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IGF 2014 Istanbul Turkey
Everyyear the Multi-stakeholderIGFmeetinggroupsinPeople andleaders fromall overthe worldto
share and to exchange knowledgeabouthow the role anddynamicof internetischanging.Inviewof
the growingeconomy, the biganddevelopednationhave beenpreparedbutfordevelopingnationsand
beloware the countriesthatface surface level exposure of whatishappeningandwhatisgoingon
globally. Fromthe price andrate of data transferto the global impactof usingcross broadersatellitestill
todaysthingsonlylookshinyfromoutside. NetNeutral,andDigital Divide,are the majorfactorsthat
has increasedthe possibilitiesof problemslike internetsecurity,privacy,surveillance,pornography,
confidentiality, copyrights, etc. whichneedfurtherattentionandresearch.Internetanditsdynamics
are changingandwiththischange the stakeholders’rolesandprospectsare alsochangingwhere the
Whenwe talkabout privacyor online security,the questionof safetycomesfirstbutwithlimited
resourcesandguidance the shadowedcountriesare boundtosufferthe consequences. If anemail
account of a US citizencango through scrutinythenyou can imagine othercountriescitizengoes
Whetherit’sabout online securityorhacking orchildexploitationorconfidentialityorpornography,
internetsecuritytodayisthe mostvulnerable issuewhichdemandsapropermechanismandregulation.
Due to absence of standardizationinpoliciesandmechanismthe externalitiesare materializingtoa
newerlevel where it’sestablishingitselfasthreatto everyone. However,the issue of securityishighon
alertwhere especiallydevelopingandunderdevelopedcountriesare sufferingthe consequence due to
the lapsof standardsecuritypoliciesandprotocols.
On one handgrowingeconomieslike Asiaare radicallyfacingchanges exploringthe possibilitiesof IT
developmentintermsof technologyandresources whereasintermsof capacitythingsare prettyweak
and negligible.
Internetanditsdynamichave changedfroma networkingchannel toadailycommoditywhere every
individualholdrightsof privacyandindividuality. Whetherit’sabouthacking orchildexploitationor
pornography,internetsecuritytodayisthe mostvulnerable issuewhichdemandsapropermechanism
and regulation.Due toabsence of standardizationinpoliciesandmechanismthe externalitiesare
materializingtoa newlevel where it’sestablishingitself asthreattoeveryone inone orthe otherform.
Thus,the conceptof Internet Governance Forum(IGF) isadynamicapproach whichgivesopportunities
to multi stake holdersinovercomingthe variousaspectsof netneutralityanddigital divide.Italsohelps
infurtheraccessingto establishauniformmechanismaddressingthe needs of all the stakeholdersfrom
developedcountriestodevelopingandunderdevelopedcountries.Especiallythe vacuumbetweenthe
theirproblemsandissues.Itwouldfurtherhelpinhighlightingthe corporate orsocial responsibility
prioritizingthe rightsof informationaccessbycompletelyabolishingdiscrimination.Istronglybelieve
that IGF isan effective tool whichneedstobe reviewedasa weaponagainstirregularitiesand
externalitieswherethe developednationshouldendorse itforfuture growthandprospects.
Advantages of IGF
 A boardplatformto addressissuesandproblems of IG
 A standardpolicyandmechanismtoaddressthe problemsof worldover
 Control overdigital divideandnetneutrality
 No biassystem
 Equal opportunityof businessandexposure
 Bilateral relationship
 Effectivenessingrowthandmonitoringof internet
 Issue like pornography,cybercrimes,hackingandexploitationcanbe easilyovercome
 Bettersecuritypolicies
Disadvantages of IGF
 Hard to control and monitordue to numberof countries
 Hard for developingandunderdevelopedtokeepupwithdevelopedcountriesintermsof
 Standardpoliciesmeanscompetitionwhichwouldbe hardforunderdevelopedanddeveloping
countries tobridge
Internetgovernance affectsvariouscritical issuessuchasopenaccess,freedomof expression,
innovationandnewapplications,commerce,development,andsecurity whichcannotbe underlined.
As of mid-June 2014, there were 8.68 millioninternetusersinNepal.The marketisleadbybigtwo
organization Ncell andNepal Telecom whichcovers 97 percentof the customers.The country’sinternet
penetrationrate hadreached32.78 percent of the total populationof 26.49 million.The penetration
rate was25.82 percenta yearago. Bandwidthuse hassoaredwiththe risingpopularityof social
networkingsites,emailandinternetvideo.Facebook,YouTubeandGoogle are the top three websites
visitedbyNepali internetusers.
