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Adopting Java for the
Serverless world
from the perspective of the AWS developer
Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs, November 24, 2020
Vadym Kazulkin
ip.labs Bonn, Germany
Co-Organizer: Java User Group Bonn and
Serverless Bonn Meetup
@ServerlessBonn (Meetup)
Java popularity Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS and Serverless
2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH“State of Serverless 2020 report”
2020 AWS Lambda Benchmark Report for Developers, DevOps, and Decision Makers
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Life of the Java Serverless developer
on AWS
AWS Java Versions Support
• Java 8
• With extended long-term support
• Java 11 (since 2019)
• Only Long Term Support (LTS) by AWS
• Next LTS Java version is Java 17 in 2021
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Java ist very fast
and mature
Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
… but
adoption of Java
looks like this
2020 AWS Lambda Benchmark Report for Developers, DevOps, and Decision Makers
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Developers love Java and will be happy
to use it for Serverless
But what are the challenges
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS Lambda Basics
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Creating AWS Lambda with Java 1/3
Creating AWS Lambda with Java 2/3
Creating AWS Lambda with Java 3/3
AWS Lambda Price Model
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Cost for Lambda
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Challenge Number 1 with Java is a
big cold-start
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Cold Start
Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
• Start Firecracker VM
• AWS Lambda starts the JVM
• Java runtime loads and initializes
handler class
• Static initializer block of the handler class is
• Boosted host full CPU access up to 10 seconds
• Lambda calls the handler method
• Full CPU access only approx. at 1.8 GB
“assigned” memory to the function
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
Function lifecycle- a full cold start
Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt”
Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
AWS Lambda cold start duration
per programming language
Source: Mikhail Shilkov: „AWS Lambda: Cold Start Duration per Language. 2020 edition”
Cold start duration with Java
• Below 1 second is best-case cold start duration for very simple
Lambda like HelloWorld with no dependencies
• It goes up significantly with more complex scenarios
• Instantiation outside of the handler method (static initializer block) to
communicate with other (AWS) services (e.g. DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, 3rd party)
• Artifact size
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
AWS Lambda cold starts by memory size, runtime and artifact size
Source: Mike Roberts "Analyzing Cold Start latency of AWS Lambda"
Artifact Size:
• Small zip (1KB)
• Large zip (48MB)
• Large uberjar (53MB)
Cold start duration with Java
• Below 1 second is best-case cold start duration for very simple
Lambda like HelloWorld with no dependencies
• It goes up significantly with more complex scenarios
• Instantiation outside of the handler method (static instantiation) to communicate
with other (AWS) services (e.g. DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, 3rd party)
• Artifact size
• To minimize the cold start time apply best practices from this talk
• Worst-case cold starts can be higher than 10 and even 20 seconds
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
2020 AWS Lambda Benchmark Report for Developers, DevOps, and Decision Makers
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Concurrency for
Lambda Functions
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Yan Cui:
Jeremy Daly: “Mixing VPC and Non-VPC Lambda Functions for Higher Performing Microservices” Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Lambda behind the
Virtual Private
Cloud (VPC)
Lambda in VPC Improvements:
• The network interface creation happens
when Lambda function is created or its
VPC settings are updated.
• The network interfaces are shared across
execution environments
• Only a handful of network interfaces are
required per function
• Reduced additional cold start from approx.
10 seconds to below 1 second
Chris Munns: "Announcing improved VPC networking for AWS Lambda functions”
Improvements 1/4
• Switch to the AWS SDK 2.0 for Java
• Lower footprint and more modular
• Allows to configure HTTP Client of your choice (e.g. Java own Basic HTTP Client
or newly introduced AWS Common Runtime async HTTP Client)
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Zoe Wang: „Introducing AWS Common Runtime HTTP Client in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x”
Improvements 1/4
Provide all known values (for building clients e.g. DynamoDB client)
to avoid auto-discovery
• credential provider, region, endpoint
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("myProfile"))
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Improvements 1/4
• Initialize and prime dependencies during initialization phase
• Use static initialization in the handler class, instead of in the handler method (e.g.
handleRequest) to take the advantage of the access to the full CPU core for max 10 seconds
• „Fake“ the calls to pre-initalize „things“, e.g. Jackson Marshallers in case of DynamoDB client
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard();
DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);
Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(„mytable");
Item item = table.getItem("Id", 210);
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
getItem() call forces Jackson Marshallers to initialize
Improvements 1/4
• Less (dependencies, classes) is more
• Include only required dependencies (e.g. not the whole AWS SDK 2.0 for Java, but the
dependencies to the clients to be used in Lambda)
• Exclude dependencies, which you don‘t need at runtime e.g. test frameworks like Junit
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Improvements 2/4
• reflection
• runtime byte code generation
• runtime generated proxies
• dynamic class loading
Use DI Frameworks like Micronaut, Quarkus or Dagger which aren‘t
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
Improvements 3/4
Strive for cost optimization
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Cost for Lambda
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Cost scales
linearly with
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Improvements 4/4
More memory = more expensive?
