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Get ready for Pre-Intermediate
m a t u r a
kurs przygotowujący do matury
Tim Falla, Paul A Davies
• revises the grammar and vocabulary from Matura Solutions Elementary
• contains a Polish grammar reference with revision exercises
• prepares students who are going to use Matura Solutions Pre-Intermediate
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unit grammar vocabulary
Present simple affirmative Family
Present simple negative
Present simple interrogative Sport and hobbies
Adverbs of frequency
there is / there are In the classroom
have to
Present continuous Adjectives: opposites
Comparative adjectives Adjectives for measurement
Superlative adjectives
Language Review 1–5
Past simple: be and can In town
Past simple affirmative: regular verbs
Past simple: irregular verbs Countries and nationalities
Past simple negative and interrogative
Quantity Food
Present perfect affirmative Transport
Present perfect negative and interrogative
be going to Jobs
Language Review 6–10
2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple
affirmative or negative.
1 ‘Where’s Kate?’ ‘I’m sorry. I .’ (know)
2 Dave and Sue haven’t got bikes – they
(walk) to school.
3 Jason (like) maths. He thinks it’s
4 I (stay) at home on Saturdays. I don’t go
to school.
5 Tina likes rock music, but she (hate) rap
6 We (love) computer games. They’re
7 My aunt is a teacher. She (work) in an
8 John hasn’t got a CD player or a radio. He
(listen) to music.
1 Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.
1 Chris is Clare’s .
2 Mary is Dave’s .
3 Clare is Dan’s .
4 Frank is Mary’s .
5 Ann is Chris and Clare’s .
6 Chris is Frank’s .
7 Dave is Sue’s .
8 Clare and Chris are Dave’s .
➔ 1.1, 1.2, 1.4
Get ready • Unit 14
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 1
Present simple: twierdzenia
Twierdzenia Twierdzenia
I work. We work.
You work. You work.
He/She/It works. They work.
Pisownia czasownika w 3. os. l. poj. (he, she, it)
W 3. os. l. poj. (he, she, it) do większości czasowników
dodajemy końcówkę -s.
+ -s start → starts play → plays
Jeśli czasownik kończy się na -ch, -ss, -sh lub -o, do
czasownika dodajemy -es.
+ -es watch → watches go → goes
Jeśli czasownik kończy się spółgłoską i -y, dodajemy
końcówkę -es, a y zmienia się w i.
-y → ies study → studies carry → carries
Czasu present simple używamy:
• kiedy mówimy o czynnościach, które odbywają się zawsze
lub z pewną regularnością;
• kiedy mówimy o faktach, o czymś, co jest zawsze prawdą.
Present simple: przeczenia
I don’t play.
He / She / It doesn’t play.
We / You / They don’t play.
Formy pełne
I don’t play. = I do not play. He doesn’t play. = He does
not play.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
cook drive get up live read speak teach
1 My dad the newspaper every morning.
2 I French and English
3 We in a small house.
4 Paul and Kate in London.
5 You to work.
6 My mum is a teacher. She English at my
7 My sister sometimes dinner.
8 I at six o’clock every morning.
➔ 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 1
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Frank Mary
Ann Dan Sue Mark
Chris ClareDave
5Get ready • Unit 2
Pytania w present simple
Pytania Krótkie odpowiedzi
Do I work? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does he / she / it work? Yes, she does. / No, he
Do we / you / they work? Yes, they do. / No, you don’t.
Wyrazów pytających (who, what, where, when itd.) używamy,
aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje. Wyraz pytający
wstawiamy na początku pytania.
Where do you live?
Po What czasami następuje rzeczownik.
What music do you like?
Jeśli w pytaniu pojawia się przyimek, najczęściej wstawiamy
go na końcu zdania.
Who do you live with?
Przysłówki częstotliwości
Przysłówków częstotliwości używamy, aby powiedzieć, jak
często coś robimy.
0% q q q q 100%
never hardly ever sometimes often usually always
Zwykle przysłówek częstotliwości wstawiamy:
– zaraz po czasowniku be
– zaraz przed większością innych czasowników.
1 Complete the questions and short answers.
1 ‘ you like football?’ ’No, I .’
2 ‘ your brother walk to school?’ ‘Yes, he
3 ‘ they live in London?’ ‘No, they .’
4 ‘ Kate listen to rap music?’ ‘No, she .’
5 ‘ it rain a lot in Scotland?’ ‘Yes, it .’
2 Complete the questions with the words in the box.
How What When Where Who
1 do you live?
2 do you live with?
3 do you get up on Sunday mornings?
4 do you relax?
5 programmes do you watch on TV?
3 Rewrite the sentences. Use the adverb of frequency in
1 I’m late for school. (never)
2 I speak English in English classes. (always)
3 I do my homework before dinner. (often)
➔ 2.3, 2.4
➔ 2.2
➔ 2.1
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 2
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4 I read a book in English. (hardly ever)
5 I help my friends with their homework. (sometimes)
Sports and hobbies
1 Label the pictures with the words in the box.
cycling dancing fashion football gymnastics
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
basketball books chess films music
photography rollerblading swimming
1 I really like – especially in the sea.
2 I’m interested in . My favourite band is Kaiser
3 I love . I go to the cinema every weekend.
4 I really like . I don’t play it, but I watch games
on TV.
5 My hobby is . I’ve got a new camera.
6 I love . My favourite writer is Stephen King.
7 I really love in the park with my friends.
8 I love . I play against my dad. I also play
against other people on the Internet.
1 2
3 4
5 6
Get ready • Unit 36
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 3
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there is / there are
Liczba pojedyncza Liczba mnoga
Twierdzenia There’s a book. There are some books.
Przeczenia There isn’t a book. There aren’t any books.
Pytania Is there a book? Are there any books?
Krótkie Yes, there is. / Yes, there are. /
odpowiedzi No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.
Zazwyczaj używamy skróconej formy there is: there’s. Formy
pełnej używamy jednak w krótkich odpowiedziach
There are nie posiada formy skróconej.
have to
I He /She / It We / You /They
Twierdzenia have to has to have to
Przeczenia don’t have to doesn’t have to don’t have to
Pytania Do … have to? Does … have to? Do … have to?
Krótkie Yes, … do. Yes, … does. Yes, … do.
odpowiedzi No, … don’t. No, … doesn’t. No, … don’t.
Czasownika have to używamy, kiedy mówimy, że coś jest
konieczne lub obowiązkowe.
She has to be at school before 8:30.
Formy don’t have to używamy, kiedy mówimy, że coś nie jest
konieczne (ale nie jest wbrew regułom).
We don’t have to have lunch at school. Some people go home
for lunch.
1 Complete the sentences with There’s / There are
affirmative (✓) and negative (✗).
1 14 classrooms in our school. ✓
2 a TV in this classroom. ✓
3 eight boys in this class. ✗
4 a book on my desk. ✓
5 three pens in my bag. ✗
2 Write questions and answers. Use Is there or Are there.
1 a computer? ✓
Is there a computer? Yes, there is.
2 any plants? ✗
3 a notice board? ✗
4 any students? ✓
5 a clock? ✓
6 any CDs? ✗
➔ 3.1, 3.2
➔ 3.1, 3.2
3 Look at the chart. Then write sentences using the
prompts and have to, affirmative and negative.
jobs Mark Suzie
tidy his/her bedroom yes no
cook dinner no no
do the washing yes yes
go to the supermarket no yes
1 Mark / tidy his bedroom
Mark has to tidy his bedroom.
2 Suzie / tidy her bedroom
3 Mark and Suzie / cook dinner
4 Mark and Suzie / do the washing
5 Suzie / go to the supermarket
6 Mark / go to the supermarket
In the classroom and prepositions of place
1 Match the things in the classroom with the words in the
bin blinds board books CDs chair CD player
clock computer cupboard desk notice board
plant poster shelves table TV window
2 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box.
