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(May peaceandblessingsof Allah be on him)
(May peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
(May peaceandblessingsof Allatr beonhim)
'HETKH*ourtl#*r?iltffiT;tr* rBNBAz
(May peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
By His Eminence
Prophet MuhammadtsManner of Per-
forming Prayers
(May peaceandblessingsof Altah beupon
All praisebe to Allah alone,andmay His
peaceandblessingsbe upon His messenger
and bondmanour ProphetMuhammad,his
family andhiscompanions.
The objectiveof this concisepamphletis
to explain how prophetMuhammad(Peace
andblessingsof Allah be uponhim) usedto
perform his prayers.I would like to present
this explanationto every male and female
muslim sothattheymay striveto takeup the
Prophet'smannerin performingtheirprayers
as a model for them.It was narratedby Al
Bukhari thatProphetMuhammad(Peaceand
blessingsof Allah beon him) hadsaid:
*+-i gr*-,-1,15!/-u
"Performyourprayersin the samemanner
you had seenme doing." Therefore,hereis
th€ explanationfor the Prophet'smannerof
Prophet Muhammad's Manner of Per-
forming Prayers
(May peace and blessings of Allah be upon
All praise be to Allah alone, and may His
peace and blessings be upon His messenger
and bondman our Prophet Muhammad, his
family and his companions.
The objective of this concise pamphlet is
to explain how prophet Muhammad (Peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to
perfonn his prayers. I would like to present
this explanation to every male and female
muslim so that they may strive to take up the
Prophet's manner in performing their prayers
as a model for them. It was narrated by Al
Bukhari that Prophet Muhammad (Peace and
blessings of Allah be on him) had said:
r. r.
«~J~L>2~».. ..
"Perlonn your prayers in the same manner'
you had seen me doing." Therefore, here is
the explanation for the Prophet's manner of
1. To perform completely the ablution,
adoptingthemethodcornmandedby Allah in
frrt !/*;U i> *:*i lil !r:,id,iJl t*l t*)
nh< ffl-rL fr1, bp...-lr#!/l J fl+b
(t: o){t:Yl' '
"O ye who believe, when ye preparefor
prayer,washyour facesandyour hands(and
arms) to the elbows, rub your heads(with
water) and (wash) your feet to the an-
The Prophet(peaceandblessingsof Allatt
beon him) said:
r*4f{;f," Jiu Yt
"Prayerwithoutablutionis invalid."
2. To turn one'sface and whole body to-
wardsthe Ka'aba,The Holy Houseat Mak-
kah, intending by heartto perform the prayer
which he wants to fulfil, whether it is an
obligatory prayer or a supererogatoryprayer,
the worshipper in all cases,should not pro-
nouncehis intention openly, becauseneither
the Prophetnor his companionsusedto utter
1. To perform completely the ablution,
adopting the method commanded by Allah in
the Quran:
~Y;:--' !.tl-J;li o')l..aJi JI ~ 1';1 ~r ~.lJ1 let ~~
~I JI ~jb ~j.r. !,-at, &1)' JI ~~b
(1: 0) ~~~. .
"0 ye who believe, when ye prepare for
prayer, wash your faces and your hands (and
arms) to the elbows, rub your heads(with
water) and (wash) your feet to the an-
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be on him) said:
I .-.. L . o~ L~-: ':J»~~~ ~
"Prayer without ablution is invalid."
2. To turn one's face and whole body to-
wards the Ka'aba, The Holy House at Mak-
kah, intending by heart to perfonn the prayer
which he wants to fulfil, whether it is an
obligatory prayer or a supererogatory prayer,
the worshipper in all cases, should not pro-
nounce his intention openly, because neither
the Prophet nor his companions used to utter
the intention for prayer. Thus, pronouncing
the intention for prayerin audiblevoice is a
heresyandanillicit action.
vidual be an Imam or perfofineshis prayer
individually, he shouldmake(A Sutra)i.e. a
curtain for his prayer. Directing the face to-
wards the Qibla (The Ka'abaat Makkah) is
an imperative condition for every prayer.
However, there are few exceptionsfor this
rule explained in authoritativebooks for
whom who wish to refer.
3. To pronounce"TakbiratAl Ihram" that
is to sayrsl.iit"AllahuAkbar" celebratingby
that the greatnessof Allah and looking
meanwhile,downwardsto the place where
hewill prostrate.
4. To raiseone'shandsup to the level of
theshouldersor nearto thelobesof his ears,
while pronouncing"TakbiratAl-Ihtam".
5. To put one'sright hand over his left
handand left wrist, andput themboth over
his chest,astheProphet(peaceandblessings
of Atlah beuponhim) usedto do.
6. It is advisablethattheworshipperrecite
the intention for prayer. Thus, pronouncing
the intention for prayer in audible voice is a
heresy and an illicit action. Whether the indi-
vidual be an Imam or performes his prayer
individually, he should make (A Sutra) i.e. a
curtain for his prayer. Directing the face to-
wards the Qibla (The Ka'aba at Makkah) is
an imperative condition for every prayer.
However, there are few exceptions for this
rule explained in authoritative books for
whom who wish to refer.
3. To pronounce "Takbirat Al Ihram" that
is to say~t~I"Allahu Akbar" celebrating by
that the greatness of Allah and looking
meanwhile, downwards to the place where
he will prostrate.
4. To raise one's hands up to the level of
the shoulders or near to the lobes of his ears,
while pronouncing "Takbirat AI-Ihram".
5. To put one's right hand over his left
hand and left wrist, and put them both over
his chest, as the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him) used to do.
6. It is advisable that the worshipper recite
ir:It +
.lJet{ tS ft-t.L- r4.tJ q*i -r.eL
j".rn$t .,!..Jt&_[s +u-t!;--/o.,.,r.€xil-.r,tt,
.#treI:Jb'tIL,jtr|.ti ,t' #i a*t,'rr,*;-rlt
"Allahummabaid bayni wa bayenakha-
tayayakamabaadtabayenaal-mashriki wal
maghribi, Allahumma naqqiniy min kha-
tayaya kama yonaqa al thawbo alabyado
min aldans..Allahumma igysilniymin kha-
tayayabilmai wathalgiwalbarad."
This supplicationmeans:
"O Allah, separatemefrom my sins as
Youhaveseparatedtheeastand west.O Al-
lah, cleanseme of my sinsas thewhite rope
is cleansedfrom dirt. O Allah, washoff my
sinswith water,snowandhail."
Y_liJ-r+ Jtu_l dl*-,l ilrt t-l:J-r^*,_l,*eutd,lit-*--.,rr
"SobhanakaAllahumma wa bihamdika
watabarakaIsmoka wata'la jaddoka wala
this opening supplication saying:
,a ~ 'I' u~L I <: ,f'Llk:>-' ·...l&-L ~., U"-'..r- ~ . c""" ~" ~J ~ . r-a-
(f ~~I ~'p1 ~ j ~4lb- (f ~ r-..ul ,~.;J.!J
..)~!J~!J trU~ l:?4lk.> ~ ~I r-..u' ,~..u,
"Allahumma bald bayni wa bayena kha-
tayaya kama baadta bayena al-mashriki wal
maghribi, Allahumma naqqiniy min kha-
tayaya kama yonaqa al thawbo alabyado
min aldans.. Allahumma igysilniy m'in kha-
tayaya bilmai wathalgi walbarad. "
This supplication means:
"0 Allah, separate me from my sins as
You have separated the east and west. 0 Al-
lah, cleanse me ofmy sins as the white rope
is cleansed from dirt. 0 Allah, wash off my
sins with water, snow and hail."
Or, he may say instead:
~J !.L~ JWJ ~I !J.,;L;J !J~J r-..ul ct;~»
"Sobhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika
watabaraka Ismoka wata'la jaddoka wala
ilaha ghayroka"
This supplicationmeans:
"Praiseand glory be to Allah. Blessedbe
Your Ir,lame,exalted be Your Majesty and
Glory.Thereis nogodbutYou."
Or he may say any other supplications
which the Prophet,(peaceand blessingsof
Allah be on him) usedto sayin his prayers.
It is betterto recitethesesupplicationsalter-
nately,the first one in the morning prayer
"Fajr", thesecondin thenoonprayer"Zuhr",
eachone by turn, in conformity with what
theProphetusedto do.
After reciting the opening supplication,
t*3Jl ;tLri'll ;r.JJtt 4o1n
"Aouzohillahi minal-shaytani-r-ragim"
"I seekprotectionof Allah againsttheoc-
tt*eJl JFJI +lll('*,*tt
This supplication means:
"Praise and glory be to Allah. Blessed be
Your Name, exalted be Your Majesty and
Glory. There is no god but You."
Or he may say any other supplications
which the Prophet, (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) used to say in his prayers.
It is better to recite these supplications alter-
nately, the first one in the morning prayer
"Fajr", the second in the noon prayer "Zuhr",
each one by tum, in conformity with what
the Prophet used to do.
After reciting the opening supplication,
the worshipper says:
((~)I iJ~1 ~ .JJ~ ';yh
"Aouzo billahi min al-shaytani-r-ragim"
Which means:
"] seek protection ofAllah against the ac-
cursed Satan. "
Then he says:
Which means:
"In thennmeof Allah, the All Merciful, the
All Compassionate."
and recitesthe Fatiha (The opening Sura
of the gloriousQuran).ProphetMuhammad,
maypeaceandblessingsbeuponhim, said:
"Prayer without reciting the Fatiha is in-
recitingtheFatihaloudly if theprayeris said
loudly, and whisperit in inaudibleprayers.
To bein conformity with thetraditionsof the
Prophet,the worshipperis advisedto recite
versesfrom mediumsizeSurasof theQuran
in the Zuhr (noon),Asr (late afternoon),and
Isha (night) prayers. As for the Fajr
(morning)prayer,the worshipperis advised
to recitea passagefrom thelong Surasof the
Quran.He hasthe choicein Maghribprayer
(Evening prayer) either to recite passages
from the long Surasor from the shofi Suras
"Bism illahi-Rahmani Raheem"
Which means:
"In the name ofAllah, the All Merciful, the
All Compassionate."
and recites the Fatiha (The opening Sura
of the glorious Quran). Prophet Muhammad,
may peace and blessings be upon him, said:
«~~I ~~ ~ f jl o~ ~»
"Prayer without reciting the Fatiha is in-
The worshipper should say "A'meen" after
reciting the Fatiha loudly if the prayer is said
loudly, and whisper it in inaudible prayers.
To be in confonnity with the traditions of the
Prophet, the worshipper is advised to recite
verses from medium size Suras of the Quran
in the Zuhr (noon), Asr (late afternoon), and
Isha (night) prayers. As for the Fajr
(morning) prayer, the worshipper is advised
to recite a passage from the long Suras of the
Quran. He has the choice in Maghrib prayer
(Evening prayer) either to recite passages
from the long Suras or from the short Suras
of theQuran.
