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ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515
MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
Bronius Neverauskas1, Ruta Čiutienė2
1 Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania,
[email protected]
2 Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania,
[email protected]
This paper is indented to discuss theoretical approaches to
project portfolio management maturity.
Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform
integrated processes, to generate innovative
activity strategies. In order to be able to manage strategically
the competitive ability within business
environment, it is essential to discus about the maturity process
of projects, project portfolio and program’s
projects, their potential vista development as well as strategy
management within the organization. Expansion
of project based organizations only enhances project portfolio
management maturity significance.
Project portfolio management maturity models serve as an
instrument to criticize the project portfolio
management of organization. There are many models currently
available to assess project management
maturity. We can find different researches designed for of the
project portfolio management maturity.
In this context authors present the theoretical approach of the
project portfolio management maturity
assessment. The paper demonstrates that project portfolio
maturity management is crucial project
management problem.
Keywords. Project portfolio, project portfolio maturity, project
portfolio maturity management,
excellence in project portfolio management.
JEL Classification: L21, M10, M12, M53.
The environment is constantly changing and competition is
growing. Therefore, it can be said that their
elements are interconnected. Globalization, new developments
in technologies, recession and an instant
change of economics needs are bringing new challenges not
only to business companies but to different
organizations as well. An organization’s chosen approach to
project management can drive expected
changes through projects aimed at better meeting forthcoming
organization‘s needs. The need to manage
essential changes through project came into force in business
companies, public sectors and social
environment organizations. These institutions are using projects
in order to solve strategic problems, to
perform integrated processes, to generate innovative activity
Project management is a dynamic and developing process in
scientific and study context. In order to
be able to manage strategically the competitive ability within
business environment, it is essential to discus
the maturity process of projects, project portfolio and program’s
projects, their potential vista development
as well as strategy management within the organization.
Expansion of project based organizations only
enhances project portfolio management maturity significance
The analysis of the plentiful scholarly discussions and practical
solutions shows that we can hardly
find a generally accepted concept and definition of the project
portfolio management maturity. However, a
lot of various definitions are suggested. Various approaches
depend on the research objective, the
researcher’s perception of the project portfolio management
maturity. It is presumptive there are various
cases researcher’s intent to find a multifunctional approach,
giving the priority to general features of the
project portfolio management maturity.
Project portfolio management maturity models serve as an
instrument to criticize the project portfolio
management of organization. There are many models currently
available to assess project management
maturity. According to the literature, organizations are facing
with problems in some areas of project
portfolio management. The most important problematic area is
project human resource management.
Consequently the question is how to use purposefully the
development of project management maturity in
order to increase the organization’s competitiveness on the base
of human resource competence.
Therefore, the human resource competence development should
be identified for solving an arising
problem of project portfolio management maturity purposeful
Another important aspect of project portfolio management is
associated with its maturity level
measurement. The analysis of the literature shows that we can
find different researches designed for of the
project portfolio management maturity. However, development
of it is complex including human resource
ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515
MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
training as well. Obviously different approaches depend on the
research objective, the researcher’s ability to
understand the nature of the phenomenon considered.
In this context authors present the theoretical approach of the
project portfolio management maturity.
The attitude is presented and focused on the human resource
competence development.
In the case the constructive methodological approach was
chosen it enables to up-date the estimation
of the project portfolio management maturity and to develop the
researchers’ attitude to forward the progress
of researched problem. In this way, new approach based on
more wide-ranging problem management may be
helpful in achieving progress of project portfolio maturity
The purpose of this paper is to analyze theoretical findings of
project portfolio maturity management
and to complement it.
Research methodology. This theoretical viewpoint illustrates the
various approaches of the project
portfolio maturity management and serves to amplify it.
As a result of the theoretical findings, the paper demonstrates
that project portfolio maturity
management is crucial project management problem. The
proposed complement relevant for the considered
problem should be identified as efficient tool for purposive
management of project portfolio maturity.
Shift to project-based management development
Organizations understanding new approach changeover all
activity fields on project-based
management. According to Kodama (2007), Billows (2008),
Thiry (2008), Meiliene & Ciutiene (2010) et al.
under new challenges the ways company uses projects must be
renovated; project-based management
approach is strong point as a tool to develop potential for the
organization strategic changes. During last
twenty years the role of project-based management expanded
and made a lodgement against all the odds. The
project-oriented now is widely common among well-known
world companies. Turner (2009) took note that
„30 percent of the global economy is Project based“.
Researches of different countries agree that companies’ single
projects are managed properly, but it
should not enough to endeavor the strategy of a project-oriented
company. The final report (Stasiukynaite ,
Viliunas, 2007) results of the research project orientation claims
that there are some reasons for improving
and developing project management. The project based activity
became as common and essential condition
effective endeavor to win competition. The main problem is
consentaneous management of company‘s
completeness all projects. It is necessary that programme
management and project portfolio management
should do integral.
Project-Based management attitudes were recognized in
companies as progressive management trend.
Many of experiences approved factors became as propulsion to
challenge fast emerging in progressive
companies. According Thiry M. (2008) Project-Based
management by the nature drives to create synergy
between company‘s strategy, Project and portfolio management
and the stakeholders cooperation
Why Project based companies emerged? Knowledge-based
economy is inherency of the 21st century.
