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ā€¢ A human being is co-existence of the body and
an inner self. This is called self- consciousness.
ā€¢ People consciously choose, decide and perform
activity with knowledge that it is inner self who is
performing these activities.
ā€¢ People use the BODY to perform such activities
but the choice, the decision as how to perform
these activities is done by the INNERSELF
self- consciousness.
ā€¢ There is exchange of information between self
and body. The distinction between self and body
exists in terms of the needs, activities
ā€¢ the types of these two entities.
ā€¢ 1. The body needs food, clothing, physical
facilities. Body has activities such as breathing,
heart-beat, recognizing, fulfilling etc.
ā€¢ 2. Need of self are right understanding, right
feeling, trust, respect and happiness. The self
activities are desiring, thinking, knowing, etc
Self and body
ā€¢ The body needs food and water for
nourishment, clothes for protection, etc. Each
cell uses the energy from food for its
ā€¢ Thus the BASIC need of body is food, clothes,
ā€¢ Body may also need instruments like tv, car, ac.
ā€¢ The self needs to live in continuous happiness.
ā€¢ Thus, the needs of the body are physical in
nature whereas needs of self are not physical in
nature like- trust, respect,
ā€¢ There are some activities in which both self
and body are involved.
ā€¢ Example- self first decides which food to eat ,
then makes the choice to take the food inside
the body. The decision and choices are made
by self, and carried out via the body.
ā€¢ If feeling is not naturally acceptable, people
donā€™t want it for a single moment. If
acceptable people want it continuously.
For example, disrespect.
ā€¢ If need is naturally acceptable, one wants it
continuously. Needs of the body are
quantitative and not needed continuously.
.ā€¢ Activities in self can also be understood by
knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling.
Assuming depends on knowing, without knowing truly,
people only assume and work on the basis of
belief which causes problems.
ā€¢ People recognize a variety of things. For e.g.
People recognize a parents, relatives etc.
Recognizing is an activity. Recognizing in self
depends on assuming. When people recognize
water, they drink it, when they recognize friends they
greet them.
I and Body
There are two possible flows of the
activities, and both keep taking place.
1.From outside ( the body) to inside (in ā€™Iā€™):
ā€¢ ā€˜Iā€™ receives sensations from the body and this is
tasted in ā€˜Iā€™
ā€¢ Based on this taste, thought could be triggered
ā€¢ Based on these thoughts, desire may be set
Ex: we may see a car
2.From inside (in ā€˜Iā€™) to outside (the body):
ā€¢ We now have the desire of a good life via the car
in us
ā€¢ We start thinking about how to get a car, how
we can have money, etc
ā€¢ Based on that we make selection
Here these activities are operated on the basis
Sensation, Preconditioning, or natural
acceptance (listening to oneā€™s inner voice) .
ļ± If they are operating on the basis of sensation,
ļ±I am dictated by others (PRATANTRA) and if
they are operating on the basis of natural
acceptance, I am self organized (SWATANTRA)
Sanyam & Swasthya
ā€¢ The human body is a self- organized mechanism and made up of several
organs and glands.
1. Sanyam is the feeling of responsibility in ā€˜Iā€™ towards the body for its
nurture, protection and right utilization
2. Swasthya: Swasthya has two elements ā€“the various parts of the body act
according to me, and there is harmony in the body.
Program to ensure Sanyam
Sanyam: I take the responsibility of nurturing, protection & right utilization of
1. Nurturing of the body ( POSAN)
ā€¢ Ingestion (Grahan)
ā€¢ Digestion (Pachan)
ā€¢ Excretion (Nishkasan)
2. Protection of the body ( Sanraksahan)
ā€¢ Proper upkeep (Vihar) of the body
ā€¢ Labour (Shram)
ā€¢ Physical Exercise (Vyayam)
ā€¢ Asan ( Pranayam)
ā€¢ Treatment (Upchar) of the body
3. Right utilization of the body (Sadupyog)
Harmony In Self (ā€œIā€) ā€“ Understanding
ā€¢ Why should I study myself? / Getting to know the activities in the
ā€¢ We spend most of our time ā€˜withā€™ ourselves, ā€˜inā€™ ourselves
but we spend most of our time thinking about other things and
neglect ourselves.
ā€¢ The Self (I) is the basis of everything we do. All our desires,
expectations, thoughts, feelings, understanding etc. come from the
Studying our ā€œSelfā€ helps us to have more clarity about
ourselves and makes us confident. It develops our understanding
and helps in building good relationships with everyone. It also helps
us to understand our program better.
ā€¢ The Self ā€œIā€ is conscious in nature while the ā€œBodyā€ is physico-chemical in nature.
The interaction between ā€˜Iā€™ and the ā€˜Bodyā€™ is in the form of exchange of
It shows two categories of attributes of the Self, namely, the powers of the Self
(Sakti) and the corresponding Activities (Kriyas) as the manifest outcome of these
1. POWER: This is the basic capacity in the Self ā€œIā€. This includes:
Ā· Desire (Ichchha)
Ā· Thought (Vichara / Vichar)
Ā· Expectation (Asa / Asha)
2. ACTIVITIES: These are the outcomes of the power of Self. They are-
Ā· Imaging (Chitrana / Chitran)
Ā· Analyzing (Vishleshana)
Ā· Selecting / Tasting ( Chayana / Asvadana)
We can make this distinction between the self and the
body in terms of the needs as shown in the table below:
Values and skill complement each other.
ā€¢ Values means importance or participation
ā€¢ skills means qualities, training, and capabilities.
ā€¢ To fulfil our aspirations both values and skills are necessary. When we
identify and set the right goals and produced in right direction.
ā€¢ This is known as value domain, the domain of wisdom.
ā€¢ Basically we must know what really is useful to achieve human happiness,
the happiness to all and for all the time.
ā€¢ And when we learn and practices to actualize this goal to develop the
techniques to make this happen in real life,
ā€¢ in various dimensions of human endeavour (struggle). This is known as
domain of skills.
