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What? Two days of updates? Well yeah, you see that’s what happens when my brain
decided to wake me up with ideas for Winter’s New Mission after only six hours of
sleep. And I can’t continue it until I write the beginning of his new mission so this is
the beginning. The plight of an author…anyway, let’s see what Winter’s new mission
from his father Anubis will be.
Meditation was a way for Winter to center himself again, he never expected to have to
be both father and big brother to Jeannie and he didn’t exactly have a good role model
for a father to base it on. His trip to Egypt showed him who his father really was and
that the only way to talk to him was through meditation. He made use of Debbie’s Pit
of Hell for that purpose.
Julian’s cat Pepper found Winter in his meditation room, and if one knew anything
about Egyptian mythology, you might remember how cats were worshipped by the
ancient Egyptians. They were seen as guardians of the Underworld, and in this case,
Pepper was a guide to getting to the Underworld where Anubis resided. Pepper helped
open the door, but it was up to Winter to go through it.
The god could make use of his effigies to communicate with his son on Earth when there
was no one dying to talk to him directly.
The mission he was going to give Winter would be one of great importance, if he truly
wished to make up for being a part of Debbie’s murder spree, then this was his path to
redemption for it…Debbie ordered that all ties to her victims be dealt with, and those
ties included Emilie and Tristan Van Gould…
Debbie was the hand and Winter was the weapon; whether it was willingly or not,
Winter still used an Egyptian curse to kill Emilie and a Greek one to kill Tristan. The
pantheons of gods DO talk, despite the fact that their mythos is completely different
from one another…
Anubis: My son, you have a new mission. It is one of great importance. To
make up for being the cause of death of two innocents, this is your path to
Winter: What? Why am I being punished? Mother wanted them to die!
Anubis: Irrelevant; you were still the direct cause of their deaths. You
used an Egyptian curse and a Greek curse on them. There must be a
balance maintained for that.
Winter: So because mother was insane and wanted them dead, now I have to pay for her
insanity? How is that going to work? What do I do about it?
Anubis: You are to travel between realms, to a place where a great evil is rising.
There you must assist the ones who are tasked with fighting that evil. You are the
fourth they need.
Winter: Fourth what? What realm? How do I get there?
Anubis: You will go to the Stone Troll and once there you will travel through the
Waterfall Portal. On the other side you will be met by your contact. He will know who
you are.
Meanwhile, another who was looking for something, found his first real lead.
Prince Puck: Titania, the Queen of the Fairies. I’m glad we can finally meet.
Titania: So…what did you want to see me about?
Prince Puck: You might not want to talk to me after I tell you this, you see my mother
was Debbie Jellinski and my father…was Oberon, the King of the Fairies.
Titania: You are my ex husband’s heir? You are right, I don’t care for your mother but
as I understand it, she is dead now. You…are still my king’s heir. We were never able
to have children, but we wanted them so much.
Titania: You look so much like him, my beloved king. *sniffs* I miss him so.
Prince Puck: I do too, I never got the chance to know who he was, can you tell me about
him and the realm he was from? Where is it? How do I find it?
Titania: Our realm, the Realm of the Fae was destroyed. A great evil swept through and
annihilated our people. Your father and I escaped here; only to lose our king to your
mother’s horrible machinations. I was unable to save it as its queen and now I cannot, I
am no longer strong enough. We could only bring the Bean clan of fairies with us,
perhaps you know them, Victor and Oakley?
Prince Puck: Victor? OH! He was the fairy with the black wings wasn’t he? I remember
him! Last I heard my older sister Elphaba was quite smitten with him.
Titania: So you have met? Good, that makes things a bit easier.
Prince Puck: How so?
Titania: Victor and Oakley were our personal guards, they fled our realm with us.
Prince Puck: I was just a child when I met him but I do remember him. I don’t think I’ve
met Oakley though.
Titania: She is my personal guard, she rarely leaves my side.
Prince Puck: Is there a way to rebuild our realm? I’m not royalty but I will try to help you
if I can.
Titania: That is very kind of you; but the evil that annihilated us is still at large, dark fae
creatures…we have never seen them before but they were powerful. As long as they live,
we cannot save our realm.
Prince Puck: Where do I find them?
