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Lenses (as a concept) are a way to focus and access
deeply into a complex structure.
"poking around inside things"
"access" here means read, write, modify, fold, traverse,
lens is a package which provides an implementation of
the concept of lenses or functional references.
Availble through cabal: cabal install lens
There are many other lens packages but this is the one
we're going to look at today
We will only cover a subset in this session
Lens is a vast topic and needs a lot of time to
understand and use
Basic usage can be learnt quickly and the payoff is
worth it
Convenience - will see later with an example
lens forms a combinator library and provides
composition, multiplicity, etc.
We'll see some of these behaviours here
It also provides a number of generalizations of lenses
including Prism, Traversal, Iso and Fold.
Can be used on many data types.
We'll see a few here such as record syntax, lists, etc
Time to look at some code
A lens is a first class value that can be passed around like
any other data structure
lenses compose. We've seen in the example code where
we drill two levels down in a data structure through
The fact that they compose is very powerful and can
give rise to succint code that is more understandable
This is akin to 'dotted' notation in OO languages
although we're not quite modifying state
Some of the basic uses of lenses do not need the use of
this library
The lens library, of course, provides a lot of value
So, how might we create a lens without using this library?
We saw an example of a simple usage of lens
In order to better understand lenses, let's try reinvent a
small part of the lens library
For this purpose, we'll treat a Lens as a combination of a
data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a,
setL :: a -> s -> s}
-- view function to focus on a particular part of the data structure
view :: NaiveLens s a -> s -> a
-- set function to set a particular part of the data structure
set :: NaiveLens s a -> a -> s -> s
-- composing two lenses
let composeNaiveLenses :: NaiveLens s1 s2 -> NaiveLens s2 a -> NaiveLens s1 a
composeNaiveLenses (NaiveLens getter1 setter1) (NaiveLens getter2 setter2)
= NaiveLens (getter2 . getter1) (a s -> setter1 (setter2 a (getter1 s)) s)
type TimeStamp = Integer
data FrameHeader = FrameHeader {
_frameNum :: FrameNumber,
_ts :: TimeStamp
} deriving Show
type FramePayload = String
data Frame = Frame {_header :: FrameHeader, _payload :: FramePayload} deriving Show
-- lens for each field
fheader :: NaiveLens Frame FrameHeader
ftimestamp :: NaiveLens FrameHeader TimeStamp
-- composed 'timestamp' lens
ftimestamp :: NaiveLens Frame TimeStamp
ftimestamp = fheader `composeNaiveLenses` ftimestamp
What if we want to update a value instead of get or set?
We could implement it in terms of a get and then a set,
but that would be inefficient
We could add a function for update as part of the lens
data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a,
setL :: a -> s -> s,
updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s}
updateL :: NaiveLens s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s
What if the function (a -> a) can fail, or need to do some
IO to get the new value?
We could then update NaiveLens with:
data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a,
setL :: a -> s -> s,
updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s
updateM :: (a -> Maybe a) -> s -> Maybe s
updateL :: (a -> IO a) -> s -> IO s}
Or, even generalize:
data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a,
setL :: a -> s -> s,
updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s
updateF :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s
-> f s}
What if, we could turn this:
into this:
Note: I've not understood yet why we need the forall here
as the type compile even without it
data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a,
setL :: a -> s -> s,
updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s
updateF :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s}
:set -XRankNTypes -- forall needs 'RankNTypes' language extension
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
How is the type alias BetterLens even able to do the
things NaiveLens was doing?
What we need is a function like this for a setter
-- Simply convert BetterLens to something that has the type of setL
let set :: BetterLens s a -> (a -> s -> s)
set lns a s = undefined
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
By selecting functor for f above,Identity
let set :: BetterLens s a -> (a -> s -> s)
set lns a s = runIdentity $ -- To unwrap the Identity functor.
-- Note that BetterLens gives f s
-- and we need s
lns (x -> Identity a) s
-- Note how we ignore the current value and
wrap 'a'
-- into Identity
-- set lns a = runIdentity . lns (Identity . const a)
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
By selecting functor for f above,Identity
-- The lens library calls 'modify' as 'over'
let over :: BetterLens s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s
over lns f = runIdentity . lns (Identity . f)
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
Now, how can this be useful for view?
view is of the type BetterLens s a -> (s -> a)
BetterLens is a type alias for a function that returns f
What we need is a
So, we need something that goes from f s to a
How are we going to achieve that?
