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Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Lists, 254
Flappy Bird 3000 Game
Game Engine for 2D Games, 572
Files, 286
Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation
Extension, 896
For In Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 220
Control Structures - Second Style, 227
Control Structures - Third Style, 231
for in to modify lists
Control Structures - First Style, 220
For Loop
Control Structures - First Style, 219
Control Structures - Second Style, 226
Control Structures - Third Style, 230
Form Designer
Entering Items, 790
Events Code, 786
Introduction, 783
Keyboard Shortcuts, 789
Menubar Designer, 789
More Samples and Tests, 791
Running Forms, 786
The Designer Windows, 785
The Properties, 785
Using Layouts, 791
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 156
Window Flags, 790
Form Designer Translation
Multi-language applications, 793
Forms Translation
Multi-language applications, 794
FoxRing functions
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1195
FoxRing Functions Reference
Example, 1207
FoxRing functions, 1195
frAbs() function, 1196
frAddBs() function, 1197
frALines() function, 1203
frAllTrim() function, 1201
frAsc() function, 1196
frAt() function, 1197
frAtC() function, 1197
frBetween() function, 1205
frChr() function, 1198
frEmpty() function, 1198
frFile() function, 1199
frFileToStr() function, 1199
frForceExt() function, 1203
frForcePath() function, 1201
frIIf() function, 1205
frInList() function, 1201
frInt() function, 1204
frJustDrive() function, 1202
frJustExt() function, 1202
frJustFName() function, 1203
frJustPath() function, 1202
frJustStem() function, 1202
frLen() function, 1203
frListToString() function, 1204
frLTrim() function, 1201
frPadL() function, 1203
frPadR() function, 1203
frProper() function, 1203
frReplicate() function, 1203
frRTrim() function, 1202
frSetIfEmpty() function, 1200
frSetSeparatorTo() function, 1206
frSpace() function, 1200
frStr() function, 1199
frStringToList() function, 1205
frStrTran() function, 1204
frStuff() function, 1204
frSubStr() function, 1204
frTransform() function, 1206
frVal() function, 1205
frVarType() function, 1206
Introduction, 1194
FoxRing Library
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 66
Files, 290
Files, 290
frAbs() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1196
frAddBs() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1197
frALines() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frAllTrim() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201
Frames Per Second
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 629
frAsc() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1196
frAt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1197
frAtC() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1197
frBetween() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205
frChr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1198
Index 2029
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Files, 291
frEmpty() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1198
Files, 287
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?, 954
Can Ring work on Windows XP?, 956
Conflict between Global Variables and Class At-
tributes, 942
Constructor methods in Ring, 938
Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() func-
tion?, 945
Getter and Setter Methods, 940
Goal of including the Main function in Ring, 936
How can I disable maximize button and resize win-
dow?, 952
How to add Combobox and other elements to the
cells of a QTableWidget?, 959
How to Close a window then displaying another
one?, 951
How to create a Modal Window?, 951
How to create an array of buttons in GUI applica-
tions?, 950
How to extend RingQt and add more classes?, 956
How to get the current source file path?, 943
How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() func-
tions?, 943
How to insert an item to the first position in the list?,
How to perform some manipulations on selected
cells in QTableWidget?, 959
How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?,
How to print lists that contains objects?, 948
How to print new lines and other characters?, 949
How to use many source code files in the project?,
How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?, 947
How to use SQLite using ODBC?, 953
Introduction, 928
Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP?, 931
List index start from 1, 937
Philosophy behind data types in Ring, 934
Search of global names while defining the class at-
tributes, 941
The documentation says functional programming is
supported, but then this happens?, 933
What about predefined parameters or optional pa-
rameters in functions?, 943
What about the Boolean values in Ring?, 935
What are the advantages of using Ring over native C
or C++?, 931
What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or
Java?, 933
What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or
Smalltalk?, 930
What are the advantages to using Ring over Python
and Ruby?, 932
What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and
Lua?, 933
What happens when we create a new object?, 939
What is the difference between Ring and Python?
And is Ring Open Source?, 931
Where can I write a program and execute it?, 942
Which of 3 coding styles are commonly used or rec-
ommended by the community?, 960
Why do we need Yet Another Programming Lan-
guage (YAPL)?, 929
Why I get a strange result when printing nl with
lists?, 944
Why I get Calling Function without definition Er-
ror?, 955
Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation?, 931
Why is Ring weakly typed?, 930
Why Ring is not case-sensitive, 937
Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Key-
words?, 934
Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods
directly?, 955
Why the ability to define your own languages Instead
of just handing over the syntax so you can parse
it using whatever code you like?, 934
Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?, 938
Why the window title bar is going outside the
screen?, 949
Why this example use the GetChar() twice?, 946
Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?, 949
Why you can specify the number of loops you want
to break out of?, 934
frFile() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1199
frFileToStr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1199
frForceExt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frForcePath() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201
frIIf() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205
frInList() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201
frInt() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204
frJustDrive() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202
frJustExt() function
Index 2030
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202
frJustFName() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frJustPath() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202
frJustStem() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202
frLen() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frListToString() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204
frLTrim() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201
frPadL() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frPadR() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frProper() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frReplicate() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203
frRTrim() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202
frSetIfEmpty() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1200
frSetSeparatorTo() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1206
frSpace() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1200
frStr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1199
frStringToList() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205
frStrTran() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204
frStuff() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204
frSubStr() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204
frTransform() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1206
