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Way Forward To Future
Muhammad Faizan Ullah
Chapter One: Jobs In Future................................................................................................................4
Chapter Two: Cultural Shift ...............................................................................................................11
We often see and enjoy new inventions, political and climate change, market shifts and cultural
changes. These topics are used to fill the discussion boards and gathering silence but never been
discussed to see what is coming in future and how to deal with it. Now a days it’s been seen that
we face a lot of circumstances and changes which we were not prepare for.
Either we talk about the work life balance vs job market situations or official use of social media
vs quality time spent with family, either it is decency of mankind vs abuse of freedom or
destruction of resources vs climate change. We discuss these events all day long but never draw
our future out of the known patterns or expected results.
The book try to merge allthe thoughts and happening events to seewhat we can expect in future
and can prepare ourselves and children according to it.
Chapter One: Jobs In Future
White house wrote in its annual report to president that;
There’s an 83% chance that automation will take a job with an hourly wage below $20, a 31%
chance automation will take a job with an hourly wage between $20 and $40, and just a 4%
chance automation will take a job with an hourly wage above $40.
Now the question arises that which type of jobs will remain or appear in market and how we
have to prepare our children from the beginning to survive?
We can categories the future jobs in two types. One that contains the thinking and creations of
automation gadgets that will decrease the labor in a large exponential rate which we can call
hardcore tech. Second will comprise of people who willbe operating these gadgets and executing
the automation plans which can called technical professionals as this group of people will also be
equipped with a lot of technical skills.
This era will definitely kill the general management scoop and people management will no longer
be a hot topic. Everyone will very clearly know his or her worth and will have a clear and
transparent view of career and forthcomings.
HR recruitment will be tangible and series of interviews will get cut down to one final interview.
The scanning of a profile can be done by online HR solutions and a single interview will decide
the personal SWOT for finalization of candidate.
Customer Services will no longer will contain the live human touch the automation has already
been started from the auto IVR systems, wending machines and self-processing drive thru and
In Japan’s high-tech conveyor belt restaurants are already a common news. These restaurants
not only serve buffet but now you can order À la carte as well.
Now they are growing in other countries like America, Australia and England etc. Shiraishi now
alone owns more than 250 such restaurants. Once the solution will become cheaper than labor,
which will and we will see these restaurants as the only option to eat.
Another example is McDonalds’s automate drive thru and now the automated cashiers which
McDonald ordered in around a quantity of 7000 so that customers can order themselves without
going into ques.
The banking industry is already going towards the auto teller machines and fund transfer now no
longer need paper cash. It is very soon that everyone will contain an e-wallet by the bank of state
and payments will completely be performed by web solutions, mobile apps and NFC cards on
different POS. The fields related to handling cash are going to vanish and heavy cash dealing and
responsibilities related to cash will no longer be an actual job. In finance the market will be
needing those who are good at calculation not good at counting. The surviving job positions will
be related to financial calculations only including TAX handling, risk management, mortgage and
loan lending etc.
Medical will provide opportunity in surgery and nursing, while the diagnostic part will be
automated. Already the whole medical practice has become dependent on test results and many
labs are spending on equipment that can minimize the human intervention. This is increasing
efficiency in the field of medicine by using minimum of the resources and making the results
more accurate and errorless.
Class classification is going to be clearer as it has never been. The whole community will be
divided into classes which may lead towards the decline of social interactions and idea sharing.
Plus it seems like if someone once classified as an individual belonging to a certain group, it will
be very difficult or merely impossible to change the individuality tag.
To keep it safe the realization of this change is very necessary to that action can be performed in
right time. We have to keep in mind that the jobs will now come with a celling and growth in a
certain career will be capped and will be known to all. This may increase the cost of education on
a very high level and will make the education industry one of the largest industries of the world.
Talking about which the necessity of teachers will though decrease as there will be a lot gadgets
and automated ways available to instruct human beings.
University of Washington have made it possible to transmit signals from the brain of one body to
the parts of another. If we search mind uploading on internet then we come to know that now a
days we can upload a person’s whole memory set to a hardware. Same has been demonstrated
by TED in its sessions. Similarly in HDR labs Dr. Matthew Phillips and his team has done an
experiment of teaching a
person flying a plane by
transmitting the
knowledge of how to fly
one directly via computers
in a person’s brain. Dr.
