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The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 1
Oral Presentation Schedule
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
November 18-19, 2020
Date : 18 November 2020
Room : Oral Presentation
( 4)
1 14.00-
Name: Trisakti
Halimah Delima Sari,
Vitri Widyaningsih
Title: Factors Associ-
ated With Stroke: Evi-
dence From Indonesi-
an Family Life Surveys
Name: Asruria Sani
Fajriah, Supriyadi Hari
Respati, Bhisma Murti
Title: Application Of
Health Belief Model And
Theory Of Planned Be-
havior On Factors Affe-
cting Breast Self Exami-
nation Among Univer-
sity Students
Name: Annisa Rusdi,
Dewi Rokhanawati
Title: Breastfeeding
Experience in Young
Mothers: A Scoping
Name: Lidia Ekiq
Kurniavie, Pawito,
Bhisma Murti
Title: The Effect Of
Activity Level Of The
Integrated Health Post
On The Performance Of
Community Health Wo-
rkers On Child Growth
And Development He-
alth Services: A Multi-
level Analysis Evidence
From Karanganyar, Ce-
ntral Java
Name: Trilaksana Nug-
roho, Hari Peni Julianti,
Arief Wildan, Arnila No-
vitasari Saubig, Andhika
Guna Darma, Desti Pu-
tri Seyorini
Title: Risk Factor Of
Dry Eyes Syndrome To-
ward Elderly With Dia-
betes Mellitus
2 14.10- Name: Maki Zamzam, Name: Denanda Agnes Name: Nunik Ike Yunia Name: Anom Dwi Name: Mei
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 2
14.20 Didik Gunawan Tam-
tomo, Vitri Widyaning-
Title: Biopsychosocial
Determinants Of Qua-
lity Of Life In Post
Stroke Patients: A
Multiple Logistic Re-
gression Analysis
Safitri, Setyo Sri Rahar-
djo, Bhisma Murti
Title: Effect Of Peer-
Based Intervention On
Unwanted Pregnancy
Prevention Behavior In
Adolescents: A Meta-
Sari, Estin Gita M
Title: Determinant of
Maternal and Hair Zinc
Level on Stunting and
Developmental Disorder
in Under Five Aged
Children: Path Analysis
Prakoso, Endang Sutis-
na Sulaeman, Arief
Title: Factors Associa-
ted With Participation
In The National Health
Insurance Program: A
Path Analysis Evidence
From Kudus, Central
Herdianty Kusuma
Title: Assessment Of
Low Back And Ham-
string Muscle Flexibility
Among Students Of
Physiotherapy Depart-
ment At Health
Polytechnics Surakarta
3 14.20-
Name: Firman Pardo-
si, Setyo Sri Rahardjo,
Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Meta Analysis
On Obesity And Diabe-
tes Melitus As Risk
Factor Hypertension in
Police And Military
Name: Nur Laili Qo-
mariah, Wafda Ardhian
Latansyadiena, Indriana
WIdya Puspitasari
Title: Analysis Of Onli-
ne Reproductive Health
Learning In Elementary
School Students
Name: Ni Ketut
Mendri, Atik Badi’ah,
Mohammad Najib
Title: Pop Up Toys As
Story Play Therapy On
The Level Of Anxiety On
General Anesthesia Sur-
gery Among Children
Around 6-12 Years Old
Name: Nia Handayani,
Didik Gunawan Tamto-
mo, Bhisma Murti
Title: Factors Affecting
The Performance Of
Health Workers At The
Community Health Cen-
ters In Klaten, Central
Name: Dian Ayu Per-
tiwi, Dumilah Ayuning-
Title: Policy Analysis Of
Leprosy Control: A
Systematic Review
4 14.30-
Name: Triseu
Title: Performance
Analysis Of Children's
Health Program In
Indonesia: A Multile-
Name: Siti Zakiah Zul-
fa, Cesa Septiana Pra-
Title: Implementation
Of Home Visit Programs
In Promoting Nutritio-
nal Status Of UnderFive
Name: Atik Badi’ah, Ni
Ketut Mendri, Heru
Santoso Wahito Nugro-
ho, Wawuri Handayani
Title: Effect Of Trained
Parenting On The Deve-
lopment Of Autistic Chi-
Name: Imrok Atus
Sholihah, Hanung Pra-
setya, Vitri Widyaning-
Title: Factors Affecting
The Decision To Choose
Name:Nunik Purwanti,
Rahmadiar Aditya Putri,
Siti Nurjanah
Title: Effectiveness Of
Sembung Tree Honey
On Decreasing Choles-
terol Level In Hyperco-
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 3
vel Analysis Children In Developing
Countries: A Scoping
ldren At Autism Schools
In Indonesia
School Of Acupuncture lesterolemia
5 14.40-
Name: Siti Nurfadilah
H, Riris Andono Ah-
mad, Sugiarto
Title: Rubella Outbre-
ak In School Age Chil-
dren in Kulon Progo
District, Yogyakarta
Name: Menik
Mutiarini, Rosmita
Title: Experience Of
Students in The Mens-
trual Cleanliness Mana-
gement in Schools: A
Scoping Review
Name: Umu Faizah,
Title: Interprofesional
Collaborative Practice In
Healthcare Of Low-
Birth-Weight Cases
Name: Ikhtiarisca Oli-
fia M, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Bhisma Mur-
Title: The Influence Of
Job Satisfaction And
Organization Commit-
ment On The Perfor-
mance Of Family Plan-
ning Counselors in Yog-
Name: Widya, Adang
Title: Effectiveness Of
Material Using Ct Scan
And Mri After Use Of
Picture Archiving And
Commucating System
And Radiology Informa-
tion System At Radiolo-
gical Installation Of Bu-
kittinggi National Hos-
pital, West Sumatra
6 14.50-
Name: Vicky Arfeni
Warongan, Fazidah
Aguslina Siregar, Etti
Title: The Influence of
Behavior Factors On
The Incidence Of
Syphilis In High-Risk
Men In Public Health
Centers, Medan, North
Name: Juariah
Title: Factors Associ-
ated With Dating Beha-
vior Of Adolescents In
North Coastal Line,
West Java
Name: Nancy Dalla
Darsono, Sri Wahyu-
ningsih, Agneta Irmara-
Title: Factors Influen-
cing The Use Of Long-
Lasting Contraception
Methods Among Repro-
ductive Age Women In
Sukmajaya Community
Health Care, Depok,
Name: Mujiran, Setyo
Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma
Title: Factors Associa-
ted With Service Perfor-
mance Among Commu-
nity Health Center Em-
ployees In Karanganyar,
Central Java
Name: Martini Heni-
astaty Patuwondatu, Ci-
cilya Candi
Title: Effects Of Foot
Reflexology Massage On
Reducing Blood Pressu-
re In Elderly With Hy-
pertension At Sekupang
Public Health Center,
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 4
West Java
7 15.00-
Name: Reny Tri Fe-
briani, Nining Loura
Title: Hypertension
Risk Factors Among
Obese Adolescent
Name: Yustika Rah-
mawati Pratami, Nurul
Title: Sex Education
Strategy For Adoles-
cents: A Scoping Review
Name: Yunita Anggri-
ani, Nurul Kurniati
Title: Experiences Of
Adolescents To Become
Mother: A Scoping
Name: Agustina Utii,
Bhisma Murti, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Factors Affecting
The Perceived Quality
Of Service And Patient
Satisfaction On Inpa-
tient Care Of Nabire
Hospital Papua
Name: Muhamad Seto
Sudirman, Msi.Med
Title: Effectiveness Of
Ficus Elastica Roxb. Ex
Hornem Leaf Extract In
Reducing Total Choles-
terol Level In High Fat
Induced Diet Wistar
Male Rats
8 15.10-
Name: Yuli Arisanti,
Janri Manullang
Title: The Obesity
Prevalence in Navy
Personal And Civil
Servants At Lantamal
X Jayapura
Name: Afif Ghufroni,
Jasmine Kartiko Pertiwi
Title: Effectiveness Of
Muscle Energy Techni-
que To Increase Hams-
tring Muscle Flexibility
In Adolescents
Name: Maria Manda
Puspita, Ardhi ana Julia
Dewi, Nourma Yunita
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Birth Interval And
The Risk Of Postpartum
Hemorrhage At Rsia
Kirana Hospital In
Sidoarjo, East Java
Name: Riza Firdaus,
Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Multilevel Analy-
sis on The Contextual
Effect Of The Integrated
Health Post On The Use
Of Non-Communicable
Disease Screening
Name: Imrok Atus
Sholihah, Sumanto, Ris-
na Widowati
Title: Effect Of Acupu-
ncture And Acupressure
Therapy On Reduction
Of Pain Levels In Lower
Step Pain Patients, Du-
kuh Duwetan, Central
9 15.20-
Name: Muhammad
Luthfi, Baiduri Wida-
Title: Analysis Of In-
dividual, Physical, And
Psychosocial Risk Fac-
tors On Work-Related
Name: A.A. Putri Me-
lastini, Dewi Setyaning-
sih, Nonik Ayu Wantini
Title: Relationship
Between Fast Food Diet
And Body Mass Index In
Vocational Students At
Name: Irma Nurma
Linda, Sulistyaningsih
Title: Interprofessional
Health Collaboration on
Female Adolescents wi-
th Iron Deficiency Ane-
Name: Veterina Rizki
Amalia, Hanung Praset-
ya, Bhisma Murti
Title: Factors Associa-
ted With Job Performa-
nce Of Midwives At Co-
mmunity Health Cen-
Name: Ganda Ardian-
syah, Henny Purwan-
dari, Heni Prastika Da-
Title: Effectiveness Of
Dry Extract Mahoni
Seed Consumption On
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 5
Skeletal Muscle Disor-
ders In Workers In
Tourism Sector: A
Systematic Review
Universitas Respati,
mia: A Scoping Review ters In Mojokerto, East
Blood Sugar Level In
Diabetes Mellitus
10 15.30-
Name: Hana Kristina,
The Maria Meiwati
Widagdo, Teguh
Kristian Perdamaian
Title: Correlation Bet-
ween Burden And
Quality Of Life Of Fa-
mily Caregivers With
Dependent Elderly In
Klitren, Yogyakarta,
Name: Sri Wahyuning-
sih, Hany Yusmaini,
Erna Harfiani, Meiskha
Title: Compliance
Characteristics Of
Community Health
Assistant Cadre In
Implementing Health
Protocols During Covid-
19 Pandemic
Name: Dina Seprina,
Adelina Fitri, M. Dody
Title: Relationship Am-
oung Body Mass Index,
History Of Maternal
Menarche And Exposu-
re Of Pornographic Me-
dia With Menarche Age
In Elementary School
Students, Jambi
Name: Sri Umiati
Title: Systematic Re-
view: Factors Associated
With Implementation
Of Health Information
Management In Com-
munity Health Centers
Name: Fiashriel Lundy,
Prima Soultoni Akbar
Title: The Effect Of The
Model Of Eradication Of
Dengue Fever Vector
Movement Of Housewi-
ves Monitoring Larva In
Efforts To Prevent De-
ngue Fever In Mojo-
langu Village, Lowok-
waru District Malang
11 15.40-
Name: Endah Mul-
yani, Sulastri, Zahrotul
Hidayati, Khaulah Mu-
Title: Determinants
Of Knowledge About
Covid-19 Transmission
Preventionand Antena-
tal Care Visit In Gresik,
East Java
Name: Sumiati, Evi
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Family Support
And Self- Efficacy
Among Pregnant Wo-
men In Yogyakarta
Name: Dyah Ayu Fitri-
ani, Fathiyatur Rohmah
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Exclusive Breast-
feeding And Stunting In
Under-Five Children At
Harjobinangun Village,
Name: Tri Puji Panges-
ti, Didik Gunawan Tam-
tomo, Bhisma Murti
Title: Multilevel Logis-
tic Regression Analysis
On The Effectiveness Of
Chronic Disease Mana-
gement Program In
Improving “Cerdik” He-
althy Behavior For Hy-
pertensive Patients
Name: Aulia Muthia
Muthmainnah, Afif
Ghufroni, M.Mudatsir
Title: Effect Of Giving
Scapular Stabilization
Exercise for Increasion
Range In Frozen
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 6
12 15.50-
Name: Wiwik Se-
tyaningsih, Dodiet Adi-
tya Setyawan
Title: Spatio-Tempo-
ral Analysis On Ende-
micity Of Dengue He-
morrhagic Fever In
Sragen District, Cen-
tral Java
Name: Ida Rahmawati,
Dwi Putri Sulistya
Title: Effectiveness Of
Training On Basic Life
Support Knowledge Of
Students In Bengkulu
Name: Nahdiyatul Mu-
karomah, Ismarwati
Title: Adolescent Res-
ponse On Menarche: A
Scoping Review
Name: Eka Siti Chasa-
nah, Endang Sutisna
Sulaeman, Setyo Sri
Title: Factors Affecting
The Performance Of Co-
mmunity Health Wor-
kers At The Integrated
Non Communicable Di-
sease Health Post In
Karanganyar, Central
Name: Kartika Yulian-
ti, Aris Wibudi, Mila
Title: Relation Between
Tiroid Status With Gly-
cemic Control Of Type 2
Dm Patients At Rspad
Gatot Soebroto
Coffe Break
13 16.15-
Name: Jhonferi Sida-
balok, Pujiyanto
Title: The Effect Of
Infection Prevention
And Control Link Nur-
se Supervision And Re-
source Availability On
Paramedic Hand Hygi-
ene At Hanau Hospi-
tal, Seruyan District,
Central Kalimantan
Name: Ratna Frenty
Nurkhalim, Sukamdi,
Djauhar Ismail
Title: Mixed Method
Study On Evaluation Of
The Impact Of The
Family Hope Program
On Birth Weight In
Nganjuk, East Java
Name: Mellysa Wulan-
dari Tasripin, Herlin
Fitriana K
Title: Maternal Psycho-
logy On Breastfeeding
Twins: A Scoping
Name: Yeny Ristaning
Belawati, Didik Guna-
wan Tamtomo, Bhisma
Title: Meta-Analysis
The Effect Of Chronic
Disease On Catastrophic
Health Expenditure
Name: Darren Eduardo
William, Mitra Andini
Sigilipoe, Widya Chris-
tine Manus
Title: Comparison Of
Mini-Mental State Exa-
mination And Clock
Drawing Test With
Concentration Test In
The Elderly With Cogni-
tive Function Impair-
ment In Jetis Sub-
District, Yogyakarta
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 7
14 16.25-
Name: Jhonferi Sida-
balok, Pujiyanto
Title: The Effect Of
Infection Prevention
And Control Link Nur-
se Supervision And
Resource Availability
On Paramedic Hand
Hygiene At Hanau
Hospital, Seruyan
District, Central
Name: Ii Solihah,
Amelia Arnis
Title: The Effect Of
Health Education On
Prevention Of Cardio-
vascular Disease Risk
Factors Towards Know-
ledge And Attitudes Of
Overweight Adolescents
Name: Anugerah Des-
tia Trisetyaningsih, De-
wi Rokhanawati
Title: Young Mothers’
Perspectives on Early
Postpartum: A Scoping
Name: Eni Nur Rah-
mawati, Maya Milenia
Title: Association Bet-
ween Pregnancy Post-
term Diagnosis Code
Accuracy And National
Health Insurance Reim-
bursement Regularity
Name: Hari Peni Juli-
anti, Dea Amarilisa Ade-
spin, Trilaksana Nugro-
ho, Nur Laelatul Rasyi-
Title: Nutritional, Phy-
sical, Psychosocial, And
Commorbid Disease Af-
fecting Quality Of Life
In Knee Osteoartritis P-
atients At William Booth
Hospital, Semarang
15 16.35-
Name: Nepriana Buta
Rade, Theresia Puspi-
tawati, Jati Untari
Title: Factors Related
To Malnutrition Even-
ts In Under-Five Chil-
dren In Kabukarudi Vi-
llage, East Nusa Teng-
Name: Annisaur Roh-
matun Jannah, Aulia
Chairani, Yanti Harjono
Title: Risk Factors Of
Noised Induced Hearing
Loss In Workers At
Beveling Unit In
Industry X, Bekasi,
West Java
Name: Diadjeng Setya
W, Miftahul Jannah,
Rismaina Putri
Title: Antenatal Care
Quality by Midwives as
A Stunting Prevention
Effort In Malang, East
Java: A Comparative
Name: R. Dwi Budi-
ningsari, Ika Ratna
Title: Knowledge, Atti-
tude and Practice On
Food Hygiene and Sani-
tation, Optimistic Bias
Of Food Handlers, And
Their Association With
Participation in Food
Safety Training at A
Hospital in Yogyakarta
Name: Dewi Rukmana,
Purhadi, Wahyu Rinia-
Title: Effectiveness Of
Consuming Decoction
Of Bay Leaves (Syzygi-
um Polyanthum) And
Soursop Leaves (Anno-
na Uricata) On Redu-
cing Uric Acid Levels In
Elderly In Grobogan,
Entral Java
16 16.45-
Name: Siti Ulfah, Ci-
cilya Candi, Ede Surya
Title: Risk Factors Of
Name: Hanifatun Nisa
Ath Thoriqoh, Budi
Haryanto, Ela Laelasari
Title: The Association
Name: Hairiana Kus-
vitasari, Ismarwati
Title: Factors Associa-
ted With Exclusive Bre-
Name: Rina Aprianti,
Susilo Wulan, Elza
Title: Relationship of
Name: Aulia Chairani
Title: Validity And
Reliability Test Of The
Nordic Musculoskeletal
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 8
Covid-19 Transmission
Between Hospital Em-
Between Food Hygiene
And The Escherichia
Coli Contamination On
School Snack At Ele-
mentary School In
Cakung Subdistrict, East
astfeeding Among Pri-
mipara: A Scoping
Work Load and Inter-
personal Interactions
with Work Fatigue in
Inpatient Nurses at Dr
M Yunus Hospital,
Questionnaire With For-
mal And Informal Sec-
tor Workers
17 16.55-
Name: Yustina Ni
Putu Yusniawati, Putu
Inge Ruth Suantika
Title: Analysis Of
Earthquake Prepared-
ness Measures In Stu-
dents At Elementary
School, Denpasar, Bali
Name: Goklian Paradu-
an Haposan, Pujiyanto
Title: Implementation
Of Immunization Ser-
vices For The Under-
Five Children During
Covid-19 Pandemic At
Twano Community He-
alth Center, Jayapura
Name: Zico Permadi,
Maria Ekawati, Citra
Ayu Aprilia
Title: Correlation Bet-
ween Nutritional Status
And Pneumonia Among
6-59 Months Years Old
In Tangerang, Banten
Name: Fiska Anta De-
siyanti, Decy Situngkir
Title: Risk Factors Of
Byssinosis Symptoms
Among Sewing Unit
Workers At PT. X,
Name: Dewi Indra Sari,
Mardiati Nadjib
Title: The Role Of
Chloroquine And Hy-
droxychloroquine In
Prophylaxis Of Covid-
19: A Systematic Review
18 17.05-
Name: Anissa Eka
Septiani, Bhisma
Murti, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Hanung
Title: Meta-Anaylsis:
Gender and The Risk
of Lower Extremity
Amputation in Patients
with Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus and Foot
Name: Pamogsa
Daniyar, Edo Riyandani,
Vitri Widyaningsih
Title: Occupational
Illness Due to
Ergonomic Factors in
Textile Industry
Name: Risa Nurhayati,
Dewi Indriani, Rahayu
Budi Utami
Title: Postnatal Factors
Related To Stunting In
Children Under Five,
Nganjuk, East Java
Name: Shiva Aflahi-
yah, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Hanung Pra-
Title: A Meta-Analy-
sis on The Effectiveness
of Prenatal Yoga in
Reducing Cortisol
Hormone in Pregnancy
Name: Linda Wahyu
Septianawati, Sukisma-
nto, Tutik Astuti
Title: The Associati-
ons between Education,
Employment, Social
Culture, and Exclusive
Breastfeeding at Girisu-
bo Community Health
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 9
Center, Gunung Kidul,
19 17.15-
Name: Sugeng Ret-
yono, Setyo Sri Ra-
hardjo, Bhisma Murti
Biopsychosocial Deter-
minants of Hepatitis a
Outbreaks in Pacitan,
East Java
Name: Sinar Perdana
Putra, Yulia Lanti Retno
Dewi, RB. Soemanto
Title: The
Effectiveness of Web-
Based Health Promotion
Intervention on Fruits
Consumption in
Children in America,
Australia, and Europe
Name: Putu Sri
Rahayu, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Uki Retno
Title: Women’s Res-
ponsibility To Choose
Injection Contraceptive
In Timor Tengah
Selatan, East Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia
Name: Ony Suciati,
Didik Gunawan Tamto-
mo, Pawito
Title: The Effective-
ness of Melati Book to
Improve Healthy Beha-
vior and Reduce Blood
Pressure in Hyperten-
sion Patients at South
Sidorejo Health Center,
Salatiga, Central Java
Name: Astika Candra
Nirwana, Yulia Lanti
Retno Dewi, Bhisma
Title: The Effects of
Ferric Carboxymaltose
versus Iron Sucrose on
The Ferritin Level in
Pregnant Women with
Anemia: A Meta-
20 17.25-
Name: Hisyam Sya-
fi’ie, Hanung Prasetya,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Obesity and
The Risk of Suicide in
Adults: A Meta-
Name: Florida Betty
Apriliyani, Agus Kristi-
yanto, Bhisma Murti
Title: A Meta Anaysis
on The Association Bet-
ween Family Behavior of
Smoking and Smoking
Behavior in Adolescents
Name: Halimatus
Saidah, Rahma Kusuma
Title: Relationship
Betwee Basic Feeding
Rule Applied By Parent
And Eatung Difficulties
Of Children Under Five
Years Of Age In Kediri.
