 216
strument performance. Calibration data were used to check the retention time. All cali- 217
bration peaks were well-aligned. Their retention times were consistent for all calibration 218
data, showing good RT stability for data acquisition. 219
2.7. Data processing and cleansing 220
LC-MS data for the plasma samples were exported to a “.csv” file using Bruker DataAnal- 221
ysis 4.4, and the data quality was checked. For all analyses, ions or peak pairs that were 222
not present in at least 80% of samples in any group (baseline, acute and medium-term 223
groups) were filtered out to ensure data quality. All data were normalized by the ratio of 224
total useful signals. 225
2.8. Statistical analysis 226
The datasets obtained were pretreated using Pareto scaling and log transformation. Uni- 227
variate and multivariate statistical approaches were performed using SIMCA-P software 228
(Sartorius Stedim Data Analytics AB, Umea, Sweden) to explore the differences between 229
sample groups. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed with all detected 230
ions to explore group differences. Afterward, a partial least-squares discriminant analysis 231
(PLS-DA) using SIMCA P was applied to assess the variation between groups. The pre- 232
dictive ability of the model was validated by cross-validation ANOVA (CV-ANOVA) and 233
permutation tests (n=100) to test the eventual overfitting of the data. The variable’s im- 234
portance in the projection (VIP) of the PLS-DA model, which summarizes the contribution 235
of the variable to the model, was registered. The VIP score of a variable is calculated as a 236
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 17
weighted sum of the squared correlations between the PLS-DA components and the orig- 237
inal variable. The weights correspond to the percentage of variation explained by the PLS- 238
DA latent component in the model. All ions with a p-value < 0.05 (from univariate analy- 239
sis) and a VIP > 1 (variable importance (VIP) of partial least-squares multivariate discri- 240
minant analysis) were considered statistically significant and discriminant between 241
groups. 242
2.9. Metabolite identification 243
For the identification of metabolites, a three-tier ID approach was used. In tier 1, peak 244
pairs were matched against an in-house labelled standards metabolite library (CIL Li- 245
brary) based on triple parameters, accurate molecular masses, retention times (RT) and 246
MSM/MS spectra. The parameters of mass and retention time tolerance for this CIL library 247
were fixed at 10 ppm and 30 seconds, respectively. In tier 2, a linked identity library (LI 248
Library) was used for identification of the remaining peak pairs. The LI Library includes 249
over 7,000 pathway-related metabolites, providing high-confidence putative identifica- 250
tion results based on accurate masses and predicted retention times. For this LI library, 251
the parameters of mass and retention time tolerance were fixed at 10 ppm and 205 sec- 252
onds, respectively. Metabolites with no match in tier 1 or 2 were reported as “Unknown”. 253
In some cases, although the identification of the enantiomers was not possible, the puta- 254
tive attribution of the L form was made taking into account the logical biological interpre- 255
tation based on the literature, as for example, when only the L form has been reported in 256
the blood. 257
2.10. Discovery of biological association networks 258
For the discovery of association networks, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software 259
(Ingenuity, Redwood City, CA, USA) was used. The KEGG IDs and log2 FC (fold-change) 260
of identified metabolites were input to seek potential interactions with other biological 261
molecules. The p-values were calculated using Fischer's exact test to determine the prob- 262
ability that the association between the metabolites in the data set and the top pathway 263
was due to chance alone. IPA uses a network-generation algorithm to segment the net- 264
work map between metabolites into multiple networks and assign scores for each network 265
[28]. The score is generated based on a hypergeometric distribution, where the negative 266
logarithm of the significance level is obtained by Fisher's exact test at the right tail. For 267
canonical pathway analysis, disease and function, a −log (P-value) >2 was taken as the 268
threshold, a Z-score >2 was defined as the threshold of significant activation, and a Z- 269
score <−2 was defined as the threshold of significant inhibition. For regulator effects and 270
molecular networks, consistency scores were calculated, in which a high consistency score 271
indicated accurate results for the regulatory effects analysis. For upstream regulators, the 272
p-value of overlap <0.05 was set as the threshold. The algorithm used for calculating the 273
Z-scores and p-values of overlap has been described previously [29]. For multiple com- 274
parisons, p-values were adjusted using Bonferroni correction. The biological interpreta- 275
tion was accomplished using available information from the literature, as well as web- 276
based software tools, such as BioCyc [30], KEGG [31] and ChEBI [32]. 277
3. Results 278
Main phytochemical composition of golden berry fruits used in the nutritional interven- 279
tion is presented in table 1. The fruit was analyzed without calyx and seeds because the 280
small lignified seeds are neither chewed nor digested. Data show an important content in 281
total carotenoids and pro-vitamin A, vitamin C and total phenolic compounds. 282
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 17
Table 1. Main nutrients and phytochemicals composition of golden berry fruits. 284
* FW fresh fruit pulp (without seeds and calyx) RAE Retinoic Acid Equivalents 293
After injection of plasma samples collected during nutritional intervention with golden 294
berries, an average of 1953 peak pairs per run was detected. The unsupervised PCA for 295
the plasma metabolome showed differences—in the space constituted by PCA 1 and 3 296
(Fig. 1)—between the baseline, acute and medium-term consumption levels. Along the 297
PC1 axis, which recovers approximately 19% of the explained variance, a global separa- 298
tion between baseline and medium-term consumption can be observed for most individ- 299
uals. Along the PC3 axis, which recovers approximately 7% of the information, the plasma 300
metabolome after acute consumption appears in a different space than that at baseline. 301
Nonetheless, it can be observed that after medium-term consumption, a minority of indi- 302
viduals have a metabolome similar to that at baseline. Notably, plasma from medium- 303
term exposure subjects was collected 24 h after the last ingestion of golden berries, and 304
some individuals had a plasma metabolome similar to that at baseline. 305
Figure 1. Non supervised PCA of the plasmatic metabolome at baseline (before consump- 307
tion of Physalis peruviana L.) and after acute consumption and medium-term consumption 308
The supervised PLS-DA models for baseline Vs acute and baseline Vs medium-term show good 309
statistical performances with very low probability of overfitting the data for both models (See figure 310
S2 and S3: for baseline Vs acute: R2Y=0.993, Q2Y =0.895, p-value CV-ANOVA=2.03·10-9, intercept 311
cross-validation=-0.14, and for baseline Vs medium-term: R2Y=0.975, Q2Y =0.7, p-value CV- 312
Compounds Values
Moisture (g/100 g FW) 80-84
Protein (g/100 g FW) 0.03-1.6
Fat (g/100 g FW) 0.2-0.6
Carbohydrate (g/100 g FW) 16.2-19.6
Total sugar 8.5-10.5
Dietary fibers (g/100 g FW)) 5-7
Ash (g(g/100 g FW) 0.79
Energy (Kcal/100 g FW) 53-80
Total phenols (Gallic acid equivalents
mg/100 g FW)
Beta-carotene (mcg/100 g FW) 1500-1917
Pro-Vitamin A (mcg RAE/100 g FW) 95-125
Ascorbic acid (mg/ 100 g FW) 14-43
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 17
ANOVA=3.75·10-6, intercept cross-validation=-0.08). On the basis of the PLS-DA (VIP>1.2) and p- 313
values (<0.05), a list of discriminant metabolites between groups was established. Among them, 49 314
metabolites for acute intervention and 36 after medium-term intervention could be putatively iden- 315
tified with a relatively high confidence. As reported in the Venn graph (Fig. 2), 11 metabolites were 316
shared between acute and medium-term metabolomes. In total only 74 compounds were putatively 317
identified, with 11 of them being isomers with the same mass as the original compounds but differ- 318
ent retention time. The complete table is provided in the supplemental information (Tables S2 and 319
S3). 320
Figure 2: Venn graph of the main discriminant metabolites identified after acute and medium-term 322
intervention (only metabolites with VIP> 1.2 and P-value<0.05 are shown) 323
Identification of biological association networks 324
Baseline and acute nutritional intervention with golden berries 325
Among the 58 identified metabolites that were significantly changed after the acute inter- 326
vention, 25 were downregulated and 33 were upregulated (Supplementary Table 2). To 327
identify possible biological associations between these metabolites, bioinformatic compu- 328
tation analysis was performed (IPA software, the KEGG IDs and log2 FC (fold-change)) 329
Syringic acid
3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid
Symmetric dimethylarginine
3-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
Diaminopimelic acid
p-Aminobenzoic acid
Aminoadipic acid
4-hydroxymethylsalicylic acid
3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid
Dihydroxyfumaric acid
Coniferyl acetate
2-Hydroxymuconate semialdehyde
3-Hydroxymandelic acid
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17
on the 60 previously identified metabolites. As shown in Fig. 3, most of the discriminant 330
metabolites were significantly connected (top score) in three main networks: (1) develop- 331
mental disorders, hereditary disorders and metabolic diseases (Fig. 3a), (2) small-molecule 332
biochemistry, molecular transport and amino acid metabolism (Fig. 3b) and (3) cell mor- 333
phology, cellular assembly as well as organization and cellular development (Fig. 3c). Alt- 334
hough all participants were healthy subjects, the analysis of the network “Developmental 335
disorders, hereditary disorders and metabolic diseases” showed that insulin and insulin 336
signaling metabolites have key roles in the integration of the discriminant metabolites af- 337
ter acute ingestion of golden berries and the intake of a standardized breakfast and lunch 338
(postprandial). Within the network “Small-molecule biochemistry, molecular transport 339
and amino acid metabolism” (Fig. 3b), the discriminant metabolites associated with the 340
epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were all downregulated in the same period. Fi- 341
nally, the analysis of the network “Cell morphology, cellular assembly and organization 342
and cellular development” (Fig. 3c) showed the integration of some metabolites within 343
the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway (PI3K/Akt/mTOR). 344
Figure 3. Significant biological networks associated with acute intervention with golden berry fruits. 347
(a) Network associated with developmental disorders, hereditary disorders and metabolic diseases. 348
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17
(b) Network associated with small-molecule biochemistry, molecular transport and amino acid me- 349
tabolism. (c) Network associated with cell morphology, cellular assembly and organization and cel- 350
lular development. Metabolites are represented as nodes. The biological relationship between two 351
nodes is represented as a line. Note that the coloured symbols represent metabolites that occur in 352
our data, while the transparent entries are molecules from the Ingenuity Knowledge Database. Me- 353
tabolites highlighted in red have increased levels, whereas metabolites highlighted in green have 354
decreased levels when compared with the baseline levels. Solid lines between molecules indicate a 355