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Tooling for AWS Lambda in Java
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Lambda Power Tuning
• Executes different
settings in parallel
• Outputs the optimal
Image: Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Monitor the Java Virtual Machine
Garbage Collection on AWS
Source: Steffen Grunwald „Monitoring the Java Virtual Machine Garbage Collection on AWS Lambda”
AWS Lambda
Powertools Java 1/3
AWS Lambda
Powertools Java 2/3
When using different Java
annotations provided by the
library, configure the aspectj-
maven-plugin to compile-time
weave the aws-lambda-
powertools-java aspects into
your project.
AWS Lambda
Powertools Java 3/3
Cost optimization
• Java is well optimized for long running server applications
• High startup times
• High memory utilization
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
And both memory and execution time are cost dimensions,
when using Serverless in the cloud
GraalVM enters the scene
Project Metropolis
Low footprint ahead-of-time mode for JVM-based languages
High performance for all languages
Convenient language interoperability and polyglot tooling
Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes
„The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes
„The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
Source: Oleg Šelajev, Thomas Wuerthinger, Oracle: “Deep dive into using GraalVM for Java and JavaScript”
GraalVM on SubstrateVM
A game changer for Java & Serverless?
Java Function compiled into a native executable using
GraalVM on SubstrateVM reduces
• “cold start” times
• memory footprint
by order of magnitude compared to running on JVM.
And both memory and execution time are cost dimensions,
when using Serverless in the cloud
GraalVM on SubstrateVM
A game changer for Java & Serverless?
Current challenges with native executable using GraalVM :
• Most Cloud Providers (AWS) doesn’t provide GraalVM as Java
Runtime out of the box, only Open JDK (i.e. AWS provides Corretto)
• Some Cloud Providers (e.g. AWS) provide Custom Runtime Option
Lambda Layers
& Lambda
Runtime API
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Custom Lambda Runtimes
GraalVM Complitation Modes
Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
Support of GraalVM native images in Frameworks
Spring Framework: working toward GraalVM native image support
without requiring additional configuration or workaround is one of the
themes of upcoming Spring Framework 5.3
Spring Boot: Ongoing work on experimental Spring Graal Native
project. Probably ready for the 2.4 release
Quarkus: a Kubernetes Native Java framework developed by Red Hat
tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java
libraries and standards.
Micronaut: a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building
modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.
Source: „GraalVM native image support“
Common principles for all Frameworks
• Rely on as little reflection as possible
• Avoid runtime byte code generation, runtime generated proxies and
dynamic class loading as much as possible
• Process annotations at compile time
• The common goals:
• increase developer productivity
• speed up start up times and decrease memory usage for Microservice and
Serverless Java applications
• with and without usage of GraalVM and native image
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS Lambda Deployment of Custom Runtime with SAM
Micronaut Framework
AWS Lambda with Micronaut Framework
Micronaut Additional Features
• Custom Validators
• AWS API Gateway integration
• Spring annotation processor available
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Build GraalVM Native Image with Micronaut Framework
• There is already Gradle plugin for building GraalVM native image
• Maven plugin in development
AWS Lambda with Quarkus Framework
Build GraalVM Native Image with Quarkus Framework
mvn –Pnative package
Quarkus Additional Features
• Website for creating the App
• AWS API Gateway integration
• Funqy for multi cloud solutions
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
Spring (Boot) Framework
Spring GraalVM Native Project
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
AWS Lambda with Spring Framework
using Spring Graal Native and Spring Cloud Functions
Bean Registration with Spring Framework
using Spring Graal Native and Spring Cloud Functions
Build GraalVM Native Image with Spring Framework
mvn –Pnative package
Framework Comparison 1/2
• Project Initializer
• Programming Model
• Database Support
• Test Support
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: „Battle Of The Microservice Frameworks: Micronaut versus Quarkus edition! by Michel Schudel“
„Micronaut 2.0 vs Quarkus 1.3.1 vs Spring Boot 2.3 Performance on JDK 14“
Framework Comparison 2/2
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: „Battle Of The Microservice Frameworks: Micronaut versus Quarkus edition! by Michel Schudel“
„Micronaut 2.0 vs Quarkus 1.3.1 vs Spring Boot 2.3 Performance on JDK 14“
• Native Image with GraalVM
• Build time
• Native Image Size
• (Cold) Startup Time