Titania: We know of only one way; there is a Stone Troll who guards a Waterfall Portal. On
the other side of that portal is where the great evil resides. We have no one to spare to go
through it. I would not ask such a thing of you.
Prince Puck: You don’t have to ask, I’ll volunteer. I’ll go for you.
Winter: What did you tell my brother? He’s going on about a mission to save the Fairy
Realm now.
Titania: He asked me what happened to his father’s people, my people. He is my king’s
sole heir.
Winter: I am responsible for them, all of them now. If you’re trying to trick him, so help
me, you will be joining your king. Do not take my warning lightly.
Titania: I’m not, he volunteered to go through the Waterfall Portal to find the great evil
who killed our people.
Winter: Did you say…Waterfall Portal?
Titania: I did. It’s the nexus point for Moonlight Falls and all the other realms.
Vayne: What are you guys talking about?
Winter: Nothing. It’s nothing.
Vayne: Okay…but you know you can tell me big brother, that’s what we do.
In the meantime, it was graduation time for Prince Puck, and since there are literally
no other graduates, it seemed to be a wholly unnecessary ceremony. Prince Puck was
given the Most Likely to Travel award…it seems the universe has a sense of ironic
Vayne didn’t like Winter’s response to his questions. He saw how much Winter felt he
needed to look after all of them, but he forgets that he isn’t the only older siblings they
had. They had three more.
Logan: So what bright idea does Winter have now?
Vayne: He thinks he has to look after all twelve of us now since his father was the only one
mother couldn’t kill.
Logan: He’s half right; our father was ALREADY dead and mother STILL managed to kill
him off. Can’t for the life of me figure that one out. Also he’s fourth born so it’s not like he
has to be Moonshadow or anything. He’s our oldest brother.
Winter was still dead set on being the family protector though so on Spooky Day he made the
rounds to the siblings’ houses to tell them that.
Leia: Look, little bro, the weight of our mother’s crimes is not just on you to rectify. She
killed all of our fathers, it’s up to all of us. And you’re still my little brother no matter
what sort of mantle you’ve taken up. Remember that? We taught you how to talk.
Winter: My father is not dead, he’s a god. Didn’t I tell you that?
Leia: HAHA! A god, cute. There’s no such thing as gods. Been watching too much TV
have you, baby bro?
Winter: There is and he is one. I’ve met him.
Moonshadow: Look, I know how you want to believe that, but it’s just not true okay? We
were there when you were born, we taught you how to talk and walk, we took care of
you when mom was off killing the next poor sap who fell for her. It sounds like a great
story to think your dad was a god. But I remember you calling Samuel dad when you
were a kid. He’s the only one you knew.
Winter: I believed he was for the longest time, then I nearly DIED in Egypt and found out
who my real father was. Think about it: you’re the oldest and you were there for all of
our births, did you ever see the man mom was with before I was born?
Moonshadow: Umm…
Winter: And how I was born a vampire if Samuel was my father? Look at Logan and
Leia, am I see through and multi-coloured like them?
Moonshadow: No…but a god really? Come on Winter…
Winter: You turned yourself into a fairy with a glowing bottle of pink goo, now how is
that any less of a possibility than my father being a god?
Moonshadow: Winter, I’m the oldest so it should be my responsibility to look after the
eleven younger siblings who came after me. Why do you have to do it all alone?
Winter: Because I killed mother; I avenged all of your fathers. And you’re right I am here for
another reason. I have to go on a journey that will take me far from here. I wanted to tell you
this before I went. I’m seeing everyone before I go. I need you to look after Jean-Paul and
Jeannie. They are in the big house and there’s plenty of money in the bank for them.
Moonshadow: Why does it sound like you’re thinking you won’t come back? What’s
going on Winter? Where are you going?
Winter: I don’t know, my father Anubis told me I have to go see the Stone Troll and pass
through a Waterfall Portal to get to this place.
Winter: Temporary ghosting, that haunted house does some weird shit to you.
I hope Finn doesn’t lose his mind when he’s done. The full moon makes him
Winter: So I wanted to talk to you before I left. Don’t be shy about stopping by the main
house, I know you live alone and you might miss the family.
Finn: The voices keep me company. So does Bella, she’s always trying to munch on me
though, cats and fish and stuff you know?
Winter: Elphaba is right across the street if you need her.
Finn: You going somewhere? Who made you Moonshadow?
