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Who is Alexandra Merisoiu
Alexandra Merisoiu is the Founder and Coach at Urban Women Fitness
and creator of The Merisoiu Technique. Through her outdoor health
and wellness system which she uses to help professionals,
particularly women in their 30's and 40's, to overcome stress and
She does this by creating a healthy, fit and organic lifestyle using her
program The Merisoiu Technique.
“Instead of building resistance when we deal with stress and exhaustion we surround
ourselves with health, wellness and calmness and everything becomes easier to bear. Thus
difficult moments in life don’t lead to depression anymore and stress is easily released
instead of forced away. This is what I create.” – Alexandra Merisoiu
Her experience has deep roots in Japanese and Chinese traditional Martial Arts such as
Shotokan Karate, Daito Ryu, Ninjutsu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi.
She is multiple National Champion in Karate Shotokan, and ranked 2nd in the World
Championships in 2001. Now she competes for England at National and International level.
Alexandra also competes in Obstacle Course Races and is training to become and elite
racer. Until then she enjoys the ice cold water, jumping over fires, crawling through trenches
and bathing in mud up to her neck.
What is The Merisoiu Technique
The Merisoiu Technique is based on principles, scientific proof and philosophies designed
for professionals, particularly women, to help them overcome stress and depression and
associated feelings.
The Merisoiu Technique approaches feeling and experiences from different angles by taking
you on a journey where you discover, acknowledge and overcome difficult moments in your
The Merisoiu Technique it's not a onetime resource which, once read and done, can
disappear never to come back to it again. No, it is a platform of continuous personal
development which challenges you at all levels: physical, psychological, emotional and
The principles and concepts of The Merisoiu Technique are the building blocks of Urban
Women Fitness Outdoor Health and Wellness Programs.
The Merisoiu Technique aims to create a healthy, fit, organic lifestyle using “The 6 Guiding
Principles of a Healthier Lifestyle” that professionals from feeling mentally burnt out and
exhausted, and in as little as 12 weeks they can be feeling energised and transformed!
Why read this eBook
This eBook describes in detail the 6 principles of The Merisoiu Technique: Zanshin,
Earthing, Natural Movement, Transforming Habits, Nutrition, Personal Development.
 Among the benefits of reading and applying the principles in this eBook:
 You will feel better in your own body
 You will see the world in a different light
 The more you read it the more you will begin to incorporate mindfulness in your own
 It helps you find more balance in your life at all levels: physical, psychological, social
and emotional
 It will help you become more focused, productive and calm
 It will relieve aches and pains in your body
 It will help you gain control over your life
 Create a more balanced lifestyle for yourself and your family
or re-connecting with the Earth
What is Earthing
Earthing (grounding or Electron Transfer Technology) is defined as placing one’s skin on the
ground (especially when humid or wet), whether it be dirt, grass, sand, or concrete.
Earthing today
Science asks us to allow for the possibility that human beings have been and always will be
connected to the Earth and any attempt to change this universal law may disturb the natural,
healthy processes in the human body.
Until a few generations ago, most humans walked and slept in direct contact with the surface
of the Earth. Our modern lifestyles involve wearing insulating shoes and sleeping in buildings
that electrically isolate the body from the ground plane.
Furthermore, although the internet and mobile phones are a blessing to many of us, all the
waves and frequencies go through and around us and so disconnect us from the Earth’s
electromagnetic field.
The science of Earthing
Emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked
environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the rich supply of electrons on
the surface of the Earth.
In our fight to achieve more comfortable lifestyles we have separated ourselves from such a
connection. Research suggests that this disconnection may be a major contributor to
physiological dysfunctions and general unwellness.
Reconnecting with the Earth’s electrons has been proven to promote intriguing physiological
changes and subjective reports of well-being.
Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and
reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors
connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth’s electrons from the ground into the
While some people intuitively sense that they feel better when they walk or even sleep
directly on the earth (as on a camping trip or on the beach), most of the population is more
or less permanently isolated from the Earth’s electrical influences.
Earthing and stress, anxiety or depression
Earthing is the oldest and most basic form of natural bioelectric potential that supports
physiological and electrophysiological changes in the body.
Scientists discovered a connection between Earthing and reduced inflammation in the body
which is responsible for many - if not most - illnesses we suffer from, muscle recovery and
relief from muscle soreness, healing wounds and improved blood circulation.
It also shows big improvement in people who are stressed, suffer from depression, insomnia,
anxiety and other illnesses. The latter is what Urban Women Fitness is all about so this is
what I will be focusing on now.
The many unpredictable sociological, economic, and political events of the 21st century have
increased the stress of modern living as compared to earlier and simpler times.
Since the ANS (autonomic nervous system) is linked to the stress response, investigations
have demonstrated that grounded subjects experience a reduction in stress and a
normalization of the ANS.
When one grounds to the electron-enriched Earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic
(flight-or-fight response, which can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular disease) and
parasympathetic nervous system occurs.
In patients who experience anxiety, emotional stress, panic, fear, and/or symptoms of
autonomic dystonia, including headaches, cardiac palpitations, and dizziness, grounding
could be a very realistic therapy.
These patients may see positive effects most likely within 20 to 30 minutes and in almost all
cases in 40 minutes.
Negative emotions such as panic, depression, anxiety, and hostility have all demonstrated
reduced HRV (Heart Rate Variability).
Grounding has the potential to help support Heart Rate Variability, reduce excessive
sympathetic overdrive, balance the ANS, and, thus, attenuate the stress response.
This is very important especially because an association between depression and increased
risk of cardiovascular events has been observed in both the healthy population and those
with present cardiovascular disease.
WARNING: It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions. Earthing should not replace
any professional medical treatment
My (personal) Earthing story
As a child my parents would send me in the countryside to spend up to 3 months of summer
holiday with my grandparents.
I used to spend those 3 months barefoot, day and night. I would seldom put shoes one,
maybe only to go to church.
Through rivers and lakes, up on the hills and through forests my feet would feel and
experience the true reconnection with the Earth.
Looking in retrospective, I was a happy child, I was free from the city life and rules, I could
go wild.
Spending less time in the countryside and more in the city with my parents I developed
symptoms of depression, panic attacks and anxiety.