direct physical relationship between the molecules, and dotted lines indicate indirect functional re- 356
lationships. 357
Considering up- and downregulated discriminant metabolites, IPA software predicted 359
significant effects (p<0.05) related to some cellular functions and physiological system de- 360
velopment. Regarding cellular functions, the top associated categories were protein syn- 361
thesis (p-value = 1.59E-7) (Supplementary Fig 1a), cellular growth and proliferation (p- 362
value = 2.17E-6) (Supplementary Fig. 1b), and amino acid metabolism and molecular 363
transport (p-value = 1.09E-5) (Supplementary Fig 1c). Meanwhile, for physiological sys- 364
tem development and function, the most relevant effect was related to hepatic system de- 365
velopment and function (p-value = 7.78E-08), suggesting possible participation in the 366
maintenance of normal liver function (Supplementary Fig 1d) and immune cell trafficking 367
(p-value = 8.35E-7), with a role in the recruitment and performance of immune system 368
cells (Supplementary Fig 1e). Interestingly, some metabolite networks were activated, in- 369
cluding alkaline phosphatase (Supplementary Fig. 1f), albumin (Supplementary Fig. 1g), 370
potassium levels (Supplementary Fig. 1h) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release (Sup- 371
plementary Fig. 1i). 372
Baseline and medium-term intervention with golden berry 373
The metabolomic analysis enabled us to tentatively identify 43 metabolites in plasma with 374
high confidence after consuming golden berry fruits—16 were downregulated, and 27 375
were upregulated (Supplementary Table 3S). The IPA metabolomic analysis between up- 376
and downregulated metabolites showed integration within one top network associated 377
with DNA replication, recombination, and repair, molecular transport and nucleic acid 378
metabolism. As shown in Fig. 4, the discriminant metabolites could be associated with 379
insulin and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway (PI3K/Akt/mTOR). 380
IPA software predicted significant effects on molecular and cellular function, especially 381
cell-to-cell signaling (p-value = 1.89E-08), cellular movement (p-value = 3.06E-06), cell sig- 382
naling (p-value = 1.04E-5), small-molecule biochemistry (p-value =4.20E-04) and protein 383
synthesis (p-value = 4.21E-03). Regarding physiological system development and func- 384
tions, the software predicted significant effects on cardiovascular system development (p- 385
value = 5.12E-06), haematological development (p-value = 4.08E-07), organ morphology 386
(p-value = 3.05E-09), organismal development (p-value = 3.06E-05), and immune cell traf- 387
ficking (p-value = 1.56E-08). 388
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 17
Figure 4. Biological networks “DNA replication, recombination, repair, molecular transport and nu- 391
cleic acid metabolism” in which significant associations were found between previously identified 392
discriminant metabolites (p<0.05) after medium-term intervention with golden berry fruits 393
4. Discussion 394
The analysis of all the biological networks significantly mobilized after acute and me- 395
dium-term consumption of golden berry showed strong associations with insulin and in- 396
sulin signaling due to the integration of most discriminant metabolites. Proinsulin, insulin 397
and insulin signaling are directly at the centre of the first network built by IPA software 398
around discriminant metabolites (Fig 3a). For the other two networks that were signifi- 399
cantly changed, discriminant metabolites pointed to EGFR (Fig 3b) and PI3K/Akt/mTOR 400
(Fig 3c). After medium-term consumption of golden berries, only the PI3K/Akt/mTOR 401
pathway remained altered (Fig 4). All these pathways are highly interconnected with in- 402
sulin signaling. 403
The insulin signaling pathway plays two major roles in cells, both metabolic and mito- 404
genic. First, it regulates metabolic processes such as carbohydrate, lipid, and protein me- 405
tabolism. Second, it modulates cell division and growth through its mitogenic effects [33]. 406
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 17
In the case of the acute response to golden berry consumption, the effect on the insulin 407
signaling pathway could be due either to the fruit or to the meal that was ingested. None- 408
theless, insulin was also at the centre of the medium-term biological network (Fig 4), 409
which compared two fasting plasma metabolomes. Thus, although there may have been 410
interference during the acute intervention, our results seem to reinforce the results already 411
observed in vivo in animal models [5,50]. In mammals, insulin plays a key ubiquitous role 412
in energy homeostasis. It influences the expression and activity of a variety of channels 413
and enzymes involved in the metabolic processes of glucose transport, glycogenesis, gly- 414
cogenolysis, glycolysis and inhibition of gluconeogenesis in the liver [33,34,35,36]. Dis- 415
ruption of these mechanisms induces insulin resistance. This poor insulin signaling is a 416
foundational aspect of the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes 417
and most chronic diseases and comorbidities linked with an unhealthy diet, e.g., cardio- 418
vascular diseases and cancer [30,31,33]. 419
At the molecular level, insulin actions on insulin-sensitive tissues such as liver, muscle 420
and adipocytes are mediated by its membrane receptors. Activation of insulin receptor 421
(IR) tyrosine kinase reflects insulinaemia and is associated with decreased glycaemia. 422
Upon insulin binding to IR, the receptor is autophosphorylated to subsequently trigger 423
intracellular signaling pathways. These pathways are organized into a complex network 424
of protein interactions and phosphorylation cascades at both the cytosolic and nuclear 425
levels. Two main pathways are mobilized: (1) the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway through plei- 426
otropic IRS docking molecules and (2) the Shc/GRB2/SOS/Ras/MAPK pathway. Both path- 427
ways control most insulin metabolic actions, such as energy metabolism (carbohydrates, 428
lipids) and gene expression (cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth) [37,38]. These 429
cellular effects correspond to the dual potential of insulin, which behaves as both a hypo- 430
glycaemic hormone and an anabolic growth factor. The PI3K pathway also has a key role 431
in the integration of up- and downregulated metabolites for the activation of the insulin 432
signaling pathway [38], confirming the significant effects on cell-to-cell signaling, cell 433
movement, cell signaling and protein synthesis predicted by IPA software. 434
A preclinical study already suggested that the consumption of golden berry juice de- 435
creased blood glucose and insulin resistance and increased insulin levels in diabetic rats 436
[39]. Nevertheless, the glucose detected in plasma did not appear as a discriminating me- 437
tabolite, so we can assume that glucose level was not significantly affected. However, we 438
report for the first time that the relationship in the insulin signaling pathway is supported 439
by integration into the relevant networks of plasma metabolites that are significantly mod- 440
ified after acute ingestion of golden berry fruit. The effect tends to fade after discontinuing 441
consumption of the fruits. Even after medium-term fruit consumption, the effect declined 442
24 hours after the last ingestion (Day 19), remaining significantly altered only at the level 443
of PI3K/Akt/mTOR. 444
Following golden berry ingestion, predictions also mentioned relations with the immune 445
system through modulation of cytokine levels, inflammation and the NFKB signal trans- 446
duction channel. Low-grade inflammatory processes are common to diseases associated 447
with energy metabolism (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, etc.), as well as with tu- 448
morigenesis [40]. Our results suggest a modulatory influence of Physalis peruviana inges- 449
tion. Inflammation in metabolic diseases is also detrimental to the cardiovascular system. 450
It is therefore interesting to note that the pathway analysis revealed an association with 451
arginase. This enzyme was demonstrated to modulate NO levels in vascular endothelial 452
cells and smooth vascular muscles, thereby impacting arterial blood pressure regulation 453
[41]. Additionally, our metabolomic results identified norepinephrine variations. This en- 454
dogenous neurotransmitter from the sympathetic autonomic nervous system is involved 455
in both energy expenditure and blood pressure control through its actions on beta-1 car- 456
diac receptors and alpha-1 vascular receptors [42]. These results could indicate a potential 457
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17
combination of effects with NO pathways on the cardiovascular system in relation to glu- 458
cose and lipid metabolism. 459
Research on tyrosine kinase receptors, such as EGFR, revealed the mechanisms of their 460
activation by growth factor ligands [43]. The EGFR tyrosine kinase intracellular network 461
main channel is the Shc/GRB2/SOS/Ras/MAPK pathway. This signaling cascade controls 462
cell proliferation and differentiation processes. In addition, EGFR is also able to mobilize 463
the PI3K/Akt/mTOR, p53, Ras/MAPK and NFKB pathways to regulate cell prolifera- 464
tion/growth, amino acid metabolism, cell survival/apoptosis and cell morphology/motil- 465
ity. In addition, EGFR is known to induce the nuclear factor NFKB via PIK/Akt and MAPK 466
signaling to regulate the immune system and associated inflammation processes, as well 467
as angiogenesis [44]. In this context, our results showed a significant impact of acute in- 468
gestion of golden berry fruit on EGFR. Almost all discriminant metabolites involved 469
within its biological network were significantly changed (Fig. 3c). These results showed 470
that acute consumption of golden berry may affect the activity of EGFR tyrosine kinase. 471
Furthermore, numerous studies have shown the potential contributions of EGFR-associ- 472
ated signaling pathways in oncogenesis processes, including cell proliferation, angiogen- 473
esis and resistance to apoptosis [45]. In this context, our results suggest that golden berry 474
fruit consumption as part of a healthy diet could negatively influence EGFR signaling. 475
These combined observations are in accordance with previous reports indicating anti- 476
tumoural effects observed in a rat model after ingestion of golden berry juice [46]. Taken 477
together, these data suggest the anti-oncogenic potential of Physalis peruviana. Based on 478
our results, the consumption of the fruits appeared to influence EGFR, which was re- 479
ported to be involved in a diversity of tumours. These effects might be explained by a loss 480
of EGFR binding affinity, since this receptor is regulated by protein kinase C [43,47]. Al- 481
ternatively, other more complex mechanisms yet to be discovered could involve modula- 482
tion of EGFR intracellular signals through crosstalk with insulin signaling. One element 483
that may support this hypothesis is in the link that our results identified between EGFR 484
signaling and IGFBP2 (insulin-growth-factor binding protein). This endogenous com- 485
pound is currently considered a major discriminant metabolites but also regulator of in- 486
sulin resistance and associated metabolic processes in relation to insulin signaling cas- 487
cades [47]. 488
A possible explanation for the results we obtained may lie in the golden berry fruit com- 489
position and relative contents of various bioactive compounds. One of these compounds, 490
which is not specific to this fruit, is β-carotene [49]. This bioactive molecule can lead to the 491
activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR [50] through IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate) phosphory- 492
lation, promoting insulin signaling pathway activation and thereby reducing insulin re- 493
