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Assigment # 1
Discuss about a few human Bacterial and viral infections ?
How we can prevent these infections.
All written assignments are to be completed as a minimum 2
page Word document , must be typed (Times New Roman, 12pt
font, double-spaced, 1" margins), and must be written in APA
format . All sources, including the textbook, must be cited in
APA format. You may use internet sources but they must be
reputable (i.e. you cannot use wikipedia). Avoid use of
quotation marks. You should use your own words throughout
your paper to show your ability to interpret and integrate
Rodriquez Mitchell
A potential quantitative research problem
Like it is well known and understood, a research problem is
always considered to be the statement that is all about a
particular area of concern, specifically it can be termed as a
condition to be widely improved, a troubling question that at
times exists in a scholarly literature or difficulty to be
eliminated, in a possible practice that usually points to the need
for the deliberate investigation and meaningful understanding.
Research problem
In this case, the research problem is specifically the act of
reducing or eliminating workers (employees) noncompliance
with either rules or policies that are always considered to be
more important for organization operations or security. This
automatically includes the reduction of careless noncompliance
or inadvertent as well as willful actions by workers who at
many times cause harm to an organization. This particular
problem has been deeply researched over the years and today it
still exists. (Guo, Yuan, Archer, & Connelly, 2011; Vance,
Siponen, & Pahnila, 2012; Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen, 2012;
Siponen, Mahmood, & Pahnila, 2014)
Mahmood, Pahnila, and Siponen (2014) clearly explained that
all the security incidents have really increased in the past
decades and that workers are not consequently following the
legal policies that are put in place so as it reduces the risk of
the security incident. The compliance with pure security rules
or policies is, therefore, a deep concern for companies. Many
companies are always concerned about their workers'
compliance with other workmates, on the other hand, related
policies for instance environment policies and social media
According to the idea of Mahmood, Pahnila, and Siponen
(2014), the research which entails on the improvement of the
general security policy compliance have;
i. It presents the conceptual idea without the use of any theory.
ii. It uses theory to develop insights without any type of
empirical tests
iii. Testing theory based ideas for empirical improvement.
Furthermore, Mahmood, Pahnila, and Siponen (2014); Siponen,
Vance, & Pahnila (2012); Ramamurthy, Chen & Wen (2012) and
lastly Guo, Archer, Yuan & Connely 2011), are all good
examples of research based on the security policy compliance
that are usually used or applied aligned theory for their entire
research. For instance, Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen were in a
situation whereby they use the actual theory such as control
theory and the general deterrence, besides those two theories
they also imply the use of decision-making theory as well as
findings from prior to the research to develop hypotheses for
testing for example;
Theory 1
The exact level of punishment for not complying with all the
security policies status is positively being associated with the
intention to comply with the entire security policies.
Theory 2:
They estimated the pure level of research being rewarded for
complying with the original security policies that are positively
associated with the intention to comply with entire security
Theory 3:
The possible impact of the punishment based on the intention
that is to have complied with security policies or rules is
moderated by the certainty of control; the major differences that
is based in the impact on some intention to be compiled between
a low and high levels of punishment contexts in high certainty
of control environment literally considered to be smaller than in
the low certainty levels. (Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen 2012)
Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen 2012 the recruited workers from
two financial organizations for their research project; they
literally use a scenario-based approach so as to test how
different strategies can directly affect employee compliance
with information technology policies or rules.
Quantitative research
The key topic of employee monitoring and compliance lends
itself quantitative research. This is based on the fact that the
research always seeks to understand the real human behavior,
for instance, the pure reason to make clear decisions or
individual response to something. In this research, there is a
great need for conducting an interview or also observe
behaviors such as the open use of quantitative research
methods. On the research, the quantitative design that was
showed was the survey research.
The journals seemed to be mixed up, the research questions do
seem to be qualitative, but according to the researchers, they
use a lot of quantitative or statistical analysis (basically using
data from questionnaires) so that the questions can be answered.
For instance, the research paper by siponen, Mahmood, &
Pahnila (2014) uses a lot of quantitative analysis to test the
particular hypotheses. This goes to the extent of indicating that
the topic could be extremely quantitative. Despite that, there
still are some problems that might be affecting the research
design and might be the quantitative vs. qualitative decision, for
example, the resulting and reluctance moratorium by the
organization in allowing their workers to divulge information
thus being security-related information for credibility and
competence. (Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen, 2012)
Quantitative design
Quantitative design that was applied to the research was survey
research; a design that always uses questionnaire, sampling
polls, and interviews so as to get a sense of behavior with
intense precision. Naturally, this design does allow researchers
to judge a certain behavior and thereafter present the findings in
an accurate and organized manner. In most cases, this is usually
done or expressed in percentage (%). In particular survey
research is always conducted around a specific group or also
used to compare several groups in an organization. When such
type of research is being conducted it is clearly advised that
people are questioned randomly so as to get the right answer for
the question problem before creating a solution. This design
like the way it is being displayed in the articles, it gives room
for more accurate findings across a greater spectrum of the
respondent, to which they were the employee who are found
within the hospital environment.
