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MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali,
Literature Review & Conceptual Framework,
Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
S Witjaksono W 10/27/17 PDM-UMB
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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Hubungan Variabel
1. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial
2. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial
3. Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial
4. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial
5. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial
6. Kompetensi (X1) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z)
7. Teknologi Informasi (X2) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha
Variabel Kompetensi (X1)
1. Spencer dan Spencer dalam Palan (2007)
a. Kompetensi adalah sebagai karakteristik dasar yang dimiliki oleh seorang
individu yang berhubungan secara kausal dalam memenuhi kriteria yang
diperlukan dalam menduduki suatu jabatan.
b. Kompetensi terdiri dari 5 tipe karakteristik, yaitu motif (kemauan konsisten
sekaligus menjadi sebab dari tindakan), faktor bawaan (karakter dan respon
yang konsisten), konsep diri (gambaran diri), pengetahuan (informasi dalam
bidang tertentu) dan keterampilan (kemampuan untuk melaksanakan
c. Dimensi : karaketristik dasar, motif, faktor bawaan, konsep diri,
pengetahuan, ketrampilan
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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2. Becker and Ulrich dalam Suparno (2005:24)
a. kompetensi mengandung aspek-aspek pengetahuan, ketrampilan
(keahlian) dan kemampuan ataupun karakteristik kepribadian yang
mempengaruhi kinerja.
b. Dimensi : pengetahuan, ketrampilan, keahlian, karakteristik kepribadian,
3. Fogg (2004:90)
a. Kompetensi dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) kategori yaitu kompetensi dasar dan
yang membedakan kompetensi dasar (Threshold) dan kompetensi
pembeda (differentiating) menurut kriteria yang digunakan untuk
memprediksi kinerja suatu pekerjaan.
b. Kompetensi dasar (Threshold competencies) adalah karakteristik utama,
yang biasanya berupa pengetahuan atau keahlian dasar seperti
kemampuan untuk membaca, sedangkan
c. kompetensi differentiating adalah kompetensi yang membuat seseorang
berbeda dari yang lain.
d. Dimensi : kompetensi dasar, kompetensi pembeda, kinerja, pengetahuan,
4. Powell (1997:142)
a. Kompetensi diartikan sebagai 1) kecakapan, kemampuan, kompetensi 2)
wewenang. Kata sifat dari Kompetensi adalah competent yang berarti
cakap, mampu, dan tangkas.
b. Dimensi : kecakapan, kemampuan, tangkas
5. Stephen Robbin (2007:38)
a. kompetensi adalah “kemampuan (ability) atau kapasitas seseorang untuk
mengerjakan berbagai tugas dalam suatu pekerjaan, dimana kemampuan
ini ditentukan oleh 2 (dua) faktor yaitu kemampuan intelektual dan
kemampuan fisik.
b. Dimensi :ability, kapasitas, kemampuan intelektual, kemampuan fisik
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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Variabel teknologi informasi (X2)
1. Wilkinson dan Cerullo,1997 dalam Dedi Rianto
a. Peranan TI dalam berbagai aspek kegiatan bisnis dapat dipahami
karena sebagai sebuah teknologi yang menitik beratkan pada
pengaturan sistem informasi dengan penggunaan komputer, TI dapat
memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dunia bisnis dengan sangat cepat,
tepat waktu, relevan, dan akurat
b. Dimensi : pengaturan system informasi, kebutuhan informasi, tepat
waktu, relevan, akurat
2. Mc. Farlan (1983); Rockart (1998) dalam Nur Indriantoro (2000); dan
Syam (1999)
a. penerapan TI bagi perusahaan mempunyai peranan penting dan
dapat menjadi pusat strategi bisnis untuk memperoleh keunggulan
b. Dimensi : strategi bisnis, keunggulan bersaing
3. De Lone (1981); Morgan (1996) dalam Syam (1999); Martin dan Merle.P
a. menyatakan bahwa penggunaan TI bagi suatu perusahaan ditentukan
oleh banyak faktor, salah satu diantaranya adalah karakteristik
pengguna TI.
b. Dimensi : karakteristik pengguna
4. Davis.F.D (1989); (1992) dalam Dedi Rianto
a. mendefinisikan kemanfaatan (usefulness) sebagai suatu tingkatan
dimana seseorang percaya bahwa penggunaan suatu subyek tertentu
akan dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja orang tersebut. Berdasarkan
definisi tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa kemanfaatan dari penggunaan
komputer dapat meningkatkan kinerja, prestasi kerja orang yang
b. Dimensi : usefulness, kinerja kerja, prestasi
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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5. Iqbaria (1994), Nelson (1996), Luthans (1995) dalam Dedi Rianto
a. menyebutkan bahwa secara individu maupun kolektif penerimaan
penggunaan dapat dijelaskan dari variasi penggunaan suatu sistem,
karena diyakini penggunaan suatu sistem yang berbasis TI dapat
mengembangkan kinerja individu atau kinerja organisasi
b. Dimensi : kinerja individu, kinerja organisasi
Variabel Daya Saing (Y)
1. Rossabeth Mosskanter
a. Agar menjadi world class maka harus memiliki 3 C: a) Concept: harus punya
konsep yang clear; b) Kompetensi; dan c) Connection atau koneksi ke pasar
b. Dimensi : concept, Kompetensi, connection
2. Michael A. Porter
a. menjelaskan pentingnya daya saing karena tiga hal berikut: (1) mendorong
produktivitas dan meningkatkan kemampuan mandiri, (2) dapat
meningkatkan kapasitas ekonomi, baik dalam konteks regional ekonomi
maupun kuantitas pelaku ekonomi sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi
meningkat, (3) kepercayaan bahwa mekanisme pasar lebih menciptakan
b. Dalam analisanya tentang strategi bersaing (competitive strategy atau
disebut juga Porter’s Five Forces) suatu perusahaan, Michael A. Porter
(mengintrodusir 3 jenis strategi generik, yaitu: Keunggulan Biaya (Cost
Leadership), Pembedaan Produk (Differentiation), dan Focus
c. Menurut Michael Porter, hal-hal yang harus dikuasai atau dimiliki oleh
setiap perusahaan untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif adalah:
teknologi,tingkat entrepreneurship yang tinggi, tingkat efisiensi/produktivitas
yang tinggi dalam proses produksi, kualitas yang baik dari barang yang
dihasilkan, promosi yang meluas dan agresif, pelayanan teknisal maupun
nonteknisal yang baik (service after sale), tenaga kerja dengan tingkat
keterampilan/pendidikan, etos kerja, kreativitas, serta motivasi yang
tinggi, skala ekonomi, inovasi, Diferensiasi produk, modal dan sarana serta
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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prasarana lainnya yang cukup, jaringan distribusi di dalam dan terutama di
luar negeri yang baik dan well-organized/managed, proses produksi yang
dilakukan dengan sistem just-in-time (JIT).