Companies are operating under rapid transformations and deep
competence influence. Consequently
companies must be on the edge of creativity and competitive
continually. The structure of project-based
companies were developed to increase accelerate of company
long-time progress.
Definitions of project-based companies vary, but key points
remain. Kodama (2007) on the base of
wide number of researcher‘s opinion assay predicates that
project-based organizations are constrained to
build temporarily existing organizations for projects to be
carried out throughout possessing all internal and
external resources.
Our theoretical research intended to complement understanding
of project portfolio management by
suggesting another point for project portfolio management
maturity purposeful review.
On another hand, ruling the problem is obviously related with
project-oriented company mature.
Project-based organization‘s management is closely associated
to its programs and projects portfolio
strategies. Running internal and external transformations related
with organization competition must be
linked to the continual project management leading to project
management excellence.
The concept of the Project-Oriented-Organization has long-term
research history. Gareis (1987) was
positive that management by project has a future. Today
projects and their management are seen as far more
as enterprise project portfolio or program management. More
and more organizations in different countries
ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515
MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
are moving from single projects to multiply project management
by increasing strategic project portfolio
management (Neverauskas, Stankevičius, 2008; Moore, 2010).
The concept of project portfolio management maturity
Moderate or cardinal of project portfolio changeover is
meaningful to company’s management
processes. Project portfolio management must be readjusted as
well. Project portfolio and project portfolio
management are progressive tools to implement company’s
strategy by aligning their projects with business
long-term aims.
On another hand, project portfolio changeovers are weighty
stimulus and argument to develop and
sustain companies and project portfolio management maturity.
The field of research of project portfolio and
project portfolio management maturity is widely extended.
World known Project management institute
(PMI) from USA (1996, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008a, 2008b,
2008c, 2009), Association for Project
Management from UK ( and other
institution and Ibbs & Kwak (2000), Kerzner
(1998, 2001, 2004), Skulmoski, (2001) et. al. as well are famous
with their researches on project maturity.
According Cooke-Davies (2007) a marked increasing number of
project management maturity models were
observed after 1990s. The results of analysis of the multiplicity
of research show changes of rethinking from
single project management to project portfolio management
(Martinsuo M. & Lehtonen P., 2007; Rajegopal,
McGuin P., Waller J., 2007; Lock, 2007; Leonard A.,
Swanepoel A., 2010). Often failures, pitfalls and other
problems of project portfolio management were bases of the
researches. World known project management
institute contributed to the discussion the significance of
proceedings as well as the standard for portfolio
management (Project management institute, 2006) and the
Standard for Program Management Project
Management Institute (2008).
The project management maturity concept was developing with
extreme consideration (Project
Management Institute, 2003; 2008). Investigations foundation
has mainly base witch states company’s level
ability to achieve its short-term and strategic objectives
(Rajegopal et. al., 2007). On the base of this
assumption it is possible to assent to a proposal Andersen &
Svein (2003) project maturity should be defined
as companies’ forwardness to use projects or companies’
receptivity to project management (Skulmoski,
Many Project Management Maturity Models exist: number of
levels of maturity varies from 5 to 8.
Some of models are simple, some are complex. Mainly five-
level project portfolio maturity models are
described in the project management literature. It’s nevertheless
true that there are no unanimous conceptions
of each level content. According some conceptions the first
level is named as „foundation“, meanwhile other
conceptions recognize this name for the second level. The upper
project portfolio maturity models level
describes superlative project portfolio management processes.
Project portfolio management model presented by Lee
Merkhofer Consulting group (2008) includes
five-levels: level 1 - Foundation; level 2 – Basics; Level 3 -
Value Management; level 4 - Optimization; level
5 - Core Competency. The Consulting group claims that the last
project portfolio maturity model level
demonstrates company‘s core competency. It’s evident that
company‘s core competency drives to project
portfolio management excellent.
Robertson‘s Project Management Maturity Model
maturity_model.pdf) aggregate five-levels too: lowermost level1
– Adhoc – fixates no formal consistent
process; consistent, basic approach to Project performance is
described by level 2 – Foundation -; level 3 and
level 4 identify more developed Project processes; the
uppermost level 5 – Optimizing - is inherent only for
Project-centered organizations. Usually these type companies
implement succession thorough improvement
of multiply Projects management. Project portfolio
management maturity model can be used as
comprehensive management tool to recognize company’s
decision of right move by ladder of success to
improve capability of Project portfolio management processes.
MPCM (Maturity by Project Category Model)
index.html) presents Archibald & Prado site „Maturity in
Project management“. World-known
organization‘s IBM consultant Darci Prado introduces the Prado
Project Management Maturity Model
(Prado-PMMM) based on his long-term management experience
of Brazilian organizations. Prado-PMMM
combines 5 consequent levels as initial, known, standardized,
managed and optimized with 6 dimensions
Technical and contextual competence, Methodology,
Informatization, Strategic alignment, Behavioral
ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515
MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
Competence, Organizational Structure . The expanded model is
potential one more of management tools for
Project portfolio management maturity complex examine.
