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Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QTableWidgetItem>
#include <QSizePolicy>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QAbstractScrollArea>
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QSpinBox>
#include <QSlider>
#include <QAbstractSlider>
#include <QDateEdit>
#include <QDateTimeEdit>
#include <QAbstractSpinBox>
#include <QDial>
#include <QWebView>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QMediaPlayer>
#include <QMediaPlaylist>
#include <QVideoWidget>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QAction>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPicture>
#include <QPen>
#include <QColor>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QFont>
#include <QWebSettings>
#include <QBrush>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QIODevice>
#include <QAbstractSocket>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QTcpServer>
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QList>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDirModel>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QFontDialog>
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 570
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
#include <QDialog>
#include <QTextCursor>
#include <QTextBlock>
#include <QTextDocumentFragment>
#include <QColorDialog>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QLCDNumber>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QRect>
#include <QTextDocument>
extern "C" {
#define RING_DLL __declspec(dllexport)
RING_DLL void ringlib_init(RingState *pRingState)
new QApplication(pRingState->argc,pRingState->argv);
ring_qt_start(pRingState) ;
aStringTypes + "QString"
aBeforeReturn + ["QString",".toStdString().c_str()"]
aNewMethodName + ["QWebView","load","loadpage"]
aNewMethodName + ["QMediaPlaylist","load","loadfile"]
aNewMethodName + ["QMediaPlaylist","next","movenext"]
aNewMethodName + ["QPainter","end","endpaint"]
aNewMethodName + ["QPicture","load","loadfile"]
aNewMethodName + ["QLineEdit","end","endtext"]
aNewMethodName + ["QDialog","done","donedialog"]
aNewMethodName + ["QTextDocument","end","enddoc"]
aNewMethodName + ["QTextBlock","next","nextblock"]
name: qApp
void exec(void)
void quit(void)
void processEvents(void)
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 571
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
name: QObject
para: void
bool blockSignals(bool block)
QObjectList children(void)
void dumpObjectInfo(void)
void dumpObjectTree(void)
bool inherits(const char *className)
void installEventFilter(QObject *filterObj)
bool isWidgetType(void)
void killTimer(int id)
void moveToThread(QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName(void)
QObject *parent(void)
QVariant property(const char *name)
void removeEventFilter(QObject *obj)
void setObjectName(QString)
void setParent(QObject *parent)
bool setProperty(const char *name, QVariant)
bool signalsBlocked(void)
int startTimer(int interval)
QThread *thread(void)
void deleteLater(void)
name: QWidget
para: void
parent: QObject
bool acceptDrops(void)
QString accessibleDescription(void)
QString accessibleName(void)
void activateWindow(void)
void addAction(QAction *action)
void adjustSize(void)
bool autoFillBackground(void)
int backgroundRole(void)
QSize baseSize(void)
QWidget *childAt(int x, int y)
QRect childrenRect(void)
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 572
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
QRegion childrenRegion(void)
void clearFocus(void)
void clearMask(void)
QMargins contentsMargins(void)
QRect contentsRect(void)
int contextMenuPolicy(void)
QCursor cursor(void)
int effectiveWinId(void)
void ensurePolished(void)
int focusPolicy(void)
QWidget *focusProxy(void)
QWidget *focusWidget(void)
QFont font(void)
QFontInfo fontInfo(void)
QFontMetrics fontMetrics(void)
int foregroundRole(void)
QRect frameGeometry(void)
QSize frameSize(void)
QRect geometry(void)
void getContentsMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
void grabGesture(int gesture, int flags)
void grabKeyboard(void)
void grabMouse(void)
int grabShortcut(QKeySequence , int context)
