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Examples Of Ignorance
"Want" is of course all the poverty and need in the world, which can cause people to steal, cheat, and so forth. It is a huge, ages–old, unending
problem. If we could ease people's lack – of food, shelter, warmth, water, etc. – there would be much less unrest. The world would be a safer place. But
more to the point: what does Want mean to do? What examples of it can you think of. Ignorance is the root of of so many social ills. Ignorance led
to the Crusades. It is what keeps people in bondage. It keeps us in fear – it is said that we fear (and therefore hate) what we don't understand –
especially other people who are unlike us. Out of ignorance, people do the most appalling things. Ignorance also keeps people in deprivation – just one
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Veil Of Ignorance Essay
Ask yourself, "What is my contribution to society?" and "What do I expect in return?" Justice, liberty and equality remain at the forefront of the
American way. Securing these, however, is key, with reference to the contentious debate on these rights. Philosophers John Rawls and Robert Nozick
present countering views on achieving liberty and justice. On one hand, Rawls' view of justice would maximize liberty equally among all socioeconomic
groups through his notion of the Veil of Ignorance, framed in accordance with two principles. This notion supports big government, excessive taxation,
and a welfare state. Nozick's theory of justice, the Entitlement Theory, deals primarily with the unjust distribution of property, while placing personal
accountability with the individual. Admittedly, Rawls' Veil of Ignorance theory is a fair process, per se, but his unfolding of that notion, along with
supporting principles actually subjugates the poor and underprivileged because it more content...
No one is entitled to what is not rightfully his. John Rawls' notion laid out in his Veil of Ignorance as a way of setting up an equal societal playing
field for every citizen fails in that it arbitrarily sets an assumption of each person's view of entitlement from the government. His Liberty Principle is
less controversial than his Difference Principle, in that it, initially, stands for equal liberties to all, but fails in execution as it expounds into creating
liberties at the expense of others instead of protecting natural liberties. Nozick rejects Rawls' form of distributive justice in that Rawls' Difference
Principle is unreasonable and unfair as it holds only the producing citizens accountable for sustaining non–producers by way of theft. To these points, I
vehemently support Robert Nozick's view on justice, equality and liberty. I earn what is mine and deserve nothing that is
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Research Paper On Ignorance
Do We Prefer to Ignore?
"Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil" said Plato, a very famous philosopher ("Plato Quotes"). And whenever the word "ignorance" pops up,
people are more tend to think negatively. The Oxford Living Dictionary defines it as "the lack of knowledge" ("Ignorance") and its synonyms are,
according to, words such as illiteracy and insensitivity ("Ignorance"), which present a negative meaning even with the prefixes "il–" and
"in–". However, is it possible that today ignorant people are more likeable? Or can ignorance be viewed as positive, as the famous saying "Ignorance
is bliss." suggests? Even though ignorance can be seen as a word that is quite straightforward and is only negative, ignorance has more
We all value different things: Some value religion, some believe that everything that has happened is mathematical, and this results in a variety of
answers when someone is asked, "Which type of knowledge would you prioritize?". Thus, when asked "How would you say whether a person is
ignorant or not?", their answers also vary. As I asked this question in my interviews, Jason Leiter said that he would value, "Awareness of political
events, diversity of the world" (Leiter), whereas Cansu Ећenocak, a Turkish Math teacher, suggested that she would value "How many areas is that
person knowledgeable about" (Senocak). As another example, in popular religious beliefs, ignorant people are the ones that do not accept God's
guidance. It isn't about whether you know many languages, learned many sciences and read many books; ignorance has a direct connection with God.
In Islam, for example, the name "Jahiliyyah" was used to describe the pre–Islamic period in Saudi Arabia, and the word can be literally translated as
"Age of Ignorance" as "jahili" means ignorant (Jahiliyyah). And Vedas, which are the religious texts of Hinduism, suggests, "10 O God Almighty! I
am steeped into the darkness of ignorance. I need to be moved into the light of your wisdom" (The Vedas), which means that not being ignorant is
believing in God and creates a direct relationship between
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What Is Ignorance
No matter what is going on in our lives, how it affects us solely depends on how each of us choose to react to the situation and push through any of the
obstacles present. If challenges are swept under the mat of ignorance, nothing is gained, nothing is taught, and nothing is understood about the good
and the bad that life is constantly throwing at you. Yet, once perserverance takes the lead and those challenges are no longer looked at as road–blocks
of life–struggles but pit–stops of life–lessons, we will find ourselves in the midst of personal growth: physically, mentally, spiritually,
religiously...whatever way it may be, we are exposed to a mature perspective that can not be found in movies, tv shows, or novels, but found in the perks
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Ignorance is Not an Excuse Essays
Ignorance is Not an Excuse
We only choose what we think is good and if anyone chooses evil it must be through ignorance.
Plato believes that we always choose good unless we are ignorant. Plato claims being ignorant would be the only excuse for choosing evil. His views
of this are apparent in the Meno. As I read up on whether or not we deliberately choose evil I realized there are many sides, many ways to answer this
question. My opinion is not as clear as I thought. In this paper I will go through numerous writings on this subject, such as the Meno. The writings by
Augustine and Descartes basically support Plato's argument. While comparing all the writings I hope that I can come up with a conclusion of my own. more content...