Winter: I am. I wanted to see you before I go. I am being a good older brother.
Winter: Speaking of being a good brother, lend me your wrist would you?
Finn: OH HELL NAW!! Damnit!! Why me?!
William: And you’re just going to go, just like that? No questions asked. A statue told
you to go to some weird place and you’re just like ‘yeah sure no prob?’ Doesn’t that
seem, I don’t know INSANE to you? I thought Finn was the crazy one in the family.
Winter: I have to Will, I think I need to. I just wanted you to know.
William: Don’t do it. Winter, you and I, we’ve always been close. The first vampires born
in this family. You always looked after me. Now let my look after you; don’t do this. It’s
Winter: Will, I can’t disobey him. I have to do this. Moonshadow is here, he’ll take the
best care of you.
William: It wasn’t Moonshadow who fed me as a baby, it was you. I barely remember
Moonshadow, I never even met him until I was an adult. Mom never even laid eyes on
me after I was born, my father was too smitten with her to care either! You have to see
this from my perspective, you RAISED me Winter!
Winter: I know I did. I remember. But I need to do this and I need to know you’ll
support me.
William: Alright. I don’t like it and I will never like it, but I’m not going to talk you out of
it. Be careful; you have no idea what’s on the other side of this portal thing.
Winter: Thank you. Do you know when Snow’s getting back? I want to see him too.
William: Soon I think. It’s a full moon and you know how fairies love that.
Winter: There you are, I figure you know why I’m here.
Snow: Yeah, this insane quest of yours. I heard from Puck about it. He wants to go to this
portal thing too because Titania told him it might have answers on the other side about
who destroyed the fairy realm. I’ll do what I can here as a fairy myself but I’m not
Winter: Puck wants to go too? He never told me that.
Snow: Yeah so imagine how hard this is for me to hear that my brothers want to go off
on some strange quest at the same time. At least if he’s with you I won’t feel so scared
about it.
Snow: You’re both nuts to do this. You wanted to know what I thought, now you do.
Winter: Well thanks I guess.
Snow: Just don’t die okay? Either of you.
Logan: So I’m second last on the trip huh? Leia told me.
Winter: So you think I’m crazy too?
Logan: Oh I don’t think you are, I KNOW you are. But whatever little bro, you’re a
grown man now do what you want. Just come back, that’s all I ask.
Winter: Thanks.
Logan: Bring Puck back too would you? I kinda like the kid.
Winter: Right.
Elphaba: Good luck.
Winter: You’re not going tell me I’m crazy, that I should do this, and there’s no such
things as gods? That’s it?
Elphaba: Nope, just good luck. Oh and don’t die I guess.
Winter: Why does everyone say don’t die? Seriously, do I look that helpless?
Elphaba: It’s just a thing family says you know.
Winter: I won’t.
Elphaba: I do want to request one thing first though, let me say good luck to Puck too.
Invite us over, I want to meet my littlest sister.
Winter: Deal, I can do that. Jeannie is nearly a teenager now and I’m sure she’ll love to
see her sisters.
Jeannie: I get to meet my sisters?! I love you guys but boys are smelly!
Vayne: They want to meet you too. And we do not smell.
Jeannie adds Great Kisser to her trait list. As if any boy would get past her four older brothers to
even get close enough to kiss her.
I tried to have a Gift Giving Party again on Snowflake Day but even with the MASSIVE amount of
empty space, game still says you have no room for the gifts. ~_~ There goes my happy family
holiday party idea…
Elphaba: I’m glad you’re going with Winter on this Puck, I feel better knowing you two
will look out for one another.
Prince Puck: We don’t even know if that Waterfall Portal will take us to the same place
though. Titania couldn’t tell me what’s on the other side of it.
Jeannie: All this talk about their journey, what about mine? How can I learn to be an
awesome witch like you big sister? I want to go on a journey too!
Elphaba: Not every journey takes you to far off places. I come from a long line of witches,
I’m also the last of the bloodline, the MacDuff witches have a lot of history and I’ll gladly
tell you about it. We’ll go on a journey of discovery together!
Prince Puck: It sounds like this coming new year will be filled with new discoveries for
Elphaba: Yeah…we all have our own paths to follow now.
Jeannie: I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for us.
Jeannie: Wow, you’re purple and blue. I’m orange and yellow.
