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Examples Of Irony In The Story Of An Hour
From the aspect of time to the fluttered emotions expressed, Kate Chopin in her short story "The Story of An Hour", reveals all the emotion a person
receives prior to their death. Published in 1894, by Vouque magazine the short story consists within a time frame of one hour, placed in Louise
Mallard's house as the news is broken to her about her husband's death. She had mixed emotions on how she felt towards her husband as if her love for
him was in question. Although the death of Brently Mallard was mourned over by Mrs. Mallard, symbolism, irony, and dialogue reveals other emotions
in contrary of that.
Through the development of the short story "The Story of An Hour", Kate Chopin shows us viewpoints one wouldn't consider if we didn't
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It seems as if Chopin ends the story at its climax when stating "Someone was opening the front door with latchkey. It was Brently mallard..." (line 19).
Mr. Mallard is dead...but he isn't. "Brently Mallard friend Richard should be reprimanded for the false information" (Smith 2011). Although it wasn't
his fault he should've done more research to come to such an abrupt conclusion. Situational irony also came about during the reading of this short story.
For example, when the audience finds out that Brently Mallard is the one that lives at the end the story while Louise Mallard dies from heart disease. All
the way until the end it was Brently Mallard that was the one that died or expected to die, coming to a conclusion of it being the other way around
rather Lousie Mallard than him is indeed situational irony. Chopin reveals on last variation of irony and that is dramatic irony. In one of the last lines
of the short story Chopin says, "When the doctors came they said she had ide of heart disease – of the joy that kills" (line 19) Mrs. Mallard dies from
the shock of seeing her husband. The doctors say she died from "the joy that kills." We know Mrs. Mallard is nowhere near full of joy, knowing her
husband is alive
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Verbal Irony In The War Works Hard
Mikhail uses verbal irony, imagery, and personification to develop the sarcastic tone. The name of this poem is The War Works Hard. The
personification in the poem is " It wakes up the siren, and dispatches ambulances". It is referring to the war. Mikhail is making human characteristics.
Also, Mikhail uses " The war continues working, day and night" which refers to personification. It is explaining that the war never ends. Mikhail uses
this quote to explain reasoning from her past. She was born and raised in Iraq, and war was her daily life style until Saddam Hussein forced her to flee
the country because he thought that her writing was a threat and harassment from the government. Mikhail uses verbal irony with the use of " How
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Irony's Irony
As the mother ponders the question posed by the "you," her thoughts "move back and forth with the iron" (292). The narrative fittingly serves to
parallel the act of ironing with contemplation. The act of moving an iron back and forth, repeatedly, is consistent with the process of pondering a
problem and coming to a resolution. This does have some degrees of irony though, since the mother denies that she could have any insight into the life
of her daughter. Also, if done carelessly, ironing can damage a beautiful dress, or in this case a beautiful girl. Her mother was often inattentive and
because of this Emily has some creases, scars, and burns that although will never heal, did make her who she is, a successful, hopeful young woman.
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Essay On Irony In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery
Mr.Summer's name is ironic because summer is a season full of life. While Mr.Summers organizes the lottery which kills people. The title "The
Lottery" is ironic because when you hear that someone won the lottery you ask how much? Where as this lottery you don't win a money instead you
win rocks thrown at you. The opening description of the town is misleading because it makes the setting a beautiful, war, and welcoming place. Where
the townspeople are average Joe working, and the woman talking. "...clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day, the flowers were
blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green..." Instead the townspeople have a dark ritual where a "winner" is chosen, and then stoned to death.
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Essay on Irony
Irony is the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. The book Great Expectation is all about the
irony in the situations that a boy named Pip brings into the entire story. Pip is on a search through life to reach high expectations of what he wants from
life, this leads him to having different relationships with the different characters. Each character leads him to an understanding of himself an ironic
situation, which he doesn't expect.
The main character Philip Pirip also known as Pip, goes through many learning experience with the other characters that he interacts with. Joe Gargery, more content...
Miss Havisham, is an old rundown woman with a resentment towards all men. Her main point in life is to hurt men, as much as she can in a way. Miss
Havisham invites Pip to the Satis House there which he first saw Estella and fell in love instantly. Mrs. Havisham is a cruel person and just wants to
hurt all those who surround her and her people. Mrs. Havisham has an ironic relationship withi Pip, because the entire time Pip thinks Mrs.
Havisham is trying to help him succeed being his benefactor and trying to make him a gentlemen, when in fact, she doesn't care about him at all.
What she does do is make him be shameful of those that really do care and want him to succeed in life. She hates almost everything around her and
only wants to hurt everyone as she has been hurt in the past. In the entire conspiracy is Estella whom she uses also as part of her revenge to hurt men.
Estella is the adoptive daughter of Miss Havisham. The ironic situation with her is that she isn't what she seems to be. Estella is someone who can't
love because she was taught to play with mens heart and to hurt people. Miss Havisham raised her to be nothing but a statue with no feelings to
revenge on her past experience with men. Now, what's ironic about Pip and her relationship is that Estella was raised not to have feelings, compassion,
love or
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Writers Protest War And Irony Analysis
Imagery, Irony, and Structure: How Do Writers Protest War?
For many of us, war is something we've heard of all our lives. Whether its because you served in the military, know/known someone who's in the
military or hear about it on through social media. Many writers and everyday people have been attracted to writing about war. Whether it's
to"memorialize these battles"(background essay) or to "honor those who have fought"(background essay) and even some to "heal their own
psychological wounds" (background essay). But some authors, they protest it. How do they do it? Well by using 3 key things: imagery, irony, and
One of the powerful ways authors protest war is through the use of irony. "Irony is the opposite of what you'd expect"
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Irony in Heart of Darkness
The use of irony within the 'The Heart of Darkness' by Conrad is an important notion. Irony in this novella helps to bring about encapsulating
self–discovery and enlightenment of the self. Furthermore the use of characters and what they represent also brings about communicating what it
means to be civilised. Thus these two facets shall be the focus within my essay.
