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Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	1	of	55
Company Industry	Average
Company Industry	Avg.
Overall	Performance
Industry	Relative
Company	Ranks	1	of	16
Company	ESG	Performance
Company	Disclosure
Business	Description
Microsoft	Corporation	is	a	technology	company.	The	Company	develops,	licenses
and	supports	a	range	of	software	products,	services	and	devices.	Its	segments	are
Productivity	 and	 Business	 Processes,	 Intelligent	 Cloud,	 and	 More	 Personal
Computing.	 Its	 products	 include	 operating	 systems;	 cross-device	 productivity
applications;	server	applications;	business	solution	applications;	desktop	and	server
management	 tools;	 software	 development	 tools;	 video	 games,	 and	 training	 and
certification	 of	 computer	 system	 integrators	 and	 developers.	 It	 also	 designs,
manufactures,	and	sells	devices,	including	personal	computers,	tablets,	gaming	and
entertainment	consoles,	phones,	other	intelligent	devices,	and	related	accessories,
that	integrate	with	its	cloud-based	offerings.	It	offers	an	array	of	services,	including
cloud-based	solutions	that	provide	customers	with	software,	services,	platforms,	and
content,	 and	 it	 provides	 solution	 support	 and	 consulting	 services.	 It	 also	 delivers
online	advertising.
Key	Risk	Analysis
Microsoft	 displays	 good	 financial	 performance	 with	 an	 increase	 of	 7%	 in	 annual
revenue.	 The	 highest	 growth	 rate	 was	 registered	 by	 the	 Microsoft's	 Intelligent
Cloud	 segment	 while	 More	 Personal	 Computing	 revenues	 declined	 mainly	 due	 to
lower	phone	revenues.	Accordingly,	the	company’s	strategy	focused	on	the	sale	of
its	 phone	 business	 and	 on	 significant	 investment	 in	 cloud	 services	 related
acquisitions.	Moreover,	a	growing	dividend	has	been	paid	for	the	last	15	years.	In
September	2016,	the	company	announced	an	8%	dividend	increase	and	a	new	USD
40	billion	share	buyback	program.
However,	investors	should	pay	attention	to	the	sustainability	risks	that	can	impact
the	company.	Due	to	the	nature	of	the	business,	Microsoft	is	exposed	to	the	risk	of
patent	 or	 copyright	 infringement.	 In	 fact,	 the	 company	 has	 been	 sued	 by	 various
companies	since	2013	for	infringing	patents	and	copyright,	having	paid	up	to	USD	5
million	to	settle	a	case	like	the	Mirror	vs.	Microsoft.	In	the	past	years,	Microsoft	was
also	 accused	 of	 tax	 noncompliance.	 It	 was	 denounced	 for	 abusing	 tax	 laws	 and
practicing	tax	evasion	by	exploiting	offshore	tax	loopholes	to	shift	profit	to	Puerto
Rico,	Singapore	or	Ireland.	Currently,	Microsoft	is	under	the	European	Commission’s
investigation	 for	 the	 advance	 pricing	 agreements	 that	 will	 decide	 whether	 the
company	has	breached	the	rules	on	state	aid.	In	China,	after	tax	authorities	ordered
Microsoft	 Corp	 to	 pay	 USD	 137	 million	 in	 back	 taxes	 and	 interest	 in	 2014,	 the
Chinese	 State	 Administration	 for	 Industry	 and	 Commerce	 is	 still	 investigating	 the
company	for	antitrust	allegations.	An	antitrust	violation	agreement	with	the	EU	cost
Microsoft	USD	732	million	in	2013.	All	these	issues	raise	questions	on	the	robustness
of	the	company’s	business	conduct	policies.
Furthermore,	 despite	 the	 company’s	 commitment	 to	 observing	 the	 ethical
standards	 set	 forth	 by	 the	 US	 Foreign	 Corrupt	 Practices	 Act	 (FCPA)	 and	 the
applicable	anti-corruption	and	anti-money	laundering	laws	where	it	operates	and	a
Vendors	Code	of	Conduct,	Microsoft	faced	important	bribery	accusations	through	its
third	 party	 representatives	 or	 via	 its	 own	 subsidiaries	 in	 different	 countries.	 For
instance,	a	former	CEO	of	Microsoft	Romania	was	taken	in	custody	in	June	2016	for
tax	 evasion	 and	 money	 laundering,	 while	 in	 October	 2016	 government	 officials
were	 sentenced	 up	 to	 6	 years	 of	 prison	 for	 influence	 peddling	 and	 money
laundering.	Bribes	 estimated	 at	 more	 than	 USD	 50	 million	 were	 paid	 in	 exchange
for	 approving	 increases	 in	 license	 fees	 for	 Microsoft	 products	 offered	 through	 a
Microsoft	 vendor	 –	 Fujitsu	 Siemens	 GmbH	 Austria	 to	 the	 Romanian	 Government.
Other	bribery	issues	surfaced	in	China,	Italy,	Russia	and	Pakistan,	thus	violating	the
FCPA,	 in	 contradiction	 with	 the	 company’s	 own	 commitment.	 Until	 April	 2015,
following	an	investigation	of	the	United	States	Department	of	Justice	(DoJ)	and	the
Securities	 and	 Exchange	 Commission	 (SEC),	 Microsoft	 was	 put	 on	 the	 list	 of
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	2	of	55
Industry	Avg.
Number	of	Employees
Revenue	(in	USD	mn)
Company	Basic	Information
Company	Size
Company	data	is	for	the	year
2015.	The	industry	average
data	is	average	of	the	latest
reported	year	data.
Other	Information
GICS	Industry:
United	States	of	America
Investor	Relations:
unresolved	 FCPA-related	 investigations.	 To	 date,	 the	 status	 of	 the	 investigation	 is
uncertain.	Besides	 the	 financial	 and	 reputational	 risks	 that	 may	 arise	 from	 SEC
investigations,	an	important	concern	is	the	company’s	lack	of	acknowledgement	of
the	 investigation	 and	 of	 disclosure	 of	 its	 status	 in	 the	 regular	 filings.	 This	 absence
indicates	the	company’s	lack	of	transparency	in	its	relationship	with	its	shareholders
and	the	possibility	of	exposing	them	to	important	risks	they	are	not	aware	of	and
cannot	quantify.
Microsoft	 was	 also	 one	 of	 the	 companies	 which	 were	 accused	 of	 privacy
violations.	 Recently,	 in	 France,	 Microsoft	 was	 ordered	 to	 stop	 excessive	 data
collection	 and	 monitoring	 of	 user	 navigation	 without	 the	 users’	 approval	 through
Windows	10.	In	2015	US	Federal	Trade	Commission	and	the	Department	of	Justice
were	 asked	 to	 investigate	 Microsoft’s	 Xbox	 for	 alleged	 secret	 recording	 of
conversations	 in	 people’s	 homes.	 Nokia	 was	 under	 criticism	 in	 2014	 after	 an
investigation	 revealed	 that	 Lumia	 line	 of	 Windows	 phones	 sent	 personal	 data	 to
servers	in	the	US	to	spy	on	users.	It	was	claimed	that	the	practice	has	been	known
to	 senior	 management.	 In	 the	 same	 year,	 Taiwan’s	 Executive	 banned	 the	 use	 of
Microsoft	Corp’s	MSN	due	to	security	concerns	and	the	company	was	classified	as	a
security	 threat	 by	 the	 Chinese	 media	 while	 Windows	 8	 was	 banned	 on	 all
government	 computers	 under	 allegations	 that	 the	 Operating	 System	 allowed	 US
spying.	 All	 these	 issues	 pose	 a	 serious	 threat	 to	 individual	 liberties	 and	 call	 into
question	the	implementation	of	the	company’s	data	privacy	and	security	policies.
Sustainability	Policy	Assessment
The	policies	of	Microsoft	over	ESG	parameters	have	been	satisfactory.	The	company
publishes	 the	 Citizenship	 Report	 separately.	 Overall,	 the	 company’s	 disclosure	 of
information	has	been	satisfactory.	Policies	on	Environment,	Social,	and	Governance
parameters	have	been	satisfactory,	satisfactory,	and	good	respectively.
The	company	has	published	an	environmental
policy	that	covers	features	like	control	of	the
environmental	impact,	initiatives	for	the
continuous	improvement,	and	compliance	with
environmental	legislation	in	place.	Regarding
global	warming,	Microsoft	has	taken	initiatives
to	reduce	energy	and	water	consumption
along	with	GHG	emissions.	An	Environmental
Management	System	is	implemented	and	is
ISO	14001	certified	.	The	environmental
aspect	is	reflected	in	the	products/services
offered	by	Microsoft	and	a	procurement
system	is	also	in	place	to	ensure	minimum
environmental	impact.	No	monetary	fines
were	applied	to	the	company	during	the	year
and	there	were	no	cases	of	environmental
litigations/law	suits.
Company Average
Company Average
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	3	of	55
Microsoft	has	a	labor	policy	in	place	which
includes	health	and	safety	of	employees,
freedom	of	association,	non-discrimination
among	employees	and	also	refrains	from
promoting	child	labor	or	forced	labor.	No
information	is	disclosed	regarding	labor
unions,	but	the	employees	are	covered	by
collective	bargaining	agreements.	Monitoring
health	and	safety	of	the	employees	is	ensured
through	detailed	procedures	but	there	is	no
evidence	of	health	&	safety	related
certification.	The	company	conducts	health
and	safety	training	programs.	On	the	Human
Rights	aspect,	Microsoft	has	a	policy	in	place
with	no	details	on	sensitive	countries	or
indigenous	rights.	Good	working	relationship
with	the	community	is	ensured	through
dialogue	with	community	members	and	their
representatives.	This	is	enforced	by	the
existence	of	a	community	policy.	There	is	a
supplier	policy	statement	that	covers	labor
issues	but	does	not	include	human	rights
standards	for	contractors.	Regular	dialogue
with	suppliers	is	carried	out	and	training	and
development	programs	to	ensure	compliance
of	labor	policies	for	suppliers	are	put	in	place.
Regarding	Board	effectiveness,	there	are	11
directors	of	whom	9	are	independent.
Microsoft	has	distinct	roles	for	the	Board
Chairman	and	CEO.	It	is	transparent	in	its
disclosure	of	remuneration	of	the	board	and
the	top	management.	The	variable
remuneration	of	top	executives	is	linked	to
sustainability	performance.	The	company	has
established	a	policy	on	bribery	and	corruption
as	well	as	on	competition	but	does	not	have	a
policy	on	money	laundering.	There	is	a
provision	of	reporting	violation	of	the	code	of
conduct	using	several	channels	which	are
open	24/7.	Microsoft	is	transparent	regarding
key	decisions	in	which	the	shareholders	are
entitled	to	vote	and	gives	details	of
engagement	mechanisms.	The	company	is
involved	in	political	contributions	and	it	gives
no	details	of	non-compliance	with	business
policies	during	the	year.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	4	of	55
Tackling	Climate	Change
• From	 the	 environmental	 point	 of	 view,	 the	 company	 states	 that	 it	 met	 its
100%	renewable	energy	commitment,	the	carbon	neutrality	and	the	net-zero
emissions	 goal	 for	 datacenters,	 software	 development	 labs,	 offices,	 and
employee	 air	 travel	 by	 increasing	 energy	 efficiency	 and	 investing	 in
renewables.	However,	with	the	incorporation	of	Nokia	Devices	and	Services
in	 April	 2014,	 the	 total	 energy	 consumption	 went	 up	 by	 23%.	 The	 GHG
emissions	Scope	2	to	revenue	increased	to	17.5	in	FY	2014	from	16.4	in	FY
2013,	while	energy	to	revenue	ratio	reached	41.1,	up	from	39.1	in	FY	2013.
In	this	new	context,	Microsoft	has	to	further	improve	its	measures	to	mitigate
the	company’s	footprint.	Furthermore,	the	company	is	encouraged	to	publicly
disclose	its	energy	efficiency	targets.
• Microsoft	provides	environmental-friendly	solutions	through	digital	technology
thus	 minimizing	 the	 use	 of	 resources	 and	 environmental	 impact	 for	 energy,
water,	buildings,	infrastructure,	and	transportation	industries.	Services	such	as
Microsoft	 Azure	 enables	 the	 access	 of	 businesses	 to	 Microsoft	 carbon	 neutral
datacenters	for	on-demand	computer	and	storage,	while	Microsoft	cloud	offers
efficiency	with	less	waste.	Moreover,	in	2015	Microsoft	certified	its	tablet	with
ENERGY	 STAR	 and	 EPEAT	 and	 the	 mobile	 phones	 with	 ULE	 110,	 thus
establishing	 sustainability	 criteria	 such	 as	 responsible	 packaging,	 energy
efficiency,	end	of	life	management,	etc.
Improvements	in	the	Supply
Chain	Management
• Microsoft’s	tier	1	suppliers	are	required	to	comply	with	the	Supplier	Code	of
Conduct	 and	 Social	 and	 Environmental	 Accountability’s	 (SEA)	 labor	 rights,
ethics,	 environment,	 occupational	 health,	 and	 safety	 provisions.	 Audits	 and
due	 diligence	 processes	 are	 applied	 across	 the	 supply	 chain	 by	 third-party
auditors	and/or	members	of	Microsoft’s	SEA	team.	Regular	dialogue,	training
and	surveys	of	the	suppliers	are	also	conducted.	There	is	a	conflict	minerals
commitment	 and	 in	 spring	 2015	 all	 tantalum	 smelters	 identified	 in	 the
Microsoft	 supply	 chain	 were	 validated	 as	 conflict-free.	 Nevertheless,	 in
January	 2016,	 Amnesty	 International	 together	 with	 the	 African	 Resources
Watch	 accused	 16	 multinationals,	 including	 Microsoft	 Corp	 for	 failing	 to
properly	 check	 the	 supply	 chain.	 Allegedly,	 minerals	 used	 in	 the	 lithium-ion
batteries	of	their	devices	were	mined	by	children	working	for	up	to	12	hours
a	 day	 in	 the	 Congo	 cobalt	 mines,	 in	 dangerous	 conditions.	 This	 last	 event
should	pressure	the	company	into	enforcing	material	tracing	process	until	the
smelter	level,	otherwise	reputational	risk	may	arise.
Proper	Training	and	Health
and	Safety	Measures
• Training	 and	 development	 opportunities	 are	 provided	 to	 all	 employees	 and
measures	are	taken	to	create	a	safe	and	healthy	work	environment.	Employee
survey	is	also	undertaken	and	managers	use	the	poll	results	to	identify	ways
to	 enhance	 the	 employee	 experience	 and	 develop	 actions	 plans.	 However,
the	 poll	 results	 have	 shown	 slightly	 lower	 values	 or	 remained	 constant
compared	to	2014.
Transparency	Regarding	Law
Enforcement	Data	Requests
• The	 company	 also	 enhanced	 its	 transparency	 practices	 by	 releasing	 a	 semi-
annual	 report	 of	 law	 enforcement	 requests	 for	 Microsoft	 account	 user	 data.
This	 report	 details	 the	 number	 of	 data	 requests	 received	 from	 official	 legal
entities	and	the	number	of	accounts	that	may	be	affected	by	the	demands.	In
terms	of	human	rights,	the	company	has	established	the	Microsoft	Technology
and	Human	Rights	Center	that	works	internally	for	promoting	the	integration
of	 human	 rights	 into	 the	 company’s	 culture,	 business	 operations	 and
strategies.	The	company	is	also	a	member	of	the	Global	Network	Initiative	to
foster	freedom	of	expression	around	the	world.
Providing	Access	to
Technology	and	Computing
• In	terms	of	community	activities,	the	company	reported	a	total	annual	giving
that	 surpassed	 USD	 1	 billion	 for	 the	 second	 consecutive	 year.	 The	 Microsoft
YouthSpark—a	 global	 initiative	 connecting	 hundreds	 of	 millions	 of	 young
people	with	opportunities	for	education,	employment,	and	entrepreneurship	-
achieved	its	goal	of	reaching	300	million	youths	in	the	timespan	of	2012-2015.
Through	its	Technology	for	Good	program,	the	company	also	provided	more
than	120,000	not-for-profit	organizations	with	affordable	access	to	technology
in	more	than	110	countries.	There	are	specific	commitments	set	for	2016	to
empower	 communities,	 such	 as	 access	 to	 learning	 computing.	 Furthermore,
the	 Microsoft	 Accessibility	 Standard	 is	 a	 company-wide	 policy	 that	 seeks	 to
ensure	access	to	technology	for	over	1	billion	people	with	disability,	such	as
vision,	hearing	or	learning	impairment.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	5	of	55
Measures	to	protect	the	rights
of	vulnerable	people
• In	 2015,	 Microsoft	 joined	 the	 UK	 Prime	 Minister’s	 WePROTECT	 Children
Online	initiative	to	combat	child	sexual	exploitation	and	abuse.	Moreover,	the
company	 uses	 PhotoDNA—a	 free	 technology	 that	 helps	 identifying	 and
removing	 child	 sexual	 abuse	 images—	 to	 combat	 the	 spread	 of	 child	 sexual
abuse	 images	 through	 its	 Bing,	 OneDrive,	 and	 services.
Microsofts	 Digital	 Crimes	 Unit	 (DCU)	 fights	 malware	 while	 protecting
vulnerable	 populations,	 notably	 the	 very	 young	 and	 the	 elderly.	 The	 DCU’s
work	includes	investigating	fraud	and	tech	scams.
Diversified	stakeholder
• Stakeholder	 engagement	 includes	 various	 groups	 such	 as	 governments,
shareholders,	 communities,	 partners,	 suppliers,	 employees	 and	 customers.
The	 company	 also	 follows	 international	 frameworks	 like	 the	 GRI,	 the	 United
Nations	 (UN)	 Guiding	 Principles	 on	 Business	 and	 Human	 Rights,	 and	 the	 UN
Global	 Compact.	 The	 company	 also	 engages	 in	 customer	 relationship
strategies	 through	 online	 feedback	 forms,	 support	 communities,	 product
satisfaction	surveys,	research	forums	and	online	customer	service.
Suitable	Board	Structure	and
• Regarding	 Board	 effectiveness,	 there	 are	 11	 directors	 out	 of	 whom	 9	 are
independent.	Microsoft	has	distinct	roles	for	its	board	chairman	and	the	CEO.
There	is	a	lead	independent	director.	Further,	self-evaluations	are	conducted
at	annual	board,	committee	and	individual	levels.	The	company	is	transparent
in	its	disclosure	of	remuneration	of	the	board	and	top	management	and	it	has
established	relevant	business	ethics	policies.	Reporting	violations	of	the	code
of	conduct	can	be	done	using	several	channels	which	are	open	24/7.	However,
despite	the	company’s	social	policies	regarding	diversity	and	inclusion,	there	is
room	 for	 improvement	 at	 leadership	 level	 as	 males	 dominated	 in	 2015	 with
82.6%	and	the	Caucasian	ethnicity	with	70.1%.
Tax	Evasion	and	Money
Laundering	in	Romania
• The	 licensing	 corruption	 scandal	 in	 Romania	 involves	 large	 bribes	 paid	 to
Romanian	 government	 members	 in	 the	 period	 2003-2014,	 in	 exchange	 for
approving	 increases	 in	 license	 fees	 for	 Microsoft	 products.	 The	 bribes	 were
estimated	 at	 more	 than	 USD	 50	 million.	 Nine	 government	 ministers	 have
been	 charged	 by	 the	 National	 Anticorruption	 Directorate.	 Calin	 Tatomir,
former	CEO	of	Microsoft	Romania	was	take	into	custody	in	June	2016	for	tax
evasion	 and	 money	 laundering.	 In	 October	 2016,	 some	 of	 the	 government
officials	were	sentenced	up	to	6	years	of	imprisonment	for	influence	peddling
and	money	laundering	and	to	asset	forfeiture	of	up	to	EUR	9	million.	All	these
raise	serious	concerns	on	the	robustness	of	the	company’s	social	and	business
conduct	policies.
Other	Bribery	Acts	in	China,
Italy,	Russia	and	Pakistan
• In	May	2013,	Microsoft	was	investigated	by	the	United	States	Department	of
Justice	(DoJ)	and	the	Securities	and	Exchange	Commission	(SEC)	for	potential
violations	 of	 the	 Foreign	 Corrupt	 Practices	 Act	 (FCPA)	 in	 Romania,	 China	 (a
former	Microsoft	China	employee	disclosed	that	he	was	allegedly	directed	by
his	executive	to	pay	bribes	to	government	officials	to	secure	business	deals),
Italy	(Microsoft’s	Italian	business	allegedly	used	consultants	for	giving	gifts	to
Italian	procurement	officials),	Russia	(resellers	of	Microsoft	software	allegedly
funneled	kickbacks	to	executives	of	a	state-owned	company	to	win	a	deal)	and
Pakistan	(Microsoft	allegedly	authorized	a	consulting	firm	to	pay	for	a	trip	to
Egypt	for	a	government	official	and	his	wife	in	order	to	win	a	tender).	In	April
2015,	Microsoft	continued	to	be	named	on	the	FCPA	Blog	under	the	list	of	on-
going	and	unresolved	FCPA-related	investigation.	As	other	major	corporations,
Microsoft	has	significant	incentives	not	to	allow	such	cases	to	go	to	trial,	and
most	FCPA	cases	are	settled	out	of	court,	with	fines	that	can	run	up	to	tens	of
millions	of	dollars.	This	might	have	been	the	case,	as	Microsoft	was	removed
from	FCPA	investigation	list	in	July	2015.	The	consistent	and	complete	absence
of	 disclosures	 from	 Microsoft	 regarding	 this	 SEC	 investigation	 and	 others,
proves	that	the	company	is	not	transparent	with	its	shareholders	and	that	it
can	expose	them	to	important	risks	they	are	not	aware	of	and	are	unable	to
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	6	of	55
Unethical	Approach	Against
Open	Source	Policies
• According	to	David	Cameron’s	former	strategy	chief,	Microsoft	threatened	UK
government	 to	 pull	 its	 R&D	 facilities	 out	 of	 the	 country	 due	 to	 open	 source
plans	–	that	finally	entered	into	force	in	2014,	thus	triggering	accusations	of
attempting	 to	 blackmail	 the	 MPs.	 In	 India,	 a	 similar	 approach	 was	 adopted,
lobbying	against	open	source	policy.	All	these	point	out	a	recurring	lobbying,
blackmailing	 and	 bribing	 behavior	 aimed	 at	 maintaining	 its	 monopoly.
However,	in	recent	times	Microsoft	has	been	trying	to	foster	a	softer	image
by	 running	 open	 source	 on	 Windows	 10.	 Nevertheless,	 the	 concept	 of
universal	 app	 platform	 sparked	 criticism,	 including	 from	 the	 CEO	 of	 Epic
Games,	who	publicly	explained	that	Microsoft	is	offering	exactly	the	opposite.
