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Bits & Bytes – foundations of a digital age

               A Handy Reference Guide To
                   The Binary System
                     For IT Students

Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker                              Page 1 of 12
A Guide to the Binary System

The Digital Age
The “Digital Age” has been with us for some decades now. But what do we mean when we say
that something is “digital” and how is information, software, music and video stored and
processed by these devices?

Many of us are familiar with using computers at home, school and work. As IT students here at
TAFE, you will be tackling some advanced concepts of network engineering and systems
administration. In order to understand just how computers, their operating systems and
applications work, you will find it useful to investigate the underlying binary system of zeros and
ones which form the basic building blocks of digital technology.

Data and programs in computers are all represented by sequences of zeros or ones and
computation is performed using binary arithmetic. The reason for this choice is quite simple,
with only two possible options, it is easy to represent the zeros or ones as switches being on/off,
magnetic fields being present or not, light beams being on/off, electrical current being on/off.

                                        Page 2 of 12                     Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Decimal System
Let’s start with a numbering system we are all familiar with – the Decimal System, which gets its
name from the Latin word Decem, meaning ten. The Decimal system uses 10 symbols to
represent the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

Think about what happens when we count from zero to 20 in this system. We start with a single
column of digits as we count from zero to 9 and then what happens? We introduce another
column to the left of this first one and put a 1 in this column as we continue to count
10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19. At this point we need to introduce the next available symbol in
the leftmost column to give us 20.

This continues with a changeover each time we reach 9, increasing the leftmost column to the
next available symbol, until we reach 99. We now have to bring in a third column to the left of
the first two, and once again start with the first available symbol to give us 100. So let’s just
think for a moment just what we mean when we write a number such as 153. The rightmost digit,
3, represent 3 units, but the middle digit, 5, actually represents 5x10 – 50, while the leftmost
digit, 1, represents 1x10x10 = 100. You can see that a symbol in the leftmost column actually
has a much higher value than that in the rightmost column. In this system we refer to the digit on
the far right as the Least Significant Digit (LSD) and that on the far left as the Most Significant
Digit (MSD).

 At this point I would like to introduce another concept from maths, that of powers of a number.
Most of us are probably reasonably familiar with 10 squared or 10 to the power of 2, meaning 10
multiplied by itself, to give 100. Likewise we might say 10 cubed or 10 to the power of 3
meaning 10x10x10 = 1000.
 There are two more important powers with which we might not be as familiar. Any number to
the power of 1 is equal to itself. So 10 to the power of 1 = 10 and 2 to the power of 1 is 2. A
slightly less intuitive power is zero – any number to the power of zero is equal to 1. So 10 to the
power of zero is 1, but so is 2 to the power of zero, or 16 to the power of zero, and so on.
Getting back to our columns of symbols in the decimal system we can now look at the values of
the symbols in each column being the symbol multiplied by a relevant power of 10, as in the
following table, representing the value of the decimal number 2345.

Powers of 10
                               103                      102           101                 100
Decimal Number 2345            2                        3             4                   5
Values represented             2x10x10x10=2000          3x10x10=300   4x10=40             5x1=5

So we can determine the value of the number represented by the decimal symbols 2345 as being
2 thousand, plus 3 hundred, plus forty, plus five.

                                         Page 3 of 12                       Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Binary System
Now let’s take a look at the binary system, which gets its name from the Latin Bini (two-by-
two). In this system we only have two symbols to work with, 0 and 1. So if we were to start
counting from zero, we would get to 1 and immediately have to resort to another column to the
left, giving us 10, followed by 11 and once again we run out of symbols and have to resort to a
third column on the left, giving us 100. Note that at this stage we have only counted to the
equivalent of 4 in Decimal, but already need 3 digits to represent it in the binary form of 100. If
we investigate this a little further we see that the same rule regarding powers applies, with 20 =1,
21 =2, 22=4 and 23=8.
Note that here we are working with just 4 binary digits (called bits for short). With just 4 bits we
can only represent numbers from 0 to 15 which will do for this study of binary, octal and
hexadecimal numbers.