Firstly each of the main characters in Heart of Darkness plays a significant role in the overall theme of the novel, as mentioned above. The central
character is a thirty two year old sailor, Charlie Marlow. He is a dynamic character who essentially controls the development of the theme. Through
Marlow's experiences and revelations, more content...
When the two come face to face, each man sees a reflection of what he might have become in the other. In Kurtz, Marlow sees the potential for his
dark self to emerge if he were to continue to survive in the savage soils of Africa. In Marlow, Kurtz sees himself as he once was: a man of innocence
and civilization. Thus, Marlow and Kurtz symbolize both the light and dark forces of a single soul.
Like Marlow, Kurtz came to the Congo in hopes to bring "light" and civilization to a backwards society. He is a highly educated, refined gentleman;
yet, in the end, the brutal nature of the Congo forces him to resort to the life of a murderer and pilferer. The irony remains steeped in the notion that
these people do not need help from these self defined. With his eventual physical and mental demise, he dies unknowing of the dismay held within his
life. Conrad supplies an opinion before we are introduced to his actions, with the name Kurtz itself having a symbolic meaning.
"The physical shortness in Kurtz implies a shortness of character and spirit" (Heart of Darkness: A systematic evaluation).
Perhaps this shortness in character, some inferiority ingrained within him aids his eventual downfall.
Moreover the sense of irony is held both within the characters and the disparity that one can find between them. For example Conrad greatly contrasts
between Kurtz's two mistresses. He
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Irony in Hamlet
In Act 3, Scene 4, Hamlet is asked by his mother, Gertrude, to reveal what was making him act like he was crazy. Hamlet believes that Gertrude is
truly having a heart to heart with him and really desires to put Hamlet's troubles to ease. However, what Hamlet does not know is that Gertrude allows
Polonius to hide being the arras to overhear their conversation for King Claudius. As the audience, we are aware that Polonius is in the room with
Gertrude and Hamlet, but Hamlet is unaware of his presence. By arguing to Gertrude over her marriage to his uncle Claudius, Hamlet's emotions of
hate towards Claudius were beginning to boil and it was as if Hamlet would commit to anything under impulse. At this point, Hamlet is in complete
control more content...
This situation is another example of how dramatic irony is used through dishonesty. Fortinbras and his army arrive at the castle in Act 5, Scene 2, to
find King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Prince Hamlet, and Laertes dead in front of the throne. He notices that there are no longer any successors to the
throne, and therefore he "claim my vantage doth invite me." (Act 5, Scene 2, Line 412). This is tragic because we are used to having the protagonist
succeed with his endeavours. Here, we want Hamlet to succeed by killing Claudius and taking his rightful place to the throne. But as the course of
incidents played out, Hamlet was slashed by the poisoned–tipped sword of Laertes and was not able to become King. It is tragic that things do not turn
out as expected, leaving Fortinbras able to exploit the opportunity to crown himself as the King of Denmark.
The dramatic irony in Hamlet is used to emphasize the how mischief and dishonesty can lead to tragic occurrences. This can be seen through the
deaths of Polonius and Queen Gertrude, as well as the rise of Fortinbras, as the new King of Denmark.
Dramatic irony is defined as the audience knowing something that some or all characters don't. There is a great example in Act 1 that best
demonstrates dramatic irony at the beginning of Scene 5. Hamlet enters the room and his father's ghost appears. The father tells Hamlet all about how
his death was not an accident like the people of Denmark believe. He was not bitten by a
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Irony: A Fictional Narrative
From her balloon perch Cynthia looked at the world laid out beneath her. The trees reached from her as though to tickle the balloon basket as she
passed. The lakes and river sparkled and winked on the sun. The green above the grass looked brighter than Cynthia had ever thought it could. She gave
a sigh to contentment. She wished that she could stay about her balloon
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Theme Of Irony In Pride And Prejudice
The frequent utilization of irony is a characteristic of Jane Austen's literary style. Truth be told, in no other book is her utilization of irony more distinct
than in Pride and Prejudice. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen uses a wide range of irony, thematic, verbal, dramatic and situational.
Even the title of the novel contains a concealed strain of thematic irony. Jane Austen quietly presents a reversal in the characters the thematic flaws,
"Pride" and "Prejudice" and that feel or think this way. It is Darcy who should have the pride and Elizabeth who should have the prejudice. Be that as it
may, in their mistaken assumptions for each other, they blame each other for intemperatepride and prejudice.
Verbal irony
Verbal more content...
Even though Mr. Darcy once said that Elizabeth was "tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt (him)" (Jane Austen 1813), he later gets charmed
by her fine facet, and finally admits that "... it is many months since I have considered [Elizabeth] as one of the handsomest women of my
acquaintance." (Jane Austen 1813). Likewise, Elizabeth, who at the begging despised Mr. Darcy with passion, is finally marrying him. There is a
fine strain of irony in her reaction to Charlotte's engagement and her own following tolerance towards materialism when she first saw Pemberley:
"To be mistress of Pemberley might be something!" (Jane Austen 1813). Elizabeth says to Mr. Collins that she is not the kind of a lady who rejects
the first wedding proposal and accepts the second. However when Darcy proposes to her for the second time she
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Irony in Literature
Irony and satire are probably most usually met means of expressing humour in literary works. Both of these means can be similar and very different at
the same time. In some cases irony and satire can be used as synonyms. Both satire and irony can be found in literature, television, movies, theatre and
even in artwork. Satire, however, is a genre, whereas irony is a technique.
Irony and humour are closely related. This relation can be seen with dictionary definition. Oxford English dictionary defines irony as "1. the expression
of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect: 'Don't go overboard with the
gratitude,' he re–joined with heavy irony; 1.1 a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly
amusing as a result: the irony is that more content...
It can be used intentionally or can happen unintentionally. Irony is widely used in general literature and in psychological literary works as well.
Authors can use irony to make their audience stop and think about what has just been said, or to emphasize a central idea. Verbal, dramatic, and
situational irony are often used for emphasis in the assertion of a truth.
