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Endangered Species Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Speech
Back in 2014, Corey Knowlton was the target of countless death threats and criticism. The cause for all of it was his accidental purchase of a hunting
permit. He had paid $350,000 at an auction for a hunting trip to Namibia to kill an endangered species which caused a lot of backlash. The endangered
species was the black rhino. Most people seen this as a harmful move for the black rhino species but what most people fail to realize is that it is in
fact an effort to help improve and preserve the conservations of these animals.
The amount of money that is raised for these conservations is extremely large. Over $11 million dollars has been raised to help the Namibian economy
and conservations in Namibia. In addition, the country
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Endangered Species Essay
Risks Affecting EVERYONE
As a species, people tend to put themselves before other species. However, as soon as other species are extinct, the ecosystem as a whole becomes
harmed which alters all human life. Endangered species began to diminish when humans began to interfere with animal life as early as the year 1607
when Jamestown was founded. The human species began to feed and provide society with luxuries at the expense of animals. In order to save
endangered species, society must put in progress petitions, donate funds to organizations, volunteer, and lastly change the way the public lives by
disregarding opulence.
Having endangered species is a misfortune so in order to prevent this, the general public must contribute towards saving endangered species by signing
petitions. A petition is a formal appeal to frame change and is most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. In this case, the
petition is to end extinction of animals, for example, signing the World's Wildlife's Pledge to end wildlife crime. The WWP is a pledge never to
buy illegal animal products and defend the rights of animals around the world. The WWP stops wildlife trade and captures the criminal networks
that may profit from them. Petitions are worldwide and can be signed by everyone in any place where species become endangered or extinct. For
example, in Kenya there is a petition to stop poaching. Due to the poaching rampage of 2012, we lost as many as 384 elephants and 29 of the
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Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species
As the population of us humans grow, more and more environmental problems are developing such as global warming, pollution, and animal
extinction. Unfortunately, endangered species are threatened by human population as we grow and consume resources at compulsive rate, and
endangered species are most likely to go extinct if we do not take action. From animals, we tend to consume our sources of protein which means
killing animals in order for ourselves to survive. For example, the fish provides 15 percent of protein consumed by human beings, which puts the
Atlantic bluefin tuna at risk. In addition, increase in human population impacts climate change which is bringing Polar Bears closer and closer to
extinction. Recently, the public and more content...
By using an alternative to pesticides such as ... can not only protect animals and keep them from going extinct and it can also protect your family
from harmful chemicals. Another way we can reduce pollution in our environment is to walk or ride your bicycle to work instead driving because
fuel from vehicles pollute the air. We can also save energy by turning the lights off before leaving the room and turning off the television when it is not
being used. Furthermore, this will reduce emissions from coal–fired electricity plants, and also save you money on your electricity bill. Taking action
to reduce pollution in our environment will save endangered animals from going extinct.
Another aspect that puts animals at risk is products made from animals. Every year, millions of animals are killed for fashion. Animals are harshly
treated, trapped, and killed under very devastating circumstances in order to produce fashion items such as leather boots, fur coats, and belts.
Unfortunately, as consumers, we do not think about the torture animals go through just so we can wear fashionable clothing. Sheep are sheared for
the fur every year and shearing too late causes a loss of wool. Because of this, sheep are sheared too soon every year and die from premature shearing.
Chiru is an endangered species
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Impact Of Endangered Species
This report will be discussing and talking about endangered species and the impacts they have on ecosystems. Endangered species is a species of
animal or plants at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, ruining of ecosystems, etc. This report will be split into different
sections discussing different examples of endangered species and the impacts that they have on different ecosystems.
Blue whales, weighing in at 200 tonnes are the largest ever known animal to live on the planet. Sadly, after whaling has occurred it has made the
species endangered with only 10000 to 25000 remaining. Blue whales play a significant role in keeping the food chain stable and helping with the
reproduction of other species. In the marine ecosystem whales help control the distribution of food by helping to keep a stable food chain and
ensuring that certain marine species do not overpopulate the ocean, however, Blue whales are being killed and the food distribution in the ocean is
becoming unstable and causing major changes in the food supply of many other marine life A Blue Whale is able to consume as much as 40 million
krill per day, so the impact on the marine ecosystem would be huge because overtime krill will overpopulate which causes problems in maintaining a
food chain because the more krill there is the more food they will eat so because of their new overpopulation it could make other animals become
extinct. If Blue Whales become extinct then marine life will
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Endangered Species Of The Species
Endangered Species
By: Breanna Blansette
Do you know how many endangered species there are in this world today? There are many things that people can do to help save endangered species
from becoming extinct. "Mining companies, oil companies, and large–scale agricultural operations all threaten vulnerable species to a certain degree,
by nature of their extractive activities, and development of previously untouched areas of land."(Whittaker). Many different species are becoming
endangered because of the things that are going on around them, their habitats are being destroyed so they don 't have anywhere to go to be safe
There are many different species of animals that are becoming endangered or extinct, some of which are the Sage Grouse. "At least 200 protests have
been filed against the federal plans to help try and save the endangered species of Sage Grouse, from every direction. The Western Energy Alliance
says oil and gas development is unduly restricted." (Peterson) Some states complain that they people have way too much say in trying to decide what
happens to these birds and others think they don't have a good enough opinion. I think people should be able to state their ideas and thoughts but I
don't think they should be able to decide what gets to happen to that species of animal.
Why are Sage Grouse so important to the world's ecosystem today? "This sensitivity makes greater sage grouse a strong indicator of ecosystem health:
If they 're not thriving across the vast
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Endangered Animals
Endangered Insects
The term "endangered" is used to describe a species that is at a serious risk of extinction. The amount of species that are considered at risk is
continuously increasing. Because of pollution and/or global warming, multiple different species have become, and are becoming, endangered; thus also
causing issues in their environments. The purpose of this essay is to shed light on the current situation of endangered insects. It will be focusing on
bumblebees and Hine's emerald dragonflies in particular.
