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Text Encoding and Enrichment for Linguistic 
Analysis: Archives on the policy of Armaments 
within Western European Union 
Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE), Luxembourg 
Florentina Armaselu (DHLab) 
Verónica Martins (EIS) - 
Catherine Jones (DHLab) - 
Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology: Results and Perspectives 
Huygens ING , The Hague, December 8, 9, 2014
1. About the CVCE 
2. Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project 
3. XML-TEI Encoding 
4. Named Entity Recognition (NER) 
5. Corpus Analysis 
6. Future work 
7. References 
Summary 2
CVCE - Centre Virtuel de la 
Connaissance sur l'Europe 
An interdisciplinary centre of e-research 
and documentation on 
the European Integration 
two key areas of activity: 
- Interdisciplinary research on the European 
integration process in the XX and XXI centuries; 
- Research, development and integration of 
digital tools and methods to support 
advancement in European Integration Studies. 
About the CVCE 3
Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project 
1. Goal: XML-TEI encoding, corpus analysis and Web publication of institutional documents 
of the W.E.U. (Western European Union): 
• Topics: armament production, standardization, control in the period from 1954 to 1982; 
• Source: Archives nationales de Luxembourg, W.E.U collection. 
2. Format: 
• digitized versions (JPEG) of typewritten materials (one file per page). 
3. Size: 
Category Number of 
Note 89 43 46 34 395 191 204 144 
Minutes 30 15 15 15 256 138 118 118 
Memorandum 3 1 2 2 16 7 9 9 
Study 2 0 2 1 12 0 12 8 
Discourse 1 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 
Draft protocol 2 1 1 0 4 2 2 0 
Total 127 60 67 52 687 338 349 279 
*proc. = processed 
Number of documents 
per language 
of pages 
Number of pages per 
EN FR FR proc.* EN FR FR proc.* 
Overview WEU-DIPLO 4
Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project 
5. Corpus Selection 
• Form and content 
 Form 
 OCR experiment conditions - need to diversify the form of the 
 Bilingual. 
 Content 
 Archives’ 30 years rule corresponds with 30 years time period for the 
corpus (1954-1982)-selection of documents from the 1950’s, 1960’s, 
1970’s and 1980’s; 
 Case study: Armaments production and control within WEU 
 Selection based on research question and more specific topics: 
French and British positions, WEU’s role/competences, nature of the 
debates within the Council/Standing Armament Committee; 
 Need for the documents to cover all the available material categories 
(minutes, notes, memorandum…). 
• Resources 
 limited time and human resources. 
Overview WEU-DIPLO 5
Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project: examples ©WEU-UEO 
Overview WEU-DIPLO 6
Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project: workflow 
Overview WEU-DIPLO 7
Why TEI encoding? 
• structured and retrievable metadata (title, author, origin place of document, 
availability date, confidentiality status, document reference, etc.); 
• clear representation of the document structure (header, footer, divisions – 
section, subsection, paragraph, line); 
• identification of semantic elements (discourse of countries representatives, 
entities: names of organisations, persons, places, functions, dates, etc.). 
XML-TEI Encoding: WEU-DIPLO metadata, structure 
XML-TEI Encoding: WEU-DIPLO semantics 
Named Entity Recognition (NER): GATE - 
Named Entity Recognition (NER/GATE): WEU-DIPLO 
Named Entity Recognition (NER/XML-TEI): WEU-DIPLO 
Corpus Analysis: TXM – 
Corpus Analysis: TXM - Textométrie 14
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Corpus WEU-DIPLO: 52 documents, French, 6905 items for 101965 occurrences (content and metadata); 
6417 items for 74287 occurrences (content) – Lexicon (functional /lexical forms) (lemmatised, POS tagged, lower case) 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 15
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
• WEU-DIPLO: content – Index (by type of entity) 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 16
Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO 
• Participants description 
Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO 17
Corpus Analysis – TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Partition: representatives’ discourse by country/organisation 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 18
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
• Specificity score (log10 ): 
o overuse (+)/deficit (-) of a form in a part/subcorpus as compared with the parent 
corpus and a threshold. 
