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Examples Of Chivalry In Medieval Literature
When one speaks of the knights of old, one must always speak of the Chivalric Code, that law by
which all knights, at least those spoken of in legend and Arthurian myth, abided. First spoken of in
The Song of Roland, the Chivalric Code details a specific set of guidelines and regulations that
knights had to maintain in order to keep the peace throughout the realm in which they abided. In
lines 1098–1100 of the Song, the Chivalric code has become the basis by which the stereotypical
knight has been molded from and is constantly tested by it. There is no one real way to define a
knight, but a collection of narratives such as the Song and The Book of the Order of Chivalry by
Ramon Llul, presents a very clear picture what a knight be not only ... Show more content on ...
Each the exemplary of moral fortitude and self–control, these stories thrilled the young and the old
for over a thousand years, eventually reaching into such media as Merlin, Relic Hunter, and Arthur.
Another of the examples of chivalry that must be talked about in an essay on this subject is the fact
that was constituted chivalry and subsequent knighthood in the past is not necessarily what
constitutes it now. Whereas the title of knight was mostly reserved for military personnel in the past,
the honor of knighthood can be bestowed upon anyone, mainly those who seek the betterment of the
UK, as well as artists, scientists, and others who contribute to the overall well–being of not only UK
citizenry, but for the betterment of all humankind. Yet another example of chivalry that cannot be
overlooked is the fact that knighthood took on many societies and fraternal organization in order to
spread its doctrine and protect not only its interests, but also the interests of those around them in
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Changes to Knighthood throughout the Years
Throughout the years knighthood has changed depending on what the people need and expect during
that time period. They also vary on their manners, duties, ages, and skills. Kids start training since
the age of seven, especially if they want to be in the arms profession. Start out by serving their
fathers, around the age of 12, they then move onto serving the house receiving more advanced
instructions in military subjects and morals. The original medieval nights were originally servants
who kept their lords lands after they served in their lords armies. With time christian values were
added to knighthood "involving respect for the church, protection of the poor and the weak, loyalty
to one's feudal or military superiors, and preservation of personal honour" (Knight 3). These became
known as the knights orders they followed to achieve greatness.
The first recognized group of knights evolved during the Crusades. There was several different
groups of them including the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, the Order of the Temple of
Solomon, and the Order of St. Lazarus. While they were all considered knights each group had a
different task and set of goals to accomplish. Not all of them fought in battles and saved princesses
and kingdoms. For example, the Order of St. Lazarus had the unique duty of protecting the leper
hospitals. Knights served more like the police officers and army of today combined under one
category. The closest they became to the ideal
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Chaucer's Code Of Chivalry
The foremost aspect of chivalry that should be understood is what this code of conduct actually
implied for the nobles of the Medieval Ages. When it comes to the concept of chivalry developed
during the time of the Crusades in the middle Ages, it began as a code of conduct for the knights.
For them, their actions were not solely occasional, but rather a way of life. The key ideals behind
chivalry were not intelligible acts that could be performed. Yet, they were about attitudes and virtues
that should be owned. The standard of chivalry, nonetheless, had considerably deeper roots. An
author of Bloody Constraint, Theodor Meron said, "War and Chivalry in Shakespeare, states that the
practitioners of chivalry, the knights, were expected to be cultivated ... Show more content on ...
But Politeness should be the expression of a benevolent regard for the feelings of others; it's a poor
virtue if it's motivated only by a fear of offending good taste. In its highest form Politeness
approaches love. "Modesty and complaisance, actuated by respect for others‟ feelings, are at the
root of politeness"13. Politeness is yet another typical Japanese virtue; however, Nitobe makes sure
that it is not a superficial display of adulation but a sincere expression of care and concern for
others: "Politeness is a poor virtue, if it is actuated only by a fear of offending good taste, whereas it
should be the outward manifestation of a sympathetic regard for the feelings of others. It also
implies a due regard for the fitness of things, therefore due respect to social positions"14. He also
gives an excellent explanation for the seemingly different practice of gift–giving between the
Japanese and Western customs. That is, whereas Westerners present their gifts as wonderful and
excellent items, Japanese give theirs saying they are poor and useless ones. Nitobe expounds that
these two contrasting practices actually convey the same feeling and thought; they are just two ways
of saying the same thing. In other words,
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My Personal Code Of Chivalry
What is chivalry to me? My personal code of chivalry is important because I want to be a good
person. People need to know what's right and what's wrong. Loyalty is important because you
should always help someone you love when times are hard for them. You should always treat
someone with respect if you want respect from them. Always be honest even when it's hard to.
Chivalry is important because you should always be loyal, respect, and honest.
Sentence 1: Introduce value A from 1st paragraph. When someone in your family is in trouble you
help them out. If your friend parents separate you help them through it. If someone in your family
gets hurt in an accident you stick by them. Sentence 5: conclusion– restate value A. If I treat people
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Why Do We Study The Imaginary World?
Jacques le Goff, the most renowned French medievalist, proclaimed in an interview for the journal L
'Express in 2005 that "les hommes et les femmes d 'une société vivent et pensent autant par l 'image
et l 'imagination que par le contact avec la réalité et la raison" (Men and women of a society live and
think just as much through images as by contact with reality and reason). That 's why, in my
opinion, studying the imaginary world is so important, indeed, it is about telling the story of what
makes people think, act and feel and since knights are a big part of this world, it seems to be the
perfect subject to get a good understanding of the fantasy world. Litterature, works of art,
architecture, sculptures, miniature illustrations are all ... Show more content on ...
There is, of course, a moral function fulfilled by these images, they tend to give an example, but
they are not perfect for all that, since the marvelous world is connected to the daily one, everything
remains humanly comprehensible, yet nothing human could be perfect. That 's why criticisms are
not absent from these tales, especially on knights ' behaviours. It is just a proof of their primacy,
they are an model which, like any human thing, must be perfected. I will argue that, despite these
criticisms, the content of the imaginary world in its multiple forms tends to have a tangible impact
on knighthood, for instance, real knights trying to behave like exemplary ones, to the extent that the
boundary between myth and daily world became even thinner. I will not discuss whether these
depictions were totally effective or not into modifying a conduct, this question would require a far
longer work, the important thing is that it was their aim, so the creators of the imaginary world
thought they could effectively change the world, a necessary change in the light of the impact of
knights on society. Moreover, some historical figures actually tried to follow their advice and
benefited from the myths. Finally, some concepts arised on the border of the two worlds and
demonstrate how compatible they were. Knighthood is an essential order of the medieval society.
Therefore, it is not surprising that such a central figure is
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The Use Of Gunpowder And Firearms Triggered The Decline Of...
Military speaking, it is often stated that the introducing of gunpowder and firearms triggered the
decline of chivalry. Richard Kaeuper, on the contrary, explains that this improved military
technology "may be too abrupt, for who would not be reluctant to sign a specific, dated death
warrant to mark the end of [chivalry, which is] so persistent and so complex."1 Moreover, it is not
the first time that knights had to adapt to new military techniques. For instance, during the Hundred
Year War (1337–1453) that opposed the French and English kingdoms, French knights were
slaughtered by English crossbowmen during the battle of Agincourt in 1415. The French traditional
model of the knight fighting with his sword was no longer sufficient to win a battle. Even before
that, the English took on the chevauchée, a tactic based on raids to rampage the countryside and thus
burn the villages and crops to prevent troops ' food supplies and also demoralizing the population. In
response to that, the French used a similar technique of deployment of a small troop for precised
raids. So, seeing knights ' military contribution as something constant and unchanging is incorrect.
Consequently, knights could perfectly make use of gunpowder or still be valuable as leaders of
troops, especially since Charny already valued knights who "are entrusted with the command of
men–at–arms to lead them in combat as captains, constables, and marshals or in other offices
concerned with the direction of the
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Chivalry Research Paper
Chivalry as a necessary characteristic for Knights and brave men, heroes and aristocrats as depicted
in early British literature provided a philosophy around key mix of values to readers, students and
humanity at large.
Code of Chivalry as per early British literature were meant to define as to obey set of rules to be
sworn by all Knights. Some of the key rules included in this Code were emphasizing on courage,
loyalty, devotion to duty, Protection of the weak, poor and needy as well as courtesy towards
Women being some of the major rules.
As centuries passed, meaning of Chivalry changed from Code of rules to simpler meanings and
definitions which is not surprising. To be Chivalrous in current world has again multiple meanings
based on interpretation one decides to use. But core concept of Chivalry ... Show more content on ...
Only Men were responsible for doing the work and bringing in the money for family or go to war
and defend the King or state or country. Chivalry thus was required to be a quality for men to protect
women and be courteous to them for care they provided.
In modern world, role of women have changed. Women are no longer weak. Women work and bring
in comforts for the family and are equal to Men in all the respect. In modern world, we do have
Women prime ministers, Women astronauts, Women Presidents running the companies, Women
Police officers, Army and Navy officers and even Women aircraft pilots. Women do not require
protection as in medieval times staying at home from evil forces.
However, Women do face many unseen and unheard challenges in modern times. Women may be
harassed by superiors at work or denied promotions. Women traveling alone may still face fear of
robbery or crime. Women is still seen as weaker caste by few society elements who do not like the
progress made by Women and see them with almost ancient mind and
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Why Is Chivalry So Alive
The Code of chivalry is still alive because many men put their country first and themselves second.
For instance, for men fighting for the country who are in the military. It takes a lot of courage to go
[into battle] knowing that you may not return home. They have families, friends, and even pets that
they are leaving behind to fight for their country. That takes a lot of guts because I can not leave my
love ones behind and go off to the war by myself. They only have one life to live and they risking it
all for their country they are fighting for. That is the code of chivalry to leave all your love one
behinds because the country is depending on you. Also ,why Chivalry could still be alive because a
man have obedience to their monarchy. ... Show more content on ...
According to another example,George Zimmerman completely broke the code of chivalry. He killed
a young teen name Trayvon Martin who had his whole life ahead of him and killed him just because
he thought it was self– defense.But we all know the truth the real reason why he killed him because
he had a hoodie and most of all he was black. You do not murder someone just on how they look.
You should not even murder anyone at all.Trayvon Martin life was cut back short and did not get to
experience prom, graduation, college, marriage, he's career just because some ignorant person
thought he was a going to hurt or attack but actually it was just a teen going home. Another example
that the code of chivalry is still dead because men have sexually assaulted women that women led to
suicidal thoughts.For instance, Bill cosby allegedly sexually assaulted more than 50 women who
were scared to come out this year. It is really traumatizing for a women to experience sexual assault
because someone took control of their body because they didn't had the ability to fight back because
they were drug or forced. That can lead to suicidal thoughts because they can never forget that
memory of someone taking advantage of them. Suicidal thoughts can lead to depression because
they feel that person has power over them and they can not say anything about it because people
won't believe
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Three Characteristics Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Angel Duran–Sanchez
Mrs. Novosad
English IV–2
10 November 2017
The three characteristics of a Knight
Knights are well known for their gentlemen like characteristics. They are also unique due to the fact
that they follow a noble knightly code of conduct. People often refer to the codes as the "code of
chivalry" where knights must follow certain traits in order to be known as noble knights. There are a
fair amount of traits that knights must be known for, and I believe the most important three of them
all are honesty, loyalty, and most of all bravery.
Honesty is the best policy, meaning that being honest is always the best course of action. For
example, in the chivalric romance of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," in the end Sir Gawain tells
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Chivalric Actions In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
(An Analysis of Chivalric Actions in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Song of Roland, Perceval:
The Story of the Grail, and Morte D'Arthur) In the childhood of many people all across the world,
we grow up hearing grand tales about Medieval times. We fantasize about taking part in countless
stories set in this type of world. There has, and always be an abundance stories providing more
imaginative stories set in this iconic time in human history. Despite the endless modern adaptations
of these stories, the most iconic and influential tales about this time period were actually written in
this time. Written stories from this time period, although often edited, provide the most accurate and
clear descriptions of what life was truly like at this time. The Dark Ages were a time of great
warriors, kings, and chivalry. Chivalry evolved from older cultures, such as the Anglo–Saxons, to
eventually be known as the code of honor familiar to society today. In the four stories, Sir Gawain
and the Green Knight, Song of Roland, Perceval: The Story of the Grail, and Morte D'Arthur, ...
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The story takes place as Roland fights in Charlemagne's army. Roland is caught in a mountain pass,
surrounded by enemies, and is faced with the decision to call for help or fight with minimal chances
of survival. "Roland was a loyal defender of his liege Lord Charlemagne and his code of conduct
became understood as a code of chivalry," ( In this situation, Roland
must mount courage to call for the help of King Charles to help his army. "And now the mighty
effort of Roland the Count: he sounds his olifant; his pain is great, and from his mouth the bright
blood comes leaping out, and the temple bursts in his forehead," (703). Despite the persuasion
needed to bring him to this choice of action, Roland shows humility as well as courage to call for
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The Quest For The Holy Grail
Generally, these two texts are more practical than other texts written in the same spirit, such as the
Quest for the Holy Grail, which expects every knights to stay virgin, or the Praise of the New
Knighthood, in which Bernard de Clairvaux urges the new religious order of knighthood to be
chased on the battlefield before striking a blow. However, these texts sometimes recommend acts
that seem out of sync with the reality of knight. For instance, Charny encourages marriages for love,
when both spouses are very young and will produce heirs, rather than alliances for wealth, lands and
social status, which was yet the most common thing among the nobility. Expectations on knights '
behaviours always seem to high, as if it was impossible to ... Show more content on
This physical perfection was necessary for Llull, since "a deformed man or one who is obese or has
another physical defect because of which he cannot practise the office of a knight cannot be in the
Order of Chivalry, for it is baseness of the Order of Chivalry if it receives a man who is frail"4.
