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Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("Using QRadioButton")
new qradiobutton(win1) {
new qradiobutton(win1) {
new qradiobutton(win1) {
group2 = new qbuttongroup(win1) {
btn4 = new qradiobutton(win1) {
btn5 = new qradiobutton(win1) {
The application during the runtime
52.21. Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup 458
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.22 Adding Hyperlink to QLabel
In this example we will learn about creating Hyperlink using the QLabel class
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("QLabel - Hyperlink")
new qlabel(win1) {
settext('<a href="">Google</a>')
The application during the runtime
52.22. Adding Hyperlink to QLabel 459
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.23 QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer
In this example we will learn about using the QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer classes to play a group of movies
from different positions at the same time
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) {
videowidget = new qvideowidget(win1) {
setstylesheet("background-color: black")
videowidget2 = new qvideowidget(win1) {
setstylesheet("background-color: black")
videowidget3 = new qvideowidget(win1) {
setstylesheet("background-color: black")
videowidget4 = new qvideowidget(win1) {
52.23. QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer 460
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
setstylesheet("background-color: black")
player = new qmediaplayer() {
setmedia(new qurl("1.mp4"))
player2 = new qmediaplayer() {
setmedia(new qurl("2.mp4"))
player3 = new qmediaplayer() {
setmedia(new qurl("3.mp4"))
player4 = new qmediaplayer() {
setmedia(new qurl("4.avi"))
The application during the runtime
52.23. QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer 461
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.24 Using QFrame
In this example we will learn about using the QFrame class
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("Using QFrame")
for x = 0 to 10
frame1 = new qframe(win1,0) {
setframestyle(QFrame_Raised | QFrame_WinPanel)
The application during the runtime
52.24. Using QFrame 462
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.25 Display Image using QLabel
In this example we will learn about displaying an image using the QLabel widget
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("QLabel - Display image")
new qlabel(win1) {
image = new qpixmap("b:/mahmoud/photo/advice.jpg")
52.25. Display Image using QLabel 463
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
The application during the runtime
52.26 Menubar and StyleSheet Example
In this example we will learn about creating menubar and setting the window stylesheet
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
52.26. Menubar and StyleSheet Example 464
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) {
sub1 = addmenu("File")
sub1 {
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
setstatustip("open new file")
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
oAction = new qAction(win1) {
settext("Save As")
oAction = new qaction(win1)
status1 = new qstatusbar(win1) {
setStyleSheet("color: black; selection-color: black;
selection-background-color:white ;
background: QLinearGradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,
stop: 0 #eef, stop: 1 #ccf);")
The application during the runtime
52.26. Menubar and StyleSheet Example 465
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.27 QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox
In this example we will learn about using QLineEdit Events and displaying a Messagebox
Load "guilib.ring"
MyApp = New qApp {
win1 = new qWidget() {
label1 = new qLabel(win1) {
settext("What is your name ?")
btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) {
settext("Say Hello")
btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) {
lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) {
52.27. QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox 466
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Func pHello
lineedit1.settext( "Hello " + lineedit1.text())
Func pClose
Func pChange
win1 { setwindowtitle( lineedit1.text() ) }
Func pEnter
new qmessagebox(win1) {
settext("Hi " + lineedit1.text() )
setstylesheet("background-color : white")
The application during the runtime
52.27. QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox 467
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.28 Other Widgets Events
Each Qt signal can be used in RingQt, just add Set before the signal name and add event after the signal name to get
the method that can be used to determine the event code.
For example the QProgressBar class contains a signal named valueChanged() To use it just use the function setVal-
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("QProgressBar valueChanged Event")
progress1 = new qprogressbar(win1) {
new qpushbutton(win1) {
52.28. Other Widgets Events 468
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
func pIncrease
progress1 { setvalue(value()+1) }
func pchange
win1.setwindowtitle("value : " + progress1.value() )
The application during the runtime
Another example for the stateChanged event of the QCheckBox class
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
new qcheckbox(win1) {
settext("New Customer!")