As small as they seem, bees are a crucial factor in human life. This is because of the simple fact that bees pollinate our plants. Bumblebees, in
particular, pollinate from spring to late–fall. Many plants cannot produce food without insect pollination, such tomatoes, cranberries, and peppers. The
bee population is extremely important because no bees means no food. Yet, within recent years, several bee species have been officially added to the US
endangered species list. Their decreased numbers are due to multiple factors; such as climate change, pesticide use, and disease. "Bees are dying out at
the southern end of their range because of the rise of extreme heat waves."[1] For many other species, as climate changes, they move. However,
bumblebees are not doing the same. "Many North American and European bumblebees are failing to track warming by colonizing new northern
habitats."[2] Thus, the bees are simply disappearing from southern areas. Besides climate
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Endangered Species
Many species vital to ensuring that today's environment will thrive are becoming extinct. If a species is slowly dwindling, and in imminent danger of
becoming nonexistent, this species is considered to be endangered. "One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of
the world's assessed plants on the... IUCN Red List are in jeopardy" (IUCN, 2016). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or
IUCN, upwards of 16,000 species are threatened with extinction, including both plants and animals (IUCN, 2016). Before becoming endangered, a
species will show warning signs, either by starting to lose biological diversity or by losing the habitats for that species to flourish in, or in the worst
case, both. The word endangered can sometimes be confused with threatened, extirpated, or extinct. Extirpated refers to the state of a species where
its population has died out in a certain area or range, but other populations of said species still exist elsewhere (Olden, Julian D., 2008). When a
species is considered threatened, or vulnerable, this refers to the state of the species being susceptible to endangerment and extinction ("Extinction
crisis escalates"). So if a species is threatened, the first signs of endangerment come along, which are similar signs to that of a species in danger of
becoming threatened, including lack of genetic diversity, or overhunting may be evident. ("Extinction crisis escalates"). When a species is labelled
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Endangered Tigers Essay
Endangered Tigers Today wild tigers exist in Eastern Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan, India and
Nepal. In order to live in the wild, tigers need water to drink, animals to hunt, and vegetation in which to hide. As the mountains, jungles, forests, and
long grasses that have long been home to tigers disappear, so too, do tigers. Agricultural expansion, timber cutting, new roads, human settlement,
industrial expansion and hydroelectric dams push tigers into smaller and smaller areas of land. These small areas of forests are surrounded by rapidly
growing and relatively poor human populations, including increasing numbers of illegal hunters. Tigers compete with an expanding more
Lacking funds, organization, and compensation for high risk work, training, camps inside the protected areas, night patrols, and resources such as
firearms, vehicles, and communication equipment, the guards' enforcement of anti–hunting laws is limited. Habitat protection, when combined with
the promotion of alternatives to traditional Chinese remedies and stricter law enforcement, is an important part of the strategy to save the tiger. The
single greatest threat of extinction that most Asian wildlife, especially the endangered tiger face, is the massive demand for traditional medicine
(McCarthy, Dorfman, & Robinson, 2004).
The use of tiger parts in Chinese medicine is nothing new, but it has only been in recent years that the increase in the standard of living in Southeast
Asia has made the remedies available to most people. With more people wanting these traditional remedies, there has been a greater effect on wildlife
numbers and the demand for tiger parts. In many places in China, tiger parts are a delicacy that is served at special private banquets. The use of tiger
products and their medicines is seen as a symbol of high status and wealth. Some remedies list tiger parts as an ingredient, but the real animal parts are
so expensive that often the medicines may have only trace elements, but even this is not enough to discourage the continued
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Persuasive Speech On Endangered Animals
Animals are slowly dying off and if we don't do something, we could lose them forever. Extinction is a well known thing in our world today. Many
animals are endangered, meaning they are close to going extinct. Some common endangered animals are, polar bears, blue whales, and penguins, to
name a few. While some of the animals that are endangered are not of use to us, many are. And just because an animal isn't of use to us, doesn't
mean we shouldn't save it, because we are the main reason they are endangered. Lots of animals are endangered and we aren't doing enough to help
them stay alive, because of this we need to bring awareness to more people about the issue, and do more as individuals to help the cause.
Entire species going extinct is a well known thing in our world, and species being endangered is not a rare occurrence. But this needs to change.
There are so many species that are endangered, the list goes on and on. And the main reason they are endangered is because of us. We are cutting
down the forests they live in, and polluting the air with gas from our cars. This leads to warming the earth, which leads to melting ice, and lots of other
places where many endangered species live. We are working to save animals, but since there are so many endangered animals we are picking and
choosing our favorites, or the ones that are most useful to us. But shouldn't we be trying to save them all? The answer is yes, because they all play
a part in our ecosystem, and they are are living things. One day, maybe your great, great, great, great, grandkids will wonder what it was like to have
polar bears around, or penguins, or pandas! Imagine if we could make it so they never have to wonder, because they already know? Yes there are many
things happening to make this stop, but there are also not enough things happening to make it stop.
There are many things we can do to help this problem. For starters, bringing awareness to the cause, and telling people how they can help. The simplest
thing that people can do is donate money to help the organizations helping the animals, and save energy by using solar panels, biodiesel, and other
things like that. You can also make your home wildlife friendly. Simple things that don't
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Endangered Species Act Essay
The Endangered Species Act was enacted by Congress in 1973. According to Reference 1, this act requires the federal government to protect
endangered species, threatening species, and their critical habits. Animals are protected from being harmed, sold, or traded and plants are protected if
they are on federal property. The conservation success of this act is very important because it saves wildlife and plants from going extinct. Many
people do not realize that the loss of a species can be disastrous for our ecosystem. Reference 1 lists six success stories of endangered species under the
act. The success stories are of the bald eagle, florida panther, gray wolf, grizzly bear, peregrine falcon, and the red–cockaded woodpecker. The more content...
In Reference 3, Louisa Wilcox (Natural Resources Defense Council Member) talks about how grateful she is to the Endangered Species Act for
allowing grizzly bears to strive in the Yellowstone National Park. She reported, "After listing, the government cleaned up the massive garbage problems
in Yellowstone Park, which reduced the habituation of bears to human foods–a pattern that often leads to grizzly deaths". As a result, the Yellowstone
grizzly population has more than doubled. In order to measure the success of more species besides the grizzly bear, the Center for Biological
Diversity tested the recovery rate of 110 listed species. The result was a remarkable ninety percent.