sistance [51]. In this context, evidence also suggests that a diet enriched in carotenoids 494
with pro-vitamin A functions, such as β-carotene, improves liver function, which is insu- 495
lin-sensitive tissue [46],[52]. The other type of molecule, withanolides, is present in the 496
Physalis sp. composition. Among these compounds, withangulatin-A has previously 497
demonstrated insulin-release stimulatory effects in induced diabetic rats, similar to the 498
reference drug glibenclamide (a potassium channel blocker on endocrine Langerhans in- 499
sulin-secreting cells), suggesting antidiabetic potential through modulation of insulin lev- 500
els and glucose homeostasis [53]. Relatedly, our metabolome analysis also indicated po- 501
tential impact on potassium levels (Supplemental Fig S1H) after golden berry fruit con- 502
sumption, but potassium levels in plasma was not measured. Other compounds are much 503
more specific to Physalis Peruviana, such as peruviosides, which are sucrose esters that 504
exhibit important inhibition of α-amylase [18]. These compounds could also contribute to 505
hypoglycaemic activity, thereby also affecting insulinaemia. These sugars were not de- 506
tected in the plasma. Nonetheless, a synergistic effect between carotenoids, withanolides 507
and sucrose esters, along with other unknown compounds, should not be ruled out and 508
could explain our observations. Our findings and mechanistic hypothesis based on our 509
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 17
metabolomic approach are supported by a recent report from Pino-de-la Fuente et al. In- 510
deed, the authors recorded positive effects of Physalis peruviana in vivo, i.e., insulin re- 511
sistance and inflammation improvement in the muscles and liver in a mouse model of 512
diet-induced obesity. These data point in the same direction as ours at the molecular and 513
physiological levels in relation to the compositions of golden berry fruit, as suggested by 514
the authors [54]. 515
Taking into account up- and downregulated metabolites, as well as data from the litera- 516
ture, three biological networks could be integrated, involving mainly insulin, EGFR and 517
PI3K/Akt/mTOR. The PI3K pathway is common to insulin and EGFR signaling. These two 518
growth factor molecules also share the MAPK signaling pathway. These signaling cas- 519
cades control the metabolic and mitogenic effects of insulin and EGFR. Both biological 520
intracellular networks are highly interconnected with the insulin signaling pathway. The 521
insulin network was previously demonstrated to interact with other growth factor signal- 522
ing pathways, such as EGF/EGFR, through bidirectional crosstalk. More specifically, the 523
EGFR intracellular network, the Shc/GRB2/SOS/Ras/MAPK pathway, was reported to be 524
linked to the insulin signaling cascade, with insulin regulating early signaling events of 525
EGFR [37]. Therefore, our results suggest that different compounds from Physalis peruvi- 526
ana could be considered good candidates for use as beneficial modulators of pathophysi- 527
ological processes involving insulin-associated cell dysregulation. Golden berry fruits 528
seem to mobilize the signaling pathways common to the two endogenous anabolic mole- 529
cules, namely, insulin and EGFR, leading to their direct or indirect modulation of energy 530
and cell cycle homeostasis. These impacts and the technology used in our investigation 531
point out the complex interplay between metabolic and mitogenic processes, wherein cell 532
signaling controls metabolism and reciprocally controls metabolism signaling [55]. This 533
integrative modulation of cell homeostasis appears to be partially oriented by the molec- 534
ular contents of Physalis Peruviana, providing some insight explaining the beneficial ef- 535
fects of this fruit on health. 536
5. Conclusions 537
To our knowledge, the present study is the first investigation reported in the international 538
literature regarding the effects of golden berries (Physalis peruviana L.), on insulin-pathway 539
and anti-diabetic potential in a human model. The intake of golden berry fruit seems to 540
be associated with insulin-related biological networks, as well as the EGFR and 541
PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways. Owing to the methodology followed, including untargeted 542
metabolomics coupled with high-performance chemical isotope-labelling LC-MS, we 543
were able to identify, with high confidence, plasmatic metabolites involved in these bio- 544
logical networks. This chemical derivatization-based approach was applied to an inter- 545
vention with Physalis peruviana associated with the discovery of association networks us- 546
ing IPA software. This method allows a theoretical deduction of the impact on human 547
health of an intervention with Physalis peruviana. Following the method developed, it was 548
shown that the ingestion of golden berries impacts insulin-associated signaling pathways, 549
allowing us to propose hypotheses related to the potential mechanism of action through 550
which Physalis peruviana could exert the biological activities already observed in preclini- 551
cal studies. Currently, further clinical studies are required to evaluate the functional ef- 552
fects of golden berry consumption on insulin and glucose metabolism in healthy volun- 553
teers and volunteers with prediabetic and diabetic conditions. 554
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at, Table S1: 555
Baseline clinical characteristics of the volunteers, Figure S1: Metabolites regulatory networks asso- 556
ciated with several function categories after acute nutritional intervention with Physalis Peruviana. 557
(a) Regulatory network of protein synthesis. (b) Cellular growth and proliferation. (c) Molecular 558
transport. (d) Improvement of the hepatic cell system. (e) Improvement of immune system cells. 559
Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 17
(f) Increase albumin. (g) Increase alkaline phosphatase. (h) Increase in potassium levels (i) and lac- 560
tate dehydrogenase release. Table S2: List of discriminant metabolitess identified with high confi- 561
dence, significantly changed after acute nutritiol intervention with Physalis Peruvia (Compounds 562
written normally Tier 1 and in italic tier 2. Table S3: List of discriminant metabolitess identified 563
with high confidence, significantly changed after short-term nutritional intervention with Physalis 564
Peruviana (Compounds written normally Tiers 1 and in italic tiers2). 565
Author Contributions “Conceptualization, F.V., V.C.A., K.M.D., J.C.H.; methodology, F.V., V.C.A., 566
K.M.D., J.C.H., N.M., A. A., P. P.; formal analysis, F.V., N.M., A.A.; investigation, F.V., V.C.A., 567
K.M.D., J.C.H; data curation, F.V. J.C.H.; writing—original draft preparation, F.V..; writing—review 568
and editing, F.V., V.C.A., K.M.D., J.C.H., N.M., A. A., P. P.; supervision, F.V.; project administration, 569
F.V. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. 570
Funding: This research was funded by Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria— 571
Agrosavia through recurring transfer from the government of Colombia and Vidarium Nutrition, 572
Health and Wellness Research Center, Grupo Empresarial Nutresa. 573
Institutional Review Board Statement: “The study was conducted according to the guidelines of 574
the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Institute of 575
Health Sciences of CES University (Medellin, Colombia; ethical ID: 707, 20/09/2017) and registered 576
with the international Clinical Platform ( 577
Informed Consent Statement: “Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the 578
study.” 579
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the volunteers who participated in the clinical trial, the Car- 580
ibbean Exotic S.A.S and the farm “La Bendicion” for growing and collected the Golden berry used 581
in this research. 582
Conflicts of Interest: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no con- 583
flict of interest. 584
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Golden Berry Impacts Insulin Signaling

  • 1. Nutrients 2021, 13, x. Type of the Paper (Article.) 1 Plasma metabolome profiling by high-performance chemical 2 isotope-labelling LC-MS after acute and medium-term inter- 3 vention with golden berry fruit (Physalis peruviana L.), con- 4 firming its impact on insulin-associated signaling pathways 5 Fabrice Vaillant1*, Vanesa Corrales-Agudelo2, Natalia Moreno-Castellanos3, Alberto Ángel-Martín4, Juan Camilo 6 Henao5, Katalina Muñoz-Durango6, Patrick Poucheret7 7 1 Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria – Agrosavia. Centro de Investigación La Selva, 8 Kilómetro 7, Vía a Las Palmas, vereda Llanogrande, Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia. French Agricultural 9 Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), UMR Qualisud F-34398 Montpellier, France. Joint 10 Research Unit -UMR Qualisud, CIRAD, Univ. Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ. Avignon, Univ. de 11 La Réunion.; 12 2 Vidarium Nutrition, Health and Wellness Research Center, Grupo Empresarial Nutresa, Calle 8 sur No. 50- 13 67, Medellin, Colombia; 14 3 CINTROP, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Cra. 32 29-31, Bucaramanga, Colombia; 15 16 4 OENEC, Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Facultad de Salud. Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucara- 17 manga, Colombia; 18 5 Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria – Agrosavia. Centro de Investigación La Selva, 19 Kilómetro 7, Vía a Las Palmas, vereda Llanogrande, Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia; 20 6 Vidarium Nutrition, Health and Wellness Research Center, Grupo Empresarial Nutresa, Calle 8 sur No. 50- 21 67, Medellin, Colombia; 22 7 Joint Research Unit -UMR Qualisud, CIRAD, Univ. Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ. Avignon, 23 Univ. de La Réunion; 24 25 * Correspondence:; Tel.: +33 91 3201-7456. 26 Abstract: Purpose: Golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.) is an exotic fruit exported from Colombia to 27 different countries around the world. A review of the literature tends to demonstrate a hypoglycae- 28 mic effect with an improvement in insulin sensitivity after oral ingestion of fruit extracts in animal 29 models. However, little is known about their potential effects in humans, and very little is known 30 about the mechanisms involved. This study aimed at identifying discriminant metabolitess after 31 acute and chronic intake of Golden berry. Method: An untargeted metabolomics strategy using 32 high-performance chemical isotope-labelling LC-MS was applied. The blood samples of eighteen 33 healthy adults were analysed at baseline, at 6 hours after the intake of 250 g of golden berry (acute 34 intervention) and after 19 days of daily consumption of 150 g (medium-term intervention). Results: 35 Fifty-eight and 43 discriminant metabolitess were identified with high confidence, respectively, af- 36 ter the acute and medium-term interventions. Taking into account up- and downregulated metab- 37 olites, three biological networks mainly involving insulin, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) 38 and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway (PI3K/Akt/mTOR) were identified. Conclusion: The 39 biological intracellular networks identified are highly interconnected with the insulin signaling 40 pathway, showing that berry intake may be associated with insulin signaling, which could reduce 41 some risk factors related to metabolic syndrome. Primary registry of WHO, 17th April 2018 42 ( 43 Keywords: metabolomic, Physalis peruviana, nutritional intervention, insulin 44 45 Citation: Lastname, F.; Lastname, F.; Lastname, F. Title. Nutrients 2021, 13, x. Academic Editor: Firstname Last- name Received: date Accepted: date Published: date Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institu- tional affiliations. Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( s/by/4.0/).