Matthew says;
"It sounds kind of sci-fi,
but there's large scientific
basis for the development
of our system.
"The specific task we were
looking at was piloting an
aircraft, which requires a
synergy of both cognitive
and motor performance.
"When you learn
something, your brain physically changes. Connections are made and strengthened in a process
called neuro-plasticity.
“It turns out that certain functions of the brain, like speech and memory, are located in very
specific regions of the brain, about the size of your pinky.”
This can be a whole new era and concept in learning and field of education. If this still haven’t
caught your attention then here are few jobs that doesn’t exist anymore.
Town Crier Bowling Alley Pinsetters
Switchboard Operators Elevator Operators
TelegramService SignPainters
Subjects to be learn in future could be related to the exploration of natural resources and their
alternatives. Engineering of all kinds will be necessary for inventions especially mechanical
engineers willhelp build and operate projects for other fields as well.Programmers and designers
specialized in physics as well will become a killing combo. The growth of hardware is expected to
meet its peak.
Automotive industry will bring a very big and interesting change. A conceptual automation i.e.
automobile sharing has already taken over the world. In Germany one third of the population of
any city is actually a potential customer of automobile sharing industry as per McKinsey survey.
Yes I like to call it an industry now. Though increased vehicle sharing will not be a doomsday for
OEMs as the overall driven kilometers will remain the same. Yes the buying need can become
less as no one will buy and drive until he or she has to.
This has impact the TAXI services a lot and one the highest earning jobs of driving cabs will vanish
and that is not only by the vehicle sharing only but the next step is driverless cars. In Michigan a
city for driverless cars is now a center of attraction for whole world. The best part is that its not
an experiment any more, it’s a reality now. “M City,” a 23-acre mini-city at the University of
Michigan, is slatedto open today so that researchers can test driverless car technology and figure
out how it will work in the real world. The location, which cost $6.5 million to build, is a
collaboration between the university’s Transportation Research Institute, the Michigan
Department of Transportation, and automakers Ford F 0.24% , General Motors GM -0.17% , and
Driverless cars takes everyone job as a driver now tells hope you are not getting paid for your
Concluding the topic we can easily find the concern now and can identify the categories more
clearly now that there will be two main job categories comprises of creators and operators and
for being both we have to possess technical knowledge. Those who are in there 30s have to take
another degree to survive. Confinements will be created as cities and defined classes will come
in action. Difference between poor and rich will increase.
“There is nothing inevitable about high and growing inequalities,” saidMr Gurría OECDSecretary-
General. “Our report clearly indicates that upskilling of the workforce is by far the most powerful
instrument to counter rising income inequality. The investment in people must begin in early
childhood and be followed through into formal education and work.”
It explains all that now we can earn more by investing then doing hard work. Children need to be
educated technically and practicallyto existbetween the requirements of future. Universities are
pushing students towards Law and social sciences but these studies will remain ineffective in
most of the countries especially those are under developed. Tech guys will be managed by the
politicians until the weapon will start mattering less then resources that are not tangible. When
luxury is more of a choice over commodity then such industries rises where the leader has to be
more technical than the subordinates. Warren being great in investments, Steve being good in
design and concept and Mark being excellent in innovation and technical expertise ensures that
to own a successful empire you have to know the blueprint by yourself.
Chapter Two: Cultural Shift
Liberty is what the biggest issue now a days. This is not the problem of west but it is an increasing
confusion amongst all. Designing a perfect sense for this word has failed a lot of people,
philosophers, communities and countries. After a lot being said about religion I have found it
interesting that the religion is the basic need of any human. Curiosity and being better is the one
of the most basic instincts in a human being about which psychiatrists have already said that “A
person will not even drink water placed in front of him/her and die if he/she thinks that it can
make him/her better than others.”
Man cannot settle on coincidences, he/she need an explanation or logicbehind every happening.