Leia: I can see that. Us girls have to stick together.
Jeannie: I know right? We’re overrun by boys.
Jeannie: Can ghosts even feel cold anymore?
Leia: No but it’s something you can’t really let go of if you’ve been alive before.
Jeannie: Wow, I didn’t know that.
Elphaba: Two against one! Let’s get her big sis!
Leia: Oh I’m down for that!
Jeannie: No fair!!
Leia: I can’t wait to play dress up with our little sister, like a living doll.
Elphaba: Yeah we missed out being bullies didn’t we?
Leia: Now is as a good a time as any, while she’s still young and cute.
Vayne: Alright, this is the last time. If this doesn’t work out then I am not
meant to be Pioneer of Plumbotics after all.
Zero-One: What?
Vayne: Okay, you’re a level 9, I will attempt to make you a level 10.
Zero-One: This one appreciates the effort master.
Vayne: Here goes nothing…
Vayne: What are you doing here?
Emit: Congratulations! Vayne Wolff you have achieved the honourable status
as the Pioneer of Plumbotics!
Vayne: FINALLY!!
Zero-One: This one is honoured to be the first of this one’s kind to achieve
Vayne: Of course making a sentient Plumbot doesn’t fulfill my desire to make three
monsters why would it? So now here I am, raiding Winter’s stash of nasty dried up
organs and fragments of gold sarcophagi to make you…
Hoganiptah: Like I wanted to be resurrected witch! Does Eternal Slumber mean nothing
to you people anymore?
Vayne: Well this town is practically dead anyway, you won’t make much of a difference.
Welcome to the 21st century.
Hoganiptah: Thanks, I hate it. Where’s the door? May as well make this living hell
somewhat bearable.
Prince Puck: Vayne made you didn’t he?
Zero-Two: Indeed. Master Vayne created me and my fellow unit.
Prince Puck: Well, you’re not the weirdest thing I’ve seen, I’ve seen aliens.
Vayne: I knew it would come down to Simbots.
Zero-Three: What are my fellow unit and I to do for you today Master Vayne?
Vayne: You two are getting your own place. Zero-One can stay.
Zero-Three: Are we not adequate enough for your needs Master Vayne?
Vayne: Zero-One can do things like the laundry and not break down.
Zero-Three: I see. Well my fellow unit and I thank you for your time Master Vayne.
Winter: It’s 6 am Puck, why are we out here so early?
Prince Puck: Titania said that the Stone Troll only opens the portal at dusk and dawn.
We’ve said our goodbyes to our siblings and now we’ve got to go.
Winter: So how do you know we’re going to end up in the same place? We could be
going different ways.
Prince Puck: Didn’t Anubis tell you that? Why are you asking me?
Winter: You mean you don’t think I’m crazy about that like everyone else did?
Prince Puck: I just talked to Vayne’s robot. Now if I can do that, then who’s to say what
you believe is also improbable? I don’t know all the details either, Titania just said to be
here at dawn or dusk and the portal will open. She doesn’t know where it goes after here
but wherever it is, that’s where it was meant to go.
Winter: I see. You know as much as I do then. My father wasn’t exactly specific about
details of how this works either.
Prince Puck: I’m glad I get to go with you big brother. I don’t know what I’d do if I had
to face this evil all alone on the other side.
Winter: Me too. To be honest, I didn’t know what I’d have done either if I was alone.
Winter: It’s not everyday that you’re told by your father you have to face evil
to make up for your own evil doings. I killed two people, with curses; it
doesn’t matter that our mother made me do it, I still did it. And this mission is
my penance for it. I have no idea what to expect once I get to this other realm.
Prince Puck: Any---
Winter: PUCK!! Where are you?!
Prince Puck: Winter?! Where are we? I can’t see anything…
Winter: I guess that portal really does work doesn’t it? And is it just me or is it
a lot warmer here?
Winter: Puck…what’s wrong with your eyes?
Prince: Puck: What? What do you mean?
Winter: They’re…black.
Till Death Do You Part: A Sims 3 Black Widow Challenge, Epilogue

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Till Death Do You Part: A Sims 3 Black Widow Challenge, Epilogue

  • 1.