frVal() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205
frVarType() function
FoxRing Functions Reference, 1206
Files, 288
Files, 289
Stdlib Functions, 395
Files, 288
Function Prototype
Extension, 896
function prototype
Code Generator, 906
Function Structure
Extension, 894
Functional Programming
Anonymous and Nested Functions, 360
Equality of functions, 361
First-Class Functions, 359
Higher-order Functions, 359
Introduction, 357
Pure Functions, 358
Functions - First Style
Call Functions, 235
Declare parameters, 236
Define Functions, 235
Introduction, 234
Main Function, 236
Recursion, 238
Return Value, 237
Send Parameters, 236
Variables Scope, 237
Functions - Second Style
Call Functions, 239
Declare parameters, 240
Define Functions, 239
Introduction, 238
Main Function, 240
Recursion, 242
Return Value, 241
Send Parameters, 240
Variables Scope, 241
Functions - Third Style
Call Functions, 243
Declare parameters, 244
Define Functions, 243
Introduction, 242
Main Function, 244
Recursion, 246
Return Value, 245
Send Parameters, 244
Variables Scope, 245
Reflection and Meta-programming, 365
Files, 291
Game Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 543
Game Engine Classes
Game Engine for 2D Games, 542
Game Engine for 2D Games
Animate Class, 545
Animate Events, 556
Index 2031
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Animation, 550
Animation and Functions, 551
Creating the Game Window, 545
Drawing Text, 546
Flappy Bird 3000 Game, 572
Game Class, 543
Game Engine Classes, 542
GameObject Class, 543
Games Layer, 542
Graphics Library Bindings, 541
Interface to graphics library, 541
Introduction, 540
Map, 558
Map Class, 545
Map Events, 559
Moving Text, 547
Object and Drawing, 561
Playing Sound, 549
Project Layers, 541
Sound Class, 545
Sprite Automatic Movement, 552
Sprite Class, 544
Sprite Keypress Event, 553
Sprite Mouse Event, 554
Sprite State Event, 555
Stars Fighter Game, 564
Super Man 2016 Game, 579
Text Class, 544
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 170
GameObject Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 543
Games Layer
Game Engine for 2D Games, 542
Stdlib Functions, 389
General Information
Data Representation, 962
Introduction, 960
Memory Management, 961
Ring Architecture, 961
Generate Object File
Command Line Options, 843
Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo)
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 165
Generating Pages using Objects
Web Development (CGI Library), 471
Get Active Source File Name
System Functions, 298
Get Command Line Arguments
System Functions, 297
Get List Item
Lists, 250
Get List Size
Lists, 250
Get Number of Characters from position
Strings, 262
Get Parameters Values
Extension, 895
Get Request
RingLibCurl, 505
Get Stock Data From Yahoo
RingLibCurl, 507
Get String Length
Strings, 259
Get Substring from position to end
Strings, 262
Reflection and Meta-programming, 377
Getting Input, 233
Stdlib Functions, 382
Stdlib Functions, 382
Getter and Setter Methods
Frequently Asked Questions, 940
Getting Input
GetChar(), 233
Getting Started - First Style, 187
Getting Started - Second Style, 190
Getting Started - Third Style, 192
Give Command, 233
Input(), 234
Introduction, 232
Getting Started - First Style
Create Executable File, 186
Getting Input, 187
Hello World, 186
Introduction, 185
Multi-Line literals, 186
No Explicit End For Statements, 187
Not Case-Sensitive, 186
Run the program, 186
Using ? to print expression then new line, 187
Writing Comments, 188
Getting Started - Second Style
Create Executable File, 189
Getting Input, 190
Hello World, 189
Introduction, 188
Multi-Line literals, 189
No Explicit End For Statements, 190
Not Case-Sensitive, 189
Run the program, 189
Writing Comments, 190
Getting Started - Third Style
Create Executable File, 191
Getting Input, 192
Index 2032
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Hello World, 191
Introduction, 190
Multi-Line literals, 192
No Explicit End For Statements, 192
Not Case-Sensitive, 191
Run the program, 191
Writing Comments, 192
Give Command
Getting Input, 233
Reflection and Meta-programming, 364
Goal of including the Main function in Ring
Frequently Asked Questions, 936
Google API Shortener Application
Applications developed in little hours, 6
Web Development (CGI Library), 470
Graphics and Game Programming
Drawing, Animation and Input, 512
Introduction, 511
Playing Sound, 520
Scaling and Rotating Images, 521
Threads, 523
Transparent Image, 522
TrueType Fonts, 519
Graphics Library Bindings
Game Engine for 2D Games, 541
Hash Functions
Web Development (CGI Library), 465
HashTable Class
Stdlib Classes, 406
Hello World
Getting Started - First Style, 186
Getting Started - Second Style, 189
Getting Started - Third Style, 191
Hello World program
Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 502
Hello World Program using the Web Library
Web Development (CGI Library), 448
Data Type, 276
Data Type, 277
Higher-order Functions
Functional Programming, 359
Introduction, 25
Natural Language Programming, 430
How can I disable maximize button and resize window?
Frequently Asked Questions, 952
How Ring find a functions and methods?
Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 812
How Ring find the Variable?
Scope Rules, 797
How Ring2EXE works?
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 852
How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of
a QTableWidget?
Frequently Asked Questions, 959
How to Close a window then displaying another one?
Frequently Asked Questions, 951
How to contribute?
Applications, 185
Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM), 185
Documentation, 184
Editors Support, 185
Extensions in C/C++, 185
Ideas and suggestions, 185
Introduction, 183
Libraries in Ring, 185
Samples, 184
Special thanks to contributors, 184
Testing, 184
How to create a Modal Window?
Frequently Asked Questions, 951
How to create an array of buttons in GUI applications?
Frequently Asked Questions, 950
How to extend RingQt and add more classes?
Frequently Asked Questions, 956
How to get the current source file path?
Frequently Asked Questions, 943
How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() functions?
Frequently Asked Questions, 943
How to insert an item to the first position in the list?
Frequently Asked Questions, 948
How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in
Frequently Asked Questions, 959
How to play?
The Gold Magic 800 Game, 664
How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?
Frequently Asked Questions, 944
How to print lists that contains objects?
Frequently Asked Questions, 948
How to print new lines and other characters?
Frequently Asked Questions, 949
How to use many source code files in the project?
Frequently Asked Questions, 945
How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?
Frequently Asked Questions, 947
How to use SQLite using ODBC?
Frequently Asked Questions, 953
HTML Lists
Web Development (CGI Library), 468
HTML Special Characters
Web Development (CGI Library), 464
HTML Tables
Index 2033
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Web Development (CGI Library), 469
HtmlPage Class
Web Development (CGI Library), 476, 500
HTTP Get Example
Web Development (CGI Library), 449
Web Development (CGI Library), 454
Ideas and suggestions
How to contribute?, 185
If Statement
Control Structures - Second Style, 225
Control Structures - Third Style, 228
Ignore new lines after keywords
Syntax Flexibility, 825
Important Information about Ring2EXE
Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 859
Object Oriented Programming, 350
Inheritance from GUI Classes
Desktop and Mobile Development, 732
Applications developed in little hours, 20
Getting Input, 234
Lists, 253
Install Qt for Android
Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 775
Interactive Debugger
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 884
Interface to graphics library
Game Engine for 2D Games, 541
Internet Class
Stdlib Classes, 423
Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 501
Features, 25
History, 25
Introduction, 22
Motivation, 23
Performance Tips, 844
Ring and other languages, 24
Special Thanks, 24
Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP?
