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Village Knowledge Centre: an initiative for Sustainable Development
Conference Paper · February 2021
1 author:
Prakasan P.M. Prakasan P.M.
University of Kerala
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Village Knowledge Centre:
an initiative for Sustainable Development
Dr. Prakasan P.M.
Assistant Professor
Department of Library and Information Science
University of Kerala
Thiruvanamthapuram, Kerala
Diverse cultural heritage and completely different social-economic structure is also the hallmark of
Indian villages. The traditional knowledge of the villagers and the new knowledge formed on
the basis of research experiments may not be properly reached and utilized by the villagers
today. This is a time when information explosions are taking place, as the potential of modern
communication technology begins to be used in the field of knowledge. As a result, our
villages are finding it difficult to access the new knowledge that is being formed. The
contribution of the library movement to the cultural and social progress of Kerala cannot be
overlooked. It has played a great role in making a community knowledge-thirst and
Village Knowledge Centre (VKC) has great role to play to achieve the 17 goals of
Sustainable Development of United Nations (UN). The raw material used here for developing
an integrated thinking and sustainable approach is ‘Knowledge’. The Centre aims to achieve
these goals by giving valuable inputs to the human resource development of the village. So
the VKC collects, manipulates, organizes, stores and disseminates the traditional knowledge
and explicit knowledge by using modern digital technologies and Information
Communication Technologies. In addition, VKC has a variety of programs and plans in place
to make the 2030 Agenda possible. VKC envisions activities for the benefit of all by
organizing the entire population of a village.
Village Knowledge Center (VKC): Definition
VKC is a concept created by using the three words Village, Knowledge and Centre. This
concept can be defined in two ways. One is as a Centre for introducing the unique traditional
knowledge of the villagers to the new generation and the other as a Centre for imparting new
knowledge on various subjects to the villagers on various aspects of their daily lives. These two
definitions must complement each other if the goal of this center is to work.
Types of Knowledge Resources
The Centre deals with mainly two types of knowledge, i.e. traditional knowledge of villagers
and print, electronic and online information resources.
a. Traditional Knowledge of Villagers
Traditional folk medicine, cultural heritage, folk songs, games, dances, music and
instruments, agriculture, village festivals, folk arts, martial arts, food and diet, lifestyle,
healthcare, treatment options, medicinal plants, folk literature, etc. are the cultural heritage of
the villagers. The Center is doing a great cultural exchange by passing these on to the next
generation. But this alone is not enough to satisfy the needs of modern man. They need other
knowledge sources in the form of print, electronic and online.
b. Print, Electronic and Online information resources
Popular periodicals, magazines, journals, newspapers, technical reports, conference papers,
dissertations and theses, patents, standards, trade and product bulletin, indexing periodicals,
abstracting periodicals, bibliographies, books, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, CD-
ROM, DVD, diskette, magnetic tape, USB, E-journals, e-books, e-theses and dissertations,
online databases, institutional repositories, podcasts, etc. are the major resources coming
under this purview.
By undertaking such service activities alone, knowledge does not have to reach the villagers, in the
way that intend. Therefore, the Centre has to plan some ancillary activities as well. The following are
some of the routine supplementary activities.
1) Book discussions, 2) Remembrances, 3) Day celebrations, 4) Science exhibitions and experiments,
5) Film festivals, 6) Knowledge festivals, 7) Environmental discussions, 8) English festival, 9)
Leadership camps, 10) Drama camps, 11) Folk art training, 12) Rural games training, 13) Village fest
( village market, folk dishes, folk arts, games), 14) Local history writing, 15) Painting / music arts
training, 16) History museum construction, etc.
Essential components of VKC
The Centre should have the three important components, i.e. Human resources, Physical
Facilities and Information Communication Technology, for the smooth running of VKC.
a. Human Resources
The most important of these are the various types of volunteers who are equipped to provide
valuable services. Individuals and organizations who can organize discussions, classes,
trainings and workshops on rural arts, culture, society and education can set up a resource
bank and avail their services at the Knowledge Centre. Another resource is VKC's service-
minded, talented information scientists. Training classes should also be conducted as part of
the center to equip them. The Centre should appoint postgraduates from the field of Library
and Information Science, who are proficient in information communication technology and
digital technology.
b. Physical Facilities
The Centre needs a building with all the amenities. It should be within easy reach of the
villagers. Each part and floor of the Centre should be designed according to each type of
service. The information center, reading room, library, seminar hall and other facilities should
be specially planned.
c. Information Communication Technology
ICT is very important for building a society based on sustainable development. In order to
satisfy their needs as a center aimed at the advancement of all human beings, the center must
be equipped to meet their needs as soon as possible and at the lowest possible cost. It requires
computers, printers, scanners, photocopiers, Camera, server, Internet connection and the
necessary softwares. Integrated library software ‘Koha’, Digital library software such as
dSpace, Greenstone, etc. should be part of the center to store a wide variety of programs,
unique innovations, inherited knowledge and knowledge resources in digital format in order
to provide services. In addition, online information sources, print information sources, digital
information sources and all kinds of communication tools should be part of this Centre.