QGraphicsEffect *graphicsEffect(void)
QGraphicsProxyWidget *graphicsProxyWidget(void)
bool hasFocus(void)
bool hasMouseTracking(void)
int height(void)
int heightForWidth(int w)
int inputMethodHints(void)
QVariant inputMethodQuery(int query)
void insertAction(QAction *before, QAction *action)
bool isActiveWindow(void)
bool isAncestorOf(QWidget *child)
bool isEnabled(void)
bool isEnabledTo(QWidget *ancestor)
bool isFullScreen(void)
bool isHidden(void)
bool isMaximized(void)
bool isMinimized(void)
bool isModal(void)
bool isVisible(void)
bool isVisibleTo(QWidget *ancestor)
bool isWindow(void)
bool isWindowModified(void)
QLayout *layout(void)
int layoutDirection(void)
QLocale locale(void)
QPoint mapFrom(QWidget *parent, QPoint)
QPoint mapFromGlobal(QPoint)
QPoint mapFromParent(QPoint)
QPoint mapTo(QWidget *parent, QPoint)
QPoint mapToGlobal(QPoint pos)
QPoint mapToParent(QPoint pos)
QRegion mask(void)
int maximumHeight(void)
QSize maximumSize(void)
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 573
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
int maximumWidth(void)
int minimumHeight(void)
QSize minimumSize(void)
int minimumWidth(void)
void move(int x, int y)
QWidget *nativeParentWidget(void)
QWidget *nextInFocusChain(void)
QRect normalGeometry(void)
void overrideWindowFlags(int flags)
QPalette palette(void)
QWidget *parentWidget(void)
QPoint pos(void)
QWidget *previousInFocusChain(void)
QRect rect(void)
void releaseKeyboard(void)
void releaseMouse(void)
void releaseShortcut(int id)
void removeAction(QAction *action)
void render(QPaintDevice *target, QPoint,QRegion, int)
void repaint(int x, int y, int w, int h)
void resize(int w, int h)
bool restoreGeometry(QByteArray)
QByteArray saveGeometry(void)
void scroll(int dx, int dy)
void setAcceptDrops(bool on)
void setAccessibleDescription(QString)
void setAccessibleName(QString)
void setAttribute(int attribute, bool on)
void setAutoFillBackground(bool enabled)
void setBackgroundRole(int role)
void setBaseSize(int basew, int baseh)
void setContentsMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void setContextMenuPolicy(int policy)
void setCursor(QCursor)
void setFixedHeight(int h)
void setFixedSize(int w, int h)
void setFixedWidth(int w)
void setFocus(int reason)
void setFocusPolicy(int policy)
void setFocusProxy(QWidget *w)
void setFont(QFont)
void setForegroundRole(int role)
void setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h)
void setGraphicsEffect(QGraphicsEffect *effect)
void setInputMethodHints(int hints)
void setLayout(QLayout *layout)
void setLayoutDirection(int direction)
void setLocale(QLocale)
void setMask(QBitmap)
void setMaximumHeight(int maxh)
void setMaximumSize(int maxw, int maxh)
void setMaximumWidth(int maxw)
void setMinimumHeight(int minh)
void setMinimumSize(int minw, int minh)
void setMinimumWidth(int minw)
void setMouseTracking(bool enable)
void setPalette(QPalette)
void setParent(QWidget *parent)
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 574
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
void setShortcutAutoRepeat(int id, bool enable)
void setShortcutEnabled(int id, bool enable)
void setSizeIncrement(int w, int h)
void setSizePolicy(int horizontal, int vertical)
void setStatusTip(QString)
void setStyle(QStyle *style)
void setToolTip(QString)
void setUpdatesEnabled(bool enable)
void setWhatsThis(QString)
void setWindowFilePath(QString)
void setWindowFlags(int type)
void setWindowIcon(QIcon)
void setWindowIconText(QString)
void setWindowModality(int windowModality)
void setWindowOpacity(double level)
void setWindowRole(QString)
void setWindowState(int windowState)
QSize size(void)
QSize sizeIncrement(void)
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(void)
void stackUnder(QWidget *w)
QString statusTip(void)
QStyle *style(void)
QString styleSheet(void)
bool testAttribute(int attribute)
QString toolTip(void)
bool underMouse(void)
void ungrabGesture(int gesture)
void unsetCursor(void)
void unsetLayoutDirection(void)
void unsetLocale(void)
void update(int x, int y, int w, int h)
void updateGeometry(void)
bool updatesEnabled(void)
QRegion visibleRegion(void)
QString whatsThis(void)
int width(void)
