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p. 8-16

A Good Place to Begin at the Church: StartingPoint p. 5
Holy Week and Easter Worship p. 17	
Chemical Engineer Ministers through Art at Munger Place Church p. 22

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The Tower | SPRING 2014


8:30, 9:30 & 11:00 am


5 Ways to Worship

Traditional Worship

Editor’s Letter


Contemporary Worship

Wesley Hall
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Sunday, 9:30 & 11:00 am


A Teaching Service
Room 120
Sunday, 11:00 am

Cox Chapel

Munger Place Church

8:30 am Communion
11:00 am Liturgy & Sacrament

5200 Bryan Street
Sunday, 9:30 & 11:00 am

Communion & Liturgy Service

Contemporary Worship

See for live streaming worship options and links to sermon archives.

This issue of The Tower includes a special Lenten Devotional (p. 8-16) that begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and
concludes on Easter Sunday, April 20. Additional interactive opportunities can be found at The
devotional will challenge and inspire you with Scripture, reflection questions, and opportunities to take action with your
faith by using your gifts to serve both inside and outside the church. Articles throughout this magazine highlight ways
to serve, including some that are not as well known as others.
Jesus came to serve and he calls us to do the same. Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 2:4-5, “Don’t look after your own
interests, but focus on the interest of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”
I can’t help but think of my Great-Uncle Lynn when I read this Scripture. He spent countless hours volunteering through
his church. He was a humble man of few words, so I wasn’t exactly sure how he spent his volunteer time. After Lynn
passed away, his pastor revealed that my great-uncle’s behind-the-scenes service to the church had a lasting ripple
effect. Those he served to and with didn’t always recall everything he said or did, but they remembered how Lynn made
them feel because of how he served. I didn’t recognize it at the time, but I now understand that Lynn wasn’t much of
a talker because his gifts included being a good listener and a man of action. I learned from Lynn that serving with a
Christ-like attitude is more important than an obvious skill set.
Serving not only helps others, but it makes us more like Jesus. Go online to to discover how you can
use your gifts, talents and abilities to serve.

Emergency and Crisis Calls:
The Congregational Care staff is available to serve you 24 hours a day. Ministers can be
reached at the church during regular office hours. After 5:00 pm, please call the church’s
emergency after-hours phone number of 214.802.1807.

Kari Milam, Editor of The Tower

The mission of Highland Park United Methodist Church is to
help people become deeply devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

20 | Adult Sunday Morning Classes:
A Glimpse into Serving as a Lay Leader

04 | A Letter from Rev. Paul Rasmussen

Join the conversation.

05 | A Good Place to Begin at Church:

06 | Life Resources: Lenten Studies & Events
07 | Stations of the Cross

Highland Park United Methodist Church
3300 Mockingbird Lane | Dallas, TX 75205
214.521.3111 | |

08 | Lenten Devotional
17 | Holy Week and Easter Worship
18 | The HPUMC Donation Drop:
Volunteer Your Time & Donate Treasures

The Tower (USPS #021324) is published quarterly by Highland Park United Methodist Church, 3300 Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75205-2327. Periodicals Postage at Dallas, TX.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Tower MAGAZINE, 3300 Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75205-2327.
©2014 Highland Park United Methodist Church

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19 | Family Ministries Volunteer Spotlight:
Todd & Emily Massey

22 | Chemical Engineer Ministers through Art at
Munger Place Church

23 | Caring Ministry: Help Members
Stay Connected to Church

24 | Special Needs Volunteer:
Unsung Hero Serves Behind the Scenes

25 | Volunteers Share Gift of Music with HPUMC’s
Porter Memorial Carillon

26 | Altar Guild Volunteers Serve Important
Role with Worship

27 | Project Center Volunteers Assist the Church
in a Variety of Ways

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The Tower | SPRING 2014



A Letter from Rev. Paul Rasmussen

A Good Place to Begin at Church:

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should
wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I
have done for you… Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if
you do them.” John 13:14-17
I love Lent. Sometimes our modern sensibilities overshadow the value of this ancient Christian
season. And sometimes we undervalue Lent by reducing it to a period of abstinence from trivial
things like coffee, sweets, or Facebook. We, in fact, want you to interact with us on social media this
Lenten Season.
Now I realize that for some of us, staying away from Twitter for 40 days can really be life changing.
But there’s so much more to this sacred season than we usually appreciate. Lent can be the catalyst
for profound spiritual renewal when we focus less on a small change in our own life, and more on what
just might be a huge change on the life of somebody else.
Think about it. In the days leading up to his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus talked a lot about serving one
another. In fact, on the very night before Jesus died, he served his followers by washing their feet. He
was sending out a clear message to his disciples...even in your own time of need, think of others first.
Lent is the perfect time to utilize the spiritual gifts God has given you to help someone else. It’s a
great time to leverage your own blessings for someone other than you. We have all been given talents,
gifts, and graces. And the simple act of sharing them with others has great power to break down
barriers and unexpectedly open hearts. Because Jesus loved people, he served them as a way of
expressing his love for them.
This Lent, I’d like to invite you to join me in working through our Lenten Devotional that’s included
in this issue of The Tower and the interactive content you can find at You’ll have the
opportunity to reflect on your relationship with Christ, pray deeply, renew your spiritual vitality and
get involved in serving.

hour, which also includes time for
questions and face time with some of
our staff. No formality is necessary—
come casual!
Refreshments are
served, and you’ll receive a folder
chock-full of information.
At each session of StartingPoint, the
group averages 45 lay people, 10
staff and clergy, and several loyal
Lauri Lueder, director of GroupLife, talks about the history of HPUMC in StartingPoint.
volunteers. An optional tour of the
campus is held after the session, and KidCare is
ould you like to get more involved at the church
offered as well as a supervised activity for older kids.
but don’t know where to begin? Whether you’re a
More than 1,000 folks have already attended
visitor or member, we invite you to attend StartingPoint,
StartingPoint, and we invite you to come and bring
which is held on the first Sunday of every month from
a friend. You’ll leave with a new perspective on your
4:00 to 5:00 pm in Room 120.
church and be personally challenged to continue to








build on the amazing legacy started nearly 100 years
ago here at 3300 Mockingbird Lane.

StartingPoint as the trailhead where a path
begins. StartingPoint is an informal session
that provides a comprehensive look at what
HPUMC is all about. What is the church’s rich
history? What resources are available to fulfill
our church’s mission? What is the mission?
How do I join HPUMC?


We have a segment on Methodism, the history of
HPUMC, what membership is all about, and a short
video that brings the vows of membership to life
through the eyes of folks in our congregation.

Rev. Paul Rasmussen
Senior Minister of HPUMC

You’ll have time to consider how you can volunteer, how
you can connect to others in meaningful ways, who
to turn to when your family is in need of care, how to
pledge, and how to join. You’ll learn all this in one short

CATHY CHAPMAN has been on
staff at HPUMC for seven years
and a church member for six.
She met her husband, Davis, at
HPUMC and they were married in
Cox Chapel. They have a cat and
dog and enjoy traveling to Atlanta
to visit two daughters, a new granddaughter and extended family.Cathy
enjoys serving in Stephen Ministry,
a one-to-one lay caring ministry.

Cathy Chapman, Membership Coordinator, 214.523.2122
Register online at:

Paul Jr., Ashley, Luke, Paul & Arden Rasmussen

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The Tower | SPRING 2014



Life Resources: Lenten Studies & Events

The Stations of the Cross at HPUMC

Lent is a time to renew and deepen
our faith, and Life Resources
offers several studies to help you
on that journey.

Register online at:

Lenten Study
24 Hours That Changed the World
No single event in human history has received
more attention than the suffering and
crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. In this study:
Walk with Jesus on his final day. Sit beside
him at the Last Supper. Pray with him in
Gethsemane. Follow him to the cross. Desert
him. Deny him. Experience the Resurrection.
Two Different Sessions:

Women’s Bible Fellowship:
Spring Study - The Cross
The study is designed to bring us to the heart
of the cross with an understanding of what was
accomplished there on our behalf.

Mondays, March 3 - May 19
7:00–8:15 am, HPUMC, Room 241
$8 per person

Fat Tuesday Feast
A Theology of Food Event
Join your church family as we begin the season
of Lent together. Mark Stamm, professor of
Christian Worship at SMU’s Perkins School
of Theology, and Erin Williams, director of
HPUMC’s Adult Ministry, will be your hosts at
a feast preparing us for the important 40 days
before Easter. Dinner will be served in Great
Hall before a lecture and table discussion.

1. Open to men and women
Tuesdays, March 4 - April 15
6:30–7:45 pm, HPUMC, Room 387
$15 per person
Led by Ramsey Burke Patton
2. HPUMC Women’s Bible Study
Thursdays, March 13 - April 24
9:30–11:00 am, HPUMC, Room 386
$15 per person
Led by Rev. Susan Robb


he devotion of the Stations of the Cross originated in
the late 4th century when pilgrims flocked from all
parts of the world to visit the land of Jesus. Heading the list
of places they visited was the Church of the Holy Sepulcher,
which had been built by the Emperor Constantine in 335
AD atop Calvary and the tomb of Jesus.
Over the years, the route of pilgrim processions—beginning
at the ruins of the Fortress Antonia and ending at the church
of the Holy Sepulcher—was accepted as the way that Jesus
went to his death. It was known as the “Via Dolorosa,”
the “Sorrowful Way.” Today, it winds through the crowded
areas of Jerusalem’s Old City, and pilgrims still travel it
in prayer. “Stations” developed on this venerable route as
early pilgrims honored places where specific incidents took
place as Jesus went to Calvary.
What matters most in the Stations of the Cross is to follow
Jesus Christ in his passion and to see ourselves mirrored in
him. To face life’s dark side in ourselves and in our world,
we need images of hope. By accompanying him on the Way
of the Cross, we gain his courageous patience and learn to
trust in God.

Women’s Lent Study

Cox Chapel will be open for individuals for a
self-guided experience. Stations of the Cross
“Follow Me” booklets will be available.

Ash Wednesday, March 5 - Good Friday, April 18

All women are invited to study the life and
suffering of Jesus and discuss how it relates
to our lives today.

Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–8:00 pm
(not available during memorial services)

Thursdays, March 6- April 10
Noon–1:00 pm, HPUMC, Room 362
Free; Just bring your Bible
Led by Ramsey Burke Patton and Erin Williams

Saturdays, 7:00 am–7:00 pm
(not available during memorial services & weddings)
Sundays, 7:00 am–7:00 pm
(not available during worship services)

Tuesday, March 4
6:00–8:00 pm, HPUMC, Great Hall
$15 per person

Stations of the Cross Service in Cox Chapel

Interior of HPUMC Cox Chapel

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Experience the Stations of the Cross
at HPUMC this Lenten Season in
Cox Chapel

Wednesday, April 16
6:00–7:00 pm
Led by Rev. Barbara Marcum
Music by Chris Brunt

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The Tower | SPRING 2014



Wednesday, March 5 – Saturday, March 8

We invite you to read the Scripture, ask
the daily questions, do the action items
and check the page for
fun interactive stuff, including the Word of
the Week.

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:19-20

A C T I O N : Clean out your closets, drawers,
attics or garages and give the earthly treasures
you can live without to those in need. Bring
those items to the Donation Drop at the
church to give them new life. Collection bins
and clothes racks can be found just inside the
doors of the Wallace Building during the week
and on Sunday morning. (See p. 18 to learn
more about the Donation Drop.)

WORD: Treasure


he Season of Lent is commonly confused with
40 days of self-improvement. We ask ourselves
what we can get rid of to help us live a better
life. We avoid certain foods, refuse to cuss, drink more
water, etc. in an effort to suffer or be uncomfortable
for an extended period of time. However, observing
Lent is meant to be a very positive experience. This
season is a time to look inward, pray, and sacrifice with
God in mind. Yes, there is self-denial, but the end goal
of Lent is deeper communion with God and a greater
awareness of his love in our lives.
You’re invited to a new Lenten experience. During these
next 40 days, we hope you will journey with us to the
cross. You will learn about the season of Lent, read
Scriptures that challenge and inspire you, ask yourself
questions, and have the opportunity to take action in
your faith. Our prayer is that God will transform your
life, and you will be ready and eager to experience the
joy of Easter Sunday.

FACT: The ashes placed on people’s foreheads on Ash
Wednesday are the remains of burned palm branches
from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Ashes symbolize
both human mortality (Genesis 1:7) and repentance of sin
(Job 42:6).
Initially, ashes were sprinkled over people’s heads on
Ash Wednesday. Now they are traditionally placed on our
foreheads in the shape of a cross.