Origin and Development of Sustainable Development
At the beginning of the new millennium, in 2000, world leaders gathered at the UN to shape a
broad vision to fight poverty in its many dimensions. That vision was translated into 8
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDG framework has guided development
work across the world for the past 15 years.
The experiences of the MDG agenda prove that global action can work. It is argues that
global action is the only path to ensure that the new development agenda leaves no-one
behind. The world has the opportunity to build on the successes and to embrace new
ambitions for the future we want. The new agenda should be “truly universal and
transformative”. As the human race, we seek a sustainable future
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of United Nations (UN)
The 17 SD goals focus on the 5 Ps:-
1. People: the wellbeing of all people
2. Planet: protection of the earth’s ecosystems
3. Prosperity: continued economic & technological growth
4. Peace: securing peace
5. Partnership: improving international cooperation
These five aspects are interdependent. Therefore the SDGs demand integrated thinking
as well as integrated approaches to achieving the goals
17 Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals and Village Knowledge Centre
This is a initiative of how VKC can be used to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
set out. The actions to be undertaken to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the
village and what can be done on a practical level to achieve the goals. It is an attempt to
achieve sustainable development goals.
1. No poverty
End poverty in all its forms from anywhere is the first goal of Sustainable
Development. This paper discusses here, what are the steps to be taken by the Centre
to alleviate poverty. To achieve this goal the Centre should conduct training class for
promoting sustainable agriculture, conduct information literacy program, necessary
inputs to set up local markets for trading local resources in the village, conduct
training programs for starting cottage industries and act as a link between Government
and villages for easy access government aids, etc.
2. Zero hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
agriculture is the 2nd
goal of Sustainable Development. For this purpose the Centre
should use their resources to create awareness on sustainable agriculture and
development practices. In addition to this the Centre should promote productive use
of lands, conduct training on new technologies to farmers and other villagers, collect
food items from persons and distribute them in an organizational setup, keep poverty
line list in the Centre and provide helping hand voluntarily.
3. Good health and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages is the 3rd
goal of
Sustainable Development. To fulfill this aim the Centre should provide information
on public health, conduct awareness programs to eradicate child mortality, sexual and
reproductive health-care, family planning, and health education and conduct activities
to improve maternal health, natural ways to prevent diseases, etc. Besides these
conduct training for trainers in the field of martial arts, swimming, physical training,
yoga, local games, sports and games, disability management, first aid training, chess,
etc., conduct parenting and motivational classes to all, collect and facilitate traditional
knowledge on medicinal plants, folk medical treatments and traditional medicine to
the next generation.
4. Quality education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all is the 4th
goal. For this purpose the Centre should strengthen
literacy movement and life-long education in the village, collect, organize and
disseminate printed as well as digital information resources to all, give inputs to
science clubs and laboratories, organize different programs through literary clubs,
language clubs, cultural organizations, etc., publish magazines, local history
documents, literature works with the help of villages, conduct current awareness
program and reading corner in the VKC, conduct coaching classes for Scholarship
examinations (LSS, USS, UGC-NET) and entrance examination.
5. Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls is the 5th
goal of
Sustainable Development. So the Centre should encourage gender equality by
conducting programs on the empowerment of women and disseminating information
resources. The Centre should conduct awareness classes on gender equality and
justice, conduct classes on parenting, organize film festivals, literature fests and
cultural fests on gender equality.
6. Clean water and sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable movement of water and sanitation for all is the 6th
goal of Sustainable Development. To achieve this goal the Centre should facilitate
access to hygiene-related information through raising awareness, campaigns, and
symposiums. Also, should support and strengthen the participation of local
communities in improving water and sanitation management. In addition to this the
Centre should organize hands on training on bio-gas production and waste
management, conduct programs and celebrate important days by cleaning water
resources and give intellectual contribution to water supply projects.
