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Dr . Muneshwar sah
MD resident, NAMS
Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GIB) Categorized
By Site Of Bleeding
• Upper GI bleed (UGIB)  (esophagus, stomach, duodenum;
bleeding proximal to the ligament of Treitz)
• Lower GI bleed (LGIB)  (colonic, anorectum)
• obscure bleeding1 ( the small intestine).
1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Severe GI bleeding1 :
• documented GI bleeding(hematemesis, melena,
hematochezia, or positive NG lavage)
• accompanied by shock or orthostatic hypotension,
• a decrease in the hematocrit value by at least 6% (or a
decrease in the hemoglobin level of at least 2 g/dL), or
• transfusion of at least 2 units of packed red blood cells
1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Causes of UGI Bleeding1
1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Cause Associated signs and
conditions or risk
Endoscopic findings
and/or gastric
al artery / left
gastric artery
•Upper abdominal
•Pain associated with
eating (worse when
eating suggests
gastric ulcer,
improvement with
eating suggests
duodenal ulcer)
•Stress ulcer (eg,
in patients who
are critically ill)
•Excess gastric
acid production
•Ulcer with smooth,
regular, rounded edges;
ulcer base often filled
with exudate
•Examination of the
ulcer may reveal:
Active bleeding or
Nonbleeding visible
Adherent clot
Flat pigmented spot
Clean ulcer base
cause Clinical
Associated conditions Endoscopic features
al veins
veins )
stigmata of chronic
liver disease,
signs of portal
Portal hypertension from:
•Portal vein thrombosis
•Cryptogenic cirrhosis
Vascular structures that
protrude into the esophageal
and/or gastric lumen
Findings associated with an
increased risk of hemorrhage:
•Longitudinal red streaks on the
varices (red wale marks)
•Cherry-colored spots that are
flat and overlie varices
•Raised, discrete red spots
(hematocystic spots)
Esophageal varices: (SIZE)
F1: Small, straight varices
F2: Enlarged, tortuous varices
that occupy less than one-third
of the lumen
F3: Large, coil-shaped varices
that occupy more than one-
third of the lumen
Gastric varices:(sarin
eal varices along the lesser
curvature of the stomach
GOV2: Gastroesophageal
varices along the greater
curvature of the stomach
IGV1: Isolated gastric
varices in the fundus
IGV2: Isolated gastric
varices at other loci in the
Bleeding risk:
Cause Clinical
Associated condition Endoscopic findings
Esophagitis •Dysphagia/odyn
•Retrosternal pain
•Food impaction
reflux disease(GERD)
•Medications that
may cause "pill
Candida albicans
Peptic esophagitis:
The ulcerations are usually
irregularly shaped or linear,
multiple, and distal; may be
accompanied by Barrett's
Ulcerations are usually
singular and deep,
occurring at points of stasis
(especially near the carina),
with sparing of the distal
causes Clinical findings Associated
Ectopic varices
Stigmata of chronic
liver diseaseΔ, in
particular, signs of
hypertension (sple
nomegaly, ascites,
Portal hypertension
from:Cirrhosis ,
Portal vein
thrombosis ,
cirrhosis (NCPH)
Vascular structures
that protrude into
areas of the
tract lumen other
than the
esophagus or
stomach (eg, small
bowel, rectum)
Portal hypertensive
Mosaic-like pattern
that gives the
gastric mucosa a
slow intestinal blood loss and
occur either in a sporadic
fashion or in a well-defined
pattern of distribution e.g.,
gastric antral vascular ectasia
[GAVE] or “watermelon
stomach”) , Cecal ,rectal
chronic renal
failure and
flat mucosal vascular
1.local endoscopic
ablative therapy, such as
argon plasma
2. device-assisted
enteroscopy with
endoscopic therapy
or pharmacologic
treatment with
octreotide or
Causes Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings
Left gastric artery
Epigastric pain
Back pain
Spontaneously stops in 80-
90% (submucosal tear ) ,
recurs in only 1-10%
( cardia → LES)
•Vomiting/retching (often
related to alcohol
•Straining at stool or
•Blunt abdominal trauma
•Hiatal hernia may
increase the risk of
developing a tear
•Hyperemesis gravidarum
•Tear in the
junction (LES)
•Usually singular and
longitudinal, but may be
•Visualization may
require retroflexion of
the gastroscope in the
•Can be difficult to
identify at endoscopy
because of the
intermittent nature of
the bleeding of the
Cameron lesions Linear erosions or
ulcerations in the proximal
stomach at the end of a
large hiatal hernia near the
diaphragmatic pinch
Caused by mechanical
trauma and local ischemia as
the hernia moves
Hiatal hernia
Reflux esophagitis
•Linear ulcers or
erosions on the mucosal
folds of a hiatal hernia
at the diaphragmatic
Vascular lesions Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings
Angiodysplasia Hematemesis
•End-stage kidney
•Aortic stenosis
•Left ventricular assist
•von Willebrand disease
•Radiation therapy
small (5 to 10 mm), flat,
cherry-red lesions, often
with a fern-like pattern
of arborizing, ectatic
blood vessels radiating
from a central vessel
A Dieulafoy’s Lesion is
dilated aberrant
submucosal vessel
that erode the
overlying epithelium
in the absence of
primary ulcer usually
located in gastric
fundus, within 6 cm of
GE junction
Etiology unknown
Bleeding may be
associated with NSAIDs,
cardiovascular disease,
hypertension, chronic
kidney disease,
diabetes, or alcohol
May have active arterial
spurting from the mucosa
without an associated ulcer
or mass
If the bleeding has stopped,
there may be a raised nipple
or visible vessel without an
associated ulcer
Endoscopic ultrasound may
help confirm the diagnosis
causes Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings
Upper GI tumors •Weight loss
•Early satiety
•Epigastric pain
•Dysphagia (for tumors in
the esophagus or proximal
•Gastric outlet obstruction
•Palpable mass
Diffuse seborrheic
Acanthosis nigricans
•Virtually any tumor
type may bleed
•Benign tumors:
Polyp (hyperplastic,
•Malignant tumors:
GI stromal tumors
Kaposi sarcoma
Metastatic tumors
Ulcerated mass in the
esophagus, stomach,
or duodenum
Causes Clinical
Associated conditions Endoscopic conditions
( most
common cause
– iatrogenic )
•Biliary colic
•Sepsis (biliary)
•Past history of liver or
biliary tract
instrumentation and/or
injury, including the
Liver biopsy
Endoscopic biliary
biopsies or stenting
CholangioCa ,Klatskin
TIPS placement
Blunt or penetrating
abdominal trauma
Blood or clot
emanating from the
ampulla (a side-
viewing duodenoscope
may be required to
visualize the ampulla)
IOC : angiography
Rx: gel embolization
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
A.K.Dutta ,Essenntials of Human Anatomy,9th edition
UpToDate 2022
•Initially evaluated on the basis of History, Physical
Examination, Laboratory test and sometimes NG
1)Assess the severity of bleeding
2)Identify potential source of bleed
3)Identify comorbid condition that may affect
subsequent managemant
presentation of The Patients OF UGI Bleeding
As either overt or occult bleeding
Overt GIB manifested as;
• Hematemesis :proximal to ligament of treitz
• Frankly blood: moderate to severe bleeding
• Coffee-ground: more limited bleeding
• Melena (black tarry stool) - bleeding proximal to the ileo-caecal valve.