I do agree with the evidence that the Endangered Species Act has been a conservation success. There is no denying that this act has helped thousands
of animals and the statistics prove it. A recovery rate of ninety percent not only shows its success, but its potential for future success as well. I accept
the claims made in the articles and there is sufficient valid support to the claims provided by organizations like the National Wildlife Federation,
Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Center for Biological
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Endangered Species Act Essay
The Impact of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 At the start of the 1900s, the American public was starting to see the effects of extinction. The bison
population, for example, was rapidly declining, yet the public was oblivious. Thousands of different species were being killed for recreational purposes,
museum exhibits, and clothing items. No one realized the threat because many thought animal numbers were large at the time. Shockingly, even
naturalists were killing animals for different studies.
The species loss was not the only problem. Habitat loss was just as big. When large corporations wanted to expand their operations and setup new office
buildings or large housing developments, there were no development restrictions holding more content...
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973. The U.S. Supreme Court found that "the
plain intent of Congress in enacting" the ESA "was to halt and reverse the trend toward species extinction, whatever the cost." (
Countless extinctions of precious animals forced Congress to take a stand and prioritize the wellbeing of animals along with other important
national issues like war and civil rights. Under the ESA, species were put on a list in one of four different categories: extinct, endangered,
threatened, and delisted. To head the extensive project, Congress put the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in charge. The Wildlife Service immediately
went to work to try to level the numbers of threatened animals. One of the first species on the list was the timber wolf, a Wisconsin native, who was
listed as endangered because of overhunting due to the demand for its fur. In the first year of the ESA, more than 1,000 new species were added to the
list, and through the years that number kept rising thanks to the efforts of wildlife activists, Congress, and the U.S Wildlife
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Did you know that there are over one thousand endangered species of animals in the world as of today? Wildlife Conservation is the proceeding of
saving animal and plant species from becoming endangered. If they are already endangered, people set up ways to save the species from becoming
extinct. Extinction is when a species is no longer on Earth and the species will no longer be reproduced. In this essay we will discuss the issue of
Wildlife Endangerment caused by human activities, natural causes, and some ways that people are trying to fix the issue as a whole. Humans are
becoming an increasing problem on wildlife endangerment every single day. Our homes and cities take up many animal and plant habitats. When the
animals and plants lose their habitat they have nowhere else to go. The animals have to migrate away from the city's and houses which could be
very bad because they may not be suited to succeed in their new environment. The plants can't move away from the cities or houses so they usually
end up dieing because humans cut down trees and plants that stand in the way to make the houses and big buildings in the city. To make the houses
we need wood from trees as a building block for the structure of the building. Humans chop down whole forests in order to get the wood. This is
know as Tree Deforestation. In a forest there are an abundance of plants that live on the ground and even on the trees. There are also many species of
insects, reptiles, mammals, and birds that
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Endangered Species
David Perez
English 3
September 20, 2017
Why should we protect endangered species.? Imagine a world without animals? Would it be a better world or a worst one? Every day as humans
evolve we hurt the planet. Humans have killed over 1000 species according to national geographic. The human race will eventually kill every single
species on earth including themselves if the humans don't change their ways of living by protecting species that are endangered. Endangered species
more important than we think, they have ecological value which is important because if they go extinct then the whole food chain would be a disaster
and would fall. Also protecting endangered species can help with biodiversity which we can benefit from. If endangered species aren't completely
wiped out then we can use them for more medical research.All species have an important role in this world,some can benefit from others even from
the simpletest things. Everyone and everything on this earth live a life for a certain purpose, Don't kill anymore endangered animals and help protect
them because in the end it will all be worth it. There is a game called Jenga and in the game if you get rid of a good piece that holds the tower then
the whole tower falls, this is the same with animals because if removing one animal or plant species from the ecosystem it will affect the life other
organisms that interact with it and then the the chain would change or would crumble down. According to Scientific
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The Endangered Species Act Essay
The Endangered Species Act
Long–term survival of a species depends on its ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions (Murphy, 1994). Genetic diversity within a species,
which has taken 3.5 billion years to evolve, makes adaptations to these changing environments possible. Unfortunately, the rate of extinction of
genetically diverse organisms is rapidly increasing, thus reducing this needed biodiversity, largely due to thehuman impacts of development and
expansion. What was an average of one extinction per year before is now one extinction per hour and extinct species numbers are expected to reach
approximately one million by the year 2000 (WWW site, Bio 65). As a result governmental and societal action more content...
The penalties involved in violation of these laws include fines up to 100,000 dollars and one year in prison. Organizational violations include 200,000
dollar fines and confiscation of all equipment used (WWW site, ESA). Since its induction, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has entered 967 species
on its list and has 421 more labeled as possible candidates and 4,000 others as (species of concern (WWW site, What is..). Over the years, only 22
species have been removed with a third of them becoming extinct regardless, a third recovering fully, and a third put on mistakably (WWW site, What
is..). In terms of the taking aspect of the law is where the controversy begins. The Takings Clause of the fifth amendment states, nor shall private
property be taken for public use, without just compensation (Pendley, 1995). This means that any endangered species on an owner's private land must
be compensated for. Regrettably, the ESA of 1973 fell short of its high expectations and has completely failed up to this point from a multitude of
discovered flaws in the authorization of the law from the start.
Problems with the ESA of 1973:
The problems which have arisen since 1973 seem to be endless. First of all, the time needed to put an endangered species on the list is much too long.
By the time most species get on the list, they are on the brink of extinction. Second, private
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Persuasive Speech On Endangered Species
An endangered species is a group (population) of plants, animals or other organisms that is in danger of becoming extinct. This could happen because
there are few of that animal left, its predators have grown in number, or the climate that it lives in is changing, or the places it lives in have been
destroyed. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has worked out that endangeredspecies are 40% of all organisms. This research paper aims to see
why we should protect the endangered species, ways to protect and the causes of endangered species becoming more and more. Some people do not
really understand the importance of keeping a healthy population of animals or plants in the planet so this report will show you what we
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Everything stays right here on the plant. Help with breeding
There are breeding programs out there that help animals from becoming extinct. You can join the program, it's going to take your money but it's going
to be worth saving the animals and plants. Controlling hunting A lot of countries allow a certain numbers of animals to be hunted but no more. If any
hunters doesn't follow the laws, the will be charged.
