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Domestic Violence
Toya Jones
Devry University
Domestic violence is a described as a pattern of threatening
or assaultive conduct that an individual uses against another
party in a relationship. The relationships are profiled as
follows; the victim and the abuser live together, dating, had
dated married or are divorced. Most of the violence is
intentioned to cause one to cede control or direction to an
The victims of this kind of violence are people from all
segments of the society. Most of the victims of this type of
violence are women, though an increasing number of men are
falling victim to this type of violence (Harne & Radford, 2008).
Statistics on the number of people who suffer this type of
violence are hard to come by since most of the violence occurs
behind closed doors though experts speculate 1 in 5 women
experience it in their lifetime.
According to Harne & Ranford (2008), experts report that the
prevalence of domestic violence is on the increase with almost
80% of shelters for domestic violence victims seeking their
services in the past 5 years. It was also reported that almost 70
% percent of the women in the shelters stayed longer and this
was attributed to mostly economic factors and psychological
Dynamics of Domestic Violence
While economic factors contribute to the domestic violence
issue, the trigger for the economic aspect of the problem is a
psychological factor that needs to be addressed in order to stem
the cycle of domestic abuse. According to Sherman, Schmidt &
Rogan (1992), the psychological factor involves an abuser
developing a destructive thinking pattern makes them believe
they have to be in control of a victim. The abuser could also
develop an unhealthy relationship that makes the abuser believe
that the victim is responsible for their good fortune or
happiness. It is this two underlying psychological factors that
create a fertile environment for the vice to be perpetrated.
Most of the victims of domestic violence are women and the
abuse traverses all age sets and social spheres. Men account for
around 14 % of the victims of domestic violence. The number of
men coming out to report violence towards them is on the
increase. Johnson & Ferraro (2000), report that this has been
attributed to the increased social awareness programs that have
broken the societal bounds that men were traditionally
associated with before. This rise in the number of men suffering
domestic violence has also been attributed to the same sex
couples. Same sex couples contributed to 80% of the men who
reported suffering from domestic violence. The increased
awareness campaign and societal acceptance is the reason for
this increase.
According to Tolman & Raphael (2000), societal expectation of
men is also a factor that has contributed to the rise in domestic
violence. The traditional patriarchal view of men that they are
masculine, strong and powerful and that women are subservient
to this view makes the risk of violence of such men higher
towards women.
There are many agencies are responsible for tackling domestic
violence. The police play a very important role in helping deal
with the issue. The police have continually been working to
improve their response and approaches to dealing with these
issues. Gender based organizations have been involved in giving
specialized training to police officers. This would help them to
recognize the victims of the violence, their response to the
violence and building partnerships with other agencies that deal
with domestic violence (Tolman & Raphael, 2000). These
organizations are also involved in creating awareness campaigns
against the vice and setting up help programs for the victims
and rehabilitation for the abusers. The organizations are also
involved in the getting funding for the domestic shelters for the
victims of the violence. They also work together with the health
service providers on getting the best treatment to the victims
(Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). The organizations are also on the
forefront of getting doing research that would give a better
understanding of domestic violence issues like its effect on the
children of the victims.Comment by Jennifer: Up to this point,
there have been no changes made, so please see your first draft
for any comments on this section.
Statistics on Domestic Violence in the United States
According to Tollman and Raphael (2000), statistics on the
prevalence of domestic violence in the United States state that
twenty people get physically abused by their partner or spouse
every sixty seconds. Experts also state that despite the rate of
the domestic violence dropping throughout the country, more
effort needs to be taken to tackle the mutating forms the vice
tries to use to hide itself from scrutiny.
Domestic violence also accounts for up to 21% of all violent
crime in the United States. The vice is more prevalent in dating
or formerly dating couples than in married couples (Johnson &
Ferraro, 2000). Younger people between the age of 18-25 years
account for up to 40% of the perpetrators or victims of the vice
Johnson & Ferraro (2000), also indicate that men have a higher
prevalence of being abused by non-spouse members of the
family than women in the United States. One in four men will
be victims of domestic violence in the United States compared
to one in three women within the same data sample. Both sexes
are however both likely to be victims of domestic abuse by
former or current boyfriends and girlfriends. Female victims are
however more likely to be victims of domestic violence than
their male counterparts based on the survey.
