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How to reduce cold starts for
Java Serverless applications in AWS
GraalVM, AWS SnapStart and Co
by Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH, 17.10.2023
Vadym Kazulkin
ip.labs GmbH Bonn, Germany
Co-Organizer of the Java User Group Bonn
Java popularity Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Life of the Java (Serverless) developer
on AWS
AWS Java Versions Support
• Corretto Java 8
• With extended long-term support until 2026
• Coretto Java 11 (since 2019)
• Coretto Java 17 (April 2023)
• Only Long Term Support (LTS) by AWS
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Java ist very fast
and mature
… but Serverless
adoption of Java
looks like this
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Percent of AWS Lambda invocations by language 2021 vs 2023
2021 2023
Developers love Java and will be happy
to use it for Serverless
But what are the challenges ?
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Serverless with Java challenges
• “cold start” times (latencies)
• memory footprint (high cost in AWS)
AWS Lambda Basics
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Creating AWS Lambda with Java 1/3
Full CPU access only
approx. at 1.8 GB
memory allocated
Creating AWS Lambda with Java 2/3
Creating AWS Lambda with Java 3/3
Challenge Number 1 with Java is a
big cold-start
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Function lifecycle- a full cold start
Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
• Start Firecracker VM
• AWS Lambda starts the JVM
• Java runtime loads and initializes
handler class
• Static initializer block of the handler class is
executed (i.e. AWS service client creation)
• Init-phase has full CPU access up to 10 seconds for
free for the managed execution environments
• Lambda calls the handler method
Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
Michael Hart: „Shave 99.93% off your Lambda bill with this one weird trick“
Lambda demo with common Java
application frameworks
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Cold starts with pure Java
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Runtime/Optimization Frame-
work used
p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
No 2500 3100 4000
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Quarkus 2532 3150 4100
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Micronaut 4480 4900 5450
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
5300 5710 6204
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Pure Java
Cold starts p90
No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
Best Practices and Recommendations
Using Tiered Compilation
Achieve up to 60% faster startup times can use level 1 compilation with
little risk of reducing warm start performance
Mark Sailes: "Optimizing AWS Lambda function performance for Java”
• Switch to the AWS SDK 2.0 for Java
• Lower footprint and more modular
• Allows to configure HTTP Client of your choice (i.e. Java own Basic HTTP Client or
newly introduced AWS Common Runtime async HTTP Client)
Vadym Kazulkin:
Best Practices and Recommendations
• Less (dependencies, classes) is more
• Include only required dependencies (e.g. not the whole AWS SDK 2.0 for Java, but the
dependencies to the clients to be used in Lambda)
• Exclude dependencies, which you don‘t need at runtime e.g. test frameworks like Junit
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Best Practices and Recommendations
AWS Lambda cold starts by memory size,
runtime and artifact size
Source: Mike Roberts "Analyzing Cold Start latency of AWS Lambda"
Artifact Size:
• Small zip (1KB)
• Large zip (48MB)
• Large uberjar (53MB)
Provide all known values (for building clients i.e. DynamoDB client) to
avoid auto-discovery
• credential provider, region, endpoint
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("myProfile"))
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Best Practices and Recommendations
• Initialize dependencies during initialization phase
• Use static initialization in the handler class, instead of in the handler method (e.g.
handleRequest) to take the advantage of the access to the full CPU core for max 10 seconds
• In case of DynamoDB client put the following code outside of the handler method:
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard();
DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Best Practices and Recommendations
Best Practices and Recommendations
• Prime dependencies during initialization phase (when it worth doing)
• „Fake“ the calls to pre-initalize „some other expensive stuff“
• In case of DynamoDB client put the following code outside of the handler method to pre-
initialize the Jackson Marshaller:
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard();
DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);
Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(„mytable");
Item item = table.getItem("Id", 210);
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
getItem() call forces Jackson Marshallers to initialize
• reflection
• runtime byte code generation
• runtime generated proxies
• dynamic class loading
Use DI Frameworks which aren‘t reflection-based
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Best Practices and Recommendations
GraalVM enters the scene
Low footprint ahead-of-time mode for JVM-based languages
High performance for all languages
Convenient language interoperability and polyglot tooling
Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes
„The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
Source: Oleg Šelajev, Thomas Wuerthinger, Oracle: “Deep dive into using GraalVM for Java and JavaScript”
GraalVM on SubstrateVM
A game changer for Java & Serverless?
