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Br. Moisés Aarón Bautista Tun

Supervisor: Dr. Mariza Guadalupe Méndez López.


Speaking skill, as an active, dynamic language skill, may be strongly affected by
demotivating      factors.     That   is,     a     series     of   factors     including
teachers, peers, materials, etc. should be considered as causes of demotivation in
students. The point needs to be reiterated, here is that the above-mentioned factors may
have both positive and negative influences on students' oral ability. Therefore, the way
they are treated is of considerable importance in bearing positive or negative impact
(Heidari and Riahipour, s. f.). Therefore, it is important to study the factors that can
influence motivation of students to participate in speaking activities considering their
emotional intelligence coefficient.

Nowadays,        most     of   people     are     full    of    negative     feelings    as
stress, depression, fear, anxiety, and so on that influence their attitude and motivation in
their life in general. It seems that the reason of this is the environment where they
develop, their society. Dealing with people is unavoidable, and in the case of educational
context, it is essential.

I identifying factors above can make students learn how to face and control them, in
other words, they will be able to increase their coefficient of emotional intelligence which
would be very important and useful during their performance in speaking activities.
This research will be conducted with the purpose of finding out the factors that
motivate and demotivate students who reflect a low emotional intelligence coefficient
(determined by answering the items of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale 24). The results will
benefit not only low E.I coefficient students but students in general, since having
identifying those factors, students will be capable of facing them, and as a result, they
may improve their confidence and participation during oral activities.

Teacher will use suitable and motivating activities if he takes into account the
emotional intelligence coefficient of his students and will monitor in a better way,
every step of the activities so that all of them fill comfortable when participating. On
the other hand, students will feel motivated to participate during the speaking
activities when they realize that teacher ensures anyone else will disturb them while
participating and that teacher seeks the respect among classmates. Furthermore,
educative authorities could consider this information as a reference to carried out
more research related to the factors that motivate students to participate in speaking
activities and students’ emotional intelligence coefficient.
Statement of the

Knowing that there is no research related to the factors that motivated and
demotivated low emotional intelligence coefficient students of the ELT program at
UQROO to participate in speaking activities, a study will be developed. This study
will offer significant and helpful results for teachers, students, and educative
The objectives of this study are to find out the factors
that motivate low Emotional Intelligence coefficient
students’ participation in speaking activities in ELT
classrooms, what factors refrain low Emotional
Intelligence students to participate in oral activities in
classes, if the same demotivating factors have a
relationship with gender difference, what demotivating
factors influence students of the first semesters,
intermediate semesters, and advanced semesters of the
ELT program.
Literature review
             The sources that were analyzed are classified according
             to the main components of this study: Emotional
             Intelligence, Motivation, and Speaking skill

   Emotional Intelligence                                Motivation                               Speaking Skill
Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)      A Study of Motivation in the EFL           The Importance of Speaking Skills (Carrie
                                             Classroom (Mary O' Sullivan)               Perrien Smith)
La Inteligencia Emocional: Métodos de        A Study on the Intrinsic Motivation        SPEAKING STYLES IN SPEECH RESEARCH
Evaluación en el Aula (Natalio Extremera     Factors in Second Language Learning        (Joaquim Llisterri )
Pacheco y Pablo Fernández Berrocal)          Among Selected Freshman Students
                                             (Rochelle Irene Lucas)
Emotional Attention, CLarity, and Repair,    Motivation and Second Language             Improving Speaking Skills (Betsabé
Exploring Emotional Intelligence Using       Acquisition (R.C. Gardner)                 Navarro Romero)
the Trait Meta Mood Scale. (Peter
Salovey, Jhon D. Mayer, et al)
La expresión emocional en el aula y su       Factors influencing classroom              Dealing with learner reticence in the
relación con el aprendizaje significativo:   participation: a case study of Malaysian   speaking class(Xiuqin Zhang and Katie
estudio cualitativo en Alumnos de la         undergraduate students (Siti Maziha        Hea)
licenciatura en psicología de la UAEH.       Mustapha, et al)
Escobar Torres Jorge Gonzalo; Domínguez
Hernández Ania Allin y García Cruz Rubén
Research questions
RQ-1. What factors refrain low E.I. students to participate in oral
activities in classes?