The table below shows the binary numbers 0011 and 1111 which represent the decimal 3 and 15
Powers of 2 (Using 4 bits)
                                       23                 22              21                20
Decimal 3 Binary Number 0011           0                  0               1                 1
          Value represented            0x2x2x2=0          0x2x2=0         1x2=2             1x1=1
Decimal   Binary Number 1111           1                  1               1                 1
          Value represented            1x2x2x2=8          1x2x2=4         1x2=2             1x1=1

The table below now shows how we would count all the way from 0 to 15 in binary.
Note that 0000 is the lowest and 1111 is the highest number that we can represent with 4 bits.

Decimal                  Binary
                   (Using 4 bits)
0                           0000
1                           0001
2                           0010
3                           0011
4                           0100
5                           0101
6                           0110
7                           0111
8                           1000
9                           1001
10                          1010
11                          1011
12                          1100
13                          1101
14                          1110
15                          1111

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A Guide to the Binary System

Powers of 2 (Using 8 bits)
                      27             26    25      24    23     22     21        20
Decimal         Binary         0     0     1       0     1      0      1         0
42              Number
                Values         -     -     32      -     8      -      2         -
Decimal         Binary         0     1     1       1     1      1      1         1
127             Number
                Values         -     64    32      16    8      4      2         1
Decimal         Binary         1     1     1       1     1      1      1         1
255             Number
                Values         128   64    32      16    8      4      2         1

The table above shows how we can represent Decimal 42 as 32+8+2, 127 as
64+32+16+8+4+2+1 and 255 as 128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1

Being able to convert Decimal numbers into 8-bit binary will become useful to you when
working with the TCP/IP network protocol when you wish to apply a mask to an IP address in
order to distinguish the network portion from the host computer ID. This is essential in
determining if two computers are actually on the same logical network segment.
The binary numbers of particular interest in subnetting are those with a continuous run of ones
from the left hand side. When used for a mask, the position of the first zero denotes the end of
the network ID section and the beginning of the host ID. Thus, the important numbers are:
Subnet MASKS
Decimal  Binary
        192     11000000
        224     11100000
        240     11110000
        248     11111000
        252     11111100
        254     11111110
        255     11111111

An example might be an address of and a mask of

The IP address converted to binary becomes        11000000.10101000.00000001.01100101
The masks converted to binary becomes             11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
ANDING (only 1 AND 1 = 1) yields network ID 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000000
 The mask is applied by a process of ANDING the two binary rows together, which would yield
a network ID of and host ID of 101. If another Host had an IP address of, it would actually be on a different network, with an ID of

                                          Page 5 of 12                     Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Typically computers work with groups of bits which might be 4,8,16, 32 or 64 bits long. These
would give 24=16, 28=256, 216=65,536, 232=4,294,967,296 and 264=18,446,744,073,709,551,616
combinations respectively.

 We normally refer to a group of 8 bits as a byte, which is the standard unit of data storage for
computers. So, when we refer to a Kilobyte we mean 210 = 1024 bytes of data. Likewise, a
Megabyte is 220 = 1,048,576 bytes, a Gigabyte is 230 = 1,073,741,824 bytes (roughly a Billion)
and a Terabyte is 240 bytes, which is a thousand Gigabytes.

Remembering that we start our numbering from 0, so the highest number in each case would be:

4 bit binary       1111
Decimal            15

8 bit binary       11111111
Decimal            255

16 bit binary 1111111111111111
Decimal       65535

32 bit binary 11111111111111111111111111111111
Decimal       4294967295

64 bit binary 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Decimal       18446744073709551615

As you work with various aspects of Information Technology you will begin to see how these
groups of combinations, plus some in between ones (e.g. 12-bit and 24-bit) might effect certain
settings and limits. For example when setting the number of colours to display on your monitor
(depending on the quality of your video adapter) you will typically get a choice between 256
colours, 16-bit “high quality”, or 24-bit and 32-bit “true colours”). What this means is that while
16 bit can give you 65,536 colours, 24-bit can actually give 16 million possible colours for each
pixel displayed on your screen, hence the “true colour” tag.