7. Then, the worshipperbows in "Ruku"
raisinghis handsup to thelevel of his shoul-
ders or ears while saying "Allahu Akbar"
"Allah is Great" then bendsdown, making
his headand back on one level and putting
his hands with the fingers spreadon his
knees.The worshippershouldfeel serenity
andtranquility while bowing, he shouldsay
thriceat least:
Which means:
"Glory beto myLord, theAlmighty."
It is advisableto saywhile bowing in ad-
dition to that:
f*Jl dil^*,r
"subhanak-AllahummaRabbana wo bi
hamdilm,Allahummnlghftr liy"
"Glory be to Thee,O Allah, and I praise
of the Quran.
7. Then, the worshipper bows in "Ruku"
raising his hands up to the level of his shoul-
ders or ears while saying "Allahu Akbar"
"Allah is Great" then bends down, making
his head and back on one level and putting
his hands with the fingers spread on his
knees. The worshipper should feel serenity
and tranquility while bowing, he should say
thrice at least:
«~, <:?J ~~»
"Subhana Rabbiayl A'zim"
Which means:
"Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty."
It is advisable to say while bowing in ad-
dition to that:
IJp1~' !.~J ~j~' ~~J
"Subhanak-Allahumma Rabbana wa hi
hamdika, Allahumma Ighfir liy"
Which means:
"Glory be to Thee, 0 Allah, and I praise
Thee;forgivememy sins."
8. To raiseone'sheadup from bowing,
raisingone'shandsto the level of his shoul-
dersor ears,saying,in caseof beingImam
or prayingalone:
(oJ.+,'t *IJlgn*.,)
"Sami'aAllahu limanhamidah"
Which means:
"Allah listensto him who praisesHim"
While resumingthe standingposition,he
..:!rJl 'J* np[5;t* t*t h{ l"r,+"rJl t'JbQ-rD
( .It .d rJr.c-t[, 'J*J t{+ t" .JrJ
"Rabbanowa laka al hamduhamdanka-
theera'n tayyiban mobarakanfeehiy mil'a
ssamawatiwa mila alardhi wa mil'a ma bay-
nahomawa mil'a maShitamin shiyinba'ad"
This supplicationmeans:
"Our Lord, praise be fore Thee only,
praisesplentiful and blessedas to fill the
heavens,theearth,what in between,andfill
Thee; forgive me my sins."
8. To raise one's head up from bowing,
raising one's hands to the level of his shoul-
ders or ears, saying, in case of being Imam
or praying alone:
«o.1A"- J. 4.lJ' ~»
"Sami'a Allahu timan hamidah"
Which means:
"Allah listens to him who praises Him"
While resuming the standing position, he
should say:
~~ ~~ ~ lS"Jl.:--o ~ ~ .L?- .M.;l. ~J ~J»
( . ~ ~~ ~ ~1.A ~JoJ ~ 1.A ~Jo-, ~;':J' ~Jo-,
"Rabbana wa laka al hamdu hamdan ka-
theera'n tayyiban mobarakan feehiy mil'a
ssamawati wa mila alardhi wa mil'a rna bay-
nahoma wa mil'a rna Shita min shiyin ba'ad"
This supplication means:
"Our Lord, praise be fore Thee only,
praises plentiful and blessed as to fill the
heavens, the earth, what in between, and fill
thatwhich will pleaseTheebesidesthem."
But if the worshipperis a follower, and
led in his prayerby the Imam he shouldsay
when rising up "Rabbanawa laka alhamd...
ofsL"dl ... .rJt dllE;)
It is advisablefor the Imoffi,thefollower,
or who praysaloneto addalso:
Y '**'JIlrlStr-Jl JUt, ,*1 r+IlJ *L.iJlJ^1'
(+l ,.iI"$l li C! !, c^'.rrU+I*, YJdalei Ugt"
"YottAllah whodeserveall praisesandall
glory,lour praisingfsthebestandmosttrue
of whateverYourservantcansay,weall are
Your servants,Our Lord, no one can ever
deprive aught of what You have bestowed
and no onecanevergiveaughtof whatYou
Theworshipperis advisedto puthishands
on his chest, as he had done before he
bowed.Both Wa'il Ibn HaggarandSahlIbn
Sai'ydreportedthat this wasthe mannerof
the Prophetwhen he usedto raisehis head
up afterbowing.
that which will please Thee besides them."
But if the worshipper is a follower, and
led in his prayer by the Imam he should say
when rising up "Rabbana wa laka alhamd...
((..lAj Lo t:J......l4.::l~J ~J))
It is advisable for the Imam, the follower,
or who prays alone to add also:
'1 ~I (. ~ ~ lliJ ¥I Jli Lo J;-- ~L, ~~I jAh
((4 ~ wlJ:- ~ ~ 'lJ ~ It r 'lJ ~t It ~Lo
flyou Allah who deserve all praises and all
glory, your praising is the best and most true
ofwhatever Your servant can say, we all are
Your servants, Our Lord, no one can ever
deprive aught of what You have bestowed
and no one can ever give aught of what You
have deprived."
The worshipper is advised to put his hands
on his chest, as he had done before he
bowed. Both Wa'il Ibn Haggar and Sahl Ibn
Sai'yd reported that this was the manner of
the Prophet when he used to raise his head
up after bowing.
9. To prostratesaying,sidrt"Allahu Ak-
bar" "Allah is Great".He shouldtouch the
ground with his kneesbefore touching it
with his hands,if thatis possibleto him. If
not, he is permittedto touch the groundby
his hand before his knees.His fingers and
toes should be directedtowardsthe Qibta
Makkah, andhis handsshouldbe stretched,
andthe fingersclosetogetherandnot separ-
ated.In prostration,the worshippershould
The forehead,the nose,both hands,both
kneesandtheinternalpartsof thetoes.
These seven organs should touch the
ground. Then the worshippershould say
thriceor more:
nplt g: .l[..*..,n
Which means:
"Glorifiedis myLord, theExalted."
It is advisableto say:
"SubhanakaAllahuma Rabbana wa bi
9. To prostrate saying ~l.dsl "Allahu Ak-
bar" "Allah is Great". He should touch the
ground with his knees before touching it
with his hands, if that is possible to him. If
not, he is permitted to touch the ground by
his hand before his knees. His fingers and
toes should be directed towards the Qibla
Makkah, and his hands should be stretched,
and the fingers close together and not separ-
ated. In prostration, the worshipper should;
use these seven organs:
The forehead, the nose, both hands, both
knees and the internal parts of the toes.
These seven organs should touch the
ground. Then the worshipper should say
thrice or more:
((~':JI C::J...> 0~))
"Subhana Rabbiyal A'ala"
Which means:
"Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted."
It is advisable to say:
"Subhanaka Allahuma Rabbana wa bi
uJr;bl ,*sul-J-r^.-,-lQ-rf-€!l 4;t .-,,r
This means:
"Glory be to Thee,Our Lord, andI praise
Thee.OurLord,forgivememy sins."
It is recommendablefor theworshipperto
exceedmore and more in supplicationsand
ask for more from his Lord, becausethe
Prophet,may peaceand blessingsof Allah
beon him, said:
+ br{;*u :35*ll t"'b ,,-,.J1+ !9^!'i p5Jt L"ir
tt'f .-,Lau*;; 'l.erJl
"Asfo, bowing "Ruku"you shouldglorify
your Lord duringperformingit, asfo, pros-
tration, yott shoulddo your bestto suppli-
cate and askfo, morefrom Him, because
your supplicationsduring prostrationare
moreworthyto beaccepted."
The worshippershouldask his Lord for
prosperityboth in this worldly life andin the
Hereafter.Whetherit is anobligatoryprayer
hamdika, Allahuma Ighfir-liy."
«Jpl ~I_!J~-,~..>~I ~~»
This means:
"Glory be to Thee, Our Lord, and I praise
Thee. Our Lord, forgive me my sins."
It is recommendable for the worshipper to
exceed more and more in supplications and
ask for more from his Lord, because the
Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah
be on him, said:
~ L,~l; .)~ ~l, ~ ~)I ~ ~ if)I ~»
((~ ~~ 0 ~
Which means:
"As for bowing "Ruku" you should glorify
your Lord during performing it, as for pros-
tration, you should do your best to suppli-
cate and ask for more from Him, because
your supplications during prostration are
more worthy to be accepted."
The worshipper should ask his Lord for
prosperity both in this worldly life and in the
Hereafter. Whether it is an obligatory prayer
or an optionalprayer,the worshipper,while
prostrating,shouldneither bring his hands
closeto his sides,nor stick his abdomento
his thighs,or his thighsto his legs.Thewor-
shipper'sarmsshouldbe raisedup from the
groundbecausethe Prophet,may peaceand
blessingsof Allah beon him, prohibitedput-
ting the arns and stretching them on the
ground,ordering that "adjust your prostra-
tion, keepstraigthtin it, andstretchnot your
handson thegroundasdogsdo."
10.He shouldraisehis headfrom prostra-
tion saying:
;l'iit "Allahu Akbar" and lays hisleftfoot
flat on the ground and sirs upon it, keeping
his rightfoot erected,hishandson his thighs
upr+lrCV: ijrlr gr^b frb t)*t -'.JD
"O my Lord, forgive lfl€, have mercy on
tnt€,guide ftt€, provide me with your bless-
ingsand consoleme."
or an optional prayer, the worshipper, while
prostrating, should neither bring his hands
close to his sides, nor stick his abdomen to
his thighs, or his thighs to his legs. The wor-
shipper's arms should be raised up from the
ground because the Prophet, may peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, prohibited put-
ting the arms and stretching them on the
ground, ordering that "adjust your prostra-
tion, keep straigtht in it, and stretch not your
hands on the ground as dogs do."
10. He should raise his head from prostra-
tion saying:
~r.& "Allahu Akbar" and lays his left foot
flat on the ground and sits upon it, keeping
his rightfoot erected, his hands on his thighs
and knees, and says:
"0 my Lord, forgive me, have mercy on
me, guide me, provide me with your bless-
ings and console me."
The worshippershould feel tranquillity
I 1.To prostrateagainsayingrsi'i,l"Allahu
Akbar" andrepeatingduringhis prostration
whathedid andsaidin thefirst prostration.
12. Then the worshipperraiseshis head
saying,sf irt"Allahu Akbar" taking a pause
similar to thepausebetweenthetwo prostra-
tions;this is called"thepausefor rest."It is
recommendedfor the worshipperto do such
a pause,but thereis no sinif hedesistsfrom
it. Then the worshipperrisesup and stands
supportingon his knees,or on thegroundif
he cannot support himself on the knees,
readsthe Fatihah(The openingSuraof the
gloriousQuran)andsomeotherversesof the
Quranand do asjust as he did in the firsr
Rakaah(unit of prayer).Thosewho pray be-
hind theImam shouldnot competewith him
in the prayeractionsas the Prophet(peace
andblessingsof Allah beuponhim) said:
r'b;n(i 45 liLi .r-Lclyll:I yc q ftiJ lt"yl J'+ telu
Q_,':ltJif cor.FeI .lJlg".., : J[i l5!3e!rs",Ud,
The worshipper should feel tranquillity
during this pause.
11. To prostrate again saying~i.&1"Allahu
Akbar" and repeating during his prostration
what he did and said in the first prostration.