Indeed, "a knight is one man among a thousand selected to hold the most noble office of them all"5,
so he ought to be perfect and that 's why he is seated on a horse, "since the horse is the noblest beast
and the most suitable for serving [...] it was given to the man who was chosen from one thousand
men, and thus is called a knight"6. Likewise, in the Prose Lancelot :
"The horse that the knight sits on and that takes him wherever he needs to go signifies the common
people, for the people must likewise bear the knight and attend to his needs [...] so that he may
protect and defend them night and day. The knight sits astride the common people, for, just as the
knight spurs his horse and guides it toward the goal he chooses, he has the task of guiding the people
according to his will and in legitimate subjection; indeed, the people are under him, and that is
where they are meant to be"7.
Consequently, knights ' social role always seem to be the focus of the reformative texts, so every
modifications, adjustments and advice
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Knights Of The Past And Stories Of Arthur
Arthur knights to Medieval knights Knights of the past and those from stories of Arthur are always
intriguing. However have you ever wondered what 's knights of the past were really like? Maybe
past knights weren 't all about honor and loyalty. Maybe even some of them were villains in some
kind of mixed up way. Well this can all be solved in researching "Knights of the past" and stories of
Arthur. In the end you will learn that knights of the past and those of the Arthurian age were very
similar. Knights have always interested me, but have you ever wondered if the stories were true? For
example, we always see a man in silver armor graciously saving the princess in the end. However
were there actually knights who did this or was it just ... Show more content on ...
Knights wore many chains to protect themselves as well as metal plates. Back in the old times
knights really were seen as the police of today. Except the chivalry code of loyalty sometimes made
it hard for the knights. Since the knight must pledge to the Lord of his loyalty, he would have to
whatever the Lord commands him to do. Sometimes a lord would go mad as a march hare with
power and command his knight to do his bidding, however it is not the knights fault, for if he
disobeyed the lord he could be killed or jailed for his disregards to an order. Many knights who
could of been seen as a Knightly figure were not due to their lords inconsiderate behaviors. One of
the best known knights in medieval times would have to be William Marshal. "William Marshal, 1st
Earl of Pembroke is often referred to as the extravagant medieval knight who rose to prominence for
his bravery in tournaments and warfare. He earlier entered the service of King Henry II, who made
him a guardian to his eldest son in 1170. But during the revolt of Henry's sons, he remained loyal to
the father and helped him put down the rebellion. When Richard the Lionheart became King of
England, he kept Marshal at his side which turned out to be a very good idea. During his absence,
Marshal prevented the King's brother John from seizing
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Morte d Arthur Essay
Morte d Arthur In the Medieval Period, knights dedicated their lives to following the code of
chivalry. In Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, a number of characters performed chivalrous
acts to achieve the status of an ideal knight. Their characteristics of respect for women and courtesy
for all, helpfulness to the weak, honor, and skill in battle made the characters King Arthur, King
Pellinore, and Sir Gryfflette examples of a what knights strove to be like in Medieval society.
Because of the examples ofchivalry, Le Morte d'Arthur showed what a knight desired to be, so he
could improve theworld in which he lived. Respect for women and courtesy were two major
characteristics that knights longed to develop, and King ... Show more content on ...
This was considerate behavior because even though he was angry, he was polite and allowed them
to leave safely. The warning also showed his courtesy because he could have not told them in
anticipation of their return in order to kill them because of their disagreement. These two examples
of King Arthur's respect for the Lady of the Lake and the Roman ambassadors made him a model
knight since he was obeying the code of chivalry. In addition to being courteous, being helpful to the
weak was another aspect of chivalry portrayed through characters in the story. First, Arthur tried to
be helpful to Merlin when he was being chased by ruffians. Arthur chased them away while riding
his horse. Merlin was not in real danger because of his magical powers, but the intent of Arthur was
to help someone who needed because he thought Merlin's powers might have failed him. Another
example of this chivalrous quality was illustrated during the battle between King Pellinore and Sir
Gryfflette. Pellinore knocked Gryfflette off his horse and, "swiftly ran over to him and loosened his
armor." He then, "lifted him gently onto his horse" (page 74). Sir Gryfflette was weak, and he was
just knighted that day, so Pellinore did the chivalrous action and helped him. Being helpful to the
weak was a quality that all the knights were trying to develop, and King Arthur and King Pellinore
showed this attribute in their actions with Merlin and
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Chivalry Code
However, Chaucer not only recognized pride within the hierarchies of the common man, but also
recognized the immorality of the knighthood. Knights were usually born into their class and raised
to serve their lords, thus decorating them with a sense of nobility and pride (McLean and Signman
18). Because of their role of protection, knights were commanded to adhere to a code of conduct.
According to the book, What Life Was Like In the Age of Chivalry, this code of conduct was
constructed by the king and enforced the idea of a strict sense of honor, morale, and duty (53). This
code of conduct was vital for the morality of the knights and was commonly believed to be a
mechanism used to elevate the status of women; however, according to Natalie Demasi, chivalry
"isn't about women at all. It is a code written for knights, for the men." Chivalry's true purpose was
meant to elevate the religious and social status of male knights, not the women. This ... Show more
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While Dorigen, the wife of the knight Arviragus, laments over her husband's absence, Arviragus is
calm, "not inclined to worry about whether anyone had spoken to her of love" (Chaucer 469).
Arviragus doesn't waver in his trust, for he believes that Dorigen would never betray his love since
he is a noble knight; however, despite the love they share, Dorigen still barters a deal with another
squire for her love. Chaucer was able to recognize the irony within the knighthood and thus produce
a tale in which the Knight, haughty in his mindset of his social status, did not realize the
unfaithfulness of his own wife. Because the knights were regarded as the ideal warrior and man,
pride naturally formed in their behavior. Therefore, Chaucer portrayed the hypocrisy within their
ideals and attacked the knighthood and its social structure in regards to the falsehood of
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The Role Of Chivalry In Medieval Europe
In Medieval Europe, in order for a knight to be considered honorable, he had to conduct himself by
the code of chivalry. The Knights Code of Chivalry was part of the culture of the Middle Ages and
was understood by all. Chivalry was a system of ethical ideals developed among the knights of
medieval Europe. Arising out of feudalism, it combined military virtues with those of Christianity,
as characterized by the Arthurian legend in England and the "chansons de geste" of medieval
France. The word chivalry is derived from the French chevalier, meaning horseman or knight
(Chivalry. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2015, from http://www.medieval–life–and––
knights/chivalry.htm) . Chivalry was the code of conduct by which knights were ... Show more
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Today most people are corrupt and try not to act as they should. The Knight was an honest and a just
person. He would have fair fights, treat people with respect, and he would not brag about what he
accomplished, he was a very modest person. Most people today are rude and ignorant, you'll be
lucky if a person holds the door for you. The way the Knight lived is better than the way most
people live today. You have to be careful in who you trust because people today only try to cheat or
to hurt people. If we were living back then we would not have to worry about trusting the Knight he
was chivalrous, he could not even hurt a fly. Back then it was a better time to live because were
more chivalrous like the Knight, they did things in honorably ways not like
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Chivalry Vs Chivalry
Chivalry––it is a word everyone has heard at least once in their lifetime. The word is no longer used
to describe brave knights who fought for the love of their loyal ladies. Over hundreds of years and
many lifestyle changes, chivalry has shifted and morphed into something new to fit the current
generation. Chivalry changed over the ages from lifestyle and technology developments, as well as
comparing the Medieval version of chivalry to the more modern aspect of it that we have now.
One of the most important things to be addressed is the definition of a few keywords: chivalry and
knight. Chivalry, is defined as the Medieval knightly system with a religious, moral and, social code.
Knights had a very strict code to obey known as The Code of Chivalry. A knight is somebody who
served someone of a higher power, usually a lord, king, or queen. They were trained from a young
age and served in a military capacity, usually on horseback or on foot.
Most of the sources used were books, simply because there were few valuable websites to use. One
of the books, titled Knight by Robert Jones had a fair amount of important information. There's also
a youtube video thrown in as well. Many sources who had similar information, but each had a
different perspective.
Before the comparison battle can begin, we must learn of the now ancient background of the
knightly system and how it came to be. The biggest contributor and kick start of knighthood was
Duke William of Normandy. "After the
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A Comparison Of The Knight And The Squire In Chaucers The...
In the medieval period that is described by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, chivalry was perhaps the
most recognized quality of a true gentleman. This quality is explored in Chaucer's two characters of
the warrior class, the
Knight and the Squire. The squire is the son of the Knight; both ride gallantly and have the air of
true gentleman warriors. However, the two are very dissimilar despite their appearances. The Knight
possesses the true qualities of chivalry, devotion to service, constancy in humility, and honesty. The
Squire possesses none of these qualities truly; instead his demeanor is one that is less honorable and
virtuous. Although both claim the same vocation, the Squire and the Knight display contradicting
attitudes in respect to ... Show more content on ...
Although Chaucer does not criticize the
Squire by his writing, the Squire's hesitant attitude towards putting himself in mortal danger as well
as his lack of conviction are revealed in light of the Knight's numerous demonstrations of a
willingness to defend his faith single–handedly and also in extreme hardship and distance.
In addition to Chaucer's descriptions of dedication that distinguish the
Knight, Chaucer also provides a description of the Squire's acquisitiveness for wealth and beauty, a
quality that is contrary to the humble nature of the knight. The Squire had "locks as curly as if
they had been pressed", while there is no such description of the Knight's appearance
(5). I feel that Chaucer does not intend to criticize the Squire by the mention of the beauty of the
Squire's hair in conjunction with the mention of the poor outfit of the Knight. Instead he attempts to
point out that the
Squire is the lesser of the two in terms of keeping to the code of chivalry.
Regarding his articles of clothing, the Knight wore a fustian tunic, which was only somewhat bright
and only sufficiently comfortable. An example of the Squire's meticulous appearance is:
He was embroidered like a meadow bright
And full of freshest flowers, red and white.
. . . He was as fresh as is the month of May.
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Two Examples Of Chivalry In Don Quixote
Chivalry is defined as the characteristics that knights had to portray in Middle ages which are
loyalty, honor, and being polite. One chivalry characteristics Don Quixote follows in his adventure
is honor. Honor is the respect that you have for someone or something. Don Quixote honored
Dulcinea and praised her every adventure he went on. After Sancho and Don left the highway they
seen a chain gang walking towards their directed Don stopped the guards and ask each convict why
they were chained up. Don listened to each one of their stories and decided that they should be free.
After Don freed each man he ordered them to present themselves to Dulcinea. Once the men refused
to do as Don gets upset and started to insult them, which caused them to ... Show more content on ...
Don convinces Sancho to leave his wife and children behind because he is going to come back with
something that'll change their lives. On this adventure Sancho Panza would be Don's squire and he
promised Sancho an island, where he would be a governor. A squire is usually a boy at the age of
fourteen who receives training on how to become a knight in the future. Sancho was a man who had
learning challenges but served as a servant for Don Quixote.
Don Quixote and Sancho's friendship is like Gilgamesh and Enkidu from The Epic of Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu relationship started off rocky because their first time meeting each other they
got into a fight. Enkidu and Gilgamesh ended up needing each other for their adventure to kill
Humbaba. Enkidu became Gilgamesh brother, who was loyal throughout their journey. Enkidu knew
the safest routes through the forest to get to their destination without any problems. When Enkidu
was killed Gilgamesh was devastated about losing his friend. Gilgamesh starts his own journey now
that his friend is
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Code Of Chivalry Essay
The Code of Chivalry, though never truly being set in stone or truly documented, played a large role
in shaping medieval society and literature. Though the basis of this code seems to be rooted more so
in fantasy and fiction of the age, we need to take a glance and consider just how much sway the
code held in the medieval era. The code of chivalry has its roots in feudalism, the common theme of
the feudalistic era, as quoted by many a historian is the idea of "those who work, those who fight,
and those who pray" as the main element of that era. The fighting class, or rather vassals and
knights, developed a code of conduct that became the essence of good behavior or how one should
act in respect to not only their lords, but everyone in society. ... Show more content on ...
As most things go through a transformation, society was changing and shifting into a new world
where the primary goal of the age was how to be the most pious. While Christian elements were
always intertwined into chivalric code (one of the traits of the code oft being 'piety'), the code truly
developed into a more Christianized standard as a reaction to society's big shift to a more Christian
world. As time went on, the church began extending its power and rule across Europe, the Pope
began to have more power than ever, most often than not excommunicating secular leaders who
didn't agree with him, such as the case of Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI. As
well as Pope Urban II's speech at Clermont urging those to go partake in what would be known as
the Crusades, to regain their holy land. These establishments of power began to blur the lines
between the secular world and the church, easily creating a blend of both for a few centuries to
come. We see this become especially evident in the post–Crusade era during the medieval ages,
religion was integral to society and being a citizen was almost synonymous with being
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Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Chivalry is the belief and practice of knights in the Middle Ages and even today. During the Middle
Ages, chivalry was a code of brave and respectful conduct for knights. A knight had to remain
faithful to God, loyal to his king, true to his lady love, and helpful to others. In today's society, the
definition of chivalry has changed. Chivalry still exists, but it does not hold the same value as
Middle Ages. The code of chivalry is seen in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d'
Arthur". Even in today's society, we can see chivalry. First and foremost, Sir Gawain in "Sir Gawain
and the Green Knight" was tested of chivalry on many occasions. In the story, on page 178, it says
that, "...they agree to exchange whatever they receive during
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The Use Of Satire In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
The definition of chivalry may differ from person to person. It can be explained from a woman's
point of view, a citizen's point of view, or a specific generation's point of view. Though the meaning
of chivalry can be slightly altered to fit contrasting situations today, it has specific roots reaching
back to the 1100s AD. That century was the birthplace of some of the morals we uphold today.