Digital Developmenthassetnewgoals,regardingaffordabilityandaccessibilityof broadbandfor
countriesinorderto accelerate the progressof the MillenniumDevelopmentGoals.These goals will
materialize if thereisfairplayinthe marketplace. Around90 percentof the country’sdata customers
are mobile GPRSusers.The remaining10percentare the usersof 3G service,ADSL,optical fibre,cable
modem,EDVO,CDMA 1X, dial upand WiMax services.
The InternetGovernance Forum(IGF) isthe onlyglobal forumwhere all Internetstakeholdersare openly
invitedwithnoreservation todiscussoperational,technical,commercial,andadministrativeaspectsof
managingInternetgrowth.Itisa right of everyindividual countrytosearchandlookfor optionsandto
make theirvoicesheardinregardsto theirproblemsandbestpractice thatcan furtherhelpimprove the
internet. Nepal beingapartof the global Internetnetworkneedstohave itspositionclear inthe IGF
 Importance of use and access: With the growthand use of latesttechnology,the internet
penetrationrate of Nepal hasincreasedsignificantly.Fromlatest3gservicestofastbroadband
has increased the possibilityof use andaccess butsignificantlycybercrimehave alsoincreased
due to lapse of properrules,lawsandprotocols.
Accordingto the MetropolitanPoliceCommissioner’sOffice,“Thedatashowsthe crime rate has
increased thisfiscal year by 24.14 % as comparedto lastfiscal year. The cybercrime cases have
adopteda new formof more organizedpattern where itsdynamicsare changing.Asmanyas 34
cases case of cybercrime were reported this fiscal year, where last year only16 cybercrime cases
were reported. The increasein cybercrime has been linkedto the rise in the number ofInternet
users and accessto social networkingsites,posinga threat to people’spersonal security,dignity
and identity.Cybercrime includese-mail threat,website disputes,web SMS threat, illegal data
access, cheatingviaweb mail,obscenewebsite operationand phishing. “
 Online moneyand e-transaction are gettingpopular withglobalizationthe lackof payment
gatewayseemsas one of the majorhindrance for developingcountries likeNepal.Especiallydue
to lack of international gatewaysnotbeingvalidhere mostof the businessare runningthrough
thirdparty software oragentswhere the IT andBPO industryissufferinghuge losses.
 Reach and diversity:The reach andpenetrationof internethasdefinitivelygone up by32.78
percentof the total populationof 26.49 million.The penetrationrate lastyearwas 25.82%.
 Censorship:Inprotagonistapproachthe leadingorganizationininternetlike InternetSociety
(ISOC),ICANN andthe U.S.governmenthave brandedinternetandinternetfreedomwith
standardizationand committedefforts butinpractice the US governmentiscurrentlyslashing
itsimage withthe helpof varioussecurityissuesandonline threatapproaches.
The MultistakeholderModel of the IGFis a live testimonial of thatbutwiththe increasing
censorshipandrestriction betweencentralized hierarchical,internetgovernance hasadopteda
more regulatedandcensoredapproach thatis contradictoryto rightsof privacy.The national
governments of anynation canprovide legitimate andrights-respectingmodesof ordering
societywithintheirjurisdiction, butexpandingandcoveringoutside isaquestionof debate in
any matteror situationwhere isathreatsto Internetfreedom andprivacy.
 Policyand openness:Nepal lackspolicyandcrisismanagementintermsof internetdynamics.
The current electronictransaction act2008 isin midstof upgrade butit has more loopholesin
termsof practice and standardization where crisis managementprotocol isyetanotherissue of
 Upgradingto IPV6: IPV6is yetanotherissue of concernforthe regulatorybodyinregardsto its
managementandoperation.The global shiftof IPV6fromIPV4is nota questionof choice buta
necessity of time where Nepal needsaffective humanresource andpolicytohandle the
 Lack of National and regional backbone infrastructure: Nepal isonthe verge of technology
explosion,there are loadsof opportunitiesaswell prospectsaspiringbutwiththe lackof proper
visionandcoordination,itmakes nosense. Withthe rise intechnologies,suchasthose basedon
wireless,andregional licensingof multipleplayers,investmentinanddevelopmentof national
and regional backbone capacityisbecomingamajorpolicyissue.
The Nepal TelecommunicationsAuthority(NTA) national regulatorofNepal hasbeen aimingtoroll
out fiber-opticnetworksalongthe Mid-Hill Highwaytoconnect the country from the east to west.
