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Issues and Life Science 
Unit A: Studying People 
Mr. Forde 
Scofield Magnet MS 
2014 - 2015
Activity .5: Sept. 3, 2014 
Getting Started: Write 2 – 3 things that you think would keep 
science class safe. 
1) Review the science lab rules with the class 
2) Form a team of two and think of a science rule that you 
would like to illustrate as a team. 
3) Review the rubric for your first science grade. 
3) Check in with Mr. Forde to get the OK to get started on a rule 
to create. 
4) Start creating the poster that you will present tomorrow! 
Homework…. Have the science safety contract signed and 
returned by tomorrow!
Let’s Save Poor Fred!
Activity 1: Saving Fred 
Sept. 8, 2014 
Getting Started: Write 2 - 3 sentences describing problem you solved revently 
and how you solved it 
Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-4 in one sentence.
Key Words: Hypothesis, Scientific Method 
Procedure: Write a procedure for SAVING FRED with your partners and complete it for 
HW on Monday 9/8. 
Homework for Tuesday 9/9: Answer Analysis Questions 1 – 4 on page A6 – A7. 
Reflection: People face problems in their lives every day. What did you learn from this 
activity that you can use to solve other problems? How do you think this compares with 
how scientists solve problems?
Activity 2: The Pellagra Story 
September 9/10, 2013 
Getting Started: List 2 things that scientists could do to learn more about a 
disease and its cause or causes? 
Introduction: We read the intro.
Challenge: What are the common elements of all scientific 
problem-solving methods? 
Key Words: ethics, evidence, inference, observation 
Results: See Worksheets 
Fill in “Notes on the Pellagra Story” sheet 
Complete “Observation and Inference” sheet 
Compare “Dr. Goldberger and the Traditional Scientific Method’ 
<<Video Link -->> 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, (homework) 
Reflection: Choose two careers that interest you (police officer, nurse, teacher, scientist, 
etc.) and describe the kids of problems they face in their careers and how they solve them.
Key Words: 
Hypothesis: An educated guess 
Scientific Method: Steps that scientists use to complete 
their work. 
Ethics: Looking at what is right and wrong 
Evidence: Info that is collected to see if something is true. 
Inference: A conclusion based on evidence 
Observation: Looking at something carefully.
Should a prisoner who participated 
in Dr. Goldberger’s experiment on 
Pallegra be allowed to be released 
from prison?
Activity 12: What’s Happening Inside? 
September 14 - 16, 2014 
Getting Started: List as many human organs 
as you can. 
Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 
in 2 sentences.
Challenge: What do you know about organs and organ 
systems of the human body? 
Key Words: 
System- A group of related parts that work together 
Organ- a structure made of tissues that perform an 
important body function (job). 
Organ System- a group of organs that work together to 
perform an important body function (job).
Is the Human Body 
an amazing machine?
Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure for 
part A pg. B11-B12 together? Write two sentences that describes 
what you will be doing. 
Results: Part A: Copy questions from part A “laying it out” 
Part B: Write your grouped organs in your notebook 
Complete student sheet 12.1 sheet 
Part D: student sheet 12.2a and 12.2b 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, 5 and 6. 
Reflection: What new things have you learned about the human body 
in this activity?
cardiovascular system, cell, digestive system, excretory 
system, function, muscular system, nervous system, 
organ, reproductive system, respiratory system, 
skeletal system, structure, system (body system)
Activity 5: Can you feel the difference? 
Getting Started: Discuss designing an experiment. (Watch PBS Video-http:// 
Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-20 in one/two sentences.
Challenge: What is the smallest distance apart at which you can still feel two points? 
Key Words: variables, control variables, sample size, sensitivity 
Procedure: We will read the procedures on pg. A21 - A23 together. 
Results: See sheet
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 3, 4a, 4b and 6. 
Reflection: How would you create an experiment to test a person’s sensitivity to sound?
Activity 5: Paper Shots 
Getting Started: Discussion “How would you set-up a 
basketball shooting experiment?” 
(Watch PBS Video-http:// 
Challenge: What are the variables of a well designed 
Key Words: Control Variable, Dependent Variable, 
Independent Variable 
Procedure: Each student shoots a paper ball 10x at 12 tiles 
to collect data.
Data Table: 
Names # of shots made
Control Variable- Those things you keep the same 
in an experiment. 
Dependent Variable- D = data, Data you are 
collecting in your experiment. 