int winId(void)
QWidget *window(void)
QString windowFilePath(void)
int windowFlags(void)
QIcon windowIcon(void)
QString windowIconText(void)
int windowModality(void)
double windowOpacity(void)
QString windowRole(void)
int windowState(void)
QString windowTitle(void)
int windowType(void)
int x(void)
int y(void)
bool close(void)
void hide(void)
void lower(void)
void raise(void)
void setDisabled(bool disable)
void setEnabled(bool)
void setHidden(bool hidden)
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 575
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
void setStyleSheet(QString)
void setWindowModified(bool)
void setWindowTitle(QString)
void show(void)
void showFullScreen(void)
void showMaximized(void)
void showMinimized(void)
void showNormal(void)
QWidget *find(int id)
QWidget *keyboardGrabber(void)
QWidget *mouseGrabber(void)
void setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second)
name: QLabel
para: QWidget *
parent: QWidget
int alignment(void)
QWidget *buddy(void)
bool hasScaledContents(void)
bool hasSelectedText(void)
int indent(void)
int margin(void)
QMovie *movie(void)
bool openExternalLinks(void)
QPicture *picture(void)
QPixmap *pixmap(void)
QString selectedText(void)
int selectionStart(void)
void setAlignment(int)
void setBuddy(QWidget *buddy)
void setIndent(int)
void setMargin(int)
void setOpenExternalLinks(bool open)
void setScaledContents(bool)
void setSelection(int start, int length)
void setTextFormat(int)
void setTextInteractionFlags(int flags)
void setWordWrap(bool on)
QString text(void)
int textFormat(void)
int textInteractionFlags(void)
bool wordWrap(void)
void clear(void)
void setMovie(QMovie *movie)
void setNum(double num)
void setPicture(QPicture)
void setPixmap(QPixmap)
void setText(QString)
name: QPushButton
para: QWidget *
parent: QWidget
codename: GPushButton
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 576
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
void setText(const char *)
void setClickEvent(const char *)
void setIcon(QIcon)
void setIconSize(QSize)
name: QLineEdit
para: QWidget *
parent: QWidget
codename: GLineEdit
int alignment(void)
void backspace(void)
QCompleter *completer(void)
QMenu *createStandardContextMenu(void)
void cursorBackward(bool mark, int steps)
void cursorForward(bool mark, int steps)
int cursorMoveStyle(void)
int cursorPosition(void)
int cursorPositionAt(QPoint)
void cursorWordBackward(bool mark)
void cursorWordForward(bool mark)
void del(void)
void deselect(void)
QString displayText(void)
bool dragEnabled(void)
int echoMode(void)
void end(bool mark)
void getTextMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom)
bool hasAcceptableInput(void)
bool hasFrame(void)
bool hasSelectedText(void)
void home(bool mark)
QString inputMask(void)
void insert(QString)
bool isModified(void)
bool isReadOnly(void)
bool isRedoAvailable(void)
bool isUndoAvailable(void)
int maxLength(void)
QString placeholderText(void)
QString selectedText(void)
int selectionStart(void)
void setAlignment(int flag)
void setCompleter(QCompleter *c)
void setCursorMoveStyle(int style)
void setCursorPosition(int)
void setDragEnabled(bool b)
void setEchoMode(int)
void setFrame(bool)
void setInputMask(QString)
void setMaxLength(int)
void setModified(bool)
void setPlaceholderText(QString)
58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 577
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2
void setReadOnly(bool)
void setSelection(int start, int length)
void setTextMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void setValidator(QValidator *v)
QString text(void)
QMargins textMargins(void)
QValidator *validator(void)
void clear(void)
void copy(void)
void cut(void)
void paste(void)
void redo(void)
void selectAll(void)
void setText(QString)
void undo(void)
void setTextChangedEvent(const char *)
void setcursorPositionChangedEvent(const char *)
void seteditingFinishedEvent(const char *)
void setreturnPressedEvent(const char *)
void setselectionChangedEvent(const char *)
void settextEditedEvent(const char *)
Note: Most of the content of the previous conļ¬guration ļ¬le is removed from this documentation, for a complete
version see the Ring source code distribution.