Join us for Ash Wednesday worship services in the
Sanctuary today at noon and 7:00 pm.

What do you think is the difference between earthly
and heavenly treasures?

Lent is meant for inward reflection and deeper
communion with God. Does your Lenten practice
revolve around you alone, or does it lead you closer
to God?

A C T I O N : Consider a way you can serve
guests and visitors to the church. You can help
people find parking, welcome them to worship,
or help us follow up with visitors. Contact
Mary Ann Hoover at to
sign up for one Sunday during Lent.

For an interactive Lenten experience, go to :

How might you pursue heavenly treasures the next 40
days? What would that look like in your life and/or the
life of your family?

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Sunday, March 9 - Saturday, March 15

Sunday, March 16 – Saturday, March 22

A C T I O N : Give up one meal a day this week
or one meal a week during Lent. Donate the
money you might have spent on those meals to
bless others. Give online at
outreach. Use the time you would have spent
eating to pray or read the Bible.

What tempts you away from a relationship with God?

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:1-11

What things do you do “in the light” that you think are
pleasing to God?

WORD: Temptation
FACT: The 40 days of Lent represent the time Jesus
spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of
Satan and preparing to begin his ministry. The 40 days
also have roots in Old Testament times. Moses stayed
on Mount Sinai with God for 40 days, and God’s people,
the Israelites, wandered in the desert for 40 years after
being delivered from slavery under the Egyptians.

Do you believe Jesus came to save you?

In John 3:19-21, Jesus says that some people love
darkness rather than light. Why do you think that is?

What “darkness” do you experience in your life? What
things are difficult, and/or what things would you
rather not anyone know about?

A C T I O N : Join us for local outreach
opportunities on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this Spring Break week! Find out
details at:

Do you ever take time away from the busyness of
life to be by yourself to pray, reflect, and spend time
with God?

What do you think it means that God came to save
the world?

A C T I O N : Make a list of new ways you can
bring light into the darkness you experience
in your life. Choose and act on one per week
for the remainder of Lent. Perhaps those are
habits you can form during Lent that would
bring light into your life as you leave the
Lenten season.

John 3:17 says that God did not come to condemn
the world. How often do you find yourself condemning
others, rather than loving them?

A C T I O N : Do or say something nice to
someone you find yourself condemning.
In Matthew 4:8, Jesus talks about “the kingdoms of
the world and their splendor.” What do you think those
would be in today’s world?

SCRIPTURE: John 3:16-21
WORD: Salvation

In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus rejects what the devil offers
him because he is totally dependent on God for
fulfillment. What do you depend on for fulfillment?

In Matthew 4:4, Jesus says, “One does not live by
bread alone, but by every word that comes from the
mouth of God.” What would that look like in your life?

FACT: Sundays are not included in the 40 days of
Lent because they are considered feast days, or
“mini-Easters.” They are a glimpse into what is to come,
the joy of Easter, and they temper the more somber
observance of the 40 days.

What would you eat after fasting for 40 days?

A C T I O N : Pray for those who do not have
enough to eat today and every other day.
Pray for those in your life who you know are
struggling with temptation.

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A C T I O N : Read this week’s Scripture two or
three more times. What stands out to you that
might not have the first time you read it? Do
the words now hold a different meaning for
you? Consider this exercise of re-reading the
Scriptures for the remainder of Lent, and even
in your own non-Lenten reading of Scripture.

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The Tower | SPRING 2014



Sunday, March 23 - Saturday, March 29

Sunday, March 30 – Saturday, April 5

SCRIPTURE: John 4:5-15
WORD: Thirst
FACT: In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare
new converts for baptism. The time was interpreted
as a time of testing, trial, and probation that ended in
renewal and restoration. Today, Christians focus on their
relationship with God during Lent, often choosing to
give up something, volunteer, and give of themselves
for others.

It wasn’t common or desirable in Jesus’ time for Jews
to associate with non-Jews (ex: Samaritans). What
do you think it means that Jesus spent time with a
Samaritan woman?

A C T I O N : Approach someone you might
not otherwise and offer them a kind word
or gesture.

Does it comfort you at all knowing Jesus wants
to spend time with you, even though you might be
rejected by others?

A C T I O N : Join us on Saturday, March 29
from 1:30 to 3:00 pm as we spend time and
play Bingo with the residents of Dickinson
Place, an affordable housing complex for
senior citizens. Contact Hillary Barnard at to sign up.

In John 4:5-15, Jesus asked a woman for some
water. Have you ever thought Jesus might want
something from you? What might Jesus want from you
or your family?
A C T I O N : Help our Altar Guilds prepare
communion one Sunday in any of our worship
services. It is a way to offer that which will
be spiritual nourishment for all who receive it.
Contact Kay Porter at to
sign up. (See p. 26 to learn more about our
Altar Guilds.)

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A C T I O N : Find a way to spend time with
others you might not normally be around. For
example, join the knitting group and make
prayer blankets for those in the hospital,
volunteer to deliver flowers to homebound
members, or get connected to our Special
Needs Ministry. Go online to
to see additional opportunities to serve within
the church.

Who do you think God could be calling you to spend
time with?

Jesus as the Living Water came to quench our thirst
and satisfy our desires. Are you thirsty for Jesus?

SCRIPTURE: John 9:1-7
A C T I O N : Donate to the Glasses
Drive (eyeglasses, reading glasses, and
sunglasses) to benefit the Haiti Eye Clinic.
Bring new or used glasses to the bins
located around the church during the
week or on Sunday.

Can you imagine being blind? What would it be like?

In what ways has God’s glory been revealed to you
through your suffering and hard times?

What do you think suffering has to do with sin? Are the
two always related?

In John 9:1-7, Jesus literally gets his hands dirty in the
mud and his own spit in order to heal a man. What
keeps you from getting your hands dirty in service
to God?

WORD: Blind
FACT: Methodism’s founder John Wesley wasn’t content
to limit fasting only to Lent. He fasted twice a week, on
Wednesday and Friday.

What is challenging about this week’s Scripture? What
hope do you think the verses give?

In this week’s Scripture, the pool that the man washes
in is called Siloam, which means “sent.” Do you think
Jesus was sending this man just like he himself was
sent to do the works of God? Do you think Jesus is
sending you?

A C T I O N : Pray for the HPUMC Mission Team
leaving for Costa Rica today. They are being
sent to share God’s glory with the people of
Costa Rica and the children living at the
Methodist Children’s Home.

A C T I O N : At 6:30 pm on Wednesday, April
16, adults from the congregation will sort and
test the eyeglasses collected and prepare
them to be sent to Haiti on the next mission
trip. Contact Hillary Barnard at barnardh@ to sign up.

How can you offer the Living Water to those who are
around you?

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Sunday, April 6 – Saturday, April 12

Sunday, April 13 – Thursday, April 17

A C T I O N : At 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 6,
families with children of all ages will stuff
Easter eggs for the Wilkinson Center’s
annual Easter party with the children in their
after-school program. They need thousands
of eggs, so we need lots of helping hands!
For more info and to register:

In what ways do you see or experience death, darkness,
and/or stinkiness in your life or the world around you?

A C T I O N : Write a letter of thanks to someone
in your family for the ways he/she brings you
light and life.

In this week’s Scripture, Jesus thanks God for hearing
him. Do you ever think God doesn’t hear you when
you pray?
In John 11:38, we read that Jesus was greatly
disturbed. Do you ever think of things bothering or
hurting Jesus?

What do you think greatly disturbs (John 11: 38)
Jesus today?

A C T I O N : The second home at the Methodist
Children’s Home in Costa Rica is being
dedicated today. Lift up a prayer asking for
God’s blessings on the children—blessings of
love, safety, and hope.

The same Spirit that raised Lazarus from the dead
lives in you today. How does that empower you?

SCRIPTURE: John 11:38-45
WORD: Life
FACT: Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon word “lencten,”
which means spring or lengthen, referring to the
longer days of the season. The Latin word for Lent,
“quadragesima,” means “40 Days” or “the 40th Day.”

In John 11:38-45, people came to believe in God’s
power because of what Jesus did. If people saw what
you did, would they believe in Jesus?

A C T I O N : Look at the schedule for Holy Week
worship services (p. 17). Invite a friend who
does not regularly attend church, or someone
who has not attended in a long time.

John 12:12-13

John 13:3-5, 12-15

Jesus and his disciples prepared to celebrate the
Passover festival in Jerusalem.

What kind of example has Jesus set in your life? How
will you follow him?

The crowd cried out with joy and gladness in the name
of the Lord, and a week later was silent in the face of
his persecution. How often do we serve in the name of
the Lord because we feel like we should in order to be
blessed? How often do we celebrate Jesus when it’s
easy, but become silent when it’s hard?

A C T I O N : Jesus served those he led. In
what areas of your life are you a leader? Make
an effort to find ways you can serve those
you lead.

A C T I O N : Wake up 15 minutes earlier than
you normally do and use that time to bring
glory to God. Ask God to give you the strength
to be disciplined to praise him when it’s hard.
Examples of ways to use that 15 minutes to
praise God: prayer or meditation; reading your
Bible; writing kind notes to friends and loved
ones; cleaning out a drawer in your house of
things you can donate to those in need.

Luke 22:19-20
Giving yourself is the greatest sacrifice. What will you
sacrifice for God and the people in your life?

Matthew 25:31-46
According to this Scripture, who is Jesus? What does
he seem to value?
A C T I O N : Write a list of your values and
priorities in the order of importance to you,
being as truthful and honest as you can.
Rewrite that list in the order God would want
you to.

Matthew 21:12-13
Jesus is clearly angry in this passage. What made him
angry? What do you think makes Jesus angry today?

A C T I O N : Attend a Maundy Thursday
Service and receive Holy Communion
(p. 17). Think about what you can sacrifice or
give up as you leave the Lenten Season that
would bless the lives of others. For example:
give up one or more coffee shop beverages a
week and give the money to a charity of your
choice; give up one Saturday or Sunday of golf
a month and spend that time with your family;
or give up obsessing about grades, weight,
and imperfections and direct that energy
toward making those around you to feel
beautiful and special.

A C T I O N : Think about the injustices in the
world that truly anger you. Come up with ways
you can do something about it and create an
action plan.

• H O LY W EEK •

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The Tower | SPRING 2014

Friday, April 18 – Sunday, April 20
April 13- April 19, 2014
Joseph of Arimathea gave up his own tomb in order
for Jesus to have a place to be buried. What were you
intending to use for yourself that instead you can use
for Jesus?



A Self-Guided Experience

Contemporary Worship

Wednesday, March 5 - Friday April 18

6:45 am, Arden Forest
led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen

PA L M S U N D AY, A P R I L 1 3


Regular Sunday Services

Traditional Worship

Children’s Palm Sunday Services

8:00 & 9:00 am, led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen

9:30 & 11:00 am, Garden

10:00 & 11:00 am, led by Dr. John Fiedler

W E D N E S D AY, A P R I L 16


Stations of the Cross: Viewing & Personal Reflection

Communion & Liturgy

6:00 – 7:00 pm, Cox Chapel

9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 am

Matthew 27:57-61

“Then [Pilate] handed [Jesus] over to them to be
crucified. So they took Jesus; and carrying the cross by
himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the
Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. There they
crucified him, and with him two others, one on either
side, with Jesus between them.”

April 20, 2014

See for times, Cox Chapel

John 19:16-18


A C T I O N : Attend the Easter Vigil worship
service (p. 17), hear the story of God’s saving
acts, renew your baptism and receive Holy
Communion. And however you answered the
question about what you can give up and use

What do you think it felt like for Jesus’ followers
after he was crucified? What would your life be like
without Christ?

for Jesus, make a plan. For example: give up
a personal vacation and go on a mission trip
(; instead of birthday
gifts, have friends donate items for a charity
of your choice; or spend one Sunday a month
teaching a children’s Sunday Morning Class
(contact Stephanie Logan at logans@hpumc.
org to sign up).

A C T I O N : Attend a Good Friday service, or
visit the Stations of the Cross in Cox Chapel
(p. 17). If you are not able, spend time
contemplating the crucifixion and its meaning
in your life.

led by Rev. Jeff Hall
M A U N D Y T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 17

FACT: Easter is often referred to as a “moveable feast”
because it doesn’t fall on the same day every year. The
First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. established that
Easter should occur on the first Sunday after the full
moon that follows the vernal equinox. This allowed Easter
to be in biblical proximity to the Jewish Passover.

How do you relate to the words, “Come and see” and
then “Go and tell”? How will you tell the world the
good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection?