There are several types of irony in literature. Three main types are verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony.
Verbal irony– the contrast between what is being said and what is meant. E.g. soft like a brick; clean like dirt.
Dramatic irony – the contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what the reader knows to be true. In some literary fiction the reader is
revealed more information than the character. In that case reader gets to see the character's reaction when they discover the truth. For example, in
Hamlet, we are aware that Hamlet knows the truth about his father's murder and that Hamlet is not
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Irony In The Metamorphosis
Wk2 DB1 4. What types of irony does Kafka employ? How do these relate to the narrative? In the story, "The Metamorphosis," by Frank Kafka,
irony plays a central role in the theme. There is an irony of fate present in the story in "the discrepancy between actions and their results, between
what characters deserve and what they get" (Kennedy and Gioia 1445). Gregor Samsa selflessly toiled for many years to provide for his family, not
the one he created, the one he was born into (Kafka 237–267). Gregor did his duty to provide after his father's business went under (Kafka 237–267).
Gregor provided of his own accord and never questioned his family, his aging parents, and a younger sister, for their dependence on him (Kafka
237–267). Gregor was not
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Irony in Kate Chopin's Story of an Hour Essay
Irony in Chopin's Story of an Hour Irony is a useful device for giving stories many unexpected twists and turns. In Kate Chopin's "The Story of an
Hour," irony is used as an effective literary device. Situational irony is used to show the reader that what is expected to happen sometimes doesn't.
Dramatic irony is used to clue the reader in on something that is happening that the characters in the story do not know about. Irony is used throughout
Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" through the use of situational irony and the use of dramatic irony. Situational irony is used in "The Story of an Hour"
through Mrs. Mallard's reaction to her husband's death and the description of the settings around her at this time. more content...
Mrs. Mallard is pleased that her husband has died, which certainly is not the reaction that one would expect. Another case of situational irony is
the description of Mrs. Mallard's surroundings after hearing the news of her husband's death. When Mrs. Mallard retreats to her room, she looks
out the window. The majority of times when surroundings are described in stories after bad news, everything looks dark and gloomy because of
the sadness that the character must be feeling. However, the surroundings Mrs. Mallard experiences are anything but dark and gloomy. The world
was described as warm and friendly. She could hear someone singing and the birds twittering. "There were patches of blue sky showing here and
there through the clouds" (Chopin 213). It seems as though her surroundings are a reflection of her feelings. Normally, one would expect her to be
feeling sad and depressed, and therefore her surroundings to be depressing as well. Dramatic irony is also used in Chopin's "The Story of an Hour"
through Mrs. Mallard's realization that she is free from her husband and with her death. During the time Mrs. Mallard spent alone in her room, she
experienced a revelation that she no longer would be bound to her husband. However, no one else in the story knew of this realization. They all
believed that she was extremely depressed, and that was the reason she had gone to her room. Josephine even thought that Mrs. Mallard was making
herself sick. She
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Irony Worksheet
Grade 9 English language arts Irony and Symbolism
Two Classes each at 50 minutes per class:
Class 1/2 Introducing Irony
Power point presentation
"What's Irony" activity worksheet
Introduction (anticipatory set): 13 minutes
Start with questions to initiate a conversation using a PowerPoint (PPT) and have students respond in IRF (Initiate Response Feedback) manner.
Using the power point, initiate questions that will lead toward the concept of irony and symbolism
пѓ Define and explain what irony is and what it is not.
пѓ Define and explain symbolism
Watch TEDed Irony video (3 minutes):
PowerPoint concludes with the definitions and examples of situational irony
Activity: 30 minutes
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Irony In The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin
Irony used in "The story of an Hour" written by Kate Chopin is dramatic irony. All characters in the story believe that the cause of Mrs. Mallard's
death is "joy" of seeing her husband, whom she was told he is killed by railroad accident. However, it is not true, but actually she is died from
shock and disappointment. She has heart trouble. This is mentioned in first sentence, so it lead readers think that she will possibly dies from heart
disease soon. Josephine was concerned the husband's news will cause heart disease, so she tried to tell her as gently as possible the news. I imagined
that this sad news cause heart disease and Mrs. Mallard would pass away. However that was not happened. After she heard the news of her husband's
death, she was upset, and she cried as normally other women do so. However, later she started to think differently. She had loved him, but sometimes
she had not, and she started to think about that she is regaining her freedom. She does not have to live under more content...
She could live for herself from now on. As readers, we know she was happy, yet at that moment her sister was begging to her to open the door
because Josephine was worried that her Mrs. Mallard was making her ill. Who can imagine that somebody who just lost her or his family is felling
happy or pleased? I guess not many people could do. In the end of story, the doctor came and said that because of the "joy", she got heart disease and
died. "Joy" here in the doctor means that the fact her husband hadn't died, but he is still alive. However, the actual cause of her death is not "joy",
instead, "shock and disappointment". She was surprised and shocked, and disappointed because the freedom finally she thought she obtain is gone.
Losing her joy of freedom shocked her more than the
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Irony: A Narrative Fiction
The group raised their mugs, talking to each other while they used excited hand motions, and smiled. Spotted throughout the rest of the room were
mercenaries in the darker corners who nursed their ales. Walking over to the innkeeper, her gaze was drawn to the brass buttons running down the
front of his shirt. The buttons shone in the candlelight. She lingered her gaze on his face, startled by the sight of several new raw scars. In contrast,
a gentleness gleamed from within his eyes. "It's so good to see you again. Have you traveled far? Sit down, I will get you some supper." Uplar
smiled. Merryn tried to speak, but her world became faded and sound muted. She crumpled down onto the floor, her head bounced off it with a crack.
Uplar more content...