RQ-1 It is set down to know which factors refrain students in oral
activities with more frequency during the class.

RQ-2. How do men with low E.I. coefficient cope in oral activities in

RQ-3. How do women with low E.I. coefficient cope in oral activities in

RQ-2 and RQ-3. They were set down to find out the way that men and
women who have a low emotional intelligence coefficient deal with oral
RQ-4 What are the most frequent demotivating factors that

influence on women of the first semesters of the ELT program


RQ-5 What are the most frequent demotivating factors that

influence on men of the first semesters of the ELT program at


RQ-4 and RQ-5 They were set with the purpose of knowing if

the same demotivating factors influence       men and women of

the first semesters during oral activities.
RQ-6. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that

influence on women of the intermediate semesters of the ELT

program at UQROO?

RQ-7. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that

influence on women of the intermediate semesters of the ELT

program at UQROO?

RQ-6 and RQ-7 They were set with the purpose of knowing if the

same demotivating factors influence       men and women of the

intermediate semesters during oral activities.
RQ-8. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that

influence on women of the advance semesters of the ELT program


RQ-9. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that

influence on women of the advance semesters of the ELT program


RQ-8 and RQ-9 They were set with the purpose of knowing if the

same demotivating factors influence men and women of the

advanced semesters during oral activities.
Low E.I. coefficient students who are going to be attending at the different
English Language Levels of the English Language Teaching Program
offered at Universidad of Quintana Roo, during the spring 2013 period.
Students usually are from the city, Chetumal Quintana Roo, México, and
also from the surrounding towns, however, there are also students from
other cities or even from foreign countries. The range of students' age is
from eighteen to twenty five years old. The participants are going to be
selected after having done the questionnaire of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale
24 and reflected the lowest emotional intelligence coefficients.
Participants will be asked to do ten personal narratives and an emotions
journal once a week, from the fourth week of the Spring 2013 semester.
At the end of the study, interviews will be applied to the participants after
having arranged meetings with them.
        MEN                  WOMEN

          2                     2     Second     English II

          2                     2      Third    English IV

          2                     2      Sixth    English VI

          2                     2      Eight    English VIII

          2                     2      Tenth

Trait Meta-Mood Scale 24 by
Fernández-Berrocal, Alcaide, et
al (1998)

This instrument will be adapted for this study
Personal Narrative


Esto se trata de una joven que desde niña soñó con estudiar inglés, el motivo que la llevó a escoger la
carrera de Lengua Inglesa se debió a que desde niña soñaba con hablar el inglés, el aprenderlo la
motivaba a realizar todas sus actividades, el no fallarle a sus padres fue otro motivo, pero su único
problema que tuvo y que la llevaba a sentirse insegura de no poder realizar lo que ella quería fue que
como no estudio en escuelas más preparadas su ingles era muy básico porque los maestros no lo
enseñaban, el miedo de expresarse y sentir que no iba a poder, eso la llevaba a intimidarse más. Pues
su vida no ha sido tan fácil porque a ella le hubiera gustado tener mejores oportunidades donde
hubiera aprendido mas el inglés, el tomar un curso antes pero nunca pudo porque vivía lejos de la
ciudad, pero aun eso mismo la llevo con más ganas a seguir estudiando, porque su mente pasaba de
que como no iba a poder seguir estudiando y eso es lo que ella quería. Así que una vez estando ya en la
universidad decido echarle más ganas, dedicarse a estudiar más para lograr sus objetivos pero aun no
supera todo lo que ella quiere porque no tiene un buen manejo del inglés, en los primeros días que
entro a estudiar la universidad se sentía muy contenta pero a la vez acorralada porque no sabía qué
hacer si ni siquiera podía entender lo que la maestra explicaba en clase, se sentía muy frustrada. Aun
ahora así se siente pero ya menos porque ha podido lograr entender más el inglés. También se
intimidaba estar enfrente de sus compañeros al realizar alguna conversación y no poder pronunciar
bien las palabras pero eso ya casi lo va superando y espera poder lograrlo bien con todos sus esfuerzos
que realiza. Por un tiempo pensó en renunciar de la carrera y estudiar otra, porque sentía que no podía
y que no iba a poder pero gracias a los consejos de sus padres el apoyarla y compartir todos sus
momentos con ellos se sentía más desahogada y se propuso que tenía que lograr todos sus objetivos.
Teniendo más desempeño dedicándole más provecho a todo lo que haga, teniendo en cuenta que todo
se puede realizar, aun cuando le haga falta lo que más desee. Sus amigos son otro motivo para realizar
sus sueños porque ellos la apoyan en cualquier momento, así que seguirá luchando para lograr sus
más grandes sueños y poder salir adelante hasta cumplirlos.
Emotions journal by Mendez (2009)
                                                This instrument will be adapted for this study