Unfortunately, chivalry–– and everything it stands for–– is slowly leaking out of our society decade
by decade. However, some people are accepting this evolution as a revolution of a new and better
Everyone must agree that chivalry is not what it used to be. If a person needs evidence to contrive a
stance on whether or not chivalry is apparent ... Show more content on ...
In fact, it and the Bible were the only books common people of England had access to in their
homes during this time, making "The Canterbury Tales" was the sole form of entertainment. The
author, Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote this text evoking several literary techniques. The most apparent of
these are satire and situational irony. As defined by Webster, satire is "the use of humor,
exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices". Irony is defined as "the
expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for
humorous or emphatic effect". In the prologue, Chaucer characterizes each persona as much greater
than his/her behavior suggests filling the beginning of the story with loads of satire. However, the
Knight in the storyline has the least amount of sarcasm placed on him implying he was the most
noble. The Knight was directly described as "follow[ing] chivalry". Chaucer also says, "He was of
sovereign value in all eyes, ... wise, ... modest as a maid, ... [and] a perfect gentle–knight" (Geoffrey
Chaucer 30, 31). Chaucer's lack of literary techniques associated with the Knight displays the
character's his integrity and obedience of the chivalric
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Medieval Times: Chivalry And Medieval Romance
Chivalric Romance When one thinks upon romance and chivalry in medieval times, the mind
automatically jumps to whimsical thoughts of knights in shining armor, fire–breathing dragons, and
tall, ominous towers. Too be fair, this is how all the story books describe it! During the medieval
times, there was a code of conduct expected of knights, called chivalry. This pertained to conduct
related with courtly love, and was followed with honor bravery, courteousness, and honesty. The
concept of "the knight in shining amour" comes from a knight following the code of chivalry,
therefore becoming the precedent for the modern day gentleman. Chivalry and medieval romance
are so closely intertwined that one might forget that they are two separate things. Chivalry was
expected during romance at ... Show more content on ...
These three are as follows: duties to countrymen, duties to God, and duties to women. Duties to
countrymen is often referred to as "warrior chivalry" and deals with valor, honor, and protecting the
poor and innocent. To the knights, this was the most important type of chivalry. The knight's duties
to countrymen often forces the knights to risk their lives for the sake of others. Although it was
called warrior chivalry, more entries in the Knights codes of Chivalry pertain to acts of chivalry than
to acts of combat. To adhere to knightly chivalry, the knights had to do many things. Like stated in
"The Song of Roland", knights were expected to honor fellow knights. First thing's first, this does
not mean they had to honor all knights. If a challenge was proposed, they would fight the other
knights to the death. Not declining a challenge was also a duty of theirs. Knights of the same order
were expected to honor, respect, be loyal to, and defend one another. For example, Sir Lancelot
fought Sir Taquin because he had tarnished the reputation of many a Knight of the Round
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Courtly Love In Medieval Movies: Chivalric Love
While chivalric love may seem perfect, it is in fact flawed and not the best choice of love for
modern participants because of its numerous prejudices and inequities.
The medieval time period (5th to 15th century) chose to exhibit in literature, chivalric love (or
courtly love) as a better choice of love than regular methods. so much to the point that in some
places, chivalric love became the norm. However as time passed, it was exemplified that regular
love was "quicker" and "easier" if not more practical and reasonable. This is not because chivalric
love was full of errors and flaws, because regular love adopted some of their ideas, it's just that
chivalric love had stronger flaws then it did strengths.
In a knights tale, William and Jocelyn ... Show more content on ...
chivalric or courtly love is defined as "Courtly love was a Medieval European literary conception of
love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. Medieval literature is filled with examples of knights
setting out on adventures and performing various services for ladies because of their "courtly love".
This kind of love is originally a literary fiction created for the entertainment of the nobility, but as
time passed, these ideas about love changed and attracted a larger audience." chivalric love is often
displayed in a code, as a set of rules for participants to follow. some of the stronger rules are "Love
cannot exist in the individual who cannot be jealous." and " Love cannot coexist with avarice."
however it also has some of the strongest flaws such as "Suspicion of the beloved generates jealousy
and therefore intensifies love." and "Thought of the beloved never leaves the true lover." and even
"The value of love is commensurate with its difficulty of attainment.". These rules which seem fair
except for the few exceptions actually lead to a few problems. these include what some call "the
damsel in distress" phenomena or the "chivalric chivalrous to all" theory– this says that while you
are courtly to the one you love, you are also showing chivalry to everyone else, which diminishes
the ability to quickly locating love as if you are being nice to everyone then it would be harder
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Chivalric Codes In The Song Of Nibelung's
All knights are expected to follow a list of chivalric codes, whether or not they follow is for their
own self–respect. Are Sigrid, Hagen, and Gunther the most chivalric or knightly characters than any
other character in this poem, "The Song of Nibelung's" by Frank G. Ryder. Did they always meet the
standard or sometimes fail? Furthermore, did they meet the expectations following these four
chivalric codes of conduct? Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, and "noble bearing," Knight were
required to tell the truth at all times, Knights vowed to always respect the honor of women, and
Knights never turned their back on foe. Well if you do not know you will know by the end of this
paper... To start off, Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, ... Show more content on
Hagen was the guy that spilled Sigfrid's secret to Gunther that, "Sigfrid had killed a dragon and bath
in his blood, is body became invulnerable because of the dragon's blood. But he had one vulnerable
spot, as he was soaking in the blood a big linden leaf fell landing between Sigfrid's shoulder blades.
Hagen showed noble bearing acts throughout the story. For example, towards the end of the story
Kriemhild burns down the hall down that Hagen and his men were in seeking revenge for killing her
husband Sigfrid and he stays strong encouraging his men to drink the blood of those that are already
dead to keep alive. That is a noble act being loyal to his men, he could have kept that to himself just
caring for his life but he didn't. Hagen did not tell the truth all the time and he even turned his back
on foe. On page 197–198 Sigfrid leaned to drink from the pool of water where they were hunting
and Hagen took his aim and hurled it through the cross. The heart–blood came welling from the
wound, richly to spill on Hagen's clothes. No knight has ever done so ill. He left the spear embedded
by Sigfrid's heart. (Stanza 981–989) Hagen also did not respect the honor of women, thought
because he steals Kriemhild's treasure and sink it in the Rhine
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The Influence Of Chivalry In Early Medieval Literature
Chivalry is a code of conduct which began in the middle ages, 449–1485. The mannerism was based
on a foundation of common morals and how to hold oneself socially then flourished into numerous
different aspects of life such as war and courtly love. Chivalry was then infiltrated into the military
and became a phenomenon among knights and how they should behave themselves in and out of
war. Chivalry and courtly love were practiced by nobility then trickled down to the working class
where they began to imitate it. Chivalry can be confused with feudalism which was (Schofield,
"Chivalry in Medieval English"). However, before all of this, chivalry began in literature, not in
society. Writers influenced chivalry before people began carrying out chivalrous ... Show more
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They would only fight at the king's wish and only use as much power as necessary. This meant
knights were expected not to quarrel in any unruly fashion or continue fighting against an opponent
once a battle had ended. Jousting was a clean method used among knights to determine superiority
and bravery rather than fatal one–on–one duels. Geoffroi De Charny's 'Book of Chivalry' notes that
knight were supposed to "[...]speak of the achievements of others but not of your own, and do not be
envious of others" ( par. 1). Chivalrous knights were assumed to be kind, cordial, and vigilant
without having excess
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Chivalric Code In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Chivalric code was like the federal system in the medieval times. Some of the chivalry codes were
loyalty, courage, and honour, these were some of the ideal qualities expected in a knight. knights had
to respect their religion , respect women and their king. Some of these codes were portrayed in "
monty python".
One of the powerful codes of chivalry is loyalty. Lancelot refuses to fight with arthur even when the
king invades his property. In " sir gawain and the green knight", sir gawain shows loyalty with the
king's wife. Lady bercilake attempts to sleep with gawain , but he continues to treat the king and her
with respect.
To show his courage , sir gawain took on a tricky quest. The other knights were to scared to take on
the quest
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Chivalry Compared To Today
Chivalry was designated for knights as a moral code or law for them to abide by, but sadly has been
slowly being brushed under the rug by their following generations. Growing up I was taught certain
aspects of a new hybrid of the Code of Chivalry such as courtesy, honor, humbleness, respect, and
proper manners. Chivalry since medieval times has slowly dissipated into almost nothing compared
to today. Now I am not suggesting that these traits have been lost indefinitely but they have certainly
minimized. Parents are not teaching their children to be polite or use proper manners. Those traits
are something I would like to thank my father for instilling in myself. I hold courtesy, honor,
humbleness, respect, and proper manners highly because many people respect that. So how exactly
did these values change me? These imperative values changed and ... Show more content on ...
I honestly am not sure why I do it, I could be exhausted from working five days then go in to help
on my only day off just to be nice. I abide by these rules I set into place to keep myself in check. I
often see people at school or in public who are rude and do not show any respect towards others and
that enrages me. I would never be able to live with myself if I acted like an asinine fool. No one in
return will respect me if I did. I look to showcase myself in the brightest light possible and set an
impressive image for others to look at me as. Using my personal code of chivalry I believe has
really molded me into what I am. I hold my eating utensils properly, keep my elbows off the table
while eating, say please and thank you, help others when given the chance, and reflect myself in a
brighter light. I want to stick out from others to be viewed as a good person. Being good feels good.
It is as simple as that and if I can help others and myself along the way then I must continue to us
my personal code of
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Essay about Chivalry in the Middle Ages: Illusion or Reality?
The ideals of chivalry are inextricably linked with the medieval period, and even today it is an ideal
we still pay lip service to. Many historians however have questioned whether the knights and
nobility of the time actually took it any more seriously than we do. Johan Huizinga described it as "a
cloak for a whole world of violence and self–interest" , an "illusion of society [that] clashed with the
reality of things" , and in our rather cynical age, this is probably the predominant view of the middle
ages. Nonetheless, it is not a view that has gone unchallenged by more recent historians, and even
Huizinga concedes that for the nobility, chivalry constituted "an amazing self–deception" , an ideal
that resonated with many young nobles who ... Show more content on ...
The romantic authors of the period such as Chrétien de Troyes are fairly consistent in providing us
with one interpretation of the proper chivalric virtues a knight should aspire to: prowess, loyalty,
largesse, courtesy and franchise . However, whilst these stories certainly may have exerted some
influence over the thinking of knights, we might expect a more accurate conception of chivalry
would be found in the writings of actual knights such as Llull and Charny. Ramon Llull, in his 'Book
of the Order of Chivalry', claims that the chivalric knight must adhere to seven virtues, comprising
the three 'theological' virtues of "faith, hope [and] charity" and the four 'cardinal' virtues of "justice,
prudence, temperance and fortitude" . Given that he also requires courtesy and loyalty in his knights,
his definition in large part encompasses that of the romantics and expands upon it by adding a
religious element, for he continually stresses the need for a knight to be pious and god–fearing .
Geoffroi de Charny, writing a little over half a century later, was famed for his chivalry even in his
own lifetime, but advanced a rather more pragmatic view of knighthood and chivalry. Nevertheless,
his work is overflowing with references to God and Judas Maccabeus, whom he regards as a
splendid example of the ideal knight , and it is clear
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Chivalry Code Research Paper
Is Chivalry Needed in High School? "More than a code of manners in war and love, Chivalry was a
moral system, governing the whole of noble life." This quote by Barbara Tuchman explains the
standard used during the medieval period when people followed moral principles to live a noble life.
The medieval period, which took place from the fifth to the fifteenth century, is well–known for
chivalry and noble life. The chivalry code is a code of conduct, or a code of manners, that required
knights to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of their high calling. This code, mainly pertaining
to knights, appears in any King Arthur or similar knightly story. Even though the chivalry code was
for knights, in the medieval period, it should still be used today. They are necessary for high school
students; three particularly important rules are act with courtesy, honor truth by word and deed, and
seek to redress all wrongs. ... Show more content on ...
In a high school setting, courtesy is needed to make life enjoyable for both teachers and students
alike. Without it, frustration and hatefulness would make everyone miserable. GIVE AN EXAMPLE
OF THIS HERE. MAKE IT A POSITIVE EXAMPLE. Being courteous also means being
respectful. Teachers deserve respect because of the position they hold in our school. They want to
help students learn and succeed, not only in scholastic areas, but also in life. Having students who
are respectful and polite allows teachers to focus on subject matter, not behavioral problems. Being
courteous and respectful sets the tone for a very pleasant situation. Courtesy and politeness mean
nothing if truthfulness is not part of a student's
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Chivalry: Purpose And Influence
Purpose and Influence
Chivalry was intended to control violence. It is important to note that Chivalry did not stop violence,
but channeled it into something manageable (Abels, R, n.d.). In the twelfth century, men of war
would compete in jousting competitions and duels. These competitions cast illusions of battle that
were tremendously less dangerous, but still quite violent. If you consider how our modern attempt to
neutralize violence is through intelligence and Olympic Games, then perhaps you might agree that
there are some resemblances. The Olympic Games are a means to compete with other nations
without the dangers of war and death. Of course, we didn't get the idea on our own; we took it from
history. Ancient Greece, Rome, and the medieval ... Show more content on ...