Likewise, original IBM PC processors (8086) only used 20 bits to address RAM memory, giving
them a maximum limit of 1 Megabyte. Later processors used, 24-bits, 32-bits and more recently
36-bits giving maximum addressable memory of 16 Megabyte, 4 Gigabyte and 16 Gigabyte

                                        Page 6 of 12                     Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Octal System
Writing out numbers in binary digits can be quite tedious and it is difficult to memorise
sequences of zeros and ones. So programmers and hardware engineers came up with a couple of
schemes to make this a little easier. One of these is the Octal system and another is Hexadecimal
(or Hex) which we will cover later.

Octal (from Octo – eight) uses just three binary bits per symbol, meaning we can only use,
0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 before we have to resort to another set of 3 bits to continue with
10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17. Note that 10 Octal is 8 Decimal (23+0+0+0) and 17 Octal is actually 15
Decimal (23 + 22 + 21 +20)

If we compare this with our earlier table of Decimal to 4-bit Binary conversions we can see how
this works.

                Octal          3-bit Binary    Decimal               4-Bit Binary
                    0                   000    0                             0000
                    1                   001    1                             0001
                    2                   010    2                             0010
                    3                   011    3                             0011
                    4                   100    4                             0100
                    5                   101    5                             0101
                    6                   110    6                             0110
                    7                   111    7                             0111
                  10                 001000    8                             1000
                  11                 001001    9                             1001
                  12                 001000    10                            1010
                  13                 001011    11                            1011
                  14                 001100    12                            1100
                  15                 001101    13                            1101
                  16                 001110    14                            1110
                  17                 001111    15                            1111

Note that if we wanted to represent 9 bits of data using Octal, we could actually write this as a
sequence of 3 octal digits, for instance, in the range of 000 to 777. What we mean here is that
777 Octal actually represents the binary sequence 111 111 111.

One area where you will find doing this conversion useful is with Linux or Unix file
permissions, where Read, Write and eXecute permissions for users, group and others. can be
altered using the chmod command to set such permissions as 664 which sets the permission
string as rw-rw-r--. Similarly a setting of 777 would make the permissions rwxrwxrwx which
means that everybody has full read, write and execute access to the file.

                                              Page 7 of 12              Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Hexadecimal System

Another way to more easily represent 4-bit binary sequences is to write them as Hexadecimal
(Hex) codes. Hexadecimal (from Hexadecem – sixteen) gives us 16 symbols to use in our
numbering system. The system uses the decimal digits 0 to 9, followed by the Alphabetic
characters A, B, C, D, E and F, as shown in the following table

              Octal            3-bit Binary   Decimal         Hexadecimal           4-Bit Binary
                  0                     000   0                         0                   0000
                  1                     001   1                         1                   0001
                  2                     000   2                         2                   0010
                  3                     011   3                         3                   0011
                  4                     100   4                         4                   0100
                  5                     101   5                         5                   0101
                  6                     110   6                         6                   0110
                  7                     111   7                         7                   0111
                10                   001000   8                         8                   1000
                11                   001001   9                         9                   1001
                12                   001000   10                       A                    1010
                13                   001011   11                       B                    1011
                14                   001100   12                       C                    1100
                15                   001101   13                       D                    1101
                16                   001110   14                       E                    1110
                17                   001111   15                       F                    1111

So how might we use Hexadecimal? Apart from representing, for instance, the 4-bit Code 1101
as the symbol D we can also represent an 8-bit string of binary as two Hex codes together, such
    20        0010 0000
    A5        1010 0101
    EF        1110 1111

Where might we encounter Hex codes? Well one example is setting colour code for Web pages
in HTML . The colour code is entered as a # symbol followed by 3 pairs of hexadecimal codes,
representing amounts of Red, Green and Blue in the colour.