• seen in as little as 50 ml of blood
• Blood has to be present in the GI tract for at least 7h and as long as
• Hematochezia: (red or maroon blood in the stool)2
• usually due to LGI bleeding ,Can occur with massive UGIB
(associated with orthostatic hypotension) : >1000 ml1
UpToDate2022 , hutinchsons24 edition, 1.CMDT2022
Occult GIB1 manifested as:
•Symptoms of blood loss or anemia
•Iron deficiency anemia.
• Positive fecal occult blood test on routine testing
• Other clues of UGIB:
• Hyperactive bowel sounds
• an elevated BUN (volume depletion and blood proteins
absorbed in small intestine
Obscure GI bleeding2 - bleeding from a site that is not
apparent after routine endoscopic evaluation with EGD (upper
endoscopy),and colonoscopy, and possibly push enteroscopy.
2. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease ,11th edition
• Number of episodes, duration and last episode of
• Colour of blood/content in vomitus
• History suggestive of dysphagia/odynophagia/early
satiety/weight loss.
• History of multiple episodes of retching/vomiting preceding
• Colour of stool.
• Past Medical History:
Varices or portal hypertensive
Aorto-enteric fistula
Peptic ulcer disease
Marginal ulcers (ulcers at an anastomotic site)
• Medication history:
NSAID, aspirin, antiplatelet, OAC.
Drug causing pill oesophagitis like doxycycline, oral
Bismuth, Iron (can turn stool black).
Physical Examination
• Vital Signs(Tachycardia,Hypotension,Tachypnoea)
• 1Signs of hypovolemia:
• Mild to moderate <15% of blood volume loss: Resting tachycardia
• Loss of at least 15%: Orthostatic hypotension
• At least 40%: Supine hypotension
• Icterus, clubbing and Oedema-LIVER DISEASE(possible varices bleed)
• Lymphadenopathy- Virchow’s node suggesting GI Malingnancy, possible
Ca Stomach
• Presence of abdominal pain if severe and a/w rebound tenderness or
involuntary guarding, raises concern for perforation
• Abdomen:
 surgical scars, tenderness, and masses.
Signs of chronic liver disease include spider
telangiectasias, palmar erythema, gynecomastia,
ascites, splenomegaly, caput medusae, and
Dupuytren contracture.
Sister Mary Joseph nodules
The skin, lips, and buccal mucosa:
 telangiectasias, which are suggestive of HHT, Or
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease.
Subungual telangiectasias (scleroderma )- GAVE or
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Pigmented lip lesions may suggest Peutz-Jeghers
Purpuric skin lesions may suggest Henoch-
Acanthosis nigricans may suggest underlying
especially gastric cancer.
P/R examination :
Blood, Malena, Blumer’s Shelf
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Laboratory Data
• CBC(Hb and Platelets),-Initially HB level checked two-eight
hourly depending upon the condition of the patients
• Blood grouping and cross matching
• LFT-To detect underlying liver disease
• RFT-To detect renal compromise
• (PT/INR)-To look for coagulopathy.
• PBS-
 Acute bleeding: Normocytic RBC
Microcytic RBC or IDA  chronic bleeding
• Acute UGIB typically have an elevated BUN to Cr or Urea: Cr
ratio ( >36:1 or >100:1 respectively)
The higher the ratio: more likely is from an upper GI source
Due to decreased renal perfusion and blood is absorbed as it
passes through the small bowel.
• Stool Occult blood test
• Iron Profile(Decreased S.Iron and S.Ferritin And Increase TIBC-
suggestive of IDA).
• Gastrin level-Increase in Zollinger Ellision Syndrome.
• ECG if patients complains of chest pain to look for ongoing
angina in setting of UGI bleed.
If History of UGI bleed is doubtful then NG aspirate showing
presence of red blood or coffee ground material conforms
UGI Bleed.
• USG-to look for features suggestive of cirrhosis And mass
General Management
patients presenting to the emergency department with upper
gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB)
very low risk - risk assessment score with ≤1% ( false negative
rate for the outcome of hospital-based intervention or death
(e.g., Glasgow-Blatchford score = 0–1) → discharged with
outpatient follow-up
The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
Glasgow-Blatchford score
• hepatic disease as
known history, or clinical and
laboratory evidence, of chronic
or acute liver disease
• cardiac failure as known
history, or clinical and
evidence, of cardiac failure
The American College of
Gastroenterology ,2021
Modified Glasgow Blatchford Score - GBS
Calculated using only the blood urea nitrogen, Hb, systolic
blood pressure, and pulse
• The score ranges from 0 to 16
orthostatic hypotension)
• Closely monitor airway, clinical status, vital signs, cardiac rhythm, urine
output, nasogastric output
• Do NOT give patient anything by mouth
• Establish two large bore IV lines (16 gauge or larger)
• Provide supplemental oxygen (goal oxygen saturation ≥94% for patients
without COPD)
• Treat hypotension initially with rapid, bolus infusions of isotonic crystalloid
(eg, 500 to 1000 mL per bolus.
• If fluid resuscitation is unable to increase MAP to 65-70mm
of Hg
• Vasopressors are used
NOREPINEPHRINE-initial dosing of 8-12mcg/min IV and
titrated for the desired BP and
Epinephrine Initial Dose of 100-200mcg/min IV and titrated
according to desired BP.
Blood Product Transfusion
Restrictive RBC transfusion
• threshold of 7 g/dL in hospitalized hemodynamically stable
patients, including critical care patients
• threshold of 8 g/dL in those undergoing orthopedic or cardiac
surgery and those with existing cardiovascular disease
• Threshold of > 8 g/dl in acute coronary syndrome .
• hemoglobin levels in hypotensive patients will be lower after
fluid resuscitation even in the absence of further bleeding,
transfuse hypotensive patients before hemoglobin levels reach
7 g/dL.
The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
UpToDate 2022
restrictive” transfusion 1 “liberal” transfusion
1. Initiating PRBC transfusion
at a hemoglobin threshold
of 7 g/dL and maintaining it at
7-9 g/dl.
2.Significantly lower early
rebleeding and mortality rates
1.Initiating PRBC transfusion
at a hemoglobin threshold of
9 g/dL and maintaining it at 9-
11 g/dL
 Massive transfusion protocol (MTP)2 -Three units of
red blood cells over one hour or any four blood
components in 30 minutes
1.AASLD 2017
2. UpToDate2022
• For severe, ongoing bleeding, immediately transfuse blood
products in 1:1:1 ration of RBCs, plasma, and platelets, as for
trauma patients
• For hemodynamic instability despite crystalloid resuscitation,
transfuse 1 to 2 units RBCs
• Avoid over-transfusion with possible variceal bleeding1
• platelets for thrombocytopenia (platelets <50,000) or platelet
dysfunction (eg, chronic aspirin therapy) or after transfusing four
units of RBCs.
• Correcting INR by the use of fresh frozen plasma or factor VIIa is
not recommended.2
• Coagulopathy not due to cirrhosis with INR >2 transfused with FFP.
2.AASLD 2017
• More rapid reversal of anticoagulation can be achieved by use of
Prothrombin complex-concentrate infusion and preferred method
in life threatening /serious bleeding.