ā€¢ Hence, there is an essential complementarity between values and skills for
the success of any human endeavour.
ā€¢ For example,
ā€¢ I want to lead a healthy life. Only wishing for good
health will not help me keep my body fit and healthy
and without having understood the meaning of
health, I will not be able to choose things correctly to
keep my body fit and healthy.
ā€¢ So i have to learn the skills to achieve the goal of
good health i.e. food to be consumed, the physical
workout to be designed. So without knowing the
meaning of good health, health cannot be achieved
ā€¢ also it is necessary to make use of the goal to achieve
the goal of the goal.
Self exploration is a process of dialogue between
ā€˜what you areā€™ and ā€˜what you really want to beā€™
ā€¢ lf exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to
me by investigating within myself, what is right for me, true
for me, has to be judged within myself.
ā€¢ Through self exploration we get the value of ourself. It is a
process of focusing attention on ourself, our present beliefs
and aspirations vis-Ć -vis what we really want to be (that is
to say, what is naturally acceptable to us).
ā€¢ If these two are the same, then there is no problem
ā€¢ . If on investigation we find that these two are
not the same, then it means we are living with
this contradiction (of not being what we really
want to be) and
ā€¢ hence, we need to resolve this contradiction this
conflict within us.
ā€¢ It is a process of discovering that there is
something innate, invariant and universal in all
human beings.
ā€¢ This enables us to look at our confusions and
contradictions within and resolve them by
becoming aware of our natural acceptance.
QUESTION-Natural acceptance is innate,
invariant and universal.ā€ Explain this
statement with an example?
ā€¢ Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total
acceptance of the self, people and environment.
ā€¢ It also refers to the absence of any exception from
ā€¢ Once we fully and truly commit ourself on the basis
of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner
harmony, tranquility and fulfillment.
ā€¢ Actually natural acceptance is way to accept the
good things naturally.
ā€¢ We can easily verify proposals in the basis of
characteristics of natural acceptance mentioned below:
ā€¢ a) Natural acceptance does not change with time. For
example- our natural acceptance for trust and respect does
not change with age..
ā€¢ b) It does not depend on the place.
ā€¢ c) It does not depend on our beliefs or past
ā€¢ d) This natural acceptance is ā€˜constantly thereā€™,
something we can refer to. this natural acceptance is
within us, it is telling us what is right.
ā€¢ e) Natural acceptance is the same for all of us: -it is part
of every human being, it is part of humanness.
common goals like need to be happy, need to be respected,
need to get prosperity.
QUESTION :Physical facilities are necessary and
complete for animals, while they are necessary
but not complete for humans.ā€ Comment.
1. For Animals ā€“
Physical facilities are necessary and complete for
: Animals need physical things to survive, mainly to take
care of their body. For example; cow will look for food
when it is hungry. Once it gets the grass or fodder. It eats
it, sits around to chew at leisure.
. They donā€™t desire other things like knowledge or a
peaceful animal society or getting a good MBA.
2.For Humans: -
While physical facilities are necessary for human beings, they
are not complete by themselves to fulfill our needs.
We all have other needs, other plans, we think of going to a
movie or reading a book, or go to college, or watch some TV,
or spend time with family and friendsā€¦.. this list is endless.
Hence we can say that for animals ā€“ ā€œPhysical facilities are
necessary and complete.ā€
ā€¢ For humans ā€œPhysical facilities are necessary but not
ā€¢ necessary but not complete for humans. It is easy to verify.
QUESTION :What is the program to fulfil
the basic human aspirations? Explain
Ans: Our basic aspirations are happiness and prosperity
ā€¢ Happiness is ensured by the relationships with other
human beings
ā€¢ prosperity is ensured by working on physical facilities.
1. Right Understanding:-learn and utilize our
intelligence most effectively.
2. Good Relationships:-interpersonal relationshipsā€“ at
home, at the workplace and in society.
3. Physical Facilities: necessities as well as the comforts
of life. It means the feeling of having or being able to have
more physical facilities than is needed.
ā€¢ First this would come from ā€˜right
understanding of relationshipā€™.
ā€¢ The ā€˜right understandingā€™ will enable us to
work out our requirements for physical
ā€¢ hence correctly distinguish the difference
between wealth and prosperity.
ā€¢ With nature as well, we need to understand
the harmony in nature, and how we can
complement this harmony.
ā€¢ .
facilities with
with human
What do you mean by animal and human
consciousness? Explain
ā€¢ ā€˜Animal Consciousnessā€™. -Giving all priorities to physical
facilities only, Working only for physical facilities
ā€¢ Human Consciousnessā€™. -Living with all three: Right
understanding, Relationship and Physical facilities i
ā€¢ we can say that:
1. For animal, physical facility is necessary as well as complete ā€“
whereas for human beings it is necessary but not complete.
2. There is a need for transformation from Animal
Consciousness to Human Consciousness. It can be accomplished
only by working for right understanding as the first priority.
3. This transformation from Animal Consciousness to Human
Consciousness forms the basis for human values and values
based living.
What do you mean by Sukh and
1. Sukh is a holistic and all encompassing state of the
mind that creates inner harmony
ā€¢ Sukh is also called as happiness.
2. Suvidha implies that it is looking for physical comforts
and all the sources of attaining such comforts.
ā€¢ When our body gets used to a certain level of comfort
then we will only feel comfortable at that level
ā€¢ e.g. comfort in fan, cooler or air conditioner.
ā€¢ Different people have a different perception of
ā€¢ By nature man is fond of comfort and happiness so he
goes on making desires and ambitions one after the other
to enjoy more in life.
ā€¢ To lead a comfortable life he also accumulates many
facilities, so that his life may become full of comfort
and happiness.
ā€¢ Sukh depends upon our thinking, so many times we
are surrounded by materialistic possessions but we
feel unsatisfied.
ā€¢ People think that their happiness depends upon suvidha
(facilities) but is it not so; happiness depends upon our
thinking or our mental satisfaction.
