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 Pipes
 Coprocesses
 Message Queues
 Semaphores
 Shared Memory
 Client Server Properties
 Passing file descriptors
 IPC enables one application to control another Application,
and for several applications to share the same data without
interfering with one another. IPC is required in all
multiprocessing systems, but it is not generally supported by
single-process operating systems. The various forms of IPC
that are supported on a UNIX system are as follows :
 1) Half duplex Pipes.
 2) FIFO’s
 3) Full duplex Pipes.
 4) Named full duplex Pipes.
 5) Message queues.
 6) Shared memory.
 7) Semaphores.
 8) Sockets. 9) STREAMS.
The first seven forms of IPC are usually restricted to IPC
between processes on the same host. The final two i.e. Sockets
and STREAMS are the only two that are generally supported for
IPC between processes on different hosts.
 Pipes have two limitations:
 They have been half duplex
 These can be used only between processes that have a
common ancestors.
 A pipe can be created by calling the pipe function:
 Two file descriptors are returned through the filedes:
 filedes[0] – open for reading
 filedes[1] – open for writing
 The fstat function returns a file type of FIFO for the file
descriptor of either end of a pipe.
 We can test for a pipe with the S_IFIFO macro.
Two ways to view a half duplex pipe
Half – duplex pipe after a fork Pipe from parent to child
 When one end of the pipe is closed, the following
two rules apply:
 If we read from a pipe whose write end has been closed,
read returns 0 to indicate an end of file after all the data
has been read.
 If we write to a pipe whose read end has been closed,
the signal SIGPIPE is generated.
 If we either ignore the signal or catch it and return from the
signal handler, write returns –1 with errno set to EPIPE.
popen and pclose Functions
 popen and pclose functions will create the pipe, fork a child, closes the
unused end of the pipe, executing a shell to run the command, and waiting
for the command to terminate.
 The function popen does a fork and exec to execute the cmdstring, and
returns a standard I/O file pointer.
 If type is “r”, the file pointer is connected to the standard output of cmdstring.
 If type is “w”, the file pointer is connected to the standard input of cmdstring.
Result of fp = popen(cmdstring,”w”)
Result of fp = popen(cmdstring,”r”)
 The pclose function closes the standard input
stream, waits for the command to terminate, and
returns the termination status of the shell.
 If the shell cannot be executed, the termination
status returned by pclose is as if the shell had
executed exit(127).
 A UNIX system filter is a program that reads from
standard input and writes to standard output.
 A filter becomes a coprocess when the same
program generates the filter's input and reads the
filter's output.
 FIFOs are sometimes called as named pipes.
 With FIFOs, unrelated processes can exchange
#include <sys/stat.h>
int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t
 The mode argument is same as for the open
Uses of FIFOs
 FIFOs are used by shell commands to pass data
from one shell pipeline to another without creating
intermediate temporary files.
 FIFOs are used in client server applications to pass
data between the client and the servers.
Using FIFOs to Duplicate Output Streams
 FIFOs can be used to duplicate an stream in a series
of shell commands.
 This prevents writing the data intermediate disk file.
mkfifo fifo1
prog3 < fifo1 &
prog1 < infile | tee fifo1 | prog2
Client – Server Communication Using a
 Message Queues
 Semaphores
 Shared Memory
 Each XSI IPC structure has two ways to identify it
 An internal (within the Kernel) non negative integer
 An external key value of type key_t
 We must specify a key when we create an XSI IPC
structure. This is converted to an internal identifier
by the Kernel
Creating Keys
 3 ways
 Server creates XSI IPC structure with a key of
IPC_PRIVATE and stores the returned internal identifier in
a file for the client to read
 Client and Server agree ahead of time on the key.
Requires error handling in case the key is already in use
 Client and Server agree on a pathname and project ID
(character value between 0 and 255) and use the ftok
function to convert these two values into a key
key_t ftok(const char *pathname, int proj_id);
 pathname must be the path to an existing file
 proj_id contains a value between 0 and 255
(only lower 8 bits of id are used)
 Note that occasionally different pathnames with
the same project id can return the same key!