Func pChange
new qMessageBox(Win1) {
settext("State Changed!")
The application during the runtime
52.28. Other Widgets Events 469
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.29 Using the QTimer Class
In this example we will learn about using the QTimer class
Load "guilib.ring"
new qApp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
new qtimer(win1) {
func ptime
Func thetime
return "Time : " + Time()
The application during the runtime
52.29. Using the QTimer Class 470
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.30 Using QProgressBar and Timer
In this example we will learn about using the “animated” QProgressBar class and Timer
### ProgressBar and Timer Example
Load "guilib.ring"
new qApp
win1 = new qwidget()
setwindowtitle("Timer and ProgressBar")
LabelMan = new qlabel(win1)
settext(theTime()) ### ==>> func
TimerMan = new qtimer(win1)
settimeoutevent("pTime()") ### ==>> func
BarMan = new qprogressbar(win1)
setGeometry(100,50,300,10) ### Position X y, Length, Thickness
setvalue(0) ### Percent filled
func pTime
LabelMan.settext(theTime()) ### ==>> func
Increment = 10
if BarMan.value() >= 100 ### ProgressBar start over.
BarMan{ setvalue(value() + Increment) }
52.30. Using QProgressBar and Timer 471
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Func theTime
return "Time : " + Time()
52.31 Display Scaled Image using QLabel
In this example we will learn about displaying and scaling an image so that it looks “animated” using the QLabel
Load "guilib.ring"
# REQUIRES: image = "C:RINGbinstock.jpg"
# imageStock: start dimensions for growing image
imageW = 200 ; imageH = 200 ; GrowBy = 4
### Window and Box Size dimensions
WinWidth = 1280 ; WinHeight = 960
BoxWidth = WinWidth -80 ; BoxHeight = WinHeight -80
New qapp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
setgeometry(50,50, WinWidth,WinHeight)
setwindowtitle("Animated Image - Display Image Scaled and Resized")
imageStock = new qlabel(win1) {
image = new qpixmap("C:RINGbinstock.jpg")
AspectRatio = image.width() / image.height()
imageW = 200
imageH = imageH / AspectRatio
### Size-H, Size-V, Aspect, Transform
setpixmap(image.scaled(imageW , imageH ,0,0))
PosLeft = (BoxWidth - imageW ) / 2
PosTop = (BoxHeight - imageH ) / 2
52.31. Display Scaled Image using QLabel 472
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
TimerMan = new qtimer(win1) {
setinterval(100) ### interval 100 millisecs.
settimeoutevent("pTime()") ### ==>> func
### Fuction TimerMan: calling interval 100 milliseconds
func pTime
### Stop Timer when image is size of Window area
if imageW > BoxWidth
imageStock.clear() ### Will clear the image
### Grow image
imageW += GrowBy
imageH = imageW / AspectRatio
### Scaled Image: Size-H, Size-V, Aspect, Transform
imageStock.setpixmap(image.scaled(imageW , imageH ,0,0))
### Center the image
PosLeft = (WinWidth - imageW ) / 2
PosTop = (WinHeight - imageH ) / 2
52.32 Using the QFileDialog Class
Load "guilib.ring"
New qapp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
setwindowtitle("open file")
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settext("open file")
52.32. Using the QFileDialog Class 473
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Func pOpen
new qfiledialog(win1) {
cName = getopenfilename(win1,"open file","c:","source files(*.ring)")
The application during the runtime
52.33 Drawing using QPainter
In this example we will learn about drawing using the QPainter class
Load "guilib.ring"
New qapp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
setwindowtitle("Drawing using QPainter")
label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
new qpushbutton(win1) {
52.33. Drawing using QPainter 474
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Func draw
p1 = new qpicture()
color = new qcolor() {