East Java
Name: Muhammad
Rifqi Azhary, Dwi
Title: Evaluation Of
Management Center In-
formation And Adoles-
cent Counseling (PIK-R)
In Adult Marriage Adult
Promotion In SMAN 4,
Jambi City, 2018
Name: Cahyo Setia-
wan, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Hanung
Title: Effect of Kinesi-
ology Taping in Redu-
cing Pain in Patients
with Low Back Pain: A
Meta Analysis
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 10
Oral Presentation Schedule
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
November 18-19, 2020
Date : 19 November 2020
Room : Oral Presentation
( 4)
1 07.30-
Name: Heni Puji
Wahyuningsih, Bhisma
Murti, Eny Lestari,
Title: The Influence
Of Social Capital, Pa-
renting, And Environ-
ment On Quality Of
Life Among 2-4 Years
Old Children
Name: Mario Febria-
nus Helan Sani, Nanda
Agustian Simatupang
Title: Difference Of
Knowledge Toward
HIV/Aids In Adoles-
cents In Sleman,
Name: Lasrika S Si-
naga, Cecylia, Mardiati
Title: Nutritional In-
terventions To Reduce
Stunting In Developing
Countries: A Systematic
Name: Mutiara Tirta
Prabandari Lintang
Title: Understanding
The Contextual Idiosyn-
crasies Of Stunting Pre-
vention Program At Dis-
trict And Village Levels
In Indonesia Using The
Ecological Approach
Name: Maria Selvester
Thadeus, Tiwuk Susan-
tiningsih, Agneta Irma-
Title: The Study Of An-
tioxidant Endogenous
Levels Of Obesity Mice
That Induced By 2-
2 07.40-
Nama: Lia Kurniasari,
Aji Mohammad Irfan-
nur, Ayu Mardiana,
Elvi Natalia, Erlinda
Name: Bayu Putra De-
wantara, Bhisma Murti,
Vitri Widyaningsih
Name: Dewi Susanti,
Title: Effectiveness Of
Name: Puteri Salsabi-
la, Mila Tejamaya
Title: Implementation
Name: Hendrika An-
driana Silitonga, Gontar
Alamsyah Siregar, Ro-
sita Juwita Sembiring,
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 11
Rara Sulviana, Nur
Ainun Jariah
Title: Predisposing
And Reinforcing Fac-
tors In PatientsWith
Breast Cancer In Sa-
marinda, East Kali-
Title: Factors Affecting
The Use Of Personal
Protective Equipment
Among Workers At A
Plywood Plants, In
Lumajang, East Java:
Application Of Health
Belief Model And Social
Cognitive Theory
Stimulation Of Endor-
phin, Oxytocin, And
Suggestive Massage
Method On The Breast
Milk Production In
Postpartum Mothers At
General Hospital, South
Tangerang, West Java
Analysis Of The Occupa-
tional And Environmen-
tal Safety And Health
Management System At
Laboratory Of
Universitas Indonesia
Marline Nainggolan
Title: Effect Of Chayote
(Sechium Edule Jacq.
Swartz) Extract On
Level Of Interleukin-8
In Wistar Rats With
3 07.50-
Name: Ratna Yusti-
nawati, Anhari Achadi
Title: Risk Factors for
Mortality In Patients
With Covid-19: A Sys-
tematic Review
Name: Hesketh Hans,
Mila Citrawati, Citra
Ayu Aprilia
Title: The Effect Of
Electric Cigarette Nico-
tine Levels On Expira-
tion Top Currents In
Vape User Communi-
ties, South Jakarta
Name: Magdalena
Gultom, Ririn Arminsih
Title: Relationship
Between Vitamin A
Deficiency And Pneu-
monia Incidence Of
Children Under Five
Years Of Age In West
Name: Sisybania, Ma-
hendra Wijaya, Bhisma
Title: Application Of
Social Cognitive: Deter-
minants Of Job Perfor-
mance In Medical Reha-
bilitation Health Wor-
kers At Dr. Moewardi
Name: Dessy Lutfi-
asari, Galuh Pradian
Title: The Effect Of
Soybean-Palm Date
Milk Consumption On
Hemoglobin Level
Among Adolescent
4 08.00-
Name: I Kadek Adi
Paramartha, I Ketut
Title: Patient Charac-
teristics With The
Drugs Provocation
Test in Sanglah Hospi-
tal From 2017 to 2018
Name: Rachmawati
Felani Djuria
Title: Factors Relating
To Knowledge About
Gastritical Swamedca-
tion Among Students At
Pondok Hidayatus-
salikin Pangkalpinang
Name: Rahma Kusu-
ma Dewi, Halimatus
Title: Relationship
Between Gravidity And
Severity Of Emesis
Gravidarum In Tri-
mester I Pregnant Wo-
men At Pmb Fatimatu
Name: An Nisa Elca
Putri, Novrikasari, Hae-
rawati Idris
Title: Analysis Of The
Performance Of Tuber-
culosis Program Imple-
menting Officers In The
Suspect Network Of Tu-
berculosis At Commu-
Name: Hendri Kurnia-
Title: Various Alertness
Cognitive Stimulation
On The Optimization Of
Motor Recovery Among
Post Stroke Patients In
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 12
Zahrok Midwifery Care,
Kediri, East Java
nity Health Center, Pa-
lembang City
5 08.10-
Name: Tuti Rohani,
Hartono, Muhammad
Akhyar, Sri Mulyani
Title: Youth Health
Smartphone Application
"Teenfit" In Increasing
Adolescent Knowledge
About Anemia, In
Bantul, Yogyakarta
Name: Clara Yunita
Ina Ola, Matilda Bupu
Ria, Roslin E.M Sormin
Title: Relative Effecti-
veness Of Red Guava
Fruit (Psidium Guajava
L.) And Star Fruit
(Averrhoa Carambola
L.) On Hemoglobin Le-
vel In Pregnant Women
At Camplong Co-
mmunity Health Center,
Kupang District
Name: Indri Kartiko
Sari, Diah Mulyawati
Utari, Shigeru Yama-
Title: Weight Manage-
ment With Daily Con-
sumption Of Recomme-
nded Vegetable Intake
Among Overweight Wo-
men In Jakarta
Name: Fajar Danis-
wara Montana, Yuni
Setyaningsih, Fajriati
Title: Effectiveness Of
Cocoa (Theobroma Ca-
cao L.) Seed Extract On
The Growth Of In Vitro
Malassezia Furfur
6 08.20-
Name: Woro Riyadi-
na, Dewi Kristanti, Ju-
lianty Pradono, Eko-
wati Rahajeng, Yuda
Title: A Cohort Study
On The Primary
Prevention Of Stroke
Incidence In Adult
Population In Bogor,
West Java
Name: Menik Mutiari-
ni, Rosmita Nuzuliana
Title: Experience Of
Students In The Mens-
trual Hygiene Manage-
ment In Schools: A
Scoping Review
Name: Ika Yulianti,
Rahmi Padlilah, Agus
Title: Impact Of Co-
vid19 Pandemic On
Fetus And Newborn: A
Systematic Review
Name: Fitri Dwiyani,
Amal C. Sjaaf
Title: Analysis Of Phar-
maceutical Installations
Management At Kam-
bang Hospital, Jambi
Name: Mei Kusuma-
ningtyas, Hana Kristina
Title: The Relative
Effectivness Of Steady
State Cardio And High
Intensity Interval Trai-
ning On Cardiorespira-
tory Fitness Among
Students At School Of
Health Polytechnics,
7 08.30- Name: Yuniastuti Ni
Putu Ayu Krisna,
Name: Iftah Tazkiyah, Name: Sugeng Iwan
Setyobudi, I Nengah
Name: Deli, Destanul
Aulia, Heru Santosa, Ida
Name: Ribkhah Arvita
Ekaristi, Herdianty Ku-
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 13
08.40 Tarsikah, Widyana
Erni Dwi
Title: Determinants
Of Language Develop-
ment Among 1 Year
Old Children In
Malang, East Java
Sudarto Ronoatmodjo
Title: Relationship Of
Number Of Children
With Early Menopause
Tanu Komalyna, Nu-
Title: Difference In
Acceptability And Level
Of Preference
Between Modified And
Standard Supplemen-
tary Feeding In Under-
nourished Toddlers At
Janti Community He-
alth Center, Malang
Title: Implementation
Of Integrated Nursing
Models Toward Patient
Satisfaction In Mitra
Medika Amplas Hos-
pital, Medan, North
suma H, Marti Rustanti
Title: The Differences
Between Foam Rolling
Exercise And Swedish
Massage On Delayed
Onset Muscle Soreness
8 08.40-
Name: Adriesti Her-
daetha, Aris Sudiyanto,
RB Sumanto, Endang
Sutisna Suleman, Wi-
jaya Kusuma
Title: Social Capital
Phenomenology Study
Among People Who
Treat A Mental
Disorder Person
Name: Dias Puspita-
ning Mawarni, Lisa
Safira, Citra Ayu Aprilia
Title: Association Bet-
ween Pocket Money
Availability And Frequ-
ency Of Fast-Food Con-
sumption Toward Over-
nutrition Case Among
Junior High School
Student, South Jakarta
Name: Siska Nurul A-
bidah, Hinda Novianti
Title: Effect Of Exclu-
sive Breastfeeding On
Growth And Develop-
ment Of Infants Aged 0-
24 Months
Name: Dian Agnesa
Sembiring, Atik
Title: Analysis Study Of
The Comparative Quali-
ty Of Patient Services
Before And After Covid-
19 Pandemic In Installa-
tion Of Siloam Hospital
Tb Simatupang Installa-
Name: Ova Jayanti,
Rosmawati Lubis, Nur-
Title: Murottal Music
On Dysmenorrhea Pain
Among Students In
Madrasah Aliyah Sultan
Hasanudin, South
9 08.50-
Name: Catur Retno
Title: Gender And
Occupation On Fine
Motor Skill Among
Name: Naenda Stasya,
Wahyu Sulistiadi
Title: The Effectiveness
Of Mobile Application
As Educational Inter-
Name: Rizki Amalia
Title: Maternal And
Child Health Handbook
As Health Promotion
Tool For Postpartum
Name: Rakhmad Hida-
yat, Budi Hidayat
Title: Dispute Analysis
Of Claims For Covid-19
Patients At Hospitals Of
Name: Leny Latifah,
Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani,
Suryati Kumorowulan,
Diah Yunitawati
Title: Iodine Deficiency
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 14
Infants Aged 6-11
vention To Prevent
Stunting: A Systematic
And Breastfeeding
Mothers: A Systematic
Indonesia University Associated With Adoles-
cent Cognitive Perfor-
mance In Endemic Io-
dine Deficiency Ende-
mic Area
10 09.00-
Name: Ummi Kal-
sum, Jumati, Damris
Title: A Compliance
On Profilactical As A
Dominant Factor
Towards Filariasis
Events In Jambi
Province As A High
Endemis Regency
Name: Roichatul Dja-
nnah, Siti Maisaroh
Title: Family's Role On
Stunting Among
Children In Bojong Jaya
Village, Tangerang,
Name: Ana Dyah Aliza,
Farida Kartini
Title: Student Percep-
tion Of The Preceptor-
ship Model In Midwi-
fery Care: A Scoping
Name: Sulistyaningsih,
Y. Warella, Sutopo Pat-
ria Jati, Meidiana Dwi-
Title: The Effectiveness
Of Collaborative Leader-
ship On Improving In-
terprofessional Collabo-
ration Practice In The
Comprehensive Emer-
gency Obstetric And Ne-
onatal Services
Name: Rita Untari
Title: The Effect Of
Brain Gym On Depres-
sion Levels In Elderly,
Nogosari District, Boyo-
lali, Central Java
11 09.10-
Name: Wenny Wi-
harsini, Wahyu Sulis-
Title: Determinant
Factors Of Covid-19
Transmission Among
Of Health Personnel: A
Systematic Review
Name: Indriani, Ade
Rachma Safira, Ummy
Aisyiyah N
Title: Physical Activity
Pattern Among Students
Of Health Sciences In
Name: Andi Asnifati-
ma, Siti Khodijah Parin-
duri, Ahsin Aligori
Title: Environmental
And Behavior Factors
On The Incidences Of
Toxoplasmosis Among
Married Women
Name: Yeny Kusuma-
wati, Fresty Africia
Title: Implementation
Of Cigarette Area Policy
In High School, Ngan-
juk, East Java, Indone-
Name: Nurul Nadifa
Erza, Fajriati Zulfa, Yuni
Title: Antifungal Test
Of The Ethanol Extract
Of Brotowali Stem (Ti-
nospora Crispa) On The
Growth Of Trichophyton
Rubrum In Vitro
12 09.20- Name: Herose Cen-
drasilvinia, The Maria
Name: Hubaybah, Evy Name: Basri Aramico,
Emy Huriyati, Susetyo-
Name: Rianti Merviane Name: Candra Kusuma
Negara, Sri Erliani,
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 15
09.30 Meiwati Widagdo, Wi-
dya Christine Manus
Title: Burden And
Quality Of Life Of
Dependent Elderly Ca-
regivers In Pakuncen
Village Yogyakarta
Wisudariani, Usi Lanita
Title: HIV/ Aids
Prevention Program: A
Mixed Method Study On
The Implementation Of
Voluntary Counseling
And Testing Services At
Primary Health Center,
wati, Fatwa Sari Tetra
Title:Determinant Fac-
tors Of Stunting And
Effectiveness Of Nutri-
tion, Information, Edu-
cation Interventions To
Prevent Stunting In The
First 1000 Days Of Life:
A Systematic Review
Title: Readiness Of Hu-
man Resource, Logis-
tics, And Finance In
Handling Pandemic Co-
vid-19 At Bhakti Wira
Tamtama TNI Hospital,
Title: Macaranga Leave
Capsule as On Dysme-
norrhea as A Comple-
mentary Therapy
Coffe Break
13 09.45-
Name: Atet Kurniadi,
Title: The Association
Between Patient Satis-
faction, Nutrition Ex-
pert Consultation Pra-
ctice, And The Quality
Of Nutrition Service At
Inpatient Ward, Hanau
Name: Diani Maryani,
Liza Anggraeni
Title: Effect Of Hypno-
parenting On Nutritio-
nal Status In Preschool
Age Children At Al-Fa-
thir Kindergarten, Tang-
erang, Banten
Name: Maria Gayatri
Title: The Use Of
Modern Contraceptives
Among Poor Women In
Urban Areas In
Name: Sarah Geltri
Harahap, Cicylia Candi,
Adang Bachtiar
Title: Acceptance And
Barrier In Using
Telemedicine Health
Services Of Hospitals
Among Pediatric Outpa-
tients: A Systematic
Name: Sarah Lorenza
Caverina, Retno Yulian-
ti, Andri Pramesyanti
Title: Effectiveness Of
Soursop Leaf Extract To
Decrease Malondialde-
hyde Level
14 09.55-
Name: Muhammad
Syafiq N, Shaharuddin
MS, Zaenal Abidin
Title: Nitrate in Gro-
undwater And Health
Name: Hubaybah,
Adelina Fitri
Title: Evaluation Of
Hiv-Aids Prevention
Program In Homosexual
Name: Christine Aden,
Marselinus Heriteluna
Title: The Effect Of Co-
mplementary Ampeloci-
ssus Rubiginosa L The-
Name: Chrismatovanie
Gloria, Pujiyanto
Title: Compliance With
Complete Filling Of Pa-
tient's Medical Record
Name: Solihati, Nura-
liyah Sugianti
Title: Effect Of Aloe
Vera Drink On Intensity
Of Dysmenorrhea In
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 16
Risk Assessment: A
Cross-Sectional Study
In Three Villages In
Tanah Merah District,
Kelantan, Malaysia
During Paddy Pre-
Planting Season
Men In Jambi rapy on The Decrease in
Postpartum Fundal He-
ight, Palangka Raya Ci-
ty, Central Kalimantan
At Hospital: A Systema-
tic Review
Students, Tangerang,
15 10.05-
Name: Siti Marfu’ah,
Irfana Tri Wijayanti,
Ana Rofika
Title: Multilevel Ana-
lysis Of Factors Asso-
ciated With Performa-
nce Of Midwives In In-
tegrated Antenatal Ca-
re Service In Pati, Cen-
tral Java
Name: Ike Nurrochma-
wati, Ambar Dwi Retno-
ningrum, Remita Yuli
Title: Effect Of Health
Education With Flip
Chart And Video On
Knowledge About Early
Detection Of Cervical
Cancer In Women Of
Reproductive Age In
Nganjuk District, East
Name: Siti Nur Asyah
Jamillah Ahmaad, Dina
M.S Henukh
Title: Difference In Le-
ngth Of Return Of Fer-
tility After Contracepti-
on With 3-Month Of
Depo Medroxy Proges-
teron Acetate Injection
And Hormonal Implant
In Baumata Public
Health Center, Kupang
Name: Willia Gontina
S, Atik Nurwahyuni
Title: Determinants Of
Inpatient Cost For Pati-
ents With St-Elevation
Myocardial Infarct At
Mayapada Hospital,
Title: A Case Report On
Regional Anaesthesia In
Pregnant Women With
Severe Pre-Eclampsia,
Partial Hellp Syndrome,
Fetal Distress, And Type
II Diabetes Mellitus
16 10.15-
Name: Febry Istyanto
Title: Covid-19 Pre-
vention In Micronu-
trients Perspective: A
Narrative Review
Name: Maharani Dyah
Kusumastuti, The Maria
Meiwati Widagdo, Mitra
Andini Sigilipoe
Title: Caregiver Coping
Mechanism In
Providing Care For
Dependent Elderly Pe-
Name: Matilda Bupu
Ria, Clara Yunita Ina
Ola, Damita Palalangan
Title: Difference In Ef-
fectiveness Of Warm Gi-
nger Water Compress
and Sour Turmeric On
Reducing Primary Men-
Name: Dea Amarilisa
Adespin, Hari Peni Juli-
anti, Aras Utami, Diah
Rahayu Wulandari, Ar-
winda Nugraheni
Title: The Relationship
Between Readiness Pro-
gram Officer And The
Name: Rita Untari
Title: Effectiveness Of
Low Impact Aerobic Ex-
ercise Activity on Anxie-
ty Levels In Schizophre-
nia Patients at Dr.Rm
Soedjarwadi Hospital,
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 17
ople In Yogyakarta strual Pain In Midwifery
Students At Maranatha
School Kupang, East
Nusa Tenggara
Implementation Of The
Tb-Dm Collaboration
Program At Semarang
Community Health
Center, Central Java
17 10.25-
Name: Retno Widy-
astuti, Anhari Achadi,
Yuslely Usman, Tita
Rosita, Merry Lusiana
Title: Analysis Of The
Causes Of Death In
Indonesia Due To
Accident Based On The
Sample Registration
System From 2014 to
Name: Ropitasari,
Fanny Kartika F,
Rachmi Fauziah R, Sri
Title: Breakfast And
Hemoglobin Level
Among Female Junior
High School Student In
Surakarta, Central Java
Name: Dina Melanieka
Sintikhe Henukh, Siti
Nur Asyah, Jamillah
Title: The Association
Between Maternal Age
And Gravidity And The
Event Of Gravidarum
Emesis In Kupang, East
Nusa Tenggara
Name: Sea Septiana,
Ira Marti Ayu
Title: Determinants Of
Injury Incidents In The
Productive Aged Groups
In Central Sulawesi
Name: Afriza Umami,
Sukadiono, Bhisma Mu-
rti, Tegar Wahyu Yudha
Pratama, Sudalhar, Is-
tiqlal Fithri, Dede
Title: Factors Related
to Genital Hygiene
Behavior Among Female
Underwent Treatment
At dr. Moewardi Hospi-
tal Surakarta, Indo-
nesia: A Case-Control
18 10.35-
Name: Youlenta Er-
nesontha, Nurul Kur-
niati, Mufdlilah
Title: Disability Per-
ception In Sexuality
And Reproductive He-
alth Needs: A Scoping
Name: Hanny Wulan-
dari, Dwi Ernawati
Title: Effect Of Early
Menarche On Repro-
ductive Health: A Sco-
ping Review
Name: Nurhidaya Fi-
tria, Ida Lestari Tampu-
Title: The Effect Of Gi-
nger Extract Consump-
tion On Reducing Mor-
ning Sickness In First
Trimester Of Pregnant
Women at Pratama Ma-
Name: Maria Yeny
Title: Resources Avail-
ability Of Non Specia-
listic Reference Policies
In The Era Of National
Health Assurance To
Ngawi East Java Public
Health Centre
Name: Wienaldi, Ermi
Girsang, Sri Lestari
Ramadhani Nasution
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Compliance To
Surgery Safety Checklist
And Incidents Among
Anesthesiology Nurses
In Operation Theater,
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 18
riana Clinic Medan,
North Sumatra
Royal Prima Hospital,
Medan, North Sumatera
19 10.45-
Name: Woro Ayu Se-
kararum, Nurfitri Bus-
tamam, Hikmah Muk-
tamiroh, Harli Amir
Title: The Correlation
Between Secretory
Phospholipase A2type
Iia Levels And Mean
Platelet Volume
Among Type 2 Dia-
betes Mellitus Patients
Name: Sumarni, Fari-
da Kartini
Title: Experience Of
Adolescent Mothers
During Pregnancy: A
Scoping Review
Name: Yayu Yuliarti,
Nurul Kurniati
Title: Mothers Experie-
nce With Low Born
Weight Infant: A Scoo-
ping Review
Name: Santy Irene
Putri, Prima Soultoni
Title: Implementation
Of Alert Village And
Maternal Mortality In
East Java Province
Name: Resda Pebriani,
Rifa Yanti
Title: Effect Of Consu-
ming Tomato (Solanu
Mlycopersicum L) Juice
And Red Spinach (Ama-
ranthus Tricolor L) On
Haemoglobin Levels Of
Reproductive Age Wo-
men In Payung Sekaki
Public Health Center,
20 10.55-
Name: Muhammad
Kazwaini, Chatarina U.