58.19 Conļ¬guration Files Examples
You can learn from the next examples
ā€¢ RingAllegro :
ā€¢ RingQt :
ā€¢ RingLibSDL :
After modiļ¬ng the conļ¬guration ļ¬le, You will need to generate the code, You can learn from the next examples
ā€¢ RingAllegro :
ā€¢ RingQt :
ā€¢ RingLibSDL :
After generating the code, You will need to build the library, You can learn from the next examples
ā€¢ RingAllegro :
ā€¢ RingQt :
ā€¢ RingLibSDL :
58.19. Conļ¬guration Files Examples 578
ā€¢ CURL *curl_easy_init(void)
ā€¢ void curl_easy_cleanup(CURL * handle )
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, PARAMETER)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_1(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, int)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_2(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, const char *)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_3(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, void *)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_4(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, CURLLIST *)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL * easy_handle )
ā€¢ String *curl_easy_perform_silent(CURL * easy_handle )
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_1(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, char **urlp)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_2(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, long *codep)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_3(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, double *timep)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_4(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, CURLLIST **engine_list)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_5(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, struct curl_certinfo *chainp)
ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_6(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, struct curl_tlssessioninfo **session)
ā€¢ char *curl_version(void)
ā€¢ time_t curl_getdate(char * datestring , time_t *now )
ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_1(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor-
moption, const char *, CURLformoption, const char *, CURLformoption)
ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_2(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor-
moption, const char *, CURLformoption, const char *,CURLformoption, const char *, CURLformoption)
ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_3(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor-
moption, const char *, CURLformoption, void *, CURLformoption)
ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_4(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor-
moption, const char *, CURLformoption, void *,CURLformoption, long , CURLformoption)
ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_5(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor-
moption, const char , CURLformoption, void *,CURLformoption, long , CURLformoption, const char , CURL-

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 192 of 212

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The Ring programming language version 1.2 book - Part 60 of 84

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 #include <QComboBox> #include <QVariant> #include <QMenuBar> #include <QMenu> #include <QToolBar> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QStatusBar> #include <QDockWidget> #include <QTabWidget> #include <QTableWidget> #include <QTableWidgetItem> #include <QSizePolicy> #include <QFrame> #include <QAbstractScrollArea> #include <QAbstractItemView> #include <QProgressBar> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QSlider> #include <QAbstractSlider> #include <QDateEdit> #include <QDateTimeEdit> #include <QAbstractSpinBox> #include <QDial> #include <QWebView> #include <QUrl> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QRadioButton> #include <QButtonGroup> #include <QMediaPlayer> #include <QMediaPlaylist> #include <QVideoWidget> #include <QPrinter> #include <QAction> #include <QEvent> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QTimer> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QPainter> #include <QPicture> #include <QPen> #include <QColor> #include <QPrinter> #include <QFont> #include <QWebSettings> #include <QBrush> #include <QByteArray> #include <QIODevice> #include <QAbstractSocket> #include <QTcpSocket> #include <QTcpServer> #include <QNetworkProxy> #include <QHostAddress> #include <QHostInfo> #include <QList> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QDirModel> #include <QModelIndex> #include <QFontDialog> 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 570