UsingmoniessuppliedbyNepal’sRural TelecommunicationDevelopmentFundwhichis thoughtto be
worth NPR7 billion(USD80.9 million) theplanseems to be takingits shape.However, effortsto
connect around75 administrativedistrictshave sofar stalleddue to what have been termed
 High International interconnectioncosts: For manyISPsindevelopingcountries,the costof
buyinginternational circuitsandtransitservicesforend-to-endconnectivityinthe Internet
remainsa majorissue.Inessence the nature of the costof transitdepends onthe volume and
flowof trafficwithinanetworkandwithinacountry.The total cost to ISPsisinfluencedbymany
factors includinglocal andregional connectivity,the availabilityof local contentaswell asthe
cost of international circuits
AccordingNepal TelecommunicationAuthorityrecently issued MIS report, “Nepal’stelecom
companiesandinternet service providers(ISPs) are liableto paidNRs 5.30 billiontointernational
carriers in bandwidthfeesto accessthe internet where the importof Telecommunicationsequipment
is calculated to a total of NRs. 2.74 billion.”
 Cyber attack and warfare: The game of cybercontrol has beenanissue forsuperpower
countrieswhere it hasclaimedthatcyberattacksare mainlystate-sponsored,initiated
predominantlyby countrieslikeChina,Iran,andRussia. Cyberespionage isyetanotherfightfor
survivable but the currentUS governmentPRISMdoesnotjustifiesthe use of censorshipand
surveillance.Cyberattackand warfare isnot a questionof juststandardizationissue butmore of
a policythat needsmore concernedattention.
Major issuesof Nepal
1. CriminalizationofFoE: Criminalizationof Freedomof Expression(CoF)isyetanotherissue thatis
beingusedagainstindividualrightsof freedomof expression.Here are few caseswhere people have
beenarrestedinNepal forcommentsandpostingcommentsonsocial networkingsitelikefacebook.
The article47 of the Nepal EletronicAct 2068 says
Publicationofillegal materialsinelectronicform: (1) If any personpublishesor displaysanymaterial
in the electronic mediaincludingcomputer,internet whichare prohibitedtopublishor displaybythe
prevailinglawor which maybe contraryto the publicmoralityor decent behavioror anytypes of
materialswhichmay spread hate or jealousyagainstanyoneor which mayjeopardize the harmonious
relationssubsistingamongthepeoples ofvariouscastes, tribes and communitiesshall beliableto the
punishmentwiththe finenot exceedingOne HundredThousandRupees or withthe imprisonmentnot
exceeding fiveyears or withboth.
(2) If anyperson commitsan offensereferred to in Sub-section(1) time to time he/she shall be liable
to the punishmentfor each time with one andone halfpercent ofthe punishmentofthe previous
Case 1: AbedEl Rahmanwas arrestedforcommentingona Facebookstatusandwas put underpolice
remandfor 20 days.He hadcommentedona journalist’sfacebookpostof a story,‘Improvingsecurityin
Saptari’.Rahmanon May 31 hadcommentedas‘how he to pay Nrs 50,000(USD 500) to bring back his
lootedmotorcycle.’He wasreleasedonFridayunderthe orderof the KathmanduDistrictCourtagainst
the depositof Nrs5 thousandrupees(50USD). The Saptari Nepal Police arrestedRahmanunderarticle
47 of Nepal ElectronicTransactionAct2063 for 5 yearsimprisonmentandNrs0.1 Million(1000 USD)
Case 2: Similarly,inanothercase,RajuPrasad Sahwas arrestedforcommentingagainstthe current
Home MinisterBam DevGautam, quotinghim, “He shouldbe shotinhisback” on a photothat was
sharedon the official facebookpage of the national daily.The Storywascoveredbya national Daily
NayaPatrika thatfeaturedthe photoof the current Home Ministerof Nepal crossingthe freeway
neglectingpublicsafetyrulesata middayona busyroad.
The governmentagenciestryingtoregulate voicesof people onlineiscertainlynotaproactive move.
We live indemocracyandina democracyeveryindividual hasthe righttospeakand freedomof
expression.Anyindividual gettingarrestedjustforthe sake of hisstatementthattoo ina social mediais
not acceptable.Criminalizationinfreedomof speechisnota scenarioof law,butit's a topicof
discussionandresearch.The rigidityof the governmentagenciesinunderstandingthe law showsthe
wronguse of powerandauthority.