What sciencecannot answer yet a faith in religion can. I am not talking about any specificreligion
here, allpopular religions have a lot common and are focused towards serving the humanity then
any God. More we embrace the fact more we keep the surrounding clean from violence, hatred
and greed. Religion keeps you insane exactly as the law of nation or civic. If we focus on any
religion they are more of guide to develop civic sense then pushing towards an unacceptable
preaching method. The fight for religion was way over before World War Two, the last country
founded on the name of religion was Pakistan. All battels fought in 18th century and onwards
were usually fought amongst the people of same religion. After the wars of Ottoman Empire the
religion was never really a reason for battels fought. Either its battle of Waterloo or invasion on
India the mostly wars have agenda of resource collection. The world full of people have been
very much known of the same as well until now when “They” successfully introduced a word
“Terrorism” a magical word that authenticate any killing in any region. Now everyone is afraid of
a terrorist who he/she has never seen in actual but by the courtesy of media. Even after the
World War I people have clear idea that they and their children have been used to achieve the
goals of few. American President Wilson after the disaster of World War I tried to calmpeople of
America with his great speech in which he declared that this war was the “War to end Wars”.
Which is reality never happened. Still the citizens of America with no skills are major part of the
army and are getting killed on foreign lands. It has become so obvious about the culture of war
that “They” have to change the culture again towards the religion theme. So for future what we
expect is not a World War III but a crisis closure to apocalypse in name of religion and the class
of liberal individuals will vanish. Everyone will have an opinion and canbe saidthat a clear opinion
about what’s going on grounds as they have had in previous wars this world has faced. It will be
very important to hold on a concept if we like to be kept insane in future and this can be done by
following any religion and accepting its core values.
Other than the enduring wars the social standards are having the biggest and fastest shift right
now. The culture first took over the religion and now the whole culture has been taken over by
dual standards. The shift is so fast that if your now cooping up than you will feel left behind and
there is no time to think whether the change is good for us or not. The boundaries between right
and wrong have been rubbed off. The society has made so many mistakes that now it has been
taken hostage by the situation. What a pity on us when can see our children walking a path we
don’t want but cannot stop them because we have come from the same way. Every father’s
dream about her daughter to have a prosper life but still have to send her on dates where she
brakes every boundary of decency sooner or later. The most dangerous word of the world that
has been legalized in this century is “SEX”. Now it’s too late that fathers of the west have to bury
their dreams as have enjoyed every chance they got in their life walking the same path on which
their children are now a days. Talking too much on the topic will start giving a heartache to those
who still have few attachments to their core and will give hatred in the heart of those who like
to go this way and want to see how it ends. The belief that there is a GOD is getting diminish in
western side of the world and will take a couple of hundred years to flush the eastern side as
The interesting part is that premarital sex is forbidden in any religion that has ever been
discovered… Yes even in Christianity. This shift as I said is so fast that we never had time to
reconsider it. This alsostarted to happen againafter the World War II and the youngsters beloved
medium Wikipedia say regarding the subject that;
“Starting in the 1920s, and especially after World War II, premarital sex became more common;
this was especially prevalent among women. By the end of the 20th century, between 75 and 80
percent of Americans had vaginal intercourse before the age of 19. This has been attributed to
numerous causes, including the increasing median age at marriage and the widespread
availability of efficient contraceptives.
According to a 2001 UNICEF survey, in 10 out of 12 developed nations with available data, more
than two-thirds of young people have had sexual intercourse while still in their teens. In
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States, the
proportion is over 80%. In Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, approximately
25% of 15-year-olds and 50% of 17-year-olds have sex. In a 2005 Kaiser Family Foundation study
of US teenagers, 29% of teens reported feeling pressure to have sex, 33% of sexually active teens
reported "being in a relationship where they felt things were moving too fast sexually", and 24%
had "done something sexual they didn’t really want to do". Several polls have indicated peer
pressure as a factor in encouraging both girls and boys to have sex.