Permissions Structure
 Every XSI IPC structure has a permissions structure
associated with it
Permissions Structure
 All fields are initialized when the IPC
structure is created
 mode is the same as for the open function
but no execute permission
 uid, gid, and mode can be modified with
msgctl, semctl or shmctl
 Only the creator of the IPC or root can
change these
Configuration Limits
 All three forms of XSI IPC have built in limits.
 Most of these limits can be changed by reconfiguring
the kernel.
Advantages and Disadvantages
 A fundamental problem with XSI IPC is that the IPC structures are systemwide and
do not have a reference count. For example, if we create a message queue, place
some messages on the queue, and then terminate, the message queue and its contents
are not deleted. They remain in the system until specifically read or deleted by some
process calling msgrcv or msgctl, by someone executing the ipcrm(1) command, or
by the system being rebooted. Compare this with a pipe, which is completely
removed when the last process to reference it terminates. With a FIFO, although the
name stays in the file system until explicitly removed, any data left in a FIFO is
removed when the last process to reference the FIFO terminates.
 Another problem with XSI IPC is that these IPC structures are not known by names
in the file system. We can't access them and modify their properties with the
functions. Almost a dozen new system calls (msgget, semop, shmat, and so on) were
added to the kernel to support these IPC objects. We can't see the IPC objects with
an ls command, we can't remove them with the rm command, and we can't change
their permissions with the chmod command. Instead, two new commands ipcs(1)
and ipcrm(1)were added.
 Since these forms of IPC don't use file descriptors, we can't use the multiplexed I/O
functions (select and poll) with them. This makes it harder to use more than one of
these IPC structures at a time or to use any of these IPC structures with file or device
I/O. For example, we can't have a server wait for a message to be placed on one of
two message queues without some form of busywait loop.
Message Queues
 Similar to FIFO, allows two or more processes to
exchange data.
 Not FIFO, messages may be retrieved out of order.
 Message queue remains until deleted or system
Message Queues
 Message Queue is a linked lists of messages stored
within the Kernel memory and identified by a message
queue identifier.
 Each message queue has its own identifier
 Messages within queue can be of different types
 Queue opened or created with msgget
 New messages added with msgsnd
 Messages fetched with msgrcv
 opens or creates a queue. flag parameter is used to
initialize the mode member of the permission
 Returns message queue ID if OK and -1 on error
 The ipc_perm structure is initialized. The mode
member of this structure is set to the corresponding
permission bits of flag.
 msg_qnum, msg_lspid, msg_lrpid, msg_stime, and
msg_rtime are all set to 0.
 msg_ctime is set to the current time.
 msg_qbytes is set to the system limit.
 msqid internal ID of message queue nbytes size in bytes
of the message flag
 OR of zero or more of: IPC_NOWAIT, MSG_NOERROR
 ptr points to a long integer that contains the positive
integer message type and it is immediately followed by
the message data
 ptr pointer to the actual message.
 Must be of the form
 Retrieves a message from the queue
 nbytes is the size in bytes of the text portion of the
structure pointed to by ptr
 ptr is a pointer to a structure that will hold the
message retrieved from the queue
 The type argument lets us specify which message
we want.
type == 0 The first message on the queue is returned
type > 0 The first message on the queue whose message type
equals type is returned
type < 0 The first message on the queue whose message type is
the lowest value less than or equal to the absolute value
of type is returned
 Performs various operations on a message queue.
 The cmd argument specifies the command to be
performed on the queue specified by msqid.
IPC_STAT Fetch the msqid_ds structure for this queue.
IPC_SET Copy the following fields from the structure pointed to by buf to
the msqid_ds structure associated with this queue: msg_perm
and msg_qbytes. Only the superuser can increase the value of
Remove the message queue from the system and any data still
on the queue. This removal is immediate.
 Semaphore is a counter used to provide access to a shared
resource for multiple processes.
 To obtain a shared resource, a process need to do the
 Test the semaphore that controls the resource.
 If the value of the semaphore is positive, the process can use
the resource.
 In this case, the process decrements the semaphore value by 1,
indicating that it has used one unit of the resource.