7. Affordable clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all is the 7th
goal. For this purpose the Centre should provide public access to ICT enabled study
rooms, and classes on using laptops and smart phones and ensure universal access to
affordable knowledge. The Centre also should conduct training program on
production of bio-gases from domestic waste, popularize solar energy systems and
conduct awareness on utilization of natural energy sources.
8. Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all is the 8th
goal. So the Centre should provide
education and training for both the young and old to make sure that they have access
to information in an affordable way. It is also their responsibility to make sure that
people find jobs through VKC and this will allow the Public access to ICT and skills
enables people to apply for jobs. Besides this the Centre should conduct classes on
importance of dignity of labor, organize training projects to cottage industries and
village industries, promote self-help groups for women, farmers, workers and help to
form co-operative societies/ co-operative banks for all working classes.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation is the 9th
goal of Sustainable Development. So the Centre should
provide access to information technology and endeavor to provide affordable access
to Wi-Fi to less developed areas. This can be achieved by engaging in lively debates,
quizzes and spelling competitions through smart phone, laptop and video
conferencing project, promote cottage industries with local resources, contribute more
to productive and innovative ideas of all fields, and facilitate knowledge resources
with latest information to innovators and planners.
10. Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries is the10th goal. To fulfill this, the
Centre should provide information and support about legal, childcare, housing, health,
education; providing support with applications for citizenship, residence, subsidized
housing, government benefits. The Centre should conduct cultural festivals, literature
festivals, film festivals, awareness campaigns, etc., form self-help groups,
Kudumbhashree units of women, co-operative societies, conduct cultural exchange
programs, etc.
11.Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable is the 11th
goal. So the Centre should provide and protect the nation's cultural and natural
heritage for posterity, planning, programming and implementing developmental
strategies. The Centre also should empower human resource development by
providing all facilities like infrastructure, educational, health care, etc. facilitate high
speed internet connectivity in the VKC and provide Wi-Fi facility to all villagers,
conduct training programs to villagers on information resources, educational
resources, information literacy, orientation classes, etc.
12.Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern is the 12th
goal. For this
purpose the Centre should encourage individuals and organizations to adopt
sustainable practices and to integrate sustainable information on using natural and
other resources and conduct awareness programs on natural resources and their un
lawful exploitation, provide recent study details on consumption and production to
create an awareness and responsibility on consumption and production.
13.Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts is the 13th
goal of
Sustainable Development. Climate Information awareness and access program should
be conducted by the Centre. This should include resources on climate change and
action; it is early warning, mitigation, adaptation, and impact reduction. The Centre
also should conduct campaigns on protection and conservation of ecology and
environment, plan awareness programs to the need of planting trees, medicinal plants,
flowering plants, etc., provide assistance to build Biodiversity Park, Butterfly Park,
green houses, etc., identify places in the village and organize eco-friendly eco-
tourism, agro-tourism, etc. and conduct seminars and workshops on climate change
and environmental issues.
14.Life bellow water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
development is the 14th
goal of Sustainable Development. Centre should provide
scientific information on preservation and conservation techniques that can
sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
and conduct workshops, seminars, conferences, studies and classes, etc. life bellow
15.Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, desertification
and halt and reverse is the 15th
goal. The threats from man and nature to land can be
safeguarded by the Centre through educating people with the skill set on the
management of forest, land and ecosystem, its degradation and recovery. For this
purpose the Centre should conduct wild life photography competition, awareness
programs on conservation of ecology, eco-tourism, etc. and coordinate eco clubs for
conducting programs.
16.Peace, justice and strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access
to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
is the 16th
goal. So the Centre should facilitate Internet access available to the
community at no or low cost and ensure public access to information and protect
fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international
agreements and conduct film, short film, documentary festivals on peace and justice,
help to prepare local history and contribute to peace and provide legal advices to the
17.Partnership for the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development is the 17th
goal. So the Centre can conduct awareness
campaign strategy and programs to bring together the ideas for global development
through partnership. The Centre should conduct awareness programs to develop the
idea of need of partnership and cooperation for sustainable development and conduct
international/national/regional cultural and craft exhibition and festivals.
Knowledge is something gained through experience, expertise and experiments. Some
knowledge is in documented form (explicitly) and in some remnants is embedded in
the mind (tacit). Village Knowledge Center is a novel idea and unique initiative where
the tacit and explicit knowledge are rightly collected, organized, processed and
disseminated to the right villagers at right time with the support of good Information
Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure. VKC has great role to play to
achieve 17 goals of the Sustainable Development of village community.