Can we somehow encode a into f?
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
Remember the const function we saw earlier?
const :: x -> y -> x
-- a function that takes two values, ignores the second and
-- gives back the first
The ( Functor is a functor that ignores its argument,
just like the const function did
Const v)
newtype Const x y = Const x
getConst :: Const x y -> x
getConst (Const x) = x
instance Functor (Const v) where
fmap f (Const x) = Const x
-- note that f is unused
We can use the Const functor to encode a into f
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
By selecting Const functor for f above,
let view :: BetterLens s a -> (s -> a)
view lns s = getConst $ lns Const s
-- here, Const has type a -> Const a a
-- So, if Const a a is being used as the first argum
-- of lns, it must be of type f a, with f being Cons
t a
So far, we've been tiptoeing around the actual
implementation of the lenses
Now, let's do it
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
type FrameNumber = Integer
type TimeStamp = Integer
data FrameHeader = FrameHeader {
_frameNum :: FrameNumber,
_ts :: TimeStamp
} deriving Show
frameNum :: BetterLens FrameHeader FrameNumber
-- frameNum :: Functor f => (FrameNumber -> f FrameNumber) ->
-- (FrameHeader -> f FrameHeader)
frameNum fn (FrameHeader frameNum' ts') = fmap (frameNum'' -> FrameHeader frameNum''
(fn frameNum')
The getConst doesn't have runtime cost
True given that the lens impl. (e.g. frameNum) and view
are inlined
Note that lenses do compose
type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
composeL :: BetterLens w1 w2 -> BetterLens w2 a -> BetterLens w1 a
We can rewrite this
-- lens1 :: (w2 -> f w2> -> (w1 -> f w1)
type lens1 = BetterLens w1 w2
-- lens2 :: (a -> f a> -> (w2 -> f w2)
type lens2 = BetterLens w2 a
-- tada
lens1 . lens2 :: (a -> f a) -> (w1 -> f w1)
So, lens composition is simply function composition
Let's change our type synonym's name to
type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
This version of lens that takes two type variables as
parameters is defined in Lens library
There is also another version
type Lens s t a b = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
we won't go much into this
If we look at the lens we created above:
frameNum :: Lens' FrameHeader FrameNumber
frameNum fn (frameNum' ts') = fmap (frameNum'' -> FrameHeader frameNum'' ts')
(fn frameNum')
it can also be created using the lens helper function
lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
-- for the case where type of a & b are same and type of s & t are same
lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> a -> s) -> Lens s s a a
-- or
lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> a -> s) -> Lens' s a
frameNum = lens ((FrameHeader fnum _) -> fnum)
((FrameHeader _ ts') newFnum -> FrameHeader newFnum ts)
If we look at the lens we created above:
frameNum :: Lens' FrameHeader FrameNumber
frameNum fn (frameNum' ts') = fmap (frameNum'' -> FrameHeader frameNum'' ts')
(fn frameNum')
-- or
frameNum = lens ((FrameHeader fnum _) -> fnum)
((FrameHeader _ ts') newFnum -> FrameHeader newFnum ts)
the implementation of frameNum is just boiler-plate code.
lens library comes with template haskell code to automate
import Control.Lens.TH
data FrameHeader = FrameHeader {
_frameNum :: FrameNumber,
_ts :: TimeStamp
} deriving Show
makeLenses ''FrameHeader
This creates two lenses frameNum and ts like the ones
discussed previously
What if you don't like the underscores in field names that TH
There are many variations of TH code that you can use to
make these lenses
One variation is something like
import Control.Lens.TH
data FrameHeader = FrameHeader {
frameNum :: FrameNumber,
ts :: TimeStamp
} deriving Show
makeLensesFor [("frameNum", "frameNumLens"), ("ts", "tsLens")] ''FrameHeader
which creates lenses frameNumLens and tsLens from the
above data structure
The lens library contains many `infix` versions of functions
such as set and view to make it look more imperative.
We're not going over those in this session
type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
What if, we change f from a Functor to an Applicative?
type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
We get an entirely different thing which can 'focus' on
multiple things of type a
type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
data Person = Person { firstName :: String,
lastName :: String,
age :: Integer }
fnLens :: Lens' Person String
fnLens fn (fname' lname' age') = fmap (fname'' -> Person fname'' lname' age') (fn fna
type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
nTraversal :: Traversal' Person String
-- nTraversal :: Applicative f => (String -> f String) -> (Person -> f Person)
nTraversal fn (Person fname' lname' age') = ... -- What can this be?