 Otherwise, if the value of the semaphore is 0, the process goes
to sleep until the semaphore value is greater than 0. When the
process wakes up, it returns to step 1.
 When a process is done with shared resource that is
controlled by a semaphore, the semaphore value is
incremented by 1.
 If any other processes are asleep, waiting for the
semaphore, they are awakened.
 A common form of semaphore is called a binary
 It controls a single resource, and its value is initialized to
 The kernel maintains a semid_ds structure for each
semaphore set:
 Each semaphore is represented by an anonymous
structure contains at least the following members:
 The ipc_perm structure is initialized.
 The mode member of this structure is set to the
corresponding permission bits of flag.
 sem_otime is set to 0.
 sem _ctime is set to current time.
 sem_nsems is set to nsems.
 The fourth argument is optional, depending on the
command requested, and if present, is of type
semun, a union of various command specific
 The cmd argument specifies one of the following ten
commands to be performed on the set specified by
 The five commands that refer to one particular
semaphore value use semnum to specify one
member of the set.
 The value of semnum is between 0 and nsems-1.
IPC_STAT Fetch the semid_ds structure, storing it in the structure pointed to by arg.buf
IPC_SET Set the sem_perm.uid, sem_perm.gid, sem_perm.mode
IPC_RMID Remove the semaphore set from the system. This removal is immediate.
GETVAL Return the value of semval for the member semnum
SETVAL Set the value of semval for the member semnum
GETPID Return the value of sempid for the member semnum
GETNCNT Return the value of semncnt for the member semnum
GETZCNT Return the value of semzcnt for the member semnum
GETALL Fetch all semaphore values in the set. Values stored in array pointed to by
SETALL Set all semaphore values in the set to the values pointed to by arg. array
 The semoparray argument is a pointer to an array of semaphore
operations, represented by sembuf structures:
 The nops argument specifies the number of
operations in the array.
 The operation on each member of the set is
specified by the corresponding sem_op value.
 The value can be negative, 0, or positive.
Case 1 (sem_op is positive)
 This case corresponds to the returning of the
resources by the process.
 The value of sem_op is added to the semaphore’s
Case 2 (sem_op is negative)
 If the semaphore’s value is less than the absolute
value of sem_op, the following conditions apply.
 If IPC_NOWAIT is specified, semop returns with an error
 If IPC_NOWAIT is not specified, the semncnt value for
this semaphore is incremented and the calling process is
suspended until one of the following occurs:
 The semaphore value becomes greater than or equal to the
absolute value of sem_op.
 The semaphore is removed from the system.
 A signal is caught by the process, and the signal handler
Case 3 (sem_op is 0)
 Means that the calling process wants to wait until the
semaphore value becomes 0.
 If the semaphore value is currently 0, the function returns
 Otherwise,
 If IPC_NOWAIT is specified, return is made with an error of
 If IPC_NOWAIT is not specified, the semzcnt value for this
semaphore is incremented and the calling process is
suspended until one of the following occurs:
 The semaphore value becomes 0.
 The semaphore is removed from the system.
 A signal is caught by the process, and the signal handler returns.
Shared Memory
 Shared memory allows two or more processes to
share a given region of memory.
 This is the fastest form of IPC, because the data
does not need to be copied between the client and
the server.
 The kernel maintains a structure with at least the
following members for each shared memory segment:
 The type shmatt_t is defined to be an unsigned integer at
least as large as unsigned short.
 ipc_perm structure is initialized
 shm_lpid, shm_nattach, shm_atime, shm_dtime are
all set to 0
 shm_ctime is set to the current time
 shm_segsz is set to the size requested
 The cmd argument specifies one of the following five
commands on the segment specified by shmid:
IPC_STAT Fetch the shmid_ds structure for this segment
IPC_SET Set the shm_perm.uid, shm_perm.gid, and
IPC_RMID Remove the shared memory segment set from the
SHM_LOCK Lock the shared memory segment in memory
SHM_UNLOCK Unlock the shared memory segment
 Once the shared memory segment has been
created, a process attaches it to its address space
by calling shmat.