Conclusion The amount of endangered species has been rising due to human factors such as hunting and over exploitation. So of this, we should
protect the endangered species and stop them from rising the amount. We can do the easy ways like, be careful about what we buy because there is
no "away" to throw trash, everything stays on the plants, as easy as it looks, we already protect them. We should conserve them not only because they
benefit us but because they play a role in nature and have a right to survive.
– The meaning of endangered species . Retrieved from
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Endangered Species Essay
Richard Nixon once said, "Nothing is more priceless and worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been
blessed." The world is full of a wide variety of animal and plants. On the other hand, some of that variety is endangered. The definition of an
endangered species is a species that is at a critical risk of extinction. Not only can different species be endangered, they can also be categorized into
six major categories which are; vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild. The IUCN (International Union for
Conservation of Nature) is one of the main resources for the categorization of these species. The Genus name is Macaca silenus and it is a part of the
endangered species category. This lion tailedmacaque is endangered because of deforestation of their habitat. It is estimated that there are less than one
thousand individuals remaining in their habitats in India. During the last few decades there has been a dramatic decrease. This species has declined
due to habitat fragmentation (Singh). This form of deforestation is caused because of the major increase in agriculture in the Indian mountains. While
deforestation is the leading cause in their endangered status, it is not the only reason. Over the years there has been an increase in shelters and safe
zones for this species, but will their population continue to decrease? lion tailed macaque is also called the Wanderoo, which is the common name, is a
primate that spends most of their lifespan in the trees of the Western Ghats mountain range in three southern states in India. Which are, Kerala, Tamil
Nadu and Karnataka. This species can weigh up to twenty–two pounds and can reach the length of twenty–four inches long when in adulthood (IUCN).
They have a dark black slim body with a lighter area with a grey silvery fur that hangs down surrounding the face. They receive the name "the lion
tailed macaque" because of their tail, which is long tuft and slender. The lion tailed macaque is considered the most endangered and smallest group of
the species the macaque monkey. Monkeys of this species type only live in small family groups of three to four which usually are composed of a
female, her
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Essay about Endangered Species
Humans are destructive. Not a lot of us think about how what we do affects the world around us. We almost act like we are the only ones on this
planet. We go around polluting and destroying our world with no regard for our actions. The things that live out in the wild are paying the price for it.
Every day that passes there is another animal or plant that is placed on an endangered list. This is happening at an alarming rate. Because of man's
desire to expand and conquer their surroundings, there are animals and plants that are on the brink of extinction that will not be around for our kids and
future generations to enjoy if something is not done about it now. This problem has been going on for hundreds of years. There are animals
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The best thing to happen as of yet to advocate for preservation of our nature's beautiful things is The Endangered Species Act.
First enacted in 1973, the Endangered Species Act is one of the most critical laws that have been put in place to protect our environment and the
organisms that live in it. It protects more than the threatened and endangered animals, in fact. When restrictions are placed on certain activities because
of their potential to affect threatened or endangered organisms, those same restrictions serve to a degree to protect the non–threatened, non–endangered
organisms that live in association with them. Entire ecosystems are often protected. Some, however, are more critical of the Endangered Species Act
than they are complimentary. They contend it should either be abolished or greatly paired down. Supporters of the Act, in turn, often argue that the Act
should be strengthened. The intent of this paper is to explore both sides of this argument and to try and reach a conclusion as to exactly what should
happen to the Endangered Species Act.
The effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act is hard to argue. The US Fish and Wildlife Service Reports (2009) that twenty–two species that are at
one time listed as endangered have now been taken off the list as they are no longer endangered. Only two species that were ever put on the list prior
to their actual extinction have
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Essay on Endangered Species
Endangerment is a broad issue, one that involves the animals as well as the environments where they live and interact with one another. In order to
solve or even slightly elevate this problem, every aspect must be studied. So exactly what could cause the endangerment of animals? There are several
factors of which only a few will be discussed.
One of the main aspects is that of habitat destruction. Of course our planet is continually changing, causing habitats to be altered and modified, but
these tend to happen at a gradual pace. This allows most species to adapt to the changing environment, where only a slight impact may take place.
However, when changes occur at a fast pace, there is little or no time more content...
Due to this moratorium, some whale species, such as the Grey whale, have made a remarkable comeback, while others still remain endangered
(Reichhardt p. 322).
Disease, pollution, and limited distribution are more factors that threaten various plant and animal species. If a species does not have the natural
genetic protection against particular pathogens, an introduced disease can have severe effects on that specie. For example, rabies and canine distemper
viruses are presently destroying carnivore populations in East Africa (Campbell). Domestic animals often transmit the diseases that affect wild
populations; demonstrating again how human activities lie at the root of most causes of endangerment. Pollution has seriously affected multiple
terrestrial and aquatic species, and limited distributions are frequently a consequence of other threats; populations confined to few small areas due to
of habitat loss, for example, may be disastrously affected by random factors.
The benefits of saving endangered species are great in numbers. Many plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, commercial and recreational
values. They must all be protected and saved so that future generations can experience their presence and value.
Plants and animals are responsibly for a variety of useful medications. In fact about forty percent of all prescriptions written
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Endangered Species Essay
How would you feel if some of your favorite animals became extinct? Throughout history animals have always struggled to survive. In recent years,
many studies have shown species are becoming extinct for different reasons. Some species endangered status are created by competition with other
species, natural disasters, diseases and even human involvement. These endangered species should be preserved because of the effects it has on other
animals, the significance of each animal on the ecosystem, and because of the role humans take on their endangerment.