The smell of the roasted boar wafted out. Straightaway he brought a gigantic plate overloaded with food. In addition, a large mug of ale. Uplar
said, as he walked up to her, "Here you are that will be 20 Irons." She dropped the coins into his outstretched hand. "Thank you, this looks
delicious." Then she dug in with the wooden spoon. "You're a good kid, I just wish you'd stay out of trouble!" Uplar said. "I try to." She couldn't
tell him about the book the Adapts had sworn her to secrecy. She scrutinized the counter and ran her fingers over the smooth wood. No, it was
better to just keep quiet. She didn't want to think about it, and picked at her food. He squeezed her shoulder, "Picky, picky, you know what I
mean. Will you be staying long? I hardly see you lately." She shook her head, "I have to head out tomorrow." If she stayed too long, they would
soon find her. She hoped she'd get a few hours rest and afterwards move on before sunrise. He crinkled his brow, "Now, dear daughter, what are you
up to?" "Nothing dad, honest." She said. His right eye squinted and he snorted. "Right." She gave him her best grin, "I just want to visit mom, that's
all." He put his hand onto hers, she looked up at
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Yusef Komunyakaa and Eavan Boland illustrate their personal experiences in order to emphasize how mistakes or tragic events will follow you for
the rest of your life. The events that occur personally will haunt you every second of your life until you come to terms with them. The poems "Facing
It" and "The Necessity of Irony" both reflect on past memories by using similar language and tone in order to realize what is truly important in life for
a better future. At first glance, the reader notices that both poems use first person pronouns in order to convey the poet's perception of their personal
experiences. In the poem "Facing It", Yusef Komunyakaa repeatedly uses "I" to inform the audience that the sense of sorrow and regret when visiting the
Vietnam War Veteran's Memorial located in Washington DC expresses Komunyakaa's painful journey. Komunyakaa's ability to see his "black face" (1)
fading "inside the black granite" (2) allows for the audience to understand and relate to the atmosphere when facing the granite monument. As the poem
progresses, Komunyakaa continues to covey his personal emotions which allows the audience to illustrate a vivid image between the Vietnam War and
memorial. In the poem "The Necessity for Irony", Eavan Boland also demonstrates her personal experiences by frequently using "I" to inform the
audience about her relationship with her daughter. In beginning of the poem, Boland states that she "would go with my twelve year old daughter into
town" (4–5). As the poem progresses, the reader can gather clues that as the years passed by the strong relationship between mother and daughter
slowly deteriorates. This emphasizes how individuals tend to move through the motions of life without realizing that the most important things are
always standing in front of them. Boland eventually realizes this when she had her "back turned to her, searching– oh irony" (43–44). Eavan Boland's
past experience informs readers to avoid looking for happiness because the joy of life is closer than you think. Komunyakaa and Boland use specific
words and phrases throughout their poems to create a shift of tone. In the poem "Facing It", Yusef Komunyakaa overall conveys a sense of sorrow and
loss based on the
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Jane Austen combines the theme of irony with satire and drama in Pride and Prejudice to emphasize the overall basic plot of the story. Essentially, the
positions and stances the characters hold on the issues on family, marriage, and love, change throughout the book, differing from the previous
expectations seen at the beginning of the novel for each individual character. A great example of this is the position that Mr. Bennet holds on the idea
of a happy marriage at the beginning of the novel, and then at the end, after many relationships developed, how everything ironically turns out. Austen
wittily uses the opening line of the novel: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be
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Bennet, whose dramatic character is not ironic in the least, but is quite ridiculous.
The combination of the diverse lovers, poses a question as to why they are even with each other? Ironically, it is revealed that Mr. Bennet only
married her for her looks rather than her personality, which is why he tends to strongly advise his daughters that to whom they marry, they must be
happy with that person: "Lizzy, I know you could be neither happy nor respectable unless you truly esteemed your husband/ My child, let me not have
the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life" (273).
Austen uses dramatic irony in the discovery of the deceitful Mr. Wickham which leads to the sparking romance between Elizabeth and Darcy, and
then the surprising elopement of Lydia Bennet and Wickham. Wickham is seen as the handsome, charming, and innocent man who joins the militia
and is admired by many young women in the first volume. Darcy, on the other hand, is portrayed as the evil, heartless enemy of Wickham, who took
the money out of the will of his father, Darcy Senior, which was meant for Wickham. Wickham plays the innocent good guy in the conversation
between Elizabeth and him: "I can recall nothing worse. But the fact is, that we are very different sort of men, and that he hates me" (59). He softens
up to Eliza and she develops a hatred for Darcy, and at the same time, she starts to have feelings for the wicked Wickham: "Elizabeth honored him for
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Essay on Irony in Sophocles' Oedipus the King
Irony in Sophocles' Oedipus
In the play "Oedipus," irony is used frequently as and as eloquently by Sophocles to the reveal theme of seeking knowledge. Not knowing the King
of Thebes, Oedipus, gives speeches on finding the murderer of the King of Laias and how wretched the poor soil will be when the truth is revealed. "
Then once more I must bring what is dark to light..., whoever killed King Laios might– who knows?–might decide at any moment to kill me as well.
By avenging the murder of the King, I protect myself, (Sophocles 1109). The speech shows how dedicated Oedipus in the pursuit of the murderer and
not only the avenge of the King but to save himself. He will not be saving but adding down to his life. Oedipus doesn't realize more content...
