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My Virtual Child
(Infant and Toddler)

  Student Name: Lekha Rajiv
     Student #:300667208
    ECEP 103- Section 002
      November 7, 2011

Table of Contents

         I.    Introduction

  II.    Stages of Development

III. Health and Safety Concerns

  IV. Environmental Events

          V.   The Future

        VI. Self-Evaluation

 VII. My Virtual Child reports


Maya is born!!

Maya was born on the 9th of October 2009 in Kottayam, Kerala, India in Sacred Heart Medical Centre Hospital

at 12:14 A.M. The situation was one of great pomp. The family was present in the hospital and everybody

wanted to take a peek at Maya and they were all pleased and extremely happy to see a cute little baby girl. They

set about distributing chocolates and traditional Indian sweets to family, friends and members of the

neighbourhood. It was a joyous occasion.

Stages of Development

Naming Ceremony

On the 28th day of the child’s birth, according to traditional customs of noble Nair community, indigenous to the

state of Kerala, Maya had her naming ceremony. The child is placed on the lap of the father or the grandfather

(pictured) of the child and the name, Maya, is whispered into the ear of the child. This is done with family and

friends surrounding the area. This ceremony is conducted with great pomp and celebration. After the ceremony,

the child is adorned with gold jewellery and dressed in traditional clothing in preparation for the festivities to

begin.People who are invited bring gifts and huge banquets are organized in honour of Maya.

The Infant Years (0-4 Months)
  How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental
                                    milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental       Answer                Prove It (give        Example (give examples from the book)
   Domain        (Your original          examples from                    (cite your references)
                   thoughts)              your reports)
                                            (Cite your
                 Maya was born           She was a little     Apgar score is a numerical scale used to rate a
                    four week           underweight (4.5     newborn baby’s vital signs. A score to four to six
                premature and the      pounds). Her Apgar means the baby needs special attention and care.
  Physical       birth was quite       score rose from six    A score of seven or more means the baby is in
                typical and she is    to eight in five days.       good physical condition. (Children: A
                   meeting her           She gets hungry              Chronological Approach, p.100)
                 developmental        “more often than the
                   milestones.        pre-natal pamphlets”      Babies are able to hold both eyes in a fixed
                                        every one to two     position. (Ages and Stages: Newborn to one year,
                                        hours.After three                     By four months)
                                       weeks she becomes
                                      lethargic and doesn’t
                                        eat much and she
                                       hasn’t gained much
                                         weight. (virtual
                                           child report)

                                       She is able to focus
                                      her eyes on you. She
                                      spends time to study
                                        the faces coming
                                           close to her.
                                      (virtual child report)
                   It seems that        She has a piercing        Crying is the first form of communication.
                Maya shows good,        and rhythmic cry           Babies cry to get attention (Children: A
                typical social and    which is moderately             Chronological Approach, p.101)
  Social /       emotional skills.     loud. The crying is
 Emotional         She cries and       due to her feelings        Babies respond with smiles to people they
                smiles. These are      of hunger, wetness,     recognize and like. (Ages and Stages: Newborn
                characteristics of     cold or if she meets             to one year, By four months)
                       typical           new people and
                 social/emotional       situations.(virtual
                  developmental            child report)
                                          She smiles at
                                        familiar people.
                                      (virtual child report)

                Maya shows very        She shows great         A major accomplishment of infancy is the skilled
 Intellectual   little intellectual        interest in            use of hands. (Children: A Chronological
                 developmental        surroundings. “She                     Approach, p.129)
traits during this    starts learning one       0-4 Month olds usually show recognition to
                        time          or two things, and is       bottle or breast.(Ages and Stages-By four
                                         developing cute                            months)
                                       she doesn’t use her
                                        mouth to explore
                                        objects, yet. She
                                      hasn’t started using
                                      her fingers and toes
                                         for playing. She
                                        hasn’t shown any
                                          recognition for
                                          bottle or breast
                                        yet.(virtual child

                                    The Infant Years (5-8 Months)
  How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental
                                    milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental       Answer                Prove It (give          Example (give examples from the book)
   Domain        (Your original          examples from                    (cite your references)
                   thoughts)              your reports)
                                            (cite your
                Maya shows good        Maya seems to be           May sleep 11-13 hours at night although this
                 typical physical     close to establishing      varies greatly.(Ages and stages-By 8 months)
                growth and seems       a regular bedtime.         “Diarrhoea is the most common symptom of
  Physical      to be reaching her    (virtual child report)   gastrointestinal infection”.(Healthy Foundations-
                  developmental       Maya seems to have                         Pimento-Pg173)
                milestones. She is     digestive problems        Babies are able to “rise up on arms and knees
                   developing a         regularly. (virtual      into crawling positions” (Ages and Stages, by
                 regular sleeping         child reports)       eight months). Babies also “use finger and thumb
                habit and seems to     She has advanced            to pick up an object” to manipulate things.
                  have advanced        gross motor skills
                gross motor skills.   and is able to crawl,
                                           stand up and
                                       manipulate objects.

                  It seems like         This quote shows         “Responds to distress of others by showing
                Maya shows good       how much Maya is            distress or crying” (Ages and Stages-By 8
                improvement and          attached to me:                            months)
  Social /       she seems to be      “Ithas become clear       “Responds differently to strangers and family
 Emotional         reaching her        that Maya shows a         members” (Ages and stages, By 8 months)
                 developmental         preference for you      Babies “imitate sounds” and “”squeal, laugh, and
                    milestones.            over others             smile.” (Ages and stages, By 8 months)
                                        (especially when           Babies “show mild to severe anxiety at
distressed), with       separation from parent.” (Ages and Stages, By 8
                                     your partner a close                        months)
                                       Maya begins to
                                      make new sounds
                                      (my virtual child
                                      Maya cries when I
                                       leave her at the
                                       daycare center.
                                        (virtual child

                   It seems that      She is interested to    “Searches for toys hidden under a blanket,basket,
                      Maya is        find hidden objects,        or container”.(Ages and Stages-By 8 months)
                    developing         like playing hide         “Recognizes and looks for familiar voices and
Intellectual      herintellectual     and seek. (Virtual            sounds”.(Ages and Stages-By 8 months)
               abilities according        child report).       “The term object permanence is used to describe
                       to the           Maya is making         a child's ability to know that objects continue to
                  developmental      different sounds and       exist even though they can no longer be seen or
                 milestones. She      I encourage her to                              heard.”
               has undergone the      improve language        (
               object permanence     and communication                          permanence.htm )
                test and has done    skills. (Virtual child
                 reasonably well.            report).
                                          In the object
                                       permanence test,
                                           Maya does
                                       reasonably well;
                                      however, she gets
                                        confused if the
                                         hiding place is

                       Rice Ceremony (Choroonu)

In traditional Nair custom, originating in the state of Kerala, the Choroonu (rice ceremony) which signifies the

start of the child eating solid food is of great importance. This ceremony is usually held between the sixth and

eight month of the child’s birth. Maya had her choroonuin a temple as custom dictates amid the presence of

close family. She is dressed in traditional costumes and adorned with gold ornaments and is placed on the lap of

the father is fed rice with a mix of pappadam (form of cracker), payasam(sweet liquid pudding), and salt. She is

first fed by the parents, followed by grandparents and then the extended family. Maya seemed very happy with

this and she was excited to be part of this tradition.

The Infant Years (9-12 Months)
  How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental
                                    milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental        Answer                   Prove It (give           Example (give examples from the book)
   Domain         (Your original          examples from your                   (cite your references)
                    thoughts)                     reports)
                                         (cite your references)
                 Maya seems to be           She is advanced in            Babies “crawl well” and “pull self to
                   showing good           gross and fine motor        standing position.” (Ages and stages, By 12
                      physical           skills, enjoys crawling,                       months)
  Physical       development and         pulling up to stand and       Babies “begin to eat finger foods.” (Ages
                 she seems to have        manipulating objects.               and stages, By 12 months)
                  some advanced                  (9 month
                 skills for her age.     Paediatrician’s report).
                                         She begins to eat bland
                                         foods, albeit with some
                                         difficulty. (virtual child

                  Maya seems to be       Maya is cautious with          Babies “expresses fear or anxiety toward
                    showing good          the nurse and doctor;       strangers” (Ages and Stages, By 12 months)
                 typical patterns and         this is a normal
  Social /         is reaching the       reaction to strangers at
 Emotional         developmental            this age. (9 Month
                    domains. She         Paediatrician’s report)        Babies “imitate actions of adults.” (Ages
                 remains attached to     She is shy and waryof                 and stages, By 12 months)
                me and she seems to      new people whom she
                be wary of strangers.    met at a party. (virtual
                                               child reports)
                                         She imitates actions at
                                               a party which
                                               celebrated my
                                            husband’s new job
                                         without knowing what
                                          she was done. (virtual
                                                child report)
                  Maya seems to be            Maya begins to           Babies at this stage “say their first word.”
                    showing good             understand a few              (Ages and Stages, By 12 months)
                      patterns of           words and she has           “The term object permanence is used to
 Intellectual   intellectual progress.     already said her first        describe a child's ability to know that
                  She has mastered          clearly pronounced         objects continue to exist even though they
                      the object           words. (virtual child            can no longer be seen or heard.”
                permanence test and               reports)  
                  she has even said       Maya does the object                        permanence.htm
                   her first words!!     permanence test again
                                             and this time she
                                             passes with flying
                                          colours. She wants to
                                         keep playing the game.
The Toddler Years (2 Years old)
                   How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development?
        Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains.