(fname'' lname'' -> Person fname'' lname'
' age')
... -- What can this be?
(fn fname')
... -- what can this be?
(fn lname')
type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
nTraversal :: Traversal' Person String
-- nTraversal :: Applicative f => (String -> f String) -> (Person -> f Person)
nTraversal fn (Person fname' lname' age') = pure
(fname'' lname'' -> Person fname'' lname'
' age')
(fn fname')
(fn lname')
Remember over? over can be used on traversals as well
type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
over lns f = runIdentity . lns (Identity . f)
nTraversal :: Traversal' Person String
-- Returns a Person with both firstName and lastName capitalized
over nTraversal (map toUpper) :: Person -> Person
Of course, Traversals can be used for anything
Examples: changing all elements of a list, maps, trees
Lens focuses on a single element of a complex data type
Traversal focuses on multiple elemnts of a complex data
the focussed elements are all of the same type
But, what if we have an algebriac data type that has many
This is where Prism comes in
Prisms are like
_left :: Lens' (Either a b) a
>> view _left $ Left ()
>> view _left $ Right ()
if the above is possible. Of course it is not possible.
So, can we use Maybe?
_left :: Lens' (Either a b) (Maybe a)
>> view _left $ Left ()
Just ()
>> view _left $ Right ()
The problem is if we try to compose another Lens with it.
How can we?
So, we should not encode a Maybe into a Lens. This is why
Prism exists
Let's look at two functions that operate over prisms:
preview :: Prism' s a -> s -> Maybe a
review :: Prism' s a -> a -> s
Let's look at a built-in prism _Left
_Left :: Prism' (Either a b) a
>> preview _Left $ Left 10
Just 10
>> preview _Left $ Right "oops"
data CruelData = CruelData {_cruelData :: String} deriving Show
data Greet = Hello Integer | Cruel CruelData | World String deriving Show
data Overall = Overall {_greet :: Greet} deriving Show
makeLenses ''CruelData
makeLenses ''Overall
-- TH
makePrisms ''Greet
-- only upcases if Greet is Cruel. Otherwise returns Overall as is
upcaseCruelty :: Overall -> Overall
upcaseCruelty = (greet . _Cruel . cruelData) %~ (map toUpper)
There are tons of operators (over 100) in the Control.Lens
library. Here's a general navigation rule:
Those that begin with ^ are view-like
Those that begin with ~ are over-like or set-like
Those that contain . are somehow basic (like view)
Those that contain % take functions (like over)
Those that begin with = are like the ones that have ~ but
apply modifications to a State monad
We've seen the following before:
view, set, over, traverse. There are others that are
toListOf, preview, _1, … _9, _head, _tail, _init, etc
import Data.Tree
let t1 = Node 1 [Node 2 [Node 3 [], Node 4 []], Node 5 []]
let t2 = Node 6 [Node 7 [Node 8 [], Node 9 []], Node 10 []]
let t3 = Node 11 []
toListOf (traverse . traverse) [t1, t2, t3]
import Data.Tree
let t1 = Node 1 [Node 2 [Node 3 [], Node 4 []], Node 5 []]
let t2 = Node 6 [Node 7 [Node 8 [], Node 9 []], Node 10 []]
let t3 = Node 11 []
toListOf (traverse . traverse) [t1, t2, t3]
Several StackOverflow questions
Simon Peyton Jones's talk on Lenses
Lens starter tutorial in FPComplete
Talk on Lenses, Folds and Traversals by Edward Kmett,
author of the lens library

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San diego hug lens presentation

  • 2. WHAT? Lenses (as a concept) are a way to focus and access deeply into a complex structure. "poking around inside things" "access" here means read, write, modify, fold, traverse, etc lens is a package which provides an implementation of the concept of lenses or functional references. Availble through cabal: cabal install lens There are many other lens packages but this is the one we're going to look at today We will only cover a subset in this session Lens is a vast topic and needs a lot of time to understand and use Basic usage can be learnt quickly and the payoff is worth it
  • 3. WHY? Convenience - will see later with an example lens forms a combinator library and provides composition, multiplicity, etc. We'll see some of these behaviours here It also provides a number of generalizations of lenses including Prism, Traversal, Iso and Fold. Can be used on many data types. We'll see a few here such as record syntax, lists, etc
  • 5. SOMEBASICIDEASOFNOTE A lens is a first class value that can be passed around like any other data structure lenses compose. We've seen in the example code where we drill two levels down in a data structure through compositon The fact that they compose is very powerful and can give rise to succint code that is more understandable This is akin to 'dotted' notation in OO languages although we're not quite modifying state Some of the basic uses of lenses do not need the use of this library The lens library, of course, provides a lot of value addition So, how might we create a lens without using this library?