Java Function compiled into a native executable using GraalVM
on SubstrateVM reduces
• “cold start” times
• memory footprint
by order of magnitude compared to running on JVM.
Current challenges with native
executable using GraalVM
• AWS doesn’t provide GraalVM (Native Image) as Java Runtime out of
the box
• AWS provides Custom Runtime Option
Custom Lambda Runtimes
Support of GraalVM native images in
Spring Native project for Spring (Boot)
Quarkus: a Kubernetes Native Java framework developed by Red Hat tailored for
GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards.
Micronaut: a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular,
easily testable microservice and serverless applications.
Helidon: a cloud-native, open-source set of Java libraries for writing
microservices that run on a fast web core powered by Netty.
Common principles for all frameworks
• Rely on as little reflection as possible
• Avoid runtime byte code generation, runtime generated proxies and
dynamic class loading as much as possible
• Process annotations at compile time
• Provide GraalVM Native Image support out of the box (Gradle and Maven
Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Runtime/Optimization Frame-
work used
p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
No 2500/433 3100/470 4000/531
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Quarkus 2532/467 3150/600 4100/802
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Micronaut 4480/638 4900/722 5450/961
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
5300/621 5710/685 6204/722
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Pure Java GraalVM Native
Cold starts p90
No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
Frameworks Ready for Graal VM Native Image
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Graal VM Conclusion
• GraalVM and Frameworks are really powerful with a lot of potential
• GraalVM Native Image improves cold starts and memory footprint
• GraalVM Native Image is currently not without challenges
• AWS Lambda Custom Runtime requires Linux executable only
• Building Custom Runtime requires some additional effort
• e.g. you need to scale CI pipeline to build memory-intensive native image yourself
• Build time is a factor
• You pay for the init-phase of the function packaged as AWS Lambda Custom and Docker
• Init-phase is free for the managed runtimes like Java 8 , Java 11 and Java17 (Corretto)
Options to reduce cold start time
• GraalVM (Native Image)
• AWS SnapStart
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS SnapStart
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS SnapStart Deployment and Invocation
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Firecracker microVM
create & restore snapshot
is based on CRIU
CRIU (Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace)
• Linux CRIU available since 2012 allows a running application to be paused and
restarted at some point later in time, potentially on a different machine.
• The overall goal of the project is to support the migration of containers.
• When performing a checkpoint, essentially, the full context of the process is saved:
program counter, registers, stacks, memory-mapped and shared memory
• To restore the application, all this data can be reloaded and (theoretically) it
continues from the same point.
• Challenges
• open files
• network connections
• sudden change in the value of the system clock
• time-based caches
AWS SnapStart Deployment and Invocation
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS SnapStart Deployment Phase
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS SnapStart Invocation Phase
(before the end of September 2023)
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS SnapStart Invocation Phase
(after the end of September 2023)
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native
Image vs AWS SnapStart
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Runtime/Optimization Frame-
work used
p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
No 2500/433/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Quarkus 2532/467/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Micronaut 4480/638/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Pure Java GraalVM Native
AWS SnapStart
Cold starts p90
No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
AWS SnapStart Deployment and Invocation
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Lambda uses
the CRaC APIs
for runtime
Firecracker microVM
create & restore snapshot
is based on CRIU
• Speed up warmup time of the Java applications
• The C2 compiler is used for very hot methods, which uses profiling data
collected from the running application to optimize as much as possible.
• Techniques like aggressive method inlining and speculative optimizations can
easily lead to better performing code than generated ahead of time (AOT)
using a static compiler.
• JVM needs both time and compute resources to determine which methods to
compile and compiling them. This same work has to happen every time we
run an application
• Ideally, we would like to run the application and then store all the state about
the compiled methods, even the compiled code and state associated with the
application and then we’d like to be able to restore it
Ideas behind CRaC (Coordinated Restore
at Checkpoint)
AWS SnapStart enabled with Pure Java Priming
Source: Vadym Kazulkin
AWS SnapStart enabled with Micronaut Priming
Source: Vadym Kazulkin
Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native
Image vs SnapStart vs SnapStart with Priming
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Runtime/Optimization Frame-
work used
p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
No 2500/433/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Quarkus 4000/467/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Micronaut 4480/638/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Pure Java GraalVM Native
AWS SnapStart AWS SnapStart
with invoke
Cold starts p90
No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
AWS SnapStart with Quarkus extended Priming
Source: Vadym Kazulkin
Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native
Image vs ASS vs ASS w. Priming vs ASS w ext.