Gartner (2008) suggested Program and Portfolio management
maturity model (PPM). Gartner‘s PPM
delineate comprehensive matrix with 6 maturity levels. Program
and Portfolio management progression
moves series from level 0 (nonexistent – ad-hoc) to level 5
(0ptimized – enterprise-orientation).
Organizations using the Gartner PPM Maturity Model
realistically assess their maturity level through 5 core
dimensions as well people, PPM processes, technology,
financial management and relationships. The
exceptional element of Gartner‘s PPM serviceable for right
understanding Project and Portfolio Management
processes level is Project structures used to maturity levels. It
helps to better revising and alignment
company‘s strategic objectives.
We consider that Portfolio, Programme and Project Management
Maturity Model developed by United
Kingdom Office of Government Commerce (OGC)
( should be
appreciated as invaluable management tool to improve PPP
management. Experienced team (Road Sowden,
David Hinley, Steve Clarke in wide consulting with
stakeholders presents constantly innovated
Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model
P3M3 versions of OGC. The P3M3 is the
multiply model integrating Project management, Programme
management and portfolio management.
Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model
P3M3 contains five-level components:
awareness of process (level 1), repeatable process (level 2),
defined process (level 3), managed process (level
4) and optimized process (level 5). The P3M3‘s value have been
increased with possibility to review
company‘s Project, Programme and portfolio management
throughout the process perspectives.
Unfortunately, PM solutions‘(2005) and other researchers are
announcing that only a very small
segment of companies are over the second level. Having
discussed in brief of company‘s Project, different
Programme and Portfolio management maturity models are
driving to the next steps leading to identifying of
maturity management strategy. It is important for companies as
far as possible to identify straight Portfolio
management strategy. There are number of known models
should be used for identifying right maturity
management strategy. By our view under the circumstances of
deep competitive ability of Project excellence
model (PEM) foundation is mostly reasonable for identifying
companies’ project portfolio strategies. In
1998 Kerzner H. solidified excellence in Project management
knowledge and presented basic conception of
the Excellence in project management. This conception
integrates the following six components as
behavioral excellence, integrated processes, culture,
management support, training and education and
informal Project management. Project excellence understanding
later was developing by the same author
(Kerzner, 2001, 2004, 2009), also Eddie Westerweld and
International Project Management Association
(IPMA) as well (Turner, 2009).
There are some differences between the conventional companies
and companies running in the
excellence in Project management way. They achieved marked
advance and are strong in growth and
changing Project management maturity path. To endeavor more
potential benefits company must adopt and
develop Project, Programme and Portfolio maturity management
methodology at perfection (Vysocki, 2009).
Approach of Project Portfolio Management maturity
Knowledge age forces companies must pay more endeavors to
develop and improve Project Portfolio
Management capability through increasing Portfolio
Management Maturity. The principles of organisational
intelligence were started to apply for strategy development from
business companies to University
(Staskeviciute, Neverauskas, Ciutiene R., 2006).
ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515
MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
Figure 1. Project portfolio management re engineering
In our view, strategies for the further development of the
company‘s Project management maturity
can be defined by using Blue Ocean Strategy, developed by
Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée (2005). On the
base of Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée Blue Ocean strategy
four different but simultaneously integrated
companies’ project-based management resolutions should be
discussed (figure 1):
1. Which of the projects is crucial and hasn‘t determinate
impact to the company’s strategy,
wherefore should be eliminated? This question forces company
to consider eliminating factors no
longer intrusive in project portfolio.
2. Which of the projects priority should be reduced well below
the project portfolio/program level?
The question forces company to determine whether is
overdesigned projects in portfolio.
3. Which of the projects priority should be raised well above the
project portfolio/program level?
This question forces company to revise portfolio and to increase
resources for projects considering
eliminating compromises have been done before.
4. Is there requirement which of the projects should be created
that the project portfolio/program has
never involved? The question drives company to discover
requirement of new activities projects
considering stakeholders’ and social partner’s interests.
• In considering the aim a comprehensive framework for the
theoretical analysis of the project-based
companies and the development of a management maturity
model has been presented in this paper.
ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515
MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
• This theoretical viewpoint illustrates the various approaches
of the Project, Programme and
Portfolio management maturity in companies and bases new
strategic expectations considered and
stakeholders’ interest as well.
• Measured Project, Programme and Portfolio management
maturity is often understood as how
good a company can manage its projects. But the key question is
what competency company has
and how good it is used to select the right projects. Maturity
model is one of management tools to
be used to measure companies’ potential abilities.
• In our point suggested Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée four
actions framework is a proper
management tool for company to create new value throughout
Project, Programme and Portfolio
management maturity purposeful development.
• This is in the usual run of things Project portfolio contains
different types of Project. Consequently
different project-management approaches must be readjusted.
• We have explored of the project based companies forthcoming
research topics to be developed:
– Both non project –based companies and particularly project –
based companies are divided to
many groups of processes. The corresponding different
processes must be integrated in to
mainly all projects. Resembling needs exact coordination.
– The second one: Similar processes follow both within the
company both appear also in
different stakeholders organizations. The company are forced to
outsource many activities
and services to safeguard project –based company‘s activity.
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The Wiley Guide to project organization & project
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Jeffery K. Pinto. John Wiley& Sons, 290-311.