pen = new qpen() {
new qpainter() {
label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }
The application during the runtime
52.33. Drawing using QPainter 475
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.34 Printing using QPrinter
In this example we will learn how to print to PDF file using QPrinter
Load "guilib.ring"
new qApp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
myweb = new qwebview(win1) {
loadpage(new qurl(""))
new qpushbutton(win1) {
52.34. Printing using QPrinter 476
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
func print
printer1 = new qPrinter(0) {
setoutputformat(1) # 1 = pdf
painter = new qpainter() {
myfont = new qfont("Times",50,-1,0)
printer1 = new qPrinter(0) {
system ("test.pdf")
system ("test2.pdf")
52.35 Creating More than one Window
The next example demonstrates how to create more than one window
Load "guilib.ring"
app1 = new qapp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
new qpushbutton(win1) {
new qpushbutton(win1) {
52.35. Creating More than one Window 477
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
func second
win2 = new qwidget() {
The application during the runtime
52.36 Playing Sound
Load "guilib.ring"
new qapp {
win1 = new qwidget() {
setwindowtitle("play sound!") show()
new qmediaplayer() {
setmedia(new qurl("footstep.wav"))
setvolume(50) play()
52.37 Using the QColorDialog Class
52.36. Playing Sound 478
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Load "guilib.ring"
oApp = new myapp { start() }
Class MyApp
oColor win1
Func start
myapp = new qapp
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("Color Dialog")
new qpushbutton(win1) {
settext("Get Color")
Func pColor
myobj = new qcolordialog()
aColor = myobj.GetColor()
r=acolor[1] g=acolor[2] b=acolor[3]
win1.setstylesheet("background-color: rgb("+r+", " + g+ "," + b + ")")
The application during the runtime
52.37. Using the QColorDialog Class 479
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.38 Using qLCDNumber Class
In this example we will learn about using the qLCDNumber class
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp
win1 = new qWidget()
setwindowtitle("LCD Number")
new qLCDNumber(win1)
new qLCDNumber(win1)
The application during the runtime
52.39 Movable Label Example
Load "guilib.ring"
new qApp {
win1 = new qWidget()
52.38. Using qLCDNumber Class 480
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
label1 = new qLabel(win1)
setstylesheet("color: purple ; font-size: 30pt;")
new qTimer(win1)
setWindowTitle("Movable Label")
setStyleSheet("background-color: white;")
Func pMove
if x() > 600
The application during the runtime
52.40 QMessagebox Example
In this section we will learn how to check the output of the Message box
Load "guilib.ring"
new qApp {
win1 = new qWidget()
label1 = new qpushbutton(win1)
52.40. QMessagebox Example 481
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
setstylesheet("color: purple ; font-size: 30pt;")
setStyleSheet("background-color: white;")
func pWork
new qmessagebox(win1)
setwindowtitle("messagebox title")
settext("messagebox text")
setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?")
setstandardbuttons(QMessageBox_Yes | QMessageBox_No | QMessageBox_Close)
result = exec()
win1 {
if result = QMessageBox_Yes
but result = QMessageBox_No
but result = QMessageBox_Close
The application during the runtime
52.41 Using QInputDialog Class
In the next example we will learn about using the QInputDialog class
52.41. Using QInputDialog Class 482
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Load "guilib.ring"
New QApp {
Win1 = New QWidget () {
SetWindowTitle("Input Dialog")
New QPushButton(win1)
SetText ("Input Dialog")
Func pWork
oInput = New QInputDialog(win1)
setwindowtitle("What is your name?")
