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During the semester, you will be asked to answer ANY TWO
unit Journal prompts. You might wish to read all four unit
journal promts first so you can decide which two you are most
interested in writing about because you can only answer the unit
during that unit.
· When you answer, please write a serious paragraph or two in
reponse. If your answer is only a few lines or sentences, you're
not thinking deeply enough.
· Include at least ONE properly cited source to help strengthen
your answer. to test the appropriateness of your source(s).
· Try to let me know in you read
The Madman, linked at the top of the Unit 3 folder.
Prompt: After reading
The Madman, and studying Friedrich Nietzsche,
explain two things: 1) Explain at least one thing that is
different about your worldview because you either believe in
God, or do not believe in God (in a somewhat traditional sense),
and 2) Explain how society would be different if it held your
view (either God, or not-God).
This could be something about your ethics, your
politics, your social ideology, or the way you choose to live
your life. Try to get beyond, "I go to church" or "I don't go to
church." Think about your life, your choices, your values.
Which ones are rooted in God, or not-God? And how would
holding that view affect society if everyone agreed with you?
This Journal Question may only be answered during Unit 3.
Grading: For each Journal Response this semester, here is the
grading rubric on which the responses will be scored:
Answered Question Thoroughly, 40%
Appears to Understand Course Material, 20%
Logic, 15%
Writing, Clarity and Grammar, 15%
Timeliness and Other, 10%
Wenjia Zhang
COMN 2200
Professor Elizabeth Suter
Oct 11,2022
Interview and Transcription
I interviewed three people through online channels; two are
friends who follow the female biological clock and are my
longtime friends in junior studies, and one is a parent who lets
her daughter track the female biological clock. The data from
the interview will help view life from other people’s description
and their way of thinking and how to encourage the observance
of the female "biological" clock to balance between being a
mother and having a career.
1.In what way has following the female biological clock
impacted your life?
Zunshu Hu: My improved health is a direct result of my
growing appreciation for and awareness of the intricate
workings of my body.
Ping Li: Even though my ovarian reserve is low, I can monitor
my fertility curve by checking my anti-Mullerian hormone
Li's Mother: I always encourage my daughter to follow the
biological clock because it helps improve our health; we need to
learn about and appreciate the processes by which our body
2. When someone describes the following biological clock as
“primitive,” how does that make you feel?
Zunshu Hu: I feel that the person does not exactly know what
the biological clock means. I, therefore, just pity them.
Ping Li: I always need to educate the person about what it is.
Li’s Mother: I do not feel bad because I know many people do
not understand this precisely.
3. Tell me about the understanding of a woman’s biological
clock program and how it has impacted your life in the journey
of your motherhood.
Zunshu Hu: the fertility fluctuation throughout a person's
lifespan as measured by their biological clock. It has helped me
to understand the best time to get a family.
Hua Li: The quantity of eggs and sperm produced naturally
decreases with age, as does their quality. One, therefore, can
plan the best time to get a baby. I have been able to plan my
family and achieve my motherhood goals.
Li’s Mother: The ability to think critically and act on that
thinking is the key to success. Starting a family might go more
smoothly if you know your reproductive physiology and plan
4. When did you embrace the idea of following the female
biological clock?
Zunshu Hu: There was this case of a woman who was much into
her carrier that when she wanted to start her family at the age of
38, she could not bear a child.
Hua Li: I embraced this idea after learning the importance of
following the biological clock in a specific family.
Li’s Mother: one of my sisters had a tough time getting a child
when she married at 36. It got me thinking about the importance
of the biological clock.
5. What would happen if, during your fertile years, you got
engaged in many activities to enhance your career life? How
would you do? Would you sacrifice your career to get children
Zunshu Hu: I don't think it would be a good idea to focus on my
profession throughout my childbearing years.
Hua Li: I don't think it's a good idea to put off having children
to advance in one's job. A composite female will examine her
tummy and agonize about her life decisions.
Li’s Mother: It is essential to do everything independently. I
would first sacrifice my career and get back later on.