A majority of Americans have had premarital sex, according to a 2007 article in Public Health
Reports. This fact is true for current young adults and also young adults in the late 1950s and
early 1960s. Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that in 2002, 77% of
Americans had sex by age 20, and of that percent, 75% had premarital sex. In comparison, of
women who turned 15 between 1964 and 1993, approximately 91% had premarital sex by age
30. Of women who turned 15 between 1954 and 1963, 82% of them had had premarital sex by
age30. Additionally, when comparing the General SocialSurvey of 1988-1996 to the one of 2004-
2012, researchers found that participants of 2004-2012 did not report more sexualpartners since
the ageof 18, nor more frequent sexor sexpartners during the past year than those respondents
of the 1988-1996 survey. Furthermore, there appears to be no substantial change in sexual
behavior contrasting the earlier era to the current one. However, one of the differences included
sexually active respondents of the current era were more likely to report having sex with a casual
date or friend than reporting having sex with a spouse or regular partner. From 1943 to 1999,
attitudes toward premarital sex changed such that young women’s approval increased from 12%
to 73% and from 40% to 79% among young men. People’s feelings of sexual guilt also decreased
during this period. Nowadays, less than 25% of people believe premarital sexis “always or almost
always” wrong.”
Though it is too late to fix it but few Muslim countries are still practicing it and yes they have to
sacrifices the instinct to certain time possess more peaceful parents and families then west.
The subject of premarital sex does not stops here we all know what happens after sex the word
Bastard is the word which is being taken out of dictionary while putting in the premarital sex. It
is not a shame anymore and having babies without marriage has now a bitter reality.
As I told before if you do not have a religion find one and if you have one stick to it. This has
spread all over the world and in few countries where it is not have completely taken over is
growing at its full extent. It starts with the word liberal and then it starts spreading under this
umbrella. Change in thoughts are supported by actions in mostly the below categories;
What you see.
What you wear.
How you enjoy.
How you earn.
These four pillars actually decide the where society is moving.
While we were talking about the shrinkage of technological hardware size vs its advancement a
bioengineer and geneticist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have successfully stored 5.5 petabits of
data — around 700 terabytes — in a singlegramof DNA, smashing the previous DNA data density
record by a thousand times.
The work, carried out by George Church and Sri Kosuri, basicallytreats DNA as justanother digital
storage device. Instead of binary data being encoded as magnetic regions on a hard drive platter,
strands of DNA that store 96 bits are synthesized, with each of the bases (TGAC) representing a
binary value (T and G = 1, A and C = 0).
To read the data stored in DNA, you simply sequence it — just as if you were sequencing the
human genome — and convert each of the TGAC bases back into binary. To aid with sequencing,
each strand of DNA has a 19-bit address block at the start (the red bits in the image below) — so
a whole vat of DNA can be sequenced out of order, and then sorted into usable data using the

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Way forward to future

  • 1. Way Forward To Future Muhammad Faizan Ullah
  • 2. Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3 Chapter One: Jobs In Future................................................................................................................4 Chapter Two: Cultural Shift ...............................................................................................................11
  • 3. Introduction We often see and enjoy new inventions, political and climate change, market shifts and cultural changes. These topics are used to fill the discussion boards and gathering silence but never been discussed to see what is coming in future and how to deal with it. Now a days it’s been seen that we face a lot of circumstances and changes which we were not prepare for. Either we talk about the work life balance vs job market situations or official use of social media vs quality time spent with family, either it is decency of mankind vs abuse of freedom or destruction of resources vs climate change. We discuss these events all day long but never draw our future out of the known patterns or expected results. The book try to merge allthe thoughts and happening events to seewhat we can expect in future and can prepare ourselves and children according to it.
  • 4. Chapter One: Jobs In Future White house wrote in its annual report to president that; There’s an 83% chance that automation will take a job with an hourly wage below $20, a 31% chance automation will take a job with an hourly wage between $20 and $40, and just a 4% chance automation will take a job with an hourly wage above $40. Now the question arises that which type of jobs will remain or appear in market and how we have to prepare our children from the beginning to survive?
  • 5. We can categories the future jobs in two types. One that contains the thinking and creations of automation gadgets that will decrease the labor in a large exponential rate which we can call hardcore tech. Second will comprise of people who willbe operating these gadgets and executing the automation plans which can called technical professionals as this group of people will also be equipped with a lot of technical skills. This era will definitely kill the general management scoop and people management will no longer be a hot topic. Everyone will very clearly know his or her worth and will have a clear and transparent view of career and forthcomings. HR recruitment will be tangible and series of interviews will get cut down to one final interview. The scanning of a profile can be done by online HR solutions and a single interview will decide the personal SWOT for finalization of candidate. Customer Services will no longer will contain the live human touch the automation has already been started from the auto IVR systems, wending machines and self-processing drive thru and restaurants. In Japan’s high-tech conveyor belt restaurants are already a common news. These restaurants not only serve buffet but now you can order À la carte as well.