For example, Red is FF000, Green 00FF00 white is #FFFFFF, black #000000 and Silver is

These codes would be easier to enter and remember than the full 24-bits of binary code they

                                               Page 8 of 12           Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Another use might be in setting SCSI Hard Drive ID numbers, with a row of 4 jumpers being set
to represent the IDs 0 -15.

                                      Page 9 of 12                   Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

Storing Text in Binary Format
The text which computers display on screen and print out also need to be stored as binary data.
This is done by using a table of codes to map codes to particular characters, both printable and
non-printable (for example TAB charactes and spaces). The American Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII) is one such code which uses the first 128 codes (7-bits) to map
the basic standard characters and the remaining 128 for special characters. Various other codes
usually adhere to this ASCII standard for the first 128 codes but might use different character
sets beyond this. Below is a table showing the standard ASCII codes. Note how the code for an
uppercase A (41 Hex) is different from a lowercase a (61 Hex). This explains why it is
sometimes important, for instance, to use the correct case when entering passwords. We say that
some applications are “case sensitive” when they distinguish between Upper and Lower case in
this way

Decimal Octal Hex Character Decimal Octal Hex Character
0       0     00 NUL        64      100 40 @
1            1        01       SOH   65         101       41   A
2            2        02       STX   66         102       42   B
3            3        03       ETX   67         103       43   C
4            4        04       EOT   68         104       44   D
5            5        05       ENQ   69         105       45   E
6            6        06       ACK   70         106       46   F
7            7        07       BEL   71         107       47   G
8            10       08       BS    72         110       48   H
9            11       09       HT    73         111       49   I
10           12       0A LF          74         112       4A J
11           13       0B VT          75         113       4B K
12           14       0C FF          76         114       4C L
13           15       0D CR          77         115       4D M
14           16       0E SO          78         116       4E N
15           17       0F       SI    79         117       4F   O
16           20       10       DLE   80         120       50   P
17           21       11       DC1   81         121       51   Q
18           22       12       DC2   82         122       52   R
19           23       13       DC3   83         123       53   S
20           24       14       DC4   84         124       54   T
21           25       15       NAK   85         125       55   U
22           26       16       SYM   86         126       56   V

                                          Page 10 of 12                Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

23           27       17       ETB   87          127       57   W
24           30       18       CAN   88          130       58   X
25           31       19       EM    89          131       59   Y
26           32       1A SUB         90          132       5A Z
27           33       1B ESC         91          133       5B [
28           34       1C FS          92          134       5C 
29           35       1D GS          93          135       5D ]
30           36       1E RS          94          136       5E ^
31           37       1F       US    95          137       5F   _
32           40       20       SP    96          140       60   `
33           41       21       !     97          141       61   a
34           42       22       "     98          142       62   b
35           43       23       #     99          143       63   c
36           44       24       $     100         144       64   d
37           45       25       %     101         145       65   e
38           46       26       &     102         146       66   f
39           47       27       '     103         147       67   g
40           50       28       (     104         150       68   h
41           51       29       )     105         151       69   i
42           52       2A *           106         152       6A j
43           53       2B +           107         153       6B k
44           54       2C ,           108         154       6C l
45           55       2D -           109         155       6D m
46           56       2E .           110         156       6E n
47           57       2F       /     111         157       6F   o
48           60       30       0     112         160       70   p
49           61       31       1     113         161       71   q
50           62       32       2     114         162       72   r
51           63       33       3     115         163       73   s
52           64       34       4     116         164       74   t
53           65       35       5     117         165       75   u
54           66       36       6     118         166       76   v
55           67       37       7     119         167       77   w
56           70       38       8     120         170       78   x
57           71       39       9     121         171       79   y