Frequently Asked Questions, 931
Data Type, 272
Data Type, 272
IsAndroid() Function
System Functions, 296
Reflection and Meta-programming, 373
Reflection and Meta-programming, 367
Reflection and Meta-programming, 369
Data Type, 272
Data Type, 273
IsFreeBSD() Function
System Functions, 296
Reflection and Meta-programming, 366
Reflection and Meta-programming, 366
Data Type, 273
Stdlib Functions, 391
IsLinux() Function
System Functions, 296
Data Type, 271
Reflection and Meta-programming, 366
Data Type, 273
IsMacOSX() Function
System Functions, 295
Stdlib Functions, 394
Reflection and Meta-programming, 374
IsMSDOS() Function
System Functions, 295
Data Type, 271
Data Type, 270
Reflection and Meta-programming, 372
Reflection and Meta-programming, 368
Reflection and Meta-programming, 370
Low Level Functions, 864
Stdlib Functions, 387
Data Type, 273
Reflection and Meta-programming, 373
Reflection and Meta-programming, 374
Index 2034
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Data Type, 274
Data Type, 274
Stdlib Functions, 385
Data Type, 270
IsUnix() Function
System Functions, 295
Data Type, 274
Stdlib Functions, 386
IsWindows() Function
System Functions, 295
IsWindows64() Function
System Functions, 295
Data Type, 274
Stdlib Functions, 383
Stdlib Functions, 382
Keyboard Events and Colors
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 601
Keyboard Shortcuts
Form Designer, 789
KeyPress and Mouse Move Events
Desktop and Mobile Development, 727
Language Design
Compact Syntax, 32
Define Declarative Languages, 35
Define Natural Statements, 33
Designed for a clear goal, 30
Encourage Organization, 32
Fast Enough For Many Applications, 39
Introduction, 29
No Global Interpreter (VM) Lock - No GIL, 38
Simple, 30
Smart Garbage Collector, 38
Syntax Flexibility, 36
Transparent Implementation, 36
Trying to be natural, 31
Visual Implementation, 37
Why Ring?, 30
Language Functions
Reference, 966
Language Grammar
Reference, 970
Language Keywords
Reference, 965
Language Shell
Demo Programs, 304
Stdlib Functions, 389
Strings, 260
Libraries in Ring
How to contribute?, 185
Library Source Code
bignumber, 1211
Library Usage
Objects Library for RingQt Application, 779
Stdlib Functions, 386
Strings, 261
List Class
Stdlib Classes, 403
List index start from 1
Frequently Asked Questions, 937
List of changes and new features
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 164
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 158
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 145
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 133
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 89
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 78
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 70
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 57
What is new in Ring 1.9?, 40
list of functions
Mathematical Functions, 278
List2Code() Function
Stdlib Functions, 398
Stdlib Functions, 387
ListAllFiles() Function
Stdlib Functions, 396
Access List Items by String Index, 255
Add Items, 249
Copy Lists, 253
Create Lists, 249
Create Multi Dimension Array Using List and Re-
cursion, 256
Delete Item From List, 250
First-Class Lists, 254
Get List Item, 250
Get List Size, 250
Insert(), 253
Introduction, 248
Nested Lists, 253
Passing Lists to Functions, 254
Index 2035
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Passing Parameters Arguments Using List Array,
Passing Parameters or Arguments Using List, 255
Reverse(), 252
Search, 251
Set List Item, 250
Sort(), 251
Swap Items, 257
Using Lists during definition, 254
Load Package
Program Structure, 247
Load Syntax Files
Syntax Flexibility, 817
Loading Files
Code Generator, 925
Loading the library
bignumber, 1209
PostgreSQL, 329
Loading the Trace library
The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 883
Local Tests
Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 503
Reflection and Meta-programming, 364
Create your first extension, 927
Logical Operators
Operators, 215
Loop Command
Control Structures - First Style, 222
Control Structures, 229
Control Structures - First Style, 219
Control Structures - Second Style, 226
Low Level Functions
callgc(), 862
Example - The Trace Library, 877
Example - Using the Trace Functions, 873
Introduction, 860
ispointer(), 864
nullpointer(), 863
object2pointer(), 863
pointer2object(), 863
ptrcmp(), 865
ringvm_callfunc(), 873
RingVM_CallList(), 870
RingVM_CFunctionsList(), 865
RingVM_ClassesList(), 866
ringvm_evalinscope(), 872
RingVM_FilesList(), 870
RingVM_FunctionsList(), 865
ringvm_give() function, 881
ringvm_hideerrorMsg(), 873
ringvm_info(), 881
RingVM_MemoryList(), 868
RingVM_PackagesList(), 867
ringvm_passerror(), 873
ringvm_scopescount(), 872
ringvm_see() function, 881
ringvm_settrace(), 871
ringvm_tracedata(), 871
ringvm_traceevent(), 872
ringvm_tracefunc(), 872
space(), 862
varptr(), 862
Main Function
Functions - First Style, 236
Functions - Second Style, 240
Functions - Third Style, 244
Main Menu
Demo Programs, 304
Make a Cube using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 638
Stdlib Functions, 395
Managed Classes
Code Generator, 925
Many Cubes
Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graph-
ics, 646
Game Engine for 2D Games, 558
Map Class
Game Engine for 2D Games, 545
Map Events
Game Engine for 2D Games, 559
Stdlib Functions, 384
Math Class
Stdlib Classes, 408
Mathematical Functions
Decimals(), 282
Example, 278
Introduction, 277
list of functions, 278
Random(), 280
SRandom(), 281
Unsigned(), 281
Using _ in numbers, 282
Using f after numbers, 282
Stdlib Functions, 391
Stdlib Functions, 392
Security and Internet Functions, 336
Index 2036
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
Memory Management
General Information, 961
Menu Events
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 614
Menubar and StyleSheet Example
Desktop and Mobile Development, 704
Menubar Designer
Form Designer, 789
Merge binary characters
Strings, 264
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 65
Reflection and Meta-programming, 379
Methods to use Events with Events Filter
Desktop and Mobile Development, 769
Reflection and Meta-programming, 372
Misc Operators
Operators, 216
Module Organization
Extension, 893
More 3D Samples
Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graph-
ics, 661
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 60
More Beatiful Code
Declarative Programming, 428
More Games