Data	Privacy	Breaches	through
Windows	10
• In	July	2016,	France's	Commission	Nationale	de	l'Informatique	et	des	Libertés
(CNIL)	 ordered	 Microsoft	 Corp	 to	 stop	 excessive	 data	 collection	 and
monitoring	 of	 user	 navigation	 without	 user	 consent.	 The	 regulator	 said	 that
Windows	10	enabled	the	company	to	collect	intrusive	data	on	more	than	10
million	 French	 users.	 In	 November	 2015,	 even	 Microsoft	 Corporate	 Vice
President	Joe	Belfiore	explained	that	Windows	10	is	designed	to	track	the	user
by	 default.	 A	 security	 expert	 revealed	 that	 Windows	 10	 sends	 data	 back	 to
Microsoft	 servers	 thousands	 of	 times	 per	 day,	 even	 with	 disabled	 tracking
options.	 Moreover,	 many	 users	 complained	 that	 they	 were	 “tricked”	 with	 a
confusing	 Windows	 10	 upgrade	 dialogue	 that	 scheduled	 an	 upgrade	 without
their	 explicit	 agreement.	 Following	 the	 aggressive	 marketing	 campaign	 for
Windows	 10,	 thousands	 of	 people	 are	 calling	 Electronic	 Frontier	 Foundation
(EFF)	 to	 investigate	 the	 company’s	 alleged	 “malicious”	 business	 practices.
Overall,	 Microsoft	 risks	 losing	 the	 trust	 of	 its	 customers	 while	 questions	 are
raised	 on	 Microsoft’s	 fairness	 with	 respect	 to	 data	 privacy	 and	 responsible
Products	and	Services	that
Allegedly	Breached	Privacy
and	Security	of	Customers
• In	 July	 2015,	 the	 Electronic	 Privacy	 Information	 Center	 (EPIC)	 asked	 the	 US
Federal	Trade	Commission	and	the	US	DoJ	to	investigate	Microsoft	and	others
that	 produced	 “always	 on”	 consumer	 devices	 that	 secretly	 record
conversations	in	people’s	homes.	Microsoft	was	accused	of	recording	private
conversations	with	its	Xbox	video	game	consoles	even	when	the	system	was
off.	 In	 January	 2015,	 a	 developer	 said	 that	 the	 Microsoft’s	 new	 released
Outlook	 application	 for	 iOS	 broke	 corporate	 security	 in	 multiple	 ways.	 In
March	2014,	it	was	reported	that	the	Electronic	Frontier	Foundation	(EFF),	a
non-profit	 digital	 rights	 group	 based	 in	 California,	 US,	 criticized	 Microsoft
Corp.	for	accessing	the	email	account	of	users	as	part	of	an	investigation	into
leaked	data	related	to	its	Windows	8	operating	system.	The	actions	allegedly
breached	the	US	Electronic	Communications	Privacy	Act.	Nokia	Oyj	was	also
under	 criticism	 in	 2014	 after	 an	 investigation	 revealed	 that	 its	 Lumia	 line	 of
Windows	phones	sent	personal	data,	including	information	from	phones	used
by	senior	members	of	Finland's	government,	to	Microsoft	Corp	servers	in	the
US.	The	report	claimed	that	Nokia’s	senior	management	had	long	been	aware
of	the	large	amount	of	data	being	sent	to	Microsoft	servers	that	cooperated
with	the	US	National	Security	Agency	(NSA)	to	spy	on	users.	The	same	year,
Taiwan’s	Executive	Yuan	announced	that	it	banned	the	use	of	Microsoft	Corp’s
MSN	 -	 instant	 messaging	 services	 on	 the	 government	 computers,	 due	 to
security	concerns.	The	company	was	also	classified	as	a	security	threat	by	the
Chinese	media	as	reports	claimed	that	Microsoft	helped	the	US	government	to
spy	on	China.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	7	of	55
Our	analysis	on	the	performance	of	and	their	management	of	ESG	issues	brings	to
light several	 factors	 on	 which	 stakeholders	 should	 seek	 explanation	 from	 the
company	management.
Despite	 the	 consistent	 Business	 Conduct	 Code,	 Microsoft	 has	 been	 involved	 in
cases	 of	 patent	 infringements,	 accused	 of	 abusing	 tax	 laws	 and	 practicing	 tax
evasion,	 breaching	 anti-trust	 agreement	 and	 displaying	 anti-competitive
behavior.	What	measures	has	the	company	taken	to	ensure	such	issues	will	not
repeat?	 How	 does	 the	 company	 make	 sure	 to	 bring	 in	 relevant	 policies	 or
strengthen	the	existing	policies	necessary	to	yield	effective	results?
Microsoft	became	the	subject	of	FCPA	scrutiny	because	it	was	accused	of	bribery
in	 several	 countries.	 For	 instance,	 in	 Romania,	 the	 bribery	 scandal	 resulted	 in
placement	 into	 custody	 of	 a	 former	 Microsoft	 CEO	 for	 tax	 evasion	 and	 money
laundering.	Also,	government	officials	received	up	to	6	years	imprisonment	for
influence	 peddling	 and	 money	 laundering.	What	 measures	 has	 the	 company
taken	to	enforce	an	ethical	and	complaint	business	conduct?
Microsoft	 was	 among	 the	 companies	 accused	 of	 privacy	 violation,	 allegedly
surveying	not	only	the	US	citizens	but	also	government’s	officials,	notably	from
China	and	Taiwan,	thus	getting	a	governmental	ban	on	some	of	its	products	in
these	 countries.	 What	 mechanisms	 has	 the	 company	 implemented	 in	 order	 to
ensure	that	data	security	is	safeguarded	and	effective	without	any	compromises?
Abuse	of	Tax	Laws
• In	December	2015	court	documents	in	a	tax	case	between	Microsoft	and	the
IRS	revealed	that	the	company	was	using	offshore	tax	loopholes	to	shift	profit
to	Puerto	Rico,	Singapore	or	Ireland	in	order	to	avoid	US	and	UK	corporate
taxes.	For	instance,	GBP	100	million	(USD	146.8	million)	a	year	went	off	their
corporation	tax	bill	in	Britain	using	Ireland’s	taxation	loopholes.	Further,	the
European	Commission	is	investigating	the	advance	pricing	agreements	(APA)
in	order	to	decide	whether	the	company	breached	the	rules	on	state	aid.	In
May	 2016,	 the	 Australian	 government	 accused	 Microsoft	 Corp	 and	 others	 of
profit	diversion	from	Australia	to	no-tax	or	low-tax	jurisdictions.	In	December
2014,	 Microsoft	 Corp	 was	 reported	 among	 340	 companies	 that	 brokered
secret	 deals	 with	 Luxembourg	 to	 avoid	 paying	 billions	 of	 dollars	 in	 taxes.
Moreover,	 Chinese	 tax	 authorities	 ordered	 Microsoft	 Corp	 to	 pay	 CNY	 840
million	(USD	137	million)	in	back	taxes	and	interest,	as	well	as	more	than	CNY
100	million	(USD	16.3	million)	to	cover	its	next	year	of	taxes,	due	to	alleged
tax	evasion.	In	2013,	French	and	Danish	authorities	accused	the	company	of
abusing	 tax	 laws	 and	 practicing	 tax	 evasion.	 All	 these	 prove	 a	 recurrent
unethical	behavior	enforced	by	the	latest	scheme	of	buying	LinkedIn	through
loan	in	order	to	avoid	USD	9	billion	in	taxes.
Failures	to	comply	with
Competition	and	Anti-Trust
Laws	and	Regulations
• During	 2016,	 the	 Chinese	 State	 Administration	 for	 Industry	 and	 Commerce
(SAIC)	 has	 entered	 in	 the	 third	 year	 of	 investigations	 of	 Microsoft	 Corp's
offices	 in	 China	 over	 antitrust	 issues.	 The	 investigation	 relates	 to
compatibility,	bundle	sales,	and	file	verification	issues	related	to	Windows	and
Office	software.	Other	lawsuits	against	Microsoft	were	filed	in	2014	and	2015
due	 to	 allegations	 of	 anti-competitive	 practices,	 including	 a	 fine	 ordered	 by
the	 Competition	 Commission	 for	 the	 unfair	 trade	 practices	 of	 Microsoft
Bulgaria.	 Even	 shareholders	 sued	 the	 company’s	 directors	 for	 failing	 to
manage	the	company	properly	and	for	violating	an	antitrust	agreement	with
the	EU	that	cost	Microsoft	USD	732	million.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	8	of	55
Performance	on	Key
*	Click	on	the	bars	to	view	score	details
Products	and	Services
Environmental	Management
Performance	on	Key
*	Click	on	the	bars	to	view	score	details
Human	Capital
Training	and	development
Performance	on	Key
*	Click	on	the	bars	to	view	score	details
Board	Composition
Top	Management
Board	Committees
Remuneration	of	the	board
Shareholder	Rights	&	Reporting
Business	Conduct	&	Policies
Policy	Overview
Description Disclosure	Level
Environmental	policy GOOD
Labor	Policies MODERATE
Policy	on	Human	Rights SATISFACTORY
Supplier	Policy SATISFACTORY
Policy	on	bribery	&	corruption SATISFACTORY
Policy	on	Insider	trading GOOD
Policy	on	Competition GOOD
Policy	on	Conflicts	of	Interest GOOD
Policy	on	Money	laundering
Policy	on	Responsible	Marketing POOR	/	NOT	AVAILABLE
WhistleBlower	Mechanism GOOD
Environment Social Governance
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	9	of	55
Analysis	of	Controversial	News	on	the	Company
Company	&	Sector	Trends
Company	&	Peer	Trends
Analysis	of	Company's	Involvement	in	controversial	news	in	last	one	year
Risk	Trends
Oct'16 Nov'16 Dec'16 Jan'17 Feb'17 Mar'17 Apr'17 May'17 Jun'17 Jul'17 Aug'17 Sep'17
Controversy	Trends
O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17
Impact	Trends
O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17
O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17
O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	10	of	55
Microsoft	 recalls	 more	 than	 2	 million	 power	 cords	 for	 Surface	 tablets	 over	 fire
Feb	03,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Tech	Times
On	February	2,	2016,	the	US	Consumer	Product	Safety	Commission	announced	that
Microsoft	 Corp	 issued	 a	 voluntary	 recall	 for	 nearly	 2.25	 million	 AC	 power	 cords
distributed	with	Surface	Pro,	Surface	Pro	2	and	Surface	Pro	3	tablets	before	March
15,	 2015.	 Almost	 190,000	 power	 cords	 were	 sold	 in	 Canada.	 The	 recalled	 power
cords	lacked	the	sleeve	on	the	end	connecting	the	power	supply.	Microsoft	said	it
received	five	reports	of	electric	shock	and	56	reports	of	power	cords	overheating
and	catching	fire.
Update:	Microsoft	settles	lawsuit	over	violations	of	EU	regulators	agreement
Nov	25,	2015	|	Seattle,	Washington,	United	States	of	America	|	Seattle	Times
On	 November	 24,	 2015,	 a	 Washington	 federal	 court	 in	 the	 US	 gave	 preliminary
approval	 to	 a	 settlement	 in	 a	 lawsuit	 filed	 by	 Microsoft	 shareholders	 against	 the
company	 for	 violating	 an	 antitrust	 agreement	 with	 the	 EU.	 Under	 the	 settlement,
Microsoft	agreed	to	spend	up	to	USD	42.5	million	over	a	five-year	period	to	set	up
an	Antitrust	Compliance	Office	to	oversee	compliance	with	any	EU	or	US	antitrust
matters	and	to	pay	plaintiffs'	attorneys	USD	7.3	million.	
	On	September	22,	2015,	Microsoft	Corp	agreed	to	the	parameters	of	a	settlement
in	 a	 lawsuit	 filed	 by	 investors	 in	 the	 US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Western	 District	 of
Washington	over	a	USD	732	million	fine	for	violating	antitrust	agreement	with	the
European	Union	(EU)	that	required	Microsoft	to	offer	consumers	a	choice	of	11	rival
Web	browsers	on	its	Windows	operating	system.	The	parties	filed	a	joint	stipulation
that	they	were	agreed	to	delay	the	hearing	on	the	company’s	motion	for	summary
	 On	 April	 11,	 2014,	 in	 the	 US	 District	 Court,	 Western	 District	 of	 Washington,	 a
Microsoft	Corp	shareholder	filed	a	lawsuit	against	the	company’s	board	of	directors
over	the	way	it	handled	an	error	with	its	Internet	Explorer	browser	that	ended	up
costing	the	company	a	USD	731	million	(EUR	561	million)	fine	by	European	Union.
The	 lawsuit	 accused	 directors	 and	 executives,	 including	 the	 founder	 and	 a	 former
executive,	of	failing	to	manage	the	company	properly,	and	the	board	of	directors	of
not	fully	investigating	how	that	miscue	occurred.
Court	rejects	Microsoft’s	plea	to	dismiss	wearable	fitness	technology	patent	suit
Feb	01,	2017	|	Virginia,	United	States	of	America	|	Law360
On	January	31,	2017,	the	US	District	Court	for	the	Western	District	of	Virginia	ruled
against	Microsoft	Corp’s	claim	to	dismiss	a	patent	infringement	suit	over	wearable
fitness	technology	brought	by	Smart	Wearable	Technologies.	The	company	filed	its
claim	alleging	that	the	patent	was	not	valid	as	a	printing	error	was	made	when	the
case	was	filed	and	that	the	court	could	not	correct	it,	thus	leaving	the	patent	claim
invalid.	 According	 to	 the	 court	 however,	 it	 was	 allowed	 to	 correct	 obvious
typographical	errors	in	patent	claims.	
	 On	 July	 13,	 2016,	 Smart	 Wearable	 Technologies	 Inc	 filed	 a	 lawsuit	 in	 the	 US
District	Court	for	the	Western	District	of	Virginia	against	Microsoft	Corp	over	patent
infringement.	 The	 defendant	 infringed	 the	 patent	 issued	 for	 “6-DOF	 Subject
Monitoring	 Device	 and	 Method”	 by	 manufacturing,	 making,	 using,	 practicing,
importing,	distributing,	selling	and	offering	for	sale	the	Band	1	and	Band	2	products.
The	plaintiff	demanded	a	trial	by	jury.
Vivaldi	CEO	accuses	Microsoft	of	anti-competitive	practice	over	Edge	browser
Jan	25,	2017	|	United	States	of	America	|	Trusted	Reviews
On	 January	 25,	 2017,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 the	 Chief	 Executive	 Officer	 (CEO)	 of
Vivaldi	 accused	 Microsoft	 Corp	 of	 anti-competitive	 practices	 regarding	 its	 Edge
browser.	 He	 criticized	 Microsoft	 on	 his	 company’s	 blog	 for	 automatically	 changing
US	 users’	 default	 browser	 to	 its	 own	 Edge	 every	 time	 Windows	 10	 would	 update
and	for	making	it	too	difficult	to	change	the	default	option	to	any	other	browser.
Company's	Involvement	In	Controversial	News
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	11	of	55
Microsoft	lays	off	700	employees	in	order	to	update	skills	in	various	divisions
Jan	23,	2017	|	|	India	Today
On	January	23,	2017,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	was	planning	to	cut	700
office	jobs	over	the	following	days.	The	move	was	going	to	be	part	of	Microsoft's
previously	 announced	 plan	 to	 cut	 2,850	 jobs	 by	 June	 2017.	 The	 planned	 layoffs
were	 not	 part	 of	 restructuring	 efforts	 with	 the	 aim	 of	 reducing	 costs,	 but	 were
intended	to	update	skills	in	various	divisions.
Former	workers	sue	Microsoft	over	PTSD	suffered	from	reviewing	graphic	content
Jan	12,	2017	|	|	Associated	Press
On	 December	 30,	 2016,	 two	 former	 Microsoft	 Corp	 sued	 the	 company	 for	 not
protecting	 them	 from	 the	 psychological	 damage	 of	 viewing	 extreme	 content,
resulting	in	severe	post-traumatic	stress	disorder	(PTSD).	According	to	the	lawsuit,
the	two	former	employees	worked	to	review	and	remove	disturbing	images,	videos
and	accounts	that	depicted	graphic	violence	and	abuse.	One	of	the	workers	claimed
that	 he	 greatly	 suffered	 from	 his	 work,	 leading	 to	 a	 serious	 mental	 breakdown	 in
2013,	 while	 the	 other	 employee	 claimed	 that	 his	 work	 caused	 him	 anxiety
problems,	 panic	 attacks,	 depression,	 disassociation,	 visual	 hallucinations	 and	 the
inability	to	be	around	children,	including	his	own	son.
Former	football	player	sues	Microsoft	and	others	over	trademark	infringement
Jan	11,	2017	|	Pennsylvania,	United	States	of	America	|	Law360
On	January	11,	2017,	a	former	professional	football	player	and	professional	wrestler
filed	 a	 trademark	 lawsuit	 in	 the	 US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Eastern	 District	 of
Pennsylvania	against	Microsoft	Studios	Inc,	a	subsidiary	of	Microsoft	Corp,	and	Epic
Games	 Inc,	 accusing	 them	 of	 unlawfully	 using	 its	 voice	 and	 likeness	 for	 a	 popular
avatar	 in	 the	 “Gears	 of	 War”	 video	 game	 franchise,	 although	 the	 defendants
promoted	 it	 as	 using	 those	 of	 another	 former	 professional	 wrestler.	 The	 lawsuit
alleged	violations	of	the	federal	Lanham	Act,	unjust	enrichment,	invasion	of	privacy
and	misappropriation	of	identity.	The	plaintiff	sought	a	percentage	of	profits	of	sales
from	 the	 "Gears	 of	 War"	 games,	 a	 royalty,	 and	 compensatory	 and	 punitive
Microsoft	admits	using	aggressive	tactics	for	Windows	10	upgrade
Dec	27,	2016	|	|
On	December	27,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	admitted	that	it	used
aggressive	 tactics	 to	 pressure	 people	 into	 running	 Windows	 10	 through	 unfair
strategies.	The	company’s	Chief	Marketing	Officer	Chris	Capossela	confessed	during
Windows	 Weekly	 podcast	 that	 Microsoft	 went	 too	 far	 when	 it	 changed	 the	 cancel
operation	of	the	red	X	in	the	Windows	10	upgrade	dialog	box.
Update:	 FACTA	 violation	 lawsuit	 against	 Microsoft	 on	 hold	 pending	 settlement
Dec	05,	2016	|	Florida,	United	States	of	America	|	Law360
On	 December	 5,	 2016,	 the	 US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Southern	 District	 of	 Florida
approved	 a	 motion	 filed	 by	 both	 the	 plaintiff	 and	 the	 defendant,	 Microsoft,	 asking
the	 court	 to	 put	 the	 FACTA	 violation	 lawsuit	 against	 the	 company	 on	 hold.	 The
decision	allowed	the	parties	to	focus	on	reaching	a	settlement	agreement.	
	On	July	26,	2016,	the	US	District	Court	for	the	Southern	District	of	Florida	denied
Microsoft	Corp’s	motion	to	dismiss	a	lawsuit	over	violation	of	the	Fair	and	Accurate
Credit	 Transactions	 Act	 (FACTA).	 The	 plaintiff	 alleged	 that	 the	 company’s	 physical
store	 receipts	 displayed	 too	 many	 digits	 of	 a	 customer's	 credit	 card	 number.	 The
court	 said	 that	 the	 plaintiff	 sufficiently	 established	 that	 his	 alleged	 injury	 was
concrete	under	the	US	Supreme	Court’s	decision.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	12	of	55
Supreme	Court	sends	cyber	abuse	concerns	notice	to	Yahoo!	and	others
Dec	05,	2016	|	India	|	Times	News	Network
On	 December	 5,	 2016,	 the	 Supreme	 Court	 of	 India	 sent	 notices	 to	 Microsoft
Corporation	(India)	Pvt	Ltd,	owned	by	Microsoft	Corp,	Yahoo!	Inc,	Google,	owned
by	Alphabet	Inc,	and	Facebook	Inc	over	concerns	of	cyber	abuse.	The	NGO	Prajwala
asked	the	court	to	pass	the	order	seeking	for	the	companies	to	take	off	an	offensive
video	 straightaway	 after	 they	 are	 informed	 of	 it.	 According	 to	 the	 counsel	 of
Prajwala,	 they	 should	 report	 offensive	 videos	 as	 soon	 as	 they	 become	 aware	 of
them	and	take	it	off	their	site	immediately,	while	also	preventing	them	from	being
circulated.	 The	 court	 was	 seeking	 a	 response	 by	 January	 9	 to	 why	 the	 companies
were	hosting	illegal	activities.
DNA	probes	former	Microsoft	heads	and	others	in	USD	67	million	fraud
Nov	22,	2016	|	Romania	|	IntelliNews
On	 November	 21,	 2016,	 the	 Romanian	 National	 Anticorruption	 Directorate	 (DNA)
announced	 that	 it	 was	 probing	 two	 former	 heads	 of	 Microsoft	 Corp’s	 Romanian
branch,	 a	 former	 representative	 of	 Fujitsu	 Siemens	 Computers	 GmbH	 (known	 as
Fujitsu	 Technology	 Solutions	 GmbH),	 owned	 by	 Fujitsu	 Ltd,	 and	 two	 government
officials.	The	agency	was	investigating	three	deals	that	caused	the	Romanian	state
to	lose	USD	67	million	through	the	fraudulent	sale	of	Microsoft	licenses	to	the	state
between	 2004	 and	 2008.	 Former	 Microsoft	 heads	 Silviu	 Hotaran	 and	 Ovidiu
Artopolescu	 and	 former	 Fujitsu	 Siemens	 Computers	 representative	 Claudiu	 Florica
were	placed	under	judicial	surveillance	for	two	months,	according	to	the	DNA.	
	On	February	11,	2015,	the	High	Court	of	Cassation	and	Justice,	Romania,	decided
to	place	under	preventive	arrest	for	a	period	of	30	days	the	deputy	Elena	Udrea	in
the	Microsoft	Corp	case.	Elena	Udrea,	former	Minister	of	Regional	Development	and
Tourism,	was	accused	of	influence	peddling	and	money	laundering.	
	 On	 October	 2,	 2014,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 Romania’s	 National	 Anti-corruption
Department	 was	 investigating	 a	 bribery	 scandal	 involving	 nine	 former	 ministers,
Fujitsu	Siemens	Computers	(that	became	Fujitsu	Technology	Solutions),	a	subsidiary
of	 Fujitsu	 Ltd,	 and	 Microsoft	 Corp,	 in	 a	 scandal	 involving	 EUR	 60	 million	 that	 had
been	allegedly	hidden	in	off-shore	accounts	linked	to	politicians.	It	was	said	that	the
bribe	and	money	laundering	system,	which	began	around	2003,	allowed	the	state	to
circumvent	 public	 auctions	 for	 IT	 services	 and	 allowed	 Fujitsu	 to	 sell	 Microsoft
licenses	for	operating	systems	at	elevated	prices	to	the	state.	The	investigation	was
concerning	 a	 47%	 discount	 granted	 by	 Microsoft	 to	 the	 government	 that	 allowed
former	ministers	to	be	paid	commissions.	