6. Is there a point when your decision to follow the biological
clock to have a child early was misunderstood by your peers?
Zunshu Hu: Yes. It is because, in most cases, people have not
understood it fully.
Hua Li: Many times. But I have always shown them the sense of
Li’s Mother: People will always be adamant when they do not
understand something.
7. How do you hope others will understand the importance of
using the female biological clock?
Zushu Hu: Through educating one another, we can all get to
know its benefits.
Hua Li: I hope that the healthcare facilities can help in
educating people about its significance.
Li’s Mother: parents should educate their children about the
significance of this method.
8. Do you ever regret following the biological clock? Why?
Zunshu Hu: I have never regretted it.
Hua Li: Not even once.
Li’s Mother: with the benefit that comes with it, I think it is the
best for my daughter.
9. How do you feel about following a biological clock to give
birth? Why did you choose to let your daughter follow it?
Zunshu Hu: I choose to follow this path because it is easier and
with no health concerns.
Hua Li: this is a natural method with no side effects or regrets.
Li’s Mother: I allowed my daughter to follow this so that she
can be able to produce during her fertile period.
10. In conclusion, how do you advise other parents with
daughters who have entered fertility? Will you encourage them
to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed production?
Zunshu Hu: I would advise them to follow this and avoid
rushing when it is too late.
Hua Li: Parents should encourage their daughters to pursue this
path because it can help alleviate stress related to delayed
production, which is especially true if a woman's focus on her
career has left her with little time to pursue parenthood or if
others constantly question her about her reproductive choices.
Li’s Mother: The age of peak fertility varies from person to
person, just as the age at which women begin and end
menstruation. Therefore, parents should advise their children to
produce when they are productive.
COMN 2200 Transcription Self-Assessment and Grading Rubric
Use this rubric to guide your completion of the interview
transcription assignment.
1. Complete your interview transcription to meet each
goal/target described in Column B.
2. Complete Column C, assigning a code for each goal/target
3. (1 = Doesn’t Meet; 2 = Getting There; 3 = Fully Meet; NS =
Not Sure)
4. Upload your interview transcription under the Interview
Assignment on Canvas with the document title “Last
Name_Interview 1”
5. Upload your completed “Transcription Self-Assessment &
Grading Rubric” on Canvas
Name: ___Wenjia
Column A: Criteria
Column B: Description of Goal/Target
Column C: Student Assessment
Extent to Which Meets Criteria Goal/Target
1 = Doesn’t Meet
2 = Getting There
3 = Fully Meets
NS = Not Sure
Column D: Professor Assessment
1. Verbatim audio transcription
Student has conducted and prepare their interview for data
analysis by creating a verbatim (aka orthographic) audio
transcription which transcribes spoken words (and other sounds)
in the recorded data
2. Presents as clear and complete of a rendering of what was
uttered as possible.
Records in written form all verbal utterances from all speakers,
both actual words and non-semantic sounds – such as ‘erm’,
‘er’, ‘uhuh’, ‘mm’ and ‘mm-hm’.
3. Does NOT ‘correct’ or change anything
Captures how the individuals expressed themselves. Avoids
‘cleaning up’ or editing the data so participants sound more
fluent and more like they are using written language.
4. Anonymizes transcripts
Any data that could identify the participant has been removed or
changed. This includes changing participant names and names
of other people mentioned in the data by giving them a
pseudonym (fake name). Beyond this, other information has
been removed or changed that could potentially make the
participant identifiable (e.g., occupation, age, identifying
personal information).
5. Identifies the speaker for each turn of talk
The speaker’s name, followed by a colon (e.g., Anna: ) signal
the identity of the speaker (use Interviewer/Int for when you are
speaking). A new line is started for every time a new speaker
enters the conversation. The first word of each new turn of talk
begins with a capital letter.
6. Identifies Laughing, coughing, etc.
((laughs)) and ((coughs)) is used to signal a speaker laughing or
coughing during a turn of talk; ((General laughter)) signals
interviewer and participant are laughing at once
7. Identifies Pausing
((pause)) is used to signal a significant pause (i.e., a few
seconds or more; precise timing of pauses is not necessary).