What is new in Ring 1.9?, 42
More Improvements
What is new in Ring 1.9?, 55
More Samples and Tests
Form Designer, 791
More Syntax Flexibility
What is new in Ring 1.5?, 120
Introduction, 23
Mouse Events
RingLibSDL, 530
Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D
Graphics, 610
Movable Label Example
Desktop and Mobile Development, 723
Moving Objects using the Mouse
Desktop and Mobile Development, 728
Moving Text
Game Engine for 2D Games, 547
Multi-language applications
Form Designer Translation, 793
Forms Translation, 794
Introduction, 791
Using String2Constant, 792
Multi-Line literals
Getting Started - First Style, 186
Getting Started - Second Style, 189
Getting Started - Third Style, 192
MurmurHash1 functions
RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1193
MurmurHash2 functions
RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1193
MurmurHash3 functions
RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1193
MySQL Class
Stdlib Classes, 419
MySQL Functions
Create Database, 318
Create Table and Insert Data, 319
Introduction, 316
MySQL_AutoCommit(), 324
MySQL_Close(), 318
MySQL_Columns(), 321
MySQL_Commit(), 324
MySQL_Connect(), 318
MySQL_Error(), 318
MySQL_Escape_String(), 323
MySQL_Info(), 317
MySQL_Init(), 318
MySQL_Inser_ID(), 320
MySQL_Next_Result(), 321
MySQL_Query(), 318
MySQL_Result(), 321
MySQL_Result2(), 322
MySQL_Rollback(), 324
Print Query Result, 321
Restore Image From The Database, 323
Save Image Inside the Database, 323
Transaction Example, 324
MySQL Functions, 324
MySQL Functions, 318
MySQL Functions, 321
MySQL_Columns() Implementation
Extension, 899
MySQL Functions, 324
MySQL Functions, 318
MySQL Functions, 318
MySQL Functions, 323
MySQL Functions, 317
MySQL Functions, 318
Index 2037
Ring Documentation, Release 1.9
MySQL Functions, 320
MySQL Functions, 321
MySQL Functions, 318
MySQL Functions, 321
MySQL Functions, 322
MySQL Functions, 324
Natural Language Programming
BraceError() Method, 437
BraceExprEval Method, 436
BraceStart and BraceEnd Methods, 435
Change the ’=’ operator to ’is’, 433
Change the Ring Keyword ’And’, 431
Change the Ring Operator ’+’, 432
Clean Natural Code, 438
Example, 430
History, 430
Introduction, 429
Real Natual Code, 436
Using Eval() with our Natural Code, 434
Natural Library - Demo Program
Using the Natural Library, 440
Nested Lists
Lists, 253
New Classes names - Index Start from 1
Desktop and Mobile Development, 771
New Command: Load Package
What is new in Ring 1.7?, 70
New Functions
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 158
What is new in Ring 1.3?, 154
New Functions and Changes
What is new in Ring 1.1?, 167
New Game : Gold Magic 800
What is new in Ring 1.9?, 40
New Style to Ring Notepad
What is new in Ring 1.4?, 136
New Tool: Folder2qrc
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 80
New Tool: Ring2EXE
What is new in Ring 1.6?, 79
Stdlib Functions, 385
No Explicit End For Statements
Getting Started - First Style, 187
Getting Started - Second Style, 190
Getting Started - Third Style, 192
No Global Interpreter (VM) Lock - No GIL
Language Design, 38
No Run
Command Line Options, 842
Not Case-Sensitive
Getting Started - First Style, 186
Getting Started - Second Style, 189
Getting Started - Third Style, 191
Notepad Application
Desktop and Mobile Development, 745
Notes to extensions creators
What is new in Ring 1.8?, 69
Low Level Functions, 863
Data Type, 275
Numbers and Bytes
Files, 293
Object and Drawing
Game Engine for 2D Games, 561
Object Library Source Code
Objects Library for RingQt Application, 783
Object Oriented Programming
Access Objects Using Braces, 344
Classes and Objects, 342
Composition, 345
Default value for object attributes, 357
Dynamic Attributes, 351
Find() and List of Objects, 352
Inheritance, 350
Introduction, 341
Operator Overloading, 347
Packages, 351
Printing Objects, 352
Private Attributes and Methods, 346
Setter and Getter, 346
Sort() and List of Objects, 353
Using Self.Attribute, 355
Using This in the class region as Self, 356
Using This.Attribute and This.Method(), 355
Low Level Functions, 863
Reflection and Meta-programming, 371
Objects inside lists
Declarative Programming, 424
Objects Library for RingQt
What is new in Ring 1.2?, 160
Objects Library for RingQt Application
Example, 779
Introduction, 778
Library Usage, 779
Object Library Source Code, 783
Open_WindowAndLink() Function, 782, 783
Index 2038

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The Ring programming language version 1.9 book - Part 207 of 210

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Lists, 254 Flappy Bird 3000 Game Game Engine for 2D Games, 572 Fopen() Files, 286 Fopen() and Fclose() Implementation Extension, 896 For In Loop Control Structures - First Style, 220 Control Structures - Second Style, 227 Control Structures - Third Style, 231 for in to modify lists Control Structures - First Style, 220 For Loop Control Structures - First Style, 219 Control Structures - Second Style, 226 Control Structures - Third Style, 230 Form Designer Entering Items, 790 Events Code, 786 Introduction, 783 Keyboard Shortcuts, 789 Menubar Designer, 789 More Samples and Tests, 791 Running Forms, 786 The Designer Windows, 785 The Properties, 785 Using Layouts, 791 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 156 Window Flags, 790 Form Designer Translation Multi-language applications, 793 Forms Translation Multi-language applications, 794 FoxRing functions FoxRing Functions Reference, 1195 FoxRing Functions Reference Example, 1207 FoxRing functions, 1195 frAbs() function, 1196 frAddBs() function, 1197 frALines() function, 1203 frAllTrim() function, 1201 frAsc() function, 1196 frAt() function, 1197 frAtC() function, 1197 frBetween() function, 1205 frChr() function, 1198 frEmpty() function, 1198 frFile() function, 1199 frFileToStr() function, 1199 frForceExt() function, 1203 frForcePath() function, 1201 frIIf() function, 1205 frInList() function, 1201 frInt() function, 1204 frJustDrive() function, 1202 frJustExt() function, 1202 frJustFName() function, 1203 frJustPath() function, 1202 frJustStem() function, 1202 frLen() function, 1203 frListToString() function, 1204 frLTrim() function, 1201 frPadL() function, 1203 frPadR() function, 1203 frProper() function, 1203 frReplicate() function, 1203 frRTrim() function, 1202 frSetIfEmpty() function, 1200 frSetSeparatorTo() function, 1206 frSpace() function, 1200 frStr() function, 1199 frStringToList() function, 1205 frStrTran() function, 1204 frStuff() function, 1204 frSubStr() function, 1204 frTransform() function, 1206 frVal() function, 1205 frVarType() function, 1206 Introduction, 1194 FoxRing Library What is new in Ring 1.8?, 66 Fputc() Files, 290 Fputs() Files, 290 frAbs() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1196 frAddBs() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1197 frALines() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frAllTrim() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201 Frames Per Second Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 629 frAsc() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1196 frAt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1197 frAtC() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1197 frBetween() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205 frChr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1198 Index 2029