  • 2. What? Two days of updates? Well yeah, you see that’s what happens when my brain decided to wake me up with ideas for Winter’s New Mission after only six hours of sleep. And I can’t continue it until I write the beginning of his new mission so this is the beginning. The plight of an author…anyway, let’s see what Winter’s new mission from his father Anubis will be.
  • 3. Meditation was a way for Winter to center himself again, he never expected to have to be both father and big brother to Jeannie and he didn’t exactly have a good role model for a father to base it on. His trip to Egypt showed him who his father really was and that the only way to talk to him was through meditation. He made use of Debbie’s Pit of Hell for that purpose.
  • 4. Julian’s cat Pepper found Winter in his meditation room, and if one knew anything about Egyptian mythology, you might remember how cats were worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. They were seen as guardians of the Underworld, and in this case, Pepper was a guide to getting to the Underworld where Anubis resided. Pepper helped open the door, but it was up to Winter to go through it.
  • 5. The god could make use of his effigies to communicate with his son on Earth when there was no one dying to talk to him directly.
  • 6. The mission he was going to give Winter would be one of great importance, if he truly wished to make up for being a part of Debbie’s murder spree, then this was his path to redemption for it…Debbie ordered that all ties to her victims be dealt with, and those ties included Emilie and Tristan Van Gould…
  • 7. Debbie was the hand and Winter was the weapon; whether it was willingly or not, Winter still used an Egyptian curse to kill Emilie and a Greek one to kill Tristan. The pantheons of gods DO talk, despite the fact that their mythos is completely different from one another…
  • 8. Anubis: My son, you have a new mission. It is one of great importance. To make up for being the cause of death of two innocents, this is your path to redemption. Winter: What? Why am I being punished? Mother wanted them to die!
  • 9. Anubis: Irrelevant; you were still the direct cause of their deaths. You used an Egyptian curse and a Greek curse on them. There must be a balance maintained for that. Winter: So because mother was insane and wanted them dead, now I have to pay for her insanity? How is that going to work? What do I do about it?
  • 10. Anubis: You are to travel between realms, to a place where a great evil is rising. There you must assist the ones who are tasked with fighting that evil. You are the fourth they need. Winter: Fourth what? What realm? How do I get there? Anubis: You will go to the Stone Troll and once there you will travel through the Waterfall Portal. On the other side you will be met by your contact. He will know who you are.
  • 11. Meanwhile, another who was looking for something, found his first real lead. Prince Puck: Titania, the Queen of the Fairies. I’m glad we can finally meet. Titania: So…what did you want to see me about?
  • 12. Prince Puck: You might not want to talk to me after I tell you this, you see my mother was Debbie Jellinski and my father…was Oberon, the King of the Fairies. Titania: You are my ex husband’s heir? You are right, I don’t care for your mother but as I understand it, she is dead now. You…are still my king’s heir. We were never able to have children, but we wanted them so much.
  • 13. Titania: You look so much like him, my beloved king. *sniffs* I miss him so. Prince Puck: I do too, I never got the chance to know who he was, can you tell me about him and the realm he was from? Where is it? How do I find it?
  • 14. Titania: Our realm, the Realm of the Fae was destroyed. A great evil swept through and annihilated our people. Your father and I escaped here; only to lose our king to your mother’s horrible machinations. I was unable to save it as its queen and now I cannot, I am no longer strong enough. We could only bring the Bean clan of fairies with us, perhaps you know them, Victor and Oakley?
  • 15. Prince Puck: Victor? OH! He was the fairy with the black wings wasn’t he? I remember him! Last I heard my older sister Elphaba was quite smitten with him. Titania: So you have met? Good, that makes things a bit easier. Prince Puck: How so?
  • 16. Titania: Victor and Oakley were our personal guards, they fled our realm with us. Prince Puck: I was just a child when I met him but I do remember him. I don’t think I’ve met Oakley though. Titania: She is my personal guard, she rarely leaves my side.
  • 17. Prince Puck: Is there a way to rebuild our realm? I’m not royalty but I will try to help you if I can. Titania: That is very kind of you; but the evil that annihilated us is still at large, dark fae creatures…we have never seen them before but they were powerful. As long as they live, we cannot save our realm.
  • 18. Prince Puck: Where do I find them? Titania: We know of only one way; there is a Stone Troll who guards a Waterfall Portal. On the other side of that portal is where the great evil resides. We have no one to spare to go through it. I would not ask such a thing of you. Prince Puck: You don’t have to ask, I’ll volunteer. I’ll go for you.