d. Dimensi : produktiftas, kemampuan mandiri, efisiensi, strategi cost
leadership, strategi differentiation, strategi focus, teknologi, entrepreneur,
kualitas, promosi, pelayananan, etos kerja, motivasi, inovasi, jaringan,
3. Ivan Budiawan, Halifah Hamzah, Andry Moch Ramdan, Anis Kemita – The
Competitive Advantage of Indonesia
a. Indonesia must improve its Human Resources & Technology quality to face
globalization economy
b. Dimensi : kualitas Human Resources, kualitas teknologi
4. Soetedjo dan Mursida, 2014 dalam Noorina Hartati, Intelectual Capital Dalam
Meningkatkan Daya Saing
a. Fokus dunia bisnis tidak lagi bertumpu pada asset berwujud (tangible aset)
namun sudah beralih ke aset tidak berwujud (Intangible asets).
b. Kompetensi karyawan, hubungan dengan pelanggan penciptaan inovasi,
sistem komputer dan administrasi, hingga kemampuan menguasai
teknologi juga merupakan bagian dari intellectual capital.
c. Dimensi : kompetensi karyawan, hubungan pelanggan, inovasi, system
computer, administrasi, penguasaan teknologi, intellectual capital
5. Steward (1998), Sveiby (1997), Saint-Onge (1996), dan Bontis (2000) dalam
Sawarjuwono dan Kadir (2003),
a. Intellectual capital terdiri dari tiga komponen utama yaitu: Pertama, Human
Capital. Kedua, Structural Capital. Ketiga, Relational Capital.
b. Human capital sebagai sumber pengetahuan yang sangat berguna,
keterampilan, dan kompetensi dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan.
Human capital mencerminkan kemampuan kolektif perusahaan untuk
menghasilkan solusi terbaik berdasarkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh
orang-orang yang ada dalam perusahaan tersebut.
c. Dimensi : ketrampilan, kompetensi, pengetahuan
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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Variabel Kinerja Perusahaan (Z)
1. Veithzal Rivai, et al. (2008: 14)
a. Kinerja adalah hasil atau tingkat keberhasilan seseorang secara
keseluruhan selama periode tertentu di dalam melaksanakan tugas
dibandingkan dengan berbagai kemungkinan, seperti standar hasil kerja,
target atau sasaran
b. Dimensi : tugas, standar kerja, target, tingkat keberhasilan
2. Neely, (2002: xiv)
a. Ukuran kinerja dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah parameter yang
digunakan untuk mengkuantifikasi efisiensi dan/atau efektivitas dari
tindakan yang lalu.
b. Metrik kinerja adalah definisi dari cakupan, isi dan bagian-bagian komponen
dari sebuah ukuran kinerja yang berbasis luas
c. Dimensi : kuantifikasi tindakan, efektivitas, matrik kinerja, komponen ukuran
3. Armstrong and Baron (2000), performance management system
a. merupakan pendekatan yang bersifat strategis dan terintegrasi untuk
menghadirkan hasil positif dalam organisasi dengan meningkatkan kinerja
dan mengembangkan kemampuan tim dan individu.
b. Dimensi : pendekatan strategis, terintegrasi, kemampuan tim, kemampuan
4. Aguinis (2011), performance management system
a. merupakan proses berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari identifikasi, pengukuran,
dan pengembangan kinerja dalam organisasi dengan menghubungkan
kinerja dan tujuan masing-masing individu dengan misi dan tujuan
organisasi secara menyeluruh
b. Dimensi : identifikasi kinerja, pengukuran kinerja, pengembangan kinerja,
misi dan tujuan
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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5. Kaplan & Norton dalam Peter R Yosi Pasla (2000, p8)
a. Mempertajam konsep pengukuran kinerja dengan menggunakan
pendekatan efektif dan seimbang (balanced) dalam mengukur kinerja
strategic perusahaan.
b. Pendekatan terdiri dari empat perspektif yaitu finansial, customer, internal
process dan learning & growth.
c. Dimensi : efektif, balance, financial perspective, customer perspective,
internal process perspektif, learning & growth perspective
Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial
1. Maria Vakola, Klas Eric Soderquist and Gregory P. Prastacos, 2007,
Competency management in support of organisational change
 The competency approach to human resource management is based on
identifying, defining and measuring individual differences in terms of specific
work-related constructs, especially the abilities that are critical to successful
job performance.
2. Sabah Agha, Laith Alrubaiee, Manar Jamhour 2012, Effect of Core
Competence on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance
 Results confirm the varying importance of core competence dimensions on
competitive advantage and organizational performance.
 To remain competitive and obtain competitive advantages, managers can
try to increase organizational performance by managing each dimension of
core competence i.e. shared vision; cooperation and empowerment.
3. Emad Y. Masoud, 2013, The Impact of Functional Competencies on Firm
Performance of Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan
 Findings showed that there is a significant impact of the functional
competencies on the firm performance, and explains (57.6%) of the variation
in firm performance from the sample point view.
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 Also, results showed that production competencies, research and
development competencies, and marketing competencies have the most
impact on the firm performance.
4. Patricia Ordó n ̃ez de Pablos and Miltiadis D. Lytras, 2015, Competencies and
human resource management: implications for organizational competitive
 The major contribution is the Requirements Framework for the Adoption of
Technology Enhanced Learning and Semantic Web Technologies, which
can guide strategies of effective competencies management in modern
 It is important to manage employees, their knowledge and competences is
such a way that the organization can build a long-term competitive
5. Nimsith SI, Rifas AH, and Cader MJA, 2016, Impact of Core Competency on
Competitive Advantage of Banking Firms in Sri Lanka
 there is significant relationship between core competencies and competitive
advantage among Sri Lankan banking firms.