8. Spoken abbreviations
When someone speaks an abbreviation, that abbreviation is used
(e.g., TV for television) but abbreviations are not used unless a
speaker uses them.
9. Overlapping speech
Types ((in overlap)) before the start of the overlapping speech.
Uses ((inaudible)) for speech and sounds that are completely
When something is heard but transcriber is not certain it’s
correct, a single parentheses signals the best guess or guesses as
to what was said – for example (ways of life) or (ways of
life/married wife)
11. Non-verbal utterances
Renders phonetically and consistently common non-verbal
sounds uttered by your participants. For English-as-a-first-
language speakers, these include ‘erm’, ‘er’, ‘mm’, ‘mm-hm’
13. Reported speech
Reported speech signaled with the use of inverted commas
around the reported speech (e.g. … and she said ‘I think your
bum does look big in that dress’ and I said ‘thanks a bunch’…)
14. Margins
Transcript is formatted using 2 inch margins on the left-hand
side and 1 inch margins on the other right, top, and bottom
15. Line numbering
The lines in the transcript have been numbered, continuously.
16. Audibility Check
Evidences that an audibility Check Performed (e.g., Auto-
transcription software errors corrected (e.g., homophones) **
Audibility checks ensure the veracity of a transcript. Perform by
playing back the recording while reading the transcription,
pausing the recording to improve the accuracy of the
17. Self-Assessment
Includes a written honest self-assessment of the student’s
interview performance and a statement of plans for
improvement in the subsequent interview.
2Interview and Transcription Assignment Sheet
Interview and Transcription (300 points)
Assignment Description: In this assignment, students
demonstrate their ability to conduct, transcribe, and
three (3) semi-structured audio research interviews.
Using their approved research proposal, students conduct and
prepare their first interview for data analysis by creating a
verbatim (aka orthographic) audio transcription which
transcribes spoken words (and other sounds) in recorded data.
The student’s verbatim/orthographic transcription follows Braun
& Clarke’s transcription system. For each of the three
interviews, the assignment also includes a written honest self-
assessment of the student’s interview performance and a
statement of plans for improvement in the subsequent interview.
Each interview, transcription, and self-assessment are worth 100
points for a total of 300 points.
Orthographic transcription records what was said. When we
speak, we don’t use punctuation to make ourselves understood.
We use pauses and intonation; we vary our speech in pace
(faster, slower), volume (louder, quieter) and many other ways.
Spoken (natural) language is ‘messier’ than written language:
we hesitate when we speak, we stumble over our words, start a
word or phrase and don’t finish it, and say the same word or
phrase a number of times.
It’s important that your transcripts are thorough and of high
quality. A transcription notation system allows you to
clearly and
consistently translate spoken language into written
language, meaning your approach to transcription is thorough
and meticulous.
A quality transcript signals
what is said and
who is speaking. A good orthographic transcript records
in written form all verbal utterances from all speakers, both
actual words and non-semantic sounds – such as ‘erm’, ‘er’,
‘uhuh’, ‘mm’ and ‘mm-hm’.
Your aim is to create as clear and complete a rendering
of what was uttered as possible.
Do NOT ‘correct’ or change anything – for example, don’t
translate slang or vernacular terms into ‘standard’ English (if a
participant says ‘dunno,’ it should not be transcribed as ‘don’t
know’). If you ‘clean up’ or edit your data, your participants
will sound more fluent and more like they are using written
language. The whole point of collecting spoken data is that we
capture how people express themselves.
Schedule time to time to transcribe the interview as soon as
possible (ideally the following day).
Verbatim/Orthographic Transcription Is Expected To Follow
Braun & Clarke’s Transcription System:
Anonymizing transcripts: Any data that could identify the
participant has been removed or changed. This includes
changing participant names and names of other people
mentioned in the data by giving them a pseudonym (fake name).