2. Qualityof Service (QoS):Qualityof Service isyetanotherquestionfordevelopingnationswhere
there are big telecomearninghardprofitabsorbingthe consumerintermsof service andstandard.
Most Telecomsare businessorientedandtheybelieve inmaximizingthe profitlimitingthe service and
facilitiesavailable.Atconsumer’s leveldespite withnational andinternational levelof rightsand
protectionaconsumerisbeingexploitedintermsof use,serviceandstandardwithnoway acceptto
due to lack of choice and necessity.
3. Rights ofconsumer: It is yetanotherquestionthatcomesin-frontof developingnationwhentalked
aboutstandardizationandinternetdynamics.Internetwascreatedinaroom and todayit’sa 3d world
of networkwhere more orlesseverythingispossible. Itspossibilityisnotjustsubjectedtoits
innovatorsorcreator whomade it possible butitspopularityandgrowthisbaseduponthe use and
interestthatitsupportand extends.Itspopularityisbaseduponitsdynamicsthatmakesitfree and
sellablewhere the rightsof everyindividual issecuredandsustained.Withoutitsdefinitionof social
interestithasno meaningof managementandoperation.Withlimitedactionandcontrol itwouldjust
be a networkof operationthatwouldbe limitedwithinbuttonandpowerthatissubjected to
supremacy andcontrol.
4. Role of Government:Role of governmentisyetanotherimportant factorthatneedstobe focused.
It’sthe basicinfrastructure orbase that givesamutual contentfor anynationto forecastitsgrowth and
development. Internetitself isnotanautonomousbodybutit’shighlysubjecttosocial welfarewhere it
promotedfactorsof human rightsanddevelopmentfromvariousways.Soeverygovernmentneedsto
have clarityinmeaningfullydefiningthe limitationandprotocolsincase of managementand
Suggestionand recommendationfor IGF2014:
 Internetshouldbe allowed universal access withaneutral approachinregards to censorship
free Internetthatwouldpreserve the rightsand guarantee itsuse
 IGF needsmore of multistakholderismconceptof free andunsoliciteddefinitionandmeaning
rather thanprescribeddefinitionof limitationandconsequence of developednation.Itshould
be a free platformof majorityintermsof actionand definition
 Interne costshouldbe reducedinview of facilityandflexibilityof standardizationandinterms
of comingunderstandingasthe basicrightof everyindividual
 Cybersecurityneedsaglobal public-private partnership,whichentailsthe standardization
approach fromeveryside andcorner.There isno credible alternativetothe multi-stakeholder
model forInternetgovernance, if amulti-stakeholdermodel isabandoned,the WorldWide Web
wouldcease toexist
 ICANN beingthe epiccenterof internetshould becomemore transparent,structured,
accountable,andrepresentamulti-stakeholderframeworkif itwantsto survive asa private
 An environmentof global trustneedstobe adoptedbythe superpowercountriesinaccordance
to use and standardizationof internet
 Developedcountries/Superpowerneedtoaddressthe issuesandvoicesof developingand
underdevelopedcountriesasthe challengesof internetstartsfromhere
 Internetworkswithglobal dynamicsitcannotbe re-modeledinto limitedstakeholdership,it
needsto maintainitsoriginalitywithall itsvaluesanddynamics where everyinternetuserhave
theirrightto speakfortheirinterest,privacyandsecurity
 Withthe growingpopularityof Google asone of the bigplayersinthe game,google privacy
issue is yetanotherquestiontoall.USsurveillance inany termsandconditionprohibitsthe right
to privacy,itis radicallyimpossible tounderstandandtosafe guardprivacyof an individual
online withinsuchgrounds.Moreover,the integration of Google(maps,contacts,gmail etc) you
are completelyvulnerable toyourrightsof privacy and security.Google privacyissue isyet
anotherconcernbiggerthananythingriskingall youandyour information
The IGF is a multi-stakeholderforum,providinganinclusive andtransparentenvironmentwhichfloorsa
platformtodiscussInternetpolicy.Internetgovernance is notjusta responsibilityof policymakersand
regulator,it’sthe ideal thought of multistakeholdermodel thatcollaboratesandcooperateswithevery
individualandhisrightforusingand securityhisrights.Moreover,itisanopportunitytosee andto feel
the worldof internetthatisfull of practicesthatneedspropervisionanddirection.
