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Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
11/9/2019 1Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
This course is very
important component in
 because it borders on
finding the cause of the
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and the specific
causative organisms
so that appropriate
treatment will be given
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We depend on
microbiology to come
up with vaccines,
drugs, structures of
microorganism etc.
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MICRO- means: small
or minute
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BIO-which means: Life
LOGY-which means:
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Microbiology defined
Microbiology can be defined
as the scientific study of
minute living organisms
which include bacteria,
viruses, fungi and yeasts.
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Microbiology is also the
science that studies micro-
organisms and their effects
on humans and animals.
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Micro- organism
A microscopic cell, Very small
living organism.
Microscopic: This term refers
to organisms that are extremely
small, visible only with the aid of
a microscope.
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Dark ground
This is a method of
microscopy which allows
unstained microorganisms
to be seen.
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This is the branch of
medical science that
studies the causes and
nature and effects of
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A disease causing
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The successful invasion and
multiplication of pathogenic
organisms either on the
body surface or in the body
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A pathogen is a
microbe that has the
ability to cause host
tissue injury.
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The host damage can be as a
result of direct microbial activity or
arise from the host immune
This definition encompasses
classical pathogens and
opportunistic pathogens11/9/2019 15Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
Pathogenesis is the steps
or mechanisms involved
in the development of a
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Pathogenicity is the
ability of an organism
to cause disease.
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This is defined as the level or
degree of pathogenicity.
Thus, a pathogen has greater
virulence if its capacity to
cause host damage is high.
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This is an organism living
upon or within another living
organism deriving benefits
as well as causing harm to
the host.
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The term also can refer to an
animal or plant or micro-
organism which depends on
another living animal or plant to
provide some or all necessities
for its life process.
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Ecto parasite:
This term refers to a
parasite which lives on
the surface of its host
e.g. a flea or lice
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Endo parasite:
This term refers to a
parasite which lives inside
its host e.g. malaria
parasite or worms.
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 This is a branch of
microbiology which deals with
the scientific study of bacteria.
 The branch of medical
science that studies bacteria in
relation to disease
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 It is a branch of microbiology
which deals with the scientific
study of viruses.
of botany that studies fungi
and fungus-caused diseases
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 This is a branch of microbiology
which is concerned with the
scientific study of fungi.
 The branch of botany that
studies fungi and fungus-caused
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 The branch of
microbiology concerned
with the scientific study
of protozoa
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 The science dealing with the
formation, composition, functions
and diseases of the blood.
 The branch of science
concerned with the study of blood,
blood-forming tissues and the
disorders associated with them11/9/2019 27Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
 The branch of
medicine that deals
with the scientific
study of tumours
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Attenuated strain:
A strain of micro-organism which
has diminished virulence or which is
A device in which objects are
sterilized by steam under pressure.
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A person who, though not
suffering obviously from a
particular disease, continues to
harbour and to excrete the
causative organisms which may
be passed on to others
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This term refers to a synthetic
substance which has a
destructive action against
microorganisms and which is
used to treat infection.
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This term refers to a group
animals or plants which
though not identical, have
many characters in
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This term refers to the
incomplete splitting of sugar by
microorganisms to provide
energy for their growth which
yields alcohol, acids and gases
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Gram stain:
This term refers a method of
bacteriological staining which
divides bacteria into gram-positive
and gram-negative types.
The gram reaction depends on the
nature of the bacteria cell wall
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The animal or tissue on
which a parasite lives
and multiplies.
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A substance released
by cells infected with
viruses which renders
other cells resistant to
viral infection.
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 A state in which the body or part
of it is invaded by a pathogenic
organism which under favourable
conditions, multiplies and
produces effects which are
harmful or injurious to the host
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A large white blood cell
which has the ability to
ingest (phagocytose)
bacteria and other particles
found in chronic
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 A specific substance (a
type of protein produced by
plasma cells) found in the
blood that is formed in
response to an antigen.