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Runtime/Optimization Frame-
work used
p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
No 2500/433/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Quarkus 4000/467/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Micronaut 4250/638/
Amazon Corretto
Java 17
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Pure Java GraalVM
Native Image
AWS SnapStartAWS SnapStart
with invoke
AWS SnapStart
web model
Cold starts p90
No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Pure Java GraalVM
Native Image
AWS SnapStartAWS SnapStart
with invoke
Cold starts of Lambda function with Java
17 runtime
p50 p90 p99
AWS SnapStart Challenges & Limitations
• SnapStart supports the Java 11 and 17 (Corretto) managed runtime only
• Deployment with SnapStart enabled takes more than 2-2,5 minutes additionally
• Snapshot is deleted from cache if Lambda function is not invoked for 14 days
• SnapStart currently does not support :
• Provisioned concurrency
• arm64 architecture (supports only x86)
• Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
• Ephemeral storage greater than 512 MB
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS SnapStart Possible Next Steps
• Perform Priming out of the box without writing the logic on our own
• If snapshot not found do regular cold start as long as new snapshot has been
fully taken under the hood
• Snapshot creation on first Lambda function invocation instead of during the
deployment phase
• Regular cold start as long as the snapshot hasn’t been fully taken
• Trade off between duration of the deployment phase and several regular
bigger cold starts until the snapshot is taken and SnapStart becomes
effective (and therefore much shorter cold starts)
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Lambda Provisioned Concurrency
• Requires manually managing
start and end time when
Provisioned concurrency should
apply (can be tricky for spikey
• You pay for unused capacity
NEW: Lambda Proactive initialization
In June 2023 AWS updated the documentation for the Lambda Function lifecycle
and included this new statement: for functions using unreserved (on-demand)
concurrency, Lambda may proactively initialize a function instance, even if there's
no invocation. When this happens, you can observe an unexpected time gap
between your function's initialization and invocation phases. This gap can appear
similar to what you would observe when using provisioned concurrency.
Running this query over
several days across
multiple runtimes and
invocation methods,
between 50% and 75%
of initializations were
proactive (versus
50% to 25% which were
true cold starts)
Project Leyden
The primary goal of this Project
is to improve the startup time, time
to peak performance, and footprint
of Java programs.
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How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...Vadym Kazulkin
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...Vadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at IT Tage
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at IT TageAdopting Java for the Serverless world at IT Tage
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at IT TageVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup Italy
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup ItalyVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JAX 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JAX 2022Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JAX 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JAX 2022Vadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022Vadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Darmstadt 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Darmstadt 2022Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Darmstadt 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Darmstadt 2022Vadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Bonn 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Bonn 2022Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Bonn 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Bonn 2022Vadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and Boston
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and BostonVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at VoxxedDays Luxemburg
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at VoxxedDays LuxemburgAdopting Java for the Serverless World at VoxxedDays Luxemburg
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at VoxxedDays LuxemburgVadym Kazulkin
Adapting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Barcelona
Adapting Java for the Serverless World at JUG BarcelonaAdapting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Barcelona
Adapting Java for the Serverless World at JUG BarcelonaVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at JUG Hamburg
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at  JUG HamburgAdopting Java for the Serverless world at  JUG Hamburg
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at JUG HamburgVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at JUG London
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at  JUG LondonAdopting Java for the Serverless world at  JUG London
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at JUG LondonVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at AWS User Group Pretoria
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at AWS User Group PretoriaVadym Kazulkin
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup Singapore
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup SingaporeVadym Kazulkin
AWS Lambda SnapStart: Why, How and What AWS Serverless Meetup New York Boston...
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FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
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FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...Vadym Kazulkin
How to improve lambda cold starts
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Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)
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Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)Julien SIMON

Similar to How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at Serverless Architecture Conference Berlin 2023 (20)

Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...