 If addr is 0, the segment is attached at the first available
address selected by the kernel.
 If addr is non zero and SHM_RND is not specified, the
segment is attached at the address given by addr.
 If addr is non zero and SHM_RND is specified, the
segment is attached at the address given by (addr – (addr
modulus SHMLBA))
SHMLBA – low boundary address multipl
 The addr argument is the value that was returned by
a previous call to shmat.
 If successful, shmdt will decrement the shm_nattch
counter in the associated shmid_ds structure.
Client – Server Properties
 The simplest type of relationship is to have the client fork
and exec the desired server.
 Two half duplex pipes can be created before the fork to allow
data to be transferred in both directions.
 With FIFOs, an individual per client FIFO is required if the
server is to send data back to the client. Otherwise a
single well known FIFO is sufficient.
 A single message queue can be used between the server
and all the clients, using the type field of each message
to indicate the message recipient OR individual message
queue can also be used for each client.
STREAMS – Based Pipes
 A STREAMS – Based pipe is a bidirectional (full
duplex) pipe.
 To obtain bidirectional data flow between a parent
and a child, only a single STREAMS pipe is required.
Inside a STREAMS Pipe
Inside a STREAMS Pipe
Inside a STREAMS Pipe with a module
Naming STREAMS Pipes
 Normally, pipes can be used only between related
processes: child processes inheriting pipes from
their parent processes.
 The STREAMS mechanism provides a way for
processes to give a pipe a name in the file system.
 We can use the fattach function to give a STREAMS
pipe a name in the file system.
 The path argument must refer to an existing file, and the calling
process must either own the file and have write permissions to it or
be running with superuser privileges.
 Once the STREAMS pipe is attached to the file system namespace,
the underlying file is inaccessible.
 Any process that opens the name will gain access to the pipe, not
the underlying file.
 Any processes that had the underlying file open before fattach was
called, can continue to access the underlying file.
A pipe mounted on a name in the file system /tmp/pipe
 A process can call fdetach to undo the association
between a STREAMS file and the name in the file
 After fdetach is called, any processes that had
accessed the STREAMS pipe by opening the path
will still continue to access the stream, but
subsequent opens of the path will access the original
file residing in the file system.
Unique Connections
 Although we can attach one end of a STREAMS pipe to the
file system namespace, we still have problems if multiple
processes want to communicate with a server using the
named STREAMS pipe.
 Data from one client will be interleaved with data from the
other clients writing to the pipe.
 With multiple clients reading from the same pipe, we cannot
control which one will be scheduled and actually read what we
 The connld STREAMS module solves this problem.
 Before attaching a STREAMS pipe to a name in the file system, a
server process can push the connld module on the end of the pipe
that is to be attached.
 The client process never receives an open file descriptor for the end
of the pipe that it opened.
 Instead, the operating system creates a new pipe and returns one
end to the client process as the result of opening /tmp/pipe.
 The system sends the other end of the new pipe to the server
process by passing its file descriptor over the existing (attached)
pipe, resulting in a unique connection between the client process and
the server process.
Using connld to make unique connections
 With STREAMS pipes, file descriptors are exchanged using two ioctl
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
int ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, ...);
 To send a descriptor, we set the third argument for ioctl to the actual
 When we receive a descriptor, the third argument for ioctl is a pointer
to a strrecvfd structure:
1. Explain how we can communicate with other
process with same ancestors using pipes.
2. Explain coprocesses.
3. What are message queues? Explain the functions
related to message queues.
4. How semaphore is different than message
5. How shared memory is used to communicate with
two processes?
6. Explain STREAMS based pipes and bring out the
differences between STREAMS pipe and a pipe.