	On	July	15,	2014,	a	former	general	manager	of	Microsoft	Romania,	subsidiary	of
Microsoft	Corporation	in	Romania,	was	interrogated	by	the	National	Anticorruption
Directorate	in	the	case	involving	the	lease	of	IT	licenses	for	schools	between	2001
and	 2013,	 for	 which	 about	 EUR	 9	 million	 (USD	 12.25	 million)	 were	 paid.	 The
investigation	focused	on	influence	peddling,	abuse	of	office	and	bribes.
Google,	Yahoo,	Microsoft	asked	to	block	sex	determination	advertisements
Nov	16,	2016	|	New	Delhi,	India	|	Daily	Mail	Online
On	 November	 16,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 the	 Indian	 Supreme	 Court	 asked
Alphabet	 Inc’s	 Google	 Inc,	 Yahoo!	 Inc	 and	 Microsoft	 Corp	 to	 clear	 all	 prenatal	 sex
determination	advertisements	within	36	hours	of	them	appearing	in	search	results.
Prenatal	 sex	 determination	 was	 considered	 an	 offense	 in	 India	 and	 the	 authorities
were	 angry	 because	 they	 repeatedly	 asked	 the	 internet	 giants	 to	 delete	 the
advertisements	 without	 any	 favorable	 result.	 The	 Union	 of	 India	 was	 asked	 to
appoint	an	agency	to	monitor	the	websites	which	would	inform	the	search	engines
about	that	kind	of	advertisements.	The	officials	of	the	search	engines	said	they	took
steps	to	comply	with	the	court’s	requirements.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	13	of	55
Microsoft	accused	of	taking	unfair	advantages	over	its	security	software
Nov	14,	2016	|	Moscow,	Russia	|	SC	Magazine	UK
On	 November	 14,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 the	 Russian	 authorities	 launched	 a
probe	 against	 Microsoft	 Corp	 over	 antitrust	 violations.	 Microsoft	 was	 accused	 of
pushing	out	the	independent	security	companies	to	make	room	for	its	own	security
products.	An	official	of	the	Russian	Federal	Antimonopoly	Service	said	that	the	tactic
led	 to	 unfair	 advantages	 for	 the	 company.	 Microsoft	 stated	 that	 it	 would	 review
carefully	the	accusations.
FAS	investigates	Microsoft	over	abuse	of	position
Nov	10,	2016	|	Russia	|	Law360
On	November	10,	2016,	the	Federal	Antimonopoly	Service	(FAS)	of	Russia	launched
an	investigation	against	Microsoft	Corp	over	possible	abuse	of	its	dominant	market
position	 with	 concerns	 to	 its	 Windows	 10	 operating	 system.	 According	 to	 FAS,
Microsoft	gave	an	edge	to	its	own	antivirus	software	by	allowing	developers	only
six	 days	 to	 adapt	 their	 antivirus	 programs	 to	 be	 compatible.	 The	 company
previously	 gave	 developers	 two	 months	 to	 adapt	 to	 the	 operating	 system	 before
Microsoft’s	own	Windows	Defender	would	activate.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	14	of	55
Update:	IRS	asks	court	not	to	allow	additional	briefs	supporting	Microsoft	in	transfer
pricing	case
Nov	07,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Law360
On	November	7,	2016,	the	IRS	asked	the	US	District	Court	for	the	Western	District
of	 Washington	 not	 to	 allow	 entities	 such	 as	 the	 US	 Chamber	 of	 Commerce	 to	 file
briefs	in	support	of	Microsoft’s	attempt	of	withholding	174	documents	regarding	the
company's	transfer	pricing	practices.	The	IRS	told	the	court	that	the	three	briefs	in
question	presented	an	incomplete	and	inaccurate	analysis	of	the	privileges	at	issue
and	that	the	filings	extended	the	page	limit	allotted	to	the	company	by	36	pages.	
	 On	 December	 12,	 2015,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 court	 documents	 in	 a	 tax	 case
between	Microsoft	and	the	IRS	revealed	that	the	company	was	using	offshore	tax
loopholes	to	shift	profit	to	Puerto	Rico,	Singapore	or	Ireland	in	order	to	avoid	US
and	UK	corporate	taxes.	
	On	November	23,	2015,	a	Washington	federal	court	ordered	Microsoft	to	comply
with	 a	 set	 of	 summonses	 issued	 by	 the	 IRS	 in	 2014	 in	 an	 investigation	 of	 the
company’s	cost-sharing	agreements	with	affiliates	in	Puerto	Rico	and	Singapore.	
	On	December	19,	2014,	the	IRS	filed	petitions	in	a	Washington	federal	court	to
compel	 the	 former	 Microsoft	 CEO	 and	 other	 current	 and	 former	 executives	 to
testify	 as	 part	 of	 an	 IRS	 audit	 of	 financial	 transactions	 between	 Microsoft	 and	 its
subsidiaries	 in	 Puerto	 Rico	 and	 Bermuda.	 The	 IRS	 said	 the	 executives	 did	 not
comply	with	summonses	seeking	their	testimony	in	the	audit.	
	On	December	11,	2014,	the	Internal	Revenue	Service	(IRS)	filed	a	petition	in	the
US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Western	 District	 of	 Washington	 in	 Seattle	 to	 compel
Microsoft	Corp	to	produce	documents	related	to	the	pricing	of	intangibles	under	two
cost-sharing	arrangements	with	its	subsidiaries	in	Puerto	Rico	and	Bermuda.	The	IRS
said	 Microsoft	 only	 partially	 complied	 with	 information	 requests	 related	 to	 an	 IRS
audit	of	tax	years	2004	through	2006.	The	company's	transfer	pricing	methods	used
in	 the	 cost-sharing	 arrangements	 were	 in	 dispute	 and	 if	 rejected,	 could	 lead	 to	 a
multi-billion-dollar	income	adjustment	to	Microsoft's	taxable	income	for	the	period,
according	to	the	IRS	filing.	
	On	November	23,	2015,	a	Washington	federal	court	ordered	Microsoft	to	comply
with	 a	 set	 of	 summonses	 issued	 by	 the	 IRS	 in	 2014	 in	 an	 investigation	 of	 the
company’s	cost-sharing	agreements	with	affiliates	in	Puerto	Rico	and	Singapore.	
	On	December	19,	2014,	the	IRS	filed	petitions	in	a	Washington	federal	court	to
compel	 the	 former	 Microsoft	 CEO	 and	 other	 current	 and	 former	 executives	 to
testify	 as	 part	 of	 an	 IRS	 audit	 of	 financial	 transactions	 between	 Microsoft	 and	 its
subsidiaries	 in	 Puerto	 Rico	 and	 Bermuda.	 The	 IRS	 said	 the	 executives	 did	 not
comply	with	summonses	seeking	their	testimony	in	the	audit.	
	On	December	11,	2014,	the	Internal	Revenue	Service	(IRS)	filed	a	petition	in	the
US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Western	 District	 of	 Washington	 in	 Seattle	 to	 compel
Microsoft	Corp	to	produce	documents	related	to	the	pricing	of	intangibles	under	two
cost-sharing	arrangements	with	its	subsidiaries	in	Puerto	Rico	and	Bermuda.	The	IRS
said	 Microsoft	 only	 partially	 complied	 with	 information	 requests	 related	 to	 an	 IRS
audit	of	tax	years	2004	through	2006.	The	company's	transfer	pricing	methods	used
in	 the	 cost-sharing	 arrangements	 were	 in	 dispute	 and	 if	 rejected,	 could	 lead	 to	 a
multi-billion-dollar	income	adjustment	to	Microsoft's	taxable	income	for	the	period,
according	to	the	IRS	filing.	
	On	December	19,	2014,	the	Internal	Revenue	Service	(IRS)	filed	a	petition	in	the
US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Western	 District	 of	 Washington	 in	 Seattle	 to	 compel	 the
former	 Microsoft	 Corp	 CEO	 and	 other	 current	 and	 former	 executives	 to	 testify	 as
part	of	an	IRS	audit	of	financial	transactions	between	Microsoft	and	its	subsidiaries	in
Puerto	 Rico	 and	 Bermuda.	 The	 IRS	 said	 the	 executives	 did	 not	 comply	 with
summonses	seeking	their	testimony	in	the	audit.	
	On	December	11,	2014,	the	Internal	Revenue	Service	(IRS)	filed	a	petition	in	the
US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 Western	 District	 of	 Washington	 in	 Seattle	 to	 compel
Microsoft	Corp	to	produce	documents	related	to	the	pricing	of	intangibles	under	two
cost-sharing	arrangements	with	its	subsidiaries	in	Puerto	Rico	and	Bermuda.	The	IRS
said	 Microsoft	 only	 partially	 complied	 with	 information	 requests	 related	 to	 an	 IRS
audit	of	tax	years	2004	through	2006.	The	company's	transfer	pricing	methods	used
in	 the	 cost-sharing	 arrangements	 were	 in	 dispute	 and	 if	 rejected,	 could	 lead	 to	 a
multi-billion-dollar	income	adjustment	to	Microsoft's	taxable	income	for	the	period,
according	to	the	IRS	filing.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	15	of	55
Microsoft	says	hackers	leveraged	Windows	bug	in	phishing	campaign
Nov	02,	2016	|	|	The	Washington	Times
On	 November	 1,	 2016,	 Microsoft	 Corp	 revealed	 that	 the	 hackers	 blamed	 for	 an
earlier	cyber-attack	campaign	had	leveraged	a	flaw	affecting	several	versions	of	its
Windows	 operating	 system	 and	 a	 previously	 unpatched	 Adobe	 Flash	 bug	 in	 their
practice.	 According	 to	 the	 company,	 a	 hacker	 group	 known	 as	 “STRONTIUM”
incorporated	the	two	bugs	into	a	low-volume	spear-phishing	campaign	that	affected
the	Windows	users.	The	hack	involved	tricking	targets	into	letting	the	attackers	to
leverage	the	Flash	vulnerability,	in	order	to	gain	control	of	a	victim’s	web	browser,
from	 where	 the	 attackers	 could	 have	 potentially	 exploited	 the	 Windows	 bug	 and
installed	a	backdoor	that	could	have	been	used	at	a	later	date	to	access	an	infected
computer	 running	 a	 vulnerable	 version	 of	 Windows.	 Microsoft	 said	 that	 the
Windows	 10	 Anniversary	 Update	 was	 not	 susceptible	 to	 the	 bug,	 but	 the	 other
versions	going	back	to	Windows	Vista	were.
Update:	Microsoft’s	Skype	fined	by	Belgian	court	for	not	releasing	call	records
Oct	31,	2016	|	Belgium	|
On	 October	 27,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 a	 Belgian	 court	 fined	 Microsoft	 Corp’s
subsidiary	 Skype	 EUR	 30,000	 (USD	 32,700)	 for	 failing	 to	 comply	 with	 its	 order
issued	 in	 September	 2012.	 The	 court	 had	 asked	 that	 Skype	 provide	 details	 about
conversations	 between	 suspects	 in	 a	 criminal	 case.	 Skype	 argued	 that	 the	 court
lacked	 jurisdiction	 over	 the	 company,	 and	 that	 its	 request	 was	 both	 technically
impossible	and	against	European	regulations.	
	On	May	26,	2015,	a	spokesman	for	a	court	in	Mechelen,	Belgium,	said	that	Skype
Technologies	SA,	a	subsidiary	of	Microsoft	Corp,	was	summoned	to	appear	in	court
after	 it	 refused	 to	 allow	 authorities	 to	 wiretap	 communications	 between	 two
criminal	suspects	as	part	of	a	criminal	investigation.	The	court	spokesman	also	said
that	the	company	could	be	punished	under	Belgian	law	if	they	would	refuse	to	aid	a
criminal	investigation	when	requested	to	do	so	could	and	could	face	fines	up	to	EUR
24,000	(USD	26,500).
Microsoft	employee	imprisoned	over	child	pornography
Oct	31,	2016	|	Seattle,	United	States	of	America	|	Softpedia
On	October	31,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	a	former	security	engineer	at	Microsoft
Corp	 was	 arrested	 in	 the	 King	 County,	 Seattle,	 US,	 after	 being	 accused	 of	 child
pornography.	He	was	jailed	for	uploading	to	the	Internet	explicit	pictures	of	minors
involved	in	sexual	acts.	Microsoft	stated	that	it	would	let	the	authorities	to	conduct
the	investigation.
Former	Microsoft	and	Amazon	directors	face	sentencing	on	prostitution	charges
Oct	28,	2016	|	King	County,	Washington,	United	States	of	America	|	The	Business
On	October	28,	2016,	the	former	Microsoft	Corp	director	of	Worldwide	Health	and	a
former	 Inc	 software	 development	 director	 faced	 sentencing	 on
prostitution	 charges	 in	 King	 County	 Superior	 Court,	 Washington,	 US.	 The	 former
Microsoft	 Corp	 director	 faced	 sentencing	 on	 felony	 charges	 related	 to	 his
participation	 in	 a	 16-member	 prostitution	 ring	 busted	 earlier	 in	 2016	 in	 Bellevue,
Washington.	 He	 pleaded	 guilty	 to	 one	 second-degree	 count	 of	 promoting
prostitution	 and	 a	 felony.	 The	 former	 Amazon	 software	 development	 director
pleaded	guilty	to	two	counts	of	attempted	promotion	of	prostitution	in	the	second
degree,	which	was	a	gross	misdemeanor.
Microsoft	criticized	for	calling	Windows	"open	source"
Oct	18,	2016	|	Orlando,	Florida,	United	States	of	America	|	ZDNet
On	October	18,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	was	criticized	for	calling
its	Windows	"open	source."	Microsoft’s	CEO	said	at	the	Gartner	Symposium	ITxpo
2016	in	Orlando,	US,	that	"Windows	is	the	most	open	platform	there	is."	The	CEO	of
Epic	Games	said	that	Microsoft	was	not	offering	an	open	platform,	but	exactly	the
opposite,	and	was	not	bringing	users	and	developers	together	as	it	claimed.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	16	of	55
Update:	Court	denies	Microsoft’s	motion	to	toss	gender	discrimination	lawsuit
Oct	18,	2016	|	Seattle,	Washington,	United	States	of	America	|	The	Register
On	 October	 14,	 2016,	 a	 US	 district	 court	 in	 Seattle,	 Washington,	 found	 plausible
cause	 and	 allowed	 the	 gender	 discrimination	 lawsuit	 against	 Microsoft	 Corp	 to
proceed,	denying	the	company’s	motion	to	dismiss	the	case.	
	 On	 September	 7,	 2016,	 a	 US	 federal	 court	 in	 Seattle	 criticized	 Microsoft	 Corp’s
lawyers	 in	 the	 gender	 bias	 lawsuit	 of	 being	 “overly	 aggressive”	 and	 not	 fully
complying	with	the	court’s	order	to	present	relevant	documents	to	the	case.	
	 On	 October	 27,	 2015,	 two	 current	 Microsoft	 Corp	 female	 employees	 filed	 an
amended	complaint	in	the	Western	Washington	District	Court	in	Seattle,	US,	joining
a	putative	gender	discrimination	class	action	lawsuit.	The	two	joined	the	suit,	which
was	filed	in	September	2015	by	a	former	Microsoft	female	employee,	seeking	back
pay	as	well	as	monetary	and	punitive	damages.	
	On	September	16,	2015,	it	was	reported	that	a	former	Microsoft	Corp	employee
was	 suing	 the	 company	 for	 gender	 discrimination	 in	 federal	 court	 in	 Seattle,
Washington,	 US.	 Allegedly,	 female	 technical	 employees	 were	 paid	 less	 and
promoted	 less	 frequently	 than	 male	 employees.	 Also	 the	 performance	 of	 women
was	ranked	below	that	of	men.	The	suit	was	seeking	class	action	status.	Separately,
she	 made	 internal	 complaints	 about	 a	 superior	 who	 sexually	 harassed	 female
employees.	She	claimed	he	retaliated	against	her	by	giving	her	a	low	bonus	and	by
decreasing	her	responsibilities.	asks	EU	antitrust	officials	to	probe	Microsoft-LinkedIn	deal
Sep	29,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Bloomberg
On	November	3,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	the	European	Union	antitrust	regulators
were	to	give	a	response	regarding	the	validity	of	LinkedIn	Corp'	s	acquisition	by	the
Microsoft	Corp.	The	chief	executive	officer	of,	the	company	that	also
tried	to	buy	LinkedIn,	expressed	his	worries	regarding	this	acquisition,	saying	that
Microsoft	 would	 try	 to	 block	 the	 competition	 using	 LinkedIn’s	 resources.	 An	 EU
official	said	in	September	that	it	would	make	an	in-depth	research	of	the	proposed
	 On	 September	 29,	 2016,	 Inc	 said	 it	 was	 planning	 to	 ask	 the
European	 Union	 antitrust	 officials	 to	 analyze	 Microsoft	 Corp’s	 USD	 26.2	 billion
takeover	 of	 LinkedIn	 Corp,	 as	 the	 deal	 might	 allegedly	 impede	 innovation	 and
competition.	expressed	its	worries	regarding	Microsoft	ownership	of
LinkedIn	 database	 of	 over	 450	 million	 professionals,	 arguing	 that	 Microsoft	 might
gain	a	vast	advantage	over	rivals	and	also	refuse	competitors’	access	to	the	data.	A
Microsoft	executive’s	presentation,	held	on	September	13,	2016,	was	cited	in	this
regard.	In	June	2016,	an	EU	Competition	Commissioner	said	that	the	deal	would	be
reviewed,	in	order	to	determine	whether	control	over	all	that	data	might	strangle
Microsoft’s	competition.
Union	announces	layoffs	at	Microsoft’s	supplier	Lionbridge
Sep	28,	2016	|	Bellevue,	Washington,	United	States	of	America	|
On	September	28,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	the	Temporary	Workers	of	America
union	complained	about	Microsoft	Corp’s	supplier	Lionbridge	Technologies	Inc	plan
to	dismiss	16	union	workers	and	five	non-union	employees	in	Bellevue,	Washington,
US.	A	union	representative	said	that	the	layoffs	would	affect	only	people	who	were
working	in	testing	Microsoft’s	Windows	software.	Previously,	Temporary	Workers	of
America	petitioned	the	US	National	Labor	Relations	Board	(NLRB),	in	an	attempt	to
get	 Microsoft	 involved	 in	 collective	 labor	 agreement	 negotiations,	 arguing	 that
Microsoft	 was	 responsible	 for	 working	 conditions,	 even	 though	 the	 workers	 were
employed	by	Lionbridge.	The	union	was	reported	to	contemplate	the	possibility	of
filing	 new	 claims	 with	 the	 NLRB,	 and	 stated	 that	 there	 still	 was	 a	 significant	 gap
between	 the	 benefits	 that	 normal	 employees	 received,	 and	 those	 received	 by
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	17	of	55
Microsoft	pays	USD	650	to	a	man	over	aggressive	Windows	10	upgrade	campaign
Sep	27,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	The	Register
On	September	27,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	paid	USD	650	to	a	man
who	threatened	to	sue	the	company,	because	its	aggressive	marketing	of	a	software
update	caused	distress	to	his	grandfather.	The	old	man,	suffering	from	Alzheimer’s
disease,	tried	to	reject	an	update	notification	on	his	computer,	but,	by	clicking	the	X
button,	he	unwillingly	triggered	the	automatic	update	to	Windows	10	software.	The
man,	who	later	spent	ten	hours	in	removing	the	new	software,	which	the	old	man
was	not	used	to,	argued	that	Microsoft	“interrupted	the	basic	functions	of	their	own
software”	and	notified	the	company	of	his	intentions	to	sue	in	a	small	claims	court.
Microsoft	tries	to	resuscitate	software	patent	litigations
Sep	20,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Techrights
On	 September	 20,	 2016,	 an	 online	 blogger	 criticized	 Microsoft	 Corp’s	 policy	 of
seeking	a	KRW	600	billion	(USD	533.1	million)	worth	of	tax	refund	from	the	Korean
government,	in	relation	with	patent	license	fees	and	royalties	paid	to	it	by	Korean
software	 companies.	 In	 its	 claim,	 Microsoft	 had	 allegedly	 argued	 that	 the	 taxes	 in
question	applied	to	patents	covering	jurisdictions	outside	South	Korea,	and	thus	the
money	 needed	 to	 be	 reimbursed.	 The	 writer	 also	 accused	 Microsoft	 of	 being
involved	 in	 arguable	 business	 practices,	 including	 tax	 evasion,	 financial	 fraud	 and
constantly	suing	other	companies	for	patent	infringement.
Microsoft	announces	layoffs	in	London	over	Skype	office	shut	down
Sep	17,	2016	|	London,	United	Kingdom	|
On	 September	 17,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 Microsoft	 Corporation	 was	 going	 to
lay	off	about	220	employees	due	to	the	company’s	decision	to	close	its	Skype	Inc
office	 in	 London.	 Microsoft	 had	 announced	 in	 July	 that	 it	 was	 planning	 to	 lay	 off
2,850	employees	in	2017.	A	Microsoft	spokesperson	said	that	the	London	cuts	were
a	result	of	the	consolidation	of	some	engineering	positions	that	affected	both	Skype
Inc	and	Yammer	Inc,	as	part	of	the	restructuring	of	Microsoft's	sales	organization.
Update:	 Microsoft’s	 legal	 team	 accused	 of	 not	 complying	 with	 court	 orders	 in
gender	bias	lawsuit
Sep	16,	2016	|	Seattle,	Washington,	United	States	of	America	|	The	Seattle	Times
On	 September	 7,	 2016,	 a	 US	 federal	 court	 in	 Seattle,	 Washington,	 US,	 criticized
Microsoft	Corp’s	lawyers	in	the	gender	bias	lawsuit	of	being	“overly	aggressive”	and
not	 fully	 complying	 with	 the	 court’s	 order	 to	 present	 relevant	 documents	 to	 the
	 On	 October	 27,	 2015,	 two	 current	 Microsoft	 Corp	 female	 employees	 filed	 an
amended	complaint	in	the	Western	Washington	District	Court	in	Seattle,	US,	joining
a	putative	gender	discrimination	class	action	lawsuit.	The	two	joined	the	suit,	which
was	filed	in	September	2015	by	a	former	Microsoft	female	employee,	seeking	back
pay	as	well	as	monetary	and	punitive	damages.	