Prepositions of place between behind in in front
of near next to on opposite under
1 near
➔ 3.3, 3.4
7Get ready • Unit 4
4Get ready for Pre-Intermediate
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Present continuous
I He /She / It We / You /They
Twierdzenia ’m working ‘s working ‘re working
Przeczenia ’m not working isn’t working aren’t working
Pytania Am I working? Is … working? Are … working?
Krótkie Yes, I am. Yes, … is. Yes, … are.
odpowiedzi No, I’m not. No, … isn’t. No, … aren’t
Pisownia czasownika z końcówką -ing
Do większości czasowników dodajemy końcówkę -ing.
play + -ing → playing
Jeśli czasownik kończy się spółgłoską + -e, zazwyczaj
opuszczamy -e, kiedy dodajemy końcówkę -ing.
-e + -ing dance → dancing
Jeśli czasownik kończy się akcentowaną krótką samogłoską
i spółgłoską, podwajamy tę spółgłoskę.
swim → swimming
Czasu present continuous używamy:
• kiedy mówimy o czynnościach odbywających się w tej
• kiedy mówimy o czynnościach przyszłych, już
I He /She / It We / You /They
Twierdzenia can dance … can dance … can dance
Przeczenia can’t dance … can’t dance … can’t dance
Pytania Can I dance? Can … dance? Can … dance?
Krótkie Yes, I can. Yes, … can. Yes, … can.
odpowiedzi No, I can’t. No, … can’t. No, … can’t.
Formą pełną can’t jest cannot.
Can używamy, kiedy
• mówimy o umiejętnościach;
• wyrażamy prośbę.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be and
the -ing forms of the words in the box.
do not have read study not swim
1 Jake and Andy in the pool.
2 My sister’s at university. She Spanish.
3 We gymnastics.
4 I a magazine.
5 You a good time.
➔ 4.1, 4.2
2 Write questions and affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) short
1 he / speak / Polish? ✗
2 Wendy and Pam / go cycling? ✓
3 you / use / that computer? ✓
4 Harry / do / the washing up? ✗
5 Cathy and Steve / cook? ✗
3 Write sentences with can, affirmative (✓) or negative (✗).
1 I / swim ✗
2 we / speak English ✓
3 William and Mary / rollerblade ✓
4 Anne / sing ✗
5 Charles and Elizabeth / use a computer ✗
6 Philip and I / cook ✓
7 Edward / do gymnastics ✗
8 you / play the piano ✓
Adjectives – opposites
1 Label the pictures with adjectives in the box.
cheap difficult easy expensive fast old slow
➔ 4.4, 4.5
➔ 4.1, 4.2
15 Euros200 Euros
Get ready • Unit 58
Przymiotniki w stopniu wyższym
Krótkie przymiotniki: zasady pisowni
Aby utworzyć stopień wyższy od krótkich przymiotników,
dodajemy końcówkę -er. Aby utworzyć stopień najwyższy
dodajemy końcówkę -est.
old – older – oldest
Jeśli przymiotnik kończy się na -e, dodajemy -r lub -st.
large – larger – largest
Jeśli przymiotnik kończy się krótką samogłoską i spółgłoską,
podwajamy tę spółgłoskę i dodajemy -er lub -est.
wet – wetter – wettest
Jeśli przymiotnik kończy się na -y, y zamieniamy na i
i dodajemy -er lub -est.
dry – drier – driest
Przymiotniki nieregularne
Niektóre przymiotniki stopniują się nieregularnie.
good – better – the best
bad – worse – the worst
far – further – the furthest
Długie przymiotniki
W przypadku dłuższych przymiotników (większość
dwusylabowych oraz przymiotniki wielosylabowe) używamy
wyrazów more (bardziej) lub most (najbardziej).
intelligent – more intelligent – the most intelligent
Kiedy porównujemy dwie rzeczy lub dwie osoby, używamy
than (niż).
Africa is hotter than Europe.
Po than zwykle używamy zaimka osobowego w funkcji
She’s shorter than me. (✓)
1 Write sentences using comparative and superlative
forms of the adjectives.
1 Natalie / old / Mary, but Sarah …
Natalie is older than Mary, but Sarah is the oldest.
2 France / hot / Britain, but Spain …
3 Harry / intelligent / Dave, but Robert …
4 Magazines / cheap / books, but newspapers …
5 History / interesting / science, but music …
6 Kate / friendly / Steve, but Wendy …
7 New York / large / London, but Tokyo …
8 The Simpsons / good / Malcolm in the Middle, but
Friends …
➔ 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
9 The Nile / long / the Danube, but the Amazon …
10 China / big / India, but Russia …
11 BMWs / more expensive / Fords, but Ferraris …
Adjectives for measurement
1 Complete the questions and answers with the adjectives.
deep high long old tall wide
1 ‘How is she?’
‘She’s three years .’
2 ‘How is Mount Rysy?’
‘It’s 2499 metres .’
3 ‘How is the river?’
‘It’s one kilometre .’
4 ‘How is the girl?’
‘She’s one metre 50 centimetres .’
5 ‘How is the car?’
‘It’s three metres .
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 5
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1 Choose the correct ending.
1 My uncle is my …
A father’s brother. B brother’s father.
2 My grandmother is my …
A father’s mother. B mother’s father,
3 My niece is my …
A mother’s sister. B sister’s daughter.
4 My cousin is my …
A son’s uncle. B uncle’s son.
5 My grandson is my …
A daughter’s son. B son’s daughter.
2 Complete the sports and hobbies.
1 basket _ _ _ _
2 photog _ _ _ _ _
3 gymn _ _ _ _ _ _
4 jog _ _ _ _
5 rollerb _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Match the school subjects with the words.
1 Music sport
2 English computer
3 P.E. map
4 I.T. piano
5 Geography dictionary
4 Match the adjectives with their opposites.
1 old cheap
2 difficult slow
3 expensive large
4 fast young
5 small easy
5 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective in the
deep high long old tall
1 Mount Everest is 8,848 m .
2 The swimming pool is 1.5 m .
3 The River Nile is 6,695 km .
4 My brother is nearly 2 m .
5 The Eiffel Tower is over 100 years .
1 Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative form
of the verbs in the box.
go live play study watch
1 My sister French at school.
2 My brother and I tennis.
3 My best friend to a different school.
4 My dad television every evening.
5 We in Cambridge.
2 Complete the questions.
1 you live? In New York.
2 like sport? Yes, I do.
3 she study? History and Maths.
4 get to school? I walk.
5 get up early? Yes, I do. At 6am.
3 Write sentences with there is/are, affirmative (✓) and
negative (✗).
1 a gym (✗) a playing field (✓)
2 a computer room (✓) a library (✗)
3 any DVDs (✗) some videos (✓)
4 a cinema (✓) a museum (✗)
5 a café (✓) any restaurants (✗)
4 Complete the sentences with the present continuous of
the verbs in brackets.
1 She with her friend. (dance)
2 They their dinner. (not eat)
3 The dog in the river. (swim)
4 I a letter. (write)
5 She to me. (not talk)
6 We the party. (enjoy)
5 Write sentences using comparative adjectives and than.
1 Oslo / far north / London
2 the Mediterranean sea / big / Baltic sea
3 Waikiki beach / long / Bondi beach
4 Mount Everest / famous / Mount Kenya
5 Africa / hot / Europe
9Get ready • Language Review
Get ready for Language Review 1–5
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Get ready • Unit 610
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 6
Past simple: be i can
I He / She / It We / You / They
Twierdzenia was ill. was ill. were ill.
Przeczenia wasn’t ill. wasn’t ill. weren’t ill.
Pytania Was I ill? Was … ill? Were … ill?
Krótkie Yes, I was. Yes, … was. Yes, … were.
odpowiedzi No, I wasn’t. No, … wasn’t. No, … weren’t.
Formą czasu przesz$ego czasownika can jest could.
I He / She / It We / You / They
Twierdzenia could read. could read. could read.
Przeczenia couldn’t read. couldn’t read.