Title: Determinant Of
Malaria Incidence In
The Coastal Area Of
East Lombok, West
Nusa Tenggara
Name:Rani Nurmayan-
ti, I Nengah Tanu Kom-
alyna, Sugeng Iwan Set-
yobudi Maryam Razak
Title: Effect Of Balan-
ced Diet Education With
Media Comic On Modi-
fication Of Eating Beha-
vior In Adolescents At
Middle School, Malang
Name: Safitri Tia
Tampy, Hari Wahyu
Nugroho, Rahmi
Title: Association Bet-
ween Maternal Anemia
With Stunting Incidence
Among Newborns In
Surakarta, Central Java
Name: Auliah Rahmi,
Doni Hikmat Ramdhan
Title: Development Of
Health Program Using
Rapcriec Method in
Company X To Reduce
Employees Hypercho-
lesterolemia, Hyper-
triglyceridemia, Hyper-
tension, Obesity, And
Name: Hasnah Vivia-
na, Asysyukriati, Erna
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Psychosocial Stre-
ssor And Asthma Con-
trol In Adult Asthma
Patients At Depok
Hospital, West Java
21 11.05-
Name: Iyana Putri,
Adang Bachtiar
Name: Ike Pertiwi Wi-
ndasari, Jojor Kakanda
Purba, Dania Eridani,
Name: Rahmi Syuad-
zah, Hari Wahyu Nug-
Name: Rina Sri Wida-
yati, Dewi Kartikasari,
Name: Yusup Subagio
Sutanto, Levana Kasu-
madewi, Suradi, Ana
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 19
Title: The Correlation
Between Social Deter-
minants And Environ-
mental Condition With
Measles Cases Among
Infants In Padang,
West Sumatera
Risma Septiana, Manik
Title: Application De-
velopment Of Inspec-
tion Of Fire Protection
Equipment, First Aid Kit
And Incident Reporting
Case Study
roho, Safitri Tia Tampy
Title: Association Bet-
ween Maternal Weight
And A Newborn Weight
In Surakarta, Central
Jani Kusanti
Title: Synergity Of
Colaboration Training
Toward The ‘Kampung
KB Center Of Excellent’
Based On Independence
And Technology
Rima Setijadi, Hendra
Title: Effect Of
Thymoquinone On In-
terleukin-8, Fev1, And
Copd Assessment Test
Score In Stable Chronic
Obstructive Lung
22 11.15-
Name: Lalu Irwandi,
Hari Basuki Notobroto
Title: Risk Factors Of
Malaria Cases Among
Children Under Five In
Bonggo Community
Health Center, Sarmi,
Papua Province
Name: Septo Teprian-
dy, R. Kintoko Rochadi,
Etti Sudaryati
Title: The Effect of
Education Through Go-
ogle Meet Media on
Knowledge And Attitude
About Balanced Diet In
Youth During Covid-19
Pandemic In Medan,
North Sumatera
Name: Ajeng Ayu
Titah Pujangkara,
Harsono Salimo, Eti
Poncorini Pamungkasari
Title: Biological and
Determinants of Child
Development: A Path
Analysis Evidence From
Surabaya, East Java
Name: Agus Khoirul
Fuadi, Achdyat Premedi
Title: The 119 Psc
Officers Experience On
Preventing Fake Calls
And Overcome Referral
System Obstacles
Name: Yuzana Maung,
Sutartinah Sri
Handayani, Lukman
Title: Effect of
Drumstick (Moringa
Oleifera Lam) Leaves
Ethanol Extract on
Anopheles Aconitus L.
Third Instar Larvae
23 11.25-
Name: Dwi Putri Su-
listiya Ningsih, Ida
Title: The Relations-
hip Between Sun Expo-
sure, Hat, And Ptery-
gium Disease Among
Fisherman In Bengku-
Name: Hendra Dher-
mawan Sitanggang, Um-
mi Kalsum
Title: The Pattern Of
Snack and Beverage
Concumption for Suku
Anak Dalam (SAD)
Children In The Trans
Name: Dian Isti
Angraini, Bagus
Pratama, Dwita Oktaria
Title: The Effectiveness
Of Health Education On
Mother Knowledge And
Food Intake Among
Name: Dhimas Her-
dhianta, Hanifa Maher
Denny, Suroto
Title: Implementation
Of Hospital Safety And
Health Management
System: Resource,
Organization, And
Name: Ratna Dewi
Kumalasari, Didik
Gunawan Tamtomo,
Hanung Prasetya
Title: Hypnosis and
Sexual Arousal: A Meta-
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 20
lu Social Area Of Nyogan
Village, Muaro Jambi,
Jambi Province
Childrean In South
Lampung, Lampung
Policy Aspects
24 11.35-
Name: Dwi Tour
Kumalasari, Bhisma
Murti, Vitri
Title: Path Analysis
on The
Factors Influencing
The Quality of Life of
Elderly in Surakarta
Central Java
Name: Bara Kharisma,
Victoria Sari, Amelia
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Water Hardness
And Incidence Of Stun-
ting In Brati District,
Central Java
Name: Hadi Ashar, Ina
Kusrini, Marizka Khai-
runnisa, Cati Martiyana
Title: Anemia, Motor,
Language, Social Perso-
nal Developments Amo-
ng Children Under Two
Years Old In Rural
Areas, Wonosobo, Cen-
tral Java, Indonesia
Name: Moh. Andi
Fatkhurokhman, Budi
Title: Preparedness Of
The Bhakti Wiratanta-
ma Army Hospital Se-
marang In Facing
Name: Sela Putri
Adelita, Eti Poncorini
Pamungkasari, Bhisma
Title: Meta Analysis:
The Effect of High-
Intensity Interval
Training on Low
Density Lipoprotein
Level in Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes Melitus
25 13.00-
Name: Malinda Capri
Nurul Satya, RB.
Soemanto, Bhisma
Title: The Effects of
Family Support and
Peer Support on The
Quality of Life in
Elderly in Jember,
East Java
Name: Silvia Rizki
Syah Putri, Widayati,
Moneca Diah L
Title: Factors
Associated With Early
Detection Behavior On
Breast Cancer Among
Women In Reproductive
Age Using Sadanis
Name: Elly Dwi
Masita, Adenia Dwi
Title: The Effect Of
Cognitive Behavior The-
rapy And Elip Methods
On Bounding Breast-
feeding Among Madura
Tribe Blues Post Partum
Name: Ani Sutrining-
sih, Chatarina Umbul
Wahyuni, Setya Haksa-
Title: Community He-
alth Center Resilience In
Disaster Management:
A Narrative Review
Name: Elisa Novitasari,
RB. Soemanto, Hanung
Title: Acupuncture
Therapy in Reducing
Pain in Patients with
Low Back Pain: Meta
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 21
26 13.10-
Name: Angga
Ferdianto, Didik
Gunawan Tamtomo,
Endang Sutisna
Title: Factors
Affecting Tertiary
Preventive Behaviors
among Patients with
High Blood Pressure
Name: Fadhil Ilham
Mustafa, Nurfitri Busta-
mam, Andri Prames-
Title: Association Bet-
ween Compliance Level
On Fixed-Dose Combi-
nation Antiretroviral
Drug and Cd4 Condition
Among Hiv Patients
Name: Maisaroh
Nurasih, Cesa Septiana
Title: Demand On
Sectio Caesarea's Labor
Among Pregnant Wo-
men In Developing
Countries: A Scoping
Name: Ni Putu Ju-
wanita Dewi
Title: The Implemen-
tation Of Public Service
In General Hospital Of
Sukabumi City, West
Name: Atika Febri
Anggriani, Agus
Kristiyanto, Setyo Sri
Title: A Meta-Analysis
of Knee Orthosis Uptake
in Reducing Pain in
Patients with Knee
27 13.20-
Name: Zela
Tunurrohmin, RB.
Soemanto, Eti
Title: Application of
Precede Proceed
Model on Factors
Affecting Depression
Symptom In The
Elderly: Evidence
From Surakarta,
Central Java
Name: Rufidah Mau-
lina, Su-Chen Kuo, Chi-
eh Yu Liu, Yu-Ying Lu
Title: The Mediation
Effect Of Health Beha-
vior On The Relation-
ship Between Maternal
Depression And Mater-
nal-Fetal Attachment
Name: Enda Setiana,
Evy Wisudariani, Aspa-
Title: The Association
Between Feeding Pat-
tern, Income, House-
hold Safety, And Stun-
ting Events Among
Farmer Families In
Gunung Labu Commu-
nity Health Center,
Kerinci Regency, Jambi
Name: Tri Ratih Agus-
tina, Naura Rifdah, Nur-
jannah Sriayu, Naila
Title: Age, Gender,
And Knowledge On
Complications Of
Diabetes Mellitus With
Obedience In Chronic
Disease Management
Name: Muhibbah
Fatati, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Hanung
Title: Lateral Wedge
Insole Uptake in
Reducing Pain in
Patients with Knee
Osteoarthritis: A Meta-
Analysis Study
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 22
28 13.30-
Name: Dyah Ayu
Saputri, Yulia Lanti
Retno Dewi, Bhisma
Title: Biological,
Social, and Economic
Risk Factors of Child
Tuberculosis in
Surakarta Central
Java: A Multiple
Logistic Regression
Name: Wida Rahma
Arwiyantasari, Budi
Title: Health Belief
Model Approach On The
Prevention Of Hiv/Aids
Among Pregnant Wo-
men In Madiun, East
Name: Yunik Windarti
Title: The Influence Of
Husband's Role On Mo-
ther Interest In Giving
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Name: Tavip Dwi
Title: The Effect Of
Community Empower-
ment On The Imple-
mentation Of Diabetes
Mellitus Management In
Malangsuko, West Java
Name: Prita Alvina
Reviana, Yulia Lanti
Retno Dewi, Vitri
Title: The
Effectiveness of Goat
Milk to Increase
The Quantity of Breast
Milk among Lactation
Women: Randomized
Controlled Trial
29 13.40-
Name: Anggi Putri
Aria Gita, Isna
Qadrijati, Bhisma
Title: Biopsychosocial
Determinants of
Diabetes Mellitus Type
2: Evidence from
Surakarta, Central
Name: Yanti Harjono
Hadiwiardjo, Sri Wah-
yuningsih, Pritha Maya
Title: The Effectiveness
Of Health Promotion On
Increasing The Know-
ledge Of Covid-19
Among Islamic High
School Students In
Depok, West Java
Name: Safitri Tia
Tampy, Hari Wahyu
Nugroho, Rahmi
Title: The Corellation
Between Stunting, Was-
ting, and Children's Co-
gnitive Ability: Indone-
sia Family Life Survey
2000 – 2014
Name: Arista Kusuma
Wardani, Sulistiyaning-
Title: Interprofessional
Collaboration On Men-
tal Health: A Scoping
Name: Dody
Suprayogi, Agus
Kristiyanto, Hanung
Title: Meta Analysis:
The Effect of Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus in
30 13.50-
Name: Rizka Amalia
Dewi, Ambar Mudigdo,
Eti Poncorini
Name: Siti Umairah,
Vanessa Adela Putri,
Rosyida, Raihanatu Bin-
qalbi Ruzain
Name: Widya Kusu-
mawati, Lely Khulafa’ur
Title: The Effect Of
Name: Marselli Widya
Lestari, Dewi Puspito-
sari H.D., Yohana
Title: Problems At A
Name: Dian Dini
Islami, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Hanung
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 23
Title: The
Determinants of
Quality of Life in
Patients with Breast
Cancer: A Multilevel
Logistic Regression
Evidence from
Surakarta, Central
Title: Effectiveness Of
Holistic Self Care To
Overcome Work-Rela-
ted Skeletal Muscle
Disorder In Palm Wor-
kers Using Harvasting
Tool Dodos: A Systema-
tic Review
Hormonal Contracepti-
on On Body Mass Index
Among Women In
Reproductive Age
Hospital Concerning
Covid-19 Pandemic
Title: The Effect of
Insulin Provision on The
Risk Reduction of Type
2 Diabetes Mellitus:
31 14.00-
Name: Ayu Laela
Fitriyani, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Bhisma
Title: Effect on
Disorders of
Pesticides Exposure
among Rice Farmers in
Sukoharjo, Central
Name: Ummi Kalsum,
Hendra Dhermawan
Title: Relationship
Between Snacks And
Beverages With The
Nutritional Status
Among 'Sad' Children In
Nyogan Village, Muaro
Jambi, Jambi Province
Name: Meirna Eka Fit-
riasnani, Anis Nikmatul
Title: Age And Anxiety
Among Primigravida
Pregnant Women In
Nganjuk, East Java
Name: Warsi Maryati,
Novita Yuliani, Anton
Susanto, Aris Octavian
Wannay, Ani Ismayani
Title: Hospital Charac-
teristics Determining
Indonesian Case Base
Groups Claim Rates
Name: Alfiani Vivi
Sutanto, Pawito,
Hanung Prasetyo
Title: Obesity and
Reflux Disease: A Meta-
Analysis Study in Asia
and America
32 14.10-
Name: Isne Susanti,
Harsono Salimo, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: How Do
Nutritional Factors,
Name: Bayu Putra
Dewantara, Bhisma
Murti, Vitri
Title: Factors Affecting
The Use Of Personal
Name: Dian Rahmawa-
ti, Lia Agustin
Title: Psychososial Sti-
mulation in Stunting
and Non Stunting Firms
Name: Siska Putri Uta-
mi, Yanti Harjono Ha-
diwiardjo, Kristina Sim-
Title: The Relationship
Of Ability To Pay And
Name: Wahyu Agustin
Dwi Ciptaningtyas,
Bhisma Murti, Setyo Sri
Title: Meta-Analysis of
The Effect of Probiotics
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 24
and Ambient Smoke
Exposure, Affect The
Risk of Low Birth
Weight?: A Path
Analysis Evidence
Protective Equipment
Among Workers At A
Plywood Plants, In
Lumajang, East Java:
Application Of Health
Belief Model And Social
Cognitive Theory
Ownership Of Health
Insurance Towards Wil-
lingness To Pay Labo-
ratory Services At Persa-
habatan Hospital, East
on The Frequency and
Duration of Diarrhea in
Children Under Five
33 14.20-
Name: Wawan
Diyantana, Dono
Indarto, Bhisma Murti
Title: Factors
Associated with
Hypertension among
Adults in Magelang,
Central Java
Name: Roviana Nurda
Agustin, Endang Sutisna
Sulaeman, Hanung
Title: Factors Associa-
ted With Non Smoking
Behavior In High School
Students In Bantul,
Yogyakarta: Application
Of Theory Of Planned
Name: Yayuk Puji Les-
tari, Farida Kartini
Title: Antenatal Service
Quality: A Scoping Re-
Name: Betty Nurizky
Ariwardani, Didik Gu-
nawan Tamtomo, Bhis-
ma Murti
Title: Path Analysis On
The Determinants Of
Hospital Lost Under
Ina-Cbgs Reimburse-
ment For Patient With
Dengue Hemorrhagic
Fever In Ngawi Regional
Public Hospital, East
Name: Kurnia Eka
Putri, Bhisma Murti,
Hanung Prasetya
Title: The
Effectiveness of
Acupuncture in
Musculoskeletal Pain: A
34 14.30-
Name: Muh. Syaiful
Akbar, Bhisma Murti,
Name: Fitria Diyah
Ayu Pangerti, Pawito,
Name: C. Ermayani
Putri A, Desak Putu K.P,
Name: Fahmi Eko
Susilo, Hanung
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 25
Setyo Sri Rahardjo,
Dono Indarto
Title: Length of
Working and Low Back
Pain in Health
Workers: A Meta-
Hanung Prasetya
Title: Factors Affecting
Adherence To
Antiretroviral Therapy:
Application Of Theory
Of Planned Behavior In
Malang, East Java
Caecilia Titin Retnani,
Title: Stunting In Rural
Areas: An Overview
Name: Nisaus Zakiyah,
Endang Sutisna
Sulaeman, Eti Poncorini
Title: Effect of Family
Development Session
Family Hope Program
on The Visit to
Posyandu and
Nutritional Status of
Children Under Five
Prasetya, Agus
Title: Meta-Analysis:
Acupuncture Therapy in
Reducing Blood
Pressure on
Hypertensive Patients
35 14.40-
Name: Liza Laela
Abida, Bhisma Murti,
Hanung Prasetya
Title: Effect of HIV
Infection on Mortality
in Patients with
Tuberculosis in Asia: A
Meta Analysis
Name: Yovita Eka
Ratna Kumala, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Endang Su-
tisna Sulaeman
Title: Factors Affecting
The Use Of Personal
Protective Equipment
Among Tobacco Far-
mers: Application Of
Theory Of Planned Be-
havior In Temanggung,
Central Java
Name: Arwinda Nu-
graheni, Ani Margawati,
Firdaus Wahyudi, Dea
Amarilisa Adespin,
Bambang Hariyana
Title: Determinant
Factors On Stunting
Incidence Among Chil-
dren Age 6-24 Months,
Pemalang, Central Java:
A Case Study
Name: Dinda Septiani
Hardilla, Harsono
Salimo, Eti Poncorini
Title: The Effects of
Nutrition Status and
Breastfeeding on Child
Development Aged 3-6
Years: Evidence from
Tanjung Jabung Timur,
Name: Ummu Fatihah
Ammutammima, Didik
Gunawan Tamtomo,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Family History
with Diabetes Mellitus
and The
Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus: Meta-Analysis
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 26
36 14.50-
Name: Priscilla
Jessica Pihahey,
Bhisma Murti, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Personal
Hygiene and The Risk
of Leprosy: A Meta-
Analysis From Case
Control Study
Name: Yudi Andriya-
ningtiyas, Didik Guna-
wan Tamtomo, Bhisma
Title: Path Analysis On
The Determinants Of
Tertiary Preventive Be-
havior Among Patients
With Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus: Application Of
Theory Of Planned Be-
havior And Social Cog-
nitive Theory
Name: Ikha Muflikha,
Sri Lestari, Suyani
Title: Maternal Readi-
ness For Newborn Dis-
charge in Mantrijeron
Community Health Cen-
ter, Yogyakarta
Name: Lathifah ‘Arub,
Eti Poncorini
Pamungkasari, yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Multiple Logistic
Regression on the
Factors Affecting
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Practice in Karanganyar,
Central Java
Name: Galuh
Sitorukmi, Bhisma
Murti, Yulia Lanti Retno
Title: Effect of Family
History With Diabetes
Mellitus on The Risk of
Gestational Diabetes
Mellitus: A Meta-
37 15.00-
Name: Nanda
Agustian Simatupang,
Laras Ayu Wulandari
Title: The Association
between Indoor
Household Polution
and Acute Respiratory
Infection in Children
Under Five in Selat
Community Health
Center, Batanghari
District, Jambi,
Name: Kiyat Sudrajad,
RB. Soemanto, Hanung
Title: The Effect Of
Bullying On Depression
In Adolescents In Sura-
karta: Application Of
Health Belief Model
Name: Putri Yuliantie,
Title: Toilet Training
In Children With Au-
tism: A Scoping Review
Name: Herlina Ika
Martaningrum, Uki
Retno Budihastuti,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Factors Affecting
The Use of Visual
Inspection Acetic Acid
Test in Magelang,
Central Java
Name: Utin Ilma Agni
Kun'ain, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Didik
Gunawan Tamtomo
Title: Meta-Analysis:
The Effect of Diabetes
Mellitus Comorbidity on
The Severity in Patients
with Covid-19 Infection
15.10- Coffe Break
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 27
38 15.25-
Name: Muhammad
Zia Ulhaq, Eti
Pamungkasari, Bhisma
Title: Effect of
Obesity on
Hypertension in
Adults: Meta Analisis
Name: Nur Aida
Yuliana, Pawito, Bhisma
Title: Personal And
Social Factors Affecting
The Preventive Behavior
Among Patients With
Type II Diabetes Melli-
tus In Ponorogo, East
Java, Indonesia
Name: Enka Nur
Ishmatika, Tris Eryando
Title: Determinants Of
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Cessation In Indonesia
Name: Ulfah Hidayati,
Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Bhisma
Title: Sosioeconomic
Factor Affecting the
Performance of
Community Health
Workers at Integrated
Health Post in
Purworejoj, Central
Name: Riska Fajar
Fatony, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Hanung
Title: The Effect
Echinacea Purpurea
Herbs in Reducing
Symptoms of Upper
Respiratory Infection: A
39 15.35-
Name: Rofana
Aghniya, Bhisma
Murti, Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Hanung
Title: The Effect of
Comorbidity on The
Quality of Life of
Patients with Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus:
Name: Rezyana Budi
Syahputri, Pawito, Bhis-
ma Murti
Title: Application Of
Social Cognitive Theory
On The Determinants
Of Exclusive Breastfe-
eding Practice In Ma-
diun, East Java
Name: Agus Purnama-
Title: Comparison Of
Nutrition Status Of
Children With Aged 1-2
Years In Coastal And
Urban Areas
Name: Helmi Nurlaili,
Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Bhisma
Title: Factors Affecting
Patient Satisfaction of
Intrapartum and
Postpartum Services in
Kebumen, Central Java
Name: Devi Marlina,
Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, RB.