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Fread() Files, 291 frEmpty() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1198 Freopen() Files, 287 Frequently Asked Questions Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?, 954 Can Ring work on Windows XP?, 956 Conflict between Global Variables and Class At- tributes, 942 Constructor methods in Ring, 938 Could you explain the output of the StrCmp() func- tion?, 945 Getter and Setter Methods, 940 Goal of including the Main function in Ring, 936 How can I disable maximize button and resize win- dow?, 952 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget?, 959 How to Close a window then displaying another one?, 951 How to create a Modal Window?, 951 How to create an array of buttons in GUI applica- tions?, 950 How to extend RingQt and add more classes?, 956 How to get the current source file path?, 943 How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() func- tions?, 943 How to insert an item to the first position in the list?, 948 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget?, 959 How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary?, 944 How to print lists that contains objects?, 948 How to print new lines and other characters?, 949 How to use many source code files in the project?, 945 How to use NULL and ISNULL() function?, 947 How to use SQLite using ODBC?, 953 Introduction, 928 Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP?, 931 List index start from 1, 937 Philosophy behind data types in Ring, 934 Search of global names while defining the class at- tributes, 941 The documentation says functional programming is supported, but then this happens?, 933 What about predefined parameters or optional pa- rameters in functions?, 943 What about the Boolean values in Ring?, 935 What are the advantages of using Ring over native C or C++?, 931 What are the advantages to using Ring over C# or Java?, 933 What are the advantages to using Ring over Lisp or Smalltalk?, 930 What are the advantages to using Ring over Python and Ruby?, 932 What are the advantages to using Ring over Tcl and Lua?, 933 What happens when we create a new object?, 939 What is the difference between Ring and Python? And is Ring Open Source?, 931 Where can I write a program and execute it?, 942 Which of 3 coding styles are commonly used or rec- ommended by the community?, 960 Why do we need Yet Another Programming Lan- guage (YAPL)?, 929 Why I get a strange result when printing nl with lists?, 944 Why I get Calling Function without definition Er- ror?, 955 Why is Ring largely focussed on UI creation?, 931 Why is Ring weakly typed?, 930 Why Ring is not case-sensitive, 937 Why Ring uses ’See’, ’Give’, ’But’ and ’Ok’ Key- words?, 934 Why setClickEvent() doesn’t see the object methods directly?, 955 Why the ability to define your own languages Instead of just handing over the syntax so you can parse it using whatever code you like?, 934 Why the Assignment operator uses Deep copy?, 938 Why the window title bar is going outside the screen?, 949 Why this example use the GetChar() twice?, 946 Why we don’t use () after the qApp class name?, 949 Why you can specify the number of loops you want to break out of?, 934 frFile() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1199 frFileToStr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1199 frForceExt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frForcePath() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201 frIIf() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205 frInList() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201 frInt() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204 frJustDrive() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202 frJustExt() function Index 2030
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202 frJustFName() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frJustPath() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202 frJustStem() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202 frLen() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frListToString() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204 frLTrim() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1201 frPadL() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frPadR() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frProper() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frReplicate() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1203 frRTrim() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1202 frSetIfEmpty() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1200 frSetSeparatorTo() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1206 frSpace() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1200 frStr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1199 frStringToList() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205 frStrTran() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204 frStuff() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204 frSubStr() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1204 frTransform() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1206 frVal() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1205 frVarType() function FoxRing Functions Reference, 1206 Fseek() Files, 288 Fsetpos() Files, 289 FSize() Stdlib Functions, 395 Ftell() Files, 288 Function Prototype Extension, 896 function prototype Code Generator, 906 Function Structure Extension, 894 