Contemporary Worship

5:00 – 8:00 pm (come & go), Munger Place Church*

WORD: Praise


7:00 pm, Sanctuary

Matthew 28:1-10; 16-20

11:00 am, Cox Chapel

9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 am, Wesley Hall

Stations of the Cross, Viewing & Personal Reflection

led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen

G O O D F R I D AY, A P R I L 1 8


Noon & 7:00 pm, Sanctuary

Contemporary Worship

7:30 pm, Munger Place Church*

8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am
led by Rev. Andrew Forrest

A C T I O N : Attend an Easter Sunday Service
(p. 17). Take a moment to consider the
sacrifice that Christ made for us and how you
are planning to celebrate that gift.

H O LY S A T U R D AY, A P R I L 19
9:00 pm, Cox Chapel, Easter Vigil

*Our Munger Place campus is located
at 5200 Bryan Street.

100% of the Easter Offering will go to HPUMC Outreach •
• H O LY W EEK •

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The HPUMC Donation Drop:
Volunteer Your Time & Donate Treasures

Family Ministries Volunteer Spotlight:
Todd & Emily Massey


icture 10,000 items of clothing, or books, or
home décor items. Picture 10,000 small
appliances, accessories, or toys. That is how many
donated items pass through the Donation Drop at
HPUMC each month.
HPUMC partners with 30 local ministries and
organizations, each one with very specific needs.
These organizations serve men, women, and children
who are in need of food, clothing, shelter, education
or medical care. The items donated to the Donation
Drop are treasures no longer useful to our congregation
but worth their weight in gold to the organizations that
HPUMC partners with and those they serve.
Kay Peters, Ann McCoy
& Debbie Boon regularly
volunteer in the Donation
Drop. They sort through
the donated items and
get them ready for weekly
pickups from the local
outreach partners.

In reply he said to them, “Whoever has two coats must
share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food
must do likewise.” Luke 3:11
We all have been blessed by the Lord in our own ways.
We all have items in our homes we can give to bless
others, and it can be as simple as clearing out a drawer
or hall closet. But the blessing of the Donation Drop

of Community Outreach, has been
on staff for nine years. She has
attended HPUMC since birth. Her
favorite way to serve in and through
the church is to deliver donations to
HPUMC’s Local Outreach Partners.

Hillary Barnard, Outreach Ministry, 214.523.2168


mily and Todd Massey became members of
HPUMC in 1998 after moving to Dallas. In an
effort to help make this big church feel small, they
began to search for ways to get more involved and
connected. Emily’s first experience with serving in the
church was with Night OWLS (Out with Loving Sitters),
a program for families with special needs children.
Emily assisted with the planning for this brand new
ministry and soon began to serve on a monthly basis.

Stacy Beshear of Dickinson Place loaded up her van with
donations for the residents of this facility that was named
in honor of Rev. William H. “Bill” Dickinson, former senior
minister of HPUMC.

Collection bins are located outside Room 377,
and on Wednesdays a collection bin is available
under the Wallace Building’s porte cochere
from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
does not stop at dropping items in the collection bin.
We need volunteers to make sure that each item gets
to those most in need. We need your help.
Donation Drop volunteers make their own schedules
and give as much or as little time as they are able.
Volunteers learn about the different organizations in
our community, those they serve, and what is needed
to continue that service. Volunteers are also needed to
make deliveries to the organizations, which is a great
way to see the organizations in action.
The Donation Drop’s current need is gently worn
business casual clothing for men and women, or
“church clothes” as many of us call them. Each
summer, hundreds of pastors of small, remote
churches descend upon Perkins School of Theology at
SMU to take courses to become licensed local pastors.
Many of these pastors serve churches in low-income
neighborhoods or towns and receive very little, if any,
compensation. They are so grateful to receive the
clothing our congregation provides, and we are thrilled
to be able to help them and their ministry in this way.


Tower_MARCH2014.indd 18-19

Some of their favorite moments serving in Family
Ministries have been in the simple ones of engaging
and being fully present with the kids. “One of the most
important things for us is developing that relationship
with a child week after week, month after month,
and over time seeing how they grow,” said Todd.
“Seeing those kids now in Confirmation and the Youth
program and still having a connection with them is
really rewarding.”

It wasn’t long before
they welcomed their first
daughter, Sarah Kate, into
the world and began serving
in Children’s Ministry when
she was two years old.
While teaching a classroom
full of two year olds was
not working in his particular
giftedness, Todd recalls
that time fondly as an
opportunity to show his
daughter in action and
Todd and Emily Massey have made serving at HPUMC a
deed that the church was
priority. They are shown here with their children, Jack,
an important part of their
Caroline & Sarah Kate.
family. “Some of our
lifelong friends have come
from teaching Sunday school and serving in Family
Ministries,” said Emily of the added bonus of serving
alongside other families.
Since those early days of teaching that first class,
Emily and Todd have served in a variety of ways as their
family continued to grow. Whether as teachers, ministry
leaders, elementary hosts, and even Palm Sunday
actors, there has been no shortage of opportunities for
this committed couple to share their love of Jesus with
the children and families of HPUMC. Emily and Todd
currently have a son, Jack, in D6, a daughter, Caroline,
in Confirmation, and a daughter, Sarah Kate, in the
Youth program and continue to make serving a priority.

HPUMC Family Ministries
simply could not be effective
without our incredible team
of committed volunteers
like Emily and Todd Massey.
We offer so many different
ways to serve, and we
would love to have you join
our team!

ANDI FANCHER, director of D6
Families, and her husband, Dan,
have three children: Peyton (7),
Stone (5), and Graham (4). Andi
and Dan began serving at HPUMC
through the Children’s Ministry
in their daughter’s Sunday school
class. Andi loves watching the
children learn and grow in their
faith at HPUMC.

Stephanie Logan, D6 Families Volunteer Coordinator ,


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The Tower | SPRING 2014



Adult Sunday Morning Classes:
A Glimpse into Serving as a Lay Leader


ou might not know that while HPUMC offers Five
Ways to Worship on Sunday mornings, we also
provide 27 Sunday Morning Classes for adults of all
ages. HPUMC’s Sunday Morning Classes are committed
to Christian education, community, outreach/service,
and generosity. The fearless leaders of these four
values are none other than regular church members,
just like you.
Here’s a glimpse into what it means to serve HPUMC
by leading a Sunday Morning Class.
You don’t know what you’re getting into: Class leaders
all get into their roles differently, and none of them
know quite what to expect. Mike and Kathryn Selby
were asked to serve as program chairs for their class
of married couples, Commitments. “Our first response
was, ‘Wow… that sounds really challenging!’” they
said. “After prayerful consideration, however, we
decided it was time for us to get involved.” Heather and
Kyle Clift, co-presidents of one of our newest classes,
Now and Forever, evolved as natural leaders after
completing HPUMC’s newlywed class, With This Ring.
“Originally it was a bit overwhelming,” the Clifts said.
“We didn’t know where to start! Through some trial
and error, brainstorming sessions with class members,
and a lot of setting everything up with staff members
Lauri Lueder and Phil Dieke, we seem to have found
our groove!”

ERIN WILLIAMS has been on
staff at HPUMC since Nov. 2012.
She enjoys having coffee with
friends, cooking, working out, and
traveling. One of Erin’s favorite ways
to serve at HPUMC is by writing a
weekly e-devotional to congregants
every Thursday. To subscribe, email

Lauri Lueder, Director of GroupLife, 214.523.2246

You see the value of what you’re doing: “Programming
is a critical part of Sunday Morning Classes,” the
Selbys said. “Members come not only for the social
connection, but for the curriculum as well.” Elizabeth
Dacus is the missions coordinator for Impact, a
class for single young adults. Elizabeth has always
been passionate about serving others and believes
coordinating mission projects for her peers allows
her to use God-given gifts. “The value of what I do is
two-fold. One, I hope the work we do with Community
Partners of Dallas, the North Texas Food Bank, New
Friends New Life and others is truly helping the
people we serve. Two, the education component is so
important to the members of our class. There is a lot
of need in Dallas, and it’s hard to know about it all. I
hope we are informing our class and our church of the
big needs in our community.”
You enjoy your ministry: Peggy and Mack Mims are
founding members of the Roundtable Sunday Morning
Class, which was established in 1953. They have been
class presidents and held other offices several times
throughout the years. “We are so fortunate to be a
part of this church,” said Peggy. “We have served
everywhere we’ve been asked to serve, and we intend
to continue to serve where needed. Being part of
Roundtable has been an amazing journey.”
You believe others can (and should!) do it, too: Without
a doubt, current Sunday Morning Class leaders believe
anyone can lead in a position God calls him or her to.
“Being an officer has definitely strengthened our bond,
not only with other class members, but the church as
a whole,” the Clifts said. “A leadership position holds
you accountable, but it also opens up doors to really
immerse yourself in the HPUMC community.”

For the past 29 years, Doug Smith has enjoyed serving the church by teaching
adult Sunday Morning Classes. He taught at another UMC before he and his wife,
Vicki, started attending HPUMC 15 years ago. Doug, a retired CPA, shares his insights
about teaching:
What is the approach you use in teaching?
I don’t think of it as teaching as much as it is facilitating and providing material that gets people thinking.
While I focus on a theme or book of the Bible, I try to keep it interesting by incorporating personal stories,
jokes and other people’s ideas so that no one gets bored. I learned that from Rev. Mark Craig, who always
had “hooks” or sermon illustrations that kept people’s attention while he focused on an idea or theme.
What do you enjoy about teaching?
Interaction with different classes and individuals who are at different stages in their faith journey is very
enjoyable, challenging and inspirational.
Do you have a favorite Bible verse that is a staple in your life or that you draw inspiration from?
It changes, as I think it does for many individuals, depending on what is going on in life. You can’t beat
Philippians 4: 4-7 for a quick boost: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your
gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Mack & Peggy Mims
and their classmates
celebrated the 60th
anniversary of the
Roundtable Sunday
Morning Class in
November 2013.

“I always encourage people to get more involved,”
Elizabeth said. “The church isn’t a building where
you show up on Sunday—it’s a community of people.
You can take our mission to become deeply devoted
followers of Jesus Christ and help build our church,
our community. You don’t need to have grown up in
church or have every verse of the Bible memorized.
You just need to be committed.”
Members of the Now and Forever class created toiletry kits for
a mission project.

Members of Commitments share fellowship before class begins.


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Chemical Engineer Ministers through
Art at Munger Place Church

Caring Ministry:
Help Members Stay Connected to Church


ou’ll never guess who leads the 11:00 am Art
Hour for Munger’s D6 Ministry. Rachel Lord works
at a local chemical distribution company and wears
steel-toed boots and a hardhat every weekday. How’d
she make her way over to Munger Place Church? Kate
Miner and some really good artwork.

cool design, so it’s one of the best vegetables to use.
And the kids really had fun with it! We used potatoes,
apples, oranges, and grapefruits, too.”


One Sunday, children threw balls covered in paint at
a canvas that read “Thankful” every time they told
Rachel something they thanked God for. Another time,
they put out Daniel’s fiery furnace with squirt guns.

Caring Ministry maintains a connection through
personal interaction with our members who have
served faithfully through the years but can no longer
fully engage in worship or the life of the church. Some
reside at their individual homes or retirement facilities,
while others are hospitalized or in extended rehab.
And with today’s mobile society, many do not have
family nearby. Through this ministry, we share the love
of Jesus and express our gratitude for the members’
years of service as well as recognize the needs they
may have.

“I love it,” Rachel said. “When people hear about what
we do, they just think it’s arts and crafts, but when
they see it, they realize it’s a lot more than that.”
Rachel believes the key to serving in the church is
finding something you’re passionate about. She can
work every weekday in a hardhat as long as she can
come to Munger on Sundays.
“I didn’t think I’d be this involved in a church or
using art to serve, but now I don’t know what I’d do
if I couldn’t do this. Sundays are my favorite day of
the week.”
“I showed Kate some paintings I wanted to enter into
an art contest,” said Rachel. “And she told me, ‘You
should work with kids! You should do VBS.’ So I did. I
was really nervous.”

o you enjoy making new friends and helping
others? If so, you are needed in HPUMC
Caring Ministry!