He fears the oracle and wants to do it right by it. But in doing so he will seclude himself from his own people as well as his family. He even prays
to God asking him to punish the murderer severely with no avail. "I pray that that man's life be consumed in evil and wretchedness... And as for
me, this curse applies no less," ( 1112). He is sure that that the curse doesn't apply to him, so he is willing to announce this publicly. He doesn't
know that the old man he killed was King Laois. His only concern at this time is to free the city from sickness. He later announces that the King if
he had not been killed would have had children and he would act as Laois' son and avenge his father's death. "I say I take the son's part, just as
though I were his son, to press the fight for him," ( 1112). Not only is he going to battle for the murdered King, but wants all the people in the city
and damnation will be their reward. As he continues his search for knowledge, Oedipus brings the only man known to know the truth about the
prophet Teiresias. Oedipus feels the truth will now be revealed and satisfaction will come to him. "How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when
there's no help in truth...," (1114). This speech from Teiresias is not well interpeted by Oedipus. He is raged. Oedipus wants Teiresias to speak up and
tell what he knows but as
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Examples Of Irony In The Story Of An Hour

  • 1. Examples Of Irony In The Story Of An Hour From the aspect of time to the fluttered emotions expressed, Kate Chopin in her short story "The Story of An Hour", reveals all the emotion a person receives prior to their death. Published in 1894, by Vouque magazine the short story consists within a time frame of one hour, placed in Louise Mallard's house as the news is broken to her about her husband's death. She had mixed emotions on how she felt towards her husband as if her love for him was in question. Although the death of Brently Mallard was mourned over by Mrs. Mallard, symbolism, irony, and dialogue reveals other emotions in contrary of that. Through the development of the short story "The Story of An Hour", Kate Chopin shows us viewpoints one wouldn't consider if we didn't more content... It seems as if Chopin ends the story at its climax when stating "Someone was opening the front door with latchkey. It was Brently mallard..." (line 19). Mr. Mallard is dead...but he isn't. "Brently Mallard friend Richard should be reprimanded for the false information" (Smith 2011). Although it wasn't his fault he should've done more research to come to such an abrupt conclusion. Situational irony also came about during the reading of this short story. For example, when the audience finds out that Brently Mallard is the one that lives at the end the story while Louise Mallard dies from heart disease. All the way until the end it was Brently Mallard that was the one that died or expected to die, coming to a conclusion of it being the other way around rather Lousie Mallard than him is indeed situational irony. Chopin reveals on last variation of irony and that is dramatic irony. In one of the last lines of the short story Chopin says, "When the doctors came they said she had ide of heart disease – of the joy that kills" (line 19) Mrs. Mallard dies from the shock of seeing her husband. The doctors say she died from "the joy that kills." We know Mrs. Mallard is nowhere near full of joy, knowing her husband is alive Get more content on
  • 2. Verbal Irony In The War Works Hard Mikhail uses verbal irony, imagery, and personification to develop the sarcastic tone. The name of this poem is The War Works Hard. The personification in the poem is " It wakes up the siren, and dispatches ambulances". It is referring to the war. Mikhail is making human characteristics. Also, Mikhail uses " The war continues working, day and night" which refers to personification. It is explaining that the war never ends. Mikhail uses this quote to explain reasoning from her past. She was born and raised in Iraq, and war was her daily life style until Saddam Hussein forced her to flee the country because he thought that her writing was a threat and harassment from the government. Mikhail uses verbal irony with the use of " How magnificent Get more content on
  • 3. Irony's Irony As the mother ponders the question posed by the "you," her thoughts "move back and forth with the iron" (292). The narrative fittingly serves to parallel the act of ironing with contemplation. The act of moving an iron back and forth, repeatedly, is consistent with the process of pondering a problem and coming to a resolution. This does have some degrees of irony though, since the mother denies that she could have any insight into the life of her daughter. Also, if done carelessly, ironing can damage a beautiful dress, or in this case a beautiful girl. Her mother was often inattentive and because of this Emily has some creases, scars, and burns that although will never heal, did make her who she is, a successful, hopeful young woman. Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Irony In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery Mr.Summer's name is ironic because summer is a season full of life. While Mr.Summers organizes the lottery which kills people. The title "The Lottery" is ironic because when you hear that someone won the lottery you ask how much? Where as this lottery you don't win a money instead you win rocks thrown at you. The opening description of the town is misleading because it makes the setting a beautiful, war, and welcoming place. Where the townspeople are average Joe working, and the woman talking. "...clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day, the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green..." Instead the townspeople have a dark ritual where a "winner" is chosen, and then stoned to death. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Irony Irony is the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. The book Great Expectation is all about the irony in the situations that a boy named Pip brings into the entire story. Pip is on a search through life to reach high expectations of what he wants from life, this leads him to having different relationships with the different characters. Each character leads him to an understanding of himself an ironic situation, which he doesn't expect. The main character Philip Pirip also known as Pip, goes through many learning experience with the other characters that he interacts with. Joe Gargery, more content... Miss Havisham, is an old rundown woman with a resentment towards all men. Her main point in life is to hurt men, as much as she can in a way. Miss Havisham invites Pip to the Satis House there which he first saw Estella and fell in love instantly. Mrs. Havisham is a cruel person and just wants to hurt all those who surround her and her people. Mrs. Havisham has an ironic relationship withi Pip, because the entire time Pip thinks Mrs. Havisham is trying to help him succeed being his benefactor and trying to make him a gentlemen, when in fact, she doesn't care about him at all. What she does do is make him be shameful of those that really do care and want him to succeed in life. She hates almost everything around her and only wants to hurt everyone as she has been hurt in the past. In the entire conspiracy is Estella whom she uses also as part of her revenge to hurt men. Estella is the adoptive daughter of Miss Havisham. The ironic situation with her is that she isn't what she seems to be. Estella is someone who can't love because she was taught to play with mens heart and to hurt people. Miss Havisham raised her to be nothing but a statue with no feelings to revenge on her past experience with men. Now, what's ironic about Pip and her relationship is that Estella was raised not to have feelings, compassion, love or Get more content on