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Concept paper-on-igf-2014-istanbul-turkey-from-nepal-s-perspective-docx (1)

  • 1. IGF 2014 Istanbul Turkey Introduction: Everyyear the Multi-stakeholderIGFmeetinggroupsinPeople andleaders fromall overthe worldto share and to exchange knowledgeabouthow the role anddynamicof internetischanging.Inviewof the growingeconomy, the biganddevelopednationhave beenpreparedbutfordevelopingnationsand beloware the countriesthatface surface level exposure of whatishappeningandwhatisgoingon globally. Fromthe price andrate of data transferto the global impactof usingcross broadersatellitestill todaysthingsonlylookshinyfromoutside. NetNeutral,andDigital Divide,are the majorfactorsthat has increasedthe possibilitiesof problemslike internetsecurity,privacy,surveillance,pornography, confidentiality, copyrights, etc. whichneedfurtherattentionandresearch.Internetanditsdynamics are changingandwiththischange the stakeholders’rolesandprospectsare alsochangingwhere the worldissubjectedtostandardizationnotsubsidization. Whenwe talkabout privacyor online security,the questionof safetycomesfirstbutwithlimited resourcesandguidance the shadowedcountriesare boundtosufferthe consequences. If anemail account of a US citizencango through scrutinythenyou can imagine othercountriescitizengoes throughwhat? Whetherit’sabout online securityorhacking orchildexploitationorconfidentialityorpornography, internetsecuritytodayisthe mostvulnerable issuewhichdemandsapropermechanismandregulation. Due to absence of standardizationinpoliciesandmechanismthe externalitiesare materializingtoa newerlevel where it’sestablishingitselfasthreatto everyone. However,the issue of securityishighon alertwhere especiallydevelopingandunderdevelopedcountriesare sufferingthe consequence due to the lapsof standardsecuritypoliciesandprotocols. On one handgrowingeconomieslike Asiaare radicallyfacingchanges exploringthe possibilitiesof IT developmentintermsof technologyandresources whereasintermsof capacitythingsare prettyweak and negligible. Internetanditsdynamichave changedfroma networkingchannel toadailycommoditywhere every individualholdrightsof privacyandindividuality. Whetherit’sabouthacking orchildexploitationor pornography,internetsecuritytodayisthe mostvulnerable issuewhichdemandsapropermechanism and regulation.Due toabsence of standardizationinpoliciesandmechanismthe externalitiesare materializingtoa newlevel where it’sestablishingitself asthreattoeveryone inone orthe otherform. Thus,the conceptof Internet Governance Forum(IGF) isadynamicapproach whichgivesopportunities to multi stake holdersinovercomingthe variousaspectsof netneutralityanddigital divide.Italsohelps infurtheraccessingto establishauniformmechanismaddressingthe needs of all the stakeholdersfrom developedcountriestodevelopingandunderdevelopedcountries.Especiallythe vacuumbetweenthe developedanddeveloping/underdevelopedcountriesneedsacertainplatformwhichwouldaddress
  • 2. theirproblemsandissues.Itwouldfurtherhelpinhighlightingthe corporate orsocial responsibility prioritizingthe rightsof informationaccessbycompletelyabolishingdiscrimination.Istronglybelieve that IGF isan effective tool whichneedstobe reviewedasa weaponagainstirregularitiesand externalitieswherethe developednationshouldendorse itforfuture growthandprospects. Advantages of IGF  A boardplatformto addressissuesandproblems of IG  A standardpolicyandmechanismtoaddressthe problemsof worldover  Control overdigital divideandnetneutrality  No biassystem  Equal opportunityof businessandexposure  Bilateral relationship  Effectivenessingrowthandmonitoringof internet  Issue like pornography,cybercrimes,hackingandexploitationcanbe easilyovercome  Bettersecuritypolicies Disadvantages of IGF  Hard to control and monitordue to numberof countries  Hard for developingandunderdevelopedtokeepupwithdevelopedcountriesintermsof technologyandmanpower  Standardpoliciesmeanscompetitionwhichwouldbe hardforunderdevelopedanddeveloping countries tobridge Nepal’sstatus: Internetgovernance affectsvariouscritical issuessuchasopenaccess,freedomof expression, innovationandnewapplications,commerce,development,andsecurity whichcannotbe underlined. As of mid-June 2014, there were 8.68 millioninternetusersinNepal.The marketisleadbybigtwo organization Ncell andNepal Telecom whichcovers 97 percentof the customers.The country’sinternet penetrationrate hadreached32.78 percent of the total populationof 26.49 million.The penetration rate was25.82 percenta yearago. Bandwidthuse hassoaredwiththe risingpopularityof social networkingsites,emailandinternetvideo.Facebook,YouTubeandGoogle are the top three websites visitedbyNepali internetusers. Digital Developmenthassetnewgoals,regardingaffordabilityandaccessibilityof broadbandfor countriesinorderto accelerate the progressof the MillenniumDevelopmentGoals.These goals will materialize if thereisfairplayinthe marketplace. Around90 percentof the country’sdata customers are mobile GPRSusers.The remaining10percentare the usersof 3G service,ADSL,optical fibre,cable modem,EDVO,CDMA 1X, dial upand WiMax services.