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How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at IT Tage
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup Italy
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup Italy
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JAX 2022
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Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JAX 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Hessen 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Darmstadt 2022
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Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Darmstadt 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Bonn 2022
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Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Bonn 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and Boston
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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup New York and Boston
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Adopting Java for the Serverless World at VoxxedDays Luxemburg
Adapting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Barcelona
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FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
How to improve lambda cold starts
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Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)
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How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at Serverless Architecture Conference Berlin 2023

  • 1. How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS GraalVM, AWS SnapStart and Co by Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH, 17.10.2023
  • 2. Contact Vadym Kazulkin ip.labs GmbH Bonn, Germany Co-Organizer of the Java User Group Bonn @VKazulkin
  • 6. Life of the Java (Serverless) developer on AWS
  • 7. AWS Java Versions Support • Corretto Java 8 • With extended long-term support until 2026 • Coretto Java 11 (since 2019) • Coretto Java 17 (April 2023) • Only Long Term Support (LTS) by AWS Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source:
  • 8. Java ist very fast and mature programming language… Image: … but Serverless adoption of Java looks like this Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 9. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Percent of AWS Lambda invocations by language 2021 vs 2023 2021 2023
  • 10. Developers love Java and will be happy to use it for Serverless But what are the challenges ? Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 11. Serverless with Java challenges • “cold start” times (latencies) • memory footprint (high cost in AWS)
  • 12. AWS Lambda Basics Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 13. Creating AWS Lambda with Java 1/3 : Source Full CPU access only approx. at 1.8 GB memory allocated
  • 14. Creating AWS Lambda with Java 2/3 : Source
  • 15. Creating AWS Lambda with Java 3/3 : Source
  • 16. Challenge Number 1 with Java is a big cold-start Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source:
  • 17. Function lifecycle- a full cold start Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt” Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
  • 18. • Start Firecracker VM • AWS Lambda starts the JVM • Java runtime loads and initializes handler class • Static initializer block of the handler class is executed (i.e. AWS service client creation) • Init-phase has full CPU access up to 10 seconds for free for the managed execution environments • Lambda calls the handler method Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt” Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“ Michael Hart: „Shave 99.93% off your Lambda bill with this one weird trick“
  • 19. Lambda demo with common Java application frameworks Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 20. Cold starts with pure Java Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Runtime/Optimization Frame- work used p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms Amazon Corretto Java 17 No 2500 3100 4000 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Quarkus 2532 3150 4100 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Micronaut 4480 4900 5450 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Spring Boot 5300 5710 6204
  • 21. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Pure Java Cold starts p90 No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
  • 22. Best Practices and Recommendations Using Tiered Compilation Achieve up to 60% faster startup times can use level 1 compilation with little risk of reducing warm start performance Mark Sailes: "Optimizing AWS Lambda function performance for Java”
  • 23. • Switch to the AWS SDK 2.0 for Java • Lower footprint and more modular • Allows to configure HTTP Client of your choice (i.e. Java own Basic HTTP Client or newly introduced AWS Common Runtime async HTTP Client) Source: Vadym Kazulkin: S3AsyncClient.builder() .httpClientBuilder(AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder() .maxConcurrency(50)) .build(); Best Practices and Recommendations
  • 24. • Less (dependencies, classes) is more • Include only required dependencies (e.g. not the whole AWS SDK 2.0 for Java, but the dependencies to the clients to be used in Lambda) • Exclude dependencies, which you don‘t need at runtime e.g. test frameworks like Junit Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” <dependency> <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId> <artifactId>junit-jupiter-api</artifactId> <version>5.4.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>dynamodb</artifactId> <version>2.10.86</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>bom</artifactId> <version>2.10.86</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> Best Practices and Recommendations
  • 25. AWS Lambda cold starts by memory size, runtime and artifact size Source: Mike Roberts "Analyzing Cold Start latency of AWS Lambda" Artifact Size: • Small zip (1KB) • Large zip (48MB) • Large uberjar (53MB)
  • 26. Provide all known values (for building clients i.e. DynamoDB client) to avoid auto-discovery • credential provider, region, endpoint AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard() .withRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2) .withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("myProfile")) .build(); Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” Best Practices and Recommendations
  • 27. • Initialize dependencies during initialization phase • Use static initialization in the handler class, instead of in the handler method (e.g. handleRequest) to take the advantage of the access to the full CPU core for max 10 seconds • In case of DynamoDB client put the following code outside of the handler method: AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard(); DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client); Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” Best Practices and Recommendations
  • 28. Best Practices and Recommendations • Prime dependencies during initialization phase (when it worth doing) • „Fake“ the calls to pre-initalize „some other expensive stuff“ • In case of DynamoDB client put the following code outside of the handler method to pre- initialize the Jackson Marshaller: AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard(); DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(„mytable"); Item item = table.getItem("Id", 210); Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” getItem() call forces Jackson Marshallers to initialize
  • 29. Avoid: • reflection • runtime byte code generation • runtime generated proxies • dynamic class loading Use DI Frameworks which aren‘t reflection-based Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” Best Practices and Recommendations
  • 30. GraalVM enters the scene Source:
  • 31. GraalVM Goals: Low footprint ahead-of-time mode for JVM-based languages High performance for all languages Convenient language interoperability and polyglot tooling Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
  • 32. GraalVM Architecture Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes „The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
  • 33. SubstrateVM Source: Oleg Šelajev, Thomas Wuerthinger, Oracle: “Deep dive into using GraalVM for Java and JavaScript”
  • 34. GraalVM on SubstrateVM A game changer for Java & Serverless? Java Function compiled into a native executable using GraalVM on SubstrateVM reduces • “cold start” times • memory footprint by order of magnitude compared to running on JVM.