I was a stressed out child form a very early age. Being outdoor kept my mental health stable,
but who knew that had a real contribution to my mental health.
Growing up I stopped spending time at my grandparents’ altogether and lived my days in
school or university and in a busy city. Much like London, England just smaller but as
My depression, panic attacks and anxiety became more difficult to control and this lead to
years of struggle for my parents who spent a lot of money to help me grow up … normal.
The pressure was especially on my mother’s shoulders.
Long story short, about 3 years ago (when my health was quite worrying), in a moment of
clarity, I began connecting with the outdoors, to re-connect I should say. I don’t know how I
made that decision but it happened. And it was almost instant relief
And thus a new journey began. A journey of discovering another self, of understanding the
cause of my mental and physical unbalances. At least from one point of view.
Now, after going through this research, things start to make sense.
This may not be the only cause but it is the only big thing that changed throughout my life,
looking in retrospective.
Nowadays I start at least 5 days out of 7 outdoor and many times barefoot. Sometimes with
my clients, other times with myself.
Being outdoor bring me freedom, space, intimacy if I want it, room to move and breathe, a
place where I can be whoever I choose to be.
What should you do now
Begin spending time outdoors, barefoot if possible. Begin to open up your senses and feel,
touch, smell, see, listen to the world around you. This will bring you back in to the present
moment, making you feel invigorated, focused and happy as well as benefiting by re-
connecting with the earth
or Total awareness
In Urban Women Fitness Health and Wellness Programs we also call this stage body control
and mindfulness.
The two concepts are interconnected. It is very difficult to achieve one without the other. To
control your body you have to be aware of it, in other words to achieve a relaxed state of
awareness or alertness.
In Japanese Martial Arts we call it Zanshin. I learnt this term when I was 8 years old but it
took me 20 years to only begin to understand it. And I will probably never fully understand it.
Zanshin is a journey and not a destination
Zanshin opens the doors to new possibilities. When you are relaxed you are more creative,
more patient, more at peace with yourself, the people around you and the world you live in.
You collaborate better with people around you, you have more fulfilling relationships with
your family and you are an example for your children who will copy all your actions, thoughts
and behaviours. All this by just developing the simple ability to be mindful and relaxed.
What is mindfulness or awareness
Mindfulness is a form of meditation and it is about being present, about slowing down,
observe and not judge. It's non-intrusive.
You allow your thoughts to come up and go past you, without interfering in any way - judging
or forcing them out of your mind. Just let them float like bubbles to the surface of an
otherwise still lake. When they reach the surface they pop and slowly disappear.
Mindfulness is paying attention. Mindfulness is everywhere and in everything we do. Or it
should be.
For example if you live in a noisy city, you don't have to block out the outside sirens and
screaming children, you let your mind be aware of the sounds. You observe them without
You literally just let your mind be fluid and flow from one thought to the next, not really
focusing on one particular element, just let the sounds, smells, thoughts unfold.
Breathing mindfulness
Breathing is the first thing we do the moment we are born. Yet so many of us are unable to
control this inborn ability.
So I ask you, if we cannot control something as natural as breathing, how are we suppose to
control something as complex as our lives, our thoughts, actions, our business or the world
around us?
That is why breathing is the most practiced form of mindfulness here at Urban Women
Fluidity gives you the chance to be creative with your body and, as a result, your mind.
Physical fluidity brings with it a relief from aches and pains in your body.
Reduced stress at a physical level which, in turn, reduces stress at a mental level.
Experiencing and understanding your body is the first step to an improved health and life.
By practicing fluid movement you will slowly begin to take them with you in your day to day
life, without struggle, without even thinking about them.
This allows your body to relax, you will experience more freedom of movement and, as a
result, more freedom of thinking.
A fluid physical awareness helps your mind to be more fluid and open to the natural process
of healing.
What should you do now
The first step I teach my clients when we learn about mindfulness is to acknowledge the
world around them and then the world within them.
Thus look around you right now and say out loud what you see and smell. It can be objects,
colours, shapes, plants, fragrances anything and everything. And observe how your mind
slowly comes into the present moment and you are again in control of your work, your mind,
emotions and life.
Natural movement
or Reclaiming your nature
Have you ever noticed something interesting in caged animals? At the beginning they fight to
get out, they have energy, vitality, strength, they are wild, they are nature.
After a while they suffer from chronic pain, immobility, they start getting sick, depressed and
lack vitality. These are the symptoms of The Human Zoo Syndrome.
And modern society conditions us to accept that this is a normal and unavoidable step in
evolution. Animals are not meant to be caged and neither should humans.
The solution or cure for sitting at a desk is not sitting on a workout machine. The cure is
movement. Animals don't exercise, they do what they are born to do. A monkey climbs trees,
birds fly. This practical, real world approach is the element we have lost in time and which
natural movement can bring back to life.
Unfortunately we can't just go out there are go straight into our nature. Those genes we
used at the beginning of time have been dormant for a very long time. Our body does not
remember the natural inborn movement.
Infants move natural from the first day but as they step into the civilized world it disappears.
They slowly begin to experience aches and pain, they are unbalanced, have mood swings
and so on.
So now we need to follow a method of practice for practical, real world movement. Not
movement you do in an office, but movement you used to do in the outdoors, it's in your
Natural movement is based on skills of movement
through technique and Zanshin.
Reclaim your nature
You nature is pure, clear, simple and practical. It's natural. All these things we have lost in
the process of building a more comfortable style of living. We have taken our bodies here but
our nature still remains millions of year in the past.
We have created a gap between what our bodies are made for
and what we actually use them for.
If you've ever spent your holidays in the countryside you would know that there are a few
basic types of movement people do: walking, lifting, carrying, throwing, catching, bending,
squatting, even jumping and climbing.
Together with running, crawling, hanging and balancing you have your Natural Movement
Use determines Function
In Alexander Principles we learn that "use determines function". How we use our bodies
determines how we feel, move and interact with the world around us, how we function over
the years.
Natural movement is about helping the body move in a simplistic way, to understand your
body and become mindful of the world around you and your essence as it actually is, natural.
By practicing natural movement you will also improve your strength, increase stamina and
reach a balanced weight.
These are again in our genes since our ancestors were running and fighting, carrying heavy
weights and climbing trees. They were strong. You are strong.