What is pre-conditioning? What is
their source?
1. Preconditioning means we have assumed something
about our desires on the basis of prevailing notion about
2. SOURCES -They comes from what we read, see, hear,
what our parents tell us, our friends talk what we see on
the TV etc.
ā€¢ We have not self-verified the desires in our own right. As a
result, we are not clear about what we will get out of
fulfilment of that desire.
ā€¢ The problem with that is, unless we verify our desires, we
may not even know whether they are our.
ā€¢ We may end up spending an entire lifetime accumulating
desires that are not ours, and in running about trying to
fulfil them.
Define Sanyam and Swasthya. How are they helpful
in keeping harmony between self and body?
ā€¢ Ans: Sanyama means the feeling of responsibility in the self (I)
for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body.
ā€¢ Self-control or sanyama is the control of the mind and its desires,
urges, emotions and delusions.
ā€¢ Swasthya is the condition of the body where every part of the
body is performing its expected function. The word swasthya
literally means being anchored to the self, being in close
harmony with the self.
ā€¢ In other words, swasthya, in Sanskrit means selfā€“ dependence
(swa = your own).
ā€¢ Also, embedded in its meaning are health, sound state, comfort
and satisfaction. So we can say that sanyam ensures swasthya.
ā€¢ With right understanding, I get self-organized and take care
of the body properly.
ā€¢ With lack of right understanding, I am able to do it and the
body becomes unhealthy.
ā€¢ With right understanding and right feelings, the body gets
favorably affected.
ā€¢ For example; when I am happy, the temperature and
pressure in the body are normal, when I am angry, they get
ā€¢ It means if I am in disharmony, say in anger or stress, it
immediately starts affecting the body adversely.
ā€¢ There are many diseases of the body that are caused due to
disharmony in ā€˜Iā€™. These are called psychosomatic disease,
such as asthma, allergies, migraine, diabetes, hypertension
etc. so we can say that sanyam has a strong effect on
Define harmony in nature ? OR
Explain the harmony in nature?
ā€¢ The aggregate of all the mutually interacting units ā€“ big or small,
sentient or insentient together can be called nature.
ā€¢ These units are infinite in number and we could easily observe that
there exists a dynamic balance, self regulation among all these units.
ā€¢ Natural harmony is necessary for the following reasons:
ā€¢ 1. to solve the problem of global warming and depletion of non-
renewable natural resource can be avoided.
ā€¢ 2. cure all problems like ā€“ energy savings, doing planting,
establishing a forest garden.
ā€¢ 3. establishment, management of educational institution like schools,
ā€¢ 4. One can understand the depths of harmony and alignment in
natural order.
Ans: Happiness ā€œA situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I like
to be in that situation. The state of liking is happiness.ā€,
ā€¢ prosperity is the ā€œfeeling of having or making available more than
required physical facilitiesā€.
ā€¢ In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and
prosperity by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical
ā€¢ This is an attempt to achieve happiness through pleasant sensory
ā€¢ The physical facilities are not seen in terms of fulfilling bodily needs but
as a means of maximizing happiness.
ā€¢ This has resulted in wrong assessment of wants for physical facilities as
being unlimited. But this pursuit is self-defeating.
ā€¢ Neither can we hope to achieve continuous happiness through sensory
interactions nor can we have prosperity, as it amounts to trying to fulfil
unlimited wants through limited resources.
. What is prosperity? Is it different from happiness?
Or What are the basic human aspirations? Explain
ā€¢ Some of the consequences of such a trend are summarized
ā€¢ 1. At the level of the individual ā€“ Rising problems of
depression, suicides, stress, insecurity, loneliness etc.
ā€¢ 2. At the level of the family ā€“ Breaking of joint families,
conflict between older and younger generations, insecurity in
relationships, divorce, dowry tortures,
ā€¢ 3. At the level of the Society ā€“ Growing incidences of
terrorism, spreading casteism, racial struggle, wars between
nations, fear of nuclear and genetic war
ā€¢ 4. At the level of nature ā€“ Global warming, water, air, soil,
noise, etc. pollution, resource depletion, loss of fertility of soil.
ā€¢ It therefore, calls for an urgent need for human beings to
correctly understand happiness and prosperity as well as the
sustainable way to achieve these.
Question:When we try to achieve continuity of happiness through
sensation by perpetuating contact with suvidha,the following pattern
results: -:Necessary and tasteful - unnecessary but tasteful - unnecessary
and tasteless - intolerable.
Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with arguments?
Ans: Needs of body are physical facilities.
ā€¢ Physical facilities are needed for the body in a limited quantity. When we
try and exceed these limits,
ā€¢ it becomes troublesome for us after some time.
ā€¢ Letā€™s take the example of eating. As far as, physical facilities (say rasgulla)
go, they are necessary in the beginning, but if we keep consuming, it
becomes intolerable with the passage of time.
ā€¢ This applies to every physical facility. We can only think of having
unlimited physical facilities, but if we try and consume, or have too much
of physical facilities, it only ends up becoming a problem for us
ā€¢ successively pattern results. With time changes from:
ā€¢ Necessary and tasteful-Unnecessary but tasty -Unnecessary and
tasteless -Intolerable!
Question ā€œI am the seer, doer and enjoyer. The body is my
instrumentā€ ā€“ Explain.?
ā€¢ Ans: There is a relation between the self and body that
body act as an instrument of self. Whatever self thinks
body performs it physically. Body does not decide itself.
ā€¢ We can verify this by the following discussion.
1. I am the seer: When we are reading a book or listening a
Song, when we are watching a scenery or when we are
thinking ā€“ we are engaged in the activities of ā€˜seeingā€™ or
2. I am the doer: once I have see something, I am the
one who decides what to do or not to do. I am the
For example, when I see the scenery I am decide to take
a picture of scenery. I use my hands to pick camera and
click a picture. The hands in the body are thus used as
an instrument.
In this way I work with my hands and legs.