• patients taking warfarin, anticoagulation with active bleeding and
INR greater than 2.5, either fresh frozen plasma or four factor
prothrombin complex may be administered
• Endoscopy and hemostatic treatment is done when INR is <2.5
• Can Perform Endoscopy if platelet is >20,000, however if active
bleeding platelets should be >50,000/ml for UGIE.
Endoscopy for UGIB
• patients admitted or under observation in hospital with
overt UGIB, whether predicted to be at low risk or high risk
of further bleeding and death, undergo upper endoscopy
within 24 hours of presentation.
• no benefit of very early endoscopy in high-riskpatients
(resuscitation and attention to other active comorbidities
should be undertaken as necessary before endoscopy )
• Hemodynamically stable patients without severe
(endoscopy as soon as possible within routine hours )
The American College of Gastroenterology
The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
The American College of
High dose PPI therapy : defined as > 80 mg daily for > 3 days, given
continuously or intermittently.
• Continuous therapy should be 80-mg bolus followed by 8-mg/hr
• intermittent oral or intravenous therapy is 80-mg bolus followed by
40 mg 2–4 times daily.
• Oral administration seems to produce a pharmacodynamic effect
similar to that of equivalent doses of intravenous PPI.
Standard PPI therapy (e.g., oral PPI once-daily) has been
PPIs promote hemostasis – neutralization of gastric acid leads to the
stabilization of blood clots .
The American College of Gastroenterology,2021
endoscopic therapy in patients with UGIB due
to ulcers.
• endoscopic hemostatic therapy :
1. bipolar electrocoagulation, heater probe, or injection of absolute
ethanol ( strong recommendation )
2. clips, argon plasma coagulation, or soft monopolar
electrocoagulation ( moderate recommendation )
3. epinephrine in combination with another hemostatic modality.
4. powder spray TC-325 ( expensive )
5. Recurrent bleeding after previous successful endoscopic
over-the-scope clips
repeat endoscopy and endoscopic therapy → If failure
transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE)
The American College of Gastroenterology.,2021
Endoscopic hemostatic therapy followed by short-term high-dose
PPI therapy in hospital continue on twice-daily PPI therapy until 2
weeks after index endoscopy. (The American College of
The Forrest classification1
(bleeding peptic ulcers )
endoscopic risk stratification
Type I: Active bleeding:
Ia: Spurting hemorrhage
Ib: Oozing hemorrhage
Type II: Stigmata of recent hemorrhage:
IIa: Non-bleeding visible vessel (NBVV )
IIb: Adherent clot
IIc: Flat pigmentation
Type III: Clean-base ulcers
1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Formation of collaterals and oesophageal varices
and bleeding
In normal condition
Anatomical communication between portal and systemic
circulation are not functional
Development of PHTN
HVPG>10 mm of hg(CSPH)
Portal pressure greater than systemic pressure
Reversal of blood flow from portal circulation to the
systemic venous circulation
Formation of the collaterals and the varices
Thus varices is formed in order to decompress the hypertensive
portal vein and return of blood to the systemic circulation.
HVPG>12mm of hg
Variceal Bleeding
•Portal hypertension is a pathological increase in the
pressure gradient between the portal vein and the
hepatic veins.
•hepatic vein pressure gradient(HVPG) more than 5 mm
of Hg is PHTN.
•Variceal haemorrhage, cause of 70% of all upper GI
bleeding events in patients with portal hypertension
•Second most frequent decompensating event after
•Child A patients – 42% , Child B/C patients – 72% have
gastro-oesophageal varices .
EASL 2018
Portal hypertension (portal pressure > 5mm Hg )
•Normal HVPG is 3-5mm Hg.
•HVPG > 5 but < 10mm Hg – Mild PH
•HVPG > 10mm Hg - CSPH
•HVPG > 12mm Hg - Bleeding
•HVPG > 16mm Hg - high risk of death
•HVPG > 20mm Hg- failure to control bleeding,
early rebleeding, and death HVPG 20mm Hg
predicts .
AASLD 2017
Endoscopic grading of esophageal varices (Japanese
Research Society for Portal Hypertension).
Predictors of the risk of variceal hemorrhage
• The esophageal varices in the GEJ have the thinnest layer of the
supporting tissue and more likely to rupture and bleed.
• Bleeding from the isolated gastric varices in the fundus(IGV1)
occurred more frequently than either GOV or isolated varices at
other loci in the stomach(IGV2)
Gastric varices:
• GOV1: Gastroesophageal varices along
the lesser curvature of the stomach
• GOV2: Gastroesophageal varices along
the greater curvature of the stomach
• IGV1: Isolated gastric varices in the
• IGV2: Isolated gastric varices at other
loci in the stomach
• Bleeding risk:
• (IGV1>GOV2>GOV1),
• The risk of variceal haemorrhage is independently related with
the size of the varices;
 F1(Grade1)-small straight varices
F2(Grade2)-Enlarged tortuous varices that occupy less than
1/3rd of lumen
F3(Grade3)-Large, coil shaped varices that occupy more than
1/3rd of the lumen.
• The management of F2 and F3 varices are same.
• Thus now it is classified as Small varices(<5mm in
diameter)and Large(>5mm in diameter)
• Increased risk of the
longitudinal whip like red
streaks on varices that
resemble red corduroy wales.
less in diameter)
filled blister 4mm or more in
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
Ectopic varices: Vascular structures that protrude into areas of the
gastrointestinal tract lumen other than the esophagus or stomach (eg, small
bowel, rectum)
Diulafoys lesion : May have active arterial spurting from the
mucosa without an associated ulcer or mass.
A persistent caliber artery is present in the gastric submucosa,
immediately beneath the mucosa.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
• Mallory-Weiss Tear 2 : linear mucosal rent near or across the
gastroesophageal junction that is often associated with
retching or vomiting.
• Endoscopy is the best method for diagnosis.
• Portal hypertensive gastropathy 1: Mosaic-like pattern that
gives the gastric mucosa a "snakeskin" appearance
• Hemobilia: Blood or clot emanating from the ampulla of vater.
1.Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
2.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
Risk Stratification
• Endoscopic, clinical and lab features may be useful for risk
stratification of UGIB
• Factors associated with rebleeding identified in a meta-analysis
Hemodynamic instablilty (SBP <100, HR>100)
Hb <10 g/dl
Active bleeding at time of endoscopy
Large ulcer size (greater than 1 – 3 cm)
Ulcer location (posterior duodenal bulb or high lesser gastric
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
The Rockall Score
The most commonly used postendoscopy scoring system is
the Complete Rockall Score
Consists of two parts:
• Pre-endoscopy, also known as clinical Rockall score
• Post-endoscopy, which is called the Rockall risk score
• Score after endoscopic therapy correlates well with
A score of 0-2 is associated with a low risk of further
bleeding or death
Risk Scores
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
The Rockall Score
Uses data available prior to endoscopy:
• Albumin less than 3.0 g/dL (30 g/L)
• INR greater than 1.5
• Altered Mental status (Glasgow coma score less than 14,
disorientation, lethargy, stupor, or coma)
• Systolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or less
• Age older than 65 years
• High accuracy for predicting inpatient mortality BUT less
sensitive than Blatchford and pre endoscopic Rockall score for
identifying low-risk patients.