Ethical treatment of the human subjects
According to the research, the most silent subject of the ethical
value based on the human is being implicated by the use of
human participants in research whereby they are beneficence
and non-maleficence. Therefore the best ethical treatments of
the human subjects according to the journals are the trust and
The main purpose of the study
In this case, it has been proven that there is enough evidence
that does increase hand hygiene by monitoring nurses and other
available health care employees leading to a huge percentage in
increasing compliance with hand hygiene policies or rules
(basically it is the rule to wash their hands). For instance, Hill-
Rom (2014) reported that the compliance had increased to 250%
after a limited period of 10 months at the three hospitals that
come up and implement their hand hygiene compliance
monitoring problem or issue. In healthcare set up, by the use of
the new technology monitoring has become more sophisticated
to assists with the issue of healthcare employees failing to wash
their hands when it is really needed. Based on the area of hand
hygiene, there are new ideas and strategies for ensuring worker
The whole research does review the technologies and strategies
that are extremely effective in ensuring that workers comply
with hand hygiene policies in the healthcare industry and
therefore by also exploring whether those technologies and
strategies could as some point be used to improve compliance in
general point of view in some other field.
According to the research, it openly states that theories can also
be used to develop a firm hypothesis for testing. Based on my
own point of view I strongly believe that deterrence theory can
literally provide some eligible insight into hand hygiene
experiences. I also believed that the monitoring act is wisely
working simply because employees feel like big brother is
watching and that there will be consequences if they do not
perform what is being expected of them. This also assumes that
monitoring devices or cameras are clearly visible so that
workers are often reminded of the expectations.
Research questions
1. How effective is the new strategies and techniques?
2. What are the perfect and effective ideas from the hand
hygiene monitoring act that could possibly be applied to
3. What would non-healthcare workers think about the exerted
changes that are being inspired by the healthcare experience?
These types of questions are basically quantitative in nature;
this is because they involve a lot of statistical analysis. For
instance, if the quantitative measures are the one that is used to
measure effectiveness, automatically there could be a lot of
quantitative analysis.
4. How healthcare institutions did decide on specific solutions
for monitoring workers so as to ensure that hand hygiene
compliance is catered for?
5. After the exact act of the implementation of the solution, did
the entire institution have to change the entire monitoring
strategies and plans so as to make a monitoring project to be
more effective and being compatible?
Sample or participants and target population
According to the hand hygiene experiences, the Sample or
participants and target population of the entire research
generally are the employees who are working within the
hospital's environment and the non-employed individuals.
Baring in mind that the hospital might also employ people who
have not specialized in medical, and treatment field; people can
be employed to handle something that is found within hospitals.
Examples of the participants are the hospital's guards, chefs,
and cleaners. These participants must also be included in hand
hygiene because they are also within the hospital premises.
Implementation and identification to ensure validity in the
The identification so as to ensure that the problem of reducing
or eliminating workers noncompliance with policies or rules
that are basically important for small or big companies
operations and security, is by determining the targeted
population. Thereafter, when the population has been
determining estimating the employee’s noncompliance can be
easy. Based on the fact that the quantitative or statistical factor
of the research is being measured in percentage; thus creating a
greater room for understanding.
Strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed qualitative research
According to qualitative research, the strengths that are clearly
shown are that all the required data are refined and
complemented quantitatively. Secondly, the research provides
more details information so as to widely explain all the complex
issues of reducing employee’s noncompliance. While the
weaknesses are findings at any given point can never be
generalized to the study community or population, and also
based on the fact that the study is according to the group of
people, thus it makes it more difficult to analyze data.
Moreover, data collection within a hospital environment is time-
consuming. (Barnham, 2015)
In conclusion, the whole research approach at some point would
work very well based on researching the hand hygiene
employees monitoring experience. The research approach would
at many times involve detailed analysis and reviews to the
experience of one or even more healthcare institutions. In a
wider view it will generally provide the information based on
the initial decisions, the problem encountered and the
employees' reaction to the solution. The result of the research
must also provide the legal information that is needed on
effective or good ideas from hand hygiene monitoring that could
possibly be applied to the employees or workers monitoring in
Agee, J. (2009) developing qualitative research questions: a
reflective process, International Journal of qualitative studies in
Education, 22(4), 431-447, DOI:10.1080/09518390902736512
Barnham, C. (2015). Qualitative and qualitative research.
International Journal of Market Research, 57(6), 837-854. Doi:
Chen, Y., Ramamurthy, K., & Wen, K. W. (2012).