3) I am the enjoyer: I saw the scenery and I took the
picture. I am the seer and doer so far. When I see
the picture I like it. I am the one that enjoys it.
Thus there is a continuity of being the seer, doer and
Similarly when I eat, I am the one that gets the taste
ā€“ from the tongue, .
1. A human being is co-existence of the body and an inner self
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) All of the above
2. People use the BODY to perform such activities but the choice, the
decision as how to perform these activities is done by the
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) All of the above
3. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ the feeling of responsibility in ā€˜Iā€™ towards
the body for its nurture, protection and right utilization
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) All of the above
4. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. means importance or participation
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) Values
5. condition of the body where every part of the body is
performing its expected function
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) Values
6. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. is a self- organized mechanism and made up
of several organs and glands
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) The human body
7. ā€œA situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then
I like to be in that situation. The state of liking is
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) Happiness
8. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ the ā€œfeeling of having or making available
more than required physical facilities
a) Prosperity
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) Happiness
9. knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling are
activities of
a) self
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) All of the above
10. we have assumed something about our desires
on the basis of prevailing notion about it. It is called
a) Prosperity
b) Pre-condiitioning
c) Swasthya
d) Happiness
11.which means selfā€“ dependence
a) self
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) All of the above
12. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.needs food, clothing, physical facilities.
a) self
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) body
13. a process of dialogue between ā€˜what you areā€™ and
ā€˜what you really want to be is
a) self- consciousness
b) Sanyam
c) Swasthya
d) Self exploration
14. aggregate of all the mutually interacting units ā€“ big or
small, sentient or insentient together can be called ā€¦..
a) self
b) Nature
c) Swasthya
d) body
15. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ act as an instrument of self.
a) self
b) Nature
c) Swasthya
d) body
16. sanyam ensuresā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
a) self
b) Nature
c) Swasthya
d) body
17. In the current scenario, we are generally trying
to achieve happiness and prosperity by maximizing
accumulation and consumption of physical facilities
a) Yes
b) No
18. Giving all priorities to physical facilities only,
Working only for physical facilities
a) Animal consciousness
b) Human consiousness
c) Swasthya
d) body
19. Living with all three: Right understanding,
Relationship and Physical facilities is called
a) Animal consciousness
b) Human consciousness
c) Swasthya
d) body
20. When we are reading a book or listening a Song,
when we are watching a scenery or when we are thinking
ā€“ we are engaged in the activities of understanding
means I am a
a) I am a Seer
b) I am a Doer
c) I am a enjoyer
20. once I have see something, I am the one who decides
what to do or not to do means
a) I am a Seer
b) I am a Doer
c) I am a enjoyer
21. Rising problems of depression, suicides, stress,
insecurity, loneliness etc.
Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of
a) At the level of the family
b) At the level of the self/ Individual
c) At the level of the society
d) At the level of the nature
22. conflict between older and younger generations, insecurity in
relationships, divorce, dowry tortures
Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of
a) At the level of the family
b) At the level of the self/ Individual
c) At the level of the society
d) At the level of the nature
23. Growing incidences of terrorism, spreading casteism, racial
struggle, wars between nations, fear of nuclear and genetic war
Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of
a) At the level of the family
b) At the level of the self/ Individual
c) At the level of the society
d) At the level of the nature
24. Global warming, water, air, soil, noise, etc. pollution,
resource depletion, loss of fertility of soil
Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of
a) At the level of the family
b) At the level of the self/ Individual
c) At the level of the society
d) At the level of the nature
25. Which implies unconditional and total acceptance of
the self, people and environment
a) Prosperity
b) Pre-conditioning
c) Natural acceptance
d) Swasthy
25. conscious in nature
a) Self
b) Body
26. Physico -chemical in nature
a) Self
b) Body
27. has activities such as breathing, heart-beat,
recognizing, fulfilling
a) Self
b) Body
28. right understanding, right feeling, trust, respect and
happiness need of
a) Self
b) Body
29. who first decides which food to eat, then makes the
choice to take the food
a) Self
b) Body
30. People use the ā€¦.to perform such activities
a) Self
b) Body
31. Physical Facilities ,suvida or prosperity related to
a) Self
b) Body
32. who needs to live in continuous happiness
a) Self
b) Body
a. Body 1. nurturing, protection & right
utilization of body.
b. self 2. Food cloth , shelter
c. sayam 3. harmony in the body
d. swastya 4. Decide to choose
a. Sukh 1. exchange of information
b. Natural
2. all priorities to physical
facilities only
c. Animal
3. depends upon our thinking
d. self and body 4. unconditional and total
a. Right Understanding 1. Nurturing of the body
b. Skill 2. our intelligence most
c. Suvida 3. qualities, training, and
d. POSAN 4. looking for physical comforts
A. body 1. process of focusing attention
on ourself
B. self exploration 2. mind that creates inner
C. dictated by others 3. physical
D. sukh 4. PRATANTRA
a. SWATANTRA 1. may also need
instruments like tv, car,
b. Body 2. I am self organized
c. Sanraksahan 3. does not change with
d. Natural acceptance 4. Protection of the body
a. Human
1. Right utilization of the body
b. Good
2. interpersonal relationshipsā€“ at
home, at the workplace and in
c. ACTIVITIES 3. Right understanding,
Relationship and Physical facilities
d. Sadupyog 4. outcomes of the power of Self
a. sanyama 1. act as an instrument of self
b. body 2. control of the mind
c. Natural acceptance 3. necessities as well as the
comforts of life
d. Physical facilities 4. fully and truly commit
a. human body 1. domain of wisdom
b. Self ā€œIā€ 2. self- organized mechanism
c. value domain 3. assume and work on the basis of
d. belief 4. conscious in nature
a. SOURCES 1. assumed something
about our desires on the
basis of prevailing notion
b. sanyam 2. what we read, see, hear
c. preconditioning 3. ensures swasthya
d. set the right goals 4. produced in right
a. self 1. Temporary
b. self thinks and 2. sukh
c. body 3. body performs it physically
d. Non materialistic
4. continue

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Understand harmony

  • 3. . ā€¢ A human being is co-existence of the body and an inner self. This is called self- consciousness. ā€¢ People consciously choose, decide and perform activity with knowledge that it is inner self who is performing these activities. ā€¢ People use the BODY to perform such activities but the choice, the decision as how to perform these activities is done by the INNERSELF self- consciousness.