Title: Factors
Affecting The Quality of
Life in Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus in Surakarta,
Central Java
40 15.45-
Name: Maya Ayu
Riestiyowati, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Vitri
Name: Yusuf Bachtiyar
Lobis, Bhisma Murti,
Name: Fitria Hayu
Palupi, Ana Wigunan-
tiningsih, Luluk Nur
Name: Wella
Anggraini, Pawito, Eti
Name: Agus Triyono,
Widhi Astana, Fajar
Novianto, Zuraida
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 28
Title: Cigarette
Smoke Exposure and
Acute Respiratory
Infection in Children
Under Five: A Meta-
Hanung Prasetya
Title: Influences Of
Peer Support Group
And Psychosocio-Eco-
nomic Determinants On
Treatment Compliance
In Hiv/Aids Patients In
Sragen, Central Java
Fakhidah, Siskana Dewi
Rosita, Dewi Arradhini
Title: Effect Of Family
Support On Child
Growth And Develop-
ment In Sukoharjo,
Central Java
Poncorini Pamungkasari
Title: Factors
Associated with Early
Marriage among Young
Women in Blora,
Central Java: Evidence
for Theory of Planned
Zulkarnain, Ulfa
Fitriani, Ulfatun Nissa,
Danang Ardianto
Title: The Effect of
Hyperuricemia Herbs
Drink on The Quality of
41 15.55-
Name: Widya Kurni-
aningsih, Didik Guna-
wan Tamtomo, Bhisma
Title: Incomplete
Medication Intake and
Multidrug Resistant
Name: Very Retnowati,
Pawito, Bhisma Murti
Title: Biopsychosocial
Determinants Of Terti-
ary Preventive Behavi-
ors Among Patients
With Hypertension In
Sragen, Central Java
Name: Poppy Siska
Putri, Herlin Fitriani K
Title: A Scoping
Review Of Paternal
Adaptation Experience
During The Perinatal
Name: Revina
Fiandany Erynda,
Endang Sutisna
Sulaeman, Eti Poncorini
Title: Biopsychosocial
and Economic Factors
Affecting Complete Use
of Basic Immunization
Service in Children Aged
12-23 Months in
Jember, East Java
Name: Lailatul
Rohmah, Vitri
Title: The Associations
between Age,
Occupation, Income,
and Contraceptive
Uptake in Women
Of Reproductive Age In
42 16.05-
Name: Rizki
Kurniawan Saputra,
Setyo Sri Rahardjo,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Meta-Analysis:
Effect of Exposure to
Name: Ailsa Clarissa
Cynara, Eti Poncorini
Pamungkasari, Bhisma
Title: The Effects Of
Iron Tablet Program,
Name: Eviana Maya
Saputri, Mufdlilah
Title: Urgency Of Vio-
lence Screening In Preg-
nant Women: A Scoping
Name: Nurul Aini
Suria Saputri, Tri
Nugraha Susilawati,
Vitri Widyaningsih
Title: Relative Efficacy
of Probiotics Compared
Name: Amin Sukoco,
Harsono Salimo, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Biological and
Factors Associated with
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 29
Rodent on The Risk of
Leprosy in Adults
Intrapersonal, And So-
cial Factors On Nutri-
tion Intake To Prevent
Anemia In Female Ado-
lescents In Yogyakarta
with Standard Therapy
for Diarrhea Treatment
in Children Under Five
Years of Age: A Meta-
Analysis Evidence From
Developing Countries
Neonatal Mortality:
Evidence from
Karanganyar District,
Central Java
43 16.15-
Name: Putri Isriyatil
Jannah, Eti Poncorini
Hanung Prasetya
Title: Meta-Analysis:
Effect of Physical
on The Incidence of
Obesity in Female
Name: Dewi Mustika
Ratih, Yulia Lanti Retno
Dewi, Bhisma Murti
Title: Health Belief
Model On Determinant
Of Caries Preventive
Behavior: Evidence On
Klaten Central Java
Name: Melly Nirma
Syahriani, Ismarwati
Title: Risk Factors Of
Stunting In Children
Under Five Years Of
Age: A Systematic
Name: Sringatin, Uki
Retno Budihastuti,
Endang Sutisna
Title: Does Community
Health Centers Have
Contextual Effect on
Midwife Performance in
the Implementation of
Prevention Mother to
Child Transmission
Counseling and Testing?
Name: Milatur
Rosyidah, Herawati
Mansur, Tri Mardiyanti
Title: The Difference of
Development in
Children Aged 6 Months
Received Exclusive
Breastfeeding Versus
Formula Milk in
Ciptomulyo Health
Center, Malang, East
44 16.25-
Name: Putu Anggi
Widia Karmany, Setyo
Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma
Title: Effect of Low
Birth Weight on The
Risk of Pneumonia in
Children Under Five:
Name: Frida Indriani,
Pawito, Eti Poncorini
Title: Factors Affecting
Healthy Behavior Amo-
ng Primary School Chil-
dren: Application Of
Health Belief Model
Name: Dwi Reza Wah-
yuni, Mufdlilah
Title: Father's Experie-
nce On The Incident Of
Newborn Death: A Sco-
ping Review
Name: Luthfia Zauma,
Uki Retno Budhiastuti,
Eti Poncorini
Title: The Associations
between Cigarette
Smoke Exposure,
Family History of
Infertility, and the Risk
of Infertility Among
Name: Tyas Aisyah
Putri, Yuni Kusmiyati,
Ana Kurniati
Title: Risk Factors of
Stunting in Children
Aged 25-59 Months in
Kotagede I Health
Center, Yogyakarta
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 30
Women in Reproductive
Age, in Surakarta,
Central Java
45 16.35-
Name: Maria
Imakulata Berek
Title: Effect of
Obesity on
Hypertension in
Name: Dyah Mubaro-
kah Ahadiyati, Didik
Gunawan Tamtomo, Vi-
tri Widyaningsih
Title: The Effect Of
Physical Activity On The
Depression: A Meta-
Name: Siti Nurul Kho-
timah, Dwi Ernawati
Title: Motivation On
Early Detection Of Cer-
vical Cancer In Women
Of Reproductive Age: A
Scoping Review
Name: Retno Dwi
Rohaniyati, Harsono
Salimo, Eti Poncorini
Title: Effect of the
Disability Integrating
Health Post on the
Quality of Life of
Children with Cerebral
Palsy: a Path Analysis
Evidence from
Sukoharjo, Central Java
Name: Silvalia Rahma
Pratiwi, Hanung
Prasetya, Bhisma Murti
Title: Low Birth Weight
and Neonatal Mortality:
A Meta Analysis
46 16.45-
Name: Fadhila
Firmanurulita, Agus
Kristiyanto, Hanung
Title: Association
between Overweight
and Hypertension in
Adolescents: A Meta-
Name: Yeti Rahelli,
Agus Kristiyanto, Bhis-
ma Murti
Title: Reliability Tests
On Dietary Intake,
Physical Activity, Social
Support, And Social
Cognitive Questionnai-
Name: Ika Yulianti,
Rahmi Padilah
Title: Association Bet-
ween Maternal Behavior
And Child Nutritional
Status During The First
1000 Days of Life In
Tarakan, North Kali-
Name: Selvia Febrianti,
Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Uki Retno
Title: The Effects of
Traditional Care and
Determinants on the
Name: Endang Palupi,
Harsono Salimo,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Contextual Effect
of Village and Other
Determinants on Infant
Mortality: A Multilevel
Analysis from
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 31
Analysis res Of Overweight And
Obesity In Female
mantan Risk of Postpartum
Depression: Evidence
from Yogyakarta
Karanganyar, Central
47 16.55-
Name: Maria Regina
Tri Yonita, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Bhisma
Title: Effect of Social
Support on The
Quality of Life of
People Living with
Name: Shilfia Ulfa
Islami, Hanung Praset-
ya,Bhisma Murti
Title: Factors Affecting
Smoking Behavior High
School Children In Du-
mai, Riau: Application
Of Theory Planned
Name: Setianingsih,
Nurul Kurniati
Title: Analysis Of Fac-
tors And Management
Of Hepatitis B Virus
Screening In Mothers
And Infants: A Scoping
Name: Anggi Resina
Putri, Eti Poncorini
Pamungkasari, Hanung
Title: Effect of
Maternal Skills in Early
Detection and
Stimulation on
Receptive Language
Skill of Children Age 4
to 6 Years
Name: Maharani Ulfah,
Supriyadi Hari Respati,
Bhisma Murti
Title: Determinants of
Completeness of Infant
in Karanganyar,
District, Central Java
48 17.05-
Name: Rahsunji
Intan Nurvitasari,
Didik Gunawan
Tamtomo, Yulia Lanti
Retno Dewi
Title: Biopsychosocial
and Economic Factors
Affecting The Quality
of Life in Patients With
Type II Diabetes
Name: Fahma Widya
Kusumawardhani, Har-
sono Salimo, Eti Pon-
corini Pamungkasari
Title: Application Of
Health Belief Model To
Explain Dental And Oral
Preventive Health Beha-
vior Among Primary
School Children In Po-
norogo, East Java
Name: Nuristy Brillian
Ainindyahsari Winarna,
Andari Wuri Astuti
Title: First-Time Advi-
sory Experience Of
Husbands During Labor
Time Of Pregnancy: A
Scoping Review
Name: Nadya Susanti,
Eti Poncorini
Pamungkasari, Rita
Benya Adriani
Title: Association
Between Receptive
Language Skill and
Social Communication
Skill among Preschool
Children: Evidence from
Surakarta, Central Java
Name: Dinda Anindita
Salsabilla, Hanung
Prasetya, Bhisma Murti
Title: The Effect of
Unplanned Pregnancy
on Antenatal
Depression: A Meta-
49 17.15-
Name: Yuli Astuti, Yu-
lia Lanti Retno Dewi,
Name: Migita Vidia
Amita, Sri Ratnaningsih
Name: Fitria
Widhiyanti, Yulia Lanti
Name: Widyawati, Eti
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 32
Name: Neta Afriyanti,
Eti Poncorini
Hanung Prasetya
Title: The Effect of
Contraceptive Use on
the Risk of Depression
in Women of
Reproductive Age:
Evidence From
Bhisma Murti
Title: The Effect Of Self
Efficacy On Voluntary
Counseling And Testing
Of Hiv In Homosexual:
A Meta-Analysis
Title: Experience On
Prenatal Gentle Yoga
Exercise During Preg-
nancy: A Scoping
Retno Dewi, Isna
Title: Fad Diets and
Other Factors Affecting
the Risk of Chronic
Energy Deficiency
Among Adolescent
Females at the Boarding
Pamungkasari, Bhisma
Title: Factors Affecting
the Use of Antenatal
Care in Semarang,
Central Java:
Application of Health
Belief Model
50 17.25-
Name: Fanny Kartika,
Bhisma Murti, Eti
Title: The Effect of
Vitamin D
Supplementation on
the Pre-Eclampsia Risk
Reduction in Pregnant
Women: A Meta-
Name: Endy Juli Anto,
Leonard Kristian
Sinaga, Jekson Martiar
Title: Relationship
Between Total Imuno-
globulin E Level And
Intensity Of Whipworm
Infectionin Primary
School Children, Me-
dan, North Sumatera
Name: Renidya Asyura
Muttabi’ Deya Fa’ni,
Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi,
Isna Qadrijati
Title: Path Analysis on
the Determinants of
Complementary Feeding
Name: Puspita
Mayangsari Prabowo,
Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Eti
Poncorini Pamungkasari
Title: Application of
Social Cognitive Theory
on Factors Affecting
Completeness of Child
Immunization: Evidence
from Pacitan, East Java
Name: Karlinda, Didik
Gunawan Tamtomo,
Vitri Widyaningsih
Title: Determinants of
Fertility in Indonesia:
an Analysis from Basic
Life Survey Data Year
51 17.35-
Name: Irfa Nur
Faujiah, Bhisma Murti,
Hanung Prasetya
Title: The Effect of
Name: Livia Calorina,
Pawito, hanung
Title: Use of Gadget on
Name: Mila Triana
Sari, Daryanto
Title: Maternal Cha-
racteristics And Know-
Name: Eti Kuswandari,
Harsono Salimo, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Social Economic
Name: Feri Yuda
Anggara, Setyo Sri
Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti
Title: Effect of Malaria
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 33
Prenatal Stresson Low
Birth Weight: A Meta-
Child Development in
Children Age 3-5 Years:
Evidence from Melawi,
West Kalimantan
ledge On The Risk Of
Childhood Stunting At
Simpang Kawat Co-
mmunity Health Center,
Determinants of Birth
Weight: Path Analysis
Evidence from
Situbondo, East Java
Infection on Premature
Birth Delivery: A Meta-
52 17.45-
Name: Elma Yopiana,
Bhisma Murti, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi
Title: Exclusive
Breastfeeding and
Prevention of Obesity
in Children Under
Five: A Meta-Analysis
Name: Solikhah Eli
Setiyani, Fitria Siswi
Title: Supplementary
Food Therapy For The
Recovery Of Malnou-
rished Children 0-59
Months: A Systematic
Name: Rachmawati
Felani Djuria
Title: Increased The
Capacity Cbia Facilitator
Through The Formation
Agent Of Change (Aoc)
In The Use Antibiotics
In Tanjung Gunung
Village Central Bangka
Name: Ines Ratni
Pravitasari, Vitri
Widyaningsih, Bhisma
Title: Meta Analysis:
Kangaroo Mother Care
to Elevate Infant Weight
in Premature Infants
Name: Philipus
Prihantiko Kurniagung,
Vitri Widyaningsih
Title: Fertility
Determinants in
Indonesia: Analysis of
Indonesian Basic Health
Survey Year 2017
53 17.55-
Name: Dewi Kartika
Sari, Putri Wahyu Wi-
Title: Factors
Affecting Anemia in
Pregnant Women With
Second And Third
Trimester Of
Pregnancy At Tiron
Community Health
Center, Kediri District,
East Java
Name: Ambar Dwi
Retnoningrum, Ike
Nurrochmawati, Dewi
Title: Determinants Of
Health Visit Among Mo-
thers With Toddlers At
The Integrated Health
Post, Nganjuk District,
East Java
Name: Jonan Stanley
Nangoy, Caroline Mar-
lyn Sepang
Title: Factors Affecting
Obesity In Preschool
Children In Upper
Airmadidi, North
Name: Fatchurrohmah
Ines Prabandari, R.B
Soemanto, Vitri
Title: The Effect of
Physical Activity on The
Academic Achievement
in Primary School
Students: Meta-Analysis
Name: Maranata, Eti
Pamungkasari, Rita
Benya Adriani
Title: Effect of
Perceived Benefit on
Pap Smear Examination
Uptake in Women of
Reproductive Age: A
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 34
54 18.05-
Name: Nining
Istighosah, Aprilia
Nurtika Sari
Title: Oxytocyn
Massage Using
Innovative Massage
Tool And Conventional
Effleurage Techniques
To Increase Breastmilk
Production In Post
Partum Mothers
Name: Sulis Diana,
Chatarina Umbul Wa-
hyuni, Budi Prasetyo
Title: Effect Of Obs-
tructive Sleep Apnea On
Incidence Of Pre-
eclampsy In Pregnant
Women: A Systematic
Name: Esty Puji Ra-
hayu, Lailatul Khusnul
Title: Effect Of Affir-
mation Flashcards On
Level Of Anxiety In
Second Stage Of Labor
At Midwifery Clinic,
East Java
Name: Utami
Pangestu, Yulia Lanti
Retno Dewi, Hanung
Title: Effect of Fruits
And Vegetables Intake
on Obesity in School-
Aged Children: Meta-
Name: Firdausi Nuzula
Title: The Difference of
Anxiety in Intrapartum
Mothers with Normal
and Sectio Caesarea
55 18.15-
Name: Ni Luh
Srinadi, Theresia
Puspitawati, Nonik
Ayu Wantini
Title: Relationship Of
Family Economic
Status With Chronic
Energy Deficiency In
Pregnant Women In
Jetis Community
Health Center,
Name: Nanik Handa-
Title: Effectiveness Of
Acupressure On Redu-
cing Of Nausea And Vo-
miting In Pregnant Wo-
men In Independent
Midwifery Practice, Si-
doarjo, East Java
Name: Endah Kusuma
Wardani, Nurul Eko
Widiyastuti, Lutvia Dwi
Rofika, Wahyu Adri
Title: Factors Affecting
Stunting Among
Children Under Five
Years Of Age In Banyu-
wangi, East Java
Name: Alfiati Nanda
Widiyaningrum, Bhisma
Murti, Eti Poncorini
Title: Effect of
Meconium Stained
Amniotic Fluid on The
Risk of Infants
Asphyxia: A Meta-
Name: Mei Fatimah,
Supriyadi Hari Respati,
Eti Poncorini
Title: Path Analysis
Factors Affecting
Pregnant Women
Participation to the
Triple Elimination
Examination in
Semarang, Central Java
56 18.25-
Name: Putri Wahyu
Wigati, Dewi Kartika
Title: Relationship
Bet-ween Diet
Name: Riftiani
Nikmatul Nurlaili, Yulia
Lanti Retno Dewi, Rita
Benya Adriani
Title: School-Based
Name: Lailatul Khu-
snul Rizki, Esty Puji
Title: Effect Of Com-
plementary Feeding On
Name: Ferda Fibi Tyas
Nurkholifa, Eti
Pamungkasari, Hanung
Name: Enge Surabina
Ketaren, Bhisma Murti,
Vitri widyaningsih
Title: Effect of Obesity
and Family History on
The 7th International Conference on Public Health
Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 35
Restriction And
Acceleration Of Pe-
rineum Wound
Healing In Post
Partum Normal
Delivery Mothers In
Tiron Public Health
Center, Kediri, East
Intervention to Reduce
the Risk of Obesity in
Children: A Meta-
Stunting And Anaemia
In Toddlers In Sidoarjo,
East Java
Title: Effect of
Secondary Education on
Exclusive Breastfeeding:
The Risk of Breast
Cancer: Meta Analysis
57 18.35-
Name: Adenia Dwi
Ristanti, Elly Dwi
Title: The Influence
Of Husband's Support
On Health-Seeking
Behavior In Madurese
Mothers With
Postpartum Blues
Name: Imam Setya
Arifian, Vitri
Widyaningsih, Hanung
Title: Meta-Analysis:
The Effect of Active
Smokers in Pregnant
Women on Low Birth
Name: Farida, Vitri
Widyaningsih, Bhisma
Title: Antenatal Care
and Provision of Basic
Immunization in
Children Aged 12-23
Months: Meta-Analysis
Name: Ardiani, RB.