Developmental         Answer                  Prove It (give         Example (give examples from the book)
   Domain          (Your original          examples from the                 (cite your references)
                     thoughts)                    report
                                         (cite your references)
                  Maya seems to be       Maya is able to throw a     Toddlers are able to “walk without help’
                   well developed         ball against the wall.        (Ages and Stages, two year olds)
                   according to the        (virtual child report)   Toddlers are able to toss or roll a ball (Ages
  Physical        domains. She can       She is able to walk and            and Stages, two year olds)
                    walk, run, etc.       run without any help.
                                           (virtual child report)

                      Maya has            Maya acts shy around        Toddlers “acts shy among adults.” (Ages
                     progressed           adults. (Virtual child             and Stages, Two year olds)
                   extremely well                 reports).           Toddlers “like to imitate parents.” (Ages
  Social /            under her          She imitates actions of             and Stages, Two year olds)
 Emotional         developmental             other people and           Toddlers “begin to trying to do tasks
                domain. She is now        expands her ability to    independently.” (Ages and Stages, Two year
                able to show a lot of        learn new things.                          olds)
                emotional and social      (virtual child reports)     Toddlers “enjoy make-believe like talking
                    behavioural           She begins to want to      on phone (Ages and Stages, Two year olds)
                   characteristics.        take independently.       Toddlers are “capable of frequent tantrums,
                                          (virtual child reports)       which often result of their inability to
                                            Maya likes to play      express themselves.” (Ages and Stages, Two
                                              games with toy                          year olds)
                                         telephones and her two
                                          dolls with whom she
                                            converses. (virtual
                                               child reports)
                                          Maya also gets upset
                                           very easily and then
                                            begins to lose her
                                          temper. (virtual child
                  Maya seems to be        Maya is interested in      Toddlers try to “hum and sing.” (Ages and
                    showing good          singing and dancing.                 Stages, Two year olds)
                      patterns of         (virtual child reports)    Toddlers are “interested in learning how to
 Intellectual   intellectual progress.   I showed Maya how to       use common items.” (Ages and Stages, Two
                  She is able to use     take care of plants and                      year olds)
sentences and         how to grow plants.        Toddlers “seem to enjoy simple stories,
                   attempts to sing, etc.       She is able to        rhymes, and songs.” (Ages and Stages, Two
                                              communicate with                         year olds)
                                               small sentences.        Toddlers tend to “use 2-3 word sentences”
                                                                          (Ages and Stages, Two year olds)

                           Health and Safety Concerns
B. Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant

years. How will you address these issues?

Cleaning and Sanitizing

Cleaning and sanitizing is an important health practice to control the spread of infections. “The rationale for the

cleaning and sanitizing routines is to focus on objects and surfaces that pose the greatest risk to children.”

(Pimento, Page 139). Toys that are mouthed should be cleaned and sanitized daily. Maya was prone to catch

cold all the time, and she had ear infections in the infant years, this could have been due to the mouthing

unclean and un-sanitized toys. Although this is common to catch infections in the early years, I need to practice

cleaning and sanitizing habits.

Breast feeding

Infants must be provided mother’s milk at least for 6 months.” The best nutritional choice for infants is breast

milk, for a multitude of reasons.”(Pimento, Page 251). Human milk provides the right balance of most essential

vitamins and minerals which is required for an infant. The milk is easily digested and it contains antibodies

which provide immunity against infections. Breast feeding promotes mother-baby attachment, which increases

baby’s cognitive, social and emotional development.”(Pimento, Page 252). No specific examples from the

virtual child report. However, based on the virtual reports, Maya develops her most close personal relationship

with me. This might be due to the “mother-baby attachment” as mentioned by Pimento (Page 252).


Proper immunization must be provided in correct intervals in order to prevent illness and diseases.

“Immunization is one of the most important ways of promoting the health of children.”(Pimento, Page 123). No

specific examples from the virtual child report.


Suitable hygienic diapers must be used for the comfort of the child and to also prevent infections and rashes.

“Change diapers often and clean the child properly. The cloth diapers are more environmentally sound, but a lot

more work than the disposable diapers.” Studies have shown that the amount of fecal contamination is

significantly reduced when children wear clothes over their cloth or disposable diapers.”(Pimento, Page 135).

No specific examples from the virtual child report.

Identifying cries

The parent or the caregiver must identify the manner in which the child is crying in order to find the cause.

“Scientists and parents can identify three distinctive types of cries. A basic cry starts softly, then gradually

becomes more intense and usually occurs when a baby is hungry or tired; a mad cry is a more intense version of

a basic cry; and a pain cry begins with a sudden, long burst of crying, followed by a long pause, and gasping.”

(Kail, Page 101) Maya had rhythmic cries and hunger cries, and sometimes cried after meals. She often (in the

third month) cried with an intake of long breaths and long wails.

Exclusion criteria

If a child is found sick and the symptoms and signs are specific, and if it is contagious, then the child must be

excluded from the program.This is done to avoid infections spreading to other children. Exclusion policies

should be implemented when the illness prevents the child to participate in all program activities and a serious

risk if spreads to others. No examples from the virtual child report.

Administering Medication

Both parents and early childhood educator must be very careful in taking wise decision on when and where to

administer medications to children in case of emergency. “Educators have a legal and a professional

responsibility to be familiar with the child care regulations on administering medication,” (Pimento, Pg.180)No

examples from the virtual child report.

                                Environmental Events
C. Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s

development? Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler?

   i.      Accidents: Children are more prone to accidents when they start to walk and run. “The Five W’s of

           safety.” Safety is an important consideration in everyone’s life.”(Pimento, Page 356) Injuries occur

           more at home than the child care centre. When Maya was 2years she went off a curb while riding

           cycle. I should pay more attention at this age.

   ii.     Toilet training: By 18 months, children must be taught the toilet routine. The educator or parent

           must help the child in learning this routine by encouraging the child. “Assist the child in toilet

           routine. Record the child’s use of the potty, any bowel movements, and any skin condition as

           necessary.” (Pimento, Page 139)Maya was well trained to use potty in the 19th month.

   iii.    Control of pets: Including pets in the early childhood programs must be controlled in order to avoid

           the spreading of communicable diseases. “Reasons cited include the following: diseases can be

           passed from the animals to us and can pose issues for children, parents, and staff with allergies or

           weakened immune systems.” (Pimento, Pg.145) Maya doesn’t have a pet at home.

   iv.     Indoor safety: Maya as she began to run during her toddler years and began to run she developed a

           habit of climbing onto the back of the couch. This is extremely dangerous and she could have been

           hurt. This is a safety concern. Mayas also enjoys playing hide and seek. Although, the game is fun,

           running around the house is dangerous and there is a potential of falling down. All breakable items

           must be kept away while playing.

   v.      Outdoor safety: Maya tends to run onto the street. This is a major safety concern. This could be

           contained by installing proper grills and through active supervision (Pimento, page 368). Maya once
fell of a bicycle and it scrapped her knees. This is another safety concern. This could have been

        avoided if she had been taught bicycle safety rules (Pimento, page 368). While going out to the

        garden onto the balcony, safety measures need to be taken. A child-safe balconyis necessary.

vi.     Relationship with parents: Maya had a close relationship with my husband and me. This has

        helped to foster our relationship with Maya and it has given us perspective into the interests and

        needs of our child. Maya has a normal family life and having a stable relationship helps her in the

        development of her social and emotional domains. This does not create any health or safety


vii.    My husband had more time to spend with Maya: My husband enjoyed spending time with Maya

        and vice versa. Their cohesion made Maya realize that he could also have fun with other people and

        not just me. This helped Maya’s social development as she became accustomed to being friendly and

        familiar with new people and not just me. This does not create any health or safety concerns.

viii.   A sibling soon? She will have a sibling soon with whom she would be able to share stories, play

        with and love soon. This companionship with her new sibling will help Maya to become a sharing

        and caring individual in the future. This will help Maya’s development in the social and the emotion

        domain as she gets a new play-mate to interact and play with. She will also be able to teach her

        sibling new things and this would be beneficial for her development in the cognitive domain. This

        does not create any health or safety concerns.

ix.     Influence of Melody:Melody’s relocation to our house has given Maya a new companion. Melody

        is the first person Maya is comfortable with other than her parents. She considers Melody to be an

        attachment figure. This interaction with Melody, a member outside the nuclear family, helps Maya

        establish relations with other people. This helps Maya develop socially and emotionally. She also

        learns new things from Melody and this helps Maya develop in the intellectual cognitive domain.

        This does not create any health or safety concerns.

x.     Father work situation: Maya’s father lost his job and this led to some argument and tension within

       the house. This sort of environment is not good for a growing child. The child’s needs would be

       pushed to the back because of the urgent needs of the household. This was potentially dangerous for

       the development of Maya. The tension in the household would have affected Maya’s social and

       emotional development in a negative manner. She would have also felt neglected due to the tensions

       within the household and this would have affected her cognitive development. This could have led to

       a feeling of non-attachment and could have developed an inferiority complex if the situation hadn’t

       been rectified. This would have affected Maya adversely in school.

xi.    Switch of day care: Maya had to switch daycare and although she was initially excited, she did not

       like the daycare provider and she cried a lot. Maya did not like the change. This lack of trust of

       people other than her parents shows a lack of prowess in social interaction. This lack of social

       interaction and lack of adjustment shows that Maya would be ill-equipped to cope with certain

       alterations in her school life. This experience would have negatively affected the social and

       emotional developmental domain of the child. If this situation hadn’t been rectified, and Maya

       hadn’t been able to interact with other people she would have done poorly in school

                                           The future
Think ahead to what might happen to your virtual child in the preschool and school-age years, why

do you think these things might happen? Predict their development in the physical domain, the

social/emotional domain and the cognitive language domain. Explain why you think this might

happen and link to your text book or other resources.

Maya will be successful in a pre-school or school setting. According to virtual child developmental report,

Maya is doing well in some developmental areas and is not doing well in others. Physically, Maya is in

prime condition. She has above average gross motor skills and she is good at climbing, throwing, catching,

balancing and skipping (virtual child reports).Maya is able to climb and play with balls even before she is
three years old, This is advanced for her age (Pimento, page. 309). Maya’s social and emotional skills are

    average and she seems to be hesitant to join new groups and doesn’t seem to trust people other than my

    husband and me. However, once she gets used to people, she seems to have a good time (virtual child

    reports). Maya is aggressive enough for her age and she demands her toys back if necessary by saying mine

    (Ages and Stages, Two year olds). Maya seems to be positive and unusually persistent in the face of failure

    for her age. Maya’s cognitive development seems to be average. She is average in copying shades, solving

    problems, and groups objects into categories. Maya had the ability to focus for up to 40 minutes on tasks for

    extended periods of time which is much higher than normal children whose attention-span is only about 3-

    10 minutes. 1 Maya’s language domain is below average. Her free speech, grammatical features (past tense,

    etc.) are still missing. Maya seems to be above average or average at all developmental domains except the

    language domain. This could be rectified if my husband and I converse more with Maya on topics of her

    interest and by taking her out to more outings (virtual child reports). She has developed will for her age and

    will continue to develop in all the developmental domains and do well in pre-school and school.