Pytania Could I read? Could … read?
Krótkie Yes, I could. Yes, … could.
odpowiedzi No, I couldn’t. No, … couldn’t.
Past simple: twierdzenia (czasowniki regularne)
I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They watched TV.
Pisownia czasownika w czasie past simple
Formę czasownika regularnego w czasie past simple tworzymy
przez dodanie końcówki -ed do formy podstawowej.
play + -ed → played
Jeśli czasownik kończy się na -e, dodajemy -d.
dance + -d → danced
Jeśli czasownik kończy się spółgłoską + -y, zamieniamy y na i
i dodajemy -ed.
hurry -y → -ied → hurried
Jeśli czasownik kończy się akcentowaną krótką samogłoską
i spółgłoską, podwajamy tę spółgłoskę.
-p + ped stop → stopped
1 Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
Tom 1
you at Jill’s party last night?
Cathy No, I 2
. I couldn’t go.
Tom 3
you at home?
Cathy Yes, I 4
. 5
Jo and Sam at
the party?
Tom No, they 6
. They 7
at the
Cathy 8
the party good?
Tom Yes, it 9
➔ 6.1
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2 Complete the sentences with couldn’t and the verbs in
the box.
find go understand finish watch
1 My dad to work because he was ill.
2 John his pen. It wasn’t in his schoolbag.
3 Pam wasn’t hungry – she her lunch.
4 I Jan because I don’t speak German.
5 We the film because the TV was broken.
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
miss phone stop study visit
1 My mum and dad German at school.
2 Last summer we Paris.
3 The train at the railway station.
4 Robert the bus so he walked to school.
5 Joe Sue, but she wasn’t at home.
Places in town
1 Match the pictures with the places in the box.
art gallery bus station police station
railway station town hall car park post office
tourist information office
2 Choose the correct words.
1 I’m going to the library/post office to borrow a book.
2 I always go to church / the railway station on Sunday
3 There are some beautiful paintings at the theatre/art
4 I’m going for a walk in the town hall/park.
5 ‘Where’s the car?’ ‘It’s in the car park/bus station in
the centre of town.’
6 Tom needs some stamps. He’s going to the church /
post office.
➔ 6.3, 6.4
➔ 6.2
a b
d e
11Get ready • Unit 7
Past simple: czasowniki nieregularne
Niektóre czasowniki mają nieregularne formy w zdaniach
twierdzacych w czasie past simple. Nie istnieją żadne zasady
tworzenia tych form. Należy nauczyć się ich na pamięć –
patrz lista w zeszycie ćwiczeń.
Forma twierdząca czasowników nieregularnych w czasie past
simple jest taka sama dla wszystkich osób liczby pojedynczej
i mnogiej (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
Past simple: czasowniprzeczenia i pytania
Przeczenia Pytania
I didn’t watch. Did I watch?
He/She/It didn’t watch. Did he/she it watch?
We/You/They didn’t watch. Did we/you/they watch?
Formy pelne Krotkie odpowiedzi
didn’t = did not Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
Powyższe formy są takie same dla wszystkich osób w liczbie
pojedynczej i mnogiej (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the
verbs in brackets.
1 We to the cinema last weekend. (go)
2 I my dad a book for his birthday. (give).
3 She pizzas for dinner last night. (make)
4 He to school this morning because he
was late. (run)
5 They the teacher in town yesterday. (see)
6 My parents on holiday last week. (be)
7 I hello to the girl next door when I left
the house. (say)
8 I had to take my new MP3 player back to the shop,
because it after a week. (break)
9 This lesson 10 minutes to go. (begin)
10 I the bus to school this morning. (catch)
2 Put the words in the correct order to make negative
1 last night / watch / didn’t / TV / they
2 win / he / a Nobel Prize / didn’t
3 you / see / I / didn‘t / at the party
4 Harry / yesterday evening / tidy / didn’t / his room
5 didn’t / we / to school / yesterday / go
3 Write the questions to match the answers. Start with the
word in brackets.
1 I went to Germany. (Where)
Where did you go last summer?
2 I went with my parents and some of our friends. (Who)
3 Oh, the weather was lovely – warm and sunny. (What)
➔ 7.3
➔ 7.3
➔ 7.1, 7.2
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 7
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4 Yes, we spent a week in Berlin. (Did)
5 We went by train from Warsaw. (How)
6 We spent about three weeks in Germany. (How long)
Countries and nationalities
1 Complete the names of the European countries.
Country Capital
Poland Warsaw
1 I _ _ _ _ Rome
2 S _ _ _ _ _ Stockholm
3 F _ _ _ _ _ Paris
4 S _ _ _ _ Madrid
5 U _ _ _ _ _ _ Kiev
2 Put the nationalities in the correct columns.
American Australian Belarusian Brazilian British
Chinese Czech French German Italian
Japanese Lithuanian Polish Russian Slovakian
Spanish Swedish Ukrainian
1: -an 2: -ish 3: -ese 4: other
American British
Get ready • Unit 8
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 8
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Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
Rzeczowniki policzalne odnoszą się do rzeczy, które można
policzyć. Posiadają formę liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
an orange two oranges
Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne odnoszą się do rzeczy, których nie
można policzyć. Posiadają jedynie formę liczby pojedynczej.
some bread I like cheese.
Some i any
Some używamy zwykle w zdaniach twierdzących
z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej oraz z rzeczownikami
Any używamy zwykle w zdaniach przeczących i pytaniach
z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej oraz z rzeczownikami
How much / many …?
Pytania How much…? używamy z rzeczownikami
Pytania How many…? używamy z rzeczownikami
Przedimka nieokreślonego (a lub an) używamy przed
rzeczownikami policzalnymi w l. poj. a restaurant
Przedimka określonego (the) uvywamy przed rzeczownikami
policzalnymi w l.poj. i the restaurant the restaurants
oraz z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi. the cheese
Przed wyrazami, w których pierwszym wymawianym
dźwiękiem jest samogłoska, używamy an zamiast a. Dotyczy
to większości wyrazów zaczynających się od a, e, i, o oraz u, a
także kilku wyrazów zaczynających się od niemego h.
an apple an Italian restaurant an hour
Przedimka a lub an używamy, kiedy mówimy o czymś po raz
pierwszy. There’s a pizza in the fridge.
Przedimka the używamy, kiedy mówimy o czymś ponownie.
We can have the pizza for dinner.
1 Choose some or any.
1 There’s some / any toast on the table.
2 Have we got some / any eggs?
3 Is there some / any milk?
4 We didn’t buy some / any sausages.
5 Have you got some / any money?
6 We don’t need some / any bananas.
➔ 8.1
2 Complete the questions with How much … ? and How
many … ?
1 people live in your house?
2 time is there until the end of the
school day?
3 lessons do you have a day?
4 money do you spend a day on snacks?
5 water do you usually drink in a day?
6 pages are there in this book?
3 Choose a or an.
1 a / an animal
2 a / an big onion
3 a / an university
4 a / an American man
5 a / an young woman
6 a / an hour
4 Write a, an or the.
1 ‘We need egg.’ ‘ eggs are in the fridge.’
2 I’ve got brother and a sister.
3 Where are sausages? I need snack!
4 I had chicken sandwich and banana for
lunch. sandwich was delicious, but
banana was horrible. Tomorrow I’m going to have
5 I’ve got cat and dog. cat’s name
is Lucky and dog’s name is Bouncer.
6 There’s man and woman at the door.
man wants to talk to you.
Food categories
1 Add the food in the picture to the correct categories
beef cabbage carrots chicken cream lamb
lobster onions oranges pear peas potatoes
salmon sardines
1 fish and seafood 4 vegetables
salmon carrots
2 meat and poultry 5 fruit
beef lemons
3 dairy products
➔ 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
➔ 8.4, 8.5
➔ 8.1, 8.3
13Get ready • Unit 9
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 9
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
5 ‘Is that your bus over there?’ ‘Yes, it is. I
(miss) it!’