	On	September	16,	2015,	it	was	reported	that	a	former	Microsoft	Corp	employee
was	 suing	 the	 company	 for	 gender	 discrimination	 in	 federal	 court	 in	 Seattle,
Washington,	 US.	 Allegedly,	 female	 technical	 employees	 were	 paid	 less	 and
promoted	 less	 frequently	 than	 male	 employees.	 Also	 the	 performance	 of	 women
was	ranked	below	that	of	men.	The	suit	was	seeking	class	action	status.	Separately,
she	 made	 internal	 complaints	 about	 a	 superior	 who	 sexually	 harassed	 female
employees.	She	claimed	he	retaliated	against	her	by	giving	her	a	low	bonus	and	by
decreasing	her	responsibilities.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	18	of	55
Microsoft	criticized	over	disregard	for	Windows	10	user	privacy
Sep	15,	2016	|	|	TechGenix
On	January	10,	2017,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	made	several	changes	to
its	 privacy	 controls	 in	 the	 upcoming	 Windows	 10	 Creators	 Update	 in	 order	 to
address	Electronic	Frontier	Foundation's	concerns	that	it	disregarded	the	choice	and
privacy	of	Windows	10	users.	
	 On	 September	 15,	 2016,	 the	 non-profit	 organization	 Electronic	 Frontier
Foundation	(EFF)	criticized	Microsoft	Corp	for	disregarding	the	choice	and	privacy	of
Windows	 10	 users.	 According	 to	 EFF,	 Windows	 10	 was	 designed	 to	 send	 huge
amounts	of	data	back	to	Microsoft,	including	location	data,	text	input,	voice	input,
touch	input,	web	pages	visited,	and	telemetry	data	regarding	the	general	usage	of	a
computer.	The	foundation	said	that	Windows	10	continued	to	send	information	back
to	Microsoft	despite	the	fact	that	users	chose	to	disable	the	features	stopping	the	OS
from	 sending	 data.	 The	 EFF	 raised	 concerns	 about	 data	 gathered	 by	 Microsoft,
including	 the	 location	 where	 the	 data	 was	 stored,	 how	 long	 the	 data	 was	 stored,
and	 how	 data	 was	 anonymized	 for	 user	 protection.	 The	 EFF	 also	 stated	 that	 the
computer	might	be	at	risk	for	attacks	as	it	would	no	longer	receive	security	updates
when	telemetry	was	turned	down	to	the	lowest	setting.
Reports	claim	Microsoft	and	Alphabet’s	Google	browser	have	high	ad	fraud	rates
Sep	01,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	The	Wall	Street	Journal
On	September	1,	2016,	FraudLogix	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	and	Google	Inc,	a
subsidiary	 of	 Alphabet	 Inc,	 had	 browsers	 with	 the	 highest	 ad	 fraud	 rates.	 The
company	 said	 that	 the	 web	 browsers	 could	 be	 infected	 with	 malicious	 code
implanted	 by	 fraudsters	 seeking	 to	 manipulate	 consumers	 for	 their	 financial	 gain,
meaning	 that	 advertisers	 would	 pay	 for	 ads	 that	 would	 never	 be	 seen	 by	 real
people.	It	was	estimated	by	the	US	Association	of	National	Advertisers	that	admen
could	 have	 wasted	 USD	 7	 billion	 on	 ads	 no	 one	 would	 ever	 see.	 Versions	 of
Google’s	 Chrome	 browser	 and	 Microsoft’s	 Internet	 Explorer	 were	 the	 browsers
with	the	most	fraudulent	impressions	loaded.	Both	Microsoft	and	Google	questioned
FraudLogix’s	conclusions	and	methodology,	alleging	it	was	not	possible	to	correctly
measure	fraud	at	the	browser	level.
Microsoft	apologizes	to	Saudi	Arabia	over	Bing	translator	mistake
Aug	30,	2016	|	Saudi	Arabia	|	New	York	Daily	News
On	 August	 30,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 Microsoft	 Corporation	 had	 to	 apologize
over	 critics	 against	 its	 Bing	 translation	 service	 that	 suggested	 that	 the	 Arabic
acronym	 for	 Islamic	 State	 “Daesh”	 meant	 Saudi	 Arabia.	 The	 mistaken	 translation
was	 noticed	 by	 several	 Saudi	 social	 media	 users,	 who	 instantly	 expressed	 their
anger	 on	 social	 media	 calling	 for	 a	 boycott	 of	 all	 Microsoft	 products.	 Saudi	 Arabia
Microsoft's	 vice	 president	 responded	 to	 the	 issue	 by	 tweeting	 an	 apology	 for	 the
unintentional	mistake.
EEF	accuses	Microsoft	of	disregarding	user	choice
Aug	18,	2016	|	|	ZDNet
On	August	18,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	the	Electronic	Frontier	Foundation	(EFF)
accused	 Microsoft	 Corp	 of	 disregarding	 user	 choice	 in	 its	 year-long	 free	 upgrade
campaign	 for	 Windows	 10.	 Furthermore,	 an	 author	 of	 a	 signed	 editorial	 accused
Microsoft	of	disregarding	user	privacy.	In	June	2016,	a	petition	had	been	signed	by
6,000	 people	 asking	 the	 EFF	 to	 investigate	 Microsoft	 for	 "malicious	 practices
regarding	Windows	10."
Microsoft	to	cut	2,850	jobs	in	its	smartphone	division
Jul	29,	2016	|	|	International	Business	Times	UK
On	 July	 29,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 Microsoft	 Corp	 planned	 to	 cut	 2,850	 jobs
globally	in	its	smartphone	division	by	the	end	of	2017.	The	threatened	jobs	were	in
the	company’s	hardware	business	and	global	sales,	as	part	of	a	restructuring	plan.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	19	of	55
Improved	Search	sues	Microsoft	over	patent	infringement
Jul	29,	2016	|	Delaware,	United	States	of	America	|	RPX	Corporation
On	July	29,	2016,	Improved	Search	LLC	filed	a	lawsuit	in	the	US	District	Court	for
the	 District	 of	 Delaware	 against	 Microsoft	 Corp	 over	 patent	 infringement.	 The
company	 was	 accused	 of	 infringing	 patents	 entitled	 “Method	 and	 System	 for
Translingual	 Translation	 of	 Query	 and	 Search	 and	 Retrieval	 of	 Multilingual
Information	 on	 a	 Computer	 Network”	 and	 “Cross-Language	 Advertising”	 by
intentionally	 directing	 its	 customers	 to	 use	 computers	 or	 mobile	 devices	 for
translating	their	search	queries.	Improved	Search	demanded	a	trial	by	jury.
North	Star	sues	Microsoft	for	patent	infringement
Jul	29,	2016	|	Delaware,	United	States	of	America	|	RPX	Corporation
On	 July	 29,	 2016,	 a	 lawsuit	 was	 filed	 in	 the	 US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 District	 of
Delaware	by	North	Star	Innovations	Inc	against	Microsoft	Corp,	accusing	it	of	patent
infringement.	The	defendants	infringed	the	patents	entitled	“Apparatus	and	Method
for	 Observing	 the	 Mode	 of	 a	 Memory	 Device”	 and	 “Process	 for	 Forming	 a
Semiconductor	Device”	by	manufacturing,	using,	offering	for	sale	and	selling	in	the
US,	computer	products	that	employed	a	method	for	observing	a	control	register	in	a
memory	device	and	forming	semiconductor	devices.	A	trial	by	jury	was	demanded
by	North	Star.
Users	complain	about	battery	issues	with	Microsoft's	Surface	Pro	3
Jul	27,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|
On	 July	 27,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 the	 number	 of	 complaints	 increased
significantly	 against	 Microsoft	 Corporation	 for	 issues	 with	 its	 Surface	 Pro	 3.	 The
device	suffered	from	huge	battery	drain	and	in	some	cases	leading	to	an	autonomy
of	 only	 an	 hour.	 Microsoft	 explained	 that	 was	 not	 an	 issue	 of	 the	 battery	 cells,
claiming	that	the	problem	could	be	fixed	with	a	software	update.
Bayer,	Shell,	ConAgra,	PepsiCo,	Johnson	&	Johnson,	UPS,	McDonald’s,	Microsoft	and
others	accused	of	sourcing	from	prison	farms
Jul	25,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|
On	 July	 25,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 several	 companies,	 including	 Bayer	 AG,
Merck	 &	 Co	 Inc,	 Royal	 Dutch	 Shell	 PLC,	 ConAgra	 Foods	 Inc,	 PepsiCo	 Inc,	 Bank	 of
America	Corp,	Caterpillar	Inc,	Johnson	&	Johnson,	Exxon	Mobil	Corp,	Eli	Lilly	&	Co,
United	Parcel	Service	Inc,	McDonald’s	Corp,	Fiat	Chrysler	Automobiles	NV,	Microsoft
Corp,	 GlaxoSmithKline	 PLC,	 Motorola	 Solutions	 Inc,	 Starbucks	 Corp,	 Verizon
Communications	Inc,	Nintendo	Co	Ltd,	Pfizer	Inc,	Chevron	Corp,	Procter	&	Gamble
Co,	 Costco	 Wholesale	 Corp,	 Wendy’s	 Co,	 Cargill	 Inc,	 John	 Deere	 Bank	 Societe
Anonyme,	 AT&T	 Inc,	 BP	 PLC,	 Intl	 Business	 Machines	 Corp,	 Boeing	 Co,	 Texas
Instruments	 Inc,	 Dell	 Inc,	 Honeywell	 International	 Inc,	 HP	 Inc,	 Alcatel-Lucent	 USA
Inc,	Intel	Corp,	Nordstrom	Inc,	Revlon	Inc,	Macy’s	Inc,	Target	Corp,	Whole	Foods
Market	 Inc,	 Wal-Mart	 Stores	 Inc	 and	 Kmart	 Corp,	 a	 subsidiary	 of	 Sears	 Holding
Corp,	 were	 profiting	 from	 the	 use	 of	 prison	 labor.	 It	 was	 alleged	 that	 prisoners
convicted	of	various	crimes	across	the	US	often	worked	from	6	am,	for	long	hours,
sometimes	without	water	or	proper	meals,	in	the	companies’	supply	chain.	In	some
cases	the	prisoners	were	not	paid,	while	in	other	cases	the	hourly	pay	was	as	low	as
0.17	USD.
CNIL	orders	Microsoft	to	stop	excessive	data	collection	without	users’	consent
Jul	20,	2016	|	France	|	Law360
On	July	20,	2016,	France's	Commission	Nationale	de	l'Informatique	et	des	Libertés
(CNIL)	ordered	Microsoft	Corp	to	stop	excessive	data	collection	and	monitoring	of
user	navigation	without	users'	consent.	The	regulator	said	that	Windows	10	enabled
the	company	to	collect	intrusive	data	on	more	than	10	million	French	users.	CNIL
directed	Microsoft	to	curtail	collections	of	user	data	within	90	days.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	20	of	55
Update:	Microsoft	lays	off	1,350	employees	in	Finland
Jul	12,	2016	|	Tampere,	Finland	|	Market	Exclusive
On	July	12,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	laid	off	1,350	employees	in	Finland.
The	company	planned	to	close	its	product	development	in	Tampere.	
	 On	 May	 25,	 2016,	 Microsoft	 Corp	 said	 that	 it	 would	 lay	 off	 1,850	 employees,
writing	down	USD	950	million.	The	company	sought	to	restart	its	mobile	strategy
after	multiple	misfires.
IpLearn	asks	higher	court	to	overturn	lower	court’s	decision	to	toss	lawsuit	against
Microsoft	over	patent	infringement
Jul	07,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Law360
On	July	7,	2016,	IpLearn-Focus	LLC	asked	the	US	Court	of	Appeals	for	the	Federal
Circuit	to	overturn	a	California	court’s	ruling	that	tossed	claims	in	three	computer
teaching	 patents	 asserted	 against	 Microsoft	 Corp’s	 Xbox	 Kinect	 gaming	 accessory.
The	plaintiff	argued	that	the	court	misinterpreted	key	parts	of	the	patent	to	declare
it	abstract.	The	patents	described	a	way	for	students	to	learn	through	a	computing
device	that	included	a	detached	sensor	or	camera.
Update:	Microsoft,	Yahoo	and	Alphabet's	Google	ordered	to	ban	sex	determination
Jul	05,	2016	|	India	|	Times	of	India
On	 July	 5,	 2016,	 the	 Indian	 Supreme	 Court	 asked	 Microsoft	 Corp,	 Yahoo	 Inc	 and
Alphabet	 Inc’s	 subsidiary	 Google	 Inc	 to	 stop	 allowing	 pre-natal	 sex	 determination
tests	 advertisements	 on	 their	 online	 platforms.	 The	 court	 also	 asked	 the	 federal
government	 to	 issue	 a	 memorandum	 on	 the	 matter	 and	 hold	 a	 meeting	 between
the	petitioners,	who	filed	a	Public	Interest	Litigation,	and	the	three	companies.	
	 On	 January	 28,	 2015,	 the	 Supreme	 Court	 in	 New	 Delhi,	 India,	 ordered	 Google
Inc's	 Google	 India	 Pvt	 Ltd,	 Yahoo!	 Inc's	 Yahoo	 India	 Pvt	 Ltd	 and	 Microsoft	 Corp's
Microsoft	 Corp	 India	 Pvt	 Ltd	 to	 strictly	 comply	 with	 Indian	 laws	 and	 block
advertisements	promoting	prenatal	gender	selection	tests.	The	order	was	the	result
of	 a	 petition	 filed	 in	 2008	 that	 sought	 direction	 for	 prohibiting	 sex	 determination
test	 advertisements	 on	 the	 internet.	 The	 court	 concluded	 that	 the	 three	 search
engines	 had	 relevant	 technology	 and	 deep-domain	 knowledge	 and	 expertise	 to
block	 and	 filter	 words	 and	 sponsored	 links	 in	 this	 regard.	 The	 court	 required	 the
companies	to	include	in	their	terms	of	service	its	order.
Microsoft	pays	USD	10,000	for	its	Windows	10	updates
Jun	28,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Business	Finance	News
On	 June	 28,	 2016,	 it	 was	 reported	 that	 Microsoft	 Corp	 was	 ordered	 to	 pay	 USD
10,000	 in	 a	 lawsuit	 brought	 by	 one	 of	 its	 customers	 from	 California,	 US,	 claiming
that	Windows	10	was	automatically	installed	on	her	PC.	The	update	failed	and	made
her	PC	unusable.
Eleven	Engineering	sues	Microsoft	for	patent	infringement
Jun	23,	2016	|	Delaware,	United	States	of	America	|	Casetext
On	 June	 23,	 2016,	 Eleven	 Engineering	 Inc	 and	 Eleven	 Engineering	 Game	 Control
LLC	 filed	 a	 lawsuit	 in	 the	 US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 District	 of	 Delaware	 against
Microsoft	Corp	over	patent	infringement.	The	plaintiff	accused	the	tech	company	of
infringing	 a	 patent	 related	 generally	 to	 wireless	 radio	 frequency	 game	 control
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	21	of	55
Microsoft	accused	of	avoiding	taxes	in	UK
Jun	22,	2016	|	United	Kingdom	|	Financial	Director
On	June	22,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	was	accused	of	looping	GBP
100	million	(USD	146.8	million)	a	year	off	their	corporation	tax	bill	after	securing	a
confidential	deal	with	HM	Revenue	&	Customs.	The	company	was	enabled	to	book
GBP	8	billion	(USD	11.7	billion)	worth	of	revenues	from	Britain	through	to	Ireland.
The	European	Commission	was	investigating	the	advance	pricing	agreements	(APA)
to	decide	whether	they	breached	the	rules	on	state	aid.
Microsoft	approaches	the	risky	legal	marijuana	industry
Jun	16,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	The	New	York	Times
On	 June	 16,	 2016,	 Microsoft	 Corp	 announced	 entering	 in	 a	 partnership	 with	 Kind
Financial,	 a	 US	 cannabis	 industry-focused	 software	 company,	 with	 the	 aim	 of
providing	software	to	state	and	local	governments	in	their	efforts	of	developing	and
monitoring	 compliance	 systems.	 The	 partnership	 raised	 media	 concerns	 regarding
the	 social	 negative	 consequences,	 as,	 although	 cannabis	 had	 been	 legalized	 for
medical	 or	 recreational	 purposes	 in	 25	 states,	 it	 was	 still	 illegal	 nationwide	 in	 the
Court	 grants	 Unwired	 Planet’s	 motion	 for	 summary	 judgment	 in	 lawsuit	 against
Microsoft	over	patent	infringement
Jun	15,	2016	|	Delaware,	United	States	of	America	|	Delaware	Intellectual	Property
On	 June	 15,	 2016,	 the	 US	 District	 Court	 for	 the	 District	 of	 Delaware	 granted
Unwired	 Planet	 Inc’s	 motion	 for	 summary	 judgment	 in	 a	 lawsuit	 against	 Microsoft
Corp	 over	 a	 patent	 license	 agreement	 in	 which	 Microsoft	 agreed	 to	 pay	 USD	 10
million	upon	notice	that	Unwired	Planet	closed	a	"Qualifying	Agreement".	However,
Microsoft	disputed	whether	an	agreement	between	Unwired	Planet	and	Lenovo	PC
International	 Limited	 satisfied	 the	 conditions	 of	 a	 "Qualifying	 Agreement"	 and
refused	to	pay	USD	10	million.
Microsoft	criticized	for	its	plan	to	avoid	USD	9	billion	in	taxes
Jun	13,	2016	|	|	Bloomberg
On	June	13,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	was	criticized	for	its	plan	to
avoid	paying	USD	9	billion	in	taxes.	The	company	was	planning	to	fund	its	takeover
of	 LinkedIn	 by	 borrowing	 USD	 26	 billion,	 using	 its	 USD	 108	 billion	 cash	 and	 cash
equivalents,	most	of	it	in	offshore,	as	collateral.	Buying	the	company	with	borrowed
money	would	help	Microsoft	avoid	USD	9	billion	in	federal	income	taxes	in	2016	and
Microsoft	could	deduct	interest	payments,	which	would	lower	its	future	US	tax	bill.
IT	companies	like	Infosys,	Wipro	decline	to	confirm	labor	unions
Jun	11,	2016	|	India	|	The	Economic	Times
On	 June	 10,	 2016,	 several	 IT	 companies	 in	 India,	 including	 Wipro	 Ltd,	 Infosys	 Ltd
(formerly,	 Infosys	 Technologies	 Limited),	 Tata	 Consultancy	 Services	 Ltd,	 Microsoft
Corporation	 (India)	 Pvt	 Ltd,	 a	 subsidiary	 of	 Microsoft	 Corp,	 Juniper	 Networks	 Inc,
Miphasis	 Ltd,	 and	 Amazon	 India,	 a	 subsidiary	 of	 Inc,	 declined	 to
acknowledge	 employees'	 right	 to	 form	 labor	 unions	 as	 provided	 by	 the	 Industrial
Disputes	 Act.	 The	 question	 arose	 after	 the	 Principal	 Secretary	 of	 the	 Tamil	 Nadu
Labor	and	Employment	Department	clarified	the	New	Democratic	Labor	Front	-	IT
Employees	Wing	that	workforce	was	free	to	form	unions.	He	said	that	60-80%	of	IT
employees	already	decided	to	join	unions	if	formed,	but	every	single	one	of	them
declined	to	take	the	lead	to	form	them	because	they	were	scared	of	consequences.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	22	of	55
Update:	Zhongyi	Zhongbiao	urges	higher	court	to	revive	its	suit	against	Microsoft
over	copyright	infringement
Jun	08,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Law360
On	 June	 8,	 2016,	 Beijing	 Zhongyi	 Zhongbiao	 Electronic	 Information	 Technology
urged	 the	 US	 Court	 of	 Appeals	 for	 the	 Ninth	 Circuit	 to	 revive	 its	 lawsuit	 against
Microsoft	 Corp.	 The	 company	 was	 accused	 of	 illegally	 using	 the	 plaintiff’s
copyrighted	fonts	in	generations	of	computer	operating	systems.	
	On	July	10,	2012,	Beijing	Zhongyi	ZhongBiao	Electronic	Information	Technology
Co	Ltd	filed	a	copyright	lawsuit	in	the	US	District	Court	for	the	Western	District	of
Arkansas	against	Microsoft	Corp	and	Wal-Mart	Stores	Inc.	The	complaint	alleged	that
Microsoft	 incorporated	 without	 permission	 the	 plaintiff’s	 Chinese	 characters	 in	 the
Windows	98,	2000,	XP	and	2003	operating	systems	on	computers	sold	by	Walmart.
The	 plaintiff	 claimed	 that	 Microsoft	 ignored	 a	 Beijing	 court's	 November	 2009
injunction	 by	 producing	 and	 selling	 new	 infringing	 operating	 systems.	 The	 suit
sought	damages,	a	US	injunction	order	barring	Microsoft	and	Walmart	from	further
infringing	 activities,	 and	 an	 order	 impounding	 or	 destroying	 all	 of	 the	 infringing
Microsoft	criticized	for	its	clients	passwords’	strength	policy
May	30,	2016	|	United	States	of	America	|	Sydney	Morning	Herald
On	 May	 30,	 2016,	 a	 blogger	 criticized	 Microsoft	 Corp	 for	 implementing	 security
instruments	 to	 determine	 clients	 to	 stop	 using	 weak	 passwords	 with	 their	 online
accounts.	 It	 was	 claimed	 that	 this	 policy	 was	 not	 productive,	 as	 it	 would	 only
encourage	 users	 to	 find	 new	 ways	 around	 it,	 in	 order	 to	 keep	 their	 passwords
simple,	 and	 thus	 weak.	 Microsoft	 had	 allegedly	 created	 a	 list	 of	 common	 weak
passwords,	 widely	 used	 by	 hackers,	 and	 had	 implemented	 tools	 for	 stopping	 its
clients	from	using	them.
Microsoft	accused	of	tricking	users	into	downloading	Windows	10
May	27,	2016	|	|	Mirror	Online
On	May	27,	2016,	it	was	reported	that	Microsoft	Corp	was	accused	of	tricking	users
into	 upgrading	 to	 Windows	 10.	 User	 complaints	 stated	 that	 they	 had	 received	 a
Windows	10	nagware	reminder,	but	when	clicking	the	red	“X”	to	close	the	dialog,
Microsoft	considered	that	as	permission	for	the	upgrade,	thus	scheduling	an	upgrade
without	users	agreeing	to	it.