Functional Programming Anonymous and Nested Functions, 360 Equality of functions, 361 First-Class Functions, 359 Higher-order Functions, 359 Introduction, 357 Pure Functions, 358 Functions - First Style Call Functions, 235 Declare parameters, 236 Define Functions, 235 Introduction, 234 Main Function, 236 Recursion, 238 Return Value, 237 Send Parameters, 236 Variables Scope, 237 Functions - Second Style Call Functions, 239 Declare parameters, 240 Define Functions, 239 Introduction, 238 Main Function, 240 Recursion, 242 Return Value, 241 Send Parameters, 240 Variables Scope, 241 Functions - Third Style Call Functions, 243 Declare parameters, 244 Define Functions, 243 Introduction, 242 Main Function, 244 Recursion, 246 Return Value, 245 Send Parameters, 244 Variables Scope, 245 functions() Reflection and Meta-programming, 365 Fwrite() Files, 291 Game Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 543 Game Engine Classes Game Engine for 2D Games, 542 Game Engine for 2D Games Animate Class, 545 Animate Events, 556 Index 2031
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Animation, 550 Animation and Functions, 551 Creating the Game Window, 545 Drawing Text, 546 Flappy Bird 3000 Game, 572 Game Class, 543 Game Engine Classes, 542 GameObject Class, 543 Games Layer, 542 Graphics Library Bindings, 541 Interface to graphics library, 541 Introduction, 540 Map, 558 Map Class, 545 Map Events, 559 Moving Text, 547 Object and Drawing, 561 Playing Sound, 549 Project Layers, 541 Sound Class, 545 Sprite Automatic Movement, 552 Sprite Class, 544 Sprite Keypress Event, 553 Sprite Mouse Event, 554 Sprite State Event, 555 Stars Fighter Game, 564 Super Man 2016 Game, 579 Text Class, 544 What is new in Ring 1.1?, 170 GameObject Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 543 Games Layer Game Engine for 2D Games, 542 gcd() Stdlib Functions, 389 General Information Data Representation, 962 Introduction, 960 Memory Management, 961 Ring Architecture, 961 Generate Object File Command Line Options, 843 Generate/Execute Ring Object Files (*.ringo) What is new in Ring 1.1?, 165 Generating Pages using Objects Web Development (CGI Library), 471 Get Active Source File Name System Functions, 298 Get Command Line Arguments System Functions, 297 Get List Item Lists, 250 Get List Size Lists, 250 Get Number of Characters from position Strings, 262 Get Parameters Values Extension, 895 Get Request RingLibCurl, 505 Get Stock Data From Yahoo RingLibCurl, 507 Get String Length Strings, 259 Get Substring from position to end Strings, 262 getattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 377 GetChar() Getting Input, 233 getnumber() Stdlib Functions, 382 getstring() Stdlib Functions, 382 Getter and Setter Methods Frequently Asked Questions, 940 Getting Input GetChar(), 233 Getting Started - First Style, 187 Getting Started - Second Style, 190 Getting Started - Third Style, 192 Give Command, 233 Input(), 234 Introduction, 232 Getting Started - First Style Create Executable File, 186 Getting Input, 187 Hello World, 186 Introduction, 185 Multi-Line literals, 186 No Explicit End For Statements, 187 Not Case-Sensitive, 186 Run the program, 186 Using ? to print expression then new line, 187 Writing Comments, 188 Getting Started - Second Style Create Executable File, 189 Getting Input, 190 Hello World, 189 Introduction, 188 Multi-Line literals, 189 No Explicit End For Statements, 190 Not Case-Sensitive, 189 Run the program, 189 Writing Comments, 190 Getting Started - Third Style Create Executable File, 191 Getting Input, 192 Index 2032
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Hello World, 191 Introduction, 190 Multi-Line literals, 192 No Explicit End For Statements, 192 Not Case-Sensitive, 191 Run the program, 191 Writing Comments, 192 Give Command Getting Input, 233 globals() Reflection and Meta-programming, 364 Goal of including the Main function in Ring Frequently Asked Questions, 936 Google API Shortener Application Applications developed in little hours, 6 Gradient Web Development (CGI Library), 470 Graphics and Game Programming Drawing, Animation and Input, 512 Introduction, 511 Playing Sound, 520 Scaling and Rotating Images, 521 Threads, 523 Transparent Image, 522 TrueType Fonts, 519 Graphics Library Bindings Game Engine for 2D Games, 541 Hash Functions Web Development (CGI Library), 465 HashTable Class Stdlib Classes, 406 Hello World Getting Started - First Style, 186 Getting Started - Second Style, 189 Getting Started - Third Style, 191 Hello World program Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 502 Hello World Program using the Web Library Web Development (CGI Library), 448 Hex() Data Type, 276 Hex2str() Data Type, 277 Higher-order Functions Functional Programming, 359 History Introduction, 25 Natural Language Programming, 430 How can I disable maximize button and resize window? Frequently Asked Questions, 952 How Ring find a functions and methods? Scope Rules for Functions and Methods, 812 How Ring find the Variable? Scope Rules, 797 How Ring2EXE works? Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 852 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget? Frequently Asked Questions, 959 How to Close a window then displaying another one? Frequently Asked Questions, 951 How to contribute? Applications, 185 Compiler and Virtual Machine (VM), 185 Documentation, 184 Editors Support, 185 Extensions in C/C++, 185 Ideas and suggestions, 185 Introduction, 183 Libraries in Ring, 185 Samples, 184 Special thanks to contributors, 184 Testing, 184 How to create a Modal Window? Frequently Asked Questions, 951 How to create an array of buttons in GUI applications? Frequently Asked Questions, 950 How to extend RingQt and add more classes? Frequently Asked Questions, 956 How to get the current source file path? Frequently Asked Questions, 943 How to get the file size using ftell() and fseek() functions? Frequently Asked Questions, 943 How to insert an item to the first position in the list? Frequently Asked Questions, 948 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget? Frequently Asked Questions, 959 How to play? The Gold Magic 800 Game, 664 How to print keys or values only in List/Dictionary? Frequently Asked Questions, 944 How to print lists that contains objects? Frequently Asked Questions, 948 How to print new lines and other characters? Frequently Asked Questions, 949 How to use many source code files in the project? Frequently Asked Questions, 945 How to use NULL and ISNULL() function? Frequently Asked Questions, 947 How to use SQLite using ODBC? Frequently Asked Questions, 953 HTML Lists Web Development (CGI Library), 468 HTML Special Characters Web Development (CGI Library), 464 HTML Tables Index 2033