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  • 2. Outline  Pipes  Coprocesses  FIFOs  Message Queues  Semaphores  Shared Memory  Client Server Properties  Passing file descriptors 2
  • 3. 3  IPC enables one application to control another Application, and for several applications to share the same data without interfering with one another. IPC is required in all multiprocessing systems, but it is not generally supported by single-process operating systems. The various forms of IPC that are supported on a UNIX system are as follows :  1) Half duplex Pipes.  2) FIFO’s  3) Full duplex Pipes.  4) Named full duplex Pipes.  5) Message queues.  6) Shared memory.  7) Semaphores.  8) Sockets. 9) STREAMS. The first seven forms of IPC are usually restricted to IPC between processes on the same host. The final two i.e. Sockets and STREAMS are the only two that are generally supported for IPC between processes on different hosts.
  • 4. Pipes  Pipes have two limitations:  They have been half duplex  These can be used only between processes that have a common ancestors.  A pipe can be created by calling the pipe function:  Two file descriptors are returned through the filedes:  filedes[0] – open for reading  filedes[1] – open for writing 4
  • 5.  The fstat function returns a file type of FIFO for the file descriptor of either end of a pipe.  We can test for a pipe with the S_IFIFO macro. Two ways to view a half duplex pipe 5
  • 6. Half – duplex pipe after a fork Pipe from parent to child 6
  • 7. Rules  When one end of the pipe is closed, the following two rules apply:  If we read from a pipe whose write end has been closed, read returns 0 to indicate an end of file after all the data has been read.  If we write to a pipe whose read end has been closed, the signal SIGPIPE is generated.  If we either ignore the signal or catch it and return from the signal handler, write returns –1 with errno set to EPIPE. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. popen and pclose Functions  popen and pclose functions will create the pipe, fork a child, closes the unused end of the pipe, executing a shell to run the command, and waiting for the command to terminate.  The function popen does a fork and exec to execute the cmdstring, and returns a standard I/O file pointer.  If type is “r”, the file pointer is connected to the standard output of cmdstring.  If type is “w”, the file pointer is connected to the standard input of cmdstring. 9
  • 10. Result of fp = popen(cmdstring,”w”) Result of fp = popen(cmdstring,”r”) 10
  • 11.  The pclose function closes the standard input stream, waits for the command to terminate, and returns the termination status of the shell.  If the shell cannot be executed, the termination status returned by pclose is as if the shell had executed exit(127). 11
  • 12. Coprocesses  A UNIX system filter is a program that reads from standard input and writes to standard output.  A filter becomes a coprocess when the same program generates the filter's input and reads the filter's output. 12
  • 13. FIFOs  FIFOs are sometimes called as named pipes.  With FIFOs, unrelated processes can exchange data. #include <sys/stat.h> int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);  The mode argument is same as for the open function. 13
  • 14. Uses of FIFOs  FIFOs are used by shell commands to pass data from one shell pipeline to another without creating intermediate temporary files.  FIFOs are used in client server applications to pass data between the client and the servers. 14
  • 15. Using FIFOs to Duplicate Output Streams  FIFOs can be used to duplicate an stream in a series of shell commands.  This prevents writing the data intermediate disk file. mkfifo fifo1 prog3 < fifo1 & prog1 < infile | tee fifo1 | prog2 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Client – Server Communication Using a FIFO 17
  • 18. XSI IPC  Message Queues  Semaphores  Shared Memory 18
  • 19. XSI IPC  Each XSI IPC structure has two ways to identify it  An internal (within the Kernel) non negative integer identifier  An external key value of type key_t  We must specify a key when we create an XSI IPC structure. This is converted to an internal identifier by the Kernel 19
  • 20. Creating Keys  3 ways  Server creates XSI IPC structure with a key of IPC_PRIVATE and stores the returned internal identifier in a file for the client to read  Client and Server agree ahead of time on the key. Requires error handling in case the key is already in use  Client and Server agree on a pathname and project ID (character value between 0 and 255) and use the ftok function to convert these two values into a key 20