Some people might not know what an extinct species is or why it is important that a species disappears. An extinct species is one that has completely
died out; living individuals of this kind no longer exist. By this definition the death of every individual of that species is considered an extinction. This
is a big issue for an entire species to die out and no longer exist on this planet. And this is important because, any endangered species is a threat to the
natural balance of life on Earth. Every single organism in an ecosystem depends on each other to survive. All the plants and animals in the world are
connected to each other in the web of life that holds them together. With these statements people can have a better understanding of this serious
Each species lives in different environments so their endangerment may be cause by different things. One example is that, " Habitat destruction is a
major cause of
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  • 1. Endangered Species Persuasive Essay Persuasive Speech Back in 2014, Corey Knowlton was the target of countless death threats and criticism. The cause for all of it was his accidental purchase of a hunting permit. He had paid $350,000 at an auction for a hunting trip to Namibia to kill an endangered species which caused a lot of backlash. The endangered species was the black rhino. Most people seen this as a harmful move for the black rhino species but what most people fail to realize is that it is in fact an effort to help improve and preserve the conservations of these animals. The amount of money that is raised for these conservations is extremely large. Over $11 million dollars has been raised to help the Namibian economy and conservations in Namibia. In addition, the country Get more content on
  • 2. Endangered Species Essay Risks Affecting EVERYONE As a species, people tend to put themselves before other species. However, as soon as other species are extinct, the ecosystem as a whole becomes harmed which alters all human life. Endangered species began to diminish when humans began to interfere with animal life as early as the year 1607 when Jamestown was founded. The human species began to feed and provide society with luxuries at the expense of animals. In order to save endangered species, society must put in progress petitions, donate funds to organizations, volunteer, and lastly change the way the public lives by disregarding opulence. Having endangered species is a misfortune so in order to prevent this, the general public must contribute towards saving endangered species by signing petitions. A petition is a formal appeal to frame change and is most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. In this case, the petition is to end extinction of animals, for example, signing the World's Wildlife's Pledge to end wildlife crime. The WWP is a pledge never to buy illegal animal products and defend the rights of animals around the world. The WWP stops wildlife trade and captures the criminal networks that may profit from them. Petitions are worldwide and can be signed by everyone in any place where species become endangered or extinct. For example, in Kenya there is a petition to stop poaching. Due to the poaching rampage of 2012, we lost as many as 384 elephants and 29 of the Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species As the population of us humans grow, more and more environmental problems are developing such as global warming, pollution, and animal extinction. Unfortunately, endangered species are threatened by human population as we grow and consume resources at compulsive rate, and endangered species are most likely to go extinct if we do not take action. From animals, we tend to consume our sources of protein which means killing animals in order for ourselves to survive. For example, the fish provides 15 percent of protein consumed by human beings, which puts the Atlantic bluefin tuna at risk. In addition, increase in human population impacts climate change which is bringing Polar Bears closer and closer to extinction. Recently, the public and more content... By using an alternative to pesticides such as ... can not only protect animals and keep them from going extinct and it can also protect your family from harmful chemicals. Another way we can reduce pollution in our environment is to walk or ride your bicycle to work instead driving because fuel from vehicles pollute the air. We can also save energy by turning the lights off before leaving the room and turning off the television when it is not being used. Furthermore, this will reduce emissions from coal–fired electricity plants, and also save you money on your electricity bill. Taking action to reduce pollution in our environment will save endangered animals from going extinct. Another aspect that puts animals at risk is products made from animals. Every year, millions of animals are killed for fashion. Animals are harshly treated, trapped, and killed under very devastating circumstances in order to produce fashion items such as leather boots, fur coats, and belts. Unfortunately, as consumers, we do not think about the torture animals go through just so we can wear fashionable clothing. Sheep are sheared for the fur every year and shearing too late causes a loss of wool. Because of this, sheep are sheared too soon every year and die from premature shearing. Chiru is an endangered species Get more content on
  • 4. Impact Of Endangered Species This report will be discussing and talking about endangered species and the impacts they have on ecosystems. Endangered species is a species of animal or plants at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, ruining of ecosystems, etc. This report will be split into different sections discussing different examples of endangered species and the impacts that they have on different ecosystems. Blue whales, weighing in at 200 tonnes are the largest ever known animal to live on the planet. Sadly, after whaling has occurred it has made the species endangered with only 10000 to 25000 remaining. Blue whales play a significant role in keeping the food chain stable and helping with the reproduction of other species. In the marine ecosystem whales help control the distribution of food by helping to keep a stable food chain and ensuring that certain marine species do not overpopulate the ocean, however, Blue whales are being killed and the food distribution in the ocean is becoming unstable and causing major changes in the food supply of many other marine life A Blue Whale is able to consume as much as 40 million krill per day, so the impact on the marine ecosystem would be huge because overtime krill will overpopulate which causes problems in maintaining a food chain because the more krill there is the more food they will eat so because of their new overpopulation it could make other animals become extinct. If Blue Whales become extinct then marine life will Get more content on
  • 5. Endangered Species Of The Species Endangered Species By: Breanna Blansette Do you know how many endangered species there are in this world today? There are many things that people can do to help save endangered species from becoming extinct. "Mining companies, oil companies, and large–scale agricultural operations all threaten vulnerable species to a certain degree, by nature of their extractive activities, and development of previously untouched areas of land."(Whittaker). Many different species are becoming endangered because of the things that are going on around them, their habitats are being destroyed so they don 't have anywhere to go to be safe There are many different species of animals that are becoming endangered or extinct, some of which are the Sage Grouse. "At least 200 protests have been filed against the federal plans to help try and save the endangered species of Sage Grouse, from every direction. The Western Energy Alliance says oil and gas development is unduly restricted." (Peterson) Some states complain that they people have way too much say in trying to decide what happens to these birds and others think they don't have a good enough opinion. I think people should be able to state their ideas and thoughts but I don't think they should be able to decide what gets to happen to that species of animal. Why are Sage Grouse so important to the world's ecosystem today? "This sensitivity makes greater sage grouse a strong indicator of ecosystem health: If they 're not thriving across the vast Get more content on