Independent Variable- The change you are making 
(studying) in an experiment.
Key Words: 
Control Variables- 
Dependent Variables 
Independent Variables 
Sample size: 
Activity 6: Finding the Nerve 
September 16, 2013 
Getting Started: What and where are your 5 senses? 
Challenge: Why do different parts of the body have different sensitivities to 
Key Words: Homeostasis, Nerves, Nervous System, Neuron, 
Procedure: Let’s read together. You will complete the stopping to think 
questions at each section in your binder.
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 4
Key Words: 
Nerves – a bundle of nerve cells 
Neuron- a nerve cell 
Nervous System- Your brain, spinal cord and 
Homeostasis- the ability to maintain a steady 
Activity 14: Breakdown 
October 1 - 3, 2014 
Introduction: Read p B-19 and describe the difference between mechanical and 
chemical digestion. 
Challenge: What are the common elements of all scientific problem-solving 
Key Words: chemical breakdown, mechanical breakdown, surface area
Challenge: Why is it important to chew your food? 
Design an experiment on digestion and have the following in your notebook: 
•Variable being tested (Indep. Variable) 
•Variables we are keeping the same 
Results: •Data on data chart (in notebook) from your original experiment. 
Analysis: Answer Analysis 
Questions 1 - 3
•Title: Breakdown - Part B. 
•Problem: What effect does 
•Variable being tested (Indep. Variable): 
•Hypothesis: If….. then….. because 
•Variables we kept the same(Control Variables) 
Step 1- 
Results: ______ sec. 
Activity 15: Digestion: An Absorbing Tale 
October , 2014 
Getting Started: Do question 1 on student sheet 
15.1 (Burrito) on back 1/2 of page. 
Challenge: How does your digestion system work? 
Key Words: 
Absorb (absorption)- moving of nutrients from 
the digestive system to your blood 
Nutrients: completely broken down food 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 2 an3 for HW 
(discuss 4 and 6 in class) 
Reflection: Sheet 15.1
Digestive system organs: 
Mouth- teeth and tongue – mechanical digestion 
- saliva – chemical digestion (starches) 
Esophagus- connects mouth to stomach 
- wave like motion 
Stomach- churns foods- mechanical digestion 
- powerful acid – chemical digestion of proteins 
Liver and Pancreas- sprays digestive juices onto the food 
as it leaves the stomach to digest fats and reduce acidity. 
Small Intestine- Site of MOST chemical digestion; Villi absorb 
nutrients here 
Large Intestine- Solid waste formed and water reabsorbed.
Activity 13: Living With Your Liver 
October , 2014 
Getting Started: What do you know about your liver? 
(one sentence) 
Challenge: How does your liver help to keep your 
body in balance? 
Keywords: (vocab section) 
Structure- the way in which parts are arranged 
Function- job 
Regulate- to control the rate or speed of something 
Toxin- a poison that is harmful to the human body 
Procedure: Read, Annotate and RACE the liver article.
Activity 16: Support System: Bones, Joints and Muscles 
October 2014 
Introduction: Read intro on pg. B28 
Challenge: How do the structures in a chicken wing or a human 
arm enable it to perform its function? 
Key Words: 
Bone- a tissue made of bone cells surrounded by calcium 
Cartilage- a slippery tissue located at the ends of bones, your 
ears and the tip of your nose. 
Joint- a location where two bones meet 
Ligament- tissue that connects Bone to Bone. 
Tendon- Tissue that connects Muscle to Bone. 
Procedure: Part A: Complete the reading
The functions (Jobs) of the bones: 
1)Protection- (rib cage, skull etc.) 
3)Production of blood cells in marrow 
(Center part of long/flat bones) 
4)Movement (with skeletal muscles) 
5)Mineral Storage (Calcium)
Activity 17: Gas Exchange 
October , 2014 
Getting Started: Complete the 
anticipation guide 17.1 “before” 
Challenge: How much carbon 
dioxide is in your exhaled breath? 
Key Words: 
Indicator – are chemicals that 
change their appearance in 
different solutions. 
Respiratory System – the body 
system that allows you to take in 
oxygen and release carbon dioxide. 
Procedure: Have you read and do 
you understand the procedure for 
part A on pg. B39-B40? Write two 
sentences that describe what you 
will be doing.
Results: Part A results- create this chart. 