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  • 1. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Village Knowledge Centre: an initiative for Sustainable Development Conference Paper · February 2021 CITATIONS 0 READS 1,590 1 author: Prakasan P.M. Prakasan P.M. University of Kerala 16 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Prakasan P.M. Prakasan P.M. on 17 September 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.
  • 2. Village Knowledge Centre: an initiative for Sustainable Development Dr. Prakasan P.M. Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science University of Kerala Thiruvanamthapuram, Kerala E-mail: Introduction Diverse cultural heritage and completely different social-economic structure is also the hallmark of Indian villages. The traditional knowledge of the villagers and the new knowledge formed on the basis of research experiments may not be properly reached and utilized by the villagers today. This is a time when information explosions are taking place, as the potential of modern communication technology begins to be used in the field of knowledge. As a result, our villages are finding it difficult to access the new knowledge that is being formed. The contribution of the library movement to the cultural and social progress of Kerala cannot be overlooked. It has played a great role in making a community knowledge-thirst and responsive. Village Knowledge Centre (VKC) has great role to play to achieve the 17 goals of Sustainable Development of United Nations (UN). The raw material used here for developing an integrated thinking and sustainable approach is ‘Knowledge’. The Centre aims to achieve these goals by giving valuable inputs to the human resource development of the village. So the VKC collects, manipulates, organizes, stores and disseminates the traditional knowledge and explicit knowledge by using modern digital technologies and Information Communication Technologies. In addition, VKC has a variety of programs and plans in place to make the 2030 Agenda possible. VKC envisions activities for the benefit of all by organizing the entire population of a village. Village Knowledge Center (VKC): Definition VKC is a concept created by using the three words Village, Knowledge and Centre. This concept can be defined in two ways. One is as a Centre for introducing the unique traditional knowledge of the villagers to the new generation and the other as a Centre for imparting new knowledge on various subjects to the villagers on various aspects of their daily lives. These two definitions must complement each other if the goal of this center is to work. Types of Knowledge Resources The Centre deals with mainly two types of knowledge, i.e. traditional knowledge of villagers and print, electronic and online information resources.
  • 3. a. Traditional Knowledge of Villagers Traditional folk medicine, cultural heritage, folk songs, games, dances, music and instruments, agriculture, village festivals, folk arts, martial arts, food and diet, lifestyle, healthcare, treatment options, medicinal plants, folk literature, etc. are the cultural heritage of the villagers. The Center is doing a great cultural exchange by passing these on to the next generation. But this alone is not enough to satisfy the needs of modern man. They need other knowledge sources in the form of print, electronic and online. b. Print, Electronic and Online information resources Popular periodicals, magazines, journals, newspapers, technical reports, conference papers, dissertations and theses, patents, standards, trade and product bulletin, indexing periodicals, abstracting periodicals, bibliographies, books, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, CD- ROM, DVD, diskette, magnetic tape, USB, E-journals, e-books, e-theses and dissertations, online databases, institutional repositories, podcasts, etc. are the major resources coming under this purview. By undertaking such service activities alone, knowledge does not have to reach the villagers, in the way that intend. Therefore, the Centre has to plan some ancillary activities as well. The following are some of the routine supplementary activities. 1) Book discussions, 2) Remembrances, 3) Day celebrations, 4) Science exhibitions and experiments, 5) Film festivals, 6) Knowledge festivals, 7) Environmental discussions, 8) English festival, 9) Leadership camps, 10) Drama camps, 11) Folk art training, 12) Rural games training, 13) Village fest ( village market, folk dishes, folk arts, games), 14) Local history writing, 15) Painting / music arts training, 16) History museum construction, etc. Essential components of VKC The Centre should have the three important components, i.e. Human resources, Physical Facilities and Information Communication Technology, for the smooth running of VKC. a. Human Resources The most important of these are the various types of volunteers who are equipped to provide valuable services. Individuals and organizations who can organize discussions, classes, trainings and workshops on rural arts, culture, society and education can set up a resource bank and avail their services at the Knowledge Centre. Another resource is VKC's service- minded, talented information scientists. Training classes should also be conducted as part of the center to equip them. The Centre should appoint postgraduates from the field of Library and Information Science, who are proficient in information communication technology and digital technology. b. Physical Facilities The Centre needs a building with all the amenities. It should be within easy reach of the villagers. Each part and floor of the Centre should be designed according to each type of