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 #include <QDialog> #include <QTextCursor> #include <QTextBlock> #include <QTextDocumentFragment> #include <QColorDialog> #include <QHeaderView> #include <QStringList> #include <QKeySequence> #include <QLCDNumber> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QDesktopWidget> #include <QRect> #include <QTextDocument> extern "C" { #define RING_DLL __declspec(dllexport) RING_DLL void ringlib_init(RingState *pRingState) { new QApplication(pRingState->argc,pRingState->argv); ring_qt_start(pRingState) ; } } </code> <runcode> aStringTypes + "QString" aBeforeReturn + ["QString",".toStdString().c_str()"] aNewMethodName + ["QWebView","load","loadpage"] aNewMethodName + ["QMediaPlaylist","load","loadfile"] aNewMethodName + ["QMediaPlaylist","next","movenext"] aNewMethodName + ["QPainter","end","endpaint"] aNewMethodName + ["QPicture","load","loadfile"] aNewMethodName + ["QLineEdit","end","endtext"] aNewMethodName + ["QDialog","done","donedialog"] aNewMethodName + ["QTextDocument","end","enddoc"] aNewMethodName + ["QTextBlock","next","nextblock"] </runcode> <class> name: qApp nonew </class> <register> void exec(void) void quit(void) void processEvents(void) </register> <code> RING_FUNC(ring_qApp_quit) { 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 571
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 qApp->quit(); } RING_FUNC(ring_qApp_exec) { qApp->exec(); } RING_FUNC(ring_qApp_processEvents) { qApp->processEvents(); } </code> <class> name: QObject para: void </class> bool blockSignals(bool block) QObjectList children(void) void dumpObjectInfo(void) void dumpObjectTree(void) bool inherits(const char *className) void installEventFilter(QObject *filterObj) bool isWidgetType(void) void killTimer(int id) void moveToThread(QThread *targetThread) QString objectName(void) QObject *parent(void) QVariant property(const char *name) void removeEventFilter(QObject *obj) void setObjectName(QString) void setParent(QObject *parent) bool setProperty(const char *name, QVariant) bool signalsBlocked(void) int startTimer(int interval) QThread *thread(void) void deleteLater(void) <class> name: QWidget para: void parent: QObject </class> bool acceptDrops(void) QString accessibleDescription(void) QString accessibleName(void) void activateWindow(void) void addAction(QAction *action) void adjustSize(void) bool autoFillBackground(void) int backgroundRole(void) QSize baseSize(void) QWidget *childAt(int x, int y) QRect childrenRect(void) 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 572
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 QRegion childrenRegion(void) void clearFocus(void) void clearMask(void) QMargins contentsMargins(void) QRect contentsRect(void) int contextMenuPolicy(void) QCursor cursor(void) int effectiveWinId(void) void ensurePolished(void) int focusPolicy(void) QWidget *focusProxy(void) QWidget *focusWidget(void) QFont font(void) QFontInfo fontInfo(void) QFontMetrics fontMetrics(void) int foregroundRole(void) QRect frameGeometry(void) QSize frameSize(void) QRect geometry(void) void getContentsMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) void grabGesture(int gesture, int flags) void grabKeyboard(void) void grabMouse(void) int grabShortcut(QKeySequence , int context) QGraphicsEffect *graphicsEffect(void) QGraphicsProxyWidget *graphicsProxyWidget(void) bool hasFocus(void) bool hasMouseTracking(void) int height(void) int heightForWidth(int w) int inputMethodHints(void) QVariant inputMethodQuery(int query) void insertAction(QAction *before, QAction *action) bool isActiveWindow(void) bool isAncestorOf(QWidget *child) bool isEnabled(void) bool isEnabledTo(QWidget *ancestor) bool isFullScreen(void) bool isHidden(void) bool isMaximized(void) bool isMinimized(void) bool isModal(void) bool isVisible(void) bool isVisibleTo(QWidget *ancestor) bool isWindow(void) bool isWindowModified(void) QLayout *layout(void) int layoutDirection(void) QLocale locale(void) QPoint mapFrom(QWidget *parent, QPoint) QPoint mapFromGlobal(QPoint) QPoint mapFromParent(QPoint) QPoint mapTo(QWidget *parent, QPoint) QPoint mapToGlobal(QPoint pos) QPoint mapToParent(QPoint pos) QRegion mask(void) int maximumHeight(void) QSize maximumSize(void) 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 573
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 int maximumWidth(void) int minimumHeight(void) QSize minimumSize(void) int minimumWidth(void) void move(int x, int y) QWidget *nativeParentWidget(void) QWidget *nextInFocusChain(void) QRect normalGeometry(void) void overrideWindowFlags(int flags) QPalette palette(void) QWidget *parentWidget(void) QPoint pos(void) QWidget *previousInFocusChain(void) QRect rect(void) void releaseKeyboard(void) void releaseMouse(void) void releaseShortcut(int id) void removeAction(QAction *action) void render(QPaintDevice *target, QPoint,QRegion, int) void repaint(int x, int y, int w, int h) void resize(int w, int h) bool restoreGeometry(QByteArray) QByteArray saveGeometry(void) void scroll(int