                                           Page 11 of 12            Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
A Guide to the Binary System

58           72       3A :         122         172       7A z
59           73       3B ;         123         173       7B {
60           74       3C <         124         174       7C |
61           75       3D =         125         175       7D }
62           76       3E >         126         176       7E ~
63           77       3F       ?   127         177       7F   DEL

For further details on ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

                                         Page 12 of 12               Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker

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Binary reference guide csit vn1202

  • 1. Bits & Bytes – foundations of a digital age A Handy Reference Guide To The Binary System For IT Students Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker Page 1 of 12
  • 2. A Guide to the Binary System The Digital Age The “Digital Age” has been with us for some decades now. But what do we mean when we say that something is “digital” and how is information, software, music and video stored and processed by these devices? Many of us are familiar with using computers at home, school and work. As IT students here at TAFE, you will be tackling some advanced concepts of network engineering and systems administration. In order to understand just how computers, their operating systems and applications work, you will find it useful to investigate the underlying binary system of zeros and ones which form the basic building blocks of digital technology. Data and programs in computers are all represented by sequences of zeros or ones and computation is performed using binary arithmetic. The reason for this choice is quite simple, with only two possible options, it is easy to represent the zeros or ones as switches being on/off, magnetic fields being present or not, light beams being on/off, electrical current being on/off. Page 2 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 3. A Guide to the Binary System Decimal System Let’s start with a numbering system we are all familiar with – the Decimal System, which gets its name from the Latin word Decem, meaning ten. The Decimal system uses 10 symbols to represent the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Think about what happens when we count from zero to 20 in this system. We start with a single column of digits as we count from zero to 9 and then what happens? We introduce another column to the left of this first one and put a 1 in this column as we continue to count 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19. At this point we need to introduce the next available symbol in the leftmost column to give us 20. This continues with a changeover each time we reach 9, increasing the leftmost column to the next available symbol, until we reach 99. We now have to bring in a third column to the left of the first two, and once again start with the first available symbol to give us 100. So let’s just think for a moment just what we mean when we write a number such as 153. The rightmost digit, 3, represent 3 units, but the middle digit, 5, actually represents 5x10 – 50, while the leftmost digit, 1, represents 1x10x10 = 100. You can see that a symbol in the leftmost column actually has a much higher value than that in the rightmost column. In this system we refer to the digit on the far right as the Least Significant Digit (LSD) and that on the far left as the Most Significant Digit (MSD). At this point I would like to introduce another concept from maths, that of powers of a number. Most of us are probably reasonably familiar with 10 squared or 10 to the power of 2, meaning 10 multiplied by itself, to give 100. Likewise we might say 10 cubed or 10 to the power of 3 meaning 10x10x10 = 1000. There are two more important powers with which we might not be as familiar. Any number to the power of 1 is equal to itself. So 10 to the power of 1 = 10 and 2 to the power of 1 is 2. A slightly less intuitive power is zero – any number to the power of zero is equal to 1. So 10 to the power of zero is 1, but