  • 4. . ā€¢ There is exchange of information between self and body. The distinction between self and body exists in terms of the needs, activities ā€¢ the types of these two entities. ā€¢ 1. The body needs food, clothing, physical facilities. Body has activities such as breathing, heart-beat, recognizing, fulfilling etc. ā€¢ 2. Need of self are right understanding, right feeling, trust, respect and happiness. The self activities are desiring, thinking, knowing, etc Self and body
  • 5. . ā€¢ The body needs food and water for nourishment, clothes for protection, etc. Each cell uses the energy from food for its sustenance. ā€¢ Thus the BASIC need of body is food, clothes, shelter. ā€¢ Body may also need instruments like tv, car, ac. ā€¢ The self needs to live in continuous happiness. ā€¢ Thus, the needs of the body are physical in nature whereas needs of self are not physical in nature like- trust, respect,
  • 6. ā€¢ There are some activities in which both self and body are involved. ā€¢ Example- self first decides which food to eat , then makes the choice to take the food inside the body. The decision and choices are made by self, and carried out via the body.
  • 7. . ā€¢ If feeling is not naturally acceptable, people donā€™t want it for a single moment. If acceptable people want it continuously. For example, disrespect. ā€¢ If need is naturally acceptable, one wants it continuously. Needs of the body are quantitative and not needed continuously.
  • 8. .ā€¢ Activities in self can also be understood by knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling. Assuming depends on knowing, without knowing truly, people only assume and work on the basis of belief which causes problems. ā€¢ People recognize a variety of things. For e.g. People recognize a parents, relatives etc. Recognizing is an activity. Recognizing in self depends on assuming. When people recognize water, they drink it, when they recognize friends they greet them.
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  • 17. There are two possible flows of the activities, and both keep taking place. 1.From outside ( the body) to inside (in ā€™Iā€™): ā€¢ ā€˜Iā€™ receives sensations from the body and this is tasted in ā€˜Iā€™ ā€¢ Based on this taste, thought could be triggered ā€¢ Based on these thoughts, desire may be set Ex: we may see a car
  • 18. . 2.From inside (in ā€˜Iā€™) to outside (the body): ā€¢ We now have the desire of a good life via the car in us ā€¢ We start thinking about how to get a car, how we can have money, etc ā€¢ Based on that we make selection Here these activities are operated on the basis Sensation, Preconditioning, or natural acceptance (listening to oneā€™s inner voice) . ļ± If they are operating on the basis of sensation, preconditioning, ļ±I am dictated by others (PRATANTRA) and if they are operating on the basis of natural acceptance, I am self organized (SWATANTRA)
  • 19. Sanyam & Swasthya ā€¢ The human body is a self- organized mechanism and made up of several organs and glands. 1. Sanyam is the feeling of responsibility in ā€˜Iā€™ towards the body for its nurture, protection and right utilization 2. Swasthya: Swasthya has two elements ā€“the various parts of the body act according to me, and there is harmony in the body.
  • 20. Program to ensure Sanyam Sanyam: I take the responsibility of nurturing, protection & right utilization of body. 1. Nurturing of the body ( POSAN) ā€¢ Ingestion (Grahan) ā€¢ Digestion (Pachan) ā€¢ Excretion (Nishkasan) 2. Protection of the body ( Sanraksahan) ā€¢ Proper upkeep (Vihar) of the body ā€¢ Labour (Shram) ā€¢ Physical Exercise (Vyayam) ā€¢ Asan ( Pranayam) ā€¢ Treatment (Upchar) of the body 3. Right utilization of the body (Sadupyog)
  • 21. Harmony In Self (ā€œIā€) ā€“ Understanding Myself ā€¢ Why should I study myself? / Getting to know the activities in the Self(ā€œIā€): ā€¢ We spend most of our time ā€˜withā€™ ourselves, ā€˜inā€™ ourselves but we spend most of our time thinking about other things and neglect ourselves. ā€¢ The Self (I) is the basis of everything we do. All our desires, expectations, thoughts, feelings, understanding etc. come from the ā€œIā€. ā€¢ Studying our ā€œSelfā€ helps us to have more clarity about ourselves and makes us confident. It develops our understanding and helps in building good relationships with everyone. It also helps us to understand our program better.
  • 22. I AND BODY ā€¢ The Self ā€œIā€ is conscious in nature while the ā€œBodyā€ is physico-chemical in nature. The interaction between ā€˜Iā€™ and the ā€˜Bodyā€™ is in the form of exchange of information. It shows two categories of attributes of the Self, namely, the powers of the Self (Sakti) and the corresponding Activities (Kriyas) as the manifest outcome of these powers. 1. POWER: This is the basic capacity in the Self ā€œIā€. This includes: Ā· Desire (Ichchha) Ā· Thought (Vichara / Vichar) Ā· Expectation (Asa / Asha) 2. ACTIVITIES: These are the outcomes of the power of Self. They are- Ā· Imaging (Chitrana / Chitran) Ā· Analyzing (Vishleshana) Ā· Selecting / Tasting ( Chayana / Asvadana)
  • 23. We can make this distinction between the self and the body in terms of the needs as shown in the table below:
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  • 25. Values and skill complement each other. ā€¢ Values means importance or participation ā€¢ skills means qualities, training, and capabilities. ā€¢ To fulfil our aspirations both values and skills are necessary. When we identify and set the right goals and produced in right direction. ā€¢ This is known as value domain, the domain of wisdom. ā€¢ Basically we must know what really is useful to achieve human happiness, the happiness to all and for all the time. ā€¢ And when we learn and practices to actualize this goal to develop the techniques to make this happen in real life, ā€¢ in various dimensions of human endeavour (struggle). This is known as domain of skills. ā€¢ Hence, there is an essential complementarity between values and skills for the success of any human endeavour.