                                            Self- Evaluation
Through this assignment and by completing Virtual Child questions online, I have a detailed understanding on

the proper way to raise a child. This assignment provides insight in to details of the physical, social, emotional

and intellectual ability of the child through the stages of the child’s development. The developmental reports on

Virtual Child (Paediatrician’s, temperamental) are very useful. I found the completion of the assignment fairly

straightforward, although, time-consuming. The online-section of the assignment was enjoyable and

informative. I also enjoyed drawing up plans to make the assignment more imaginative. I cited the traditional

aspects of my (Indian) culture into this assignment incorporating it into the different stages of development of

the child.

The time-consuming nature of the project was challenging. Spending hours on this project was a real test of

nerves and stamina. I found referencing and citing information from the text-book fairly hard to complete

without the help of the class notes.

To avoid the challenge and race against time, I would cite and take note of important references and take

important notes to better collect organize and analyze data. Through this method, I would be more efficient and

better suited to finish the project.

My Virtual Child Reports
When Maya was 0 months old

Maya was born about four weeks premature, and a little underweight (four and a half pounds). She seemed
healthy otherwise. A few days of neonatal care were needed to deal with jaundice, and to make sure Maya was
able to regulate her body temperature. After five days, her Apgar score had come up from a six to an eight. You
were able to bring Maya home. The doctors said Maya should be fine, but they scheduled follow up visits to
check on her growth and responses to the environment. You notice that Maya gets hungry more often than the
prenatal pamphlets said (every one to two hours), and has a particularly piercing cry. You and your partner are
coping with it well, but sometimes your nerves are jangled from lack of sleep, and you feel somewhat annoyed
with Maya. Most of the time, though, you are having a good time taking care of her.

After only a week with Maya, you can already feel a hormonal connection. When Maya cries, you begin to
lactate! This will increase if you choose to breast feed, but it will die off gradually if you do not.

What kind of diapers will you use? The cloth diapers are more environmentally sound, but a lot more work than
the disposable diapers. And those diaper safety pins are hard to work on a squirming baby!

You want Maya to be active and curious about her environment.

Maya sleeps for about two hours at a time, but then is awake and ready to party (baby-style).

Will you breast feed Maya?

You are starting to notice that Maya's crying is rhythmic and moderately loud when she is hungry, wet, or cold.
If she is startled, there is a sudden intake of breath and a loud wail, followed by more deep breaths and loud

After 3 weeks, Maya is still somewhat lethargic, doesn't want to eat very much, and she still hasn't gained much
weight. You have been to the paediatrician who says it is nothing serious.

Maya at 3 months

As you return to work, how will you feed Maya?

Grandma has been coming over the past few weeks to take care of Maya on weekends or in the evening for a
couple of hours. This has put everyone in a better mood and gives you and your partner a chance to go out once
in a while. However, you generally end up talking about Maya and calling home a couple of times to make sure
she is OK

Maya is awake more often than most babies and seems to be in constant motion. What will you do?

Maya is able to focus her eyes on you. She spends a lot of time studying your face and the faces of anyone who
comes close to her.

Maya is easily irritated by loud noises and intense stimuli. She wakes up often at night in a random manner.
You are getting grumpy. How will you deal with this?

At 3 months of age, Maya is showing more intense interest in her surroundings. Maya smiles at familiar people
and toys, is able to laugh at surprising or funny things (such as a little dog), and is developing lots of cute little

Maya tends to cry when introduced to new people or situations. What will you do?

As a family with two working parents, what type of daycare will you choose?

When hanging out with Maya your favourite activity is

You notice that Maya can learn a thing or two so you start working on her baby IQ!

Maya cries often after meals and frequently has diarrhoea. What will you do?

Maya at 8 months

Maya is sometimes a little reluctant to part from you at daycare and starts crying. She usually gets over it
quickly after you leave.

Frequently Maya becomes quite upset and clings to you while sobbing. This usually occurs whenever she is in a
new situation, or meeting new people.

You try the object permanence test. Maya is able to find a hidden object, as long as you don't wait too long or
distract her in the middle of the search. Maya really likes this hiding game and shows by her interest that she
wants it repeated. However, if you hide the object in the same place repeatedly, and then change the hiding
place, Maya has a strong tendency to look in the old hiding place, and then get confused about where the object
is, or forget about it. This curious error was first discovered by Piaget, but researchers have some new
explanations for the error.

Lately Maya has had frequent problems with indigestion and diarrhoea, and seems prone to catching colds.
Naturally, Maya doesn't have much of an appetite, and cries a lot during these illnesses

Your partner lost his job about a month ago, and you are both feeling financially distressed. There have been
arguments over money and priorities and you both have been more irritable with Maya and have been spending
less time in relaxing activities with Maya

Maya is making some different sounds now, and you encourage language and communication by responding to
them. What kinds of sounds do you think they would be?

It has become clear that Maya shows a preference for you over others (especially when distressed), with your
partner a close second. How will your partner become a stronger attachment figure for Maya?

Maya seems to have a hair-trigger reaction to everything, and is often fussy. When she is fussy:

You want Maya to establish a regular bed-time and sleep through the night. You think she's almost there

9 -Month Pediatrician’s Report

As Maya turns 9 months, the paediatrician has the following to say after a routine physical exam, a few items
administered from the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence, and some observations of Maya in the playroom:

Maya has an obvious attachment to you and prefers you over other people, but seems to have fun playing with
your partner. She was cautious at first with the nurse and doctor, a normal reaction to strangers at this age.

Maya has been ill several times this season from colds or digestive upset. The doctor advises keeping her away
from sick people, and checking out a new food for a few days to test for allergies.

Maya is cautious and shy in most new situations or with new people. With you present, she will eventually
explore, but rarely warms up completely to the strange situation or person.

Maya has strong emotional reactions and has difficulty soothing herself back down. The doctor advises patience
in dealing with Maya's emotions.

Maya is advanced in her gross and fine motor skills and enjoys crawling, pulling up to stand and manipulating

How does your baby's eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns?

Infant-Toddler Temperament at 12months

Virtual Child uses five dimensions of temperament to describe the child's behaviour in the first 30 months.
These dimensions are random at birth, are influenced by your questionnaire responses, and change gradually
over time in response to events and parenting decisions. The five dimensions are activity, sociability,
emotionality, aggressiveness vs. cooperativeness, and self-control. There is behaviour genetic and longitudinal
evidence for varying numbers of temperamental traits and the five traits used in the program are on a lot of lists.
Studies also show that temperament changes in response to strong environmental pressures.

ACTIVITY refers to the physical and mental energy level of the child. Highly active children may sleep less, be
more restless, and engage in more physical activity. Less active children may sleep more, enjoy quiet pastimes,
and show less interest in vigorous physical activity.

SOCIABILITY refers to the child's friendliness and desire for social interaction. Highly sociable children are
sometimes given the label "extroverted" and less sociable children the label "introverted."

EMOTIONALITY refers to the intensity of emotion experienced by the child. Highly emotional children may
show more of everything (anger, joy, sadness) and more fluctuation in moods. Less emotional children may
show less extreme emotions and less fluctuation over periods of time.

AGGRESSIVENESS VS. COOPERATIVENESS refers to the tendency of the child to be aggressive in social
situations with the parent, day-care provider or other children. Highly aggressive children may be quite resistant
to parental demands and throw tantrums or even lash out at the parent or other children. Less aggressive
children tend to be more cooperative, or to whine and fuss rather than actively resist the parent. Research
indicates that boys are somewhat more aggressive than girls, but there is a great deal of overlap between the
sexes, and this is reflected in Virtual Child.

SELF CONTROL refers to the child's ability to control his or her behaviour, delay gratification, plan out a
course of action, or inhibit responses to a typical situations. This is not exactly the same thing as aggressiveness
or emotionality. For example, a child with low self-control might take a cookie when asked to wait, not out of a
spirit of lack of cooperation, but just due to low impulse control. Children who are extreme on this dimension
may fit typical criteria for attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. The Virtual Child has a 5% chance of
having moderate to severe hyperactivity and a 5% chance of having mild hyperactivity.
GOODNESS OF FIT is a concept that is closely related to temperament. It refers to the tendency of the parent
to adapt his/her behaviour to the child's temperament. For example, suppose you have a very active child, and
you are trying to promote exploration and learning. Rather than "going against the grain" and attempting to
quiet the child down to look at a book about bugs, you might appeal to the child's active nature and choose to go
on a walk and talk about the bugs you see. Goodness of fit also applies to developmental level. For example, at
6-8 months most infants are at least somewhat anxious around strangers, so you would want to introduce the
child to a new person gradually rather than thrusting the child into the person's arms. Parents desiring to change
their child's temperament, or help their child develop a particular skill, can benefit from the principle of
goodness of fit, and the related concept of moderate novelty. Parents desiring to encourage growth in their child
should introduce moderately novel activities and experiences, because children are more likely to pay attention
to and profit from such experiences.

Maya and you seem to be getting more and more in sync. Maya is happier and more willing to try new things
when you are around.

Maya's first birthday is coming in a few days! You invite all the relatives over and throw a big party

Maya enjoys throwing every toy out of her crib and watching what happens. Maya seems to expect you to keep
putting them back!

Maya has had constant colds and ear-aches for the past two months. Her frequent fussing and crying is really
getting on you and your partner's nerves. Sometimes both of you are just too tired to respond

Maya is constantly trying to expand her motor skills

At nine months old, Maya began to understand a few words and point to something she wanted. At twelve
months old, Maya now clearly understands a couple of dozen words. In fact, Maya just recently pronounced her
first clear word and pointed at the object in question.... Maya seems to be as comfortable with Melody as an
attachment figure as you and your partner. You are pleased to have a built-in babysitter. Moreover, Melody is
willing to do light housework for the opportunity to live with you while she goes to school.