• Request/Invocation duration
• Memory Consumption
• Plain
• Application Size
• (Cold) Start Time
• Request/Invocation duration
• Memory Consumption
Conclusion 1/2
• GraalVM and Frameworks are really powerful with a lot of potential
• Micronaut and Quarkus will improve the cold starts of Java
applications significantly even without GraalVM and native image
• They use as little as possible reflection and other optimizations
• Cold start duration will still be in the range of maximal single digit seconds depending
on your application
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: „
Conclusion 2/2
• But the combination of discussed frameworks with GraalVM and Native
Image currently not without challenges
• AWS Lambda Custom runtime requires Linux executable only
• Managing Custom Runtime requires some additional effort
• Delivering execution runtime (i.e. Java) via Lambda Custom Runtime reduces performance
compared to the usage of the same managed Lambda Runtime
• Plenty of 'No instances of … are allowed in the image heap’ and other errors when building
a native image
• Lots of experimentation with additional build arguments like “initialize-at-runtime” or “delay-
class-initialization-to-runtime“ required
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Source: „
Try it yourselves
• Micronaut
• Quarkus
• Spring Boot
• Misc
Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Thank You!

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Adopting Java for the Serverless world at Serverless Meetup Italy

  • 1. Adopting Java for the Serverless world from the perspective of the AWS developer Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs, November 24, 2020
  • 2. Contact Vadym Kazulkin ip.labs Bonn, Germany Co-Organizer: Java User Group Bonn and Serverless Bonn Meetup @VKazulkin @ServerlessBonn (Meetup)
  • 7. 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 8. Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH“State of Serverless 2020 report”
  • 9. 2020 AWS Lambda Benchmark Report for Developers, DevOps, and Decision Makers Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 10. Life of the Java Serverless developer on AWS
  • 11. AWS Java Versions Support • Java 8 • With extended long-term support • Java 11 (since 2019) • Only Long Term Support (LTS) by AWS • Next LTS Java version is Java 17 in 2021 Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source:
  • 12. Java ist very fast and mature programming language… Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH … but Serverless adoption of Java looks like this
  • 13. 2020 AWS Lambda Benchmark Report for Developers, DevOps, and Decision Makers Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 14. Developers love Java and will be happy to use it for Serverless But what are the challenges Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 15. AWS Lambda Basics Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 16. Creating AWS Lambda with Java 1/3 : Source
  • 17. Creating AWS Lambda with Java 2/3 : Source
  • 18. Creating AWS Lambda with Java 3/3 : Source
  • 19. AWS Lambda Price Model Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 20. Cost for Lambda REQUEST DURATION Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 21. GB-Second ONE SECOND ONE GB Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 22. Challenge Number 1 with Java is a big cold-start Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source:
  • 23. Cold Start : Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt” Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
  • 24. • Start Firecracker VM • AWS Lambda starts the JVM • Java runtime loads and initializes handler class • Static initializer block of the handler class is executed • Boosted host full CPU access up to 10 seconds • Lambda calls the handler method • Full CPU access only approx. at 1.8 GB “assigned” memory to the function Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt” Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
  • 25. Function lifecycle- a full cold start : Sources: Ajay Nair „Become a Serverless Black Belt” Tomasz Łakomy "Notes from Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications“
  • 26. AWS Lambda cold start duration per programming language Source: Mikhail Shilkov: „AWS Lambda: Cold Start Duration per Language. 2020 edition”
  • 27. Cold start duration with Java • Below 1 second is best-case cold start duration for very simple Lambda like HelloWorld with no dependencies • It goes up significantly with more complex scenarios • Instantiation outside of the handler method (static initializer block) to communicate with other (AWS) services (e.g. DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, 3rd party) • Artifact size Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
  • 28. AWS Lambda cold starts by memory size, runtime and artifact size Source: Mike Roberts "Analyzing Cold Start latency of AWS Lambda" Artifact Size: • Small zip (1KB) • Large zip (48MB) • Large uberjar (53MB)