Students’ Emotional Experiences Journal                             Date: _________

Most learners experience different emotions during their daily learning classes. It is
useful to keep a record of your different feelings, emotions and mood changes, and to
reflect on the situations that made you feel that way…

1. What emotions have you felt this week in your English class?

2. Which of the emotions you have noted above did you feel the most strongly?

3. Can you explain what happened and how you came to feel this way?

4. What effects did/has this had on your motivation to learn English?

5. What did you do about it?
Semi-structured interview guide                                              This instrument will be adapted for this study

 1. How would you describe your language learning experience during this first year of studying the ELT programme? Why?

 2. Has your experience in this first year changed your original motivation? How? Why?

 3. Can you recall any emotional reactions experienced during this first year?

 4. What situations originated these affective reactions?

 5. How did you behave when experiencing an emotional reaction?

 6. Did these emotional reactions interfere with your language learning classes? How?

 7. Did any of your emotional reactions have an influence on your motivation? How? Why do you think this happened?

 8. Who/what was responsible for the way you reacted?

 9. What did you do about those reactions? How did you manage them?

 10. Do you consider your emotional reactions were important to your language learning motivation?

 11. How do you think your motivation could have been improved?

 12. Who do you think is responsible for maintaining that original motivation you brought to the ELT programme? Why?

 13. What keeps (or would keep) your motivational energy high?

 14. Have any of your previous ideas about learning English changed in this first year? Why?

 15. What have you gained from being involved in this research study?
The study will start the February 4th (the fourth week of Spring 2013 semester).
First, the participants of the different semesters at Universidad of Quintana Roo
will be visited. The English Language teachers are going to be explained that this
study will not interfere with their classes. The students will be invited to
participate and explained how important is to carry out the study for them and
for the English Language Major. Moreover teachers are previously asked for
permission to apply the Trait Meta-Mood Scale in the last twenty minutes of their
classes so that students with the lowest EI coefficient can be identified. Then, the
low EI coefficient students are given a consent form in which they agreed to
participate. Participants will be asked to do a personal narrative and write
emotions journals during ten weeks (from the February 4th, 2013, the fourth
week, to the March 11th 2013, the tenth week). The emotions journal will be
submitted once a week by email so that data can be collected fast. Finally, a
schedule will be organized so that the semi-structured interviews are applied to
participants. Semi-structured interviews are going to be applied to twenty
participants, ten men and ten women from the different English language levels
offered during Spring 2013 semester.
The Thematic Analysis method which is a qualitative analytic method that offers
an accessible and theoretically flexible approach to analyzing qualitative data
(Braun and Clarke, 2006), will be followed to analyze the data from the
emotions journals, personal narratives and semi-structured interviews. The first
step will be to get immerse in the data through repeated reading in an active
way, in other words, read so that meanings and patterns can be found. Before
started coding, it will be necessary to read through the data again in order to
identify more possible patterns.
Bañuelos, C. & Domínguez M. (2006). A methodology for oral production. Retrieved October
26, 2012, from http://

O’ Sullivan, M. (n. d.). A Study of Motivation in the EFL Classroom. Retrieved October 28, 2012,

Rochelle, I., Pulido D, Miraflores E., Ignacio A., Tacay M., and Lao J. (n. d.). A Study on the
Intrinsic Motivation Factors in Second Language Learning Among Selected Freshman Students.
           Philippine ESL Journal, Vol. 4, February 2010.