CUP Initial BTB 
Final BTB 
After Adding 
Sodium hydroxide 
A (control) X 
B (air) X 
C (sodium 
D (exhaled 
breath 1) 
E (exhaled 
breath 2) 
Part B- ______ - number of drop it took to match the BTB control color. 
Analysis: Part B- Answer Analysis Questions 3 - 7 pg. B43 
Reflection: If you had pneumonia, which limits your ability to take exchange oxygen, how 
do you think you would feel?
R— Re-state question 
A— Answer question 
C— Cite Evidence 
“ I know this because……” 
E— Expand answer 
“This tells me that……..”
Challenge: How can you quantitatively measure your level of fitness? 
Key Words: Pulse 
Procedure: Follow along on pages B51 - B52 
•What do you predict your resting heart rate will be per minute? _________beats/min 
•After moderate exercise what will your heart rate be per minute? _________beats/min 
Use data sheet 19.1 “Pulse Data” for all additional data. 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 3 pg. b52 - b53. (HW q 4 pg b-53
Feel the Beat! (Embedded Task) 
October 28 and 30, 2013 
Getting Started: Think of two different activities that might impact your heart rate? (Be 
creative… it doesn’t have to be exercise.) 
Introduction: We will be using inquiry think sheets to design our own original “Feel the beat” 
Pulse- the throbbing of arteries as 
blood is pushed through them by 
the heart 
Circulatory System- the system that 
circulates blood around your body. 
Respiratory System- the body system 
that allows you to take in oxygen and 
release carbon dioxide.
Activity 18: The Circulation Game 
November 13, 2013 
Introduction: Read pg. B-45 and discuss with class. 
Challenge: What does the blood do as it travels around 
the body? 
Key Words: 
Cardiovascular System (circulatory system)- made 
up of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries that 
transport blood around the body. 
Vein- A vessel that returns blood to the heart 
Artery- a vessel that carries blood away from the 
Capillaries- Very tiny blood vessels that connect 
arteries to veins. They deliver Oxygen to the tissues.
Key Words: Cardiovascular System 
Procedure: Do part A on pg B46 - B47 and discuss with your team. 
Do part B on pg B48 and play or observe the game. 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 6.
Activity 21: Inside a pump? 
November 14 , 2013 
Getting Started: When we played the circulation game did blood travel in more 
than one direction? 
Introduction: Read intro on pg. B59
Challenge: What type of pump is better for pumping water? What does this tell you about 
the structure of your heart? 
Procedure: Experiment with both types of bulbs and try and make them work like your 
heart might. 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, and 3. 
Reflection: What new things have you learned about the heart in this activity?
Activity 22: The Heart a Muscle? 
November 18, 2013 
Getting Started: If your heart beats 70 times per minute, how many times does it 
beat in a day? Show your work. 
Introduction: Read intro. page B-62
Challenge: How can you measure how hard the heart works? 
Procedure: See page B-63 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 2, 3 and 4 
Reflection: What new things have you learned about the heart in this activity?
STEM Activity: Working heart or lung model. 
November 12 
Getting Started: Describe a few ways you can you create a model of the heart or lungs? 
Introduction:You will be challenged to plan and develop a model or the heart or lung.
Engineering Design Cycle
Activity 23: HEART PARTS 
November 19 , 2013 
Getting Started: How is the heart 
designed to force blood to flow in 
one direction? 
Intro: Read intro on page B-65 
Challenge: How does your heart 
work as a double pump? 
Key Words: 
Atrium- a chamber in which blood 
enters the heart 
Ventricle- a chamber in which blood 
is pumped to the lungs or body, 
Valves: a device that controls the 
flow of a liquid.
Results: Answer Stopping to Think questions in notebook. 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 2 and 4.
Activity 25: Healing the Heart 
Getting Started: Do you know someone who 
has had a heart problem? What is it? 
Challenge: What are some risks in developing 
new treatments for heart problems? 
Procedure: Do the reading pg. B-73 - B-76 
Results: Complete three level reading guide 
and timeline sheet. 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 5.
Activity 27: The Pressure’s On 
Getting Started: hat kind of heart problems 
have you heard of? How do they effect the 
Challenge: What are the effects of high blood 
pressure on the heart? 
Key Words: blood pressure 
Procedure: Have you read and do you 
understand the procedure on pg. B83 -B84? 
Write two sentences that describe what you 
will be doing. 