  • 6. Endangered Animals Endangered Insects The term "endangered" is used to describe a species that is at a serious risk of extinction. The amount of species that are considered at risk is continuously increasing. Because of pollution and/or global warming, multiple different species have become, and are becoming, endangered; thus also causing issues in their environments. The purpose of this essay is to shed light on the current situation of endangered insects. It will be focusing on bumblebees and Hine's emerald dragonflies in particular. As small as they seem, bees are a crucial factor in human life. This is because of the simple fact that bees pollinate our plants. Bumblebees, in particular, pollinate from spring to late–fall. Many plants cannot produce food without insect pollination, such tomatoes, cranberries, and peppers. The bee population is extremely important because no bees means no food. Yet, within recent years, several bee species have been officially added to the US endangered species list. Their decreased numbers are due to multiple factors; such as climate change, pesticide use, and disease. "Bees are dying out at the southern end of their range because of the rise of extreme heat waves."[1] For many other species, as climate changes, they move. However, bumblebees are not doing the same. "Many North American and European bumblebees are failing to track warming by colonizing new northern habitats."[2] Thus, the bees are simply disappearing from southern areas. Besides climate Get more content on
  • 7. Endangered Species Many species vital to ensuring that today's environment will thrive are becoming extinct. If a species is slowly dwindling, and in imminent danger of becoming nonexistent, this species is considered to be endangered. "One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of the world's assessed plants on the... IUCN Red List are in jeopardy" (IUCN, 2016). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or IUCN, upwards of 16,000 species are threatened with extinction, including both plants and animals (IUCN, 2016). Before becoming endangered, a species will show warning signs, either by starting to lose biological diversity or by losing the habitats for that species to flourish in, or in the worst case, both. The word endangered can sometimes be confused with threatened, extirpated, or extinct. Extirpated refers to the state of a species where its population has died out in a certain area or range, but other populations of said species still exist elsewhere (Olden, Julian D., 2008). When a species is considered threatened, or vulnerable, this refers to the state of the species being susceptible to endangerment and extinction ("Extinction crisis escalates"). So if a species is threatened, the first signs of endangerment come along, which are similar signs to that of a species in danger of becoming threatened, including lack of genetic diversity, or overhunting may be evident. ("Extinction crisis escalates"). When a species is labelled Get more content on
  • 8. Endangered Tigers Essay Endangered Tigers Today wild tigers exist in Eastern Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan, India and Nepal. In order to live in the wild, tigers need water to drink, animals to hunt, and vegetation in which to hide. As the mountains, jungles, forests, and long grasses that have long been home to tigers disappear, so too, do tigers. Agricultural expansion, timber cutting, new roads, human settlement, industrial expansion and hydroelectric dams push tigers into smaller and smaller areas of land. These small areas of forests are surrounded by rapidly growing and relatively poor human populations, including increasing numbers of illegal hunters. Tigers compete with an expanding more content... Lacking funds, organization, and compensation for high risk work, training, camps inside the protected areas, night patrols, and resources such as firearms, vehicles, and communication equipment, the guards' enforcement of anti–hunting laws is limited. Habitat protection, when combined with the promotion of alternatives to traditional Chinese remedies and stricter law enforcement, is an important part of the strategy to save the tiger. The single greatest threat of extinction that most Asian wildlife, especially the endangered tiger face, is the massive demand for traditional medicine (McCarthy, Dorfman, & Robinson, 2004). The use of tiger parts in Chinese medicine is nothing new, but it has only been in recent years that the increase in the standard of living in Southeast Asia has made the remedies available to most people. With more people wanting these traditional remedies, there has been a greater effect on wildlife numbers and the demand for tiger parts. In many places in China, tiger parts are a delicacy that is served at special private banquets. The use of tiger products and their medicines is seen as a symbol of high status and wealth. Some remedies list tiger parts as an ingredient, but the real animal parts are so expensive that often the medicines may have only trace elements, but even this is not enough to discourage the continued Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Speech On Endangered Animals Animals are slowly dying off and if we don't do something, we could lose them forever. Extinction is a well known thing in our world today. Many animals are endangered, meaning they are close to going extinct. Some common endangered animals are, polar bears, blue whales, and penguins, to name a few. While some of the animals that are endangered are not of use to us, many are. And just because an animal isn't of use to us, doesn't mean we shouldn't save it, because we are the main reason they are endangered. Lots of animals are endangered and we aren't doing enough to help them stay alive, because of this we need to bring awareness to more people about the issue, and do more as individuals to help the cause. Entire species going extinct is a well known thing in our world, and species being endangered is not a rare occurrence. But this needs to change. There are so many species that are endangered, the list goes on and on. And the main reason they are endangered is because of us. We are cutting down the forests they live in, and polluting the air with gas from our cars. This leads to warming the earth, which leads to melting ice, and lots of other places where many endangered species live. We are working to save animals, but since there are so many endangered animals we are picking and choosing our favorites, or the ones that are most useful to us. But shouldn't we be trying to save them all? The answer is yes, because they all play a part in our ecosystem, and they are are living things. One day, maybe your great, great, great, great, grandkids will wonder what it was like to have polar bears around, or penguins, or pandas! Imagine if we could make it so they never have to wonder, because they already know? Yes there are many things happening to make this stop, but there are also not enough things happening to make it stop. There are many things we can do to help this problem. For starters, bringing awareness to the cause, and telling people how they can help. The simplest thing that people can do is donate money to help the organizations helping the animals, and save energy by using solar panels, biodiesel, and other things like that. You can also make your home wildlife friendly. Simple things that don't Get more content on
  • 10. Endangered Species Act Essay The Endangered Species Act was enacted by Congress in 1973. According to Reference 1, this act requires the federal government to protect endangered species, threatening species, and their critical habits. Animals are protected from being harmed, sold, or traded and plants are protected if they are on federal property. The conservation success of this act is very important because it saves wildlife and plants from going extinct. Many people do not realize that the loss of a species can be disastrous for our ecosystem. Reference 1 lists six success stories of endangered species under the act. The success stories are of the bald eagle, florida panther, gray wolf, grizzly bear, peregrine falcon, and the red–cockaded woodpecker. The more content... In Reference 3, Louisa Wilcox (Natural Resources Defense Council Member) talks about how grateful she is to the Endangered Species Act for allowing grizzly bears to strive in the Yellowstone National Park. She reported, "After listing, the government cleaned up the massive garbage problems in Yellowstone Park, which reduced the habituation of bears to human foods–a pattern that often leads to grizzly deaths". As a result, the Yellowstone grizzly population has more than doubled. In order to measure the success of more species besides the grizzly bear, the Center for Biological Diversity tested the recovery rate of 110 listed species. The result was a remarkable ninety percent. I do agree with the evidence that the Endangered Species Act has been a conservation success. There is no denying that this act has helped thousands of animals and the statistics prove it. A recovery rate of ninety percent not only shows its success, but its potential for future success as well. I accept the claims made in the articles and there is sufficient valid support to the claims provided by organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Center for Biological Get more content on