Organizations' information security policy compliance: Stick or
carrot approach?. Journal of Management Information
Systems, 29(3), 157-188.
Chou, C. J. (2014). Hotels' environmental policies and
employee personal environmental beliefs: Interactions and
outcomes. Tourism Management, 40, 436-446.
Guo, K. H., Yuan, Y., Archer, N. P., & Connelly, C. E. (2011).
Understanding nonmalicious security violations in the
workplace: A composite behavior model. Journal of
management information systems, 28(2), 203-236.
Higgins, A., & Hannan, M. M. (2013). Improved hand hygiene
technique and compliance in healthcare workers using gaming
technology. Journal of Hospital Infection, 84(1), 32-37.
Hill-Rom (2014). Increasing Hand Hygiene Compliance with a
Continuous Fully-Automated Monitoring System at Three
Morgan, D. J., Pineles, L., Shardell, M., Young, A., Ellingson,
K., Jernigan, J. A., Day, H.R., Thom, K. A., Harris, A. D., &
Perencevich, E. N. (2012). Automated hand hygiene count
devices may better measure compliance than human
observation. America Journal of Infection Control, 40, 955 –
Siponen, M., Mahmood, M. A., & Pahnila, S. (2014).
Employees’ adherence to information security policies: An
exploratory field study. Information & Management, 51(2), 217-
224. (
Vance, A., Siponen, M. & Pahnila S. (2012). Motivating IS
Security compliance: Insights from Habits and Protection
Motivation Theory. Information & Management, 49,190-198.
Ward, M.A., Schweizer, M. L., Polgreen, P. M., Gupta, K.,
Reisinger, H. S., & Perencevich, E.N. (2014). Automated and
electronically assisted hand hygiene monitoring systems: A
systematic review. American Journal of Infection Control, 42,
Impacts of Social Media on Students’ Performance
Rodriquez Mitchell
Northcentral University
18th March, 2019
Social networking has become a common global trend which has
affected almost every area of our lives. Through the various
social media platforms, people can now create content and share
it at a high rate. According to statistics, the majority of people
use different platforms to interact and share information to
mention a few. Social media on a larger scale has
revolutionized the world. However, among the major users of
social media platforms are students. Various studies have been
conducted to examine the relationship between use of social
media and students’ academic performance. This paper analyzes
three studies that incorporated mixed methods of research
design. Primarily, this assignment discusses various elements of
the studies. The idea is to have deeper comprehension and
understanding on how to conduct research.
Article 1
Research problem: the study sought to answer several questions
on the implications of social media on learners’ academic
performance. First, the study explored the correlation between
time devoted on social media and its impacts on students’
performance. Ultimately, the study was interested in examining
the connection between time devoted on social media and
students’ academic performance.
Purpose of the study
The rapid advancement in media technology has transformed the
way people now communicate. The use of social media among
youths has increased exponentially. Apparently, the issue of
carrying phones into the classrooms has invited endless debates.
Referring to Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) some students have
become addicted due to the use of digital communication to the
extent that it is almost impossible to engage in another activity.
In this regard, there have been growing concerns over the
possible influence social networking could have on students. As
a result, the study by Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) attempted
to investigate the influence of social media on the academic
performance of universities and colleges students.
Summary of the research question
As Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) points out, the use of social
media has become popular due to the development of
technology in the recent past. People from all spheres use
different social media platforms to share information share
views and interact with other people. In line with Talaue et al
(2018), students are among the major users of social media.
Through observation, students have become so used to digital
communication tools to an extent it is hard to concentrate on
serious things such as academic. The study, therefore,
investigated the implication of social media on students’
performance, especially in tertiary levels.
Sample/participants and target population
The sample of the study by Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) was
from the population of university students. Specifically,
students from Samuel Adegboyega University were randomly
selected to take part in the study. In addition, students from
different departments and level of studies took part in the
research. The researcher then designed questionnaires which
were personally administered. Based on the nature of the study
it targets lecturers and university management
Ethical treatment of the participants
The study maintained accountability and fairness. For instance,
participants were randomly selected making the outcomes more
Methods of data collection
The researcher used questionnaires to collect information on the
Describe the validity of the qualitative data
The methodology used to conduct the study sheds some sense of
accuracy. This is because the method used to analyze data
shows the impact of social media on students’ performance. In
other words, the study has measured the claim it purported to
Strengths and weaknesses of the study
The study utilizes different sources from recognized authors to
supports its claims. The study is not only explicit but creates a
thorough connection between social media and students’
performance. On the study relies on past studies to structure its
various components. This makes the results of the study biased.
Article 2
Research problem: the study by attempted to investigate both
the positive and the negative consequences of social media on
academic performances.
Purpose of the study
The study was conducted to evaluate both the positive and
negative effects of social media on students’ performance.