  • 29. Cold start duration with Java • Below 1 second is best-case cold start duration for very simple Lambda like HelloWorld with no dependencies • It goes up significantly with more complex scenarios • Instantiation outside of the handler method (static instantiation) to communicate with other (AWS) services (e.g. DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, 3rd party) • Artifact size • To minimize the cold start time apply best practices from this talk • Worst-case cold starts can be higher than 10 and even 20 seconds Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
  • 30. 2020 AWS Lambda Benchmark Report for Developers, DevOps, and Decision Makers Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 31. Provisioned Concurrency for Lambda Functions Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Yan Cui:
  • 32. Jeremy Daly: “Mixing VPC and Non-VPC Lambda Functions for Higher Performing Microservices” Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Lambda behind the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • 33. Lambda in VPC Improvements: • The network interface creation happens when Lambda function is created or its VPC settings are updated. • The network interfaces are shared across execution environments • Only a handful of network interfaces are required per function • Reduced additional cold start from approx. 10 seconds to below 1 second Chris Munns: "Announcing improved VPC networking for AWS Lambda functions”
  • 34. Improvements 1/4 • Switch to the AWS SDK 2.0 for Java • Lower footprint and more modular • Allows to configure HTTP Client of your choice (e.g. Java own Basic HTTP Client or newly introduced AWS Common Runtime async HTTP Client) Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Zoe Wang: „Introducing AWS Common Runtime HTTP Client in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x” S3AsyncClient.builder() .httpClientBuilder(AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder() .maxConcurrency(50)) .build();
  • 35. Improvements 1/4 Provide all known values (for building clients e.g. DynamoDB client) to avoid auto-discovery • credential provider, region, endpoint AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard() .withRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2) .withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("myProfile")) .build(); Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
  • 36. Improvements 1/4 • Initialize and prime dependencies during initialization phase • Use static initialization in the handler class, instead of in the handler method (e.g. handleRequest) to take the advantage of the access to the full CPU core for max 10 seconds • „Fake“ the calls to pre-initalize „things“, e.g. Jackson Marshallers in case of DynamoDB client AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard(); DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(„mytable"); Item item = table.getItem("Id", 210); Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” getItem() call forces Jackson Marshallers to initialize
  • 37. Improvements 1/4 • Less (dependencies, classes) is more • Include only required dependencies (e.g. not the whole AWS SDK 2.0 for Java, but the dependencies to the clients to be used in Lambda) • Exclude dependencies, which you don‘t need at runtime e.g. test frameworks like Junit Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts” <dependency> <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId> <artifactId>junit-jupiter-api</artifactId> <version>5.4.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>dynamodb</artifactId> <version>2.10.86</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>bom</artifactId> <version>2.10.86</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency>
  • 38. Improvements 2/4 Avoid: • reflection • runtime byte code generation • runtime generated proxies • dynamic class loading Use DI Frameworks like Micronaut, Quarkus or Dagger which aren‘t reflection-based Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„ Sean O‘Toole „AWS Lambda Java Tutorial: Best Practices to Lower Cold Starts”
  • 39. Improvements 3/4 Strive for cost optimization Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 40. Cost for Lambda REQUEST DURATION Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 41. Cost scales linearly with memory Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 42. Improvements 4/4 More memory = more expensive? Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 43. Tooling for AWS Lambda in Java Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 44. Lambda Power Tuning • Executes different settings in parallel • Outputs the optimal setting Image: Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 45. Monitor the Java Virtual Machine Garbage Collection on AWS Lambda Source: Steffen Grunwald „Monitoring the Java Virtual Machine Garbage Collection on AWS Lambda”
  • 46. AWS Lambda Powertools Java 1/3
  • 47. AWS Lambda Powertools Java 2/3 When using different Java annotations provided by the library, configure the aspectj- maven-plugin to compile-time weave the aws-lambda- powertools-java aspects into your project.