so is 2 to the power of zero, or 16 to the power of zero, and so on. Getting back to our columns of symbols in the decimal system we can now look at the values of the symbols in each column being the symbol multiplied by a relevant power of 10, as in the following table, representing the value of the decimal number 2345. Powers of 10 103 102 101 100 Decimal Number 2345 2 3 4 5 Values represented 2x10x10x10=2000 3x10x10=300 4x10=40 5x1=5 So we can determine the value of the number represented by the decimal symbols 2345 as being 2 thousand, plus 3 hundred, plus forty, plus five. Page 3 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 4. A Guide to the Binary System Binary System Now let’s take a look at the binary system, which gets its name from the Latin Bini (two-by- two). In this system we only have two symbols to work with, 0 and 1. So if we were to start counting from zero, we would get to 1 and immediately have to resort to another column to the left, giving us 10, followed by 11 and once again we run out of symbols and have to resort to a third column on the left, giving us 100. Note that at this stage we have only counted to the equivalent of 4 in Decimal, but already need 3 digits to represent it in the binary form of 100. If we investigate this a little further we see that the same rule regarding powers applies, with 20 =1, 21 =2, 22=4 and 23=8. Note that here we are working with just 4 binary digits (called bits for short). With just 4 bits we can only represent numbers from 0 to 15 which will do for this study of binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers. The table below shows the binary numbers 0011 and 1111 which represent the decimal 3 and 15 respectively Powers of 2 (Using 4 bits) 23 22 21 20 Decimal 3 Binary Number 0011 0 0 1 1 Value represented 0x2x2x2=0 0x2x2=0 1x2=2 1x1=1 Decimal Binary Number 1111 1 1 1 1 15 Value represented 1x2x2x2=8 1x2x2=4 1x2=2 1x1=1 The table below now shows how we would count all the way from 0 to 15 in binary. Note that 0000 is the lowest and 1111 is the highest number that we can represent with 4 bits. Decimal Binary (Using 4 bits) 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 10 1010 11 1011 12 1100 13 1101 14 1110 15 1111 Page 4 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 5. A Guide to the Binary System Powers of 2 (Using 8 bits) 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Decimal Binary 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 42 Number 00101010 Values - - 32 - 8 - 2 - represented Decimal Binary 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 127 Number 01111111 Values - 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 represented Decimal Binary 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 Number 11111111 Values 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 represented The table above shows how we can represent Decimal 42 as 32+8+2, 127 as 64+32+16+8+4+2+1 and 255 as 128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1 Being able to convert Decimal numbers into 8-bit binary will become useful to you when working with the TCP/IP network protocol when you wish to apply a mask to an IP address in order to distinguish the network portion from the host computer ID. This is essential in determining if two computers are actually on the same logical network segment. The binary numbers of particular interest in subnetting are those with a continuous run of ones from the left hand side. When used for a mask, the position of the first zero denotes the end of the network ID section and the beginning of the host ID. Thus, the important numbers are: Subnet MASKS Decimal Binary 192 11000000 224 11100000 240 11110000 248 11111000 252 11111100 254 11111110 255 11111111 An example might be an address of and a mask of The IP address converted to binary becomes 11000000.10101000.00000001.01100101 The masks converted to binary becomes 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 ANDING (only 1 AND 1 = 1) yields network ID 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000000 The mask is applied by a process of ANDING the two binary rows together, which would yield a network ID of and host ID of 101. If another Host had an IP address