 This study also proved that, the core competencies had significant impact
on competitive advantage.
 It concludes that banking firms achieve competitive advantage, which is
considered significant successful,
Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y)
1. Esmail Salehi-Sangari, 1997 Information Technology as A Determinant of
 Today, firms use technology to increase productivity, streamline
organizations, and create electronic conglomerates.
 Successful implementation of an information technology plan requires
leadership by the information systems department and the inclusion of the
user departments in the process
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 Managements of Swedish firms which participated in the survey seems
to have recognized the value of information technology as a
corporate resource that can be used to improve their strategic positions
and to remain competitive.
2. Sohel Ahmad, Roger G, Schroeder, 2011, Knowledge management through
technology strategy: implications for competitiveness
 Results show that although the three dimensions of learning-based
technology strategy are not individually related to plant
competitiveness (direct effects perspective), their co-
alignmentstrongly impacts plant competitiveness (co-alignment
 Furthermore, this co-alignment creates an environment in which
employee suggestion and feedback can help make sense of novel
situations, leading to superior plant competitiveness (mediation
3. Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, Qiang Wang, 2015, The impact of information
technology on the competitive advantage of logistics firms in China
 This study found that IT could significantly influence a firm’s competitive
advantage, and the effects are nonlinear.
 To achieve competitive advantages efficiently, it is essential to integrate
IT, align IT strategy and business strategy, obtain IT-related management
skills, and achieve IT competency.
4. Kuei-Hsien Niu, Grant Miles, Chung-Shing Lee,2016, Strategic development
of network clusters: A study of high technology regional development and
global competitiveness
 This research concludes that networks of clusters do exist and they
carry potential advantages for both firms’ and clusters’ competitive
advantage and innovation.
 Close network relationships and interdependences of industrial clusters
have contributed significantly to the competitiveness of high-technology
clusters in the Asia-Pacific region
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5. Michael Bourlakis, Constantine Bourlakis, 2006, Integrating logistics and
information technology strategies for sustainable competitive advantage
 The findings show that logistics and information technology strategies
are developed and implemented in a parallel way by both local and
multinational food multiple retailers in Greece.
 A financial ratio analysis carried out for these firms, suggests that
multinational firms possess greater operational efficiency at both
secondary and in-store distribution operations compared to domestic
firms, something that is largely attributed to their integration of logistics and
information technology operations.
 Multinational firms’ superior operational efficiency is also resulting
in a higher profitability performance
Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial
1. Chris Baumann, Hamin Hamin, Rosalie L. Tung, Susan Hoadley, 2016,
Competitiveness and workforce performance: Asia vis-à-vis the “West
 research has shown that motivations (or human needs) tend to vary across
different cultural groups in the ways they are manifested or satisfied
(Frischer, 1993; Smith, 2008; Yu and Yang, 2014)
 The study contributes to Heskett and Schlesinger’s (1994) theory of the
‘service profit chain’ by demonstrating how the crucial element that drive
workforce performance vary in different parts of the world.
2. Saurabh Srivastava, Abid Sultan, Nasreen Chashti, 2017, Influence of
innovation competence on firm level competitiveness: an exploratory study
 the results of the study provide for a significant relationship between the
innovation competence and firm level competitiveness.
 It describes the position of the agro-food processing firms under study with
respect to the innovation competence index score and total competitiveness
performance index
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3. L. Moutinho P.A. Phillips, 2016, The impact of strategic planning on the
competitiveness, performance and effectiveness of bank branches: a neural
network analysis
 This paper speculates that, if organisations are to obtain sustainable
competitive advantage, then they need to understand the impact of a variety
of planning practices on competitiveness overall performance, strategic
planning effectiveness and marketing effectiveness.
4. Jianwen Liao, 2005, Corporate restructuring, performance and
competitiveness: an empirical examination
 Overall, this study found that:
(1) corporate restructuring scope is inversely associated with firms’
performance, as expected;
(2) the effects of restructuring scope on changes in competitiveness
offer partial support for our hypotheses;
(3) there was no support for the hypothesized relationships between
restructuring scale and performance, and between restructuring scale
and changes in competitiveness.
 Competitiveness starts with the organization's ability to, adapt to and
influence its environment, which is determined by the quality of the
organization's assets—in particular, its human assets.
 In the human assetstheir interactions, relationships, and roles—how they
create and apply knowledge—that determine competitiveness.
 The organization structure, in large part, determines the interactions and
potential learning and thereby the realized value of those human assets.
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial
1. Chris Ashton, 1996, How competencies boost performance
 The core competencies deemed to be of value to the organization were
customer service orientation; flexibility; commitment to organizational
values; achievement orientation; initiative and proactivity; organizational
influence; creative problem solving; enablement and developing other,,s
2. Anna Sutton, Sara Watson, 2013, Can competencies at selection predict
performance and development needs?
 Competency ratings at performance appraisal were significantly lower than
at selection interview. Correlations between ratings at interview and at
performance appraisal were generally weak, though one (Understanding the
Business) showed significant relationshipswith five of the seven
performance appraisal competencies. In addition, competency ratings were
related to employee turnover and managerial development needs.
 this study demonstrates that an organization with a single competency
framework underlying both selection and performance appraisal can use the
information it gathers to manage its talent more effectively
3. Rameshwar Dubey, Tripti Singh, Sadia Samar Ali, V.G. Venkatesh,
Omprakash K. Gupta, 2014, Exploring dimensions of firm competencies and
their impact on performance
 Findings show that Exploratory Factor Analyis (EFA) has reduced the data
into seven factors, out of which six represent firm competencies and one
represents firm performance.
 The competencies which have been identified are supply-demand
coordination and product pricing, logistics, marketing, procurement,
manufacturing simplicity and product quality and preventive maintenance.
4. Atri Sengupta, D.N. Venkatesh, Arun K. Sinha, 2013, Developing
performance-linked competency model: a tool for competitive advantage
 The comprehensive performance-linked competency model focuses on
competency identification, competency scoring and aligning competency
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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with other strategic HR functions in a three-phase systematic method which
will subsequently help the organisation to sustain in the competition.