  • 2. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 17 1. Introduction 46 Golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.) is a fruit of high commercial importance in some Af- 47 rican and Latin American countries, where it is locally consumed and often exported to 48 northern markets, mainly Europe and the US[1]. The traditional pharmacopoeia is rela- 49 tively extensive concerning the potential health benefits of the berry, although it concerns 50 mostly the use of calyces [2]. Nonetheless, folk medicine attributes antispasmodic, diu- 51 retic, antiseptic, sedative and analgesic effects to the fruit [2]. When considering scientifi- 52 cally based studies, most reviews of the literature conclude that the strongest evidence 53 indicates a hypoglycaemic effect and the improvement of insulin sensitivity [3]. Up to four 54 independent studies conducted in India, Colombia and Peru reported antidiabetic prop- 55 erties. Three interventions with golden berry extracts on streptozotocin-induced diabetic 56 rats [4,5,6] and normal mice [7] showed positive effects on glycaemic and insulin discri- 57 minant metabolitess. The fourth study was conducted on 26 young human adults [8], and 58 the authors reported that golden berry intake induced a postprandial decrease in glycae- 59 mia following a per os glucose challenge. Less documented is an additional potential pos- 60 itive impact of golden berry fruit consumption on oxidative stress and inflammatory pro- 61 cesses and status. Nonetheless, most of these studies were conducted in vitro or using 62 animal models, and data on human cohorts are very scarce. Additionally, very little is 63 known about the mechanisms and compounds involved in the observed effects. 64 The fruit of Physalis peruviana L. contains a wide diversity of biochemical compounds. 65 Withanolides and their derivatives are the most emblematic metabolites of Physalis spe- 66 cies, and they have been shown to exert a wide range of pharmacological activities in vitro, 67 such as immunomodulatory, angiogenesis inhibitor, anticholinesterase, antioxidant, anti- 68 bacterial and antitumoural activities [9]. This family of compounds with a steroid back- 69 bone has attracted the attention of pharmacologists, as withanolides and derivatives are 70 mostly concentrated in aerial parts of plants, such as the leaves. They were also detected 71 in fruit pulp [10] but at low concentrations. Nonetheless, it is not clear whether such com- 72 pounds could be bioaccessible and bioavailable for humans [11]. The fruit also contains 73 an appreciable amount of lipids and carotenoids (essentially β-carotene [12]), with some 74 lutein diesters [13], phytosterols [14], tocopherols [15,14] and flavonoids, essentially rutin 75 [16]. Some of these compounds accumulate within diminutive seeds, which are probably 76 not disrupted during passage through gastrointestinal tracts. However, in the case of 77 goldenberry, the levels of tocopherols and phytosterols are apparently much higher 78 within the pulp and peel [14], which probably makes them more bioavailable. Therefore, 79 compared with other fruit, golden berry is probably an important source of tocopherols (̴ 80 17 mg/100 g of fruit FW, mainly  and  in order of importance) with high vitamin E 81 activity and phytosterol content (̴ 10 mg/100 g of fruit FW, mainly 5-avenasterol and cam- 82 pesterol) [14]. Additionally, it was recently shown that golden berry fruits could also be a 83 source of trans-resveratrol, which is even richer than red wine [17]. On the other hand, 84 specific disaccharide hydroxyesters have also been detected in golden berries [18,19]. 85 These compounds have been associated with the inhibition of alpha-amylase, which 86 could also contribute to the hypoglycaemic effect. Despite the high diversity of com- 87 pounds present in golden berries, the potential health impacts after fruit consumption 88 cannot yet be attributed to one specific molecule or group of compounds. This could po- 89 tentially result from synergistic effects of many of these secondary metabolites. 90 The objective of this paper is to identify the changes in plasma metabolites that may occur 91 after acute and medium-term ingestion of golden berry. To reach this goal, an untargeted 92 metabolomic approach was used, but instead of relying on dubious identification and 93 quantification of metabolites, chemical isotope labelling (CIL) coupled with liquid chro- 94 matography mass spectrometry was used. This chemical derivatization-based approach 95
  • 3. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17 is revolutionizing untargeted metabolomics, as almost all metabolites with different po- 96 larities and functional groups can be analysed on the same reverse-phase column, follow- 97 ing the same conditions under a positive ionization mode [20]. Unlike conventional LC- 98 MS methods, it allows a high quantification accuracy, as CIL LC-MS uses differential iso- 99 tope labelling to overcome the matrix effect, ion suppression effect, and instrument drift 100 issue during sample analysis [21]. CIL LC-MS is particularly appropriate for profiling 101 plasma metabolites and has been applied to detect discriminant metabolites in animal and 102 human biofluids [22]. 103 2. Materials and Methods 104 2.1. Plant material 105 Fruits from the variety "Dorada" selected by AGROSAVIA (Ref. ICA UCH-16-02) were 106 grown and collected by the company Caribbean Exotic S.A.S. at their farm “La Bendicion” 107 (6.23779°latitude/-75.32.45° longitude) in San Vicente Ferrer, Antioquia, Colombia. The 108 calyxes were manually removed, and selected fruits were packed in a plastic box and de- 109 livered to volunteers under refrigeration. All operations were carried out at the export 110 packing warehouse following the strictest hygiene rules according to Good Agriculture 111 Practice (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). 112 2.2. Subjects 113 Sample size is 18 which is within the range used usually by high-throughput metabolomics 114 studies for the identification of dietary discriminant metabolites [23,24]. Only male were 115 used in this nutritional intervention as sex of the subjects known to strongly impacts me- 116 tabolites profile such as amino acids, lipids, sugars and keto acids [25]. 117 The male volunteer subjects met the following inclusion criteria: aged 20-50 years old, BMI 118 ≥18.5 kg/mt2 ≤29.9 kg/mt2, regular consumers of citric fruits, non-smokers, physical activ- 119 ity of <10 h/wk, no history and/or diagnosis of chronic disease (cardiovascular, gastric, or 120 psychiatric disorder, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, cancer, renal or liver alteration, hypothy- 121 roidism, insomnia, dysautonomia, or sleep disturbance), not currently consuming medi- 122 cation (lipid-lowering drugs, antioxidant dietary supplements, anticonvulsants, anti-in- 123 flammatory steroids or hypnotics) and not treated with antibiotics or anti-parasitic drugs 124 for the last three months before the beginning of the study. The main clinical parameters 125 of volunteers observed at the beginning of the study are presented in Supplementary Ta- 126 ble S1. During the study, the consumption of food supplements was forbidden. The study 127 trial was approved by the ethical committee of the Institute of Health Sciences of CES 128 University (Medellin, Colombia; ethical ID: 707, 20/09/2017) and registered with the inter- 129 national Clinical Platform ( The study was 130 conducted in strict accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, as re- 131 vised in 2013, the Nuremberg code, and the guideline of Council for International Organ- 132 izations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) 2016 and had minimal risk according to the Colom- 133 bian Ministry of Health (Resolutions 008430/1993 and 2378/2008). Participants were as- 134 sured of anonymity and confidentiality. All participants provided written informed con- 135 sent. 136 The subjects were characterized in terms of some anthropometric and biochemical param- 137 eters to meet the inclusion criteria. Weight and height were measured by standardized 138 specialized personnel using internationally accepted equipment and techniques. BMIs 139 were calculated and classified according to WHO criteria. Blood pressure was obtained 140 according to the standard techniques of the AHA and the European Cardiology Associa- 141 tion. The subjects rested between 3 and 5 min. The cut-off for normal blood pressure was 142 120/80 mm Hg. Plasma TC, HDL cholesterol and TGs were enzymatically measured with 143
  • 4. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 17 cholesterol oxidase/peroxidase, cholesterol HDL direct and TG glycerol phosphate oxi- 144 dase/peroxidase commercial kits (BioSystems S.A). The LDL was calculated. The cut-offs 145 were according to The National Library of Medicine, National Health Institute (NIH) of 146 the USA. Hepatic transaminases (AST and ALT) were determined by spectrophotometry, 147 and reference values were those proposed by the NIH for men. Blood creatinine was 148 measured by the colorimetric method, and a normal result for men was obtained accord- 149 ing to the NIH (0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL). Fasting glucose was evaluated by an ultraviolet irradi- 150 ation assay, and normal values were 70-100 mg/dL, fasting insulin was evaluated by a 151 chemiluminescence immunoassay, and values in the range 2.6-24.9 μUI/ml were consid- 152 ered normal. Glycated haemoglobin was determined by high-performance liquid chro- 153 matography, and values less than 5.7% were considered normal. Blood glucose and insu- 154 lin were used to calculate the insulin resistance index using the homeostasis model assess- 155 ment (HOMA-IR) and the cut-off to normality better reflected the biochemical character- 156 istics of the studied population (HOMA-IR >3). 