• AIMS65 score less than 2 is associated with a lower risk of
mortality, length of stay, and cost of hospitalization than a score
of 2 or more
Endoscopic Treatment Methods
• Injection therapy is most commonly performed with a sclerotherapy
needle and submucosal injection (dilute epinephrine  local
tamponade and vasospasm)
• Thermal contact probes physically tamponade a blood vessel to stop
bleeding and interrupt underlying blood flow; thermal energy is then
applied to seal the underlying vessel
• Endoscopic hemoclips (or clips) serve to apply mechanical pressure to a
bleeding site
• Hemostatic spray is a proprietary inorganic powder with clotting
abilities that can create a mechanical barrier that adheres to and covers
a bleeding site
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
Second-look Endoscopy
• The 2010 International Consensus Recommendations for the
management of patients with non-variceal upper gastrointestinal
bleeding do not recommend routine use of second-look
• Situations that might warrant a second-look endoscopy include:
If visualization during the initial endoscopy was limited by blood
or debris
If there is concern on the part of the endoscopist that the prior
endoscopic therapy was suboptimal
• If active bleeding / non bleeding visible vessel present 
endoscopic therapy performed
Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
High-risk varices
• medium/large varices - varices that do not collapse with
insufflation at endoscopy
• Small varices with red signs
• Small Varices in Child C
Screening Endoscopy should be repeated every year if
decompensation continues.
Without secondary prophylaxis, rebleeding occurs in approximately
60% to 70% of patients, usually within one to two years of the index
haemorrhagic event.
EASL 2018
Primary prophylaxis :
•Non selective B blocker for patients with cirrhosis
who have high-risk varices. ( NSBB > EBL)
•High doses of NSBB should be avoided in severe or
refractory ascites
•Progressive hypotension (systolic BP <90 mmHg),
bleeding, sepsis, SBP or AKI, NSBBs should be
•If intolerant to NSBB → EBL recommended.
Ballon occluded retrograde
transvenous obliteration
AASLD 2017
acute variceal hemorrhage
Goals of therapy:
• control of bleeding
• Prevention of early recurrence
• prevention of six-week mortality
 Must be suspected in any cirrhotic patient presenting
with upper acute GI bleeding (up to 30% of cirrhotic
patients bleed from non-variceal causes )1
Mortality 2 - patient with cirrhosis presents with VH
 isolated decompensating event (20%)
complications of cirrhosis (ascites or encephalopathy;
over 80%).
1.EASL 2018
2.AASLD 2017
Management of acute GIB in patients with cirrhosis
EASL 2018
Analogues of somatostatin (octreotide, vapreotide)
•Longer half life than somatostatin
•Given as iv infusion of 50 mcg/h, after an iv bolus of 50 mcg,
up to 5 days
• Octreotide is not recommended for routine use in patients
with acute non-variceal upper GI bleeding
Terlipressin :
•Induces marked splanchnic vasoconstriction and increase
intrarterial pressure
•recommended dose of terlipressin is 2 mg/4 h during the first 48
h, followed by 1 mg/4 h thereafter (total 5 days )
EASL 2018
Drug Recommended Dose Duration
Initial IV bolus of 50 micrograms (can be
repeated in first hour if ongoing bleeding)
Continuous IV infusion of 50 mg/hr
2-5 days
(VP analogue)
Initial 48 hours: 2mg IV every 4 hours until
control of bleeding
Maintenance: 1mg IV every 4 hours to prevent
2-5 days
SMT Initial IV bolus 250 mg (can be repeated in the
first hour if ongoing bleeding)
Continuous IV infusion of 250-500 mg/h
2-5 days
AASLD 2017
Antibiotic prophylaxis
• it reduces the incidence of infections and improves control
of bleeding and survival.
• Bacterial infections are observed in more than 50% of
patients and may already be present at the time of bleeding.
• Independent predictor of failure to control bleeding and
• the first choice is Ceftriaxone (1 g/24 h) for up to seven days.
• Oral quinolones (norfloxacin 400 mg b.i.d) can be used.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have not shown efficacy for
the management of AVH.
EASL 2018
• upper endoscopy should be performed, as soon as possible
within the first 12 h after admission.
• Erythromycin should be considered before emergency
endoscopy (250 mg i.v., 30–120 min before)- improves
• The combination of endoscopic therapy ( EBL & glue ) and
vasoactive drugs is currently considered the standard of
• persistent bleeding or early rebleeding – TIPS should be
considered as the rescue therapy of choice.
• early TIPS should be considered in patients with Child-Pugh
class C, with a score <14.
• Balloon tamponade in case of massive bleeding , can be
instituted and for a maximum of 24 hr.(Bridge )
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
Secondary prophylaxis :
•Combination therapy of NSBBs (propranolol/
nadolol) + EBL
•If intolerant to NSBB, covered TIPS placement
•Patients who have a TIPS placed successfully during
the acute episode do not require NSBBs or EVL.
•The use of carvedilol can not be recommended at
present recommended
EASL 2018
(Gastric varices- 20% )gastro-oesophageal varices
type 2 or isolated gastric varices type 1 /
(cardiofundal varices)/ (GOV 2 & IGV1)
• More frequent in patients with portal vein and/or splenic
vein thrombosis.
• NSBBs are suggested for primary prevention.
• Cyanoacrylate (glue ) is the recommended endoscopic
haemostatic treatment.
• TIPS with potential embolisation efficiently controls
EASL 2018
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS)
• An expandable metal stent is placed via percutaneous insertion
between the hepatic and intrahepatic portal veins
• Effective for short term control of bleeding gastroesophageal
varices (those that fail endoscopic therapy) and Long term
prevention of rebleeding
• Recommended in recurrent and refractory ascites.
• Problems:
1. Hepatic encephalopathy, which can occur in up to 50% of
2. TIPS dysfunction - stent thrombosis and stenosis can develop in
up to 80% of cases
reduced with the use of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-covered
stent grafts of 8 mm.
EASL 2018
Tranexamic Acid
•An antifibrinolytic agent
•associated with an increase in venous
thromboembolic events (deep vein thrombosis,
pulmonary embolism) and seizures compared with
•no role for tranexamic acid in the treatment of
upper GI bleeding.