 An organisation can align individual performances and their competencies
in terms of efficiency
5. Mike Young, Victor Dulewicz, 2009, A study into leadership and management
competencies predicting superior performance in the British Royal Navy
 The results provide support for an integrated approach to leadership and
management selection and development by identifying four “supra-
competency” clusters associated with high performance in both activities.
 Additional findings highlight the importance of motivation as a competency,
and deliver the first empirical support for a relationship between
congruent/public and emotional/private self-awareness and performance.
Identifikasi Variabel
1. X1 Kompetensi
Relevansi literatur :
Becker and Ulrich dalam Suparno (2005:24)
a. kompetensi mengandung aspek-aspek pengetahuan, ketrampilan (keahlian)
dan kemampuan ataupun karakteristik kepribadian yang mempengaruhi kinerja.
b.Dimensi : pengetahuan, ketrampilan, keahlian, karakteristik kepribadian, kinerja
2. X2 Teknologi Informasi
Relevansi literatur :
Iqbaria (1994), Nelson (1996), Luthans (1995) dalam Dedi Rianto
a. menyebutkan bahwa secara individu maupun kolektif penerimaan penggunaan
dapat dijelaskan dari variasi penggunaan suatu sistem, karena diyakini
penggunaan suatu sistem yang berbasis TI dapat mengembangkan kinerja individu
atau kinerja organisasi
b.Dimensi : kinerja individu, kinerja organisasi
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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3. Y Daya Saing
Relevansi literature :
Michael A. Porter
a. menjelaskan pentingnya daya saing karena tiga hal berikut: (1) mendorong
produktivitas dan meningkatkan kemampuan mandiri, (2) dapat meningkatkan
kapasitas ekonomi, baik dalam konteks regional ekonomi maupun kuantitas
pelaku ekonomi sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi meningkat, (3) kepercayaan
bahwa mekanisme pasar lebih menciptakan efisiensi.
b. Dalam analisanya tentang strategi bersaing (competitive strategy atau disebut
juga Porter’s Five Forces) suatu perusahaan, Michael A. Porter (mengintrodusir
3 jenis strategi generik, yaitu: Keunggulan Biaya (Cost Leadership), Pembedaan
Produk (Differentiation), dan Focus
c. Dimensi : kemampuan diri, produktifitas, kapasitas, efisiensi, cost leadership,
differisiasi, fokus
4. Z Pengukuran Kinerja
Relevansi literature :
Aguinis (2011), performance management system
a. merupakan proses berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari identifikasi, pengukuran, dan
pengembangan kinerja dalam organisasi dengan menghubungkan kinerja dan
tujuan masing-masing individu dengan misi dan tujuan organisasi secara
b. Dimensi : identifikasi kinerja, pengukuran kinerja, pengembangan kinerja, misi
dan tujuan
Premise Analysis
1. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial berdasarkan
penelitian Sabah Agha, Laith Alrubaiee, Manar Jamhour 2012
2. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial
berdasarkan peneltian Esmail Salehi-Sangari, 1997
3. Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial berdasarkan
penelitian L. Moutinho P.A. Phillips, 2016
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
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4. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial berdasarkan
penelitian Chris Ashton, 1996
5. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial
berdasarkan penelitian Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, Qiang Wang, 2015
6. Kompetensi (X1) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z)
berdasarkan peneltian Atri Sengupta, D.N. Venkatesh, Arun K. Sinha, 2013
7. Teknologi Informasi (X2) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha
(Z) berdasarkan penelitian Sohel Ahmad, Roger G, Schroeder, 2011
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16 | P a g e
Daftar Pustaka
1. Ivan Budiawan, Halifah Hamzah, Andry Moch Ramdan, Anis Kemita – The
Competitive Advantage of Indonesia
2. Soetedjo dan Mursida, 2014 dalam Noorina Hartati, Intelectual Capital Dalam
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3. Maria Vakola, Klas Eric Soderquist and Gregory P. Prastacos, 2007, Competency
management in support of organisational change
4. Sabah Agha, Laith Alrubaiee, Manar Jamhour 2012, Effect of Core Competence
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5. Emad Y. Masoud, 2013, The Impact of Functional Competencies on Firm
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6. Patricia Ordó n ̃ez de Pablos and Miltiadis D. Lytras, 2015, Competencies and
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7. Nimsith SI, Rifas AH, and Cader MJA, 2016, Impact of Core Competency on
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8. Esmail Salehi-Sangari, 1997 Information Technology as A Determinant of
9. Sohel Ahmad, Roger G, Schroeder, 2011, Knowledge management through
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10.Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, Qiang Wang, 2015, The impact of information technology
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11.Kuei-Hsien Niu, Grant Miles, Chung-Shing Lee,2016, Strategic development of
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12.Michael Bourlakis, Constantine Bourlakis, 2006, Integrating logistics and
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13.Chris Baumann, Hamin Hamin, Rosalie L. Tung, Susan Hoadley, 2016,
Competitiveness and workforce performance: Asia vis-à-vis the “West
14.Saurabh Srivastava, Abid Sultan, Nasreen Chashti, 2017, Influence of innovation
competence on firm level competitiveness: an exploratory study
MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017
17 | P a g e
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16.Jianwen Liao, 2005, Corporate restructuring, performance and competitiveness: an
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18.Chris Ashton, 1996, How competencies boost performance
19. Anna Sutton, Sara Watson, 2013, Can competencies at selection predict
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20.Rameshwar Dubey, Tripti Singh, Sadia Samar Ali, V.G. Venkatesh, Omprakash K.