  • 4. service. The information center, reading room, library, seminar hall and other facilities should be specially planned. c. Information Communication Technology ICT is very important for building a society based on sustainable development. In order to satisfy their needs as a center aimed at the advancement of all human beings, the center must be equipped to meet their needs as soon as possible and at the lowest possible cost. It requires computers, printers, scanners, photocopiers, Camera, server, Internet connection and the necessary softwares. Integrated library software ‘Koha’, Digital library software such as dSpace, Greenstone, etc. should be part of the center to store a wide variety of programs, unique innovations, inherited knowledge and knowledge resources in digital format in order to provide services. In addition, online information sources, print information sources, digital information sources and all kinds of communication tools should be part of this Centre. Origin and Development of Sustainable Development At the beginning of the new millennium, in 2000, world leaders gathered at the UN to shape a broad vision to fight poverty in its many dimensions. That vision was translated into 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDG framework has guided development work across the world for the past 15 years. The experiences of the MDG agenda prove that global action can work. It is argues that global action is the only path to ensure that the new development agenda leaves no-one behind. The world has the opportunity to build on the successes and to embrace new ambitions for the future we want. The new agenda should be “truly universal and transformative”. As the human race, we seek a sustainable future
  • 5. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of United Nations (UN) The 17 SD goals focus on the 5 Ps:- 1. People: the wellbeing of all people 2. Planet: protection of the earth’s ecosystems 3. Prosperity: continued economic & technological growth 4. Peace: securing peace 5. Partnership: improving international cooperation These five aspects are interdependent. Therefore the SDGs demand integrated thinking as well as integrated approaches to achieving the goals 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  • 6. Sustainable Development Goals and Village Knowledge Centre This is a initiative of how VKC can be used to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set out. The actions to be undertaken to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the village and what can be done on a practical level to achieve the goals. It is an attempt to achieve sustainable development goals. 1. No poverty End poverty in all its forms from anywhere is the first goal of Sustainable Development. This paper discusses here, what are the steps to be taken by the Centre to alleviate poverty. To achieve this goal the Centre should conduct training class for promoting sustainable agriculture, conduct information literacy program, necessary inputs to set up local markets for trading local resources in the village, conduct training programs for starting cottage industries and act as a link between Government and villages for easy access government aids, etc. 2. Zero hunger End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture is the 2nd goal of Sustainable Development. For this purpose the Centre should use their resources to create awareness on sustainable agriculture and development practices. In addition to this the Centre should promote productive use of lands, conduct training on new technologies to farmers and other villagers, collect food items from persons and distribute them in an organizational setup, keep poverty line list in the Centre and provide helping hand voluntarily.
  • 7. 3. Good health and well-being Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages is the 3rd goal of Sustainable Development. To fulfill this aim the Centre should provide information on public health, conduct awareness programs to eradicate child mortality, sexual and reproductive health-care, family planning, and health education and conduct activities to improve maternal health, natural ways to prevent diseases, etc. Besides these conduct training for trainers in the field of martial arts, swimming, physical training, yoga, local games, sports and games, disability management, first aid training, chess, etc., conduct parenting and motivational classes to all, collect and facilitate traditional knowledge on medicinal plants, folk medical treatments and traditional medicine to the next generation. 4. Quality education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all is the 4th goal. For this purpose the Centre should strengthen literacy movement and life-long education in the village, collect, organize and disseminate printed as well as digital information resources to all, give inputs to science clubs and laboratories, organize different programs through literary clubs, language clubs, cultural organizations, etc., publish magazines, local history documents, literature works with the help of villages, conduct current awareness program and reading corner in the VKC, conduct coaching classes for Scholarship examinations (LSS, USS, UGC-NET) and entrance examination. 5. Gender equality Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls is the 5th goal of Sustainable Development. So the Centre should encourage gender equality by conducting programs on the empowerment of women and disseminating information resources. The Centre should conduct awareness classes on gender equality and justice, conduct classes on parenting, organize film festivals, literature fests and cultural fests on gender equality. 6. Clean water and sanitation Ensure availability and sustainable movement of water and sanitation for all is the 6th goal of Sustainable Development. To achieve this goal the Centre should facilitate access to hygiene-related information through raising awareness, campaigns, and symposiums. Also, should support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management. In addition to this the Centre should organize hands on training on bio-gas production and waste