Chuan-Ta Chao. (2003). Foreign Language Anxiety and Emotional Intelligence: A Study of EFL
Students in Taiwan. Retrieved October 30, 2012, from
Heidari, K. & Riahipour, P. (2012). Demotivating Factors on English Speaking Skill: A Study of
EFL Language Learners and Teachers’ Attitudes. Retrieved October 30, 2012, from

Mohammad, R. (2012). EFL Learners’ Perception of Factors Influencing Willingness to
Speak English in Language Classrooms: A Qualitative Study. Retrieved November, 2012, from
Salovey, P., Mayer, J., Lee, S., Turvey, S., and Palfai, T. (1995). Emotional Attention, CLarity,
and Repair, Exploring Emotional Intelligence Using the Trait Meta Mood Scale. Retrieved
November 2, 2012, from

Williams, K. & Williams, C. (n. d.). Five key ingredients for improving student motivation.
Retrieved November 3, 2012, from

Ya-Hui, L. (2006). Group Influences on Individual Learners' Motivation: A Study of Group
Dynamics in EFL Classrooms. Retrieved November 3, 2012, from

Goleman, D. (1995). Inteligencia Emocional. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from
Escobar, J., Domínguez, A., and García, R. (n. d.). LA EXPRESIÓN EMOCIONAL EN EL AULA Y SU
LICENCIATURA EN PSICOLOGÍA DE LA UAEH. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from
Extremera, N. & Fernández, P. (n. d.). La Inteligencia Emocional: Métodos de Evaluación en el
Aula. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from

Siti Maziha Mustapha, Nik Suryani Nik Abd Rahmanb , Melor Md.Yunusc. (2010). Factors
influencing classroom participation: a case study of Malaysian undergraduate
students.Retrieved November 5, 2012, from

Rachmania Bachtiar Kassing. (2011). Perceptions of motivational teaching strategies in an
EFL classroom: the case of a class in a private university in Indonesia. Retrieved November 6,
2012, from

Llisterri, J. (1992). Speaking styles in speech research. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from

Wannamker, C. (2005). A Study of the Need for Emotional Intelligence in University Judicial
Officers. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from
Rieger, A. & McGrail E. (n. d). Understanding English Language Learners’ Needs and the
Language Acquisition Process: Two Teacher Educators’ Perspectives. Retrieved November 8,
2012, from

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Investigating English Listening Strategy Use of Middle School Students
Investigating English Listening Strategy Use of Middle School StudentsInvestigating English Listening Strategy Use of Middle School Students
Investigating English Listening Strategy Use of Middle School Students