Women who were of college going age were also revealed to be
at the highest risk of being abused domestically from their
Johnson & Ferraro (2000), also reported during the surveys
conducted on domestic violence also reveal that victims of
domestic violence have a higher risk of getting a sexually
transmitted infection. This is because the victims of the
domestic violence tend to be more susceptible to risky sexual
behavior. They were also reported to have a higher prevalence
of drug abuse than people who had never experienced domestic
violence. Women who were in relationships that were violent
also were revealed to be four times more likely to be infected
with HIV or AIDS than those who were not domestic violence
Victims of domestic abuse were also revealed to be introduced
to sexual encounters earlier than other who were not. And thus
were more susceptible to engage in risky sexual behavior like
sleeping with strangers or multiple sexual partners and this
made them more them more prone to contract STIs.
Harne & Radford(2008), also stated the domestic violence
victims of both sexes experienced significant health concerns
that were a consequence of the domestic violence they suffered.
Thus a significant number suffered from a number of ailments
that could be attributed to post traumatic stress disorder. They
also were at risk of getting a host of adverse health outcomes
due to domestic violence.Comment by Jennifer: These are
interesting statistics. Now think about how you can put them in
context. What are we supposed to take away from these facts?
How should we interpret? How do they tie back or relate to your
Prevalence of Adverse Health outcomes among the Victims of
Domestic Violence
Weighted Percentage
Health OutcomeComment by Jennifer: If you chose to include
this chart, be clear about what the information is telling us, and
then follow it up with plenty of analysis and explanation.
History of Domestic Violence
No History of Domestic Violence
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
High Blood Pressure
Frequent Headaches
Chronic Pain
Difficulty Sleeping
Activity Limitations
Poor Physical Health
Poor Mental Health
Experts report that Native Americans suffer more rape and
assault form of domestic violence than any other racial group in
the United States (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). The victims in this
racial group also reported that the perpetrator tend to be
stranger than a partner. Most of this strangers were however
acquaintances of the victims.
African Americans suffered the highest level of domestic
violence by intimate partners than any other racial group. They
experienced domestic violence from their intimate partners up
to 36% higher than white females and up to 23% higher than
women from other racial groups. The black males experienced
domestic violence up to 62% higher than other racial groups and
up to three times more than other racial groups (Harne &
Radford, 2008). African American women aged between 18-24
years experienced more domestic violence than white women in
the same age group. It is also reported that the African Women
experienced sexual contact by the age of 17. Another
consequence of the domestic violence issue among the social
group was that women between 14- 34 suffered more murder by
intimate partners than any other racial group in the United
States. It was also reported that only 20% of the cases of
domestic violence were reported to the authorities.
Hispanics reportedly experienced a similar level of victims
between the ages of 18-24 like the African Americans. It was
however spread throughout the age groups in this racial group.
Statistics also show that they suffered 75% domestic violence
from a family member or a friend (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000).
This group also reported the most abuse in their lifetimes with
37% stating to have more occurrence of abuse in their lifetimes.
51% of Hispanics believed that domestic violence was not
controlled by the perpetrators. And analysts state that more help
is needed to assist this group tackle the problem. Harne &
Radford (2008), also reported a majority of the Hispanics
believe that one should not stay in an abusive relationship that
perpetuates domestic violence.Comment by Jennifer: Again,
these are interesting statistics, but how do they play into the
development of your claim?
You make some good points here. Now you need to work on
organizing those points into a research paper format. The first
thing you should do is start with a thesis statement that states
the problem and solutions. That will help to provide a map for
the rest of your paper. Then you would follow your thesis. Talk
first about the first problem you list, then the second problem—
a paragraph or two for each. Then go on to your solutions—a
paragraph or two for each of those too. You need to make sure
that you are moving away from just reporting data and instead
make a claim about this topic that you argue and develop
throughout the paper.
Sherman, L. W., Schmidt, J. D., & Rogan, D. P. (1992).
Policing domestic violence: Experiments and dilemmas. New
York: Free Press [u.a..
Harne, L., & Radford, J. (2008). Tackling domestic violence.
Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Johnson, M. P., & Ferraro, K. J. (2000). Research on domestic
violence in the 1990s: Making distinctions. Journal of Marriage
and Family, 62(4), 948-963.
Tolman, R. M., & Raphael, J. (2000). A review of research on
welfare and domestic violence. Journal of Social Issues, 56(4),
Your Topic Goes Here
Your Name
Your University
Your Topic Goes Here
Start with the attention-grabbing story: Capture your readers’
attention right away with a detailed story, an anecdote about the
problem, or another technique. You will explain that if this
happened, there must be a problem that should be solved.
Identify the topic: This idea lets your readers know what your
paper is about in general terms. Express the purpose: This idea
allows readers to understand the purpose of your paper.
Establish your credibility: You may have some experience with
this topic, and this is your opportunity to tell about it briefly.
You may not be an expert, but you have included the ideas of
experts in your paper; identify two or three standout sources
that lend credibility to the topic.
Emphasize why the topic is important: Few readers will care
about a topic unless you make them care. Briefly identify
effects and indirect effects that you will develop in the second
section. End with your thesis statement. Be clear and concise
about your solution and why it will succeed; start with your
solution and then identify reasons for why it will work.
Problem Analysis
Problem Analysis:This section details the history, causes, and
effects of the problem. Offer background information:
Historical or background information will put your topic into a
broader context. You will detail how and when the problem
began and continued to be a problem.
Detail causes of the problem: You will identify, explain, and
support with research the causes of the problem.
Explain effects of the problem: The negative effects of the
problem, including indirect effects, will be explained using
Be sure to include a visual, with a title, caption, and source
information. See the Week 5 Lecture for more information.
Include the visual closest to where you will explain it further or
connect it to an idea. An example follows.
Figure 1: No Child Left Behind Act Being Signed into Law,
Figure 1: President George W. Bush is flanked by members of
Congress and students as he signs the No Child Left Behind Act
into law in 2002. Source: Save Education (and GOP
Consistency): Dump No Child Left Behind (2010).
As shown in Figure 1, NCLB was signed into law in 2002 and
the image above reflects the good intentions that this initiative
engendered: the president and smiling members of Congress,
including Edward M. Kennedy, a Democrat, and John Boehner,
a Republican, along with children in front of the American flag.
Despite their best intentions, these tests have not fulfilled the
promise of raising the quality of education in our schools, and
have instead left a trail of broken promises, high school
dropouts, and no substantial returns on investment. As a result
of standardized tests, our children have been left behind and are
falling to the bottom of the heap!
Continue with Section III, where you will identify and describe
your plan to solve the problem that you previously discussed in
Section II. You will also explain why your solution will work
better than other ones, and what distinguishes it from others.
Name your solution and why it will be successful: Your solution
should have a catchy name and include two to three reasons why
it will be successful.
Also, in this section and section V, you must prove the ideas put
forth in your thesis statement, which was the statement of what
your plan is and why it is the best solution. Retrieve your First
Draft from the Dropbox to address any errors in the thesis
statement that were marked by your instructor. The direction of
the remaining sections will be determined by your plan and why
it will be successful, so be sure to look over this section of the
First Draft.
Distinguish your solution: Your solution should be unique, so
here’s your opportunity to explain what sets it apart from other
equally good solutions. What is missing from other solutions,
and what makes your solution the better option? Some solutions
may be untested just as yours is, and you will argue why these
other untested solutions won’t work as well as yours will.
Essentially you must argue that your solution is the best
solution compared to what is currently being done about the
problem, as well as what others have suggested in solving it.
The only conclusion that the reader will have is that your
solution is the only one that anyone should consider, as all other
possibilities have been eliminated as viable. Please note that
you are advancing your unique solution to the problem. This
solution may be partly based on what someone else has
proposed, but if so, you must document and cite their solution.
Do not feel compelled to propose certain solutions just because
research exists for them. Very often the problem still exists
because the solution being enacted to solve it is simply not
working, and nobody is willing to admit it.
Major steps in operationalizing your solution: Identify the
major steps that must be taken so that your solution can be
implemented. The major steps may also include minor steps, so
be sure to include those as well. This part is the nuts and bolts
of your plan: what person or entity would be in charge of
implementing the solution, what is their expertise, where are
they to be located, when exactly will they begin, and so on.