  • 35. Current challenges with native executable using GraalVM • AWS doesn’t provide GraalVM (Native Image) as Java Runtime out of the box • AWS provides Custom Runtime Option
  • 37. Support of GraalVM native images in Frameworks Spring Native project for Spring (Boot) Quarkus: a Kubernetes Native Java framework developed by Red Hat tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards. Micronaut: a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. Helidon: a cloud-native, open-source set of Java libraries for writing microservices that run on a fast web core powered by Netty.
  • 38. Common principles for all frameworks • Rely on as little reflection as possible • Avoid runtime byte code generation, runtime generated proxies and dynamic class loading as much as possible • Process annotations at compile time • Provide GraalVM Native Image support out of the box (Gradle and Maven plugins)
  • 39. Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native Image Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Runtime/Optimization Frame- work used p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms Amazon Corretto Java 17 No 2500/433 3100/470 4000/531 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Quarkus 2532/467 3150/600 4100/802 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Micronaut 4480/638 4900/722 5450/961 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Spring Boot 5300/621 5710/685 6204/722
  • 40. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Pure Java GraalVM Native Image Cold starts p90 No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
  • 41. Frameworks Ready for Graal VM Native Image Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 42. Graal VM Conclusion • GraalVM and Frameworks are really powerful with a lot of potential • GraalVM Native Image improves cold starts and memory footprint significally • GraalVM Native Image is currently not without challenges • AWS Lambda Custom Runtime requires Linux executable only • Building Custom Runtime requires some additional effort • e.g. you need to scale CI pipeline to build memory-intensive native image yourself • Build time is a factor • You pay for the init-phase of the function packaged as AWS Lambda Custom and Docker Runtime • Init-phase is free for the managed runtimes like Java 8 , Java 11 and Java17 (Corretto)
  • 43. Options to reduce cold start time • GraalVM (Native Image) • AWS SnapStart Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source:
  • 44. AWS SnapStart Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 45. AWS SnapStart Deployment and Invocation Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH C Create Snapshot Firecracker microVM create & restore snapshot is based on CRIU
  • 46. CRIU (Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace) • Linux CRIU available since 2012 allows a running application to be paused and restarted at some point later in time, potentially on a different machine. • The overall goal of the project is to support the migration of containers. • When performing a checkpoint, essentially, the full context of the process is saved: program counter, registers, stacks, memory-mapped and shared memory • To restore the application, all this data can be reloaded and (theoretically) it continues from the same point. • Challenges • open files • network connections • sudden change in the value of the system clock • time-based caches
  • 47. AWS SnapStart Deployment and Invocation Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 48. AWS SnapStart Deployment Phase Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 49. AWS SnapStart Invocation Phase (before the end of September 2023) Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 50. AWS SnapStart Invocation Phase (after the end of September 2023) Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 51. Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native Image vs AWS SnapStart Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Runtime/Optimization Frame- work used p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms Amazon Corretto Java 17 No 2500/433/ 1514 3100/470/ 1649 4000/531/ 1860 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Quarkus 2532/467/ 1727 3150/600/ 1907 4100/802/ 2189 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Micronaut 4480/638/ 1852 4900/722/ 2125 5450/961/ 2401 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Spring Boot 5300/621/ 1920 5710/685/ 2321 6204/722/ 2538
  • 52. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Pure Java GraalVM Native Image AWS SnapStart Cold starts p90 No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
  • 53. AWS SnapStart Deployment and Invocation Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Lambda uses the CRaC APIs for runtime hooks C Create Snapshot Firecracker microVM create & restore snapshot is based on CRIU