  • 3. ChallengesandProspects: The InternetGovernance Forum(IGF) isthe onlyglobal forumwhere all Internetstakeholdersare openly invitedwithnoreservation todiscussoperational,technical,commercial,andadministrativeaspectsof managingInternetgrowth.Itisa right of everyindividual countrytosearchandlookfor optionsandto make theirvoicesheardinregardsto theirproblemsandbestpractice thatcan furtherhelpimprove the internet. Nepal beingapartof the global Internetnetworkneedstohave itspositionclear inthe IGF  Importance of use and access: With the growthand use of latesttechnology,the internet penetrationrate of Nepal hasincreasedsignificantly.Fromlatest3gservicestofastbroadband has increased the possibilityof use andaccess butsignificantlycybercrimehave alsoincreased due to lapse of properrules,lawsandprotocols. Accordingto the MetropolitanPoliceCommissioner’sOffice,“Thedatashowsthe crime rate has increased thisfiscal year by 24.14 % as comparedto lastfiscal year. The cybercrime cases have adopteda new formof more organizedpattern where itsdynamicsare changing.Asmanyas 34 cases case of cybercrime were reported this fiscal year, where last year only16 cybercrime cases were reported. The increasein cybercrime has been linkedto the rise in the number ofInternet users and accessto social networkingsites,posinga threat to people’spersonal security,dignity and identity.Cybercrime includese-mail threat,website disputes,web SMS threat, illegal data access, cheatingviaweb mail,obscenewebsite operationand phishing. “  Online moneyand e-transaction are gettingpopular withglobalizationthe lackof payment gatewayseemsas one of the majorhindrance for developingcountries likeNepal.Especiallydue to lack of international gatewaysnotbeingvalidhere mostof the businessare runningthrough thirdparty software oragentswhere the IT andBPO industryissufferinghuge losses.  Reach and diversity:The reach andpenetrationof internethasdefinitivelygone up by32.78 percentof the total populationof 26.49 million.The penetrationrate lastyearwas 25.82%.  Censorship:Inprotagonistapproachthe leadingorganizationininternetlike InternetSociety (ISOC),ICANN andthe U.S.governmenthave brandedinternetandinternetfreedomwith standardizationand committedefforts butinpractice the US governmentiscurrentlyslashing itsimage withthe helpof varioussecurityissuesandonline threatapproaches. The MultistakeholderModel of the IGFis a live testimonial of thatbutwiththe increasing censorshipandrestriction betweencentralized hierarchical,internetgovernance hasadopteda more regulatedandcensoredapproach thatis contradictoryto rightsof privacy.The national governments of anynation canprovide legitimate andrights-respectingmodesof ordering societywithintheirjurisdiction, butexpandingandcoveringoutside isaquestionof debate in any matteror situationwhere isathreatsto Internetfreedom andprivacy.  Policyand openness:Nepal lackspolicyandcrisismanagementintermsof internetdynamics. The current electronictransaction act2008 isin midstof upgrade butit has more loopholesin termsof practice and standardization where crisis managementprotocol isyetanotherissue of
  • 4. concern.  Upgradingto IPV6: IPV6is yetanotherissue of concernforthe regulatorybodyinregardsto its managementandoperation.The global shiftof IPV6fromIPV4is nota questionof choice buta necessity of time where Nepal needsaffective humanresource andpolicytohandle the technology.  Lack of National and regional backbone infrastructure: Nepal isonthe verge of technology explosion,there are loadsof opportunitiesaswell prospectsaspiringbutwiththe lackof proper visionandcoordination,itmakes nosense. Withthe rise intechnologies,suchasthose basedon wireless,andregional licensingof multipleplayers,investmentinanddevelopmentof national and regional backbone capacityisbecomingamajorpolicyissue. The Nepal TelecommunicationsAuthority(NTA) national regulatorofNepal hasbeen aimingtoroll out fiber-opticnetworksalongthe Mid-Hill Highwaytoconnect the country from the east to west. UsingmoniessuppliedbyNepal’sRural TelecommunicationDevelopmentFundwhichis thoughtto be worth NPR7 billion(USD80.9 million) theplanseems to be takingits shape.However, effortsto connect around75 administrativedistrictshave sofar stalleddue to what have been termed ‘procedural’delays.  