  • 6. Writers Protest War And Irony Analysis Imagery, Irony, and Structure: How Do Writers Protest War? For many of us, war is something we've heard of all our lives. Whether its because you served in the military, know/known someone who's in the military or hear about it on through social media. Many writers and everyday people have been attracted to writing about war. Whether it's to"memorialize these battles"(background essay) or to "honor those who have fought"(background essay) and even some to "heal their own psychological wounds" (background essay). But some authors, they protest it. How do they do it? Well by using 3 key things: imagery, irony, and structure. One of the powerful ways authors protest war is through the use of irony. "Irony is the opposite of what you'd expect" Get more content on
  • 7. Irony in Heart of Darkness The use of irony within the 'The Heart of Darkness' by Conrad is an important notion. Irony in this novella helps to bring about encapsulating self–discovery and enlightenment of the self. Furthermore the use of characters and what they represent also brings about communicating what it means to be civilised. Thus these two facets shall be the focus within my essay. Firstly each of the main characters in Heart of Darkness plays a significant role in the overall theme of the novel, as mentioned above. The central character is a thirty two year old sailor, Charlie Marlow. He is a dynamic character who essentially controls the development of the theme. Through Marlow's experiences and revelations, more content... When the two come face to face, each man sees a reflection of what he might have become in the other. In Kurtz, Marlow sees the potential for his dark self to emerge if he were to continue to survive in the savage soils of Africa. In Marlow, Kurtz sees himself as he once was: a man of innocence and civilization. Thus, Marlow and Kurtz symbolize both the light and dark forces of a single soul. Like Marlow, Kurtz came to the Congo in hopes to bring "light" and civilization to a backwards society. He is a highly educated, refined gentleman; yet, in the end, the brutal nature of the Congo forces him to resort to the life of a murderer and pilferer. The irony remains steeped in the notion that these people do not need help from these self defined. With his eventual physical and mental demise, he dies unknowing of the dismay held within his life. Conrad supplies an opinion before we are introduced to his actions, with the name Kurtz itself having a symbolic meaning. "The physical shortness in Kurtz implies a shortness of character and spirit" (Heart of Darkness: A systematic evaluation). Perhaps this shortness in character, some inferiority ingrained within him aids his eventual downfall. Moreover the sense of irony is held both within the characters and the disparity that one can find between them. For example Conrad greatly contrasts between Kurtz's two mistresses. He Get more content on
  • 8. Irony in Hamlet In Act 3, Scene 4, Hamlet is asked by his mother, Gertrude, to reveal what was making him act like he was crazy. Hamlet believes that Gertrude is truly having a heart to heart with him and really desires to put Hamlet's troubles to ease. However, what Hamlet does not know is that Gertrude allows Polonius to hide being the arras to overhear their conversation for King Claudius. As the audience, we are aware that Polonius is in the room with Gertrude and Hamlet, but Hamlet is unaware of his presence. By arguing to Gertrude over her marriage to his uncle Claudius, Hamlet's emotions of hate towards Claudius were beginning to boil and it was as if Hamlet would commit to anything under impulse. At this point, Hamlet is in complete control more content... This situation is another example of how dramatic irony is used through dishonesty. Fortinbras and his army arrive at the castle in Act 5, Scene 2, to find King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Prince Hamlet, and Laertes dead in front of the throne. He notices that there are no longer any successors to the throne, and therefore he "claim my vantage doth invite me." (Act 5, Scene 2, Line 412). This is tragic because we are used to having the protagonist succeed with his endeavours. Here, we want Hamlet to succeed by killing Claudius and taking his rightful place to the throne. But as the course of incidents played out, Hamlet was slashed by the poisoned–tipped sword of Laertes and was not able to become King. It is tragic that things do not turn out as expected, leaving Fortinbras able to exploit the opportunity to crown himself as the King of Denmark. The dramatic irony in Hamlet is used to emphasize the how mischief and dishonesty can lead to tragic occurrences. This can be seen through the deaths of Polonius and Queen Gertrude, as well as the rise of Fortinbras, as the new King of Denmark. Dramatic irony is defined as the audience knowing something that some or all characters don't. There is a great example in Act 1 that best demonstrates dramatic irony at the beginning of Scene 5. Hamlet enters the room and his father's ghost appears. The father tells Hamlet all about how his death was not an accident like the people of Denmark believe. He was not bitten by a Get more content on
  • 9. Irony: A Fictional Narrative From her balloon perch Cynthia looked at the world laid out beneath her. The trees reached from her as though to tickle the balloon basket as she passed. The lakes and river sparkled and winked on the sun. The green above the grass looked brighter than Cynthia had ever thought it could. She gave a sigh to contentment. She wished that she could stay about her balloon Get more content on
  • 10. Theme Of Irony In Pride And Prejudice Introduction The frequent utilization of irony is a characteristic of Jane Austen's literary style. Truth be told, in no other book is her utilization of irony more distinct than in Pride and Prejudice. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen uses a wide range of irony, thematic, verbal, dramatic and situational. Even the title of the novel contains a concealed strain of thematic irony. Jane Austen quietly presents a reversal in the characters the thematic flaws, "Pride" and "Prejudice" and that feel or think this way. It is Darcy who should have the pride and Elizabeth who should have the prejudice. Be that as it may, in their mistaken assumptions for each other, they blame each other for intemperatepride and prejudice. Verbal irony Verbal more content... Even though Mr. Darcy once said that Elizabeth was "tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt (him)" (Jane Austen 1813), he later gets charmed by her fine facet, and finally admits that "... it is many months since I have considered [Elizabeth] as one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance." (Jane Austen 1813). Likewise, Elizabeth, who at the begging despised Mr. Darcy with passion, is finally marrying him. There is a fine strain of irony in her reaction to Charlotte's engagement and her own following tolerance towards materialism when she first saw Pemberley: "To be mistress of Pemberley might be something!" (Jane Austen 1813). Elizabeth says to Mr. Collins that she is not the kind of a lady who rejects the first wedding proposal and accepts the second. However when Darcy proposes to her for the second time she Get more content on