dx, int dy) void setAcceptDrops(bool on) void setAccessibleDescription(QString) void setAccessibleName(QString) void setAttribute(int attribute, bool on) void setAutoFillBackground(bool enabled) void setBackgroundRole(int role) void setBaseSize(int basew, int baseh) void setContentsMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) void setContextMenuPolicy(int policy) void setCursor(QCursor) void setFixedHeight(int h) void setFixedSize(int w, int h) void setFixedWidth(int w) void setFocus(int reason) void setFocusPolicy(int policy) void setFocusProxy(QWidget *w) void setFont(QFont) void setForegroundRole(int role) void setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h) void setGraphicsEffect(QGraphicsEffect *effect) void setInputMethodHints(int hints) void setLayout(QLayout *layout) void setLayoutDirection(int direction) void setLocale(QLocale) void setMask(QBitmap) void setMaximumHeight(int maxh) void setMaximumSize(int maxw, int maxh) void setMaximumWidth(int maxw) void setMinimumHeight(int minh) void setMinimumSize(int minw, int minh) void setMinimumWidth(int minw) void setMouseTracking(bool enable) void setPalette(QPalette) void setParent(QWidget *parent) 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 574
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 void setShortcutAutoRepeat(int id, bool enable) void setShortcutEnabled(int id, bool enable) void setSizeIncrement(int w, int h) void setSizePolicy(int horizontal, int vertical) void setStatusTip(QString) void setStyle(QStyle *style) void setToolTip(QString) void setUpdatesEnabled(bool enable) void setWhatsThis(QString) void setWindowFilePath(QString) void setWindowFlags(int type) void setWindowIcon(QIcon) void setWindowIconText(QString) void setWindowModality(int windowModality) void setWindowOpacity(double level) void setWindowRole(QString) void setWindowState(int windowState) QSize size(void) QSize sizeIncrement(void) QSizePolicy sizePolicy(void) void stackUnder(QWidget *w) QString statusTip(void) QStyle *style(void) QString styleSheet(void) bool testAttribute(int attribute) QString toolTip(void) bool underMouse(void) void ungrabGesture(int gesture) void unsetCursor(void) void unsetLayoutDirection(void) void unsetLocale(void) void update(int x, int y, int w, int h) void updateGeometry(void) bool updatesEnabled(void) QRegion visibleRegion(void) QString whatsThis(void) int width(void) int winId(void) QWidget *window(void) QString windowFilePath(void) int windowFlags(void) QIcon windowIcon(void) QString windowIconText(void) int windowModality(void) double windowOpacity(void) QString windowRole(void) int windowState(void) QString windowTitle(void) int windowType(void) int x(void) int y(void) bool close(void) void hide(void) void lower(void) void raise(void) void setDisabled(bool disable) void setEnabled(bool) void setHidden(bool hidden) 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 575
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 void setStyleSheet(QString) void setWindowModified(bool) void setWindowTitle(QString) void show(void) void showFullScreen(void) void showMaximized(void) void showMinimized(void) void showNormal(void) QWidget *find(int id) QWidget *keyboardGrabber(void) QWidget *mouseGrabber(void) void setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second) <class> name: QLabel para: QWidget * parent: QWidget </class> int alignment(void) QWidget *buddy(void) bool hasScaledContents(void) bool hasSelectedText(void) int indent(void) int margin(void) QMovie *movie(void) bool openExternalLinks(void) QPicture *picture(void) QPixmap *pixmap(void) QString selectedText(void) int selectionStart(void) void setAlignment(int) void setBuddy(QWidget *buddy) void setIndent(int) void setMargin(int) void setOpenExternalLinks(bool open) void setScaledContents(bool) void setSelection(int start, int length) void setTextFormat(int) void setTextInteractionFlags(int flags) void setWordWrap(bool on) QString text(void) int textFormat(void) int textInteractionFlags(void) bool wordWrap(void) void clear(void) void setMovie(QMovie *movie) void setNum(double num) void setPicture(QPicture) void setPixmap(QPixmap) void setText(QString) <class> name: QPushButton para: QWidget * parent: QWidget codename: GPushButton passvmpointer 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 576