Maya learned to walk early (9 months), and even knows how to climb. She is constantly into everything! When
she does something dangerous, such as running into the street or climbing onto the back of the couch

You try the object permanence test again. This time, Maya is able to find the object even after long delays and
seems to think this is a great game! You set up two hiding places for the object and hide it under one of the two
covers repeatedly. When you switch it to the second hiding place, she no longer has the problem you saw earlier
of searching at the more common of the two hiding places. You can't even trick her by hiding it in your hand.
Maya likes this game and wants to play it over and over.

When strangers come to visit, they think Maya is really cute so they want to hold Maya. But she starts crying
and is inconsolable until the person returns her to you. In response to this you typically:

Your partner got a new job after looking for 2 months and the location, hours and pay are slightly better. The
three of you have a celebration, and Maya laughs and has a good time even though she doesn't know what the
party is about.

Maya is able to imitate new words and actions now

Maya often has negative reactions to new foods or to a change in routine. She will switch from happy to angry
in a heartbeat. You can't help being irritable yourself.

Maya still has occasional problems with indigestion, but is tolerating most baby foods as well as several bland
foods chosen from those that you eat.

15 Months

Maya just turned 15 months of age, and you notice she often studies things in her environment and performs
simple little "experiments" with them, almost like a little scientist. For example, she throws a ball against the
wall repeatedly, varying the strength or angle of throw and delightedly watching how the ball rebounds.
Sometimes she gets hit in the face, but fortunately it's a soft ball

18 months

Maya has a tremendous drive to use her motor skills. You have to keep an eye on Maya because she will
quickly toddle off into the crowd at public places or even into the street!

Maya is calm when things are going smoothly, but gets very irritable and cries easily when tired or hungry.
Sometimes she throws tantrums when pushed beyond her limits.

Maya is sometimes interested in dancing or singing along with music and sometimes doesn't seem to notice or
care. You teach her some simple preschool songs and try to encourage her to respond to music

Maya sometimes likes to explore the different ways that toys and blocks can be stacked or manipulated, and
sometimes just stacks them the same way over and over again.

Maya has learned a few words in Spanish from a neighbour child - mostly things that are important to toddlers,
such as "No" and "Mine

Maya continues to be shy around adults, and has only two or three adults that she will rely on for emotional
support. You also notice that she is standoffish with other toddlers in her daycare or play group.
You are showing Maya how to take care of the growing number of plants you have on the sunny balcony of
your apartment. Fortunately the balcony is child-safe, and there is no danger of Maya falling

Maya caught a cold a week ago and now has a painful earache that requires immediate attention. The doctor
gives you ear drops for the pain, but says there is no clear evidence that antibiotics are beneficial. The earache
has tended to reoccur over the past month or so, and everyone is bleary-eyed and irritable due to the number of
times Maya wakes up crying at night

Maya likes to play make believe with cups, dolls, and toy telephones. She sometimes talks to herself or makes
the dolls and toy figurines talk to each other.

You notice that Maya is less clingy lately, and often wants to be put down to explore rather than to be held. Her
favourite places to venture out are the park and the store.

You are a little concerned that Maya still communicates with gestures, and seems to have a vocabulary of only
ten words at this point. She mostly uses action words such as "up" and "outside" (meaning "I want to go

Maya has recently become resistant sometimes to your requests for cooperation. For example, she says "no," or
refuses things that she accepted before such as food or bath time.

Maya is almost always on the go from morning to night, and usually only takes a short nap during the day.
Maya is frequently awake late into the evening or early in the morning as well!

Maya is in a group day-care setting now. She settled in nicely, but in the past couple of weeks she has been
hesitant to part with either you or your partner at daycare. She greets her main caregiver enthusiastically, but
when you try to leave Maya wants to leave with you. The caregiver keeps assuring you that Maya calms down
after you leave. What should you do?

You know that by age two and a half Maya needs to be toilet trained for daycare/preschool. You buy a potty
chair, training pants, and a little storybook about a child learning to use the potty.

19 months

Maya is able to imitate actions or words that she has seen or heard days before. This greatly expands her ability
to learn new things. Maya also seems to be aware of basic categories, such as big or little, and blue or red. You
can tell because of the way she is sorting her toys.

19-month Developmental Testing

The preschool that you are considering for Maya offers low-priced developmental assessments. Maya is able to
enrol when she becomes reasonably well potty-trained. She is 19 months old now. Just to find out how Maya's
development compares to other children of her age at this point, you have an assessment done. The early
childhood specialist observes Maya in free play with other kids and does a little testing of cognitive skills. She
reports the following:

Maya was not very aggressive with the other kids, unless one of them tried to grab a toy from her and then she
resisted. The examiner recommended that Maya continue to go to toddler play groups/daycare to develop her
skill in interacting with other children. At home, her general advice for the toddler negativism that was bound to
happen at this age was to use clear and simple explanations for rules, warnings and time outs for misbehaviour,
and encouragements to "use your words" if Maya wanted something.

The specialist thought that Maya was securely attached, but that the communication system between parent and
child could be improved. She recommended that both parents try to read Maya's reactions more carefully and
work on interpersonal communication.

Maya was shy with the examiner, who thought she was nervous around new adults or just didn't know what to
do. She recommended that Maya stay with one primary preschool or daycare provider during the day and get to
know other new adults slowly.

The examiner observed Maya become moody and irritable several times during the play session, when things
did not go her way. The examiner recommended that you help Maya regulate her moods gradually by not
overreacting to mood changes, and by patiently waiting for him to calm down and communicate his desires.

Maya scored at about the 12-15 month old range in terms of communication skill, language comprehension, and
language production. The examiner recommended that you spend more time talking with Maya, even if her
replies are short or hard to understand. She also recommended asking questions that require some kind of
extended answer (rather than just "yes" or "no"), and looking at and naming things in picture books, etc.

Maya was age-appropriate on tasks such as building a block tower to model one made by the examiner and
other spatial skills such as copying shapes, coloring within the lines and solving picture puzzles.

Maya was advanced in her gross motor skills. The examiner recommended that you expose Maya to a variety of
indoor and outdoor activities and let her interests be the guide as to what to pursue.

The examiner commented that Maya was able to concentrate very well during all of the informal testing, and if
this continues, she would be more than ready for preschool-type activities, which typically require children to
stay on task or remain in "group time" for 10-15 minutes. She also recommended getting Maya to follow simple
directions at home, gradually increasing the complexity and length of the directions.


Maya is able to imitate actions or words that she has seen or heard days before. This greatly expands her ability
to learn new things. Maya also seems to be aware of basic categories, such as big or little, and blue or red. You
can tell because of the way she is sorting her toys.

Maya has a very close relationship with both you and your partner and has been exploring greater and greater
distances from you, smiling and running back to share little things with you.

Your partner is spending more time with Maya lately. Money is tight, because you are saving to buy a house,
but your partner and Maya have fun in inexpensive activities like going to the zoo, the petting farm, museums
and the park.

Maya has been sick a lot lately, with colds, earaches and stomach aches. You think it might have to do with
greater exposure to other kids

You notice that Maya has some new emotions over the past few months. Some things you have noticed are shy
smiles when asked to be in photographs, looking guilty when she breaks something, and embarrassment when
she has a potty accident. You realize these new emotions are related to her developing self-awareness.

Maya recently has become good at solving problems that she plans out in her head, such as how to get toys or
other objects that are hidden or out of reach.

Maya seems to be very concerned with pleasing you and following the rules, but seems to need a lot of support
and guidance, for example, step by step instructions on getting ready for the bath.

Maya seems now to have a goal of becoming potty trained and makes it to the potty about 60% of the time. A
couple of other parents you know were bragging that their 2 year old was already potty-trained.

Maya's communication skills are growing, but you are concerned that she did not start combining words in two-
word sentences until just recently, and much of her communication is still with gestures and grunts. Maya
sometimes doesn't seem to understand simple instructions, such as "Put the cup in the sink."

Maya is getting much better lately at playing hide and seek and at searching for things around the house. You
play lots of hide and seek games. Amusingly, when you find a good spot to hide yourself, Maya uses that for
herself the very next turn!

Since Maya is two, and the daycare group is only for infants, she has to make a change in daycare. You choose
a day care center close to your home. Maya is initially excited about the move, but within a week is clinging
and crying more often and has difficulty cooperating with the daycare provider

Maya was having problems a few weeks ago with the transition from infant care to the toddler care group.
Things have gotten a bit better, but Maya still has not built a good relationship with the new caregiver.

You just found out you are pregnant! You are holding off on telling Maya for a while until the pregnancy
become more noticeable. But sooner or later you'll have to face the inevitable question of 3-year old inquiring
minds: "how did the baby get in there?"

Maya can remember recent experiences and provide simple descriptions of what happens, such as a trip to the
petting zoo or the amusement park. You are impressed that her memory is working so well, and you suspect that
she has had the ability to remember these experiences for quite some time, but hasn't had the ability to express it
until recently.

Maya is toilet trained now, and rarely has any accidents. She is communicating better, but has difficulty
understanding other people's perspectives. Maya knows her gender now, and has begun to categorize
behaviourand objects as suited to boys or girls. She prefers playing with girls, but gets along pretty well with
boys. You figure she is ready for a more structured preschool experience.

Age 21/2 Developmental Testing

Maya is going to be starting in a new preschool program soon, so you take advantage of the fact that a friend of
yours is an early childhood development specialist. You ask her to evaluate Maya, who is 2 1/2 years old. The
specialist evaluates Maya's language, motor and cognitive skills using some developmental scales, and observes
Maya interacting with other children in a toddler play group. This is her report:

Maya was somewhat hesitant in the group of children and spent a few minutes watching them before joining in.
After a while she latched on to a couple of the other children and had a good time. By the end of the session
they were smiling and imitating each other.

Maya was generally not very aggressive with the other kids, but would sometimes say "Mine!" if there was a
toy both children wanted. However, Maya would usually smile and give up the toy a few moments later and
seek out a different toy. The specialist said that Maya was ready for preschool already in terms of aggressive

Maya tackled challenging tasks readily and with a positive attitude. The examiner commented that she was
unusually persistent in the face of failure for her age.