  • 19. Winter: What did you tell my brother? He’s going on about a mission to save the Fairy Realm now. Titania: He asked me what happened to his father’s people, my people. He is my king’s sole heir.
  • 20. Winter: I am responsible for them, all of them now. If you’re trying to trick him, so help me, you will be joining your king. Do not take my warning lightly. Titania: I’m not, he volunteered to go through the Waterfall Portal to find the great evil who killed our people.
  • 21. Winter: Did you say…Waterfall Portal? Titania: I did. It’s the nexus point for Moonlight Falls and all the other realms. Vayne: What are you guys talking about? Winter: Nothing. It’s nothing. Vayne: Okay…but you know you can tell me big brother, that’s what we do.
  • 22. In the meantime, it was graduation time for Prince Puck, and since there are literally no other graduates, it seemed to be a wholly unnecessary ceremony. Prince Puck was given the Most Likely to Travel award…it seems the universe has a sense of ironic humour.
  • 23. Vayne didn’t like Winter’s response to his questions. He saw how much Winter felt he needed to look after all of them, but he forgets that he isn’t the only older siblings they had. They had three more. Logan: So what bright idea does Winter have now?
  • 24. Vayne: He thinks he has to look after all twelve of us now since his father was the only one mother couldn’t kill. Logan: He’s half right; our father was ALREADY dead and mother STILL managed to kill him off. Can’t for the life of me figure that one out. Also he’s fourth born so it’s not like he has to be Moonshadow or anything. He’s our oldest brother.
  • 25. Winter was still dead set on being the family protector though so on Spooky Day he made the rounds to the siblings’ houses to tell them that. Leia: Look, little bro, the weight of our mother’s crimes is not just on you to rectify. She killed all of our fathers, it’s up to all of us. And you’re still my little brother no matter what sort of mantle you’ve taken up. Remember that? We taught you how to talk.
  • 26. Winter: My father is not dead, he’s a god. Didn’t I tell you that? Leia: HAHA! A god, cute. There’s no such thing as gods. Been watching too much TV have you, baby bro? Winter: There is and he is one. I’ve met him.
  • 27. Moonshadow: Look, I know how you want to believe that, but it’s just not true okay? We were there when you were born, we taught you how to talk and walk, we took care of you when mom was off killing the next poor sap who fell for her. It sounds like a great story to think your dad was a god. But I remember you calling Samuel dad when you were a kid. He’s the only one you knew.
  • 28. Winter: I believed he was for the longest time, then I nearly DIED in Egypt and found out who my real father was. Think about it: you’re the oldest and you were there for all of our births, did you ever see the man mom was with before I was born? Moonshadow: Umm…
  • 29. Winter: And how I was born a vampire if Samuel was my father? Look at Logan and Leia, am I see through and multi-coloured like them? Moonshadow: No…but a god really? Come on Winter… Winter: You turned yourself into a fairy with a glowing bottle of pink goo, now how is that any less of a possibility than my father being a god?
  • 30. Moonshadow: Winter, I’m the oldest so it should be my responsibility to look after the eleven younger siblings who came after me. Why do you have to do it all alone? Winter: Because I killed mother; I avenged all of your fathers. And you’re right I am here for another reason. I have to go on a journey that will take me far from here. I wanted to tell you this before I went. I’m seeing everyone before I go. I need you to look after Jean-Paul and Jeannie. They are in the big house and there’s plenty of money in the bank for them.
  • 31. Moonshadow: Why does it sound like you’re thinking you won’t come back? What’s going on Winter? Where are you going? Winter: I don’t know, my father Anubis told me I have to go see the Stone Troll and pass through a Waterfall Portal to get to this place.
  • 32. Winter: Temporary ghosting, that haunted house does some weird shit to you. I hope Finn doesn’t lose his mind when he’s done. The full moon makes him loony.
  • 33. Winter: So I wanted to talk to you before I left. Don’t be shy about stopping by the main house, I know you live alone and you might miss the family. Finn: The voices keep me company. So does Bella, she’s always trying to munch on me though, cats and fish and stuff you know?