Summarize the deliverables: This section ends with your
explanation of what deliverables can be expected when the
solution is implemented.
For Section IV, or Benefits, detail how the solution will bring
about benefits. In your paper pitch, you briefly outlined the
benefits of your plan, why the investment is worthwhile, and the
materials or resources needed to start. In this section of your
draft, you will expand on these ideas, specifically organizing
your paper according to the aspects detailed below.
Offer a costs/benefits analysis: In this part, you will prove to
the reader that your plan is worthwhile in terms of time, energy,
money, or a combination of these three. A chart or graph will
show clearly that these benefits outweigh any costs. To
determine the benefits of the solution, look back at your thesis
statement at the end of Section I in your First Draft; your
benefits should prove what you outlined earlier in your thesis.
If you are using a solution that is partly based on one from
research, you will include the numbers from this source and cite
it. If you are using your solution not based on anything you
have found in research, you will have a reasonable estimation of
the numbers without the need for a citation.
Identify necessary materials or resources: Include the materials
and/or resources that are needed to make your solution a
successful reality. Look back at the previous section, Section
III, for your major steps in operationalizing your solution.
Determine what is needed if these steps are to be followed. You
don’t know yet what will be needed in the long term; at least in
the short term or to get started, identify the materials and
resources needed.
Add in a chart or graph as discussed in Week 6 Lecture. Be sure
to have a title at the top, all text in Times New Roman 12, and a
short explanation at the bottom. An example follows.
Figure 2: Cost of Current Testing System vs. Proposed Testing
Figure 2: This chart shows the cost of the current testing system
in billions of dollars in blue in Year 1 of the program, and then
again in Years 5 and 10. The proposed testing system is shown
in red in the same 3 years: Years 1, 5, and 10. Clearly, the
proposed system will save billions of dollars in the short term
as well as in the long term.
The final section of the paper is the conclusion. This is not the
area just to repeat earlier information. It will be two paragraphs
in length. End with memorable ideas and details, including a
call to action, that sell the solution to the reader.
End with contact information and the next steps: Include contact
information, which would be your e-mail address (a fake one is
fine) and how the audience should contact you. Also indicate
what the next steps would be for the audience.
Thus Section I Introduction, Section II Problem Analysis,
Section III

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Domestic ViolenceToya JonesDevry University.docx

  • 1. Domestic Violence Toya Jones Devry University Introduction Domestic violence is a described as a pattern of threatening or assaultive conduct that an individual uses against another party in a relationship. The relationships are profiled as follows; the victim and the abuser live together, dating, had dated married or are divorced. Most of the violence is intentioned to cause one to cede control or direction to an abuser.
  • 2. The victims of this kind of violence are people from all segments of the society. Most of the victims of this type of violence are women, though an increasing number of men are falling victim to this type of violence (Harne & Radford, 2008). Statistics on the number of people who suffer this type of violence are hard to come by since most of the violence occurs behind closed doors though experts speculate 1 in 5 women experience it in their lifetime. According to Harne & Ranford (2008), experts report that the prevalence of domestic violence is on the increase with almost 80% of shelters for domestic violence victims seeking their services in the past 5 years. It was also reported that almost 70 % percent of the women in the shelters stayed longer and this was attributed to mostly economic factors and psychological issues. Dynamics of Domestic Violence While economic factors contribute to the domestic violence issue, the trigger for the economic aspect of the problem is a psychological factor that needs to be addressed in order to stem the cycle of domestic abuse. According to Sherman, Schmidt & Rogan (1992), the psychological factor involves an abuser developing a destructive thinking pattern makes them believe they have to be in control of a victim. The abuser could also develop an unhealthy relationship that makes the abuser believe that the victim is responsible for their good fortune or happiness. It is this two underlying psychological factors that create a fertile environment for the vice to be perpetrated. Most of the victims of domestic violence are women and the abuse traverses all age sets and social spheres. Men account for around 14 % of the victims of domestic violence. The number of men coming out to report violence towards them is on the increase. Johnson & Ferraro (2000), report that this has been attributed to the increased social awareness programs that have
  • 3. broken the societal bounds that men were traditionally associated with before. This rise in the number of men suffering domestic violence has also been attributed to the same sex couples. Same sex couples contributed to 80% of the men who reported suffering from domestic violence. The increased awareness campaign and societal acceptance is the reason for this increase. According to Tolman & Raphael (2000), societal expectation of men is also a factor that has contributed to the rise in domestic violence. The traditional patriarchal view of men that they are masculine, strong and powerful and that women are subservient to this view makes the risk of violence of such men higher towards women. There are many agencies are responsible for tackling domestic violence. The police play a very important role in helping deal with the issue. The police have continually been working to improve their response and approaches to dealing with these issues. Gender based organizations have been involved in giving specialized training to police officers. This would help them to recognize the victims of the violence, their response to the violence and building partnerships with other agencies that deal with domestic violence (Tolman & Raphael, 2000). These organizations are also involved in creating awareness campaigns against the vice and setting up help programs for the victims and rehabilitation for the abusers. The organizations are also involved in the getting funding for the domestic shelters for the victims of the violence. They also work together with the health service providers on getting the best treatment to the victims (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). The organizations are also on the forefront of getting doing research that would give a better understanding of domestic violence issues like its effect on the children of the victims.Comment by Jennifer: Up to this point, there have been no changes made, so please see your first draft for any comments on this section.