Also, it is quite apparent that Mr. McVeigh is not ignorant. He happens to be a very smart man. Here is a perfect example of someone choosing harm,
or evil without having the excuse of being ignorant. Unfortunately, we know there are many more people in the world like this. I give Plato the benefit
of the doubt for his opinion because maybe in the time period he lived there were not these extreme examples of people choosing evils on purpose,
without the excuse of ignorance. Augustine's writings on Free Will contain a segment about whether or not to choose sin. Augustine starts in the
Garden of Eden, where all Christians believe everything began. Augustine states that in the Garden of Eden there were God's commandments from
above and the serpent's, the Devil's, suggestions from below. God's commandments are the good and the suggestions from the serpent are evil.
Augustine is real blunt when explaining what he believes. He says that if a person has reached a state of wisdom he shall have no problem in not
succumbing to the suggestions from the serpent below. He states that even fools, the ignorant, will eventually be able to move on to a state of
wisdom. They will then be able to overcome the evil suggestions of the serpent. Augustine does write that those who find wisdom after ignorance will
have a problem letting go of the "sweetness" of the evil things they have become accustomed to
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Importance Of Ignorance
People accept the things that authority figures say and 'teach' the world, but nobody is brave enough to question them. Nobody will stick their
neck out far enough to feel the sun and be released from the cave. We are held back by our chains because we are too afraid of the things going on
around us. These authority figures have made our ignorance feel safe and we refuse to leave. We are so plain that even if we knew the truth, we'd
keep it to ourselves and slowly turn it over in our minds, and tuck it away. Our society lives in the dark, and is so ignorant and stubborn that even
when people escape, they refuse to try to release us from our chains because they know what they say will never work.
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Causes Of Ignorance
The ignorance of the topic of another belief is limiting because this shows one opinion is ignored by another, which gives a negative impact of not
listening to their opinions. As in the town of Hillsboro, people are limited to what is right to think, they are forced to believe in one religion and to
listen to one's opinion. This is very limiting because it causes an ignorance among people not listening to their own ideas giving a negative impact. In
the town, people only believe in the Bible and listen to one person who has the control. This causes a conflict because if all the people listen and
follow the person who has power. Then, one person can have a different opinion on another. Everyone will ignore the topic and would not listen. This
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The Role Of Ignorance In Literature
Authors all write in different ways. They all have different minds and ideas. Even though authors think differently, they still are alike in a weird
way. They also don't think alike and they all have their different ways of writing their thoughts. While reading all 4 different essays, I've learned a lot
about trying to understand how other people think. All four essays have something in common, and I believe that "ignorance" is one of the biggest
common factors in all of the stories. They may all have a different way in showing ignorance because every essay has a different story line. It was
easiest to spot out ignorance in Maya Angelou's essay "Graduation," rather than in Welty's essay "Listening." I read something the other day that made more content...
Edward, was a very ignorant man who thought that whites were the only people who could live up to success, where she knew the facts and would
prove to herself that she was an african american woman who would be successful in her life.
That man, Edward, reminds me more of Berube's "Paying for Freedom" essay. "Paying for Freedom" goes into say that we don't just get freedom, we
have to work for it. Hard. We can't sit around and wait for everything we want to just fall right into our laps. Nobody in life can be ignorant and
uneducated in the things they are trying to educate someone else about. They also need to understand how to respect other opinions with certain things
like that.
Ignorance is something that people don't always understand in today's time. There is something about ignorance that people don't always understand.
Maybe they don't understand what ignorance is, but they seem to think that's actually the answer for some things. Ignorance plays a big part in "The
Intellectual Free Lunch," by Kinsley. Kinsley goes on to teach us about how we need to know the facts before we pass it on to others. We aren't
allowed to come up with an answer to something because we think it should be that way, we need to know the knowledge behind everything that we try
to pass onto others. We shouldn't be ignorant because we want an answer to something to be a certain way, because if we all just came up with our
own answers, we wouldn't know the truth about a lot of things in
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How Does Ignorance Affect Society
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Love can do that" Martin Luther King Jr. spoke these words and
have has had an impact on me for my entire life. How I interpret this quote is when we see hate crimes occur throughout the world we should fight hate
with love and not retaliate with more hatred. When a hate crime occurs it not only has an impact on the people involved with the incident but, it effects
society. Hate crimes can develop a fear among people and a paranoia towards groups of people. Hate crimes create negative feelings toward groups of
people. Hate crimes can also cause physical and emotional pain. Physical pain by they attempt to harm other people by the hate crime offenders. more content...
Ignorance affects society in such a way that it can devalue someone else's beliefs or culture while putting an increased emphasis on your own. As a
society, if we can become more understanding and become more respectful towards another belief or culture then we can decrease ignorance all
together. If we teach the youth of society about all the different cultures, races, and religions across the world, then I feel we can decrease the amount
of ignorance that is happening. In True American, Mark discusses about "everyone from the Middle East is an Arab to me" (Giridharadas 152). This
statement by Mark proves my point about ignorance playing a key factor in hate crimes. Mark went searching for anyone that matches the Middle East
description and attacked them. Maybe if Mark was more educated about Arabs, Muslims, and the Middle East then it can be noted that his hostility
against them may be diminished. Nevertheless, it does not mean that he would not committed the same acts but, it could have given him a chance
about learn about different cultures and that could have created less hatred. Ignorance has effected society for a long time. The collective feeling of
groupthink has created stereotypes for specific groups of people and these stereotypes have lasted throughout many generations. Lastly, I believe that
the thrill of committing the crime is another key factor for hate
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It all started in rush hour, a beautiful violin playing intricate music. The man drew his bow across the strings of his instrument at a metro station in
Washington DC, while over a thousand people rushed by in a hurried fashion. Under ten took the time to stop and listen to the stunning melodies of
Bach and around twenty tossed him money before running off. Not one person realized the miracle they were witnessing, as they were all too ignorant
to realize that the man in the subway station was Joshua Bell –a highly praised musician, who just days earlier had played in a theatre where a single
seat was worth over $100. The people were trapped in their own bubble, a small, tiny bubble compromised of their thoughts, knowledge and more content...