6 ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I (eat).’
3 Make the sentences negative.
1 Harry has had breakfast.
2 I’ve lost my personal stereo.
3 Rachel and I have spent all our money.
4 You’ve eaten the apple.
5 Vicky has taken the train to Leeds.
6 Luke and Emily have visited Spain.
4 Write questions and short answers. Use the present
1 Tim / go to bed? ✗
Has Tim gone to bed? No, he hasn’t.
2 you / decide what to do? ✓
3 Robert / pack his bags? ✗
4 Kate and David / write any postcards? ✗
5 you / buy any CDs? ✗
6 Tony and you / have lunch? ✓
7 Sarah / go to Edinburgh? ✓
1 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box.
bicycle boat bus car motorbike plane taxi
➔ 9.5
➔ 9.5
Present perfect: twierdzenia
I’ve / You’ve finished.
He / She / It’s finished.
We’ve / You’ve / They’ve finished.
Formy pełne
I’ve = I have she’s = she has
Czasu present perfect używamy, kiedy mówimy o wydarzeniach
z przeszłości, które mają skutek w teraźniejszości, na przykład
o niedawnych zdarzeniach lub wiadomościach.
Trzecia forma czasowników regularnych (past participle) jest
taka sama jak druga forma (stosowana w czasie past simple).
walked cooked studied stopped
Czasowniki nieregularne mają czasami 3. formę taką samą,
jak 2. formę (past simple). Czasami jest ona jednak inna.
have – had – had
go – went – gone
Present perfect: przeczenia i pytania
I He / She / It We / You / They
Przeczenia haven’t finished. hasn’t finished. haven’t finished.
Pytania Have I finished? Has … finished? Have … finished?
Krótkie Yes, I have. Yes, … has. Yes, … have.
odpowiedzi No, I haven’t. No, … hasn’t. No, … haven’t.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the
present perfect. Check the past participle forms of any
irregular verbs list on page 16.
1 I (see) that film three times.
2 We (decide) to go to France on holiday.
3 We (leave) our suitcases on the coach.
4 Italy (win) the World Cup again.
5 We (study) nine units of this book.
6 Ann (do) the shopping.
2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
1 ‘Is Dave still here?’ ‘No, he (go) home.
2 ‘Is it raining?’ ‘No, it (stop).’
3 ‘Do you want a drink?’ ‘No, thanks. I (have)
4 ‘Is Daniel watching TV?’ ‘No, he (finish).’
➔ 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
➔ 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4
e f
g h
3 Complete the predictions about Robert’s future. Use will
(✓) or won’t (✗).
1 He live in France. (✗)
2 He get married. (✓)
3 He have children. (✗)
4 He work with computers. (✓)
5 He have a pet. (✓)
1 Label the photos using the words in the box.
artist builder computer programmer mechanic
politician waiter
2 Match the sentences with the jobs in the box.
actor chef doctor engineer farmer hairdresser
shop assistant teacher
1 ‘I work in the kitchen of a big restaurant.’
2 ‘I’ve got lots of pigs and cows.’
3 ‘I work in a shop.’
4 ‘I cut people’s hair.’
5 ‘I work in a school’
6 ‘I work in a theatre.’
7 ‘I help people when they are ill.’
8 ‘I build roads and bridges.’
➔ 10.3, 10.4
Get ready • Unit 1014
be going to
I He / She / It We / You / They
Twierdzenia ’m going ’s going ’re going
to leave to leave to leave
Przeczenia ’m not going isn’t going aren’t going
to leave to leave to leave
Pytania Am I going Is … going Are … going
to leave? to leave? to leave?
Krótkie Yes, I am. Yes, … is. Yes, … are.
odpowiedzi No, I’m not. No, … isn’t. No, … aren’t.
Konstrukcji be going to używamy, kiedy mówimy o naszych
I’m going to get a job next year.
I He / She / It We / You / They
Twierdzenia ’ll go. ’ll go. ’ll go.
Przeczenia won’t go. won’t go. won’t go.
Pytania Will I go? Will … go? Will … go?
Krótkie Yes, I will. Yes, … will. Yes, … will.
odpowiedzi No, I won’t. No, … won’t. No, … won’t.
Will używamy:
• kiedy mówimy o przyszłych faktach;
I’ll be at home at seven o’clock.
• kiedy przewidujemy, co się wydarzy.
They won’t get married.
1 Write sentences with going to.
1 she / have lunch in town
She’s going to have lunch in town.
2 we / not / play tennis next Saturday
3 I / surf the Internet this evening
4 you / meet me at the cafe
5 we / see a film this evening
6 Pete and Sue / study maths at university
2 Write questions with going to.
1 What / you / do on Friday evening?
What are you going to do on Friday evening?
2 What film / you / see?
3 Who / you / go with?
4 How / you / get there?
5 What / you / do after the film?
6 What time / you / arrive home?
➔ 10.1, 10.2
➔ 10.1, 10.2
Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 10
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
e f
1 Answer the questions using the places in the box.
art gallery bus station library post office theatre
1 Where can I see a play?
2 Where can I catch a bus?
3 Where can I buy stamps?
4 Where can I look at paintings?
5 Where can I read or borrow books?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct countries or
1 She’s from . She’s German.
2 He’s from Greece. He’s .
3 He’s . He’s from China.
4 He’s from . He’s Swedish.
5 He’s from Britain. He’s .
3 Match the food with the category.
1 peas fish
2 oranges dairy
3 salmon meat
4 beef vegetables
5 cream fruit
4 Complete the sentences with the correct type of
1 He drives to work in his .
2 She sailed across the ocean in a .
3 I cycled home on my .
4 They flew to the USA in a .
5 He rode across Asia on a .
5 Complete the sentences with a or an and the correct job.
1 builds houses.
2 cuts people’s hair.
3 mends cars and motorbikes.
4 draws and paints pictures.
5 works in a church.
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the
verbs in brackets.
1 We (arrive) home last night.
2 I (wait) outside for two hours.
3 They (walk) to Rome for charity.
4 I (ask) my friend to help me.
5 My mum (study) Art at school.
2 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the
verbs in the box.
become give go win be
1 He born in 1879.
2 He to school in London.
3 His uncle him a violin.
4 He a prize for his playing.
5 He a professional musician.
3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
a any many some the
Girl Have we got 1
Boy No, we haven’t. But we’ve got four tomatoes and
Girl How 3
eggs have we got?
Boy Three. Is that enough?
Girl No. Is there 4
supermarket near here?
Boy Yes, there is. And it’s open in
4 What have Tim and Anna done today? Write sentences in
the present perfect.
1 Anna / phone / her mum.
2 Tim and Anna / play / tennis.
3 Tim / do / the housework.
4 Tim and Anna / make / a pizza.
5 Tim / buy / a new computer game.
5 Complete the text with the correct form of will and the
verbs in brackets.
The Space Hotel 1
(open) in 2020. It
(have) 350 rooms. Guests 3
(arrive) by spaceship. But holidays here 4
(not be) cheap. They 5
(cost) £50,000 for
a week!