Soemanto, Bhisma Mur-
Title: Relationship Bet-
ween Intimate Partner
Violence And The Risk
Of Postpartum Depre-
Name: Dewi Indah
Sari, Afni Yulianti, Ninik
Title: Effectiveness Of
Cookies Produced From
Moringa Oleifera Leaves
On Haemoglobin Level
In Students At Islamic
Junior High School
Miftahul Hayat, Serang,

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  • 1. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 1 Oral Presentation Schedule The 7th International Conference on Public Health November 18-19, 2020 Date : 18 November 2020 Room : Oral Presentation NO. TIME EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH (1) HEALTH PROMOTION AND BEHAVIOR (2) MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH (3) HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT ( 4) MEDICINE (5) 1 14.00- 14.10 Name: Trisakti Halimah Delima Sari, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Factors Associ- ated With Stroke: Evi- dence From Indonesi- an Family Life Surveys 2015 Name: Asruria Sani Fajriah, Supriyadi Hari Respati, Bhisma Murti Title: Application Of Health Belief Model And Theory Of Planned Be- havior On Factors Affe- cting Breast Self Exami- nation Among Univer- sity Students Name: Annisa Rusdi, Dewi Rokhanawati Title: Breastfeeding Experience in Young Mothers: A Scoping Review Name: Lidia Ekiq Kurniavie, Pawito, Bhisma Murti Title: The Effect Of Activity Level Of The Integrated Health Post On The Performance Of Community Health Wo- rkers On Child Growth And Development He- alth Services: A Multi- level Analysis Evidence From Karanganyar, Ce- ntral Java Name: Trilaksana Nug- roho, Hari Peni Julianti, Arief Wildan, Arnila No- vitasari Saubig, Andhika Guna Darma, Desti Pu- tri Seyorini Title: Risk Factor Of Dry Eyes Syndrome To- ward Elderly With Dia- betes Mellitus 2 14.10- Name: Maki Zamzam, Name: Denanda Agnes Name: Nunik Ike Yunia Name: Anom Dwi Name: Mei
  • 2. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 2 14.20 Didik Gunawan Tam- tomo, Vitri Widyaning- sih Title: Biopsychosocial Determinants Of Qua- lity Of Life In Post Stroke Patients: A Multiple Logistic Re- gression Analysis Safitri, Setyo Sri Rahar- djo, Bhisma Murti Title: Effect Of Peer- Based Intervention On Unwanted Pregnancy Prevention Behavior In Adolescents: A Meta- Analysis Sari, Estin Gita M Title: Determinant of Maternal and Hair Zinc Level on Stunting and Developmental Disorder in Under Five Aged Children: Path Analysis Prakoso, Endang Sutis- na Sulaeman, Arief Suryono Title: Factors Associa- ted With Participation In The National Health Insurance Program: A Path Analysis Evidence From Kudus, Central Java Kusumaningtyas, Herdianty Kusuma Handari Title: Assessment Of Low Back And Ham- string Muscle Flexibility Among Students Of Physiotherapy Depart- ment At Health Polytechnics Surakarta 3 14.20- 14.30 Name: Firman Pardo- si, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Meta Analysis On Obesity And Diabe- tes Melitus As Risk Factor Hypertension in Police And Military Personnel Name: Nur Laili Qo- mariah, Wafda Ardhian Latansyadiena, Indriana WIdya Puspitasari Title: Analysis Of Onli- ne Reproductive Health Learning In Elementary School Students Name: Ni Ketut Mendri, Atik Badi’ah, Mohammad Najib Title: Pop Up Toys As Story Play Therapy On The Level Of Anxiety On General Anesthesia Sur- gery Among Children Around 6-12 Years Old Name: Nia Handayani, Didik Gunawan Tamto- mo, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Affecting The Performance Of Health Workers At The Community Health Cen- ters In Klaten, Central Java Name: Dian Ayu Per- tiwi, Dumilah Ayuning- tyas Title: Policy Analysis Of Leprosy Control: A Systematic Review 4 14.30- 14.40 Name: Triseu Setianingsih Title: Performance Analysis Of Children's Health Program In Indonesia: A Multile- Name: Siti Zakiah Zul- fa, Cesa Septiana Pra- tiwi Title: Implementation Of Home Visit Programs In Promoting Nutritio- nal Status Of UnderFive Name: Atik Badi’ah, Ni Ketut Mendri, Heru Santoso Wahito Nugro- ho, Wawuri Handayani Title: Effect Of Trained Parenting On The Deve- lopment Of Autistic Chi- Name: Imrok Atus Sholihah, Hanung Pra- setya, Vitri Widyaning- sih Title: Factors Affecting The Decision To Choose Name:Nunik Purwanti, Rahmadiar Aditya Putri, Siti Nurjanah Title: Effectiveness Of Sembung Tree Honey On Decreasing Choles- terol Level In Hyperco-
  • 3. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 3 vel Analysis Children In Developing Countries: A Scoping Review ldren At Autism Schools In Indonesia School Of Acupuncture lesterolemia 5 14.40- 14.50 Name: Siti Nurfadilah H, Riris Andono Ah- mad, Sugiarto Title: Rubella Outbre- ak In School Age Chil- dren in Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta Name: Menik Mutiarini, Rosmita Nuzuliana Title: Experience Of Students in The Mens- trual Cleanliness Mana- gement in Schools: A Scoping Review Name: Umu Faizah, Sulistyaningsih Title: Interprofesional Collaborative Practice In Healthcare Of Low- Birth-Weight Cases Name: Ikhtiarisca Oli- fia M, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Bhisma Mur- ti Title: The Influence Of Job Satisfaction And Organization Commit- ment On The Perfor- mance Of Family Plan- ning Counselors in Yog- yakarta Name: Widya, Adang Bachtiar Title: Effectiveness Of Material Using Ct Scan And Mri After Use Of Picture Archiving And Commucating System And Radiology Informa- tion System At Radiolo- gical Installation Of Bu- kittinggi National Hos- pital, West Sumatra 6 14.50- 15.00 Name: Vicky Arfeni Warongan, Fazidah Aguslina Siregar, Etti Sudaryati Title: The Influence of Behavior Factors On The Incidence Of Syphilis In High-Risk Men In Public Health Centers, Medan, North Sumatera Name: Juariah Title: Factors Associ- ated With Dating Beha- vior Of Adolescents In North Coastal Line, West Java Name: Nancy Dalla Darsono, Sri Wahyu- ningsih, Agneta Irmara- hayu Title: Factors Influen- cing The Use Of Long- Lasting Contraception Methods Among Repro- ductive Age Women In Sukmajaya Community Health Care, Depok, Name: Mujiran, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Associa- ted With Service Perfor- mance Among Commu- nity Health Center Em- ployees In Karanganyar, Central Java Name: Martini Heni- astaty Patuwondatu, Ci- cilya Candi Title: Effects Of Foot Reflexology Massage On Reducing Blood Pressu- re In Elderly With Hy- pertension At Sekupang Public Health Center, Batam
  • 4. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 4 West Java 7 15.00- 15.10 Name: Reny Tri Fe- briani, Nining Loura Sari Title: Hypertension Risk Factors Among Obese Adolescent Name: Yustika Rah- mawati Pratami, Nurul Kurniati Title: Sex Education Strategy For Adoles- cents: A Scoping Review Name: Yunita Anggri- ani, Nurul Kurniati Title: Experiences Of Adolescents To Become Mother: A Scoping Review Name: Agustina Utii, Bhisma Murti, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Factors Affecting The Perceived Quality Of Service And Patient Satisfaction On Inpa- tient Care Of Nabire Hospital Papua Name: Muhamad Seto Sudirman, Msi.Med Title: Effectiveness Of Ficus Elastica Roxb. Ex Hornem Leaf Extract In Reducing Total Choles- terol Level In High Fat Induced Diet Wistar Male Rats 8 15.10- 15.20 Name: Yuli Arisanti, Janri Manullang Title: The Obesity Prevalence in Navy Personal And Civil Servants At Lantamal X Jayapura Name: Afif Ghufroni, Jasmine Kartiko Pertiwi Title: Effectiveness Of Muscle Energy Techni- que To Increase Hams- tring Muscle Flexibility In Adolescents Name: Maria Manda Puspita, Ardhi ana Julia Dewi, Nourma Yunita Title: Relationship Bet- ween Birth Interval And The Risk Of Postpartum Hemorrhage At Rsia Kirana Hospital In Sidoarjo, East Java Name: Riza Firdaus, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Bhisma Murti Title: Multilevel Analy- sis on The Contextual Effect Of The Integrated Health Post On The Use Of Non-Communicable Disease Screening Service Name: Imrok Atus Sholihah, Sumanto, Ris- na Widowati Title: Effect Of Acupu- ncture And Acupressure Therapy On Reduction Of Pain Levels In Lower Step Pain Patients, Du- kuh Duwetan, Central Java 9 15.20- 15.30 Name: Muhammad Luthfi, Baiduri Wida- narko Title: Analysis Of In- dividual, Physical, And Psychosocial Risk Fac- tors On Work-Related Name: A.A. Putri Me- lastini, Dewi Setyaning- sih, Nonik Ayu Wantini Title: Relationship Between Fast Food Diet And Body Mass Index In Vocational Students At Name: Irma Nurma Linda, Sulistyaningsih Title: Interprofessional Health Collaboration on Female Adolescents wi- th Iron Deficiency Ane- Name: Veterina Rizki Amalia, Hanung Praset- ya, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Associa- ted With Job Performa- nce Of Midwives At Co- mmunity Health Cen- Name: Ganda Ardian- syah, Henny Purwan- dari, Heni Prastika Da- mayanti Title: Effectiveness Of Dry Extract Mahoni Seed Consumption On
  • 5. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 5 Skeletal Muscle Disor- ders In Workers In Tourism Sector: A Systematic Review Universitas Respati, Yogyakarta mia: A Scoping Review ters In Mojokerto, East Java Blood Sugar Level In Diabetes Mellitus 10 15.30- 15.40 Name: Hana Kristina, The Maria Meiwati Widagdo, Teguh Kristian Perdamaian Title: Correlation Bet- ween Burden And Quality Of Life Of Fa- mily Caregivers With Dependent Elderly In Klitren, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Name: Sri Wahyuning- sih, Hany Yusmaini, Erna Harfiani, Meiskha Bahar Title: Compliance Characteristics Of Community Health Assistant Cadre In Implementing Health Protocols During Covid- 19 Pandemic Name: Dina Seprina, Adelina Fitri, M. Dody Izhar Title: Relationship Am- oung Body Mass Index, History Of Maternal Menarche And Exposu- re Of Pornographic Me- dia With Menarche Age In Elementary School Students, Jambi Name: Sri Umiati Title: Systematic Re- view: Factors Associated With Implementation Of Health Information Management In Com- munity Health Centers Name: Fiashriel Lundy, Prima Soultoni Akbar Title: The Effect Of The Model Of Eradication Of Dengue Fever Vector Movement Of Housewi- ves Monitoring Larva In Efforts To Prevent De- ngue Fever In Mojo- langu Village, Lowok- waru District Malang 11 15.40- 15.50 Name: Endah Mul- yani, Sulastri, Zahrotul Hidayati, Khaulah Mu- jahidah Title: Determinants Of Knowledge About Covid-19 Transmission Preventionand Antena- tal Care Visit In Gresik, East Java Name: Sumiati, Evi Nurhidayati Title: Relationship Bet- ween Family Support And Self- Efficacy Among Pregnant Wo- men In Yogyakarta Name: Dyah Ayu Fitri- ani, Fathiyatur Rohmah Title: Relationship Bet- ween Exclusive Breast- feeding And Stunting In Under-Five Children At Harjobinangun Village, Yogyakarta Name: Tri Puji Panges- ti, Didik Gunawan Tam- tomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Multilevel Logis- tic Regression Analysis On The Effectiveness Of Chronic Disease Mana- gement Program In Improving “Cerdik” He- althy Behavior For Hy- pertensive Patients Name: Aulia Muthia Muthmainnah, Afif Ghufroni, M.Mudatsir Syatibi Title: Effect Of Giving Scapular Stabilization Exercise for Increasion Range In Frozen Shoulder
  • 6. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 6 12 15.50- 16.00 Name: Wiwik Se- tyaningsih, Dodiet Adi- tya Setyawan Title: Spatio-Tempo- ral Analysis On Ende- micity Of Dengue He- morrhagic Fever In Sragen District, Cen- tral Java Name: Ida Rahmawati, Dwi Putri Sulistya Ningsih Title: Effectiveness Of Audiovisual-Based Training On Basic Life Support Knowledge Of Students In Bengkulu Name: Nahdiyatul Mu- karomah, Ismarwati Title: Adolescent Res- ponse On Menarche: A Scoping Review Name: Eka Siti Chasa- nah, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, Setyo Sri Rahardjo Title: Factors Affecting The Performance Of Co- mmunity Health Wor- kers At The Integrated Non Communicable Di- sease Health Post In Karanganyar, Central Java Name: Kartika Yulian- ti, Aris Wibudi, Mila Citrawati Title: Relation Between Tiroid Status With Gly- cemic Control Of Type 2 Dm Patients At Rspad Gatot Soebroto 16.00- 16.15 Coffe Break 13 16.15- 16.25 Name: Jhonferi Sida- balok, Pujiyanto Title: The Effect Of Infection Prevention And Control Link Nur- se Supervision And Re- source Availability On Paramedic Hand Hygi- ene At Hanau Hospi- tal, Seruyan District, Central Kalimantan Name: Ratna Frenty Nurkhalim, Sukamdi, Djauhar Ismail Title: Mixed Method Study On Evaluation Of The Impact Of The Family Hope Program On Birth Weight In Nganjuk, East Java Name: Mellysa Wulan- dari Tasripin, Herlin Fitriana K Title: Maternal Psycho- logy On Breastfeeding Twins: A Scoping Review Name: Yeny Ristaning Belawati, Didik Guna- wan Tamtomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Meta-Analysis The Effect Of Chronic Disease On Catastrophic Health Expenditure Name: Darren Eduardo William, Mitra Andini Sigilipoe, Widya Chris- tine Manus Title: Comparison Of Mini-Mental State Exa- mination And Clock Drawing Test With Orientation-Memory- Concentration Test In The Elderly With Cogni- tive Function Impair- ment In Jetis Sub- District, Yogyakarta
  • 7. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 7 14 16.25- 16.35 Name: Jhonferi Sida- balok, Pujiyanto Title: The Effect Of Infection Prevention And Control Link Nur- se Supervision And Resource Availability On Paramedic Hand Hygiene At Hanau Hospital, Seruyan District, Central Kalimantan Name: Ii Solihah, Amelia Arnis Title: The Effect Of Health Education On Prevention Of Cardio- vascular Disease Risk Factors Towards Know- ledge And Attitudes Of Overweight Adolescents Name: Anugerah Des- tia Trisetyaningsih, De- wi Rokhanawati Title: Young Mothers’ Perspectives on Early Postpartum: A Scoping Review Name: Eni Nur Rah- mawati, Maya Milenia Atlantic Title: Association Bet- ween Pregnancy Post- term Diagnosis Code Accuracy And National Health Insurance Reim- bursement Regularity Name: Hari Peni Juli- anti, Dea Amarilisa Ade- spin, Trilaksana Nugro- ho, Nur Laelatul Rasyi- din Title: Nutritional, Phy- sical, Psychosocial, And Commorbid Disease Af- fecting Quality Of Life In Knee Osteoartritis P- atients At William Booth Hospital, Semarang 15 16.35- 16.45 Name: Nepriana Buta Rade, Theresia Puspi- tawati, Jati Untari Title: Factors Related To Malnutrition Even- ts In Under-Five Chil- dren In Kabukarudi Vi- llage, East Nusa Teng- gara Name: Annisaur Roh- matun Jannah, Aulia Chairani, Yanti Harjono Title: Risk Factors Of Noised Induced Hearing Loss In Workers At Beveling Unit In Industry X, Bekasi, West Java Name: Diadjeng Setya W, Miftahul Jannah, Rismaina Putri Title: Antenatal Care Quality by Midwives as A Stunting Prevention Effort In Malang, East Java: A Comparative Study Name: R. Dwi Budi- ningsari, Ika Ratna Palupi Title: Knowledge, Atti- tude and Practice On Food Hygiene and Sani- tation, Optimistic Bias Of Food Handlers, And Their Association With Participation in Food Safety Training at A Hospital in Yogyakarta Name: Dewi Rukmana, Purhadi, Wahyu Rinia- sih Title: Effectiveness Of Consuming Decoction Of Bay Leaves (Syzygi- um Polyanthum) And Soursop Leaves (Anno- na Uricata) On Redu- cing Uric Acid Levels In Elderly In Grobogan, Entral Java 16 16.45- 16.55 Name: Siti Ulfah, Ci- cilya Candi, Ede Surya Darmawan Title: Risk Factors Of Name: Hanifatun Nisa Ath Thoriqoh, Budi Haryanto, Ela Laelasari Title: The Association Name: Hairiana Kus- vitasari, Ismarwati Title: Factors Associa- ted With Exclusive Bre- Name: Rina Aprianti, Susilo Wulan, Elza Wulandari Title: Relationship of Name: Aulia Chairani Title: Validity And Reliability Test Of The Nordic Musculoskeletal
  • 8. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 8 Covid-19 Transmission Between Hospital Em- ployees Between Food Hygiene And The Escherichia Coli Contamination On School Snack At Ele- mentary School In Cakung Subdistrict, East Jakarta astfeeding Among Pri- mipara: A Scoping Review Work Load and Inter- personal Interactions with Work Fatigue in Inpatient Nurses at Dr M Yunus Hospital, Bengkulu Questionnaire With For- mal And Informal Sec- tor Workers 17 16.55- 17.05 Name: Yustina Ni Putu Yusniawati, Putu Inge Ruth Suantika Title: Analysis Of Earthquake Prepared- ness Measures In Stu- dents At Elementary School, Denpasar, Bali Name: Goklian Paradu- an Haposan, Pujiyanto Title: Implementation Of Immunization Ser- vices For The Under- Five Children During Covid-19 Pandemic At Twano Community He- alth Center, Jayapura Name: Zico Permadi, Maria Ekawati, Citra Ayu Aprilia Title: Correlation Bet- ween Nutritional Status And Pneumonia Among 6-59 Months Years Old In Tangerang, Banten Name: Fiska Anta De- siyanti, Decy Situngkir Title: Risk Factors Of Byssinosis Symptoms Among Sewing Unit Workers At PT. X, Semarang Name: Dewi Indra Sari, Mardiati Nadjib Title: The Role Of Chloroquine And Hy- droxychloroquine In Prophylaxis Of Covid- 19: A Systematic Review 18 17.05- 17.15 Name: Anissa Eka Septiani, Bhisma Murti, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Hanung Prasetya Title: Meta-Anaylsis: Gender and The Risk of Lower Extremity Amputation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Foot Ulcer Name: Pamogsa Daniyar, Edo Riyandani, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Occupational Illness Due to Ergonomic Factors in Textile Industry Workers Name: Risa Nurhayati, Dewi Indriani, Rahayu Budi Utami Title: Postnatal Factors Related To Stunting In Children Under Five, Nganjuk, East Java HEALTH PROMOTION AND BEHAVIOR Name: Shiva Aflahi- yah, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Hanung Pra- setya Title: A Meta-Analy- sis on The Effectiveness of Prenatal Yoga in Reducing Cortisol Hormone in Pregnancy Name: Linda Wahyu Septianawati, Sukisma- nto, Tutik Astuti Title: The Associati- ons between Education, Employment, Social Culture, and Exclusive Breastfeeding at Girisu- bo Community Health