12. Then the worshipper raises his head
saying .;;5' 41 "Allahu Akbar" taking a pause
similar to the pause between the two prostra-
tions; this is called "the pause for rest." It is
recommended for the worshipper to do such
a pause, but there is no sin if he desists from
it. Then the worshipper rises up and stands
supporting on his knees, or on the ground if
he cannot support himself on the knees,
reads the Fatihah (The opening Sura of the
glorious Quran) and some other verses of the
Quran and do as just as he did in the first
Rakaah (unit of prayer). Those who pray be-
hind the Imam should not compete with him
in the prayer actions as the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
'!J~ ~ I~~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~j:J rL.)' ~ ~1»
~J :~".u 'o-ll'- ~ ...lJl ~ : J.i l~lJ ,!"ASJli eJl~lJ
qb ,;jr,td.iJtl r . !-tn.,,1i-r+-, lilr .-t*tt .11-1
Which means:
The Imam is to be followed, if he says:
"Allahu Akbar" which means "Allah is
Great" then say the same after him. If he
bows in "Ruku" bow after him. If he says:
"Samia-l-latruliman hamidah"which means
"Allah hearshim who praisesHim", then
say: "Rabbana wa laka-l-hamd" which
means"Our Lord! All praisesarefor Thee";
and if he prostrates,then prostrate after
him".(BukhariV:1 P.37)
13. If the prayerconsistsof two Rakaat
(two units of prayer) as the morning prayer
"Fajr", Feast prayer "Eid", or the Friday
secondprostration,with his right foot erect,
sitting on his left foot laid down, putting his
right hand on his right thigh, all his fingers
close-fistedsavethe index finger which he
usesto point out asa signfor his monotheis-
tic belief, andhis left handis put on his left
thigh. There is nothing in the way, if the
worshipperkeepsboth the little andring fin-
gers closed,while rounding his thumb and
~ JA:.o ~.J.J-ll . ~~t; ~ 1~1.J . ..lo.:1-~.J
Which means:
The Imam is to be followed, if he says:
"Allahu Akbar" which means "Allah is
Great" then say the same after him. If he
bows in "Ruku" bow after him. If he says:
"Samia-I-Iahu liman hamidah" which means
"Allah hears him who praises Him", then
say: "Rabbana wa laka-I-hamd" which
means "Our Lord! All praises are for Thee";
and if he prostrates, then prostrate after
him". (Bukhari V:l P.37)
13. If the prayer consists of two Rakaat
(two units of prayer) as the morning prayer
"Fajr", Feast prayer "Eid", or the Friday
prayer "Jumu'a", the worshipper sits after the
second prostration, with his right foot erect,
sitting on his left foot laid ~own, putting his
right hand on his right thigh, all his fingers
close-fisted save the index finger which he
uses to point out as a sign for his monotheis-
tic belief, and his left hand is put on his left
thigh. There is' nothing in the way, if the
worshipper keeps both the little and ring fin-
gers closed, while rounding his thumb and
middle finger in a ring-shape,and useshis
index finger ot point out as a sign for his
monotheisticbelief. It hasbeenrelatedthat
theProphet,may peaceandblessingsof Al-
lah be on him, had practisedboth of these
ways,thus,it is advisablefor theworshipper
to perform the first way once and the other
on the secondtime.
The worshipperreadsthe Tashatrudwhile
Clt*i Ul^t,fill c.rL,,Ll!.:!/.-'JIJ4lJ.rt-*:Jln
i3,"ii . itf L.aJl4lJlrl*" Jp-rt+lr p't-*lt d5;; dLJli.Frr
,j* '*eul,lrts o.rtcl"usOI-rp'U.+l Y!4JtY Jl
.iXIfr^!l JLf=^hlJp4-c tF.r*sli ,&t"r*+ .,p
f.^!rl Jo citt{ [5 rai Jl Jtr r^3 J" $!-r "r# "r*1.
( .+f -t=.*.iX!.g.^!
"Al-tahiyatulilahi wasalawatuwatayibatu
Assalamualayka ayuha-n-nabiyuwa rah-
mat-u-llahiwa barakatuhu.Assalamualayi-
na wa ala ibadi-l-lahi-s-salalihiyn.Ashadu
ala ilaha ila lahu we ashaduannoMuham-
madanabdohowo raswuloh.Allahuma sal-
liy ala Muhammadwa ala aali Muhamad,
kama salayataala lbrahima wa aali lbra-
him. Inaka Hamidon Majid. Wa barik ala
middle finger in a ring-shape, and uses his
index finger ot point out as a sign for his
monotheistic belief. It has been related that
the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Al-
lah be on him, had practised both of these
ways, thus, it is advisable for the worshipper
to perfonn the first way once and the other
on the second time.
The worshipper reads the Tashahud while
sitting and says:
~I~lei ~ ~I "~~!J ~!J.L.aJ!J ill ~~I»
~I ,,~l.,4.H ill ~l:s- J&-.J l.:.:k ,YLJ~S~.J ill ~J."
~ ~, "~J-'J'" o~ I~ 0i ~~ ,~, ':J! JI ':J cJi
d;!~~I J!J ~~I J&- + ~ .4.¢ JI ~J ~ ~
~~I ~ ~J4 te5 ~ J ~J ~ J&- !JJ4J ¥ ~
(( .~ ~ cl! .r-:-"~I J!J
"Al-tahiyatu lilahi wasalawatu watayibatu
Assalamu alayka ayuha-n-nabiyu wa rah-
mat-u-llahi wa barakatuhu. Assalamu alayi-
na wa ala ibadi-l-lahi-s-salalihiyn. Ashadu
ala ilaha ila lahu wa ashadu anna Muham-
madan abdoho wa raswuloh. Allahuma sal-
liy ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhamad,
kama salayata ala Ibrahima wa aali Ibra-
him. lnaka Hamidon Majid. Wa barik ala
Mohammadwa ala aali Muhammadkama
barktaala lbrahima wa aali lbrahima. Inaka
This means:
"Greetings,prayersand thegoodthingsof
tife belongto Allah. Peace,mercyand bless-
ing of Altah be on You, O ProPhet.MaY
peacebeuponusandon thedevoutslavesof
Atlah. I testifythat thereis no god butAllah
and I testifythat Muharnmadfs His slave
and messenger.O Allah, blessMuhammad
and hisfamity as You blessedlbrahim and
hisfamily. You are the Most-Praised,The
Most-glorious.O Allah, bestowYourSrace
on Muhammadand hisfamily as You best-
woedit on lbrahim and hisfamily. Youore
theMost-Praised,TheM ost-glorious."
After recitingthe Tashahud,the worship-
per asksAllah'sprotection'fromfour evils,
,y: 4l .;li-e i/J f-{+ ./tro i/ dl t3,It;t .r!tr
i*,,,s.)tJlJ lJl e;i
"My Lord, I askyour protectionfrom tor-
ment of the Hell, tormentof the gravethe
Mohammad wa ala aali Muhammad kama
barkta ala Ibrahima wa aali Ibrahima. Inaka
Hamidon Majir1."
This means:
"Greetings, prayers and the good things of
life belong to Allah. Peace, mercy and bless-
ing of Allah be on you, 0 Prophet. May
peace be upon us and on the devout slaves of
Allah. I testify that there is no god but Allah
and I testify that Muhammad is His slave
and messenger. 0 Allah, bless Muhammad
and his family as You blessed Ibrahim and
his family. You are the Most-Praised, The
Most-glorious. 0 Allah, bestow Your grace
on Muhammad and his family as You best-
woed it on Ibrahim and his family. You are
the Most-Praised, The Most-glorious."
After reciting the Tashahud, the worship-
per asks Allah's protection 'from four evils,
he should say:
~J ~I ~I..i&. ,fJ ~ :.r ~ ~y ~ ~»
(( . J~..ul ~I 0 ~.J ~t)!J L:>J.I 0
"My Lord, I ask your protection from tor-
ment of the Hell, torment of the grave the
trials in life-time and after death,and from
the imposter Antichrist." The worshipper
may askAllah for prosperityin this worldly
life andin the Hereafter,supplicateAllah to
bestowHis favors on his parentsand other
muslims.He could do this in both obligatory
andoptionalprayers.It hasbeenreportedby
Ibn Massoud that the Prophet,peaceand
blessingsof Allah be on him, taught him
how to recitetheTashatrudandtold him that
the worshippershouldinvoke Allah andask
Him for the more belovedwisheswhich he
likes,or, asit hasbeenrelatedin otherword-
ings, the worshipper should ask Allah for
whateverhe wishes.In this mannerothe ser-
vant can askAllah for all the prosperitiesof
this worldly life and the life to come.The
worshipperterminateshis prayerby turning
his faceto theright saying:
,5.t" f'l*Jtr
"As-salamualai kum wa rahmatuAllah"
and to the left sayingthis salutationwhich
means"Peaceand mercy of Allah be on
14. In case of a three Rakaat prayer
trials in life-time and after death, and from
the imposter Antichrist." The worshipper
may ask Allah for prosperity in this worldly
life and in the Hereafter, supplicate Allah to
bestow His favors on his parents and other
muslims. He could do this in both obligatory
and optional prayers. It has been reported by
Ibn Massoud that the Prophet, peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, taught him
how to recite the Tashahud and told him that
the worshipper should invoke Allah and ask
Him for the more beloved wishes which he
likes, or, as it has been related in other word-
ings, the worshipper should ask Allah for
whatever he wishes. In this manner, the ser-
vant can ask Allah for all the prosperities of
this worldly life and the life to come. The
worshipper terminates his prayer by turning
his face to the right saying:
«~, u--J-J ~ ~1»
"As-salamu alai kum wa rahmatu Allah"
and to the left saying this salutation which
means "Peace and mercy of Allah be on
14. In case of a three Rakaat prayer
(prayer consistingof three units) as that of
Maghrib prayer,(eveningprayer),or a four-
Rakaat prayer like that of noon prayer
(Zuhr), Asr prayer(lateafternoonprayer)or,
Isha prayer (night prayer), the worshipper
standsup afterreciting the Tashatrudaccord-
ing to the manner statedbefore, and raises
his handsFp to the level of his shoulders
saying ;l*irt (Allahu Akbar). The worship-
per puts his handsover his chestas it had
beenexplainedbefsre, and recitesonly the
Fatiha.Thereis no objectionif he addsto the
Fatihasomeotherversesof the Quranwhile
performing the third or fourth Rakaat(units
of prayer) of noon prayer (Zuhr), because
this was statedto be one of the manners
adopted by the Prophet, may peace and
blessingsof Allah be on him, accordingto
thetradition reportedby Abi Saied.