UpToDate 2022
Ugi bleeding muneshwar

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Ugi bleeding muneshwar

  • 1. UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL (UGI) BLEEDING Dr . Muneshwar sah MD resident, NAMS
  • 2. Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GIB) Categorized By Site Of Bleeding • Upper GI bleed (UGIB)  (esophagus, stomach, duodenum; bleeding proximal to the ligament of Treitz) • Lower GI bleed (LGIB)  (colonic, anorectum) • obscure bleeding1 ( the small intestine). 1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 3. Severe GI bleeding1 : • documented GI bleeding(hematemesis, melena, hematochezia, or positive NG lavage) • accompanied by shock or orthostatic hypotension, • a decrease in the hematocrit value by at least 6% (or a decrease in the hemoglobin level of at least 2 g/dL), or • transfusion of at least 2 units of packed red blood cells (RBCs). 1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 4. Causes of UGI Bleeding1 1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 5. Cause Associated signs and symptoms Associated conditions or risk factors Endoscopic findings Duodenal and/or gastric ulcer Gastroduoden al artery / left gastric artery •Upper abdominal pain •Pain associated with eating (worse when eating suggests gastric ulcer, improvement with eating suggests duodenal ulcer) •Dyspepsia •Infections: Helicobacter pylori CMV HSV •NSAIDs •Stress ulcer (eg, in patients who are critically ill) •Excess gastric acid production (ZES) •Idiopathic •Ulcer with smooth, regular, rounded edges; ulcer base often filled with exudate •Examination of the ulcer may reveal: Active bleeding or oozing Nonbleeding visible vessel Adherent clot Flat pigmented spot Clean ulcer base
  • 6. cause Clinical presentations Associated conditions Endoscopic features Esophago gastric varices Lower esophage al veins (coronary veins ) stigmata of chronic liver disease, signs of portal hypertension (splenomegaly, ascites, thrombocytopenia) Portal hypertension from: •Cirrhosis •Portal vein thrombosis •Cryptogenic cirrhosis (NCPH) Vascular structures that protrude into the esophageal and/or gastric lumen Findings associated with an increased risk of hemorrhage: •Longitudinal red streaks on the varices (red wale marks) •Cherry-colored spots that are flat and overlie varices •Raised, discrete red spots (hematocystic spots) Esophageal varices: (SIZE) F1: Small, straight varices F2: Enlarged, tortuous varices that occupy less than one-third of the lumen F3: Large, coil-shaped varices that occupy more than one- third of the lumen Gastric varices:(sarin classification) GOV1(70%):Gastroesophag eal varices along the lesser curvature of the stomach GOV2: Gastroesophageal varices along the greater curvature of the stomach IGV1: Isolated gastric varices in the fundus IGV2: Isolated gastric varices at other loci in the stomach Bleeding risk: (IGV1(78%)>GOV2>GOV1),
  • 7. Cause Clinical presentation Associated condition Endoscopic findings Esophagitis •Dysphagia/odyn ophagia •Retrosternal pain •Food impaction •Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) •Medications that may cause "pill esophagitis": Erythromycin Tetracycline Doxycycline Clindamycin Trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole NSAIDs Oral bisphosphonates •Infections: HSV CMV Candida albicans HIV Peptic esophagitis: The ulcerations are usually irregularly shaped or linear, multiple, and distal; may be accompanied by Barrett's esophagus Pill-induced: Ulcerations are usually singular and deep, occurring at points of stasis (especially near the carina), with sparing of the distal esophagus
  • 8. causes Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings Ectopic varices Stigmata of chronic liver diseaseΔ, in particular, signs of portal hypertension (sple nomegaly, ascites, thrombocytopenia) Portal hypertension from:Cirrhosis , Portal vein thrombosis , Cryptogenic cirrhosis (NCPH) Vascular structures that protrude into areas of the gastrointestinal tract lumen other than the esophagus or stomach (eg, small bowel, rectum) Portal hypertensive gastropathy Mosaic-like pattern that gives the gastric mucosa a "snakeskin" appearance
  • 9. VASCULAR LESIONS CLINICAL FINDING ASSOCIATED CONDITIONS ENDOSCOPIC FINDINGS Vascular Ectasias slow intestinal blood loss and occur either in a sporadic fashion or in a well-defined pattern of distribution e.g., gastric antral vascular ectasia [GAVE] or “watermelon stomach”) , Cecal ,rectal ectasia chronic renal failure and with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia flat mucosal vascular Anomalies Rx. 1.local endoscopic ablative therapy, such as argon plasma coagulation 2. device-assisted enteroscopy with endoscopic therapy or pharmacologic treatment with octreotide or estrogen/progesterone
  • 10. Causes Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings Mallory-Weiss syndrome Left gastric artery Epigastric pain Back pain Spontaneously stops in 80- 90% (submucosal tear ) , recurs in only 1-10% ( cardia → LES) •Vomiting/retching (often related to alcohol consumption) •Straining at stool or lifting •Coughing •Seizures •Blunt abdominal trauma •Hiatal hernia may increase the risk of developing a tear •Hyperemesis gravidarum •Tear in the esophagogastric junction (LES) •Usually singular and longitudinal, but may be multiple •Visualization may require retroflexion of the gastroscope in the cardia •Can be difficult to identify at endoscopy because of the intermittent nature of the bleeding of the stomach Cameron lesions Linear erosions or ulcerations in the proximal stomach at the end of a large hiatal hernia near the diaphragmatic pinch Caused by mechanical trauma and local ischemia as the hernia moves Hiatal hernia Reflux esophagitis •Linear ulcers or erosions on the mucosal folds of a hiatal hernia at the diaphragmatic impression
  • 11. Vascular lesions Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings Angiodysplasia Hematemesis Hematochezia •End-stage kidney disease •Aortic stenosis •Left ventricular assist device •Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia •von Willebrand disease •Radiation therapy •Idiopathic small (5 to 10 mm), flat, cherry-red lesions, often with a fern-like pattern of arborizing, ectatic blood vessels radiating from a central vessel Dieulafoy's lesion A Dieulafoy’s Lesion is dilated aberrant submucosal vessel that erode the overlying epithelium in the absence of primary ulcer usually located in gastric fundus, within 6 cm of GE junction Etiology unknown Bleeding may be associated with NSAIDs, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, or alcohol abuse May have active arterial spurting from the mucosa without an associated ulcer or mass If the bleeding has stopped, there may be a raised nipple or visible vessel without an associated ulcer Endoscopic ultrasound may help confirm the diagnosis
  • 12. causes Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic findings Upper GI tumors •Weight loss •Anorexia •Nausea/vomiting •Early satiety •Epigastric pain •Dysphagia (for tumors in the esophagus or proximal stomach) •Gastric outlet obstruction •Palpable mass •Paraneoplastic manifestations: Diffuse seborrheic keratoses Acanthosis nigricans Membranous nephropathy Coagulopathy •Virtually any tumor type may bleed •Benign tumors: Leiomyoma Lipoma Polyp (hyperplastic, adenomatous, hamartomatous, inflammatory) •Malignant tumors: Adenocarcinoma GI stromal tumors Lymphoma Kaposi sarcoma Carcinoid Melanoma Metastatic tumors Ulcerated mass in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum
  • 13. Causes Clinical findings Associated conditions Endoscopic conditions Hemobilia ( most common cause – iatrogenic ) •Biliary colic •Jaundice (obstructive) •Sepsis (biliary) •Past history of liver or biliary tract instrumentation and/or injury, including the following: Liver biopsy Lap.Cholecystectomy ERCP Endoscopic biliary biopsies or stenting CholangioCa ,Klatskin Tumor TIPS placement Angioembolization Blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma Blood or clot emanating from the ampulla (a side- viewing duodenoscope may be required to visualize the ampulla) IOC : angiography Rx: gel embolization Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition A.K.Dutta ,Essenntials of Human Anatomy,9th edition UpToDate 2022
  • 15. INITIAL EVALUATION •Initially evaluated on the basis of History, Physical Examination, Laboratory test and sometimes NG tube. GOAL OF EVALUATION- 1)Assess the severity of bleeding 2)Identify potential source of bleed 3)Identify comorbid condition that may affect subsequent managemant
  • 16. presentation of The Patients OF UGI Bleeding As either overt or occult bleeding Overt GIB manifested as; • Hematemesis :proximal to ligament of treitz • Frankly blood: moderate to severe bleeding • Coffee-ground: more limited bleeding • Melena (black tarry stool) - bleeding proximal to the ileo-caecal valve. • seen in as little as 50 ml of blood • Blood has to be present in the GI tract for at least 7h and as long as 14days • Hematochezia: (red or maroon blood in the stool)2 • usually due to LGI bleeding ,Can occur with massive UGIB (associated with orthostatic hypotension) : >1000 ml1 UpToDate2022 , hutinchsons24 edition, 1.CMDT2022
  • 17. Occult GIB1 manifested as: •Symptoms of blood loss or anemia •Iron deficiency anemia. • Positive fecal occult blood test on routine testing • Other clues of UGIB: • Hyperactive bowel sounds • an elevated BUN (volume depletion and blood proteins absorbed in small intestine Obscure GI bleeding2 - bleeding from a site that is not apparent after routine endoscopic evaluation with EGD (upper endoscopy),and colonoscopy, and possibly push enteroscopy. 1.Uptodate2022, 2. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease ,11th edition
  • 18. HISTORY • Number of episodes, duration and last episode of hematemesis • Colour of blood/content in vomitus • History suggestive of dysphagia/odynophagia/early satiety/weight loss. • History of multiple episodes of retching/vomiting preceding UGIB. • Colour of stool.