  • 34. Winter: Elphaba is right across the street if you need her. Finn: You going somewhere? Who made you Moonshadow? Winter: I am. I wanted to see you before I go. I am being a good older brother.
  • 35. Winter: Speaking of being a good brother, lend me your wrist would you? Finn: OH HELL NAW!! Damnit!! Why me?!
  • 36. William: And you’re just going to go, just like that? No questions asked. A statue told you to go to some weird place and you’re just like ‘yeah sure no prob?’ Doesn’t that seem, I don’t know INSANE to you? I thought Finn was the crazy one in the family. Winter: I have to Will, I think I need to. I just wanted you to know.
  • 37. William: Don’t do it. Winter, you and I, we’ve always been close. The first vampires born in this family. You always looked after me. Now let my look after you; don’t do this. It’s crazy. Winter: Will, I can’t disobey him. I have to do this. Moonshadow is here, he’ll take the best care of you.
  • 38. William: It wasn’t Moonshadow who fed me as a baby, it was you. I barely remember Moonshadow, I never even met him until I was an adult. Mom never even laid eyes on me after I was born, my father was too smitten with her to care either! You have to see this from my perspective, you RAISED me Winter! Winter: I know I did. I remember. But I need to do this and I need to know you’ll support me.
  • 39. William: Alright. I don’t like it and I will never like it, but I’m not going to talk you out of it. Be careful; you have no idea what’s on the other side of this portal thing. Winter: Thank you. Do you know when Snow’s getting back? I want to see him too. William: Soon I think. It’s a full moon and you know how fairies love that.
  • 40. Winter: There you are, I figure you know why I’m here. Snow: Yeah, this insane quest of yours. I heard from Puck about it. He wants to go to this portal thing too because Titania told him it might have answers on the other side about who destroyed the fairy realm. I’ll do what I can here as a fairy myself but I’m not royalty.
  • 41. Winter: Puck wants to go too? He never told me that. Snow: Yeah so imagine how hard this is for me to hear that my brothers want to go off on some strange quest at the same time. At least if he’s with you I won’t feel so scared about it.
  • 42. Snow: You’re both nuts to do this. You wanted to know what I thought, now you do. Winter: Well thanks I guess. Snow: Just don’t die okay? Either of you.
  • 43. Logan: So I’m second last on the trip huh? Leia told me. Winter: So you think I’m crazy too? Logan: Oh I don’t think you are, I KNOW you are. But whatever little bro, you’re a grown man now do what you want. Just come back, that’s all I ask.
  • 44. Winter: Thanks. Logan: Bring Puck back too would you? I kinda like the kid. Winter: Right.
  • 45. Elphaba: Good luck. Winter: You’re not going tell me I’m crazy, that I should do this, and there’s no such things as gods? That’s it? Elphaba: Nope, just good luck. Oh and don’t die I guess.
  • 46. Winter: Why does everyone say don’t die? Seriously, do I look that helpless? Elphaba: It’s just a thing family says you know. Winter: I won’t.
  • 47. Elphaba: I do want to request one thing first though, let me say good luck to Puck too. Invite us over, I want to meet my littlest sister. Winter: Deal, I can do that. Jeannie is nearly a teenager now and I’m sure she’ll love to see her sisters.
  • 48. Jeannie: I get to meet my sisters?! I love you guys but boys are smelly! Vayne: They want to meet you too. And we do not smell.
  • 49. Jeannie adds Great Kisser to her trait list. As if any boy would get past her four older brothers to even get close enough to kiss her. I tried to have a Gift Giving Party again on Snowflake Day but even with the MASSIVE amount of empty space, game still says you have no room for the gifts. ~_~ There goes my happy family holiday party idea…
  • 50. Elphaba: I’m glad you’re going with Winter on this Puck, I feel better knowing you two will look out for one another. Prince Puck: We don’t even know if that Waterfall Portal will take us to the same place though. Titania couldn’t tell me what’s on the other side of it.
  • 51. Jeannie: All this talk about their journey, what about mine? How can I learn to be an awesome witch like you big sister? I want to go on a journey too! Elphaba: Not every journey takes you to far off places. I come from a long line of witches, I’m also the last of the bloodline, the MacDuff witches have a lot of history and I’ll gladly tell you about it. We’ll go on a journey of discovery together!