The current definition of chivalry discusses a behavior exhibited by a small percentage of a
population in a male order from times of medieval knights (Keen, M., 2005). The definition might
discuss religion, morality, and a social code–but it is all in a historical context. As mentioned,
chivalry in the past was enacted only by knights or people of a higher social class. Because of
gender roles in society at the time, very few women were able to actively take part in chivalry–
though it is fair to say that they did fall into roles that aided those in participation.
Based on the origin and previous interpretation, chivalry was a set of ideals that encompassed valor
more so than romantic notions. A knight was to be loyal and courageous, kind and compassionate
(Abels R., n.d.). These knights were expected to carry out battle and defend the honor of their god or
their lords. They competed for honor, and upheld social status. In this time, the focus on women in
chivalry was limited only to a man's willingness to help a widow and to respect women as a whole
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Chivalry Bias Research Paper
Chivalry Bias/Sentencing differences between male and female offenders
Geisy Cobas
Radford University
It is a question many have, whether or not there is a gender bias in the criminal justice system of
America, and even other countries. Are female offenders treated less strictly than male offenders by
officers of the law and even the courts? This paper will review articles related to the topic of male
and female offenders sentencing differences. The term chivalry means to treat others, women
especially with courtesy, sympathy and respect. The chivalry theory, which comes from the mindset
of treating women like higher beings, states that women offenders are treated more leniently than
men by the criminal justice system. Male chivalry means ... Show more content on
Lyons published an article about the sentencing discrepancies between male and female sex
offenders. The research represented in this article examines the evil woman hypothesis, and
examines sentencing discrepancies between male sex offenders and female sex offenders. The "evil
women" hypothesis states that women offenders often receive harsher punishment than men in the
criminal justice system, on the grounds that they have not only violated legal laws but also society's
gender expectations. (Chesney–Lind, 1984; Erez, 1992). However, research proves the opposite for
female sex offenders. This article by the Feminist Criminology Journal used the National
Corrections Reporting Program data to identify registered male and female sex offenders for the
years 1994 to 2004, and the sentences they received for specific sex offenses. The data gathered
revealed a significant difference in sentence length between men and women sex offenders. The evil
woman hypothesis would assume women are sentenced more harshly, but according to the National
Corrections Reporting Program male sex offenders receive longer sentences for sex offenses than
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Who Is Knighthood In Chrétien's Lancelot?
Like many examples of medieval literature, Chrétien de Troyes uses knighthood as a central theme
in his Lancelot. While Lancelot clearly and completely demonstrates the archetypal knight (heroic,
determined, and male), Chrétien includes another character who appears to contradict this traditional
depiction of knighthood – King Bademagu's daughter. In her efforts to rescue Lancelot from the evil
Meleagant's tower, King Bademagu's daughter is portrayed almost as a knight on a quest. However,
although the daughter of King Bademagu displays admirable heroism in her efforts to rescue
Lancelot, Chrétien carefully undermines her knightly conduct so as not to violate the strict gender
constructs involved in medieval knighthood and chivalry. In his ... Show more content on ...
One of the most obvious and glaring details that undermines her knightly depiction is her complete
lack of a name; throughout her involvement in the tale, Chrétien refers to her mostly as "the girl" or
"the daughter of King Bademagu". Lancelot never mentions or asks for her name, even though he
displays extreme gratitude towards her: "'My dear friend, to God and to you alone, I give thanks for
being healed and healthy. Because you have made possible my escape, I give you my heart, my
body, my aid, and my possessions to take an keep whatever you wish. For all you have done, I am
yours" (Chrétien 176). Although Lancelot probably already knows her name because she is the
king's daughter, it seems strange that he never refers to her by her name, especially when
considering how appreciative he is of her. He recognizes her full responsibility for his escape,
saying he owes his freedom "to God and to [her] alone". Furthermore, he lists what he pledges to
give her (his "heart", "body", "aid", and "possessions") and even goes as far as to say "I am yours",
promising all of himself in gratitude of her heroic actions. Yet, he refers to her as a "dear friend"
instead of by her name, which would serve to make his pledge even more sincere. While Lancelot's
name is withheld for some time within the text to create suspense and highlight his importance
within the story, the name of King Bademagu's daughter is withheld to deprive her of an individual
identity, significance within the story, and due credit for her knightly
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Why Is Chivalry Important
In today's world, there are many examples of chivalry that are not being reflected on. Respect,
bravery, and loyalty, are no longer a focus in today's culture. Many people decline to show these
traits. This starts the topic saying that chivalry is still necessary in today's society. Today, people in
Western society basically have no respect towards others. To have respect, people should never have
contempt for others. As children, people were educated to respect adults and the rules. For this
reason, everyone should always value other people's opinions. People should never stereotype others
by what they say or do. In the article, "Respect has Great Importance in Everyday Life" by Susie
Wilson, she states, "Unlike food, respect costs nothing. Then why should it be in short supply?" ...
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It used to mean "having courageous behavior or character."(Dictionary) Throughout history, both
men and women have displayed some of the most amazing acts of bravery. For example, firefighters
and police officers put their own lives at risk. To be honorable and brave, people must stand up for
what they believe in; no matter what happens to them. In the article, "Famous Examples of Bravery
– A Knowledge Archive," it states, "Bravery: it can hit any of us at any time and quick thinking
overtakes any fears we might have about our own safety." A great example would be Rosa Parks.
Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus for a white citizen during segregation in the
South. While knowing the consequences, she still stood up for her rights and started a movement to
end segregation. Rosa Parks was the definition of
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The Outlaws In The Adventures Of Robin Hood
this group was renowned throughout England because they were chivalrous outlaws that stole from
the rich and gave to the poor the movie The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) depicts it well. They
were considered outlaws because the Normans forcefully took over England and made the Saxons
pay for everything they wanted no matter how poor it made their living so Robin started the band to
rebel against what was wrong. Robin and his Merry Men all were very chivalrous even though they
were considered outlaws they followed many of the rules of a knight including Defending the weak,
to protect women and children, and granting mercy to their enemies. The first honorable trait of a
knight was the act of defending the weak and the helpless. This could be seen in the movie when
Robin protects Much. This scene occurred when Much shoots a deer and Sir Guy tries to arrest him
then Robin comes in and holds Sir Guy at arrow point unless he leaves. Sir Guy then leaves and
Much joins his group due to a stranger defending him because alone he was weak and helpless. The
next example in the film was when Robin was showing Marian what the Normans did to the Saxons
which caused them to flee and live with Robin in the forest. This was an act of defense because he
protected the Saxons after the Normans took everything from them. He also fed them and ... Show
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The first example was when Robin won the arrow he made sure to keep Marian out of the fire
between the forces by giving himself up to Prince John and Sir Guy. This was honorable because he
was willing to give his life to protect her. Another example of this code was when Sir Guy and
Marian were captured by Robin Hood she was treated with respect and dignity whereas Sir Guy was
treated less respectfully. This was because Robin believed that women were a thing to be treasured
and should be treated as such. In the movie Robin never broke his code of chivalry to protect
women and
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Personal Code Of Chivalry
A code of chivalry are beliefs that one follows. To some, it means that they must be courageous and
have the want to help those in need. My definition of chivalry means to have courtesy and honor.
My personal code of chivalry is important because it defines who I am and what I believe in. I
believe in being trustworthy, honest, caring, and inspirational to those who need it. Being
trustworthy is very important to me. It is a very good quality that everyone should possess but not
everyone does. Being trustworthy is how friends and family are able to rely on each other. When
someone is trustworthy, they are considered responsible by most. The definition of trustworthy is
being able to be relied on as honest or trustful. When someone is credible, it means that anything
they say and do can be trusted. Being trustworthy also means that they do the right thing even
people aren't paying attention. If someone isn't trustworthy, then that means that no one is going to
help them through a time of need because they know that the other person can't return the same
favor or deed. ... Show more content on ...
When a person cares about others, it shows that they are a great person and that they put others
before themselves. It also proves to others that they aren't a selfish individual. There is always a
great amount of accomplishment when someone helps others because it makes them feel as though
they did something that made a difference. A person doesn't have to go out and save the world to be
able to make a difference in someone's life. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that can change
someone's life. Helping others brings a warm spot to their heart. They don't even have to be human
to feel love. Animals all the time are need of homes or loving hands to pet them. Being caring is just
one of those qualities that is very important no matter where a person goes in life or what they are
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Similarities Between The Song Of Roland And Perceval
The concept of honor and the connection of living our life with honor has been pondered by
philosophers, intellectuals, and the common people. Even as far back as medieval times, the idea of
honor is a key factor in what shapes the rules of society. Knights would try their best to apply the
Code of Chivalry to their everyday lives. The Code of Chivalry is a compilation of rules that guide
the knight to be what was considered honorable in their time. Most knights would try to live to the
code, but it could be seen that knights would violate the code which create a horrible consequence
for him and the people around him. An example could be seen with Roland in The Song of Roland,
and Perceval in "The Story of the Grail". Two knights trying their ... Show more content on ...
In medieval times it was called the Code of Chivalry. The knights, who used the Code of Chivalry,
were living in a much different time period than ours; as they lived in a time period without a strong
central power. What this shows, for knights that honor for them is much more focused on the
individual . As Roland and Perceval fails to upheld their version of the code as their internal
conflicts were too much for them to handle. While in the modern era,which is much more
centralized, focuses more on the wellbeing of the group. In our society, being able to work together
with people and make decision based on the welfare of the common people is an important rule for
our people to live with. People in our modern era works based off that important idea and it is in
their nature to work with cooperation and for the welfare of the group. The knights version of the
code in a time era where centralization was lacking was based off himself ,while in the modern era
our focus is shifted from ourself to cooperation and the welfare of our society.
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Examples Of Chivalry In Beowulf
Chivalry: The Code Itself and its Antecedents
(An analysis of the Code of Chivalry and its antecedents using the Arthur stories, the Greek triad,
Beowulf, and Song of Roland.)
"Chivalry is essentially a martial ideal, a code of values that glorified military prowess as the
supreme achievement of the virtuous knight." (Mellen) The code of chivalry is a basic code that all
of the most virtuous knights. The code is basically the rules of behavior that a noble knight must
abide by. The code says a knight must have courage, honor, loyalty, consideration for
others/manners, and respect of the law. Chivalry was incredibly influenced by Christianity and the
moral codes that they set for themselves. The code is also influenced by Plato's Republic, ... Show
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The two epics show very little of the idea of a chivalric code. The two epic heroes show no respect
for the other gender, which is one of the major parts of the code. "The girl – I won't give up the girl.
Long before that, old age will overtake her in my house, in Argos, far from her fatherland, slaving
back and forth at the loom, forced to share my bed." (Pg. 78) These two heroes show an utter
disrespect to women as they often force women into their beds and rape them. The heroes do seem
to make a change for the best throughout their journeys though. "Homer's epic poem may be
interpreted as a voyage of deepening self–knowledge, in which the hero's homeward journey
involves a growing understanding of the whole of human experience and the rejection of ways of
life that fail to recognize, and recollectively to internalize, essential elements of that experience."
(Howland) As the heroes go through their many trials and learn all about the ways they can be better
men and better epic heroes. This growth allows them to be examples of other aspects of the chivalric
code, though they don't exemplify those traits through the whole
... Get more on ...
How Does Chaucer Use Clothing In Literature
Chaucer's Use of Clothing: an Effective Rhetorical Device
In Literature, as in real life, characters are sometimes judged by their appearance. The description of
clothing provides detail and comment on those wearing them. Chaucer's uses of artifice in The
Canterbury Tales function as gauges of the social status and economic wealth, and emotional
condition of each pilgrim. Artifice effectively provides a badge of humanity, symbolic of each
character's fallibility. Yet clothing simultaneously imposes upon the characters literary stereotypes,
which they consequentially adopt. Unable to transcend these ascribed roles, the pilgrims sometimes
find themselves bound by literary stereotypes and narrative function, which they tend to fulfill ...
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In the case of the Knight it can be inferred that his physical description directly represents his
demeanor. He is completely sincere and chivalrous in all his deeds; Chaucer explicitly states that the
Knight "that fro the tyme that he first bigan/ To ryden out, he loved chivalrye/ Trouthe and honour,
freedom, and curteisye" The tale told by the knight, reflective of his character and background,
consequentially pays special attention to clothing as a means of status recognition. For example,
after Theseus had conquered Thebes, his soldiers discovered the two Knights, Palamon and Arcite:
After the bataille and disconfiture. And so bifel, that in the tas they founde,
Thurgh–girt with many a grievous blody wounde,
Two yonge Knigtes ligginge by and by, bothe in oon armes, wrought ful richely, of whiche two
Arcite highte that oon, and that oother Knyght highte Palamon.
Nat fully quike ne fully dede they were, but by hir cote–armures and by hir gere the heraudes knewe
hem best in special
As they that, werein of blood royal
Or Thebes, and of sustren two y–born (150–161).