Trained laypersons maintain this connection between
the church and the Caring Ministry recipients through
visits, telephone calls and deliveries of gifts and flowers.
Before Easter and Christmas, volunteers deliver gifts
and cards that are provided by the church to more

Rachel Lord uses common household items to create art. She is
shown here assisting a student who is painting with a plunger.

than 400 members. After receiving a gift, one lady
wrote, “Your kindness and remembrance of me at
Easter meant so much! I am deeply grateful for your
thoughtfulness. With great love and joy, I remember
my days volunteering at the church.”
Pat Sabin is a Keep In Touch (KIT) volunteer for
Caring Ministry. She also serves as a volunteer for
the Cox Chapel Altar Guild, Prayer Tower and Stephen
Ministry. When asked about her dedication to
serving with Caring Ministry, Pat said, “I see it all as
a part of a purposeful life and our Christian mission.”
As a KIT volunteer, Pat makes weekly/bi-weekly
phone calls to homebound members to keep their
church connection active. KIT volunteers often send
encouraging notes as well.
If you love to bring an immediate smile to someone’s
face, be part of the Birthday Bouquet Delivery Team!
On the first and third Sunday (afternoons) and
Monday (mornings) of each month, we assemble small
bouquets from the altar flowers and deliver them with
a birthday card to the recipients.
We welcome you to use your gifts for this growing
ministry to bring smiles, love and support to others!
You must be 18 to volunteer, but children are welcome
to help deliver birthday flowers when accompanied by
their parents.

Rachel’s first VBS was in 2011, and shortly after that
she began running the art portion of Munger’s Rotation
Sunday School. The hour-long program offers both
individual and group projects that are based on the
weekly D6 theme or Bible story. Attendance has grown
from 20 to 70 children.

TRISSIE OSBORN & her husband,
Phil, have been members of
HPUMC for 30 years and were
married in Cox Chapel. They credit
the church for being the foundation
for raising their three sons and
the Grass Roots Sunday Morning
Class for where many longtime
friendships were formed. Trissie
enjoys serving the church by making hospital visits and phone calls
to church members.

“I’d say my inspiration is trying to show kids that you
can do art based on the Bible, and it can be fun,” she
said. “I find joy in the excitement a kid has when he
or she creates something and wants to show it to you.”
It’s hard for Rachel to pick a favorite project they’ve
worked on, but one stands out. “One time we painted
the Feast of Levi, using fruits and vegetables. The room
reeked because I brought an onion. It makes a really

Lacy Montgomery,

Margaret Lake helped create Easter baskets that were
delivered to Caring Ministry recipients.

Trissie Osborn, Coordinator of Caring Ministry, 214.523.2245


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Specials Needs Volunteer:
Unsung Hero Serves Behind the Scenes

Volunteers Share Gift of Music
with HPUMC’s Porter Memorial Carillon

She stays busy on the phone and email with contacting
a variety of groups— like Sunday Morning Classes,
United Methodist Women’s Circles, Small Groups,
ushers, and friends. Her commitment enlarges the
circle of support for volunteers and the children
we serve. Because of Sue, more people are given
opportunity to serve, and children at Night OWLS are
cared for.
HPUMC staff members and some spouses recently served
dinner at Night OWLS. Pictured (left to right) are Jeanne
Fortson, Ann Williams, Joe B. Fortson, Sue Irish, Cheryl
Vandiver, and Karen Gilmore.


“I love everything about Night OWLS,” said Sue. “I get
to see a little bit of what’s going on with the precious
kids, make sure the hardworking volunteers get a good
meal before their long evening begins, and meet those
who graciously furnish the meals.”

ue Irish keeps volunteers moving at Night OWLS
(Out With Loving Sitters), a twice a month respite
program for families of children with special needs.
Sue greets the 55+ volunteers by name, powers their
energy level and nourishes their soul. How does one
person do all of this from behind the scenes?
Sue’s commitment to serve with Night OWLS involves
requesting and scheduling dinners for volunteers,
who arrive in Room 120 about 45 minutes before
children are scheduled to arrive. This brief gathering
time provides volunteers with dinner, fellowship, and
instructions for the night’s activities. All of this takes
place because Sue makes it happen.

Melanie Lucido, activities coordinator for Night OWLS, talked
to volunteers before a Friday night program.

Night OWLS provides parents with a night out, while
children (up to age 13) and their siblings participate in
activities at the church. The program is on the first and
third Fridays of each month from 5:30 to 10:00 pm.
Registered nurses are on hand to meet the medical
needs of the children. No special previous experience
is needed for volunteers, and training is provided. In
addition to the opportunity to host dinner, volunteers
may participate by helping with check-in, providing
entertainment, and interacting one to one with special
needs children or their siblings.

CHERYL VANDIVER, a registered
nurse, has been on staff for 15
years. Cheryl and her husband,
Roy, have been active members
of the church and the First Light
Sunday Morning Class since 1996.
They have two children, four
grandchildren, and a dog named
Ellie. One way Cheryl likes to serve
the church is by encouraging a
ministry at HPUMC for and with
those who have special needs.

Cheryl Vandiver, Director of Special Needs & Health Ministry, 214.523.2209

As Sue discovered, there are ways to serve besides
the obvious! If you have a heart for those with
special needs, or are just looking for a fulfilling way
to be blessed by your effort, go online to
specialneeds to see our volunteer opportunities.


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id you know that HPUMC is home to one of only
three carillons in Dallas? A carillon is a musical
instrument that has a series of at least 23 tuned bells
that are manually played from a keyboard. Our Porter
Memorial Carillon, located in the Tower outside the
Sanctuary, has 48 bells. When you hear a music recital
emanating from the Tower, it’s being played by one
of four church members who serve as carillonneurs:
John Acker, Mary Dibble, Carmen McMillan and
Gretchen Ryan.
The Tower houses three rooms used in connection
with the carillon, and the only access is up a narrow
and circular metal staircase. It’s 48 steps from the
Sanctuary narthex to the practice keyboard. Go up 17
more steps to reach the playing keyboard that is one
floor below the belfry. All four carillonneurs agree that
climbing those stairs is a challenge.

John Acker gets
ready to play midday
recital on the carillon
during the week.

The carillon bells, which were installed
in 1984, range in weight from 26 to
about 5,100 pounds.

“The carillon is a percussion instrument that utilizes
a delicately balanced transmission system to allow
the performer great dynamic control over the entire
collection of bells,” said John Acker, a carillonneur
at HPUMC since 2002. “The carillonneur physically
moves the clapper to strike the bell, which is bolted
to a steel frame. As the bells get larger and heavier,
so do the clappers—the low ‘C’ weighs approximately
75-100 pounds and that’s striking a 2.5 ton bell! The
carillon is also loosely akin to the organ, in that both
hands and feet are used in performance.”
“Playing the carillon is a ‘labor of love’ and a unique
way I can serve the church,” said Gretchen Ryan, a
carillonneur since 1994. “I feel so blessed, and this
volunteer opportunity has led to friendships with other
carillonneurs worldwide.”
The carillon is played daily around midday and 5:00
pm, on Sundays following the 9:30 am and 11:00 am

worship services, as well as before TowerArts concerts
and for weddings and funerals.
The Porter Memorial Carillon is one of only two
in North Texas that meets the requirements for a
concert carillon. “It is very rare for a church to have a
magnificent carillon with enough bells to be considered
a true concert instrument,” said Dr. Bradley H. Welch,
Chris Brunt, Organist/Music Associate, 214.523.225
(A keyboard background is required.)


director of HPUMC’s Music & Arts. “What is even
more remarkable is to have an incredibly dedicated
team of volunteers who lovingly provide the gift of
music to the HPUMC/SMU campus. While the carillon
is perhaps the ultimate ‘behind-the-scenes’ form of
live musical performance, the majestic tone of hymns
ringing forth over the area reminds countless hundreds
of God’s presence, beauty, and love. I am enormously
grateful to Gretchen, John, Mary, and Carmen, as well
as HPUMC carillonneurs past and future!”

John Acker, Gretchen Ryan, Carmen McMillan and Mary Dibble
serve the church as carillonneurs.

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The Tower | SPRING 2014



Altar Guild Volunteers Serve
Important Role with Worship

Project Center Volunteers Assist
the Church in a Variety of Ways

Barbara Humphries,
Beverly Bower and
Jenny Thomas serve
as co-chairs of the
Sanctuary Altar Guild.

n the first Sunday of every
month, Jenny Thomas
arrives at HPUMC no later than
7:30 am and meets other
church members in Room
103, the Sacristy.

This room is where Jenny,
the Altar Guild chair for the
8:30 am Sanctuary service,
and volunteers prepare Holy
Communion. “It’s an easy way to serve the church,
and I enjoy it,” said Jenny, who has been involved as
an Altar Guild volunteer for 20 years. The morning
routine includes preparing baskets of cubed bread
and communion trays, which each hold 40 disposable
plastic cups filled with grape juice. A communion
cloth for the altar table is chosen from a selection of
linens donated to the church.
Sanctuary Altar Guild chairs Beverly Bower (9:30 am)
and Barbara Humphries (11:00 am) repeat the Holy
Communion preparation during the hour preceding
their worship services.
“The 15 members of the Sanctuary Altar Guild move
with grace to prepare the Lord’s Table before worship
and then with speed to pick up used cups and replenish
the bread and juice between services,” said Kay Porter,
director of Welcoming Ministries. “They are our ‘holy
pit crew!’”
By the time the church bells toll at noon, usually more
than 2,000 congregants have taken Holy Communion
in the Sanctuary.

cups with the push of one button. When asked why
we didn’t get one, I said that would cut into our
fellowship time.”

A Volunteer’s Prayer: I thank

Each United Methodist Church determines how often
to serve Holy Communion, which varies among the
worship venues at HPUMC: weekly in Cox Chapel and
Munger Place Church, monthly in the Sanctuary and
Kerygma, and quarterly in Cornerstone.

the chance to serve another

For the past four years, Bill Oberthier and George
Hendrix have led the Altar Guild for Cox Chapel’s
11:00 am worship service.

year, and to give of myself in
some small way to those in
this great church. A smile to
show our love, with energy
aplenty—the task to do.
And all I ask dear Lord, if I
may, is to serve you better

“Setting the Lord’s Table is a very emotional

day by day.
Volunteers handled thousands of paper bags for a D6 Families project.

experience,” said George. “I have great
reverence and respect for preparing the
elements for Holy Communion.”
Bill agrees that volunteering with the Altar Guild is an
honor. “It’s also an easy and enjoyable way to learn
and serve,” said Bill.
Rev. Jeff Hall, minister to the Cox Chapel community,
is grateful for the work of the Altar Guild. “In caring
for vessels and paraments, they do the holy work of
preparing the worship space for us to encounter God,
whose presence is pointed to by pulpit, font, and table.
Their care and dedication to the ministry shows forth
each member’s faith, joy, praise, and reverence.”

Volunteers have developed a shared camaraderie and
help each other when needed. “Serving on the Altar
Guild is a great way to have fellowship with other
church members,” said Barbara, a 10-year Altar Guild
volunteer. “Someone from another church mentioned
having an apparatus that would fill an entire tray of
Kay Porter, Director of Welcoming Ministries, 214.523.2227
(The Altar Guilds also prepare Holy Communion for
special worship services.)

thee Lord as a volunteer for

Bill Obertheir and George Hendrix prepare Holy Communion each
week for the 11:00 am Cox Chapel service.

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God,
serve one another with whatever gift each of you has
received.” 1 Peter 4:10, NRSV


ur Project Center lives by the words of the adapted
Volunteer’s Prayer because we all love to do a
variety of work for the different departments within the
church. I am so blessed to serve as the coordinator
of the Center and love working with our dedicated
volunteers, some of whom have been with us for more
than 10 years. Longtime regular volunteers include
Mark Gordon, Dessie and Nelson Berry, Will Campbell,
Quinn Hunter, and John Watson.
The Project Center stays busy throughout the year.
Some of our projects have included stuffing thousands
of statements for the church’s business office, folding
thousands of t-shirts for multiple departments,
creating hundreds of nametags and booklets for the
Confirmation Class, rolling hundreds of Christmas
blankets for homebound congregants, assembling
countless Children’s folders for Sunday morning
worship, putting together scores of flashlights for Night
OWLS, and completing countless holiday tasks. In
addition, some of the volunteers enjoy other regular
pet projects. Every Monday morning Dessie, John and
Nelson pull the attendance forms from the Sunday

worship services. Will has a green thumb and loves
tending to the plants around the church.
The Project Center serves many purposes. Not
only do we help the church with getting busy work
completed on time, but the Center gives volunteers
somewhere that they are needed and provides a place
for fellowship where friends bond while serving within
the church. We offer coffee and treats, and many of
the church staff drop by to visit. New volunteers are
welcome at any time!
addition to heading up the Project
Center, Susan also coordinates the
acolytes and ushers on Sunday
morning and serves as the staff
liaison for UMW. She has attended
HPUMC for 69 years. Susan and
her husband, Michael, have two
sons and three grandsons. She loves
serving at the church anyway that
she is asked.

Susan Drake Rogers, Welcoming Ministry Coordinator, 214.523.0622
(The Project Center, which is located in Room 384, is
open Monday and Thursday from 8:00 am to noon.)


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3300 Mockingbird Lane | Dallas, TX 75205 | | 214.521.3111


p. 17 or

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The Tower (March 2014)

  • 1. p. 8-16 A Good Place to Begin at the Church: StartingPoint p. 5 Holy Week and Easter Worship p. 17 Chemical Engineer Ministers through Art at Munger Place Church p. 22 Tower_MARCH2014.indd 1 2/21/14 11:22 AM
  • 2. The Tower | SPRING 2014 2 Sanctuary Sunday 8:30, 9:30 & 11:00 am 3 5 Ways to Worship Traditional Worship Editor’s Letter Cornerstone Contemporary Worship Wesley Hall Saturday, 5:00 pm Sunday, 9:30 & 11:00 am Kerygma A Teaching Service Room 120 Sunday, 11:00 am Cox Chapel Munger Place Church 8:30 am Communion 11:00 am Liturgy & Sacrament 5200 Bryan Street Sunday, 9:30 & 11:00 am Communion & Liturgy Service Contemporary Worship See for live streaming worship options and links to sermon archives. This issue of The Tower includes a special Lenten Devotional (p. 8-16) that begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and concludes on Easter Sunday, April 20. Additional interactive opportunities can be found at The devotional will challenge and inspire you with Scripture, reflection questions, and opportunities to take action with your faith by using your gifts to serve both inside and outside the church. Articles throughout this magazine highlight ways to serve, including some that are not as well known as others. Jesus came to serve and he calls us to do the same. Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 2:4-5, “Don’t look after your own interests, but focus on the interest of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” I can’t help but think of my Great-Uncle Lynn when I read this Scripture. He spent countless hours volunteering through his church. He was a humble man of few words, so I wasn’t exactly sure how he spent his volunteer time. After Lynn passed away, his pastor revealed that my great-uncle’s behind-the-scenes service to the church had a lasting ripple effect. Those he served to and with didn’t always recall everything he said or did, but they remembered how Lynn made them feel because of how he served. I didn’t recognize it at the time, but I now understand that Lynn wasn’t much of a talker because his gifts included being a good listener and a man of action. I learned from Lynn that serving with a Christ-like attitude is more important than an obvious skill set. Serving not only helps others, but it makes us more like Jesus. Go online to to discover how you can use your gifts, talents and abilities to serve. Emergency and Crisis Calls: The Congregational Care staff is available to serve you 24 hours a day. Ministers can be reached at the church during regular office hours. After 5:00 pm, please call the church’s emergency after-hours phone number of 214.802.1807. Kari Milam, Editor of The Tower The mission of Highland Park United Methodist Church is to help people become deeply devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 20 | Adult Sunday Morning Classes: A Glimpse into Serving as a Lay Leader 04 | A Letter from Rev. Paul Rasmussen Join the conversation. 05 | A Good Place to Begin at Church: StartingPoint 06 | Life Resources: Lenten Studies & Events 07 | Stations of the Cross Highland Park United Methodist Church 3300 Mockingbird Lane | Dallas, TX 75205 214.521.3111 | | 08 | Lenten Devotional 17 | Holy Week and Easter Worship 18 | The HPUMC Donation Drop: Volunteer Your Time & Donate Treasures The Tower (USPS #021324) is published quarterly by Highland Park United Methodist Church, 3300 Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75205-2327. Periodicals Postage at Dallas, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Tower MAGAZINE, 3300 Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75205-2327. ©2014 Highland Park United Methodist Church Tower_MARCH2014.indd 2-3 19 | Family Ministries Volunteer Spotlight: Todd & Emily Massey 22 | Chemical Engineer Ministers through Art at Munger Place Church 23 | Caring Ministry: Help Members Stay Connected to Church 24 | Special Needs Volunteer: Unsung Hero Serves Behind the Scenes 25 | Volunteers Share Gift of Music with HPUMC’s Porter Memorial Carillon 26 | Altar Guild Volunteers Serve Important Role with Worship 27 | Project Center Volunteers Assist the Church in a Variety of Ways 2/21/14 11:22 AM
  • 3. The Tower | SPRING 2014 4 5 A Letter from Rev. Paul Rasmussen A Good Place to Begin at Church: StartingPoint “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you… Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:14-17 I love Lent. Sometimes our modern sensibilities overshadow the value of this ancient Christian season. And sometimes we undervalue Lent by reducing it to a period of abstinence from trivial things like coffee, sweets, or Facebook. We, in fact, want you to interact with us on social media this Lenten Season. Now I realize that for some of us, staying away from Twitter for 40 days can really be life changing. But there’s so much more to this sacred season than we usually appreciate. Lent can be the catalyst for profound spiritual renewal when we focus less on a small change in our own life, and more on what just might be a huge change on the life of somebody else. Think about it. In the days leading up to his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus talked a lot about serving one another. In fact, on the very night before Jesus died, he served his followers by washing their feet. He was sending out a clear message to his disciples...even in your own time of need, think of others first. Lent is the perfect time to utilize the spiritual gifts God has given you to help someone else. It’s a great time to leverage your own blessings for someone other than you. We have all been given talents, gifts, and graces. And the simple act of sharing them with others has great power to break down barriers and unexpectedly open hearts. Because Jesus loved people, he served them as a way of expressing his love for them. This Lent, I’d like to invite you to join me in working through our Lenten Devotional that’s included in this issue of The Tower and the interactive content you can find at You’ll have the opportunity to reflect on your relationship with Christ, pray deeply, renew your spiritual vitality and get involved in serving. hour, which also includes time for questions and face time with some of our staff. No formality is necessary— come casual! Refreshments are served, and you’ll receive a folder chock-full of information. At each session of StartingPoint, the group averages 45 lay people, 10 staff and clergy, and several loyal Lauri Lueder, director of GroupLife, talks about the history of HPUMC in StartingPoint. volunteers. An optional tour of the campus is held after the session, and KidCare is ould you like to get more involved at the church offered as well as a supervised activity for older kids. but don’t know where to begin? Whether you’re a More than 1,000 folks have already attended visitor or member, we invite you to attend StartingPoint, StartingPoint, and we invite you to come and bring which is held on the first Sunday of every month from a friend. You’ll leave with a new perspective on your 4:00 to 5:00 pm in Room 120. church and be personally challenged to continue to W Rev. Paul Rasmussen has referred to build on the amazing legacy started nearly 100 years ago here at 3300 Mockingbird Lane. StartingPoint as the trailhead where a path begins. StartingPoint is an informal session that provides a comprehensive look at what HPUMC is all about. What is the church’s rich history? What resources are available to fulfill our church’s mission? What is the mission? How do I join HPUMC? Blessings, We have a segment on Methodism, the history of HPUMC, what membership is all about, and a short video that brings the vows of membership to life through the eyes of folks in our congregation. Rev. Paul Rasmussen Senior Minister of HPUMC You’ll have time to consider how you can volunteer, how you can connect to others in meaningful ways, who to turn to when your family is in need of care, how to pledge, and how to join. You’ll learn all this in one short CATHY CHAPMAN has been on staff at HPUMC for seven years and a church member for six. She met her husband, Davis, at HPUMC and they were married in Cox Chapel. They have a cat and dog and enjoy traveling to Atlanta to visit two daughters, a new granddaughter and extended family.Cathy enjoys serving in Stephen Ministry, a one-to-one lay caring ministry. FOR MORE INFO ABOUT STARTINGPOINT: Cathy Chapman, Membership Coordinator, 214.523.2122 Register online at: Paul Jr., Ashley, Luke, Paul & Arden Rasmussen • BY CATHY CHAPMAN • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 4-5 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 4. The Tower | SPRING 2014 6 7 Life Resources: Lenten Studies & Events The Stations of the Cross at HPUMC Lent is a time to renew and deepen our faith, and Life Resources offers several studies to help you on that journey. FOR MORE INFO ABOUT THESE STUDIES: Register online at: Lenten Study 24 Hours That Changed the World No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. In this study: Walk with Jesus on his final day. Sit beside him at the Last Supper. Pray with him in Gethsemane. Follow him to the cross. Desert him. Deny him. Experience the Resurrection. Two Different Sessions: Women’s Bible Fellowship: Spring Study - The Cross The study is designed to bring us to the heart of the cross with an understanding of what was accomplished there on our behalf. Mondays, March 3 - May 19 7:00–8:15 am, HPUMC, Room 241 $8 per person Fat Tuesday Feast A Theology of Food Event Join your church family as we begin the season of Lent together. Mark Stamm, professor of Christian Worship at SMU’s Perkins School of Theology, and Erin Williams, director of HPUMC’s Adult Ministry, will be your hosts at a feast preparing us for the important 40 days before Easter. Dinner will be served in Great Hall before a lecture and table discussion. 1. Open to men and women Tuesdays, March 4 - April 15 6:30–7:45 pm, HPUMC, Room 387 $15 per person Led by Ramsey Burke Patton 2. HPUMC Women’s Bible Study Thursdays, March 13 - April 24 9:30–11:00 am, HPUMC, Room 386 $15 per person Led by Rev. Susan Robb T he devotion of the Stations of the Cross originated in the late 4th century when pilgrims flocked from all parts of the world to visit the land of Jesus. Heading the list of places they visited was the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which had been built by the Emperor Constantine in 335 AD atop Calvary and the tomb of Jesus. Over the years, the route of pilgrim processions—beginning at the ruins of the Fortress Antonia and ending at the church of the Holy Sepulcher—was accepted as the way that Jesus went to his death. It was known as the “Via Dolorosa,” the “Sorrowful Way.” Today, it winds through the crowded areas of Jerusalem’s Old City, and pilgrims still travel it in prayer. “Stations” developed on this venerable route as early pilgrims honored places where specific incidents took place as Jesus went to Calvary. What matters most in the Stations of the Cross is to follow Jesus Christ in his passion and to see ourselves mirrored in him. To face life’s dark side in ourselves and in our world, we need images of hope. By accompanying him on the Way of the Cross, we gain his courageous patience and learn to trust in God. Women’s Lent Study Cox Chapel will be open for individuals for a self-guided experience. Stations of the Cross “Follow Me” booklets will be available. Ash Wednesday, March 5 - Good Friday, April 18 All women are invited to study the life and suffering of Jesus and discuss how it relates to our lives today. Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–8:00 pm (not available during memorial services) Thursdays, March 6- April 10 Noon–1:00 pm, HPUMC, Room 362 Free; Just bring your Bible Led by Ramsey Burke Patton and Erin Williams Saturdays, 7:00 am–7:00 pm (not available during memorial services & weddings) Sundays, 7:00 am–7:00 pm (not available during worship services) Tuesday, March 4 6:00–8:00 pm, HPUMC, Great Hall $15 per person Stations of the Cross Service in Cox Chapel Interior of HPUMC Cox Chapel Tower_MARCH2014.indd 6-7 Experience the Stations of the Cross at HPUMC this Lenten Season in Cox Chapel Wednesday, April 16 6:00–7:00 pm Led by Rev. Barbara Marcum Music by Chris Brunt 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 5. The Tower | SPRING 2014 8 9 Wednesday, March 5 – Saturday, March 8 We invite you to read the Scripture, ask the daily questions, do the action items and check the page for fun interactive stuff, including the Word of the Week. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:19-20 A C T I O N : Clean out your closets, drawers, attics or garages and give the earthly treasures you can live without to those in need. Bring those items to the Donation Drop at the church to give them new life. Collection bins and clothes racks can be found just inside the doors of the Wallace Building during the week and on Sunday morning. (See p. 18 to learn more about the Donation Drop.) WORD: Treasure T he Season of Lent is commonly confused with 40 days of self-improvement. We ask ourselves what we can get rid of to help us live a better life. We avoid certain foods, refuse to cuss, drink more water, etc. in an effort to suffer or be uncomfortable for an extended period of time. However, observing Lent is meant to be a very positive experience. This season is a time to look inward, pray, and sacrifice with God in mind. Yes, there is self-denial, but the end goal of Lent is deeper communion with God and a greater awareness of his love in our lives. You’re invited to a new Lenten experience. During these next 40 days, we hope you will journey with us to the cross. You will learn about the season of Lent, read Scriptures that challenge and inspire you, ask yourself questions, and have the opportunity to take action in your faith. Our prayer is that God will transform your life, and you will be ready and eager to experience the joy of Easter Sunday. FACT: The ashes placed on people’s foreheads on Ash Wednesday are the remains of burned palm branches from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Ashes symbolize both human mortality (Genesis 1:7) and repentance of sin (Job 42:6). Initially, ashes were sprinkled over people’s heads on Ash Wednesday. Now they are traditionally placed on our foreheads in the shape of a cross. Join us for Ash Wednesday worship services in the Sanctuary today at noon and 7:00 pm. What do you think is the difference between earthly and heavenly treasures? Lent is meant for inward reflection and deeper communion with God. Does your Lenten practice revolve around you alone, or does it lead you closer to God? A C T I O N : Consider a way you can serve guests and visitors to the church. You can help people find parking, welcome them to worship, or help us follow up with visitors. Contact Mary Ann Hoover at to sign up for one Sunday during Lent. For an interactive Lenten experience, go to : How might you pursue heavenly treasures the next 40 days? What would that look like in your life and/or the life of your family? • ASH WEDNESDAY WEEK • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 8-9 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 6. The Tower | SPRING 2014 10 11 Sunday, March 9 - Saturday, March 15 Sunday, March 16 – Saturday, March 22 A C T I O N : Give up one meal a day this week or one meal a week during Lent. Donate the money you might have spent on those meals to bless others. Give online at outreach. Use the time you would have spent eating to pray or read the Bible. What tempts you away from a relationship with God? SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:1-11 What things do you do “in the light” that you think are pleasing to God? WORD: Temptation FACT: The 40 days of Lent represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry. The 40 days also have roots in Old Testament times. Moses stayed on Mount Sinai with God for 40 days, and God’s people, the Israelites, wandered in the desert for 40 years after being delivered from slavery under the Egyptians. Do you believe Jesus came to save you? In John 3:19-21, Jesus says that some people love darkness rather than light. Why do you think that is? What “darkness” do you experience in your life? What things are difficult, and/or what things would you rather not anyone know about? A C T I O N : Join us for local outreach opportunities on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this Spring Break week! Find out details at: Do you ever take time away from the busyness of life to be by yourself to pray, reflect, and spend time with God? What do you think it means that God came to save the world? A C T I O N : Make a list of new ways you can bring light into the darkness you experience in your life. Choose and act on one per week for the remainder of Lent. Perhaps those are habits you can form during Lent that would bring light into your life as you leave the Lenten season. John 3:17 says that God did not come to condemn the world. How often do you find yourself condemning others, rather than loving them? A C T I O N : Do or say something nice to someone you find yourself condemning. In Matthew 4:8, Jesus talks about “the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.” What do you think those would be in today’s world? SCRIPTURE: John 3:16-21 WORD: Salvation In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus rejects what the devil offers him because he is totally dependent on God for fulfillment. What do you depend on for fulfillment? In Matthew 4:4, Jesus says, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” What would that look like in your life? FACT: Sundays are not included in the 40 days of Lent because they are considered feast days, or “mini-Easters.” They are a glimpse into what is to come, the joy of Easter, and they temper the more somber observance of the 40 days. What would you eat after fasting for 40 days? A C T I O N : Pray for those who do not have enough to eat today and every other day. Pray for those in your life who you know are struggling with temptation. Tower_MARCH2014.indd 10-11 A C T I O N : Read this week’s Scripture two or three more times. What stands out to you that might not have the first time you read it? Do the words now hold a different meaning for you? Consider this exercise of re-reading the Scriptures for the remainder of Lent, and even in your own non-Lenten reading of Scripture. 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 7. The Tower | SPRING 2014 12 13 Sunday, March 23 - Saturday, March 29 Sunday, March 30 – Saturday, April 5 SCRIPTURE: John 4:5-15 WORD: Thirst FACT: In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. The time was interpreted as a time of testing, trial, and probation that ended in renewal and restoration. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God during Lent, often choosing to give up something, volunteer, and give of themselves for others. It wasn’t common or desirable in Jesus’ time for Jews to associate with non-Jews (ex: Samaritans). What do you think it means that Jesus spent time with a Samaritan woman? A C T I O N : Approach someone you might not otherwise and offer them a kind word or gesture. Does it comfort you at all knowing Jesus wants to spend time with you, even though you might be rejected by others? A C T I O N : Join us on Saturday, March 29 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm as we spend time and play Bingo with the residents of Dickinson Place, an affordable housing complex for senior citizens. Contact Hillary Barnard at to sign up. In John 4:5-15, Jesus asked a woman for some water. Have you ever thought Jesus might want something from you? What might Jesus want from you or your family? A C T I O N : Help our Altar Guilds prepare communion one Sunday in any of our worship services. It is a way to offer that which will be spiritual nourishment for all who receive it. Contact Kay Porter at to sign up. (See p. 26 to learn more about our Altar Guilds.) Tower_MARCH2014.indd 12-13 A C T I O N : Find a way to spend time with others you might not normally be around. For example, join the knitting group and make prayer blankets for those in the hospital, volunteer to deliver flowers to homebound members, or get connected to our Special Needs Ministry. Go online to to see additional opportunities to serve within the church. Who do you think God could be calling you to spend time with? Jesus as the Living Water came to quench our thirst and satisfy our desires. Are you thirsty for Jesus? SCRIPTURE: John 9:1-7 A C T I O N : Donate to the Glasses Drive (eyeglasses, reading glasses, and sunglasses) to benefit the Haiti Eye Clinic. Bring new or used glasses to the bins located around the church during the week or on Sunday. Can you imagine being blind? What would it be like? In what ways has God’s glory been revealed to you through your suffering and hard times? What do you think suffering has to do with sin? Are the two always related? In John 9:1-7, Jesus literally gets his hands dirty in the mud and his own spit in order to heal a man. What keeps you from getting your hands dirty in service to God? WORD: Blind FACT: Methodism’s founder John Wesley wasn’t content to limit fasting only to Lent. He fasted twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. What is challenging about this week’s Scripture? What hope do you think the verses give? In this week’s Scripture, the pool that the man washes in is called Siloam, which means “sent.” Do you think Jesus was sending this man just like he himself was sent to do the works of God? Do you think Jesus is sending you? A C T I O N : Pray for the HPUMC Mission Team leaving for Costa Rica today. They are being sent to share God’s glory with the people of Costa Rica and the children living at the Methodist Children’s Home. A C T I O N : At 6:30 pm on Wednesday, April 16, adults from the congregation will sort and test the eyeglasses collected and prepare them to be sent to Haiti on the next mission trip. Contact Hillary Barnard at barnardh@ to sign up. How can you offer the Living Water to those who are around you? 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 8. The Tower | SPRING 2014 14 15 Sunday, April 6 – Saturday, April 12 Sunday, April 13 – Thursday, April 17 A C T I O N : At 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 6, families with children of all ages will stuff Easter eggs for the Wilkinson Center’s annual Easter party with the children in their after-school program. They need thousands of eggs, so we need lots of helping hands! For more info and to register: In what ways do you see or experience death, darkness, and/or stinkiness in your life or the world around you? A C T I O N : Write a letter of thanks to someone in your family for the ways he/she brings you light and life. In this week’s Scripture, Jesus thanks God for hearing him. Do you ever think God doesn’t hear you when you pray? In John 11:38, we read that Jesus was greatly disturbed. Do you ever think of things bothering or hurting Jesus? What do you think greatly disturbs (John 11: 38) Jesus today? A C T I O N : The second home at the Methodist Children’s Home in Costa Rica is being dedicated today. Lift up a prayer asking for God’s blessings on the children—blessings of love, safety, and hope. The same Spirit that raised Lazarus from the dead lives in you today. How does that empower you? SCRIPTURE: John 11:38-45 WORD: Life FACT: Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon word “lencten,” which means spring or lengthen, referring to the longer days of the season. The Latin word for Lent, “quadragesima,” means “40 Days” or “the 40th Day.” In John 11:38-45, people came to believe in God’s power because of what Jesus did. If people saw what you did, would they believe in Jesus? A C T I O N : Look at the schedule for Holy Week worship services (p. 17). Invite a friend who does not regularly attend church, or someone who has not attended in a long time. John 12:12-13 John 13:3-5, 12-15 Jesus and his disciples prepared to celebrate the Passover festival in Jerusalem. What kind of example has Jesus set in your life? How will you follow him? The crowd cried out with joy and gladness in the name of the Lord, and a week later was silent in the face of his persecution. How often do we serve in the name of the Lord because we feel like we should in order to be blessed? How often do we celebrate Jesus when it’s easy, but become silent when it’s hard? A C T I O N : Jesus served those he led. In what areas of your life are you a leader? Make an effort to find ways you can serve those you lead. A C T I O N : Wake up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do and use that time to bring glory to God. Ask God to give you the strength to be disciplined to praise him when it’s hard. Examples of ways to use that 15 minutes to praise God: prayer or meditation; reading your Bible; writing kind notes to friends and loved ones; cleaning out a drawer in your house of things you can donate to those in need. Luke 22:19-20 Giving yourself is the greatest sacrifice. What will you sacrifice for God and the people in your life? Matthew 25:31-46 According to this Scripture, who is Jesus? What does he seem to value? A C T I O N : Write a list of your values and priorities in the order of importance to you, being as truthful and honest as you can. Rewrite that list in the order God would want you to. Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus is clearly angry in this passage. What made him angry? What do you think makes Jesus angry today? A C T I O N : Attend a Maundy Thursday Service and receive Holy Communion (p. 17). Think about what you can sacrifice or give up as you leave the Lenten Season that would bless the lives of others. For example: give up one or more coffee shop beverages a week and give the money to a charity of your choice; give up one Saturday or Sunday of golf a month and spend that time with your family; or give up obsessing about grades, weight, and imperfections and direct that energy toward making those around you to feel beautiful and special. A C T I O N : Think about the injustices in the world that truly anger you. Come up with ways you can do something about it and create an action plan. • H O LY W EEK • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 14-15 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 9. The Tower | SPRING 2014 16 Friday, April 18 – Sunday, April 20 H O LY W E E K April 13- April 19, 2014 Joseph of Arimathea gave up his own tomb in order for Jesus to have a place to be buried. What were you intending to use for yourself that instead you can use for Jesus? STAT ION S OF T H E C RO S S SUNRISE SERV ICE A Self-Guided Experience Contemporary Worship Wednesday, March 5 - Friday April 18 6:45 am, Arden Forest led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen PA L M S U N D AY, A P R I L 1 3 S A NC T UA RY Regular Sunday Services Traditional Worship Children’s Palm Sunday Services 8:00 & 9:00 am, led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen 9:30 & 11:00 am, Garden 10:00 & 11:00 am, led by Dr. John Fiedler W E D N E S D AY, A P R I L 16 COX CHAPEL Stations of the Cross: Viewing & Personal Reflection Communion & Liturgy 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Cox Chapel 9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 am Matthew 27:57-61 “Then [Pilate] handed [Jesus] over to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus; and carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.” April 20, 2014 See for times, Cox Chapel John 19:16-18 E A S T E R SU N DAY A C T I O N : Attend the Easter Vigil worship service (p. 17), hear the story of God’s saving acts, renew your baptism and receive Holy Communion. And however you answered the question about what you can give up and use What do you think it felt like for Jesus’ followers after he was crucified? What would your life be like without Christ? for Jesus, make a plan. For example: give up a personal vacation and go on a mission trip (; instead of birthday gifts, have friends donate items for a charity of your choice; or spend one Sunday a month teaching a children’s Sunday Morning Class (contact Stephanie Logan at logans@hpumc. org to sign up). A C T I O N : Attend a Good Friday service, or visit the Stations of the Cross in Cox Chapel (p. 17). If you are not able, spend time contemplating the crucifixion and its meaning in your life. led by Rev. Jeff Hall M A U N D Y T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 17 FACT: Easter is often referred to as a “moveable feast” because it doesn’t fall on the same day every year. The First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. established that Easter should occur on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the vernal equinox. This allowed Easter to be in biblical proximity to the Jewish Passover. How do you relate to the words, “Come and see” and then “Go and tell”? How will you tell the world the good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection? Contemporary Worship 5:00 – 8:00 pm (come & go), Munger Place Church* WORD: Praise CORNERSTONE 7:00 pm, Sanctuary Matthew 28:1-10; 16-20 11:00 am, Cox Chapel 9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 am, Wesley Hall Stations of the Cross, Viewing & Personal Reflection led by Rev. Paul Rasmussen G O O D F R I D AY, A P R I L 1 8 MUNGER PLACE CHURCH* Noon & 7:00 pm, Sanctuary Contemporary Worship 7:30 pm, Munger Place Church* 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am led by Rev. Andrew Forrest A C T I O N : Attend an Easter Sunday Service (p. 17). Take a moment to consider the sacrifice that Christ made for us and how you are planning to celebrate that gift. H O LY S A T U R D AY, A P R I L 19 9:00 pm, Cox Chapel, Easter Vigil *Our Munger Place campus is located at 5200 Bryan Street. 100% of the Easter Offering will go to HPUMC Outreach • • H O LY W EEK • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 16-17 2/21/14 11:23 AM