  • 54. • Speed up warmup time of the Java applications • The C2 compiler is used for very hot methods, which uses profiling data collected from the running application to optimize as much as possible. • Techniques like aggressive method inlining and speculative optimizations can easily lead to better performing code than generated ahead of time (AOT) using a static compiler. • JVM needs both time and compute resources to determine which methods to compile and compiling them. This same work has to happen every time we run an application • Ideally, we would like to run the application and then store all the state about the compiled methods, even the compiled code and state associated with the application and then we’d like to be able to restore it Ideas behind CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint)
  • 55. AWS SnapStart enabled with Pure Java Priming <groupId>io.github.crac</groupId> <artifactId>org-crac</artifactId> <version>0.1.3</version> Source: Vadym Kazulkin
  • 56. AWS SnapStart enabled with Micronaut Priming Source: Vadym Kazulkin
  • 57. Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native Image vs SnapStart vs SnapStart with Priming Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Runtime/Optimization Frame- work used p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms Amazon Corretto Java 17 No 2500/433/ 1514/726 3100/470/ 1649/829 4000/531/ 1860/1067 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Quarkus 4000/467/ 1727/872 3150/600/ 1907/996 4100/802/ 2189/1090 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Micronaut 4480/638/ 1852/1007 4900/722/ 2125/1232 5450/961/ 2401/1332 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Spring Boot 5300/621/ 1920/1024 5710/685/ 2321/1525 6204/722/ 2538/1850
  • 58. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Pure Java GraalVM Native Image AWS SnapStart AWS SnapStart with invoke DynamoDB priming Cold starts p90 No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
  • 59. AWS SnapStart with Quarkus extended Priming Source: Vadym Kazulkin
  • 60. Cold starts: Pure Java vs GraalVM Native Image vs ASS vs ASS w. Priming vs ASS w ext. Priming Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Runtime/Optimization Frame- work used p50 ms p90 ms p99 ms Amazon Corretto Java 17 No 2500/433/ 1514/726/726 3100/470/ 1649/829/829 4000/531/ 1860/1067/1067 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Quarkus 4000/467/ 1727/872/827 3150/600/ 1907/996/961 4100/802/ 2189/1090/1080 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Micronaut 4250/638/ 1852/1007/935 4900/722/ 2125/1232/1012 5450/961/ 2401/1332/1102 Amazon Corretto Java 17 Spring Boot 5300/621/ 1920/1024/844 5750/685/ 2321/1525/1043 6204/722/ 2538/1850/1290
  • 61. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Pure Java GraalVM Native Image AWS SnapStartAWS SnapStart with invoke DynamoDB priming AWS SnapStart with framework web model priming Cold starts p90 No Framework Quarkus Micronaut SpringBoot
  • 62. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Pure Java GraalVM Native Image AWS SnapStartAWS SnapStart with invoke DynamoDB priming Cold starts of Lambda function with Java 17 runtime p50 p90 p99
  • 63. AWS SnapStart Challenges & Limitations • SnapStart supports the Java 11 and 17 (Corretto) managed runtime only • Deployment with SnapStart enabled takes more than 2-2,5 minutes additionally • Snapshot is deleted from cache if Lambda function is not invoked for 14 days • SnapStart currently does not support : • Provisioned concurrency • arm64 architecture (supports only x86) • Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) • Ephemeral storage greater than 512 MB Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 64. AWS SnapStart Possible Next Steps • Perform Priming out of the box without writing the logic on our own • If snapshot not found do regular cold start as long as new snapshot has been fully taken under the hood • Snapshot creation on first Lambda function invocation instead of during the deployment phase • Regular cold start as long as the snapshot hasn’t been fully taken • Trade off between duration of the deployment phase and several regular bigger cold starts until the snapshot is taken and SnapStart becomes effective (and therefore much shorter cold starts) Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 65. Lambda Provisioned Concurrency • Requires manually managing start and end time when Provisioned concurrency should apply (can be tricky for spikey workloads) • You pay for unused capacity
  • 66. NEW: Lambda Proactive initialization In June 2023 AWS updated the documentation for the Lambda Function lifecycle and included this new statement: for functions using unreserved (on-demand) concurrency, Lambda may proactively initialize a function instance, even if there's no invocation. When this happens, you can observe an unexpected time gap between your function's initialization and invocation phases. This gap can appear similar to what you would observe when using provisioned concurrency. Running this query over several days across multiple runtimes and invocation methods, between 50% and 75% of initializations were proactive (versus 50% to 25% which were true cold starts)
  • 67. Project Leyden The primary goal of this Project is to improve the startup time, time to peak performance, and footprint of Java programs.
  • 68.
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