Get ready • Language Review 15
Get ready for Language Review 6–10
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Base form Past simple Past participle Base form Past simple Past participle
Irregular Verbs
be was/were been
become became become
begin began begun
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
can could been able to
catch caught caught
come came come
cost cost cost
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
feel felt felt
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got got
give gave given
go went gone
have had had
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known
learn learnt/-ed learnt/-ed
leave left left
lose lost lost
make made made
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shoot shot shot
show showed shown/-ed
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
smell smelt/-ed smelt/-ed
speak spoke spoken
spell spelt/-ed spelt/-ed
spend spent spent
spill spilt/-ed spilt/-ed
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

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  • 1. 4 Solutions Get ready for Pre-Intermediate m a t u r a kurs przygotowujący do matury Tim Falla, Paul A Davies • revises the grammar and vocabulary from Matura Solutions Elementary • contains a Polish grammar reference with revision exercises • prepares students who are going to use Matura Solutions Pre-Intermediate
  • 2. 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxford and oxford english are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2007 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2007 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press (with the sole exception of photocopying carried out under the conditions stated in the paragraph headed ‘Photocopying’), or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Photocopying The Publisher grants permission for the photocopying of those pages marked ‘photocopiable’ according to the following conditions. Individual purchasers may make copies for their own use or for use by classes that they teach. School purchasers may make copies for use by staff and students, but this permission does not extend to additional schools or branches Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content Printed in Poland
  • 3. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 unit grammar vocabulary Present simple affirmative Family Present simple negative Present simple interrogative Sport and hobbies Adverbs of frequency there is / there are In the classroom have to Present continuous Adjectives: opposites can Comparative adjectives Adjectives for measurement Superlative adjectives Language Review 1–5 Past simple: be and can In town Past simple affirmative: regular verbs Past simple: irregular verbs Countries and nationalities Past simple negative and interrogative Quantity Food Articles Present perfect affirmative Transport Present perfect negative and interrogative be going to Jobs will Language Review 6–10 Contents
  • 4. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple affirmative or negative. 1 ‘Where’s Kate?’ ‘I’m sorry. I .’ (know) 2 Dave and Sue haven’t got bikes – they (walk) to school. 3 Jason (like) maths. He thinks it’s difficult. 4 I (stay) at home on Saturdays. I don’t go to school. 5 Tina likes rock music, but she (hate) rap music. 6 We (love) computer games. They’re great! 7 My aunt is a teacher. She (work) in an office. 8 John hasn’t got a CD player or a radio. He (listen) to music. Family 1 Look at the family tree and complete the sentences. 1 Chris is Clare’s . 2 Mary is Dave’s . 3 Clare is Dan’s . 4 Frank is Mary’s . 5 Ann is Chris and Clare’s . 6 Chris is Frank’s . 7 Dave is Sue’s . 8 Clare and Chris are Dave’s . ➔ 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 Get ready • Unit 14 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 1 Present simple: twierdzenia Twierdzenia Twierdzenia I work. We work. You work. You work. He/She/It works. They work. Pisownia czasownika w 3. os. l. poj. (he, she, it) W 3. os. l. poj. (he, she, it) do większości czasowników dodajemy końcówkę -s. + -s start → starts play → plays Jeśli czasownik kończy się na -ch, -ss, -sh lub -o, do czasownika dodajemy -es. + -es watch → watches go → goes Jeśli czasownik kończy się spółgłoską i -y, dodajemy końcówkę -es, a y zmienia się w i. -y → ies study → studies carry → carries Czasu present simple używamy: • kiedy mówimy o czynnościach, które odbywają się zawsze lub z pewną regularnością; • kiedy mówimy o faktach, o czymś, co jest zawsze prawdą. Present simple: przeczenia Przeczenia I don’t play. He / She / It doesn’t play. We / You / They don’t play. Formy pełne I don’t play. = I do not play. He doesn’t play. = He does not play. 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. cook drive get up live read speak teach work 1 My dad the newspaper every morning. 2 I French and English 3 We in a small house. 4 Paul and Kate in London. 5 You to work. 6 My mum is a teacher. She English at my school. 7 My sister sometimes dinner. 8 I at six o’clock every morning. ➔ 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Frank Mary Ann Dan Sue Mark Chris ClareDave
  • 5. 5Get ready • Unit 2 Pytania w present simple Pytania Krótkie odpowiedzi Do I work? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he / she / it work? Yes, she does. / No, he doesn’t. Do we / you / they work? Yes, they do. / No, you don’t. Wyrazów pytających (who, what, where, when itd.) używamy, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje. Wyraz pytający wstawiamy na początku pytania. Where do you live? Po What czasami następuje rzeczownik. What music do you like? Jeśli w pytaniu pojawia się przyimek, najczęściej wstawiamy go na końcu zdania. Who do you live with? Przysłówki częstotliwości Przysłówków częstotliwości używamy, aby powiedzieć, jak często coś robimy. 0% q q q q 100% never hardly ever sometimes often usually always Zwykle przysłówek częstotliwości wstawiamy: – zaraz po czasowniku be – zaraz przed większością innych czasowników. 1 Complete the questions and short answers. 1 ‘ you like football?’ ’No, I .’ 2 ‘ your brother walk to school?’ ‘Yes, he .’ 3 ‘ they live in London?’ ‘No, they .’ 4 ‘ Kate listen to rap music?’ ‘No, she .’ 5 ‘ it rain a lot in Scotland?’ ‘Yes, it .’ 2 Complete the questions with the words in the box. How What When Where Who 1 do you live? 2 do you live with? 3 do you get up on Sunday mornings? 4 do you relax? 5 programmes do you watch on TV? 3 Rewrite the sentences. Use the adverb of frequency in brackets. 1 I’m late for school. (never) 2 I speak English in English classes. (always) 3 I do my homework before dinner. (often) ➔ 2.3, 2.4 ➔ 2.2 ➔ 2.1 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 4 I read a book in English. (hardly ever) 5 I help my friends with their homework. (sometimes) Sports and hobbies 1 Label the pictures with the words in the box. cycling dancing fashion football gymnastics jogging 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. basketball books chess films music photography rollerblading swimming 1 I really like – especially in the sea. 2 I’m interested in . My favourite band is Kaiser Chiefs. 3 I love . I go to the cinema every weekend. 4 I really like . I don’t play it, but I watch games on TV. 5 My hobby is . I’ve got a new camera. 6 I love . My favourite writer is Stephen King. 7 I really love in the park with my friends. 8 I love . I play against my dad. I also play against other people on the Internet. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 6. Get ready • Unit 36 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press there is / there are Liczba pojedyncza Liczba mnoga Twierdzenia There’s a book. There are some books. Przeczenia There isn’t a book. There aren’t any books. Pytania Is there a book? Are there any books? Krótkie Yes, there is. / Yes, there are. / odpowiedzi No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t. Zazwyczaj używamy skróconej formy there is: there’s. Formy pełnej używamy jednak w krótkich odpowiedziach twierdzących. There are nie posiada formy skróconej. have to I He /She / It We / You /They Twierdzenia have to has to have to Przeczenia don’t have to doesn’t have to don’t have to Pytania Do … have to? Does … have to? Do … have to? Krótkie Yes, … do. Yes, … does. Yes, … do. odpowiedzi No, … don’t. No, … doesn’t. No, … don’t. Czasownika have to używamy, kiedy mówimy, że coś jest konieczne lub obowiązkowe. She has to be at school before 8:30. Formy don’t have to używamy, kiedy mówimy, że coś nie jest konieczne (ale nie jest wbrew regułom). We don’t have to have lunch at school. Some people go home for lunch. 