  • 4. Statistics on Domestic Violence in the United States According to Tollman and Raphael (2000), statistics on the prevalence of domestic violence in the United States state that twenty people get physically abused by their partner or spouse every sixty seconds. Experts also state that despite the rate of the domestic violence dropping throughout the country, more effort needs to be taken to tackle the mutating forms the vice tries to use to hide itself from scrutiny. Domestic violence also accounts for up to 21% of all violent crime in the United States. The vice is more prevalent in dating or formerly dating couples than in married couples (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). Younger people between the age of 18-25 years account for up to 40% of the perpetrators or victims of the vice Johnson & Ferraro (2000), also indicate that men have a higher prevalence of being abused by non-spouse members of the family than women in the United States. One in four men will be victims of domestic violence in the United States compared to one in three women within the same data sample. Both sexes are however both likely to be victims of domestic abuse by former or current boyfriends and girlfriends. Female victims are however more likely to be victims of domestic violence than their male counterparts based on the survey. Women who were of college going age were also revealed to be at the highest risk of being abused domestically from their partners. Johnson & Ferraro (2000), also reported during the surveys conducted on domestic violence also reveal that victims of domestic violence have a higher risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection. This is because the victims of the
  • 5. domestic violence tend to be more susceptible to risky sexual behavior. They were also reported to have a higher prevalence of drug abuse than people who had never experienced domestic violence. Women who were in relationships that were violent also were revealed to be four times more likely to be infected with HIV or AIDS than those who were not domestic violence victims. Victims of domestic abuse were also revealed to be introduced to sexual encounters earlier than other who were not. And thus were more susceptible to engage in risky sexual behavior like sleeping with strangers or multiple sexual partners and this made them more them more prone to contract STIs. Harne & Radford(2008), also stated the domestic violence victims of both sexes experienced significant health concerns that were a consequence of the domestic violence they suffered. Thus a significant number suffered from a number of ailments that could be attributed to post traumatic stress disorder. They also were at risk of getting a host of adverse health outcomes due to domestic violence.Comment by Jennifer: These are interesting statistics. Now think about how you can put them in context. What are we supposed to take away from these facts? How should we interpret? How do they tie back or relate to your claim/argument? Prevalence of Adverse Health outcomes among the Victims of Domestic Violence Weighted Percentage Health OutcomeComment by Jennifer: If you chose to include this chart, be clear about what the information is telling us, and then follow it up with plenty of analysis and explanation. History of Domestic Violence No History of Domestic Violence
  • 6. Asthma 24 14 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 13.6 7 Diabetes 14 11 High Blood Pressure 28 29 Frequent Headaches 29 15 Chronic Pain 28 16 Difficulty Sleeping 39 21 Activity Limitations 35 19 Poor Physical Health 7 2
  • 7. Poor Mental Health 3 1 Experts report that Native Americans suffer more rape and assault form of domestic violence than any other racial group in the United States (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). The victims in this racial group also reported that the perpetrator tend to be stranger than a partner. Most of this strangers were however acquaintances of the victims. African Americans suffered the highest level of domestic violence by intimate partners than any other racial group. They experienced domestic violence from their intimate partners up to 36% higher than white females and up to 23% higher than women from other racial groups. The black males experienced domestic violence up to 62% higher than other racial groups and up to three times more than other racial groups (Harne & Radford, 2008). African American women aged between 18-24 years experienced more domestic violence than white women in the same age group. It is also reported that the African Women experienced sexual contact by the age of 17. Another consequence of the domestic violence issue among the social group was that women between 14- 34 suffered more murder by intimate partners than any other racial group in the United States. It was also reported that only 20% of the cases of domestic violence were reported to the authorities. Hispanics reportedly experienced a similar level of victims between the ages of 18-24 like the African Americans. It was however spread throughout the age groups in this racial group. Statistics also show that they suffered 75% domestic violence from a family member or a friend (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000).