setlabeltext("User Name")
lcheck = exec()
if lCheck win1.setwindowtitle(oInput.textvalue()) ok
The application during the runtime
52.41. Using QInputDialog Class 483
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.42 Dialog Functions
We have the next functions
ConfirmMsg(cTitle,cMessage) --> lResult
InputBox(cTitle,cMessage) --> cValue
InputBoxInt(cTitle,cMessage) --> nValue
InputBoxNum(cTitle,cMessage) --> nValue
InputBoxPass(cTitle,cMessage) --> cValue
load "guilib.ring"
new qApp
see confirmMsg(:Ring,"Are you sure?") + nl
see InputBoxNum(:Ring,"Enter Number(double) :") + nl
see InputBox(:Ring,"Enter Value :") + nl
see InputBoxInt(:Ring,"Enter Number(int)") + nl
see InputBoxPass(:Ring,"Enter Password") +nl
52.42. Dialog Functions 484
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.43 KeyPress and Mouse Move Events
In this example we will learn how to use the Events Filter to know about KeyPress and Mouse Move Events
Load "guilib.ring"
new qApp {
win1 = new qWidget()
setWindowTitle("Test using Event Filter!")
myfilter = new qallevents(win1)
func pWork
win1.setwindowtitle('KeyPress! : ' + myfilter.getkeycode())
func pClick
new qmessagebox(win1) {
setwindowtitle("click event!")
settext("x : " + myfilter.getx() +
" y : " + myfilter.gety() + " button : " +
myfilter.getbutton() )
func pMove
win1.setwindowtitle("Mouse Move , X : " + myfilter.getx() +
" Y : " + myfilter.gety() )
The application during the runtime
52.43. KeyPress and Mouse Move Events 485
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
52.44 Moving Objects using the Mouse
In the next example we will learn how to program movable objects where the user can move a label
Load "guilib.ring"
lPress = false
nX = 0
nY = 0
new qApp {
win1 = new qWidget()
setWindowTitle("Move this label!")
Label1 = new qLabel(Win1){
setstylesheet("font-size: 30pt")
myfilter = new qallevents(label1)
52.44. Moving Objects using the Mouse 486
Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1
Func pEnter
Label1.setStyleSheet("background-color: purple; color:white;font-size: 30pt;")
Func pLeave
Label1.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color:black;font-size: 30pt;")
Func pPress
lPress = True
nX = myfilter.getglobalx()
ny = myfilter.getglobaly()
Func pRelease
lPress = False
Func pMove
nX2 = myfilter.getglobalx()
ny2 = myfilter.getglobaly()
ndiffx = nX2 - nX
ndiffy = nY2 - nY
if lPress
Label1 {
setStyleSheet("background-color: Green;
color:white;font-size: 30pt;")
nX = nX2
ny = nY2
The application during the runtime
52.44. Moving Objects using the Mouse 487

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  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.22 Adding Hyperlink to QLabel In this example we will learn about creating Hyperlink using the QLabel class Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QLabel - Hyperlink") new qlabel(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,100,30) setopenexternallinks(true) settext('<a href="">Google</a>') } showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime 52.22. Adding Hyperlink to QLabel 459
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.23 QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer In this example we will learn about using the QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer classes to play a group of movies from different positions at the same time Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QVideoWidget") btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(0,0,100,30) settext("play") setclickevent("") } videowidget = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(50,50,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } videowidget2 = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(700,50,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } videowidget3 = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(50,370,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } videowidget4 = new qvideowidget(win1) { 52.23. QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer 460
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 setGeometry(700,370,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } player = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("1.mp4")) setvideooutput(videowidget) setposition(35*60*1000) } player2 = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("2.mp4")) setvideooutput(videowidget2) setposition(23*60*1000) } player3 = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("3.mp4")) setvideooutput(videowidget3) setposition(14.22*60*1000) } player4 = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("4.avi")) setvideooutput(videowidget4) setposition(8*60*1000) } showfullscreen() } exec() } The application during the runtime 52.23. QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer 461