  • 21. ftok key_t ftok(const char *pathname, int proj_id);  pathname must be the path to an existing file  proj_id contains a value between 0 and 255 (only lower 8 bits of id are used)  Note that occasionally different pathnames with the same project id can return the same key! 21
  • 22. Permissions Structure  Every XSI IPC structure has a permissions structure associated with it 22
  • 23. Permissions Structure  All fields are initialized when the IPC structure is created  mode is the same as for the open function but no execute permission  uid, gid, and mode can be modified with msgctl, semctl or shmctl  Only the creator of the IPC or root can change these 23
  • 24. Configuration Limits  All three forms of XSI IPC have built in limits.  Most of these limits can be changed by reconfiguring the kernel. 24
  • 25. Advantages and Disadvantages 25  A fundamental problem with XSI IPC is that the IPC structures are systemwide and do not have a reference count. For example, if we create a message queue, place some messages on the queue, and then terminate, the message queue and its contents are not deleted. They remain in the system until specifically read or deleted by some process calling msgrcv or msgctl, by someone executing the ipcrm(1) command, or by the system being rebooted. Compare this with a pipe, which is completely removed when the last process to reference it terminates. With a FIFO, although the name stays in the file system until explicitly removed, any data left in a FIFO is removed when the last process to reference the FIFO terminates.  Another problem with XSI IPC is that these IPC structures are not known by names in the file system. We can't access them and modify their properties with the functions. Almost a dozen new system calls (msgget, semop, shmat, and so on) were added to the kernel to support these IPC objects. We can't see the IPC objects with an ls command, we can't remove them with the rm command, and we can't change their permissions with the chmod command. Instead, two new commands ipcs(1) and ipcrm(1)were added.  Since these forms of IPC don't use file descriptors, we can't use the multiplexed I/O functions (select and poll) with them. This makes it harder to use more than one of these IPC structures at a time or to use any of these IPC structures with file or device I/O. For example, we can't have a server wait for a message to be placed on one of two message queues without some form of busywait loop.
  • 26. Message Queues  Similar to FIFO, allows two or more processes to exchange data.  Not FIFO, messages may be retrieved out of order.  Message queue remains until deleted or system rebooted. 26
  • 27. Message Queues  Message Queue is a linked lists of messages stored within the Kernel memory and identified by a message queue identifier.  Each message queue has its own identifier  Messages within queue can be of different types  Queue opened or created with msgget  New messages added with msgsnd  Messages fetched with msgrcv 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29. msgget  opens or creates a queue. flag parameter is used to initialize the mode member of the permission structure  Returns message queue ID if OK and -1 on error 29
  • 30. 30  The ipc_perm structure is initialized. The mode member of this structure is set to the corresponding permission bits of flag.  msg_qnum, msg_lspid, msg_lrpid, msg_stime, and msg_rtime are all set to 0.  msg_ctime is set to the current time.  msg_qbytes is set to the system limit.
  • 31. msgsnd  msqid internal ID of message queue nbytes size in bytes of the message flag  OR of zero or more of: IPC_NOWAIT, MSG_NOERROR  ptr points to a long integer that contains the positive integer message type and it is immediately followed by the message data 31
  • 32.  ptr pointer to the actual message.  Must be of the form 32
  • 33. msgrcv  Retrieves a message from the queue  nbytes is the size in bytes of the text portion of the structure pointed to by ptr  ptr is a pointer to a structure that will hold the message retrieved from the queue 33
  • 34.  The type argument lets us specify which message we want. type == 0 The first message on the queue is returned type > 0 The first message on the queue whose message type equals type is returned type < 0 The first message on the queue whose message type is the lowest value less than or equal to the absolute value of type is returned 34
  • 35. msgctl  Performs various operations on a message queue. 35
  • 36.  The cmd argument specifies the command to be performed on the queue specified by msqid. IPC_STAT Fetch the msqid_ds structure for this queue. IPC_SET Copy the following fields from the structure pointed to by buf to the msqid_ds structure associated with this queue: msg_perm and msg_qbytes. Only the superuser can increase the value of msg_qbytes. IPC_RMI D Remove the message queue from the system and any data still on the queue. This removal is immediate. 36