  • 8. management, conduct programs and celebrate important days by cleaning water resources and give intellectual contribution to water supply projects. 7. Affordable clean energy Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all is the 7th goal. For this purpose the Centre should provide public access to ICT enabled study rooms, and classes on using laptops and smart phones and ensure universal access to affordable knowledge. The Centre also should conduct training program on production of bio-gases from domestic waste, popularize solar energy systems and conduct awareness on utilization of natural energy sources. 8. Decent work and economic growth Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all is the 8th goal. So the Centre should provide education and training for both the young and old to make sure that they have access to information in an affordable way. It is also their responsibility to make sure that people find jobs through VKC and this will allow the Public access to ICT and skills enables people to apply for jobs. Besides this the Centre should conduct classes on importance of dignity of labor, organize training projects to cottage industries and village industries, promote self-help groups for women, farmers, workers and help to form co-operative societies/ co-operative banks for all working classes. 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation is the 9th goal of Sustainable Development. So the Centre should provide access to information technology and endeavor to provide affordable access to Wi-Fi to less developed areas. This can be achieved by engaging in lively debates, quizzes and spelling competitions through smart phone, laptop and video conferencing project, promote cottage industries with local resources, contribute more to productive and innovative ideas of all fields, and facilitate knowledge resources with latest information to innovators and planners. 10. Reduced inequalities Reduce inequality within and among countries is the10th goal. To fulfill this, the Centre should provide information and support about legal, childcare, housing, health, education; providing support with applications for citizenship, residence, subsidized housing, government benefits. The Centre should conduct cultural festivals, literature festivals, film festivals, awareness campaigns, etc., form self-help groups,
  • 9. Kudumbhashree units of women, co-operative societies, conduct cultural exchange programs, etc. 11.Sustainable cities and communities Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable is the 11th goal. So the Centre should provide and protect the nation's cultural and natural heritage for posterity, planning, programming and implementing developmental strategies. The Centre also should empower human resource development by providing all facilities like infrastructure, educational, health care, etc. facilitate high speed internet connectivity in the VKC and provide Wi-Fi facility to all villagers, conduct training programs to villagers on information resources, educational resources, information literacy, orientation classes, etc. 12.Responsible consumption and production Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern is the 12th goal. For this purpose the Centre should encourage individuals and organizations to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainable information on using natural and other resources and conduct awareness programs on natural resources and their un lawful exploitation, provide recent study details on consumption and production to create an awareness and responsibility on consumption and production. 13.Climate action Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts is the 13th goal of Sustainable Development. Climate Information awareness and access program should be conducted by the Centre. This should include resources on climate change and action; it is early warning, mitigation, adaptation, and impact reduction. The Centre also should conduct campaigns on protection and conservation of ecology and environment, plan awareness programs to the need of planting trees, medicinal plants, flowering plants, etc., provide assistance to build Biodiversity Park, Butterfly Park, green houses, etc., identify places in the village and organize eco-friendly eco- tourism, agro-tourism, etc. and conduct seminars and workshops on climate change and environmental issues. 14.Life bellow water Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development is the 14th goal of Sustainable Development. Centre should provide scientific information on preservation and conservation techniques that can sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • 10. and conduct workshops, seminars, conferences, studies and classes, etc. life bellow water. 15.Life on land Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, desertification and halt and reverse is the 15th goal. The threats from man and nature to land can be safeguarded by the Centre through educating people with the skill set on the management of forest, land and ecosystem, its degradation and recovery. For this purpose the Centre should conduct wild life photography competition, awareness programs on conservation of ecology, eco-tourism, etc. and coordinate eco clubs for conducting programs. 16.Peace, justice and strong institutions Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels is the 16th goal. So the Centre should facilitate Internet access available to the community at no or low cost and ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements and conduct film, short film, documentary festivals on peace and justice, help to prepare local history and contribute to peace and provide legal advices to the villagers. 17.Partnership for the goals Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development is the 17th goal. So the Centre can conduct awareness campaign strategy and programs to bring together the ideas for global development through partnership. The Centre should conduct awareness programs to develop the idea of need of partnership and cooperation for sustainable development and conduct international/national/regional cultural and craft exhibition and festivals. Conclusion Knowledge is something gained through experience, expertise and experiments. Some knowledge is in documented form (explicitly) and in some remnants is embedded in the mind (tacit). Village Knowledge Center is a novel idea and unique initiative where the tacit and explicit knowledge are rightly collected, organized, processed and disseminated to the right villagers at right time with the support of good Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure. VKC has great role to play to achieve 17 goals of the Sustainable Development of village community.
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