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A substance that
stimulates the production
of antibody or reacts with
them when introduced in
the body.
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 An antibody which
can specifically
neutralize a particular
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Poisonous substance
released by certain
organisms which has
damaging action on the
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Free from germs or from
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It is a chemical agent
which prevents the growth
of micro-organisms,
particularly on body
surfaces and endothelial
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 It is an agent that
kills/destroys bacteria.
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Aerobe (aerobic
 It is a micro-organism which
can only live or thrive (grow) in
the presence of oxygen.
Aerobic conditions.
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Acid fast bacillus:
 It is an organism which
when stained will resist
decolourization by acids.
E.g Mycobacterium
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 It is a microorganism
which can grow under
both anaerobic and
aerobic conditions.
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Commensals (normal
 these are harmless
organisms in their normal sites
but capable of causing disease
when transmitted to an
abnormal site e.g.
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 Escherichia coli (E-coli)
are the harmless resident
of the gut which can cause
infection in the wound or
urinary tract.
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 The mixture of
substances in or on which
bacteria are grown or
cultivated in the laboratory
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Micro aerophilic:
 Bacteria which grow best
in the presence of a low
concentration of oxygen
i.e. less than that found in
the air.
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A unit of measurement of
length equals 1/1000th of a
Able to move under its own
power11/9/2019 53Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
The spontaneous,
random change which
sometimes occurs in the
genetic constitution of an
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 It is a micro-organism
which is able to live
without parasitizing an
animal or plant.
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 This is the presence
of bacteria and their
toxins in the blood
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 Infection of the body by
bacteria or presence of
pathogenic micro-
organism in the body.
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 A group of micro—
organisms or plants or
animals which have
common characteristics
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A structure produced by some
species of bacteria which is
very resistant to adverse
conditions e.g. heating or
drying which could kill the
average bacterium.
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The spore is also able to
survive the adverse
conditions and to
germinate once conditions
are favourable.
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History of Microbiology
Microbiology has had a long,
rich history.
It initially cantered on the
causes of infectious diseases
but now covers practical
applications of the science
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Microbiology has developed over
a period of years.
Many individuals have made
significant contributions to the
development of microbiology.
 The following are the notable
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merchant who lived
from 1632-1723)
Antonius Van Leeuwenhoek (1676)
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 He was the first to
invent a primitive
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It consisted of a single
magnifying lens held in a flame
but he was able to see objects
which he called animalcules in
rain water from pools,
scrapings (tartar) from teeth
and in faeces.
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He lived between 1626 and
1697, through his experiment he
discovered that maggots were
not spontaneously formed in
decomposed meat but that
larvae were the maggots which
came from the flies.
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Lazzare Spallanzani-
He was an Italian priest;
he was the first to
cultivate bacteria in a
sterilized media with and
without air.
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He also demonstrated that
heating (boiling) meat for a
sufficient length of time
and then sealed would not
contain bacteria.
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1796-Edward Jenner
Introduced cowpox
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1546-Fracastoro (An
Italian physician)
He first suggested that:
infection is the same for who
received and who has given
the infection is caused by
minute insensible particles and
is spread by means of them.
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1847 Semmelewes
A Viennese obstetrician,
he noted that puerperal
fever was transmitted from
one patient to another
through hands of
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1854-John Snow
A scientist in London
who demonstrated that
cholera was transmitted
through drinking
contaminated water
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Loius Pasteur (1822-
• A French chemist from France
demonstrated that microscopic
organism yeast caused the
fermentation of sugar and starch
into alcohol and that the
presence of the bacteria was
spoiling the wine.
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He developed vaccines for
cholera, anthrax and rabies.
 He also introduced/invented
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Robert Koch
A German doctor (physician),
his first investigation was into
the case of anthrax, he
isolated anthrax bacteria.