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21.Atri Sengupta, D.N. Venkatesh, Arun K. Sinha, 2013, Developing performance-
linked competency model: a tool for competitive advantage
22.Mike Young, Victor Dulewicz, 2009, A study into leadership and management
competencies predicting superior performance in the British Royal Navy

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MPA 1, Sri Witjaksono W, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017

  • 1. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DALAM MENCIPTAKAN DAYA SAING UNTUK PENGUKURAN KINERJA USAHA S Witjaksono W 10/27/17 PDM-UMB
  • 2. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 1 | P a g e 1.TEMA PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DALAM MENCIPTAKAN DAYA SAING UNTUK PENGUKURAN KINERJA USAHA Hubungan Variabel 1. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial 2. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial 3. Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial 4. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial 5. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial 6. Kompetensi (X1) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) 7. Teknologi Informasi (X2) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Variabel Kompetensi (X1) 1. Spencer dan Spencer dalam Palan (2007) a. Kompetensi adalah sebagai karakteristik dasar yang dimiliki oleh seorang individu yang berhubungan secara kausal dalam memenuhi kriteria yang diperlukan dalam menduduki suatu jabatan. b. Kompetensi terdiri dari 5 tipe karakteristik, yaitu motif (kemauan konsisten sekaligus menjadi sebab dari tindakan), faktor bawaan (karakter dan respon yang konsisten), konsep diri (gambaran diri), pengetahuan (informasi dalam bidang tertentu) dan keterampilan (kemampuan untuk melaksanakan tugas). c. Dimensi : karaketristik dasar, motif, faktor bawaan, konsep diri, pengetahuan, ketrampilan
  • 3. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 2 | P a g e 2. Becker and Ulrich dalam Suparno (2005:24) a. kompetensi mengandung aspek-aspek pengetahuan, ketrampilan (keahlian) dan kemampuan ataupun karakteristik kepribadian yang mempengaruhi kinerja. b. Dimensi : pengetahuan, ketrampilan, keahlian, karakteristik kepribadian, kinerja 3. Fogg (2004:90) a. Kompetensi dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) kategori yaitu kompetensi dasar dan yang membedakan kompetensi dasar (Threshold) dan kompetensi pembeda (differentiating) menurut kriteria yang digunakan untuk memprediksi kinerja suatu pekerjaan. b. Kompetensi dasar (Threshold competencies) adalah karakteristik utama, yang biasanya berupa pengetahuan atau keahlian dasar seperti kemampuan untuk membaca, sedangkan c. kompetensi differentiating adalah kompetensi yang membuat seseorang berbeda dari yang lain. d. Dimensi : kompetensi dasar, kompetensi pembeda, kinerja, pengetahuan, keahlian 4. Powell (1997:142) a. Kompetensi diartikan sebagai 1) kecakapan, kemampuan, kompetensi 2) wewenang. Kata sifat dari Kompetensi adalah competent yang berarti cakap, mampu, dan tangkas. b. Dimensi : kecakapan, kemampuan, tangkas 5. Stephen Robbin (2007:38) a. kompetensi adalah “kemampuan (ability) atau kapasitas seseorang untuk mengerjakan berbagai tugas dalam suatu pekerjaan, dimana kemampuan ini ditentukan oleh 2 (dua) faktor yaitu kemampuan intelektual dan kemampuan fisik. b. Dimensi :ability, kapasitas, kemampuan intelektual, kemampuan fisik
  • 4. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 3 | P a g e Variabel teknologi informasi (X2) 1. Wilkinson dan Cerullo,1997 dalam Dedi Rianto a. Peranan TI dalam berbagai aspek kegiatan bisnis dapat dipahami karena sebagai sebuah teknologi yang menitik beratkan pada pengaturan sistem informasi dengan penggunaan komputer, TI dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dunia bisnis dengan sangat cepat, tepat waktu, relevan, dan akurat b. Dimensi : pengaturan system informasi, kebutuhan informasi, tepat waktu, relevan, akurat 2. Mc. Farlan (1983); Rockart (1998) dalam Nur Indriantoro (2000); dan Syam (1999) a. penerapan TI bagi perusahaan mempunyai peranan penting dan dapat menjadi pusat strategi bisnis untuk memperoleh keunggulan bersaing. b. Dimensi : strategi bisnis, keunggulan bersaing 3. De Lone (1981); Morgan (1996) dalam Syam (1999); Martin dan Merle.P (1995), a. menyatakan bahwa penggunaan TI bagi suatu perusahaan ditentukan oleh banyak faktor, salah satu diantaranya adalah karakteristik pengguna TI. b. Dimensi : karakteristik pengguna 4. Davis.F.D (1989); (1992) dalam Dedi Rianto a. mendefinisikan kemanfaatan (usefulness) sebagai suatu tingkatan dimana seseorang percaya bahwa penggunaan suatu subyek tertentu akan dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja orang tersebut. Berdasarkan definisi tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa kemanfaatan dari penggunaan komputer dapat meningkatkan kinerja, prestasi kerja orang yang menggunakannya. b. Dimensi : usefulness, kinerja kerja, prestasi
  • 5. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 4 | P a g e 5. Iqbaria (1994), Nelson (1996), Luthans (1995) dalam Dedi Rianto a. menyebutkan bahwa secara individu maupun kolektif penerimaan penggunaan dapat dijelaskan dari variasi penggunaan suatu sistem, karena diyakini penggunaan suatu sistem yang berbasis TI dapat mengembangkan kinerja individu atau kinerja organisasi b. Dimensi : kinerja individu, kinerja organisasi Variabel Daya Saing (Y) 1. Rossabeth Mosskanter a. Agar menjadi world class maka harus memiliki 3 C: a) Concept: harus punya konsep yang clear; b) Kompetensi; dan c) Connection atau koneksi ke pasar b. Dimensi : concept, Kompetensi, connection 2. Michael A. Porter a. menjelaskan pentingnya daya saing karena tiga hal berikut: (1) mendorong produktivitas dan meningkatkan kemampuan mandiri, (2) dapat meningkatkan kapasitas ekonomi, baik dalam konteks regional ekonomi maupun kuantitas pelaku ekonomi sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi meningkat, (3) kepercayaan bahwa mekanisme pasar lebih menciptakan efisiensi. b. Dalam analisanya tentang strategi bersaing (competitive strategy atau disebut juga Porter’s Five Forces) suatu perusahaan, Michael A. Porter (mengintrodusir 3 jenis strategi generik, yaitu: Keunggulan Biaya (Cost Leadership), Pembedaan Produk (Differentiation), dan Focus c. Menurut Michael Porter, hal-hal yang harus dikuasai atau dimiliki oleh setiap perusahaan untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif adalah: teknologi,tingkat entrepreneurship yang tinggi, tingkat efisiensi/produktivitas yang tinggi dalam proses produksi, kualitas yang baik dari barang yang dihasilkan, promosi yang meluas dan agresif, pelayanan teknisal maupun nonteknisal yang baik (service after sale), tenaga kerja dengan tingkat keterampilan/pendidikan, etos kerja, kreativitas, serta motivasi yang tinggi, skala ekonomi, inovasi, Diferensiasi produk, modal dan sarana serta