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.24 Using QFrame In this example we will learn about using the QFrame class Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QFrame") for x = 0 to 10 frame1 = new qframe(win1,0) { setGeometry(100,20+50*x,400,30) setframestyle(QFrame_Raised | QFrame_WinPanel) } next showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime 52.24. Using QFrame 462
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.25 Display Image using QLabel In this example we will learn about displaying an image using the QLabel widget Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QLabel - Display image") new qlabel(win1) { image = new qpixmap("b:/mahmoud/photo/advice.jpg") setpixmap(image) setGeometry(0,0,image.width(),image.height()) } 52.25. Display Image using QLabel 463
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime 52.26 Menubar and StyleSheet Example In this example we will learn about creating menubar and setting the window stylesheet Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { 52.26. Menubar and StyleSheet Example 464
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Menubar") menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) { sub1 = addmenu("File") sub1 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("New") setenabled(false) } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Open") setcheckable(true) setchecked(true) setstatustip("open new file") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Save") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Save As") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qaction(win1) oAction.settext("Exit") oAction.setclickevent("myapp.quit()") addaction(oAction) } } status1 = new qstatusbar(win1) { showmessage("Ready!",0) } setmenubar(menu1) setmousetracking(true) setstatusbar(status1) setStyleSheet("color: black; selection-color: black; selection-background-color:white ; background: QLinearGradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #eef, stop: 1 #ccf);") showmaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime 52.26. Menubar and StyleSheet Example 465
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.27 QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox In this example we will learn about using QLineEdit Events and displaying a Messagebox Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Welcome") setGeometry(100,100,400,300) label1 = new qLabel(win1) { settext("What is your name ?") setGeometry(10,20,350,30) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("Say Hello") setclickevent("pHello()") } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(150,200,100,30) settext("Close") setclickevent("pClose()") } lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) { setGeometry(10,100,350,30) settextchangedevent("pChange()") setreturnpressedevent("penter()") } 52.27. QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox 466
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 show() } exec() } Func pHello lineedit1.settext( "Hello " + lineedit1.text()) Func pClose MyApp.quit() Func pChange win1 { setwindowtitle( lineedit1.text() ) } Func pEnter new qmessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle("Thanks") settext("Hi " + lineedit1.text() ) setstylesheet("background-color : white") show() } The application during the runtime 52.27. QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox 467
  • 11. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.28 Other Widgets Events Each Qt signal can be used in RingQt, just add Set before the signal name and add event after the signal name to get the method that can be used to determine the event code. For example the QProgressBar class contains a signal named valueChanged() To use it just use the function setVal- ueChangedEvent() Example: Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QProgressBar valueChanged Event") progress1 = new qprogressbar(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,350,30) setvalue(10) setvaluechangedevent("pChange()") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,10,100,30) settext("increase") setclickevent("pIncrease()") } showMaximized() } 52.28. Other Widgets Events 468
  • 12. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 exec() } func pIncrease progress1 { setvalue(value()+1) } func pchange win1.setwindowtitle("value : " + progress1.value() ) The application during the runtime Another example for the stateChanged event of the QCheckBox class Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QCheckBox") new qcheckbox(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,100,30) settext("New Customer!") setstatechangedevent("pchange()") } showMaximized() } exec() } Func pChange new qMessageBox(Win1) { setWindowTitle("Checkbox") settext("State Changed!") show() } The application during the runtime 52.28. Other Widgets Events 469