6. Gareis, R. (1989). Management by projects: the management
approach for the future. International Journal of
Project management, 7(4), 234-243. Available from:
7. Gartner‘s Program and Portfolio management maturity model
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8. Ibbs, C. W, & Kwak, Y. H. (2000). Assessing project
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9. Kerzner, H. (1998). In search of Excellence in Project
Management. New York, Wiley.
10. Kerzner, H. (2001). Strategic planning for Project
management using project management maturity model. New
York, Wiley.
11. Kerzner, H. (2004). Advanced Project Management: Best
Practices on Implementation. John Willey & Sons.
12. Kodama, M. (2007). Project – based organization in the
knowledge – based society. Imperial College Press.
13. Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Sistems
Approach to Planing, Scheduling, and Controlling. 10th ed.
New York: John Willey & Sons.
14. Lee Merkhofer Consulting (2008). Project portfolio
management maturity levels. Available from:
15. Leonard, A., & Swanepoel, A. (2010). Project portfolio
management implementation pitfalls. South African
Journal of Business Management, 41(3), 13-22. Available from:
16. Lock, D. ( 2007). Project Management. 9th ed. New York:
John Willey & Sons.
17. Martinsuo, M., & Lehtonen, P. (2007). Role of single-
project management in achieving portfolio management
efficiency. International Journal of Project Management, 25, 56-
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20. Moore, S. (2010). Strategic project portfelio management.
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traditional, agile, extreme. Fith ed. Indianapolis, Wiley
Technology Pub.
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DUE DATE: 09 Dec 2017 DUE TIME: 20:00Hrs
TOTAL Budget: $20.00
This assignment is in two parts.
Part 1:
DUE DATE: 08 Dec 2017 DUE TIME: 15:00Hrs GMT
Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management
Read the attached article before responding to the question.
Neverauskas, B., & Ciutiene, R. (2011). The theoretical
approach to project portfolio maturity management. Economics
& Management, 16, 845–851.
Note: Reflection for this article - Do you have experience
dealing with an international project team?
Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a
common means of communication, although it may not be their
native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can
extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written
communication may not be what many native English speakers
deem to be easy to read or understand. This particular article
was selected on purpose by the course developers to give
everyone in this course an opportunity to experience an
international scenario.
At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at
different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project
portfolios through the management systems and processes
applied to operational activities while others are increasingly
relying on one or multiple project management systems. This
reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches
to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use
projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated
processes, and to generate innovative strategies. In order to be
able to manage strategically within business environment, it is
essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, project
portfolio, and programs, their potential development as well as
strategy management within the organization.
The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the
significance of project portfolio management. The results of a
correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and
complexity were the most significant variables in the formation
of project portfolios.
Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree
or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your
position (premise) and synthesize the results of your analysis
into a stated conclusion or conclusions.
Part 2:
DUE DATE: 09 Dec 2017 DUE TIME: 20:00Hrs
TOTAL Budget: $20.00
The practice of project management has been with us for a long
time. This discipline and its evolution as a profession are
detailed throughout this course. Today, project management has
reached a maturity that entitles it to a rightful place in the
practice and the literature in the field of Management and
Business Administration. However, the ability of the project
management profession to remain viable in an ever- changing
world is dependent upon the members of the profession to
recognize change and to adjust to that change for the good of
the organization.
Write a focus paper on the necessity of projects and project
management as vehicles to accomplish an organization’s
strategic goals. Include in your argument the evolving changes
in the world that will affect the way projects are managed, what
human and organizational changes you think will allow for the
improvement of project management and, what alternative or
enhancement to project management do you see evolving.
Remember, a focus paper is an argumentative essay that
attempts to persuade the reader of the truth or plausibility of a
specific claim or position. A focus paper is NOT a summary,
commentary, journal entry, personal reflection, analysis,
compare and contrast essay, or an expository essay. The
objective is NOT to convey information, show how much you
know, or analyze a text. Rather, the primary goal is to persuade
the reader that an important, interesting, and debatable thesis is
true or plausible, and that the alternative position is untenable.
Criteria for the Assignment
● Select any project (your choice, a project you know about or
one that you would like to be involved with).
● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the
project outcomes.
● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if the project
organization reflects organizational strategies.
● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if there has been
a proper selection of project sponsor and project manager.
● Demonstrate the adequacy of project policies, procedures, and
● Discuss (at the level of practical application) the uses of
scope, risk, time, cost, and quality with associated planning and
performance standards.
● Discuss (at the level of practical application) how to
communicate the project to the Organization and stakeholders.
● Cover page (please see sample Unit 1 Assignment)
● Table of contents
● Executive summary
● Body of the focus paper (use Headings to organize)
● Conclusion stated as a recommended solutions or
improvements in terms of project management techniques and
● Reference page, a minimum of three scholarly journal or
textbook source references cited and credited according to APA
format using a minimum of six intext citations.
● The paper should be focused and to the point and containing
between 600 and 800 words from the Executive Summary to the
end of your Conclusion.
Grading Rubric
Points Possible
Points Earned
Content (50 pts)
Response successfully answers the assignment question(s);
thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong
thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points
of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported
well (no errors in logic) using outside sources as assigned.
Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use
Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper
topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not
ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-
text and in the reference page.
Analysis (30 pts)
Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and
analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.
Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations,
comparisons and inferences.
Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions,
and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of
Writing (20 pts)
Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error
per page. Correct use of APA when assigned.
Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read),
accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say
what you mean), and concise (not wordy).
Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced
with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors;
grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning
by following accepted conventions.

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ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA 2011. 16 .docx

  • 1. ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16 845 THE THEORETICAL APPROACH TO PROJECT PORTFOLIO MATURITY MANAGEMENT Bronius Neverauskas1, Ruta Čiutienė2 1 Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, [email protected] 2 Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, [email protected] Abstract This paper is indented to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, to generate innovative activity strategies. In order to be able to manage strategically the competitive ability within business environment, it is essential to discus about the maturity process of projects, project portfolio and program’s projects, their potential vista development as well as strategy management within the organization. Expansion of project based organizations only enhances project portfolio management maturity significance. Project portfolio management maturity models serve as an
  • 2. instrument to criticize the project portfolio management of organization. There are many models currently available to assess project management maturity. We can find different researches designed for of the project portfolio management maturity. In this context authors present the theoretical approach of the project portfolio management maturity assessment. The paper demonstrates that project portfolio maturity management is crucial project management problem. Keywords. Project portfolio, project portfolio maturity, project portfolio maturity management, excellence in project portfolio management. JEL Classification: L21, M10, M12, M53. Introduction The environment is constantly changing and competition is growing. Therefore, it can be said that their elements are interconnected. Globalization, new developments in technologies, recession and an instant change of economics needs are bringing new challenges not only to business companies but to different organizations as well. An organization’s chosen approach to project management can drive expected changes through projects aimed at better meeting forthcoming organization‘s needs. The need to manage essential changes through project came into force in business companies, public sectors and social environment organizations. These institutions are using projects in order to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, to generate innovative activity strategies.
  • 3. Project management is a dynamic and developing process in scientific and study context. In order to be able to manage strategically the competitive ability within business environment, it is essential to discus the maturity process of projects, project portfolio and program’s projects, their potential vista development as well as strategy management within the organization. Expansion of project based organizations only enhances project portfolio management maturity significance The analysis of the plentiful scholarly discussions and practical solutions shows that we can hardly find a generally accepted concept and definition of the project portfolio management maturity. However, a lot of various definitions are suggested. Various approaches depend on the research objective, the researcher’s perception of the project portfolio management maturity. It is presumptive there are various cases researcher’s intent to find a multifunctional approach, giving the priority to general features of the project portfolio management maturity. Project portfolio management maturity models serve as an instrument to criticize the project portfolio management of organization. There are many models currently available to assess project management maturity. According to the literature, organizations are facing with problems in some areas of project portfolio management. The most important problematic area is project human resource management. Consequently the question is how to use purposefully the development of project management maturity in order to increase the organization’s competitiveness on the base of human resource competence.
  • 4. Therefore, the human resource competence development should be identified for solving an arising problem of project portfolio management maturity purposeful development. Another important aspect of project portfolio management is associated with its maturity level measurement. The analysis of the literature shows that we can find different researches designed for of the project portfolio management maturity. However, development of it is complex including human resource ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16 846 training as well. Obviously different approaches depend on the research objective, the researcher’s ability to understand the nature of the phenomenon considered. In this context authors present the theoretical approach of the project portfolio management maturity. The attitude is presented and focused on the human resource competence development. In the case the constructive methodological approach was chosen it enables to up-date the estimation of the project portfolio management maturity and to develop the researchers’ attitude to forward the progress of researched problem. In this way, new approach based on
  • 5. more wide-ranging problem management may be helpful in achieving progress of project portfolio maturity management. The purpose of this paper is to analyze theoretical findings of project portfolio maturity management and to complement it. Research methodology. This theoretical viewpoint illustrates the various approaches of the project portfolio maturity management and serves to amplify it. As a result of the theoretical findings, the paper demonstrates that project portfolio maturity management is crucial project management problem. The proposed complement relevant for the considered problem should be identified as efficient tool for purposive management of project portfolio maturity. Shift to project-based management development Organizations understanding new approach changeover all activity fields on project-based management. According to Kodama (2007), Billows (2008), Thiry (2008), Meiliene & Ciutiene (2010) et al. under new challenges the ways company uses projects must be renovated; project-based management approach is strong point as a tool to develop potential for the organization strategic changes. During last twenty years the role of project-based management expanded and made a lodgement against all the odds. The project-oriented now is widely common among well-known world companies. Turner (2009) took note that „30 percent of the global economy is Project based“.