  • 26. ā€¢ For example, ā€¢ I want to lead a healthy life. Only wishing for good health will not help me keep my body fit and healthy and without having understood the meaning of health, I will not be able to choose things correctly to keep my body fit and healthy. ā€¢ So i have to learn the skills to achieve the goal of good health i.e. food to be consumed, the physical workout to be designed. So without knowing the meaning of good health, health cannot be achieved and ā€¢ also it is necessary to make use of the goal to achieve the goal of the goal.
  • 27. Self exploration is a process of dialogue between ā€˜what you areā€™ and ā€˜what you really want to beā€™ ā€¢ lf exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me by investigating within myself, what is right for me, true for me, has to be judged within myself. ā€¢ Through self exploration we get the value of ourself. It is a process of focusing attention on ourself, our present beliefs and aspirations vis-Ć -vis what we really want to be (that is to say, what is naturally acceptable to us). ā€¢ If these two are the same, then there is no problem
  • 28. . ā€¢ . If on investigation we find that these two are not the same, then it means we are living with this contradiction (of not being what we really want to be) and ā€¢ hence, we need to resolve this contradiction this conflict within us. ā€¢ It is a process of discovering that there is something innate, invariant and universal in all human beings. ā€¢ This enables us to look at our confusions and contradictions within and resolve them by becoming aware of our natural acceptance.
  • 29. QUESTION-Natural acceptance is innate, invariant and universal.ā€ Explain this statement with an example? ā€¢ Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and environment. ā€¢ It also refers to the absence of any exception from others. ā€¢ Once we fully and truly commit ourself on the basis of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner harmony, tranquility and fulfillment. ā€¢ Actually natural acceptance is way to accept the good things naturally.
  • 30. . ā€¢ We can easily verify proposals in the basis of characteristics of natural acceptance mentioned below: ā€¢ a) Natural acceptance does not change with time. For example- our natural acceptance for trust and respect does not change with age.. ā€¢ b) It does not depend on the place. ā€¢ c) It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings. ā€¢ d) This natural acceptance is ā€˜constantly thereā€™, something we can refer to. this natural acceptance is within us, it is telling us what is right. ā€¢ e) Natural acceptance is the same for all of us: -it is part of every human being, it is part of humanness. common goals like need to be happy, need to be respected, need to get prosperity.
  • 31. QUESTION :Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary but not complete for humans.ā€ Comment. 1. For Animals ā€“ Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, : Animals need physical things to survive, mainly to take care of their body. For example; cow will look for food when it is hungry. Once it gets the grass or fodder. It eats it, sits around to chew at leisure. . They donā€™t desire other things like knowledge or a peaceful animal society or getting a good MBA.
  • 32. 2.For Humans: - While physical facilities are necessary for human beings, they are not complete by themselves to fulfill our needs. We all have other needs, other plans, we think of going to a movie or reading a book, or go to college, or watch some TV, or spend time with family and friendsā€¦.. this list is endless. Hence we can say that for animals ā€“ ā€œPhysical facilities are necessary and complete.ā€ ā€¢ For humans ā€œPhysical facilities are necessary but not complete.ā€ ā€¢ necessary but not complete for humans. It is easy to verify.
  • 33.
  • 34. QUESTION :What is the program to fulfil the basic human aspirations? Explain Ans: Our basic aspirations are happiness and prosperity ā€¢ Happiness is ensured by the relationships with other human beings ā€¢ prosperity is ensured by working on physical facilities. 1. Right Understanding:-learn and utilize our intelligence most effectively. 2. Good Relationships:-interpersonal relationshipsā€“ at home, at the workplace and in society. 3. Physical Facilities: necessities as well as the comforts of life. It means the feeling of having or being able to have more physical facilities than is needed.
  • 35. ā€¢ First this would come from ā€˜right understanding of relationshipā€™. ā€¢ The ā€˜right understandingā€™ will enable us to work out our requirements for physical facilities ā€¢ hence correctly distinguish the difference between wealth and prosperity. ā€¢ With nature as well, we need to understand the harmony in nature, and how we can complement this harmony.
  • 36. ā€¢ . RIGHT UNDRSTANDING (IN THE SELF) Physical facilities with nature RELATIONSHIP with human beings MUTUAL FULFILMENT PROSPERITY
  • 37. What do you mean by animal and human consciousness? Explain ā€¢ ā€˜Animal Consciousnessā€™. -Giving all priorities to physical facilities only, Working only for physical facilities ā€¢ Human Consciousnessā€™. -Living with all three: Right understanding, Relationship and Physical facilities i ā€¢ we can say that: 1. For animal, physical facility is necessary as well as complete ā€“ whereas for human beings it is necessary but not complete. 2. There is a need for transformation from Animal Consciousness to Human Consciousness. It can be accomplished only by working for right understanding as the first priority. 3. This transformation from Animal Consciousness to Human Consciousness forms the basis for human values and values based living.
  • 38.
  • 39. What do you mean by Sukh and Suvidha? 1. Sukh is a holistic and all encompassing state of the mind that creates inner harmony ā€¢ Sukh is also called as happiness. 2. Suvidha implies that it is looking for physical comforts and all the sources of attaining such comforts. ā€¢ When our body gets used to a certain level of comfort then we will only feel comfortable at that level ā€¢ e.g. comfort in fan, cooler or air conditioner. ā€¢ Different people have a different perception of suvidha
  • 40. Relationship IN SUKH AND SUVIDHA ā€¢ By nature man is fond of comfort and happiness so he goes on making desires and ambitions one after the other to enjoy more in life. ā€¢ To lead a comfortable life he also accumulates many facilities, so that his life may become full of comfort and happiness. ā€¢ Sukh depends upon our thinking, so many times we are surrounded by materialistic possessions but we feel unsatisfied. ā€¢ People think that their happiness depends upon suvidha (facilities) but is it not so; happiness depends upon our thinking or our mental satisfaction.