  • 6. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 5 | P a g e prasarana lainnya yang cukup, jaringan distribusi di dalam dan terutama di luar negeri yang baik dan well-organized/managed, proses produksi yang dilakukan dengan sistem just-in-time (JIT). d. Dimensi : produktiftas, kemampuan mandiri, efisiensi, strategi cost leadership, strategi differentiation, strategi focus, teknologi, entrepreneur, kualitas, promosi, pelayananan, etos kerja, motivasi, inovasi, jaringan, proses 3. Ivan Budiawan, Halifah Hamzah, Andry Moch Ramdan, Anis Kemita – The Competitive Advantage of Indonesia a. Indonesia must improve its Human Resources & Technology quality to face globalization economy b. Dimensi : kualitas Human Resources, kualitas teknologi 4. Soetedjo dan Mursida, 2014 dalam Noorina Hartati, Intelectual Capital Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing a. Fokus dunia bisnis tidak lagi bertumpu pada asset berwujud (tangible aset) namun sudah beralih ke aset tidak berwujud (Intangible asets). b. Kompetensi karyawan, hubungan dengan pelanggan penciptaan inovasi, sistem komputer dan administrasi, hingga kemampuan menguasai teknologi juga merupakan bagian dari intellectual capital. c. Dimensi : kompetensi karyawan, hubungan pelanggan, inovasi, system computer, administrasi, penguasaan teknologi, intellectual capital 5. Steward (1998), Sveiby (1997), Saint-Onge (1996), dan Bontis (2000) dalam Sawarjuwono dan Kadir (2003), a. Intellectual capital terdiri dari tiga komponen utama yaitu: Pertama, Human Capital. Kedua, Structural Capital. Ketiga, Relational Capital. b. Human capital sebagai sumber pengetahuan yang sangat berguna, keterampilan, dan kompetensi dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. Human capital mencerminkan kemampuan kolektif perusahaan untuk menghasilkan solusi terbaik berdasarkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang ada dalam perusahaan tersebut. c. Dimensi : ketrampilan, kompetensi, pengetahuan
  • 7. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 6 | P a g e Variabel Kinerja Perusahaan (Z) 1. Veithzal Rivai, et al. (2008: 14) a. Kinerja adalah hasil atau tingkat keberhasilan seseorang secara keseluruhan selama periode tertentu di dalam melaksanakan tugas dibandingkan dengan berbagai kemungkinan, seperti standar hasil kerja, target atau sasaran b. Dimensi : tugas, standar kerja, target, tingkat keberhasilan 2. Neely, (2002: xiv) a. Ukuran kinerja dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah parameter yang digunakan untuk mengkuantifikasi efisiensi dan/atau efektivitas dari tindakan yang lalu. b. Metrik kinerja adalah definisi dari cakupan, isi dan bagian-bagian komponen dari sebuah ukuran kinerja yang berbasis luas c. Dimensi : kuantifikasi tindakan, efektivitas, matrik kinerja, komponen ukuran kinerja 3. Armstrong and Baron (2000), performance management system a. merupakan pendekatan yang bersifat strategis dan terintegrasi untuk menghadirkan hasil positif dalam organisasi dengan meningkatkan kinerja dan mengembangkan kemampuan tim dan individu. b. Dimensi : pendekatan strategis, terintegrasi, kemampuan tim, kemampuan individu 4. Aguinis (2011), performance management system a. merupakan proses berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari identifikasi, pengukuran, dan pengembangan kinerja dalam organisasi dengan menghubungkan kinerja dan tujuan masing-masing individu dengan misi dan tujuan organisasi secara menyeluruh b. Dimensi : identifikasi kinerja, pengukuran kinerja, pengembangan kinerja, misi dan tujuan
  • 8. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 7 | P a g e 5. Kaplan & Norton dalam Peter R Yosi Pasla (2000, p8) a. Mempertajam konsep pengukuran kinerja dengan menggunakan pendekatan efektif dan seimbang (balanced) dalam mengukur kinerja strategic perusahaan. b. Pendekatan terdiri dari empat perspektif yaitu finansial, customer, internal process dan learning & growth. c. Dimensi : efektif, balance, financial perspective, customer perspective, internal process perspektif, learning & growth perspective 3. INTERNATIONAL JURNAL REVIEW Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial 1. Maria Vakola, Klas Eric Soderquist and Gregory P. Prastacos, 2007, Competency management in support of organisational change  The competency approach to human resource management is based on identifying, defining and measuring individual differences in terms of specific work-related constructs, especially the abilities that are critical to successful job performance. 2. Sabah Agha, Laith Alrubaiee, Manar Jamhour 2012, Effect of Core Competence on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance  Results confirm the varying importance of core competence dimensions on competitive advantage and organizational performance.  To remain competitive and obtain competitive advantages, managers can try to increase organizational performance by managing each dimension of core competence i.e. shared vision; cooperation and empowerment. 3. Emad Y. Masoud, 2013, The Impact of Functional Competencies on Firm Performance of Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan  Findings showed that there is a significant impact of the functional competencies on the firm performance, and explains (57.6%) of the variation in firm performance from the sample point view.