Protocolo Presentation Moy_Bautista

  • 1.
  • 2. Br. Moisés Aarón Bautista Tun Supervisor: Dr. Mariza Guadalupe Méndez López. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH EXPLORATORY STUDY
  • 3. rationale Speaking skill, as an active, dynamic language skill, may be strongly affected by demotivating factors. That is, a series of factors including teachers, peers, materials, etc. should be considered as causes of demotivation in students. The point needs to be reiterated, here is that the above-mentioned factors may have both positive and negative influences on students' oral ability. Therefore, the way they are treated is of considerable importance in bearing positive or negative impact (Heidari and Riahipour, s. f.). Therefore, it is important to study the factors that can influence motivation of students to participate in speaking activities considering their emotional intelligence coefficient. Nowadays, most of people are full of negative feelings as stress, depression, fear, anxiety, and so on that influence their attitude and motivation in their life in general. It seems that the reason of this is the environment where they develop, their society. Dealing with people is unavoidable, and in the case of educational context, it is essential. I identifying factors above can make students learn how to face and control them, in other words, they will be able to increase their coefficient of emotional intelligence which would be very important and useful during their performance in speaking activities.
  • 4. This research will be conducted with the purpose of finding out the factors that motivate and demotivate students who reflect a low emotional intelligence coefficient (determined by answering the items of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale 24). The results will benefit not only low E.I coefficient students but students in general, since having identifying those factors, students will be capable of facing them, and as a result, they may improve their confidence and participation during oral activities. Teacher will use suitable and motivating activities if he takes into account the emotional intelligence coefficient of his students and will monitor in a better way, every step of the activities so that all of them fill comfortable when participating. On the other hand, students will feel motivated to participate during the speaking activities when they realize that teacher ensures anyone else will disturb them while participating and that teacher seeks the respect among classmates. Furthermore, educative authorities could consider this information as a reference to carried out more research related to the factors that motivate students to participate in speaking activities and students’ emotional intelligence coefficient.
  • 5. Statement of the problem Knowing that there is no research related to the factors that motivated and demotivated low emotional intelligence coefficient students of the ELT program at UQROO to participate in speaking activities, a study will be developed. This study will offer significant and helpful results for teachers, students, and educative authorities.
  • 7. objectives The objectives of this study are to find out the factors that motivate low Emotional Intelligence coefficient students’ participation in speaking activities in ELT classrooms, what factors refrain low Emotional Intelligence students to participate in oral activities in classes, if the same demotivating factors have a relationship with gender difference, what demotivating factors influence students of the first semesters, intermediate semesters, and advanced semesters of the ELT program.
  • 8. Literature review The sources that were analyzed are classified according to the main components of this study: Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, and Speaking skill Emotional Intelligence Motivation Speaking Skill Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman) A Study of Motivation in the EFL The Importance of Speaking Skills (Carrie Classroom (Mary O' Sullivan) Perrien Smith) La Inteligencia Emocional: Métodos de A Study on the Intrinsic Motivation SPEAKING STYLES IN SPEECH RESEARCH Evaluación en el Aula (Natalio Extremera Factors in Second Language Learning (Joaquim Llisterri ) Pacheco y Pablo Fernández Berrocal) Among Selected Freshman Students (Rochelle Irene Lucas) Emotional Attention, CLarity, and Repair, Motivation and Second Language Improving Speaking Skills (Betsabé Exploring Emotional Intelligence Using Acquisition (R.C. Gardner) Navarro Romero) the Trait Meta Mood Scale. (Peter Salovey, Jhon D. Mayer, et al) La expresión emocional en el aula y su Factors influencing classroom Dealing with learner reticence in the relación con el aprendizaje significativo: participation: a case study of Malaysian speaking class(Xiuqin Zhang and Katie estudio cualitativo en Alumnos de la undergraduate students (Siti Maziha Hea) licenciatura en psicología de la UAEH. Mustapha, et al) Escobar Torres Jorge Gonzalo; Domínguez Hernández Ania Allin y García Cruz Rubén
  • 9. Research questions RQ-1. What factors refrain low E.I. students to participate in oral activities in classes? RQ-1 It is set down to know which factors refrain students in oral activities with more frequency during the class. RQ-2. How do men with low E.I. coefficient cope in oral activities in classes? RQ-3. How do women with low E.I. coefficient cope in oral activities in classes? RQ-2 and RQ-3. They were set down to find out the way that men and women who have a low emotional intelligence coefficient deal with oral activities.