Maya's scores on measures of language comprehension and production were below average. Her free speech
was still missing some common grammatical features, such as the past tense, present progressive and plural.
The specialist recommended that you spend a lot more time conversing about things of interest to Maya, taking
more outings, etc.

Maya is about average in solving problems with more than two steps, and grouping objects together in
categories. The specialist recommended that you help Maya "talk through" the steps in solving problems, and
that you expose Maya to more hands-on learning activities (e.g., at the children's science museum).

She is in the average range in copying shapes with a pencil, working with picture puzzles and constructing
things out of blocks. The specialist recommended offering Maya a range of these activities to choose from and
to go with the ones that seemed of most interest to her.

Maya was above average on nearly all gross motor skills, such as climbing, throwing and catching a ball,
balancing, and skipping and enjoyed these activities quite a bit. The advice was to continue these activities,
emphasizing Maya's interests and focusing on having fun with them.

Maya was able to focus on the tasks given by the examiner for the entire 40-minute session. The examiner said
this was unusually good for the age. She recommended that you ask Maya to carry out more and more complex
daily tasks (such as getting dressed) and read longer stories in preparation for preschool.

1. Ages and Stages- Handbook
2. Virtual Child Reports
4. Pictures:
   i.      Personal
   ii.     Google Images
5. Pimento, Barbara, and Deborah Kernested. Healthy Foundations: In Early Childhood Settings. 4th ed.
   Toronto: Nelson Education, 2010. Print.
6. Kail, Robert, and Theresa Zolner. Children: A Chronological Approach. 3rd Canadian Edition. Toronto:
   Pearson Canada, 2012. Print.