After the third Rakaahof Maghrib prayer
(eveningprayer), and the fourth Rakaahof
Zuhr (noon),Asr (afternoon)andIsha(night)
prayers,the worshipperrecitestheTashahud
andterminateshis prayersby saying:
t .r.lJlbttf$" g){*ltl
(prayer consisting of three units) as that of
Maghrib prayer, (evening prayer), or a four-
Rakaat prayer like that of noon prayer
(Zuhr), Asr prayer (late afternoon prayer) or,
Isha prayer (night prayer), the worshipper
stands up after reciting the Tashahud accord-
ing to the manner stated before, and raises
his hands up to the level of his shoulders
saying ~t 4 (Allahu Akbar). The worship-
per puts his hands over his chest as it had
been explained before, and recites only the
Fatiha. There is no objection if he adds to the
Fatiha some other verses of the Quran while
performing the third or fourth Rakaat (units
of prayer) of noon prayer (Zuhr), because
this was stated to be one of the manners
adopted by the Prophet, may peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, according to
the tradition reported by Abi Saied.
After the third Rakaah of Maghrib prayer
(evening prayer), and the fourth Rakaah of
Zuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon) and Isha (night)
prayers, the worshipper recites the Tashahud
and tenninates his prayers by saying:
«•~1 'U-J.J F ,')l.Jt.
"Assalamu-alaikumwa rahmatuAllah"
while turningfirst to theright, andsecond
to theleft asit hasbeenexplainedbefore.
It is not an obligatoryduty,but it is a rec-
ommendableprophetic tradition to invoke
Allah after terminatingthe prayerby asking
Him forgivenessthrice and saying before
turningone'sfacetowardshis followersif he
is theImam:
JX4-f liti cl-rtr p)'t*Jl'ltbr l)t..ll .lT feJl,
"O Allah, Thouart peaceandfrom Theeis
peace, Thou art blessed,O possessorof
It is advisablefor theworshipperto say:
;*-e.t*ll db.1[lll 4J.oJ-lry' Y.oJ>ldulyl 4JlYrr
c-r& Uft-. YJc,:tel U
it, Y FJJi .J$ .,9 ,F Jt
!l dl Y ..lJtrYl;roY_rJFY .-r.*t-:I" rJ-t[i t Y,
4JlY d+l "[*Jl4] Jhaijl dJ q.-d,Jl4Job_tYl +rj 11 nttt
( ..r,ljt$l rf :lr.rrJl 4Ji^^.oli dLIlYl
"Assalamu-alaikum wa rahmatu Allah"
while turning first to the right, and second
to the left as it has been explained before.
It is not an obligatory duty, but it is a rec-
ommendable prophetic tradition to invoke
Allah after terminating the prayer by asking
Him forgiveness thrice and saying before
turning one's face towards his followers if he
is the Imam:
J'Yd:-1 1~4 ~.)~ YL.JI ~.J ~I ~i ~I))
Which means:
"0 Allah, Thou art peace andfrom Thee is
peace, Thou art blessed, 0 possessor of
Glory and Honour."
It is advisable for the worshipper to say:
~.J ...LoJ..1 .JJ ~I .J ,.J 4~ )t. O~J ill1)tl .JI )t»
~ U~ )tJ ~t U~lA '1 ~I 'J:! ,.~ JS J&-
'11 .JI '1 ,ill4)t1 o~ ~J Jy>- ~ ,~I ~ JJ:-l I) ~ ~J
.JI ':} ~I ,.l:..~.H .JJ J..,aAJ1 .JJ ~I .J 041 )tl ~ ':1J ...ul
« • 0J}lS:J1 0.;5 Job ~..ul .J ~ .illt ':}I
Which means:
"Thereis no god butAllah. He is theOne-
He hasno partner. His is thedominionand
to Him alone is thepraise. He haspower
over all things.O Lord, nonemay withhold
what You havegiven and none may give
what Youhavewithheldand therichescan-
not avail a wealthypersonwith Thee.There
is no mightor powerexceptby thesupportof
Allah, Thereis no god butAllah and we do
not worshipbut Him alone.To Him alone
belongall bounties,to Him alonebelongall
grace,and to Him worthypraise is accord'
ed. Thereis no god but Allah, to Whomwe
are sincerein devotion,eventhoughtheun-
It is also advisableto the worshipperto
extol Allah 33 times by saying 4i'l,lt**,
(SubhanaAllah).praiseHim by saying+ir-rJt
(Al Hamdulil-Allah) 33 tiinesalsoby say-
ing: ;l.iir "Allahu Akbar" andthe wor-
shippercompleteshis supplicationsto beone
hundredby sayingonce:
y"o-e"rJl 4! 4llt 4J.oJOtry' Y oJ>-e4IJlYl AJlYtt
Which means:
"There is no god but Allah. He is the One.
He has no partner. His is the dominion and
to Him alone is the praise. He has power
over all things. 0 Lord, none may withhold
what You have given and none may give
what You have withheld and the riches can-
not avail a wealthy person with Thee. There
is no might or power except by the support of
Allah, There is no god but Allah and we do
not worship but Him alone. To Him alone
belong all bounties, to Him alone belong all
grace, and to Him worthy praise is accord-
ed. There is no god but Allah, to Whom we
are sincere in devotion, even though the un-
believers may detest it. "
It is also advisable to the worshipper to
extol Allah 33 times by saying .&0~
(Subhana Allah). praise Him by saying...tJ....:1..
(AI Hamdu lil-Allah) 33 times also by say-
ing: ~'41 "Allahu Akbar" and the wor-
shipper completes his supplications to be one
hundred by saying once:
jJbJ ~ 4.JJ ~ J ,4.. ~~ ~ oJ.>.J ill ~ 4..~»
Which means:
"Thereis no godbut Allah. He is theOne.
He hasno partner.His is the dominion and
to Him alone is the praise.He has power
overall things."
The worshipperaddsto that the recitation
of theverseof theThrone"Ayat Al-Kursiy",
Al-Ikhlas, Surat El-Falaq,and Surat
Al-Nas. It is recommendabl.eto recitethese
Surasthrice after the Fajr prayer (Morning
prayer), and the Maghrib prayer (evening
prayer)becausethis wasreportedto be one
of the traditions of the Prophet,peaceand
blessingsof Allah beon him. As it hadbeen
statedbefore,all theseafter-prayersupplica-
tionsareoptionalandnot obligatory.
Everymuslim,whetherbemaleor female,
is recommendedto pray 12Rakaatof super-
erogatoryprayersevery day: four of these
Rakaat (units of prayers) are before noon
prayer, two after it, two after Maghrib
prayer,two afterIsha(night)prayerandtwo
beforethe morning prayer Thesesupere-
Which means:
"There is no god but Allah. He is the One.
He has no partner. His is the dominion and
to Him alone is the praise. He has power
over all things."
The worshipper adds to that the recitation
of the verse of the Throne "Ayat AI-Kursiy",
'Surat AI-Ikhlas, Surat EI-Falaq, and Surat
AI-Nas. It is recommendable to recite these
Suras thrice after the Fajr prayer (Morning
prayer), and the Maghrib prayer (evening
prayer) because this was reported to be one
of the traditions of the Prophet, peace and
blessings of Allah be on him. As it had been
stated before, all these after-prayer supplica-
tions are optional and not obligatory.
Every muslim, whether be male or female,
is recommended to pray 12 Rakaat of super-
erogatory prayers every day: four of these
Rakaat (units of prayers) are before noon
prayer, two after it, two after Maghrib
prayer, two after Isha (night) prayer and two
before the morning prayer - These supere-
rogatory rr:ayersarecalled (Rawatib)which
optional prayers."The Prophetpeaceand
blessingsof Allah be on him, preseruedthe
performance of these optional prayers
whereverhe settled.During his travels,he
usedto practisethe two optional Rakaatbe-
fore the morning prayer and also the Witr
prayer(aftertheIshaprayer).Thereis no ob-
jection to perform theseoptiorial prayersin
the mosque,but it is better to perform it at
ings of Allah be on him, said "The bestof
the prayersare thosewhich are fulfilled at
one'sown home,with exceptionto obligato-
ry prayerswhich should be performedin
congregationat themosque."
Observanceof fulfilling theseoptional
prayersis a meansfor gainingadmissionto
paradise.The Prophet,may peaceandbless-
ingsof Allatr beon him, said:
4Jdlf ,!le-*; *l=l-r*-r- r! iJ-r ;P +;:il k Uu
tu+l.t t+
rogatory prayers are called (Rawatib) which
means: "Certain supererogatory exercises of
optional prayers." The Prophet peace and
blessings of Allah be on him, preserved the
performance of these optional prayers
wherever he settled. During his travels, he
used to practise the two optional Rakaat be-
fore the morning prayer and also the Witr
prayer (after the Isha prayer). There is no ob-
jection to perform these optiorial prayers in
the mosque, but it is better to perform it at
home, because the Prophet, peace ~d bless-
ings of Allah be on him, said "The best of
the prayers are those which are fulfilled at
one's own home, with exception to obligato-
ry prayers which should be performed in
congregation at the mosque."
Observance of fulfilling these optional
prayers is a means for gaining admission to
paradise. The Prophet, may peace and bless-
ings of Allah be on him, said:
J ill' ~ ~# .d.:J." v-':! J wJ ~ ~ ~ j-A»
.. - «~I~~
"Whoeverprays optionallytwelveRakaat
everyone day and night, Allah will reward
him by an establisheddwelling in thepara-
It is alsoadvisableto the muslim to pray
four optional Rakaat before Asr prayer
(afternoon prayer), two before Maghrib
prayer(eveningprayer),andtwo beforeIsha
prayer (night prayer),becausethis manner
was reportedto be one of the traditionsof
theProphet.Allah, theAlmighty says:
rY :ff r{i:--- ;y|.iil ,-1,", + ,.(JJISrnJ}
"Ye haveindeedin the Messengerof Al-
lah anexcellentexempler"(33:21).
And the Prophet (May the peace and
blassingsof Allah beuponhim) said:
Which means:
"Performyour prayerin the samemanner
Allah is He Who is Able to renderus suc-
Which 'means:
"Whoever prays optionally twelve Rakaat
everyone day and night, Allah will reward
him by an established dwelling in the para-
dise. "
It is also advisable to the muslim to pray
four optional Rakaat before Asr prayer
(afternoon prayer), two before Maghrib
prayer (evening prayer), and two before Isha
prayer (night prayer), because this manner
was reported to be one of the traditions of
the Prophet. Allah, the Almighty says:
(y , : 'r'Y") ~4.:.-> 0.,-.1 41 J"-'J ~ ~ ~lS ...lAJ~
"Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Al-
lah an excellent exempler" (33:21).
And the Prophet (May the peace and
bIassings of Allah be upon him) said:
«~tJ~L2~».. ..
Which means:
"Perform your prayer in the same manner
as you had seen me doing."
Allah is He Who is Able to render us suc-
cessandprosperity,andmay Allah give His
blessingsandpeaceto our ProphetMuham-
mad son of Abdellah, his family, his com-
panions and whoever follows his way till
SupremeHeadOffice for ReligiousResea-
rches,Ifta, Call andGuidanceDepartments.
(ShiekhAbdul Aziz Abdullah Bin Baz)
cess and prosperity, and may Allah give His
blessings and peace to our Prophet Muham-
mad son of Abdellah, his family, his com-
panions and whoever follows his way till
President of
Supreme Head Office for Religious Resea-
rches, Ifta, Call and Guidance Departments.