  • 13. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.29 Using the QTimer Class In this example we will learn about using the QTimer class Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setgeometry(100,100,200,70) setwindowtitle("Timer") label1 = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,200,30) settext(thetime()) } new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(1000) settimeoutevent("pTime()") start() } show() } exec() } func ptime label1.settext(thetime()) Func thetime return "Time : " + Time() The application during the runtime 52.29. Using the QTimer Class 470
  • 14. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.30 Using QProgressBar and Timer In this example we will learn about using the “animated” QProgressBar class and Timer ###------------------------------------ ### ProgressBar and Timer Example Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setgeometry(100,100,400,100) setwindowtitle("Timer and ProgressBar") LabelMan = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,200,30) settext(theTime()) ### ==>> func } TimerMan = new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(1000) settimeoutevent("pTime()") ### ==>> func start() } BarMan = new qprogressbar(win1) { setGeometry(100,50,300,10) ### Position X y, Length, Thickness setvalue(0) ### Percent filled } show() } exec() } func pTime LabelMan.settext(theTime()) ### ==>> func Increment = 10 if BarMan.value() >= 100 ### ProgressBar start over. BarMan.setvalue(0) ok BarMan{ setvalue(value() + Increment) } 52.30. Using QProgressBar and Timer 471
  • 15. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 Func theTime return "Time : " + Time() 52.31 Display Scaled Image using QLabel In this example we will learn about displaying and scaling an image so that it looks “animated” using the QLabel widget Load "guilib.ring" #---------------------------------------------------- # REQUIRES: image = "C:RINGbinstock.jpg" # imageStock: start dimensions for growing image imageW = 200 ; imageH = 200 ; GrowBy = 4 ###---------------------------------------------------- ### Window and Box Size dimensions WinWidth = 1280 ; WinHeight = 960 BoxWidth = WinWidth -80 ; BoxHeight = WinHeight -80 ###---------------------------------------------------- New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setgeometry(50,50, WinWidth,WinHeight) setwindowtitle("Animated Image - Display Image Scaled and Resized") imageStock = new qlabel(win1) { image = new qpixmap("C:RINGbinstock.jpg") AspectRatio = image.width() / image.height() imageW = 200 imageH = imageH / AspectRatio ### Size-H, Size-V, Aspect, Transform setpixmap(image.scaled(imageW , imageH ,0,0)) PosLeft = (BoxWidth - imageW ) / 2 PosTop = (BoxHeight - imageH ) / 2 52.31. Display Scaled Image using QLabel 472
  • 16. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 setGeometry(PosLeft,PosTop,imageW,imageH) } TimerMan = new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(100) ### interval 100 millisecs. settimeoutevent("pTime()") ### ==>> func start() } show() } exec() } ###------------------------------------------------------ ### Fuction TimerMan: calling interval 100 milliseconds func pTime ### Stop Timer when image is size of Window area if imageW > BoxWidth TimerMan.stop() imageStock.clear() ### Will clear the image ok ### Grow image imageW += GrowBy imageH = imageW / AspectRatio ### Scaled Image: Size-H, Size-V, Aspect, Transform imageStock.setpixmap(image.scaled(imageW , imageH ,0,0)) ### Center the image PosLeft = (WinWidth - imageW ) / 2 PosTop = (WinHeight - imageH ) / 2 imageStock.setGeometry(PosLeft,PosTop,imageW,imageH) 52.32 Using the QFileDialog Class Example Load "guilib.ring" New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("open file") setgeometry(100,100,400,400) new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,200,30) settext("open file") setclickevent("pOpen()") } show() } 52.32. Using the QFileDialog Class 473
  • 17. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 exec() } Func pOpen new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getopenfilename(win1,"open file","c:","source files(*.ring)") win1.setwindowtitle(cName) } The application during the runtime 52.33 Drawing using QPainter In this example we will learn about drawing using the QPainter class Load "guilib.ring" New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Drawing using QPainter") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) label1 = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,400,400) settext("") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(200,400,100,30) settext("draw") setclickevent("draw()") } show() } 52.33. Drawing using QPainter 474