Results: Complete the blood pressure data 
Analysis: p. B-84 analysis question 3 in your 
Activity 28: Heart Problems 
November 17 , 2010 
Getting Started: 
Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 
in 2 sentences. 
Challenge: What causes a heart attack or 
Key Words: Coronary Arteries, Risk Factors 
Procedure: Read the passage together and 
use the “problems of the heart” sheet. 
Results: Answer the “stopping to think” 
questions below. 
Analysis: p. B-89 analysis questions 1 and 2 
in your notebook 
Reflection: What can you do to improve or 
maintain the health of your heart?
Activity 29: Helping Hearts 
Optional Project 
Getting Started: Take the heart risk quiz. 
Introduction: Are there healthy choices you can 
make to help your heart? 
Challenge: What is your relative risk of heart 
disease? How can you convince people to make 
choices hat reduce their level of risk? 
Key Words: voluntary 
Procedure: Have your team take the heart risk quiz 
and decide which items are voluntary. 
Results: Part A: Take the healthy choices quiz and 
determine which are voluntary. 
Part B: Write your “Make Healthy 
Decisions” Brochure!
Notebook Quiz #2 
Question 1: What is the challenge question of activity 13? 
Question 2: What is the definition of the word “Nutrients”? 
Question 3: What is the name of Activity 14? 
Question 4: List 5 digestive system organs. (activity 15) 
Question 5: What are 4 jobs of the bones? (activity 16) 
Question 6: What is the definition of the word “Capillaries”? 
Question 7: On what date did we do Activity 22? 
Question 8: What is the getting started question of activity 23?
Activity 21: Inside a pump? 
November 5 , 2010 
Getting Started: When we played the circulation game did blood travel in more 
than one direction? 
Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 in 2 sentences.
Challenge: What do you know about organs and organsystems of the human body? 
Key Words: cardiovascular system, cell, digestive system, excretory system, function, 
muscular system, nervous system, organ, reproductive system, respiratory system, skeletal 
system, structure, system (body system) 
Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure for part A pg. B11-B12 
together? Write two sentences that describes what you will be doing. 
Results: Part A: Copy questions from part A “laying it out” 
Part B: Write your grouped organs in your notebook 
Complete student sheet 12.1 sheet 
Part C: Clay model 
Part D: student sheet 12.2a and 12.2b 
Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, 5 and 6. 
Reflection: What new things have you learned about the human body in this activity?
In your opinion, which risk factor do 
you believe contributes the most to 
heart disease?

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Studyingppl h bnb102614

  • 1. Issues and Life Science Unit A: Studying People Scientifically Mr. Forde Scofield Magnet MS 2014 - 2015
  • 2. Activity .5: Sept. 3, 2014 Getting Started: Write 2 – 3 things that you think would keep science class safe. Procedure: 1) Review the science lab rules with the class 2) Form a team of two and think of a science rule that you would like to illustrate as a team. 3) Review the rubric for your first science grade. 3) Check in with Mr. Forde to get the OK to get started on a rule to create. 4) Start creating the poster that you will present tomorrow! Homework…. Have the science safety contract signed and returned by tomorrow!
  • 4. Activity 1: Saving Fred Sept. 8, 2014 Getting Started: Write 2 - 3 sentences describing problem you solved revently and how you solved it Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-4 in one sentence.
  • 5. Key Words: Hypothesis, Scientific Method Procedure: Write a procedure for SAVING FRED with your partners and complete it for HW on Monday 9/8. Homework for Tuesday 9/9: Answer Analysis Questions 1 – 4 on page A6 – A7. Reflection: People face problems in their lives every day. What did you learn from this activity that you can use to solve other problems? How do you think this compares with how scientists solve problems?
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Activity 2: The Pellagra Story September 9/10, 2013 Getting Started: List 2 things that scientists could do to learn more about a disease and its cause or causes? Introduction: We read the intro.
  • 12. Challenge: What are the common elements of all scientific problem-solving methods? Key Words: ethics, evidence, inference, observation Results: See Worksheets Fill in “Notes on the Pellagra Story” sheet Complete “Observation and Inference” sheet Compare “Dr. Goldberger and the Traditional Scientific Method’ <<Video Link -->> Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, (homework) Reflection: Choose two careers that interest you (police officer, nurse, teacher, scientist, etc.) and describe the kids of problems they face in their careers and how they solve them.