(Shiekh Abdul Aziz Abdullah Bin Baz)
_"........~ _ _-J-"'~- ...
".'''--'' ,,, ,,......." .:.04 ~

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  • 2. PROPHETMOHAMMAD'S MANNER OF PERFORMING PRAYERS (May peaceandblessingsof Allah be on him) PROPHET MOHAMMAD'S MANNER OF PERFORMING PRAYERS (May peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
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  • 4. PROPFMTMOHAMMAD'S ffi OF PERFORMING PRAYERS (May peaceandblessingsof Allatr beonhim) 'HETKH*ourtl#*r?iltffiT;tr* rBNBAz PROPHET MOHAMMAD'S MANNER OF PERFORMING PRAYERS (May peace and blessings of Allah be on him) By His Eminence SHEIKH ABDUL AZIZ IBN ABDULLAH IBN BAZ
  • 5. Prophet MuhammadtsManner of Per- forming Prayers (May peaceandblessingsof Altah beupon Him) All praisebe to Allah alone,andmay His peaceandblessingsbe upon His messenger and bondmanour ProphetMuhammad,his family andhiscompanions. The objectiveof this concisepamphletis to explain how prophetMuhammad(Peace andblessingsof Allah be uponhim) usedto perform his prayers.I would like to present this explanationto every male and female muslim sothattheymay striveto takeup the Prophet'smannerin performingtheirprayers as a model for them.It was narratedby Al Bukhari thatProphetMuhammad(Peaceand blessingsof Allah beon him) hadsaid: *+-i gr*-,-1,15!/-u "Performyourprayersin the samemanner you had seenme doing." Therefore,hereis th€ explanationfor the Prophet'smannerof prayer: Prophet Muhammad's Manner of Per- forming Prayers (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) All praise be to Allah alone, and may His peace and blessings be upon His messenger and bondman our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. The objective of this concise pamphlet is to explain how prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to perfonn his prayers. I would like to present this explanation to every male and female muslim so that they may strive to take up the Prophet's manner in performing their prayers as a model for them. It was narrated by Al Bukhari that Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had said: r. r. «~J~L>2~».. .. "Perlonn your prayers in the same manner' you had seen me doing." Therefore, here is the explanation for the Prophet's manner of prayer: 1
  • 6. 1. To perform completely the ablution, adoptingthemethodcornmandedby Allah in theQuran: frrt !/*;U i> *:*i lil !r:,id,iJl t*l t*) nh< ffl-rL fr1, bp...-lr#!/l J fl+b (t: o){t:Yl' ' "O ye who believe, when ye preparefor prayer,washyour facesandyour hands(and arms) to the elbows, rub your heads(with water) and (wash) your feet to the an- kles."(5:6) The Prophet(peaceandblessingsof Allatt beon him) said: r*4f{;f," Jiu Yt "Prayerwithoutablutionis invalid." 2. To turn one'sface and whole body to- wardsthe Ka'aba,The Holy Houseat Mak- kah, intending by heartto perform the prayer which he wants to fulfil, whether it is an obligatory prayer or a supererogatoryprayer, the worshipper in all cases,should not pro- nouncehis intention openly, becauseneither the Prophetnor his companionsusedto utter 1. To perform completely the ablution, adopting the method commanded by Allah in the Quran: ~Y;:--' !.tl-J;li o')l..aJi JI ~ 1';1 ~r ~.lJ1 let ~~ ~I JI ~jb ~j.r. !,-at, &1)' JI ~~b (1: 0) ~~~. . "0 ye who believe, when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands (and arms) to the elbows, rub your heads(with water) and (wash) your feet to the an- kles."(5:6) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: I .-.. L . o~ L~-: ':J»~~~ ~ "Prayer without ablution is invalid." 2. To turn one's face and whole body to- wards the Ka'aba, The Holy House at Mak- kah, intending by heart to perfonn the prayer which he wants to fulfil, whether it is an obligatory prayer or a supererogatory prayer, the worshipper in all cases, should not pro- nounce his intention openly, because neither the Prophet nor his companions used to utter 2
  • 7. the intention for prayer. Thus, pronouncing the intention for prayerin audiblevoice is a heresyandanillicit action. 'Whether theindi- vidual be an Imam or perfofineshis prayer individually, he shouldmake(A Sutra)i.e. a curtain for his prayer. Directing the face to- wards the Qibla (The Ka'abaat Makkah) is an imperative condition for every prayer. However, there are few exceptionsfor this rule explained in authoritativebooks for whom who wish to refer. 3. To pronounce"TakbiratAl Ihram" that is to sayrsl.iit"AllahuAkbar" celebratingby that the greatnessof Allah and looking meanwhile,downwardsto the place where hewill prostrate. 4. To raiseone'shandsup to the level of theshouldersor nearto thelobesof his ears, while pronouncing"TakbiratAl-Ihtam". 5. To put one'sright hand over his left handand left wrist, andput themboth over his chest,astheProphet(peaceandblessings of Atlah beuponhim) usedto do. 6. It is advisablethattheworshipperrecite the intention for prayer. Thus, pronouncing the intention for prayer in audible voice is a heresy and an illicit action. Whether the indi- vidual be an Imam or performes his prayer individually, he should make (A Sutra) i.e. a curtain for his prayer. Directing the face to- wards the Qibla (The Ka'aba at Makkah) is an imperative condition for every prayer. However, there are few exceptions for this rule explained in authoritative books for whom who wish to refer. 3. To pronounce "Takbirat Al Ihram" that is to say~t~I"Allahu Akbar" celebrating by that the greatness of Allah and looking meanwhile, downwards to the place where he will prostrate. 4. To raise one's hands up to the level of the shoulders or near to the lobes of his ears, while pronouncing "Takbirat AI-Ihram". 5. To put one's right hand over his left hand and left wrist, and put them both over his chest, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to do. 6. It is advisable that the worshipper recite 3
  • 8. thisopeningsupplicationsaying: ir:It + .lJet{ tS ft-t.L- r4.tJ q*i -r.eL f.6'lJl j".rn$t .,!..Jt&_[s +u-t!;--/o.,.,r.€xil-.r,tt, .#treI:Jb'tIL,jtr|.ti ,t' #i a*t,'rr,*;-rlt "Allahummabaid bayni wa bayenakha- tayayakamabaadtabayenaal-mashriki wal maghribi, Allahumma naqqiniy min kha- tayaya kama yonaqa al thawbo alabyado min aldans..Allahumma igysilniymin kha- tayayabilmai wathalgiwalbarad." This supplicationmeans: "O Allah, separatemefrom my sins as Youhaveseparatedtheeastand west.O Al- lah, cleanseme of my sinsas thewhite rope is cleansedfrom dirt. O Allah, washoff my sinswith water,snowandhail." Or,hemaysayinstead: Y_liJ-r+ Jtu_l dl*-,l ilrt t-l:J-r^*,_l,*eutd,lit-*--.,rr tt:l+Pd! "SobhanakaAllahumma wa bihamdika watabarakaIsmoka wata'la jaddoka wala ilahaghayroka" 4 this opening supplication saying: ,a ~ 'I' u~L I <: ,f'Llk:>-' ·...l&-L ~., U"-'..r- ~ . c""" ~" ~J ~ . r-a- (f ~~I ~'p1 ~ j ~4lb- (f ~ r-..ul ,~.;J.!J ..)~!J~!J trU~ l:?4lk.> ~ ~I r-..u' ,~..u, "Allahumma bald bayni wa bayena kha- tayaya kama baadta bayena al-mashriki wal maghribi, Allahumma naqqiniy min kha- tayaya kama yonaqa al thawbo alabyado min aldans.. Allahumma igysilniy m'in kha- tayaya bilmai wathalgi walbarad. " This supplication means: "0 Allah, separate me from my sins as You have separated the east and west. 0 Al- lah, cleanse me ofmy sins as the white rope is cleansed from dirt. 0 Allah, wash off my sins with water, snow and hail." Or, he may say instead: ~J !.L~ JWJ ~I !J.,;L;J !J~J r-..ul ct;~» ((!J~Jl "Sobhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika watabaraka Ismoka wata'la jaddoka wala ilaha ghayroka" 4
  • 9. This supplicationmeans: "Praiseand glory be to Allah. Blessedbe Your Ir,lame,exalted be Your Majesty and Glory.Thereis nogodbutYou." Or he may say any other supplications which the Prophet,(peaceand blessingsof Allah be on him) usedto sayin his prayers. It is betterto recitethesesupplicationsalter- nately,the first one in the morning prayer "Fajr", thesecondin thenoonprayer"Zuhr", eachone by turn, in conformity with what theProphetusedto do. After reciting the opening supplication, theworshippersays: t*3Jl ;tLri'll ;r.JJtt 4o1n "Aouzohillahi minal-shaytani-r-ragim" Whichmeans: "I seekprotectionof Allah againsttheoc- cursedSatan." Thenhesays: 5 tt*eJl JFJI +lll('*,*tt This supplication means: "Praise and glory be to Allah. Blessed be Your Name, exalted be Your Majesty and Glory. There is no god but You." Or he may say any other supplications which the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) used to say in his prayers. It is better to recite these supplications alter- nately, the first one in the morning prayer "Fajr", the second in the noon prayer "Zuhr", each one by tum, in conformity with what the Prophet used to do. After reciting the opening supplication, the worshipper says: ((~)I iJ~1 ~ .JJ~ ';yh "Aouzo billahi min al-shaytani-r-ragim" Which means: "] seek protection ofAllah against the ac- cursed Satan. " Then he says: 5
  • 10. "Bismillahi-RahmaniRaheem" Which means: "In thennmeof Allah, the All Merciful, the All Compassionate." and recitesthe Fatiha (The opening Sura of the gloriousQuran).ProphetMuhammad, maypeaceandblessingsbeuponhim, said: n,_,Klte;lh.'!Fl;l;X-r yn "Prayer without reciting the Fatiha is in- valid". Theworshippershouldsay"A'meen"after recitingtheFatihaloudly if theprayeris said loudly, and whisperit in inaudibleprayers. To bein conformity with thetraditionsof the Prophet,the worshipperis advisedto recite versesfrom mediumsizeSurasof theQuran in the Zuhr (noon),Asr (late afternoon),and Isha (night) prayers. As for the Fajr (morning)prayer,the worshipperis advised to recitea passagefrom thelong Surasof the Quran.He hasthe choicein Maghribprayer (Evening prayer) either to recite passages from the long Surasor from the shofi Suras "Bism illahi-Rahmani Raheem" Which means: "In the name ofAllah, the All Merciful, the All Compassionate." and recites the Fatiha (The opening Sura of the glorious Quran). Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, said: «~~I ~~ ~ f jl o~ ~» "Prayer without reciting the Fatiha is in- valid". The worshipper should say "A'meen" after reciting the Fatiha loudly if the prayer is said loudly, and whisper it in inaudible prayers. To be in confonnity with the traditions of the Prophet, the worshipper is advised to recite verses from medium size Suras of the Quran in the Zuhr (noon), Asr (late afternoon), and Isha (night) prayers. As for the Fajr (morning) prayer, the worshipper is advised to recite a passage from the long Suras of the Quran. He has the choice in Maghrib prayer (Evening prayer) either to recite passages from the long Suras or from the short Suras 6