  • 48. AWS Lambda Powertools Java 3/3
  • 49. Cost optimization • Java is well optimized for long running server applications • High startup times • High memory utilization Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH And both memory and execution time are cost dimensions, when using Serverless in the cloud
  • 50. GraalVM enters the scene Source:
  • 51. Project Metropolis Goals: Low footprint ahead-of-time mode for JVM-based languages High performance for all languages Convenient language interoperability and polyglot tooling Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
  • 52. GraalVM Architecture Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes „The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
  • 53. GraalVM Architecture Sources: Practical Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Dynamic Language Runtimes „The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure“
  • 54. SubstrateVM Source: Oleg Šelajev, Thomas Wuerthinger, Oracle: “Deep dive into using GraalVM for Java and JavaScript”
  • 55. GraalVM on SubstrateVM A game changer for Java & Serverless? Java Function compiled into a native executable using GraalVM on SubstrateVM reduces • “cold start” times • memory footprint by order of magnitude compared to running on JVM. And both memory and execution time are cost dimensions, when using Serverless in the cloud
  • 56. GraalVM on SubstrateVM A game changer for Java & Serverless? Current challenges with native executable using GraalVM : • Most Cloud Providers (AWS) doesn’t provide GraalVM as Java Runtime out of the box, only Open JDK (i.e. AWS provides Corretto) • Some Cloud Providers (e.g. AWS) provide Custom Runtime Option
  • 57. Lambda Layers & Lambda Runtime API Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 59. GraalVM Complitation Modes Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
  • 60. AOT vs JIT Source: „Everything you need to know about GraalVM by Oleg Šelajev & Thomas Wuerthinger”
  • 61. Support of GraalVM native images in Frameworks Spring Framework: working toward GraalVM native image support without requiring additional configuration or workaround is one of the themes of upcoming Spring Framework 5.3 Spring Boot: Ongoing work on experimental Spring Graal Native project. Probably ready for the 2.4 release Quarkus: a Kubernetes Native Java framework developed by Red Hat tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards. Micronaut: a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. Source: „GraalVM native image support“
  • 62. Common principles for all Frameworks • Rely on as little reflection as possible • Avoid runtime byte code generation, runtime generated proxies and dynamic class loading as much as possible • Process annotations at compile time • The common goals: • increase developer productivity • speed up start up times and decrease memory usage for Microservice and Serverless Java applications • with and without usage of GraalVM and native image Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 63. AWS Lambda Deployment of Custom Runtime with SAM Source:
  • 65. AWS Lambda with Micronaut Framework
  • 66. Micronaut Additional Features • Custom Validators • AWS API Gateway integration • Spring annotation processor available Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
  • 67. Build GraalVM Native Image with Micronaut Framework • There is already Gradle plugin for building GraalVM native image • Maven plugin in development
  • 69. AWS Lambda with Quarkus Framework
  • 70. Build GraalVM Native Image with Quarkus Framework mvn –Pnative package
  • 71. Quarkus Additional Features • Website for creating the App • AWS API Gateway integration • Funqy for multi cloud solutions Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: Stefano Buliani : "Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java„
  • 72. Spring (Boot) Framework Source:
  • 73. Spring GraalVM Native Project Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 74. AWS Lambda with Spring Framework using Spring Graal Native and Spring Cloud Functions
  • 75. Bean Registration with Spring Framework using Spring Graal Native and Spring Cloud Functions
  • 76. Build GraalVM Native Image with Spring Framework mvn –Pnative package
  • 77. Framework Comparison 1/2 • Project Initializer • Programming Model • Database Support • Test Support Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: „Battle Of The Microservice Frameworks: Micronaut versus Quarkus edition! by Michel Schudel“ „Micronaut 2.0 vs Quarkus 1.3.1 vs Spring Boot 2.3 Performance on JDK 14“
  • 78. Framework Comparison 2/2 Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: „Battle Of The Microservice Frameworks: Micronaut versus Quarkus edition! by Michel Schudel“ „Micronaut 2.0 vs Quarkus 1.3.1 vs Spring Boot 2.3 Performance on JDK 14“ • Native Image with GraalVM • Build time • Native Image Size • (Cold) Startup Time • Request/Invocation duration • Memory Consumption • Plain • Application Size • (Cold) Start Time • Request/Invocation duration • Memory Consumption
  • 79. Conclusion 1/2 • GraalVM and Frameworks are really powerful with a lot of potential • Micronaut and Quarkus will improve the cold starts of Java applications significantly even without GraalVM and native image • They use as little as possible reflection and other optimizations • Cold start duration will still be in the range of maximal single digit seconds depending on your application Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: „
  • 80. Conclusion 2/2 • But the combination of discussed frameworks with GraalVM and Native Image currently not without challenges • AWS Lambda Custom runtime requires Linux executable only • Managing Custom Runtime requires some additional effort • Delivering execution runtime (i.e. Java) via Lambda Custom Runtime reduces performance compared to the usage of the same managed Lambda Runtime • Plenty of 'No instances of … are allowed in the image heap’ and other errors when building a native image • Lots of experimentation with additional build arguments like “initialize-at-runtime” or “delay- class-initialization-to-runtime“ required Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH Source: „
  • 81. Try it yourselves • Micronaut • • Quarkus • • Spring Boot • graalvm-native-samples/function-aws • Misc • Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 82.