Chinese	criticize	Microsoft’s	aggressive	means	to	promote	Windows	10	upgrade
May	27,	2016	|	China	|	BBC	News
On	May	27,	2016,	Xinhua	reported	that	over	1.2	million	people	complained	on	the
Chinese	 microblog	 Weibo	 about	 Microsoft	 Corp’s	 aggressive	 methods	 to	 persuade
people	into	upgrading	to	Windows	10.	The	news	agency	learned	that	the	company
changed	 the	 pop-up	 box	 that	 regularly	 appeared	 to	 encourage	 people	 using
Windows	7	and	8	to	upgrade,	giving	only	the	option	“upgrade	now”	and	“upgrade
tonight”	in	some	cases.	Another	method	Microsoft	used	was	making	Windows	10	a
recommended	 upgrade	 that	 was	 automatically	 scheduling	 a	 date	 and	 time	 for
installation,	which	users	had	to	manually	abandon.
Microsoft	to	cut	1,850	jobs	to	restart	its	mobile	strategy
May	25,	2016	|	|	MarketWatch
On	May	25,	2016,	Microsoft	Corp	said	that	it	would	lay	off	1,850	employees,	writing
down	 USD	 950	 million.	 The	 company	 sought	 to	 restart	 its	 mobile	 strategy	 after
multiple	misfires.
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	23	of	55
Description Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Net	Profit	Margin 0.1303 0.2542 0.2808 0.2303 0.3310 n.a.
R&D	/	Revenue 0.1287 0.1311 0.1337 0.1331 0.1293 n.a.
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Gross	sales	(local	currency) - - - - -
Gross	sales	(USD	-	company	reported) - - - - -
Net	sales	(local	currency) 93,580 86,833 77,849 73,723 69,943 USD
Net	sales	(USD	-	company	reported) 93,580 86,833 77,849 73,723 69,943 USD
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
In	local	currency 18,507 27,820 27,052 22,267 28,071 USD
In	USD	(company	reported) 18,507 27,820 27,052 22,267 28,071 USD
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
In	local	currency 12,193 22,074 21,863 16,978 23,150 USD
In	USD	(Company	Reported) 12,193 22,074 21,863 16,978 23,150 USD
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
United	States 42,941 43,474 41,344 38,846 38,008 USD
Other	countries 50,639 43,359 36,505 34,877 31,935 USD
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Mergers	and	acquisitions
On	November	6,	2014,	the	company	acquired	Mojang	Synergies	AB	(“Mojang”),	the	Swedish	video	game	developer
of	the	Minecraft	gaming	franchise,	for	$2.5	billion	in	cash,	net	of	cash	acquired.
On	April	25,	2014,	it	acquired	substantially	all	of	Nokia	Corporation’s	(“Nokia”)	Devices	and	Services	business
(“NDS”)	for	a	total	purchase	price	of	$9.4	billion,	including	cash	acquired	of	$1.5	billion.
Net	Sales	(in	Millions)	-	USD Net	Profit	(in	Millions)	-	USD Research	&	Development	Expense
(in	Millions)	-	USD
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Key	Ratios
Sales/Total	revenue	(in	millions)
NEBT/PBT	(in	millions)
Net	Profit/Profit	After	Tax	(PAT)/	Net	Income	(in	millions)
Geographic	break	down	of	sales/revenues	by	region	(millions	or	%)
Revenues	from	Products	&	Services	(millions	or	%)
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	24	of	55
1.	Google	Finance	as	of	September	15,	2016
2.	Google	Finance	as	of	December	1,	2014
3.	Google	Finance	as	of	June	19,	2014
4.	Form	10K	2016
5.	Annual	Report	2015
6.	Annual	Report	2014
7.	Annual	Report	2013
8.	Form	10K	2015
Windows	Division - 37,674 18,680 18,844 18,815 USD
Server	and	Tools - - 20,295 18,544 16,571 USD
Online	Services	Division - - 3,284 2,935 2,680 USD
Entertainment	and	Devices	Division - - 10,213 9,590 8,896 USD
Microsoft	Business	Division - 49,574 24,738 24,082 22,407 USD
Corporate	and	other 275.00 -415.00 639.00 -272.00 574.00 USD
Productivity	and	Business	Processes 26,430 - - - - USD
Intelligent	Cloud 23,715 - - - - USD
More	Personal	Computing 43,160 - - - - USD
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
In	local	currency 12,046 11,381 10,411 9,811 9,043 USD
In	USD	(	Company	Reported) 12,046 11,381 10,411 9,811 9,043 USD
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Source	List:
Sales	from	Renewables
Research	and	Development	(in	millions)
Operational	Data
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	25	of	55
Performance	on	Key	Parameters
Products	and	Services
Total	Energy	Consumption	(Direct	+
Indirect)	-	MWh
Total	direct	greenhouse	gas	(GHG)
emissions	by	weight	(Scope	1)	-
Nitrous	oxide	(N2O)	emission	-	MT
Indirect	greenhouse	gas	(GHG)
emissions	by	weight	(Scope	2)	-
Total	direct	and	indirect	emissions
(Scope	1+2+3)	-	MT	CO2e
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
KPI	Performance
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	26	of	55
Environmental	Strategy
Environmental	Management
Environmental	Risks
Description Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Total	Direct	Energy	consumption	from	Fuel	Sources	/
Total	Energy	Consumption
- - - - - -
Total	Indirect	Energy	consumption	(purchased	electricity)
/	Total	Energy	Consumption
- 0.9076 0.9428 0.9383 0.9361 n.a.
Scope	1	GHG	to	total	GHG	emissions - 0.0084 0.0190 0.0269 0.0261 n.a.
Scope	2	GHG	to	total	GHG	emissions - 0.1492 0.6121 0.7783 0.7728 n.a.
Scope	3	GHG	to	total	GHG	emissions - 0.8425 0.3689 0.1948 0.2011 n.a.
Total	GHG	Emission	to	Revenue - 117.47 26.81 21.21 21.54
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Paper	consumption - 166.25 - - - t
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Total	direct	energy	consumption	from	fuel	sources - - - - -
Coal	consumption/Coal	based	energy	consumption - - - - -
Natural	gas	consumption/	Natural	gas	based	energy
- 108,709 93,065 89,960 - MWh
Fuel	oil	consumption/Fuel	oil	based	energy
- 319,313 154,944 162,587 158,824 MWh
Biofuels	consumption/Biofuels	based	energy
- - - - -
Energy	consumed	from	renewable	sources - - - - -
Other	fuel	consumption/	Other	fuel	based	energy
- 210,604 36,207 49,500 - MWh
Direct	energy	consumption	of	own	generated	electricity - - - - -
Total	direct	energy	intensity - - - - -
Total	indirect	energy	consumption	(purchased
- 3,240,620 2,732,483 2,630,343 2,440,617 MWh
Electricity	from	renewable	energy	sources	(hydro,	solar,
wind,	geothermal,	biomass…)
- 3,240,620 2,300,000 - - MWh
Electricity	from	coal	based	generation - - - - -
Electricity	from	oil	based	generation - - - - -
Electricity	from	gas	based	generation - - - - -
Key	Ratios
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	27	of	55
Electricity	from	nuclear	based	generation - 10,505 10,872 10,405 7,814 MWh
Total	indirect	energy	intensity - - 37.20 38.40 36.20 MWh/$M
Total	energy	consumption - 3,570,438 2,898,299 2,803,335 2,607,254 MWh
Energy	saved	due	to	conservation	and	efficiency
- - - - -
Initiatives/Programs	undertaken	to	reduce	energy	consumption	or	achieve	targets
The	company	is	designing	energy-saving	approaches	into	the	new	datacenters,	such	as	using	outside	air	cooling	and
airside	economizers	that	dramatically	cut	the	energy	and	water	used	for	cooling.	This	approach	to	cooling	reduces
energy	consumption	by	15-20	percent	and	water	consumption	by	90	percent.	Overall,	datacenters	average	1.4	PUE
(Power	Usage	Effectiveness,	one	measure	of	data	center	efficiency),	more	efficient	than	the	industry	average	of	1.7
The	company	has	a	100	percent	renewable	energy	commitment,	which	it	meets	through	direct	purchases	of
renewable	energy	and	the	purchase	of	renewable	energy	credits.	Microsoft	currently	uses	directly	purchased
renewable	electricity	to	power	23	percent	of	its	operations,	and	are	exploring	opportunities	to	expand	direct
purchase	of	renewable	energy	and	support	the	construction	of	new	renewable	energy	projects.	In	FY15	Microsoft
purchased	more	than	3.2	billion	kilowatt-hours	(kWh)	of	renewable	energy,	and	in	January	2015	the	US
Environmental	Protection	Agency	ranked	the	company	as	the	secondlargest	user	of	green	power	in	the	US.	The	new
110-megawatt	(MW)	Keechi	Wind	project	that	it	funded	through	a	20-year	agreement	to	purchase	100	percent	of	its
output	came	online	in	FY15,	and	the	company	also	announced	an	even	larger	power	purchase	agreement	for	all	of
the	output	of	the	new	175-MW	Pilot	Hill	Wind	Project.	The	company	also	generates	a	small	amount	of	onsite
renewable	energy,	such	as	from	solar	panels	covering	the	rooftops	on	Silicon	Valley	campus.
Target	type,	target	value	and	target	scope
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	base	year	and	target	base	year	energy	consumption
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	end	year
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	met
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Initiatives/Programs	undertaken	to	reduce	water	consumption	or	achieve	targets
Beyond	datacenters,	Microsoft	continues	to	invest	in	water-saving	fixtures	in	office	buildings	and	smart	landscape
irrigation	practices	to	conserve	water.
Target	type,	target	value	and	target	scope
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	base	year	and	target	base	year	water	consumption
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	end	year
Energy	Efficiency	Targets
Water	Efficiency	Targets
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	28	of	55
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	met
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Total	direct	greenhouse	gas	(GHG)	emissions	(Scope
- 85,188 39,665 42,067 39,327 MT	CO2e
Carbon	dioxide	(CO2)	emissions - 72,043 32,180 40,632 - MT	CO2e
Methane	(CH4)	emissions - 22.00 17.00 20.00 - MT	CO2e
Nitrous	oxide	(N2O)	emissions - 137.00 90.00 95.00 - MT	CO2e
Chlorofluorocarbons	(CFCs)	emissions - - - - -
Hydrofluorcarbons	(HFCs)	emissions - 12,986 7,378 7,765 - MT	CO2e
Perfluorcarbons	(PFCs)	emissions - - - - -
Sulphur	hexafluoride	(SF6)	emissions - - - - -
Total	direct	emissions	intensity - - 0.50 0.60 0.50
Indirect	greenhouse	gas	(GHG)	emissions	by	weight
(Scope	2)
- 1,521,370 1,277,364 1,217,167 1,164,218 MT	CO2e
Other	relevant	indirect	GHG	emissions	by	weight
(Scope	3)
- 8,593,664 769,839 304,739 303,018 MT	CO2e
Total	indirect	emission	intensity - - 3.80 4.20 4.20
Total	direct	and	indirect	emissions - 10,200,222 2,086,868 1,563,973 1,506,563 MT	CO2e
Initiatives/Programs	to	reduce	greenhouse	gas	emissions	(GHG)	or	achieve	targets
Since	July	1,	2012,	Microsoft	has	achieved	carbon	neutrality	across	global	operations,	spanning	more	than	100
countries,	for	datacenters,	software	development	labs,	offices,	business	air	travel,	and	(as	of	July	1,	2015)	Microsoft-
owned	manufacturing	operations.	In	April	2015	Microsoft	released	a	whitepaper	describing	the	progress	made	with
carbon	fee	since	its	inception,	in	the	hope	to	inspire	other	organizations	to	take	similar	action.	Among	the	results	it
details:	since	the	inception	of	the	carbon	fee,	the	company	has	purchased	more	than	10	million	megawatt-hours
(MWh)	of	green	power,	reduced	emissions	by	7.5	million	metric	tons	of	carbon	dioxide	equivalent	(mtCO2e),	saved
more	than	$10	million	a	year,	and	had	an	impact	on	more	than	3.2	million	people	in	emerging	nations	through
carbon	offset	community	projects.
Initiatives	towards	obtaining	carbon	credits
Some	of	the	Credit	purchases	are:	
Forests;	Valdavian;	VCS+CCBA;	73000	metric	tonnes	of	CO2e
Efficient	Stoves	;Improved	Ghanaian	Cook	Stoves;	Gold	Standard;	18000	metric	tonnes	of	CO2e
Efficient	Stoves;	Guatemala	Water	Treatment	&	Cook	Stoves;	Gold	Standard;	14000	metric	tonnes	of	CO2e
Forests;	Rimba	Raya	REDD+;	Other:	VCS+CCBA;	52230	metric	tonnes	of	CO2e
Forests;	Kasigau	Corridor	REDD+;	Other:	VCS+CCBA;	46656	metric	tonnes	of	CO2e
Forests;	Meru	&	Nanyuki	Community	Reforestation;	Other:	VCS+CCBA;	32200	metric	tonnes	of	CO2e
Target	type,	target	value	and	target	scope
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Emission	Reduction	Targets
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	29	of	55
Target	base	year	and	target	base	year	emissions
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	end	year
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	met
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
R&D	spent	on	green	product	development - - - - -
Programs/Initiatives	to	improve	the	environmental	characteristics	or	to	mitigate	environmental	impacts
of	products	and	services	and	achieve	targets
For	cities,	Microsoft	CityNext	partners	provide	solutions	spanning	energy,	water,	buildings,	infrastructure,	and
transportation	to	help	modernize	cities	in	sustainable	ways	that	will	minimize	their	resource	use	and	environmental
impact.	The	broad	portfolio	of	familiar	consumer	and	business	platforms	and	partner	solutions—which	many	cities
already	use—are	meeting	customers	wherever	they	are	on	the	technology	innovation	curve	and	helping	them	to
build	a	bridge	to	the	future.	Within	the	Sustainable	Cities	focus,	the	company	delivers	solutions	for:	
•	Buildings,	infrastructure,	and	planning.	Microsoft	partners	are	using	both	design	and	embedded	technology	to
lower	the	energy	consumption	and	improve	the	performance	of	buildings.	By	combining	existing	systems	with
cloud-based	analytics	and	business	intelligence	capabilities,	buildings	can	be	smarter	and	more	efficient,	and	save
about	10	percent	of	energy	costs	per	year.	
•	Energy	and	water.	By	using	digital	technology	to	integrate	and	manage	distributed	energy	supply	and	demand
data,	Microsoft	partners	are	working	to	improve	the	reliability,	security,	and	efficiency	of	the	electric	system,	as	well
as	using	technology	to	measure,	manage,	and	report	on	carbon	and	other	environmental	impacts.	
•	Transportation.	Through	software,	Microsoft	partners	are	helping	to	improve	the	design	and	operation	of	transport
networks	and	run	realtime	data	systems	that	can	facilitate	cleaner	and	more	efficient	transport	choices.
Programs	to	reduce	CO2/GHG	emissions	of	products
With	Microsoft	Azure,	businesses	can	use	Microsoft	carbon	neutral	datacenters	for	on-demand	compute	and	storage,
helping	save	energy	costs	and	reduce	their	company’s	carbon	footprint	while	also	reducing	the	capital	costs
associated	with	purchasing	hardware	and	infrastructure.	The	Microsoft	cloud	is	also	connecting	public	and	private
data	sources	with	the	privacy,	security,	and	control	needed	for	cities	to	have	effective	cross-departmental
collaboration	and	resource	sharing	for	greater	efficiency;	the	scalability	and	cost-effectiveness	of	cloud	services	help
reduce	costs	without	cutting	essential	services.	Organizations	that	invest	in	Microsoft	Azure	will	be	able	to	harvest
information	and	data	as	resources	to	help	service	increasing	populations	more	efficiently	and	with	less	waste.
Programs	to	improve	the	environmental	characteristics	of	products	(related	to	energy	consumption)
The	company	is	focused	on	and	committed	to	increasing	computing	power	per	unit	of	energy	consumed	across	the
services	and	devices	that	it	offers	in	the	marketplace.	Each	new	version	of	Windows	offers	enhancements	to	energy
efficiency	and	power	management	tools,	including	a	new	Energy	Saver	Mode	added	to	Windows	10.	Third-party
applications	also	have	an	important	role	to	play,	and	the	company	provides	energy-smart	development	guidance
and	tools	for	developers	and	IT	professionals	developing	for	the	Windows	platform.	In	FY15,	Microsoft	certified	its
first	ENERGY	STAR	and	EPEAT	registered	product,	Surface	Pro	3,	when	the	standards	were	revised	to	bring	tablets
NOx,	SOx,	and	other	significant	air	emissions	by	type	and	weight
Effluents	and	Waste
Total	weight	of	Waste	by	Type	and	Disposal	method
Products	and	Services
Report	generated	on	24-October-2017	by	emRatings,	a	product	of	Solaron	Sustainability	Services	©2017. Page	30	of	55
into	scope.	FY15	was	also	the	first	year	for	ULE	110	certifications	of	mobile	phones.	This	certification	establishes
multiple	sustainability	criteria	for	mobile	phones,	including	packaging,	materials,	manufacturing	and	operations,
energy	efficiency	of	the	power	supply,	health	and	environment,	and	end	of	life	management.	All	Xbox	consoles	are
configured	to	automatically	reduce	energy	use	while	inactive.
Software	programs	used	to	improve	the	environmental	characteristics	of	products	(related	to	energy
With	Microsoft	Azure,	businesses	can	use	Microsoft	carbon	neutral	datacenters	for	on-demand	compute	and	storage,
helping	save	energy	costs	and	reduce	their	company’s	carbon	footprint	while	also	reducing	the	capital	costs
associated	with	purchasing	hardware	and	infrastructure.	The	Microsoft	cloud	is	also	connecting	public	and	private
data	sources	with	the	privacy,	security,	and	control	needed	for	cities	to	have	effective	cross-departmental
collaboration	and	resource	sharing	for	greater	efficiency;	the	scalability	and	cost-effectiveness	of	cloud	services	help
reduce	costs	without	cutting	essential	services.	Organizations	that	invest	in	Microsoft	Azure	will	be	able	to	harvest
information	and	data	as	resources	to	help	service	increasing	populations	more	efficiently	and	with	less	waste.
Targets	to	improve	the	environmental	characteristics	of	products	(other	than	energy	consumption)
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	type,	target	value	and	target	scope
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	base	year	and	Target	base	year	value
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	end	year
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Target	met
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Team	and	approach	on	development	of	sustainability	services
The	Safety,	Compliance,	and	Sustainability	team	within	the	Microsoft	Devices	Group	incorporates	environmental	and
safety	principles	and	processes	in	the	design	and	production	of	its	devices	and	product	packaging.	The	team	works
with	design	groups	through	a	Design	for	Green	initiative	to	evaluate	and	encourage	the	use	of	more
environmentally	benign	materials,	increase	the	recyclability	of	devices	and	packaging,	and	minimize	material	use.
The	team	provides	guidance	on	alternative	materials	and	other	ways	to	address	environmental	impacts.