  • 10. RQ-4 What are the most frequent demotivating factors that influence on women of the first semesters of the ELT program at UQROO? RQ-5 What are the most frequent demotivating factors that influence on men of the first semesters of the ELT program at UQROO? RQ-4 and RQ-5 They were set with the purpose of knowing if the same demotivating factors influence men and women of the first semesters during oral activities.
  • 11. RQ-6. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that influence on women of the intermediate semesters of the ELT program at UQROO? RQ-7. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that influence on women of the intermediate semesters of the ELT program at UQROO? RQ-6 and RQ-7 They were set with the purpose of knowing if the same demotivating factors influence men and women of the intermediate semesters during oral activities.
  • 12. RQ-8. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that influence on women of the advance semesters of the ELT program at UQROO? RQ-9. What are the most frequent demotivating factors that influence on women of the advance semesters of the ELT program at UQROO? RQ-8 and RQ-9 They were set with the purpose of knowing if the same demotivating factors influence men and women of the advanced semesters during oral activities.
  • 13. METHOD PARTICIPANTS Low E.I. coefficient students who are going to be attending at the different English Language Levels of the English Language Teaching Program offered at Universidad of Quintana Roo, during the spring 2013 period. Students usually are from the city, Chetumal Quintana Roo, México, and also from the surrounding towns, however, there are also students from other cities or even from foreign countries. The range of students' age is from eighteen to twenty five years old. The participants are going to be selected after having done the questionnaire of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale 24 and reflected the lowest emotional intelligence coefficients. Participants will be asked to do ten personal narratives and an emotions journal once a week, from the fourth week of the Spring 2013 semester. At the end of the study, interviews will be applied to the participants after having arranged meetings with them.
  • 14. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ENGLISH SEMESTER COURSE MEN WOMEN 2 2 Second English II 2 2 Third English IV 2 2 Sixth English VI 2 2 Eight English VIII 2 2 Tenth TOTAL OF PARTICIPANTS: 20
  • 15. instruments Trait Meta-Mood Scale 24 by Fernández-Berrocal, Alcaide, et al (1998) APPENDIX A
  • 16. This instrument will be adapted for this study Personal Narrative APPENDIX B HANNA Esto se trata de una joven que desde niña soñó con estudiar inglés, el motivo que la llevó a escoger la carrera de Lengua Inglesa se debió a que desde niña soñaba con hablar el inglés, el aprenderlo la motivaba a realizar todas sus actividades, el no fallarle a sus padres fue otro motivo, pero su único problema que tuvo y que la llevaba a sentirse insegura de no poder realizar lo que ella quería fue que como no estudio en escuelas más preparadas su ingles era muy básico porque los maestros no lo enseñaban, el miedo de expresarse y sentir que no iba a poder, eso la llevaba a intimidarse más. Pues su vida no ha sido tan fácil porque a ella le hubiera gustado tener mejores oportunidades donde hubiera aprendido mas el inglés, el tomar un curso antes pero nunca pudo porque vivía lejos de la ciudad, pero aun eso mismo la llevo con más ganas a seguir estudiando, porque su mente pasaba de que como no iba a poder seguir estudiando y eso es lo que ella quería. Así que una vez estando ya en la universidad decido echarle más ganas, dedicarse a estudiar más para lograr sus objetivos pero aun no supera todo lo que ella quiere porque no tiene un buen manejo del inglés, en los primeros días que entro a estudiar la universidad se sentía muy contenta pero a la vez acorralada porque no sabía qué hacer si ni siquiera podía entender lo que la maestra explicaba en clase, se sentía muy frustrada. Aun ahora así se siente pero ya menos porque ha podido lograr entender más el inglés. También se intimidaba estar enfrente de sus compañeros al realizar alguna conversación y no poder pronunciar bien las palabras pero eso ya casi lo va superando y espera poder lograrlo bien con todos sus esfuerzos que realiza. Por un tiempo pensó en renunciar de la carrera y estudiar otra, porque sentía que no podía y que no iba a poder pero gracias a los consejos de sus padres el apoyarla y compartir todos sus momentos con ellos se sentía más desahogada y se propuso que tenía que lograr todos sus objetivos. Teniendo más desempeño dedicándole más provecho a todo lo que haga, teniendo en cuenta que todo se puede realizar, aun cuando le haga falta lo que más desee. Sus amigos son otro motivo para realizar sus sueños porque ellos la apoyan en cualquier momento, así que seguirá luchando para lograr sus más grandes sueños y poder salir adelante hasta cumplirlos.
  • 17. Emotions journal by Mendez (2009) APPENDIX C This instrument will be adapted for this study Students’ Emotional Experiences Journal Date: _________ Most learners experience different emotions during their daily learning classes. It is useful to keep a record of your different feelings, emotions and mood changes, and to reflect on the situations that made you feel that way… 1. What emotions have you felt this week in your English class? 2. Which of the emotions you have noted above did you feel the most strongly? 3. Can you explain what happened and how you came to feel this way? 4. What effects did/has this had on your motivation to learn English? 5. What did you do about it?