157 2.3. Study design 158 This pilot study lasted 3 weeks. The study had three time points: the washout (one week), 159 baseline and intervention periods (19 days). During the washout period, the volunteers 160 were asked to avoid consumption of any type of golden berry. Blood samples were drawn 161 by puncturing the antecubital vein to obtain the plasma as follows. One fasting sample 162 and another blood sample 6 h after ingestion of 250 g of golden berry, breakfast and lunch 163 from a standard menu were withdrawn. Then, volunteers consumed 150 g of golden berry 164 daily for 19 days, and at the end of the intervention, a fasting blood sample was with- 165 drawn 24 hours after the last ingestion of golden berry fruits. On the days of sampling, 166 the same standardized meals were provided to volunteers. The plasma was preserved at 167 -80 °C until analysis. 168 2.4. Phytochemical analysis of fruits 169 A sample of fruits used in the nutritional intervention was separated for analysis. Mois- 170 ture, protein; fat, total carbohydrate, fiber, ash and energy was determined according to 171 AOAC standard methods. Total phenolic were performed after extraction with ace- 172 tone/water (70/30) following the classical folin-Cicalteu method modified by [26] and ex- 173 pressed in equivalent gallic acid. Carotenoids were analysed by an Agilent 1100HPLC- 174 DAD system (Massy, France). Carotenoids were extracted and separated using a C30 col- 175 umn (150 mm x 4.6 mm i.d., 3 µm) (YMC EUROP GmbH, Germany) as detailed recently 176 by [27]. Total carotenoids was expressed in equivalent All-E-ß-carotene and pro-vitamin 177 A as mcg Retinol Activity Equivalent (RAE) taking a bioconversion ratio of 12:1 for all-E- 178 ß-carotene. Finally, Vitamin C was assessed by HPLC according to The United States 179 Pharmacopeial Convention (USP 36). 180 2.5. Plasma sample preparation 181 Plasma samples were thawed, vortexed and centrifuged at 15,000 × g for 15 minutes at 4 182 °C. An aliquot of 250 μL of the supernatant was mixed with precooled LC-MS-grade meth- 183 anol (3:1 v/v) and vortexed thoroughly to allow protein precipitation. The mixture was 184 left at -20 °C for one hour, vortexed and spun down for 20 min, and centrifuged again as 185 described above. The recovered supernatant (750 μL) was completely dried using a cen- 186 trifugal vacuum concentrator (Labconco, Kansas City, USA). Each individual’s plasma 187 sample was centrifuged and then redissolved in 250 μL of LC-MS grade water. After vor- 188 texing and centrifugation, the supernatant was collected and split into 6 aliquots for dif- 189 ferent labelling methods, backup and preparation of the pooled sample. An aliquot of 50 190 μL was taken from each individual sample and then combined and mixed thoroughly to 191
  • 5. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 17 prepare the pooled sample, which was used as a quality control (QC). Data were analysed 192 using a Dansyl-labelling Kit for Amine & Phenol Metabolomics I (Nova Medical Testing 193 Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). The labelling protocol followed was described in detail 194 by Zhao et al.[21]. Briefly, for amine/phenol aliquot labelling, the labelling protocol strictly 195 followed the SOP provided in the kit. Briefly, 12.5 μL of buffer reagent and 37.5 μL of 12C2- 196 labelling (for the individual samples and the pooled sample) or 13C2-labelling (for the 197 pooled sample) reagent were added to the samples. After being vortexed, the mixtures 198 were incubated at 40 °C for 45 minutes. Then, 7.5 μL of quenching reagent was added to 199 neutralize the excess of labelling reagent followed by an incubation at 40 °C for another 200 10 minutes. Finally pH was adjusted with 30 l of dedicated reagent. 201 Quantification of labelled metabolites was performed by LC-UV after centrifugation at 202 15,000 × g for 10 min. The result was used for preacquisition normalization for all four- 203 channel metabolomics analyses. The 12C2-labelled individual sample was mixed with a 204 13C2-labelled reference sample in equal amounts according to LC-UV normalization re- 205 sults. The entire sample set and quality control (QC) sample were prepared by an equal- 206 amount mix of 12C-labelled and 13C-labelled pooled samples. 207 208 2.6. Analysis by LC-MS 209 Mixed samples were analysed by LC-MS (Agilent 1290 LC linked to Bruker Impact II 210 QToF mass spectrometer) according to the conditions described previusly20. Briefly, an 211 Agilent eclipse plus reversed-phase C18 column (150 x 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm particle size) was 212 used with mobile phases A (0.1% (v/v) formic acid in water) and B (0.1% (v/v) formic acid 213 in acetonitrile) following a gradient of t = 0 min, 25% B; t = 10 min, 99% B; t = 13 min, 99% 214 B; t = 13.1 min, 25% B; and t=16 min, 25% B at a flow rate of 400 µL/min and a column oven 215 temperature of 40°C. QC samples were injected every 20 sample runs to monitor the in- 216 strument performance. Calibration data were used to check the retention time. All cali- 217 bration peaks were well-aligned. Their retention times were consistent for all calibration 218 data, showing good RT stability for data acquisition. 219 2.7. Data processing and cleansing 220 LC-MS data for the plasma samples were exported to a “.csv” file using Bruker DataAnal- 221 ysis 4.4, and the data quality was checked. For all analyses, ions or peak pairs that were 222 not present in at least 80% of samples in any group (baseline, acute and medium-term 223 groups) were filtered out to ensure data quality. All data were normalized by the ratio of 224 total useful signals. 225 2.8. Statistical analysis 226 The datasets obtained were pretreated using Pareto scaling and log transformation. Uni- 227 variate and multivariate statistical approaches were performed using SIMCA-P software 228 (Sartorius Stedim Data Analytics AB, Umea, Sweden) to explore the differences between 229 sample groups. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed with all detected 230 ions to explore group differences. Afterward, a partial least-squares discriminant analysis 231 (PLS-DA) using SIMCA P was applied to assess the variation between groups. The pre- 232 dictive ability of the model was validated by cross-validation ANOVA (CV-ANOVA) and 233 permutation tests (n=100) to test the eventual overfitting of the data. The variable’s im- 234 portance in the projection (VIP) of the PLS-DA model, which summarizes the contribution 235 of the variable to the model, was registered. The VIP score of a variable is calculated as a 236
  • 6. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 17 weighted sum of the squared correlations between the PLS-DA components and the orig- 237 inal variable. The weights correspond to the percentage of variation explained by the PLS- 238 DA latent component in the model. All ions with a p-value < 0.05 (from univariate analy- 239 sis) and a VIP > 1 (variable importance (VIP) of partial least-squares multivariate discri- 240 minant analysis) were considered statistically significant and discriminant between 241 groups. 242 2.9. Metabolite identification 243 For the identification of metabolites, a three-tier ID approach was used. In tier 1, peak 244 pairs were matched against an in-house labelled standards metabolite library (CIL Li- 245 brary) based on triple parameters, accurate molecular masses, retention times (RT) and 246 MSM/MS spectra. The parameters of mass and retention time tolerance for this CIL library 247 were fixed at 10 ppm and 30 seconds, respectively. In tier 2, a linked identity library (LI 248 Library) was used for identification of the remaining peak pairs. The LI Library includes 249 over 7,000 pathway-related metabolites, providing high-confidence putative identifica- 250 tion results based on accurate masses and predicted retention times. For this LI library, 251 the parameters of mass and retention time tolerance were fixed at 10 ppm and 205 sec- 252 onds, respectively. Metabolites with no match in tier 1 or 2 were reported as “Unknown”. 253 In some cases, although the identification of the enantiomers was not possible, the puta- 254 tive attribution of the L form was made taking into account the logical biological interpre- 255 tation based on the literature, as for example, when only the L form has been reported in 256 the blood. 257 2.10. Discovery of biological association networks 258 For the discovery of association networks, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software 259 (Ingenuity, Redwood City, CA, USA) was used. The KEGG IDs and log2 FC (fold-change) 260 of identified metabolites were input to seek potential interactions with other biological 261 molecules. The p-values were calculated using Fischer's exact test to determine the prob- 262 ability that the association between the metabolites in the data set and the top pathway 263 was due to chance alone. IPA uses a network-generation algorithm to segment the net- 264 work map between metabolites into multiple networks and assign scores for each network 265 [28]. The score is generated based on a hypergeometric distribution, where the negative 266 logarithm of the significance level is obtained by Fisher's exact test at the right tail. For 267 canonical pathway analysis, disease and function, a −log (P-value) >2 was taken as the 268 threshold, a Z-score >2 was defined as the threshold of significant activation, and a Z- 269 score <−2 was defined as the threshold of significant inhibition. For regulator effects and 270 molecular networks, consistency scores were calculated, in which a high consistency score 271 indicated accurate results for the regulatory effects analysis. For upstream regulators, the 272 p-value of overlap <0.05 was set as the threshold. The algorithm used for calculating the 273 Z-scores and p-values of overlap has been described previously [29]. For multiple com- 274 parisons, p-values were adjusted using Bonferroni correction. The biological interpreta- 275 tion was accomplished using available information from the literature, as well as web- 276 based software tools, such as BioCyc [30], KEGG [31] and ChEBI [32]. 277 3. Results 278 Main phytochemical composition of golden berry fruits used in the nutritional interven- 279 tion is presented in table 1. The fruit was analyzed without calyx and seeds because the 280 small lignified seeds are neither chewed nor digested. Data show an important content in 281 total carotenoids and pro-vitamin A, vitamin C and total phenolic compounds. 282 283