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  • 1. My Virtual Child (Infant and Toddler) Student Name: Lekha Rajiv Student #:300667208 ECEP 103- Section 002 November 7, 2011 1
  • 2. Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Stages of Development III. Health and Safety Concerns IV. Environmental Events V. The Future VI. Self-Evaluation VII. My Virtual Child reports VIII.Bibliography 2
  • 3. Maya is born!! Maya was born on the 9th of October 2009 in Kottayam, Kerala, India in Sacred Heart Medical Centre Hospital at 12:14 A.M. The situation was one of great pomp. The family was present in the hospital and everybody wanted to take a peek at Maya and they were all pleased and extremely happy to see a cute little baby girl. They set about distributing chocolates and traditional Indian sweets to family, friends and members of the neighbourhood. It was a joyous occasion. 3
  • 5. Naming Ceremony On the 28th day of the child’s birth, according to traditional customs of noble Nair community, indigenous to the state of Kerala, Maya had her naming ceremony. The child is placed on the lap of the father or the grandfather (pictured) of the child and the name, Maya, is whispered into the ear of the child. This is done with family and friends surrounding the area. This ceremony is conducted with great pomp and celebration. After the ceremony, the child is adorned with gold jewellery and dressed in traditional clothing in preparation for the festivities to begin.People who are invited bring gifts and huge banquets are organized in honour of Maya. 5
  • 6. The Infant Years (0-4 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give Example (give examples from the book) Domain (Your original examples from (cite your references) thoughts) your reports) (Cite your references) Maya was born She was a little Apgar score is a numerical scale used to rate a four week underweight (4.5 newborn baby’s vital signs. A score to four to six premature and the pounds). Her Apgar means the baby needs special attention and care. Physical birth was quite score rose from six A score of seven or more means the baby is in typical and she is to eight in five days. good physical condition. (Children: A meeting her She gets hungry Chronological Approach, p.100) developmental “more often than the milestones. pre-natal pamphlets” Babies are able to hold both eyes in a fixed every one to two position. (Ages and Stages: Newborn to one year, hours.After three By four months) weeks she becomes lethargic and doesn’t eat much and she hasn’t gained much weight. (virtual child report) She is able to focus her eyes on you. She spends time to study the faces coming close to her. (virtual child report) It seems that She has a piercing Crying is the first form of communication. Maya shows good, and rhythmic cry Babies cry to get attention (Children: A typical social and which is moderately Chronological Approach, p.101) Social / emotional skills. loud. The crying is Emotional She cries and due to her feelings Babies respond with smiles to people they smiles. These are of hunger, wetness, recognize and like. (Ages and Stages: Newborn characteristics of cold or if she meets to one year, By four months) typical new people and social/emotional situations.(virtual developmental child report) milestones. She smiles at familiar people. (virtual child report) Maya shows very She shows great A major accomplishment of infancy is the skilled Intellectual little intellectual interest in use of hands. (Children: A Chronological developmental surroundings. “She Approach, p.129) 6
  • 7. traits during this starts learning one 0-4 Month olds usually show recognition to time or two things, and is bottle or breast.(Ages and Stages-By four developing cute months) little habits.”However, she doesn’t use her mouth to explore objects, yet. She hasn’t started using her fingers and toes for playing. She hasn’t shown any recognition for bottle or breast yet.(virtual child report) The Infant Years (5-8 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give Example (give examples from the book) Domain (Your original examples from (cite your references) thoughts) your reports) (cite your references) Maya shows good Maya seems to be May sleep 11-13 hours at night although this typical physical close to establishing varies greatly.(Ages and stages-By 8 months) growth and seems a regular bedtime. “Diarrhoea is the most common symptom of Physical to be reaching her (virtual child report) gastrointestinal infection”.(Healthy Foundations- developmental Maya seems to have Pimento-Pg173) milestones. She is digestive problems Babies are able to “rise up on arms and knees developing a regularly. (virtual into crawling positions” (Ages and Stages, by regular sleeping child reports) eight months). Babies also “use finger and thumb habit and seems to She has advanced to pick up an object” to manipulate things. have advanced gross motor skills gross motor skills. and is able to crawl, stand up and manipulate objects. It seems like This quote shows “Responds to distress of others by showing Maya shows good how much Maya is distress or crying” (Ages and Stages-By 8 improvement and attached to me: months) Social / she seems to be “Ithas become clear “Responds differently to strangers and family Emotional reaching her that Maya shows a members” (Ages and stages, By 8 months) developmental preference for you Babies “imitate sounds” and “”squeal, laugh, and milestones. over others smile.” (Ages and stages, By 8 months) (especially when Babies “show mild to severe anxiety at 7
  • 8. distressed), with separation from parent.” (Ages and Stages, By 8 your partner a close months) second”. Maya begins to make new sounds (my virtual child reports) Maya cries when I leave her at the daycare center. (virtual child reports) It seems that She is interested to “Searches for toys hidden under a blanket,basket, Maya is find hidden objects, or container”.(Ages and Stages-By 8 months) developing like playing hide “Recognizes and looks for familiar voices and Intellectual herintellectual and seek. (Virtual sounds”.(Ages and Stages-By 8 months) abilities according child report). “The term object permanence is used to describe to the Maya is making a child's ability to know that objects continue to developmental different sounds and exist even though they can no longer be seen or milestones. She I encourage her to heard.” has undergone the improve language ( object permanence and communication permanence.htm ) test and has done skills. (Virtual child reasonably well. report). In the object permanence test, Maya does reasonably well; however, she gets confused if the hiding place is changed. Rice Ceremony (Choroonu) 8
  • 9. In traditional Nair custom, originating in the state of Kerala, the Choroonu (rice ceremony) which signifies the start of the child eating solid food is of great importance. This ceremony is usually held between the sixth and eight month of the child’s birth. Maya had her choroonuin a temple as custom dictates amid the presence of close family. She is dressed in traditional costumes and adorned with gold ornaments and is placed on the lap of the father is fed rice with a mix of pappadam (form of cracker), payasam(sweet liquid pudding), and salt. She is first fed by the parents, followed by grandparents and then the extended family. Maya seemed very happy with this and she was excited to be part of this tradition. 9
  • 10. The Infant Years (9-12 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmental Answer Prove It (give Example (give examples from the book) Domain (Your original examples from your (cite your references) thoughts) reports) (cite your references) Maya seems to be She is advanced in Babies “crawl well” and “pull self to showing good gross and fine motor standing position.” (Ages and stages, By 12 physical skills, enjoys crawling, months) Physical development and pulling up to stand and Babies “begin to eat finger foods.” (Ages she seems to have manipulating objects. and stages, By 12 months) some advanced (9 month skills for her age. Paediatrician’s report). She begins to eat bland foods, albeit with some difficulty. (virtual child report) Maya seems to be Maya is cautious with Babies “expresses fear or anxiety toward showing good the nurse and doctor; strangers” (Ages and Stages, By 12 months) typical patterns and this is a normal Social / is reaching the reaction to strangers at Emotional developmental this age. (9 Month domains. She Paediatrician’s report) Babies “imitate actions of adults.” (Ages remains attached to She is shy and waryof and stages, By 12 months) me and she seems to new people whom she be wary of strangers. met at a party. (virtual child reports) She imitates actions at a party which celebrated my husband’s new job without knowing what she was done. (virtual child report) Maya seems to be Maya begins to Babies at this stage “say their first word.” showing good understand a few (Ages and Stages, By 12 months) patterns of words and she has “The term object permanence is used to Intellectual intellectual progress. already said her first describe a child's ability to know that She has mastered clearly pronounced objects continue to exist even though they the object words. (virtual child can no longer be seen or heard.” permanence test and reports) she has even said Maya does the object permanence.htm her first words!! permanence test again and this time she passes with flying colours. She wants to keep playing the game. 10
  • 11. The Toddler Years (2 Years old) How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development? Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains. Developmental Answer Prove It (give Example (give examples from the book) Domain (Your original examples from the (cite your references) thoughts) report (cite your references) Maya seems to be Maya is able to throw a Toddlers are able to “walk without help’ well developed ball against the wall. (Ages and Stages, two year olds) according to the (virtual child report) Toddlers are able to toss or roll a ball (Ages Physical domains. She can She is able to walk and and Stages, two year olds) walk, run, etc. run without any help. (virtual child report) Maya has Maya acts shy around Toddlers “acts shy among adults.” (Ages progressed adults. (Virtual child and Stages, Two year olds) extremely well reports). Toddlers “like to imitate parents.” (Ages Social / under her She imitates actions of and Stages, Two year olds) Emotional developmental other people and Toddlers “begin to trying to do tasks domain. She is now expands her ability to independently.” (Ages and Stages, Two year able to show a lot of learn new things. olds) emotional and social (virtual child reports) Toddlers “enjoy make-believe like talking behavioural She begins to want to on phone (Ages and Stages, Two year olds) characteristics. take independently. Toddlers are “capable of frequent tantrums, (virtual child reports) which often result of their inability to Maya likes to play express themselves.” (Ages and Stages, Two games with toy year olds) telephones and her two dolls with whom she converses. (virtual child reports) Maya also gets upset very easily and then begins to lose her temper. (virtual child reports) Maya seems to be Maya is interested in Toddlers try to “hum and sing.” (Ages and showing good singing and dancing. Stages, Two year olds) patterns of (virtual child reports) Toddlers are “interested in learning how to Intellectual intellectual progress. I showed Maya how to use common items.” (Ages and Stages, Two She is able to use take care of plants and year olds) 11
  • 12. sentences and how to grow plants. Toddlers “seem to enjoy simple stories, attempts to sing, etc. She is able to rhymes, and songs.” (Ages and Stages, Two communicate with year olds) small sentences. Toddlers tend to “use 2-3 word sentences” (Ages and Stages, Two year olds) Health and Safety Concerns B. Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant years. How will you address these issues? Cleaning and Sanitizing Cleaning and sanitizing is an important health practice to control the spread of infections. “The rationale for the cleaning and sanitizing routines is to focus on objects and surfaces that pose the greatest risk to children.” (Pimento, Page 139). Toys that are mouthed should be cleaned and sanitized daily. Maya was prone to catch cold all the time, and she had ear infections in the infant years, this could have been due to the mouthing unclean and un-sanitized toys. Although this is common to catch infections in the early years, I need to practice cleaning and sanitizing habits. Breast feeding Infants must be provided mother’s milk at least for 6 months.” The best nutritional choice for infants is breast milk, for a multitude of reasons.”(Pimento, Page 251). Human milk provides the right balance of most essential vitamins and minerals which is required for an infant. The milk is easily digested and it contains antibodies which provide immunity against infections. Breast feeding promotes mother-baby attachment, which increases baby’s cognitive, social and emotional development.”(Pimento, Page 252). No specific examples from the virtual child report. However, based on the virtual reports, Maya develops her most close personal relationship with me. This might be due to the “mother-baby attachment” as mentioned by Pimento (Page 252). 12
  • 13. Immunization Proper immunization must be provided in correct intervals in order to prevent illness and diseases. “Immunization is one of the most important ways of promoting the health of children.”(Pimento, Page 123). No specific examples from the virtual child report. Diapering Suitable hygienic diapers must be used for the comfort of the child and to also prevent infections and rashes. “Change diapers often and clean the child properly. The cloth diapers are more environmentally sound, but a lot more work than the disposable diapers.” Studies have shown that the amount of fecal contamination is significantly reduced when children wear clothes over their cloth or disposable diapers.”(Pimento, Page 135). No specific examples from the virtual child report. Identifying cries The parent or the caregiver must identify the manner in which the child is crying in order to find the cause. “Scientists and parents can identify three distinctive types of cries. A basic cry starts softly, then gradually becomes more intense and usually occurs when a baby is hungry or tired; a mad cry is a more intense version of a basic cry; and a pain cry begins with a sudden, long burst of crying, followed by a long pause, and gasping.” (Kail, Page 101) Maya had rhythmic cries and hunger cries, and sometimes cried after meals. She often (in the third month) cried with an intake of long breaths and long wails. Exclusion criteria If a child is found sick and the symptoms and signs are specific, and if it is contagious, then the child must be excluded from the program.This is done to avoid infections spreading to other children. Exclusion policies should be implemented when the illness prevents the child to participate in all program activities and a serious risk if spreads to others. No examples from the virtual child report. Administering Medication Both parents and early childhood educator must be very careful in taking wise decision on when and where to administer medications to children in case of emergency. “Educators have a legal and a professional 13
  • 14. responsibility to be familiar with the child care regulations on administering medication,” (Pimento, Pg.180)No examples from the virtual child report. Environmental Events C. Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s development? Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler? i. Accidents: Children are more prone to accidents when they start to walk and run. “The Five W’s of safety.” Safety is an important consideration in everyone’s life.”(Pimento, Page 356) Injuries occur more at home than the child care centre. When Maya was 2years she went off a curb while riding cycle. I should pay more attention at this age. ii. Toilet training: By 18 months, children must be taught the toilet routine. The educator or parent must help the child in learning this routine by encouraging the child. “Assist the child in toilet routine. Record the child’s use of the potty, any bowel movements, and any skin condition as necessary.” (Pimento, Page 139)Maya was well trained to use potty in the 19th month. iii. Control of pets: Including pets in the early childhood programs must be controlled in order to avoid the spreading of communicable diseases. “Reasons cited include the following: diseases can be passed from the animals to us and can pose issues for children, parents, and staff with allergies or weakened immune systems.” (Pimento, Pg.145) Maya doesn’t have a pet at home. iv. Indoor safety: Maya as she began to run during her toddler years and began to run she developed a habit of climbing onto the back of the couch. This is extremely dangerous and she could have been hurt. This is a safety concern. Mayas also enjoys playing hide and seek. Although, the game is fun, running around the house is dangerous and there is a potential of falling down. All breakable items must be kept away while playing. v. Outdoor safety: Maya tends to run onto the street. This is a major safety concern. This could be contained by installing proper grills and through active supervision (Pimento, page 368). Maya once 14