• Statistical model (Lafon, 1980): 
Where: T = number of occurrences in the parent corpus; 
t = number of occurrences in a part/subcorpus; 
f = frequency of a form F in the parent corpus; 
X = variable of value 0, 1, 2, …, k, …, f; 
Prob (X=K) = probability that F occurs k times in the part/subcorpus of size t. 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 19
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities: by part of speech 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 20
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO – 
Specificities: by part of speech (Verb) 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 21
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities (Verb) by representatives and mode/tense (Grevisse, 1993). 
Representative Mode / Tense 
France CONDITIONAL: attenuation (wish, advice, necessity, certainty) 
Forms: serait (37); aurait (19); seraient (17); pourrait (16); devrait (13), voudrais (11); … 
Exemples: le gouvernement français serait partisan d'accélérer …; cette réunion se déroulerait selon la 
formule …; qu'il ne faudrait pas trop ralentir l'opération envisagée … 
UK delegation PAST PARTICIPLE: passive/past perfect, adjectives 
Forms: été (20); donné (6); destinés (5); placées (5); établi (4); révisé (4); chargé (3); … 
Exemples: le produit final devrait être mis à la disposition de …; les accords auxquels elles ont abouti 
n'ont pas encore donné de résultats suffisamment …; projectiles nucléaires destinés à ces armes … 
C.P.A. (Comité 
permanent des 
SIMPLE PAST: narration, succession of past actions 
Forms: exposa (1); fut (1); intervint (1); posa (1); prirent (1); soutinrent (1); … 
Exemples: une première proposition (belge) tendit à la réunion des hautes autorités …; luxembourg 
et france soutinrent, sans insistance, ce point de vue …; les pays-bas prirent la même attitude … 
A.C.A. (Agence 
pour le contrôle 
IMPERFECT: description, explanation 
Forms: était (11); avait (4); étaient (3); présidait (2); affectait (1); ajoutait (1); dépasseraient (1); … 
Exemples: le retrait des forces françaises de l’organisation intégrée de l’o.t.a.n. n'affectait nullement 
l'exécution des tâches …; il est bien évident que, s’il était adopté, il cesserait d’être inexact …; il résultait 
de cette étude que " le problème du stockage des armes nucléaires … 
Conseil de 
FUTURE: actions/goals to be accomplished 
Forms: sera (11); seront (7); pourra (5); devront (3); pourront (3); auront (2); donnera (2), … 
Exemples: les principes généraux ci-après devront gouverner nos travaux …; cela nous fournira la 
transition entre les sections a et b de notre mandat …; le conseil procédera à un examen attentif de la … 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 22
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Concordances: use of conditional, French representatives/name/document 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 23
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Context: conditional forms (French representative/Beaumarchais), vo-CR-73-10_FR 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 24
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities: by lemma, representatives partition (selection), groupe (contrôle) 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 25
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities: by lemma, representatives (selection), groupe (contrôle) - Discussion 
• Predictable results: 
o A.C.A.’s (Agence pour le contrôle des armements) discourse positive specificity (overuse): 
 contrôle/contrôler/contrôlable – inspection - vérification/vérifier; 
 limitation/limite/limiter-restriction/restreindre/restrictif. 
(A.C.A.’s role) 
o UK reprentesatives/delegation’s discourse negative specificity (scarcity): 
 arme/armement nucléaire/abc/atomique. 
(interested in the topic but not mainly concerned) 
• Less predictable results: 
o UK and France representatives’ discourse negative specificity: 
 contrôle/contrôler/contrôlable – inspection - vérification/vérifier; 
 A.C.A. - agence pour le contrôle des armements. 
(possible cause: selection of documents in the sample?) 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 26
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities: by lemma, representatives partition (selection), groupe (standardisation) 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 27
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Cooccurrences: for ‘standard*’ sorted by co-frequency 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 28
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Concordances: ‘standard*’ – ‘armements’ 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 29
Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO 
Partition: representatives’ discourse (by name) 
Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO 30
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Lexical profile (Guyard, 1981): positive specificities (>2.0), lemmas, names partition 
Part of 
speech / 
Noun Proper 
Adjective Verb Adverb 
commun; arme; accord 
recensement; mise; 
choix; point; centre; 
opération; déclaration; 
système d’armes 
- commun; 
équitable; secret; 
procéder - 
pays; discussion; 
britannique; partenaire; 
- bilatéral; 
analogue; final; 
offrir; devoir 
ministre belge; avis; 
gouvernement français; 
idée; opération; désir 
- autonome; 
trop; pas; ne 
britannique; doctrine; 
M. Van 
- exister - 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 31
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Lexical profile (Guyard, 1981): positive specificities, lemmas, names partition - Discussion 
• Chauvel (FR) / Lloyd (UK) : 
o Commun (rank 1) / bilatéral (rank 1) 
• production en commun; programme (régional), intérêt, défense, fonds commun(e)(s) 
• base, discussion, arrangements, comités directeurs bilatéra(l)(le)(ux) 
• Destremau (FR) / Callaghan (UK): 
o C.P.A – Comité permanent des armements (specificity score 1.44) / Eurogroupe (rank 1) 
(French attempts to revive CPA / UK’s Atlanticist preference - creation of Eurogroup in 1968 which did 
not include France). 