of, it would actually be on a different network, with an ID of Page 5 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 6. A Guide to the Binary System Typically computers work with groups of bits which might be 4,8,16, 32 or 64 bits long. These would give 24=16, 28=256, 216=65,536, 232=4,294,967,296 and 264=18,446,744,073,709,551,616 combinations respectively. We normally refer to a group of 8 bits as a byte, which is the standard unit of data storage for computers. So, when we refer to a Kilobyte we mean 210 = 1024 bytes of data. Likewise, a Megabyte is 220 = 1,048,576 bytes, a Gigabyte is 230 = 1,073,741,824 bytes (roughly a Billion) and a Terabyte is 240 bytes, which is a thousand Gigabytes. Remembering that we start our numbering from 0, so the highest number in each case would be: 4 bit binary 1111 Decimal 15 8 bit binary 11111111 Decimal 255 16 bit binary 1111111111111111 Decimal 65535 32 bit binary 11111111111111111111111111111111 Decimal 4294967295 64 bit binary 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Decimal 18446744073709551615 As you work with various aspects of Information Technology you will begin to see how these groups of combinations, plus some in between ones (e.g. 12-bit and 24-bit) might effect certain settings and limits. For example when setting the number of colours to display on your monitor (depending on the quality of your video adapter) you will typically get a choice between 256 colours, 16-bit “high quality”, or 24-bit and 32-bit “true colours”). What this means is that while 16 bit can give you 65,536 colours, 24-bit can actually give 16 million possible colours for each pixel displayed on your screen, hence the “true colour” tag. Likewise, original IBM PC processors (8086) only used 20 bits to address RAM memory, giving them a maximum limit of 1 Megabyte. Later processors used, 24-bits, 32-bits and more recently 36-bits giving maximum addressable memory of 16 Megabyte, 4 Gigabyte and 16 Gigabyte respectively. Page 6 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 7. A Guide to the Binary System Octal System Writing out numbers in binary digits can be quite tedious and it is difficult to memorise sequences of zeros and ones. So programmers and hardware engineers came up with a couple of schemes to make this a little easier. One of these is the Octal system and another is Hexadecimal (or Hex) which we will cover later. Octal (from Octo – eight) uses just three binary bits per symbol, meaning we can only use, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 before we have to resort to another set of 3 bits to continue with 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17. Note that 10 Octal is 8 Decimal (23+0+0+0) and 17 Octal is actually 15 Decimal (23 + 22 + 21 +20) If we compare this with our earlier table of Decimal to 4-bit Binary conversions we can see how this works. Octal 3-bit Binary Decimal 4-Bit Binary 0 000 0 0000 1 001 1 0001 2 010 2 0010 3 011 3 0011 4 100 4 0100 5 101 5 0101 6 110 6 0110 7 111 7 0111 10 001000 8 1000 11 001001 9 1001 12 001000 10 1010 13 001011 11 1011 14 001100 12 1100 15 001101 13 1101 16 001110 14 1110 17 001111 15 1111 Note that if we wanted to represent 9 bits of data using Octal, we could actually write this as a sequence of 3 octal digits, for instance, in the range of 000 to 777. What we mean here is that 777 Octal actually represents the binary sequence 111 111 111. One area where you will find doing this conversion useful is with Linux or Unix file permissions, where Read, Write and eXecute permissions for users, group and others. can be altered using the chmod command to set such permissions as 664 which sets the permission string as rw-rw-r--. Similarly a setting of 777 would make the permissions rwxrwxrwx which means that everybody has full read, write and execute access to the file. Page 7 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 8. A Guide to the Binary System Hexadecimal System Another way to more easily represent 4-bit binary sequences is to write them as Hexadecimal (Hex) codes. Hexadecimal (from Hexadecem – sixteen) gives us 16 symbols to use in our numbering system. The system uses the decimal digits 0 to 9, followed by the Alphabetic characters