1 Complete the sentences with There’s / There are affirmative (✓) and negative (✗). 1 14 classrooms in our school. ✓ 2 a TV in this classroom. ✓ 3 eight boys in this class. ✗ 4 a book on my desk. ✓ 5 three pens in my bag. ✗ 2 Write questions and answers. Use Is there or Are there. 1 a computer? ✓ Is there a computer? Yes, there is. 2 any plants? ✗ 3 a notice board? ✗ 4 any students? ✓ 5 a clock? ✓ 6 any CDs? ✗ ➔ 3.1, 3.2 ➔ 3.1, 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 Look at the chart. Then write sentences using the prompts and have to, affirmative and negative. jobs Mark Suzie tidy his/her bedroom yes no cook dinner no no do the washing yes yes go to the supermarket no yes 1 Mark / tidy his bedroom Mark has to tidy his bedroom. 2 Suzie / tidy her bedroom 3 Mark and Suzie / cook dinner 4 Mark and Suzie / do the washing 5 Suzie / go to the supermarket 6 Mark / go to the supermarket In the classroom and prepositions of place 1 Match the things in the classroom with the words in the box. bin blinds board books CDs chair CD player clock computer cupboard desk notice board plant poster shelves table TV window 2 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. Prepositions of place between behind in in front of near next to on opposite under 1 near ➔ 3.3, 3.4
  • 7. 7Get ready • Unit 4 4Get ready for Pre-Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Present continuous I He /She / It We / You /They Twierdzenia ’m working ‘s working ‘re working Przeczenia ’m not working isn’t working aren’t working Pytania Am I working? Is … working? Are … working? Krótkie Yes, I am. Yes, … is. Yes, … are. odpowiedzi No, I’m not. No, … isn’t. No, … aren’t Pisownia czasownika z końcówką -ing Do większości czasowników dodajemy końcówkę -ing. play + -ing → playing Jeśli czasownik kończy się spółgłoską + -e, zazwyczaj opuszczamy -e, kiedy dodajemy końcówkę -ing. -e + -ing dance → dancing Jeśli czasownik kończy się akcentowaną krótką samogłoską i spółgłoską, podwajamy tę spółgłoskę. swim → swimming Czasu present continuous używamy: • kiedy mówimy o czynnościach odbywających się w tej chwili; • kiedy mówimy o czynnościach przyszłych, już zaaranżowanych. can I He /She / It We / You /They Twierdzenia can dance … can dance … can dance Przeczenia can’t dance … can’t dance … can’t dance Pytania Can I dance? Can … dance? Can … dance? Krótkie Yes, I can. Yes, … can. Yes, … can. odpowiedzi No, I can’t. No, … can’t. No, … can’t. Formą pełną can’t jest cannot. Can używamy, kiedy • mówimy o umiejętnościach; • wyrażamy prośbę. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be and the -ing forms of the words in the box. do not have read study not swim 1 Jake and Andy in the pool. 2 My sister’s at university. She Spanish. 3 We gymnastics. 4 I a magazine. 5 You a good time. ➔ 4.1, 4.2 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 2 Write questions and affirmative (✓) or negative (✗) short answers. 1 he / speak / Polish? ✗ 2 Wendy and Pam / go cycling? ✓ 3 you / use / that computer? ✓ 4 Harry / do / the washing up? ✗ 5 Cathy and Steve / cook? ✗ 3 Write sentences with can, affirmative (✓) or negative (✗). 1 I / swim ✗ 2 we / speak English ✓ 3 William and Mary / rollerblade ✓ 4 Anne / sing ✗ 5 Charles and Elizabeth / use a computer ✗ 6 Philip and I / cook ✓ 7 Edward / do gymnastics ✗ 8 you / play the piano ✓ Adjectives – opposites 1 Label the pictures with adjectives in the box. cheap difficult easy expensive fast old slow young ➔ 4.4, 4.5 ➔ 4.1, 4.2 15 Euros200 Euros
  • 8. Get ready • Unit 58 Przymiotniki w stopniu wyższym Krótkie przymiotniki: zasady pisowni Aby utworzyć stopień wyższy od krótkich przymiotników, dodajemy końcówkę -er. Aby utworzyć stopień najwyższy dodajemy końcówkę -est. old – older – oldest Jeśli przymiotnik kończy się na -e, dodajemy -r lub -st. large – larger – largest Jeśli przymiotnik kończy się krótką samogłoską i spółgłoską, podwajamy tę spółgłoskę i dodajemy -er lub -est. wet – wetter – wettest Jeśli przymiotnik kończy się na -y, y zamieniamy na i i dodajemy -er lub -est. dry – drier – driest Przymiotniki nieregularne Niektóre przymiotniki stopniują się nieregularnie. good – better – the best bad – worse – the worst far – further – the furthest Długie przymiotniki W przypadku dłuższych przymiotników (większość dwusylabowych oraz przymiotniki wielosylabowe) używamy wyrazów more (bardziej) lub most (najbardziej). intelligent – more intelligent – the most intelligent than Kiedy porównujemy dwie rzeczy lub dwie osoby, używamy than (niż). Africa is hotter than Europe. Po than zwykle używamy zaimka osobowego w funkcji dopełnienia. She’s shorter than me. (✓) 1 Write sentences using comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. 1 Natalie / old / Mary, but Sarah … Natalie is older than Mary, but Sarah is the oldest. 2 France / hot / Britain, but Spain … 3 Harry / intelligent / Dave, but Robert … 4 Magazines / cheap / books, but newspapers … 5 History / interesting / science, but music … 6 Kate / friendly / Steve, but Wendy … 7 New York / large / London, but Tokyo … 8 The Simpsons / good / Malcolm in the Middle, but Friends … ➔ 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 9 The Nile / long / the Danube, but the Amazon … 10 China / big / India, but Russia … 11 BMWs / more expensive / Fords, but Ferraris … Adjectives for measurement 1 Complete the questions and answers with the adjectives. deep high long old tall wide 1 ‘How is she?’ ‘She’s three years .’ 2 ‘How is Mount Rysy?’ ‘It’s 2499 metres .’ 3 ‘How is the river?’ ‘It’s one kilometre .’ 4 ‘How is the girl?’ ‘She’s one metre 50 centimetres .’ 5 ‘How is the car?’ ‘It’s three metres . Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 1 4 2 3 5
  • 9. Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct ending. 1 My uncle is my … A father’s brother. B brother’s father. 2 My grandmother is my … A father’s mother. B mother’s father, 3 My niece is my … A mother’s sister. B sister’s daughter. 4 My cousin is my … A son’s uncle. B uncle’s son. 5 My grandson is my … A daughter’s son. B son’s daughter. 2 Complete the sports and hobbies. 1 basket _ _ _ _ 2 photog _ _ _ _ _ 3 gymn _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 jog _ _ _ _ 5 rollerb _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 Match the school subjects with the words. 1 Music sport 2 English computer 3 P.E. map 4 I.T. piano 5 Geography dictionary 4 Match the adjectives with their opposites. 1 old cheap 2 difficult slow 3 expensive large 4 fast young 5 small easy 5 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective in the box. deep high long old tall 1 Mount Everest is 8,848 m . 2 The swimming pool is 1.5 m . 3 The River Nile is 6,695 km . 4 My brother is nearly 2 m . 5 The Eiffel Tower is over 100 years . /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative form of the verbs in the box. go live play study watch 1 My sister French at school. 2 My brother and I tennis. 3 My best friend to a different school. 4 My dad television every evening. 5 We in Cambridge. 2 Complete the questions. 1 you live? In New York. 2 like sport? Yes, I do. 3 she study? History and Maths. 4 get to school? I walk. 5 get up early? Yes, I do. At 6am. 3 Write sentences with there is/are, affirmative (✓) and negative (✗). 1 a gym (✗) a playing field (✓) 2 a computer room (✓) a library (✗) 3 any DVDs (✗) some videos (✓) 4 a cinema (✓) a museum (✗) 5 a café (✓) any restaurants (✗) 4 Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. 1 She with her friend. (dance) 2 They their dinner. (not eat) 3 The dog in the river. (swim) 4 I a letter. (write) 5 She to me. (not talk) 6 We the party. (enjoy) 5 Write sentences using comparative adjectives and than. 1 Oslo / far north / London 2 the Mediterranean sea / big / Baltic sea 3 Waikiki beach / long / Bondi beach 4 Mount Everest / famous / Mount Kenya 5 Africa / hot / Europe /50TOTAL /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark 9Get ready • Language Review Get ready for Language Review 1–5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