  • 7. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 17 Table 1. Main nutrients and phytochemicals composition of golden berry fruits. 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 * FW fresh fruit pulp (without seeds and calyx) RAE Retinoic Acid Equivalents 293 After injection of plasma samples collected during nutritional intervention with golden 294 berries, an average of 1953 peak pairs per run was detected. The unsupervised PCA for 295 the plasma metabolome showed differences—in the space constituted by PCA 1 and 3 296 (Fig. 1)—between the baseline, acute and medium-term consumption levels. Along the 297 PC1 axis, which recovers approximately 19% of the explained variance, a global separa- 298 tion between baseline and medium-term consumption can be observed for most individ- 299 uals. Along the PC3 axis, which recovers approximately 7% of the information, the plasma 300 metabolome after acute consumption appears in a different space than that at baseline. 301 Nonetheless, it can be observed that after medium-term consumption, a minority of indi- 302 viduals have a metabolome similar to that at baseline. Notably, plasma from medium- 303 term exposure subjects was collected 24 h after the last ingestion of golden berries, and 304 some individuals had a plasma metabolome similar to that at baseline. 305 306 Figure 1. Non supervised PCA of the plasmatic metabolome at baseline (before consump- 307 tion of Physalis peruviana L.) and after acute consumption and medium-term consumption 308 The supervised PLS-DA models for baseline Vs acute and baseline Vs medium-term show good 309 statistical performances with very low probability of overfitting the data for both models (See figure 310 S2 and S3: for baseline Vs acute: R2Y=0.993, Q2Y =0.895, p-value CV-ANOVA=2.03·10-9, intercept 311 cross-validation=-0.14, and for baseline Vs medium-term: R2Y=0.975, Q2Y =0.7, p-value CV- 312 Compounds Values Moisture (g/100 g FW) 80-84 Protein (g/100 g FW) 0.03-1.6 Fat (g/100 g FW) 0.2-0.6 Carbohydrate (g/100 g FW) 16.2-19.6 Total sugar 8.5-10.5 Dietary fibers (g/100 g FW)) 5-7 Ash (g(g/100 g FW) 0.79 Energy (Kcal/100 g FW) 53-80 Total phenols (Gallic acid equivalents mg/100 g FW) 40-82 Beta-carotene (mcg/100 g FW) 1500-1917 Pro-Vitamin A (mcg RAE/100 g FW) 95-125 Ascorbic acid (mg/ 100 g FW) 14-43
  • 8. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 17 ANOVA=3.75·10-6, intercept cross-validation=-0.08). On the basis of the PLS-DA (VIP>1.2) and p- 313 values (<0.05), a list of discriminant metabolites between groups was established. Among them, 49 314 metabolites for acute intervention and 36 after medium-term intervention could be putatively iden- 315 tified with a relatively high confidence. As reported in the Venn graph (Fig. 2), 11 metabolites were 316 shared between acute and medium-term metabolomes. In total only 74 compounds were putatively 317 identified, with 11 of them being isomers with the same mass as the original compounds but differ- 318 ent retention time. The complete table is provided in the supplemental information (Tables S2 and 319 S3). 320 321 Figure 2: Venn graph of the main discriminant metabolites identified after acute and medium-term 322 intervention (only metabolites with VIP> 1.2 and P-value<0.05 are shown) 323 Identification of biological association networks 324 Baseline and acute nutritional intervention with golden berries 325 Among the 58 identified metabolites that were significantly changed after the acute inter- 326 vention, 25 were downregulated and 33 were upregulated (Supplementary Table 2). To 327 identify possible biological associations between these metabolites, bioinformatic compu- 328 tation analysis was performed (IPA software, the KEGG IDs and log2 FC (fold-change)) 329 Uridine Putrescine 4-Hydroxyproline N1-Acetylspermidine Citrulline Uracil L-Kynurenine Diethanolamine Syringic acid Monodehydroascorbate 1-Methylguanosine Proline (R)-1-Aminopropan-2-ol Prolyl-Valine 4,6-Dihydroxyquinoline o-Hydroxylaminobenzoate 3-Hydroxy-L-proline Glycine Leucyl-Glutamate Prolyl-Leucine 4-Hydroxy-L-tryptophan 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid Prolyl-phenylalanine 5-Hydroxylysine Symmetric dimethylarginine Cysteine prolyl-proline 3-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid Cystein Thymine Prolyl-Asparagine 5-Aminopentanal Cystine 4-Hydroxyphenylglyoxylate Diaminopimelic acid Ethanolamine N(gamma)-Acetyldiaminobutyrate p-Aminobenzoic acid Adenosine L-3-Aminodihydro-2(3H)-furanone 5'-Deoxyadenosine Aminoadipic acid Biopterin N-Acetylindoxyl Saccharopine 5'-Methylthioadenosine 3,4-Dihydroxymandelaldehyde 4-hydroxymethylsalicylic acid Quinoline-4,8-diol 3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid 2-Hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate L-Lysine 6-Amino-2-oxohexanoate Dihydroxyfumaric acid Spermidine 7-Aminomethyl-7-carbaguanine O-Acetyl-L-homoserine Coniferyl acetate 2'-O-Methyladenosine 2-Hydroxymuconate semialdehyde Homoserine Aminohydroquinone 3-Hydroxymandelic acid 3-Hydroxyanthranilate 4-aminobutanal 5-Aminopentanamide cis,cis-4-Hydroxymuconic semialdehyde 4-Aminobutyraldehyde Valyl-Lysine (S)-4-Amino-5-oxopentanoate
  • 9. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17 on the 60 previously identified metabolites. As shown in Fig. 3, most of the discriminant 330 metabolites were significantly connected (top score) in three main networks: (1) develop- 331 mental disorders, hereditary disorders and metabolic diseases (Fig. 3a), (2) small-molecule 332 biochemistry, molecular transport and amino acid metabolism (Fig. 3b) and (3) cell mor- 333 phology, cellular assembly as well as organization and cellular development (Fig. 3c). Alt- 334 hough all participants were healthy subjects, the analysis of the network “Developmental 335 disorders, hereditary disorders and metabolic diseases” showed that insulin and insulin 336 signaling metabolites have key roles in the integration of the discriminant metabolites af- 337 ter acute ingestion of golden berries and the intake of a standardized breakfast and lunch 338 (postprandial). Within the network “Small-molecule biochemistry, molecular transport 339 and amino acid metabolism” (Fig. 3b), the discriminant metabolites associated with the 340 epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were all downregulated in the same period. Fi- 341 nally, the analysis of the network “Cell morphology, cellular assembly and organization 342 and cellular development” (Fig. 3c) showed the integration of some metabolites within 343 the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway (PI3K/Akt/mTOR). 344 345 346 Figure 3. Significant biological networks associated with acute intervention with golden berry fruits. 347 (a) Network associated with developmental disorders, hereditary disorders and metabolic diseases. 348
  • 10. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17 (b) Network associated with small-molecule biochemistry, molecular transport and amino acid me- 349 tabolism. (c) Network associated with cell morphology, cellular assembly and organization and cel- 350 lular development. Metabolites are represented as nodes. The biological relationship between two 351 nodes is represented as a line. Note that the coloured symbols represent metabolites that occur in 352 our data, while the transparent entries are molecules from the Ingenuity Knowledge Database. Me- 353 tabolites highlighted in red have increased levels, whereas metabolites highlighted in green have 354 decreased levels when compared with the baseline levels. Solid lines between molecules indicate a 355 direct physical relationship between the molecules, and dotted lines indicate indirect functional re- 356 lationships. 357 358 Considering up- and downregulated discriminant metabolites, IPA software predicted 359 significant effects (p<0.05) related to some cellular functions and physiological system de- 360 velopment. Regarding cellular functions, the top associated categories were protein syn- 361 thesis (p-value = 1.59E-7) (Supplementary Fig 1a), cellular growth and proliferation (p- 362 value = 2.17E-6) (Supplementary Fig. 1b), and amino acid metabolism and molecular 363 transport (p-value = 1.09E-5) (Supplementary Fig 1c). Meanwhile, for physiological sys- 364 tem development and function, the most relevant effect was related to hepatic system de- 365 velopment and function (p-value = 7.78E-08), suggesting possible participation in the 366 maintenance of normal liver function (Supplementary Fig 1d) and immune cell trafficking 367 (p-value = 8.35E-7), with a role in the recruitment and performance of immune system 368 cells (Supplementary Fig 1e). Interestingly, some metabolite networks were activated, in- 369 cluding alkaline phosphatase (Supplementary Fig. 1f), albumin (Supplementary Fig. 1g), 370 potassium levels (Supplementary Fig. 1h) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release (Sup- 371 plementary Fig. 1i). 372 Baseline and medium-term intervention with golden berry 373 The metabolomic analysis enabled us to tentatively identify 43 metabolites in plasma with 374 high confidence after consuming golden berry fruits—16 were downregulated, and 27 375 were upregulated (Supplementary Table 3S). The IPA metabolomic analysis between up- 376 and downregulated metabolites showed integration within one top network associated 377 with DNA replication, recombination, and repair, molecular transport and nucleic acid 378 metabolism. As shown in Fig. 4, the discriminant metabolites could be associated with 379 insulin and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway (PI3K/Akt/mTOR). 380 IPA software predicted significant effects on molecular and cellular function, especially 381 cell-to-cell signaling (p-value = 1.89E-08), cellular movement (p-value = 3.06E-06), cell sig- 382 naling (p-value = 1.04E-5), small-molecule biochemistry (p-value =4.20E-04) and protein 383 synthesis (p-value = 4.21E-03). Regarding physiological system development and func- 384 tions, the software predicted significant effects on cardiovascular system development (p- 385 value = 5.12E-06), haematological development (p-value = 4.08E-07), organ morphology 386 (p-value = 3.05E-09), organismal development (p-value = 3.06E-05), and immune cell traf- 387 ficking (p-value = 1.56E-08). 388