  • 6. Now they are growing in other countries like America, Australia and England etc. Shiraishi now alone owns more than 250 such restaurants. Once the solution will become cheaper than labor, which will and we will see these restaurants as the only option to eat. Another example is McDonalds’s automate drive thru and now the automated cashiers which McDonald ordered in around a quantity of 7000 so that customers can order themselves without going into ques. The banking industry is already going towards the auto teller machines and fund transfer now no longer need paper cash. It is very soon that everyone will contain an e-wallet by the bank of state and payments will completely be performed by web solutions, mobile apps and NFC cards on different POS. The fields related to handling cash are going to vanish and heavy cash dealing and responsibilities related to cash will no longer be an actual job. In finance the market will be needing those who are good at calculation not good at counting. The surviving job positions will be related to financial calculations only including TAX handling, risk management, mortgage and loan lending etc. Medical will provide opportunity in surgery and nursing, while the diagnostic part will be automated. Already the whole medical practice has become dependent on test results and many labs are spending on equipment that can minimize the human intervention. This is increasing efficiency in the field of medicine by using minimum of the resources and making the results more accurate and errorless.
  • 7. Class classification is going to be clearer as it has never been. The whole community will be divided into classes which may lead towards the decline of social interactions and idea sharing. Plus it seems like if someone once classified as an individual belonging to a certain group, it will be very difficult or merely impossible to change the individuality tag. To keep it safe the realization of this change is very necessary to that action can be performed in right time. We have to keep in mind that the jobs will now come with a celling and growth in a certain career will be capped and will be known to all. This may increase the cost of education on a very high level and will make the education industry one of the largest industries of the world. Talking about which the necessity of teachers will though decrease as there will be a lot gadgets and automated ways available to instruct human beings. University of Washington have made it possible to transmit signals from the brain of one body to the parts of another. If we search mind uploading on internet then we come to know that now a days we can upload a person’s whole memory set to a hardware. Same has been demonstrated by TED in its sessions. Similarly in HDR labs Dr. Matthew Phillips and his team has done an experiment of teaching a person flying a plane by transmitting the knowledge of how to fly one directly via computers in a person’s brain. Dr. Matthew says; "It sounds kind of sci-fi, but there's large scientific basis for the development of our system. "The specific task we were looking at was piloting an aircraft, which requires a synergy of both cognitive and motor performance. "When you learn something, your brain physically changes. Connections are made and strengthened in a process called neuro-plasticity. “It turns out that certain functions of the brain, like speech and memory, are located in very specific regions of the brain, about the size of your pinky.” This can be a whole new era and concept in learning and field of education. If this still haven’t caught your attention then here are few jobs that doesn’t exist anymore.
  • 8. Town Crier Bowling Alley Pinsetters Switchboard Operators Elevator Operators TelegramService SignPainters
  • 9. Subjects to be learn in future could be related to the exploration of natural resources and their alternatives. Engineering of all kinds will be necessary for inventions especially mechanical engineers willhelp build and operate projects for other fields as well.Programmers and designers specialized in physics as well will become a killing combo. The growth of hardware is expected to meet its peak. Automotive industry will bring a very big and interesting change. A conceptual automation i.e. automobile sharing has already taken over the world. In Germany one third of the population of any city is actually a potential customer of automobile sharing industry as per McKinsey survey. Yes I like to call it an industry now. Though increased vehicle sharing will not be a doomsday for OEMs as the overall driven kilometers will remain the same. Yes the buying need can become less as no one will buy and drive until he or she has to. This has impact the TAXI services a lot and one the highest earning jobs of driving cabs will vanish and that is not only by the vehicle sharing only but the next step is driverless cars. In Michigan a city for driverless cars is now a center of attraction for whole world. The best part is that its not an experiment any more, it’s a reality now. “M City,” a 23-acre mini-city at the University of Michigan, is slatedto open today so that researchers can test driverless car technology and figure out how it will work in the real world. The location, which cost $6.5 million to build, is a collaboration between the university’s Transportation Research Institute, the Michigan Department of Transportation, and automakers Ford F 0.24% , General Motors GM -0.17% , and Toyota. Driverless cars takes everyone job as a driver now tells hope you are not getting paid for your driving.