  • 9. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 9 Center, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta 19 17.15- 17.25 Name: Sugeng Ret- yono, Setyo Sri Ra- hardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Biopsychosocial Deter- minants of Hepatitis a Outbreaks in Pacitan, East Java Name: Sinar Perdana Putra, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, RB. Soemanto Title: The Effectiveness of Web- Based Health Promotion Intervention on Fruits Consumption in Children in America, Australia, and Europe Name: Putu Sri Rahayu, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Uki Retno Budihastuti Title: Women’s Res- ponsibility To Choose Injection Contraceptive In Timor Tengah Selatan, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Name: Ony Suciati, Didik Gunawan Tamto- mo, Pawito Title: The Effective- ness of Melati Book to Improve Healthy Beha- vior and Reduce Blood Pressure in Hyperten- sion Patients at South Sidorejo Health Center, Salatiga, Central Java Name: Astika Candra Nirwana, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Bhisma Murti Title: The Effects of Ferric Carboxymaltose versus Iron Sucrose on The Ferritin Level in Pregnant Women with Anemia: A Meta- Analysis 20 17.25- 17.35 Name: Hisyam Sya- fi’ie, Hanung Prasetya, Bhisma Murti Title: Obesity and The Risk of Suicide in Adults: A Meta- Analysis Name: Florida Betty Apriliyani, Agus Kristi- yanto, Bhisma Murti Title: A Meta Anaysis on The Association Bet- ween Family Behavior of Smoking and Smoking Behavior in Adolescents Name: Halimatus Saidah, Rahma Kusuma Dewi Title: Relationship Betwee Basic Feeding Rule Applied By Parent And Eatung Difficulties Of Children Under Five Years Of Age In Kediri. East Java Name: Muhammad Rifqi Azhary, Dwi Noerjoedianto, Hubaybah Title: Evaluation Of Management Center In- formation And Adoles- cent Counseling (PIK-R) In Adult Marriage Adult Promotion In SMAN 4, Jambi City, 2018 Name: Cahyo Setia- wan, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Hanung Prasetya Title: Effect of Kinesi- ology Taping in Redu- cing Pain in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Meta Analysis
  • 10. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 10 Oral Presentation Schedule The 7th International Conference on Public Health November 18-19, 2020 Date : 19 November 2020 Room : Oral Presentation NO. TIME EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH (1) HEALTH PROMOTION AND BEHAVIOR (2) MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH (3) HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT ( 4) MEDICINE (5) 1 07.30- 07.40 Name: Heni Puji Wahyuningsih, Bhisma Murti, Eny Lestari, Reviono Title: The Influence Of Social Capital, Pa- renting, And Environ- ment On Quality Of Life Among 2-4 Years Old Children Name: Mario Febria- nus Helan Sani, Nanda Agustian Simatupang Title: Difference Of Knowledge Toward HIV/Aids In Adoles- cents In Sleman, Yogyakarta Name: Lasrika S Si- naga, Cecylia, Mardiati Nadjib Title: Nutritional In- terventions To Reduce Stunting In Developing Countries: A Systematic Review Name: Mutiara Tirta Prabandari Lintang Kusuma Title: Understanding The Contextual Idiosyn- crasies Of Stunting Pre- vention Program At Dis- trict And Village Levels In Indonesia Using The Ecological Approach Name: Maria Selvester Thadeus, Tiwuk Susan- tiningsih, Agneta Irma- rahayu Title: The Study Of An- tioxidant Endogenous Levels Of Obesity Mice That Induced By 2- Nitropropane 2 07.40- 07.50 Nama: Lia Kurniasari, Aji Mohammad Irfan- nur, Ayu Mardiana, Elvi Natalia, Erlinda Name: Bayu Putra De- wantara, Bhisma Murti, Vitri Widyaningsih Name: Dewi Susanti, Yuliwati Title: Effectiveness Of Name: Puteri Salsabi- la, Mila Tejamaya Title: Implementation Name: Hendrika An- driana Silitonga, Gontar Alamsyah Siregar, Ro- sita Juwita Sembiring,
  • 11. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 11 Rara Sulviana, Nur Ainun Jariah Title: Predisposing And Reinforcing Fac- tors In PatientsWith Breast Cancer In Sa- marinda, East Kali- mantan Title: Factors Affecting The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment Among Workers At A Plywood Plants, In Lumajang, East Java: Application Of Health Belief Model And Social Cognitive Theory Stimulation Of Endor- phin, Oxytocin, And Suggestive Massage Method On The Breast Milk Production In Postpartum Mothers At General Hospital, South Tangerang, West Java Analysis Of The Occupa- tional And Environmen- tal Safety And Health Management System At Laboratory Of Universitas Indonesia Marline Nainggolan Title: Effect Of Chayote (Sechium Edule Jacq. Swartz) Extract On Level Of Interleukin-8 In Wistar Rats With Aspirin-Induced Gastritis 3 07.50- 08.00 Name: Ratna Yusti- nawati, Anhari Achadi Title: Risk Factors for Mortality In Patients With Covid-19: A Sys- tematic Review Name: Hesketh Hans, Mila Citrawati, Citra Ayu Aprilia Title: The Effect Of Electric Cigarette Nico- tine Levels On Expira- tion Top Currents In Vape User Communi- ties, South Jakarta Name: Magdalena Gultom, Ririn Arminsih Title: Relationship Between Vitamin A Deficiency And Pneu- monia Incidence Of Children Under Five Years Of Age In West Java Name: Sisybania, Ma- hendra Wijaya, Bhisma Murti Title: Application Of Social Cognitive: Deter- minants Of Job Perfor- mance In Medical Reha- bilitation Health Wor- kers At Dr. Moewardi Hospital Name: Dessy Lutfi- asari, Galuh Pradian Yanuaringsih Title: The Effect Of Soybean-Palm Date Milk Consumption On Hemoglobin Level Among Adolescent 4 08.00- 08.10 Name: I Kadek Adi Paramartha, I Ketut Suardamana Title: Patient Charac- teristics With The Drugs Provocation Test in Sanglah Hospi- tal From 2017 to 2018 Name: Rachmawati Felani Djuria Title: Factors Relating To Knowledge About Gastritical Swamedca- tion Among Students At Pondok Hidayatus- salikin Pangkalpinang Name: Rahma Kusu- ma Dewi, Halimatus Saidah Title: Relationship Between Gravidity And Severity Of Emesis Gravidarum In Tri- mester I Pregnant Wo- men At Pmb Fatimatu Name: An Nisa Elca Putri, Novrikasari, Hae- rawati Idris Title: Analysis Of The Performance Of Tuber- culosis Program Imple- menting Officers In The Suspect Network Of Tu- berculosis At Commu- Name: Hendri Kurnia- wan Title: Various Alertness Cognitive Stimulation On The Optimization Of Motor Recovery Among Post Stroke Patients In Neurorehabilitation Program
  • 12. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 12 Zahrok Midwifery Care, Kediri, East Java nity Health Center, Pa- lembang City 5 08.10- 08.20 Name: Tuti Rohani, Hartono, Muhammad Akhyar, Sri Mulyani Title: Youth Health Smartphone Application "Teenfit" In Increasing Adolescent Knowledge About Anemia, In Bantul, Yogyakarta Name: Clara Yunita Ina Ola, Matilda Bupu Ria, Roslin E.M Sormin Title: Relative Effecti- veness Of Red Guava Fruit (Psidium Guajava L.) And Star Fruit (Averrhoa Carambola L.) On Hemoglobin Le- vel In Pregnant Women At Camplong Co- mmunity Health Center, Kupang District Name: Indri Kartiko Sari, Diah Mulyawati Utari, Shigeru Yama- moto Title: Weight Manage- ment With Daily Con- sumption Of Recomme- nded Vegetable Intake Among Overweight Wo- men In Jakarta Name: Fajar Danis- wara Montana, Yuni Setyaningsih, Fajriati Zulfa Title: Effectiveness Of Cocoa (Theobroma Ca- cao L.) Seed Extract On The Growth Of In Vitro Malassezia Furfur 6 08.20- 08.30 Name: Woro Riyadi- na, Dewi Kristanti, Ju- lianty Pradono, Eko- wati Rahajeng, Yuda Turana Title: A Cohort Study On The Primary Prevention Of Stroke Incidence In Adult Population In Bogor, West Java Name: Menik Mutiari- ni, Rosmita Nuzuliana Title: Experience Of Students In The Mens- trual Hygiene Manage- ment In Schools: A Scoping Review Name: Ika Yulianti, Rahmi Padlilah, Agus Purnamasari Title: Impact Of Co- vid19 Pandemic On Fetus And Newborn: A Systematic Review Name: Fitri Dwiyani, Amal C. Sjaaf Title: Analysis Of Phar- maceutical Installations Management At Kam- bang Hospital, Jambi Name: Mei Kusuma- ningtyas, Hana Kristina Title: The Relative Effectivness Of Steady State Cardio And High Intensity Interval Trai- ning On Cardiorespira- tory Fitness Among Students At School Of Health Polytechnics, Surakarta 7 08.30- Name: Yuniastuti Ni Putu Ayu Krisna, Name: Iftah Tazkiyah, Name: Sugeng Iwan Setyobudi, I Nengah Name: Deli, Destanul Aulia, Heru Santosa, Ida Name: Ribkhah Arvita Ekaristi, Herdianty Ku-
  • 13. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 13 08.40 Tarsikah, Widyana Erni Dwi Title: Determinants Of Language Develop- ment Among 1 Year Old Children In Malang, East Java Sudarto Ronoatmodjo Title: Relationship Of Number Of Children With Early Menopause Tanu Komalyna, Nu- rulloh Title: Difference In Acceptability And Level Of Preference Between Modified And Standard Supplemen- tary Feeding In Under- nourished Toddlers At Janti Community He- alth Center, Malang Yustina Title: Implementation Of Integrated Nursing Models Toward Patient Satisfaction In Mitra Medika Amplas Hos- pital, Medan, North Sumatra suma H, Marti Rustanti Title: The Differences Between Foam Rolling Exercise And Swedish Massage On Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Pain 8 08.40- 08.50 Name: Adriesti Her- daetha, Aris Sudiyanto, RB Sumanto, Endang Sutisna Suleman, Wi- jaya Kusuma Title: Social Capital Phenomenology Study Among People Who Treat A Mental Disorder Person Name: Dias Puspita- ning Mawarni, Lisa Safira, Citra Ayu Aprilia Title: Association Bet- ween Pocket Money Availability And Frequ- ency Of Fast-Food Con- sumption Toward Over- nutrition Case Among Junior High School Student, South Jakarta Name: Siska Nurul A- bidah, Hinda Novianti Title: Effect Of Exclu- sive Breastfeeding On Growth And Develop- ment Of Infants Aged 0- 24 Months Name: Dian Agnesa Sembiring, Atik Nurwahyuni Title: Analysis Study Of The Comparative Quali- ty Of Patient Services Before And After Covid- 19 Pandemic In Installa- tion Of Siloam Hospital Tb Simatupang Installa- tion Name: Ova Jayanti, Rosmawati Lubis, Nur- mawati Title: Murottal Music On Dysmenorrhea Pain Among Students In Madrasah Aliyah Sultan Hasanudin, South Jakarta 9 08.50- 09.00 Name: Catur Retno Lestari Title: Gender And Occupation On Fine Motor Skill Among Name: Naenda Stasya, Wahyu Sulistiadi Title: The Effectiveness Of Mobile Application As Educational Inter- Name: Rizki Amalia Title: Maternal And Child Health Handbook As Health Promotion Tool For Postpartum Name: Rakhmad Hida- yat, Budi Hidayat Title: Dispute Analysis Of Claims For Covid-19 Patients At Hospitals Of Name: Leny Latifah, Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani, Suryati Kumorowulan, Diah Yunitawati Title: Iodine Deficiency
  • 14. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 14 Infants Aged 6-11 Months vention To Prevent Stunting: A Systematic Review And Breastfeeding Mothers: A Systematic Review Indonesia University Associated With Adoles- cent Cognitive Perfor- mance In Endemic Io- dine Deficiency Ende- mic Area 10 09.00- 09.10 Name: Ummi Kal- sum, Jumati, Damris Muhammad Title: A Compliance On Profilactical As A Dominant Factor Towards Filariasis Events In Jambi Province As A High Endemis Regency Name: Roichatul Dja- nnah, Siti Maisaroh Title: Family's Role On Stunting Among Children In Bojong Jaya Village, Tangerang, Banten Name: Ana Dyah Aliza, Farida Kartini Title: Student Percep- tion Of The Preceptor- ship Model In Midwi- fery Care: A Scoping Review Name: Sulistyaningsih, Y. Warella, Sutopo Pat- ria Jati, Meidiana Dwi- diyanti Title: The Effectiveness Of Collaborative Leader- ship On Improving In- terprofessional Collabo- ration Practice In The Comprehensive Emer- gency Obstetric And Ne- onatal Services Name: Rita Untari Title: The Effect Of Brain Gym On Depres- sion Levels In Elderly, Nogosari District, Boyo- lali, Central Java 11 09.10- 09.20 Name: Wenny Wi- harsini, Wahyu Sulis- tiadi Title: Determinant Factors Of Covid-19 Transmission Among Of Health Personnel: A Systematic Review Name: Indriani, Ade Rachma Safira, Ummy Aisyiyah N Title: Physical Activity Pattern Among Students Of Health Sciences In Yogyakarta Name: Andi Asnifati- ma, Siti Khodijah Parin- duri, Ahsin Aligori Title: Environmental And Behavior Factors On The Incidences Of Toxoplasmosis Among Married Women Name: Yeny Kusuma- wati, Fresty Africia Title: Implementation Of Cigarette Area Policy In High School, Ngan- juk, East Java, Indone- sia Name: Nurul Nadifa Erza, Fajriati Zulfa, Yuni Setyaningsih Title: Antifungal Test Of The Ethanol Extract Of Brotowali Stem (Ti- nospora Crispa) On The Growth Of Trichophyton Rubrum In Vitro 12 09.20- Name: Herose Cen- drasilvinia, The Maria Name: Hubaybah, Evy Name: Basri Aramico, Emy Huriyati, Susetyo- Name: Rianti Merviane Name: Candra Kusuma Negara, Sri Erliani,
  • 15. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 15 09.30 Meiwati Widagdo, Wi- dya Christine Manus Title: Burden And Quality Of Life Of Dependent Elderly Ca- regivers In Pakuncen Village Yogyakarta Wisudariani, Usi Lanita Title: HIV/ Aids Prevention Program: A Mixed Method Study On The Implementation Of Voluntary Counseling And Testing Services At Primary Health Center, Jambi wati, Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi Title:Determinant Fac- tors Of Stunting And Effectiveness Of Nutri- tion, Information, Edu- cation Interventions To Prevent Stunting In The First 1000 Days Of Life: A Systematic Review Erungan Title: Readiness Of Hu- man Resource, Logis- tics, And Finance In Handling Pandemic Co- vid-19 At Bhakti Wira Tamtama TNI Hospital, Semarang Kristiani Title: Macaranga Leave Capsule as On Dysme- norrhea as A Comple- mentary Therapy 09.30- 09.45 Coffe Break 13 09.45- 09.55 Name: Atet Kurniadi, Pujiyanto Title: The Association Between Patient Satis- faction, Nutrition Ex- pert Consultation Pra- ctice, And The Quality Of Nutrition Service At Inpatient Ward, Hanau Hospital Name: Diani Maryani, Liza Anggraeni Title: Effect Of Hypno- parenting On Nutritio- nal Status In Preschool Age Children At Al-Fa- thir Kindergarten, Tang- erang, Banten Name: Maria Gayatri Title: The Use Of Modern Contraceptives Among Poor Women In Urban Areas In Indonesia Name: Sarah Geltri Harahap, Cicylia Candi, Adang Bachtiar Title: Acceptance And Barrier In Using Telemedicine Health Services Of Hospitals Among Pediatric Outpa- tients: A Systematic Review Name: Sarah Lorenza Caverina, Retno Yulian- ti, Andri Pramesyanti Title: Effectiveness Of Soursop Leaf Extract To Decrease Malondialde- hyde Level 14 09.55- 10.05 Name: Muhammad Syafiq N, Shaharuddin MS, Zaenal Abidin Title: Nitrate in Gro- undwater And Health Name: Hubaybah, Adelina Fitri Title: Evaluation Of Hiv-Aids Prevention Program In Homosexual Name: Christine Aden, Marselinus Heriteluna Title: The Effect Of Co- mplementary Ampeloci- ssus Rubiginosa L The- Name: Chrismatovanie Gloria, Pujiyanto Title: Compliance With Complete Filling Of Pa- tient's Medical Record Name: Solihati, Nura- liyah Sugianti Title: Effect Of Aloe Vera Drink On Intensity Of Dysmenorrhea In
  • 16. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 16 Risk Assessment: A Cross-Sectional Study In Three Villages In Tanah Merah District, Kelantan, Malaysia During Paddy Pre- Planting Season Men In Jambi rapy on The Decrease in Postpartum Fundal He- ight, Palangka Raya Ci- ty, Central Kalimantan At Hospital: A Systema- tic Review Students, Tangerang, Banten 15 10.05- 10.15 Name: Siti Marfu’ah, Irfana Tri Wijayanti, Ana Rofika Title: Multilevel Ana- lysis Of Factors Asso- ciated With Performa- nce Of Midwives In In- tegrated Antenatal Ca- re Service In Pati, Cen- tral Java Name: Ike Nurrochma- wati, Ambar Dwi Retno- ningrum, Remita Yuli Kusumaningrum Title: Effect Of Health Education With Flip Chart And Video On Knowledge About Early Detection Of Cervical Cancer In Women Of Reproductive Age In Nganjuk District, East Java Name: Siti Nur Asyah Jamillah Ahmaad, Dina M.S Henukh Title: Difference In Le- ngth Of Return Of Fer- tility After Contracepti- on With 3-Month Of Depo Medroxy Proges- teron Acetate Injection And Hormonal Implant In Baumata Public Health Center, Kupang District Name: Willia Gontina S, Atik Nurwahyuni Title: Determinants Of Inpatient Cost For Pati- ents With St-Elevation Myocardial Infarct At Mayapada Hospital, Tangerang Name: Rth.Supraptomo Title: A Case Report On Regional Anaesthesia In Pregnant Women With Severe Pre-Eclampsia, Partial Hellp Syndrome, Fetal Distress, And Type II Diabetes Mellitus 16 10.15- 10.25 Name: Febry Istyanto Title: Covid-19 Pre- vention In Micronu- trients Perspective: A Narrative Review Name: Maharani Dyah Kusumastuti, The Maria Meiwati Widagdo, Mitra Andini Sigilipoe Title: Caregiver Coping Mechanism In Providing Care For Dependent Elderly Pe- Name: Matilda Bupu Ria, Clara Yunita Ina Ola, Damita Palalangan Title: Difference In Ef- fectiveness Of Warm Gi- nger Water Compress and Sour Turmeric On Reducing Primary Men- Name: Dea Amarilisa Adespin, Hari Peni Juli- anti, Aras Utami, Diah Rahayu Wulandari, Ar- winda Nugraheni Title: The Relationship Between Readiness Pro- gram Officer And The Name: Rita Untari Title: Effectiveness Of Low Impact Aerobic Ex- ercise Activity on Anxie- ty Levels In Schizophre- nia Patients at Dr.Rm Soedjarwadi Hospital, Klaten
  • 17. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 17 ople In Yogyakarta strual Pain In Midwifery Students At Maranatha School Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Implementation Of The Tb-Dm Collaboration Program At Semarang Community Health Center, Central Java 17 10.25- 10.35 Name: Retno Widy- astuti, Anhari Achadi, Yuslely Usman, Tita Rosita, Merry Lusiana Title: Analysis Of The Causes Of Death In Indonesia Due To Accident Based On The Sample Registration System From 2014 to 2016 Name: Ropitasari, Fanny Kartika F, Rachmi Fauziah R, Sri Anggarini Title: Breakfast And Hemoglobin Level Among Female Junior High School Student In Surakarta, Central Java Name: Dina Melanieka Sintikhe Henukh, Siti Nur Asyah, Jamillah Ahmad Title: The Association Between Maternal Age And Gravidity And The Event Of Gravidarum Emesis In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Name: Sea Septiana, Ira Marti Ayu Title: Determinants Of Injury Incidents In The Productive Aged Groups In Central Sulawesi Name: Afriza Umami, Sukadiono, Bhisma Mu- rti, Tegar Wahyu Yudha Pratama, Sudalhar, Is- tiqlal Fithri, Dede Nasrullah Title: Factors Related to Genital Hygiene Behavior Among Female Underwent Treatment At dr. Moewardi Hospi- tal Surakarta, Indo- nesia: A Case-Control Study 18 10.35- 10.45 Name: Youlenta Er- nesontha, Nurul Kur- niati, Mufdlilah Title: Disability Per- ception In Sexuality And Reproductive He- alth Needs: A Scoping Review Name: Hanny Wulan- dari, Dwi Ernawati Title: Effect Of Early Menarche On Repro- ductive Health: A Sco- ping Review Name: Nurhidaya Fi- tria, Ida Lestari Tampu- bolon Title: The Effect Of Gi- nger Extract Consump- tion On Reducing Mor- ning Sickness In First Trimester Of Pregnant Women at Pratama Ma- Name: Maria Yeny Eskawati Title: Resources Avail- ability Of Non Specia- listic Reference Policies In The Era Of National Health Assurance To Ngawi East Java Public Health Centre Name: Wienaldi, Ermi Girsang, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution Title: Relationship Bet- ween Compliance To Surgery Safety Checklist And Incidents Among Anesthesiology Nurses In Operation Theater,