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Description* Jun	2015 Jun	2014 Jun	2013 Jun	2012 Jun	2011 Units
Monetary	value	of	significant	fines	for	non-compliance
with	environmental	laws	and	regulations	(in	thousands)
- - - - -
Non-monetary	sanctions	for	non-compliance	with	environmental	laws	and	regulations
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Cases	of	environmental	litigations/law	suits
The	company	does	not	provide	information	on	this	parameter
Life	Cycle	Analysis
Amount	spent	on	LCA
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
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Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis
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Microsoft Sustainability Report Analysis

  • 1. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 1 of 55 SUSTAINABILITY RATING AA Company Industry Average Company Industry Avg. OVERALL SUSTAINABILITY SCORE: 79 / 100 Overall Performance Industry Relative Performance Company Ranks 1 of 16 Company ESG Performance Company Disclosure Business Description Microsoft Corporation is a technology company. The Company develops, licenses and supports a range of software products, services and devices. Its segments are Productivity and Business Processes, Intelligent Cloud, and More Personal Computing. Its products include operating systems; cross-device productivity applications; server applications; business solution applications; desktop and server management tools; software development tools; video games, and training and certification of computer system integrators and developers. It also designs, manufactures, and sells devices, including personal computers, tablets, gaming and entertainment consoles, phones, other intelligent devices, and related accessories, that integrate with its cloud-based offerings. It offers an array of services, including cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software, services, platforms, and content, and it provides solution support and consulting services. It also delivers online advertising. Key Risk Analysis SIGNIFICANT RISKS BASED ON STAKEHOLDER INPUTS & PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Microsoft displays good financial performance with an increase of 7% in annual revenue. The highest growth rate was registered by the Microsoft's Intelligent Cloud segment while More Personal Computing revenues declined mainly due to lower phone revenues. Accordingly, the company’s strategy focused on the sale of its phone business and on significant investment in cloud services related acquisitions. Moreover, a growing dividend has been paid for the last 15 years. In September 2016, the company announced an 8% dividend increase and a new USD 40 billion share buyback program. However, investors should pay attention to the sustainability risks that can impact the company. Due to the nature of the business, Microsoft is exposed to the risk of patent or copyright infringement. In fact, the company has been sued by various companies since 2013 for infringing patents and copyright, having paid up to USD 5 million to settle a case like the Mirror vs. Microsoft. In the past years, Microsoft was also accused of tax noncompliance. It was denounced for abusing tax laws and practicing tax evasion by exploiting offshore tax loopholes to shift profit to Puerto Rico, Singapore or Ireland. Currently, Microsoft is under the European Commission’s investigation for the advance pricing agreements that will decide whether the company has breached the rules on state aid. In China, after tax authorities ordered Microsoft Corp to pay USD 137 million in back taxes and interest in 2014, the Chinese State Administration for Industry and Commerce is still investigating the company for antitrust allegations. An antitrust violation agreement with the EU cost Microsoft USD 732 million in 2013. All these issues raise questions on the robustness of the company’s business conduct policies. Furthermore, despite the company’s commitment to observing the ethical standards set forth by the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the applicable anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws where it operates and a Vendors Code of Conduct, Microsoft faced important bribery accusations through its third party representatives or via its own subsidiaries in different countries. For instance, a former CEO of Microsoft Romania was taken in custody in June 2016 for tax evasion and money laundering, while in October 2016 government officials were sentenced up to 6 years of prison for influence peddling and money laundering. Bribes estimated at more than USD 50 million were paid in exchange for approving increases in license fees for Microsoft products offered through a Microsoft vendor – Fujitsu Siemens GmbH Austria to the Romanian Government. Other bribery issues surfaced in China, Italy, Russia and Pakistan, thus violating the FCPA, in contradiction with the company’s own commitment. Until April 2015, following an investigation of the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Microsoft was put on the list of MICROSOFT CORP RIC: MSFT.OQ • ISIN: US5949181045 • SEDOL: 2588173 • INDUSTRY: SOFTWARE • COUNTRY: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Industry Maximum CompanyIndustry Average Industry Minimum 0 25 50 75 100 Environment Social Governance 25 50 75 100 OverallEnvironmentSocialGovernance 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
  • 2. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 2 of 55 Company Industry Avg. Number of Employees Revenue (in USD mn) Company Basic Information Company Size Company data is for the year 2015. The industry average data is average of the latest reported year data. Other Information Ticker: MSFT.OQ ISIN: US5949181045 SEDOL: 2588173 GICS Industry: Software Country: United States of America Website: Investor Relations: unresolved FCPA-related investigations. To date, the status of the investigation is uncertain. Besides the financial and reputational risks that may arise from SEC investigations, an important concern is the company’s lack of acknowledgement of the investigation and of disclosure of its status in the regular filings. This absence indicates the company’s lack of transparency in its relationship with its shareholders and the possibility of exposing them to important risks they are not aware of and cannot quantify. Microsoft was also one of the companies which were accused of privacy violations. Recently, in France, Microsoft was ordered to stop excessive data collection and monitoring of user navigation without the users’ approval through Windows 10. In 2015 US Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice were asked to investigate Microsoft’s Xbox for alleged secret recording of conversations in people’s homes. Nokia was under criticism in 2014 after an investigation revealed that Lumia line of Windows phones sent personal data to servers in the US to spy on users. It was claimed that the practice has been known to senior management. In the same year, Taiwan’s Executive banned the use of Microsoft Corp’s MSN due to security concerns and the company was classified as a security threat by the Chinese media while Windows 8 was banned on all government computers under allegations that the Operating System allowed US spying. All these issues pose a serious threat to individual liberties and call into question the implementation of the company’s data privacy and security policies. Sustainability Policy Assessment ASSESSMENT OF COMPANY'S POLICIES & DISCLOSURES The policies of Microsoft over ESG parameters have been satisfactory. The company publishes the Citizenship Report separately. Overall, the company’s disclosure of information has been satisfactory. Policies on Environment, Social, and Governance parameters have been satisfactory, satisfactory, and good respectively. The company has published an environmental policy that covers features like control of the environmental impact, initiatives for the continuous improvement, and compliance with environmental legislation in place. Regarding global warming, Microsoft has taken initiatives to reduce energy and water consumption along with GHG emissions. An Environmental Management System is implemented and is ISO 14001 certified . The environmental aspect is reflected in the products/services offered by Microsoft and a procurement system is also in place to ensure minimum environmental impact. No monetary fines were applied to the company during the year and there were no cases of environmental litigations/law suits. ENVIRONMENT Company Average 0 50000 100000 150000 Company Average 0 25000 50000 75000 100000 Industry Maximum CompanyIndustry Average Industry Minimum 0 20 40 60 80 100
  • 3. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 3 of 55 Microsoft has a labor policy in place which includes health and safety of employees, freedom of association, non-discrimination among employees and also refrains from promoting child labor or forced labor. No information is disclosed regarding labor unions, but the employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. Monitoring health and safety of the employees is ensured through detailed procedures but there is no evidence of health & safety related certification. The company conducts health and safety training programs. On the Human Rights aspect, Microsoft has a policy in place with no details on sensitive countries or indigenous rights. Good working relationship with the community is ensured through dialogue with community members and their representatives. This is enforced by the existence of a community policy. There is a supplier policy statement that covers labor issues but does not include human rights standards for contractors. Regular dialogue with suppliers is carried out and training and development programs to ensure compliance of labor policies for suppliers are put in place. SOCIAL Regarding Board effectiveness, there are 11 directors of whom 9 are independent. Microsoft has distinct roles for the Board Chairman and CEO. It is transparent in its disclosure of remuneration of the board and the top management. The variable remuneration of top executives is linked to sustainability performance. The company has established a policy on bribery and corruption as well as on competition but does not have a policy on money laundering. There is a provision of reporting violation of the code of conduct using several channels which are open 24/7. Microsoft is transparent regarding key decisions in which the shareholders are entitled to vote and gives details of engagement mechanisms. The company is involved in political contributions and it gives no details of non-compliance with business policies during the year. GOVERNANCE STRENGTHS RESEARCH INSIGHTS Industry Maximum CompanyIndustry Average Industry Minimum 0 20 40 60 80 100 Industry Maximum CompanyIndustry Average Industry Minimum 0 20 40 60 80 100
  • 4. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 4 of 55 Tackling Climate Change • From the environmental point of view, the company states that it met its 100% renewable energy commitment, the carbon neutrality and the net-zero emissions goal for datacenters, software development labs, offices, and employee air travel by increasing energy efficiency and investing in renewables. However, with the incorporation of Nokia Devices and Services in April 2014, the total energy consumption went up by 23%. The GHG emissions Scope 2 to revenue increased to 17.5 in FY 2014 from 16.4 in FY 2013, while energy to revenue ratio reached 41.1, up from 39.1 in FY 2013. In this new context, Microsoft has to further improve its measures to mitigate the company’s footprint. Furthermore, the company is encouraged to publicly disclose its energy efficiency targets. Environmental-Friendly Products • Microsoft provides environmental-friendly solutions through digital technology thus minimizing the use of resources and environmental impact for energy, water, buildings, infrastructure, and transportation industries. Services such as Microsoft Azure enables the access of businesses to Microsoft carbon neutral datacenters for on-demand computer and storage, while Microsoft cloud offers efficiency with less waste. Moreover, in 2015 Microsoft certified its tablet with ENERGY STAR and EPEAT and the mobile phones with ULE 110, thus establishing sustainability criteria such as responsible packaging, energy efficiency, end of life management, etc. Improvements in the Supply Chain Management • Microsoft’s tier 1 suppliers are required to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct and Social and Environmental Accountability’s (SEA) labor rights, ethics, environment, occupational health, and safety provisions. Audits and due diligence processes are applied across the supply chain by third-party auditors and/or members of Microsoft’s SEA team. Regular dialogue, training and surveys of the suppliers are also conducted. There is a conflict minerals commitment and in spring 2015 all tantalum smelters identified in the Microsoft supply chain were validated as conflict-free. Nevertheless, in January 2016, Amnesty International together with the African Resources Watch accused 16 multinationals, including Microsoft Corp for failing to properly check the supply chain. Allegedly, minerals used in the lithium-ion batteries of their devices were mined by children working for up to 12 hours a day in the Congo cobalt mines, in dangerous conditions. This last event should pressure the company into enforcing material tracing process until the smelter level, otherwise reputational risk may arise. Proper Training and Health and Safety Measures • Training and development opportunities are provided to all employees and measures are taken to create a safe and healthy work environment. Employee survey is also undertaken and managers use the poll results to identify ways to enhance the employee experience and develop actions plans. However, the poll results have shown slightly lower values or remained constant compared to 2014. Transparency Regarding Law Enforcement Data Requests • The company also enhanced its transparency practices by releasing a semi- annual report of law enforcement requests for Microsoft account user data. This report details the number of data requests received from official legal entities and the number of accounts that may be affected by the demands. In terms of human rights, the company has established the Microsoft Technology and Human Rights Center that works internally for promoting the integration of human rights into the company’s culture, business operations and strategies. The company is also a member of the Global Network Initiative to foster freedom of expression around the world. Providing Access to Technology and Computing Learning • In terms of community activities, the company reported a total annual giving that surpassed USD 1 billion for the second consecutive year. The Microsoft YouthSpark—a global initiative connecting hundreds of millions of young people with opportunities for education, employment, and entrepreneurship - achieved its goal of reaching 300 million youths in the timespan of 2012-2015. Through its Technology for Good program, the company also provided more than 120,000 not-for-profit organizations with affordable access to technology in more than 110 countries. There are specific commitments set for 2016 to empower communities, such as access to learning computing. Furthermore, the Microsoft Accessibility Standard is a company-wide policy that seeks to ensure access to technology for over 1 billion people with disability, such as vision, hearing or learning impairment.
  • 5. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 5 of 55 WEAKNESSES Measures to protect the rights of vulnerable people • In 2015, Microsoft joined the UK Prime Minister’s WePROTECT Children Online initiative to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse. Moreover, the company uses PhotoDNA—a free technology that helps identifying and removing child sexual abuse images— to combat the spread of child sexual abuse images through its Bing, OneDrive, and services. Microsofts Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) fights malware while protecting vulnerable populations, notably the very young and the elderly. The DCU’s work includes investigating fraud and tech scams. Diversified stakeholder Engagement • Stakeholder engagement includes various groups such as governments, shareholders, communities, partners, suppliers, employees and customers. The company also follows international frameworks like the GRI, the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the UN Global Compact. The company also engages in customer relationship strategies through online feedback forms, support communities, product satisfaction surveys, research forums and online customer service. Suitable Board Structure and Disclosure • Regarding Board effectiveness, there are 11 directors out of whom 9 are independent. Microsoft has distinct roles for its board chairman and the CEO. There is a lead independent director. Further, self-evaluations are conducted at annual board, committee and individual levels. The company is transparent in its disclosure of remuneration of the board and top management and it has established relevant business ethics policies. Reporting violations of the code of conduct can be done using several channels which are open 24/7. However, despite the company’s social policies regarding diversity and inclusion, there is room for improvement at leadership level as males dominated in 2015 with 82.6% and the Caucasian ethnicity with 70.1%. Tax Evasion and Money Laundering in Romania • The licensing corruption scandal in Romania involves large bribes paid to Romanian government members in the period 2003-2014, in exchange for approving increases in license fees for Microsoft products. The bribes were estimated at more than USD 50 million. Nine government ministers have been charged by the National Anticorruption Directorate. Calin Tatomir, former CEO of Microsoft Romania was take into custody in June 2016 for tax evasion and money laundering. In October 2016, some of the government officials were sentenced up to 6 years of imprisonment for influence peddling and money laundering and to asset forfeiture of up to EUR 9 million. All these raise serious concerns on the robustness of the company’s social and business conduct policies. Other Bribery Acts in China, Italy, Russia and Pakistan • In May 2013, Microsoft was investigated by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in Romania, China (a former Microsoft China employee disclosed that he was allegedly directed by his executive to pay bribes to government officials to secure business deals), Italy (Microsoft’s Italian business allegedly used consultants for giving gifts to Italian procurement officials), Russia (resellers of Microsoft software allegedly funneled kickbacks to executives of a state-owned company to win a deal) and Pakistan (Microsoft allegedly authorized a consulting firm to pay for a trip to Egypt for a government official and his wife in order to win a tender). In April 2015, Microsoft continued to be named on the FCPA Blog under the list of on- going and unresolved FCPA-related investigation. As other major corporations, Microsoft has significant incentives not to allow such cases to go to trial, and most FCPA cases are settled out of court, with fines that can run up to tens of millions of dollars. This might have been the case, as Microsoft was removed from FCPA investigation list in July 2015. The consistent and complete absence of disclosures from Microsoft regarding this SEC investigation and others, proves that the company is not transparent with its shareholders and that it can expose them to important risks they are not aware of and are unable to quantify.
  • 6. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 6 of 55 Unethical Approach Against Open Source Policies • According to David Cameron’s former strategy chief, Microsoft threatened UK government to pull its R&D facilities out of the country due to open source plans – that finally entered into force in 2014, thus triggering accusations of attempting to blackmail the MPs. In India, a similar approach was adopted, lobbying against open source policy. All these point out a recurring lobbying, blackmailing and bribing behavior aimed at maintaining its monopoly. However, in recent times Microsoft has been trying to foster a softer image by running open source on Windows 10. Nevertheless, the concept of universal app platform sparked criticism, including from the CEO of Epic Games, who publicly explained that Microsoft is offering exactly the opposite. Data Privacy Breaches through Windows 10 • In July 2016, France's Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) ordered Microsoft Corp to stop excessive data collection and monitoring of user navigation without user consent. The regulator said that Windows 10 enabled the company to collect intrusive data on more than 10 million French users. In November 2015, even Microsoft Corporate Vice President Joe Belfiore explained that Windows 10 is designed to track the user by default. A security expert revealed that Windows 10 sends data back to Microsoft servers thousands of times per day, even with disabled tracking options. Moreover, many users complained that they were “tricked” with a confusing Windows 10 upgrade dialogue that scheduled an upgrade without their explicit agreement. Following the aggressive marketing campaign for Windows 10, thousands of people are calling Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to investigate the company’s alleged “malicious” business practices. Overall, Microsoft risks losing the trust of its customers while questions are raised on Microsoft’s fairness with respect to data privacy and responsible marketing. Products and Services that Allegedly Breached Privacy and Security of Customers • In July 2015, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) asked the US Federal Trade Commission and the US DoJ to investigate Microsoft and others that produced “always on” consumer devices that secretly record conversations in people’s homes. Microsoft was accused of recording private conversations with its Xbox video game consoles even when the system was off. In January 2015, a developer said that the Microsoft’s new released Outlook application for iOS broke corporate security in multiple ways. In March 2014, it was reported that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a non-profit digital rights group based in California, US, criticized Microsoft Corp. for accessing the email account of users as part of an investigation into leaked data related to its Windows 8 operating system. The actions allegedly breached the US Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Nokia Oyj was also under criticism in 2014 after an investigation revealed that its Lumia line of Windows phones sent personal data, including information from phones used by senior members of Finland's government, to Microsoft Corp servers in the US. The report claimed that Nokia’s senior management had long been aware of the large amount of data being sent to Microsoft servers that cooperated with the US National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on users. The same year, Taiwan’s Executive Yuan announced that it banned the use of Microsoft Corp’s MSN - instant messaging services on the government computers, due to security concerns. The company was also classified as a security threat by the Chinese media as reports claimed that Microsoft helped the US government to spy on China.
  • 7. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 7 of 55 QUESTIONS FOR SHAREHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Our analysis on the performance of and their management of ESG issues brings to light several factors on which stakeholders should seek explanation from the company management. Despite the consistent Business Conduct Code, Microsoft has been involved in cases of patent infringements, accused of abusing tax laws and practicing tax evasion, breaching anti-trust agreement and displaying anti-competitive behavior. What measures has the company taken to ensure such issues will not repeat? How does the company make sure to bring in relevant policies or strengthen the existing policies necessary to yield effective results? Microsoft became the subject of FCPA scrutiny because it was accused of bribery in several countries. For instance, in Romania, the bribery scandal resulted in placement into custody of a former Microsoft CEO for tax evasion and money laundering. Also, government officials received up to 6 years imprisonment for influence peddling and money laundering. What measures has the company taken to enforce an ethical and complaint business conduct? Microsoft was among the companies accused of privacy violation, allegedly surveying not only the US citizens but also government’s officials, notably from China and Taiwan, thus getting a governmental ban on some of its products in these countries. What mechanisms has the company implemented in order to ensure that data security is safeguarded and effective without any compromises? Abuse of Tax Laws • In December 2015 court documents in a tax case between Microsoft and the IRS revealed that the company was using offshore tax loopholes to shift profit to Puerto Rico, Singapore or Ireland in order to avoid US and UK corporate taxes. For instance, GBP 100 million (USD 146.8 million) a year went off their corporation tax bill in Britain using Ireland’s taxation loopholes. Further, the European Commission is investigating the advance pricing agreements (APA) in order to decide whether the company breached the rules on state aid. In May 2016, the Australian government accused Microsoft Corp and others of profit diversion from Australia to no-tax or low-tax jurisdictions. In December 2014, Microsoft Corp was reported among 340 companies that brokered secret deals with Luxembourg to avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes. Moreover, Chinese tax authorities ordered Microsoft Corp to pay CNY 840 million (USD 137 million) in back taxes and interest, as well as more than CNY 100 million (USD 16.3 million) to cover its next year of taxes, due to alleged tax evasion. In 2013, French and Danish authorities accused the company of abusing tax laws and practicing tax evasion. All these prove a recurrent unethical behavior enforced by the latest scheme of buying LinkedIn through loan in order to avoid USD 9 billion in taxes. Failures to comply with Competition and Anti-Trust Laws and Regulations • During 2016, the Chinese State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) has entered in the third year of investigations of Microsoft Corp's offices in China over antitrust issues. The investigation relates to compatibility, bundle sales, and file verification issues related to Windows and Office software. Other lawsuits against Microsoft were filed in 2014 and 2015 due to allegations of anti-competitive practices, including a fine ordered by the Competition Commission for the unfair trade practices of Microsoft Bulgaria. Even shareholders sued the company’s directors for failing to manage the company properly and for violating an antitrust agreement with the EU that cost Microsoft USD 732 million.
  • 8. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 8 of 55 7.8 6.0 9.5 5.3 Performance on Key Parameters * Click on the bars to view score details Products and Services Environmental Management 7.0 3.8 9.3 6.5 8.6 5.6 9.7 5.1 10.0 6.1 Performance on Key Parameters * Click on the bars to view score details Human Capital Training and development Community Supplier Customer 10.0 3.9 7.9 6.6 10.0 8.3 10.0 7.6 9.3 7.2 9.4 7.0 Performance on Key Parameters * Click on the bars to view score details Board Composition Top Management Board Committees Remuneration of the board Shareholder Rights & Reporting Business Conduct & Policies Policy Overview Description Disclosure Level Environmental policy GOOD Labor Policies MODERATE Policy on Human Rights SATISFACTORY Supplier Policy SATISFACTORY Policy on bribery & corruption SATISFACTORY Policy on Insider trading GOOD Policy on Competition GOOD Policy on Conflicts of Interest GOOD Policy on Money laundering Policy on Responsible Marketing POOR / NOT AVAILABLE WhistleBlower Mechanism GOOD Environment Social Governance
  • 9. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 9 of 55 Analysis of Controversial News on the Company MICROSOFT CORP Software Company & Sector Trends MICROSOFT CORP ORACLE CORP SAP SE ALPHABET INC SABRE CORP Software Company & Peer Trends Analysis of Company's Involvement in controversial news in last one year Risk Trends Oct'16 Nov'16 Dec'16 Jan'17 Feb'17 Mar'17 Apr'17 May'17 Jun'17 Jul'17 Aug'17 Sep'17 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Controversy Trends O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Impact Trends O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 O'16 N'16 D'16 J'17 J'17 J'17F'17 M'17 M'17A'17 A'17 S'17 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 2 4 6 8 10
  • 10. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 10 of 55 Microsoft recalls more than 2 million power cords for Surface tablets over fire hazard Feb 03, 2016 | United States of America | Tech Times On February 2, 2016, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission announced that Microsoft Corp issued a voluntary recall for nearly 2.25 million AC power cords distributed with Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2 and Surface Pro 3 tablets before March 15, 2015. Almost 190,000 power cords were sold in Canada. The recalled power cords lacked the sleeve on the end connecting the power supply. Microsoft said it received five reports of electric shock and 56 reports of power cords overheating and catching fire. Update: Microsoft settles lawsuit over violations of EU regulators agreement Nov 25, 2015 | Seattle, Washington, United States of America | Seattle Times On November 24, 2015, a Washington federal court in the US gave preliminary approval to a settlement in a lawsuit filed by Microsoft shareholders against the company for violating an antitrust agreement with the EU. Under the settlement, Microsoft agreed to spend up to USD 42.5 million over a five-year period to set up an Antitrust Compliance Office to oversee compliance with any EU or US antitrust matters and to pay plaintiffs' attorneys USD 7.3 million.  On September 22, 2015, Microsoft Corp agreed to the parameters of a settlement in a lawsuit filed by investors in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington over a USD 732 million fine for violating antitrust agreement with the European Union (EU) that required Microsoft to offer consumers a choice of 11 rival Web browsers on its Windows operating system. The parties filed a joint stipulation that they were agreed to delay the hearing on the company’s motion for summary judgment.  On April 11, 2014, in the US District Court, Western District of Washington, a Microsoft Corp shareholder filed a lawsuit against the company’s board of directors over the way it handled an error with its Internet Explorer browser that ended up costing the company a USD 731 million (EUR 561 million) fine by European Union. The lawsuit accused directors and executives, including the founder and a former executive, of failing to manage the company properly, and the board of directors of not fully investigating how that miscue occurred. Court rejects Microsoft’s plea to dismiss wearable fitness technology patent suit Feb 01, 2017 | Virginia, United States of America | Law360 On January 31, 2017, the US District Court for the Western District of Virginia ruled against Microsoft Corp’s claim to dismiss a patent infringement suit over wearable fitness technology brought by Smart Wearable Technologies. The company filed its claim alleging that the patent was not valid as a printing error was made when the case was filed and that the court could not correct it, thus leaving the patent claim invalid. According to the court however, it was allowed to correct obvious typographical errors in patent claims.  On July 13, 2016, Smart Wearable Technologies Inc filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Virginia against Microsoft Corp over patent infringement. The defendant infringed the patent issued for “6-DOF Subject Monitoring Device and Method” by manufacturing, making, using, practicing, importing, distributing, selling and offering for sale the Band 1 and Band 2 products. The plaintiff demanded a trial by jury. Vivaldi CEO accuses Microsoft of anti-competitive practice over Edge browser Jan 25, 2017 | United States of America | Trusted Reviews On January 25, 2017, it was reported that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Vivaldi accused Microsoft Corp of anti-competitive practices regarding its Edge browser. He criticized Microsoft on his company’s blog for automatically changing US users’ default browser to its own Edge every time Windows 10 would update and for making it too difficult to change the default option to any other browser. Company's Involvement In Controversial News
  • 11. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 11 of 55 Microsoft lays off 700 employees in order to update skills in various divisions Jan 23, 2017 | | India Today On January 23, 2017, it was reported that Microsoft Corp was planning to cut 700 office jobs over the following days. The move was going to be part of Microsoft's previously announced plan to cut 2,850 jobs by June 2017. The planned layoffs were not part of restructuring efforts with the aim of reducing costs, but were intended to update skills in various divisions. Former workers sue Microsoft over PTSD suffered from reviewing graphic content Jan 12, 2017 | | Associated Press On December 30, 2016, two former Microsoft Corp sued the company for not protecting them from the psychological damage of viewing extreme content, resulting in severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to the lawsuit, the two former employees worked to review and remove disturbing images, videos and accounts that depicted graphic violence and abuse. One of the workers claimed that he greatly suffered from his work, leading to a serious mental breakdown in 2013, while the other employee claimed that his work caused him anxiety problems, panic attacks, depression, disassociation, visual hallucinations and the inability to be around children, including his own son. Former football player sues Microsoft and others over trademark infringement Jan 11, 2017 | Pennsylvania, United States of America | Law360 On January 11, 2017, a former professional football player and professional wrestler filed a trademark lawsuit in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Microsoft Studios Inc, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corp, and Epic Games Inc, accusing them of unlawfully using its voice and likeness for a popular avatar in the “Gears of War” video game franchise, although the defendants promoted it as using those of another former professional wrestler. The lawsuit alleged violations of the federal Lanham Act, unjust enrichment, invasion of privacy and misappropriation of identity. The plaintiff sought a percentage of profits of sales from the "Gears of War" games, a royalty, and compensatory and punitive damages. Microsoft admits using aggressive tactics for Windows 10 upgrade Dec 27, 2016 | | On December 27, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp admitted that it used aggressive tactics to pressure people into running Windows 10 through unfair strategies. The company’s Chief Marketing Officer Chris Capossela confessed during Windows Weekly podcast that Microsoft went too far when it changed the cancel operation of the red X in the Windows 10 upgrade dialog box. Update: FACTA violation lawsuit against Microsoft on hold pending settlement negotiations Dec 05, 2016 | Florida, United States of America | Law360 On December 5, 2016, the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida approved a motion filed by both the plaintiff and the defendant, Microsoft, asking the court to put the FACTA violation lawsuit against the company on hold. The decision allowed the parties to focus on reaching a settlement agreement.  On July 26, 2016, the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida denied Microsoft Corp’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit over violation of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA). The plaintiff alleged that the company’s physical store receipts displayed too many digits of a customer's credit card number. The court said that the plaintiff sufficiently established that his alleged injury was concrete under the US Supreme Court’s decision.