Fitness is an important part of a healthy body and mind. We will help your body eliminate
toxins, keep a balanced weight and get strong and fit.
Furthermore you will improve your mobility and flexibility, reduce aches and pains and
improve you posture by strengthening your core or mid-section of your body.
Natural movement unlocks your natural, inborn skills to help you have more energy, move
easier, stay healthier and fitter.
or Nourishing your body and mind
The food we eat literally becomes part of us. It’s in our blood, in our skin, bones and hair, it’s
everywhere. But did you know that what we eat and drink also affects our state of mind?
Although no one has ever seen the mind, we can consider the brain as the platform for the
mind and thus a platform for out mental wellbeing.
The brain is made up in large part of essential fatty acids, water and other nutrients. We
know that food affects how we feel, think and behave. You felt it , I felt it, everyone knows it.
But how many of us, especially busy professionals take the time to invest in this knowledge
which actually has the potential to make their businesses a success?
Most of your brain is derived directly from food. The last fifty years have witnessed
remarkable alterations to what we eat, how we process and refined it, food additives, use of
pesticides and the alteration of animal fats through intensive farming. And here we are
thinking we actually eat healthy fats.
Studies estimate that the average person in the UK and other industrialised countries will eat
more than 4 kilogrammes of additives every year!!! So the importance of reducing processed
food as much as possible is critical. At least the obvious ones.
Different methods of farming have also introduced higher levels and different types of fat into
our diet. Nowadays chickens grow twice as fast as 30 years ago and this changes the quality
of the meat. A chicken carcass used to be 2% fat, it is now 22%. according to Dr Deborah
Cornah, Consultant to the Mental Health Foundation
The chicken’s changed diets have reduced omega-3 fatty acids and increased omega-6 fatty
acids in the meat.
Unequal intakes of omega-3 (fish and oils) and omega-6 fats (cereals, eggs, poultry) have
been implicated in a number of mental health problems, including depression, concentration
and memory problems. Scientists have observed that western diets contain far too much
omega-6 and not enough omega-3.
Smoking, drinking alcohol, tea, coffee or eating chocolate, improves one’s mood, we all
know this, at least temporarily. What we don’t know, or rather ignore, is that some foods can
have a lasting influence on mood and mental wellbeing because of the impact they have on
the structure and function of the brain.
Food and Depression
Evidence shows that the presentation of depression in the UK population has increased
dramatically over recent decades, with more cases being reported in children, adolescents
and young adults. And the only way we address it is through pills, to suppress the symptoms
but not addressing the cause.
There seems to be a correlation between low intakes of fish by a country and high levels of
depression amongst its citizens, as well as the reverse. This correlation has been shown for
major depression, post-natal depression, seasonal affective disorder and bipolar affective
Complex carbohydrates as well as certain food components such as folic acid, omega-3 fatty
acids, selenium and tryptophan are thought to decrease the symptoms of depression. Those
with low intakes of folate, or folic acid, have been found to be significantly more likely to be
diagnosed with depression than those with higher intakes.
Similar conclusions have been drawn from studies looking at the association of depression
with low levels of zinc and vitamins B1, B2 and C.
In other studies standard treatments have been supplemented with these micronutrients
resulting in significant relief of symptoms in people with depression and bi-polar affective
disorder, in some cases by 50%.
In one epidemiological study it was found that levels of depression were rising at the same
time that traditional diets were being abandoned for more processed foods.
Food and Attention Hyperactivity Disorder
If my parents were to ever take me to the doctor I would have been diagnosed with ADHD
for sure. But they never did, they raised and nurtured and helped me develop in a traditional
and healthy way as best they could.
Most importantly they gave me the chance to use up all my energy through various sports. I
didn’t spend too much time indoors eating and sleeping.
However, for more serious cases of ADHD, there have been great improvements when
dietary changes are introduced to children with ADHD. Two food groups have been
identified, fatty acids and minerals.
It seems that children diagnosed with ADHD commonly share characteristics of Essential
fatty acid (Cereal, pasta, bread, vegetables) deficiency. A deficiency in zinc (red meat, beans
and poultry) was also discovered among children with ADHD.
There is even more research out there linking diet with mental health is growing at a rapid
pace. The quality of the food we eat has a great impact on feelings of mood and general
wellbeing, but the evidence demonstrates its contribution to the development, prevention
and management of specific mental health problems like the ones described above.
What can we do?
Balanced mood and feelings of well being can be maintained to a certain extent by ensuring
that our diet provides adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates, essential fats, amino
acids, vitamins and minerals and water in balanced amounts.
I encourage you to do your research so you make informed decisions rather than believe
everything you are told. Read shorts articles on macronutrients and micronutrients and
decide for yourself whether a type of food is good or not.
Educating our children is our number one priority. However instead of teaching by example
we say something it not healthy and we still eat it. Kids copy adults’ behaviours and no
matter how many times we tell them it’s not good they will still copy what we do. Lead by
example, walk the talk.
If you are a parent teach your child by example.
If you want to help your loved ones be healthier teach by example
Everyone will follow you, eventually.
Transforming Habits
or Transforming your actions
to change your life
Everything we are, the way we grew up, what we leave behind are all habits. Our life is
governed by habits.
Whether we talk about the best position for us to fall asleep, brushing your teeth, (even the
side of your mouth you start brushing your teeth) or the road you take to go to work almost
every day, these are all habits whether you recognize and accept them or not.
When we judge a habit as being good or bad we unconsciously make a decision to change
the bad habits with good ones. Some of them will swim into your subconscious and you will
begin making changes because you think that habit is bringing you no benefit or is
You might be able to change some of those habits but sometimes it is not very easy. You
keep the process going for a few weeks, maybe months and then give up whether because
it's difficult or because you forget or you even get bored and tired of trying.
I said changing a habit because it's the most common expression. However, I don't believe a
habit should be changed, or replaced. I believe in transforming those habits.
The caterpillar retreats in its cocoon and then come out as a butterfly. The caterpillar was not
changed, or replaced, with a butterfly, it transformed. Same goes for habits.
CHANGE is defined by Oxford Dictionary as make or become different, to alter, or to take or
use another instead of.
CHANGE is about using external forces to modify actions and reach the desired results.
CHANGE is about seeing the current situation and working to make things better, faster,
cheaper or something along those lines.