  • 18. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 18 riana Clinic Medan, North Sumatra Royal Prima Hospital, Medan, North Sumatera 19 10.45- 10.55 Name: Woro Ayu Se- kararum, Nurfitri Bus- tamam, Hikmah Muk- tamiroh, Harli Amir Mahmudji Title: The Correlation Between Secretory Phospholipase A2type Iia Levels And Mean Platelet Volume Among Type 2 Dia- betes Mellitus Patients Name: Sumarni, Fari- da Kartini Title: Experience Of Adolescent Mothers During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review Name: Yayu Yuliarti, Nurul Kurniati Title: Mothers Experie- nce With Low Born Weight Infant: A Scoo- ping Review Name: Santy Irene Putri, Prima Soultoni Akbar Title: Implementation Of Alert Village And Maternal Mortality In East Java Province Name: Resda Pebriani, Rifa Yanti Title: Effect Of Consu- ming Tomato (Solanu Mlycopersicum L) Juice And Red Spinach (Ama- ranthus Tricolor L) On Haemoglobin Levels Of Reproductive Age Wo- men In Payung Sekaki Public Health Center, Pekanbaru 20 10.55- 11.05 Name: Muhammad Kazwaini, Chatarina U. Wahyuni Title: Determinant Of Malaria Incidence In The Coastal Area Of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Name:Rani Nurmayan- ti, I Nengah Tanu Kom- alyna, Sugeng Iwan Set- yobudi Maryam Razak Title: Effect Of Balan- ced Diet Education With Media Comic On Modi- fication Of Eating Beha- vior In Adolescents At Middle School, Malang Name: Safitri Tia Tampy, Hari Wahyu Nugroho, Rahmi Syuadzah Title: Association Bet- ween Maternal Anemia With Stunting Incidence Among Newborns In Surakarta, Central Java Name: Auliah Rahmi, Doni Hikmat Ramdhan Title: Development Of Health Program Using Rapcriec Method in Company X To Reduce Employees Hypercho- lesterolemia, Hyper- triglyceridemia, Hyper- tension, Obesity, And Hyperuricemia Name: Hasnah Vivia- na, Asysyukriati, Erna Harfiani Title: Relationship Bet- ween Psychosocial Stre- ssor And Asthma Con- trol In Adult Asthma Patients At Depok Hospital, West Java 21 11.05- 11.15 Name: Iyana Putri, Adang Bachtiar Name: Ike Pertiwi Wi- ndasari, Jojor Kakanda Purba, Dania Eridani, Name: Rahmi Syuad- zah, Hari Wahyu Nug- Name: Rina Sri Wida- yati, Dewi Kartikasari, Name: Yusup Subagio Sutanto, Levana Kasu- madewi, Suradi, Ana
  • 19. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 19 Title: The Correlation Between Social Deter- minants And Environ- mental Condition With Measles Cases Among Infants In Padang, West Sumatera Risma Septiana, Manik Mahachandra Title: Application De- velopment Of Inspec- tion Of Fire Protection Equipment, First Aid Kit And Incident Reporting Case Study roho, Safitri Tia Tampy Title: Association Bet- ween Maternal Weight And A Newborn Weight In Surakarta, Central Java Jani Kusanti Title: Synergity Of Colaboration Training Toward The ‘Kampung KB Center Of Excellent’ Based On Independence And Technology Rima Setijadi, Hendra Kurniawan Title: Effect Of Thymoquinone On In- terleukin-8, Fev1, And Copd Assessment Test Score In Stable Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease 22 11.15- 11.25 Name: Lalu Irwandi, Hari Basuki Notobroto Title: Risk Factors Of Malaria Cases Among Children Under Five In Bonggo Community Health Center, Sarmi, Papua Province Name: Septo Teprian- dy, R. Kintoko Rochadi, Etti Sudaryati Title: The Effect of Education Through Go- ogle Meet Media on Knowledge And Attitude About Balanced Diet In Youth During Covid-19 Pandemic In Medan, North Sumatera Name: Ajeng Ayu Titah Pujangkara, Harsono Salimo, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Biological and Social-Economic Determinants of Child Development: A Path Analysis Evidence From Surabaya, East Java Name: Agus Khoirul Fuadi, Achdyat Premedi Title: The 119 Psc Officers Experience On Preventing Fake Calls And Overcome Referral System Obstacles Name: Yuzana Maung, Sutartinah Sri Handayani, Lukman Aryoseto Title: Effect of Drumstick (Moringa Oleifera Lam) Leaves Ethanol Extract on Anopheles Aconitus L. Third Instar Larvae Mortality 23 11.25- 11.35 Name: Dwi Putri Su- listiya Ningsih, Ida Rahmawati Title: The Relations- hip Between Sun Expo- sure, Hat, And Ptery- gium Disease Among Fisherman In Bengku- Name: Hendra Dher- mawan Sitanggang, Um- mi Kalsum Title: The Pattern Of Snack and Beverage Concumption for Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) Children In The Trans Name: Dian Isti Angraini, Bagus Pratama, Dwita Oktaria Title: The Effectiveness Of Health Education On Mother Knowledge And Food Intake Among Name: Dhimas Her- dhianta, Hanifa Maher Denny, Suroto Title: Implementation Of Hospital Safety And Health Management System: Resource, Organization, And Name: Ratna Dewi Kumalasari, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Hanung Prasetya Title: Hypnosis and Sexual Arousal: A Meta- Analysis
  • 20. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 20 lu Social Area Of Nyogan Village, Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province Stunting Childrean In South Lampung, Lampung Policy Aspects 24 11.35- 11.45 Name: Dwi Tour Kumalasari, Bhisma Murti, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Path Analysis on The Biophychosocial Factors Influencing The Quality of Life of Elderly in Surakarta Central Java Name: Bara Kharisma, Victoria Sari, Amelia Khasanah Title: Relationship Bet- ween Water Hardness And Incidence Of Stun- ting In Brati District, Central Java Name: Hadi Ashar, Ina Kusrini, Marizka Khai- runnisa, Cati Martiyana Title: Anemia, Motor, Language, Social Perso- nal Developments Amo- ng Children Under Two Years Old In Rural Areas, Wonosobo, Cen- tral Java, Indonesia Name: Moh. Andi Fatkhurokhman, Budi Hidayat Title: Preparedness Of The Bhakti Wiratanta- ma Army Hospital Se- marang In Facing Covid-19 Name: Sela Putri Adelita, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Bhisma Murti Title: Meta Analysis: The Effect of High- Intensity Interval Training on Low Density Lipoprotein Level in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Melitus 11.45- 13.00 Lunch 25 13.00- 13.10 Name: Malinda Capri Nurul Satya, RB. Soemanto, Bhisma Murti Title: The Effects of Family Support and Peer Support on The Quality of Life in Elderly in Jember, East Java Name: Silvia Rizki Syah Putri, Widayati, Moneca Diah L Title: Factors Associated With Early Detection Behavior On Breast Cancer Among Women In Reproductive Age Using Sadanis Method Name: Elly Dwi Masita, Adenia Dwi Ristanti Title: The Effect Of Cognitive Behavior The- rapy And Elip Methods On Bounding Breast- feeding Among Madura Tribe Blues Post Partum Name: Ani Sutrining- sih, Chatarina Umbul Wahyuni, Setya Haksa- ma Title: Community He- alth Center Resilience In Disaster Management: A Narrative Review Name: Elisa Novitasari, RB. Soemanto, Hanung Prasetya Title: Acupuncture Therapy in Reducing Pain in Patients with Low Back Pain: Meta Analysis
  • 21. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 21 26 13.10- 13.20 Name: Angga Ferdianto, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman Title: Factors Affecting Tertiary Preventive Behaviors among Patients with High Blood Pressure Name: Fadhil Ilham Mustafa, Nurfitri Busta- mam, Andri Prames- yanti Title: Association Bet- ween Compliance Level On Fixed-Dose Combi- nation Antiretroviral Drug and Cd4 Condition Among Hiv Patients Name: Maisaroh Nurasih, Cesa Septiana Pratiwi Title: Demand On Sectio Caesarea's Labor Among Pregnant Wo- men In Developing Countries: A Scoping Review Name: Ni Putu Ju- wanita Dewi Title: The Implemen- tation Of Public Service In General Hospital Of Sukabumi City, West Java Name: Atika Febri Anggriani, Agus Kristiyanto, Setyo Sri Rahardjo Title: A Meta-Analysis of Knee Orthosis Uptake in Reducing Pain in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis 27 13.20- 13.30 Name: Zela Tunurrohmin, RB. Soemanto, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Application of Precede Proceed Model on Factors Affecting Depression Symptom In The Elderly: Evidence From Surakarta, Central Java Name: Rufidah Mau- lina, Su-Chen Kuo, Chi- eh Yu Liu, Yu-Ying Lu Title: The Mediation Effect Of Health Beha- vior On The Relation- ship Between Maternal Depression And Mater- nal-Fetal Attachment Name: Enda Setiana, Evy Wisudariani, Aspa- rian Title: The Association Between Feeding Pat- tern, Income, House- hold Safety, And Stun- ting Events Among Farmer Families In Gunung Labu Commu- nity Health Center, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Name: Tri Ratih Agus- tina, Naura Rifdah, Nur- jannah Sriayu, Naila Zulbahrina Title: Age, Gender, And Knowledge On Complications Of Diabetes Mellitus With Obedience In Chronic Disease Management Programs Name: Muhibbah Fatati, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Hanung Prasetya Title: Lateral Wedge Insole Uptake in Reducing Pain in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta- Analysis Study
  • 22. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 22 28 13.30- 13.40 Name: Dyah Ayu Saputri, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Bhisma Murti Title: Biological, Social, and Economic Risk Factors of Child Tuberculosis in Surakarta Central Java: A Multiple Logistic Regression Name: Wida Rahma Arwiyantasari, Budi Laksana Title: Health Belief Model Approach On The Prevention Of Hiv/Aids Among Pregnant Wo- men In Madiun, East Java Name: Yunik Windarti Title: The Influence Of Husband's Role On Mo- ther Interest In Giving Exclusive Breastfeeding Name: Tavip Dwi Wahyuni Title: The Effect Of Community Empower- ment On The Imple- mentation Of Diabetes Mellitus Management In Malangsuko, West Java Name: Prita Alvina Reviana, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: The Effectiveness of Goat Milk to Increase The Quantity of Breast Milk among Lactation Women: Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence 29 13.40- 13.50 Name: Anggi Putri Aria Gita, Isna Qadrijati, Bhisma Murti Title: Biopsychosocial Determinants of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Evidence from Surakarta, Central Java Name: Yanti Harjono Hadiwiardjo, Sri Wah- yuningsih, Pritha Maya Savitri Title: The Effectiveness Of Health Promotion On Increasing The Know- ledge Of Covid-19 Among Islamic High School Students In Depok, West Java Name: Safitri Tia Tampy, Hari Wahyu Nugroho, Rahmi Syuadzah Title: The Corellation Between Stunting, Was- ting, and Children's Co- gnitive Ability: Indone- sia Family Life Survey 2000 – 2014 Name: Arista Kusuma Wardani, Sulistiyaning- sih Title: Interprofessional Collaboration On Men- tal Health: A Scoping Review Name: Dody Suprayogi, Agus Kristiyanto, Hanung Prasetya Title: Meta Analysis: The Effect of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Stroke 30 13.50- 14.00 Name: Rizka Amalia Dewi, Ambar Mudigdo, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Name: Siti Umairah, Vanessa Adela Putri, Rosyida, Raihanatu Bin- qalbi Ruzain Name: Widya Kusu- mawati, Lely Khulafa’ur Rosidah Title: The Effect Of Name: Marselli Widya Lestari, Dewi Puspito- sari H.D., Yohana Title: Problems At A Name: Dian Dini Islami, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Hanung Prasetya
  • 23. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 23 Title: The Biopsychosocial Determinants of Quality of Life in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Multilevel Logistic Regression Evidence from Surakarta, Central Java Title: Effectiveness Of Holistic Self Care To Overcome Work-Rela- ted Skeletal Muscle Disorder In Palm Wor- kers Using Harvasting Tool Dodos: A Systema- tic Review Hormonal Contracepti- on On Body Mass Index Among Women In Reproductive Age Hospital Concerning Covid-19 Pandemic Title: The Effect of Insulin Provision on The Risk Reduction of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Meta-Analysis 31 14.00- 14.10 Name: Ayu Laela Fitriyani, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Effect on Neuropsychiatric Disorders of Organophosphate Pesticides Exposure among Rice Farmers in Sukoharjo, Central Java Name: Ummi Kalsum, Hendra Dhermawan Sitanggang Title: Relationship Between Snacks And Beverages With The Nutritional Status Among 'Sad' Children In Nyogan Village, Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province Name: Meirna Eka Fit- riasnani, Anis Nikmatul Nikmah Title: Age And Anxiety Among Primigravida Pregnant Women In Nganjuk, East Java Name: Warsi Maryati, Novita Yuliani, Anton Susanto, Aris Octavian Wannay, Ani Ismayani Justika Title: Hospital Charac- teristics Determining Indonesian Case Base Groups Claim Rates Name: Alfiani Vivi Sutanto, Pawito, Hanung Prasetyo Title: Obesity and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Meta- Analysis Study in Asia and America 32 14.10- 14.20 Name: Isne Susanti, Harsono Salimo, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: How Do Psychological, Nutritional Factors, Name: Bayu Putra Dewantara, Bhisma Murti, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Factors Affecting The Use Of Personal Name: Dian Rahmawa- ti, Lia Agustin Title: Psychososial Sti- mulation in Stunting and Non Stunting Firms Name: Siska Putri Uta- mi, Yanti Harjono Ha- diwiardjo, Kristina Sim- anjuntak Title: The Relationship Of Ability To Pay And Name: Wahyu Agustin Dwi Ciptaningtyas, Bhisma Murti, Setyo Sri Rahardjo Title: Meta-Analysis of The Effect of Probiotics
  • 24. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 24 and Ambient Smoke Exposure, Affect The Risk of Low Birth Weight?: A Path Analysis Evidence Protective Equipment Among Workers At A Plywood Plants, In Lumajang, East Java: Application Of Health Belief Model And Social Cognitive Theory Ownership Of Health Insurance Towards Wil- lingness To Pay Labo- ratory Services At Persa- habatan Hospital, East Jakarta on The Frequency and Duration of Diarrhea in Children Under Five 33 14.20- 14.30 Name: Wawan Diyantana, Dono Indarto, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Associated with Hypertension among Adults in Magelang, Central Java Name: Roviana Nurda Agustin, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, Hanung Prasetya Title: Factors Associa- ted With Non Smoking Behavior In High School Students In Bantul, Yogyakarta: Application Of Theory Of Planned Behavior Name: Yayuk Puji Les- tari, Farida Kartini Title: Antenatal Service Quality: A Scoping Re- view Name: Betty Nurizky Ariwardani, Didik Gu- nawan Tamtomo, Bhis- ma Murti Title: Path Analysis On The Determinants Of Hospital Lost Under Ina-Cbgs Reimburse- ment For Patient With Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever In Ngawi Regional Public Hospital, East Java Name: Kurnia Eka Putri, Bhisma Murti, Hanung Prasetya Title: The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain: A Meta-Analysis 34 14.30- 14.40 Name: Muh. Syaiful Akbar, Bhisma Murti, Name: Fitria Diyah Ayu Pangerti, Pawito, Name: C. Ermayani Putri A, Desak Putu K.P, MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Name: Fahmi Eko Susilo, Hanung
  • 25. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 25 Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Dono Indarto Title: Length of Working and Low Back Pain in Health Workers: A Meta- Analysis Hanung Prasetya Title: Factors Affecting Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy: Application Of Theory Of Planned Behavior In Malang, East Java Caecilia Titin Retnani, Masruchi Title: Stunting In Rural Areas: An Overview Name: Nisaus Zakiyah, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Effect of Family Development Session Family Hope Program on The Visit to Posyandu and Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Prasetya, Agus Kristiyanto Title: Meta-Analysis: Acupuncture Therapy in Reducing Blood Pressure on Hypertensive Patients 35 14.40- 14.50 Name: Liza Laela Abida, Bhisma Murti, Hanung Prasetya Title: Effect of HIV Infection on Mortality in Patients with Tuberculosis in Asia: A Meta Analysis Name: Yovita Eka Ratna Kumala, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Endang Su- tisna Sulaeman Title: Factors Affecting The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment Among Tobacco Far- mers: Application Of Theory Of Planned Be- havior In Temanggung, Central Java Name: Arwinda Nu- graheni, Ani Margawati, Firdaus Wahyudi, Dea Amarilisa Adespin, Bambang Hariyana Title: Determinant Factors On Stunting Incidence Among Chil- dren Age 6-24 Months, Pemalang, Central Java: A Case Study Name: Dinda Septiani Hardilla, Harsono Salimo, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: The Effects of Nutrition Status and Breastfeeding on Child Development Aged 3-6 Years: Evidence from Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi Name: Ummu Fatihah Ammutammima, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Family History with Diabetes Mellitus and The Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Meta-Analysis
  • 26. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 26 36 14.50- 15.00 Name: Priscilla Jessica Pihahey, Bhisma Murti, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Personal Hygiene and The Risk of Leprosy: A Meta- Analysis From Case Control Study Name: Yudi Andriya- ningtiyas, Didik Guna- wan Tamtomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Path Analysis On The Determinants Of Tertiary Preventive Be- havior Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Application Of Theory Of Planned Be- havior And Social Cog- nitive Theory Name: Ikha Muflikha, Sri Lestari, Suyani Title: Maternal Readi- ness For Newborn Dis- charge in Mantrijeron Community Health Cen- ter, Yogyakarta Name: Lathifah ‘Arub, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Multiple Logistic Regression on the Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice in Karanganyar, Central Java Name: Galuh Sitorukmi, Bhisma Murti, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Effect of Family History With Diabetes Mellitus on The Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta- Analysis 37 15.00- 15.10 Name: Nanda Agustian Simatupang, Laras Ayu Wulandari Title: The Association between Indoor Household Polution and Acute Respiratory Infection in Children Under Five in Selat Community Health Center, Batanghari District, Jambi, Indonesia Name: Kiyat Sudrajad, RB. Soemanto, Hanung Prasetya Title: The Effect Of Bullying On Depression In Adolescents In Sura- karta: Application Of Health Belief Model Name: Putri Yuliantie, Mufdlilah Title: Toilet Training In Children With Au- tism: A Scoping Review Name: Herlina Ika Martaningrum, Uki Retno Budihastuti, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Affecting The Use of Visual Inspection Acetic Acid Test in Magelang, Central Java Name: Utin Ilma Agni Kun'ain, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo Title: Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus Comorbidity on The Severity in Patients with Covid-19 Infection 15.10- Coffe Break