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Web Development (CGI Library), 469 HtmlPage Class Web Development (CGI Library), 476, 500 HTTP Get Example Web Development (CGI Library), 449 HTTP POST Example Web Development (CGI Library), 454 Ideas and suggestions How to contribute?, 185 If Statement Control Structures - Second Style, 225 Control Structures - Third Style, 228 Ignore new lines after keywords Syntax Flexibility, 825 Important Information about Ring2EXE Distributing Ring Application using Ring2EXE, 859 Inheritance Object Oriented Programming, 350 Inheritance from GUI Classes Desktop and Mobile Development, 732 Innovative Applications developed in little hours, 20 Input() Getting Input, 234 Insert() Lists, 253 Install Qt for Android Building RingQt Applications for Mobile, 775 Interactive Debugger The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 884 Interface to graphics library Game Engine for 2D Games, 541 Internet Class Stdlib Classes, 423 Introduction Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 501 Features, 25 History, 25 Introduction, 22 Motivation, 23 Performance Tips, 844 Ring and other languages, 24 Special Thanks, 24 Is Ring some sort of an improvement of PHP? Frequently Asked Questions, 931 IsAlNum() Data Type, 272 IsAlpha() Data Type, 272 IsAndroid() Function System Functions, 296 isattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 373 iscfunction() Reflection and Meta-programming, 367 isclass() Reflection and Meta-programming, 369 IsCntrl() Data Type, 272 IsDigit() Data Type, 273 IsFreeBSD() Function System Functions, 296 isfunction() Reflection and Meta-programming, 366 isglobal() Reflection and Meta-programming, 366 IsGraph() Data Type, 273 isleapyear() Stdlib Functions, 391 IsLinux() Function System Functions, 296 IsList() Data Type, 271 islocal() Reflection and Meta-programming, 366 IsLower() Data Type, 273 IsMacOSX() Function System Functions, 295 ismainsourcefile() Stdlib Functions, 394 ismethod() Reflection and Meta-programming, 374 IsMSDOS() Function System Functions, 295 IsNULL() Data Type, 271 IsNumber() Data Type, 270 isobject() Reflection and Meta-programming, 372 ispackage() Reflection and Meta-programming, 368 ispackagesclass() Reflection and Meta-programming, 370 ispointer() Low Level Functions, 864 isprime() Stdlib Functions, 387 IsPrint() Data Type, 273 isprivateattribute() Reflection and Meta-programming, 373 isprivatemethod() Reflection and Meta-programming, 374 Index 2034
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 IsPunct() Data Type, 274 IsSpace() Data Type, 274 isspecial() Stdlib Functions, 385 IsString() Data Type, 270 IsUnix() Function System Functions, 295 IsUpper() Data Type, 274 isvowel() Stdlib Functions, 386 IsWindows() Function System Functions, 295 IsWindows64() Function System Functions, 295 IsXdigit() Data Type, 274 JustFileName() Stdlib Functions, 383 JustFilePath() Stdlib Functions, 382 Keyboard Events and Colors Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 601 Keyboard Shortcuts Form Designer, 789 KeyPress and Mouse Move Events Desktop and Mobile Development, 727 Language Design Compact Syntax, 32 Define Declarative Languages, 35 Define Natural Statements, 33 Designed for a clear goal, 30 Encourage Organization, 32 Fast Enough For Many Applications, 39 Introduction, 29 No Global Interpreter (VM) Lock - No GIL, 38 Simple, 30 Smart Garbage Collector, 38 Syntax Flexibility, 36 Transparent Implementation, 36 Trying to be natural, 31 Visual Implementation, 37 Why Ring?, 30 Language Functions Reference, 966 Language Grammar Reference, 970 Language Keywords Reference, 965 Language Shell Demo Programs, 304 lcm() Stdlib Functions, 389 Left() Strings, 260 Libraries in Ring How to contribute?, 185 Library Source Code bignumber, 1211 Library Usage Objects Library for RingQt Application, 779 linecount() Stdlib Functions, 386 Lines() Strings, 261 List Class Stdlib Classes, 403 List index start from 1 Frequently Asked Questions, 937 List of changes and new features What is new in Ring 1.1?, 164 What is new in Ring 1.2?, 158 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 145 What is new in Ring 1.4?, 133 What is new in Ring 1.5?, 89 What is new in Ring 1.6?, 78 What is new in Ring 1.7?, 70 What is new in Ring 1.8?, 57 What is new in Ring 1.9?, 40 list of functions Mathematical Functions, 278 List2Code() Function Stdlib Functions, 398 list2file() Stdlib Functions, 387 ListAllFiles() Function Stdlib Functions, 396 Lists Access List Items by String Index, 255 Add Items, 249 Copy Lists, 253 Create Lists, 249 Create Multi Dimension Array Using List and Re- cursion, 256 Delete Item From List, 250 First-Class Lists, 254 Get List Item, 250 Get List Size, 250 Insert(), 253 Introduction, 248 Nested Lists, 253 Passing Lists to Functions, 254 Index 2035
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Passing Parameters Arguments Using List Array, 256 Passing Parameters or Arguments Using List, 255 Reverse(), 252 Search, 251 Set List Item, 250 Sort(), 251 Swap Items, 257 Using Lists during definition, 254 Load Package Program Structure, 247 Load Syntax Files Syntax Flexibility, 817 Loading Files Code Generator, 925 Loading the library bignumber, 1209 PostgreSQL, 329 Loading the Trace library The Trace Library and the Interactive Debugger, 883 Local Tests Deploying Web Applications in the Cloud, 503 locals() Reflection and Meta-programming, 364 Location Create your first extension, 927 Logical Operators Operators, 215 Loop Command Control Structures - First Style, 222 Looping Control Structures, 229 Control Structures - First Style, 219 Control Structures - Second Style, 226 Low Level Functions callgc(), 862 Example - The Trace Library, 877 Example - Using the Trace Functions, 873 Introduction, 860 ispointer(), 864 nullpointer(), 863 object2pointer(), 863 pointer2object(), 863 ptrcmp(), 865 ringvm_callfunc(), 873 RingVM_CallList(), 870 RingVM_CFunctionsList(), 865 RingVM_ClassesList(), 866 ringvm_evalinscope(), 872 RingVM_FilesList(), 870 RingVM_FunctionsList(), 865 ringvm_give() function, 881 ringvm_hideerrorMsg(), 873 ringvm_info(), 881 RingVM_MemoryList(), 