He went to the first two houses and blew them down but was unsuccessful in catching the pigs as they had all ran to the home of the third pig. But
the wolf had not worried, as he was unaware of his own ignorance and believed that he could blow down the brick home as easy as he did the straw.
His knowledge had double–crossed him and left him hungry so the big bad wolf decided to try a new route, choosing to go down the chimney. But
again, his ignorance betrayed him as he did not know what a chimney was for. So unfortunately, due to the wolf's unknowingness he landed in the
sizzling water that would mark his demise. Next, there was Ender –from the novel and movie Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card– a young boy who
had been selected for battle school. He was the best of the best and through his years there, he learned much in the way of war. Ender had gone through
simulation after simulation, training to fight the Buggers –a species that had been said to have threatened war on the human race. As his time at school
drew to a close, Ender was given one last test. He was asked to lead his comrades through war but was too ignorant to realize that the fight he was
leading was
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Argumentative Essay On Ignorance
Ignorance is the underlying problem associated with humanity's most heinous crimes. Ignorance It's another word for racism. It's the way so many
people view the world, where instead of looking at the beauty of diversity and uniqueness, they close their eyes succumbing to an unfounded fear the
presides within them. A fear of the truth. A fear they are wrong. Being ignorant is term loosely used to describe the less fortunate who possess a lack
of knowledge or information. But what if ignorance is an excuse; a mask to hide behind from accountability?
Intentional ignorance is a theory known and acknowledged by few, but yet is practiced by so many. InAustralia, It dates back to the earliest days of
settlement and colonisation, and is now more content...
The population of the indigenous Australians decreased by 90% within the first fourteen months of colonisation.
The indigenous people weren't even recognised as actual living people up until the latter part of the twentieth century because they had disparate
customs and beliefs to the British.
These abuses marked the first instances of the intentional ignorance of truths in Australia's past, whereby the Australian settlers would reassure
themselves that the abuses they were committing and the displacement of the indigenous Australians was a part of "humanitarian intervention" against
"savagery" that was for the "crown" and "the greater good." They settlers even went as far to tell themselves that the abuses were alright because the
indigenous people weren't really people and that they were "just following orders."
Another infamous example in Australia's past where ignorance was the mechanism to which victimised so many, was the period of the stolen
generation. The stolen generation refers to the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by
Australian Federal and State government agencies.
Again, the perpetrators of the stolen generation reassured themselves with fallacious justifications as to what they were doing to these people was for
"Australia's betterment" and the "indigenous people's betterment."
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Living In Ignorance
One should always step out of their comfort zone even if the outcome does not look pleasant. Ignorance is not the way of life, accepting reality is
what makes a person progress in life. Everyone should always do critical thinking and accept the truth. When one is living in ignorance, they do not
expand their ability to learn and be aware of reality. However, when a person accepts that they do not have the answers to everything and investigate,
their minds and eyes are open to a new world. In addition, their world becomes a place of adventure, journeys, and challenges. For example, when the
prisoner step out of the cave, he was first hurt when the sun rays hit his eyes, but then he could see clearly the real objects and surroundings, and wanted
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Research Paper On Ignorance
Ignorance is bliss comes into play based on the fact that an individual doesn't go seeking for solutions to situations that he or she has no idea about.
This is a basic scenario that proves ignorance is bliss; if a student has no knowledge about literature or Shakespearean language and it does not apply to
the student's course curriculum, the student does not really worry about it.
Ignorance is not bliss when one chooses to be left out of the loop and decides to be clueless about whatever is going on, because he or she thinks
what one does not know about one does not worry about it. This is when ignorance is not bliss due to the fact an individual simply chose to be
ignorant by getting left out of the loop. In this case ignorance is basically
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Socratic Ignorance Essay
1.What is Socratic ignorance?
Socrates discovered the concept of ignorance after an oracle spoke to one of his friends stating, "no one is wiser than Socrates" (Soccio 103). To
dispute the Oracle, Socrates went off in search and discovered that many lacked wisdom (politicians and poets) and some, such as craftsmen, had
knowledge related to their craft, but also believed that they knew more than they really did. With this discovery, Socrates stated that it was wiser to be
aware that one does not know all opposed to pretending that one knows more than they really do. Therefore, the term Socratic ignorance was coined
and it represents that one acknowledges that one does not know what one does not know. It is the awareness of not knowing.
2.What is virtue?
Socrates defined virtue as having the knowledge of moral excellence. Virtue is when one builds up knowledge by acquiring the applications of skills
and the building up of character. Once this knowledge is acquired, Socrates claimed that virtue creates wealth and all else that is good. Socrates also
believed that if you were a virtuous person then you would know what is right, and you will do what is right.