Also isolated and described
the Tubercle bacilli in 1882-
TB/Koch’s disease
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Klebs and Fredrick
Loeffler (1852-1920)
A German bacteriologist
who with Klebs isolated the
Diphtheria Bacilli which
they named after
themselves as Klebs
Loeffler Bacilli (KLB)
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In 1888, they discovered that
symptoms of diphtheria were
not caused directly by bacteria
but by a substance known as
toxin produced by the bacteria,
carried in the blood stream
able to produce tissue
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Emil Vanbehring
He discovered Diphtheria
antitoxin in 1890.
He showed that diphtheria
could be prevented and cured
by the administration of serum
from the horse convalescent
from diphtheria.
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 This was the discovery of
He discovered vaccinations
against small pox.
He discovered the vaccine
for yellow fever
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Salk and Sabin
They discovered the vaccine
for poliomyelitis
Kiyoshi shiga (1870-1959)
He discovered the
dysentery bacilli known
as shingella shiga
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Albert Neisser (1855-
He discovered the
gonococco organism which
causes Gonorrhoea, It was
named after him and called
it Neisseria Gonorrhoea
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Edward Klein (1844-
He identified
streptococcus as the
cause of scarlet fever.
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Angus Von Wasserman
He introduced the first
use for diagnosis of
syphilis which is known
as Wassermann’s
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Leon Calmette (1863-
Together with Camille
Guren, they introduced a
BCG vaccine (Bacillus
Camille Guren) against
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William Welchi (1850-
He discovered and
described the organism
that causes GAS
Clostridium Welchi
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Sir William Alexander
Flemming (1891 1955)
A British
bacteriologist who in
1929 discovered the
antibiotic penicillin
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Prince Charles Chamber
land (1857-1908)
He discovered an
instrument called an
Autoclave used in the
sterilization of surgical
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I. It helps the nurse
understand and apply the
underlying principles in
the prevention and control
of infection.
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II. It helps the nurse to
understand how normal
flora contribute to the
health of an individual, as
well as how they can
cause disease11/9/2019 89Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
III. The nurse needs to know
the different organisms that
cause diseases in man and
their modes of transmission.
Microbiology helps the nurse
to achieve this
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IV. As a nurse, you will are
allowed by law to prescribe
certain drugs, including
antibiotics. Study microbiology,
therefore, helps the nurse to
make scientific decisions when
prescribing treatment for
11/9/2019 91Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
V. Microbiology helps the
nurse to know how to
render and keep certain
instruments aseptic in
order to prevent cross
infection11/9/2019 92Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
VI. Studying
microbiology also helps
the nurse to recognize
the signs and symptoms
of infection
11/9/2019 93Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA

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  • 1. INTRODUCTION TO NURSING MICROBIOLOGY Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA 11/9/2019 1Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 2. INTRODUCTION This course is very important component in health  because it borders on finding the cause of the disease 11/9/2019 2Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 3. and the specific causative organisms so that appropriate treatment will be given 11/9/2019 3Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 4. We depend on microbiology to come up with vaccines, drugs, structures of microorganism etc. 11/9/2019 4Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 5. TERMS USED IN MICROBIOLOGY I.Microbiology MICRO- means: small or minute 11/9/2019 5Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 6. BIO-which means: Life LOGY-which means: Study 11/9/2019 6Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 7. Microbiology defined Microbiology can be defined as the scientific study of minute living organisms which include bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts. 11/9/2019 7Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 8. Microbiology is also the science that studies micro- organisms and their effects on humans and animals. 11/9/2019 8Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 9. Micro- organism (microbe): A microscopic cell, Very small living organism. Microscopic: This term refers to organisms that are extremely small, visible only with the aid of a microscope. 