When changing something the past suddenly is wrong and actions are intended to alter what
already happened.
When you choose CHANGE, your future is really a
reconditioned or improved version of the past.
TRANSFORMATION is almost always large and significant.
TRANSFORMATION starts from the inside and is an internal fundamental change in your
beliefs of why you perform certain actions. Because it is fundamental in its nature,
transformation is more likely permanent.
TRANSFORMATION is about modifying beliefs more than anything else, so that natural
actions achieve the desired results. Beliefs are at the core of our habits or actions. Beliefs
dictate how our lives will unfold and whether we achieve what we want from life or not.
Beliefs about your environment will alter your health in many ways. For example, I never
believed cold makes me ill so I train in shorts at minus 6 degrees Celsius and never catch a
cold. While others get really ill if they spend time outdoor without a jacket.
TRANSFORMATION is the bundle of small habits in our lives today which create the future
tomorrow .
In TRANSFORMATION, you design your future and patiently work towards to bring it about.
TRANSFORMATION doesn’t describe the future by comparing it to the past
(better, faster, or cheaper); it creates a future that is entirely new.
A butterfly is a transformation, not a better caterpillar.
Like CHANGE, TRANSFORMATION also begins with acknowledging the current situation.
Without a clear understanding of the current situation we’re delusional about the future from
the beginning. There is nothing in sight.
But when you choose the path of TRANSFORMATION, it becomes easier to leave the past
behind after considering the present situation.
Now you can envision the future freely; you make specific promises and commitments about
how things shall be. You take action, big or small, to ensure that you get closer and closer to
your vision every day.
In CHANGE mode, the desire to improve the past directs what we do. The past sets
boundaries and constrains possibilities. CHANGE makes the system better.
In TRANSFORMATION mode, the future directs your actions and only the limits of
imagination and courage constrain possibilities. TRANSFORMATION causes new systems
to emerge.
Lynne Twist, a global activist and award-winning author of The Soul of Money explained the
difference between change and transformation this way:
“Change can change back. (We can go from conservative to liberal, from disciplined to
undisciplined…) Change is volatile. Transformation is completely different – though
sometimes it is called change. Transformation never makes the past wrong. It transforms it.
It doesn’t deny it. It honors it in a way that you can move forward without making anything
wrong, and having the past somehow now become complete, rather than wrong.
Transformation has a permanence to it – where once you transform, once you awaken, once
you see the stations you didn’t see before, you can’t go back. Transformation has the
ultimate power of time, and what the world is crying for now is transformation, not
necessarily more change, though some change may be a part of it, the route to
transformation. Transformation suddenly makes the past make sense, and new futures open
up.” ~
Read the above paragraph again please.
Isn't this powerful? Doesn't it make you reflect on these words and see them in a different
Personal Development
or Reaching your greatest potential
Personal development or personal growth is a lifelong journey. Abraham Maslow places
Personal Development at the top of his pyramid in Self-Fulfilment Needs as Self-
Actualization: achieving one's full potential, including creative activities.
Personal Development is a way for people to assess their qualities and strengths, to
consider their vision in life and set goals in order to reach their highest potential.
Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop
talents and potential, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and
Where did Personal Development come from
Personal Development is not a new concept. As with in the case of Earthing, we are actually
going back to basics because we realised that traditional practices are still the foundation of
the modern world.
In yoga, a discipline originating in India, possibly over 3000 years ago, personal-
development techniques include meditation, rhythmic breathing, stretching and postures.
These are also major components of Urban Women Fitness training program involving
natural movement.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), in his Nicomachean Ethics, defined
personal development as a category of practical wisdom, where the practice of virtues leads
to happiness (eudaimonia), more accurately understood as “human flourishing” or “living
While Personal Development practices are slightly different today than thousands of years
ago we still engage in some of those practices such as meditation, breathing and posture.
In Chinese tradition, Confucius (around 551 BC – 479 BC) , in his Great Learning, wrote:
The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered
well their own states. Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families.
Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons. Wishing to cultivate their
persons, they first rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be
sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the
utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.
The above passage is worth a second read, and maybe even a third one.
Psychologist Albert Bandura (born 1925) thinks that self-efficacy best explains why people
with the same level of knowledge and skills get very different results. He suggests that self-
confidence functions as a powerful predictor of success because:
 it makes you expect to succeed
 it allows you take risks and set challenging goals
 it helps you keep trying if at first you don’t succeed
 it helps you control emotions and fears when the going gets rough
I've been learning Personal Development from experts in the field, such as Lisa Nichols, Bob
Proctor, Vishen Lakhiani, Tony Robbins, Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill and of course my
mentor Amanda Watts to name a few.
And not only about self-confidence but also the power of thought and how it can literally build
or break our life.
Personal development includes the following activities, which Urban Women Fitness also
incorporate in the coaching programs:
 improving self-awareness
 improving self-knowledge
 improving or learning new skills
 becoming a self-leader
 building or renewing identity/self-esteem
 developing strengths or talents
 spiritual development
 identifying or improving potential
 enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life
 improving health
 fulfilling aspirations
 initiating personal autonomy
 defining and executing personal development plans
 improving social abilities
Traditional Personal Development practices include:
 yoga
 martial arts
 meditation
These exact three elements are at the core of Urban Women Fitness programs. We put
emphasis on nurturing and developing you at a physical, mental and spiritual level more than
anything else.
There are so many other branches or vectors of personal development including:
 developing competence
 managing emotions
 achieving autonomy and interdependence
 developing mature interpersonal relationships
 establishing identity
 developing purpose
 developing integrity
 work-life balance
 time management
 stress management
 health programs
 counselling
What is your next step?
Would you like to learn more about The Merisoiu Technique and talk to me about your life
today, how you'd like it to look tomorrow and what steps you should take to get there?
Then take action today to begin transforming your life at all levels, physical, psychological,
social and emotional. Book a free call with me to talk about how you can transform your life.
Connect with me on Facebook and LinkedIn to receive all my updates and articles and keep
your subconscious busy with transforming your life.
What other readers have to say
I like how the instructions you give are easy to follow, well explained and very importantly
really easy to visualise. I think this is key as when it came round to actually doing the
exercises, I felt confident I knew what steps to be taking and how to do them.