3.What is the relationship between more content...
Studying natural theology will result in defining the existence of god and the argument from motion. Natural theology is the small piece to the bigger
puzzle Aquinas was putting together in his attempt to prove God's existence. Aquinas would have needed to use natural theology to create his five
proofs of God's existence. Aquinas believed that he could use natural reason (natural theology) to show God existed. The use of natural reason
emphasized one's ability to understand truths about God from nature, which uses the branch of theology that is natural, and shows that Aquinas would
have needed to use natural theology to expand his ideas, such as, the argument from
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Ignorance Research Paper
When a person does not know about a certain subject and thinks that they do, or thinks their way is the right way, make me so angry. I understand how
someone does not know everything, but when they actually think that something is right, when it is obvious to everyone else that their way is wrong.
There is a lot a ways someone can be ignorant. Ignorance does not mean that someone is being rude towards a topic they did not know about. Ignorance
just means that someone is uneducated on a certain topic. I do not hate when someone is uneducated. I hate when someone is uneducated, but thinks
they are not. Someone that thinks they are right about everything. At school I see and hear about a lot of ignorance. When someone is judging another
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Essay On Conformity And Ignorance
Here we contemplate the labor of life. What of the end and moreover the aim? The former nothing but the continuation of the latter beyond a definite
point. The practical uncertainty forms a highly comical contrast to what society decrees. Universal sufferance and ruthless energy as we sink deeper
and deeper into the abyss. The fallacy of the happiness ever after an illusory theory of blind rhetoric. Conformity and ignorance crippling the courage
of the mind and diminishing the spirit of the soul as we cling hopelessly to the concept of justice in the face of the inevitable catastrophe. Are we but a
transitory and inferior form destined to disappear into historically conditioned oblivion? With the aim a necessity and the end absolute, we penetrate
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Essay On American Ignorance
Ignorance has spread and arrogance has rooted in much worse besides a single human being. It has taken root in an entire country and it's citizens.
That country is America. While intriguing, it isn't shocking, is it? America was planted with the seeds of ignorance and arrogance when Christopher
Columbus set his foot upon a soil that was not his. The blood of innocents used to fertilize the toxic flower that is, today, modern America. While it
is a good thing to take pride in one's country, it is a nefarious act to say that America is the best nation in the world when all Americans do is worry
about idle problems. It is told to young Americans that "It is a blessing to be born here, be grateful you were not born in the country we just bombed. more content...
Individualistic societies. America is an individualistic society. An individualistic society is, according to Very Well, "Individualistic cultures are those
that stress the needs of the individual over the needs of the group as a whole. In this type of culture, people are seen as independent and autonomous.
Social behavior tends to be dictated by the attitudes and preferences of individuals." This causes, as mentioned before, the point of view where many
Americans see others that are not like them as non–humans. So when we view other countries, we don't see them like they see us and vice versa. This
can cause something called the fundamental attribution error. According to, the fundamental attribution error is "Our tendency to explain
someone else's behavior based on internal factors." an example the website provides is: "Your professor is angry at the class for getting bad grades.
You attribute that by thinking he has a bad temper when in reality he is just concerned about the classes grades. This is the fundamental attribution
error." An example to show where our spoiled America is making a mistake at is in the most recent news. According to our media outlets, Assad (the
19th president of Syria) had gassed his own people. This followed with conflicting reports that Syria had allegedly moved all of its chemical weapons
out of the country, and Assad actually appearing on local television to say that the most
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Ignorance in societies can lead to violence. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, and many people can be ignorant on purpose or they can be ignorant
without even knowing it. When people are ignorant they can only see a topic from one point of view. If there are different countries that are both
close–minded and ignorant then they will have different opinions on the subject and will fight in order to prove their point.
Nineteen years ago the Taliban got hold of Kabul. Since then the landmines have continued to explode, people have continued to be tortured and
women have been pushed to the side.
The city of Kabul has become the place it is because it is being ruled by ignorant people. Kabul used to be a beautiful place full of nature and amazing
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Personal Experiences Of Ignorance
To me ignorance means, someone who lacks knowledge and judges something before they know anything about it. However I don't think this is
right at all as this means you're just being "dumb." I believe that we should get to know something before we make a judgement. I have many
experiences with ignorance but, one especially bothers me till this day. This experiences that I had really surprises me how ignorant someone could be.
It all started in 2010, I was only 6 at that time, and it was the first day of school! However, in 2010 I had just come to Canada yup; I was just an
ordinary new comer. So the bell rung for us to go in and we all went inside the school for the first day of school. As most people would try to do is
make friends right more content...