  • 11. Irony in Literature Irony and satire are probably most usually met means of expressing humour in literary works. Both of these means can be similar and very different at the same time. In some cases irony and satire can be used as synonyms. Both satire and irony can be found in literature, television, movies, theatre and even in artwork. Satire, however, is a genre, whereas irony is a technique. Irony Irony and humour are closely related. This relation can be seen with dictionary definition. Oxford English dictionary defines irony as "1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect: 'Don't go overboard with the gratitude,' he re–joined with heavy irony; 1.1 a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result: the irony is that more content... It can be used intentionally or can happen unintentionally. Irony is widely used in general literature and in psychological literary works as well. Authors can use irony to make their audience stop and think about what has just been said, or to emphasize a central idea. Verbal, dramatic, and situational irony are often used for emphasis in the assertion of a truth. There are several types of irony in literature. Three main types are verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony. Verbal irony– the contrast between what is being said and what is meant. E.g. soft like a brick; clean like dirt. Dramatic irony – the contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what the reader knows to be true. In some literary fiction the reader is revealed more information than the character. In that case reader gets to see the character's reaction when they discover the truth. For example, in Hamlet, we are aware that Hamlet knows the truth about his father's murder and that Hamlet is not Get more content on
  • 12. Irony In The Metamorphosis Wk2 DB1 4. What types of irony does Kafka employ? How do these relate to the narrative? In the story, "The Metamorphosis," by Frank Kafka, irony plays a central role in the theme. There is an irony of fate present in the story in "the discrepancy between actions and their results, between what characters deserve and what they get" (Kennedy and Gioia 1445). Gregor Samsa selflessly toiled for many years to provide for his family, not the one he created, the one he was born into (Kafka 237–267). Gregor did his duty to provide after his father's business went under (Kafka 237–267). Gregor provided of his own accord and never questioned his family, his aging parents, and a younger sister, for their dependence on him (Kafka 237–267). Gregor was not Get more content on
  • 13. Irony in Kate Chopin's Story of an Hour Essay Irony in Chopin's Story of an Hour Irony is a useful device for giving stories many unexpected twists and turns. In Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour," irony is used as an effective literary device. Situational irony is used to show the reader that what is expected to happen sometimes doesn't. Dramatic irony is used to clue the reader in on something that is happening that the characters in the story do not know about. Irony is used throughout Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" through the use of situational irony and the use of dramatic irony. Situational irony is used in "The Story of an Hour" through Mrs. Mallard's reaction to her husband's death and the description of the settings around her at this time. more content... Mrs. Mallard is pleased that her husband has died, which certainly is not the reaction that one would expect. Another case of situational irony is the description of Mrs. Mallard's surroundings after hearing the news of her husband's death. When Mrs. Mallard retreats to her room, she looks out the window. The majority of times when surroundings are described in stories after bad news, everything looks dark and gloomy because of the sadness that the character must be feeling. However, the surroundings Mrs. Mallard experiences are anything but dark and gloomy. The world was described as warm and friendly. She could hear someone singing and the birds twittering. "There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds" (Chopin 213). It seems as though her surroundings are a reflection of her feelings. Normally, one would expect her to be feeling sad and depressed, and therefore her surroundings to be depressing as well. Dramatic irony is also used in Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" through Mrs. Mallard's realization that she is free from her husband and with her death. During the time Mrs. Mallard spent alone in her room, she experienced a revelation that she no longer would be bound to her husband. However, no one else in the story knew of this realization. They all believed that she was extremely depressed, and that was the reason she had gone to her room. Josephine even thought that Mrs. Mallard was making herself sick. She Get more content on
  • 14. Irony Worksheet Grade 9 English language arts Irony and Symbolism Two Classes each at 50 minutes per class: Class 1/2 Introducing Irony Materials: Power point presentation "What's Irony" activity worksheet Introduction (anticipatory set): 13 minutes Start with questions to initiate a conversation using a PowerPoint (PPT) and have students respond in IRF (Initiate Response Feedback) manner. Using the power point, initiate questions that will lead toward the concept of irony and symbolism пѓ Define and explain what irony is and what it is not. пѓ Define and explain symbolism Watch TEDed Irony video (3 minutes): PowerPoint concludes with the definitions and examples of situational irony Activity: 30 minutes In Get more content on
  • 15. Irony In The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin Irony used in "The story of an Hour" written by Kate Chopin is dramatic irony. All characters in the story believe that the cause of Mrs. Mallard's death is "joy" of seeing her husband, whom she was told he is killed by railroad accident. However, it is not true, but actually she is died from shock and disappointment. She has heart trouble. This is mentioned in first sentence, so it lead readers think that she will possibly dies from heart disease soon. Josephine was concerned the husband's news will cause heart disease, so she tried to tell her as gently as possible the news. I imagined that this sad news cause heart disease and Mrs. Mallard would pass away. However that was not happened. After she heard the news of her husband's death, she was upset, and she cried as normally other women do so. However, later she started to think differently. She had loved him, but sometimes she had not, and she started to think about that she is regaining her freedom. She does not have to live under more content... She could live for herself from now on. As readers, we know she was happy, yet at that moment her sister was begging to her to open the door because Josephine was worried that her Mrs. Mallard was making her ill. Who can imagine that somebody who just lost her or his family is felling happy or pleased? I guess not many people could do. In the end of story, the doctor came and said that because of the "joy", she got heart disease and died. "Joy" here in the doctor means that the fact her husband hadn't died, but he is still alive. However, the actual cause of her death is not "joy", instead, "shock and disappointment". She was surprised and shocked, and disappointed because the freedom finally she thought she obtain is gone. Losing her joy of freedom shocked her more than the Get more content on