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 </class> void setText(const char *) void setClickEvent(const char *) void setIcon(QIcon) void setIconSize(QSize) <class> name: QLineEdit para: QWidget * parent: QWidget codename: GLineEdit passvmpointer </class> int alignment(void) void backspace(void) QCompleter *completer(void) QMenu *createStandardContextMenu(void) void cursorBackward(bool mark, int steps) void cursorForward(bool mark, int steps) int cursorMoveStyle(void) int cursorPosition(void) int cursorPositionAt(QPoint) void cursorWordBackward(bool mark) void cursorWordForward(bool mark) void del(void) void deselect(void) QString displayText(void) bool dragEnabled(void) int echoMode(void) void end(bool mark) void getTextMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) bool hasAcceptableInput(void) bool hasFrame(void) bool hasSelectedText(void) void home(bool mark) QString inputMask(void) void insert(QString) bool isModified(void) bool isReadOnly(void) bool isRedoAvailable(void) bool isUndoAvailable(void) int maxLength(void) QString placeholderText(void) QString selectedText(void) int selectionStart(void) void setAlignment(int flag) void setCompleter(QCompleter *c) void setCursorMoveStyle(int style) void setCursorPosition(int) void setDragEnabled(bool b) void setEchoMode(int) void setFrame(bool) void setInputMask(QString) void setMaxLength(int) void setModified(bool) void setPlaceholderText(QString) 58.18. Conļ¬guration ļ¬le for the Qt Framework 577
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.2 void setReadOnly(bool) void setSelection(int start, int length) void setTextMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) void setValidator(QValidator *v) QString text(void) QMargins textMargins(void) QValidator *validator(void) void clear(void) void copy(void) void cut(void) void paste(void) void redo(void) void selectAll(void) void setText(QString) void undo(void) void setTextChangedEvent(const char *) void setcursorPositionChangedEvent(const char *) void seteditingFinishedEvent(const char *) void setreturnPressedEvent(const char *) void setselectionChangedEvent(const char *) void settextEditedEvent(const char *) Note: Most of the content of the previous conļ¬guration ļ¬le is removed from this documentation, for a complete version see the Ring source code distribution. 58.19 Conļ¬guration Files Examples You can learn from the next examples ā€¢ RingAllegro : ā€¢ RingQt : ā€¢ RingLibSDL : After modiļ¬ng the conļ¬guration ļ¬le, You will need to generate the code, You can learn from the next examples ā€¢ RingAllegro : ā€¢ RingQt : ā€¢ RingLibSDL : After generating the code, You will need to build the library, You can learn from the next examples ā€¢ RingAllegro : ā€¢ RingQt : ā€¢ RingLibSDL : 58.19. Conļ¬guration Files Examples 578
  • 10. CHAPTER FIFTYNINE RINGLIBCURL FUNCTIONS REFERENCE ā€¢ CURL *curl_easy_init(void) ā€¢ void curl_easy_cleanup(CURL * handle ) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, PARAMETER) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_1(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, int) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_2(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, const char *) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_3(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, void *) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_setopt_4(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, CURLLIST *) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL * easy_handle ) ā€¢ String *curl_easy_perform_silent(CURL * easy_handle ) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_1(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, char **urlp) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_2(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, long *codep) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_3(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, double *timep) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_4(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, CURLLIST **engine_list) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_5(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, struct curl_certinfo *chainp) ā€¢ CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo_6(CURL *handle, CURLINFO info, struct curl_tlssessioninfo **session) ā€¢ char *curl_version(void) ā€¢ time_t curl_getdate(char * datestring , time_t *now ) ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_1(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor- moption, const char *, CURLformoption, const char *, CURLformoption) ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_2(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor- moption, const char *, CURLformoption, const char *,CURLformoption, const char *, CURLformoption) ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_3(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor- moption, const char *, CURLformoption, void *, CURLformoption) ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_4(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor- moption, const char *, CURLformoption, void *,CURLformoption, long , CURLformoption) ā€¢ CURLFORMcode curl_formadd_5(struct curl_httppost **ļ¬rstitem, struct curl_httppost **lastitem, CURLfor- moption, const char , CURLformoption, void *,CURLformoption, long , CURLformoption, const char , CURL- formoption) 579