Arcite and Palamon are identified by their clothing: "but by hir cote armures," which establishes
their stature: "as they that were in blood royal," and consequentially saves their lives. However,
although they are allowed to live they must remain in the prison tower. The situation shows
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Examples Of Chivalry In Beowulf
What is chivalry? Chivalry is qualities expected of an knight, that shows courage, honor, courtesy,
and justice. While chivalry in the medieval era was institution of knighthood referring more to the
codes of conduct, including courtly love. But, today chivalry isn't more to different from the middle
ages we have a great deal of wealth and resources and freedom at our disposal, it's also considered a
choice to do the right thing for the right reason and helping out others shows that side of chivalry.
Chivalry still exist today in my opinion, why do i say that? Only because we show chivalry nearly
everyday. Bravery, loyalty, and honor in the story Beowulf shows that he doesn't need to use armor
to show that he is strong or to prove himself for
... Get more on ...

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Examples Of Chivalry In Medieval Literature

  • 1. Examples Of Chivalry In Medieval Literature When one speaks of the knights of old, one must always speak of the Chivalric Code, that law by which all knights, at least those spoken of in legend and Arthurian myth, abided. First spoken of in The Song of Roland, the Chivalric Code details a specific set of guidelines and regulations that knights had to maintain in order to keep the peace throughout the realm in which they abided. In lines 1098–1100 of the Song, the Chivalric code has become the basis by which the stereotypical knight has been molded from and is constantly tested by it. There is no one real way to define a knight, but a collection of narratives such as the Song and The Book of the Order of Chivalry by Ramon Llul, presents a very clear picture what a knight be not only ... Show more content on ... Each the exemplary of moral fortitude and self–control, these stories thrilled the young and the old for over a thousand years, eventually reaching into such media as Merlin, Relic Hunter, and Arthur. Another of the examples of chivalry that must be talked about in an essay on this subject is the fact that was constituted chivalry and subsequent knighthood in the past is not necessarily what constitutes it now. Whereas the title of knight was mostly reserved for military personnel in the past, the honor of knighthood can be bestowed upon anyone, mainly those who seek the betterment of the UK, as well as artists, scientists, and others who contribute to the overall well–being of not only UK citizenry, but for the betterment of all humankind. Yet another example of chivalry that cannot be overlooked is the fact that knighthood took on many societies and fraternal organization in order to spread its doctrine and protect not only its interests, but also the interests of those around them in most ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Changes to Knighthood throughout the Years Throughout the years knighthood has changed depending on what the people need and expect during that time period. They also vary on their manners, duties, ages, and skills. Kids start training since the age of seven, especially if they want to be in the arms profession. Start out by serving their fathers, around the age of 12, they then move onto serving the house receiving more advanced instructions in military subjects and morals. The original medieval nights were originally servants who kept their lords lands after they served in their lords armies. With time christian values were added to knighthood "involving respect for the church, protection of the poor and the weak, loyalty to one's feudal or military superiors, and preservation of personal honour" (Knight 3). These became known as the knights orders they followed to achieve greatness. The first recognized group of knights evolved during the Crusades. There was several different groups of them including the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, the Order of the Temple of Solomon, and the Order of St. Lazarus. While they were all considered knights each group had a different task and set of goals to accomplish. Not all of them fought in battles and saved princesses and kingdoms. For example, the Order of St. Lazarus had the unique duty of protecting the leper hospitals. Knights served more like the police officers and army of today combined under one category. The closest they became to the ideal ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Chaucer's Code Of Chivalry The foremost aspect of chivalry that should be understood is what this code of conduct actually implied for the nobles of the Medieval Ages. When it comes to the concept of chivalry developed during the time of the Crusades in the middle Ages, it began as a code of conduct for the knights. For them, their actions were not solely occasional, but rather a way of life. The key ideals behind chivalry were not intelligible acts that could be performed. Yet, they were about attitudes and virtues that should be owned. The standard of chivalry, nonetheless, had considerably deeper roots. An author of Bloody Constraint, Theodor Meron said, "War and Chivalry in Shakespeare, states that the practitioners of chivalry, the knights, were expected to be cultivated ... Show more content on ... But Politeness should be the expression of a benevolent regard for the feelings of others; it's a poor virtue if it's motivated only by a fear of offending good taste. In its highest form Politeness approaches love. "Modesty and complaisance, actuated by respect for others‟ feelings, are at the root of politeness"13. Politeness is yet another typical Japanese virtue; however, Nitobe makes sure that it is not a superficial display of adulation but a sincere expression of care and concern for others: "Politeness is a poor virtue, if it is actuated only by a fear of offending good taste, whereas it should be the outward manifestation of a sympathetic regard for the feelings of others. It also implies a due regard for the fitness of things, therefore due respect to social positions"14. He also gives an excellent explanation for the seemingly different practice of gift–giving between the Japanese and Western customs. That is, whereas Westerners present their gifts as wonderful and excellent items, Japanese give theirs saying they are poor and useless ones. Nitobe expounds that these two contrasting practices actually convey the same feeling and thought; they are just two ways of saying the same thing. In other words, ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. My Personal Code Of Chivalry What is chivalry to me? My personal code of chivalry is important because I want to be a good person. People need to know what's right and what's wrong. Loyalty is important because you should always help someone you love when times are hard for them. You should always treat someone with respect if you want respect from them. Always be honest even when it's hard to. Chivalry is important because you should always be loyal, respect, and honest. Sentence 1: Introduce value A from 1st paragraph. When someone in your family is in trouble you help them out. If your friend parents separate you help them through it. If someone in your family gets hurt in an accident you stick by them. Sentence 5: conclusion– restate value A. If I treat people nicely ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Why Do We Study The Imaginary World? Jacques le Goff, the most renowned French medievalist, proclaimed in an interview for the journal L 'Express in 2005 that "les hommes et les femmes d 'une société vivent et pensent autant par l 'image et l 'imagination que par le contact avec la réalité et la raison" (Men and women of a society live and think just as much through images as by contact with reality and reason). That 's why, in my opinion, studying the imaginary world is so important, indeed, it is about telling the story of what makes people think, act and feel and since knights are a big part of this world, it seems to be the perfect subject to get a good understanding of the fantasy world. Litterature, works of art, architecture, sculptures, miniature illustrations are all ... Show more content on ... There is, of course, a moral function fulfilled by these images, they tend to give an example, but they are not perfect for all that, since the marvelous world is connected to the daily one, everything remains humanly comprehensible, yet nothing human could be perfect. That 's why criticisms are not absent from these tales, especially on knights ' behaviours. It is just a proof of their primacy, they are an model which, like any human thing, must be perfected. I will argue that, despite these criticisms, the content of the imaginary world in its multiple forms tends to have a tangible impact on knighthood, for instance, real knights trying to behave like exemplary ones, to the extent that the boundary between myth and daily world became even thinner. I will not discuss whether these depictions were totally effective or not into modifying a conduct, this question would require a far longer work, the important thing is that it was their aim, so the creators of the imaginary world thought they could effectively change the world, a necessary change in the light of the impact of knights on society. Moreover, some historical figures actually tried to follow their advice and benefited from the myths. Finally, some concepts arised on the border of the two worlds and demonstrate how compatible they were. Knighthood is an essential order of the medieval society. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a central figure is ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Use Of Gunpowder And Firearms Triggered The Decline Of... Military speaking, it is often stated that the introducing of gunpowder and firearms triggered the decline of chivalry. Richard Kaeuper, on the contrary, explains that this improved military technology "may be too abrupt, for who would not be reluctant to sign a specific, dated death warrant to mark the end of [chivalry, which is] so persistent and so complex."1 Moreover, it is not the first time that knights had to adapt to new military techniques. For instance, during the Hundred Year War (1337–1453) that opposed the French and English kingdoms, French knights were slaughtered by English crossbowmen during the battle of Agincourt in 1415. The French traditional model of the knight fighting with his sword was no longer sufficient to win a battle. Even before that, the English took on the chevauchée, a tactic based on raids to rampage the countryside and thus burn the villages and crops to prevent troops ' food supplies and also demoralizing the population. In response to that, the French used a similar technique of deployment of a small troop for precised raids. So, seeing knights ' military contribution as something constant and unchanging is incorrect. Consequently, knights could perfectly make use of gunpowder or still be valuable as leaders of troops, especially since Charny already valued knights who "are entrusted with the command of men–at–arms to lead them in combat as captains, constables, and marshals or in other offices concerned with the direction of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Chivalry Research Paper Chivalry as a necessary characteristic for Knights and brave men, heroes and aristocrats as depicted in early British literature provided a philosophy around key mix of values to readers, students and humanity at large. Code of Chivalry as per early British literature were meant to define as to obey set of rules to be sworn by all Knights. Some of the key rules included in this Code were emphasizing on courage, loyalty, devotion to duty, Protection of the weak, poor and needy as well as courtesy towards Women being some of the major rules. As centuries passed, meaning of Chivalry changed from Code of rules to simpler meanings and definitions which is not surprising. To be Chivalrous in current world has again multiple meanings based on interpretation one decides to use. But core concept of Chivalry ... Show more content on ... Only Men were responsible for doing the work and bringing in the money for family or go to war and defend the King or state or country. Chivalry thus was required to be a quality for men to protect women and be courteous to them for care they provided. In modern world, role of women have changed. Women are no longer weak. Women work and bring in comforts for the family and are equal to Men in all the respect. In modern world, we do have Women prime ministers, Women astronauts, Women Presidents running the companies, Women Police officers, Army and Navy officers and even Women aircraft pilots. Women do not require protection as in medieval times staying at home from evil forces. However, Women do face many unseen and unheard challenges in modern times. Women may be harassed by superiors at work or denied promotions. Women traveling alone may still face fear of robbery or crime. Women is still seen as weaker caste by few society elements who do not like the progress made by Women and see them with almost ancient mind and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Why Is Chivalry So Alive The Code of chivalry is still alive because many men put their country first and themselves second. For instance, for men fighting for the country who are in the military. It takes a lot of courage to go [into battle] knowing that you may not return home. They have families, friends, and even pets that they are leaving behind to fight for their country. That takes a lot of guts because I can not leave my love ones behind and go off to the war by myself. They only have one life to live and they risking it all for their country they are fighting for. That is the code of chivalry to leave all your love one behinds because the country is depending on you. Also ,why Chivalry could still be alive because a man have obedience to their monarchy. ... Show more content on ... According to another example,George Zimmerman completely broke the code of chivalry. He killed a young teen name Trayvon Martin who had his whole life ahead of him and killed him just because he thought it was self– defense.But we all know the truth the real reason why he killed him because he had a hoodie and most of all he was black. You do not murder someone just on how they look. You should not even murder anyone at all.Trayvon Martin life was cut back short and did not get to experience prom, graduation, college, marriage, he's career just because some ignorant person thought he was a going to hurt or attack but actually it was just a teen going home. Another example that the code of chivalry is still dead because men have sexually assaulted women that women led to suicidal thoughts.For instance, Bill cosby allegedly sexually assaulted more than 50 women who were scared to come out this year. It is really traumatizing for a women to experience sexual assault because someone took control of their body because they didn't had the ability to fight back because they were drug or forced. That can lead to suicidal thoughts because they can never forget that memory of someone taking advantage of them. Suicidal thoughts can lead to depression because they feel that person has power over them and they can not say anything about it because people won't believe ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Three Characteristics Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Angel Duran–Sanchez Mrs. Novosad English IV–2 10 November 2017 The three characteristics of a Knight Knights are well known for their gentlemen like characteristics. They are also unique due to the fact that they follow a noble knightly code of conduct. People often refer to the codes as the "code of chivalry" where knights must follow certain traits in order to be known as noble knights. There are a fair amount of traits that knights must be known for, and I believe the most important three of them all are honesty, loyalty, and most of all bravery. Honesty is the best policy, meaning that being honest is always the best course of action. For example, in the chivalric romance of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," in the end Sir Gawain tells ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Chivalric Actions In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Chivalry (An Analysis of Chivalric Actions in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Song of Roland, Perceval: The Story of the Grail, and Morte D'Arthur) In the childhood of many people all across the world, we grow up hearing grand tales about Medieval times. We fantasize about taking part in countless stories set in this type of world. There has, and always be an abundance stories providing more imaginative stories set in this iconic time in human history. Despite the endless modern adaptations of these stories, the most iconic and influential tales about this time period were actually written in this time. Written stories from this time period, although often edited, provide the most accurate and clear descriptions of what life was truly like at this time. The Dark Ages were a time of great warriors, kings, and chivalry. Chivalry evolved from older cultures, such as the Anglo–Saxons, to eventually be known as the code of honor familiar to society today. In the four stories, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Song of Roland, Perceval: The Story of the Grail, and Morte D'Arthur, ... Show more content on ... The story takes place as Roland fights in Charlemagne's army. Roland is caught in a mountain pass, surrounded by enemies, and is faced with the decision to call for help or fight with minimal chances of survival. "Roland was a loyal defender of his liege Lord Charlemagne and his code of conduct became understood as a code of chivalry," ( In this situation, Roland must mount courage to call for the help of King Charles to help his army. "And now the mighty effort of Roland the Count: he sounds his