  • 15. fell of a bicycle and it scrapped her knees. This is another safety concern. This could have been avoided if she had been taught bicycle safety rules (Pimento, page 368). While going out to the garden onto the balcony, safety measures need to be taken. A child-safe balconyis necessary. vi. Relationship with parents: Maya had a close relationship with my husband and me. This has helped to foster our relationship with Maya and it has given us perspective into the interests and needs of our child. Maya has a normal family life and having a stable relationship helps her in the development of her social and emotional domains. This does not create any health or safety concerns. vii. My husband had more time to spend with Maya: My husband enjoyed spending time with Maya and vice versa. Their cohesion made Maya realize that he could also have fun with other people and not just me. This helped Maya’s social development as she became accustomed to being friendly and familiar with new people and not just me. This does not create any health or safety concerns. viii. A sibling soon? She will have a sibling soon with whom she would be able to share stories, play with and love soon. This companionship with her new sibling will help Maya to become a sharing and caring individual in the future. This will help Maya’s development in the social and the emotion domain as she gets a new play-mate to interact and play with. She will also be able to teach her sibling new things and this would be beneficial for her development in the cognitive domain. This does not create any health or safety concerns. ix. Influence of Melody:Melody’s relocation to our house has given Maya a new companion. Melody is the first person Maya is comfortable with other than her parents. She considers Melody to be an attachment figure. This interaction with Melody, a member outside the nuclear family, helps Maya establish relations with other people. This helps Maya develop socially and emotionally. She also learns new things from Melody and this helps Maya develop in the intellectual cognitive domain. This does not create any health or safety concerns. 15
  • 16. x. Father work situation: Maya’s father lost his job and this led to some argument and tension within the house. This sort of environment is not good for a growing child. The child’s needs would be pushed to the back because of the urgent needs of the household. This was potentially dangerous for the development of Maya. The tension in the household would have affected Maya’s social and emotional development in a negative manner. She would have also felt neglected due to the tensions within the household and this would have affected her cognitive development. This could have led to a feeling of non-attachment and could have developed an inferiority complex if the situation hadn’t been rectified. This would have affected Maya adversely in school. xi. Switch of day care: Maya had to switch daycare and although she was initially excited, she did not like the daycare provider and she cried a lot. Maya did not like the change. This lack of trust of people other than her parents shows a lack of prowess in social interaction. This lack of social interaction and lack of adjustment shows that Maya would be ill-equipped to cope with certain alterations in her school life. This experience would have negatively affected the social and emotional developmental domain of the child. If this situation hadn’t been rectified, and Maya hadn’t been able to interact with other people she would have done poorly in school The future Think ahead to what might happen to your virtual child in the preschool and school-age years, why do you think these things might happen? Predict their development in the physical domain, the social/emotional domain and the cognitive language domain. Explain why you think this might happen and link to your text book or other resources. Maya will be successful in a pre-school or school setting. According to virtual child developmental report, Maya is doing well in some developmental areas and is not doing well in others. Physically, Maya is in prime condition. She has above average gross motor skills and she is good at climbing, throwing, catching, balancing and skipping (virtual child reports).Maya is able to climb and play with balls even before she is 16
  • 17. three years old, This is advanced for her age (Pimento, page. 309). Maya’s social and emotional skills are average and she seems to be hesitant to join new groups and doesn’t seem to trust people other than my husband and me. However, once she gets used to people, she seems to have a good time (virtual child reports). Maya is aggressive enough for her age and she demands her toys back if necessary by saying mine (Ages and Stages, Two year olds). Maya seems to be positive and unusually persistent in the face of failure for her age. Maya’s cognitive development seems to be average. She is average in copying shades, solving problems, and groups objects into categories. Maya had the ability to focus for up to 40 minutes on tasks for extended periods of time which is much higher than normal children whose attention-span is only about 3- 10 minutes. 1 Maya’s language domain is below average. Her free speech, grammatical features (past tense, etc.) are still missing. Maya seems to be above average or average at all developmental domains except the language domain. This could be rectified if my husband and I converse more with Maya on topics of her interest and by taking her out to more outings (virtual child reports). She has developed will for her age and will continue to develop in all the developmental domains and do well in pre-school and school. Self- Evaluation Through this assignment and by completing Virtual Child questions online, I have a detailed understanding on the proper way to raise a child. This assignment provides insight in to details of the physical, social, emotional and intellectual ability of the child through the stages of the child’s development. The developmental reports on Virtual Child (Paediatrician’s, temperamental) are very useful. I found the completion of the assignment fairly straightforward, although, time-consuming. The online-section of the assignment was enjoyable and informative. I also enjoyed drawing up plans to make the assignment more imaginative. I cited the traditional aspects of my (Indian) culture into this assignment incorporating it into the different stages of development of the child. 1 17
  • 18. The time-consuming nature of the project was challenging. Spending hours on this project was a real test of nerves and stamina. I found referencing and citing information from the text-book fairly hard to complete without the help of the class notes. To avoid the challenge and race against time, I would cite and take note of important references and take important notes to better collect organize and analyze data. Through this method, I would be more efficient and better suited to finish the project. 18
  • 19. My Virtual Child Reports When Maya was 0 months old Maya was born about four weeks premature, and a little underweight (four and a half pounds). She seemed healthy otherwise. A few days of neonatal care were needed to deal with jaundice, and to make sure Maya was able to regulate her body temperature. After five days, her Apgar score had come up from a six to an eight. You were able to bring Maya home. The doctors said Maya should be fine, but they scheduled follow up visits to check on her growth and responses to the environment. You notice that Maya gets hungry more often than the prenatal pamphlets said (every one to two hours), and has a particularly piercing cry. You and your partner are coping with it well, but sometimes your nerves are jangled from lack of sleep, and you feel somewhat annoyed with Maya. Most of the time, though, you are having a good time taking care of her. After only a week with Maya, you can already feel a hormonal connection. When Maya cries, you begin to lactate! This will increase if you choose to breast feed, but it will die off gradually if you do not. What kind of diapers will you use? The cloth diapers are more environmentally sound, but a lot more work than the disposable diapers. And those diaper safety pins are hard to work on a squirming baby! You want Maya to be active and curious about her environment. Maya sleeps for about two hours at a time, but then is awake and ready to party (baby-style). Will you breast feed Maya? You are starting to notice that Maya's crying is rhythmic and moderately loud when she is hungry, wet, or cold. If she is startled, there is a sudden intake of breath and a loud wail, followed by more deep breaths and loud wails. After 3 weeks, Maya is still somewhat lethargic, doesn't want to eat very much, and she still hasn't gained much weight. You have been to the paediatrician who says it is nothing serious. Maya at 3 months As you return to work, how will you feed Maya? Grandma has been coming over the past few weeks to take care of Maya on weekends or in the evening for a couple of hours. This has put everyone in a better mood and gives you and your partner a chance to go out once in a while. However, you generally end up talking about Maya and calling home a couple of times to make sure she is OK Maya is awake more often than most babies and seems to be in constant motion. What will you do? Maya is able to focus her eyes on you. She spends a lot of time studying your face and the faces of anyone who comes close to her. 19
  • 20. Maya is easily irritated by loud noises and intense stimuli. She wakes up often at night in a random manner. You are getting grumpy. How will you deal with this? At 3 months of age, Maya is showing more intense interest in her surroundings. Maya smiles at familiar people and toys, is able to laugh at surprising or funny things (such as a little dog), and is developing lots of cute little habits. Maya tends to cry when introduced to new people or situations. What will you do? As a family with two working parents, what type of daycare will you choose? When hanging out with Maya your favourite activity is You notice that Maya can learn a thing or two so you start working on her baby IQ! Maya cries often after meals and frequently has diarrhoea. What will you do? Maya at 8 months Maya is sometimes a little reluctant to part from you at daycare and starts crying. She usually gets over it quickly after you leave. Frequently Maya becomes quite upset and clings to you while sobbing. This usually occurs whenever she is in a new situation, or meeting new people. You try the object permanence test. Maya is able to find a hidden object, as long as you don't wait too long or distract her in the middle of the search. Maya really likes this hiding game and shows by her interest that she wants it repeated. However, if you hide the object in the same place repeatedly, and then change the hiding place, Maya has a strong tendency to look in the old hiding place, and then get confused about where the object is, or forget about it. This curious error was first discovered by Piaget, but researchers have some new explanations for the error. Lately Maya has had frequent problems with indigestion and diarrhoea, and seems prone to catching colds. Naturally, Maya doesn't have much of an appetite, and cries a lot during these illnesses Your partner lost his job about a month ago, and you are both feeling financially distressed. There have been arguments over money and priorities and you both have been more irritable with Maya and have been spending less time in relaxing activities with Maya Maya is making some different sounds now, and you encourage language and communication by responding to them. What kinds of sounds do you think they would be? It has become clear that Maya shows a preference for you over others (especially when distressed), with your partner a close second. How will your partner become a stronger attachment figure for Maya? Maya seems to have a hair-trigger reaction to everything, and is often fussy. When she is fussy: 20
  • 21. You want Maya to establish a regular bed-time and sleep through the night. You think she's almost there 9 -Month Pediatrician’s Report As Maya turns 9 months, the paediatrician has the following to say after a routine physical exam, a few items administered from the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence, and some observations of Maya in the playroom: Maya has an obvious attachment to you and prefers you over other people, but seems to have fun playing with your partner. She was cautious at first with the nurse and doctor, a normal reaction to strangers at this age. Maya has been ill several times this season from colds or digestive upset. The doctor advises keeping her away from sick people, and checking out a new food for a few days to test for allergies. Maya is cautious and shy in most new situations or with new people. With you present, she will eventually explore, but rarely warms up completely to the strange situation or person. Maya has strong emotional reactions and has difficulty soothing herself back down. The doctor advises patience in dealing with Maya's emotions. Maya is advanced in her gross and fine motor skills and enjoys crawling, pulling up to stand and manipulating objects. How does your baby's eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns? Infant-Toddler Temperament at 12months Virtual Child uses five dimensions of temperament to describe the child's behaviour in the first 30 months. These dimensions are random at birth, are influenced by your questionnaire responses, and change gradually over time in response to events and parenting decisions. The five dimensions are activity, sociability, emotionality, aggressiveness vs. cooperativeness, and self-control. There is behaviour genetic and longitudinal evidence for varying numbers of temperamental traits and the five traits used in the program are on a lot of lists. Studies also show that temperament changes in response to strong environmental pressures. ACTIVITY refers to the physical and mental energy level of the child. Highly active children may sleep less, be more restless, and engage in more physical activity. Less active children may sleep more, enjoy quiet pastimes, and show less interest in vigorous physical activity. SOCIABILITY refers to the child's friendliness and desire for social interaction. Highly sociable children are sometimes given the label "extroverted" and less sociable children the label "introverted." EMOTIONALITY refers to the intensity of emotion experienced by the child. Highly emotional children may show more of everything (anger, joy, sadness) and more fluctuation in moods. Less emotional children may show less extreme emotions and less fluctuation over periods of time. AGGRESSIVENESS VS. COOPERATIVENESS refers to the tendency of the child to be aggressive in social situations with the parent, day-care provider or other children. Highly aggressive children may be quite resistant 21