11/9/2019 9Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 10. Dark ground microscopy: This is a method of microscopy which allows unstained microorganisms to be seen. 11/9/2019 10Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 11. Pathology: This is the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases 11/9/2019 11Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 13. Infection The successful invasion and multiplication of pathogenic organisms either on the body surface or in the body system 11/9/2019 13Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 14. Pathogen A pathogen is a microbe that has the ability to cause host tissue injury. 11/9/2019 14Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 15. The host damage can be as a result of direct microbial activity or arise from the host immune response. This definition encompasses classical pathogens and opportunistic pathogens11/9/2019 15Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 16. Pathogenesis Pathogenesis is the steps or mechanisms involved in the development of a disease. 11/9/2019 16Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 17. Pathogenicity: Pathogenicity is the ability of an organism to cause disease. 11/9/2019 17Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 18. Virulence: This is defined as the level or degree of pathogenicity. Thus, a pathogen has greater virulence if its capacity to cause host damage is high. 11/9/2019 18Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 19. Parasite: This is an organism living upon or within another living organism deriving benefits as well as causing harm to the host. 11/9/2019 19Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 20. The term also can refer to an animal or plant or micro- organism which depends on another living animal or plant to provide some or all necessities for its life process. 11/9/2019 20Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 21. Ecto parasite: This term refers to a parasite which lives on the surface of its host e.g. a flea or lice 11/9/2019 21Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 22. Endo parasite: This term refers to a parasite which lives inside its host e.g. malaria parasite or worms. 11/9/2019 22Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 23. Bacteriology:  This is a branch of microbiology which deals with the scientific study of bacteria.  The branch of medical science that studies bacteria in relation to disease 11/9/2019 23Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 24. Virology:  It is a branch of microbiology which deals with the scientific study of viruses. of botany that studies fungi and fungus-caused diseases 11/9/2019 24Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 25. Mycology:  This is a branch of microbiology which is concerned with the scientific study of fungi.  The branch of botany that studies fungi and fungus-caused diseases 11/9/2019 25Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 26. Protozoology:  The branch of microbiology concerned with the scientific study of protozoa 11/9/2019 26Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 27. Haematology:  The science dealing with the formation, composition, functions and diseases of the blood.  The branch of science concerned with the study of blood, blood-forming tissues and the disorders associated with them11/9/2019 27Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 28. Oncology:  The branch of medicine that deals with the scientific study of tumours 11/9/2019 28Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 29. Attenuated strain: A strain of micro-organism which has diminished virulence or which is weakened. Autoclave: A device in which objects are sterilized by steam under pressure. 11/9/2019 29Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 30. Carrier: A person who, though not suffering obviously from a particular disease, continues to harbour and to excrete the causative organisms which may be passed on to others 11/9/2019 30Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 31. Chemotherapeutic agent This term refers to a synthetic substance which has a destructive action against microorganisms and which is used to treat infection. 11/9/2019 31Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 32. Genus: This term refers to a group animals or plants which though not identical, have many characters in common. 11/9/2019 32Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 33. Fermentation: This term refers to the incomplete splitting of sugar by microorganisms to provide energy for their growth which yields alcohol, acids and gases 11/9/2019 33Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 34. Gram stain: This term refers a method of bacteriological staining which divides bacteria into gram-positive and gram-negative types. The gram reaction depends on the nature of the bacteria cell wall 11/9/2019 34Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 35. Host: The animal or tissue on which a parasite lives and multiplies. 11/9/2019 35Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 36. Interferon: A substance released by cells infected with viruses which renders other cells resistant to viral infection. 11/9/2019 36Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 37. Infection:  A state in which the body or part of it is invaded by a pathogenic organism which under favourable conditions, multiplies and produces effects which are harmful or injurious to the host cells. 11/9/2019 37Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 38. Macrophage: A large white blood cell which has the ability to ingest (phagocytose) bacteria and other particles found in chronic inflammation. 11/9/2019 38Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 39. Antibody  A specific substance (a type of protein produced by plasma cells) found in the blood that is formed in response to an antigen. 11/9/2019 39Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 40. Antigen: A substance that stimulates the production of antibody or reacts with them when introduced in the body. 11/9/2019 40Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 41. Antitoxin:  An antibody which can specifically neutralize a particular toxin. 11/9/2019 41Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 42. Toxin: Poisonous substance released by certain organisms which has damaging action on the tissues 11/9/2019 42Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 43. Asepsis: Free from germs or from infection 11/9/2019 43Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 44. Antiseptic It is a chemical agent which prevents the growth of micro-organisms, particularly on body surfaces and endothelial linings 11/9/2019 44Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 45. Bacteriocide:  It is an agent that kills/destroys bacteria. 11/9/2019 45Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 46. Aerobe (aerobic organism):  It is a micro-organism which can only live or thrive (grow) in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic conditions. 11/9/2019 46Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 47. Acid fast bacillus:  It is an organism which when stained will resist decolourization by acids. E.g Mycobacterium tuberculosis 11/9/2019 47Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 48. Facultative anaerobe:  It is a microorganism which can grow under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. 11/9/2019 48Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 49. Commensals (normal flora)  these are harmless organisms in their normal sites but capable of causing disease when transmitted to an abnormal site e.g. 11/9/2019 49Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 50.  Escherichia coli (E-coli) are the harmless resident of the gut which can cause infection in the wound or urinary tract. 11/9/2019 50Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 51. Medium:  The mixture of substances in or on which bacteria are grown or cultivated in the laboratory 11/9/2019 51Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 52. Micro aerophilic:  Bacteria which grow best in the presence of a low concentration of oxygen i.e. less than that found in the air. 11/9/2019 52Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 53. Micron: A unit of measurement of length equals 1/1000th of a millimetre. Motile: Able to move under its own power11/9/2019 53Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 54. Mutation: The spontaneous, random change which sometimes occurs in the genetic constitution of an organism. 11/9/2019 54Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 55. Saprophyte:  It is a micro-organism which is able to live without parasitizing an animal or plant. 11/9/2019 55Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 56. Septicaemia:  This is the presence of bacteria and their toxins in the blood stream. 11/9/2019 56Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 57. Sepsis:  Infection of the body by bacteria or presence of pathogenic micro- organism in the body. 11/9/2019 57Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 58. Species:  A group of micro— organisms or plants or animals which have common characteristics 11/9/2019 58Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 59. Spore: A structure produced by some species of bacteria which is very resistant to adverse conditions e.g. heating or drying which could kill the average bacterium. 11/9/2019 59Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 60. The spore is also able to survive the adverse conditions and to germinate once conditions are favourable. 11/9/2019 60Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 61. History of Microbiology Microbiology has had a long, rich history. It initially cantered on the causes of infectious diseases but now covers practical applications of the science 11/9/2019 61Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 62. Microbiology has developed over a period of years. Many individuals have made significant contributions to the development of microbiology.  The following are the notable ones: 11/9/2019 62Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 63. merchant who lived from 1632-1723) Antonius Van Leeuwenhoek (1676) 11/9/2019 63Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 64.  He was the first to invent a primitive microscope. 11/9/2019 64Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 65. It consisted of a single magnifying lens held in a flame but he was able to see objects which he called animalcules in rain water from pools, scrapings (tartar) from teeth and in faeces. 11/9/2019 65Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 66. Franceco He lived between 1626 and 1697, through his experiment he discovered that maggots were not spontaneously formed in decomposed meat but that larvae were the maggots which came from the flies. 11/9/2019 66Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 67. Lazzare Spallanzani- 1776 He was an Italian priest; he was the first to cultivate bacteria in a sterilized media with and without air. 11/9/2019 67Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 68. He also demonstrated that heating (boiling) meat for a sufficient length of time and then sealed would not contain bacteria. 11/9/2019 68Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 70. 1546-Fracastoro (An Italian physician) He first suggested that: infection is the same for who received and who has given the infection is caused by minute insensible particles and is spread by means of them. 11/9/2019 70Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 71. 1847 Semmelewes A Viennese obstetrician, he noted that puerperal fever was transmitted from one patient to another through hands of attendants 11/9/2019 71Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 72. 1854-John Snow A scientist in London who demonstrated that cholera was transmitted through drinking contaminated water 11/9/2019 72Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 73. Loius Pasteur (1822- 1895) • A French chemist from France demonstrated that microscopic organism yeast caused the fermentation of sugar and starch into alcohol and that the presence of the bacteria was spoiling the wine. 11/9/2019 73Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 74. He developed vaccines for cholera, anthrax and rabies.  He also introduced/invented pasteurization 11/9/2019 74Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 75. Robert Koch (1843-1910) A German doctor (physician), his first investigation was into the case of anthrax, he isolated anthrax bacteria. Also isolated and described the Tubercle bacilli in 1882- TB/Koch’s disease 11/9/2019 75Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 76. Klebs and Fredrick Loeffler (1852-1920) A German bacteriologist who with Klebs isolated the Diphtheria Bacilli which they named after themselves as Klebs Loeffler Bacilli (KLB) 11/9/2019 76Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 77. In 1888, they discovered that symptoms of diphtheria were not caused directly by bacteria but by a substance known as toxin produced by the bacteria, carried in the blood stream able to produce tissue 11/9/2019 77Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 78. Emil Vanbehring (1854-1917) He discovered Diphtheria antitoxin in 1890. He showed that diphtheria could be prevented and cured by the administration of serum from the horse convalescent from diphtheria. 11/9/2019 78Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 79.  This was the discovery of antitoxins Jenner He discovered vaccinations against small pox. Theillers He discovered the vaccine for yellow fever 11/9/2019 79Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 80. Salk and Sabin They discovered the vaccine for poliomyelitis Kiyoshi shiga (1870-1959) He discovered the dysentery bacilli known as shingella shiga 11/9/2019 80Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 81. Albert Neisser (1855- 1916) He discovered the gonococco organism which causes Gonorrhoea, It was named after him and called it Neisseria Gonorrhoea 11/9/2019 81Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 82. Edward Klein (1844- 1925) He identified streptococcus as the cause of scarlet fever. 11/9/2019 82Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 83. Angus Von Wasserman (1866-1925) He introduced the first use for diagnosis of syphilis which is known as Wassermann’s Reaction 11/9/2019 83Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 84. Leon Calmette (1863- 1933) Together with Camille Guren, they introduced a BCG vaccine (Bacillus Camille Guren) against tuberculosis 11/9/2019 84Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 85. William Welchi (1850- 1935) He discovered and described the organism that causes GAS GANGRENE as Clostridium Welchi 11/9/2019 85Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 86. Sir William Alexander Flemming (1891 1955) A British bacteriologist who in 1929 discovered the antibiotic penicillin 11/9/2019 86Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 87. Prince Charles Chamber land (1857-1908) He discovered an instrument called an Autoclave used in the sterilization of surgical instruments. 11/9/2019 87Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 88. IMPORTANCE OF MICROBIOLOGY I. It helps the nurse understand and apply the underlying principles in the prevention and control of infection. 11/9/2019 88Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 89. II. It helps the nurse to understand how normal flora contribute to the health of an individual, as well as how they can cause disease11/9/2019 89Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 90. III. The nurse needs to know the different organisms that cause diseases in man and their modes of transmission. Microbiology helps the nurse to achieve this 11/9/2019 90Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 91. IV. As a nurse, you will are allowed by law to prescribe certain drugs, including antibiotics. Study microbiology, therefore, helps the nurse to make scientific decisions when prescribing treatment for 11/9/2019 91Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 92. V. Microbiology helps the nurse to know how to render and keep certain instruments aseptic in order to prevent cross infection11/9/2019 92Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA
  • 93. VI. Studying microbiology also helps the nurse to recognize the signs and symptoms of infection 11/9/2019 93Prepared by Jones H.M-MBA