  • 6. Researches of different countries agree that companies’ single projects are managed properly, but it should not enough to endeavor the strategy of a project-oriented company. The final report (Stasiukynaite , Viliunas, 2007) results of the research project orientation claims that there are some reasons for improving and developing project management. The project based activity became as common and essential condition effective endeavor to win competition. The main problem is consentaneous management of company‘s completeness all projects. It is necessary that programme management and project portfolio management should do integral. Project-Based management attitudes were recognized in companies as progressive management trend. Many of experiences approved factors became as propulsion to challenge fast emerging in progressive companies. According Thiry M. (2008) Project-Based management by the nature drives to create synergy between company‘s strategy, Project and portfolio management and the stakeholders cooperation sustainable. Why Project based companies emerged? Knowledge-based economy is inherency of the 21st century. Companies are operating under rapid transformations and deep competence influence. Consequently companies must be on the edge of creativity and competitive continually. The structure of project-based companies were developed to increase accelerate of company long-time progress. Definitions of project-based companies vary, but key points remain. Kodama (2007) on the base of wide number of researcher‘s opinion assay predicates that
  • 7. project-based organizations are constrained to build temporarily existing organizations for projects to be carried out throughout possessing all internal and external resources. Our theoretical research intended to complement understanding of project portfolio management by suggesting another point for project portfolio management maturity purposeful review. On another hand, ruling the problem is obviously related with project-oriented company mature. Project-based organization‘s management is closely associated to its programs and projects portfolio strategies. Running internal and external transformations related with organization competition must be linked to the continual project management leading to project management excellence. The concept of the Project-Oriented-Organization has long-term research history. Gareis (1987) was positive that management by project has a future. Today projects and their management are seen as far more as enterprise project portfolio or program management. More and more organizations in different countries uthor:%22J.+Rodney+Turner%22 ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16
  • 8. 847 are moving from single projects to multiply project management by increasing strategic project portfolio management (Neverauskas, Stankevičius, 2008; Moore, 2010). The concept of project portfolio management maturity Moderate or cardinal of project portfolio changeover is meaningful to company’s management processes. Project portfolio management must be readjusted as well. Project portfolio and project portfolio management are progressive tools to implement company’s strategy by aligning their projects with business long-term aims. On another hand, project portfolio changeovers are weighty stimulus and argument to develop and sustain companies and project portfolio management maturity. The field of research of project portfolio and project portfolio management maturity is widely extended. World known Project management institute (PMI) from USA (1996, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2009), Association for Project Management from UK ( and other institution and Ibbs & Kwak (2000), Kerzner (1998, 2001, 2004), Skulmoski, (2001) et. al. as well are famous with their researches on project maturity. According Cooke-Davies (2007) a marked increasing number of project management maturity models were observed after 1990s. The results of analysis of the multiplicity of research show changes of rethinking from single project management to project portfolio management (Martinsuo M. & Lehtonen P., 2007; Rajegopal,
  • 9. McGuin P., Waller J., 2007; Lock, 2007; Leonard A., Swanepoel A., 2010). Often failures, pitfalls and other problems of project portfolio management were bases of the researches. World known project management institute contributed to the discussion the significance of proceedings as well as the standard for portfolio management (Project management institute, 2006) and the Standard for Program Management Project Management Institute (2008). The project management maturity concept was developing with extreme consideration (Project Management Institute, 2003; 2008). Investigations foundation has mainly base witch states company’s level ability to achieve its short-term and strategic objectives (Rajegopal et. al., 2007). On the base of this assumption it is possible to assent to a proposal Andersen & Svein (2003) project maturity should be defined as companies’ forwardness to use projects or companies’ receptivity to project management (Skulmoski, 2001). Many Project Management Maturity Models exist: number of levels of maturity varies from 5 to 8. Some of models are simple, some are complex. Mainly five- level project portfolio maturity models are described in the project management literature. It’s nevertheless true that there are no unanimous conceptions of each level content. According some conceptions the first level is named as „foundation“, meanwhile other conceptions recognize this name for the second level. The upper project portfolio maturity models level describes superlative project portfolio management processes. Project portfolio management model presented by Lee Merkhofer Consulting group (2008) includes
  • 10. five-levels: level 1 - Foundation; level 2 – Basics; Level 3 - Value Management; level 4 - Optimization; level 5 - Core Competency. The Consulting group claims that the last project portfolio maturity model level demonstrates company‘s core competency. It’s evident that company‘s core competency drives to project portfolio management excellent. Robertson‘s Project Management Maturity Model ( maturity_model.pdf) aggregate five-levels too: lowermost level1 – Adhoc – fixates no formal consistent process; consistent, basic approach to Project performance is described by level 2 – Foundation -; level 3 and level 4 identify more developed Project processes; the uppermost level 5 – Optimizing - is inherent only for Project-centered organizations. Usually these type companies implement succession thorough improvement of multiply Projects management. Project portfolio management maturity model can be used as comprehensive management tool to recognize company’s decision of right move by ladder of success to improve capability of Project portfolio management processes. MPCM (Maturity by Project Category Model) ( index.html) presents Archibald & Prado site „Maturity in Project management“. World-known organization‘s IBM consultant Darci Prado introduces the Prado Project Management Maturity Model (Prado-PMMM) based on his long-term management experience of Brazilian organizations. Prado-PMMM combines 5 consequent levels as initial, known, standardized, managed and optimized with 6 dimensions Technical and contextual competence, Methodology, Informatization, Strategic alignment, Behavioral