olifant; his pain is great, and from his mouth the bright blood comes leaping out, and the temple bursts in his forehead," (703). Despite the persuasion needed to bring him to this choice of action, Roland shows humility as well as courage to call for ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Quest For The Holy Grail Generally, these two texts are more practical than other texts written in the same spirit, such as the Quest for the Holy Grail, which expects every knights to stay virgin, or the Praise of the New Knighthood, in which Bernard de Clairvaux urges the new religious order of knighthood to be chased on the battlefield before striking a blow. However, these texts sometimes recommend acts that seem out of sync with the reality of knight. For instance, Charny encourages marriages for love, when both spouses are very young and will produce heirs, rather than alliances for wealth, lands and social status, which was yet the most common thing among the nobility. Expectations on knights ' behaviours always seem to high, as if it was impossible to ... Show more content on ... This physical perfection was necessary for Llull, since "a deformed man or one who is obese or has another physical defect because of which he cannot practise the office of a knight cannot be in the Order of Chivalry, for it is baseness of the Order of Chivalry if it receives a man who is frail"4. Indeed, "a knight is one man among a thousand selected to hold the most noble office of them all"5, so he ought to be perfect and that 's why he is seated on a horse, "since the horse is the noblest beast and the most suitable for serving [...] it was given to the man who was chosen from one thousand men, and thus is called a knight"6. Likewise, in the Prose Lancelot : "The horse that the knight sits on and that takes him wherever he needs to go signifies the common people, for the people must likewise bear the knight and attend to his needs [...] so that he may protect and defend them night and day. The knight sits astride the common people, for, just as the knight spurs his horse and guides it toward the goal he chooses, he has the task of guiding the people according to his will and in legitimate subjection; indeed, the people are under him, and that is where they are meant to be"7. Consequently, knights ' social role always seem to be the focus of the reformative texts, so every modifications, adjustments and advice ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Knights Of The Past And Stories Of Arthur Arthur knights to Medieval knights Knights of the past and those from stories of Arthur are always intriguing. However have you ever wondered what 's knights of the past were really like? Maybe past knights weren 't all about honor and loyalty. Maybe even some of them were villains in some kind of mixed up way. Well this can all be solved in researching "Knights of the past" and stories of Arthur. In the end you will learn that knights of the past and those of the Arthurian age were very similar. Knights have always interested me, but have you ever wondered if the stories were true? For example, we always see a man in silver armor graciously saving the princess in the end. However were there actually knights who did this or was it just ... Show more content on ... Knights wore many chains to protect themselves as well as metal plates. Back in the old times knights really were seen as the police of today. Except the chivalry code of loyalty sometimes made it hard for the knights. Since the knight must pledge to the Lord of his loyalty, he would have to whatever the Lord commands him to do. Sometimes a lord would go mad as a march hare with power and command his knight to do his bidding, however it is not the knights fault, for if he disobeyed the lord he could be killed or jailed for his disregards to an order. Many knights who could of been seen as a Knightly figure were not due to their lords inconsiderate behaviors. One of the best known knights in medieval times would have to be William Marshal. "William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke is often referred to as the extravagant medieval knight who rose to prominence for his bravery in tournaments and warfare. He earlier entered the service of King Henry II, who made him a guardian to his eldest son in 1170. But during the revolt of Henry's sons, he remained loyal to the father and helped him put down the rebellion. When Richard the Lionheart became King of England, he kept Marshal at his side which turned out to be a very good idea. During his absence, Marshal prevented the King's brother John from seizing ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Morte d Arthur Essay Morte d Arthur In the Medieval Period, knights dedicated their lives to following the code of chivalry. In Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, a number of characters performed chivalrous acts to achieve the status of an ideal knight. Their characteristics of respect for women and courtesy for all, helpfulness to the weak, honor, and skill in battle made the characters King Arthur, King Pellinore, and Sir Gryfflette examples of a what knights strove to be like in Medieval society. Because of the examples ofchivalry, Le Morte d'Arthur showed what a knight desired to be, so he could improve theworld in which he lived. Respect for women and courtesy were two major characteristics that knights longed to develop, and King ... Show more content on ... This was considerate behavior because even though he was angry, he was polite and allowed them to leave safely. The warning also showed his courtesy because he could have not told them in anticipation of their return in order to kill them because of their disagreement. These two examples of King Arthur's respect for the Lady of the Lake and the Roman ambassadors made him a model knight since he was obeying the code of chivalry. In addition to being courteous, being helpful to the weak was another aspect of chivalry portrayed through characters in the story. First, Arthur tried to be helpful to Merlin when he was being chased by ruffians. Arthur chased them away while riding his horse. Merlin was not in real danger because of his magical powers, but the intent of Arthur was to help someone who needed because he thought Merlin's powers might have failed him. Another example of this chivalrous quality was illustrated during the battle between King Pellinore and Sir Gryfflette. Pellinore knocked Gryfflette off his horse and, "swiftly ran over to him and loosened his armor." He then, "lifted him gently onto his horse" (page 74). Sir Gryfflette was weak, and he was just knighted that day, so Pellinore did the chivalrous action and helped him. Being helpful to the weak was a quality that all the knights were trying to develop, and King Arthur and King Pellinore showed this attribute in their actions with Merlin and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Chivalry Code However, Chaucer not only recognized pride within the hierarchies of the common man, but also recognized the immorality of the knighthood. Knights were usually born into their class and raised to serve their lords, thus decorating them with a sense of nobility and pride (McLean and Signman 18). Because of their role of protection, knights were commanded to adhere to a code of conduct. According to the book, What Life Was Like In the Age of Chivalry, this code of conduct was constructed by the king and enforced the idea of a strict sense of honor, morale, and duty (53). This code of conduct was vital for the morality of the knights and was commonly believed to be a mechanism used to elevate the status of women; however, according to Natalie Demasi, chivalry "isn't about women at all. It is a code written for knights, for the men." Chivalry's true purpose was meant to elevate the religious and social status of male knights, not the women. This ... Show more content on ... While Dorigen, the wife of the knight Arviragus, laments over her husband's absence, Arviragus is calm, "not inclined to worry about whether anyone had spoken to her of love" (Chaucer 469). Arviragus doesn't waver in his trust, for he believes that Dorigen would never betray his love since he is a noble knight; however, despite the love they share, Dorigen still barters a deal with another squire for her love. Chaucer was able to recognize the irony within the knighthood and thus produce a tale in which the Knight, haughty in his mindset of his social status, did not realize the unfaithfulness of his own wife. Because the knights were regarded as the ideal warrior and man, pride naturally formed in their behavior. Therefore, Chaucer portrayed the hypocrisy within their ideals and attacked the knighthood and its social structure in regards to the falsehood of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Role Of Chivalry In Medieval Europe In Medieval Europe, in order for a knight to be considered honorable, he had to conduct himself by the code of chivalry. The Knights Code of Chivalry was part of the culture of the Middle Ages and was understood by all. Chivalry was a system of ethical ideals developed among the knights of medieval Europe. Arising out of feudalism, it combined military virtues with those of Christianity, as characterized by the Arthurian legend in England and the "chansons de geste" of medieval France. The word chivalry is derived from the French chevalier, meaning horseman or knight (Chivalry. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2015, from http://www.medieval–life–and–– knights/chivalry.htm) . Chivalry was the code of conduct by which knights were ... Show more content on ... Today most people are corrupt and try not to act as they should. The Knight was an honest and a just person. He would have fair fights, treat people with respect, and he would not brag about what he accomplished, he was a very modest person. Most people today are rude and ignorant, you'll be lucky if a person holds the door for you. The way the Knight lived is better than the way most people live today. You have to be careful in who you trust because people today only try to cheat or to hurt people. If we were living back then we would not have to worry about trusting the Knight he was chivalrous, he could not even hurt a fly. Back then it was a better time to live because were more chivalrous like the Knight, they did things in honorably ways not like ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Chivalry Vs Chivalry Chivalry––it is a word everyone has heard at least once in their lifetime. The word is no longer used to describe brave knights who fought for the love of their loyal ladies. Over hundreds of years and many lifestyle changes, chivalry has shifted and morphed into something new to fit the current generation. Chivalry changed over the ages from lifestyle and technology developments, as well as comparing the Medieval version of chivalry to the more modern aspect of it that we have now. One of the most important things to be addressed is the definition of a few keywords: chivalry and knight. Chivalry, is defined as the Medieval knightly system with a religious, moral and, social code. Knights had a very strict code to obey known as The Code of Chivalry. A knight is somebody who served someone of a higher power, usually a lord, king, or queen. They were trained from a young age and served in a military capacity, usually on horseback or on foot. Most of the sources used were books, simply because there were few valuable websites to use. One of the books, titled Knight by Robert Jones had a fair amount of important information. There's also a youtube video thrown in as well. Many sources who had similar information, but each had a different perspective. Before the comparison battle can begin, we must learn of the now ancient background of the knightly system and how it came to be. The biggest contributor and kick start of knighthood was Duke William of Normandy. "After the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Comparison Of The Knight And The Squire In Chaucers The... In the medieval period that is described by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, chivalry was perhaps the most recognized quality of a true gentleman. This quality is explored in Chaucer's two characters of the warrior class, the Knight and the Squire. The squire is the son of the Knight; both ride gallantly and have the air of true gentleman warriors. However, the two are very dissimilar despite their appearances. The Knight possesses the true qualities of chivalry, devotion to service, constancy in humility, and honesty. The Squire possesses none of these qualities truly; instead his demeanor is one that is less honorable and virtuous. Although both claim the same vocation, the Squire and the Knight display contradicting attitudes in respect to ... Show more content on ... Although Chaucer does not criticize the Squire by his writing, the Squire's hesitant attitude towards putting himself in mortal danger as well as his lack of conviction are revealed in light of the Knight's numerous demonstrations of a willingness to defend his faith single–handedly and also in extreme hardship and distance. In addition to Chaucer's descriptions of dedication that distinguish the Knight, Chaucer also provides a description of the Squire's acquisitiveness for wealth and beauty, a quality that is contrary to the humble nature of the knight. The Squire had "locks as curly as if they had been pressed", while there is no such description of the Knight's appearance whatsoever (5). I feel that Chaucer does not intend to criticize the Squire by the mention of the beauty of the Squire's hair in conjunction with the mention of the poor outfit of the Knight. Instead he attempts to point out that the Squire is the lesser of the two in terms of keeping to the code of chivalry. Regarding his articles of clothing, the Knight wore a fustian tunic, which was only somewhat bright and only sufficiently comfortable. An example of the Squire's meticulous appearance is: He was embroidered like a meadow bright And full of freshest flowers, red and white. . . . He was as fresh as is the month of May. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Two Examples Of Chivalry In Don Quixote Chivalry is defined as the characteristics that knights had to portray in Middle ages which are loyalty, honor, and being polite. One chivalry characteristics Don Quixote follows in his adventure is honor. Honor is the respect that you have for someone or something. Don Quixote honored Dulcinea and praised her every adventure he went on. After Sancho and Don left the highway they seen a chain gang walking towards their directed Don stopped the guards and ask each convict why they were chained up. Don listened to each one of their stories and decided that they should be free. After Don freed each man he ordered them to present themselves to Dulcinea. Once the men refused to do as Don gets upset and started to insult them, which caused them to ... Show more content on ... Don convinces Sancho to leave his wife and children behind because he is going to come back with something that'll change their lives. On this adventure Sancho Panza would be Don's squire and he promised Sancho an island, where he would be a governor. A squire is usually a boy at the age of fourteen who receives training on how to become a knight in the future. Sancho was a man who had learning challenges but served as a servant for Don Quixote. Don Quixote and Sancho's friendship is like Gilgamesh and Enkidu from The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh and Enkidu relationship started off rocky because their first time meeting each other they got into a fight. Enkidu and Gilgamesh ended up needing each other for their adventure to kill Humbaba. Enkidu became Gilgamesh brother, who was loyal throughout their journey. Enkidu knew the safest routes through the forest to get to their destination without any problems. When Enkidu was killed Gilgamesh was devastated about losing his friend. Gilgamesh starts his own journey now that his friend is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Code Of Chivalry Essay The Code of Chivalry, though never truly being set in stone or truly documented, played a large role in shaping medieval society and literature. Though the basis of this code seems to be rooted more so in fantasy and fiction of the age, we need to take a glance and consider just how much sway the code held in the medieval era. The code of chivalry has its roots in feudalism, the common theme of the feudalistic era, as quoted by many a historian is the idea of "those who work, those who fight, and those who pray" as the main element of that era. The fighting class, or rather vassals and knights, developed a code of conduct that became the essence of good behavior or how one should act in respect to not only their lords, but everyone in society. ... Show more content on ... As most things go through a transformation, society was changing and shifting into a new world where the primary goal of the age was how to be the most pious. While Christian elements were always intertwined into chivalric code (one of the traits of the code oft being 'piety'), the code truly developed into a more Christianized standard as a reaction to society's big shift to a more Christian world. As time went on, the church began extending its power and rule across Europe, the Pope began to have more power than ever, most often than not excommunicating secular leaders who didn't agree with him, such as the case of Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI. As well as Pope Urban II's speech at Clermont urging those to go partake in what would be known as the Crusades, to regain their holy land. These establishments of power began to blur the lines between the secular world and the church, easily creating a blend of both for a few centuries to come. We see this become especially evident in the post–Crusade era during the medieval ages, religion was integral to society and being a citizen was almost synonymous with being ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Chivalry is the belief and practice of knights in the Middle Ages and even today. During the Middle Ages, chivalry