  • 6. HOWMIGHTICREATEA LENS We saw an example of a simple usage of lens In order to better understand lenses, let's try reinvent a small part of the lens library
  • 8. STARTINGOUT For this purpose, we'll treat a Lens as a combination of a getter/setter data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a, setL :: a -> s -> s} -- view function to focus on a particular part of the data structure view :: NaiveLens s a -> s -> a -- set function to set a particular part of the data structure set :: NaiveLens s a -> a -> s -> s -- composing two lenses :{ let composeNaiveLenses :: NaiveLens s1 s2 -> NaiveLens s2 a -> NaiveLens s1 a composeNaiveLenses (NaiveLens getter1 setter1) (NaiveLens getter2 setter2) = NaiveLens (getter2 . getter1) (a s -> setter1 (setter2 a (getter1 s)) s) :}
  • 9. USAGE type TimeStamp = Integer data FrameHeader = FrameHeader { _frameNum :: FrameNumber, _ts :: TimeStamp } deriving Show type FramePayload = String data Frame = Frame {_header :: FrameHeader, _payload :: FramePayload} deriving Show -- lens for each field fheader :: NaiveLens Frame FrameHeader ftimestamp :: NaiveLens FrameHeader TimeStamp -- composed 'timestamp' lens ftimestamp :: NaiveLens Frame TimeStamp ftimestamp = fheader `composeNaiveLenses` ftimestamp
  • 10. EXTENDING What if we want to update a value instead of get or set? We could implement it in terms of a get and then a set, but that would be inefficient We could add a function for update as part of the lens definition! data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a, setL :: a -> s -> s, updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s} updateL :: NaiveLens s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s
  • 11. What if the function (a -> a) can fail, or need to do some IO to get the new value? We could then update NaiveLens with: data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a, setL :: a -> s -> s, updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s updateM :: (a -> Maybe a) -> s -> Maybe s updateL :: (a -> IO a) -> s -> IO s}
  • 12. Or, even generalize: data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a, setL :: a -> s -> s, updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s updateF :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s}
  • 14. EVENMOREGENERALIZATION What if, we could turn this: into this: Note: I've not understood yet why we need the forall here as the type compile even without it data NaiveLens s a = NaiveLens { getL :: s -> a, setL :: a -> s -> s, updateL :: (a -> a) -> s -> s updateF :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s} :set -XRankNTypes -- forall needs 'RankNTypes' language extension type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
  • 15. HOWDOESBETTERLENSWORK? How is the type alias BetterLens even able to do the things NaiveLens was doing? What we need is a function like this for a setter :{ -- Simply convert BetterLens to something that has the type of setL let set :: BetterLens s a -> (a -> s -> s) set lns a s = undefined :}
  • 16. type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s By selecting functor for f above,Identity :{ let set :: BetterLens s a -> (a -> s -> s) set lns a s = runIdentity $ -- To unwrap the Identity functor. -- Note that BetterLens gives f s -- and we need s lns (x -> Identity a) s -- Note how we ignore the current value and wrap 'a' -- into Identity -- set lns a = runIdentity . lns (Identity . const a) :}
  • 17. type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s By selecting functor for f above,Identity :{ -- The lens library calls 'modify' as 'over' let over :: BetterLens s a -> (a -> a) -> s -> s over lns f = runIdentity . lns (Identity . f) :}
  • 18. type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s Now, how can this be useful for view? view is of the type BetterLens s a -> (s -> a) BetterLens is a type alias for a function that returns f s) What we need is a So, we need something that goes from f s to a How are we going to achieve that? Can we somehow encode a into f?