  • 8. This group also reported the most abuse in their lifetimes with 37% stating to have more occurrence of abuse in their lifetimes. 51% of Hispanics believed that domestic violence was not controlled by the perpetrators. And analysts state that more help is needed to assist this group tackle the problem. Harne & Radford (2008), also reported a majority of the Hispanics believe that one should not stay in an abusive relationship that perpetuates domestic violence.Comment by Jennifer: Again, these are interesting statistics, but how do they play into the development of your claim? Toya, You make some good points here. Now you need to work on organizing those points into a research paper format. The first thing you should do is start with a thesis statement that states the problem and solutions. That will help to provide a map for the rest of your paper. Then you would follow your thesis. Talk first about the first problem you list, then the second problem— a paragraph or two for each. Then go on to your solutions—a paragraph or two for each of those too. You need to make sure that you are moving away from just reporting data and instead make a claim about this topic that you argue and develop throughout the paper.
  • 9. References Sherman, L. W., Schmidt, J. D., & Rogan, D. P. (1992). Policing domestic violence: Experiments and dilemmas. New York: Free Press [u.a.. Harne, L., & Radford, J. (2008). Tackling domestic violence. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Johnson, M. P., & Ferraro, K. J. (2000). Research on domestic violence in the 1990s: Making distinctions. Journal of Marriage and Family, 62(4), 948-963. Tolman, R. M., & Raphael, J. (2000). A review of research on welfare and domestic violence. Journal of Social Issues, 56(4), 655-682. Running head: YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE1 YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE8 Your Topic Goes Here
  • 10. Your Name Your University Your Topic Goes Here Start with the attention-grabbing story: Capture your readers’ attention right away with a detailed story, an anecdote about the problem, or another technique. You will explain that if this happened, there must be a problem that should be solved. Identify the topic: This idea lets your readers know what your paper is about in general terms. Express the purpose: This idea allows readers to understand the purpose of your paper. Establish your credibility: You may have some experience with this topic, and this is your opportunity to tell about it briefly. You may not be an expert, but you have included the ideas of experts in your paper; identify two or three standout sources that lend credibility to the topic. Emphasize why the topic is important: Few readers will care about a topic unless you make them care. Briefly identify effects and indirect effects that you will develop in the second section. End with your thesis statement. Be clear and concise about your solution and why it will succeed; start with your solution and then identify reasons for why it will work. Problem Analysis Problem Analysis:This section details the history, causes, and effects of the problem. Offer background information: Historical or background information will put your topic into a broader context. You will detail how and when the problem began and continued to be a problem. Detail causes of the problem: You will identify, explain, and support with research the causes of the problem. Explain effects of the problem: The negative effects of the problem, including indirect effects, will be explained using research. Be sure to include a visual, with a title, caption, and source information. See the Week 5 Lecture for more information. Include the visual closest to where you will explain it further or
  • 11. connect it to an idea. An example follows. Figure 1: No Child Left Behind Act Being Signed into Law, 2002 Figure 1: President George W. Bush is flanked by members of Congress and students as he signs the No Child Left Behind Act into law in 2002. Source: Save Education (and GOP Consistency): Dump No Child Left Behind (2010). As shown in Figure 1, NCLB was signed into law in 2002 and the image above reflects the good intentions that this initiative engendered: the president and smiling members of Congress, including Edward M. Kennedy, a Democrat, and John Boehner, a Republican, along with children in front of the American flag. Despite their best intentions, these tests have not fulfilled the promise of raising the quality of education in our schools, and have instead left a trail of broken promises, high school dropouts, and no substantial returns on investment. As a result of standardized tests, our children have been left behind and are falling to the bottom of the heap! Solution Continue with Section III, where you will identify and describe your plan to solve the problem that you previously discussed in Section II. You will also explain why your solution will work better than other ones, and what distinguishes it from others. Name your solution and why it will be successful: Your solution should have a catchy name and include two to three reasons why