  • 11. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 17 389 390 Figure 4. Biological networks “DNA replication, recombination, repair, molecular transport and nu- 391 cleic acid metabolism” in which significant associations were found between previously identified 392 discriminant metabolites (p<0.05) after medium-term intervention with golden berry fruits 393 4. Discussion 394 The analysis of all the biological networks significantly mobilized after acute and me- 395 dium-term consumption of golden berry showed strong associations with insulin and in- 396 sulin signaling due to the integration of most discriminant metabolites. Proinsulin, insulin 397 and insulin signaling are directly at the centre of the first network built by IPA software 398 around discriminant metabolites (Fig 3a). For the other two networks that were signifi- 399 cantly changed, discriminant metabolites pointed to EGFR (Fig 3b) and PI3K/Akt/mTOR 400 (Fig 3c). After medium-term consumption of golden berries, only the PI3K/Akt/mTOR 401 pathway remained altered (Fig 4). All these pathways are highly interconnected with in- 402 sulin signaling. 403 The insulin signaling pathway plays two major roles in cells, both metabolic and mito- 404 genic. First, it regulates metabolic processes such as carbohydrate, lipid, and protein me- 405 tabolism. Second, it modulates cell division and growth through its mitogenic effects [33]. 406
  • 12. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 17 In the case of the acute response to golden berry consumption, the effect on the insulin 407 signaling pathway could be due either to the fruit or to the meal that was ingested. None- 408 theless, insulin was also at the centre of the medium-term biological network (Fig 4), 409 which compared two fasting plasma metabolomes. Thus, although there may have been 410 interference during the acute intervention, our results seem to reinforce the results already 411 observed in vivo in animal models [5,50]. In mammals, insulin plays a key ubiquitous role 412 in energy homeostasis. It influences the expression and activity of a variety of channels 413 and enzymes involved in the metabolic processes of glucose transport, glycogenesis, gly- 414 cogenolysis, glycolysis and inhibition of gluconeogenesis in the liver [33,34,35,36]. Dis- 415 ruption of these mechanisms induces insulin resistance. This poor insulin signaling is a 416 foundational aspect of the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes 417 and most chronic diseases and comorbidities linked with an unhealthy diet, e.g., cardio- 418 vascular diseases and cancer [30,31,33]. 419 At the molecular level, insulin actions on insulin-sensitive tissues such as liver, muscle 420 and adipocytes are mediated by its membrane receptors. Activation of insulin receptor 421 (IR) tyrosine kinase reflects insulinaemia and is associated with decreased glycaemia. 422 Upon insulin binding to IR, the receptor is autophosphorylated to subsequently trigger 423 intracellular signaling pathways. These pathways are organized into a complex network 424 of protein interactions and phosphorylation cascades at both the cytosolic and nuclear 425 levels. Two main pathways are mobilized: (1) the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway through plei- 426 otropic IRS docking molecules and (2) the Shc/GRB2/SOS/Ras/MAPK pathway. Both path- 427 ways control most insulin metabolic actions, such as energy metabolism (carbohydrates, 428 lipids) and gene expression (cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth) [37,38]. These 429 cellular effects correspond to the dual potential of insulin, which behaves as both a hypo- 430 glycaemic hormone and an anabolic growth factor. The PI3K pathway also has a key role 431 in the integration of up- and downregulated metabolites for the activation of the insulin 432 signaling pathway [38], confirming the significant effects on cell-to-cell signaling, cell 433 movement, cell signaling and protein synthesis predicted by IPA software. 434 A preclinical study already suggested that the consumption of golden berry juice de- 435 creased blood glucose and insulin resistance and increased insulin levels in diabetic rats 436 [39]. Nevertheless, the glucose detected in plasma did not appear as a discriminating me- 437 tabolite, so we can assume that glucose level was not significantly affected. However, we 438 report for the first time that the relationship in the insulin signaling pathway is supported 439 by integration into the relevant networks of plasma metabolites that are significantly mod- 440 ified after acute ingestion of golden berry fruit. The effect tends to fade after discontinuing 441 consumption of the fruits. Even after medium-term fruit consumption, the effect declined 442 24 hours after the last ingestion (Day 19), remaining significantly altered only at the level 443 of PI3K/Akt/mTOR. 444 Following golden berry ingestion, predictions also mentioned relations with the immune 445 system through modulation of cytokine levels, inflammation and the NFKB signal trans- 446 duction channel. Low-grade inflammatory processes are common to diseases associated 447 with energy metabolism (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, etc.), as well as with tu- 448 morigenesis [40]. Our results suggest a modulatory influence of Physalis peruviana inges- 449 tion. Inflammation in metabolic diseases is also detrimental to the cardiovascular system. 450 It is therefore interesting to note that the pathway analysis revealed an association with 451 arginase. This enzyme was demonstrated to modulate NO levels in vascular endothelial 452 cells and smooth vascular muscles, thereby impacting arterial blood pressure regulation 453 [41]. Additionally, our metabolomic results identified norepinephrine variations. This en- 454 dogenous neurotransmitter from the sympathetic autonomic nervous system is involved 455 in both energy expenditure and blood pressure control through its actions on beta-1 car- 456 diac receptors and alpha-1 vascular receptors [42]. These results could indicate a potential 457
  • 13. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17 combination of effects with NO pathways on the cardiovascular system in relation to glu- 458 cose and lipid metabolism. 459 Research on tyrosine kinase receptors, such as EGFR, revealed the mechanisms of their 460 activation by growth factor ligands [43]. The EGFR tyrosine kinase intracellular network 461 main channel is the Shc/GRB2/SOS/Ras/MAPK pathway. This signaling cascade controls 462 cell proliferation and differentiation processes. In addition, EGFR is also able to mobilize 463 the PI3K/Akt/mTOR, p53, Ras/MAPK and NFKB pathways to regulate cell prolifera- 464 tion/growth, amino acid metabolism, cell survival/apoptosis and cell morphology/motil- 465 ity. In addition, EGFR is known to induce the nuclear factor NFKB via PIK/Akt and MAPK 466 signaling to regulate the immune system and associated inflammation processes, as well 467 as angiogenesis [44]. In this context, our results showed a significant impact of acute in- 468 gestion of golden berry fruit on EGFR. Almost all discriminant metabolites involved 469 within its biological network were significantly changed (Fig. 3c). These results showed 470 that acute consumption of golden berry may affect the activity of EGFR tyrosine kinase. 471 Furthermore, numerous studies have shown the potential contributions of EGFR-associ- 472 ated signaling pathways in oncogenesis processes, including cell proliferation, angiogen- 473 esis and resistance to apoptosis [45]. In this context, our results suggest that golden berry 474 fruit consumption as part of a healthy diet could negatively influence EGFR signaling. 475 These combined observations are in accordance with previous reports indicating anti- 476 tumoural effects observed in a rat model after ingestion of golden berry juice [46]. Taken 477 together, these data suggest the anti-oncogenic potential of Physalis peruviana. Based on 478 our results, the consumption of the fruits appeared to influence EGFR, which was re- 479 ported to be involved in a diversity of tumours. These effects might be explained by a loss 480 of EGFR binding affinity, since this receptor is regulated by protein kinase C [43,47]. Al- 481 ternatively, other more complex mechanisms yet to be discovered could involve modula- 482 tion of EGFR intracellular signals through crosstalk with insulin signaling. One element 483 that may support this hypothesis is in the link that our results identified between EGFR 484 signaling and IGFBP2 (insulin-growth-factor binding protein). This endogenous com- 485 pound is currently considered a major discriminant metabolites but also regulator of in- 486 sulin resistance and associated metabolic processes in relation to insulin signaling cas- 487 cades [47]. 488 A possible explanation for the results we obtained may lie in the golden berry fruit com- 489 position and relative contents of various bioactive compounds. One of these compounds, 490 which is not specific to this fruit, is β-carotene [49]. This bioactive molecule can lead to the 491 activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR [50] through IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate) phosphory- 492 lation, promoting insulin signaling pathway activation and thereby reducing insulin re- 493 sistance [51]. In this context, evidence also suggests that a diet enriched in carotenoids 494 with pro-vitamin A functions, such as β-carotene, improves liver function, which is insu- 495 lin-sensitive tissue [46],[52]. The other type of molecule, withanolides, is present in the 496 Physalis sp. composition. Among these compounds, withangulatin-A has previously 497 demonstrated insulin-release stimulatory effects in induced diabetic rats, similar to the 498 reference drug glibenclamide (a potassium channel blocker on endocrine Langerhans in- 499 sulin-secreting cells), suggesting antidiabetic potential through modulation of insulin lev- 500 els and glucose homeostasis [53]. Relatedly, our metabolome analysis also indicated po- 501 tential impact on potassium levels (Supplemental Fig S1H) after golden berry fruit con- 502 sumption, but potassium levels in plasma was not measured. Other compounds are much 503 more specific to Physalis Peruviana, such as peruviosides, which are sucrose esters that 504 exhibit important inhibition of α-amylase [18]. These compounds could also contribute to 505 hypoglycaemic activity, thereby also affecting insulinaemia. These sugars were not de- 506 tected in the plasma. Nonetheless, a synergistic effect between carotenoids, withanolides 507 and sucrose esters, along with other unknown compounds, should not be ruled out and 508 could explain our observations. Our findings and mechanistic hypothesis based on our 509