  • 19. • Past Medical History: Varices or portal hypertensive Aorto-enteric fistula Angiodysplasia Peptic ulcer disease Marginal ulcers (ulcers at an anastomotic site) • Medication history: NSAID, aspirin, antiplatelet, OAC. Drug causing pill oesophagitis like doxycycline, oral bisphosphonates Bismuth, Iron (can turn stool black). Uptodate2022
  • 20. Physical Examination • Vital Signs(Tachycardia,Hypotension,Tachypnoea) • 1Signs of hypovolemia: • Mild to moderate <15% of blood volume loss: Resting tachycardia • Loss of at least 15%: Orthostatic hypotension • At least 40%: Supine hypotension • Icterus, clubbing and Oedema-LIVER DISEASE(possible varices bleed) • Lymphadenopathy- Virchow’s node suggesting GI Malingnancy, possible Ca Stomach • Presence of abdominal pain if severe and a/w rebound tenderness or involuntary guarding, raises concern for perforation Uptodate2022
  • 21. • Abdomen:  surgical scars, tenderness, and masses. Signs of chronic liver disease include spider telangiectasias, palmar erythema, gynecomastia, ascites, splenomegaly, caput medusae, and Dupuytren contracture. Sister Mary Joseph nodules The skin, lips, and buccal mucosa:  telangiectasias, which are suggestive of HHT, Or Osler-Weber-Rendu disease. Subungual telangiectasias (scleroderma )- GAVE or UGI telangiectasias Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 22. Pigmented lip lesions may suggest Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Purpuric skin lesions may suggest Henoch- SchĂśnlein purpura. Acanthosis nigricans may suggest underlying malignancy, especially gastric cancer. P/R examination : Blood, Malena, Blumer’s Shelf Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 23. Laboratory Data • CBC(Hb and Platelets),-Initially HB level checked two-eight hourly depending upon the condition of the patients • Blood grouping and cross matching • LFT-To detect underlying liver disease • RFT-To detect renal compromise • (PT/INR)-To look for coagulopathy. • PBS-  Acute bleeding: Normocytic RBC Microcytic RBC or IDA  chronic bleeding Uptodate2022
  • 24. • Acute UGIB typically have an elevated BUN to Cr or Urea: Cr ratio ( >36:1 or >100:1 respectively) The higher the ratio: more likely is from an upper GI source Due to decreased renal perfusion and blood is absorbed as it passes through the small bowel. • Stool Occult blood test • Iron Profile(Decreased S.Iron and S.Ferritin And Increase TIBC- suggestive of IDA). • Gastrin level-Increase in Zollinger Ellision Syndrome. Uptodate2022
  • 25. • ECG if patients complains of chest pain to look for ongoing angina in setting of UGI bleed. • NASOGASTRIC LAVAGE- If History of UGI bleed is doubtful then NG aspirate showing presence of red blood or coffee ground material conforms UGI Bleed. • USG-to look for features suggestive of cirrhosis And mass lesion Uptodate2022
  • 26. General Management patients presenting to the emergency department with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) very low risk - risk assessment score with ≤1% ( false negative rate for the outcome of hospital-based intervention or death (e.g., Glasgow-Blatchford score = 0–1) → discharged with outpatient follow-up The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
  • 27. Glasgow-Blatchford score • hepatic disease as known history, or clinical and laboratory evidence, of chronic or acute liver disease • cardiac failure as known history, or clinical and echocardiographic evidence, of cardiac failure The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
  • 28. Modified Glasgow Blatchford Score - GBS Calculated using only the blood urea nitrogen, Hb, systolic blood pressure, and pulse • The score ranges from 0 to 16
  • 29. HEMODYNAMICALLY UNSTABLE PATIENTS (shock, orthostatic hypotension) GENERAL SUPPORT @ ABC • Closely monitor airway, clinical status, vital signs, cardiac rhythm, urine output, nasogastric output • Do NOT give patient anything by mouth • Establish two large bore IV lines (16 gauge or larger) • Provide supplemental oxygen (goal oxygen saturation ≥94% for patients without COPD) • Treat hypotension initially with rapid, bolus infusions of isotonic crystalloid (eg, 500 to 1000 mL per bolus. Uptodate2022
  • 30. • If fluid resuscitation is unable to increase MAP to 65-70mm of Hg • Vasopressors are used NOREPINEPHRINE-initial dosing of 8-12mcg/min IV and titrated for the desired BP and Epinephrine Initial Dose of 100-200mcg/min IV and titrated according to desired BP.