  • 18. Semi-structured interview guide This instrument will be adapted for this study APPENDIX D 1. How would you describe your language learning experience during this first year of studying the ELT programme? Why? 2. Has your experience in this first year changed your original motivation? How? Why? 3. Can you recall any emotional reactions experienced during this first year? 4. What situations originated these affective reactions? 5. How did you behave when experiencing an emotional reaction? 6. Did these emotional reactions interfere with your language learning classes? How? 7. Did any of your emotional reactions have an influence on your motivation? How? Why do you think this happened? 8. Who/what was responsible for the way you reacted? 9. What did you do about those reactions? How did you manage them? 10. Do you consider your emotional reactions were important to your language learning motivation? 11. How do you think your motivation could have been improved? 12. Who do you think is responsible for maintaining that original motivation you brought to the ELT programme? Why? 13. What keeps (or would keep) your motivational energy high? 14. Have any of your previous ideas about learning English changed in this first year? Why? 15. What have you gained from being involved in this research study?
  • 19. procedure The study will start the February 4th (the fourth week of Spring 2013 semester). First, the participants of the different semesters at Universidad of Quintana Roo will be visited. The English Language teachers are going to be explained that this study will not interfere with their classes. The students will be invited to participate and explained how important is to carry out the study for them and for the English Language Major. Moreover teachers are previously asked for permission to apply the Trait Meta-Mood Scale in the last twenty minutes of their classes so that students with the lowest EI coefficient can be identified. Then, the low EI coefficient students are given a consent form in which they agreed to participate. Participants will be asked to do a personal narrative and write emotions journals during ten weeks (from the February 4th, 2013, the fourth week, to the March 11th 2013, the tenth week). The emotions journal will be submitted once a week by email so that data can be collected fast. Finally, a schedule will be organized so that the semi-structured interviews are applied to participants. Semi-structured interviews are going to be applied to twenty participants, ten men and ten women from the different English language levels offered during Spring 2013 semester.
  • 20. Data analysis The Thematic Analysis method which is a qualitative analytic method that offers an accessible and theoretically flexible approach to analyzing qualitative data (Braun and Clarke, 2006), will be followed to analyze the data from the emotions journals, personal narratives and semi-structured interviews. The first step will be to get immerse in the data through repeated reading in an active way, in other words, read so that meanings and patterns can be found. Before started coding, it will be necessary to read through the data again in order to identify more possible patterns.
  • 21. references Bañuelos, C. & Domínguez M. (2006). A methodology for oral production. Retrieved October 26, 2012, from http:// O’ Sullivan, M. (n. d.). A Study of Motivation in the EFL Classroom. Retrieved October 28, 2012, from Rochelle, I., Pulido D, Miraflores E., Ignacio A., Tacay M., and Lao J. (n. d.). A Study on the Intrinsic Motivation Factors in Second Language Learning Among Selected Freshman Students. Philippine ESL Journal, Vol. 4, February 2010. Chuan-Ta Chao. (2003). Foreign Language Anxiety and Emotional Intelligence: A Study of EFL Students in Taiwan. Retrieved October 30, 2012, from
  • 22. Heidari, K. & Riahipour, P. (2012). Demotivating Factors on English Speaking Skill: A Study of EFL Language Learners and Teachers’ Attitudes. Retrieved October 30, 2012, from Mohammad, R. (2012). EFL Learners’ Perception of Factors Influencing Willingness to Speak English in Language Classrooms: A Qualitative Study. Retrieved November, 2012, from Salovey, P., Mayer, J., Lee, S., Turvey, S., and Palfai, T. (1995). Emotional Attention, CLarity, and Repair, Exploring Emotional Intelligence Using the Trait Meta Mood Scale. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from ayer.pdf Williams, K. & Williams, C. (n. d.). Five key ingredients for improving student motivation. Retrieved November 3, 2012, from Ya-Hui, L. (2006). Group Influences on Individual Learners' Motivation: A Study of Group Dynamics in EFL Classrooms. Retrieved November 3, 2012, from Goleman, D. (1995). Inteligencia Emocional. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from
  • 23. Escobar, J., Domínguez, A., and García, R. (n. d.). LA EXPRESIÓN EMOCIONAL EN EL AULA Y SU RELACIÓN CON EL APRENDIZAJE SIGNIFICATIVO: ESTUDIO CUALITATIVO EN ALUMNOS DE LA LICENCIATURA EN PSICOLOGÍA DE LA UAEH. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from Extremera, N. & Fernández, P. (n. d.). La Inteligencia Emocional: Métodos de Evaluación en el Aula. Retrieved November 4, 2012, from /inteligencia-emocional.pdf Siti Maziha Mustapha, Nik Suryani Nik Abd Rahmanb , Melor Md.Yunusc. (2010). Factors influencing classroom participation: a case study of Malaysian undergraduate students.Retrieved November 5, 2012, from Rachmania Bachtiar Kassing. (2011). Perceptions of motivational teaching strategies in an EFL classroom: the case of a class in a private university in Indonesia. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from Llisterri, J. (1992). Speaking styles in speech research. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from Wannamker, C. (2005). A Study of the Need for Emotional Intelligence in University Judicial Officers. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from
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