A, B, C, D, E and F, as shown in the following table Octal 3-bit Binary Decimal Hexadecimal 4-Bit Binary 0 000 0 0 0000 1 001 1 1 0001 2 000 2 2 0010 3 011 3 3 0011 4 100 4 4 0100 5 101 5 5 0101 6 110 6 6 0110 7 111 7 7 0111 10 001000 8 8 1000 11 001001 9 9 1001 12 001000 10 A 1010 13 001011 11 B 1011 14 001100 12 C 1100 15 001101 13 D 1101 16 001110 14 E 1110 17 001111 15 F 1111 So how might we use Hexadecimal? Apart from representing, for instance, the 4-bit Code 1101 as the symbol D we can also represent an 8-bit string of binary as two Hex codes together, such as: 20 0010 0000 A5 1010 0101 EF 1110 1111 Where might we encounter Hex codes? Well one example is setting colour code for Web pages in HTML . The colour code is entered as a # symbol followed by 3 pairs of hexadecimal codes, representing amounts of Red, Green and Blue in the colour. For example, Red is FF000, Green 00FF00 white is #FFFFFF, black #000000 and Silver is #C0C0C0. These codes would be easier to enter and remember than the full 24-bits of binary code they represent. Page 8 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 9. A Guide to the Binary System Another use might be in setting SCSI Hard Drive ID numbers, with a row of 4 jumpers being set to represent the IDs 0 -15. Page 9 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 10. A Guide to the Binary System Storing Text in Binary Format The text which computers display on screen and print out also need to be stored as binary data. This is done by using a table of codes to map codes to particular characters, both printable and non-printable (for example TAB charactes and spaces). The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is one such code which uses the first 128 codes (7-bits) to map the basic standard characters and the remaining 128 for special characters. Various other codes usually adhere to this ASCII standard for the first 128 codes but might use different character sets beyond this. Below is a table showing the standard ASCII codes. Note how the code for an uppercase A (41 Hex) is different from a lowercase a (61 Hex). This explains why it is sometimes important, for instance, to use the correct case when entering passwords. We say that some applications are “case sensitive” when they distinguish between Upper and Lower case in this way ASCII Table Decimal Octal Hex Character Decimal Octal Hex Character 0 0 00 NUL 64 100 40 @ 1 1 01 SOH 65 101 41 A 2 2 02 STX 66 102 42 B 3 3 03 ETX 67 103 43 C 4 4 04 EOT 68 104 44 D 5 5 05 ENQ 69 105 45 E 6 6 06 ACK 70 106 46 F 7 7 07 BEL 71 107 47 G 8 10 08 BS 72 110 48 H 9 11 09 HT 73 111 49 I 10 12 0A LF 74 112 4A J 11 13 0B VT 75 113 4B K 12 14 0C FF 76 114 4C L 13 15 0D CR 77 115 4D M 14 16 0E SO 78 116 4E N 15 17 0F SI 79 117 4F O 16 20 10 DLE 80 120 50 P 17 21 11 DC1 81 121 51 Q 18 22 12 DC2 82 122 52 R 19 23 13 DC3 83 123 53 S 20 24 14 DC4 84 124 54 T 21 25 15 NAK 85 125 55 U 22 26 16 SYM 86 126 56 V Page 10 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 11. A Guide to the Binary System 23 27 17 ETB 87 127 57 W 24 30 18 CAN 88 130 58 X 25 31 19 EM 89 131 59 Y 26 32 1A SUB 90 132 5A Z 27 33 1B ESC 91 133 5B [ 28 34 1C FS 92 134 5C 29 35 1D GS 93 135 5D ] 30 36 1E RS 94 136 5E ^ 31 37 1F US 95 137 5F _ 32 40 20 SP 96 140 60 ` 33 41 21 ! 97 141 61 a 34 42 22 " 98 142 62 b 35 43 23 # 99 143 63 c 36 44 24 $ 100 144 64 d 37 45 25 % 101 145 65 e 38 46 26 & 102 146 66 f 39 47 27 ' 103 147 67 g 40 50 28 ( 104 150 68 h 41 51 29 ) 105 151 69 i 42 52 2A * 106 152 6A j 43 53 2B + 107 153 6B k 44 54 2C , 108 154 6C l 45 55 2D - 109 155 6D m 46 56 2E . 110 156 6E n 47 57 2F / 111 157 6F o 48 60 30 0 112 160 70 p 49 61 31 1 113 161 71 q 50 62 32 2 114 162 72 r 51 63 33 3 115 163 73 s 52 64 34 4 116 164 74 t 53 65 35 5 117 165 75 u 54 66 36 6 118 166 76 v 55 67 37 7 119 167 77 w 56 70 38 8 120 170 78 x 57 71 39 9 121 171 79 y Page 11 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker
  • 12. A Guide to the Binary System 58 72 3A : 122 172 7A z 59 73 3B ; 123 173 7B { 60 74 3C < 124 174 7C | 61 75 3D = 125 175 7D } 62 76 3E > 126 176 7E ~ 63 77 3F ? 127 177 7F DEL For further details on ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Page 12 of 12 Created 11 Jul 2012, John Walker