  • 11. ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16 848 Competence, Organizational Structure . The expanded model is potential one more of management tools for Project portfolio management maturity complex examine. Gartner (2008) suggested Program and Portfolio management maturity model (PPM). Gartner‘s PPM delineate comprehensive matrix with 6 maturity levels. Program and Portfolio management progression moves series from level 0 (nonexistent – ad-hoc) to level 5 (0ptimized – enterprise-orientation). Organizations using the Gartner PPM Maturity Model realistically assess their maturity level through 5 core dimensions as well people, PPM processes, technology, financial management and relationships. The exceptional element of Gartner‘s PPM serviceable for right understanding Project and Portfolio Management processes level is Project structures used to maturity levels. It helps to better revising and alignment company‘s strategic objectives. We consider that Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model developed by United
  • 12. Kingdom Office of Government Commerce (OGC) ( should be appreciated as invaluable management tool to improve PPP management. Experienced team (Road Sowden, David Hinley, Steve Clarke in wide consulting with stakeholders presents constantly innovated Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model P3M3 versions of OGC. The P3M3 is the multiply model integrating Project management, Programme management and portfolio management. Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model P3M3 contains five-level components: awareness of process (level 1), repeatable process (level 2), defined process (level 3), managed process (level 4) and optimized process (level 5). The P3M3‘s value have been increased with possibility to review company‘s Project, Programme and portfolio management throughout the process perspectives. Unfortunately, PM solutions‘(2005) and other researchers are announcing that only a very small segment of companies are over the second level. Having discussed in brief of company‘s Project, different Programme and Portfolio management maturity models are driving to the next steps leading to identifying of maturity management strategy. It is important for companies as far as possible to identify straight Portfolio management strategy. There are number of known models should be used for identifying right maturity management strategy. By our view under the circumstances of deep competitive ability of Project excellence model (PEM) foundation is mostly reasonable for identifying companies’ project portfolio strategies. In 1998 Kerzner H. solidified excellence in Project management knowledge and presented basic conception of the Excellence in project management. This conception
  • 13. integrates the following six components as behavioral excellence, integrated processes, culture, management support, training and education and informal Project management. Project excellence understanding later was developing by the same author (Kerzner, 2001, 2004, 2009), also Eddie Westerweld and International Project Management Association (IPMA) as well (Turner, 2009). There are some differences between the conventional companies and companies running in the excellence in Project management way. They achieved marked advance and are strong in growth and changing Project management maturity path. To endeavor more potential benefits company must adopt and develop Project, Programme and Portfolio maturity management methodology at perfection (Vysocki, 2009). Approach of Project Portfolio Management maturity development Knowledge age forces companies must pay more endeavors to develop and improve Project Portfolio Management capability through increasing Portfolio Management Maturity. The principles of organisational intelligence were started to apply for strategy development from business companies to University (Staskeviciute, Neverauskas, Ciutiene R., 2006).
  • 14. ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16 849 Figure 1. Project portfolio management re engineering In our view, strategies for the further development of the company‘s Project management maturity can be defined by using Blue Ocean Strategy, developed by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée (2005). On the base of Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée Blue Ocean strategy four different but simultaneously integrated companies’ project-based management resolutions should be discussed (figure 1): 1. Which of the projects is crucial and hasn‘t determinate impact to the company’s strategy, wherefore should be eliminated? This question forces company to consider eliminating factors no longer intrusive in project portfolio. 2. Which of the projects priority should be reduced well below the project portfolio/program level? The question forces company to determine whether is overdesigned projects in portfolio. 3. Which of the projects priority should be raised well above the project portfolio/program level? This question forces company to revise portfolio and to increase resources for projects considering eliminating compromises have been done before.
  • 15. 4. Is there requirement which of the projects should be created that the project portfolio/program has never involved? The question drives company to discover requirement of new activities projects considering stakeholders’ and social partner’s interests. Conclusions • In considering the aim a comprehensive framework for the theoretical analysis of the project-based companies and the development of a management maturity model has been presented in this paper. ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16 850 • This theoretical viewpoint illustrates the various approaches of the Project, Programme and Portfolio management maturity in companies and bases new strategic expectations considered and stakeholders’ interest as well. • Measured Project, Programme and Portfolio management maturity is often understood as how good a company can manage its projects. But the key question is what competency company has and how good it is used to select the right projects. Maturity model is one of management tools to
  • 16. be used to measure companies’ potential abilities. • In our point suggested Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée four actions framework is a proper management tool for company to create new value throughout Project, Programme and Portfolio management maturity purposeful development. • This is in the usual run of things Project portfolio contains different types of Project. Consequently different project-management approaches must be readjusted. • We have explored of the project based companies forthcoming research topics to be developed: – Both non project –based companies and particularly project – based companies are divided to many groups of processes. The corresponding different processes must be integrated in to mainly all projects. Resembling needs exact coordination. – The second one: Similar processes follow both within the company both appear also in different stakeholders organizations. The company are forced to outsource many activities and services to safeguard project –based company‘s activity. References 1. Andersen, E. S., & Svein, S. A. (2003). Project maturity in organizations. International Journal of Project Management 21(6), 385-478. 2. Association for Project Management (APM, UK). Available
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  • 19. e/poi/National_Downloads/Lithuania/lithuania_national_report_ 070521.pdf ISSN 1822-6515 ISSN 1822-6515 EKONOMIKA IR VADYBA: 2011. 16 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: 2011. 16 851 18. Maturity by Project Category Model (MPCM). Maturity in Project management. Available from: 19. Meilienė, E., Čiutienė, R. (2010). Universiteto projektų vadybos brandos vertinimo aspektai. Viešoji politika ir administravimas, 33, 81-92. 20. Moore, S. (2010). Strategic project portfelio management. Enabling a productive organization. John Willey & Sons. Wiley. 21. MPCM. Maturity by Project Category Model. The Departmental Prado-MMGP Model. Available from: 22. Neverauskas, B., Stankevicius, V. (2008). Project management: research and studies at the faculty of economics and management, Kaunas University of Technology // Engineering economics = Inžinerinė ekonomika / Kaunas University of Technology. Kaunas : Technologija. 4(59), p. 59- 66.