  • 16. Irony: A Narrative Fiction The group raised their mugs, talking to each other while they used excited hand motions, and smiled. Spotted throughout the rest of the room were mercenaries in the darker corners who nursed their ales. Walking over to the innkeeper, her gaze was drawn to the brass buttons running down the front of his shirt. The buttons shone in the candlelight. She lingered her gaze on his face, startled by the sight of several new raw scars. In contrast, a gentleness gleamed from within his eyes. "It's so good to see you again. Have you traveled far? Sit down, I will get you some supper." Uplar smiled. Merryn tried to speak, but her world became faded and sound muted. She crumpled down onto the floor, her head bounced off it with a crack. Uplar more content... The smell of the roasted boar wafted out. Straightaway he brought a gigantic plate overloaded with food. In addition, a large mug of ale. Uplar said, as he walked up to her, "Here you are that will be 20 Irons." She dropped the coins into his outstretched hand. "Thank you, this looks delicious." Then she dug in with the wooden spoon. "You're a good kid, I just wish you'd stay out of trouble!" Uplar said. "I try to." She couldn't tell him about the book the Adapts had sworn her to secrecy. She scrutinized the counter and ran her fingers over the smooth wood. No, it was better to just keep quiet. She didn't want to think about it, and picked at her food. He squeezed her shoulder, "Picky, picky, you know what I mean. Will you be staying long? I hardly see you lately." She shook her head, "I have to head out tomorrow." If she stayed too long, they would soon find her. She hoped she'd get a few hours rest and afterwards move on before sunrise. He crinkled his brow, "Now, dear daughter, what are you up to?" "Nothing dad, honest." She said. His right eye squinted and he snorted. "Right." She gave him her best grin, "I just want to visit mom, that's all." He put his hand onto hers, she looked up at Get more content on
  • 17. Yusef Komunyakaa and Eavan Boland illustrate their personal experiences in order to emphasize how mistakes or tragic events will follow you for the rest of your life. The events that occur personally will haunt you every second of your life until you come to terms with them. The poems "Facing It" and "The Necessity of Irony" both reflect on past memories by using similar language and tone in order to realize what is truly important in life for a better future. At first glance, the reader notices that both poems use first person pronouns in order to convey the poet's perception of their personal experiences. In the poem "Facing It", Yusef Komunyakaa repeatedly uses "I" to inform the audience that the sense of sorrow and regret when visiting the Vietnam War Veteran's Memorial located in Washington DC expresses Komunyakaa's painful journey. Komunyakaa's ability to see his "black face" (1) fading "inside the black granite" (2) allows for the audience to understand and relate to the atmosphere when facing the granite monument. As the poem progresses, Komunyakaa continues to covey his personal emotions which allows the audience to illustrate a vivid image between the Vietnam War and memorial. In the poem "The Necessity for Irony", Eavan Boland also demonstrates her personal experiences by frequently using "I" to inform the audience about her relationship with her daughter. In beginning of the poem, Boland states that she "would go with my twelve year old daughter into town" (4–5). As the poem progresses, the reader can gather clues that as the years passed by the strong relationship between mother and daughter slowly deteriorates. This emphasizes how individuals tend to move through the motions of life without realizing that the most important things are always standing in front of them. Boland eventually realizes this when she had her "back turned to her, searching– oh irony" (43–44). Eavan Boland's past experience informs readers to avoid looking for happiness because the joy of life is closer than you think. Komunyakaa and Boland use specific words and phrases throughout their poems to create a shift of tone. In the poem "Facing It", Yusef Komunyakaa overall conveys a sense of sorrow and loss based on the Get more content on
  • 18. Jane Austen combines the theme of irony with satire and drama in Pride and Prejudice to emphasize the overall basic plot of the story. Essentially, the positions and stances the characters hold on the issues on family, marriage, and love, change throughout the book, differing from the previous expectations seen at the beginning of the novel for each individual character. A great example of this is the position that Mr. Bennet holds on the idea of a happy marriage at the beginning of the novel, and then at the end, after many relationships developed, how everything ironically turns out. Austen wittily uses the opening line of the novel: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be more content... Bennet, whose dramatic character is not ironic in the least, but is quite ridiculous. The combination of the diverse lovers, poses a question as to why they are even with each other? Ironically, it is revealed that Mr. Bennet only married her for her looks rather than her personality, which is why he tends to strongly advise his daughters that to whom they marry, they must be happy with that person: "Lizzy, I know you could be neither happy nor respectable unless you truly esteemed your husband/ My child, let me not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life" (273). Austen uses dramatic irony in the discovery of the deceitful Mr. Wickham which leads to the sparking romance between Elizabeth and Darcy, and then the surprising elopement of Lydia Bennet and Wickham. Wickham is seen as the handsome, charming, and innocent man who joins the militia and is admired by many young women in the first volume. Darcy, on the other hand, is portrayed as the evil, heartless enemy of Wickham, who took the money out of the will of his father, Darcy Senior, which was meant for Wickham. Wickham plays the innocent good guy in the conversation between Elizabeth and him: "I can recall nothing worse. But the fact is, that we are very different sort of men, and that he hates me" (59). He softens up to Eliza and she develops a hatred for Darcy, and at the same time, she starts to have feelings for the wicked Wickham: "Elizabeth honored him for such Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Irony in Sophocles' Oedipus the King Irony in Sophocles' Oedipus In the play "Oedipus," irony is used frequently as and as eloquently by Sophocles to the reveal theme of seeking knowledge. Not knowing the King of Thebes, Oedipus, gives speeches on finding the murderer of the King of Laias and how wretched the poor soil will be when the truth is revealed. " Then once more I must bring what is dark to light..., whoever killed King Laios might– who knows?–might decide at any moment to kill me as well. By avenging the murder of the King, I protect myself, (Sophocles 1109). The speech shows how dedicated Oedipus in the pursuit of the murderer and not only the avenge of the King but to save himself. He will not be saving but adding down to his life. Oedipus doesn't realize more content... He fears the oracle and wants to do it right by it. But in doing so he will seclude himself from his own people as well as his family. He even prays to God asking him to punish the murderer severely with no avail. "I pray that that man's life be consumed in evil and wretchedness... And as for me, this curse applies no less," ( 1112). He is sure that that the curse doesn't apply to him, so he is willing to announce this publicly. He doesn't know that the old man he killed was King Laois. His only concern at this time is to free the city from sickness. He later announces that the King if he had not been killed would have had children and he would act as Laois' son and avenge his father's death. "I say I take the son's part, just as though I were his son, to press the fight for him," ( 1112). Not only is he going to battle for the murdered King, but wants all the people in the city and damnation will be their reward. As he continues his search for knowledge, Oedipus brings the only man known to know the truth about the prophet Teiresias. Oedipus feels the truth will now be revealed and satisfaction will come to him. "How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when there's no help in truth...," (1114). This speech from Teiresias is not well interpeted by Oedipus. He is raged. Oedipus wants Teiresias to speak up and tell what he knows but as Get more content on