Beyond this, remove or change other information that could
potentially make the participant identifiable (e.g., occupation,
age, identifying personal information – for instance has three
older sisters). You can change identifying information such as
people’s names and occupations, places, events, etc. in one of
two ways. By changing details and providing unmarked,
appropriate alternatives (e.g. ‘Bristol’ to ‘Manchester’; ‘my
sister is 14’ to ‘my sister is 12’; ‘I’m a really keen knitter’ to
‘I’m a really keen sewer’). By replacing specific information
with marked generic descriptions (indicated by square brackets,
so ‘London’ might be replaced with [large city]; ‘Michael’ with
[oldest brother]; ‘running’ with [form of exercise])
Identifies the speaker for each turn of talk: The speaker’s name,
followed by a colon (e.g., Anna: ) signal the identity of the
speaker (use Interviewer/Int for when you are speaking). A new
line is started for every time a new speaker enters the
conversation. The first word of each new turn of talk begins
with a capital letter.
Identifies Laughing, coughing, etc.: ((laughs)) and ((coughs)) is
used to signal a speaker laughing or coughing during a turn of
talk; ((General laughter)) signals interviewer and participant are
laughing at once
Identifies Pausing: ((pause)) is used to signal a significant
pause (i.e., a few seconds or more; precise timing of pauses is
not necessary).
Spoken abbreviations: When someone speaks an abbreviation,
that abbreviation is used (e.g., TV for television) but
abbreviations are not used unless a speaker uses them.
Overlapping speech: Type ((in overlap)) before the start of the
overlapping speech Use ((inaudible)) for speech and sounds that
are completely inaudible; when you can hear something but
you’re not sure if it’s correct, use single parentheses to signal
your best guess or guesses as to what was said – for example
(ways of life) or (ways of life/married wife)
Non-verbal utterances: Render phonetically and consistently
common non-verbal sounds uttered by your participants. For
English-as-a-first-language speakers, these include ‘erm’, ‘er’,
‘mm’, ‘mm-hm’
Reported speech: Reported speech is when a person provides an
apparent verbatim account of the speech (or thoughts) of
another person (or reports their own speech in the past). Signal
this with the use of inverted commas around the reported speech
(e.g. … and she said ‘I think your bum does look big in that
dress’ and I said ‘thanks a bunch’…)
Margins: Format the transcript using transcript margins. 2 inch
margin on the left-hand side and 1 inch margins on the right,
top, and bottom margins.
Line numbering: Line number the transcript, continuously.
Audibility Check: Evidences that an audibility Check Performed
(e.g., Auto-transcription software errors corrected (e.g.,
homophones) ** Audibility checks ensure the veracity of a
transcript. Perform by playing back the recording while reading
the transcription, pausing the recording to improve the accuracy
of the transcription.
DU offers students access Zoom and Kaltura automated
transcription services
i. Students conducting
face to face interviews should audio record their
interviews and upload their recording to
Kaltura My Media within Canvas or DU MediaSpace.