  • 31. Blood Product Transfusion Restrictive RBC transfusion • threshold of 7 g/dL in hospitalized hemodynamically stable patients, including critical care patients • threshold of 8 g/dL in those undergoing orthopedic or cardiac surgery and those with existing cardiovascular disease • Threshold of > 8 g/dl in acute coronary syndrome . • hemoglobin levels in hypotensive patients will be lower after fluid resuscitation even in the absence of further bleeding, transfuse hypotensive patients before hemoglobin levels reach 7 g/dL. The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
  • 33. restrictive” transfusion 1 “liberal” transfusion 1. Initiating PRBC transfusion at a hemoglobin threshold of 7 g/dL and maintaining it at 7-9 g/dl. 2.Significantly lower early rebleeding and mortality rates 1.Initiating PRBC transfusion at a hemoglobin threshold of 9 g/dL and maintaining it at 9- 11 g/dL  Massive transfusion protocol (MTP)2 -Three units of red blood cells over one hour or any four blood components in 30 minutes 1.AASLD 2017 2. UpToDate2022
  • 34. • For severe, ongoing bleeding, immediately transfuse blood products in 1:1:1 ration of RBCs, plasma, and platelets, as for trauma patients • For hemodynamic instability despite crystalloid resuscitation, transfuse 1 to 2 units RBCs • Avoid over-transfusion with possible variceal bleeding1 • platelets for thrombocytopenia (platelets <50,000) or platelet dysfunction (eg, chronic aspirin therapy) or after transfusing four units of RBCs. • Correcting INR by the use of fresh frozen plasma or factor VIIa is not recommended.2 • Coagulopathy not due to cirrhosis with INR >2 transfused with FFP. 1.Uptodate2022, 2.AASLD 2017
  • 35. • More rapid reversal of anticoagulation can be achieved by use of Prothrombin complex-concentrate infusion and preferred method in life threatening /serious bleeding. • patients taking warfarin, anticoagulation with active bleeding and INR greater than 2.5, either fresh frozen plasma or four factor prothrombin complex may be administered • Endoscopy and hemostatic treatment is done when INR is <2.5 • Can Perform Endoscopy if platelet is >20,000, however if active bleeding platelets should be >50,000/ml for UGIE. CMDT2022 Uptodate2022
  • 36. Endoscopy for UGIB • patients admitted or under observation in hospital with overt UGIB, whether predicted to be at low risk or high risk of further bleeding and death, undergo upper endoscopy within 24 hours of presentation. • no benefit of very early endoscopy in high-riskpatients (resuscitation and attention to other active comorbidities should be undertaken as necessary before endoscopy ) • Hemodynamically stable patients without severe comorbidities (endoscopy as soon as possible within routine hours ) The American College of Gastroenterology
  • 37. The American College of Gastroenterology ,2021
  • 38. The American College of Gastroenterology
  • 39. High dose PPI therapy : defined as > 80 mg daily for > 3 days, given continuously or intermittently. • Continuous therapy should be 80-mg bolus followed by 8-mg/hr infusion. • intermittent oral or intravenous therapy is 80-mg bolus followed by 40 mg 2–4 times daily. • Oral administration seems to produce a pharmacodynamic effect similar to that of equivalent doses of intravenous PPI. Standard PPI therapy (e.g., oral PPI once-daily) has been recommended PPIs promote hemostasis – neutralization of gastric acid leads to the stabilization of blood clots . The American College of Gastroenterology,2021
  • 40. endoscopic therapy in patients with UGIB due to ulcers. • endoscopic hemostatic therapy : 1. bipolar electrocoagulation, heater probe, or injection of absolute ethanol ( strong recommendation ) 2. clips, argon plasma coagulation, or soft monopolar electrocoagulation ( moderate recommendation ) 3. epinephrine in combination with another hemostatic modality. 4. powder spray TC-325 ( expensive ) 5. Recurrent bleeding after previous successful endoscopic hemostasis: over-the-scope clips repeat endoscopy and endoscopic therapy → If failure transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) surgery The American College of Gastroenterology.,2021
  • 42. Endoscopic hemostatic therapy followed by short-term high-dose PPI therapy in hospital continue on twice-daily PPI therapy until 2 weeks after index endoscopy. (The American College of Gastroenterology)
  • 43. The Forrest classification1 (bleeding peptic ulcers ) endoscopic risk stratification Type I: Active bleeding: Ia: Spurting hemorrhage Ib: Oozing hemorrhage Type II: Stigmata of recent hemorrhage: IIa: Non-bleeding visible vessel (NBVV ) IIb: Adherent clot IIc: Flat pigmentation Type III: Clean-base ulcers 1. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 44. Formation of collaterals and oesophageal varices and bleeding In normal condition Anatomical communication between portal and systemic circulation are not functional Development of PHTN HVPG>10 mm of hg(CSPH) Portal pressure greater than systemic pressure
  • 45. Reversal of blood flow from portal circulation to the systemic venous circulation Formation of the collaterals and the varices Thus varices is formed in order to decompress the hypertensive portal vein and return of blood to the systemic circulation. HVPG>12mm of hg Variceal Bleeding
  • 46. PORTAL HTN AND COMPLICATIONS •Portal hypertension is a pathological increase in the pressure gradient between the portal vein and the hepatic veins. •hepatic vein pressure gradient(HVPG) more than 5 mm of Hg is PHTN. •Variceal haemorrhage, cause of 70% of all upper GI bleeding events in patients with portal hypertension •Second most frequent decompensating event after ascites •Child A patients – 42% , Child B/C patients – 72% have gastro-oesophageal varices . EASL 2018
  • 47. Portal hypertension (portal pressure > 5mm Hg ) •Normal HVPG is 3-5mm Hg. •HVPG > 5 but < 10mm Hg – Mild PH •HVPG > 10mm Hg - CSPH •HVPG > 12mm Hg - Bleeding •HVPG > 16mm Hg - high risk of death •HVPG > 20mm Hg- failure to control bleeding, early rebleeding, and death HVPG 20mm Hg predicts . AASLD 2017
  • 48. Endoscopic grading of esophageal varices (Japanese Research Society for Portal Hypertension). Predictors of the risk of variceal hemorrhage 1. LOCATION OF THE VARICES- • The esophageal varices in the GEJ have the thinnest layer of the supporting tissue and more likely to rupture and bleed. • Bleeding from the isolated gastric varices in the fundus(IGV1) occurred more frequently than either GOV or isolated varices at other loci in the stomach(IGV2)
  • 49. Gastric varices: • GOV1: Gastroesophageal varices along the lesser curvature of the stomach • GOV2: Gastroesophageal varices along the greater curvature of the stomach • IGV1: Isolated gastric varices in the fundus • IGV2: Isolated gastric varices at other loci in the stomach • Bleeding risk: • (IGV1>GOV2>GOV1),
  • 50. 2. SIZE OF THE VARICES • The risk of variceal haemorrhage is independently related with the size of the varices;  F1(Grade1)-small straight varices F2(Grade2)-Enlarged tortuous varices that occupy less than 1/3rd of lumen F3(Grade3)-Large, coil shaped varices that occupy more than 1/3rd of the lumen. • The management of F2 and F3 varices are same. • Thus now it is classified as Small varices(<5mm in diameter)and Large(>5mm in diameter)
  • 51. 3. APPEARANCE OF THE VARICES- • Increased risk of the haemorrhage. RED WALE MARKS; are longitudinal whip like red streaks on varices that resemble red corduroy wales. CHERRY RED SPOTS(2-3mm or less in diameter) HEMATOCYSTIC SPOTS(Blood filled blister 4mm or more in diameter)  DIFFUSE ERYTHEMA Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
  • 52. Ectopic varices: Vascular structures that protrude into areas of the gastrointestinal tract lumen other than the esophagus or stomach (eg, small bowel, rectum) Diulafoys lesion : May have active arterial spurting from the mucosa without an associated ulcer or mass. A persistent caliber artery is present in the gastric submucosa, immediately beneath the mucosa. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
  • 53. • Mallory-Weiss Tear 2 : linear mucosal rent near or across the gastroesophageal junction that is often associated with retching or vomiting. • Endoscopy is the best method for diagnosis. • Portal hypertensive gastropathy 1: Mosaic-like pattern that gives the gastric mucosa a "snakeskin" appearance • Hemobilia: Blood or clot emanating from the ampulla of vater. 1.Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition 2.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