  • 9. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 8 | P a g e  Also, results showed that production competencies, research and development competencies, and marketing competencies have the most impact on the firm performance. 4. Patricia Ordó n ̃ez de Pablos and Miltiadis D. Lytras, 2015, Competencies and human resource management: implications for organizational competitive advantage  The major contribution is the Requirements Framework for the Adoption of Technology Enhanced Learning and Semantic Web Technologies, which can guide strategies of effective competencies management in modern organizations  It is important to manage employees, their knowledge and competences is such a way that the organization can build a long-term competitive advantage. 5. Nimsith SI, Rifas AH, and Cader MJA, 2016, Impact of Core Competency on Competitive Advantage of Banking Firms in Sri Lanka  there is significant relationship between core competencies and competitive advantage among Sri Lankan banking firms.  This study also proved that, the core competencies had significant impact on competitive advantage.  It concludes that banking firms achieve competitive advantage, which is considered significant successful, Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) 1. Esmail Salehi-Sangari, 1997 Information Technology as A Determinant of Competitiveness  Today, firms use technology to increase productivity, streamline organizations, and create electronic conglomerates.  Successful implementation of an information technology plan requires leadership by the information systems department and the inclusion of the user departments in the process
  • 10. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 9 | P a g e  Managements of Swedish firms which participated in the survey seems to have recognized the value of information technology as a corporate resource that can be used to improve their strategic positions and to remain competitive. 2. Sohel Ahmad, Roger G, Schroeder, 2011, Knowledge management through technology strategy: implications for competitiveness  Results show that although the three dimensions of learning-based technology strategy are not individually related to plant competitiveness (direct effects perspective), their co- alignmentstrongly impacts plant competitiveness (co-alignment perspective).  Furthermore, this co-alignment creates an environment in which employee suggestion and feedback can help make sense of novel situations, leading to superior plant competitiveness (mediation perspective) 3. Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, Qiang Wang, 2015, The impact of information technology on the competitive advantage of logistics firms in China  This study found that IT could significantly influence a firm’s competitive advantage, and the effects are nonlinear.  To achieve competitive advantages efficiently, it is essential to integrate IT, align IT strategy and business strategy, obtain IT-related management skills, and achieve IT competency. 4. Kuei-Hsien Niu, Grant Miles, Chung-Shing Lee,2016, Strategic development of network clusters: A study of high technology regional development and global competitiveness  This research concludes that networks of clusters do exist and they carry potential advantages for both firms’ and clusters’ competitive advantage and innovation.  Close network relationships and interdependences of industrial clusters have contributed significantly to the competitiveness of high-technology clusters in the Asia-Pacific region
  • 11. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 10 | P a g e 5. Michael Bourlakis, Constantine Bourlakis, 2006, Integrating logistics and information technology strategies for sustainable competitive advantage  The findings show that logistics and information technology strategies are developed and implemented in a parallel way by both local and multinational food multiple retailers in Greece.  A financial ratio analysis carried out for these firms, suggests that multinational firms possess greater operational efficiency at both secondary and in-store distribution operations compared to domestic firms, something that is largely attributed to their integration of logistics and information technology operations.  Multinational firms’ superior operational efficiency is also resulting in a higher profitability performance Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial 1. Chris Baumann, Hamin Hamin, Rosalie L. Tung, Susan Hoadley, 2016, Competitiveness and workforce performance: Asia vis-à-vis the “West  research has shown that motivations (or human needs) tend to vary across different cultural groups in the ways they are manifested or satisfied (Frischer, 1993; Smith, 2008; Yu and Yang, 2014)  The study contributes to Heskett and Schlesinger’s (1994) theory of the ‘service profit chain’ by demonstrating how the crucial element that drive workforce performance vary in different parts of the world. 2. Saurabh Srivastava, Abid Sultan, Nasreen Chashti, 2017, Influence of innovation competence on firm level competitiveness: an exploratory study  the results of the study provide for a significant relationship between the innovation competence and firm level competitiveness.  It describes the position of the agro-food processing firms under study with respect to the innovation competence index score and total competitiveness performance index
  • 12. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 11 | P a g e 3. L. Moutinho P.A. Phillips, 2016, The impact of strategic planning on the competitiveness, performance and effectiveness of bank branches: a neural network analysis  This paper speculates that, if organisations are to obtain sustainable competitive advantage, then they need to understand the impact of a variety of planning practices on competitiveness overall performance, strategic planning effectiveness and marketing effectiveness. 4. Jianwen Liao, 2005, Corporate restructuring, performance and competitiveness: an empirical examination  Overall, this study found that: (1) corporate restructuring scope is inversely associated with firms’ performance, as expected; (2) the effects of restructuring scope on changes in competitiveness offer partial support for our hypotheses; (3) there was no support for the hypothesized relationships between restructuring scale and performance, and between restructuring scale and changes in competitiveness. 5. Daniel F. Twomey, 2002, ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS: BUILDING PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING  Competitiveness starts with the organization's ability to, adapt to and influence its environment, which is determined by the quality of the organization's assets—in particular, its human assets.  In the human assetstheir interactions, relationships, and roles—how they create and apply knowledge—that determine competitiveness.  The organization structure, in large part, determines the interactions and potential learning and thereby the realized value of those human assets.
  • 13. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 12 | P a g e Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial 1. Chris Ashton, 1996, How competencies boost performance  The core competencies deemed to be of value to the organization were customer service orientation; flexibility; commitment to organizational values; achievement orientation; initiative and proactivity; organizational influence; creative problem solving; enablement and developing other,,s 2. Anna Sutton, Sara Watson, 2013, Can competencies at selection predict performance and development needs?  Competency ratings at performance appraisal were significantly lower than at selection interview. Correlations between ratings at interview and at performance appraisal were generally weak, though one (Understanding the Business) showed significant relationshipswith five of the seven performance appraisal competencies. In addition, competency ratings were related to employee turnover and managerial development needs.  this study demonstrates that an organization with a single competency framework underlying both selection and performance appraisal can use the information it gathers to manage its talent more effectively 3. Rameshwar Dubey, Tripti Singh, Sadia Samar Ali, V.G. Venkatesh, Omprakash K. Gupta, 2014, Exploring dimensions of firm competencies and their impact on performance  Findings show that Exploratory Factor Analyis (EFA) has reduced the data into seven factors, out of which six represent firm competencies and one represents firm performance.  The competencies which have been identified are supply-demand coordination and product pricing, logistics, marketing, procurement, manufacturing simplicity and product quality and preventive maintenance. 4. Atri Sengupta, D.N. Venkatesh, Arun K. Sinha, 2013, Developing performance-linked competency model: a tool for competitive advantage  The comprehensive performance-linked competency model focuses on competency identification, competency scoring and aligning competency