“All video and audio files uploaded to Kaltura My Media within
Canvas or DU MediaSpace will have an auto-generated closed
caption file. As the video owner or editor, you can edit the auto-
generated closed captions to improve accuracy." Information
provided courtesy of the DU Ed-Tech Knowledge Base:
ii. Students conducting
remote interviews should conduct their interviews using
Zoom. "Our DU community ZOOM enterprise license
now allows for real-time closed captions and live transcription"
& " if the ZOOM meeting was recorded to the Cloud, the host of
the meeting can access the meeting record and edit the
transcript." Information provided courtesy of the DU Ed-Tech
Knowledge Base:
a. “Audio transcription automatically transcribes the audio of a
meeting or webinar that you record to the cloud" Additional
Instructions for automated transcription post-Zoom recording:
For each of the three interviews, the assignment also includes a
written honest self-assessment of the student’s interview
performance and a statement of plans for improvement in the
subsequent interview. Revisions to subsequent interviews can
include, for instance:
· Rewording interview questions that did not work particularly
· Changing the order of questions
· Adding more prompts and probes to encourage participants to
talk more
· Plans to keep the next interviewee more on track
· Changing the location of the interview to somewhere more
quiet or private
· Better use of silence
· Better management of nervousness
· Better opening or closure of the interview

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During the semester, you will be asked to answer ANY TWO unit Jour.docx

  • 1. During the semester, you will be asked to answer ANY TWO unit Journal prompts. You might wish to read all four unit journal promts first so you can decide which two you are most interested in writing about because you can only answer the unit question during that unit. · When you answer, please write a serious paragraph or two in reponse. If your answer is only a few lines or sentences, you're not thinking deeply enough. · Include at least ONE properly cited source to help strengthen your answer. to test the appropriateness of your source(s). · Try to let me know in you read The Madman, linked at the top of the Unit 3 folder. Prompt: After reading The Madman, and studying Friedrich Nietzsche, explain two things: 1) Explain at least one thing that is different about your worldview because you either believe in God, or do not believe in God (in a somewhat traditional sense), and 2) Explain how society would be different if it held your view (either God, or not-God). This could be something about your ethics, your politics, your social ideology, or the way you choose to live your life. Try to get beyond, "I go to church" or "I don't go to church." Think about your life, your choices, your values. Which ones are rooted in God, or not-God? And how would holding that view affect society if everyone agreed with you? This Journal Question may only be answered during Unit 3.
  • 2. Grading: For each Journal Response this semester, here is the grading rubric on which the responses will be scored: Answered Question Thoroughly, 40% Appears to Understand Course Material, 20% Logic, 15% Writing, Clarity and Grammar, 15% Timeliness and Other, 10% 1 Wenjia Zhang COMN 2200 Professor Elizabeth Suter Oct 11,2022 Interview and Transcription I interviewed three people through online channels; two are friends who follow the female biological clock and are my longtime friends in junior studies, and one is a parent who lets her daughter track the female biological clock. The data from the interview will help view life from other people’s description and their way of thinking and how to encourage the observance of the female "biological" clock to balance between being a mother and having a career. 1.In what way has following the female biological clock impacted your life? Zunshu Hu: My improved health is a direct result of my growing appreciation for and awareness of the intricate workings of my body. Ping Li: Even though my ovarian reserve is low, I can monitor my fertility curve by checking my anti-Mullerian hormone levels.
  • 3. Li's Mother: I always encourage my daughter to follow the biological clock because it helps improve our health; we need to learn about and appreciate the processes by which our body operates. 2. When someone describes the following biological clock as “primitive,” how does that make you feel? Zunshu Hu: I feel that the person does not exactly know what the biological clock means. I, therefore, just pity them. Ping Li: I always need to educate the person about what it is. Li’s Mother: I do not feel bad because I know many people do not understand this precisely. 3. Tell me about the understanding of a woman’s biological clock program and how it has impacted your life in the journey of your motherhood. Zunshu Hu: the fertility fluctuation throughout a person's lifespan as measured by their biological clock. It has helped me to understand the best time to get a family. Hua Li: The quantity of eggs and sperm produced naturally decreases with age, as does their quality. One, therefore, can plan the best time to get a baby. I have been able to plan my family and achieve my motherhood goals. Li’s Mother: The ability to think critically and act on that thinking is the key to success. Starting a family might go more smoothly if you know your reproductive physiology and plan appropriately. 4. When did you embrace the idea of following the female biological clock? Zunshu Hu: There was this case of a woman who was much into