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  • 21. 30. Project Management Institute (2008b). Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3). Project Management Institute. 31. Project Management Institute (2008c). The Standard for Program Management. Project Management Institute. 32. Project Management Institute (2009). Project Portfolio Management. A view from the management trenches. John Willey & Sons, PMI. 33. Rajegopal, S., McGuin, P., & Waller, J. (2007). Project portfolio management. Palgrave MacMillan. 34. Robertson, K. Project Management Maturity Model. KLR Consulting, Inc. Available from: 35. Skulmoski, G. (2001). Project maturity and competence interface. Cost Engineering, 43(6), 11-18. 36. Stasiukynaite, R., & Viliunas, V. (2007). Final Report: The Maturity of Lithuania as a project-oriented Nation. 37. Terry, C. D. (2007). Project management Maturity models. In W.G. Morris and Jeffrey K. Pinto (Ed.), The Wiley Guide to Project organization & Project management competences. (pp. 290-309). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 22. 38. Thiry, M. (2008). Creating Project-Based Organizations to Deliver Value. PM World Today. 10(3). 39. Turner, J. R. (2009). The handbook of project-based management: leading strategic change in organizations. McGraw-Hill Professional. 40. Vysocki, R.K. (2009). Effective project management : traditional, agile, extreme. Fith ed. Indianapolis, Wiley Technology Pub. uthor:%22J.+Rodney+Turner%22 Copyright of Economics & Management is the property of Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Economics & Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission.
  • 23. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. DUE DATE: 09 Dec 2017 DUE TIME: 20:00Hrs TOTAL Budget: $20.00 This assignment is in two parts. Part 1: DUE DATE: 08 Dec 2017 DUE TIME: 15:00Hrs GMT Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the attached article before responding to the question. Neverauskas, B., & Ciutiene, R. (2011). The theoretical approach to project portfolio maturity management. Economics & Management, 16, 845–851. Note: Reflection for this article - Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This particular article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone in this course an opportunity to experience an
  • 24. international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. In order to be able to manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, project portfolio, and programs, their potential development as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise) and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………
  • 25. Part 2: DUE DATE: 09 Dec 2017 DUE TIME: 20:00Hrs TOTAL Budget: $20.00 The practice of project management has been with us for a long time. This discipline and its evolution as a profession are detailed throughout this course. Today, project management has reached a maturity that entitles it to a rightful place in the practice and the literature in the field of Management and Business Administration. However, the ability of the project management profession to remain viable in an ever- changing world is dependent upon the members of the profession to recognize change and to adjust to that change for the good of the organization. Write a focus paper on the necessity of projects and project management as vehicles to accomplish an organization’s strategic goals. Include in your argument the evolving changes in the world that will affect the way projects are managed, what human and organizational changes you think will allow for the improvement of project management and, what alternative or enhancement to project management do you see evolving. Remember, a focus paper is an argumentative essay that
  • 26. attempts to persuade the reader of the truth or plausibility of a specific claim or position. A focus paper is NOT a summary, commentary, journal entry, personal reflection, analysis, compare and contrast essay, or an expository essay. The objective is NOT to convey information, show how much you know, or analyze a text. Rather, the primary goal is to persuade the reader that an important, interesting, and debatable thesis is true or plausible, and that the alternative position is untenable. Criteria for the Assignment ● Select any project (your choice, a project you know about or one that you would like to be involved with). ● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project outcomes. ● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if the project organization reflects organizational strategies. ● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if there has been a proper selection of project sponsor and project manager. ● Demonstrate the adequacy of project policies, procedures, and techniques. ● Discuss (at the level of practical application) the uses of scope, risk, time, cost, and quality with associated planning and performance standards. ● Discuss (at the level of practical application) how to communicate the project to the Organization and stakeholders.
  • 27. Components ● Cover page (please see sample Unit 1 Assignment) ● Table of contents ● Executive summary ● Body of the focus paper (use Headings to organize) ● Conclusion stated as a recommended solutions or improvements in terms of project management techniques and tools. ● Reference page, a minimum of three scholarly journal or textbook source references cited and credited according to APA format using a minimum of six intext citations. ● The paper should be focused and to the point and containing between 600 and 800 words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion. Grading Rubric Points Possible Points Earned Content (50 pts) Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources as assigned.
  • 28. 25 Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in- text and in the reference page. 25 Analysis (30 pts) Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought. 10 Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons and inferences. 10 Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information. 10 Writing (20 pts) Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA when assigned. 6 Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).
  • 29. 8 Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions. 6 Total 100