Most story take time for it to build up, they slowly introduce the problem and everything slowly starts to happen. However, in this book I have
noticed that right of the bat the author starts to build up the story and this gets the audience/readers excited and pumped up to read the rest of the
book. The author starts getting into the problem and building up the story within 30 pages. That's what I call a "smart author." The author gets
right into the problems with first the girl getting her leg cut off. Then right after that the dog gets killed. Afterwards her dad just walks away from
the farm. The reader gets really interested into the story and wants to find out what happens and reads more about what happening and what will
happen next. I think the book is going to be an awesome first read for the class. This book is very relatable and connectable to anything. This really
helps the reader understand the story better if they can relate or make connections to what's happening in the book. I personally have many
connections with this book. So I think this book is going to be an awesome read. So that is the why I think the statement "The Crazy Man has a very
effective beginning" is true and I agree 100% that it does have an effective
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Examples Of Ignorance

  • 1. Examples Of Ignorance "Want" is of course all the poverty and need in the world, which can cause people to steal, cheat, and so forth. It is a huge, ages–old, unending problem. If we could ease people's lack – of food, shelter, warmth, water, etc. – there would be much less unrest. The world would be a safer place. But more to the point: what does Want mean to do? What examples of it can you think of. Ignorance is the root of of so many social ills. Ignorance led to the Crusades. It is what keeps people in bondage. It keeps us in fear – it is said that we fear (and therefore hate) what we don't understand – especially other people who are unlike us. Out of ignorance, people do the most appalling things. Ignorance also keeps people in deprivation – just one small Get more content on
  • 2. Veil Of Ignorance Essay Ask yourself, "What is my contribution to society?" and "What do I expect in return?" Justice, liberty and equality remain at the forefront of the American way. Securing these, however, is key, with reference to the contentious debate on these rights. Philosophers John Rawls and Robert Nozick present countering views on achieving liberty and justice. On one hand, Rawls' view of justice would maximize liberty equally among all socioeconomic groups through his notion of the Veil of Ignorance, framed in accordance with two principles. This notion supports big government, excessive taxation, and a welfare state. Nozick's theory of justice, the Entitlement Theory, deals primarily with the unjust distribution of property, while placing personal accountability with the individual. Admittedly, Rawls' Veil of Ignorance theory is a fair process, per se, but his unfolding of that notion, along with supporting principles actually subjugates the poor and underprivileged because it more content... No one is entitled to what is not rightfully his. John Rawls' notion laid out in his Veil of Ignorance as a way of setting up an equal societal playing field for every citizen fails in that it arbitrarily sets an assumption of each person's view of entitlement from the government. His Liberty Principle is less controversial than his Difference Principle, in that it, initially, stands for equal liberties to all, but fails in execution as it expounds into creating liberties at the expense of others instead of protecting natural liberties. Nozick rejects Rawls' form of distributive justice in that Rawls' Difference Principle is unreasonable and unfair as it holds only the producing citizens accountable for sustaining non–producers by way of theft. To these points, I vehemently support Robert Nozick's view on justice, equality and liberty. I earn what is mine and deserve nothing that is Get more content on
  • 3. Research Paper On Ignorance Do We Prefer to Ignore? "Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil" said Plato, a very famous philosopher ("Plato Quotes"). And whenever the word "ignorance" pops up, people are more tend to think negatively. The Oxford Living Dictionary defines it as "the lack of knowledge" ("Ignorance") and its synonyms are, according to, words such as illiteracy and insensitivity ("Ignorance"), which present a negative meaning even with the prefixes "il–" and "in–". However, is it possible that today ignorant people are more likeable? Or can ignorance be viewed as positive, as the famous saying "Ignorance is bliss." suggests? Even though ignorance can be seen as a word that is quite straightforward and is only negative, ignorance has more content... We all value different things: Some value religion, some believe that everything that has happened is mathematical, and this results in a variety of answers when someone is asked, "Which type of knowledge would you prioritize?". Thus, when asked "How would you say whether a person is ignorant or not?", their answers also vary. As I asked this question in my interviews, Jason Leiter said that he would value, "Awareness of political events, diversity of the world" (Leiter), whereas Cansu Ећenocak, a Turkish Math teacher, suggested that she would value "How many areas is that person knowledgeable about" (Senocak). As another example, in popular religious beliefs, ignorant people are the ones that do not accept God's guidance. It isn't about whether you know many languages, learned many sciences and read many books; ignorance has a direct connection with God. In Islam, for example, the name "Jahiliyyah" was used to describe the pre–Islamic period in Saudi Arabia, and the word can be literally translated as "Age of Ignorance" as "jahili" means ignorant (Jahiliyyah). And Vedas, which are the religious texts of Hinduism, suggests, "10 O God Almighty! I am steeped into the darkness of ignorance. I need to be moved into the light of your wisdom" (The Vedas), which means that not being ignorant is believing in God and creates a direct relationship between Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Ignorance No matter what is going on in our lives, how it affects us solely depends on how each of us choose to react to the situation and push through any of the obstacles present. If challenges are swept under the mat of ignorance, nothing is gained, nothing is taught, and nothing is understood about the good and the bad that life is constantly throwing at you. Yet, once perserverance takes the lead and those challenges are no longer looked at as road–blocks of life–struggles but pit–stops of life–lessons, we will find ourselves in the midst of personal growth: physically, mentally, spiritually, religiously...whatever way it may be, we are exposed to a mature perspective that can not be found in movies, tv shows, or novels, but found in the perks Get more content on