868 RingVM_PackagesList(), 867 ringvm_passerror(), 873 ringvm_scopescount(), 872 ringvm_see() function, 881 ringvm_settrace(), 871 ringvm_tracedata(), 871 ringvm_traceevent(), 872 ringvm_tracefunc(), 872 space(), 862 varptr(), 862 Main Function Functions - First Style, 236 Functions - Second Style, 240 Functions - Third Style, 244 Main Menu Demo Programs, 304 Make a Cube using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 638 makedir() Stdlib Functions, 395 Managed Classes Code Generator, 925 Many Cubes Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graph- ics, 646 Map Game Engine for 2D Games, 558 Map Class Game Engine for 2D Games, 545 Map Events Game Engine for 2D Games, 559 map() Stdlib Functions, 384 Math Class Stdlib Classes, 408 Mathematical Functions Decimals(), 282 Example, 278 Introduction, 277 list of functions, 278 Random(), 280 SRandom(), 281 Unsigned(), 281 Using _ in numbers, 282 Using f after numbers, 282 matrixmulti() Stdlib Functions, 391 matrixtrans() Stdlib Functions, 392 MD5() Security and Internet Functions, 336 Index 2036
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 Memory Management General Information, 961 Menu Events Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 614 Menubar and StyleSheet Example Desktop and Mobile Development, 704 Menubar Designer Form Designer, 789 Merge binary characters Strings, 264 What is new in Ring 1.8?, 65 mergemethods() Reflection and Meta-programming, 379 Methods to use Events with Events Filter Desktop and Mobile Development, 769 methods() Reflection and Meta-programming, 372 Misc Operators Operators, 216 Module Organization Extension, 893 More 3D Samples Using RingOpenGL and RingAllegro for 3D Graph- ics, 661 What is new in Ring 1.8?, 60 More Beatiful Code Declarative Programming, 428 More Games What is new in Ring 1.9?, 42 More Improvements What is new in Ring 1.9?, 55 More Samples and Tests Form Designer, 791 More Syntax Flexibility What is new in Ring 1.5?, 120 Motivation Introduction, 23 Mouse Events RingLibSDL, 530 Using RingOpenGL and RingFreeGLUT for 3D Graphics, 610 Movable Label Example Desktop and Mobile Development, 723 Moving Objects using the Mouse Desktop and Mobile Development, 728 Moving Text Game Engine for 2D Games, 547 Multi-language applications Form Designer Translation, 793 Forms Translation, 794 Introduction, 791 Using String2Constant, 792 Multi-Line literals Getting Started - First Style, 186 Getting Started - Second Style, 189 Getting Started - Third Style, 192 MurmurHash1 functions RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1193 MurmurHash2 functions RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1193 MurmurHash3 functions RingMurmurHash Functions Reference, 1193 MySQL Class Stdlib Classes, 419 MySQL Functions Create Database, 318 Create Table and Insert Data, 319 Introduction, 316 MySQL_AutoCommit(), 324 MySQL_Close(), 318 MySQL_Columns(), 321 MySQL_Commit(), 324 MySQL_Connect(), 318 MySQL_Error(), 318 MySQL_Escape_String(), 323 MySQL_Info(), 317 MySQL_Init(), 318 MySQL_Inser_ID(), 320 MySQL_Next_Result(), 321 MySQL_Query(), 318 MySQL_Result(), 321 MySQL_Result2(), 322 MySQL_Rollback(), 324 Print Query Result, 321 Restore Image From The Database, 323 Save Image Inside the Database, 323 Transaction Example, 324 MySQL_AutoCommit() MySQL Functions, 324 MySQL_Close() MySQL Functions, 318 MySQL_Columns() MySQL Functions, 321 MySQL_Columns() Implementation Extension, 899 MySQL_Commit() MySQL Functions, 324 MySQL_Connect() MySQL Functions, 318 MySQL_Error() MySQL Functions, 318 MySQL_Escape_String() MySQL Functions, 323 MySQL_Info() MySQL Functions, 317 MySQL_Init() MySQL Functions, 318 Index 2037
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.9 MySQL_Inser_ID() MySQL Functions, 320 MySQL_Next_Result() MySQL Functions, 321 MySQL_Query() MySQL Functions, 318 MySQL_Result() MySQL Functions, 321 MySQL_Result2() MySQL Functions, 322 MySQL_Rollback() MySQL Functions, 324 Natural Language Programming BraceError() Method, 437 BraceExprEval Method, 436 BraceStart and BraceEnd Methods, 435 Change the ’=’ operator to ’is’, 433 Change the Ring Keyword ’And’, 431 Change the Ring Operator ’+’, 432 Clean Natural Code, 438 Example, 430 History, 430 Introduction, 429 Real Natual Code, 436 Using Eval() with our Natural Code, 434 Natural Library - Demo Program Using the Natural Library, 440 Nested Lists Lists, 253 New Classes names - Index Start from 1 Desktop and Mobile Development, 771 New Command: Load Package What is new in Ring 1.7?, 70 New Functions What is new in Ring 1.2?, 158 What is new in Ring 1.3?, 154 New Functions and Changes What is new in Ring 1.1?, 167 New Game : Gold Magic 800 What is new in Ring 1.9?, 40 New Style to Ring Notepad What is new in Ring 1.4?, 136 New Tool: Folder2qrc What is new in Ring 1.6?, 80 New Tool: Ring2EXE What is new in Ring 1.6?, 79 newlist() Stdlib Functions, 385 No Explicit End For Statements Getting Started - First Style, 187 Getting Started - Second Style, 190 Getting Started - Third Style, 192 No Global Interpreter (VM) Lock - No GIL Language Design, 38 No Run Command Line Options, 842 Not Case-Sensitive Getting Started - First Style, 186 Getting Started - Second Style, 189 Getting Started - Third Style, 191 Notepad Application Desktop and Mobile Development, 745 Notes to extensions creators What is new in Ring 1.8?, 69 nullpointer() Low Level Functions, 863 Number() Data Type, 275 Numbers and Bytes Files, 293 Object and Drawing Game Engine for 2D Games, 561 Object Library Source Code Objects Library for RingQt Application, 783 Object Oriented Programming Access Objects Using Braces, 344 Classes and Objects, 342 Composition, 345 Default value for object attributes, 357 Dynamic Attributes, 351 Find() and List of Objects, 352 Inheritance, 350 Introduction, 341 Operator Overloading, 347 Packages, 351 Printing Objects, 352 Private Attributes and Methods, 346 Setter and Getter, 346 Sort() and List of Objects, 353 Using Self.Attribute, 355 Using This in the class region as Self, 356 Using This.Attribute and This.Method(), 355 object2pointer() Low Level Functions, 863 objectid() Reflection and Meta-programming, 371 Objects inside lists Declarative Programming, 424 Objects Library for RingQt What is new in Ring 1.2?, 160 Objects Library for RingQt Application Example, 779 Introduction, 778 Library Usage, 779 Object Library Source Code, 783 Open_WindowAndLink() Function, 782, 783 Index 2038