  • 10. Get ready • Unit 610 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 6 Past simple: be i can I He / She / It We / You / They Twierdzenia was ill. was ill. were ill. Przeczenia wasn’t ill. wasn’t ill. weren’t ill. Pytania Was I ill? Was … ill? Were … ill? Krótkie Yes, I was. Yes, … was. Yes, … were. odpowiedzi No, I wasn’t. No, … wasn’t. No, … weren’t. Formą czasu przesz$ego czasownika can jest could. I He / She / It We / You / They Twierdzenia could read. could read. could read. Przeczenia couldn’t read. couldn’t read. Pytania Could I read? Could … read? Krótkie Yes, I could. Yes, … could. odpowiedzi No, I couldn’t. No, … couldn’t. Past simple: twierdzenia (czasowniki regularne) Twierdzenia I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They watched TV. Pisownia czasownika w czasie past simple Formę czasownika regularnego w czasie past simple tworzymy przez dodanie końcówki -ed do formy podstawowej. play + -ed → played Jeśli czasownik kończy się na -e, dodajemy -d. dance + -d → danced Jeśli czasownik kończy się spółgłoską + -y, zamieniamy y na i i dodajemy -ed. hurry -y → -ied → hurried Jeśli czasownik kończy się akcentowaną krótką samogłoską i spółgłoską, podwajamy tę spółgłoskę. -p + ped stop → stopped 1 Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. Tom 1 you at Jill’s party last night? Cathy No, I 2 . I couldn’t go. Tom 3 you at home? Cathy Yes, I 4 . 5 Jo and Sam at the party? Tom No, they 6 . They 7 at the cinema. Cathy 8 the party good? Tom Yes, it 9 great. ➔ 6.1 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2 Complete the sentences with couldn’t and the verbs in the box. find go understand finish watch 1 My dad to work because he was ill. 2 John his pen. It wasn’t in his schoolbag. 3 Pam wasn’t hungry – she her lunch. 4 I Jan because I don’t speak German. 5 We the film because the TV was broken. 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. miss phone stop study visit 1 My mum and dad German at school. 2 Last summer we Paris. 3 The train at the railway station. 4 Robert the bus so he walked to school. 5 Joe Sue, but she wasn’t at home. Places in town 1 Match the pictures with the places in the box. art gallery bus station police station railway station town hall car park post office tourist information office 2 Choose the correct words. 1 I’m going to the library/post office to borrow a book. 2 I always go to church / the railway station on Sunday morning. 3 There are some beautiful paintings at the theatre/art gallery. 4 I’m going for a walk in the town hall/park. 5 ‘Where’s the car?’ ‘It’s in the car park/bus station in the centre of town.’ 6 Tom needs some stamps. He’s going to the church / post office. ➔ 6.3, 6.4 ➔ 6.2 a b c d e f g h
  • 11. 11Get ready • Unit 7 Past simple: czasowniki nieregularne Niektóre czasowniki mają nieregularne formy w zdaniach twierdzacych w czasie past simple. Nie istnieją żadne zasady tworzenia tych form. Należy nauczyć się ich na pamięć – patrz lista w zeszycie ćwiczeń. Forma twierdząca czasowników nieregularnych w czasie past simple jest taka sama dla wszystkich osób liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). Past simple: czasowniprzeczenia i pytania Przeczenia Pytania I didn’t watch. Did I watch? He/She/It didn’t watch. Did he/she it watch? We/You/They didn’t watch. Did we/you/they watch? Formy pelne Krotkie odpowiedzi didn’t = did not Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Powyższe formy są takie same dla wszystkich osób w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 We to the cinema last weekend. (go) 2 I my dad a book for his birthday. (give). 3 She pizzas for dinner last night. (make) 4 He to school this morning because he was late. (run) 5 They the teacher in town yesterday. (see) 6 My parents on holiday last week. (be) 7 I hello to the girl next door when I left the house. (say) 8 I had to take my new MP3 player back to the shop, because it after a week. (break) 9 This lesson 10 minutes to go. (begin) 10 I the bus to school this morning. (catch) 2 Put the words in the correct order to make negative sentences. 1 last night / watch / didn’t / TV / they 2 win / he / a Nobel Prize / didn’t 3 you / see / I / didn‘t / at the party 4 Harry / yesterday evening / tidy / didn’t / his room 5 didn’t / we / to school / yesterday / go 3 Write the questions to match the answers. Start with the word in brackets. 1 I went to Germany. (Where) Where did you go last summer? 2 I went with my parents and some of our friends. (Who) 3 Oh, the weather was lovely – warm and sunny. (What) ➔ 7.3 ➔ 7.3 ➔ 7.1, 7.2 7.3 7.2 7.1 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 7 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 4 Yes, we spent a week in Berlin. (Did) 5 We went by train from Warsaw. (How) 6 We spent about three weeks in Germany. (How long) Countries and nationalities 1 Complete the names of the European countries. Country Capital Poland Warsaw 1 I _ _ _ _ Rome 2 S _ _ _ _ _ Stockholm 3 F _ _ _ _ _ Paris 4 S _ _ _ _ Madrid 5 U _ _ _ _ _ _ Kiev 2 Put the nationalities in the correct columns. American Australian Belarusian Brazilian British Chinese Czech French German Italian Japanese Lithuanian Polish Russian Slovakian Spanish Swedish Ukrainian 1: -an 2: -ish 3: -ese 4: other American British
  • 12. Get ready • Unit 8 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 8 12 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Ilość Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne Rzeczowniki policzalne odnoszą się do rzeczy, które można policzyć. Posiadają formę liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej. an orange two oranges Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne odnoszą się do rzeczy, których nie można policzyć. Posiadają jedynie formę liczby pojedynczej. some bread I like cheese. Some i any Some używamy zwykle w zdaniach twierdzących z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej oraz z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi. Any używamy zwykle w zdaniach przeczących i pytaniach z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej oraz z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi. How much / many …? Pytania How much…? używamy z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi. Pytania How many…? używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi. Przedimki Przedimka nieokreślonego (a lub an) używamy przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi w l. poj. a restaurant Przedimka określonego (the) uvywamy przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi w l.poj. i the restaurant the restaurants oraz z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi. the cheese Przed wyrazami, w których pierwszym wymawianym dźwiękiem jest samogłoska, używamy an zamiast a. Dotyczy to większości wyrazów zaczynających się od a, e, i, o oraz u, a także kilku wyrazów zaczynających się od niemego h. an apple an Italian restaurant an hour Przedimka a lub an używamy, kiedy mówimy o czymś po raz pierwszy. There’s a pizza in the fridge. Przedimka the używamy, kiedy mówimy o czymś ponownie. We can have the pizza for dinner. 1 Choose some or any. 1 There’s some / any toast on the table. 2 Have we got some / any eggs? 3 Is there some / any milk? 4 We didn’t buy some / any sausages. 5 Have you got some / any money? 6 We don’t need some / any bananas. ➔ 8.1 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 2 Complete the questions with How much … ? and How many … ? 1 people live in your house? 2 time is there until the end of the school day? 3 lessons do you have a day? 4 money do you spend a day on snacks? 5 water do you usually drink in a day? 6 pages are there in this book? 3 Choose a or an. 1 a / an animal 2 a / an big onion 3 a / an university 4 a / an American man 5 a / an young woman 6 a / an hour 4 Write a, an or the. 1 ‘We need egg.’ ‘ eggs are in the fridge.’ 2 I’ve got brother and a sister. 3 Where are sausages? I need snack! 4 I had chicken sandwich and banana for lunch. sandwich was delicious, but banana was horrible. Tomorrow I’m going to have apple. 5 I’ve got cat and dog. cat’s name is Lucky and dog’s name is Bouncer. 6 There’s man and woman at the door. man wants to talk to you. Food categories 1 Add the food in the picture to the correct categories (1–5). beef cabbage carrots chicken cream lamb lobster onions oranges pear peas potatoes salmon sardines 1 fish and seafood 4 vegetables salmon carrots 2 meat and poultry 5 fruit beef lemons 3 dairy products cream ➔ 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 ➔ 8.4, 8.5 ➔ 8.1, 8.3