  • 27. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 27 15.25 38 15.25- 15.35 Name: Muhammad Zia Ulhaq, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Bhisma Murti Title: Effect of Obesity on Hypertension in Adults: Meta Analisis Name: Nur Aida Yuliana, Pawito, Bhisma Murti Title: Personal And Social Factors Affecting The Preventive Behavior Among Patients With Type II Diabetes Melli- tus In Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia Name: Enka Nur Ishmatika, Tris Eryando Title: Determinants Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Cessation In Indonesia Name: Ulfah Hidayati, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Sosioeconomic Factor Affecting the Performance of Community Health Workers at Integrated Health Post in Purworejoj, Central Java Name: Riska Fajar Fatony, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Hanung Prasetya Title: The Effect Echinacea Purpurea Herbs in Reducing Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Infection: A Meta-Analysis 39 15.35- 15.45 Name: Rofana Aghniya, Bhisma Murti, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Hanung Prasetya Title: The Effect of Depression Comorbidity on The Quality of Life of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Meta-Analysis Name: Rezyana Budi Syahputri, Pawito, Bhis- ma Murti Title: Application Of Social Cognitive Theory On The Determinants Of Exclusive Breastfe- eding Practice In Ma- diun, East Java Name: Agus Purnama- sari Title: Comparison Of Nutrition Status Of Children With Aged 1-2 Years In Coastal And Urban Areas Name: Helmi Nurlaili, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction of Intrapartum and Postpartum Services in Kebumen, Central Java Name: Devi Marlina, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, RB. Soemanto Title: Factors Affecting The Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Surakarta, Central Java 40 15.45- 15.55 Name: Maya Ayu Riestiyowati, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Vitri Name: Yusuf Bachtiyar Lobis, Bhisma Murti, Name: Fitria Hayu Palupi, Ana Wigunan- tiningsih, Luluk Nur Name: Wella Anggraini, Pawito, Eti Name: Agus Triyono, Widhi Astana, Fajar Novianto, Zuraida
  • 28. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 28 Widyaningsih Title: Cigarette Smoke Exposure and Acute Respiratory Infection in Children Under Five: A Meta- Analysis Hanung Prasetya Title: Influences Of Peer Support Group And Psychosocio-Eco- nomic Determinants On Treatment Compliance In Hiv/Aids Patients In Sragen, Central Java Fakhidah, Siskana Dewi Rosita, Dewi Arradhini Title: Effect Of Family Support On Child Growth And Develop- ment In Sukoharjo, Central Java Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Factors Associated with Early Marriage among Young Women in Blora, Central Java: Evidence for Theory of Planned Behavior Zulkarnain, Ulfa Fitriani, Ulfatun Nissa, Danang Ardianto Title: The Effect of Hyperuricemia Herbs Drink on The Quality of Life 41 15.55- 16.05 Name: Widya Kurni- aningsih, Didik Guna- wan Tamtomo, Bhisma Murti Title: Incomplete Medication Intake and Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis Name: Very Retnowati, Pawito, Bhisma Murti Title: Biopsychosocial Determinants Of Terti- ary Preventive Behavi- ors Among Patients With Hypertension In Sragen, Central Java Name: Poppy Siska Putri, Herlin Fitriani K Title: A Scoping Review Of Paternal Adaptation Experience During The Perinatal Period Name: Revina Fiandany Erynda, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, Eti Poncorini Pamungkas Title: Biopsychosocial and Economic Factors Affecting Complete Use of Basic Immunization Service in Children Aged 12-23 Months in Jember, East Java MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Name: Lailatul Rohmah, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: The Associations between Age, Occupation, Income, and Contraceptive Uptake in Women Of Reproductive Age In Indonesia 42 16.05- 16.15 Name: Rizki Kurniawan Saputra, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Meta-Analysis: Effect of Exposure to Name: Ailsa Clarissa Cynara, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Bhisma Murti Title: The Effects Of Iron Tablet Program, Name: Eviana Maya Saputri, Mufdlilah Title: Urgency Of Vio- lence Screening In Preg- nant Women: A Scoping Review Name: Nurul Aini Suria Saputri, Tri Nugraha Susilawati, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Relative Efficacy of Probiotics Compared Name: Amin Sukoco, Harsono Salimo, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Biological and Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with
  • 29. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 29 Rodent on The Risk of Leprosy in Adults Intrapersonal, And So- cial Factors On Nutri- tion Intake To Prevent Anemia In Female Ado- lescents In Yogyakarta with Standard Therapy for Diarrhea Treatment in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Meta- Analysis Evidence From Developing Countries Neonatal Mortality: Evidence from Karanganyar District, Central Java 43 16.15- 16.25 Name: Putri Isriyatil Jannah, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Hanung Prasetya Title: Meta-Analysis: Effect of Physical Activity on The Incidence of Obesity in Female Adolescents Name: Dewi Mustika Ratih, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Bhisma Murti Title: Health Belief Model On Determinant Of Caries Preventive Behavior: Evidence On Klaten Central Java Name: Melly Nirma Syahriani, Ismarwati Title: Risk Factors Of Stunting In Children Under Five Years Of Age: A Systematic Review Name: Sringatin, Uki Retno Budihastuti, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman Title: Does Community Health Centers Have Contextual Effect on Midwife Performance in the Implementation of Prevention Mother to Child Transmission Counseling and Testing? Name: Milatur Rosyidah, Herawati Mansur, Tri Mardiyanti Title: The Difference of Development in Children Aged 6 Months Received Exclusive Breastfeeding Versus Formula Milk in Ciptomulyo Health Center, Malang, East Java 44 16.25- 16.35 Name: Putu Anggi Widia Karmany, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Effect of Low Birth Weight on The Risk of Pneumonia in Children Under Five: Meta-Analysis Name: Frida Indriani, Pawito, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Factors Affecting Healthy Behavior Amo- ng Primary School Chil- dren: Application Of Health Belief Model Name: Dwi Reza Wah- yuni, Mufdlilah Title: Father's Experie- nce On The Incident Of Newborn Death: A Sco- ping Review Name: Luthfia Zauma, Uki Retno Budhiastuti, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: The Associations between Cigarette Smoke Exposure, Family History of Infertility, and the Risk of Infertility Among Name: Tyas Aisyah Putri, Yuni Kusmiyati, Ana Kurniati Title: Risk Factors of Stunting in Children Aged 25-59 Months in Kotagede I Health Center, Yogyakarta
  • 30. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 30 Women in Reproductive Age, in Surakarta, Central Java 45 16.35- 16.45 Name: Maria Imakulata Berek Title: Effect of Obesity on Hypertension in Elderly Name: Dyah Mubaro- kah Ahadiyati, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Vi- tri Widyaningsih Title: The Effect Of Physical Activity On The Depression: A Meta- Analysis Name: Siti Nurul Kho- timah, Dwi Ernawati Title: Motivation On Early Detection Of Cer- vical Cancer In Women Of Reproductive Age: A Scoping Review Name: Retno Dwi Rohaniyati, Harsono Salimo, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Effect of the Disability Integrating Health Post on the Quality of Life of Children with Cerebral Palsy: a Path Analysis Evidence from Sukoharjo, Central Java Name: Silvalia Rahma Pratiwi, Hanung Prasetya, Bhisma Murti Title: Low Birth Weight and Neonatal Mortality: A Meta Analysis 46 16.45- 16.55 Name: Fadhila Firmanurulita, Agus Kristiyanto, Hanung Prasetya Title: Association between Overweight and Hypertension in Adolescents: A Meta- Name: Yeti Rahelli, Agus Kristiyanto, Bhis- ma Murti Title: Reliability Tests On Dietary Intake, Physical Activity, Social Support, And Social Cognitive Questionnai- Name: Ika Yulianti, Rahmi Padilah Title: Association Bet- ween Maternal Behavior And Child Nutritional Status During The First 1000 Days of Life In Tarakan, North Kali- Name: Selvia Febrianti, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Uki Retno Budihastuti Title: The Effects of Traditional Care and Biopsychosocial Determinants on the Name: Endang Palupi, Harsono Salimo, Bhisma Murti Title: Contextual Effect of Village and Other Determinants on Infant Mortality: A Multilevel Analysis from
  • 31. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 31 Analysis res Of Overweight And Obesity In Female Adolescents mantan Risk of Postpartum Depression: Evidence from Yogyakarta Karanganyar, Central Java 47 16.55- 17.05 Name: Maria Regina Tri Yonita, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Effect of Social Support on The Quality of Life of People Living with HIV/AIDS: Meta Analisis Name: Shilfia Ulfa Islami, Hanung Praset- ya,Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Affecting Smoking Behavior High School Children In Du- mai, Riau: Application Of Theory Planned Behavior Name: Setianingsih, Nurul Kurniati Title: Analysis Of Fac- tors And Management Of Hepatitis B Virus Screening In Mothers And Infants: A Scoping Review Name: Anggi Resina Putri, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Hanung Prasetya Title: Effect of Maternal Skills in Early Detection and Stimulation on Receptive Language Skill of Children Age 4 to 6 Years Name: Maharani Ulfah, Supriyadi Hari Respati, Bhisma Murti Title: Determinants of Immunization Completeness of Infant in Karanganyar, District, Central Java 48 17.05- 17.15 Name: Rahsunji Intan Nurvitasari, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Biopsychosocial and Economic Factors Affecting The Quality of Life in Patients With Type II Diabetes Mellitus Name: Fahma Widya Kusumawardhani, Har- sono Salimo, Eti Pon- corini Pamungkasari Title: Application Of Health Belief Model To Explain Dental And Oral Preventive Health Beha- vior Among Primary School Children In Po- norogo, East Java Name: Nuristy Brillian Ainindyahsari Winarna, Andari Wuri Astuti Title: First-Time Advi- sory Experience Of Husbands During Labor Time Of Pregnancy: A Scoping Review Name: Nadya Susanti, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Rita Benya Adriani Title: Association Between Receptive Language Skill and Social Communication Skill among Preschool Children: Evidence from Surakarta, Central Java Name: Dinda Anindita Salsabilla, Hanung Prasetya, Bhisma Murti Title: The Effect of Unplanned Pregnancy on Antenatal Depression: A Meta- Analysis 49 17.15- 17.25 MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Name: Yuli Astuti, Yu- lia Lanti Retno Dewi, Name: Migita Vidia Amita, Sri Ratnaningsih Name: Fitria Widhiyanti, Yulia Lanti Name: Widyawati, Eti Poncorini
  • 32. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 32 Name: Neta Afriyanti, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Hanung Prasetya Title: The Effect of Hormonal Contraceptive Use on the Risk of Depression in Women of Reproductive Age: Evidence From Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta Bhisma Murti Title: The Effect Of Self Efficacy On Voluntary Counseling And Testing Of Hiv In Homosexual: A Meta-Analysis Title: Experience On Prenatal Gentle Yoga Exercise During Preg- nancy: A Scoping Review Retno Dewi, Isna Qodrijati Title: Fad Diets and Other Factors Affecting the Risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency Among Adolescent Females at the Boarding School Pamungkasari, Bhisma Murti Title: Factors Affecting the Use of Antenatal Care in Semarang, Central Java: Application of Health Belief Model 50 17.25- 17.35 Name: Fanny Kartika, Bhisma Murti, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on the Pre-Eclampsia Risk Reduction in Pregnant Women: A Meta- Analysis MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Name: Endy Juli Anto, Leonard Kristian Sinaga, Jekson Martiar Siahaan Title: Relationship Between Total Imuno- globulin E Level And Intensity Of Whipworm Infectionin Primary School Children, Me- dan, North Sumatera Name: Renidya Asyura Muttabi’ Deya Fa’ni, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Isna Qadrijati Title: Path Analysis on the Determinants of Complementary Feeding Practice Name: Puspita Mayangsari Prabowo, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Application of Social Cognitive Theory on Factors Affecting Completeness of Child Immunization: Evidence from Pacitan, East Java Name: Karlinda, Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Determinants of Fertility in Indonesia: an Analysis from Basic Life Survey Data Year 2017 51 17.35- 17.45 Name: Irfa Nur Faujiah, Bhisma Murti, Hanung Prasetya Title: The Effect of Name: Livia Calorina, Pawito, hanung Prasetya Title: Use of Gadget on Name: Mila Triana Sari, Daryanto Title: Maternal Cha- racteristics And Know- Name: Eti Kuswandari, Harsono Salimo, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Social Economic Name: Feri Yuda Anggara, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Bhisma Murti Title: Effect of Malaria
  • 33. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 33 Prenatal Stresson Low Birth Weight: A Meta- Analysis Child Development in Children Age 3-5 Years: Evidence from Melawi, West Kalimantan ledge On The Risk Of Childhood Stunting At Simpang Kawat Co- mmunity Health Center, Jambi Determinants of Birth Weight: Path Analysis Evidence from Situbondo, East Java Infection on Premature Birth Delivery: A Meta- Analsysis 52 17.45- 17.55 Name: Elma Yopiana, Bhisma Murti, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Title: Exclusive Breastfeeding and Prevention of Obesity in Children Under Five: A Meta-Analysis Name: Solikhah Eli Setiyani, Fitria Siswi Utami Title: Supplementary Food Therapy For The Recovery Of Malnou- rished Children 0-59 Months: A Systematic Review Name: Rachmawati Felani Djuria Title: Increased The Capacity Cbia Facilitator Through The Formation Agent Of Change (Aoc) In The Use Antibiotics In Tanjung Gunung Village Central Bangka Regency Name: Ines Ratni Pravitasari, Vitri Widyaningsih, Bhisma Murti Title: Meta Analysis: Kangaroo Mother Care to Elevate Infant Weight in Premature Infants Name: Philipus Prihantiko Kurniagung, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: Fertility Determinants in Indonesia: Analysis of Indonesian Basic Health Survey Year 2017 53 17.55- 18.05 Name: Dewi Kartika Sari, Putri Wahyu Wi- gati Title: Factors Affecting Anemia in Pregnant Women With Second And Third Trimester Of Pregnancy At Tiron Community Health Center, Kediri District, East Java Name: Ambar Dwi Retnoningrum, Ike Nurrochmawati, Dewi Indriani Title: Determinants Of Health Visit Among Mo- thers With Toddlers At The Integrated Health Post, Nganjuk District, East Java Name: Jonan Stanley Nangoy, Caroline Mar- lyn Sepang Title: Factors Affecting Obesity In Preschool Children In Upper Airmadidi, North Sulawesi Name: Fatchurrohmah Ines Prabandari, R.B Soemanto, Vitri Widyaningsih Title: The Effect of Physical Activity on The Academic Achievement in Primary School Students: Meta-Analysis Name: Maranata, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Rita Benya Adriani Title: Effect of Perceived Benefit on Pap Smear Examination Uptake in Women of Reproductive Age: A Meta-Analysis
  • 34. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, October 21-22, 2020 | 34 54 18.05- 18.15 Name: Nining Istighosah, Aprilia Nurtika Sari Title: Oxytocyn Massage Using Innovative Massage Tool And Conventional Effleurage Techniques To Increase Breastmilk Production In Post Partum Mothers Name: Sulis Diana, Chatarina Umbul Wa- hyuni, Budi Prasetyo Title: Effect Of Obs- tructive Sleep Apnea On Incidence Of Pre- eclampsy In Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review Name: Esty Puji Ra- hayu, Lailatul Khusnul Rizki Title: Effect Of Affir- mation Flashcards On Level Of Anxiety In Second Stage Of Labor At Midwifery Clinic, East Java Name: Utami Pangestu, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Hanung Prasetya Title: Effect of Fruits And Vegetables Intake on Obesity in School- Aged Children: Meta- Analysis Name: Firdausi Nuzula Title: The Difference of Anxiety in Intrapartum Mothers with Normal and Sectio Caesarea 55 18.15- 18.25 Name: Ni Luh Srinadi, Theresia Puspitawati, Nonik Ayu Wantini Title: Relationship Of Family Economic Status With Chronic Energy Deficiency In Pregnant Women In Jetis Community Health Center, Yogyakarta Name: Nanik Handa- yani Title: Effectiveness Of Acupressure On Redu- cing Of Nausea And Vo- miting In Pregnant Wo- men In Independent Midwifery Practice, Si- doarjo, East Java Name: Endah Kusuma Wardani, Nurul Eko Widiyastuti, Lutvia Dwi Rofika, Wahyu Adri Wirawati Title: Factors Affecting Stunting Among Children Under Five Years Of Age In Banyu- wangi, East Java Name: Alfiati Nanda Widiyaningrum, Bhisma Murti, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Effect of Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid on The Risk of Infants Asphyxia: A Meta- Analysis Name: Mei Fatimah, Supriyadi Hari Respati, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Title: Path Analysis Factors Affecting Pregnant Women Participation to the Triple Elimination Examination in Semarang, Central Java 56 18.25- 18.35 Name: Putri Wahyu Wigati, Dewi Kartika Sari Title: Relationship Bet-ween Diet Name: Riftiani Nikmatul Nurlaili, Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, Rita Benya Adriani Title: School-Based Name: Lailatul Khu- snul Rizki, Esty Puji Rahayu Title: Effect Of Com- plementary Feeding On Name: Ferda Fibi Tyas Nurkholifa, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Hanung Prasetya Name: Enge Surabina Ketaren, Bhisma Murti, Vitri widyaningsih Title: Effect of Obesity and Family History on
  • 35. The 7th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia, November 18-19, 2020 | 35 Restriction And Acceleration Of Pe- rineum Wound Healing In Post Partum Normal Delivery Mothers In Tiron Public Health Center, Kediri, East Java Intervention to Reduce the Risk of Obesity in Children: A Meta- Analysis Stunting And Anaemia In Toddlers In Sidoarjo, East Java Title: Effect of Secondary Education on Exclusive Breastfeeding: Meta-Analysis The Risk of Breast Cancer: Meta Analysis 57 18.35- 18.45 Name: Adenia Dwi Ristanti, Elly Dwi Masita Title: The Influence Of Husband's Support On Health-Seeking Behavior In Madurese Mothers With Postpartum Blues Name: Imam Setya Arifian, Vitri Widyaningsih, Hanung Prasetya Title: Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Active Smokers in Pregnant Women on Low Birth Weight Name: Farida, Vitri Widyaningsih, Bhisma Murti Title: Antenatal Care and Provision of Basic Immunization in Children Aged 12-23 Months: Meta-Analysis Name: Ardiani, RB. Soemanto, Bhisma Mur- ti Title: Relationship Bet- ween Intimate Partner Violence And The Risk Of Postpartum Depre- ssion Name: Dewi Indah Sari, Afni Yulianti, Ninik Wahyuni Title: Effectiveness Of Cookies Produced From Moringa Oleifera Leaves On Haemoglobin Level In Students At Islamic Junior High School Miftahul Hayat, Serang, Banten