  • 12. it will be successful. Also, in this section and section V, you must prove the ideas put forth in your thesis statement, which was the statement of what your plan is and why it is the best solution. Retrieve your First Draft from the Dropbox to address any errors in the thesis statement that were marked by your instructor. The direction of the remaining sections will be determined by your plan and why it will be successful, so be sure to look over this section of the First Draft. Distinguish your solution: Your solution should be unique, so here’s your opportunity to explain what sets it apart from other equally good solutions. What is missing from other solutions, and what makes your solution the better option? Some solutions may be untested just as yours is, and you will argue why these other untested solutions won’t work as well as yours will. Essentially you must argue that your solution is the best solution compared to what is currently being done about the problem, as well as what others have suggested in solving it. The only conclusion that the reader will have is that your solution is the only one that anyone should consider, as all other possibilities have been eliminated as viable. Please note that you are advancing your unique solution to the problem. This solution may be partly based on what someone else has proposed, but if so, you must document and cite their solution. Do not feel compelled to propose certain solutions just because
  • 13. research exists for them. Very often the problem still exists because the solution being enacted to solve it is simply not working, and nobody is willing to admit it. Major steps in operationalizing your solution: Identify the major steps that must be taken so that your solution can be implemented. The major steps may also include minor steps, so be sure to include those as well. This part is the nuts and bolts of your plan: what person or entity would be in charge of implementing the solution, what is their expertise, where are they to be located, when exactly will they begin, and so on. Summarize the deliverables: This section ends with your explanation of what deliverables can be expected when the solution is implemented. Benefits For Section IV, or Benefits, detail how the solution will bring about benefits. In your paper pitch, you briefly outlined the benefits of your plan, why the investment is worthwhile, and the materials or resources needed to start. In this section of your draft, you will expand on these ideas, specifically organizing your paper according to the aspects detailed below. Offer a costs/benefits analysis: In this part, you will prove to the reader that your plan is worthwhile in terms of time, energy, money, or a combination of these three. A chart or graph will show clearly that these benefits outweigh any costs. To
  • 14. determine the benefits of the solution, look back at your thesis statement at the end of Section I in your First Draft; your benefits should prove what you outlined earlier in your thesis. If you are using a solution that is partly based on one from research, you will include the numbers from this source and cite it. If you are using your solution not based on anything you have found in research, you will have a reasonable estimation of the numbers without the need for a citation. Identify necessary materials or resources: Include the materials and/or resources that are needed to make your solution a successful reality. Look back at the previous section, Section III, for your major steps in operationalizing your solution. Determine what is needed if these steps are to be followed. You don’t know yet what will be needed in the long term; at least in the short term or to get started, identify the materials and resources needed. Add in a chart or graph as discussed in Week 6 Lecture. Be sure to have a title at the top, all text in Times New Roman 12, and a short explanation at the bottom. An example follows. Figure 2: Cost of Current Testing System vs. Proposed Testing System Figure 2: This chart shows the cost of the current testing system
  • 15. in billions of dollars in blue in Year 1 of the program, and then again in Years 5 and 10. The proposed testing system is shown in red in the same 3 years: Years 1, 5, and 10. Clearly, the proposed system will save billions of dollars in the short term as well as in the long term. Conclusion The final section of the paper is the conclusion. This is not the area just to repeat earlier information. It will be two paragraphs in length. End with memorable ideas and details, including a call to action, that sell the solution to the reader. End with contact information and the next steps: Include contact information, which would be your e-mail address (a fake one is fine) and how the audience should contact you. Also indicate what the next steps would be for the audience. Thus Section I Introduction, Section II Problem Analysis, Section III