  • 11. Endangered Species Act Essay The Impact of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 At the start of the 1900s, the American public was starting to see the effects of extinction. The bison population, for example, was rapidly declining, yet the public was oblivious. Thousands of different species were being killed for recreational purposes, museum exhibits, and clothing items. No one realized the threat because many thought animal numbers were large at the time. Shockingly, even naturalists were killing animals for different studies. The species loss was not the only problem. Habitat loss was just as big. When large corporations wanted to expand their operations and setup new office buildings or large housing developments, there were no development restrictions holding more content... The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973. The U.S. Supreme Court found that "the plain intent of Congress in enacting" the ESA "was to halt and reverse the trend toward species extinction, whatever the cost." ( Countless extinctions of precious animals forced Congress to take a stand and prioritize the wellbeing of animals along with other important national issues like war and civil rights. Under the ESA, species were put on a list in one of four different categories: extinct, endangered, threatened, and delisted. To head the extensive project, Congress put the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in charge. The Wildlife Service immediately went to work to try to level the numbers of threatened animals. One of the first species on the list was the timber wolf, a Wisconsin native, who was listed as endangered because of overhunting due to the demand for its fur. In the first year of the ESA, more than 1,000 new species were added to the list, and through the years that number kept rising thanks to the efforts of wildlife activists, Congress, and the U.S Wildlife Get more content on
  • 12. Did you know that there are over one thousand endangered species of animals in the world as of today? Wildlife Conservation is the proceeding of saving animal and plant species from becoming endangered. If they are already endangered, people set up ways to save the species from becoming extinct. Extinction is when a species is no longer on Earth and the species will no longer be reproduced. In this essay we will discuss the issue of Wildlife Endangerment caused by human activities, natural causes, and some ways that people are trying to fix the issue as a whole. Humans are becoming an increasing problem on wildlife endangerment every single day. Our homes and cities take up many animal and plant habitats. When the animals and plants lose their habitat they have nowhere else to go. The animals have to migrate away from the city's and houses which could be very bad because they may not be suited to succeed in their new environment. The plants can't move away from the cities or houses so they usually end up dieing because humans cut down trees and plants that stand in the way to make the houses and big buildings in the city. To make the houses we need wood from trees as a building block for the structure of the building. Humans chop down whole forests in order to get the wood. This is know as Tree Deforestation. In a forest there are an abundance of plants that live on the ground and even on the trees. There are also many species of insects, reptiles, mammals, and birds that Get more content on
  • 13. Endangered Species David Perez Mrs.Ashley English 3 September 20, 2017 Why should we protect endangered species.? Imagine a world without animals? Would it be a better world or a worst one? Every day as humans evolve we hurt the planet. Humans have killed over 1000 species according to national geographic. The human race will eventually kill every single species on earth including themselves if the humans don't change their ways of living by protecting species that are endangered. Endangered species more important than we think, they have ecological value which is important because if they go extinct then the whole food chain would be a disaster and would fall. Also protecting endangered species can help with biodiversity which we can benefit from. If endangered species aren't completely wiped out then we can use them for more medical research.All species have an important role in this world,some can benefit from others even from the simpletest things. Everyone and everything on this earth live a life for a certain purpose, Don't kill anymore endangered animals and help protect them because in the end it will all be worth it. There is a game called Jenga and in the game if you get rid of a good piece that holds the tower then the whole tower falls, this is the same with animals because if removing one animal or plant species from the ecosystem it will affect the life other organisms that interact with it and then the the chain would change or would crumble down. According to Scientific Get more content on
  • 14. The Endangered Species Act Essay The Endangered Species Act Introduction: Long–term survival of a species depends on its ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions (Murphy, 1994). Genetic diversity within a species, which has taken 3.5 billion years to evolve, makes adaptations to these changing environments possible. Unfortunately, the rate of extinction of genetically diverse organisms is rapidly increasing, thus reducing this needed biodiversity, largely due to thehuman impacts of development and expansion. What was an average of one extinction per year before is now one extinction per hour and extinct species numbers are expected to reach approximately one million by the year 2000 (WWW site, Bio 65). As a result governmental and societal action more content... The penalties involved in violation of these laws include fines up to 100,000 dollars and one year in prison. Organizational violations include 200,000 dollar fines and confiscation of all equipment used (WWW site, ESA). Since its induction, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has entered 967 species on its list and has 421 more labeled as possible candidates and 4,000 others as (species of concern (WWW site, What is..). Over the years, only 22 species have been removed with a third of them becoming extinct regardless, a third recovering fully, and a third put on mistakably (WWW site, What is..). In terms of the taking aspect of the law is where the controversy begins. The Takings Clause of the fifth amendment states, nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation (Pendley, 1995). This means that any endangered species on an owner's private land must be compensated for. Regrettably, the ESA of 1973 fell short of its high expectations and has completely failed up to this point from a multitude of discovered flaws in the authorization of the law from the start. Problems with the ESA of 1973: The problems which have arisen since 1973 seem to be endless. First of all, the time needed to put an endangered species on the list is much too long. By the time most species get on the list, they are on the brink of extinction. Second, private Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Speech On Endangered Species Introduction An endangered species is a group (population) of plants, animals or other organisms that is in danger of becoming extinct. This could happen because there are few of that animal left, its predators have grown in number, or the climate that it lives in is changing, or the places it lives in have been destroyed. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has worked out that endangeredspecies are 40% of all organisms. This research paper aims to see why we should protect the endangered species, ways to protect and the causes of endangered species becoming more and more. Some people do not really understand the importance of keeping a healthy population of animals or plants in the planet so this report will show you what we more content... Everything stays right here on the plant. Help with breeding There are breeding programs out there that help animals from becoming extinct. You can join the program, it's going to take your money but it's going to be worth saving the animals and plants. Controlling hunting A lot of countries allow a certain numbers of animals to be hunted but no more. If any hunters doesn't follow the laws, the will be charged. Conclusion The amount of endangered species has been rising due to human factors such as hunting and over exploitation. So of this, we should protect the endangered species and stop them from rising the amount. We can do the easy ways like, be careful about what we buy because there is no "away" to throw trash, everything stays on the plants, as easy as it looks, we already protect them. We should conserve them not only because they benefit us but because they play a role in nature and have a right to survive. Reference – The meaning of endangered species . Retrieved from Get more content on