• Why standard(isation)(iser) not specific to any of individualized discourse by 
name, although high specificity for French representatives discourse as a whole? 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 32
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities: standard(isation)(iser) lemmas, names partition 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 33
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 
Specificities: standard(isation)(iser) lemmas, documents subtypes partition 
Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 34
Future work 
1. Corpus analysis and interpretation (in progress). 
2. Choice and adaptation of Web publication platform (in progress) 
EVT (Edition Visualization Technology): 
XTF : 
TEIBoilerplate : 
Future work 
• GATE: 
• Grevisse, Le bon usage. Grammaire française, Duculot, Paris, 1993. 
• Guyard Marie-Renée. Spécificités d'auteurs dans Le Surréalisme au service 
de la Révolution. In: Mots, mars 1981, N°2. Qu'est-ce que le vocabulaire 
spécifique d'un texte politique? pp. 95-122. 
• Lafon Pierre, Sur la variabilité de la fréquence des formes dans un corpus. 
In: Mots, octobre 1980, N°1. Saussure, Zipf, Lagado, des méthodes, des 
calculs, des doutes et le vocabulaire de quelques textes politiques. pp. 
• TEI: 
• TXM: 
References 36

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Text Encoding and Enrichment for Linguistic Analysis: Archives on the policy of Armaments within Western European Union

  • 1. Text Encoding and Enrichment for Linguistic Analysis: Archives on the policy of Armaments within Western European Union Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE), Luxembourg Florentina Armaselu (DHLab) Verónica Martins (EIS) - Catherine Jones (DHLab) - 1 Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology: Results and Perspectives Huygens ING , The Hague, December 8, 9, 2014
  • 2. Summary 1. About the CVCE 2. Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project 3. XML-TEI Encoding 4. Named Entity Recognition (NER) 5. Corpus Analysis 6. Future work 7. References Summary 2
  • 3. CVCE - Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe An interdisciplinary centre of e-research and documentation on the European Integration Process. two key areas of activity: - Interdisciplinary research on the European integration process in the XX and XXI centuries; - Research, development and integration of digital tools and methods to support advancement in European Integration Studies. About the CVCE 3
  • 4. Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project 1. Goal: XML-TEI encoding, corpus analysis and Web publication of institutional documents of the W.E.U. (Western European Union): • Topics: armament production, standardization, control in the period from 1954 to 1982; • Source: Archives nationales de Luxembourg, W.E.U collection. 2. Format: • digitized versions (JPEG) of typewritten materials (one file per page). 3. Size: Category Number of documents Note 89 43 46 34 395 191 204 144 Minutes 30 15 15 15 256 138 118 118 Memorandum 3 1 2 2 16 7 9 9 Study 2 0 2 1 12 0 12 8 Discourse 1 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 Draft protocol 2 1 1 0 4 2 2 0 Total 127 60 67 52 687 338 349 279 *proc. = processed Number of documents per language Number of pages Number of pages per language EN FR FR proc.* EN FR FR proc.* Overview WEU-DIPLO 4
  • 5. Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project 5. Corpus Selection • Form and content  Form  OCR experiment conditions - need to diversify the form of the documents;  Bilingual.  Content  Archives’ 30 years rule corresponds with 30 years time period for the corpus (1954-1982)-selection of documents from the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s;  Case study: Armaments production and control within WEU  Selection based on research question and more specific topics: French and British positions, WEU’s role/competences, nature of the debates within the Council/Standing Armament Committee;  Need for the documents to cover all the available material categories (minutes, notes, memorandum…). • Resources  limited time and human resources. Overview WEU-DIPLO 5
  • 6. Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project: examples ©WEU-UEO Memorandum Minutes Study Notes Overview WEU-DIPLO 6
  • 7. Overview of the WEU-DIPLO project: workflow Overview WEU-DIPLO 7
  • 8. XML-TEI Encoding: WEU-DIPLO Why TEI encoding? • structured and retrievable metadata (title, author, origin place of document, availability date, confidentiality status, document reference, etc.); • clear representation of the document structure (header, footer, divisions – section, subsection, paragraph, line); • identification of semantic elements (discourse of countries representatives, entities: names of organisations, persons, places, functions, dates, etc.). XML-TEI: WEU-DIPLO 8