  • 11. of theQuran. 7. Then, the worshipperbows in "Ruku" raisinghis handsup to thelevel of his shoul- ders or ears while saying "Allahu Akbar" "Allah is Great" then bendsdown, making his headand back on one level and putting his hands with the fingers spreadon his knees.The worshippershouldfeel serenity andtranquility while bowing, he shouldsay thriceat least: ( {-:li^ll g.-1rJb.-..,1 "SubhanaRabbiaylA'zim" Which means: "Glory beto myLord, theAlmighty." It is advisableto saywhile bowing in ad- dition to that: tJiobl{-dJl:J-t*',.,_lti, f*Jl dil^*,r "subhanak-AllahummaRabbana wo bi hamdilm,Allahummnlghftr liy" Whichmeans: "Glory be to Thee,O Allah, and I praise of the Quran. 7. Then, the worshipper bows in "Ruku" raising his hands up to the level of his shoul- ders or ears while saying "Allahu Akbar" "Allah is Great" then bends down, making his head and back on one level and putting his hands with the fingers spread on his knees. The worshipper should feel serenity and tranquility while bowing, he should say thrice at least: «~, <:?J ~~» "Subhana Rabbiayl A'zim" Which means: "Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty." It is advisable to say while bowing in ad- dition to that: IJp1~' !.~J ~j~' ~~J "Subhanak-Allahumma Rabbana wa hi hamdika, Allahumma Ighfir liy" Which means: "Glory be to Thee, 0 Allah, and I praise 7
  • 12. Thee;forgivememy sins." 8. To raiseone'sheadup from bowing, raisingone'shandsto the level of his shoul- dersor ears,saying,in caseof beingImam or prayingalone: (oJ.+,'t *IJlgn*.,) "Sami'aAllahu limanhamidah" Which means: "Allah listensto him who praisesHim" While resumingthe standingposition,he shouldsay: ..:!rJl 'J* np[5;t* t*t h{ l"r,+"rJl t'JbQ-rD ( .It .d rJr.c-t[, 'J*J t{+ t" .JrJ "fr!t .r}J "Rabbanowa laka al hamduhamdanka- theera'n tayyiban mobarakanfeehiy mil'a ssamawatiwa mila alardhi wa mil'a ma bay- nahomawa mil'a maShitamin shiyinba'ad" This supplicationmeans: "Our Lord, praise be fore Thee only, praisesplentiful and blessedas to fill the heavens,theearth,what in between,andfill Thee; forgive me my sins." 8. To raise one's head up from bowing, raising one's hands to the level of his shoul- ders or ears, saying, in case of being Imam or praying alone: «o.1A"- J. 4.lJ' ~» "Sami'a Allahu timan hamidah" Which means: "Allah listens to him who praises Him" While resuming the standing position, he should say: ~~ ~~ ~ lS"Jl.:--o ~ ~ .L?- .M.;l. ~J ~J» ( . ~ ~~ ~ ~1.A ~JoJ ~ 1.A ~Jo-, ~;':J' ~Jo-, "Rabbana wa laka al hamdu hamdan ka- theera'n tayyiban mobarakan feehiy mil'a ssamawati wa mila alardhi wa mil'a rna bay- nahoma wa mil'a rna Shita min shiyin ba'ad" This supplication means: "Our Lord, praise be fore Thee only, praises plentiful and blessed as to fill the heavens, the earth, what in between, and fill 8
  • 13. thatwhich will pleaseTheebesidesthem." But if the worshipperis a follower, and led in his prayerby the Imam he shouldsay when rising up "Rabbanawa laka alhamd... etc. ofsL"dl ... .rJt dllE;) It is advisablefor the Imoffi,thefollower, or who praysaloneto addalso: Y '**'JIlrlStr-Jl JUt, ,*1 r+IlJ *L.iJlJ^1' (+l ,.iI"$l li C! !, c^'.rrU+I*, YJdalei Ugt" "YottAllah whodeserveall praisesandall glory,lour praisingfsthebestandmosttrue of whateverYourservantcansay,weall are Your servants,Our Lord, no one can ever deprive aught of what You have bestowed and no onecanevergiveaughtof whatYou havedeprived." Theworshipperis advisedto puthishands on his chest, as he had done before he bowed.Both Wa'il Ibn HaggarandSahlIbn Sai'ydreportedthat this wasthe mannerof the Prophetwhen he usedto raisehis head up afterbowing. that which will please Thee besides them." But if the worshipper is a follower, and led in his prayer by the Imam he should say when rising up "Rabbana wa laka alhamd... etc. ((..lAj Lo t:J......l4.::l~J ~J)) It is advisable for the Imam, the follower, or who prays alone to add also: '1 ~I (. ~ ~ lliJ ¥I Jli Lo J;-- ~L, ~~I jAh ((4 ~ wlJ:- ~ ~ 'lJ ~ It r 'lJ ~t It ~Lo flyou Allah who deserve all praises and all glory, your praising is the best and most true ofwhatever Your servant can say, we all are Your servants, Our Lord, no one can ever deprive aught of what You have bestowed and no one can ever give aught of what You have deprived." The worshipper is advised to put his hands on his chest, as he had done before he bowed. Both Wa'il Ibn Haggar and Sahl Ibn Sai'yd reported that this was the manner of the Prophet when he used to raise his head up after bowing. 9
  • 14. 9. To prostratesaying,sidrt"Allahu Ak- bar" "Allah is Great".He shouldtouch the ground with his kneesbefore touching it with his hands,if thatis possibleto him. If not, he is permittedto touch the groundby his hand before his knees.His fingers and toes should be directedtowardsthe Qibta Makkah, andhis handsshouldbe stretched, andthe fingersclosetogetherandnot separ- ated.In prostration,the worshippershould usethesesevenorgans: The forehead,the nose,both hands,both kneesandtheinternalpartsof thetoes. These seven organs should touch the ground. Then the worshippershould say thriceor more: nplt g: .l[..*..,n "SubhanaRabbiyalA'ole" Which means: "Glorifiedis myLord, theExalted." It is advisableto say: "SubhanakaAllahuma Rabbana wa bi 10 9. To prostrate saying ~l.dsl "Allahu Ak- bar" "Allah is Great". He should touch the ground with his knees before touching it with his hands, if that is possible to him. If not, he is permitted to touch the ground by his hand before his knees. His fingers and toes should be directed towards the Qibla Makkah, and his hands should be stretched, and the fingers close together and not separ- ated. In prostration, the worshipper should; use these seven organs: The forehead, the nose, both hands, both knees and the internal parts of the toes. These seven organs should touch the ground. Then the worshipper should say thrice or more: ((~':JI C::J...> 0~)) "Subhana Rabbiyal A'ala" Which means: "Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted." It is advisable to say: "Subhanaka Allahuma Rabbana wa bi 10
  • 15. hamdika,AllahumaIghfir-liy." uJr;bl ,*sul-J-r^.-,-lQ-rf-€!l 4;t .-,,r This means: "Glory be to Thee,Our Lord, andI praise Thee.OurLord,forgivememy sins." It is recommendablefor theworshipperto exceedmore and more in supplicationsand ask for more from his Lord, becausethe Prophet,may peaceand blessingsof Allah beon him, said: + br{;*u :35*ll t"'b ,,-,.J1+ !9^!'i p5Jt L"ir tt'f .-,Lau*;; 'l.erJl Whichmeans: "Asfo, bowing "Ruku"you shouldglorify your Lord duringperformingit, asfo, pros- tration, yott shoulddo your bestto suppli- cate and askfo, morefrom Him, because your supplicationsduring prostrationare moreworthyto beaccepted." The worshippershouldask his Lord for prosperityboth in this worldly life andin the Hereafter.Whetherit is anobligatoryprayer ll hamdika, Allahuma Ighfir-liy." «Jpl ~I_!J~-,~..>~I ~~» This means: "Glory be to Thee, Our Lord, and I praise Thee. Our Lord, forgive me my sins." It is recommendable for the worshipper to exceed more and more in supplications and ask for more from his Lord, because the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said: ~ L,~l; .)~ ~l, ~ ~)I ~ ~ if)I ~» ((~ ~~ 0 ~ Which means: "As for bowing "Ruku" you should glorify your Lord during performing it, as for pros- tration, you should do your best to suppli- cate and ask for more from Him, because your supplications during prostration are more worthy to be accepted." The worshipper should ask his Lord for prosperity both in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. Whether it is an obligatory prayer 11
  • 16. or an optionalprayer,the worshipper,while prostrating,shouldneither bring his hands closeto his sides,nor stick his abdomento his thighs,or his thighsto his legs.Thewor- shipper'sarmsshouldbe raisedup from the groundbecausethe Prophet,may peaceand blessingsof Allah beon him, prohibitedput- ting the arns and stretching them on the ground,ordering that "adjust your prostra- tion, keepstraigthtin it, andstretchnot your handson thegroundasdogsdo." 10.He shouldraisehis headfrom prostra- tion saying: ;l'iit "Allahu Akbar" and lays hisleftfoot flat on the ground and sirs upon it, keeping his rightfoot erected,hishandson his thighs andknees,and,rays.' upr+lrCV: ijrlr gr^b frb t)*t -'.JD "O my Lord, forgive lfl€, have mercy on tnt€,guide ftt€, provide me with your bless- ingsand consoleme." t2 or an optional prayer, the worshipper, while prostrating, should neither bring his hands close to his sides, nor stick his abdomen to his thighs, or his thighs to his legs. The wor- shipper's arms should be raised up from the ground because the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be on him, prohibited put- ting the arms and stretching them on the ground, ordering that "adjust your prostra- tion, keep straigtht in it, and stretch not your hands on the ground as dogs do." 10. He should raise his head from prostra- tion saying: ~r.& "Allahu Akbar" and lays his left foot flat on the ground and sits upon it, keeping his rightfoot erected, his hands on his thighs and knees, and says: "0 my Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, provide me with your bless- ings and console me." 12