  • 41. What is pre-conditioning? What is their source? 1. Preconditioning means we have assumed something about our desires on the basis of prevailing notion about it. 2. SOURCES -They comes from what we read, see, hear, what our parents tell us, our friends talk what we see on the TV etc. ā€¢ We have not self-verified the desires in our own right. As a result, we are not clear about what we will get out of fulfilment of that desire. ā€¢ The problem with that is, unless we verify our desires, we may not even know whether they are our. ā€¢ We may end up spending an entire lifetime accumulating desires that are not ours, and in running about trying to fulfil them.
  • 42.
  • 43. Define Sanyam and Swasthya. How are they helpful in keeping harmony between self and body? ā€¢ Ans: Sanyama means the feeling of responsibility in the self (I) for nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body. ā€¢ Self-control or sanyama is the control of the mind and its desires, urges, emotions and delusions. ā€¢ Swasthya is the condition of the body where every part of the body is performing its expected function. The word swasthya literally means being anchored to the self, being in close harmony with the self. ā€¢ In other words, swasthya, in Sanskrit means selfā€“ dependence (swa = your own). ā€¢ Also, embedded in its meaning are health, sound state, comfort and satisfaction. So we can say that sanyam ensures swasthya.
  • 44. . ā€¢ With right understanding, I get self-organized and take care of the body properly. ā€¢ With lack of right understanding, I am able to do it and the body becomes unhealthy. ā€¢ With right understanding and right feelings, the body gets favorably affected. ā€¢ For example; when I am happy, the temperature and pressure in the body are normal, when I am angry, they get upset. ā€¢ It means if I am in disharmony, say in anger or stress, it immediately starts affecting the body adversely. ā€¢ There are many diseases of the body that are caused due to disharmony in ā€˜Iā€™. These are called psychosomatic disease, such as asthma, allergies, migraine, diabetes, hypertension etc. so we can say that sanyam has a strong effect on swasthya.
  • 45. Define harmony in nature ? OR Explain the harmony in nature? ā€¢ The aggregate of all the mutually interacting units ā€“ big or small, sentient or insentient together can be called nature. ā€¢ These units are infinite in number and we could easily observe that there exists a dynamic balance, self regulation among all these units. ā€¢ Natural harmony is necessary for the following reasons: ā€¢ 1. to solve the problem of global warming and depletion of non- renewable natural resource can be avoided. ā€¢ 2. cure all problems like ā€“ energy savings, doing planting, establishing a forest garden. ā€¢ 3. establishment, management of educational institution like schools, colleges. ā€¢ 4. One can understand the depths of harmony and alignment in natural order.
  • 46. Ans: Happiness ā€œA situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I like to be in that situation. The state of liking is happiness.ā€, ā€¢ prosperity is the ā€œfeeling of having or making available more than required physical facilitiesā€. ā€¢ In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. ā€¢ This is an attempt to achieve happiness through pleasant sensory interactions. ā€¢ The physical facilities are not seen in terms of fulfilling bodily needs but as a means of maximizing happiness. ā€¢ This has resulted in wrong assessment of wants for physical facilities as being unlimited. But this pursuit is self-defeating. ā€¢ Neither can we hope to achieve continuous happiness through sensory interactions nor can we have prosperity, as it amounts to trying to fulfil unlimited wants through limited resources. . What is prosperity? Is it different from happiness? Or What are the basic human aspirations? Explain
  • 47. ā€¢ Some of the consequences of such a trend are summarized below: ā€¢ 1. At the level of the individual ā€“ Rising problems of depression, suicides, stress, insecurity, loneliness etc. ā€¢ 2. At the level of the family ā€“ Breaking of joint families, conflict between older and younger generations, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry tortures, ā€¢ 3. At the level of the Society ā€“ Growing incidences of terrorism, spreading casteism, racial struggle, wars between nations, fear of nuclear and genetic war ā€¢ 4. At the level of nature ā€“ Global warming, water, air, soil, noise, etc. pollution, resource depletion, loss of fertility of soil. ā€¢ It therefore, calls for an urgent need for human beings to correctly understand happiness and prosperity as well as the sustainable way to achieve these.
  • 48. Question:When we try to achieve continuity of happiness through sensation by perpetuating contact with suvidha,the following pattern results: -:Necessary and tasteful - unnecessary but tasteful - unnecessary and tasteless - intolerable. Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with arguments? Ans: Needs of body are physical facilities. ā€¢ Physical facilities are needed for the body in a limited quantity. When we try and exceed these limits, ā€¢ it becomes troublesome for us after some time. ā€¢ Letā€™s take the example of eating. As far as, physical facilities (say rasgulla) go, they are necessary in the beginning, but if we keep consuming, it becomes intolerable with the passage of time. ā€¢ This applies to every physical facility. We can only think of having unlimited physical facilities, but if we try and consume, or have too much of physical facilities, it only ends up becoming a problem for us ā€¢ successively pattern results. With time changes from: ā€¢ Necessary and tasteful-Unnecessary but tasty -Unnecessary and tasteless -Intolerable!
  • 49. Question ā€œI am the seer, doer and enjoyer. The body is my instrumentā€ ā€“ Explain.? ā€¢ Ans: There is a relation between the self and body that body act as an instrument of self. Whatever self thinks body performs it physically. Body does not decide itself. ā€¢ We can verify this by the following discussion. 1. I am the seer: When we are reading a book or listening a Song, when we are watching a scenery or when we are thinking ā€“ we are engaged in the activities of ā€˜seeingā€™ or understanding.
  • 50. 2. I am the doer: once I have see something, I am the one who decides what to do or not to do. I am the doer. For example, when I see the scenery I am decide to take a picture of scenery. I use my hands to pick camera and click a picture. The hands in the body are thus used as an instrument. In this way I work with my hands and legs. 3) I am the enjoyer: I saw the scenery and I took the picture. I am the seer and doer so far. When I see the picture I like it. I am the one that enjoys it. Thus there is a continuity of being the seer, doer and enjoyer. Similarly when I eat, I am the one that gets the taste ā€“ from the tongue, .