  • 37. Semaphores  Semaphore is a counter used to provide access to a shared resource for multiple processes.  To obtain a shared resource, a process need to do the following:  Test the semaphore that controls the resource.  If the value of the semaphore is positive, the process can use the resource.  In this case, the process decrements the semaphore value by 1, indicating that it has used one unit of the resource.  Otherwise, if the value of the semaphore is 0, the process goes to sleep until the semaphore value is greater than 0. When the process wakes up, it returns to step 1. 37
  • 38.  When a process is done with shared resource that is controlled by a semaphore, the semaphore value is incremented by 1.  If any other processes are asleep, waiting for the semaphore, they are awakened.  A common form of semaphore is called a binary semaphore.  It controls a single resource, and its value is initialized to 1. 38
  • 39.  The kernel maintains a semid_ds structure for each semaphore set:  Each semaphore is represented by an anonymous structure contains at least the following members: 39
  • 40. semget  The ipc_perm structure is initialized.  The mode member of this structure is set to the corresponding permission bits of flag.  sem_otime is set to 0.  sem _ctime is set to current time.  sem_nsems is set to nsems. 40
  • 41. semctl  The fourth argument is optional, depending on the command requested, and if present, is of type semun, a union of various command specific arguments: 41
  • 42.  The cmd argument specifies one of the following ten commands to be performed on the set specified by semid.  The five commands that refer to one particular semaphore value use semnum to specify one member of the set.  The value of semnum is between 0 and nsems-1. 42
  • 43. IPC_STAT Fetch the semid_ds structure, storing it in the structure pointed to by arg.buf IPC_SET Set the sem_perm.uid, sem_perm.gid, sem_perm.mode IPC_RMID Remove the semaphore set from the system. This removal is immediate. GETVAL Return the value of semval for the member semnum SETVAL Set the value of semval for the member semnum GETPID Return the value of sempid for the member semnum GETNCNT Return the value of semncnt for the member semnum GETZCNT Return the value of semzcnt for the member semnum GETALL Fetch all semaphore values in the set. Values stored in array pointed to by arg.array SETALL Set all semaphore values in the set to the values pointed to by arg. array 43
  • 44. semop  The semoparray argument is a pointer to an array of semaphore operations, represented by sembuf structures: 44
  • 45.  The nops argument specifies the number of operations in the array.  The operation on each member of the set is specified by the corresponding sem_op value.  The value can be negative, 0, or positive. 45
  • 46. Case 1 (sem_op is positive)  This case corresponds to the returning of the resources by the process.  The value of sem_op is added to the semaphore’s value. 46
  • 47. Case 2 (sem_op is negative)  If the semaphore’s value is less than the absolute value of sem_op, the following conditions apply.  If IPC_NOWAIT is specified, semop returns with an error of EAGAIN.  If IPC_NOWAIT is not specified, the semncnt value for this semaphore is incremented and the calling process is suspended until one of the following occurs:  The semaphore value becomes greater than or equal to the absolute value of sem_op.  The semaphore is removed from the system.  A signal is caught by the process, and the signal handler returns. 47
  • 48. Case 3 (sem_op is 0)  Means that the calling process wants to wait until the semaphore value becomes 0.  If the semaphore value is currently 0, the function returns immediately.  Otherwise,  If IPC_NOWAIT is specified, return is made with an error of EAGAIN.  If IPC_NOWAIT is not specified, the semzcnt value for this semaphore is incremented and the calling process is suspended until one of the following occurs:  The semaphore value becomes 0.  The semaphore is removed from the system.  A signal is caught by the process, and the signal handler returns. 48
  • 49. Shared Memory  Shared memory allows two or more processes to share a given region of memory.  This is the fastest form of IPC, because the data does not need to be copied between the client and the server. 49
  • 50. 50  The kernel maintains a structure with at least the following members for each shared memory segment:  The type shmatt_t is defined to be an unsigned integer at least as large as unsigned short.