  • 16. Endangered Species Essay Richard Nixon once said, "Nothing is more priceless and worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed." The world is full of a wide variety of animal and plants. On the other hand, some of that variety is endangered. The definition of an endangered species is a species that is at a critical risk of extinction. Not only can different species be endangered, they can also be categorized into six major categories which are; vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and extinct in the wild. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is one of the main resources for the categorization of these species. The Genus name is Macaca silenus and it is a part of the endangered species category. This lion tailedmacaque is endangered because of deforestation of their habitat. It is estimated that there are less than one thousand individuals remaining in their habitats in India. During the last few decades there has been a dramatic decrease. This species has declined due to habitat fragmentation (Singh). This form of deforestation is caused because of the major increase in agriculture in the Indian mountains. While deforestation is the leading cause in their endangered status, it is not the only reason. Over the years there has been an increase in shelters and safe zones for this species, but will their population continue to decrease? lion tailed macaque is also called the Wanderoo, which is the common name, is a primate that spends most of their lifespan in the trees of the Western Ghats mountain range in three southern states in India. Which are, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This species can weigh up to twenty–two pounds and can reach the length of twenty–four inches long when in adulthood (IUCN). They have a dark black slim body with a lighter area with a grey silvery fur that hangs down surrounding the face. They receive the name "the lion tailed macaque" because of their tail, which is long tuft and slender. The lion tailed macaque is considered the most endangered and smallest group of the species the macaque monkey. Monkeys of this species type only live in small family groups of three to four which usually are composed of a female, her Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Endangered Species Humans are destructive. Not a lot of us think about how what we do affects the world around us. We almost act like we are the only ones on this planet. We go around polluting and destroying our world with no regard for our actions. The things that live out in the wild are paying the price for it. Every day that passes there is another animal or plant that is placed on an endangered list. This is happening at an alarming rate. Because of man's desire to expand and conquer their surroundings, there are animals and plants that are on the brink of extinction that will not be around for our kids and future generations to enjoy if something is not done about it now. This problem has been going on for hundreds of years. There are animals more content... The best thing to happen as of yet to advocate for preservation of our nature's beautiful things is The Endangered Species Act. First enacted in 1973, the Endangered Species Act is one of the most critical laws that have been put in place to protect our environment and the organisms that live in it. It protects more than the threatened and endangered animals, in fact. When restrictions are placed on certain activities because of their potential to affect threatened or endangered organisms, those same restrictions serve to a degree to protect the non–threatened, non–endangered organisms that live in association with them. Entire ecosystems are often protected. Some, however, are more critical of the Endangered Species Act than they are complimentary. They contend it should either be abolished or greatly paired down. Supporters of the Act, in turn, often argue that the Act should be strengthened. The intent of this paper is to explore both sides of this argument and to try and reach a conclusion as to exactly what should happen to the Endangered Species Act. The effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act is hard to argue. The US Fish and Wildlife Service Reports (2009) that twenty–two species that are at one time listed as endangered have now been taken off the list as they are no longer endangered. Only two species that were ever put on the list prior to their actual extinction have Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Endangered Species Endangerment is a broad issue, one that involves the animals as well as the environments where they live and interact with one another. In order to solve or even slightly elevate this problem, every aspect must be studied. So exactly what could cause the endangerment of animals? There are several factors of which only a few will be discussed. One of the main aspects is that of habitat destruction. Of course our planet is continually changing, causing habitats to be altered and modified, but these tend to happen at a gradual pace. This allows most species to adapt to the changing environment, where only a slight impact may take place. However, when changes occur at a fast pace, there is little or no time more content... Due to this moratorium, some whale species, such as the Grey whale, have made a remarkable comeback, while others still remain endangered (Reichhardt p. 322). Disease, pollution, and limited distribution are more factors that threaten various plant and animal species. If a species does not have the natural genetic protection against particular pathogens, an introduced disease can have severe effects on that specie. For example, rabies and canine distemper viruses are presently destroying carnivore populations in East Africa (Campbell). Domestic animals often transmit the diseases that affect wild populations; demonstrating again how human activities lie at the root of most causes of endangerment. Pollution has seriously affected multiple terrestrial and aquatic species, and limited distributions are frequently a consequence of other threats; populations confined to few small areas due to of habitat loss, for example, may be disastrously affected by random factors. The benefits of saving endangered species are great in numbers. Many plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, commercial and recreational values. They must all be protected and saved so that future generations can experience their presence and value. Plants and animals are responsibly for a variety of useful medications. In fact about forty percent of all prescriptions written Get more content on
  • 19. Endangered Species Essay How would you feel if some of your favorite animals became extinct? Throughout history animals have always struggled to survive. In recent years, many studies have shown species are becoming extinct for different reasons. Some species endangered status are created by competition with other species, natural disasters, diseases and even human involvement. These endangered species should be preserved because of the effects it has on other animals, the significance of each animal on the ecosystem, and because of the role humans take on their endangerment. Some people might not know what an extinct species is or why it is important that a species disappears. An extinct species is one that has completely died out; living individuals of this kind no longer exist. By this definition the death of every individual of that species is considered an extinction. This is a big issue for an entire species to die out and no longer exist on this planet. And this is important because, any endangered species is a threat to the natural balance of life on Earth. Every single organism in an ecosystem depends on each other to survive. All the plants and animals in the world are connected to each other in the web of life that holds them together. With these statements people can have a better understanding of this serious situation. Each species lives in different environments so their endangerment may be cause by different things. One example is that, " Habitat destruction is a major cause of Get more content on