  • 5. Ignorance is Not an Excuse Essays Ignorance is Not an Excuse We only choose what we think is good and if anyone chooses evil it must be through ignorance. Plato believes that we always choose good unless we are ignorant. Plato claims being ignorant would be the only excuse for choosing evil. His views of this are apparent in the Meno. As I read up on whether or not we deliberately choose evil I realized there are many sides, many ways to answer this question. My opinion is not as clear as I thought. In this paper I will go through numerous writings on this subject, such as the Meno. The writings by Augustine and Descartes basically support Plato's argument. While comparing all the writings I hope that I can come up with a conclusion of my own. more content... Also, it is quite apparent that Mr. McVeigh is not ignorant. He happens to be a very smart man. Here is a perfect example of someone choosing harm, or evil without having the excuse of being ignorant. Unfortunately, we know there are many more people in the world like this. I give Plato the benefit of the doubt for his opinion because maybe in the time period he lived there were not these extreme examples of people choosing evils on purpose, without the excuse of ignorance. Augustine's writings on Free Will contain a segment about whether or not to choose sin. Augustine starts in the Garden of Eden, where all Christians believe everything began. Augustine states that in the Garden of Eden there were God's commandments from above and the serpent's, the Devil's, suggestions from below. God's commandments are the good and the suggestions from the serpent are evil. Augustine is real blunt when explaining what he believes. He says that if a person has reached a state of wisdom he shall have no problem in not succumbing to the suggestions from the serpent below. He states that even fools, the ignorant, will eventually be able to move on to a state of wisdom. They will then be able to overcome the evil suggestions of the serpent. Augustine does write that those who find wisdom after ignorance will have a problem letting go of the "sweetness" of the evil things they have become accustomed to Get more content on
  • 6. Importance Of Ignorance People accept the things that authority figures say and 'teach' the world, but nobody is brave enough to question them. Nobody will stick their neck out far enough to feel the sun and be released from the cave. We are held back by our chains because we are too afraid of the things going on around us. These authority figures have made our ignorance feel safe and we refuse to leave. We are so plain that even if we knew the truth, we'd keep it to ourselves and slowly turn it over in our minds, and tuck it away. Our society lives in the dark, and is so ignorant and stubborn that even when people escape, they refuse to try to release us from our chains because they know what they say will never work. Get more content on
  • 7. Causes Of Ignorance The ignorance of the topic of another belief is limiting because this shows one opinion is ignored by another, which gives a negative impact of not listening to their opinions. As in the town of Hillsboro, people are limited to what is right to think, they are forced to believe in one religion and to listen to one's opinion. This is very limiting because it causes an ignorance among people not listening to their own ideas giving a negative impact. In the town, people only believe in the Bible and listen to one person who has the control. This causes a conflict because if all the people listen and follow the person who has power. Then, one person can have a different opinion on another. Everyone will ignore the topic and would not listen. This Get more content on
  • 8. The Role Of Ignorance In Literature Authors all write in different ways. They all have different minds and ideas. Even though authors think differently, they still are alike in a weird way. They also don't think alike and they all have their different ways of writing their thoughts. While reading all 4 different essays, I've learned a lot about trying to understand how other people think. All four essays have something in common, and I believe that "ignorance" is one of the biggest common factors in all of the stories. They may all have a different way in showing ignorance because every essay has a different story line. It was easiest to spot out ignorance in Maya Angelou's essay "Graduation," rather than in Welty's essay "Listening." I read something the other day that made more content... Edward, was a very ignorant man who thought that whites were the only people who could live up to success, where she knew the facts and would prove to herself that she was an african american woman who would be successful in her life. That man, Edward, reminds me more of Berube's "Paying for Freedom" essay. "Paying for Freedom" goes into say that we don't just get freedom, we have to work for it. Hard. We can't sit around and wait for everything we want to just fall right into our laps. Nobody in life can be ignorant and uneducated in the things they are trying to educate someone else about. They also need to understand how to respect other opinions with certain things like that. Ignorance is something that people don't always understand in today's time. There is something about ignorance that people don't always understand. Maybe they don't understand what ignorance is, but they seem to think that's actually the answer for some things. Ignorance plays a big part in "The Intellectual Free Lunch," by Kinsley. Kinsley goes on to teach us about how we need to know the facts before we pass it on to others. We aren't allowed to come up with an answer to something because we think it should be that way, we need to know the knowledge behind everything that we try to pass onto others. We shouldn't be ignorant because we want an answer to something to be a certain way, because if we all just came up with our own answers, we wouldn't know the truth about a lot of things in Get more content on
  • 9. How Does Ignorance Affect Society "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Love can do that" Martin Luther King Jr. spoke these words and have has had an impact on me for my entire life. How I interpret this quote is when we see hate crimes occur throughout the world we should fight hate with love and not retaliate with more hatred. When a hate crime occurs it not only has an impact on the people involved with the incident but, it effects society. Hate crimes can develop a fear among people and a paranoia towards groups of people. Hate crimes create negative feelings toward groups of people. Hate crimes can also cause physical and emotional pain. Physical pain by they attempt to harm other people by the hate crime offenders. more content... Ignorance affects society in such a way that it can devalue someone else's beliefs or culture while putting an increased emphasis on your own. As a society, if we can become more understanding and become more respectful towards another belief or culture then we can decrease ignorance all together. If we teach the youth of society about all the different cultures, races, and religions across the world, then I feel we can decrease the amount of ignorance that is happening. In True American, Mark discusses about "everyone from the Middle East is an Arab to me" (Giridharadas 152). This statement by Mark proves my point about ignorance playing a key factor in hate crimes. Mark went searching for anyone that matches the Middle East description and attacked them. Maybe if Mark was more educated about Arabs, Muslims, and the Middle East then it can be noted that his hostility against them may be diminished. Nevertheless, it does not mean that he would not committed the same acts but, it could have given him a chance about learn about different cultures and that could have created less hatred. Ignorance has effected society for a long time. The collective feeling of groupthink has created stereotypes for specific groups of people and these stereotypes have lasted throughout many generations. Lastly, I believe that the thrill of committing the crime is another key factor for hate Get more content on