  • 13. Key Words: Hypothesis: An educated guess Scientific Method: Steps that scientists use to complete their work. Ethics: Looking at what is right and wrong Evidence: Info that is collected to see if something is true. Inference: A conclusion based on evidence Observation: Looking at something carefully.
  • 14. Should a prisoner who participated in Dr. Goldberger’s experiment on Pallegra be allowed to be released from prison?
  • 15. Activity 12: What’s Happening Inside? September 14 - 16, 2014 Getting Started: List as many human organs as you can. Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 in 2 sentences.
  • 16. Challenge: What do you know about organs and organ systems of the human body? Key Words: System- A group of related parts that work together Organ- a structure made of tissues that perform an important body function (job). Organ System- a group of organs that work together to perform an important body function (job).
  • 17. RACE: Is the Human Body an amazing machine?
  • 18. Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure for part A pg. B11-B12 together? Write two sentences that describes what you will be doing. Results: Part A: Copy questions from part A “laying it out” Part B: Write your grouped organs in your notebook Complete student sheet 12.1 sheet Part D: student sheet 12.2a and 12.2b Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, 5 and 6. Reflection: What new things have you learned about the human body in this activity?
  • 19. cardiovascular system, cell, digestive system, excretory system, function, muscular system, nervous system, organ, reproductive system, respiratory system, skeletal system, structure, system (body system)
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. Activity 5: Can you feel the difference? September Getting Started: Discuss designing an experiment. (Watch PBS Video-http:// Introduction: Read and summarize pg. A-20 in one/two sentences.
  • 27. Challenge: What is the smallest distance apart at which you can still feel two points? Key Words: variables, control variables, sample size, sensitivity Procedure: We will read the procedures on pg. A21 - A23 together. Results: See sheet
  • 28. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 3, 4a, 4b and 6. Reflection: How would you create an experiment to test a person’s sensitivity to sound?
  • 29. Activity 5: Paper Shots Getting Started: Discussion “How would you set-up a basketball shooting experiment?” (Watch PBS Video-http:// Challenge: What are the variables of a well designed experiment? Key Words: Control Variable, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable Procedure: Each student shoots a paper ball 10x at 12 tiles to collect data.
  • 30. Data Table: Names # of shots made
  • 31.
  • 32. Control Variable- Those things you keep the same in an experiment. Dependent Variable- D = data, Data you are collecting in your experiment. Independent Variable- The change you are making (studying) in an experiment.
  • 33. Key Words: Variables- Control Variables- Dependent Variables Independent Variables Sample size: Sensitivity:
  • 34. Activity 6: Finding the Nerve September 16, 2013 Getting Started: What and where are your 5 senses? Challenge: Why do different parts of the body have different sensitivities to touch? Key Words: Homeostasis, Nerves, Nervous System, Neuron, Procedure: Let’s read together. You will complete the stopping to think questions at each section in your binder.
  • 35. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 4
  • 36. Key Words: Nerves – a bundle of nerve cells Neuron- a nerve cell Nervous System- Your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Homeostasis- the ability to maintain a steady environment.
  • 37. Activity 14: Breakdown October 1 - 3, 2014 Introduction: Read p B-19 and describe the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion. Challenge: What are the common elements of all scientific problem-solving methods? Key Words: chemical breakdown, mechanical breakdown, surface area
  • 38. Challenge: Why is it important to chew your food? Procedure: Design an experiment on digestion and have the following in your notebook: •Title •Purpose •Variable being tested (Indep. Variable) •Procedure •Hypothesis •Variables we are keeping the same Results: •Data on data chart (in notebook) from your original experiment. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 3
  • 39. •Title: Breakdown - Part B. •Problem: What effect does •Variable being tested (Indep. Variable): •Hypothesis: If….. then….. because •Variables we kept the same(Control Variables) •Procedure: Step 1- Results: ______ sec. Observations:
  • 40. Activity 15: Digestion: An Absorbing Tale October , 2014 Getting Started: Do question 1 on student sheet 15.1 (Burrito) on back 1/2 of page. Challenge: How does your digestion system work? Key Words: Absorb (absorption)- moving of nutrients from the digestive system to your blood Nutrients: completely broken down food Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 2 an3 for HW (discuss 4 and 6 in class) Reflection: Sheet 15.1
  • 41.