I like how you pick up on little bad habits we may slip into without even realising- like not
chewing properly or not making the most of sighing! Simple but really effective tips which
really enhanced my own sense of calm. I felt alert but relaxed, a fantastic mix.
Siobhan Lawless
This is a brilliant ebook which highlights what you need to be healthy and reduce stress.
Would highly recommend it for women who may have a busy life want answers as to what
they need to be doing to get healthier. An easy read, very informative and highly
Amanda Watts
This ebook is based on my experience and the research I have found. However this does
not mean that these methods work for everyone and for any conditions. Thus please do not
replace professional medical treatment as these are my own opinions.

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The Merisoiu Technique

  • 1.
  • 2. Who is Alexandra Merisoiu Alexandra Merisoiu is the Founder and Coach at Urban Women Fitness and creator of The Merisoiu Technique. Through her outdoor health and wellness system which she uses to help professionals, particularly women in their 30's and 40's, to overcome stress and depression. She does this by creating a healthy, fit and organic lifestyle using her program The Merisoiu Technique. “Instead of building resistance when we deal with stress and exhaustion we surround ourselves with health, wellness and calmness and everything becomes easier to bear. Thus difficult moments in life don’t lead to depression anymore and stress is easily released instead of forced away. This is what I create.” – Alexandra Merisoiu Her experience has deep roots in Japanese and Chinese traditional Martial Arts such as Shotokan Karate, Daito Ryu, Ninjutsu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi. She is multiple National Champion in Karate Shotokan, and ranked 2nd in the World Championships in 2001. Now she competes for England at National and International level. Alexandra also competes in Obstacle Course Races and is training to become and elite racer. Until then she enjoys the ice cold water, jumping over fires, crawling through trenches and bathing in mud up to her neck. What is The Merisoiu Technique The Merisoiu Technique is based on principles, scientific proof and philosophies designed for professionals, particularly women, to help them overcome stress and depression and associated feelings. The Merisoiu Technique approaches feeling and experiences from different angles by taking you on a journey where you discover, acknowledge and overcome difficult moments in your life. The Merisoiu Technique it's not a onetime resource which, once read and done, can disappear never to come back to it again. No, it is a platform of continuous personal development which challenges you at all levels: physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual. The principles and concepts of The Merisoiu Technique are the building blocks of Urban Women Fitness Outdoor Health and Wellness Programs. The Merisoiu Technique aims to create a healthy, fit, organic lifestyle using “The 6 Guiding Principles of a Healthier Lifestyle” that professionals from feeling mentally burnt out and exhausted, and in as little as 12 weeks they can be feeling energised and transformed!
  • 3. Why read this eBook This eBook describes in detail the 6 principles of The Merisoiu Technique: Zanshin, Earthing, Natural Movement, Transforming Habits, Nutrition, Personal Development.  Among the benefits of reading and applying the principles in this eBook:  You will feel better in your own body  You will see the world in a different light  The more you read it the more you will begin to incorporate mindfulness in your own life  It helps you find more balance in your life at all levels: physical, psychological, social and emotional  It will help you become more focused, productive and calm  It will relieve aches and pains in your body  It will help you gain control over your life  Create a more balanced lifestyle for yourself and your family Earthing or re-connecting with the Earth What is Earthing Earthing (grounding or Electron Transfer Technology) is defined as placing one’s skin on the ground (especially when humid or wet), whether it be dirt, grass, sand, or concrete. Earthing today Science asks us to allow for the possibility that human beings have been and always will be connected to the Earth and any attempt to change this universal law may disturb the natural, healthy processes in the human body. Until a few generations ago, most humans walked and slept in direct contact with the surface of the Earth. Our modern lifestyles involve wearing insulating shoes and sleeping in buildings that electrically isolate the body from the ground plane. Furthermore, although the internet and mobile phones are a blessing to many of us, all the waves and frequencies go through and around us and so disconnect us from the Earth’s electromagnetic field. The science of Earthing Emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the rich supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth.
  • 4. In our fight to achieve more comfortable lifestyles we have separated ourselves from such a connection. Research suggests that this disconnection may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunctions and general unwellness. Reconnecting with the Earth’s electrons has been proven to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being. Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth’s electrons from the ground into the body. While some people intuitively sense that they feel better when they walk or even sleep directly on the earth (as on a camping trip or on the beach), most of the population is more or less permanently isolated from the Earth’s electrical influences. Earthing and stress, anxiety or depression Earthing is the oldest and most basic form of natural bioelectric potential that supports physiological and electrophysiological changes in the body. Scientists discovered a connection between Earthing and reduced inflammation in the body which is responsible for many - if not most - illnesses we suffer from, muscle recovery and relief from muscle soreness, healing wounds and improved blood circulation. It also shows big improvement in people who are stressed, suffer from depression, insomnia, anxiety and other illnesses. The latter is what Urban Women Fitness is all about so this is what I will be focusing on now. The many unpredictable sociological, economic, and political events of the 21st century have increased the stress of modern living as compared to earlier and simpler times. Since the ANS (autonomic nervous system) is linked to the stress response, investigations have demonstrated that grounded subjects experience a reduction in stress and a normalization of the ANS. When one grounds to the electron-enriched Earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic (flight-or-fight response, which can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular disease) and parasympathetic nervous system occurs. In patients who experience anxiety, emotional stress, panic, fear, and/or symptoms of autonomic dystonia, including headaches, cardiac palpitations, and dizziness, grounding could be a very realistic therapy. These patients may see positive effects most likely within 20 to 30 minutes and in almost all cases in 40 minutes. Negative emotions such as panic, depression, anxiety, and hostility have all demonstrated reduced HRV (Heart Rate Variability). Grounding has the potential to help support Heart Rate Variability, reduce excessive sympathetic overdrive, balance the ANS, and, thus, attenuate the stress response.