  • 18. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 exec() } Func draw p1 = new qpicture() color = new qcolor() { setrgb(0,0,255,255) } pen = new qpen() { setcolor(color) setwidth(10) } new qpainter() { begin(p1) setpen(pen) drawline(500,150,950,450) drawline(950,550,500,150) endpaint() } label1 { setpicture(p1) show() } The application during the runtime 52.33. Drawing using QPainter 475
  • 19. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.34 Printing using QPrinter In this example we will learn how to print to PDF file using QPrinter Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Printer") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) myweb = new qwebview(win1) { setgeometry(100,100,1000,500) loadpage(new qurl("")) } new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(20,20,100,30) settext("Print") setclickevent("print()") } showmaximized() 52.34. Printing using QPrinter 476
  • 20. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 } exec() } func print printer1 = new qPrinter(0) { setoutputformat(1) # 1 = pdf setoutputfilename("test.pdf") painter = new qpainter() { begin(printer1) myfont = new qfont("Times",50,-1,0) setfont(myfont) drawtext(100,100,"test") printer1.newpage() drawtext(100,100,"test2") endpaint() } } printer1 = new qPrinter(0) { setoutputformat(1) setoutputfilename("test2.pdf") myweb.print(printer1) } system ("test.pdf") system ("test2.pdf") 52.35 Creating More than one Window The next example demonstrates how to create more than one window Load "guilib.ring" app1 = new qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("First") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(100,100,100,30) settext("close") setclickevent("app1.quit()") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(250,100,100,30) settext("Second") setclickevent("second()") } showmaximized() } exec() } 52.35. Creating More than one Window 477
  • 21. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 func second win2 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Second") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) setwindowflags(Qt_dialog) show() } The application during the runtime 52.36 Playing Sound Example: Load "guilib.ring" new qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("play sound!") show() } new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("footstep.wav")) setvolume(50) play() } exec() } 52.37 Using the QColorDialog Class Example: 52.36. Playing Sound 478
  • 22. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 Load "guilib.ring" oApp = new myapp { start() } Class MyApp oColor win1 Func start myapp = new qapp win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Color Dialog") setgeometry(100,100,400,400) } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,100,30) settext("Get Color") setclickevent("oApp.pColor()") } myapp.exec() Func pColor myobj = new qcolordialog() aColor = myobj.GetColor() r=acolor[1] g=acolor[2] b=acolor[3] win1.setstylesheet("background-color: rgb("+r+", " + g+ "," + b + ")") The application during the runtime 52.37. Using the QColorDialog Class 479
  • 23. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.38 Using qLCDNumber Class In this example we will learn about using the qLCDNumber class Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("LCD Number") setgeometry(100,100,250,120) new qLCDNumber(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,100,40) display(100) } new qLCDNumber(win1) { setgeometry(10,60,100,40) display(80) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime 52.39 Movable Label Example Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { 52.38. Using qLCDNumber Class 480
  • 24. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 label1 = new qLabel(win1) { setText("Welcome") setgeometry(10,10,200,50) setstylesheet("color: purple ; font-size: 30pt;") } new qTimer(win1) { setInterVal(10) setTimeOutEvent("pMove()") start() } setWindowTitle("Movable Label") setgeometry(100,100,600,80) setStyleSheet("background-color: white;") show() } exec() } Func pMove label1 { move(x()+1,y()) if x() > 600 move(10,y()) ok } The application during the runtime 52.40 QMessagebox Example In this section we will learn how to check the output of the Message box Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { label1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Test") setgeometry(10,10,200,50) 52.40. QMessagebox Example 481