  • 10. Ignorance It all started in rush hour, a beautiful violin playing intricate music. The man drew his bow across the strings of his instrument at a metro station in Washington DC, while over a thousand people rushed by in a hurried fashion. Under ten took the time to stop and listen to the stunning melodies of Bach and around twenty tossed him money before running off. Not one person realized the miracle they were witnessing, as they were all too ignorant to realize that the man in the subway station was Joshua Bell –a highly praised musician, who just days earlier had played in a theatre where a single seat was worth over $100. The people were trapped in their own bubble, a small, tiny bubble compromised of their thoughts, knowledge and more content... He went to the first two houses and blew them down but was unsuccessful in catching the pigs as they had all ran to the home of the third pig. But the wolf had not worried, as he was unaware of his own ignorance and believed that he could blow down the brick home as easy as he did the straw. His knowledge had double–crossed him and left him hungry so the big bad wolf decided to try a new route, choosing to go down the chimney. But again, his ignorance betrayed him as he did not know what a chimney was for. So unfortunately, due to the wolf's unknowingness he landed in the sizzling water that would mark his demise. Next, there was Ender –from the novel and movie Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card– a young boy who had been selected for battle school. He was the best of the best and through his years there, he learned much in the way of war. Ender had gone through simulation after simulation, training to fight the Buggers –a species that had been said to have threatened war on the human race. As his time at school drew to a close, Ender was given one last test. He was asked to lead his comrades through war but was too ignorant to realize that the fight he was leading was Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Ignorance Ignorance is the underlying problem associated with humanity's most heinous crimes. Ignorance It's another word for racism. It's the way so many people view the world, where instead of looking at the beauty of diversity and uniqueness, they close their eyes succumbing to an unfounded fear the presides within them. A fear of the truth. A fear they are wrong. Being ignorant is term loosely used to describe the less fortunate who possess a lack of knowledge or information. But what if ignorance is an excuse; a mask to hide behind from accountability? Intentional ignorance is a theory known and acknowledged by few, but yet is practiced by so many. InAustralia, It dates back to the earliest days of settlement and colonisation, and is now more content... The population of the indigenous Australians decreased by 90% within the first fourteen months of colonisation. The indigenous people weren't even recognised as actual living people up until the latter part of the twentieth century because they had disparate customs and beliefs to the British. These abuses marked the first instances of the intentional ignorance of truths in Australia's past, whereby the Australian settlers would reassure themselves that the abuses they were committing and the displacement of the indigenous Australians was a part of "humanitarian intervention" against "savagery" that was for the "crown" and "the greater good." They settlers even went as far to tell themselves that the abuses were alright because the indigenous people weren't really people and that they were "just following orders." Another infamous example in Australia's past where ignorance was the mechanism to which victimised so many, was the period of the stolen generation. The stolen generation refers to the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by Australian Federal and State government agencies. Again, the perpetrators of the stolen generation reassured themselves with fallacious justifications as to what they were doing to these people was for "Australia's betterment" and the "indigenous people's betterment." Their
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  • 13. Living In Ignorance One should always step out of their comfort zone even if the outcome does not look pleasant. Ignorance is not the way of life, accepting reality is what makes a person progress in life. Everyone should always do critical thinking and accept the truth. When one is living in ignorance, they do not expand their ability to learn and be aware of reality. However, when a person accepts that they do not have the answers to everything and investigate, their minds and eyes are open to a new world. In addition, their world becomes a place of adventure, journeys, and challenges. For example, when the prisoner step out of the cave, he was first hurt when the sun rays hit his eyes, but then he could see clearly the real objects and surroundings, and wanted Get more content on
  • 14. Research Paper On Ignorance Ignorance is bliss comes into play based on the fact that an individual doesn't go seeking for solutions to situations that he or she has no idea about. This is a basic scenario that proves ignorance is bliss; if a student has no knowledge about literature or Shakespearean language and it does not apply to the student's course curriculum, the student does not really worry about it. Ignorance is not bliss when one chooses to be left out of the loop and decides to be clueless about whatever is going on, because he or she thinks what one does not know about one does not worry about it. This is when ignorance is not bliss due to the fact an individual simply chose to be ignorant by getting left out of the loop. In this case ignorance is basically Get more content on
  • 15. Socratic Ignorance Essay 1.What is Socratic ignorance? Socrates discovered the concept of ignorance after an oracle spoke to one of his friends stating, "no one is wiser than Socrates" (Soccio 103). To dispute the Oracle, Socrates went off in search and discovered that many lacked wisdom (politicians and poets) and some, such as craftsmen, had knowledge related to their craft, but also believed that they knew more than they really did. With this discovery, Socrates stated that it was wiser to be aware that one does not know all opposed to pretending that one knows more than they really do. Therefore, the term Socratic ignorance was coined and it represents that one acknowledges that one does not know what one does not know. It is the awareness of not knowing. 2.What is virtue? Socrates defined virtue as having the knowledge of moral excellence. Virtue is when one builds up knowledge by acquiring the applications of skills and the building up of character. Once this knowledge is acquired, Socrates claimed that virtue creates wealth and all else that is good. Socrates also believed that if you were a virtuous person then you would know what is right, and you will do what is right. 3.What is the relationship between more content... Studying natural theology will result in defining the existence of god and the argument from motion. Natural theology is the small piece to the bigger puzzle Aquinas was putting together in his attempt to prove God's existence. Aquinas would have needed to use natural theology to create his five proofs of God's existence. Aquinas believed that he could use natural reason (natural theology) to show God existed. The use of natural reason emphasized one's ability to understand truths about God from nature, which uses the branch of theology that is natural, and shows that Aquinas would have needed to use natural theology to expand his ideas, such as, the argument from Get more content on