  • 19. INTRODUCINGTHECONSTFUNCTOR type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s Remember the const function we saw earlier? const :: x -> y -> x -- a function that takes two values, ignores the second and -- gives back the first The ( Functor is a functor that ignores its argument, just like the const function did Const v) newtype Const x y = Const x getConst :: Const x y -> x getConst (Const x) = x instance Functor (Const v) where fmap f (Const x) = Const x -- note that f is unused We can use the Const functor to encode a into f
  • 20. type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s By selecting Const functor for f above, :{ let view :: BetterLens s a -> (s -> a) view lns s = getConst $ lns Const s -- here, Const has type a -> Const a a -- So, if Const a a is being used as the first argum ent -- of lns, it must be of type f a, with f being Cons t a :}
  • 21. HOWTOMAKEALENS? So far, we've been tiptoeing around the actual implementation of the lenses Now, let's do it
  • 22. LENSFORTHEFRAMEHEADERCLASSWE SAWBEFORE type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s type FrameNumber = Integer type TimeStamp = Integer data FrameHeader = FrameHeader { _frameNum :: FrameNumber, _ts :: TimeStamp } deriving Show frameNum :: BetterLens FrameHeader FrameNumber -- frameNum :: Functor f => (FrameNumber -> f FrameNumber) -> -- (FrameHeader -> f FrameHeader) frameNum fn (FrameHeader frameNum' ts') = fmap (frameNum'' -> FrameHeader frameNum'' ts') (fn frameNum')
  • 23. SOMENOTES The getConst doesn't have runtime cost True given that the lens impl. (e.g. frameNum) and view are inlined Note that lenses do compose
  • 24. COMPOSINGLENSES type BetterLens s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s composeL :: BetterLens w1 w2 -> BetterLens w2 a -> BetterLens w1 a We can rewrite this -- lens1 :: (w2 -> f w2> -> (w1 -> f w1) type lens1 = BetterLens w1 w2 -- lens2 :: (a -> f a> -> (w2 -> f w2) type lens2 = BetterLens w2 a -- tada lens1 . lens2 :: (a -> f a) -> (w1 -> f w1) So, lens composition is simply function composition
  • 25. WHAT'SINANAME Let's change our type synonym's name to type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s This version of lens that takes two type variables as parameters is defined in Lens library There is also another version type Lens s t a b = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t we won't go much into this
  • 26. HELPERTOCREATELENSES If we look at the lens we created above: frameNum :: Lens' FrameHeader FrameNumber frameNum fn (frameNum' ts') = fmap (frameNum'' -> FrameHeader frameNum'' ts') (fn frameNum') it can also be created using the lens helper function lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b -- for the case where type of a & b are same and type of s & t are same lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> a -> s) -> Lens s s a a -- or lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> a -> s) -> Lens' s a frameNum = lens ((FrameHeader fnum _) -> fnum) ((FrameHeader _ ts') newFnum -> FrameHeader newFnum ts)
  • 27. AUTOMATICCREATIONOFLENSES If we look at the lens we created above: frameNum :: Lens' FrameHeader FrameNumber frameNum fn (frameNum' ts') = fmap (frameNum'' -> FrameHeader frameNum'' ts') (fn frameNum') -- or frameNum = lens ((FrameHeader fnum _) -> fnum) ((FrameHeader _ ts') newFnum -> FrameHeader newFnum ts) the implementation of frameNum is just boiler-plate code. lens library comes with template haskell code to automate this import Control.Lens.TH data FrameHeader = FrameHeader { _frameNum :: FrameNumber, _ts :: TimeStamp } deriving Show makeLenses ''FrameHeader This creates two lenses frameNum and ts like the ones discussed previously
  • 28. AUTOMATICCREATIONOFLENSES WITHOUTAPPENDAGES What if you don't like the underscores in field names that TH requires? There are many variations of TH code that you can use to make these lenses One variation is something like import Control.Lens.TH data FrameHeader = FrameHeader { frameNum :: FrameNumber, ts :: TimeStamp } deriving Show makeLensesFor [("frameNum", "frameNumLens"), ("ts", "tsLens")] ''FrameHeader which creates lenses frameNumLens and tsLens from the above data structure
  • 29. SHORTHAND The lens library contains many `infix` versions of functions such as set and view to make it look more imperative. We're not going over those in this session