was a code of brave and respectful conduct for knights. A knight had to remain faithful to God, loyal to his king, true to his lady love, and helpful to others. In today's society, the definition of chivalry has changed. Chivalry still exists, but it does not hold the same value as Middle Ages. The code of chivalry is seen in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Morte d' Arthur". Even in today's society, we can see chivalry. First and foremost, Sir Gawain in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" was tested of chivalry on many occasions. In the story, on page 178, it says that, "...they agree to exchange whatever they receive during ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Use Of Satire In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales The definition of chivalry may differ from person to person. It can be explained from a woman's point of view, a citizen's point of view, or a specific generation's point of view. Though the meaning of chivalry can be slightly altered to fit contrasting situations today, it has specific roots reaching back to the 1100s AD. That century was the birthplace of some of the morals we uphold today. Unfortunately, chivalry–– and everything it stands for–– is slowly leaking out of our society decade by decade. However, some people are accepting this evolution as a revolution of a new and better lifestyle. Everyone must agree that chivalry is not what it used to be. If a person needs evidence to contrive a stance on whether or not chivalry is apparent ... Show more content on ... In fact, it and the Bible were the only books common people of England had access to in their homes during this time, making "The Canterbury Tales" was the sole form of entertainment. The author, Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote this text evoking several literary techniques. The most apparent of these are satire and situational irony. As defined by Webster, satire is "the use of humor, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices". Irony is defined as "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect". In the prologue, Chaucer characterizes each persona as much greater than his/her behavior suggests filling the beginning of the story with loads of satire. However, the Knight in the storyline has the least amount of sarcasm placed on him implying he was the most noble. The Knight was directly described as "follow[ing] chivalry". Chaucer also says, "He was of sovereign value in all eyes, ... wise, ... modest as a maid, ... [and] a perfect gentle–knight" (Geoffrey Chaucer 30, 31). Chaucer's lack of literary techniques associated with the Knight displays the character's his integrity and obedience of the chivalric ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Medieval Times: Chivalry And Medieval Romance Chivalric Romance When one thinks upon romance and chivalry in medieval times, the mind automatically jumps to whimsical thoughts of knights in shining armor, fire–breathing dragons, and tall, ominous towers. Too be fair, this is how all the story books describe it! During the medieval times, there was a code of conduct expected of knights, called chivalry. This pertained to conduct related with courtly love, and was followed with honor bravery, courteousness, and honesty. The concept of "the knight in shining amour" comes from a knight following the code of chivalry, therefore becoming the precedent for the modern day gentleman. Chivalry and medieval romance are so closely intertwined that one might forget that they are two separate things. Chivalry was expected during romance at ... Show more content on ... These three are as follows: duties to countrymen, duties to God, and duties to women. Duties to countrymen is often referred to as "warrior chivalry" and deals with valor, honor, and protecting the poor and innocent. To the knights, this was the most important type of chivalry. The knight's duties to countrymen often forces the knights to risk their lives for the sake of others. Although it was called warrior chivalry, more entries in the Knights codes of Chivalry pertain to acts of chivalry than to acts of combat. To adhere to knightly chivalry, the knights had to do many things. Like stated in "The Song of Roland", knights were expected to honor fellow knights. First thing's first, this does not mean they had to honor all knights. If a challenge was proposed, they would fight the other knights to the death. Not declining a challenge was also a duty of theirs. Knights of the same order were expected to honor, respect, be loyal to, and defend one another. For example, Sir Lancelot fought Sir Taquin because he had tarnished the reputation of many a Knight of the Round ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Courtly Love In Medieval Movies: Chivalric Love While chivalric love may seem perfect, it is in fact flawed and not the best choice of love for modern participants because of its numerous prejudices and inequities. The medieval time period (5th to 15th century) chose to exhibit in literature, chivalric love (or courtly love) as a better choice of love than regular methods. so much to the point that in some places, chivalric love became the norm. However as time passed, it was exemplified that regular love was "quicker" and "easier" if not more practical and reasonable. This is not because chivalric love was full of errors and flaws, because regular love adopted some of their ideas, it's just that chivalric love had stronger flaws then it did strengths. In a knights tale, William and Jocelyn ... Show more content on ... chivalric or courtly love is defined as "Courtly love was a Medieval European literary conception of love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. Medieval literature is filled with examples of knights setting out on adventures and performing various services for ladies because of their "courtly love". This kind of love is originally a literary fiction created for the entertainment of the nobility, but as time passed, these ideas about love changed and attracted a larger audience." chivalric love is often displayed in a code, as a set of rules for participants to follow. some of the stronger rules are "Love cannot exist in the individual who cannot be jealous." and " Love cannot coexist with avarice." however it also has some of the strongest flaws such as "Suspicion of the beloved generates jealousy and therefore intensifies love." and "Thought of the beloved never leaves the true lover." and even "The value of love is commensurate with its difficulty of attainment.". These rules which seem fair except for the few exceptions actually lead to a few problems. these include what some call "the damsel in distress" phenomena or the "chivalric chivalrous to all" theory– this says that while you are courtly to the one you love, you are also showing chivalry to everyone else, which diminishes the ability to quickly locating love as if you are being nice to everyone then it would be harder ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Chivalric Codes In The Song Of Nibelung's All knights are expected to follow a list of chivalric codes, whether or not they follow is for their own self–respect. Are Sigrid, Hagen, and Gunther the most chivalric or knightly characters than any other character in this poem, "The Song of Nibelung's" by Frank G. Ryder. Did they always meet the standard or sometimes fail? Furthermore, did they meet the expectations following these four chivalric codes of conduct? Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, and "noble bearing," Knight were required to tell the truth at all times, Knights vowed to always respect the honor of women, and Knights never turned their back on foe. Well if you do not know you will know by the end of this paper... To start off, Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, ... Show more content on ... Hagen was the guy that spilled Sigfrid's secret to Gunther that, "Sigfrid had killed a dragon and bath in his blood, is body became invulnerable because of the dragon's blood. But he had one vulnerable spot, as he was soaking in the blood a big linden leaf fell landing between Sigfrid's shoulder blades. Hagen showed noble bearing acts throughout the story. For example, towards the end of the story Kriemhild burns down the hall down that Hagen and his men were in seeking revenge for killing her husband Sigfrid and he stays strong encouraging his men to drink the blood of those that are already dead to keep alive. That is a noble act being loyal to his men, he could have kept that to himself just caring for his life but he didn't. Hagen did not tell the truth all the time and he even turned his back on foe. On page 197–198 Sigfrid leaned to drink from the pool of water where they were hunting and Hagen took his aim and hurled it through the cross. The heart–blood came welling from the wound, richly to spill on Hagen's clothes. No knight has ever done so ill. He left the spear embedded by Sigfrid's heart. (Stanza 981–989) Hagen also did not respect the honor of women, thought because he steals Kriemhild's treasure and sink it in the Rhine ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Influence Of Chivalry In Early Medieval Literature Chivalry is a code of conduct which began in the middle ages, 449–1485. The mannerism was based on a foundation of common morals and how to hold oneself socially then flourished into numerous different aspects of life such as war and courtly love. Chivalry was then infiltrated into the military and became a phenomenon among knights and how they should behave themselves in and out of war. Chivalry and courtly love were practiced by nobility then trickled down to the working class where they began to imitate it. Chivalry can be confused with feudalism which was (Schofield, "Chivalry in Medieval English"). However, before all of this, chivalry began in literature, not in society. Writers influenced chivalry before people began carrying out chivalrous ... Show more content on ... They would only fight at the king's wish and only use as much power as necessary. This meant knights were expected not to quarrel in any unruly fashion or continue fighting against an opponent once a battle had ended. Jousting was a clean method used among knights to determine superiority and bravery rather than fatal one–on–one duels. Geoffroi De Charny's 'Book of Chivalry' notes that knight were supposed to "[...]speak of the achievements of others but not of your own, and do not be envious of others" ( par. 1). Chivalrous knights were assumed to be kind, cordial, and vigilant without having excess ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Chivalric Code In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Chivalric code was like the federal system in the medieval times. Some of the chivalry codes were loyalty, courage, and honour, these were some of the ideal qualities expected in a knight. knights had to respect their religion , respect women and their king. Some of these codes were portrayed in " monty python". One of the powerful codes of chivalry is loyalty. Lancelot refuses to fight with arthur even when the king invades his property. In " sir gawain and the green knight", sir gawain shows loyalty with the king's wife. Lady bercilake attempts to sleep with gawain , but he continues to treat the king and her with respect. To show his courage , sir gawain took on a tricky quest. The other knights were to scared to take on the quest ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Chivalry Compared To Today Chivalry was designated for knights as a moral code or law for them to abide by, but sadly has been slowly being brushed under the rug by their following generations. Growing up I was taught certain aspects of a new hybrid of the Code of Chivalry such as courtesy, honor, humbleness, respect, and proper manners. Chivalry since medieval times has slowly dissipated into almost nothing compared to today. Now I am not suggesting that these traits have been lost indefinitely but they have certainly minimized. Parents are not teaching their children to be polite or use proper manners. Those traits are something I would like to thank my father for instilling in myself. I hold courtesy, honor, humbleness, respect, and proper manners highly because many people respect that. So how exactly did these values change me? These imperative values changed and ... Show more content on ... I honestly am not sure why I do it, I could be exhausted from working five days then go in to help on my only day off just to be nice. I abide by these rules I set into place to keep myself in check. I often see people at school or in public who are rude and do not show any respect towards others and that enrages me. I would never be able to live with myself if I acted like an asinine fool. No one in return will respect me if I did. I look to showcase myself in the brightest light possible and set an impressive image for others to look at me as. Using my personal code of chivalry I believe has really molded me into what I am. I hold my eating utensils properly, keep my elbows off the table while eating, say please and thank you, help others when given the chance, and reflect myself in a brighter light. I want to stick out from others to be viewed as a good person. Being good feels good. It is as simple as that and if I can help others and myself along the way then I must continue to us my personal code of ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Essay about Chivalry in the Middle Ages: Illusion or Reality? The ideals of chivalry are inextricably linked with the medieval period, and even today it is an ideal we still pay lip service to. Many historians however have questioned whether the knights and nobility of the time actually took it any more seriously than we do. Johan Huizinga described it as "a cloak for a whole world of violence and self–interest" , an "illusion of society [that] clashed with the reality of things" , and in our rather cynical age, this is probably the predominant view of the middle ages. Nonetheless, it is not a view that has gone unchallenged by more recent historians, and even Huizinga concedes that for the nobility, chivalry constituted "an amazing self–deception" , an ideal that resonated with many young nobles who ... Show more content on ... The romantic authors of the period such as Chrétien de Troyes are fairly consistent in providing us with one interpretation of the proper chivalric virtues a knight should aspire to: prowess, loyalty, largesse, courtesy and franchise . However, whilst these stories certainly may have exerted some influence over the thinking of knights, we might expect a more accurate conception of chivalry would be found in the writings of actual knights such as Llull and Charny. Ramon Llull, in his 'Book of the Order of Chivalry', claims that the chivalric knight must adhere to seven virtues, comprising the three 'theological' virtues of "faith, hope [and] charity" and the four 'cardinal' virtues of "justice, prudence, temperance and fortitude" . Given that he also requires courtesy and loyalty in his knights, his definition in large part encompasses that of the romantics and expands upon it by adding a religious element, for he continually stresses the need for a knight to be pious and god–fearing . Geoffroi de Charny, writing a little over half a century later, was famed for his chivalry even in his own lifetime, but advanced a rather more pragmatic view of knighthood and chivalry. Nevertheless, his work is overflowing with references to God and Judas Maccabeus, whom he regards as a splendid example of the ideal knight , and it is clear ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Chivalry Code Research Paper Is Chivalry Needed in High School? "More than a code of manners in war and love, Chivalry was a moral system, governing the whole of noble life." This quote by Barbara Tuchman explains the standard used during the medieval period when people followed moral principles to live a noble life. The medieval period, which took place from the fifth to the fifteenth century, is well–known for chivalry and noble life. The chivalry code is a code of conduct, or a code of manners, that required knights to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of their high calling. This code, mainly pertaining to knights, appears in any King Arthur or similar knightly story. Even though the chivalry code was for knights, in the medieval period, it should still be used today. They are necessary for high school students; three particularly important rules are act with courtesy, honor truth by word and deed, and seek to redress all wrongs. ... Show more content on ... In a high school setting, courtesy is needed to make life enjoyable for both teachers and students alike. Without it, frustration and hatefulness would make everyone miserable. GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF THIS HERE. MAKE IT A POSITIVE EXAMPLE. Being courteous also means being respectful. Teachers deserve respect because of the position they hold in our school. They want to help students learn and succeed, not only in scholastic areas, but also in life. Having students who are respectful and polite allows teachers to focus on subject matter, not behavioral problems. Being courteous and respectful sets the tone for a very pleasant situation. Courtesy and politeness mean nothing if truthfulness is not part of a student's ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Chivalry: Purpose And Influence Purpose and Influence Chivalry was intended to control violence. It is important to note that Chivalry did not stop violence, but channeled it into something manageable (Abels, R, n.d.). In the twelfth century, men of war would compete in jousting competitions and duels. These competitions cast illusions of battle that were tremendously less dangerous, but still quite violent. If you consider how our modern attempt to neutralize violence is through intelligence and Olympic Games, then perhaps you might agree that there are some resemblances. The Olympic Games are a means to compete with other nations without the dangers of war and death. Of course, we didn't get the idea on our own; we took