  • 9. XML-TEI Encoding: WEU-DIPLO metadata, structure XML-TEI: WEU-DIPLO 9
  • 10. XML-TEI Encoding: WEU-DIPLO semantics XML-TEI: WEU-DIPLO 10
  • 11. Named Entity Recognition (NER): GATE - XML-TEI: WEU-DIPLO 11
  • 12. Named Entity Recognition (NER/GATE): WEU-DIPLO NER/GATE: WEU-DIPLO 12
  • 13. Named Entity Recognition (NER/XML-TEI): WEU-DIPLO NER/XML-TEI: WEU-DIPLO 13
  • 14. Corpus Analysis: TXM – Corpus Analysis: TXM - Textométrie 14
  • 15. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Corpus WEU-DIPLO: 52 documents, French, 6905 items for 101965 occurrences (content and metadata); 6417 items for 74287 occurrences (content) – Lexicon (functional /lexical forms) (lemmatised, POS tagged, lower case) Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 15
  • 16. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO • WEU-DIPLO: content – Index (by type of entity) Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 16
  • 17. Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO • Participants description Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO 17
  • 18. Corpus Analysis – TXM: WEU-DIPLO Partition: representatives’ discourse by country/organisation Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 18
  • 19. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities • Specificity score (log10 ): o overuse (+)/deficit (-) of a form in a part/subcorpus as compared with the parent corpus and a threshold. • Statistical model (Lafon, 1980): Where: T = number of occurrences in the parent corpus; t = number of occurrences in a part/subcorpus; f = frequency of a form F in the parent corpus; X = variable of value 0, 1, 2, …, k, …, f; Prob (X=K) = probability that F occurs k times in the part/subcorpus of size t. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 19
  • 20. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities: by part of speech Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 20
  • 21. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO – Specificities: by part of speech (Verb) Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 21
  • 22. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities (Verb) by representatives and mode/tense (Grevisse, 1993). Representative Mode / Tense France CONDITIONAL: attenuation (wish, advice, necessity, certainty) Forms: serait (37); aurait (19); seraient (17); pourrait (16); devrait (13), voudrais (11); … Exemples: le gouvernement français serait partisan d'accélérer …; cette réunion se déroulerait selon la formule …; qu'il ne faudrait pas trop ralentir l'opération envisagée … UK delegation PAST PARTICIPLE: passive/past perfect, adjectives Forms: été (20); donné (6); destinés (5); placées (5); établi (4); révisé (4); chargé (3); … Exemples: le produit final devrait être mis à la disposition de …; les accords auxquels elles ont abouti n'ont pas encore donné de résultats suffisamment …; projectiles nucléaires destinés à ces armes … C.P.A. (Comité permanent des armements) SIMPLE PAST: narration, succession of past actions Forms: exposa (1); fut (1); intervint (1); posa (1); prirent (1); soutinrent (1); … Exemples: une première proposition (belge) tendit à la réunion des hautes autorités …; luxembourg et france soutinrent, sans insistance, ce point de vue …; les pays-bas prirent la même attitude … A.C.A. (Agence pour le contrôle des armements) IMPERFECT: description, explanation Forms: était (11); avait (4); étaient (3); présidait (2); affectait (1); ajoutait (1); dépasseraient (1); … Exemples: le retrait des forces françaises de l’organisation intégrée de l’o.t.a.n. n'affectait nullement l'exécution des tâches …; il est bien évident que, s’il était adopté, il cesserait d’être inexact …; il résultait de cette étude que " le problème du stockage des armes nucléaires … Conseil de l'U.E.O. FUTURE: actions/goals to be accomplished Forms: sera (11); seront (7); pourra (5); devront (3); pourront (3); auront (2); donnera (2), … Exemples: les principes généraux ci-après devront gouverner nos travaux …; cela nous fournira la transition entre les sections a et b de notre mandat …; le conseil procédera à un examen attentif de la … Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 22
  • 23. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Concordances: use of conditional, French representatives/name/document Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 23
  • 24. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Context: conditional forms (French representative/Beaumarchais), vo-CR-73-10_FR Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 24