  • 5. This is very important especially because an association between depression and increased risk of cardiovascular events has been observed in both the healthy population and those with present cardiovascular disease. WARNING: It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions. Earthing should not replace any professional medical treatment My (personal) Earthing story As a child my parents would send me in the countryside to spend up to 3 months of summer holiday with my grandparents. I used to spend those 3 months barefoot, day and night. I would seldom put shoes one, maybe only to go to church. Through rivers and lakes, up on the hills and through forests my feet would feel and experience the true reconnection with the Earth. Looking in retrospective, I was a happy child, I was free from the city life and rules, I could go wild. Spending less time in the countryside and more in the city with my parents I developed symptoms of depression, panic attacks and anxiety. I was a stressed out child form a very early age. Being outdoor kept my mental health stable, but who knew that had a real contribution to my mental health. Growing up I stopped spending time at my grandparents’ altogether and lived my days in school or university and in a busy city. Much like London, England just smaller but as packed. My depression, panic attacks and anxiety became more difficult to control and this lead to years of struggle for my parents who spent a lot of money to help me grow up … normal. The pressure was especially on my mother’s shoulders. Long story short, about 3 years ago (when my health was quite worrying), in a moment of clarity, I began connecting with the outdoors, to re-connect I should say. I don’t know how I made that decision but it happened. And it was almost instant relief And thus a new journey began. A journey of discovering another self, of understanding the cause of my mental and physical unbalances. At least from one point of view. Now, after going through this research, things start to make sense. This may not be the only cause but it is the only big thing that changed throughout my life, looking in retrospective. Nowadays I start at least 5 days out of 7 outdoor and many times barefoot. Sometimes with my clients, other times with myself. Being outdoor bring me freedom, space, intimacy if I want it, room to move and breathe, a place where I can be whoever I choose to be.
  • 6. What should you do now Begin spending time outdoors, barefoot if possible. Begin to open up your senses and feel, touch, smell, see, listen to the world around you. This will bring you back in to the present moment, making you feel invigorated, focused and happy as well as benefiting by re- connecting with the earth Zanshin or Total awareness In Urban Women Fitness Health and Wellness Programs we also call this stage body control and mindfulness. The two concepts are interconnected. It is very difficult to achieve one without the other. To control your body you have to be aware of it, in other words to achieve a relaxed state of awareness or alertness. In Japanese Martial Arts we call it Zanshin. I learnt this term when I was 8 years old but it took me 20 years to only begin to understand it. And I will probably never fully understand it. Zanshin is a journey and not a destination Zanshin opens the doors to new possibilities. When you are relaxed you are more creative, more patient, more at peace with yourself, the people around you and the world you live in. You collaborate better with people around you, you have more fulfilling relationships with your family and you are an example for your children who will copy all your actions, thoughts and behaviours. All this by just developing the simple ability to be mindful and relaxed. What is mindfulness or awareness Mindfulness is a form of meditation and it is about being present, about slowing down, observe and not judge. It's non-intrusive. You allow your thoughts to come up and go past you, without interfering in any way - judging or forcing them out of your mind. Just let them float like bubbles to the surface of an otherwise still lake. When they reach the surface they pop and slowly disappear. Mindfulness is paying attention. Mindfulness is everywhere and in everything we do. Or it should be. For example if you live in a noisy city, you don't have to block out the outside sirens and screaming children, you let your mind be aware of the sounds. You observe them without interfering. You literally just let your mind be fluid and flow from one thought to the next, not really focusing on one particular element, just let the sounds, smells, thoughts unfold.
  • 7. Breathing mindfulness Breathing is the first thing we do the moment we are born. Yet so many of us are unable to control this inborn ability. So I ask you, if we cannot control something as natural as breathing, how are we suppose to control something as complex as our lives, our thoughts, actions, our business or the world around us? That is why breathing is the most practiced form of mindfulness here at Urban Women Fitness. Fluidity Fluidity gives you the chance to be creative with your body and, as a result, your mind. Physical fluidity brings with it a relief from aches and pains in your body. Reduced stress at a physical level which, in turn, reduces stress at a mental level. Experiencing and understanding your body is the first step to an improved health and life. By practicing fluid movement you will slowly begin to take them with you in your day to day life, without struggle, without even thinking about them. This allows your body to relax, you will experience more freedom of movement and, as a result, more freedom of thinking. A fluid physical awareness helps your mind to be more fluid and open to the natural process of healing. What should you do now The first step I teach my clients when we learn about mindfulness is to acknowledge the world around them and then the world within them. Thus look around you right now and say out loud what you see and smell. It can be objects, colours, shapes, plants, fragrances anything and everything. And observe how your mind slowly comes into the present moment and you are again in control of your work, your mind, emotions and life. Natural movement or Reclaiming your nature Have you ever noticed something interesting in caged animals? At the beginning they fight to get out, they have energy, vitality, strength, they are wild, they are nature. After a while they suffer from chronic pain, immobility, they start getting sick, depressed and lack vitality. These are the symptoms of The Human Zoo Syndrome.
  • 8. And modern society conditions us to accept that this is a normal and unavoidable step in evolution. Animals are not meant to be caged and neither should humans. The solution or cure for sitting at a desk is not sitting on a workout machine. The cure is movement. Animals don't exercise, they do what they are born to do. A monkey climbs trees, birds fly. This practical, real world approach is the element we have lost in time and which natural movement can bring back to life. Unfortunately we can't just go out there are go straight into our nature. Those genes we used at the beginning of time have been dormant for a very long time. Our body does not remember the natural inborn movement. Infants move natural from the first day but as they step into the civilized world it disappears. They slowly begin to experience aches and pain, they are unbalanced, have mood swings and so on. So now we need to follow a method of practice for practical, real world movement. Not movement you do in an office, but movement you used to do in the outdoors, it's in your genes. Natural movement is based on skills of movement through technique and Zanshin. Reclaim your nature You nature is pure, clear, simple and practical. It's natural. All these things we have lost in the process of building a more comfortable style of living. We have taken our bodies here but our nature still remains millions of year in the past. We have created a gap between what our bodies are made for and what we actually use them for. If you've ever spent your holidays in the countryside you would know that there are a few basic types of movement people do: walking, lifting, carrying, throwing, catching, bending, squatting, even jumping and climbing. Together with running, crawling, hanging and balancing you have your Natural Movement Library. Use determines Function In Alexander Principles we learn that "use determines function". How we use our bodies determines how we feel, move and interact with the world around us, how we function over the years. Natural movement is about helping the body move in a simplistic way, to understand your body and become mindful of the world around you and your essence as it actually is, natural. By practicing natural movement you will also improve your strength, increase stamina and reach a balanced weight.