  • 25. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 setstylesheet("color: purple ; font-size: 30pt;") setclickevent("pWork()") } setWindowTitle("Messagebox") setgeometry(100,100,600,80) setStyleSheet("background-color: white;") show() } exec() } func pWork new qmessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle("messagebox title") settext("messagebox text") setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") setstandardbuttons(QMessageBox_Yes | QMessageBox_No | QMessageBox_Close) result = exec() win1 { if result = QMessageBox_Yes setwindowtitle("Yes") but result = QMessageBox_No setwindowtitle("No") but result = QMessageBox_Close setwindowtitle("Close") ok } } The application during the runtime 52.41 Using QInputDialog Class In the next example we will learn about using the QInputDialog class 52.41. Using QInputDialog Class 482
  • 26. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 Load "guilib.ring" New QApp { Win1 = New QWidget () { SetGeometry(100,100,400,400) SetWindowTitle("Input Dialog") New QPushButton(win1) { SetText ("Input Dialog") SetGeometry(100,100,100,30) SetClickEvent("pWork()") } Show() } exec() } Func pWork oInput = New QInputDialog(win1) { setwindowtitle("What is your name?") setgeometry(100,100,400,50) setlabeltext("User Name") settextvalue("Mahmoud") lcheck = exec() if lCheck win1.setwindowtitle(oInput.textvalue()) ok } The application during the runtime 52.41. Using QInputDialog Class 483
  • 27. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.42 Dialog Functions We have the next functions SetDialogIcon(cIconFile) MsgInfo(cTitle,cMessage) ConfirmMsg(cTitle,cMessage) --> lResult InputBox(cTitle,cMessage) --> cValue InputBoxInt(cTitle,cMessage) --> nValue InputBoxNum(cTitle,cMessage) --> nValue InputBoxPass(cTitle,cMessage) --> cValue Example load "guilib.ring" new qApp { SetDialogIcon("notepad.png") msginfo(:Ring,:Welcome) see confirmMsg(:Ring,"Are you sure?") + nl see InputBoxNum(:Ring,"Enter Number(double) :") + nl see InputBox(:Ring,"Enter Value :") + nl see InputBoxInt(:Ring,"Enter Number(int)") + nl see InputBoxPass(:Ring,"Enter Password") +nl } 52.42. Dialog Functions 484
  • 28. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.43 KeyPress and Mouse Move Events In this example we will learn how to use the Events Filter to know about KeyPress and Mouse Move Events Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setWindowTitle("Test using Event Filter!") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) setmousetracking(true) myfilter = new qallevents(win1) myfilter.setKeyPressEvent("pWork()") myfilter.setMouseButtonPressevent("pClick()") myfilter.setmousemoveevent("pMove()") installeventfilter(myfilter) show() } exec() } func pWork win1.setwindowtitle('KeyPress! : ' + myfilter.getkeycode()) func pClick new qmessagebox(win1) { setgeometry(100,100,400,100) setwindowtitle("click event!") settext("x : " + myfilter.getx() + " y : " + myfilter.gety() + " button : " + myfilter.getbutton() ) show() } func pMove win1.setwindowtitle("Mouse Move , X : " + myfilter.getx() + " Y : " + myfilter.gety() ) The application during the runtime 52.43. KeyPress and Mouse Move Events 485
  • 29. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 52.44 Moving Objects using the Mouse In the next example we will learn how to program movable objects where the user can move a label Load "guilib.ring" lPress = false nX = 0 nY = 0 new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setWindowTitle("Move this label!") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) setstylesheet("background-color:white;") Label1 = new qLabel(Win1){ setGeometry(100,100,200,50) setText("Welcome") setstylesheet("font-size: 30pt") myfilter = new qallevents(label1) myfilter.setEnterevent("pEnter()") myfilter.setLeaveevent("pLeave()") 52.44. Moving Objects using the Mouse 486
  • 30. Ring Documentation, Release 1.4.1 myfilter.setMouseButtonPressEvent("pPress()") myfilter.setMouseButtonReleaseEvent("pRelease()") myfilter.setMouseMoveEvent("pMove()") installeventfilter(myfilter) } show() } exec() } Func pEnter Label1.setStyleSheet("background-color: purple; color:white;font-size: 30pt;") Func pLeave Label1.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color:black;font-size: 30pt;") Func pPress lPress = True nX = myfilter.getglobalx() ny = myfilter.getglobaly() Func pRelease lPress = False pEnter() Func pMove nX2 = myfilter.getglobalx() ny2 = myfilter.getglobaly() ndiffx = nX2 - nX ndiffy = nY2 - nY if lPress Label1 { move(x()+ndiffx,y()+ndiffy) setStyleSheet("background-color: Green; color:white;font-size: 30pt;") nX = nX2 ny = nY2 } ok The application during the runtime 52.44. Moving Objects using the Mouse 487