  • 12. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 12 of 55 Supreme Court sends cyber abuse concerns notice to Yahoo! and others Dec 05, 2016 | India | Times News Network On December 5, 2016, the Supreme Court of India sent notices to Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt Ltd, owned by Microsoft Corp, Yahoo! Inc, Google, owned by Alphabet Inc, and Facebook Inc over concerns of cyber abuse. The NGO Prajwala asked the court to pass the order seeking for the companies to take off an offensive video straightaway after they are informed of it. According to the counsel of Prajwala, they should report offensive videos as soon as they become aware of them and take it off their site immediately, while also preventing them from being circulated. The court was seeking a response by January 9 to why the companies were hosting illegal activities. DNA probes former Microsoft heads and others in USD 67 million fraud Nov 22, 2016 | Romania | IntelliNews On November 21, 2016, the Romanian National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) announced that it was probing two former heads of Microsoft Corp’s Romanian branch, a former representative of Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH (known as Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH), owned by Fujitsu Ltd, and two government officials. The agency was investigating three deals that caused the Romanian state to lose USD 67 million through the fraudulent sale of Microsoft licenses to the state between 2004 and 2008. Former Microsoft heads Silviu Hotaran and Ovidiu Artopolescu and former Fujitsu Siemens Computers representative Claudiu Florica were placed under judicial surveillance for two months, according to the DNA.  On February 11, 2015, the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Romania, decided to place under preventive arrest for a period of 30 days the deputy Elena Udrea in the Microsoft Corp case. Elena Udrea, former Minister of Regional Development and Tourism, was accused of influence peddling and money laundering.  On October 2, 2014, it was reported that Romania’s National Anti-corruption Department was investigating a bribery scandal involving nine former ministers, Fujitsu Siemens Computers (that became Fujitsu Technology Solutions), a subsidiary of Fujitsu Ltd, and Microsoft Corp, in a scandal involving EUR 60 million that had been allegedly hidden in off-shore accounts linked to politicians. It was said that the bribe and money laundering system, which began around 2003, allowed the state to circumvent public auctions for IT services and allowed Fujitsu to sell Microsoft licenses for operating systems at elevated prices to the state. The investigation was concerning a 47% discount granted by Microsoft to the government that allowed former ministers to be paid commissions.  On July 15, 2014, a former general manager of Microsoft Romania, subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation in Romania, was interrogated by the National Anticorruption Directorate in the case involving the lease of IT licenses for schools between 2001 and 2013, for which about EUR 9 million (USD 12.25 million) were paid. The investigation focused on influence peddling, abuse of office and bribes. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft asked to block sex determination advertisements Nov 16, 2016 | New Delhi, India | Daily Mail Online On November 16, 2016, it was reported that the Indian Supreme Court asked Alphabet Inc’s Google Inc, Yahoo! Inc and Microsoft Corp to clear all prenatal sex determination advertisements within 36 hours of them appearing in search results. Prenatal sex determination was considered an offense in India and the authorities were angry because they repeatedly asked the internet giants to delete the advertisements without any favorable result. The Union of India was asked to appoint an agency to monitor the websites which would inform the search engines about that kind of advertisements. The officials of the search engines said they took steps to comply with the court’s requirements.
  • 13. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 13 of 55 Microsoft accused of taking unfair advantages over its security software Nov 14, 2016 | Moscow, Russia | SC Magazine UK On November 14, 2016, it was reported that the Russian authorities launched a probe against Microsoft Corp over antitrust violations. Microsoft was accused of pushing out the independent security companies to make room for its own security products. An official of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service said that the tactic led to unfair advantages for the company. Microsoft stated that it would review carefully the accusations. FAS investigates Microsoft over abuse of position Nov 10, 2016 | Russia | Law360 On November 10, 2016, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia launched an investigation against Microsoft Corp over possible abuse of its dominant market position with concerns to its Windows 10 operating system. According to FAS, Microsoft gave an edge to its own antivirus software by allowing developers only six days to adapt their antivirus programs to be compatible. The company previously gave developers two months to adapt to the operating system before Microsoft’s own Windows Defender would activate.
  • 14. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 14 of 55 Update: IRS asks court not to allow additional briefs supporting Microsoft in transfer pricing case Nov 07, 2016 | United States of America | Law360 On November 7, 2016, the IRS asked the US District Court for the Western District of Washington not to allow entities such as the US Chamber of Commerce to file briefs in support of Microsoft’s attempt of withholding 174 documents regarding the company's transfer pricing practices. The IRS told the court that the three briefs in question presented an incomplete and inaccurate analysis of the privileges at issue and that the filings extended the page limit allotted to the company by 36 pages.  On December 12, 2015, it was reported that court documents in a tax case between Microsoft and the IRS revealed that the company was using offshore tax loopholes to shift profit to Puerto Rico, Singapore or Ireland in order to avoid US and UK corporate taxes.  On November 23, 2015, a Washington federal court ordered Microsoft to comply with a set of summonses issued by the IRS in 2014 in an investigation of the company’s cost-sharing agreements with affiliates in Puerto Rico and Singapore.  On December 19, 2014, the IRS filed petitions in a Washington federal court to compel the former Microsoft CEO and other current and former executives to testify as part of an IRS audit of financial transactions between Microsoft and its subsidiaries in Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The IRS said the executives did not comply with summonses seeking their testimony in the audit.  On December 11, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) filed a petition in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle to compel Microsoft Corp to produce documents related to the pricing of intangibles under two cost-sharing arrangements with its subsidiaries in Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The IRS said Microsoft only partially complied with information requests related to an IRS audit of tax years 2004 through 2006. The company's transfer pricing methods used in the cost-sharing arrangements were in dispute and if rejected, could lead to a multi-billion-dollar income adjustment to Microsoft's taxable income for the period, according to the IRS filing.  On November 23, 2015, a Washington federal court ordered Microsoft to comply with a set of summonses issued by the IRS in 2014 in an investigation of the company’s cost-sharing agreements with affiliates in Puerto Rico and Singapore.  On December 19, 2014, the IRS filed petitions in a Washington federal court to compel the former Microsoft CEO and other current and former executives to testify as part of an IRS audit of financial transactions between Microsoft and its subsidiaries in Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The IRS said the executives did not comply with summonses seeking their testimony in the audit.  On December 11, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) filed a petition in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle to compel Microsoft Corp to produce documents related to the pricing of intangibles under two cost-sharing arrangements with its subsidiaries in Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The IRS said Microsoft only partially complied with information requests related to an IRS audit of tax years 2004 through 2006. The company's transfer pricing methods used in the cost-sharing arrangements were in dispute and if rejected, could lead to a multi-billion-dollar income adjustment to Microsoft's taxable income for the period, according to the IRS filing.  On December 19, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) filed a petition in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle to compel the former Microsoft Corp CEO and other current and former executives to testify as part of an IRS audit of financial transactions between Microsoft and its subsidiaries in Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The IRS said the executives did not comply with summonses seeking their testimony in the audit.  On December 11, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) filed a petition in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle to compel Microsoft Corp to produce documents related to the pricing of intangibles under two cost-sharing arrangements with its subsidiaries in Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The IRS said Microsoft only partially complied with information requests related to an IRS audit of tax years 2004 through 2006. The company's transfer pricing methods used in the cost-sharing arrangements were in dispute and if rejected, could lead to a multi-billion-dollar income adjustment to Microsoft's taxable income for the period, according to the IRS filing.
  • 15. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 15 of 55 Microsoft says hackers leveraged Windows bug in phishing campaign Nov 02, 2016 | | The Washington Times On November 1, 2016, Microsoft Corp revealed that the hackers blamed for an earlier cyber-attack campaign had leveraged a flaw affecting several versions of its Windows operating system and a previously unpatched Adobe Flash bug in their practice. According to the company, a hacker group known as “STRONTIUM” incorporated the two bugs into a low-volume spear-phishing campaign that affected the Windows users. The hack involved tricking targets into letting the attackers to leverage the Flash vulnerability, in order to gain control of a victim’s web browser, from where the attackers could have potentially exploited the Windows bug and installed a backdoor that could have been used at a later date to access an infected computer running a vulnerable version of Windows. Microsoft said that the Windows 10 Anniversary Update was not susceptible to the bug, but the other versions going back to Windows Vista were. Update: Microsoft’s Skype fined by Belgian court for not releasing call records Oct 31, 2016 | Belgium | On October 27, 2016, it was reported that a Belgian court fined Microsoft Corp’s subsidiary Skype EUR 30,000 (USD 32,700) for failing to comply with its order issued in September 2012. The court had asked that Skype provide details about conversations between suspects in a criminal case. Skype argued that the court lacked jurisdiction over the company, and that its request was both technically impossible and against European regulations.  On May 26, 2015, a spokesman for a court in Mechelen, Belgium, said that Skype Technologies SA, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corp, was summoned to appear in court after it refused to allow authorities to wiretap communications between two criminal suspects as part of a criminal investigation. The court spokesman also said that the company could be punished under Belgian law if they would refuse to aid a criminal investigation when requested to do so could and could face fines up to EUR 24,000 (USD 26,500). Microsoft employee imprisoned over child pornography Oct 31, 2016 | Seattle, United States of America | Softpedia On October 31, 2016, it was reported that a former security engineer at Microsoft Corp was arrested in the King County, Seattle, US, after being accused of child pornography. He was jailed for uploading to the Internet explicit pictures of minors involved in sexual acts. Microsoft stated that it would let the authorities to conduct the investigation. Former Microsoft and Amazon directors face sentencing on prostitution charges Oct 28, 2016 | King County, Washington, United States of America | The Business Journals On October 28, 2016, the former Microsoft Corp director of Worldwide Health and a former Inc software development director faced sentencing on prostitution charges in King County Superior Court, Washington, US. The former Microsoft Corp director faced sentencing on felony charges related to his participation in a 16-member prostitution ring busted earlier in 2016 in Bellevue, Washington. He pleaded guilty to one second-degree count of promoting prostitution and a felony. The former Amazon software development director pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted promotion of prostitution in the second degree, which was a gross misdemeanor. Microsoft criticized for calling Windows "open source" Oct 18, 2016 | Orlando, Florida, United States of America | ZDNet On October 18, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp was criticized for calling its Windows "open source." Microsoft’s CEO said at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo 2016 in Orlando, US, that "Windows is the most open platform there is." The CEO of Epic Games said that Microsoft was not offering an open platform, but exactly the opposite, and was not bringing users and developers together as it claimed.
  • 16. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 16 of 55 Update: Court denies Microsoft’s motion to toss gender discrimination lawsuit Oct 18, 2016 | Seattle, Washington, United States of America | The Register On October 14, 2016, a US district court in Seattle, Washington, found plausible cause and allowed the gender discrimination lawsuit against Microsoft Corp to proceed, denying the company’s motion to dismiss the case.  On September 7, 2016, a US federal court in Seattle criticized Microsoft Corp’s lawyers in the gender bias lawsuit of being “overly aggressive” and not fully complying with the court’s order to present relevant documents to the case.  On October 27, 2015, two current Microsoft Corp female employees filed an amended complaint in the Western Washington District Court in Seattle, US, joining a putative gender discrimination class action lawsuit. The two joined the suit, which was filed in September 2015 by a former Microsoft female employee, seeking back pay as well as monetary and punitive damages.  On September 16, 2015, it was reported that a former Microsoft Corp employee was suing the company for gender discrimination in federal court in Seattle, Washington, US. Allegedly, female technical employees were paid less and promoted less frequently than male employees. Also the performance of women was ranked below that of men. The suit was seeking class action status. Separately, she made internal complaints about a superior who sexually harassed female employees. She claimed he retaliated against her by giving her a low bonus and by decreasing her responsibilities. asks EU antitrust officials to probe Microsoft-LinkedIn deal Sep 29, 2016 | United States of America | Bloomberg On November 3, 2016, it was reported that the European Union antitrust regulators were to give a response regarding the validity of LinkedIn Corp' s acquisition by the Microsoft Corp. The chief executive officer of, the company that also tried to buy LinkedIn, expressed his worries regarding this acquisition, saying that Microsoft would try to block the competition using LinkedIn’s resources. An EU official said in September that it would make an in-depth research of the proposed acquisition.  On September 29, 2016, Inc said it was planning to ask the European Union antitrust officials to analyze Microsoft Corp’s USD 26.2 billion takeover of LinkedIn Corp, as the deal might allegedly impede innovation and competition. expressed its worries regarding Microsoft ownership of LinkedIn database of over 450 million professionals, arguing that Microsoft might gain a vast advantage over rivals and also refuse competitors’ access to the data. A Microsoft executive’s presentation, held on September 13, 2016, was cited in this regard. In June 2016, an EU Competition Commissioner said that the deal would be reviewed, in order to determine whether control over all that data might strangle Microsoft’s competition. Union announces layoffs at Microsoft’s supplier Lionbridge Sep 28, 2016 | Bellevue, Washington, United States of America | On September 28, 2016, it was reported that the Temporary Workers of America union complained about Microsoft Corp’s supplier Lionbridge Technologies Inc plan to dismiss 16 union workers and five non-union employees in Bellevue, Washington, US. A union representative said that the layoffs would affect only people who were working in testing Microsoft’s Windows software. Previously, Temporary Workers of America petitioned the US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), in an attempt to get Microsoft involved in collective labor agreement negotiations, arguing that Microsoft was responsible for working conditions, even though the workers were employed by Lionbridge. The union was reported to contemplate the possibility of filing new claims with the NLRB, and stated that there still was a significant gap between the benefits that normal employees received, and those received by contractors.
  • 17. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 17 of 55 Microsoft pays USD 650 to a man over aggressive Windows 10 upgrade campaign Sep 27, 2016 | United States of America | The Register On September 27, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp paid USD 650 to a man who threatened to sue the company, because its aggressive marketing of a software update caused distress to his grandfather. The old man, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, tried to reject an update notification on his computer, but, by clicking the X button, he unwillingly triggered the automatic update to Windows 10 software. The man, who later spent ten hours in removing the new software, which the old man was not used to, argued that Microsoft “interrupted the basic functions of their own software” and notified the company of his intentions to sue in a small claims court. Microsoft tries to resuscitate software patent litigations Sep 20, 2016 | United States of America | Techrights On September 20, 2016, an online blogger criticized Microsoft Corp’s policy of seeking a KRW 600 billion (USD 533.1 million) worth of tax refund from the Korean government, in relation with patent license fees and royalties paid to it by Korean software companies. In its claim, Microsoft had allegedly argued that the taxes in question applied to patents covering jurisdictions outside South Korea, and thus the money needed to be reimbursed. The writer also accused Microsoft of being involved in arguable business practices, including tax evasion, financial fraud and constantly suing other companies for patent infringement. Microsoft announces layoffs in London over Skype office shut down Sep 17, 2016 | London, United Kingdom | On September 17, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corporation was going to lay off about 220 employees due to the company’s decision to close its Skype Inc office in London. Microsoft had announced in July that it was planning to lay off 2,850 employees in 2017. A Microsoft spokesperson said that the London cuts were a result of the consolidation of some engineering positions that affected both Skype Inc and Yammer Inc, as part of the restructuring of Microsoft's sales organization. Update: Microsoft’s legal team accused of not complying with court orders in gender bias lawsuit Sep 16, 2016 | Seattle, Washington, United States of America | The Seattle Times On September 7, 2016, a US federal court in Seattle, Washington, US, criticized Microsoft Corp’s lawyers in the gender bias lawsuit of being “overly aggressive” and not fully complying with the court’s order to present relevant documents to the case.  On October 27, 2015, two current Microsoft Corp female employees filed an amended complaint in the Western Washington District Court in Seattle, US, joining a putative gender discrimination class action lawsuit. The two joined the suit, which was filed in September 2015 by a former Microsoft female employee, seeking back pay as well as monetary and punitive damages.  On September 16, 2015, it was reported that a former Microsoft Corp employee was suing the company for gender discrimination in federal court in Seattle, Washington, US. Allegedly, female technical employees were paid less and promoted less frequently than male employees. Also the performance of women was ranked below that of men. The suit was seeking class action status. Separately, she made internal complaints about a superior who sexually harassed female employees. She claimed he retaliated against her by giving her a low bonus and by decreasing her responsibilities.
  • 18. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 18 of 55 Microsoft criticized over disregard for Windows 10 user privacy Sep 15, 2016 | | TechGenix On January 10, 2017, it was reported that Microsoft Corp made several changes to its privacy controls in the upcoming Windows 10 Creators Update in order to address Electronic Frontier Foundation's concerns that it disregarded the choice and privacy of Windows 10 users.  On September 15, 2016, the non-profit organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) criticized Microsoft Corp for disregarding the choice and privacy of Windows 10 users. According to EFF, Windows 10 was designed to send huge amounts of data back to Microsoft, including location data, text input, voice input, touch input, web pages visited, and telemetry data regarding the general usage of a computer. The foundation said that Windows 10 continued to send information back to Microsoft despite the fact that users chose to disable the features stopping the OS from sending data. The EFF raised concerns about data gathered by Microsoft, including the location where the data was stored, how long the data was stored, and how data was anonymized for user protection. The EFF also stated that the computer might be at risk for attacks as it would no longer receive security updates when telemetry was turned down to the lowest setting. Reports claim Microsoft and Alphabet’s Google browser have high ad fraud rates Sep 01, 2016 | United States of America | The Wall Street Journal On September 1, 2016, FraudLogix reported that Microsoft Corp and Google Inc, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, had browsers with the highest ad fraud rates. The company said that the web browsers could be infected with malicious code implanted by fraudsters seeking to manipulate consumers for their financial gain, meaning that advertisers would pay for ads that would never be seen by real people. It was estimated by the US Association of National Advertisers that admen could have wasted USD 7 billion on ads no one would ever see. Versions of Google’s Chrome browser and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer were the browsers with the most fraudulent impressions loaded. Both Microsoft and Google questioned FraudLogix’s conclusions and methodology, alleging it was not possible to correctly measure fraud at the browser level. Microsoft apologizes to Saudi Arabia over Bing translator mistake Aug 30, 2016 | Saudi Arabia | New York Daily News On August 30, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corporation had to apologize over critics against its Bing translation service that suggested that the Arabic acronym for Islamic State “Daesh” meant Saudi Arabia. The mistaken translation was noticed by several Saudi social media users, who instantly expressed their anger on social media calling for a boycott of all Microsoft products. Saudi Arabia Microsoft's vice president responded to the issue by tweeting an apology for the unintentional mistake. EEF accuses Microsoft of disregarding user choice Aug 18, 2016 | | ZDNet On August 18, 2016, it was reported that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) accused Microsoft Corp of disregarding user choice in its year-long free upgrade campaign for Windows 10. Furthermore, an author of a signed editorial accused Microsoft of disregarding user privacy. In June 2016, a petition had been signed by 6,000 people asking the EFF to investigate Microsoft for "malicious practices regarding Windows 10." Microsoft to cut 2,850 jobs in its smartphone division Jul 29, 2016 | | International Business Times UK On July 29, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp planned to cut 2,850 jobs globally in its smartphone division by the end of 2017. The threatened jobs were in the company’s hardware business and global sales, as part of a restructuring plan.
  • 19. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 19 of 55 Improved Search sues Microsoft over patent infringement Jul 29, 2016 | Delaware, United States of America | RPX Corporation On July 29, 2016, Improved Search LLC filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Delaware against Microsoft Corp over patent infringement. The company was accused of infringing patents entitled “Method and System for Translingual Translation of Query and Search and Retrieval of Multilingual Information on a Computer Network” and “Cross-Language Advertising” by intentionally directing its customers to use computers or mobile devices for translating their search queries. Improved Search demanded a trial by jury. North Star sues Microsoft for patent infringement Jul 29, 2016 | Delaware, United States of America | RPX Corporation On July 29, 2016, a lawsuit was filed in the US District Court for the District of Delaware by North Star Innovations Inc against Microsoft Corp, accusing it of patent infringement. The defendants infringed the patents entitled “Apparatus and Method for Observing the Mode of a Memory Device” and “Process for Forming a Semiconductor Device” by manufacturing, using, offering for sale and selling in the US, computer products that employed a method for observing a control register in a memory device and forming semiconductor devices. A trial by jury was demanded by North Star. Users complain about battery issues with Microsoft's Surface Pro 3 Jul 27, 2016 | United States of America | On July 27, 2016, it was reported that the number of complaints increased significantly against Microsoft Corporation for issues with its Surface Pro 3. The device suffered from huge battery drain and in some cases leading to an autonomy of only an hour. Microsoft explained that was not an issue of the battery cells, claiming that the problem could be fixed with a software update. Bayer, Shell, ConAgra, PepsiCo, Johnson & Johnson, UPS, McDonald’s, Microsoft and others accused of sourcing from prison farms Jul 25, 2016 | United States of America | On July 25, 2016, it was reported that several companies, including Bayer AG, Merck & Co Inc, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, ConAgra Foods Inc, PepsiCo Inc, Bank of America Corp, Caterpillar Inc, Johnson & Johnson, Exxon Mobil Corp, Eli Lilly & Co, United Parcel Service Inc, McDonald’s Corp, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, Microsoft Corp, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Motorola Solutions Inc, Starbucks Corp, Verizon Communications Inc, Nintendo Co Ltd, Pfizer Inc, Chevron Corp, Procter & Gamble Co, Costco Wholesale Corp, Wendy’s Co, Cargill Inc, John Deere Bank Societe Anonyme, AT&T Inc, BP PLC, Intl Business Machines Corp, Boeing Co, Texas Instruments Inc, Dell Inc, Honeywell International Inc, HP Inc, Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc, Intel Corp, Nordstrom Inc, Revlon Inc, Macy’s Inc, Target Corp, Whole Foods Market Inc, Wal-Mart Stores Inc and Kmart Corp, a subsidiary of Sears Holding Corp, were profiting from the use of prison labor. It was alleged that prisoners convicted of various crimes across the US often worked from 6 am, for long hours, sometimes without water or proper meals, in the companies’ supply chain. In some cases the prisoners were not paid, while in other cases the hourly pay was as low as 0.17 USD. CNIL orders Microsoft to stop excessive data collection without users’ consent Jul 20, 2016 | France | Law360 On July 20, 2016, France's Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) ordered Microsoft Corp to stop excessive data collection and monitoring of user navigation without users' consent. The regulator said that Windows 10 enabled the company to collect intrusive data on more than 10 million French users. CNIL directed Microsoft to curtail collections of user data within 90 days.