  • 25. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities: by lemma, representatives partition (selection), groupe (contrôle) Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 25
  • 26. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities: by lemma, representatives (selection), groupe (contrôle) - Discussion • Predictable results: o A.C.A.’s (Agence pour le contrôle des armements) discourse positive specificity (overuse):  contrôle/contrôler/contrôlable – inspection - vérification/vérifier;  limitation/limite/limiter-restriction/restreindre/restrictif. (A.C.A.’s role) o UK reprentesatives/delegation’s discourse negative specificity (scarcity):  arme/armement nucléaire/abc/atomique. (interested in the topic but not mainly concerned) • Less predictable results: o UK and France representatives’ discourse negative specificity:  contrôle/contrôler/contrôlable – inspection - vérification/vérifier;  A.C.A. - agence pour le contrôle des armements. (possible cause: selection of documents in the sample?) Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 26
  • 27. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities: by lemma, representatives partition (selection), groupe (standardisation) Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 27
  • 28. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Cooccurrences: for ‘standard*’ sorted by co-frequency Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 28
  • 29. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Concordances: ‘standard*’ – ‘armements’ Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 29
  • 30. Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO Partition: representatives’ discourse (by name) Corpus Analysis: WEU-DIPLO 30
  • 31. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Lexical profile (Guyard, 1981): positive specificities (>2.0), lemmas, names partition Part of speech / Name Noun Proper Noun Adjective Verb Adverb Chauvel (FR) commun; arme; accord d’exécution; recensement; mise; choix; point; centre; opération; déclaration; système d’armes - commun; équitable; secret; suivant procéder - Lloyd (UK) pays; discussion; arrangement; coopération; gouvernement britannique; partenaire; estime - bilatéral; déterminé; multilatéral; analogue; final; européen engager; associer; offrir; devoir - Destremau (FR) ministre belge; avis; gouvernement français; idée; opération; désir - autonome; américain; industriel falloir; mériter; envisager trop; pas; ne Callaghan (UK) gouvernement britannique; doctrine; industrie Eurogroupe; M. Van Elslande - exister - Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 31
  • 32. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Lexical profile (Guyard, 1981): positive specificities, lemmas, names partition - Discussion • Chauvel (FR) / Lloyd (UK) : o Commun (rank 1) / bilatéral (rank 1) • production en commun; programme (régional), intérêt, défense, fonds commun(e)(s) • base, discussion, arrangements, comités directeurs bilatéra(l)(le)(ux) • Destremau (FR) / Callaghan (UK): o C.P.A – Comité permanent des armements (specificity score 1.44) / Eurogroupe (rank 1) (French attempts to revive CPA / UK’s Atlanticist preference - creation of Eurogroup in 1968 which did not include France). • Why standard(isation)(iser) not specific to any of individualized discourse by name, although high specificity for French representatives discourse as a whole? Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 32
  • 33. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities: standard(isation)(iser) lemmas, names partition Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 33
  • 34. Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO Specificities: standard(isation)(iser) lemmas, documents subtypes partition Corpus Analysis - TXM: WEU-DIPLO 34
  • 35. Future work 1. Corpus analysis and interpretation (in progress). 2. Choice and adaptation of Web publication platform (in progress) EVT (Edition Visualization Technology): KILN : PhiloLOGIC: XTF : TEIBoilerplate : Future work 35
  • 36. References • GATE: • Grevisse, Le bon usage. Grammaire française, Duculot, Paris, 1993. • Guyard Marie-Renée. Spécificités d'auteurs dans Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution. In: Mots, mars 1981, N°2. Qu'est-ce que le vocabulaire spécifique d'un texte politique? pp. 95-122. • Lafon Pierre, Sur la variabilité de la fréquence des formes dans un corpus. In: Mots, octobre 1980, N°1. Saussure, Zipf, Lagado, des méthodes, des calculs, des doutes et le vocabulaire de quelques textes politiques. pp. 127-165. • TEI: • TXM: References 36