  • 22. to parental demands and throw tantrums or even lash out at the parent or other children. Less aggressive children tend to be more cooperative, or to whine and fuss rather than actively resist the parent. Research indicates that boys are somewhat more aggressive than girls, but there is a great deal of overlap between the sexes, and this is reflected in Virtual Child. SELF CONTROL refers to the child's ability to control his or her behaviour, delay gratification, plan out a course of action, or inhibit responses to a typical situations. This is not exactly the same thing as aggressiveness or emotionality. For example, a child with low self-control might take a cookie when asked to wait, not out of a spirit of lack of cooperation, but just due to low impulse control. Children who are extreme on this dimension may fit typical criteria for attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. The Virtual Child has a 5% chance of having moderate to severe hyperactivity and a 5% chance of having mild hyperactivity. GOODNESS OF FIT is a concept that is closely related to temperament. It refers to the tendency of the parent to adapt his/her behaviour to the child's temperament. For example, suppose you have a very active child, and you are trying to promote exploration and learning. Rather than "going against the grain" and attempting to quiet the child down to look at a book about bugs, you might appeal to the child's active nature and choose to go on a walk and talk about the bugs you see. Goodness of fit also applies to developmental level. For example, at 6-8 months most infants are at least somewhat anxious around strangers, so you would want to introduce the child to a new person gradually rather than thrusting the child into the person's arms. Parents desiring to change their child's temperament, or help their child develop a particular skill, can benefit from the principle of goodness of fit, and the related concept of moderate novelty. Parents desiring to encourage growth in their child should introduce moderately novel activities and experiences, because children are more likely to pay attention to and profit from such experiences. Maya and you seem to be getting more and more in sync. Maya is happier and more willing to try new things when you are around. Maya's first birthday is coming in a few days! You invite all the relatives over and throw a big party Maya enjoys throwing every toy out of her crib and watching what happens. Maya seems to expect you to keep putting them back! Maya has had constant colds and ear-aches for the past two months. Her frequent fussing and crying is really getting on you and your partner's nerves. Sometimes both of you are just too tired to respond Maya is constantly trying to expand her motor skills At nine months old, Maya began to understand a few words and point to something she wanted. At twelve months old, Maya now clearly understands a couple of dozen words. In fact, Maya just recently pronounced her first clear word and pointed at the object in question.... Maya seems to be as comfortable with Melody as an attachment figure as you and your partner. You are pleased to have a built-in babysitter. Moreover, Melody is willing to do light housework for the opportunity to live with you while she goes to school. Maya learned to walk early (9 months), and even knows how to climb. She is constantly into everything! When she does something dangerous, such as running into the street or climbing onto the back of the couch 22
  • 23. You try the object permanence test again. This time, Maya is able to find the object even after long delays and seems to think this is a great game! You set up two hiding places for the object and hide it under one of the two covers repeatedly. When you switch it to the second hiding place, she no longer has the problem you saw earlier of searching at the more common of the two hiding places. You can't even trick her by hiding it in your hand. Maya likes this game and wants to play it over and over. When strangers come to visit, they think Maya is really cute so they want to hold Maya. But she starts crying and is inconsolable until the person returns her to you. In response to this you typically: Your partner got a new job after looking for 2 months and the location, hours and pay are slightly better. The three of you have a celebration, and Maya laughs and has a good time even though she doesn't know what the party is about. Maya is able to imitate new words and actions now Maya often has negative reactions to new foods or to a change in routine. She will switch from happy to angry in a heartbeat. You can't help being irritable yourself. Maya still has occasional problems with indigestion, but is tolerating most baby foods as well as several bland foods chosen from those that you eat. 15 Months Maya just turned 15 months of age, and you notice she often studies things in her environment and performs simple little "experiments" with them, almost like a little scientist. For example, she throws a ball against the wall repeatedly, varying the strength or angle of throw and delightedly watching how the ball rebounds. Sometimes she gets hit in the face, but fortunately it's a soft ball 18 months Maya has a tremendous drive to use her motor skills. You have to keep an eye on Maya because she will quickly toddle off into the crowd at public places or even into the street! Maya is calm when things are going smoothly, but gets very irritable and cries easily when tired or hungry. Sometimes she throws tantrums when pushed beyond her limits. Maya is sometimes interested in dancing or singing along with music and sometimes doesn't seem to notice or care. You teach her some simple preschool songs and try to encourage her to respond to music Maya sometimes likes to explore the different ways that toys and blocks can be stacked or manipulated, and sometimes just stacks them the same way over and over again. Maya has learned a few words in Spanish from a neighbour child - mostly things that are important to toddlers, such as "No" and "Mine Maya continues to be shy around adults, and has only two or three adults that she will rely on for emotional support. You also notice that she is standoffish with other toddlers in her daycare or play group. 23
  • 24. You are showing Maya how to take care of the growing number of plants you have on the sunny balcony of your apartment. Fortunately the balcony is child-safe, and there is no danger of Maya falling Maya caught a cold a week ago and now has a painful earache that requires immediate attention. The doctor gives you ear drops for the pain, but says there is no clear evidence that antibiotics are beneficial. The earache has tended to reoccur over the past month or so, and everyone is bleary-eyed and irritable due to the number of times Maya wakes up crying at night Maya likes to play make believe with cups, dolls, and toy telephones. She sometimes talks to herself or makes the dolls and toy figurines talk to each other. You notice that Maya is less clingy lately, and often wants to be put down to explore rather than to be held. Her favourite places to venture out are the park and the store. You are a little concerned that Maya still communicates with gestures, and seems to have a vocabulary of only ten words at this point. She mostly uses action words such as "up" and "outside" (meaning "I want to go outside"). Maya has recently become resistant sometimes to your requests for cooperation. For example, she says "no," or refuses things that she accepted before such as food or bath time. Maya is almost always on the go from morning to night, and usually only takes a short nap during the day. Maya is frequently awake late into the evening or early in the morning as well! Maya is in a group day-care setting now. She settled in nicely, but in the past couple of weeks she has been hesitant to part with either you or your partner at daycare. She greets her main caregiver enthusiastically, but when you try to leave Maya wants to leave with you. The caregiver keeps assuring you that Maya calms down after you leave. What should you do? You know that by age two and a half Maya needs to be toilet trained for daycare/preschool. You buy a potty chair, training pants, and a little storybook about a child learning to use the potty. 19 months Maya is able to imitate actions or words that she has seen or heard days before. This greatly expands her ability to learn new things. Maya also seems to be aware of basic categories, such as big or little, and blue or red. You can tell because of the way she is sorting her toys. 19-month Developmental Testing The preschool that you are considering for Maya offers low-priced developmental assessments. Maya is able to enrol when she becomes reasonably well potty-trained. She is 19 months old now. Just to find out how Maya's development compares to other children of her age at this point, you have an assessment done. The early childhood specialist observes Maya in free play with other kids and does a little testing of cognitive skills. She reports the following: 24
  • 25. Maya was not very aggressive with the other kids, unless one of them tried to grab a toy from her and then she resisted. The examiner recommended that Maya continue to go to toddler play groups/daycare to develop her skill in interacting with other children. At home, her general advice for the toddler negativism that was bound to happen at this age was to use clear and simple explanations for rules, warnings and time outs for misbehaviour, and encouragements to "use your words" if Maya wanted something. The specialist thought that Maya was securely attached, but that the communication system between parent and child could be improved. She recommended that both parents try to read Maya's reactions more carefully and work on interpersonal communication. Maya was shy with the examiner, who thought she was nervous around new adults or just didn't know what to do. She recommended that Maya stay with one primary preschool or daycare provider during the day and get to know other new adults slowly. The examiner observed Maya become moody and irritable several times during the play session, when things did not go her way. The examiner recommended that you help Maya regulate her moods gradually by not overreacting to mood changes, and by patiently waiting for him to calm down and communicate his desires. Maya scored at about the 12-15 month old range in terms of communication skill, language comprehension, and language production. The examiner recommended that you spend more time talking with Maya, even if her replies are short or hard to understand. She also recommended asking questions that require some kind of extended answer (rather than just "yes" or "no"), and looking at and naming things in picture books, etc. Maya was age-appropriate on tasks such as building a block tower to model one made by the examiner and other spatial skills such as copying shapes, coloring within the lines and solving picture puzzles. Maya was advanced in her gross motor skills. The examiner recommended that you expose Maya to a variety of indoor and outdoor activities and let her interests be the guide as to what to pursue. The examiner commented that Maya was able to concentrate very well during all of the informal testing, and if this continues, she would be more than ready for preschool-type activities, which typically require children to stay on task or remain in "group time" for 10-15 minutes. She also recommended getting Maya to follow simple directions at home, gradually increasing the complexity and length of the directions. 2yrs Maya is able to imitate actions or words that she has seen or heard days before. This greatly expands her ability to learn new things. Maya also seems to be aware of basic categories, such as big or little, and blue or red. You can tell because of the way she is sorting her toys. Maya has a very close relationship with both you and your partner and has been exploring greater and greater distances from you, smiling and running back to share little things with you. Your partner is spending more time with Maya lately. Money is tight, because you are saving to buy a house, but your partner and Maya have fun in inexpensive activities like going to the zoo, the petting farm, museums and the park. 25
  • 26. Maya has been sick a lot lately, with colds, earaches and stomach aches. You think it might have to do with greater exposure to other kids You notice that Maya has some new emotions over the past few months. Some things you have noticed are shy smiles when asked to be in photographs, looking guilty when she breaks something, and embarrassment when she has a potty accident. You realize these new emotions are related to her developing self-awareness. Maya recently has become good at solving problems that she plans out in her head, such as how to get toys or other objects that are hidden or out of reach. Maya seems to be very concerned with pleasing you and following the rules, but seems to need a lot of support and guidance, for example, step by step instructions on getting ready for the bath. Maya seems now to have a goal of becoming potty trained and makes it to the potty about 60% of the time. A couple of other parents you know were bragging that their 2 year old was already potty-trained. Maya's communication skills are growing, but you are concerned that she did not start combining words in two- word sentences until just recently, and much of her communication is still with gestures and grunts. Maya sometimes doesn't seem to understand simple instructions, such as "Put the cup in the sink." Maya is getting much better lately at playing hide and seek and at searching for things around the house. You play lots of hide and seek games. Amusingly, when you find a good spot to hide yourself, Maya uses that for herself the very next turn! Since Maya is two, and the daycare group is only for infants, she has to make a change in daycare. You choose a day care center close to your home. Maya is initially excited about the move, but within a week is clinging and crying more often and has difficulty cooperating with the daycare provider Maya was having problems a few weeks ago with the transition from infant care to the toddler care group. Things have gotten a bit better, but Maya still has not built a good relationship with the new caregiver. You just found out you are pregnant! You are holding off on telling Maya for a while until the pregnancy become more noticeable. But sooner or later you'll have to face the inevitable question of 3-year old inquiring minds: "how did the baby get in there?" Maya can remember recent experiences and provide simple descriptions of what happens, such as a trip to the petting zoo or the amusement park. You are impressed that her memory is working so well, and you suspect that she has had the ability to remember these experiences for quite some time, but hasn't had the ability to express it until recently. Maya is toilet trained now, and rarely has any accidents. She is communicating better, but has difficulty understanding other people's perspectives. Maya knows her gender now, and has begun to categorize behaviourand objects as suited to boys or girls. She prefers playing with girls, but gets along pretty well with boys. You figure she is ready for a more structured preschool experience. Age 21/2 Developmental Testing 26
  • 27. Maya is going to be starting in a new preschool program soon, so you take advantage of the fact that a friend of yours is an early childhood development specialist. You ask her to evaluate Maya, who is 2 1/2 years old. The specialist evaluates Maya's language, motor and cognitive skills using some developmental scales, and observes Maya interacting with other children in a toddler play group. This is her report: Maya was somewhat hesitant in the group of children and spent a few minutes watching them before joining in. After a while she latched on to a couple of the other children and had a good time. By the end of the session they were smiling and imitating each other. Maya was generally not very aggressive with the other kids, but would sometimes say "Mine!" if there was a toy both children wanted. However, Maya would usually smile and give up the toy a few moments later and seek out a different toy. The specialist said that Maya was ready for preschool already in terms of aggressive behaviour. Maya tackled challenging tasks readily and with a positive attitude. The examiner commented that she was unusually persistent in the face of failure for her age. Maya's scores on measures of language comprehension and production were below average. Her free speech was still missing some common grammatical features, such as the past tense, present progressive and plural. The specialist recommended that you spend a lot more time conversing about things of interest to Maya, taking more outings, etc. Maya is about average in solving problems with more than two steps, and grouping objects together in categories. The specialist recommended that you help Maya "talk through" the steps in solving problems, and that you expose Maya to more hands-on learning activities (e.g., at the children's science museum). She is in the average range in copying shapes with a pencil, working with picture puzzles and constructing things out of blocks. The specialist recommended offering Maya a range of these activities to choose from and to go with the ones that seemed of most interest to her. Maya was above average on nearly all gross motor skills, such as climbing, throwing and catching a ball, balancing, and skipping and enjoyed these activities quite a bit. The advice was to continue these activities, emphasizing Maya's interests and focusing on having fun with them. Maya was able to focus on the tasks given by the examiner for the entire 40-minute session. The examiner said this was unusually good for the age. She recommended that you ask Maya to carry out more and more complex daily tasks (such as getting dressed) and read longer stories in preparation for preschool. 27
  • 28. Bibliography 1. Ages and Stages- Handbook 2. Virtual Child Reports 3. 4. Pictures: i. Personal ii. Google Images 5. Pimento, Barbara, and Deborah Kernested. Healthy Foundations: In Early Childhood Settings. 4th ed. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2010. Print. 6. Kail, Robert, and Theresa Zolner. Children: A Chronological Approach. 3rd Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2012. Print. 7. 28