  • 51. QUIZZ 1. A human being is co-existence of the body and an inner self a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) All of the above 2. People use the BODY to perform such activities but the choice, the decision as how to perform these activities is done by the a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) All of the above
  • 52. 3. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ the feeling of responsibility in ā€˜Iā€™ towards the body for its nurture, protection and right utilization a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) All of the above 4. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. means importance or participation a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) Values
  • 53. 5. condition of the body where every part of the body is performing its expected function a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) Values 6. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. is a self- organized mechanism and made up of several organs and glands a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) The human body
  • 54. 7. ā€œA situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I like to be in that situation. The state of liking is a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) Happiness 8. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ the ā€œfeeling of having or making available more than required physical facilities a) Prosperity b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) Happiness
  • 55. 9. knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling are activities of a) self b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) All of the above 10. we have assumed something about our desires on the basis of prevailing notion about it. It is called a) Prosperity b) Pre-condiitioning c) Swasthya d) Happiness
  • 56. 11.which means selfā€“ dependence a) self b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) All of the above 12. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.needs food, clothing, physical facilities. a) self b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) body
  • 57. 13. a process of dialogue between ā€˜what you areā€™ and ā€˜what you really want to be is a) self- consciousness b) Sanyam c) Swasthya d) Self exploration 14. aggregate of all the mutually interacting units ā€“ big or small, sentient or insentient together can be called ā€¦.. a) self b) Nature c) Swasthya d) body
  • 58. 15. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ act as an instrument of self. a) self b) Nature c) Swasthya d) body 16. sanyam ensuresā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ a) self b) Nature c) Swasthya d) body
  • 59. 17. In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities a) Yes b) No 18. Giving all priorities to physical facilities only, Working only for physical facilities a) Animal consciousness b) Human consiousness c) Swasthya d) body
  • 60. 19. Living with all three: Right understanding, Relationship and Physical facilities is called a) Animal consciousness b) Human consciousness c) Swasthya d) body 20. When we are reading a book or listening a Song, when we are watching a scenery or when we are thinking ā€“ we are engaged in the activities of understanding means I am a a) I am a Seer b) I am a Doer c) I am a enjoyer
  • 61. 20. once I have see something, I am the one who decides what to do or not to do means a) I am a Seer b) I am a Doer c) I am a enjoyer 21. Rising problems of depression, suicides, stress, insecurity, loneliness etc. Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of a) At the level of the family b) At the level of the self/ Individual c) At the level of the society d) At the level of the nature
  • 62. 22. conflict between older and younger generations, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry tortures Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of a) At the level of the family b) At the level of the self/ Individual c) At the level of the society d) At the level of the nature 23. Growing incidences of terrorism, spreading casteism, racial struggle, wars between nations, fear of nuclear and genetic war Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of a) At the level of the family b) At the level of the self/ Individual c) At the level of the society d) At the level of the nature
  • 63. 24. Global warming, water, air, soil, noise, etc. pollution, resource depletion, loss of fertility of soil Is the example of Lack of harmony at the level of a) At the level of the family b) At the level of the self/ Individual c) At the level of the society d) At the level of the nature 25. Which implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and environment a) Prosperity b) Pre-conditioning c) Natural acceptance d) Swasthy
  • 64. 25. conscious in nature a) Self b) Body 26. Physico -chemical in nature a) Self b) Body 27. has activities such as breathing, heart-beat, recognizing, fulfilling a) Self b) Body 28. right understanding, right feeling, trust, respect and happiness need of a) Self b) Body
  • 65. 29. who first decides which food to eat, then makes the choice to take the food a) Self b) Body 30. People use the ā€¦.to perform such activities a) Self b) Body 31. Physical Facilities ,suvida or prosperity related to a) Self b) Body 32. who needs to live in continuous happiness a) Self b) Body
  • 66. a. Body 1. nurturing, protection & right utilization of body. b. self 2. Food cloth , shelter c. sayam 3. harmony in the body d. swastya 4. Decide to choose
  • 67. a. Sukh 1. exchange of information between b. Natural acceptance 2. all priorities to physical facilities only c. Animal consciousness 3. depends upon our thinking d. self and body 4. unconditional and total acceptance
  • 68. a. Right Understanding 1. Nurturing of the body b. Skill 2. our intelligence most effectively c. Suvida 3. qualities, training, and capabilities d. POSAN 4. looking for physical comforts
  • 69. A. body 1. process of focusing attention on ourself B. self exploration 2. mind that creates inner harmony C. dictated by others 3. physical D. sukh 4. PRATANTRA
  • 70. a. SWATANTRA 1. may also need instruments like tv, car, b. Body 2. I am self organized c. Sanraksahan 3. does not change with time d. Natural acceptance 4. Protection of the body
  • 71. a. Human consciousness 1. Right utilization of the body b. Good relationship 2. interpersonal relationshipsā€“ at home, at the workplace and in society c. ACTIVITIES 3. Right understanding, Relationship and Physical facilities d. Sadupyog 4. outcomes of the power of Self
  • 72. a. sanyama 1. act as an instrument of self b. body 2. control of the mind c. Natural acceptance 3. necessities as well as the comforts of life d. Physical facilities 4. fully and truly commit ourself
  • 73. a. human body 1. domain of wisdom b. Self ā€œIā€ 2. self- organized mechanism c. value domain 3. assume and work on the basis of d. belief 4. conscious in nature
  • 74. a. SOURCES 1. assumed something about our desires on the basis of prevailing notion b. sanyam 2. what we read, see, hear c. preconditioning 3. ensures swasthya d. set the right goals 4. produced in right direction
  • 75. a. self 1. Temporary b. self thinks and 2. sukh c. body 3. body performs it physically d. Non materialistic happiness 4. continue