  • 51. shmget 51  ipc_perm structure is initialized  shm_lpid, shm_nattach, shm_atime, shm_dtime are all set to 0  shm_ctime is set to the current time  shm_segsz is set to the size requested
  • 52. shmctl 52  The cmd argument specifies one of the following five commands on the segment specified by shmid: IPC_STAT Fetch the shmid_ds structure for this segment IPC_SET Set the shm_perm.uid, shm_perm.gid, and shm_perm.mode IPC_RMID Remove the shared memory segment set from the system SHM_LOCK Lock the shared memory segment in memory SHM_UNLOCK Unlock the shared memory segment
  • 53. shmat 53  Once the shared memory segment has been created, a process attaches it to its address space by calling shmat.  If addr is 0, the segment is attached at the first available address selected by the kernel.  If addr is non zero and SHM_RND is not specified, the segment is attached at the address given by addr.  If addr is non zero and SHM_RND is specified, the segment is attached at the address given by (addr – (addr modulus SHMLBA)) SHMLBA – low boundary address multipl
  • 54. shmdt 54  The addr argument is the value that was returned by a previous call to shmat.  If successful, shmdt will decrement the shm_nattch counter in the associated shmid_ds structure.
  • 55. Client – Server Properties 55  The simplest type of relationship is to have the client fork and exec the desired server.  Two half duplex pipes can be created before the fork to allow data to be transferred in both directions.  With FIFOs, an individual per client FIFO is required if the server is to send data back to the client. Otherwise a single well known FIFO is sufficient.  A single message queue can be used between the server and all the clients, using the type field of each message to indicate the message recipient OR individual message queue can also be used for each client.
  • 56. STREAMS – Based Pipes 56  A STREAMS – Based pipe is a bidirectional (full duplex) pipe.  To obtain bidirectional data flow between a parent and a child, only a single STREAMS pipe is required.
  • 57. Inside a STREAMS Pipe 57 Inside a STREAMS Pipe Inside a STREAMS Pipe with a module
  • 58. Naming STREAMS Pipes 58  Normally, pipes can be used only between related processes: child processes inheriting pipes from their parent processes.  The STREAMS mechanism provides a way for processes to give a pipe a name in the file system.  We can use the fattach function to give a STREAMS pipe a name in the file system.
  • 59. 59  The path argument must refer to an existing file, and the calling process must either own the file and have write permissions to it or be running with superuser privileges.  Once the STREAMS pipe is attached to the file system namespace, the underlying file is inaccessible.  Any process that opens the name will gain access to the pipe, not the underlying file.  Any processes that had the underlying file open before fattach was called, can continue to access the underlying file.
  • 60. 60 A pipe mounted on a name in the file system /tmp/pipe
  • 61. 61  A process can call fdetach to undo the association between a STREAMS file and the name in the file system.  After fdetach is called, any processes that had accessed the STREAMS pipe by opening the path will still continue to access the stream, but subsequent opens of the path will access the original file residing in the file system.
  • 62. Unique Connections 62  Although we can attach one end of a STREAMS pipe to the file system namespace, we still have problems if multiple processes want to communicate with a server using the named STREAMS pipe.  Data from one client will be interleaved with data from the other clients writing to the pipe.  With multiple clients reading from the same pipe, we cannot control which one will be scheduled and actually read what we send.  The connld STREAMS module solves this problem.  Before attaching a STREAMS pipe to a name in the file system, a server process can push the connld module on the end of the pipe that is to be attached.
  • 63. 63  The client process never receives an open file descriptor for the end of the pipe that it opened.  Instead, the operating system creates a new pipe and returns one end to the client process as the result of opening /tmp/pipe.  The system sends the other end of the new pipe to the server process by passing its file descriptor over the existing (attached) pipe, resulting in a unique connection between the client process and the server process.
  • 64. 64 Using connld to make unique connections
  • 65. 65  With STREAMS pipes, file descriptors are exchanged using two ioctl commands:  I_SENDFD  I_RECVFD #include <sys/ioctl.h> int ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, ...);  To send a descriptor, we set the third argument for ioctl to the actual descriptor.  When we receive a descriptor, the third argument for ioctl is a pointer to a strrecvfd structure:
  • 66. Questions 66 1. Explain how we can communicate with other process with same ancestors using pipes. 2. Explain coprocesses. 3. What are message queues? Explain the functions related to message queues. 4. How semaphore is different than message queues? 5. How shared memory is used to communicate with two processes? 6. Explain STREAMS based pipes and bring out the differences between STREAMS pipe and a pipe.