  • 52. Prince Puck: It sounds like this coming new year will be filled with new discoveries for everyone. Elphaba: Yeah…we all have our own paths to follow now. Jeannie: I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for us.
  • 53. Jeannie: Wow, you’re purple and blue. I’m orange and yellow. Leia: I can see that. Us girls have to stick together. Jeannie: I know right? We’re overrun by boys.
  • 54. Jeannie: Can ghosts even feel cold anymore? Leia: No but it’s something you can’t really let go of if you’ve been alive before. Jeannie: Wow, I didn’t know that.
  • 55. Elphaba: Two against one! Let’s get her big sis! Leia: Oh I’m down for that! Jeannie: No fair!!
  • 56. Leia: I can’t wait to play dress up with our little sister, like a living doll. Elphaba: Yeah we missed out being bullies didn’t we? Leia: Now is as a good a time as any, while she’s still young and cute.
  • 57. Vayne: Alright, this is the last time. If this doesn’t work out then I am not meant to be Pioneer of Plumbotics after all. Zero-One: What?
  • 58. Vayne: Okay, you’re a level 9, I will attempt to make you a level 10. Zero-One: This one appreciates the effort master. Vayne: Here goes nothing…
  • 59. Vayne: What are you doing here? Emit: Congratulations! Vayne Wolff you have achieved the honourable status as the Pioneer of Plumbotics!
  • 60. Vayne: FINALLY!! Zero-One: This one is honoured to be the first of this one’s kind to achieve Sentience.
  • 61. Vayne: Of course making a sentient Plumbot doesn’t fulfill my desire to make three monsters why would it? So now here I am, raiding Winter’s stash of nasty dried up organs and fragments of gold sarcophagi to make you… Hoganiptah: Like I wanted to be resurrected witch! Does Eternal Slumber mean nothing to you people anymore?
  • 62. Vayne: Well this town is practically dead anyway, you won’t make much of a difference. Welcome to the 21st century. Hoganiptah: Thanks, I hate it. Where’s the door? May as well make this living hell somewhat bearable.
  • 63. Prince Puck: Vayne made you didn’t he? Zero-Two: Indeed. Master Vayne created me and my fellow unit. Prince Puck: Well, you’re not the weirdest thing I’ve seen, I’ve seen aliens.
  • 64. Vayne: I knew it would come down to Simbots. Zero-Three: What are my fellow unit and I to do for you today Master Vayne? Vayne: You two are getting your own place. Zero-One can stay.
  • 65. Zero-Three: Are we not adequate enough for your needs Master Vayne? Vayne: Zero-One can do things like the laundry and not break down. Zero-Three: I see. Well my fellow unit and I thank you for your time Master Vayne.
  • 66. Winter: It’s 6 am Puck, why are we out here so early? Prince Puck: Titania said that the Stone Troll only opens the portal at dusk and dawn. We’ve said our goodbyes to our siblings and now we’ve got to go.
  • 67. Winter: So how do you know we’re going to end up in the same place? We could be going different ways. Prince Puck: Didn’t Anubis tell you that? Why are you asking me? Winter: You mean you don’t think I’m crazy about that like everyone else did?
  • 68. Prince Puck: I just talked to Vayne’s robot. Now if I can do that, then who’s to say what you believe is also improbable? I don’t know all the details either, Titania just said to be here at dawn or dusk and the portal will open. She doesn’t know where it goes after here but wherever it is, that’s where it was meant to go. Winter: I see. You know as much as I do then. My father wasn’t exactly specific about details of how this works either.
  • 69. Prince Puck: I’m glad I get to go with you big brother. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to face this evil all alone on the other side. Winter: Me too. To be honest, I didn’t know what I’d have done either if I was alone.
  • 70. Winter: It’s not everyday that you’re told by your father you have to face evil to make up for your own evil doings. I killed two people, with curses; it doesn’t matter that our mother made me do it, I still did it. And this mission is my penance for it. I have no idea what to expect once I get to this other realm.
  • 71. Prince Puck: Any--- Winter: PUCK!! Where are you?!
  • 72. Prince Puck: Winter?! Where are we? I can’t see anything… Winter: I guess that portal really does work doesn’t it? And is it just me or is it a lot warmer here?
  • 73. Winter: Puck…what’s wrong with your eyes? Prince: Puck: What? What do you mean? Winter: They’re…black.