  • 9. These are again in our genes since our ancestors were running and fighting, carrying heavy weights and climbing trees. They were strong. You are strong. Fitness is an important part of a healthy body and mind. We will help your body eliminate toxins, keep a balanced weight and get strong and fit. Furthermore you will improve your mobility and flexibility, reduce aches and pains and improve you posture by strengthening your core or mid-section of your body. Natural movement unlocks your natural, inborn skills to help you have more energy, move easier, stay healthier and fitter. Nutrition or Nourishing your body and mind The food we eat literally becomes part of us. It’s in our blood, in our skin, bones and hair, it’s everywhere. But did you know that what we eat and drink also affects our state of mind? Although no one has ever seen the mind, we can consider the brain as the platform for the mind and thus a platform for out mental wellbeing. The brain is made up in large part of essential fatty acids, water and other nutrients. We know that food affects how we feel, think and behave. You felt it , I felt it, everyone knows it. But how many of us, especially busy professionals take the time to invest in this knowledge which actually has the potential to make their businesses a success? Most of your brain is derived directly from food. The last fifty years have witnessed remarkable alterations to what we eat, how we process and refined it, food additives, use of pesticides and the alteration of animal fats through intensive farming. And here we are thinking we actually eat healthy fats. Studies estimate that the average person in the UK and other industrialised countries will eat more than 4 kilogrammes of additives every year!!! So the importance of reducing processed food as much as possible is critical. At least the obvious ones. Different methods of farming have also introduced higher levels and different types of fat into our diet. Nowadays chickens grow twice as fast as 30 years ago and this changes the quality of the meat. A chicken carcass used to be 2% fat, it is now 22%. according to Dr Deborah Cornah, Consultant to the Mental Health Foundation The chicken’s changed diets have reduced omega-3 fatty acids and increased omega-6 fatty acids in the meat. Unequal intakes of omega-3 (fish and oils) and omega-6 fats (cereals, eggs, poultry) have been implicated in a number of mental health problems, including depression, concentration and memory problems. Scientists have observed that western diets contain far too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3. Smoking, drinking alcohol, tea, coffee or eating chocolate, improves one’s mood, we all know this, at least temporarily. What we don’t know, or rather ignore, is that some foods can
  • 10. have a lasting influence on mood and mental wellbeing because of the impact they have on the structure and function of the brain. Food and Depression Evidence shows that the presentation of depression in the UK population has increased dramatically over recent decades, with more cases being reported in children, adolescents and young adults. And the only way we address it is through pills, to suppress the symptoms but not addressing the cause. There seems to be a correlation between low intakes of fish by a country and high levels of depression amongst its citizens, as well as the reverse. This correlation has been shown for major depression, post-natal depression, seasonal affective disorder and bipolar affective disorder. Complex carbohydrates as well as certain food components such as folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium and tryptophan are thought to decrease the symptoms of depression. Those with low intakes of folate, or folic acid, have been found to be significantly more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those with higher intakes. Similar conclusions have been drawn from studies looking at the association of depression with low levels of zinc and vitamins B1, B2 and C. In other studies standard treatments have been supplemented with these micronutrients resulting in significant relief of symptoms in people with depression and bi-polar affective disorder, in some cases by 50%. In one epidemiological study it was found that levels of depression were rising at the same time that traditional diets were being abandoned for more processed foods. Food and Attention Hyperactivity Disorder If my parents were to ever take me to the doctor I would have been diagnosed with ADHD for sure. But they never did, they raised and nurtured and helped me develop in a traditional and healthy way as best they could. Most importantly they gave me the chance to use up all my energy through various sports. I didn’t spend too much time indoors eating and sleeping. However, for more serious cases of ADHD, there have been great improvements when dietary changes are introduced to children with ADHD. Two food groups have been identified, fatty acids and minerals. It seems that children diagnosed with ADHD commonly share characteristics of Essential fatty acid (Cereal, pasta, bread, vegetables) deficiency. A deficiency in zinc (red meat, beans and poultry) was also discovered among children with ADHD. There is even more research out there linking diet with mental health is growing at a rapid pace. The quality of the food we eat has a great impact on feelings of mood and general wellbeing, but the evidence demonstrates its contribution to the development, prevention and management of specific mental health problems like the ones described above.
  • 11. What can we do? Balanced mood and feelings of well being can be maintained to a certain extent by ensuring that our diet provides adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates, essential fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals and water in balanced amounts. I encourage you to do your research so you make informed decisions rather than believe everything you are told. Read shorts articles on macronutrients and micronutrients and decide for yourself whether a type of food is good or not. Educating our children is our number one priority. However instead of teaching by example we say something it not healthy and we still eat it. Kids copy adults’ behaviours and no matter how many times we tell them it’s not good they will still copy what we do. Lead by example, walk the talk. If you are a parent teach your child by example. If you want to help your loved ones be healthier teach by example Everyone will follow you, eventually. Transforming Habits or Transforming your actions to change your life Everything we are, the way we grew up, what we leave behind are all habits. Our life is governed by habits. Whether we talk about the best position for us to fall asleep, brushing your teeth, (even the side of your mouth you start brushing your teeth) or the road you take to go to work almost every day, these are all habits whether you recognize and accept them or not. When we judge a habit as being good or bad we unconsciously make a decision to change the bad habits with good ones. Some of them will swim into your subconscious and you will begin making changes because you think that habit is bringing you no benefit or is unhealthy. You might be able to change some of those habits but sometimes it is not very easy. You keep the process going for a few weeks, maybe months and then give up whether because it's difficult or because you forget or you even get bored and tired of trying. I said changing a habit because it's the most common expression. However, I don't believe a habit should be changed, or replaced. I believe in transforming those habits. The caterpillar retreats in its cocoon and then come out as a butterfly. The caterpillar was not changed, or replaced, with a butterfly, it transformed. Same goes for habits.