  • 10. Concluding the topic we can easily find the concern now and can identify the categories more clearly now that there will be two main job categories comprises of creators and operators and for being both we have to possess technical knowledge. Those who are in there 30s have to take another degree to survive. Confinements will be created as cities and defined classes will come in action. Difference between poor and rich will increase. “There is nothing inevitable about high and growing inequalities,” saidMr Gurría OECDSecretary- General. “Our report clearly indicates that upskilling of the workforce is by far the most powerful instrument to counter rising income inequality. The investment in people must begin in early childhood and be followed through into formal education and work.” It explains all that now we can earn more by investing then doing hard work. Children need to be educated technically and practicallyto existbetween the requirements of future. Universities are pushing students towards Law and social sciences but these studies will remain ineffective in most of the countries especially those are under developed. Tech guys will be managed by the politicians until the weapon will start mattering less then resources that are not tangible. When luxury is more of a choice over commodity then such industries rises where the leader has to be more technical than the subordinates. Warren being great in investments, Steve being good in design and concept and Mark being excellent in innovation and technical expertise ensures that to own a successful empire you have to know the blueprint by yourself.
  • 11. Chapter Two: Cultural Shift Liberty is what the biggest issue now a days. This is not the problem of west but it is an increasing confusion amongst all. Designing a perfect sense for this word has failed a lot of people, philosophers, communities and countries. After a lot being said about religion I have found it interesting that the religion is the basic need of any human. Curiosity and being better is the one of the most basic instincts in a human being about which psychiatrists have already said that “A person will not even drink water placed in front of him/her and die if he/she thinks that it can make him/her better than others.” Man cannot settle on coincidences, he/she need an explanation or logicbehind every happening. What sciencecannot answer yet a faith in religion can. I am not talking about any specificreligion here, allpopular religions have a lot common and are focused towards serving the humanity then any God. More we embrace the fact more we keep the surrounding clean from violence, hatred and greed. Religion keeps you insane exactly as the law of nation or civic. If we focus on any religion they are more of guide to develop civic sense then pushing towards an unacceptable preaching method. The fight for religion was way over before World War Two, the last country founded on the name of religion was Pakistan. All battels fought in 18th century and onwards were usually fought amongst the people of same religion. After the wars of Ottoman Empire the religion was never really a reason for battels fought. Either its battle of Waterloo or invasion on India the mostly wars have agenda of resource collection. The world full of people have been very much known of the same as well until now when “They” successfully introduced a word “Terrorism” a magical word that authenticate any killing in any region. Now everyone is afraid of a terrorist who he/she has never seen in actual but by the courtesy of media. Even after the World War I people have clear idea that they and their children have been used to achieve the goals of few. American President Wilson after the disaster of World War I tried to calmpeople of America with his great speech in which he declared that this war was the “War to end Wars”. Which is reality never happened. Still the citizens of America with no skills are major part of the army and are getting killed on foreign lands. It has become so obvious about the culture of war that “They” have to change the culture again towards the religion theme. So for future what we expect is not a World War III but a crisis closure to apocalypse in name of religion and the class of liberal individuals will vanish. Everyone will have an opinion and canbe saidthat a clear opinion about what’s going on grounds as they have had in previous wars this world has faced. It will be very important to hold on a concept if we like to be kept insane in future and this can be done by following any religion and accepting its core values. Other than the enduring wars the social standards are having the biggest and fastest shift right now. The culture first took over the religion and now the whole culture has been taken over by dual standards. The shift is so fast that if your now cooping up than you will feel left behind and there is no time to think whether the change is good for us or not. The boundaries between right and wrong have been rubbed off. The society has made so many mistakes that now it has been