  • 14. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 17 metabolomic approach are supported by a recent report from Pino-de-la Fuente et al. In- 510 deed, the authors recorded positive effects of Physalis peruviana in vivo, i.e., insulin re- 511 sistance and inflammation improvement in the muscles and liver in a mouse model of 512 diet-induced obesity. These data point in the same direction as ours at the molecular and 513 physiological levels in relation to the compositions of golden berry fruit, as suggested by 514 the authors [54]. 515 Taking into account up- and downregulated metabolites, as well as data from the litera- 516 ture, three biological networks could be integrated, involving mainly insulin, EGFR and 517 PI3K/Akt/mTOR. The PI3K pathway is common to insulin and EGFR signaling. These two 518 growth factor molecules also share the MAPK signaling pathway. These signaling cas- 519 cades control the metabolic and mitogenic effects of insulin and EGFR. Both biological 520 intracellular networks are highly interconnected with the insulin signaling pathway. The 521 insulin network was previously demonstrated to interact with other growth factor signal- 522 ing pathways, such as EGF/EGFR, through bidirectional crosstalk. More specifically, the 523 EGFR intracellular network, the Shc/GRB2/SOS/Ras/MAPK pathway, was reported to be 524 linked to the insulin signaling cascade, with insulin regulating early signaling events of 525 EGFR [37]. Therefore, our results suggest that different compounds from Physalis peruvi- 526 ana could be considered good candidates for use as beneficial modulators of pathophysi- 527 ological processes involving insulin-associated cell dysregulation. Golden berry fruits 528 seem to mobilize the signaling pathways common to the two endogenous anabolic mole- 529 cules, namely, insulin and EGFR, leading to their direct or indirect modulation of energy 530 and cell cycle homeostasis. These impacts and the technology used in our investigation 531 point out the complex interplay between metabolic and mitogenic processes, wherein cell 532 signaling controls metabolism and reciprocally controls metabolism signaling [55]. This 533 integrative modulation of cell homeostasis appears to be partially oriented by the molec- 534 ular contents of Physalis Peruviana, providing some insight explaining the beneficial ef- 535 fects of this fruit on health. 536 5. Conclusions 537 To our knowledge, the present study is the first investigation reported in the international 538 literature regarding the effects of golden berries (Physalis peruviana L.), on insulin-pathway 539 and anti-diabetic potential in a human model. The intake of golden berry fruit seems to 540 be associated with insulin-related biological networks, as well as the EGFR and 541 PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways. Owing to the methodology followed, including untargeted 542 metabolomics coupled with high-performance chemical isotope-labelling LC-MS, we 543 were able to identify, with high confidence, plasmatic metabolites involved in these bio- 544 logical networks. This chemical derivatization-based approach was applied to an inter- 545 vention with Physalis peruviana associated with the discovery of association networks us- 546 ing IPA software. This method allows a theoretical deduction of the impact on human 547 health of an intervention with Physalis peruviana. Following the method developed, it was 548 shown that the ingestion of golden berries impacts insulin-associated signaling pathways, 549 allowing us to propose hypotheses related to the potential mechanism of action through 550 which Physalis peruviana could exert the biological activities already observed in preclini- 551 cal studies. Currently, further clinical studies are required to evaluate the functional ef- 552 fects of golden berry consumption on insulin and glucose metabolism in healthy volun- 553 teers and volunteers with prediabetic and diabetic conditions. 554 Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at, Table S1: 555 Baseline clinical characteristics of the volunteers, Figure S1: Metabolites regulatory networks asso- 556 ciated with several function categories after acute nutritional intervention with Physalis Peruviana. 557 (a) Regulatory network of protein synthesis. (b) Cellular growth and proliferation. (c) Molecular 558 transport. (d) Improvement of the hepatic cell system. (e) Improvement of immune system cells. 559
  • 15. Nutrients 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 17 (f) Increase albumin. (g) Increase alkaline phosphatase. (h) Increase in potassium levels (i) and lac- 560 tate dehydrogenase release. Table S2: List of discriminant metabolitess identified with high confi- 561 dence, significantly changed after acute nutritiol intervention with Physalis Peruvia (Compounds 562 written normally Tier 1 and in italic tier 2. Table S3: List of discriminant metabolitess identified 563 with high confidence, significantly changed after short-term nutritional intervention with Physalis 564 Peruviana (Compounds written normally Tiers 1 and in italic tiers2). 565 Author Contributions “Conceptualization, F.V., V.C.A., K.M.D., J.C.H.; methodology, F.V., V.C.A., 566 K.M.D., J.C.H., N.M., A. A., P. P.; formal analysis, F.V., N.M., A.A.; investigation, F.V., V.C.A., 567 K.M.D., J.C.H; data curation, F.V. J.C.H.; writing—original draft preparation, F.V..; writing—review 568 and editing, F.V., V.C.A., K.M.D., J.C.H., N.M., A. A., P. P.; supervision, F.V.; project administration, 569 F.V. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. 570 Funding: This research was funded by Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria— 571 Agrosavia through recurring transfer from the government of Colombia and Vidarium Nutrition, 572 Health and Wellness Research Center, Grupo Empresarial Nutresa. 573 Institutional Review Board Statement: “The study was conducted according to the guidelines of 574 the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Institute of 575 Health Sciences of CES University (Medellin, Colombia; ethical ID: 707, 20/09/2017) and registered 576 with the international Clinical Platform ( 577 Informed Consent Statement: “Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the 578 study.” 579 Acknowledgments: The authors thank the volunteers who participated in the clinical trial, the Car- 580 ibbean Exotic S.A.S and the farm “La Bendicion” for growing and collected the Golden berry used 581 in this research. 582 Conflicts of Interest: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no con- 583 flict of interest. 584 References 585 1. Olivares-Tenorio, M.L.; Dekker, M.; Verkerk, R.; van Boekel, M.A.J.S. Health-promoting com- 586 pounds in cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.): Review from a supply chain perspective. 587 Trends Food Sci. Technol. 2016, 57, 83–92, doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2016.09.009. 588 2. Puente, L.A.; Pinto-Muñoz, C.A.; Castro, E.S.; Cortés, M. Physalis peruviana Linnaeus, the mul- 589 tiple properties of a highly functional fruit: A review. Food Res. Int. 2011, 44, 1733–1740, 590 doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2010.09.034. 591 3. Shenstone, E.; Lippman, Z.; Van Eck, J. A review of nutritional properties and health benefits 592 of Physalis species. Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. 2020, 75, 316–325, doi:10.1007/s11130-020-00821-3. 593 4. Sathyadevi, M.; Suchithra, E.R.; Subramanian, S. Physalis peruviana Linn. fruit extract improves 594 insulin sensitivity and ameliorates hyperglycemia in high-fat diet low dose STZ-induced type 595 2 diabetic rats.; 2016. 596 5. Mora, Á.C.; Aragón, D.; Ospina, L. Effects of Physalis peruviana fruit extract on stress oxidative 597 parameters in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2010. 598 6. Fazilet Erman, Tubay Kaya, Sevine Aydin, Orban Erman, O.Y. FEB_05_2020_Pp_3324-4084. 599 Fresenius environnmental Bull. 2020, 29, 3344–3353. 600 7. Bernal, C.-A.; Aragón, M.; Baena, Y. Dry powder formulation from fruits of Physalis peruviana 601 L. standardized extract with hypoglycemic activity. 2016, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2016.07.008. 602 8. Rodríguez Ulloa, S.; Rodríguez Ulloa, E.M. Efecto de la ingesta de Physalis peruviana (aguay- 603 manto) sobre la glicemia postprandial en adultos jóvenes. Rev. MÉDICA VALLEJIANA/ Val- 604 lejian Med. J. 2019, 4, 43–53, doi:10.18050/revistamedicavallejiana.v4i1.2222. 605 9. Chen, L.X.; He, H.; Qiu, F. Natural withanolides: An overview; 2011; Vol. 28; ISBN 2423993994. 606 10. Llano, S.M.; Muñoz-Jiménez, A.M.; Jiménez-Cartagena, C.; Londoño-Londoño, J.; Medina, S. 607 Untargeted metabolomics reveals specific withanolides and fatty acyl glycoside as tentative 608 metabolites to differentiate organic and conventional Physalis peruviana fruits. 2017, 609 doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.10.026. 610 11. Devkar, S.T.; Kandhare, A.D.; Sloley, B.D.; Jagtap, S.D.; Lin, J.; Tam, Y.K.; Katyare, S.S.; Bodhan- 611 kar, S.L.; Hegde, M. V Evaluation of the bioavailability of major withanolides of Withania som- 612 nifera using an in vitro absorption model system. J. Adv. Pharm. Technol. Res. 2015, 6, 159– 613 164, doi:10.4103/2231-4040.165023. 614
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