  • 16. Ignorance Research Paper When a person does not know about a certain subject and thinks that they do, or thinks their way is the right way, make me so angry. I understand how someone does not know everything, but when they actually think that something is right, when it is obvious to everyone else that their way is wrong. There is a lot a ways someone can be ignorant. Ignorance does not mean that someone is being rude towards a topic they did not know about. Ignorance just means that someone is uneducated on a certain topic. I do not hate when someone is uneducated. I hate when someone is uneducated, but thinks they are not. Someone that thinks they are right about everything. At school I see and hear about a lot of ignorance. When someone is judging another person Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Conformity And Ignorance Here we contemplate the labor of life. What of the end and moreover the aim? The former nothing but the continuation of the latter beyond a definite point. The practical uncertainty forms a highly comical contrast to what society decrees. Universal sufferance and ruthless energy as we sink deeper and deeper into the abyss. The fallacy of the happiness ever after an illusory theory of blind rhetoric. Conformity and ignorance crippling the courage of the mind and diminishing the spirit of the soul as we cling hopelessly to the concept of justice in the face of the inevitable catastrophe. Are we but a transitory and inferior form destined to disappear into historically conditioned oblivion? With the aim a necessity and the end absolute, we penetrate Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On American Ignorance Ignorance has spread and arrogance has rooted in much worse besides a single human being. It has taken root in an entire country and it's citizens. That country is America. While intriguing, it isn't shocking, is it? America was planted with the seeds of ignorance and arrogance when Christopher Columbus set his foot upon a soil that was not his. The blood of innocents used to fertilize the toxic flower that is, today, modern America. While it is a good thing to take pride in one's country, it is a nefarious act to say that America is the best nation in the world when all Americans do is worry about idle problems. It is told to young Americans that "It is a blessing to be born here, be grateful you were not born in the country we just bombed. more content... Individualistic societies. America is an individualistic society. An individualistic society is, according to Very Well, "Individualistic cultures are those that stress the needs of the individual over the needs of the group as a whole. In this type of culture, people are seen as independent and autonomous. Social behavior tends to be dictated by the attitudes and preferences of individuals." This causes, as mentioned before, the point of view where many Americans see others that are not like them as non–humans. So when we view other countries, we don't see them like they see us and vice versa. This can cause something called the fundamental attribution error. According to, the fundamental attribution error is "Our tendency to explain someone else's behavior based on internal factors." an example the website provides is: "Your professor is angry at the class for getting bad grades. You attribute that by thinking he has a bad temper when in reality he is just concerned about the classes grades. This is the fundamental attribution error." An example to show where our spoiled America is making a mistake at is in the most recent news. According to our media outlets, Assad (the 19th president of Syria) had gassed his own people. This followed with conflicting reports that Syria had allegedly moved all of its chemical weapons out of the country, and Assad actually appearing on local television to say that the most Get more content on
  • 19. Ignorance Ignorance in societies can lead to violence. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, and many people can be ignorant on purpose or they can be ignorant without even knowing it. When people are ignorant they can only see a topic from one point of view. If there are different countries that are both close–minded and ignorant then they will have different opinions on the subject and will fight in order to prove their point. Nineteen years ago the Taliban got hold of Kabul. Since then the landmines have continued to explode, people have continued to be tortured and women have been pushed to the side. The city of Kabul has become the place it is because it is being ruled by ignorant people. Kabul used to be a beautiful place full of nature and amazing Get more content on
  • 20. Personal Experiences Of Ignorance To me ignorance means, someone who lacks knowledge and judges something before they know anything about it. However I don't think this is right at all as this means you're just being "dumb." I believe that we should get to know something before we make a judgement. I have many experiences with ignorance but, one especially bothers me till this day. This experiences that I had really surprises me how ignorant someone could be. It all started in 2010, I was only 6 at that time, and it was the first day of school! However, in 2010 I had just come to Canada yup; I was just an ordinary new comer. So the bell rung for us to go in and we all went inside the school for the first day of school. As most people would try to do is make friends right more content... Most story take time for it to build up, they slowly introduce the problem and everything slowly starts to happen. However, in this book I have noticed that right of the bat the author starts to build up the story and this gets the audience/readers excited and pumped up to read the rest of the book. The author starts getting into the problem and building up the story within 30 pages. That's what I call a "smart author." The author gets right into the problems with first the girl getting her leg cut off. Then right after that the dog gets killed. Afterwards her dad just walks away from the farm. The reader gets really interested into the story and wants to find out what happens and reads more about what happening and what will happen next. I think the book is going to be an awesome first read for the class. This book is very relatable and connectable to anything. This really helps the reader understand the story better if they can relate or make connections to what's happening in the book. I personally have many connections with this book. So I think this book is going to be an awesome read. So that is the why I think the statement "The Crazy Man has a very effective beginning" is true and I agree 100% that it does have an effective Get more content on