  • 14. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 13 | P a g e with other strategic HR functions in a three-phase systematic method which will subsequently help the organisation to sustain in the competition.  An organisation can align individual performances and their competencies in terms of efficiency 5. Mike Young, Victor Dulewicz, 2009, A study into leadership and management competencies predicting superior performance in the British Royal Navy  The results provide support for an integrated approach to leadership and management selection and development by identifying four “supra- competency” clusters associated with high performance in both activities.  Additional findings highlight the importance of motivation as a competency, and deliver the first empirical support for a relationship between congruent/public and emotional/private self-awareness and performance. 4. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK & HIPOTESIS Identifikasi Variabel 1. X1 Kompetensi Relevansi literatur : Becker and Ulrich dalam Suparno (2005:24) a. kompetensi mengandung aspek-aspek pengetahuan, ketrampilan (keahlian) dan kemampuan ataupun karakteristik kepribadian yang mempengaruhi kinerja. b.Dimensi : pengetahuan, ketrampilan, keahlian, karakteristik kepribadian, kinerja 2. X2 Teknologi Informasi Relevansi literatur : Iqbaria (1994), Nelson (1996), Luthans (1995) dalam Dedi Rianto a. menyebutkan bahwa secara individu maupun kolektif penerimaan penggunaan dapat dijelaskan dari variasi penggunaan suatu sistem, karena diyakini penggunaan suatu sistem yang berbasis TI dapat mengembangkan kinerja individu atau kinerja organisasi b.Dimensi : kinerja individu, kinerja organisasi
  • 15. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 14 | P a g e 3. Y Daya Saing Relevansi literature : Michael A. Porter a. menjelaskan pentingnya daya saing karena tiga hal berikut: (1) mendorong produktivitas dan meningkatkan kemampuan mandiri, (2) dapat meningkatkan kapasitas ekonomi, baik dalam konteks regional ekonomi maupun kuantitas pelaku ekonomi sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi meningkat, (3) kepercayaan bahwa mekanisme pasar lebih menciptakan efisiensi. b. Dalam analisanya tentang strategi bersaing (competitive strategy atau disebut juga Porter’s Five Forces) suatu perusahaan, Michael A. Porter (mengintrodusir 3 jenis strategi generik, yaitu: Keunggulan Biaya (Cost Leadership), Pembedaan Produk (Differentiation), dan Focus c. Dimensi : kemampuan diri, produktifitas, kapasitas, efisiensi, cost leadership, differisiasi, fokus 4. Z Pengukuran Kinerja Relevansi literature : Aguinis (2011), performance management system a. merupakan proses berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari identifikasi, pengukuran, dan pengembangan kinerja dalam organisasi dengan menghubungkan kinerja dan tujuan masing-masing individu dengan misi dan tujuan organisasi secara menyeluruh b. Dimensi : identifikasi kinerja, pengukuran kinerja, pengembangan kinerja, misi dan tujuan Premise Analysis 1. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial berdasarkan penelitian Sabah Agha, Laith Alrubaiee, Manar Jamhour 2012 2. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Daya Saing (Y) secara parsial berdasarkan peneltian Esmail Salehi-Sangari, 1997 3. Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial berdasarkan penelitian L. Moutinho P.A. Phillips, 2016
  • 16. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 15 | P a g e 4. Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial berdasarkan penelitian Chris Ashton, 1996 5. Teknologi Informasi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) secara parsial berdasarkan penelitian Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, Qiang Wang, 2015 6. Kompetensi (X1) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) berdasarkan peneltian Atri Sengupta, D.N. Venkatesh, Arun K. Sinha, 2013 7. Teknologi Informasi (X2) melalui Daya Saing (Y) berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Usaha (Z) berdasarkan penelitian Sohel Ahmad, Roger G, Schroeder, 2011
  • 17. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 16 | P a g e Daftar Pustaka 1. Ivan Budiawan, Halifah Hamzah, Andry Moch Ramdan, Anis Kemita – The Competitive Advantage of Indonesia 2. Soetedjo dan Mursida, 2014 dalam Noorina Hartati, Intelectual Capital Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing 3. Maria Vakola, Klas Eric Soderquist and Gregory P. Prastacos, 2007, Competency management in support of organisational change 4. Sabah Agha, Laith Alrubaiee, Manar Jamhour 2012, Effect of Core Competence on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance 5. Emad Y. Masoud, 2013, The Impact of Functional Competencies on Firm Performance of Pharmaceutical Industry in Jordan 6. Patricia Ordó n ̃ez de Pablos and Miltiadis D. Lytras, 2015, Competencies and human resource management: implications for organizational competitive advantage 7. Nimsith SI, Rifas AH, and Cader MJA, 2016, Impact of Core Competency on Competitive Advantage of Banking Firms in Sri Lanka 8. Esmail Salehi-Sangari, 1997 Information Technology as A Determinant of Competitiveness 9. Sohel Ahmad, Roger G, Schroeder, 2011, Knowledge management through technology strategy: implications for competitiveness 10.Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, Qiang Wang, 2015, The impact of information technology on the competitive advantage of logistics firms in China 11.Kuei-Hsien Niu, Grant Miles, Chung-Shing Lee,2016, Strategic development of network clusters: A study of high technology regional development and global competitiveness 12.Michael Bourlakis, Constantine Bourlakis, 2006, Integrating logistics and information technology strategies for sustainable competitive advantage 13.Chris Baumann, Hamin Hamin, Rosalie L. Tung, Susan Hoadley, 2016, Competitiveness and workforce performance: Asia vis-à-vis the “West 14.Saurabh Srivastava, Abid Sultan, Nasreen Chashti, 2017, Influence of innovation competence on firm level competitiveness: an exploratory study
  • 18. MPA-1, Sri Witjaksono Widiadibrata, Hapzi Ali, Literature Review & Conceptual Framework, Universitas Mercu Buana, 2017 17 | P a g e 15.L. Moutinho P.A. Phillips, 2016, The impact of strategic planning on the competitiveness, performance and effectiveness of bank branches: a neural network analysis 16.Jianwen Liao, 2005, Corporate restructuring, performance and competitiveness: an empirical examination. 17.Daniel F. Twomey, 2002, ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS: BUILDING PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING 18.Chris Ashton, 1996, How competencies boost performance 19. Anna Sutton, Sara Watson, 2013, Can competencies at selection predict performance and development needs? 20.Rameshwar Dubey, Tripti Singh, Sadia Samar Ali, V.G. Venkatesh, Omprakash K. Gupta, 2014, Exploring dimensions of firm competencies and their impact on performance 21.Atri Sengupta, D.N. Venkatesh, Arun K. Sinha, 2013, Developing performance- linked competency model: a tool for competitive advantage 22.Mike Young, Victor Dulewicz, 2009, A study into leadership and management competencies predicting superior performance in the British Royal Navy