  • 4. her carrier that when she wanted to start her family at the age of 38, she could not bear a child. Hua Li: I embraced this idea after learning the importance of following the biological clock in a specific family. Li’s Mother: one of my sisters had a tough time getting a child when she married at 36. It got me thinking about the importance of the biological clock. 5. What would happen if, during your fertile years, you got engaged in many activities to enhance your career life? How would you do? Would you sacrifice your career to get children first? Zunshu Hu: I don't think it would be a good idea to focus on my profession throughout my childbearing years. Hua Li: I don't think it's a good idea to put off having children to advance in one's job. A composite female will examine her tummy and agonize about her life decisions. Li’s Mother: It is essential to do everything independently. I would first sacrifice my career and get back later on. 6. Is there a point when your decision to follow the biological clock to have a child early was misunderstood by your peers? Zunshu Hu: Yes. It is because, in most cases, people have not understood it fully. Hua Li: Many times. But I have always shown them the sense of it. Li’s Mother: People will always be adamant when they do not understand something. 7. How do you hope others will understand the importance of
  • 5. using the female biological clock? Zushu Hu: Through educating one another, we can all get to know its benefits. Hua Li: I hope that the healthcare facilities can help in educating people about its significance. Li’s Mother: parents should educate their children about the significance of this method. 8. Do you ever regret following the biological clock? Why? Zunshu Hu: I have never regretted it. Hua Li: Not even once. Li’s Mother: with the benefit that comes with it, I think it is the best for my daughter. 9. How do you feel about following a biological clock to give birth? Why did you choose to let your daughter follow it? Zunshu Hu: I choose to follow this path because it is easier and with no health concerns. Hua Li: this is a natural method with no side effects or regrets. Li’s Mother: I allowed my daughter to follow this so that she can be able to produce during her fertile period. 10. In conclusion, how do you advise other parents with daughters who have entered fertility? Will you encourage them to let their daughters follow it to avoid delayed production? Zunshu Hu: I would advise them to follow this and avoid rushing when it is too late. Hua Li: Parents should encourage their daughters to pursue this path because it can help alleviate stress related to delayed
  • 6. production, which is especially true if a woman's focus on her career has left her with little time to pursue parenthood or if others constantly question her about her reproductive choices. Li’s Mother: The age of peak fertility varies from person to person, just as the age at which women begin and end menstruation. Therefore, parents should advise their children to produce when they are productive. 1 COMN 2200 Transcription Self-Assessment and Grading Rubric Use this rubric to guide your completion of the interview transcription assignment. 1. Complete your interview transcription to meet each goal/target described in Column B. 2. Complete Column C, assigning a code for each goal/target 3. (1 = Doesn’t Meet; 2 = Getting There; 3 = Fully Meet; NS = Not Sure) 4. Upload your interview transcription under the Interview Assignment on Canvas with the document title “Last Name_Interview 1” 5. Upload your completed “Transcription Self-Assessment & Grading Rubric” on Canvas Name: ___Wenjia Zhang_______________________________________________ ______ Column A: Criteria Column B: Description of Goal/Target Column C: Student Assessment
  • 7. Extent to Which Meets Criteria Goal/Target 1 = Doesn’t Meet 2 = Getting There 3 = Fully Meets NS = Not Sure Column D: Professor Assessment 1. Verbatim audio transcription Student has conducted and prepare their interview for data analysis by creating a verbatim (aka orthographic) audio transcription which transcribes spoken words (and other sounds) in the recorded data 2. Presents as clear and complete of a rendering of what was uttered as possible. Records in written form all verbal utterances from all speakers, both actual words and non-semantic sounds – such as ‘erm’, ‘er’, ‘uhuh’, ‘mm’ and ‘mm-hm’. 3. Does NOT ‘correct’ or change anything Captures how the individuals expressed themselves. Avoids ‘cleaning up’ or editing the data so participants sound more fluent and more like they are using written language. 4. Anonymizes transcripts Any data that could identify the participant has been removed or changed. This includes changing participant names and names of other people mentioned in the data by giving them a pseudonym (fake name). Beyond this, other information has been removed or changed that could potentially make the participant identifiable (e.g., occupation, age, identifying personal information).