  • 30. ASIMPLETWISTTOLENSES type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s What if, we change f from a Functor to an Applicative? type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s We get an entirely different thing which can 'focus' on multiple things of type a
  • 31. REMINDEROFALENS type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s data Person = Person { firstName :: String, lastName :: String, age :: Integer } fnLens :: Lens' Person String fnLens fn (fname' lname' age') = fmap (fname'' -> Person fname'' lname' age') (fn fna me')
  • 32. ATRAVERSAL type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s nTraversal :: Traversal' Person String -- nTraversal :: Applicative f => (String -> f String) -> (Person -> f Person) nTraversal fn (Person fname' lname' age') = ... -- What can this be? (fname'' lname'' -> Person fname'' lname' ' age') ... -- What can this be? (fn fname') ... -- what can this be? (fn lname')
  • 33. AHA! type Lens' s a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s nTraversal :: Traversal' Person String -- nTraversal :: Applicative f => (String -> f String) -> (Person -> f Person) nTraversal fn (Person fname' lname' age') = pure (fname'' lname'' -> Person fname'' lname' ' age') <*> (fn fname') <*> (fn lname')
  • 34. WHATCANWEUSE TRAVERSALSFOR? Remember over? over can be used on traversals as well type Traversal' s a = forall f . Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s over lns f = runIdentity . lns (Identity . f) nTraversal :: Traversal' Person String example: -- Returns a Person with both firstName and lastName capitalized over nTraversal (map toUpper) :: Person -> Person
  • 35. WHATCANWEUSE TRAVERSALSFOR? Of course, Traversals can be used for anything Traversable Examples: changing all elements of a list, maps, trees
  • 36. PRISMS Lens focuses on a single element of a complex data type Traversal focuses on multiple elemnts of a complex data type the focussed elements are all of the same type But, what if we have an algebriac data type that has many constructors? This is where Prism comes in
  • 37. PRISMS Prisms are like _left :: Lens' (Either a b) a >> view _left $ Left () () >> view _left $ Right () error! if the above is possible. Of course it is not possible.
  • 38. PRISMS So, can we use Maybe? _left :: Lens' (Either a b) (Maybe a) >> view _left $ Left () Just () >> view _left $ Right () Nothing The problem is if we try to compose another Lens with it. How can we?
  • 39. PRISMS So, we should not encode a Maybe into a Lens. This is why Prism exists Let's look at two functions that operate over prisms: preview :: Prism' s a -> s -> Maybe a review :: Prism' s a -> a -> s Let's look at a built-in prism _Left _Left :: Prism' (Either a b) a >> preview _Left $ Left 10 Just 10 >> preview _Left $ Right "oops" Nothing
  • 40. APRISMUSAGE data CruelData = CruelData {_cruelData :: String} deriving Show data Greet = Hello Integer | Cruel CruelData | World String deriving Show data Overall = Overall {_greet :: Greet} deriving Show makeLenses ''CruelData makeLenses ''Overall -- TH makePrisms ''Greet -- only upcases if Greet is Cruel. Otherwise returns Overall as is upcaseCruelty :: Overall -> Overall upcaseCruelty = (greet . _Cruel . cruelData) %~ (map toUpper)
  • 41. CONTROL.LENSOPERATORS There are tons of operators (over 100) in the Control.Lens library. Here's a general navigation rule: Those that begin with ^ are view-like Those that begin with ~ are over-like or set-like Those that contain . are somehow basic (like view) Those that contain % take functions (like over) Those that begin with = are like the ones that have ~ but apply modifications to a State monad
  • 42. SOMECONTROL.LENS FUNCTIONS We've seen the following before: view, set, over, traverse. There are others that are useful toListOf, preview, _1, … _9, _head, _tail, _init, etc
  • 43. SOMEEXAMPLEUSAGE: import Data.Tree let t1 = Node 1 [Node 2 [Node 3 [], Node 4 []], Node 5 []] let t2 = Node 6 [Node 7 [Node 8 [], Node 9 []], Node 10 []] let t3 = Node 11 [] toListOf (traverse . traverse) [t1, t2, t3] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
  • 44. SOMEEXAMPLEUSAGE: import Data.Tree let t1 = Node 1 [Node 2 [Node 3 [], Node 4 []], Node 5 []] let t2 = Node 6 [Node 7 [Node 8 [], Node 9 []], Node 10 []] let t3 = Node 11 [] toListOf (traverse . traverse) [t1, t2, t3] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
  • 45. CREDITS Several StackOverflow questions Simon Peyton Jones's talk on Lenses Lens starter tutorial in FPComplete Talk on Lenses, Folds and Traversals by Edward Kmett, author of the lens library