  • 17. The worshippershould feel tranquillity duringthispause. I 1.To prostrateagainsayingrsi'i,l"Allahu Akbar" andrepeatingduringhis prostration whathedid andsaidin thefirst prostration. 12. Then the worshipperraiseshis head saying,sf irt"Allahu Akbar" taking a pause similar to thepausebetweenthetwo prostra- tions;this is called"thepausefor rest."It is recommendedfor the worshipperto do such a pause,but thereis no sinif hedesistsfrom it. Then the worshipperrisesup and stands supportingon his knees,or on thegroundif he cannot support himself on the knees, readsthe Fatihah(The openingSuraof the gloriousQuran)andsomeotherversesof the Quranand do asjust as he did in the firsr Rakaah(unit of prayer).Thosewho pray be- hind theImam shouldnot competewith him in the prayeractionsas the Prophet(peace andblessingsof Allah beuponhim) said: r'b;n(i 45 liLi .r-Lclyll:I yc q ftiJ lt"yl J'+ telu Q_,':ltJif cor.FeI .lJlg".., : J[i l5!3e!rs",Ud, bl, 13 The worshipper should feel tranquillity during this pause. 11. To prostrate again saying~i.&1"Allahu Akbar" and repeating during his prostration what he did and said in the first prostration. 12. Then the worshipper raises his head saying .;;5' 41 "Allahu Akbar" taking a pause similar to the pause between the two prostra- tions; this is called "the pause for rest." It is recommended for the worshipper to do such a pause, but there is no sin if he desists from it. Then the worshipper rises up and stands supporting on his knees, or on the ground if he cannot support himself on the knees, reads the Fatihah (The opening Sura of the glorious Quran) and some other verses of the Quran and do as just as he did in the first Rakaah (unit of prayer). Those who pray be- hind the Imam should not compete with him in the prayer actions as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: '!J~ ~ I~~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~j:J rL.)' ~ ~1» ~J :~".u 'o-ll'- ~ ...lJl ~ : J.i l~lJ ,!"ASJli eJl~lJ 13
  • 18. qb ,;jr,td.iJtl r . !-tn.,,1i-r+-, lilr .-t*tt .11-1 Which means: The Imam is to be followed, if he says: "Allahu Akbar" which means "Allah is Great" then say the same after him. If he bows in "Ruku" bow after him. If he says: "Samia-l-latruliman hamidah"which means "Allah hearshim who praisesHim", then say: "Rabbana wa laka-l-hamd" which means"Our Lord! All praisesarefor Thee"; and if he prostrates,then prostrate after him".(BukhariV:1 P.37) 13. If the prayerconsistsof two Rakaat (two units of prayer) as the morning prayer "Fajr", Feast prayer "Eid", or the Friday prayer"Jumu'a",theworshippersitsafterthe secondprostration,with his right foot erect, sitting on his left foot laid down, putting his right hand on his right thigh, all his fingers close-fistedsavethe index finger which he usesto point out asa signfor his monotheis- tic belief, andhis left handis put on his left thigh. There is nothing in the way, if the worshipperkeepsboth the little andring fin- gers closed,while rounding his thumb and l4 ~ JA:.o ~.J.J-ll . ~~t; ~ 1~1.J . ..lo.:1-~.J Which means: The Imam is to be followed, if he says: "Allahu Akbar" which means "Allah is Great" then say the same after him. If he bows in "Ruku" bow after him. If he says: "Samia-I-Iahu liman hamidah" which means "Allah hears him who praises Him", then say: "Rabbana wa laka-I-hamd" which means "Our Lord! All praises are for Thee"; and if he prostrates, then prostrate after him". (Bukhari V:l P.37) 13. If the prayer consists of two Rakaat (two units of prayer) as the morning prayer "Fajr", Feast prayer "Eid", or the Friday prayer "Jumu'a", the worshipper sits after the second prostration, with his right foot erect, sitting on his left foot laid ~own, putting his right hand on his right thigh, all his fingers close-fisted save the index finger which he uses to point out as a sign for his monotheis- tic belief, and his left hand is put on his left thigh. There is' nothing in the way, if the worshipper keeps both the little and ring fin- gers closed, while rounding his thumb and 14
  • 19. middle finger in a ring-shape,and useshis index finger ot point out as a sign for his monotheisticbelief. It hasbeenrelatedthat theProphet,may peaceandblessingsof Al- lah be on him, had practisedboth of these ways,thus,it is advisablefor theworshipper to perform the first way once and the other on the secondtime. The worshipperreadsthe Tashatrudwhile sittingandsays: Clt*i Ul^t,fill c.rL,,Ll!.:!/.-'JIJ4lJ.rt-*:Jln i3,"ii . itf L.aJl4lJlrl*" Jp-rt+lr p't-*lt d5;; dLJli.Frr ,j* '*eul,lrts o.rtcl"usOI-rp'U.+l Y!4JtY Jl .iXIfr^!l JLf=^hlJp4-c tF.r*sli ,&t"r*+ .,p f.^!rl Jo citt{ [5 rai Jl Jtr r^3 J" $!-r "r# "r*1. ( .+f -t=.*.iX!.g.^! "Al-tahiyatulilahi wasalawatuwatayibatu Assalamualayka ayuha-n-nabiyuwa rah- mat-u-llahiwa barakatuhu.Assalamualayi- na wa ala ibadi-l-lahi-s-salalihiyn.Ashadu ala ilaha ila lahu we ashaduannoMuham- madanabdohowo raswuloh.Allahuma sal- liy ala Muhammadwa ala aali Muhamad, kama salayataala lbrahima wa aali lbra- him. Inaka Hamidon Majid. Wa barik ala 15 middle finger in a ring-shape, and uses his index finger ot point out as a sign for his monotheistic belief. It has been related that the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Al- lah be on him, had practised both of these ways, thus, it is advisable for the worshipper to perfonn the first way once and the other on the second time. The worshipper reads the Tashahud while sitting and says: ~I~lei ~ ~I "~~!J ~!J.L.aJ!J ill ~~I» ~I ,,~l.,4.H ill ~l:s- J&-.J l.:.:k ,YLJ~S~.J ill ~J." ~ ~, "~J-'J'" o~ I~ 0i ~~ ,~, ':J! JI ':J cJi d;!~~I J!J ~~I J&- + ~ .4.¢ JI ~J ~ ~ ~~I ~ ~J4 te5 ~ J ~J ~ J&- !JJ4J ¥ ~ (( .~ ~ cl! .r-:-"~I J!J "Al-tahiyatu lilahi wasalawatu watayibatu Assalamu alayka ayuha-n-nabiyu wa rah- mat-u-llahi wa barakatuhu. Assalamu alayi- na wa ala ibadi-l-lahi-s-salalihiyn. Ashadu ala ilaha ila lahu wa ashadu anna Muham- madan abdoho wa raswuloh. Allahuma sal- liy ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhamad, kama salayata ala Ibrahima wa aali Ibra- him. lnaka Hamidon Majid. Wa barik ala 15
  • 20. Mohammadwa ala aali Muhammadkama barktaala lbrahima wa aali lbrahima. Inaka HamidonMaiid." This means: "Greetings,prayersand thegoodthingsof tife belongto Allah. Peace,mercyand bless- ing of Altah be on You, O ProPhet.MaY peacebeuponusandon thedevoutslavesof Atlah. I testifythat thereis no god butAllah and I testifythat Muharnmadfs His slave and messenger.O Allah, blessMuhammad and hisfamity as You blessedlbrahim and hisfamily. You are the Most-Praised,The Most-glorious.O Allah, bestowYourSrace on Muhammadand hisfamily as You best- woedit on lbrahim and hisfamily. Youore theMost-Praised,TheM ost-glorious." After recitingthe Tashahud,the worship- per asksAllah'sprotection'fromfour evils, heshouldsay: ,y: 4l .;li-e i/J f-{+ ./tro i/ dl t3,It;t .r!tr .,.JbrJl GJI i*,,,s.)tJlJ lJl e;i "My Lord, I askyour protectionfrom tor- ment of the Hell, tormentof the gravethe l6 Mohammad wa ala aali Muhammad kama barkta ala Ibrahima wa aali Ibrahima. Inaka Hamidon Majir1." This means: "Greetings, prayers and the good things of life belong to Allah. Peace, mercy and bless- ing of Allah be on you, 0 Prophet. May peace be upon us and on the devout slaves of Allah. I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. 0 Allah, bless Muhammad and his family as You blessed Ibrahim and his family. You are the Most-Praised, The Most-glorious. 0 Allah, bestow Your grace on Muhammad and his family as You best- woed it on Ibrahim and his family. You are the Most-Praised, The Most-glorious." After reciting the Tashahud, the worship- per asks Allah's protection 'from four evils, he should say: ~J ~I ~I..i&. ,fJ ~ :.r ~ ~y ~ ~» (( . J~..ul ~I 0 ~.J ~t)!J L:>J.I 0 "My Lord, I ask your protection from tor- ment of the Hell, torment of the grave the 16
  • 21. trials in life-time and after death,and from the imposter Antichrist." The worshipper may askAllah for prosperityin this worldly life andin the Hereafter,supplicateAllah to bestowHis favors on his parentsand other muslims.He could do this in both obligatory andoptionalprayers.It hasbeenreportedby Ibn Massoud that the Prophet,peaceand blessingsof Allah be on him, taught him how to recitetheTashatrudandtold him that the worshippershouldinvoke Allah andask Him for the more belovedwisheswhich he likes,or, asit hasbeenrelatedin otherword- ings, the worshipper should ask Allah for whateverhe wishes.In this mannerothe ser- vant can askAllah for all the prosperitiesof this worldly life and the life to come.The worshipperterminateshis prayerby turning his faceto theright saying: tqlJlia'ts ,5.t" f'l*Jtr "As-salamualai kum wa rahmatuAllah" and to the left sayingthis salutationwhich means"Peaceand mercy of Allah be on 14. In case of a three Rakaat prayer 17 trials in life-time and after death, and from the imposter Antichrist." The worshipper may ask Allah for prosperity in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, supplicate Allah to bestow His favors on his parents and other muslims. He could do this in both obligatory and optional prayers. It has been reported by Ibn Massoud that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, taught him how to recite the Tashahud and told him that the worshipper should invoke Allah and ask Him for the more beloved wishes which he likes, or, as it has been related in other word- ings, the worshipper should ask Allah for whatever he wishes. In this manner, the ser- vant can ask Allah for all the prosperities of this worldly life and the life to come. The worshipper terminates his prayer by turning his face to the right saying: «~, u--J-J ~ ~1» "As-salamu alai kum wa rahmatu Allah" and to the left saying this salutation which means "Peace and mercy of Allah be on you." 14. In case of a three Rakaat prayer 17
  • 22. (prayer consistingof three units) as that of Maghrib prayer,(eveningprayer),or a four- Rakaat prayer like that of noon prayer (Zuhr), Asr prayer(lateafternoonprayer)or, Isha prayer (night prayer), the worshipper standsup afterreciting the Tashatrudaccord- ing to the manner statedbefore, and raises his handsFp to the level of his shoulders saying ;l*irt (Allahu Akbar). The worship- per puts his handsover his chestas it had beenexplainedbefsre, and recitesonly the Fatiha.Thereis no objectionif he addsto the Fatihasomeotherversesof the Quranwhile performing the third or fourth Rakaat(units of prayer) of noon prayer (Zuhr), because this was statedto be one of the manners adopted by the Prophet, may peace and blessingsof Allah be on him, accordingto thetradition reportedby Abi Saied. After the third Rakaahof Maghrib prayer (eveningprayer), and the fourth Rakaahof Zuhr (noon),Asr (afternoon)andIsha(night) prayers,the worshipperrecitestheTashahud andterminateshis prayersby saying: t .r.lJlbttf$" g){*ltl r8 (prayer consisting of three units) as that of Maghrib prayer, (evening prayer), or a four- Rakaat prayer like that of noon prayer (Zuhr), Asr prayer (late afternoon prayer) or, Isha prayer (night prayer), the worshipper stands up after reciting the Tashahud accord- ing to the manner stated before, and raises his hands up to the level of his shoulders saying ~t 4 (Allahu Akbar). The worship- per puts his hands over his chest as it had been explained before, and recites only the Fatiha. There is no objection if he adds to the Fatiha some other verses of the Quran while performing the third or fourth Rakaat (units of prayer) of noon prayer (Zuhr), because this was stated to be one of the manners adopted by the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be on him, according to the tradition reported by Abi Saied. After the third Rakaah of Maghrib prayer (evening prayer), and the fourth Rakaah of Zuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon) and Isha (night) prayers, the worshipper recites the Tashahud and tenninates his prayers by saying: «•~1 'U-J.J F ,')l.Jt. 18