  • 12. Change CHANGE is defined by Oxford Dictionary as make or become different, to alter, or to take or use another instead of. CHANGE is about using external forces to modify actions and reach the desired results. CHANGE is about seeing the current situation and working to make things better, faster, cheaper or something along those lines. When changing something the past suddenly is wrong and actions are intended to alter what already happened. When you choose CHANGE, your future is really a reconditioned or improved version of the past. Transformation TRANSFORMATION is almost always large and significant. TRANSFORMATION starts from the inside and is an internal fundamental change in your beliefs of why you perform certain actions. Because it is fundamental in its nature, transformation is more likely permanent. TRANSFORMATION is about modifying beliefs more than anything else, so that natural actions achieve the desired results. Beliefs are at the core of our habits or actions. Beliefs dictate how our lives will unfold and whether we achieve what we want from life or not. Beliefs about your environment will alter your health in many ways. For example, I never believed cold makes me ill so I train in shorts at minus 6 degrees Celsius and never catch a cold. While others get really ill if they spend time outdoor without a jacket. TRANSFORMATION is the bundle of small habits in our lives today which create the future tomorrow . In TRANSFORMATION, you design your future and patiently work towards to bring it about. TRANSFORMATION doesn’t describe the future by comparing it to the past (better, faster, or cheaper); it creates a future that is entirely new. A butterfly is a transformation, not a better caterpillar. Like CHANGE, TRANSFORMATION also begins with acknowledging the current situation. Without a clear understanding of the current situation we’re delusional about the future from the beginning. There is nothing in sight. But when you choose the path of TRANSFORMATION, it becomes easier to leave the past behind after considering the present situation. Now you can envision the future freely; you make specific promises and commitments about how things shall be. You take action, big or small, to ensure that you get closer and closer to your vision every day.
  • 13. In CHANGE mode, the desire to improve the past directs what we do. The past sets boundaries and constrains possibilities. CHANGE makes the system better. In TRANSFORMATION mode, the future directs your actions and only the limits of imagination and courage constrain possibilities. TRANSFORMATION causes new systems to emerge. Lynne Twist, a global activist and award-winning author of The Soul of Money explained the difference between change and transformation this way: “Change can change back. (We can go from conservative to liberal, from disciplined to undisciplined…) Change is volatile. Transformation is completely different – though sometimes it is called change. Transformation never makes the past wrong. It transforms it. It doesn’t deny it. It honors it in a way that you can move forward without making anything wrong, and having the past somehow now become complete, rather than wrong. Transformation has a permanence to it – where once you transform, once you awaken, once you see the stations you didn’t see before, you can’t go back. Transformation has the ultimate power of time, and what the world is crying for now is transformation, not necessarily more change, though some change may be a part of it, the route to transformation. Transformation suddenly makes the past make sense, and new futures open up.” ~ Read the above paragraph again please. Isn't this powerful? Doesn't it make you reflect on these words and see them in a different light? Personal Development or Reaching your greatest potential Personal development or personal growth is a lifelong journey. Abraham Maslow places Personal Development at the top of his pyramid in Self-Fulfilment Needs as Self- Actualization: achieving one's full potential, including creative activities. Personal Development is a way for people to assess their qualities and strengths, to consider their vision in life and set goals in order to reach their highest potential. Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. Where did Personal Development come from Personal Development is not a new concept. As with in the case of Earthing, we are actually going back to basics because we realised that traditional practices are still the foundation of the modern world.
  • 14. In yoga, a discipline originating in India, possibly over 3000 years ago, personal- development techniques include meditation, rhythmic breathing, stretching and postures. These are also major components of Urban Women Fitness training program involving natural movement. The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), in his Nicomachean Ethics, defined personal development as a category of practical wisdom, where the practice of virtues leads to happiness (eudaimonia), more accurately understood as “human flourishing” or “living well". While Personal Development practices are slightly different today than thousands of years ago we still engage in some of those practices such as meditation, breathing and posture. In Chinese tradition, Confucius (around 551 BC – 479 BC) , in his Great Learning, wrote: The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own states. Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons. Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things. The above passage is worth a second read, and maybe even a third one. Psychologist Albert Bandura (born 1925) thinks that self-efficacy best explains why people with the same level of knowledge and skills get very different results. He suggests that self- confidence functions as a powerful predictor of success because:  it makes you expect to succeed  it allows you take risks and set challenging goals  it helps you keep trying if at first you don’t succeed  it helps you control emotions and fears when the going gets rough I've been learning Personal Development from experts in the field, such as Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, Vishen Lakhiani, Tony Robbins, Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill and of course my mentor Amanda Watts to name a few. And not only about self-confidence but also the power of thought and how it can literally build or break our life. Personal development includes the following activities, which Urban Women Fitness also incorporate in the coaching programs:  improving self-awareness  improving self-knowledge  improving or learning new skills  becoming a self-leader  building or renewing identity/self-esteem  developing strengths or talents  spiritual development  identifying or improving potential
  • 15.  enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life  improving health  fulfilling aspirations  initiating personal autonomy  defining and executing personal development plans  improving social abilities Traditional Personal Development practices include:  yoga  martial arts  meditation These exact three elements are at the core of Urban Women Fitness programs. We put emphasis on nurturing and developing you at a physical, mental and spiritual level more than anything else. There are so many other branches or vectors of personal development including:  developing competence  managing emotions  achieving autonomy and interdependence  developing mature interpersonal relationships  establishing identity  developing purpose  developing integrity  work-life balance  time management  stress management  health programs  counselling
  • 16. What is your next step? Would you like to learn more about The Merisoiu Technique and talk to me about your life today, how you'd like it to look tomorrow and what steps you should take to get there? Then take action today to begin transforming your life at all levels, physical, psychological, social and emotional. Book a free call with me to talk about how you can transform your life. Connect with me on Facebook and LinkedIn to receive all my updates and articles and keep your subconscious busy with transforming your life. What other readers have to say I like how the instructions you give are easy to follow, well explained and very importantly really easy to visualise. I think this is key as when it came round to actually doing the exercises, I felt confident I knew what steps to be taking and how to do them. I like how you pick up on little bad habits we may slip into without even realising- like not chewing properly or not making the most of sighing! Simple but really effective tips which really enhanced my own sense of calm. I felt alert but relaxed, a fantastic mix. Siobhan Lawless This is a brilliant ebook which highlights what you need to be healthy and reduce stress. Would highly recommend it for women who may have a busy life want answers as to what they need to be doing to get healthier. An easy read, very informative and highly recommend. Amanda Watts WARNING: This ebook is based on my experience and the research I have found. However this does not mean that these methods work for everyone and for any conditions. Thus please do not replace professional medical treatment as these are my own opinions.