  • 13. 13Get ready • Unit 9 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 9 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 5 ‘Is that your bus over there?’ ‘Yes, it is. I (miss) it!’ 6 ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I (eat).’ 3 Make the sentences negative. 1 Harry has had breakfast. 2 I’ve lost my personal stereo. 3 Rachel and I have spent all our money. 4 You’ve eaten the apple. 5 Vicky has taken the train to Leeds. 6 Luke and Emily have visited Spain. 4 Write questions and short answers. Use the present perfect. 1 Tim / go to bed? ✗ Has Tim gone to bed? No, he hasn’t. 2 you / decide what to do? ✓ 3 Robert / pack his bags? ✗ 4 Kate and David / write any postcards? ✗ 5 you / buy any CDs? ✗ 6 Tony and you / have lunch? ✓ 7 Sarah / go to Edinburgh? ✓ Transport 1 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. bicycle boat bus car motorbike plane taxi train ➔ 9.5 ➔ 9.5 Present perfect: twierdzenia Twierdzenia I’ve / You’ve finished. He / She / It’s finished. We’ve / You’ve / They’ve finished. Formy pełne I’ve = I have she’s = she has Czasu present perfect używamy, kiedy mówimy o wydarzeniach z przeszłości, które mają skutek w teraźniejszości, na przykład o niedawnych zdarzeniach lub wiadomościach. Trzecia forma czasowników regularnych (past participle) jest taka sama jak druga forma (stosowana w czasie past simple). walked cooked studied stopped Czasowniki nieregularne mają czasami 3. formę taką samą, jak 2. formę (past simple). Czasami jest ona jednak inna. have – had – had go – went – gone Present perfect: przeczenia i pytania I He / She / It We / You / They Przeczenia haven’t finished. hasn’t finished. haven’t finished. Pytania Have I finished? Has … finished? Have … finished? Krótkie Yes, I have. Yes, … has. Yes, … have. odpowiedzi No, I haven’t. No, … hasn’t. No, … haven’t. 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the present perfect. Check the past participle forms of any irregular verbs list on page 16. 1 I (see) that film three times. 2 We (decide) to go to France on holiday. 3 We (leave) our suitcases on the coach. 4 Italy (win) the World Cup again. 5 We (study) nine units of this book. 6 Ann (do) the shopping. 2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect affirmative. 1 ‘Is Dave still here?’ ‘No, he (go) home. 2 ‘Is it raining?’ ‘No, it (stop).’ 3 ‘Do you want a drink?’ ‘No, thanks. I (have) one.’ 4 ‘Is Daniel watching TV?’ ‘No, he (finish).’ ➔ 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 ➔ 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.1 a c b d e f g h
  • 14. 3 Complete the predictions about Robert’s future. Use will (✓) or won’t (✗). 1 He live in France. (✗) 2 He get married. (✓) 3 He have children. (✗) 4 He work with computers. (✓) 5 He have a pet. (✓) Jobs 1 Label the photos using the words in the box. artist builder computer programmer mechanic politician waiter 2 Match the sentences with the jobs in the box. actor chef doctor engineer farmer hairdresser shop assistant teacher 1 ‘I work in the kitchen of a big restaurant.’ 2 ‘I’ve got lots of pigs and cows.’ 3 ‘I work in a shop.’ 4 ‘I cut people’s hair.’ 5 ‘I work in a school’ 6 ‘I work in a theatre.’ 7 ‘I help people when they are ill.’ 8 ‘I build roads and bridges.’ ➔ 10.3, 10.4 Get ready • Unit 1014 be going to I He / She / It We / You / They Twierdzenia ’m going ’s going ’re going to leave to leave to leave Przeczenia ’m not going isn’t going aren’t going to leave to leave to leave Pytania Am I going Is … going Are … going to leave? to leave? to leave? Krótkie Yes, I am. Yes, … is. Yes, … are. odpowiedzi No, I’m not. No, … isn’t. No, … aren’t. Konstrukcji be going to używamy, kiedy mówimy o naszych zamiarach. I’m going to get a job next year. will I He / She / It We / You / They Twierdzenia ’ll go. ’ll go. ’ll go. Przeczenia won’t go. won’t go. won’t go. Pytania Will I go? Will … go? Will … go? Krótkie Yes, I will. Yes, … will. Yes, … will. odpowiedzi No, I won’t. No, … won’t. No, … won’t. Will używamy: • kiedy mówimy o przyszłych faktach; I’ll be at home at seven o’clock. • kiedy przewidujemy, co się wydarzy. They won’t get married. 1 Write sentences with going to. 1 she / have lunch in town She’s going to have lunch in town. 2 we / not / play tennis next Saturday 3 I / surf the Internet this evening 4 you / meet me at the cafe 5 we / see a film this evening 6 Pete and Sue / study maths at university 2 Write questions with going to. 1 What / you / do on Friday evening? What are you going to do on Friday evening? 2 What film / you / see? 3 Who / you / go with? 4 How / you / get there? 5 What / you / do after the film? 6 What time / you / arrive home? ➔ 10.1, 10.2 ➔ 10.1, 10.2 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 Get ready for Pre-Intermediate 10 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press a c b d e f
  • 15. Vocabulary 1 Answer the questions using the places in the box. art gallery bus station library post office theatre 1 Where can I see a play? 2 Where can I catch a bus? 3 Where can I buy stamps? 4 Where can I look at paintings? 5 Where can I read or borrow books? 2 Complete the sentences with the correct countries or nationalities. 1 She’s from . She’s German. 2 He’s from Greece. He’s . 3 He’s . He’s from China. 4 He’s from . He’s Swedish. 5 He’s from Britain. He’s . 3 Match the food with the category. 1 peas fish 2 oranges dairy 3 salmon meat 4 beef vegetables 5 cream fruit 4 Complete the sentences with the correct type of transport. 1 He drives to work in his . 2 She sailed across the ocean in a . 3 I cycled home on my . 4 They flew to the USA in a . 5 He rode across Asia on a . 5 Complete the sentences with a or an and the correct job. 1 builds houses. 2 cuts people’s hair. 3 mends cars and motorbikes. 4 draws and paints pictures. 5 works in a church. /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (arrive) home last night. 2 I (wait) outside for two hours. 3 They (walk) to Rome for charity. 4 I (ask) my friend to help me. 5 My mum (study) Art at school. 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in the box. become give go win be 1 He born in 1879. 2 He to school in London. 3 His uncle him a violin. 4 He a prize for his playing. 5 He a professional musician. 3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. a any many some the Girl Have we got 1 mushrooms? Boy No, we haven’t. But we’ve got four tomatoes and 2 eggs. Girl How 3 eggs have we got? Boy Three. Is that enough? Girl No. Is there 4 supermarket near here? Boy Yes, there is. And it’s open in 5 evening. 4 What have Tim and Anna done today? Write sentences in the present perfect. 1 Anna / phone / her mum. 2 Tim and Anna / play / tennis. 3 Tim / do / the housework. 4 Tim and Anna / make / a pizza. 5 Tim / buy / a new computer game. 5 Complete the text with the correct form of will and the verbs in brackets. The Space Hotel 1 (open) in 2020. It 2 (have) 350 rooms. Guests 3 (arrive) by spaceship. But holidays here 4 (not be) cheap. They 5 (cost) £50,000 for a week! /50TOTAL /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark /5Mark Get ready • Language Review 15 Get ready for Language Review 6–10 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
  • 16. Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Base form Past simple Past participle Base form Past simple Past participle Irregular Verbs be was/were been become became become begin began begun bring brought brought buy bought bought can could been able to catch caught caught come came come cost cost cost do did done draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten feel felt felt fly flew flown forget forgot forgotten get got got give gave given go went gone have had had hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known learn learnt/-ed learnt/-ed leave left left lose lost lost make made made meet met met pay paid paid put put put read read read ride rode ridden ring rang rung run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent shoot shot shot show showed shown/-ed shut shut shut sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept smell smelt/-ed smelt/-ed speak spoke spoken spell spelt/-ed spelt/-ed spend spent spent spill spilt/-ed spilt/-ed stand stood stood steal stole stolen swim swam swum take took taken teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought understand understood understood wear wore worn win won won write wrote written