  • 8. 5. Identifies the speaker for each turn of talk The speaker’s name, followed by a colon (e.g., Anna: ) signal the identity of the speaker (use Interviewer/Int for when you are speaking). A new line is started for every time a new speaker enters the conversation. The first word of each new turn of talk begins with a capital letter. 6. Identifies Laughing, coughing, etc. ((laughs)) and ((coughs)) is used to signal a speaker laughing or coughing during a turn of talk; ((General laughter)) signals interviewer and participant are laughing at once 7. Identifies Pausing ((pause)) is used to signal a significant pause (i.e., a few seconds or more; precise timing of pauses is not necessary). 8. Spoken abbreviations When someone speaks an abbreviation, that abbreviation is used (e.g., TV for television) but abbreviations are not used unless a speaker uses them. 9. Overlapping speech Types ((in overlap)) before the start of the overlapping speech. Uses ((inaudible)) for speech and sounds that are completely inaudible; When something is heard but transcriber is not certain it’s correct, a single parentheses signals the best guess or guesses as to what was said – for example (ways of life) or (ways of
  • 9. life/married wife) 11. Non-verbal utterances Renders phonetically and consistently common non-verbal sounds uttered by your participants. For English-as-a-first- language speakers, these include ‘erm’, ‘er’, ‘mm’, ‘mm-hm’ 13. Reported speech Reported speech signaled with the use of inverted commas around the reported speech (e.g. … and she said ‘I think your bum does look big in that dress’ and I said ‘thanks a bunch’…) 14. Margins Transcript is formatted using 2 inch margins on the left-hand side and 1 inch margins on the other right, top, and bottom margins 15. Line numbering The lines in the transcript have been numbered, continuously. 16. Audibility Check Evidences that an audibility Check Performed (e.g., Auto- transcription software errors corrected (e.g., homophones) ** Audibility checks ensure the veracity of a transcript. Perform by playing back the recording while reading the transcription, pausing the recording to improve the accuracy of the transcription.
  • 10. 17. Self-Assessment Includes a written honest self-assessment of the student’s interview performance and a statement of plans for improvement in the subsequent interview. 2Interview and Transcription Assignment Sheet Interview and Transcription (300 points) Assignment Description: In this assignment, students demonstrate their ability to conduct, transcribe, and assess/revise three (3) semi-structured audio research interviews. Using their approved research proposal, students conduct and prepare their first interview for data analysis by creating a verbatim (aka orthographic) audio transcription which transcribes spoken words (and other sounds) in recorded data. The student’s verbatim/orthographic transcription follows Braun & Clarke’s transcription system. For each of the three interviews, the assignment also includes a written honest self- assessment of the student’s interview performance and a statement of plans for improvement in the subsequent interview. Each interview, transcription, and self-assessment are worth 100 points for a total of 300 points. Orthographic transcription records what was said. When we speak, we don’t use punctuation to make ourselves understood. We use pauses and intonation; we vary our speech in pace (faster, slower), volume (louder, quieter) and many other ways. Spoken (natural) language is ‘messier’ than written language: we hesitate when we speak, we stumble over our words, start a
  • 11. word or phrase and don’t finish it, and say the same word or phrase a number of times. It’s important that your transcripts are thorough and of high quality. A transcription notation system allows you to clearly and consistently translate spoken language into written language, meaning your approach to transcription is thorough and meticulous. WHAT MAKES A (QUALITY) TRANSCRIPT? A quality transcript signals what is said and who is speaking. A good orthographic transcript records in written form all verbal utterances from all speakers, both actual words and non-semantic sounds – such as ‘erm’, ‘er’, ‘uhuh’, ‘mm’ and ‘mm-hm’. Your aim is to create as clear and complete a rendering of what was uttered as possible. Do NOT ‘correct’ or change anything – for example, don’t translate slang or vernacular terms into ‘standard’ English (if a participant says ‘dunno,’ it should not be transcribed as ‘don’t know’). If you ‘clean up’ or edit your data, your participants will sound more fluent and more like they are using written language. The whole point of collecting spoken data is that we capture how people express themselves. Schedule time to time to transcribe the interview as soon as possible (ideally the following day). Verbatim/Orthographic Transcription Is Expected To Follow Braun & Clarke’s Transcription System: Anonymizing transcripts: Any data that could identify the participant has been removed or changed. This includes changing participant names and names of other people mentioned in the data by giving them a pseudonym (fake name). Beyond this, remove or change other information that could