  • 42. Villi
  • 43. Digestive system organs: Mouth- teeth and tongue – mechanical digestion - saliva – chemical digestion (starches) Esophagus- connects mouth to stomach - wave like motion Stomach- churns foods- mechanical digestion - powerful acid – chemical digestion of proteins Liver and Pancreas- sprays digestive juices onto the food as it leaves the stomach to digest fats and reduce acidity. Small Intestine- Site of MOST chemical digestion; Villi absorb nutrients here Large Intestine- Solid waste formed and water reabsorbed.
  • 44. Activity 13: Living With Your Liver October , 2014 Getting Started: What do you know about your liver? (one sentence) Challenge: How does your liver help to keep your body in balance? Keywords: (vocab section) Structure- the way in which parts are arranged Function- job Regulate- to control the rate or speed of something Toxin- a poison that is harmful to the human body Procedure: Read, Annotate and RACE the liver article.
  • 45. Activity 16: Support System: Bones, Joints and Muscles October 2014 Introduction: Read intro on pg. B28 Challenge: How do the structures in a chicken wing or a human arm enable it to perform its function? Key Words: Bone- a tissue made of bone cells surrounded by calcium phosphate. Cartilage- a slippery tissue located at the ends of bones, your ears and the tip of your nose. Joint- a location where two bones meet Ligament- tissue that connects Bone to Bone. Tendon- Tissue that connects Muscle to Bone. Procedure: Part A: Complete the reading
  • 46. The functions (Jobs) of the bones: 1)Protection- (rib cage, skull etc.) 2)Support 3)Production of blood cells in marrow (Center part of long/flat bones) 4)Movement (with skeletal muscles) 5)Mineral Storage (Calcium)
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50. Activity 17: Gas Exchange October , 2014 Getting Started: Complete the anticipation guide 17.1 “before” Challenge: How much carbon dioxide is in your exhaled breath? Key Words: Indicator – are chemicals that change their appearance in different solutions. Respiratory System – the body system that allows you to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. ----------------------------------------------- Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure for part A on pg. B39-B40? Write two sentences that describe what you will be doing.
  • 51. Results: Part A results- create this chart. CUP Initial BTB color Final BTB color After Adding Sodium hydroxide A (control) X B (air) X C (sodium X hydroxide) D (exhaled breath 1) E (exhaled breath 2) Part B- ______ - number of drop it took to match the BTB control color. Analysis: Part B- Answer Analysis Questions 3 - 7 pg. B43 Reflection: If you had pneumonia, which limits your ability to take exchange oxygen, how do you think you would feel?
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. RACE: R— Re-state question A— Answer question -------------------------------------------------- C— Cite Evidence “ I know this because……” E— Expand answer “This tells me that……..”
  • 56. Challenge: How can you quantitatively measure your level of fitness? Key Words: Pulse Procedure: Follow along on pages B51 - B52 Results: •What do you predict your resting heart rate will be per minute? _________beats/min •After moderate exercise what will your heart rate be per minute? _________beats/min Use data sheet 19.1 “Pulse Data” for all additional data. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 3 pg. b52 - b53. (HW q 4 pg b-53
  • 57.
  • 58. Feel the Beat! (Embedded Task) October 28 and 30, 2013 Getting Started: Think of two different activities that might impact your heart rate? (Be creative… it doesn’t have to be exercise.) Introduction: We will be using inquiry think sheets to design our own original “Feel the beat” experiments!
  • 59.
  • 60. Pulse- the throbbing of arteries as blood is pushed through them by the heart Circulatory System- the system that circulates blood around your body. Respiratory System- the body system that allows you to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
  • 61. Activity 18: The Circulation Game November 13, 2013 Introduction: Read pg. B-45 and discuss with class. Challenge: What does the blood do as it travels around the body? Key Words: Cardiovascular System (circulatory system)- made up of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries that transport blood around the body. Vein- A vessel that returns blood to the heart Artery- a vessel that carries blood away from the heart Capillaries- Very tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to veins. They deliver Oxygen to the tissues.
  • 62.
  • 63. Key Words: Cardiovascular System Procedure: Do part A on pg B46 - B47 and discuss with your team. Do part B on pg B48 and play or observe the game. Results: Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 6.
  • 64.