  • 23. "Assalamu-alaikumwa rahmatuAllah" while turningfirst to theright, andsecond to theleft asit hasbeenexplainedbefore. It is not an obligatoryduty,but it is a rec- ommendableprophetic tradition to invoke Allah after terminatingthe prayerby asking Him forgivenessthrice and saying before turningone'sfacetowardshis followersif he is theImam: JX4-f liti cl-rtr p)'t*Jl'ltbr l)t..ll .lT feJl, *.plfYb Whichmeans: "O Allah, Thouart peaceandfrom Theeis peace, Thou art blessed,O possessorof GloryandHonour." It is advisablefor theworshipperto say: ;*-e.t*ll db.1[lll 4J.oJ-lry' Y.oJ>ldulyl 4JlYrr c-r& Uft-. YJc,:tel U it, Y FJJi .J$ .,9 ,F Jt !l dl Y ..lJtrYl;roY_rJFY .-r.*t-:I" rJ-t[i t Y, 4JlY d+l "[*Jl4] Jhaijl dJ q.-d,Jl4Job_tYl +rj 11 nttt ( ..r,ljt$l rf :lr.rrJl 4Ji^^.oli dLIlYl 19 "Assalamu-alaikum wa rahmatu Allah" while turning first to the right, and second to the left as it has been explained before. It is not an obligatory duty, but it is a rec- ommendable prophetic tradition to invoke Allah after terminating the prayer by asking Him forgiveness thrice and saying before turning one's face towards his followers if he is the Imam: J'Yd:-1 1~4 ~.)~ YL.JI ~.J ~I ~i ~I)) «•~)t!J Which means: "0 Allah, Thou art peace andfrom Thee is peace, Thou art blessed, 0 possessor of Glory and Honour." It is advisable for the worshipper to say: ~.J ...LoJ..1 .JJ ~I .J ,.J 4~ )t. O~J ill1)tl .JI )t» ~ U~ )tJ ~t U~lA '1 ~I 'J:! ,.~ JS J&- '11 .JI '1 ,ill4)t1 o~ ~J Jy>- ~ ,~I ~ JJ:-l I) ~ ~J .JI ':} ~I ,.l:..~.H .JJ J..,aAJ1 .JJ ~I .J 041 )tl ~ ':1J ...ul « • 0J}lS:J1 0.;5 Job ~..ul .J ~ .illt ':}I 19
  • 24. Which means: "Thereis no god butAllah. He is theOne- He hasno partner. His is thedominionand to Him alone is thepraise. He haspower over all things.O Lord, nonemay withhold what You havegiven and none may give what Youhavewithheldand therichescan- not avail a wealthypersonwith Thee.There is no mightor powerexceptby thesupportof Allah, Thereis no god butAllah and we do not worshipbut Him alone.To Him alone belongall bounties,to Him alonebelongall grace,and to Him worthypraise is accord' ed. Thereis no god but Allah, to Whomwe are sincerein devotion,eventhoughtheun- believersmoydetestit." It is also advisableto the worshipperto extol Allah 33 times by saying 4i'l,lt**, (SubhanaAllah).praiseHim by saying+ir-rJt (Al Hamdulil-Allah) 33 tiinesalsoby say- ing: ;l.iir "Allahu Akbar" andthe wor- shippercompleteshis supplicationsto beone hundredby sayingonce: y"o-e"rJl 4! 4llt 4J.oJOtry' Y oJ>-e4IJlYl AJlYtt 20 Which means: "There is no god but Allah. He is the One. He has no partner. His is the dominion and to Him alone is the praise. He has power over all things. 0 Lord, none may withhold what You have given and none may give what You have withheld and the riches can- not avail a wealthy person with Thee. There is no might or power except by the support of Allah, There is no god but Allah and we do not worship but Him alone. To Him alone belong all bounties, to Him alone belong all grace, and to Him worthy praise is accord- ed. There is no god but Allah, to Whom we are sincere in devotion, even though the un- believers may detest it. " It is also advisable to the worshipper to extol Allah 33 times by saying .&0~ (Subhana Allah). praise Him by saying...tJ....:1.. (AI Hamdu lil-Allah) 33 times also by say- ing: ~'41 "Allahu Akbar" and the wor- shipper completes his supplications to be one hundred by saying once: jJbJ ~ 4.JJ ~ J ,4.. ~~ ~ oJ.>.J ill ~ 4..~» 20
  • 25. (.;$'.5Js& Which means: "Thereis no godbut Allah. He is theOne. He hasno partner.His is the dominion and to Him alone is the praise.He has power overall things." The worshipperaddsto that the recitation of theverseof theThrone"Ayat Al-Kursiy", .Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat El-Falaq,and Surat Al-Nas. It is recommendabl.eto recitethese Surasthrice after the Fajr prayer (Morning prayer), and the Maghrib prayer (evening prayer)becausethis wasreportedto be one of the traditions of the Prophet,peaceand blessingsof Allah beon him. As it hadbeen statedbefore,all theseafter-prayersupplica- tionsareoptionalandnot obligatory. Everymuslim,whetherbemaleor female, is recommendedto pray 12Rakaatof super- erogatoryprayersevery day: four of these Rakaat (units of prayers) are before noon prayer, two after it, two after Maghrib prayer,two afterIsha(night)prayerandtwo beforethe morning prayer Thesesupere- 2r Which means: "There is no god but Allah. He is the One. He has no partner. His is the dominion and to Him alone is the praise. He has power over all things." The worshipper adds to that the recitation of the verse of the Throne "Ayat AI-Kursiy", 'Surat AI-Ikhlas, Surat EI-Falaq, and Surat AI-Nas. It is recommendable to recite these Suras thrice after the Fajr prayer (Morning prayer), and the Maghrib prayer (evening prayer) because this was reported to be one of the traditions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. As it had been stated before, all these after-prayer supplica- tions are optional and not obligatory. Every muslim, whether be male or female, is recommended to pray 12 Rakaat of super- erogatory prayers every day: four of these Rakaat (units of prayers) are before noon prayer, two after it, two after Maghrib prayer, two after Isha (night) prayer and two before the morning prayer - These supere- 21
  • 26. rogatory rr:ayersarecalled (Rawatib)which means:"CertainSupererogatoryexercisesof optional prayers."The Prophetpeaceand blessingsof Allah be on him, preseruedthe performance of these optional prayers whereverhe settled.During his travels,he usedto practisethe two optional Rakaatbe- fore the morning prayer and also the Witr prayer(aftertheIshaprayer).Thereis no ob- jection to perform theseoptiorial prayersin the mosque,but it is better to perform it at home,becausetheProphet,peaceAndbless- ings of Allah be on him, said "The bestof the prayersare thosewhich are fulfilled at one'sown home,with exceptionto obligato- ry prayerswhich should be performedin congregationat themosque." Observanceof fulfilling theseoptional prayersis a meansfor gainingadmissionto paradise.The Prophet,may peaceandbless- ingsof Allatr beon him, said: 4Jdlf ,!le-*; *l=l-r*-r- r! iJ-r ;P +;:il k Uu tu+l.t t+ 22 rogatory prayers are called (Rawatib) which means: "Certain supererogatory exercises of optional prayers." The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be on him, preserved the performance of these optional prayers wherever he settled. During his travels, he used to practise the two optional Rakaat be- fore the morning prayer and also the Witr prayer (after the Isha prayer). There is no ob- jection to perform these optiorial prayers in the mosque, but it is better to perform it at home, because the Prophet, peace ~d bless- ings of Allah be on him, said "The best of the prayers are those which are fulfilled at one's own home, with exception to obligato- ry prayers which should be performed in congregation at the mosque." Observance of fulfilling these optional prayers is a means for gaining admission to paradise. The Prophet, may peace and bless- ings of Allah be on him, said: J ill' ~ ~# .d.:J." v-':! J wJ ~ ~ ~ j-A» .. - «~I~~ 22
  • 27. Whichmeans: "Whoeverprays optionallytwelveRakaat everyone day and night, Allah will reward him by an establisheddwelling in thepara- dise." It is alsoadvisableto the muslim to pray four optional Rakaat before Asr prayer (afternoon prayer), two before Maghrib prayer(eveningprayer),andtwo beforeIsha prayer (night prayer),becausethis manner was reportedto be one of the traditionsof theProphet.Allah, theAlmighty says: rY :ff r{i:--- ;y|.iil ,-1,", + ,.(JJISrnJ} "Ye haveindeedin the Messengerof Al- lah anexcellentexempler"(33:21). And the Prophet (May the peace and blassingsof Allah beuponhim) said: o+-ls_r.rLtF!A",, Which means: "Performyour prayerin the samemanner asyouhadseenmedoing." Allah is He Who is Able to renderus suc- 23 Which 'means: "Whoever prays optionally twelve Rakaat everyone day and night, Allah will reward him by an established dwelling in the para- dise. " It is also advisable to the muslim to pray four optional Rakaat before Asr prayer (afternoon prayer), two before Maghrib prayer (evening prayer), and two before Isha prayer (night prayer), because this manner was reported to be one of the traditions of the Prophet. Allah, the Almighty says: (y , : 'r'Y") ~4.:.-> 0.,-.1 41 J"-'J ~ ~ ~lS ...lAJ~ "Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Al- lah an excellent exempler" (33:21). And the Prophet (May the peace and bIassings of Allah be upon him) said: «~tJ~L2~».. .. Which means: "Perform your prayer in the same manner as you had seen me doing." Allah is He Who is Able to render us suc- 23
  • 28. cessandprosperity,andmay Allah give His blessingsandpeaceto our ProphetMuham- mad son of Abdellah, his family, his com- panions and whoever follows his way till doomsday. Presidentof SupremeHeadOffice for ReligiousResea- rches,Ifta, Call andGuidanceDepartments. (ShiekhAbdul Aziz Abdullah Bin Baz) 24 cess and prosperity, and may Allah give His blessings and peace to our Prophet Muham- mad son of Abdellah, his family, his com- panions and whoever follows his way till doomsday. President of Supreme Head Office for Religious Resea- rches, Ifta, Call and Guidance Departments. (Shiekh Abdul Aziz Abdullah Bin Baz) 24
  • 29.
  • 32. I _"........~ _ _-J-"'~- ... ".'''--'' ,,, ,,......." .:.04 ~ ,~ •