  • 12. potentially make the participant identifiable (e.g., occupation, age, identifying personal information – for instance has three older sisters). You can change identifying information such as people’s names and occupations, places, events, etc. in one of two ways. By changing details and providing unmarked, appropriate alternatives (e.g. ‘Bristol’ to ‘Manchester’; ‘my sister is 14’ to ‘my sister is 12’; ‘I’m a really keen knitter’ to ‘I’m a really keen sewer’). By replacing specific information with marked generic descriptions (indicated by square brackets, so ‘London’ might be replaced with [large city]; ‘Michael’ with [oldest brother]; ‘running’ with [form of exercise]) Identifies the speaker for each turn of talk: The speaker’s name, followed by a colon (e.g., Anna: ) signal the identity of the speaker (use Interviewer/Int for when you are speaking). A new line is started for every time a new speaker enters the conversation. The first word of each new turn of talk begins with a capital letter. Identifies Laughing, coughing, etc.: ((laughs)) and ((coughs)) is used to signal a speaker laughing or coughing during a turn of talk; ((General laughter)) signals interviewer and participant are laughing at once Identifies Pausing: ((pause)) is used to signal a significant pause (i.e., a few seconds or more; precise timing of pauses is not necessary). Spoken abbreviations: When someone speaks an abbreviation, that abbreviation is used (e.g., TV for television) but abbreviations are not used unless a speaker uses them. Overlapping speech: Type ((in overlap)) before the start of the overlapping speech Use ((inaudible)) for speech and sounds that are completely inaudible; when you can hear something but you’re not sure if it’s correct, use single parentheses to signal your best guess or guesses as to what was said – for example (ways of life) or (ways of life/married wife) Non-verbal utterances: Render phonetically and consistently common non-verbal sounds uttered by your participants. For English-as-a-first-language speakers, these include ‘erm’, ‘er’,
  • 13. ‘mm’, ‘mm-hm’ Reported speech: Reported speech is when a person provides an apparent verbatim account of the speech (or thoughts) of another person (or reports their own speech in the past). Signal this with the use of inverted commas around the reported speech (e.g. … and she said ‘I think your bum does look big in that dress’ and I said ‘thanks a bunch’…) Margins: Format the transcript using transcript margins. 2 inch margin on the left-hand side and 1 inch margins on the right, top, and bottom margins. Line numbering: Line number the transcript, continuously. Audibility Check: Evidences that an audibility Check Performed (e.g., Auto-transcription software errors corrected (e.g., homophones) ** Audibility checks ensure the veracity of a transcript. Perform by playing back the recording while reading the transcription, pausing the recording to improve the accuracy of the transcription. DU offers students access Zoom and Kaltura automated transcription services i. Students conducting face to face interviews should audio record their interviews and upload their recording to Kaltura My Media within Canvas or DU MediaSpace. “All video and audio files uploaded to Kaltura My Media within Canvas or DU MediaSpace will have an auto-generated closed caption file. As the video owner or editor, you can edit the auto- generated closed captions to improve accuracy." Information provided courtesy of the DU Ed-Tech Knowledge Base: closed-captions/ ii. Students conducting remote interviews should conduct their interviews using Zoom. "Our DU community ZOOM enterprise license now allows for real-time closed captions and live transcription" & " if the ZOOM meeting was recorded to the Cloud, the host of
  • 14. the meeting can access the meeting record and edit the transcript." Information provided courtesy of the DU Ed-Tech Knowledge Base: captioning-and-live-transcription/ a. “Audio transcription automatically transcribes the audio of a meeting or webinar that you record to the cloud" Additional Instructions for automated transcription post-Zoom recording: us/articles/115004794983-Using-audio-transcription-for-cloud- recordings- Self-Assessment For each of the three interviews, the assignment also includes a written honest self-assessment of the student’s interview performance and a statement of plans for improvement in the subsequent interview. Revisions to subsequent interviews can include, for instance: · Rewording interview questions that did not work particularly well · Changing the order of questions · Adding more prompts and probes to encourage participants to talk more · Plans to keep the next interviewee more on track · Changing the location of the interview to somewhere more quiet or private · Better use of silence · Better management of nervousness · Better opening or closure of the interview