  • 12. taken hostage by the situation. What a pity on us when can see our children walking a path we don’t want but cannot stop them because we have come from the same way. Every father’s dream about her daughter to have a prosper life but still have to send her on dates where she brakes every boundary of decency sooner or later. The most dangerous word of the world that has been legalized in this century is “SEX”. Now it’s too late that fathers of the west have to bury their dreams as have enjoyed every chance they got in their life walking the same path on which their children are now a days. Talking too much on the topic will start giving a heartache to those who still have few attachments to their core and will give hatred in the heart of those who like to go this way and want to see how it ends. The belief that there is a GOD is getting diminish in western side of the world and will take a couple of hundred years to flush the eastern side as well. The interesting part is that premarital sex is forbidden in any religion that has ever been discovered… Yes even in Christianity. This shift as I said is so fast that we never had time to reconsider it. This alsostarted to happen againafter the World War II and the youngsters beloved medium Wikipedia say regarding the subject that; “Starting in the 1920s, and especially after World War II, premarital sex became more common; this was especially prevalent among women. By the end of the 20th century, between 75 and 80 percent of Americans had vaginal intercourse before the age of 19. This has been attributed to numerous causes, including the increasing median age at marriage and the widespread availability of efficient contraceptives. According to a 2001 UNICEF survey, in 10 out of 12 developed nations with available data, more than two-thirds of young people have had sexual intercourse while still in their teens. In Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States, the proportion is over 80%. In Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, approximately 25% of 15-year-olds and 50% of 17-year-olds have sex. In a 2005 Kaiser Family Foundation study of US teenagers, 29% of teens reported feeling pressure to have sex, 33% of sexually active teens reported "being in a relationship where they felt things were moving too fast sexually", and 24% had "done something sexual they didn’t really want to do". Several polls have indicated peer pressure as a factor in encouraging both girls and boys to have sex. A majority of Americans have had premarital sex, according to a 2007 article in Public Health Reports. This fact is true for current young adults and also young adults in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that in 2002, 77% of Americans had sex by age 20, and of that percent, 75% had premarital sex. In comparison, of women who turned 15 between 1964 and 1993, approximately 91% had premarital sex by age 30. Of women who turned 15 between 1954 and 1963, 82% of them had had premarital sex by age30. Additionally, when comparing the General SocialSurvey of 1988-1996 to the one of 2004- 2012, researchers found that participants of 2004-2012 did not report more sexualpartners since the ageof 18, nor more frequent sexor sexpartners during the past year than those respondents of the 1988-1996 survey. Furthermore, there appears to be no substantial change in sexual
  • 13. behavior contrasting the earlier era to the current one. However, one of the differences included sexually active respondents of the current era were more likely to report having sex with a casual date or friend than reporting having sex with a spouse or regular partner. From 1943 to 1999, attitudes toward premarital sex changed such that young women’s approval increased from 12% to 73% and from 40% to 79% among young men. People’s feelings of sexual guilt also decreased during this period. Nowadays, less than 25% of people believe premarital sexis “always or almost always” wrong.” Though it is too late to fix it but few Muslim countries are still practicing it and yes they have to sacrifices the instinct to certain time possess more peaceful parents and families then west. The subject of premarital sex does not stops here we all know what happens after sex the word Bastard is the word which is being taken out of dictionary while putting in the premarital sex. It is not a shame anymore and having babies without marriage has now a bitter reality.
  • 14. As I told before if you do not have a religion find one and if you have one stick to it. This has spread all over the world and in few countries where it is not have completely taken over is growing at its full extent. It starts with the word liberal and then it starts spreading under this umbrella. Change in thoughts are supported by actions in mostly the below categories; What you see. What you wear. How you enjoy. How you earn. These four pillars actually decide the where society is moving.
  • 15. While we were talking about the shrinkage of technological hardware size vs its advancement a bioengineer and geneticist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have successfully stored 5.5 petabits of data — around 700 terabytes — in a singlegramof DNA, smashing the previous DNA data density record by a thousand times. The work, carried out by George Church and Sri Kosuri, basicallytreats DNA as justanother digital storage device. Instead of binary data being encoded as magnetic regions on a hard drive platter, strands of DNA that store 96 bits are synthesized, with each of the bases (TGAC) representing a binary value (T and G = 1, A and C = 0). To read the data stored in DNA, you simply sequence it — just as if you were sequencing the human genome — and convert each of the TGAC bases back into binary. To aid with sequencing, each strand of DNA has a 19-bit address block at the start (the red bits in the image below) — so a whole vat of DNA can be sequenced out of order, and then sorted into usable data using the addresses.