  • 10. The Tower | SPRING 2014 18 19 The HPUMC Donation Drop: Volunteer Your Time & Donate Treasures Family Ministries Volunteer Spotlight: Todd & Emily Massey P icture 10,000 items of clothing, or books, or home décor items. Picture 10,000 small appliances, accessories, or toys. That is how many donated items pass through the Donation Drop at HPUMC each month. HPUMC partners with 30 local ministries and organizations, each one with very specific needs. These organizations serve men, women, and children who are in need of food, clothing, shelter, education or medical care. The items donated to the Donation Drop are treasures no longer useful to our congregation but worth their weight in gold to the organizations that HPUMC partners with and those they serve. Kay Peters, Ann McCoy & Debbie Boon regularly volunteer in the Donation Drop. They sort through the donated items and get them ready for weekly pickups from the local outreach partners. In reply he said to them, “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” Luke 3:11 We all have been blessed by the Lord in our own ways. We all have items in our homes we can give to bless others, and it can be as simple as clearing out a drawer or hall closet. But the blessing of the Donation Drop JENNIFER TANKERSLEY, director of Community Outreach, has been on staff for nine years. She has attended HPUMC since birth. Her favorite way to serve in and through the church is to deliver donations to HPUMC’s Local Outreach Partners. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING IN THE DONATION DROP, CONTACT: Hillary Barnard, Outreach Ministry, 214.523.2168 E mily and Todd Massey became members of HPUMC in 1998 after moving to Dallas. In an effort to help make this big church feel small, they began to search for ways to get more involved and connected. Emily’s first experience with serving in the church was with Night OWLS (Out with Loving Sitters), a program for families with special needs children. Emily assisted with the planning for this brand new ministry and soon began to serve on a monthly basis. Stacy Beshear of Dickinson Place loaded up her van with donations for the residents of this facility that was named in honor of Rev. William H. “Bill” Dickinson, former senior minister of HPUMC. Collection bins are located outside Room 377, and on Wednesdays a collection bin is available under the Wallace Building’s porte cochere from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. does not stop at dropping items in the collection bin. We need volunteers to make sure that each item gets to those most in need. We need your help. Donation Drop volunteers make their own schedules and give as much or as little time as they are able. Volunteers learn about the different organizations in our community, those they serve, and what is needed to continue that service. Volunteers are also needed to make deliveries to the organizations, which is a great way to see the organizations in action. The Donation Drop’s current need is gently worn business casual clothing for men and women, or “church clothes” as many of us call them. Each summer, hundreds of pastors of small, remote churches descend upon Perkins School of Theology at SMU to take courses to become licensed local pastors. Many of these pastors serve churches in low-income neighborhoods or towns and receive very little, if any, compensation. They are so grateful to receive the clothing our congregation provides, and we are thrilled to be able to help them and their ministry in this way. • BY JENNIFER TANKERSLE Y • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 18-19 Some of their favorite moments serving in Family Ministries have been in the simple ones of engaging and being fully present with the kids. “One of the most important things for us is developing that relationship with a child week after week, month after month, and over time seeing how they grow,” said Todd. “Seeing those kids now in Confirmation and the Youth program and still having a connection with them is really rewarding.” It wasn’t long before they welcomed their first daughter, Sarah Kate, into the world and began serving in Children’s Ministry when she was two years old. While teaching a classroom full of two year olds was not working in his particular giftedness, Todd recalls that time fondly as an opportunity to show his daughter in action and Todd and Emily Massey have made serving at HPUMC a deed that the church was priority. They are shown here with their children, Jack, an important part of their Caroline & Sarah Kate. family. “Some of our lifelong friends have come from teaching Sunday school and serving in Family Ministries,” said Emily of the added bonus of serving alongside other families. Since those early days of teaching that first class, Emily and Todd have served in a variety of ways as their family continued to grow. Whether as teachers, ministry leaders, elementary hosts, and even Palm Sunday actors, there has been no shortage of opportunities for this committed couple to share their love of Jesus with the children and families of HPUMC. Emily and Todd currently have a son, Jack, in D6, a daughter, Caroline, in Confirmation, and a daughter, Sarah Kate, in the Youth program and continue to make serving a priority. HPUMC Family Ministries simply could not be effective without our incredible team of committed volunteers like Emily and Todd Massey. We offer so many different ways to serve, and we would love to have you join our team! ANDI FANCHER, director of D6 Families, and her husband, Dan, have three children: Peyton (7), Stone (5), and Graham (4). Andi and Dan began serving at HPUMC through the Children’s Ministry in their daughter’s Sunday school class. Andi loves watching the children learn and grow in their faith at HPUMC. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Stephanie Logan, D6 Families Volunteer Coordinator , • BY ANDI FANCHER • 2/21/14 11:24 AM
  • 11. The Tower | SPRING 2014 20 21 Adult Sunday Morning Classes: A Glimpse into Serving as a Lay Leader Y ou might not know that while HPUMC offers Five Ways to Worship on Sunday mornings, we also provide 27 Sunday Morning Classes for adults of all ages. HPUMC’s Sunday Morning Classes are committed to Christian education, community, outreach/service, and generosity. The fearless leaders of these four values are none other than regular church members, just like you. Here’s a glimpse into what it means to serve HPUMC by leading a Sunday Morning Class. You don’t know what you’re getting into: Class leaders all get into their roles differently, and none of them know quite what to expect. Mike and Kathryn Selby were asked to serve as program chairs for their class of married couples, Commitments. “Our first response was, ‘Wow… that sounds really challenging!’” they said. “After prayerful consideration, however, we decided it was time for us to get involved.” Heather and Kyle Clift, co-presidents of one of our newest classes, Now and Forever, evolved as natural leaders after completing HPUMC’s newlywed class, With This Ring. “Originally it was a bit overwhelming,” the Clifts said. “We didn’t know where to start! Through some trial and error, brainstorming sessions with class members, and a lot of setting everything up with staff members Lauri Lueder and Phil Dieke, we seem to have found our groove!” ERIN WILLIAMS has been on staff at HPUMC since Nov. 2012. She enjoys having coffee with friends, cooking, working out, and traveling. One of Erin’s favorite ways to serve at HPUMC is by writing a weekly e-devotional to congregants every Thursday. To subscribe, email TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES OR HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED IN LEADERSHIP: Lauri Lueder, Director of GroupLife, 214.523.2246 You see the value of what you’re doing: “Programming is a critical part of Sunday Morning Classes,” the Selbys said. “Members come not only for the social connection, but for the curriculum as well.” Elizabeth Dacus is the missions coordinator for Impact, a class for single young adults. Elizabeth has always been passionate about serving others and believes coordinating mission projects for her peers allows her to use God-given gifts. “The value of what I do is two-fold. One, I hope the work we do with Community Partners of Dallas, the North Texas Food Bank, New Friends New Life and others is truly helping the people we serve. Two, the education component is so important to the members of our class. There is a lot of need in Dallas, and it’s hard to know about it all. I hope we are informing our class and our church of the big needs in our community.” You enjoy your ministry: Peggy and Mack Mims are founding members of the Roundtable Sunday Morning Class, which was established in 1953. They have been class presidents and held other offices several times throughout the years. “We are so fortunate to be a part of this church,” said Peggy. “We have served everywhere we’ve been asked to serve, and we intend to continue to serve where needed. Being part of Roundtable has been an amazing journey.” You believe others can (and should!) do it, too: Without a doubt, current Sunday Morning Class leaders believe anyone can lead in a position God calls him or her to. “Being an officer has definitely strengthened our bond, not only with other class members, but the church as a whole,” the Clifts said. “A leadership position holds you accountable, but it also opens up doors to really immerse yourself in the HPUMC community.” For the past 29 years, Doug Smith has enjoyed serving the church by teaching adult Sunday Morning Classes. He taught at another UMC before he and his wife, Vicki, started attending HPUMC 15 years ago. Doug, a retired CPA, shares his insights about teaching: What is the approach you use in teaching? I don’t think of it as teaching as much as it is facilitating and providing material that gets people thinking. While I focus on a theme or book of the Bible, I try to keep it interesting by incorporating personal stories, jokes and other people’s ideas so that no one gets bored. I learned that from Rev. Mark Craig, who always had “hooks” or sermon illustrations that kept people’s attention while he focused on an idea or theme. What do you enjoy about teaching? Interaction with different classes and individuals who are at different stages in their faith journey is very enjoyable, challenging and inspirational. Do you have a favorite Bible verse that is a staple in your life or that you draw inspiration from? It changes, as I think it does for many individuals, depending on what is going on in life. You can’t beat Philippians 4: 4-7 for a quick boost: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Mack & Peggy Mims and their classmates celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Roundtable Sunday Morning Class in November 2013. “I always encourage people to get more involved,” Elizabeth said. “The church isn’t a building where you show up on Sunday—it’s a community of people. You can take our mission to become deeply devoted followers of Jesus Christ and help build our church, our community. You don’t need to have grown up in church or have every verse of the Bible memorized. You just need to be committed.” Members of the Now and Forever class created toiletry kits for a mission project. Members of Commitments share fellowship before class begins. • BY ERIN WILLIAMS • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 20-21 2/21/14 11:24 AM
  • 12. The Tower | SPRING 2014 22 23 Chemical Engineer Ministers through Art at Munger Place Church Caring Ministry: Help Members Stay Connected to Church Y ou’ll never guess who leads the 11:00 am Art Hour for Munger’s D6 Ministry. Rachel Lord works at a local chemical distribution company and wears steel-toed boots and a hardhat every weekday. How’d she make her way over to Munger Place Church? Kate Miner and some really good artwork. cool design, so it’s one of the best vegetables to use. And the kids really had fun with it! We used potatoes, apples, oranges, and grapefruits, too.” D One Sunday, children threw balls covered in paint at a canvas that read “Thankful” every time they told Rachel something they thanked God for. Another time, they put out Daniel’s fiery furnace with squirt guns. Caring Ministry maintains a connection through personal interaction with our members who have served faithfully through the years but can no longer fully engage in worship or the life of the church. Some reside at their individual homes or retirement facilities, while others are hospitalized or in extended rehab. And with today’s mobile society, many do not have family nearby. Through this ministry, we share the love of Jesus and express our gratitude for the members’ years of service as well as recognize the needs they may have. “I love it,” Rachel said. “When people hear about what we do, they just think it’s arts and crafts, but when they see it, they realize it’s a lot more than that.” Rachel believes the key to serving in the church is finding something you’re passionate about. She can work every weekday in a hardhat as long as she can come to Munger on Sundays. “I didn’t think I’d be this involved in a church or using art to serve, but now I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t do this. Sundays are my favorite day of the week.” “I showed Kate some paintings I wanted to enter into an art contest,” said Rachel. “And she told me, ‘You should work with kids! You should do VBS.’ So I did. I was really nervous.” o you enjoy making new friends and helping others? If so, you are needed in HPUMC Caring Ministry! Trained laypersons maintain this connection between the church and the Caring Ministry recipients through visits, telephone calls and deliveries of gifts and flowers. Before Easter and Christmas, volunteers deliver gifts and cards that are provided by the church to more Rachel Lord uses common household items to create art. She is shown here assisting a student who is painting with a plunger. than 400 members. After receiving a gift, one lady wrote, “Your kindness and remembrance of me at Easter meant so much! I am deeply grateful for your thoughtfulness. With great love and joy, I remember my days volunteering at the church.” Pat Sabin is a Keep In Touch (KIT) volunteer for Caring Ministry. She also serves as a volunteer for the Cox Chapel Altar Guild, Prayer Tower and Stephen Ministry. When asked about her dedication to serving with Caring Ministry, Pat said, “I see it all as a part of a purposeful life and our Christian mission.” As a KIT volunteer, Pat makes weekly/bi-weekly phone calls to homebound members to keep their church connection active. KIT volunteers often send encouraging notes as well. If you love to bring an immediate smile to someone’s face, be part of the Birthday Bouquet Delivery Team! On the first and third Sunday (afternoons) and Monday (mornings) of each month, we assemble small bouquets from the altar flowers and deliver them with a birthday card to the recipients. We welcome you to use your gifts for this growing ministry to bring smiles, love and support to others! You must be 18 to volunteer, but children are welcome to help deliver birthday flowers when accompanied by their parents. Rachel’s first VBS was in 2011, and shortly after that she began running the art portion of Munger’s Rotation Sunday School. The hour-long program offers both individual and group projects that are based on the weekly D6 theme or Bible story. Attendance has grown from 20 to 70 children. TRISSIE OSBORN & her husband, Phil, have been members of HPUMC for 30 years and were married in Cox Chapel. They credit the church for being the foundation for raising their three sons and the Grass Roots Sunday Morning Class for where many longtime friendships were formed. Trissie enjoys serving the church by making hospital visits and phone calls to church members. “I’d say my inspiration is trying to show kids that you can do art based on the Bible, and it can be fun,” she said. “I find joy in the excitement a kid has when he or she creates something and wants to show it to you.” It’s hard for Rachel to pick a favorite project they’ve worked on, but one stands out. “One time we painted the Feast of Levi, using fruits and vegetables. The room reeked because I brought an onion. It makes a really WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE USING YOUR GIFTS AT MUNGER PLACE? CHECK OUT THE OPPORTUNITIES AT: Lacy Montgomery, Margaret Lake helped create Easter baskets that were delivered to Caring Ministry recipients. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CARING MINISTRY: Trissie Osborn, Coordinator of Caring Ministry, 214.523.2245 • BY TRISSIE OSBORN • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 22-23 2/21/14 11:24 AM
  • 13. The Tower | SPRING 2014 24 25 Specials Needs Volunteer: Unsung Hero Serves Behind the Scenes Volunteers Share Gift of Music with HPUMC’s Porter Memorial Carillon She stays busy on the phone and email with contacting a variety of groups— like Sunday Morning Classes, United Methodist Women’s Circles, Small Groups, ushers, and friends. Her commitment enlarges the circle of support for volunteers and the children we serve. Because of Sue, more people are given opportunity to serve, and children at Night OWLS are cared for. HPUMC staff members and some spouses recently served dinner at Night OWLS. Pictured (left to right) are Jeanne Fortson, Ann Williams, Joe B. Fortson, Sue Irish, Cheryl Vandiver, and Karen Gilmore. S “I love everything about Night OWLS,” said Sue. “I get to see a little bit of what’s going on with the precious kids, make sure the hardworking volunteers get a good meal before their long evening begins, and meet those who graciously furnish the meals.” ue Irish keeps volunteers moving at Night OWLS (Out With Loving Sitters), a twice a month respite program for families of children with special needs. Sue greets the 55+ volunteers by name, powers their energy level and nourishes their soul. How does one person do all of this from behind the scenes? Sue’s commitment to serve with Night OWLS involves requesting and scheduling dinners for volunteers, who arrive in Room 120 about 45 minutes before children are scheduled to arrive. This brief gathering time provides volunteers with dinner, fellowship, and instructions for the night’s activities. All of this takes place because Sue makes it happen. Melanie Lucido, activities coordinator for Night OWLS, talked to volunteers before a Friday night program. Night OWLS provides parents with a night out, while children (up to age 13) and their siblings participate in activities at the church. The program is on the first and third Fridays of each month from 5:30 to 10:00 pm. Registered nurses are on hand to meet the medical needs of the children. No special previous experience is needed for volunteers, and training is provided. In addition to the opportunity to host dinner, volunteers may participate by helping with check-in, providing entertainment, and interacting one to one with special needs children or their siblings. CHERYL VANDIVER, a registered nurse, has been on staff for 15 years. Cheryl and her husband, Roy, have been active members of the church and the First Light Sunday Morning Class since 1996. They have two children, four grandchildren, and a dog named Ellie. One way Cheryl likes to serve the church is by encouraging a ministry at HPUMC for and with those who have special needs. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Cheryl Vandiver, Director of Special Needs & Health Ministry, 214.523.2209 As Sue discovered, there are ways to serve besides the obvious! If you have a heart for those with special needs, or are just looking for a fulfilling way to be blessed by your effort, go online to specialneeds to see our volunteer opportunities. • BY CHERYL VANDIVER • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 24-25 D id you know that HPUMC is home to one of only three carillons in Dallas? A carillon is a musical instrument that has a series of at least 23 tuned bells that are manually played from a keyboard. Our Porter Memorial Carillon, located in the Tower outside the Sanctuary, has 48 bells. When you hear a music recital emanating from the Tower, it’s being played by one of four church members who serve as carillonneurs: John Acker, Mary Dibble, Carmen McMillan and Gretchen Ryan. The Tower houses three rooms used in connection with the carillon, and the only access is up a narrow and circular metal staircase. It’s 48 steps from the Sanctuary narthex to the practice keyboard. Go up 17 more steps to reach the playing keyboard that is one floor below the belfry. All four carillonneurs agree that climbing those stairs is a challenge. John Acker gets ready to play midday recital on the carillon during the week. The carillon bells, which were installed in 1984, range in weight from 26 to about 5,100 pounds. “The carillon is a percussion instrument that utilizes a delicately balanced transmission system to allow the performer great dynamic control over the entire collection of bells,” said John Acker, a carillonneur at HPUMC since 2002. “The carillonneur physically moves the clapper to strike the bell, which is bolted to a steel frame. As the bells get larger and heavier, so do the clappers—the low ‘C’ weighs approximately 75-100 pounds and that’s striking a 2.5 ton bell! The carillon is also loosely akin to the organ, in that both hands and feet are used in performance.” “Playing the carillon is a ‘labor of love’ and a unique way I can serve the church,” said Gretchen Ryan, a carillonneur since 1994. “I feel so blessed, and this volunteer opportunity has led to friendships with other carillonneurs worldwide.” The carillon is played daily around midday and 5:00 pm, on Sundays following the 9:30 am and 11:00 am worship services, as well as before TowerArts concerts and for weddings and funerals. The Porter Memorial Carillon is one of only two in North Texas that meets the requirements for a concert carillon. “It is very rare for a church to have a magnificent carillon with enough bells to be considered a true concert instrument,” said Dr. Bradley H. Welch, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BECOME A CARILLONNEUR? FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Chris Brunt, Organist/Music Associate, 214.523.225 (A keyboard background is required.) FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CARILLON, INCLUDING VIDEOS, GO ONLINE TO: director of HPUMC’s Music & Arts. “What is even more remarkable is to have an incredibly dedicated team of volunteers who lovingly provide the gift of music to the HPUMC/SMU campus. While the carillon is perhaps the ultimate ‘behind-the-scenes’ form of live musical performance, the majestic tone of hymns ringing forth over the area reminds countless hundreds of God’s presence, beauty, and love. I am enormously grateful to Gretchen, John, Mary, and Carmen, as well as HPUMC carillonneurs past and future!” John Acker, Gretchen Ryan, Carmen McMillan and Mary Dibble serve the church as carillonneurs. 2/21/14 11:24 AM
  • 14. The Tower | SPRING 2014 26 27 Altar Guild Volunteers Serve Important Role with Worship Project Center Volunteers Assist the Church in a Variety of Ways O Barbara Humphries, Beverly Bower and Jenny Thomas serve as co-chairs of the Sanctuary Altar Guild. n the first Sunday of every month, Jenny Thomas arrives at HPUMC no later than 7:30 am and meets other church members in Room 103, the Sacristy. This room is where Jenny, the Altar Guild chair for the 8:30 am Sanctuary service, and volunteers prepare Holy Communion. “It’s an easy way to serve the church, and I enjoy it,” said Jenny, who has been involved as an Altar Guild volunteer for 20 years. The morning routine includes preparing baskets of cubed bread and communion trays, which each hold 40 disposable plastic cups filled with grape juice. A communion cloth for the altar table is chosen from a selection of linens donated to the church. Sanctuary Altar Guild chairs Beverly Bower (9:30 am) and Barbara Humphries (11:00 am) repeat the Holy Communion preparation during the hour preceding their worship services. “The 15 members of the Sanctuary Altar Guild move with grace to prepare the Lord’s Table before worship and then with speed to pick up used cups and replenish the bread and juice between services,” said Kay Porter, director of Welcoming Ministries. “They are our ‘holy pit crew!’” By the time the church bells toll at noon, usually more than 2,000 congregants have taken Holy Communion in the Sanctuary. cups with the push of one button. When asked why we didn’t get one, I said that would cut into our fellowship time.” A Volunteer’s Prayer: I thank Each United Methodist Church determines how often to serve Holy Communion, which varies among the worship venues at HPUMC: weekly in Cox Chapel and Munger Place Church, monthly in the Sanctuary and Kerygma, and quarterly in Cornerstone. the chance to serve another For the past four years, Bill Oberthier and George Hendrix have led the Altar Guild for Cox Chapel’s 11:00 am worship service. year, and to give of myself in some small way to those in this great church. A smile to show our love, with energy aplenty—the task to do. And all I ask dear Lord, if I may, is to serve you better “Setting the Lord’s Table is a very emotional day by day. Volunteers handled thousands of paper bags for a D6 Families project. experience,” said George. “I have great reverence and respect for preparing the elements for Holy Communion.” Bill agrees that volunteering with the Altar Guild is an honor. “It’s also an easy and enjoyable way to learn and serve,” said Bill. Rev. Jeff Hall, minister to the Cox Chapel community, is grateful for the work of the Altar Guild. “In caring for vessels and paraments, they do the holy work of preparing the worship space for us to encounter God, whose presence is pointed to by pulpit, font, and table. Their care and dedication to the ministry shows forth each member’s faith, joy, praise, and reverence.” Volunteers have developed a shared camaraderie and help each other when needed. “Serving on the Altar Guild is a great way to have fellowship with other church members,” said Barbara, a 10-year Altar Guild volunteer. “Someone from another church mentioned having an apparatus that would fill an entire tray of FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER WITH AN ALTAR GUILD, CONTACT: Kay Porter, Director of Welcoming Ministries, 214.523.2227 (The Altar Guilds also prepare Holy Communion for special worship services.) thee Lord as a volunteer for Bill Obertheir and George Hendrix prepare Holy Communion each week for the 11:00 am Cox Chapel service. “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” 1 Peter 4:10, NRSV O ur Project Center lives by the words of the adapted Volunteer’s Prayer because we all love to do a variety of work for the different departments within the church. I am so blessed to serve as the coordinator of the Center and love working with our dedicated volunteers, some of whom have been with us for more than 10 years. Longtime regular volunteers include Mark Gordon, Dessie and Nelson Berry, Will Campbell, Quinn Hunter, and John Watson. The Project Center stays busy throughout the year. Some of our projects have included stuffing thousands of statements for the church’s business office, folding thousands of t-shirts for multiple departments, creating hundreds of nametags and booklets for the Confirmation Class, rolling hundreds of Christmas blankets for homebound congregants, assembling countless Children’s folders for Sunday morning worship, putting together scores of flashlights for Night OWLS, and completing countless holiday tasks. In addition, some of the volunteers enjoy other regular pet projects. Every Monday morning Dessie, John and Nelson pull the attendance forms from the Sunday worship services. Will has a green thumb and loves tending to the plants around the church. The Project Center serves many purposes. Not only do we help the church with getting busy work completed on time, but the Center gives volunteers somewhere that they are needed and provides a place for fellowship where friends bond while serving within the church. We offer coffee and treats, and many of the church staff drop by to visit. New volunteers are welcome at any time! SUSAN DRAKE ROGERS. In addition to heading up the Project Center, Susan also coordinates the acolytes and ushers on Sunday morning and serves as the staff liaison for UMW. She has attended HPUMC for 69 years. Susan and her husband, Michael, have two sons and three grandsons. She loves serving at the church anyway that she is asked. FOR QUESTIONS OR TO VOLUNTEER, CONTACT: Susan Drake Rogers, Welcoming Ministry Coordinator, 214.523.0622 (The Project Center, which is located in Room 384, is open Monday and Thursday from 8:00 am to noon.) • BY SUSAN DRAKE ROGERS • Tower_MARCH2014.indd 26-27 2/21/14 11:24 AM
  • 15. HIGHLAND PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3300 Mockingbird Lane | Dallas, TX 75205 | | 214.521.3111 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: p. 17 or Tower_MARCH2014.indd 28 2/21/14 11:24 AM