  • 20. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 20 of 55 Update: Microsoft lays off 1,350 employees in Finland Jul 12, 2016 | Tampere, Finland | Market Exclusive On July 12, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft laid off 1,350 employees in Finland. The company planned to close its product development in Tampere.  On May 25, 2016, Microsoft Corp said that it would lay off 1,850 employees, writing down USD 950 million. The company sought to restart its mobile strategy after multiple misfires. IpLearn asks higher court to overturn lower court’s decision to toss lawsuit against Microsoft over patent infringement Jul 07, 2016 | United States of America | Law360 On July 7, 2016, IpLearn-Focus LLC asked the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to overturn a California court’s ruling that tossed claims in three computer teaching patents asserted against Microsoft Corp’s Xbox Kinect gaming accessory. The plaintiff argued that the court misinterpreted key parts of the patent to declare it abstract. The patents described a way for students to learn through a computing device that included a detached sensor or camera. Update: Microsoft, Yahoo and Alphabet's Google ordered to ban sex determination ads Jul 05, 2016 | India | Times of India On July 5, 2016, the Indian Supreme Court asked Microsoft Corp, Yahoo Inc and Alphabet Inc’s subsidiary Google Inc to stop allowing pre-natal sex determination tests advertisements on their online platforms. The court also asked the federal government to issue a memorandum on the matter and hold a meeting between the petitioners, who filed a Public Interest Litigation, and the three companies.  On January 28, 2015, the Supreme Court in New Delhi, India, ordered Google Inc's Google India Pvt Ltd, Yahoo! Inc's Yahoo India Pvt Ltd and Microsoft Corp's Microsoft Corp India Pvt Ltd to strictly comply with Indian laws and block advertisements promoting prenatal gender selection tests. The order was the result of a petition filed in 2008 that sought direction for prohibiting sex determination test advertisements on the internet. The court concluded that the three search engines had relevant technology and deep-domain knowledge and expertise to block and filter words and sponsored links in this regard. The court required the companies to include in their terms of service its order. Microsoft pays USD 10,000 for its Windows 10 updates Jun 28, 2016 | United States of America | Business Finance News On June 28, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp was ordered to pay USD 10,000 in a lawsuit brought by one of its customers from California, US, claiming that Windows 10 was automatically installed on her PC. The update failed and made her PC unusable. Eleven Engineering sues Microsoft for patent infringement Jun 23, 2016 | Delaware, United States of America | Casetext On June 23, 2016, Eleven Engineering Inc and Eleven Engineering Game Control LLC filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Delaware against Microsoft Corp over patent infringement. The plaintiff accused the tech company of infringing a patent related generally to wireless radio frequency game control systems.
  • 21. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 21 of 55 Microsoft accused of avoiding taxes in UK Jun 22, 2016 | United Kingdom | Financial Director On June 22, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp was accused of looping GBP 100 million (USD 146.8 million) a year off their corporation tax bill after securing a confidential deal with HM Revenue & Customs. The company was enabled to book GBP 8 billion (USD 11.7 billion) worth of revenues from Britain through to Ireland. The European Commission was investigating the advance pricing agreements (APA) to decide whether they breached the rules on state aid. Microsoft approaches the risky legal marijuana industry Jun 16, 2016 | United States of America | The New York Times On June 16, 2016, Microsoft Corp announced entering in a partnership with Kind Financial, a US cannabis industry-focused software company, with the aim of providing software to state and local governments in their efforts of developing and monitoring compliance systems. The partnership raised media concerns regarding the social negative consequences, as, although cannabis had been legalized for medical or recreational purposes in 25 states, it was still illegal nationwide in the US. Court grants Unwired Planet’s motion for summary judgment in lawsuit against Microsoft over patent infringement Jun 15, 2016 | Delaware, United States of America | Delaware Intellectual Property Litigation On June 15, 2016, the US District Court for the District of Delaware granted Unwired Planet Inc’s motion for summary judgment in a lawsuit against Microsoft Corp over a patent license agreement in which Microsoft agreed to pay USD 10 million upon notice that Unwired Planet closed a "Qualifying Agreement". However, Microsoft disputed whether an agreement between Unwired Planet and Lenovo PC International Limited satisfied the conditions of a "Qualifying Agreement" and refused to pay USD 10 million. Microsoft criticized for its plan to avoid USD 9 billion in taxes Jun 13, 2016 | | Bloomberg On June 13, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp was criticized for its plan to avoid paying USD 9 billion in taxes. The company was planning to fund its takeover of LinkedIn by borrowing USD 26 billion, using its USD 108 billion cash and cash equivalents, most of it in offshore, as collateral. Buying the company with borrowed money would help Microsoft avoid USD 9 billion in federal income taxes in 2016 and Microsoft could deduct interest payments, which would lower its future US tax bill. IT companies like Infosys, Wipro decline to confirm labor unions Jun 11, 2016 | India | The Economic Times On June 10, 2016, several IT companies in India, including Wipro Ltd, Infosys Ltd (formerly, Infosys Technologies Limited), Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corp, Juniper Networks Inc, Miphasis Ltd, and Amazon India, a subsidiary of Inc, declined to acknowledge employees' right to form labor unions as provided by the Industrial Disputes Act. The question arose after the Principal Secretary of the Tamil Nadu Labor and Employment Department clarified the New Democratic Labor Front - IT Employees Wing that workforce was free to form unions. He said that 60-80% of IT employees already decided to join unions if formed, but every single one of them declined to take the lead to form them because they were scared of consequences.
  • 22. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 22 of 55 Update: Zhongyi Zhongbiao urges higher court to revive its suit against Microsoft over copyright infringement Jun 08, 2016 | United States of America | Law360 On June 8, 2016, Beijing Zhongyi Zhongbiao Electronic Information Technology urged the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to revive its lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. The company was accused of illegally using the plaintiff’s copyrighted fonts in generations of computer operating systems.  On July 10, 2012, Beijing Zhongyi ZhongBiao Electronic Information Technology Co Ltd filed a copyright lawsuit in the US District Court for the Western District of Arkansas against Microsoft Corp and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The complaint alleged that Microsoft incorporated without permission the plaintiff’s Chinese characters in the Windows 98, 2000, XP and 2003 operating systems on computers sold by Walmart. The plaintiff claimed that Microsoft ignored a Beijing court's November 2009 injunction by producing and selling new infringing operating systems. The suit sought damages, a US injunction order barring Microsoft and Walmart from further infringing activities, and an order impounding or destroying all of the infringing products. Microsoft criticized for its clients passwords’ strength policy May 30, 2016 | United States of America | Sydney Morning Herald On May 30, 2016, a blogger criticized Microsoft Corp for implementing security instruments to determine clients to stop using weak passwords with their online accounts. It was claimed that this policy was not productive, as it would only encourage users to find new ways around it, in order to keep their passwords simple, and thus weak. Microsoft had allegedly created a list of common weak passwords, widely used by hackers, and had implemented tools for stopping its clients from using them. Microsoft accused of tricking users into downloading Windows 10 May 27, 2016 | | Mirror Online On May 27, 2016, it was reported that Microsoft Corp was accused of tricking users into upgrading to Windows 10. User complaints stated that they had received a Windows 10 nagware reminder, but when clicking the red “X” to close the dialog, Microsoft considered that as permission for the upgrade, thus scheduling an upgrade without users agreeing to it. Chinese criticize Microsoft’s aggressive means to promote Windows 10 upgrade May 27, 2016 | China | BBC News On May 27, 2016, Xinhua reported that over 1.2 million people complained on the Chinese microblog Weibo about Microsoft Corp’s aggressive methods to persuade people into upgrading to Windows 10. The news agency learned that the company changed the pop-up box that regularly appeared to encourage people using Windows 7 and 8 to upgrade, giving only the option “upgrade now” and “upgrade tonight” in some cases. Another method Microsoft used was making Windows 10 a recommended upgrade that was automatically scheduling a date and time for installation, which users had to manually abandon. Microsoft to cut 1,850 jobs to restart its mobile strategy May 25, 2016 | | MarketWatch On May 25, 2016, Microsoft Corp said that it would lay off 1,850 employees, writing down USD 950 million. The company sought to restart its mobile strategy after multiple misfires.
  • 23. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 23 of 55 Description Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Net Profit Margin 0.1303 0.2542 0.2808 0.2303 0.3310 n.a. R&D / Revenue 0.1287 0.1311 0.1337 0.1331 0.1293 n.a. Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Gross sales (local currency) - - - - - Gross sales (USD - company reported) - - - - - Net sales (local currency) 93,580 86,833 77,849 73,723 69,943 USD Net sales (USD - company reported) 93,580 86,833 77,849 73,723 69,943 USD Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units In local currency 18,507 27,820 27,052 22,267 28,071 USD In USD (company reported) 18,507 27,820 27,052 22,267 28,071 USD Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units In local currency 12,193 22,074 21,863 16,978 23,150 USD In USD (Company Reported) 12,193 22,074 21,863 16,978 23,150 USD Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units United States 42,941 43,474 41,344 38,846 38,008 USD Other countries 50,639 43,359 36,505 34,877 31,935 USD Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units BUSINESS INFORMATION Mergers and acquisitions On November 6, 2014, the company acquired Mojang Synergies AB (“Mojang”), the Swedish video game developer of the Minecraft gaming franchise, for $2.5 billion in cash, net of cash acquired. On April 25, 2014, it acquired substantially all of Nokia Corporation’s (“Nokia”) Devices and Services business (“NDS”) for a total purchase price of $9.4 billion, including cash acquired of $1.5 billion. Net Sales (in Millions) - USD Net Profit (in Millions) - USD Research & Development Expense (in Millions) - USD 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 Key Ratios Sales/Total revenue (in millions) NEBT/PBT (in millions) Net Profit/Profit After Tax (PAT)/ Net Income (in millions) Geographic break down of sales/revenues by region (millions or %) Revenues from Products & Services (millions or %)
  • 24. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 24 of 55 1. Google Finance as of September 15, 2016 2. Google Finance as of December 1, 2014 3. Google Finance as of June 19, 2014 4. Form 10K 2016 5. Annual Report 2015 6. Annual Report 2014 7. Annual Report 2013 8. Form 10K 2015 Windows Division - 37,674 18,680 18,844 18,815 USD Server and Tools - - 20,295 18,544 16,571 USD Online Services Division - - 3,284 2,935 2,680 USD Entertainment and Devices Division - - 10,213 9,590 8,896 USD Microsoft Business Division - 49,574 24,738 24,082 22,407 USD Corporate and other 275.00 -415.00 639.00 -272.00 574.00 USD Productivity and Business Processes 26,430 - - - - USD Intelligent Cloud 23,715 - - - - USD More Personal Computing 43,160 - - - - USD The company does not provide information on this parameter Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units In local currency 12,046 11,381 10,411 9,811 9,043 USD In USD ( Company Reported) 12,046 11,381 10,411 9,811 9,043 USD The company does not provide information on this parameter Source List: Sales from Renewables Research and Development (in millions) Operational Data
  • 25. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 25 of 55 6.5 5.0 5.0 4.3 6.7 5.2 7.8 6.0 3.0 3.6 Performance on Key Parameters Energy Water Emissions Products and Services Compliance ENVIRONMENT Total Energy Consumption (Direct + Indirect) - MWh Total direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by weight (Scope 1) - MT CO2e Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission - MT CO2e Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by weight (Scope 2) - MT CO2e Total direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1+2+3) - MT CO2e 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 50 100 150 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 2500000 5000000 7500000 10000000 12500000 KPI Performance
  • 26. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 26 of 55 9.0 5.9 9.5 5.3 10.0 6.1 Environmental Strategy Environmental Management Environmental Risks Description Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Total Direct Energy consumption from Fuel Sources / Total Energy Consumption - - - - - - Total Indirect Energy consumption (purchased electricity) / Total Energy Consumption - 0.9076 0.9428 0.9383 0.9361 n.a. Scope 1 GHG to total GHG emissions - 0.0084 0.0190 0.0269 0.0261 n.a. Scope 2 GHG to total GHG emissions - 0.1492 0.6121 0.7783 0.7728 n.a. Scope 3 GHG to total GHG emissions - 0.8425 0.3689 0.1948 0.2011 n.a. Total GHG Emission to Revenue - 117.47 26.81 21.21 21.54 MT CO2e / USD Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Paper consumption - 166.25 - - - t Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Total direct energy consumption from fuel sources - - - - - Coal consumption/Coal based energy consumption - - - - - Natural gas consumption/ Natural gas based energy consumption - 108,709 93,065 89,960 - MWh Fuel oil consumption/Fuel oil based energy consumption - 319,313 154,944 162,587 158,824 MWh Biofuels consumption/Biofuels based energy consumption - - - - - Energy consumed from renewable sources - - - - - Other fuel consumption/ Other fuel based energy consumption - 210,604 36,207 49,500 - MWh Direct energy consumption of own generated electricity - - - - - Total direct energy intensity - - - - - Total indirect energy consumption (purchased electricity) - 3,240,620 2,732,483 2,630,343 2,440,617 MWh Electricity from renewable energy sources (hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass…) - 3,240,620 2,300,000 - - MWh Electricity from coal based generation - - - - - Electricity from oil based generation - - - - - Electricity from gas based generation - - - - - Key Ratios Materials Energy
  • 27. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 27 of 55 Electricity from nuclear based generation - 10,505 10,872 10,405 7,814 MWh Total indirect energy intensity - - 37.20 38.40 36.20 MWh/$M Total energy consumption - 3,570,438 2,898,299 2,803,335 2,607,254 MWh Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements - - - - - Initiatives/Programs undertaken to reduce energy consumption or achieve targets The company is designing energy-saving approaches into the new datacenters, such as using outside air cooling and airside economizers that dramatically cut the energy and water used for cooling. This approach to cooling reduces energy consumption by 15-20 percent and water consumption by 90 percent. Overall, datacenters average 1.4 PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness, one measure of data center efficiency), more efficient than the industry average of 1.7 PUE. The company has a 100 percent renewable energy commitment, which it meets through direct purchases of renewable energy and the purchase of renewable energy credits. Microsoft currently uses directly purchased renewable electricity to power 23 percent of its operations, and are exploring opportunities to expand direct purchase of renewable energy and support the construction of new renewable energy projects. In FY15 Microsoft purchased more than 3.2 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of renewable energy, and in January 2015 the US Environmental Protection Agency ranked the company as the secondlargest user of green power in the US. The new 110-megawatt (MW) Keechi Wind project that it funded through a 20-year agreement to purchase 100 percent of its output came online in FY15, and the company also announced an even larger power purchase agreement for all of the output of the new 175-MW Pilot Hill Wind Project. The company also generates a small amount of onsite renewable energy, such as from solar panels covering the rooftops on Silicon Valley campus. Target type, target value and target scope The company does not provide information on this parameter Target base year and target base year energy consumption The company does not provide information on this parameter Target end year The company does not provide information on this parameter Target met The company does not provide information on this parameter Initiatives/Programs undertaken to reduce water consumption or achieve targets Beyond datacenters, Microsoft continues to invest in water-saving fixtures in office buildings and smart landscape irrigation practices to conserve water. Target type, target value and target scope The company does not provide information on this parameter Target base year and target base year water consumption The company does not provide information on this parameter Target end year Energy Efficiency Targets Water Water Efficiency Targets
  • 28. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 28 of 55 The company does not provide information on this parameter Target met The company does not provide information on this parameter The company does not provide information on this parameter Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Total direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) - 85,188 39,665 42,067 39,327 MT CO2e Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions - 72,043 32,180 40,632 - MT CO2e Methane (CH4) emissions - 22.00 17.00 20.00 - MT CO2e Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions - 137.00 90.00 95.00 - MT CO2e Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) emissions - - - - - Hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs) emissions - 12,986 7,378 7,765 - MT CO2e Perfluorcarbons (PFCs) emissions - - - - - Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions - - - - - Total direct emissions intensity - - 0.50 0.60 0.50 MT CO2e/$M Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by weight (Scope 2) - 1,521,370 1,277,364 1,217,167 1,164,218 MT CO2e Other relevant indirect GHG emissions by weight (Scope 3) - 8,593,664 769,839 304,739 303,018 MT CO2e Total indirect emission intensity - - 3.80 4.20 4.20 MT CO2e/$M Total direct and indirect emissions - 10,200,222 2,086,868 1,563,973 1,506,563 MT CO2e Initiatives/Programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) or achieve targets Since July 1, 2012, Microsoft has achieved carbon neutrality across global operations, spanning more than 100 countries, for datacenters, software development labs, offices, business air travel, and (as of July 1, 2015) Microsoft- owned manufacturing operations. In April 2015 Microsoft released a whitepaper describing the progress made with carbon fee since its inception, in the hope to inspire other organizations to take similar action. Among the results it details: since the inception of the carbon fee, the company has purchased more than 10 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of green power, reduced emissions by 7.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e), saved more than $10 million a year, and had an impact on more than 3.2 million people in emerging nations through carbon offset community projects. Initiatives towards obtaining carbon credits Some of the Credit purchases are: Forests; Valdavian; VCS+CCBA; 73000 metric tonnes of CO2e Efficient Stoves ;Improved Ghanaian Cook Stoves; Gold Standard; 18000 metric tonnes of CO2e Efficient Stoves; Guatemala Water Treatment & Cook Stoves; Gold Standard; 14000 metric tonnes of CO2e Forests; Rimba Raya REDD+; Other: VCS+CCBA; 52230 metric tonnes of CO2e Forests; Kasigau Corridor REDD+; Other: VCS+CCBA; 46656 metric tonnes of CO2e Forests; Meru & Nanyuki Community Reforestation; Other: VCS+CCBA; 32200 metric tonnes of CO2e Target type, target value and target scope The company does not provide information on this parameter Biodiversity Emissions Emission Reduction Targets
  • 29. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 29 of 55 Target base year and target base year emissions The company does not provide information on this parameter Target end year The company does not provide information on this parameter Target met The company does not provide information on this parameter The company does not provide information on this parameter The company does not provide information on this parameter The company does not provide information on this parameter Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units R&D spent on green product development - - - - - Programs/Initiatives to improve the environmental characteristics or to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services and achieve targets For cities, Microsoft CityNext partners provide solutions spanning energy, water, buildings, infrastructure, and transportation to help modernize cities in sustainable ways that will minimize their resource use and environmental impact. The broad portfolio of familiar consumer and business platforms and partner solutions—which many cities already use—are meeting customers wherever they are on the technology innovation curve and helping them to build a bridge to the future. Within the Sustainable Cities focus, the company delivers solutions for: • Buildings, infrastructure, and planning. Microsoft partners are using both design and embedded technology to lower the energy consumption and improve the performance of buildings. By combining existing systems with cloud-based analytics and business intelligence capabilities, buildings can be smarter and more efficient, and save about 10 percent of energy costs per year. • Energy and water. By using digital technology to integrate and manage distributed energy supply and demand data, Microsoft partners are working to improve the reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric system, as well as using technology to measure, manage, and report on carbon and other environmental impacts. • Transportation. Through software, Microsoft partners are helping to improve the design and operation of transport networks and run realtime data systems that can facilitate cleaner and more efficient transport choices. Programs to reduce CO2/GHG emissions of products With Microsoft Azure, businesses can use Microsoft carbon neutral datacenters for on-demand compute and storage, helping save energy costs and reduce their company’s carbon footprint while also reducing the capital costs associated with purchasing hardware and infrastructure. The Microsoft cloud is also connecting public and private data sources with the privacy, security, and control needed for cities to have effective cross-departmental collaboration and resource sharing for greater efficiency; the scalability and cost-effectiveness of cloud services help reduce costs without cutting essential services. Organizations that invest in Microsoft Azure will be able to harvest information and data as resources to help service increasing populations more efficiently and with less waste. Programs to improve the environmental characteristics of products (related to energy consumption) The company is focused on and committed to increasing computing power per unit of energy consumed across the services and devices that it offers in the marketplace. Each new version of Windows offers enhancements to energy efficiency and power management tools, including a new Energy Saver Mode added to Windows 10. Third-party applications also have an important role to play, and the company provides energy-smart development guidance and tools for developers and IT professionals developing for the Windows platform. In FY15, Microsoft certified its first ENERGY STAR and EPEAT registered product, Surface Pro 3, when the standards were revised to bring tablets NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type and weight Effluents and Waste Total weight of Waste by Type and Disposal method Products and Services
  • 30. Report generated on 24-October-2017 by emRatings, a product of Solaron Sustainability Services ©2017. Page 30 of 55 into scope. FY15 was also the first year for ULE 110 certifications of mobile phones. This certification establishes multiple sustainability criteria for mobile phones, including packaging, materials, manufacturing and operations, energy efficiency of the power supply, health and environment, and end of life management. All Xbox consoles are configured to automatically reduce energy use while inactive. Software programs used to improve the environmental characteristics of products (related to energy consumption) With Microsoft Azure, businesses can use Microsoft carbon neutral datacenters for on-demand compute and storage, helping save energy costs and reduce their company’s carbon footprint while also reducing the capital costs associated with purchasing hardware and infrastructure. The Microsoft cloud is also connecting public and private data sources with the privacy, security, and control needed for cities to have effective cross-departmental collaboration and resource sharing for greater efficiency; the scalability and cost-effectiveness of cloud services help reduce costs without cutting essential services. Organizations that invest in Microsoft Azure will be able to harvest information and data as resources to help service increasing populations more efficiently and with less waste. Targets to improve the environmental characteristics of products (other than energy consumption) The company does not provide information on this parameter Target type, target value and target scope The company does not provide information on this parameter Target base year and Target base year value The company does not provide information on this parameter Target end year The company does not provide information on this parameter Target met The company does not provide information on this parameter Team and approach on development of sustainability services The Safety, Compliance, and Sustainability team within the Microsoft Devices Group incorporates environmental and safety principles and processes in the design and production of its devices and product packaging. The team works with design groups through a Design for Green initiative to evaluate and encourage the use of more environmentally benign materials, increase the recyclability of devices and packaging, and minimize material use. The team provides guidance on alternative materials and other ways to address environmental impacts. The company does not provide information on this parameter The company does not provide information on this parameter Description* Jun 2015 Jun 2014 Jun 2013 Jun 2012 Jun 2011 Units Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations (in thousands) - - - - - Non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations The company does not provide information on this parameter Cases of environmental litigations/law suits The company does not provide information on this parameter Life Cycle Analysis Amount spent on LCA Compliance