  • 54. Risk Stratification • Endoscopic, clinical and lab features may be useful for risk stratification of UGIB • Factors associated with rebleeding identified in a meta-analysis included Hemodynamic instablilty (SBP <100, HR>100) Hb <10 g/dl Active bleeding at time of endoscopy Large ulcer size (greater than 1 – 3 cm) Ulcer location (posterior duodenal bulb or high lesser gastric curvature) Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 55. The Rockall Score The most commonly used postendoscopy scoring system is the Complete Rockall Score Consists of two parts: • Pre-endoscopy, also known as clinical Rockall score • Post-endoscopy, which is called the Rockall risk score • Score after endoscopic therapy correlates well with mortality A score of 0-2 is associated with a low risk of further bleeding or death Risk Scores Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 56. Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition The Rockall Score
  • 57. AIMS65 Uses data available prior to endoscopy: • Albumin less than 3.0 g/dL (30 g/L) • INR greater than 1.5 • Altered Mental status (Glasgow coma score less than 14, disorientation, lethargy, stupor, or coma) • Systolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or less • Age older than 65 years • High accuracy for predicting inpatient mortality BUT less sensitive than Blatchford and pre endoscopic Rockall score for identifying low-risk patients. • AIMS65 score less than 2 is associated with a lower risk of mortality, length of stay, and cost of hospitalization than a score of 2 or more
  • 58. Endoscopic Treatment Methods • Injection therapy is most commonly performed with a sclerotherapy needle and submucosal injection (dilute epinephrine  local tamponade and vasospasm) • Thermal contact probes physically tamponade a blood vessel to stop bleeding and interrupt underlying blood flow; thermal energy is then applied to seal the underlying vessel • Endoscopic hemoclips (or clips) serve to apply mechanical pressure to a bleeding site • Hemostatic spray is a proprietary inorganic powder with clotting abilities that can create a mechanical barrier that adheres to and covers a bleeding site Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 59. Second-look Endoscopy • The 2010 International Consensus Recommendations for the management of patients with non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding do not recommend routine use of second-look endoscopy • Situations that might warrant a second-look endoscopy include: If visualization during the initial endoscopy was limited by blood or debris If there is concern on the part of the endoscopist that the prior endoscopic therapy was suboptimal • If active bleeding / non bleeding visible vessel present  endoscopic therapy performed Sleisenger and Fordtrans Gastr.ointestinal and Liver disease 11th edition
  • 60. High-risk varices • medium/large varices - varices that do not collapse with insufflation at endoscopy • Small varices with red signs • Small Varices in Child C Screening Endoscopy should be repeated every year if decompensation continues. Without secondary prophylaxis, rebleeding occurs in approximately 60% to 70% of patients, usually within one to two years of the index haemorrhagic event. EASL 2018
  • 61. Primary prophylaxis : •Non selective B blocker for patients with cirrhosis who have high-risk varices. ( NSBB > EBL) •High doses of NSBB should be avoided in severe or refractory ascites •Progressive hypotension (systolic BP <90 mmHg), bleeding, sepsis, SBP or AKI, NSBBs should be discontinued. •If intolerant to NSBB → EBL recommended.
  • 64. acute variceal hemorrhage Goals of therapy: • control of bleeding • Prevention of early recurrence • prevention of six-week mortality  Must be suspected in any cirrhotic patient presenting with upper acute GI bleeding (up to 30% of cirrhotic patients bleed from non-variceal causes )1 Mortality 2 - patient with cirrhosis presents with VH  isolated decompensating event (20%) complications of cirrhosis (ascites or encephalopathy; over 80%). 1.EASL 2018 2.AASLD 2017
  • 65. Management of acute GIB in patients with cirrhosis EASL 2018
  • 66. DRUG THERAPY : Analogues of somatostatin (octreotide, vapreotide) •Longer half life than somatostatin •Given as iv infusion of 50 mcg/h, after an iv bolus of 50 mcg, up to 5 days • Octreotide is not recommended for routine use in patients with acute non-variceal upper GI bleeding Terlipressin : •Induces marked splanchnic vasoconstriction and increase intrarterial pressure •recommended dose of terlipressin is 2 mg/4 h during the first 48 h, followed by 1 mg/4 h thereafter (total 5 days ) EASL 2018
  • 67. Drug Recommended Dose Duration Octreotide (SMT analogue) Initial IV bolus of 50 micrograms (can be repeated in first hour if ongoing bleeding) Continuous IV infusion of 50 mg/hr 2-5 days Terlipressin (VP analogue) Initial 48 hours: 2mg IV every 4 hours until control of bleeding Maintenance: 1mg IV every 4 hours to prevent rebleeding 2-5 days SMT Initial IV bolus 250 mg (can be repeated in the first hour if ongoing bleeding) Continuous IV infusion of 250-500 mg/h 2-5 days AASLD 2017
  • 68. Antibiotic prophylaxis • it reduces the incidence of infections and improves control of bleeding and survival. • Bacterial infections are observed in more than 50% of patients and may already be present at the time of bleeding. • Independent predictor of failure to control bleeding and death. • the first choice is Ceftriaxone (1 g/24 h) for up to seven days. • Oral quinolones (norfloxacin 400 mg b.i.d) can be used. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have not shown efficacy for the management of AVH. EASL 2018
  • 69. ENDOSCOPY IN AVH • upper endoscopy should be performed, as soon as possible within the first 12 h after admission. • Erythromycin should be considered before emergency endoscopy (250 mg i.v., 30–120 min before)- improves visibility. • The combination of endoscopic therapy ( EBL & glue ) and vasoactive drugs is currently considered the standard of care. • persistent bleeding or early rebleeding – TIPS should be considered as the rescue therapy of choice. • early TIPS should be considered in patients with Child-Pugh class C, with a score <14. • Balloon tamponade in case of massive bleeding , can be instituted and for a maximum of 24 hr.(Bridge ) EASL2018
  • 70. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20edition
  • 71. Secondary prophylaxis : •Combination therapy of NSBBs (propranolol/ nadolol) + EBL •If intolerant to NSBB, covered TIPS placement •Patients who have a TIPS placed successfully during the acute episode do not require NSBBs or EVL. •The use of carvedilol can not be recommended at present recommended EASL 2018
  • 72. (Gastric varices- 20% )gastro-oesophageal varices type 2 or isolated gastric varices type 1 / (cardiofundal varices)/ (GOV 2 & IGV1) • More frequent in patients with portal vein and/or splenic vein thrombosis. • NSBBs are suggested for primary prevention. • Cyanoacrylate (glue ) is the recommended endoscopic haemostatic treatment. • TIPS with potential embolisation efficiently controls bleeding. EASL 2018
  • 73. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) • An expandable metal stent is placed via percutaneous insertion between the hepatic and intrahepatic portal veins • Effective for short term control of bleeding gastroesophageal varices (those that fail endoscopic therapy) and Long term prevention of rebleeding • Recommended in recurrent and refractory ascites. • Problems: 1. Hepatic encephalopathy, which can occur in up to 50% of patients. 2. TIPS dysfunction - stent thrombosis and stenosis can develop in up to 80% of cases reduced with the use of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-covered stent grafts of 8 mm. EASL 2018
  • 74. Tranexamic Acid •An antifibrinolytic agent •associated with an increase in venous thromboembolic events (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism) and seizures compared with placebo •no role for tranexamic acid in the treatment of upper GI bleeding. UpToDate 2022

Editor's Notes

  1. Excessive volume administration can lead to a falsely low Hb.
  2. Used to categorize findings during endoscopic evaluation of bleeding peptic ulcers
  3. In small clinical studies the technique has been used successfully to control oozing of blood from peptic ulcers, tumors, and other lesions. Epinephrine diluted with saline to 1:10,000 to 1:20,000 is injected in 0.5 to 2.0 mL aliquots in four quadrants within 3 mm of the bleeding site.