it from history. Ancient Greece, Rome, and the medieval ... Show more content on ... The current definition of chivalry discusses a behavior exhibited by a small percentage of a population in a male order from times of medieval knights (Keen, M., 2005). The definition might discuss religion, morality, and a social code–but it is all in a historical context. As mentioned, chivalry in the past was enacted only by knights or people of a higher social class. Because of gender roles in society at the time, very few women were able to actively take part in chivalry– though it is fair to say that they did fall into roles that aided those in participation. Based on the origin and previous interpretation, chivalry was a set of ideals that encompassed valor more so than romantic notions. A knight was to be loyal and courageous, kind and compassionate (Abels R., n.d.). These knights were expected to carry out battle and defend the honor of their god or their lords. They competed for honor, and upheld social status. In this time, the focus on women in chivalry was limited only to a man's willingness to help a widow and to respect women as a whole ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Chivalry Bias Research Paper Chivalry Bias/Sentencing differences between male and female offenders Geisy Cobas Radford University It is a question many have, whether or not there is a gender bias in the criminal justice system of America, and even other countries. Are female offenders treated less strictly than male offenders by officers of the law and even the courts? This paper will review articles related to the topic of male and female offenders sentencing differences. The term chivalry means to treat others, women especially with courtesy, sympathy and respect. The chivalry theory, which comes from the mindset of treating women like higher beings, states that women offenders are treated more leniently than men by the criminal justice system. Male chivalry means ... Show more content on ... Lyons published an article about the sentencing discrepancies between male and female sex offenders. The research represented in this article examines the evil woman hypothesis, and examines sentencing discrepancies between male sex offenders and female sex offenders. The "evil women" hypothesis states that women offenders often receive harsher punishment than men in the criminal justice system, on the grounds that they have not only violated legal laws but also society's gender expectations. (Chesney–Lind, 1984; Erez, 1992). However, research proves the opposite for female sex offenders. This article by the Feminist Criminology Journal used the National Corrections Reporting Program data to identify registered male and female sex offenders for the years 1994 to 2004, and the sentences they received for specific sex offenses. The data gathered revealed a significant difference in sentence length between men and women sex offenders. The evil woman hypothesis would assume women are sentenced more harshly, but according to the National Corrections Reporting Program male sex offenders receive longer sentences for sex offenses than ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Who Is Knighthood In Chrétien's Lancelot? Like many examples of medieval literature, Chrétien de Troyes uses knighthood as a central theme in his Lancelot. While Lancelot clearly and completely demonstrates the archetypal knight (heroic, determined, and male), Chrétien includes another character who appears to contradict this traditional depiction of knighthood – King Bademagu's daughter. In her efforts to rescue Lancelot from the evil Meleagant's tower, King Bademagu's daughter is portrayed almost as a knight on a quest. However, although the daughter of King Bademagu displays admirable heroism in her efforts to rescue Lancelot, Chrétien carefully undermines her knightly conduct so as not to violate the strict gender constructs involved in medieval knighthood and chivalry. In his ... Show more content on ... One of the most obvious and glaring details that undermines her knightly depiction is her complete lack of a name; throughout her involvement in the tale, Chrétien refers to her mostly as "the girl" or "the daughter of King Bademagu". Lancelot never mentions or asks for her name, even though he displays extreme gratitude towards her: "'My dear friend, to God and to you alone, I give thanks for being healed and healthy. Because you have made possible my escape, I give you my heart, my body, my aid, and my possessions to take an keep whatever you wish. For all you have done, I am yours" (Chrétien 176). Although Lancelot probably already knows her name because she is the king's daughter, it seems strange that he never refers to her by her name, especially when considering how appreciative he is of her. He recognizes her full responsibility for his escape, saying he owes his freedom "to God and to [her] alone". Furthermore, he lists what he pledges to give her (his "heart", "body", "aid", and "possessions") and even goes as far as to say "I am yours", promising all of himself in gratitude of her heroic actions. Yet, he refers to her as a "dear friend" instead of by her name, which would serve to make his pledge even more sincere. While Lancelot's name is withheld for some time within the text to create suspense and highlight his importance within the story, the name of King Bademagu's daughter is withheld to deprive her of an individual identity, significance within the story, and due credit for her knightly ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Why Is Chivalry Important In today's world, there are many examples of chivalry that are not being reflected on. Respect, bravery, and loyalty, are no longer a focus in today's culture. Many people decline to show these traits. This starts the topic saying that chivalry is still necessary in today's society. Today, people in Western society basically have no respect towards others. To have respect, people should never have contempt for others. As children, people were educated to respect adults and the rules. For this reason, everyone should always value other people's opinions. People should never stereotype others by what they say or do. In the article, "Respect has Great Importance in Everyday Life" by Susie Wilson, she states, "Unlike food, respect costs nothing. Then why should it be in short supply?" ... Show more content on ... It used to mean "having courageous behavior or character."(Dictionary) Throughout history, both men and women have displayed some of the most amazing acts of bravery. For example, firefighters and police officers put their own lives at risk. To be honorable and brave, people must stand up for what they believe in; no matter what happens to them. In the article, "Famous Examples of Bravery – A Knowledge Archive," it states, "Bravery: it can hit any of us at any time and quick thinking overtakes any fears we might have about our own safety." A great example would be Rosa Parks. Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus for a white citizen during segregation in the South. While knowing the consequences, she still stood up for her rights and started a movement to end segregation. Rosa Parks was the definition of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Outlaws In The Adventures Of Robin Hood this group was renowned throughout England because they were chivalrous outlaws that stole from the rich and gave to the poor the movie The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) depicts it well. They were considered outlaws because the Normans forcefully took over England and made the Saxons pay for everything they wanted no matter how poor it made their living so Robin started the band to rebel against what was wrong. Robin and his Merry Men all were very chivalrous even though they were considered outlaws they followed many of the rules of a knight including Defending the weak, to protect women and children, and granting mercy to their enemies. The first honorable trait of a knight was the act of defending the weak and the helpless. This could be seen in the movie when Robin protects Much. This scene occurred when Much shoots a deer and Sir Guy tries to arrest him then Robin comes in and holds Sir Guy at arrow point unless he leaves. Sir Guy then leaves and Much joins his group due to a stranger defending him because alone he was weak and helpless. The next example in the film was when Robin was showing Marian what the Normans did to the Saxons which caused them to flee and live with Robin in the forest. This was an act of defense because he protected the Saxons after the Normans took everything from them. He also fed them and ... Show more content on ... The first example was when Robin won the arrow he made sure to keep Marian out of the fire between the forces by giving himself up to Prince John and Sir Guy. This was honorable because he was willing to give his life to protect her. Another example of this code was when Sir Guy and Marian were captured by Robin Hood she was treated with respect and dignity whereas Sir Guy was treated less respectfully. This was because Robin believed that women were a thing to be treasured and should be treated as such. In the movie Robin never broke his code of chivalry to protect women and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Personal Code Of Chivalry A code of chivalry are beliefs that one follows. To some, it means that they must be courageous and have the want to help those in need. My definition of chivalry means to have courtesy and honor. My personal code of chivalry is important because it defines who I am and what I believe in. I believe in being trustworthy, honest, caring, and inspirational to those who need it. Being trustworthy is very important to me. It is a very good quality that everyone should possess but not everyone does. Being trustworthy is how friends and family are able to rely on each other. When someone is trustworthy, they are considered responsible by most. The definition of trustworthy is being able to be relied on as honest or trustful. When someone is credible, it means that anything they say and do can be trusted. Being trustworthy also means that they do the right thing even people aren't paying attention. If someone isn't trustworthy, then that means that no one is going to help them through a time of need because they know that the other person can't return the same favor or deed. ... Show more content on ... When a person cares about others, it shows that they are a great person and that they put others before themselves. It also proves to others that they aren't a selfish individual. There is always a great amount of accomplishment when someone helps others because it makes them feel as though they did something that made a difference. A person doesn't have to go out and save the world to be able to make a difference in someone's life. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that can change someone's life. Helping others brings a warm spot to their heart. They don't even have to be human to feel love. Animals all the time are need of homes or loving hands to pet them. Being caring is just one of those qualities that is very important no matter where a person goes in life or what they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Similarities Between The Song Of Roland And Perceval The concept of honor and the connection of living our life with honor has been pondered by philosophers, intellectuals, and the common people. Even as far back as medieval times, the idea of honor is a key factor in what shapes the rules of society. Knights would try their best to apply the Code of Chivalry to their everyday lives. The Code of Chivalry is a compilation of rules that guide the knight to be what was considered honorable in their time. Most knights would try to live to the code, but it could be seen that knights would violate the code which create a horrible consequence for him and the people around him. An example could be seen with Roland in The Song of Roland, and Perceval in "The Story of the Grail". Two knights trying their ... Show more content on ... In medieval times it was called the Code of Chivalry. The knights, who used the Code of Chivalry, were living in a much different time period than ours; as they lived in a time period without a strong central power. What this shows, for knights that honor for them is much more focused on the individual . As Roland and Perceval fails to upheld their version of the code as their internal conflicts were too much for them to handle. While in the modern era,which is much more centralized, focuses more on the wellbeing of the group. In our society, being able to work together with people and make decision based on the welfare of the common people is an important rule for our people to live with. People in our modern era works based off that important idea and it is in their nature to work with cooperation and for the welfare of the group. The knights version of the code in a time era where centralization was lacking was based off himself ,while in the modern era our focus is shifted from ourself to cooperation and the welfare of our society. ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Examples Of Chivalry In Beowulf Chivalry: The Code Itself and its Antecedents (An analysis of the Code of Chivalry and its antecedents using the Arthur stories, the Greek triad, Beowulf, and Song of Roland.) "Chivalry is essentially a martial ideal, a code of values that glorified military prowess as the supreme achievement of the virtuous knight." (Mellen) The code of chivalry is a basic code that all of the most virtuous knights. The code is basically the rules of behavior that a noble knight must abide by. The code says a knight must have courage, honor, loyalty, consideration for others/manners, and respect of the law. Chivalry was incredibly influenced by Christianity and the moral codes that they set for themselves. The code is also influenced by Plato's Republic, ... Show more content on ... The two epics show very little of the idea of a chivalric code. The two epic heroes show no respect for the other gender, which is one of the major parts of the code. "The girl – I won't give up the girl. Long before that, old age will overtake her in my house, in Argos, far from her fatherland, slaving back and forth at the loom, forced to share my bed." (Pg. 78) These two heroes show an utter disrespect to women as they often force women into their beds and rape them. The heroes do seem to make a change for the best throughout their journeys though. "Homer's epic poem may be interpreted as a voyage of deepening self–knowledge, in which the hero's homeward journey involves a growing understanding of the whole of human experience and the rejection of ways of life that fail to recognize, and recollectively to internalize, essential elements of that experience." (Howland) As the heroes go through their many trials and learn all about the ways they can be better men and better epic heroes. This growth allows them to be examples of other aspects of the chivalric code, though they don't exemplify those traits through the whole ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Does Chaucer Use Clothing In Literature Chaucer's Use of Clothing: an Effective Rhetorical Device In Literature, as in real life, characters are sometimes judged by their appearance. The description of clothing provides detail and comment on those wearing them. Chaucer's uses of artifice in The Canterbury Tales function as gauges of the social status and economic wealth, and emotional condition of each pilgrim. Artifice effectively provides a badge of humanity, symbolic of each character's fallibility. Yet clothing simultaneously imposes upon the characters literary stereotypes, which they consequentially adopt. Unable to transcend these ascribed roles, the pilgrims sometimes find themselves bound by literary stereotypes and narrative function, which they tend to fulfill ... Show more content on ... In the case of the Knight it can be inferred that his physical description directly represents his demeanor. He is completely sincere and chivalrous in all his deeds; Chaucer explicitly states that the Knight "that fro the tyme that he first bigan/ To ryden out, he loved chivalrye/ Trouthe and honour, freedom, and curteisye" The tale told by the knight, reflective of his character and background, consequentially pays special attention to clothing as a means of status recognition. For example, after Theseus had conquered Thebes, his soldiers discovered the two Knights, Palamon and Arcite: After the bataille and disconfiture. And so bifel, that in the tas they founde, Thurgh–girt with many a grievous blody wounde, Two yonge Knigtes ligginge by and by, bothe in oon armes, wrought ful richely, of whiche two Arcite highte that oon, and that oother Knyght highte Palamon. Nat fully quike ne fully dede they were, but by hir cote–armures and by hir gere the heraudes knewe hem best in special As they that, werein of blood royal Or Thebes, and of sustren two y–born (150–161). Arcite and Palamon are identified by their clothing: "but by hir cote armures," which establishes their stature: "as they that were in blood royal," and consequentially saves their lives. However, although they are allowed to live they must remain in the prison tower. The situation shows ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Examples Of Chivalry In Beowulf What is chivalry? Chivalry is qualities expected of an knight, that shows courage, honor, courtesy, and justice. While chivalry in the medieval era was institution of knighthood referring more to the codes of conduct, including courtly love. But, today chivalry isn't more to different from the middle ages we have a great deal of wealth and resources and freedom at our disposal, it's also considered a choice to do the right thing for the right reason and helping out others shows that side of chivalry. Chivalry still exist today in my opinion, why do i say that? Only because we show chivalry nearly everyday. Bravery, loyalty, and honor in the story Beowulf shows that he doesn't need to use armor to show that he is strong or to prove himself for ... Get more on ...