High International interconnectioncosts: For manyISPsindevelopingcountries,the costof buyinginternational circuitsandtransitservicesforend-to-endconnectivityinthe Internet remainsa majorissue.Inessence the nature of the costof transitdepends onthe volume and flowof trafficwithinanetworkandwithinacountry.The total cost to ISPsisinfluencedbymany factors includinglocal andregional connectivity,the availabilityof local contentaswell asthe cost of international circuits AccordingNepal TelecommunicationAuthorityrecently issued MIS report, “Nepal’stelecom companiesandinternet service providers(ISPs) are liableto paidNRs 5.30 billiontointernational carriers in bandwidthfeesto accessthe internet where the importof Telecommunicationsequipment is calculated to a total of NRs. 2.74 billion.”  Cyber attack and warfare: The game of cybercontrol has beenanissue forsuperpower countrieswhere it hasclaimedthatcyberattacksare mainlystate-sponsored,initiated predominantlyby countrieslikeChina,Iran,andRussia. Cyberespionage isyetanotherfightfor survivable but the currentUS governmentPRISMdoesnotjustifiesthe use of censorshipand surveillance.Cyberattackand warfare isnot a questionof juststandardizationissue butmore of a policythat needsmore concernedattention.
  • 5. Major issuesof Nepal 1. CriminalizationofFoE: Criminalizationof Freedomof Expression(CoF)isyetanotherissue thatis beingusedagainstindividualrightsof freedomof expression.Here are few caseswhere people have beenarrestedinNepal forcommentsandpostingcommentsonsocial networkingsitelikefacebook. The article47 of the Nepal EletronicAct 2068 says Publicationofillegal materialsinelectronicform: (1) If any personpublishesor displaysanymaterial in the electronic mediaincludingcomputer,internet whichare prohibitedtopublishor displaybythe prevailinglawor which maybe contraryto the publicmoralityor decent behavioror anytypes of materialswhichmay spread hate or jealousyagainstanyoneor which mayjeopardize the harmonious relationssubsistingamongthepeoples ofvariouscastes, tribes and communitiesshall beliableto the punishmentwiththe finenot exceedingOne HundredThousandRupees or withthe imprisonmentnot exceeding fiveyears or withboth. (2) If anyperson commitsan offensereferred to in Sub-section(1) time to time he/she shall be liable to the punishmentfor each time with one andone halfpercent ofthe punishmentofthe previous punishment. Case 1: AbedEl Rahmanwas arrestedforcommentingona Facebookstatusandwas put underpolice remandfor 20 days.He hadcommentedona journalist’sfacebookpostof a story,‘Improvingsecurityin Saptari’.Rahmanon May 31 hadcommentedas‘how he to pay Nrs 50,000(USD 500) to bring back his lootedmotorcycle.’He wasreleasedonFridayunderthe orderof the KathmanduDistrictCourtagainst the depositof Nrs5 thousandrupees(50USD). The Saptari Nepal Police arrestedRahmanunderarticle 47 of Nepal ElectronicTransactionAct2063 for 5 yearsimprisonmentandNrs0.1 Million(1000 USD) fine. Case 2: Similarly,inanothercase,RajuPrasad Sahwas arrestedforcommentingagainstthe current Home MinisterBam DevGautam, quotinghim, “He shouldbe shotinhisback” on a photothat was sharedon the official facebookpage of the national daily.The Storywascoveredbya national Daily NayaPatrika thatfeaturedthe photoof the current Home Ministerof Nepal crossingthe freeway neglectingpublicsafetyrulesata middayona busyroad. The governmentagenciestryingtoregulate voicesof people onlineiscertainlynotaproactive move. We live indemocracyandina democracyeveryindividual hasthe righttospeakand freedomof expression.Anyindividual gettingarrestedjustforthe sake of hisstatementthattoo ina social mediais not acceptable.Criminalizationinfreedomof speechisnota scenarioof law,butit's a topicof discussionandresearch.The rigidityof the governmentagenciesinunderstandingthe law showsthe wronguse of powerandauthority. 2. Qualityof Service (QoS):Qualityof Service isyetanotherquestionfordevelopingnationswhere there are big telecomearninghardprofitabsorbingthe consumerintermsof service andstandard.