Summary of the research question
The internet has remarkably changed our lives. Digital
networking allows people to connect with other people across
the world. Through Twitter or Facebook, it is now easy to create
and share information. Talaue et al (2018), summarily
demonstrates that social networking has reduced the world to
one small village. The use of social media is rapidly increasing
and future trajectory shows that social media users will double
by 2030. In simple terms, social media has changed every aspect
of human life. Majority of students in universities are connected
with other people online. According to Talaue et al (2018),
students spend a lot of time interacting with other people
making it extremely difficult to focus in class. This study
explores the effects of social media on students’ performance. It
is, therefore, a good academic source for lectures, scholars and
other academicians.
Sample/participants and target population
The participants of the study were undergraduates of Alberoni
University. They were randomly selected from various faculties
ranging from engineering to education. The university has a
population of about 7000 students but 371 students were
selected as the subject of quantitative data.
Ethical treatment of the participants
The study was conducted in accordance with the expected code
of ethics such as concern for other people’s welfare and with
aspects of social responsibility.
Methods of data collection
A survey questionnaire was the main instrument of the study.
The survey was designed with scale questions. However, the
items of the questionnaire were adapted from the previous
study. Descriptive tests were among the methods used to
analyze data collected from the questionnaires.
Describe the validity of the qualitative data
The study has answered the claim it purported to answer. To a
great extent, the study is reliable because assuming a similar
study was to be conducted using the similar methodology, there
are high chances the same data would be collected. The data
analysis technique used interpreted data statistically help the
researcher to summarize results.
Strengths and weaknesses of the study
The study can be used to guide decision making in learning
institutions. Ultimately, it raises awareness of the effects of
social media on the academic performance of university
students. This is essential in the sense that it can encourage
students to effectively use various communication tools.
However, the results of the study are limited to only 371
students from one university. This makes it difficult to rely on
the study’s outcomes.
Article 3
Research problem: the study sought to explore the influence of
social media particularly Facebook in academic performance of
tertiary institutions.
Purpose of the study
Digital networking has become a common communication
strategy for most people. The Internet has affected almost every
aspect of human life. In other words, the internet is an
inseparable part of human life. According to Thuseethan &
Kuhanesan (2014), social media has rapidly transformed the
social aspect of communication. Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram are commonly used by students to interact and share
content. Due to widespread adoption of these social media
platforms in universities and colleges, there has been great
interest to investigate the influence of Facebook on academic
Summary of the research question
Conferring with Thuseethan & Kuhanesan (2014) social media
comprises of technological aspects that allow people to create
content, share opinions and interact with people from different
backgrounds. Social networking has revolutionized the social
aspects of people in societies. In modern society, it is easy to
share information and views and get feedback instantaneously.
Sharing the same thought with Thuseethan & Kuhanesan (2014)
social media has become an increasingly important part of
young lives. Majority of the youths in higher institutions of
learning are connected by the internet. To a great extent, the
internet has become an integral component for students because
through such popular social media platforms as Facebook it is
now easy to gather and share information. Bearing this in mind,
it becomes has now become an area of interest to explore the
relationship between social media and students’ performance.
Sample/participants and target population
The participants were students from different universities
distributed across Sin Lanka. Students who use Facebook
participated in a web-based survey. The survey was carried out
by 287 students’ majority of who were from science stream. The
study targets the entire education sector and its related
Ethical treatment of the participants
The study collected information through designed web surveys.
To a great extent, the study maintained confidentiality and
researchers treated participants with respect.
Methods of data collection
Information collecting was done through a web survey. The
surveys were designed to help inspect the correlation between
the time spent on Facebook and the amount of time students
spend in academic activities such as revising or discussions.
Majority of the students spent their time online. According to
Thuseethan & Kuhanesan,(2014) addicted Facebook users
received low grades while the light Facebook users received
high grades.
Describe the validity of the data
There is some sense of accuracy in the findings of the study.
Conducting a different study under the same methodology and
groups could produce the same findings hence the correctness of
the results.
Strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed mixed methods
The participants were randomly selected reducing chances of
biases on the study. Using the participant's responses the study
compared different aspects of the study. For example, the study
compared the academic performance of occasional Facebook
users and students who are addicted to social media. This
correlation makes the results reliable. However, the sample size
is too small to generalize the outcomes of the study.
Thuseethan, S., & Kuhanesan, S. (2014): Influence of Facebook
in academic performance of Sri Lankan university students.
Talaue, G. M., AlSaad, A., AlRushaidan, N., AlHugail, A., &
AlFahhad, S (October 2018). THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL
Mushtaq, A. J., & Benraghda, A. (2018). The Effects of Social
Media on the Undergraduate Students' Academic
Performances. Library Philosophy and Practice.
Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) pros and cons.
All written assignments are to be completed as a minimum 2
page Word document , must be typed (Times New Roman, 12pt
font, double-spaced, 1" margins), and must be written in APA
format . All sources, including the textbook, must be cited in
APA format. You may use internet sources but they must be
reputable (i.e. you cannot use wikipedia). Avoid use of
quotation marks. You should use your own words throughout
your paper to show your ability to interpret and integrate

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  • 1. Assigment # 1 Discuss about a few human Bacterial and viral infections ? How we can prevent these infections. All written assignments are to be completed as a minimum 2 page Word document , must be typed (Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1" margins), and must be written in APA format . All sources, including the textbook, must be cited in APA format. You may use internet sources but they must be reputable (i.e. you cannot use wikipedia). Avoid use of quotation marks. You should use your own words throughout your paper to show your ability to interpret and integrate material. 1 Running Header: RESEARCH PROBLEM 7 RESEARCH PROBLEM RESEARCH PROBLEM Rodriquez Mitchell 3/10/19
  • 2. A potential quantitative research problem Like it is well known and understood, a research problem is always considered to be the statement that is all about a particular area of concern, specifically it can be termed as a condition to be widely improved, a troubling question that at times exists in a scholarly literature or difficulty to be eliminated, in a possible practice that usually points to the need for the deliberate investigation and meaningful understanding. Research problem In this case, the research problem is specifically the act of reducing or eliminating workers (employees) noncompliance with either rules or policies that are always considered to be more important for organization operations or security. This automatically includes the reduction of careless noncompliance or inadvertent as well as willful actions by workers who at many times cause harm to an organization. This particular problem has been deeply researched over the years and today it still exists. (Guo, Yuan, Archer, & Connelly, 2011; Vance, Siponen, & Pahnila, 2012; Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen, 2012; Siponen, Mahmood, & Pahnila, 2014) Mahmood, Pahnila, and Siponen (2014) clearly explained that all the security incidents have really increased in the past decades and that workers are not consequently following the legal policies that are put in place so as it reduces the risk of the security incident. The compliance with pure security rules or policies is, therefore, a deep concern for companies. Many companies are always concerned about their workers' compliance with other workmates, on the other hand, related policies for instance environment policies and social media policies. According to the idea of Mahmood, Pahnila, and Siponen
  • 3. (2014), the research which entails on the improvement of the general security policy compliance have; i. It presents the conceptual idea without the use of any theory. ii. It uses theory to develop insights without any type of empirical tests iii. Testing theory based ideas for empirical improvement. Furthermore, Mahmood, Pahnila, and Siponen (2014); Siponen, Vance, & Pahnila (2012); Ramamurthy, Chen & Wen (2012) and lastly Guo, Archer, Yuan & Connely 2011), are all good examples of research based on the security policy compliance that are usually used or applied aligned theory for their entire research. For instance, Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen were in a situation whereby they use the actual theory such as control theory and the general deterrence, besides those two theories they also imply the use of decision-making theory as well as findings from prior to the research to develop hypotheses for testing for example; Theory 1 The exact level of punishment for not complying with all the security policies status is positively being associated with the intention to comply with the entire security policies. Theory 2: They estimated the pure level of research being rewarded for complying with the original security policies that are positively associated with the intention to comply with entire security policies. Theory 3: The possible impact of the punishment based on the intention that is to have complied with security policies or rules is moderated by the certainty of control; the major differences that is based in the impact on some intention to be compiled between a low and high levels of punishment contexts in high certainty of control environment literally considered to be smaller than in the low certainty levels. (Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen 2012) Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen 2012 the recruited workers from two financial organizations for their research project; they
  • 4. literally use a scenario-based approach so as to test how different strategies can directly affect employee compliance with information technology policies or rules. Quantitative research The key topic of employee monitoring and compliance lends itself quantitative research. This is based on the fact that the research always seeks to understand the real human behavior, for instance, the pure reason to make clear decisions or individual response to something. In this research, there is a great need for conducting an interview or also observe behaviors such as the open use of quantitative research methods. On the research, the quantitative design that was showed was the survey research. The journals seemed to be mixed up, the research questions do seem to be qualitative, but according to the researchers, they use a lot of quantitative or statistical analysis (basically using data from questionnaires) so that the questions can be answered. For instance, the research paper by siponen, Mahmood, & Pahnila (2014) uses a lot of quantitative analysis to test the particular hypotheses. This goes to the extent of indicating that the topic could be extremely quantitative. Despite that, there still are some problems that might be affecting the research design and might be the quantitative vs. qualitative decision, for example, the resulting and reluctance moratorium by the organization in allowing their workers to divulge information thus being security-related information for credibility and competence. (Chen, Ramamurthy, & Wen, 2012) Quantitative design Quantitative design that was applied to the research was survey research; a design that always uses questionnaire, sampling polls, and interviews so as to get a sense of behavior with intense precision. Naturally, this design does allow researchers to judge a certain behavior and thereafter present the findings in an accurate and organized manner. In most cases, this is usually done or expressed in percentage (%). In particular survey
  • 5. research is always conducted around a specific group or also used to compare several groups in an organization. When such type of research is being conducted it is clearly advised that people are questioned randomly so as to get the right answer for the question problem before creating a solution. This design like the way it is being displayed in the articles, it gives room for more accurate findings across a greater spectrum of the respondent, to which they were the employee who are found within the hospital environment. Ethical treatment of the human subjects According to the research, the most silent subject of the ethical value based on the human is being implicated by the use of human participants in research whereby they are beneficence and non-maleficence. Therefore the best ethical treatments of the human subjects according to the journals are the trust and fidelity. The main purpose of the study In this case, it has been proven that there is enough evidence that does increase hand hygiene by monitoring nurses and other available health care employees leading to a huge percentage in increasing compliance with hand hygiene policies or rules (basically it is the rule to wash their hands). For instance, Hill- Rom (2014) reported that the compliance had increased to 250% after a limited period of 10 months at the three hospitals that come up and implement their hand hygiene compliance monitoring problem or issue. In healthcare set up, by the use of the new technology monitoring has become more sophisticated to assists with the issue of healthcare employees failing to wash their hands when it is really needed. Based on the area of hand hygiene, there are new ideas and strategies for ensuring worker compliance. The whole research does review the technologies and strategies that are extremely effective in ensuring that workers comply with hand hygiene policies in the healthcare industry and therefore by also exploring whether those technologies and strategies could as some point be used to improve compliance in
  • 6. general point of view in some other field. According to the research, it openly states that theories can also be used to develop a firm hypothesis for testing. Based on my own point of view I strongly believe that deterrence theory can literally provide some eligible insight into hand hygiene experiences. I also believed that the monitoring act is wisely working simply because employees feel like big brother is watching and that there will be consequences if they do not perform what is being expected of them. This also assumes that monitoring devices or cameras are clearly visible so that workers are often reminded of the expectations. Research questions 1. How effective is the new strategies and techniques? 2. What are the perfect and effective ideas from the hand hygiene monitoring act that could possibly be applied to employees? 3. What would non-healthcare workers think about the exerted changes that are being inspired by the healthcare experience? These types of questions are basically quantitative in nature; this is because they involve a lot of statistical analysis. For instance, if the quantitative measures are the one that is used to measure effectiveness, automatically there could be a lot of quantitative analysis. 4. How healthcare institutions did decide on specific solutions for monitoring workers so as to ensure that hand hygiene compliance is catered for? 5. After the exact act of the implementation of the solution, did the entire institution have to change the entire monitoring strategies and plans so as to make a monitoring project to be more effective and being compatible? Sample or participants and target population According to the hand hygiene experiences, the Sample or participants and target population of the entire research generally are the employees who are working within the hospital's environment and the non-employed individuals. Baring in mind that the hospital might also employ people who
  • 7. have not specialized in medical, and treatment field; people can be employed to handle something that is found within hospitals. Examples of the participants are the hospital's guards, chefs, and cleaners. These participants must also be included in hand hygiene because they are also within the hospital premises. Implementation and identification to ensure validity in the results The identification so as to ensure that the problem of reducing or eliminating workers noncompliance with policies or rules that are basically important for small or big companies operations and security, is by determining the targeted population. Thereafter, when the population has been determining estimating the employee’s noncompliance can be easy. Based on the fact that the quantitative or statistical factor of the research is being measured in percentage; thus creating a greater room for understanding. Strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed qualitative research According to qualitative research, the strengths that are clearly shown are that all the required data are refined and complemented quantitatively. Secondly, the research provides more details information so as to widely explain all the complex issues of reducing employee’s noncompliance. While the weaknesses are findings at any given point can never be generalized to the study community or population, and also based on the fact that the study is according to the group of people, thus it makes it more difficult to analyze data. Moreover, data collection within a hospital environment is time- consuming. (Barnham, 2015) In conclusion, the whole research approach at some point would work very well based on researching the hand hygiene employees monitoring experience. The research approach would at many times involve detailed analysis and reviews to the experience of one or even more healthcare institutions. In a wider view it will generally provide the information based on the initial decisions, the problem encountered and the employees' reaction to the solution. The result of the research
  • 8. must also provide the legal information that is needed on effective or good ideas from hand hygiene monitoring that could possibly be applied to the employees or workers monitoring in general. References Agee, J. (2009) developing qualitative research questions: a reflective process, International Journal of qualitative studies in Education, 22(4), 431-447, DOI:10.1080/09518390902736512 Barnham, C. (2015). Qualitative and qualitative research. International Journal of Market Research, 57(6), 837-854. Doi: 10.2501/IJMR-2015-070 Chen, Y., Ramamurthy, K., & Wen, K. W. (2012). Organizations' information security policy compliance: Stick or carrot approach?. Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(3), 157-188. Chou, C. J. (2014). Hotels' environmental policies and employee personal environmental beliefs: Interactions and outcomes. Tourism Management, 40, 436-446. Guo, K. H., Yuan, Y., Archer, N. P., & Connelly, C. E. (2011). Understanding nonmalicious security violations in the workplace: A composite behavior model. Journal of management information systems, 28(2), 203-236. Higgins, A., & Hannan, M. M. (2013). Improved hand hygiene technique and compliance in healthcare workers using gaming technology. Journal of Hospital Infection, 84(1), 32-37. Hill-Rom (2014). Increasing Hand Hygiene Compliance with a Continuous Fully-Automated Monitoring System at Three Hospitals. Morgan, D. J., Pineles, L., Shardell, M., Young, A., Ellingson, K., Jernigan, J. A., Day, H.R., Thom, K. A., Harris, A. D., & Perencevich, E. N. (2012). Automated hand hygiene count devices may better measure compliance than human observation. America Journal of Infection Control, 40, 955 –
  • 9. 999. Siponen, M., Mahmood, M. A., & Pahnila, S. (2014). Employees’ adherence to information security policies: An exploratory field study. Information & Management, 51(2), 217- 224. ( Vance, A., Siponen, M. & Pahnila S. (2012). Motivating IS Security compliance: Insights from Habits and Protection Motivation Theory. Information & Management, 49,190-198. Ward, M.A., Schweizer, M. L., Polgreen, P. M., Gupta, K., Reisinger, H. S., & Perencevich, E.N. (2014). Automated and electronically assisted hand hygiene monitoring systems: A systematic review. American Journal of Infection Control, 42, 472-487. 034final Running head: EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE 2 Impacts of Social Media on Students’ Performance
  • 10. Rodriquez Mitchell Northcentral University 18th March, 2019 Introduction Social networking has become a common global trend which has affected almost every area of our lives. Through the various social media platforms, people can now create content and share it at a high rate. According to statistics, the majority of people use different platforms to interact and share information to mention a few. Social media on a larger scale has revolutionized the world. However, among the major users of social media platforms are students. Various studies have been conducted to examine the relationship between use of social media and students’ academic performance. This paper analyzes three studies that incorporated mixed methods of research design. Primarily, this assignment discusses various elements of the studies. The idea is to have deeper comprehension and understanding on how to conduct research. Article 1 Research problem: the study sought to answer several questions on the implications of social media on learners’ academic performance. First, the study explored the correlation between time devoted on social media and its impacts on students’ performance. Ultimately, the study was interested in examining the connection between time devoted on social media and students’ academic performance. Purpose of the study The rapid advancement in media technology has transformed the way people now communicate. The use of social media among youths has increased exponentially. Apparently, the issue of carrying phones into the classrooms has invited endless debates.
  • 11. Referring to Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) some students have become addicted due to the use of digital communication to the extent that it is almost impossible to engage in another activity. In this regard, there have been growing concerns over the possible influence social networking could have on students. As a result, the study by Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) attempted to investigate the influence of social media on the academic performance of universities and colleges students. Summary of the research question As Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) points out, the use of social media has become popular due to the development of technology in the recent past. People from all spheres use different social media platforms to share information share views and interact with other people. In line with Talaue et al (2018), students are among the major users of social media. Through observation, students have become so used to digital communication tools to an extent it is hard to concentrate on serious things such as academic. The study, therefore, investigated the implication of social media on students’ performance, especially in tertiary levels. Sample/participants and target population The sample of the study by Mushtaq & Benraghda, (2018) was from the population of university students. Specifically, students from Samuel Adegboyega University were randomly selected to take part in the study. In addition, students from different departments and level of studies took part in the research. The researcher then designed questionnaires which were personally administered. Based on the nature of the study it targets lecturers and university management Ethical treatment of the participants The study maintained accountability and fairness. For instance,
  • 12. participants were randomly selected making the outcomes more valid. Methods of data collection The researcher used questionnaires to collect information on the study. Describe the validity of the qualitative data The methodology used to conduct the study sheds some sense of accuracy. This is because the method used to analyze data shows the impact of social media on students’ performance. In other words, the study has measured the claim it purported to measure. Strengths and weaknesses of the study The study utilizes different sources from recognized authors to supports its claims. The study is not only explicit but creates a thorough connection between social media and students’ performance. On the study relies on past studies to structure its various components. This makes the results of the study biased. Article 2 Research problem: the study by attempted to investigate both the positive and the negative consequences of social media on academic performances. Purpose of the study The study was conducted to evaluate both the positive and negative effects of social media on students’ performance. Summary of the research question The internet has remarkably changed our lives. Digital
  • 13. networking allows people to connect with other people across the world. Through Twitter or Facebook, it is now easy to create and share information. Talaue et al (2018), summarily demonstrates that social networking has reduced the world to one small village. The use of social media is rapidly increasing and future trajectory shows that social media users will double by 2030. In simple terms, social media has changed every aspect of human life. Majority of students in universities are connected with other people online. According to Talaue et al (2018), students spend a lot of time interacting with other people making it extremely difficult to focus in class. This study explores the effects of social media on students’ performance. It is, therefore, a good academic source for lectures, scholars and other academicians. Sample/participants and target population The participants of the study were undergraduates of Alberoni University. They were randomly selected from various faculties ranging from engineering to education. The university has a population of about 7000 students but 371 students were selected as the subject of quantitative data. Ethical treatment of the participants The study was conducted in accordance with the expected code of ethics such as concern for other people’s welfare and with aspects of social responsibility. Methods of data collection A survey questionnaire was the main instrument of the study. The survey was designed with scale questions. However, the items of the questionnaire were adapted from the previous study. Descriptive tests were among the methods used to analyze data collected from the questionnaires.
  • 14. Describe the validity of the qualitative data The study has answered the claim it purported to answer. To a great extent, the study is reliable because assuming a similar study was to be conducted using the similar methodology, there are high chances the same data would be collected. The data analysis technique used interpreted data statistically help the researcher to summarize results. Strengths and weaknesses of the study The study can be used to guide decision making in learning institutions. Ultimately, it raises awareness of the effects of social media on the academic performance of university students. This is essential in the sense that it can encourage students to effectively use various communication tools. However, the results of the study are limited to only 371 students from one university. This makes it difficult to rely on the study’s outcomes. Article 3 Research problem: the study sought to explore the influence of social media particularly Facebook in academic performance of tertiary institutions. Purpose of the study Digital networking has become a common communication strategy for most people. The Internet has affected almost every aspect of human life. In other words, the internet is an inseparable part of human life. According to Thuseethan & Kuhanesan (2014), social media has rapidly transformed the social aspect of communication. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are commonly used by students to interact and share content. Due to widespread adoption of these social media platforms in universities and colleges, there has been great interest to investigate the influence of Facebook on academic performance.
  • 15. Summary of the research question Conferring with Thuseethan & Kuhanesan (2014) social media comprises of technological aspects that allow people to create content, share opinions and interact with people from different backgrounds. Social networking has revolutionized the social aspects of people in societies. In modern society, it is easy to share information and views and get feedback instantaneously. Sharing the same thought with Thuseethan & Kuhanesan (2014) social media has become an increasingly important part of young lives. Majority of the youths in higher institutions of learning are connected by the internet. To a great extent, the internet has become an integral component for students because through such popular social media platforms as Facebook it is now easy to gather and share information. Bearing this in mind, it becomes has now become an area of interest to explore the relationship between social media and students’ performance. Sample/participants and target population The participants were students from different universities distributed across Sin Lanka. Students who use Facebook participated in a web-based survey. The survey was carried out by 287 students’ majority of who were from science stream. The study targets the entire education sector and its related stakeholders. Ethical treatment of the participants The study collected information through designed web surveys. To a great extent, the study maintained confidentiality and researchers treated participants with respect. Methods of data collection
  • 16. Information collecting was done through a web survey. The surveys were designed to help inspect the correlation between the time spent on Facebook and the amount of time students spend in academic activities such as revising or discussions. Majority of the students spent their time online. According to Thuseethan & Kuhanesan,(2014) addicted Facebook users received low grades while the light Facebook users received high grades. Describe the validity of the data There is some sense of accuracy in the findings of the study. Conducting a different study under the same methodology and groups could produce the same findings hence the correctness of the results. Strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed mixed methods The participants were randomly selected reducing chances of biases on the study. Using the participant's responses the study compared different aspects of the study. For example, the study compared the academic performance of occasional Facebook users and students who are addicted to social media. This correlation makes the results reliable. However, the sample size is too small to generalize the outcomes of the study. References Thuseethan, S., & Kuhanesan, S. (2014): Influence of Facebook in academic performance of Sri Lankan university students. Talaue, G. M., AlSaad, A., AlRushaidan, N., AlHugail, A., & AlFahhad, S (October 2018). THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED COLLEGE STUDENTS Mushtaq, A. J., & Benraghda, A. (2018). The Effects of Social
  • 17. Media on the Undergraduate Students' Academic Performances. Library Philosophy and Practice. Assigment#3 Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) pros and cons. All written assignments are to be completed as a minimum 2 page Word document , must be typed (Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1" margins), and must be written in APA format . All sources, including the textbook, must be cited in APA format. You may use internet sources but they must be reputable (i.e. you cannot use wikipedia). Avoid use of quotation marks. You should use your own words throughout your paper to show your ability to interpret and integrate material.