  • 65. Activity 21: Inside a pump? November 14 , 2013 Getting Started: When we played the circulation game did blood travel in more than one direction? Introduction: Read intro on pg. B59
  • 66. Challenge: What type of pump is better for pumping water? What does this tell you about the structure of your heart? Procedure: Experiment with both types of bulbs and try and make them work like your heart might. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, and 3. Reflection: What new things have you learned about the heart in this activity?
  • 67. Activity 22: The Heart a Muscle? November 18, 2013 Getting Started: If your heart beats 70 times per minute, how many times does it beat in a day? Show your work. Introduction: Read intro. page B-62
  • 68. Challenge: How can you measure how hard the heart works? Procedure: See page B-63 Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 2, 3 and 4 Reflection: What new things have you learned about the heart in this activity?
  • 69. STEM Activity: Working heart or lung model. November 12 Getting Started: Describe a few ways you can you create a model of the heart or lungs? Introduction:You will be challenged to plan and develop a model or the heart or lung.
  • 71. Activity 23: HEART PARTS November 19 , 2013 Getting Started: How is the heart designed to force blood to flow in one direction? Intro: Read intro on page B-65 Challenge: How does your heart work as a double pump? Key Words: Atrium- a chamber in which blood enters the heart Ventricle- a chamber in which blood is pumped to the lungs or body, Valves: a device that controls the flow of a liquid.
  • 72.
  • 73. Results: Answer Stopping to Think questions in notebook. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1, 2 and 4.
  • 74.
  • 75. Activity 25: Healing the Heart Homework Getting Started: Do you know someone who has had a heart problem? What is it? Challenge: What are some risks in developing new treatments for heart problems? Procedure: Do the reading pg. B-73 - B-76 Results: Complete three level reading guide and timeline sheet. Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1 - 5.
  • 76.
  • 77. Activity 27: The Pressure’s On Optional Getting Started: hat kind of heart problems have you heard of? How do they effect the heart? Challenge: What are the effects of high blood pressure on the heart? Key Words: blood pressure Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure on pg. B83 -B84? Write two sentences that describe what you will be doing. Results: Complete the blood pressure data sheet. Analysis: p. B-84 analysis question 3 in your notebook
  • 78.
  • 79. Activity 28: Heart Problems November 17 , 2010 Optional Getting Started: Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 in 2 sentences. Challenge: What causes a heart attack or stroke? Key Words: Coronary Arteries, Risk Factors Procedure: Read the passage together and use the “problems of the heart” sheet. Results: Answer the “stopping to think” questions below. Analysis: p. B-89 analysis questions 1 and 2 in your notebook Reflection: What can you do to improve or maintain the health of your heart?
  • 80.
  • 81. Activity 29: Helping Hearts Optional Project Getting Started: Take the heart risk quiz. Introduction: Are there healthy choices you can make to help your heart? Challenge: What is your relative risk of heart disease? How can you convince people to make choices hat reduce their level of risk? Key Words: voluntary Procedure: Have your team take the heart risk quiz and decide which items are voluntary. Results: Part A: Take the healthy choices quiz and determine which are voluntary. Part B: Write your “Make Healthy Decisions” Brochure!
  • 82. Notebook Quiz #2 Question 1: What is the challenge question of activity 13? Question 2: What is the definition of the word “Nutrients”? Question 3: What is the name of Activity 14? Question 4: List 5 digestive system organs. (activity 15) Question 5: What are 4 jobs of the bones? (activity 16) Question 6: What is the definition of the word “Capillaries”? Question 7: On what date did we do Activity 22? Question 8: What is the getting started question of activity 23?
  • 83. Activity 21: Inside a pump? November 5 , 2010 Getting Started: When we played the circulation game did blood travel in more than one direction? Introduction: Read and summarize pg. B-10 in 2 sentences.
  • 84. Challenge: What do you know about organs and organsystems of the human body? Key Words: cardiovascular system, cell, digestive system, excretory system, function, muscular system, nervous system, organ, reproductive system, respiratory system, skeletal system, structure, system (body system) Procedure: Have you read and do you understand the procedure for part A pg. B11-B12 together? Write two sentences that describes what you will be doing. Results: Part A: Copy questions from part A “laying it out” Part B: Write your grouped organs in your notebook Complete student sheet 12.1 sheet Part C: Clay model Part D: student sheet 12.2a and 12.2b Analysis: Answer Analysis Questions 1,2, 5 and 6. Reflection: What new things have you learned about the human body in this activity?
  • 85. In your opinion, which risk factor do you believe contributes the most to heart disease?