  • 6. Most Telecomsare businessorientedandtheybelieve inmaximizingthe profitlimitingthe service and facilitiesavailable.Atconsumer’s leveldespite withnational andinternational levelof rightsand protectionaconsumerisbeingexploitedintermsof use,serviceandstandardwithnoway acceptto due to lack of choice and necessity. “INTERNET SHOULD BE PRIORITIZED AS SERVICE ORIENTED THAN PROFIT ORIENTED“ 3. Rights ofconsumer: It is yetanotherquestionthatcomesin-frontof developingnationwhentalked aboutstandardizationandinternetdynamics.Internetwascreatedinaroom and todayit’sa 3d world of networkwhere more orlesseverythingispossible. Itspossibilityisnotjustsubjectedtoits innovatorsorcreator whomade it possible butitspopularityandgrowthisbaseduponthe use and interestthatitsupportand extends.Itspopularityisbaseduponitsdynamicsthatmakesitfree and sellablewhere the rightsof everyindividual issecuredandsustained.Withoutitsdefinitionof social interestithasno meaningof managementandoperation.Withlimitedactionandcontrol itwouldjust be a networkof operationthatwouldbe limitedwithinbuttonandpowerthatissubjected to supremacy andcontrol. 4. Role of Government:Role of governmentisyetanotherimportant factorthatneedstobe focused. It’sthe basicinfrastructure orbase that givesamutual contentfor anynationto forecastitsgrowth and development. Internetitself isnotanautonomousbodybutit’shighlysubjecttosocial welfarewhere it promotedfactorsof human rightsanddevelopmentfromvariousways.Soeverygovernmentneedsto have clarityinmeaningfullydefiningthe limitationandprotocolsincase of managementand emergency. Suggestionand recommendationfor IGF2014:  Internetshouldbe allowed universal access withaneutral approachinregards to censorship free Internetthatwouldpreserve the rightsand guarantee itsuse  IGF needsmore of multistakholderismconceptof free andunsoliciteddefinitionandmeaning rather thanprescribeddefinitionof limitationandconsequence of developednation.Itshould be a free platformof majorityintermsof actionand definition  Interne costshouldbe reducedinview of facilityandflexibilityof standardizationandinterms of comingunderstandingasthe basicrightof everyindividual  Cybersecurityneedsaglobal public-private partnership,whichentailsthe standardization approach fromeveryside andcorner.There isno credible alternativetothe multi-stakeholder model forInternetgovernance, if amulti-stakeholdermodel isabandoned,the WorldWide Web wouldcease toexist  ICANN beingthe epiccenterof internetshould becomemore transparent,structured, accountable,andrepresentamulti-stakeholderframeworkif itwantsto survive asa private regulator  An environmentof global trustneedstobe adoptedbythe superpowercountriesinaccordance to use and standardizationof internet
  • 7.  Developedcountries/Superpowerneedtoaddressthe issuesandvoicesof developingand underdevelopedcountriesasthe challengesof internetstartsfromhere  Internetworkswithglobal dynamicsitcannotbe re-modeledinto limitedstakeholdership,it needsto maintainitsoriginalitywithall itsvaluesanddynamics where everyinternetuserhave theirrightto speakfortheirinterest,privacyandsecurity  Withthe growingpopularityof Google asone of the bigplayersinthe game,google privacy issue is yetanotherquestiontoall.USsurveillance inany termsandconditionprohibitsthe right to privacy,itis radicallyimpossible tounderstandandtosafe guardprivacyof an individual online withinsuchgrounds.Moreover,the integration of Google(maps,contacts,gmail etc) you are completelyvulnerable toyourrightsof privacy and security.Google privacyissue isyet anotherconcernbiggerthananythingriskingall youandyour information The IGF is a multi-stakeholderforum,providinganinclusive andtransparentenvironmentwhichfloorsa platformtodiscussInternetpolicy.Internetgovernance is notjusta responsibilityof policymakersand regulator,it’sthe ideal thought of multistakeholdermodel thatcollaboratesandcooperateswithevery individualandhisrightforusingand securityhisrights.Moreover,itisanopportunitytosee andto feel the worldof internetthatisfull of practicesthatneedspropervisionanddirection. Writer’sinformation My wikipedia: My CV: Blog: Website: CIMA: WorldBank Blog: